Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Numerous Floods Throughout the West
Failed to Keep Wheat Up.
Prominent shorts Arc Said to bo In n 1'otl-
ttouIIITO Trouble Will ration If
the Until Continued a I ew
,11 ore liijs.
CHICAGO , 111. , Mny 17.-l'ondcrous nuropenn
ilatlsllcsand rumors of foroltfn failures kept
whoatdovui todny do plto Hoods of nln In
Atncrlcn. The cereal closed 'so under lust
night's quotation. Corn was strong nnil It 'I'So
higher for Mny nml from Mo to ! c for July.
Onti nro up ' 41' . Provisions wore dead.
The opening In the wlioat pit was from 'So
to UP P lut prices soon docllncd * io , rallied
< c , eased oT ( "to nnd closed sleudy. The
IrotiRcr opening wnsduo to the general rains ,
which more tli ill olTsol lower prices from Idv-
rpool till thu receipt of dispatches reported
the world's shipments of whutit an 1
flour for lait week as amounting
to 7,000.000 lii. Hi'pmcnts to such
a hoa\y extent were uulooked for , fcoolng that
the Indian clearances Imd boon given at less
than on tno vvcok before. There was n slurp
op-ale ilur'nit which nil tliooirly buyers for
a sc.ilp'ns ' profit Mild out , l'ollonlii'4 tlnit
there was u lengthened period ofcMroino
dullness. Later there was n p irtlal looovcry
on liberal export olearanci s. 'I ho recovery
WHS iiuh'My cheeked by Uvorpool cablet ,
which vvore oven weaker and lower thin tlio
early ones , Liverpool opened Id olT on spot
wheat nncl from ' 4d to fid lower on future' ) .
Thn closing public cable quota ! futures from
1'itt to ' * ' ! lower.
Hrudstrcet'H statement of available sup
plies was lit bun J a day abend of tlmo , nd
( favc a docroafc of ! M4 , UOJ bit. all told. This
WIIH less tli in expected and added to the
liea\lnc sof the market. I.ato In the day
there was serious doubt nlout the world s
Milium-nts us icliortcd early bolus correct ,
btlll thoru was no force to Iho market and thu
close was atnaily. 1'rlvatcerop bulletins ro-
porttd a rank growth In iniiny Holds
iinrtdiinuer of rust.V. . J. 1'opo puts special
Iiiiporttinou In thu fact that Iu nth stouksof
No. 1 northern wheat are now reduced to less
than : iOUO bu.
ThoHghl stocks of corn make the short
fellers M-ry cautious and holders of corn are
not In a hurry to let KO , May shorts put the
jirlci ! fiom 4tc lofiSo on a few linden , with lilds
of fiUidit thucUxn. Thu situation Ishonous.
and with any further rilnfall over the corn
tccthm a llToly deal tn ly be expected. Chrls-
t'e of Kansas I'lty and Ulli-y of Topeka , In a
report to Coutiselnmti. say cornfields look
like mortar beds and will not bu lit to work
foi n week or ten days , oycn with the best of
Iho July option started out with ' 4c ad
vance , was steady for n time , but later sold
tip SSc , rcactoJ a c , tunlu told upe , changed
tome and closed with a gain of from ; j to So.
Oats wcru dull and stonily to firmthen rose
In sympathy with corn , but attracted llttlo
nttcntlon. A telegram from New York to > i
large shlppci leqnested that conul niiicntsof
contrictoats bo hurried forward , us money
Was Rctlln"tight" and stocks wcio light.
The heavy receipts of hois were ngitlnst the
lmpro\einent In Iho prleo of provisions and
the strength of corn was an Inlluento In the
opposite dlrect'on , Neither lotus nor Miorts
eic agitated , nor could they buu any Induce-
iiient to trade and consequently very llttlo
Was done. 1'rlccs closed a bmall fraction
lower than on the day before.
' 1 lie loading futures ranged as follows :
Allllll LH
No V
May em ;
June . . , . '
8ies' l
JulS ID'fc
CoilN No -
May 52 49
Juno . . 52UTd t\ \
.inly 43'n
O.viw No. i t2
May ' "Jlf. 2- )
.liino . " I *
.Illly 2'Jit > }
iUhS 1'OIIK--
ilny Ofi7 <
JlllV i)70 ) J 7U a 7Jh
rc'pt uuo 'J 87"li " u uu
I. Mill
Slay C20 C 20 C 17H b 17e $
July f , iU 1. ,0 l. 27K
Kpt 6 4J 0 45 0 45 b Is
EnoiiT itins-
May 6 60 6R-J
July 6 to 5 FU 6 Si1/
Hcpt . . . . 61UV4 6 tUl 5 W-
C'libh quotations wcro as follows :
1'i.ouu llaioly steady and unclnncod : win
ter patents , J-l.'uiBI.UO , wlntor str.ii.Jits. S.I.U CI
WHEAT No Ssprliifj , 81'ic ' ; No. II stirln ? , 7Co ;
No. U red , f > "iCiV > ( ! .
C'OIIN HI her ; No. ? , 4kc : No I ) yellow ,
OATS No. 2 , Mo : No 2 wnitc , a. ! ® aiic ; No.
B white. - ' , c.
ItVK-No. a. 75c.
UAIII.MNo. . i1. COo : No. 0 , eSc ; No. ! , 45I8c.
Kl.ASM.II No. I , SI , 4
TIMOTIIV SUED I'rlnie , 11.Cfl.
I'oiiK MI-.S. per bbl. . * ' ) . . ' 4t9 C7'i : larcl , per
HO Ibs. , W i ; > < ao 17 4 ; shcrl illis sides ( loose1.
fAMKitYiHJ'i ' : iy halted shouldeis ( liuxudi. J.V.5
ftva7t't : uliort clear sides ( boxed ) , J ( > 17' ' ( arl.o. :
Wlllt.KDlstllleis' finished Koocls , per ual. ,
fcUd/viis-Ciit loaf , .Ic ; Br-inulatcd , 4Ke : st in-
Oiird "A. " 4 ' , e.
lieeelptb and shipments tod'iy vvero us fal
low B :
Omaha I'roilneo .Murltet.
IIlins. r.ic. No. I Krecn hides , Uc : No. I
rien s.ilted hides , 4 < 84V ; NuScrcoii sallrd
lildis , : fl.ii | ; No 1 creen ilted hlilrsto 4U
His , 4fC4Ho : No. "Kri'eii suited bides ' - ' ' to 40
Us .IIQIiUi ; No. I teal calf , h to n Ibs , be : No. U
vcnl calf , to 11 lb . . 4o , No. I dry Hint hides.
? c : No.ydry Hint bides fie ; No. 1 dry sailed
iiuliSffilUc. t-heep pelts-Uicen salted , oaeli.
f ; iili..r ( ) ; ire < 'n ta ted sbo.trlln.'H ( sboit
woo'ed oiuly hUlnsi , eneh , lfJ e : dry
lliijiH ( short woo'ed ' early falJnsi , Na 1 , each ,
M/6IH ! iliv shenrlliiL-s ( slioit vvon'ed ' early
ijldnB ) . No. - ' . eaih. fie ; dry Hint Kiins-iR nnd
NobniBlta butcher wool pelts , per Ib , actual
weight , inail'ie : diy flint Kansasiuid Nol.ias
Ka inurriln wool pelf , poi Ib , aclu il MC'Uht
Kiili'c ; dr > Hint Colorado butchc't wool polls
per Ib. actual vvolKht. ltSl'-'io ( : dry Hint Uolo-
radoiniirrHin wool pells , porlb. , nctual " "
KSIOc ; dry pieces and bue-ks nctual . . .
TWOo. Tallon ami srroiiRo-Tallow. No. 1. . . , . „
Ic : tallow , No : ' , IKjJI'ie ; grease , vthllo A , 4iy
areiiae , wlillo II , . ' ! ' , < ; noise , jcll < nJc ;
pronsidnrU , 2J4c : old butter , -'ic ' ; beeswax ,
( irln p , IWc : rou.'h t.illuw , Piii'c
1'oi'i.iiu-Old ' fowls , f.l.Vffil.uii pci iloi. ore ©
tc per Hi. llvo weight ,
liunfii Homo of iho List coiintiv butter
roes at ll&AUf , but ail ) thin.- that falU below
Hi it ] ) o nt noes to Diet p icla-rs nlfo
riiun l.'nllfonilii Ulveihldo or.uucu. f ;
6 box lots. ? 'Mi WiiBhliu'lon imvals , tl Ml ;
cho't'o ' auplCH , J.I.Oit..l.Wi ( ; choloo loinons , } A7Vj
10 ! fancy loinons , ( l.M ) ; banana1 , crated , S'.O
( IJ.AUI cianl urrluM. shipping block , bbl. , } 7. ' < 0 ;
rioiidn tomatoes$1.VI percratoof blx babUuthi
Jilneappies * itXiM. ( ' > U pel do/ .
\VtiKTMil.KH-i-c'cd HWeet pot.itooi1 , ! .Ws
Oallfornla cabbage , ' . ' \o per Ib In erati's ; homo
prown lettuce , 40o pet diu : on'cms. ' lUrtsfl.1.
per liu ; NebrahUn hand plcUcd beins , il.V i
i' . 0 : 5jl.fli : Color ido and wobtun :
NebraNUii t.otiitoe . : © ! e ; natlvo pot itoi-s
finnci 1 ma I van , 4opji Hi. ; wntc'i i'ro > s , a | .
qt. ciises. j-'ijo perqt , : bplti ich , JI U ( & l.'S per
bbl ; r.idlbht'i. , 4iv ; rulabiiKiiH. tl VCjl M per
bbl. ; p I'lilunt. lo porlb. ; uutsioy , u < i4 o ; now
Cnllfniiila iiotaloctio jier Ib. ; eue'UinL'ers ' ,
H.W poi Hi/ )
STIIVMII nun's-L'bolco stockBi.linulo for
hlpii'iiv ' none too plenty , ( J..OI.UJ.
No X'orlc Murknu.
NKW YOIIK. May 17. ri.ouit Krcelpts , 47.
lib lUi ; : oxports..ri'.S bbU. ; l.,5.SI b icks
xveak and dull : sales. SI.UJ 1)1) ) . H.
. COIINMI.AI , hiuady moilerato trade.
XVilEAl llecolptH , aw , I Him. ; oxiprirte , 410 , Mlc , U 11,000 futuri-s ; UNI.IIUO spot. t-iol |
market noaker and iiulet ; No ' . ' roil , liASf
IHi'jiialloat : ltvawi'o f. o. b , ; un.Maded iu.l
W CiHIUu : No. I northern. M'tQ'JU u : No
1 huid. Ulo : No , S northern , B.V ; No. S Clilc-i.-o
Mo : Na ; : Milwaukee. We ; No. U burlnj. , bTiiO
Options advanced 'ittlaO onve
xveallier west and largo rleatanccK with Huh
Interior receipts , docllned ? < U'ii ! nn Huh
trading , with tin ) world'h shiinnontt for the
week lalK" and an Intro so In Iho amount 01
) ! ! ) . also In Iho l.nilUli vlslb o and ru
of fallmt's abro'id vtlth doprossoa ca
, ulobliiK at ' 10 over Salurday. June , Mi
'J ' ot July , IKl U'ldc , elosin ; at w o ; Anunst
UaH\ir , olobliii ! at M ) > nOi bcplotnber.'J' '
BMSc. olosm. at b'H4e ! Octobpi , OJo : Decc'm
her. W,5H 'iiulo > lti utO.'ci May ilMW , WJS.O
) . ' ) Jic , closln : at I'S' c.
liv K ( Jtiii-u btoiidy.
1UIII.I V .XUl.Ts-tJlllot.
CJIIN KccolpU. ll'iWi bu.i cxporti , 19,07
bui a tii'b , 7U.WJ Im. of futures ; il.OJO bu u
cpoUIHII llrnic'r. I tit olosud weakui : No.
R.'Ve ; f3 4itJ4o alloat ; utuiadod mlxod ,
Ha ; bti'iimor niUei ) options are liUVn up am
btoatly , with ( radliu ijulot. Tnti trun in wu
In unavoliiiililo weather west. Mny , S.'SQ-'ilL-
I'lObliirf at5.4e | Junt' . ftUio , cloaliiK nt & ! Uo
July , 40tQ&.c ! , eloslni : ut 4Pci AuiiUbt , 47 C
lOc , closluK at Me ; Boplombcr , SOiWJdc , clus-
Uu at&.c. (
OATS Itccelpt * . tl.OMbu ; exporti , ll..Mibu.
fnlci.PO.OMbn. of futures nnd IU.OM of ttmt
Spot ninrkolKrunirornnil ino'lcr.itcly nrtlvc.
Options firmer , llRht , Xliiv elo itiS nt . ( .v o !
uifp. J.S'c.Jnly. ! ) 'iftt.Viei Atuml. > < - ,
rloilns nt ai'.e Spot No. 1 while , Wrfllci
ilxcd western ,'ic ! nhlto western , J3 ®
% c.
IIArI'lrini fnlr domnnil.
HOPS QitlPt nnd cniy , stnto common to
linlcr.3 M 0 ! I'aelllo Coist , Si i > 'c.
StidAU-ltaw. qn ct nnd steady : < ilr . 4M
lozshc.ids anil 3.V > J luifs tnitcotado , 81 test ,
t AHC. mid r.,00) bass inolu.Mt'4 susnr , " 9
pst , nt SHP : rollncd. qulot nnd stoadv :
No 0. HWIe : Nu 1" . 3'i 3Uc : No II..I 0-10
Mll-inc : off A , a 1II10UIIbcjconfoetlonors'
\ . 4l4'iM:1iC. : ! D
Mon-wn I'orolRn light ! Now Orlonns
li-'lit and steady.
KlcK-Pnlrlv active : domestic , f ilr to
xtrn. 4S'rtfi'fC ' ! .Jnpin. ,1'i5t" > liO. , , ,
I'tTiim.etMi-Cjtilct , steady ; Un' ted closed
t fi7o fur .hint' .
COTTOMI Ki > onrirtn : crude , 9oj yellow ,
IHC D'i. !
TAf.i.tiw "toady , llzlitrlty. 4 ( c.
Ho lN-Qiilot , stoidy ; strained , common to
ood. ft 4Vi t Ml.
riJHi'hNTlSE Qu'nt an ! slnady at 410,13'ic. '
Knos Moilrrato iliMiiand and easy : western ,
S'iftlfic ; rccelut" , . * .
HIDES Innrtho and sic illy.
\\ooi. Moady nnd fairly active : domestic
ceee.-&a.'t.V ! ! pulled , ' 'oai.'c : 'Ictin , 17 , ' 'c.
I'ollK-gulet : old SlDMMtll.oa .
CfT MiiATS-I'lrm : plcklcil bo llej. 0 % < aO'c ' :
nlddlcs , ( iiilpt : shoit clear. $140.B'J.
LAUD SiK'idVi woMorn slo nn closed at $ iif > J |
ale" , S,0 0 tleucs ; option s ties , iM tierces :
I IV , HI. : .Inly , W.57 : August , JO.G4 bid ; bep-
etnbir. MTilild , . . _
IlL'TTKit 1'lrtn. Rood demand ; creamery , 1.1 ®
' d ilty. liaise : r.iKln. Sic.
.ilt dciiund and llrmj part skims ,
I'm llmv Stca-Jy ! American * I4 10.
Coi'l'Rli-Qiiluli InkiJIU iM' . .
lKAii-l.l''lit ; domestic , Jl "j"ai.S7' ' , .
U l.N-btotdy ! straights. J S'ntSl.'JJ.
ST. I.num. Mo , Mav IT. I't.owu tlnoliinscil.
XX lir.Ar Opened 140 up. but soon s uisod off
® 'jc , rallied later , out bad little llfo and
loscd about as jpstorday except for May ,
vhleh was 'Jo ' hlchor : No. i ! red , cash , fu e :
1 iy closed at WlJc ; July. lU'.atUUu : August ,
OOIIN Cash , lower nt 4l1ic ; options hlihcr ;
lav closed at4lc : .lulv. 4k" fcoptcmber , 4IlBc.
OATS Cain lower ut y.'o ! options bettor ;
lay , : G'io : . lulv , ' "JUc
HUE No s ilos
IUUMJV No market.
KUAN rirni ! backed lota at country poInK
Ifl ! . " > .
MAV Dull and unchnn-ed ; pr.ililo , $ T. . " > 03
.VI \ timothy , Ji I 5 SMS oo.
I-LAii-Tirm : chemical JI.OJ ; soft Missouri
floriMl at $1.07' ' } .
Pl.AX'si'Hiliotii at $1.01.
IlirrTKit-rnuliaiMed ; eio.imory , ISul&c :
la Iry. I'.Wfie.
I.otis Uneli inzcd.
CoilN Mi u.-1 Irm at $2.2oQ2. 10.
WmsKV-Stuntly at SI 14.
llAnniNO-rnchaiiBcd ( I'lft'o. '
COTTON I'll R Uneiiansed.
I'ltoMsiovs Dull and very little done : job
ots of pork sold at $ U.l7i. !
Ditv i-Al.T MTATS Loose "ihniilders , JI.70 :
oius and cribs , $ j.UO : shorts , J0.u ! > ; long boxed
ots , lie inoru
KACON blioulilcrs. $ )2 < : lena nnd cribs ,
0 ttVtn.lfi\ \ shorts , W.7WS0.7) : euied li.iius- ,
UKCUprs riour. 9.U03 Ibs. : wheat , 11,000 bu. :
orn , 51,010 bu. ; o its , X'.UOJ bu. ; rye , none :'.oy , none.
SHIPMENTS Tlour , fi.000 Ibs ; vrhc it , 12.033
m : corli.ll.UU9 bu.i oats , 29OOJtU. ; rye , none ;
larloy , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Kuns IK City Mtitknt- * .
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Mav 17. Wiinvr Was
Tory dull nnd pikes nominally steady ; No.
1 hard , 7. < t ; No. S n'd , tSQVJc.
UOII.N Very stroiis : No. 2 mixed , Kobid ; No.
2 while. 1'c
OATS Strong ; No. 2 mixed , aio ; No.v.vhtte. .
HVH i-tcady atfiTJc.
rr.AiKBO 1 Irm at Die on basis of puro.
UuN rirm at l" > c s icUed.
IlAV Very llrm ; tlinolby , JD.OO ; pralilo , S30J
(3 ( Him.
I'nos Active and strong at 13c.
llUTTFit 1'nli supply and easy : creamery ,
4 20c ; il iry ! , lr&l4i' < .
CIIUKSK Mo.uly nnd iinclringcd ; full
,2' , e1 : Voun Ameilc i , U'-i1.
lUccii'ra Uho it. IU.8JJ uu. : corn , l.SODbu , ;
o-its none.
iMlll'MKNT's Wheat , 20,000 bu. : corn. 7.CO )
ju ; oats , none ,
Mlinio ipjlls V.'hr it MtirltPt.
Ai'Oi.ii , Minn , Mav 17. .Inly whcnt
opened atbisoC ( nritl closed at 'ic lower Theio
was but llltli ! lluclu ulon all ihiou h and
.r illiiLr wits the ehlot business of the iHy
uotallons bvvapptn J io ! > Univrs some of the
isx'iistuil opoiators lorm ll. Tin * cash inai-
ket Is a sustaining fo'ituro undoubtedly , for
toilny It held No. 1 northern stoidlly at 'Jo
[ iremliim over July. The receipts nro lluht
and the millers are not baclnvard about taU-
liu nil tli it comes In for silo No I northern
sold today as hub as t4e. most of It about
8."te. Hocolptsof who it hero were 103 eirs'
and at Uululh and Superior 21 ears. M.iy.
oponmir. Hie ; highest. Me : lowe t , 8'c ; olosln/ .
fcUc. July. opcnliiR. tu u : hl/h'sl , 803ic : lo -
( * 8t. MI'gt&SJMc ' ; olosliiR , bO c. On track. No. 1
hatd , Wo : No. 1 northern , 8'c ; No 2 , 7Uti81o.
Alllvt.iulieo .MniltctH.
Mir.wAUKCC , WIs . Miy 17. 1'i.oun Qulot.
WHIVT Cisy ; July. 7i34e ! ; No. 2spilnjr , 81 ©
Ic1 : No. 1 not thorn , Si'Se.
C'UIIN ( julct : No : ) , 4rx5J47o.
OATS rirmt No. 2 white , .lie ; No. 3 white , ; 12
© I2'ic.
IlAiii.ur Qulot : No 2. 54'jc ; saniolo , 52"i7c.
lt\i : Lower : No. 1 , 77'Sc.
I'lioxistoss Ouict.
I'OUK July. W.7i' .
I.AIID - - I Uljr. * " > ' }
HH-II.TS I lour , I.S3D Ibs ; wlioat. J3.000 bu. ;
bant-y. IT.ftjUbu ,
1'lour , 4,700Ibs ; barley , 2,103.
I.Ufrpiiol Markets.
I/ivKlti'oor. . Mav 17. XV'tiFAi A ho-ivv bull
opitialnr hero fallo I tixlny. XX'ho it full Id per
cental In i'cm-i'quiiice ! of hcav v solllnIt w IK
dull ant ) hnldor-i olleicd moi'erateiy ' ; ted
western sin IniT.ds Kid per cvvt ; No 2 red win-
tei.ds p , I. liecclpts of who it past three d iys ,
' 'lo.OOO cpnlalH , Inoiuilliu 2llii o Aniprlcan.
Coi > ( JuiPt and thu dem ind has fallen olT :
ml\ed wcstein , 4sl > 3jd poi ccnttj. liecolutH of
American coin for past tlneo days , Sl.loj cen
I'onii I'rlmo moss , wostprn line , GJs Od per
I , Mill I'rlmo western. ; is ° d per cwt.
Nou Yorlc Oij dooiU JMnrkct.
NEW YOIIK. May 17. Hublr.css In dry roods
disclosed ino'o progress today. In cottons for
the fall Undo thcio was a fair demand , 'llioio
Is ' fcollii.- that
aKiow nn' many staple cottons
are scarce and the won' or Is , what Is Koln ; : lo
bo done about It. The tone Is better and con-
Hilcnco IncicvEcs. 1'rlnt cloths are on a boom.
They admitted ychU'rdny 1-1 o nnd again
today another 1-ldc. raising the price from , l'8c
tu.l'iefor blMy-four iiiarter | . The jobbliu
trade was uKaln fair tojay , the warm wuathcr
helping thu dlbtribut'on. '
XX'oul .Mil l Her.
BOSTONM'iss , M.iy 17 Tlio wool market
Is Mu.uly ulili f ilr deiimml from mnnnfac-
UuerH. rniiisactlons weiu mostly In sniull
lols. as slocks aio moderate. Ohio and I'ciin-
bVlMinla Ili'eecs sell atSTo tor X anil above.
MlchU'iin N Rclls at jc : combing and dclalnc.
lleeccs are In rciiuist 1'iiUol woo s are active
and linn , choice bin eis sullliuat ' . * 'it4 c , and
eMrasal S-'di.-e : Ausli illan wools are In KOOI !
dpinand and llrm , 1'uiclKii e.nj/ot wools aio
bloady. _
Colleti .Minuet.
Ntxx YOIIK , M iy 17. Out'ons openol firm ,
lllffi.'i poliit * up , closed steady , lu&'O polnlh
up : sites , WiJu lingN InoiUilInK May. tlS.fiOii )
l.'ll't June. SI2 UWOI..r. ; July , * 120ffll2.10 :
August , tl.'Kl ; f-oiiU'inler , Hi UVTol-Mi ; Octo
ber. Jl. iliaiiiiX : Novo'iiljor , tUMK ) , Di-cembcr ,
* 1 UiaiSU' ' . bpot Hio , moro active , ( Inn : No.
' „ JU.ISH. _
DuliitUXh , nt .Miulti t
Dui.l'Tli. Minn , May IT Tlio m irket hero
toilny was dull and slow , but fairly hteadv up
to noon Co.ol : No I h ird. e IMI Wo ; Mnj ,
lcJnnes41icJiiys'ii11c ) N 1.1 northeiii.i'asb ,
hl'ic ; Xlay , SIV ! liuiii. H'jt'i .luiy. h.'ic ; No ,
norlhcin , o isli , T > 'ie ; No .1 , Tie ; lojcclcd. O.'c ;
uu Hack , No. S mini , blu ; No. 1 noi them , sJ'c.
N WIIIGAM * . I.i , . May 17. Market steady
inlildiliu. T l-Ko ; low nihldllnu. ( i % c : 'DIM or *
illnnrv. fi'ji ' : ; iinl lecolpts. l,4ld biles ; cross
1,710 bales ; d\ports to ( iteit Ililtaln ,
Imlesi lo the continent , 2'iJ bales ; sales ,
blllUb ! blOC'kS , H .U.I ll.lllS.
Sales by London Kiii'iiiii.ierd Local ShuiIn
to I'lilunl.
Nr.w YOHK , May IT The stock market to
day Miiforotl somowh it by silcs by London
which en ouri o.l further s lies foi Iho bhori
account on the part of the looal bo ir OOIIK | nt
but as u ruin the Kciioral Hit coiitlnuo.l to d s
play a rli > lii { tondencv anct : i few gains weiu
been. I'nlon I'aolllo and Northern I'acllic pro-
feirod weio the wo ik pouts , and espnclully
diiniu' thu foionoiin , but the latter rtlllci
fully , whllo Iho f miner io > u only n sllgh
fuu t'on , Tlicbo wi'ak spots wore ilno ontlrul >
to manipulation , and there Is nothing In the
bltiial'on ' lo justify any further dooiluo tn
eltherof them , and the gcnorjlly linprovei
piotpects for ttio crop Is re'tlccted In the llrm
ness displayed by the rest of tlio market
thouiih Clil-'a.'o was raided ut ono tlmo ,
The n.ovomont , thcrofeiiu , was very liro.'ula
among the loaders , but cunvcbsions , inado o\
cept In the fo Instances inutitlonoil , were In
bU' in the extreme.
'Iho lliuil cullapsoof ICIchmood A. XX'est I'D n
rcur anliatlon hoino seemed to luivo
us Inlluenc ? upon thu market. Im
provemenl In Omaba ntueUs was no
responded to , Northwestern uiul the othe
erunseiH. as a rule were rather gliiKclih. TliH
low priio ihiiret t > uru aUo left without uuy
roilcmnltu f" tuio to HIVO them from utter
Hiicnation ol'n ' r than n rnthcr nlinrp In
tin1 HiisniichnnnA an I Western stock"
Tlio opening of the inarUot was iniiilo on n
\cry modornto volume of biislno nnd at
Irrojtiilnr thniuos from last tiUhl's ( Inure * ,
though declines nero In a majority. The few
leudint stoiks monopollrt'd all iho Intetc'st
taken In tlio ile-illn.-s mid tlm strictly profcs-
slonal clnraetorof the market \titsinnto ap
parent today There wa n eroat deal of sou-
lin of the vc'stcrn stocks by the traders on
the Uicory that the ( looIs would ml-
vorsoly aireet cainlnzi , hut the slniiiltr fact
that all the losses wcro In tinUoulil slocks
brought out the theory thnt Mr. Uould was
In favor of lower lluurcs and so f.u us the
Uould shares had In tin on o , lower prices were
cat ibllslied , I ho market closed quiet but
rathorhunvy after u fractional r.nly In the
lust few minutes' trading.
Iteforrln/ the coll.ipso of the Hlehmond
Terminal plan of leer anl/itlon the Post , In
Its ( In incl il article , s iys : The cplsodo wl.l
tint bo without Its uses. Tbo tendency nf rai.-
roul reorminlitlon In the last dccado has
been moro and moro toward discrimination
niinliist tlio bonds and In favor of th
stock. Thera Is 11 pro it proportion of
power In the linmls of the sliatclioldun , who
mo respons ble ; but tbuy are anomalous be
e tusu tno purpo o of their era mlitlon Is to
save the stoiv from utter extinction That
the bondholders should s.inlllcoonic nom
inal advnntiiito In otdor tooscapo the expense
of recolNorshln Isonly riL'hl. but It Iscnuullv
rltfht that the toc < should pay well for I s
prlvlioeo of continued ottali'iico. '
mend 'I ei mlnal e'plsodo marks c.early the Hue
of concession Dcliind which the bondholders
will not KO , and It Is well that the line has
been marked.
1 ho followIIIK are the closlnjr quotation * for
the lo idlii ; : stocks on the Now York block ox-
chanRo today :
Non1 York Money -Miirkut.
NK\T YOHK , May i ? . MONEIos
.isv at ' © per cent ; last loan. I" per cent ;
loicd ( illoruil at 1'i ' per cent.
I'ltiMn .Mi.itCANTii.K I'Aphtt - ® nor cent.
feTKitMM ) lAciiAsnK Oulct but steady at" for blxty-day bills and $ l.s7Ji for do
na ml.
The closing nuotatlons on bonds :
I'nu.AiirM'iiiA , l'ii. . .May 17. Clearings. 11,1. .
OIL",1) " ) ! ! ; balancm , tlOl,7 ! ft Money , : i percent.'iUH , Tumi. Muv 17. Now Yoik u\-
chan.'o sellliiK uttl.AU. cluiirln.s. $ . , I7.J7I : bal-
HiC.112 ,
Ni vv YIIIIK. May 17 , IFpocI it Tuloarim to
Tin. Ill nl i\chaiiio : w.isiiuoted n follows :
Clilciiuo.fiJii proinliim ; Huston , par to bo .ells-
counts bt , 1. onls , OJc prumlum
Italn Urines u Ucunrd llrcaldnt , " linn to
South Oin ilmiir < U ,
OVUIIA , May IT Aftur comlnz vvlth'n nn
ace of b oikliu lucuids of receipts huveral far tliU juai It was ro-iorved for the
17lh of May. Ib' ) . ' . to donmilsli the provlous
Impost record of tlio nunibor of cars of stouk
recolvud In any ono day. 1'or tlio twnnty-fnur
hourt. en Mm : at 5 n m. .Xlay 17. IKJ. , Iho ntiiii-
bor of cuisof sloik nf all kinds rceolvoil was
4. i. Thu piuvlous banner 10 or a was , HWI cars.
Iho niiinlior received .liny 1Ib'ia ' Ted ty's
retni I boils that by.'il eats. Inill them
vvero I7.UVi h'-'iid of stock rccnlvod , but ibis
re'coid h is bi < en Lrokun limes Th
t o daya' rncnlpts foot up 7 HU oatllc , I1..M7
IKVS i n I ur > > .hccp a.'alnst 4.2bl oatlln , ri,8t > H
bo , " , iml I.IITbbuup Monday and Tuesday o
lant vvook
The j urilb vvero 'nil of cattle aim the puns
were In very bid condlilon on iicconnl of llio
rc'ctmt Im iv i ilns To add to ilia dlscom
forlnof thos.tuatlon , It but In raining ea tv
Mr. Cirxni.r.'i L\wnr.xcn. of
Neli. , gays that Swift'a Specific cured
lilin nf PUVCTO liliciiinulisin of wlilch ho
hart MiiTcml for over shc jnonthf. ilJU
vnln cfforU to Kct rt'lief. IIu
inciiila ll to all sufferers : from Uliuniiia-
Sund for our Imok on tlio Ulncx ! nnd
Skin , mailed free.
I nml kept it up nir'ony The cnttlo
b id , that Is to all tint tno mosioxpprleni'oi
i-Vt's bot'i sootl and i.Jior cntllo looked very
I much nllko In the WUL and imi.l. Tnornwns
i not n vorv hc vv ruti nt C'hlcaio nn I the
inirkot there wig -ibntit slcidv , o that when
! all classes of buycn l/ero ombo ilcnod by llio
inusually liberal iinpllcs started font bid-
ling anywhere frfihi lOc to lOc lower
ban Mend iy there a disposition miinl"
feted bv thoscliing intPirsts to hold oft" nnd
nvvalt fiirthcrdgvolonincnts. The forenoon's
trading was consoqcontiv rather limited.
A tier dinner thpro was an Improved ohlppln ?
mil export ttt'iiinml ami tno trn lo beciimo tol-
crably lively llnyvrd tdld not huxo to ralso
holr morning bids very mm h lo get the cat-
to nnd the Kenrrnliutiof beef nnd shinning
teorssohl all off lOo to l" > u lower than Mon-
Inv. There was a notlceablo tibsonco of
irlmo loppy cattto , and buyers were win-
iilulnlniof the gonsrilly Inferior qu illty of
; ho olTcrlngs. Vcrv KOO ! IMl to
,100-lb. steers sold from J3.TO to WfOl fair to
pool ft,0 to l.ttn-li ) steers from .1.4.'in W.TX.
inti Inferior and light stuff from thnt on down
lo J.I.OH. While the afternoon's trudltu wis
nodetiitoH brisk conddrrlnz thovvealhcr nml
Jiumlrv condition o. ' llio ynrds. tnoro wuro
qiiitu n few fair to good cattle still unsold tithe
ho close.
Tlio supply of cows nnd mlxod stock wis va
riously pstlmatpd ut from twenty to thirty
cits. HuMinrs' nt , , | cnnnors' stock sold
ewer in syinpithv wllh beef slcers.
IIP dcclliio liolng from M ) to lOc on all
but the best liclfcrUli stulT. Thpro
wcro perhaps half-i dozen loidsofntco cows
nut heifers here good pnoiigh lo bring from
.UI up to ? .n , but the fair to good stuff sold
argniv at from Jiss to JibO. Hulls , o\oti and
Blips vv pro dull , in poor demand nnd lower ut
from t'.Oi to Jito. ! Vpiil cilvcs worn 1111-
clianced , some right stuff soiling nt from $1.00
to * . " . " > .
Thorn was a rithur llmltpd country demander
or feeders owing to the bad weather. Not n
great aniiiiintof trading was clone and prices
were easy at Monday's advance Sotno nlco
lltlo white fnct s brought M.GI , but usldo from
tills sale tlio top vvns W4i and Bomo rnthor
roriitnoti ir > 3-lh stutr sold us low as Ji75. Hep-
ruscntntlvo sales :
8TES11S ,
' o. Av. I'r , No. Av. I'r. No.Av. I'r.
1 1200 83 IT II 1012 11 f 5 sn IIB $3 70
2 870 .1 i il ! 1210 a 63 a7 .1107 .175
1 010 3 2o III IKT am 2J H07 375
4 772 H 35 M II Oil aw 2.1. 114 J .175
II. 1124 I M USD a ro 15 12.4 375
0. TOI a is 17 a no 0 1SSJ 375
B MS : i : i5 17fl UWS a ( > o 18 11114 3 SO
2 1)33 ) 3 40 l- > 1070 ; : o 1201 381
11(11 ( 3 4' ) l10 Kll a co 15 . .1170M : \
1110 3 45 111 a oo 31 KM 3 SO
U ) 3 43 75 111'I ' a ci ) 4 1417 3RD
I20J 3 43 13 1121 a no 3S 120S ! IW )
741 3 4- > I'l ' 1K1.1 , i ca 17. HOI 3K" .
1175 4 45 40 111. acju 20. 1.100 3.S5
U.'S 3 ro 20 HI33 a c : > 17 1271 3fi-
1110 3 M 2) 1J20 a o.x 1 1:1,0 as.-
8 a 3 .10 20 .1.40 a w 18 1118 3b5
! )7fi ) 3 ro 20 ll'IJ a ca II 1217 3V4
1029 3 53 15 1'JIS a ts 18 1IKJ 385
043 3 r.o 0 1101 a PS SO..1101 303
3 40 0r 1218 3 ( > " > 20 1523 , I1X )
IbS 3 fiO 11 12IJ a 65 1 12DJ .UU
nil 3 .10 40 a ( > : > 17 Hlfi ] 3110
II 111 3 " 0 18 1215 a 70 5 l.7X 300
I14S 3 50 fl. 12.35 a 70 10. 1175 , ! ! ) -
inn 3 V 1U 10M ) a 70 CO. . 1201 305
1CM 3 53 27 lS2il a 70 20. 1440 4 no
1025 3 55 11 1105 a 70 59..1J83 405
1UJ 3 55 21..1214 a 70
'fl. . ,21 3 37i !
1 . 810 1 fiO 1..1003 223 18 003 280
S 805 1 CO 1. 1040 5 Oil ) 2 GO
2 1)3 1 0 ] 1. RVJ 2 45 4 17 ( 285
,1. . ( AH ) i ( a I 1035 2 45 4..1107 283
.1 044 l 00 1J looo 243 5 1011 285
1 05 1Ji 078 2.30 12. . 718 20J
K0 ! I 7i ) i 8GJ 2 53 31 CM ) 2'JO
0 0 1 80 i 83J 1(1 ( .1123 3CO
1)OJ ) I 75 4 mi 2 03 17 C84 301) )
40 1 75 1 ir.o 2 fij 2 1013 300
87. ! 1 U. ) 4. . 100. ! 203 1. 843 .100
aio 2 OJ is 'im a r.5 4..11113 300
2 03 17 752 2 70 1 11UO 303
wo S 00 G wii 8 1048 305
U70 2 CO 1145 273 4. 717 303
HIM ) 2 OJ J ' 0,10 2 75 IS . 7 > J .105
112J 2 LO 2..1205 275 2 10J3 A 25
SID 2 00 21 b'U 2 hO 1 1150 .1 23
5 H.S S 0- . .4 , hi7 2 W ) 2 l.U'3 .125
* '
.1 1070 2 23 fi.'lj ( < W 3 85 1. . 1.100 J23
II ! IIO O 0- 17. , UIO 2 SO Ui.,1201 330
11 1070
ncrrEits ) .
1. . : .03 1 75 29. , 537 215 14. . C09 283
0 320 2 23 3 . ISO 2 73 3 7J.1 285
4 3 .7 2 SO U. 501 2 85 24. . 821 J25
12. . 524 2 05 S. . 55 2 83 1(5. ( . 5VS 345
I. . 410 2 03 1 . 101 4 00 2 153 4 75
12. . 145 J SI 1. . 1UO 4 00 5 , . 1C ! 475
5 1510 2 10 1 1440 2 73 1..1GOO 285
1 1400 2T > 0 3.M5TO 2 73 i 3 OJ
1 IS 0 2 115 1 14.10 2 75 1. 1510 303
1 1370 2 05 1..KOJ 275 5..UJS J03
1. 13JJ 2 75
0 030 2 CO 5 . 420 3 15 1 . 500 323
4. 7r > 2 S5 2U. . OiS 3 20 n. . iui 325
ft. . 5I I 2 25 3. . 873 3 20 070 3 25
2. . 513 2 30 8 . 7fi 3 20 17. , 3J )
1. . 74J 2 4J 2. .IJIIO 3 23 1. . 7bJ ,130
54r. O'll 2 75 4. 6J5 3 S3 20 71IJ 330
r. . 941 2 OJ 1. . C.M 3 25 10 . ! IIO 3 A3
2. . 035 3 1J 0. . 9J2 325 21. 1107 340
1 . C'K ' ) 3 10 2. . 810 3 25 24. . 6U3 3 CO
014 3 15
lions Receipts wcro the heaviest since
along In tlio uarty part of January. There
vvoro moru tliHii thruo times as many hogs
hero .is last Tuesrtiy , the Increase for two
( lavs comp.irod with List week bulng In the
nelghboibood of 8.000 head.
llio market opened out s'ow and wcik
KOIICI illy : bids were right atoundr > u lower
tli in Monday. Oh lei , ' o loports vvpio f.ixor-
, iblo unongh to hold prices llrm , but with over
II.IKIJ hero and a gioatly diminished
shippli ? aumand , local buyers him
pveivthing practically llielr own way.
and after buying the bu k of llio hvs all of
.3o low or as st > on as shipping and fresh meat
ordPis had been tilled they apparently o\-
liorloneoJ no compunctions of conscience In
blddliu all of from 3c to Klo lower tb in Mon
day on wh it romatncd. It was a dull , moan
maikot thioiijrhout and thoio wcro iiulto n
few hogs unsold ut the close. 1'nlr to good
lions , reg .ulless of weight , hold at from & 1.JU
lo.fl 35 with a few prime loads above nnd a
few Inferior loads below tlioso iiuotitlons
Tlio genorul aor.igo of pi Ices paid w.ia Jl : ei > j
ueulnst fl.'ll'i Moniluv and ? I,41 last Tucadny.
Hppie&entntlvo bales :
No. Av. Sh I'r. No. Av. Ph. I'r.
71 . . . .173 UO 51 25 ' ' ' . . .2.31 210 tl 35
r ! JO 4 23 74' . . , . .1H7 435
81 . . 213 210 47' $ . . .2J.I 10 ! 435
. . 218 40 427' , . .2.17 2h3 4.1.3
. . .2 ! ) 120 4 ; u U3 . . .I''O 10J 4.13
. . .211. bJ 4 .10 d2. . . . .217 I.'O 4i.3 :
Git . . . .210 4 33 DO . . .233 20) 4i5 :
M . . 201 410 4 .tj ' . . .241 4.15
rs . . .218 100 4 .10 SJ . . 210 43.3
T > . . . -IS ( 10) ) 1 .U 0.3 . . . 2 7 243 433
01. . . . .211 < )2J ) 4 : o SO . 433
fi. ' . . . 240 III ) 4 30 73 , II.2VO ire 433
G4 . " 4 : u 7.1 . . . l'.M iroM 435
07 . "sj 4 .U 7.1 . . . .2'"J 100 43.3
05 . . . .2'0 120 4 .H ) 81 . . . .IM 4X >
I ( I 22.1 1JO 4 .10 81 . . .213 hO 4:15 :
01 . . .27,1 1'SII 4 3J 13 . . . .1SJ 20J 433
. . 2J4 2PO 4 30 70 . . . . -51 100 435
. . M 21,0 4 3) ) 141 . . . . ' . .II : : w ) 4.15
( .11 . . 1'21 l-'O 4 ul ) Ll ( . . . .210 2 0 4..3
CD . . . .20550 21H 4 . ' 0 (54. ( . .22U 120 4'15
51 . . . -50 28J 4 .11 7' * , . .24 10J 4.13
1.11 . . . ' . ( > . ' fO 4 .10 07 . .20 83 4 35
73 . . . 2.11 2JO 4 30 liJ . . . .201 410 4.5
fll.VJ . . . .II I'.O 4 'M 73 . . . 211 bO 433
.VJ . . . 210 SO 4M . . .211 1 ( > J 435
71hi. . . . ! iS8 2 0 4 3/J . . 2140 ! ) 40 4.15
hi. . . .2.-.S 80 4 .WSi 75 . . -40 240 435
hi.ul . . 224 240 8'i . . an ire 4.5 !
ul . 2V ) IV ) 4'l' : ' ' ' 80 . . .203 240 4.1.3
2 II I (19 ( . .24S 80 4.15
08 . . . 2 HI 80 4 llj'i . . .221 80N ) 435
CI. . . .131 200 4 .I2'i . . .221 120 433
" . . .211 200 4 , l."i 75. . . . . JKJ ! 120 4.15
74" . 2W bO 4 u.i ! 3'J . . . . 215 435
87. , . . 1W3 1W ) M . . . . .22051 fU 435
07 . . . .202 20 J 4 llli ! 53 , . . . ' -51 435
' . . .211 210 77 , . .219 433
fil' . , 211 1W ) fi'J . , . .2.11 210hO 433
. . 203 80 d3 . . . .2:14 hO 4.(5
21 IT" 40 4 .f. 72 . . 2T8 243 4 J5
7J ' 40 ] 4 .1 74 . . . ! ' 100 435
Ii5 . . .Hi b ) 70 . . , .i's : lliJ 4 J5
70 . ' ' ' ' 2110 4 3.'It 5rt . . 217 200 4.15
I' " , . . . .I'A 2W . . . .210 40 433
. . .153 210M 4 .Wli 20J 4,15
113 V .22H M ) 4 : r."V OI..24J 4115
. .211 2bO 4tlit \ , 7.1 22S ( 0 435
. VI7 4 : i Hi 0(1 ( . . .237 12J 435
. . .2t2 3VO 4 . 'J'i ' OSUl . . .Id ) 40 435
00 . 271 : i u 4 3 1 Ul , , 2d3 I.'J 43.3
7'1. . IT .11 2011 4S" 70 . . . 2 K 203 435
73.Vi. . 4 .1.3 i 70 . . . .254 2bO 435
Vi. . ; i 4 33 i 81U . 197 2UO 43.
S ) -01 4 .tiiO U ) , , , .2IJ 4 37' )
4.OS . , 2.38 101 4 35 01 " ' 1C ) I 371
OS 123 4 U.31 ! 70 . . 241 ICO 4 37"
71 IM 8J 4 33 01OJ . . 247 200 4 .17'/
.2 0 4 .U OJ . 103 4 37',5 '
, .204 40 rtJ ' OJ , . . . 109 ICO 440
, 2M 1U ) lin A
TotAl IMUIH ol CITil-a ,
L'orreipondenre follcitcil.
.HAnRls & GOMPANY.Bankers ,
IC3-I6S Ooarborn Olroet , CHICAGO.
Wall Street. NEW YORK.
Or tlm Miu r Until ! l > o lll\vly Cured
uy ailitiliiUu-rliiu- . lluliirk *
C.'nlilcii Siu'rllle.
It can ba Bl tn In a cup of cctiea or lea , or ID food ,
withouttbcknowlrdccolluopatient , ll 1 > absolutely
harinleio , and will elfecl a permanent and ipeedy
cure , waeilier lUo piuent U a moderate drluker or
an olooliollo wreak , llnai been clven la ihouiaudi
of curt.and In every IniUnce a perfect cure hairol.
lowed Hurtrr full * . TUo yilemoaoolroprc n lcd
villa tbe become * an utter luiposublllty
J" ' > > " liquor appetlu lo l .
( .OI.IIt.N M'ELlllO 1(1. . 1'rop'rj. rlnrlniiall , O.
< 8'pa > e book ol onrtlouUri Tree. To ba bad of
Kuhn .V Co. . 15th and Iou la Sis . andl9lh&
OniuliU hts.Vholo3ale , llluUo , Ilruou i Co
null UlolmUauu Urux Cu , , Uuuua , ob.
pin" * Asnnountt ,
i , . . .noa asii s 310 420
L ! 50 .1 73
MiRr.p Hut two loiils were rconlvod nnd
lhr > y were blllod direct to a loc il killer. The
Munition N urni'tlenity miolmneeil , re'coljiti
fur hortof llio doniand and dcslrablo null *
: on In nctlvc ronueot at tinctintiitcd Drlee1 * .
Pair to cooil niitlvoi , il .Viao.ooi fair to
peed woitern * . t4 'i ( > noooi eoininoii nnd stock
ihi'cu , J,10il4l4J5 ] iuoil ; lo cholco 40 to 0lb 110 U0.50.
ItorrljiM mill lUimltlnn | i _ . .
Official .receipts an I disposition of slock a .
shown by the books of Ihu I'nlon tftoc'k Y ir Is
Mimp.inv for the twenty-four hour : en llii { at
5 o'clock p. m. , Muy 17.
e'lvm Cnrs llcntl C\r ( llcvl
J.tllij S2
inn r.ns. lions.
Packing Co " 30H
1 II Hammond eonipaar
swift * Co . ,1JO
Iho Cudalir 1'nclcllitf Co BTO
( liik'nn , v r-on MW
"tiorry A II , i l.irw
\\liltc P \ \ ) no
eft over i.wit
Total Mlt ll 0 H
ChlrnRii l.lveMoi'k Vlnrlint.
CiiHMtio , III. . May 17-C-poeliil Tolo rim to
[ 'Ml. llr.r ] I'lix I'.ittlo mnrknt WIIH iUlnl. | Of
uuh nn Indlllcrent uhiiraeter was the ilrinnnil
thnt nllliouiili the siipiily hciirro y uvrceded
30M ) head , there npiioiiri'il tn bo enough iloek
Lo meet all teiiulrt'incnti At all events there
was uu notouorthv adxaiii'U In | irlic . bhlp-
Uois niviiti'il but tewoiittlo nnd the local He *
inaiiil c ilo ! > l for less than iho usual 1111111-
H"r , an tint wholes ilo bulchprs hao a
uitltv of lieef oiithe liooKn lliiin II of
nro iiceiistonied lo eirry nnd tholr pre'ont
ncoits therefore nro llRht Trade V7as HIOW on
a basis of from $1.23 to } ' .25 for poor lo choleo
eous , holferH and bulls t.Mu to jl"5 for
Htuckors and feeder * and fiom 1123 to f4 71 for
coinIIIDII to extra dressed beef andHblppln :
There was continued woikncs < In the Itn4
inarUot but no furtherdeellno , iilthoiuh the
lay's arrivals footed up sumo vl03 ' irsi than
JIonday'H total. 'I bo receipts slneu Saturday
siovv ! an Increase of 2'00 ( head. Thoduinaiid
vvas not at all urgent , but ul out all thohocs
vvero boiip'it up , and tlio close was 'alrlv
stoiidv at from JI.40 to S1.70 for very coininon
loc'holeo qualities The olTerliiKa Includeil
better IIOKS than were on sale yesterday und
there wcro a number of trades at from SI.7J
to47S'i. '
The sheep marKet walUhtly supplied to-
< luy and n though the dotnatid was tnc.der.ito
the foollni ; was strong. Uoon muttons woio
seal co and the low of that sort on sale
brought u llttlo better iirhes than wcro paid
on Monday. 1'oor and eom nion btuff wns only
about steady. \ \ o quolo poor to choleo shorn
( .beep at from S2.2.3 to * A.MI , yciirlliips Boll at
from MOO to jr.un. for vvooled , and sprint !
lambs are quoted at from W.5U to SI.60 per
Hccclpts wcro : Cattle , 5,000 ; hois , 25,000 ;
sheep , 5,000.
Tlio Evcnlns Journil ropnrts ; Ko-
colpts. ft.XIO ; shipments 2.000 : mnrkolHlow nnil
stondy : fair to good slcorj. W.POO42J ; others.
.Wfc , ! 75 : canners and cows , $ .1.25.
Unas Uceciits.S7.00J ; shipments. 11,001 ; mar
ket steady to stronpor ; roticli and common ,
g.75/34.2) ) : mixed nnd packers. 4 5044.OJ1J :
pritno heavy arid butchers' weights tl Gi'iUi '
4 70 ; light , I.CO4 70.
SitKi'.i'-Iiccolpte. T/OO ; Bhlptnoiitf , 2,501 ;
market no the. stealy : wrslerns. I505(125 ( ;
. ied natives niMVi 3 ; Toxans. W.15 < < i3.50 ;
Iambs , * ) .05S7.65 : yearlings , $ > .WQO 10.
Knnsits City I.lxo Stock Mnrknt.
CITV. Mo. May 17. OATTI.B Uo-
colpU , 4,703 held ; fihlptnonts , 303 ; the nnrkct
for steers vv as dull and weak to Uc lower ;
cows and feeders we ik : dressed beef and ship-
pine steers , * 3 10&4 01 : cows and heifers , $1 i
© 1.10 ; cows and feeder-v , ll.75ij.l 15 ,
llo < n Kcco.pls. 17.0UO he ul ; bhlpmcnts , T03 ;
the market opened So lower , galuod tlio loss
and closed ytrunni the uMrcmo'o of prices
VVHS $ | Ccai.o'Jii ; biill ; of sales were in ido ut
SIIEP. ! ' Hecolpts , 1,703 bond : shipments , 5 000 :
tlio tmirUcl was quiet and woaU ; muttons ,
Now York Llvo Stuck -Market.
New VOIIK. Mny 17. BEEVES Kccelpts , MS
all foi slaughterers direct No trade. Mar
ket vvoiU- . Dressed beef stonily at 2'45Wo.
blilpments lo lay , 1,051 bcovos , 500 quarters of
CALVES Qutot and lower ; calves. M5X3055
faiiEEi' Hecelpts , 1.212 hold : market steady ;
clipped sheep. ? l.5WJ : l.unbs.S c : dressed
yo irlltiL-s. llrm at lii'ilil'J'ic. '
Hens Uecolpts. 517 head conslincd direct ;
maiket nominally stc.uly at $1.9335.10.
Lincoln I.ltohtock.
LINCOI.W , Neb , May 17. | > 'poclnl to THE
IlEE. ] Hecolpts of IIOKS .it West Llnco n vvero
the lar.est today slnco the resumption of
packing opcutlons. bales slow. rano of
prices bo In- ; from fl.-TJj to4.J5.
When You nro Altnclcctl In tlio
You may bo liclpk'hs , but wbcn you nro
ntwcla-il at bomovitb biliousness , cnlarrh
o tlio stonmcli. dyspcpbiu , inactivity of
tbo liver , gout 01 rlieuiiuitisin , you aio
not helpless. Tlio icincily is Cailsbnd
Spruck'l S-ilt. It ia an altciativo and
cliininativo leniodv wliichdissohcs tena
cious bile , alliija irritation nnd lemoves
obstmction by aiding imturo , and not by
sudden and exceasivo iuilation , ns inofet
catlmitics do. It ia of great benefit in
tcnipoiaiy and habitual constipation ,
liver and kidney diseases , cluonic catarrh
of the stomaeh and bowels , rheumatism
nnd gout , &c. , nnd should bo used early
in the inclining , before bicakfnst. "Wiilo
for pamphlut. Eibiierifc Mciulelson Co. ,
Agents , and Importers of Mineral Watei s ,
0 Barclay St. , N. Y.
Union Stock Yards Company
est oittlo , hoi an 1 sboop nnr'tot In the wont
Tim LHAOKltS ,
flMUMI Write to this house for cor-
U.lljllljl | reotMirlcut Kaporta.
Wood Brothers ,
South Omaha Telephone 1137. - ( 'htoaKO
J P.
MnrUot reports by mall and wlro cheerfully
fiinilhliod upon apiilli ! itlon.
Calnpbell Commission Co.
Chtc.ico , nuatKt. LouU , Kansas flty. ? outli
Um ill i , > louCity. . 1'ort Worth
A ( 'rill , W 1' Denny. U 1' Tullniailxo ,
ClilciKO llu. > alc' uivn. ; eiitllattlosnmn
Cnll , Denny & Company ,
I.lo block Communion Uoo-n V7 KxcUanga Ul I'K.
houtti Unmlia
A. D. Boycr & Company ,
M and 5' ' ) nxoluinzo HulldlnBouth Omaha.
Corronioniloica | ollcll'Ml und iiramptljr pnsworjij
Ijt-ni'ilnj _ nttuillon ; 10 orilera foi itotlieriifeetten _
Eitnlill > i7id , .
Ciiiillnl fullr pnlel , IWDOJ
Waggoner Birney Company ,
Wrlto or wlru us fur prompt ami relUl'18 rnarkot
report * _ _ _ _ _ _
Perry Brothers & Company ,
J.lvorUnok Commission.
Hoom 51 r.xchaiio | Ilulldln. . fcouth Omaha
ju.epliono I7ui.
Gasaman & Dudley , M. H. Hesarty & Co. ,
Hooms ia nn.I ( II. Kx- Uoom
chaiuo lluildlnr' . llul.dln , '
Neb South Oji.-ih Neb
SouthUmah.i , - i , -
Union Stock Yard National
Tha onlr bank at Die yariti Cupltul and iur-
plui. I2 < UUX ) Colluctloni trovfliiic : out of llio llvo
Block butlnum liouil bo lent direct tn Hill bank
cun depoilt for crudllol lli lr uuwe bauk
Manufacturers' '
> . H , QLEHH ,
Contractors nnd Mibcontrii tor for nil Vlm1 of
Inillillnit iilmtorlna pilntlam Ir will tirplrcn
copjof ( liomi iirohltiTtiinn.l I'lilliliMitliiiloir
frpn bjftcmllng their IMIIIP lni-lncM nml loci-
tlon to Iho publisher J II ( ilpnti , 111 S lithst
ING COMPANY. Trnt nwnlnm , larpivu-
Fl K < , hnroniockn oil nnd lltn , covers uf nil MluK
rubber clothing Soml tlfiitj liniincts , etc.cml
forcal guo. HI3 Kitrnoni tor c tMojiiiu,7Ui 8 loth
Slial , manllls , cotton
Importer" andmrf .flour ropn , tirmp , Jute col-
luck * , burlapi , twlno tna twlnp tarrnl cord
age lie 1HS nth i-t.
M.O. DAXOS Hitcco'sor toJ J Wllk
, '
cnson M'f fclRiir ,
Illcycloi sold on monthlr packing Iioxo All nuvul
imjrmcnti 1:0 \ . lilh it llc'ln box line
1110 Douglas St.
1101 How-iM 3tr Jt
Fnetnrr anraor llth itmt l > jiulT itroiti
\7e ro nuklna ole prlcot tocitih b ireri , mJ ar
Illng a clun of uuuili whlo'i li rorf t\\ \ -
blo irlli uiarcuiali.
ittinc * , ruhborp
lloMon Itnlitirr fcluici'o loll unoiH 1KI6 , Ul
HO1101 llOJIIarnc ) ft llnrncy at
Office , S. 9th nnJ I cirea-
wnrttiBtn. Uniatm.
Jolm Marbovor. Act.
Mfrg Comfoctloncri and
jobbers of foreign and
< loinesllo ( rultt , 1110
Howard it.
Carriage bullderi. IIoi
and | < ntrol iragoni a
IBtb , opp Court Home
LIME CO. , Mfr. galvnnlicd Iron
Hard and soft coal S K. cornice , wlnduw cap > . ,
mutallc ekrllubu , etc.
c < r. 10th ucd Uouglns-
ill. 1110 , 111 ! Uodgu-Bt.
Clotblng notionfurnish- Mnnufrt and Kholosn'.e
Ings ( > lvu 119 n trial , cluthlcr * lll/J llumur
tiamplos prepaid by ox itreot.
pre HlJlJarney.
Contractors nnd nub con tractors for nil klndu of
building plastering pilntlnx etc * will rect Ivo a
copy of ( iltmn'M nrcbltcn tt and btilldur ) director }
free , by ecu ding Hit lr name buMnosH nud luca
tlon to ( lie publisher J. H. Clinn. 1U h 1Mb
M.I. SMITH ft CO. ,
Dry goods , notions , fur- Dry good.notions , gent's
Dishing gauds Corner lurnlsblng gouda Lor.
llth and Howard t > tfl llth and Howard at.
Illustrated catalog ( roe-
101 < Capitol avo.
Uiholitcred furniture
HU. : I .Oil Nicholas a Oroco nnd Thirteenth
\Miuli'nalounl > . treeta.
0. M. STEELE ft , C3. , BLAKE , BRUCE & . CO. ,
1201 - Jonoi atreot , 10th and Uarney streets ,
Omaha. . Uuiabo.
ORDINANCE NO. : ! ' ) ! < ) .
An onllninco to ainotid soi'tlons 0 and 7 of
chapter 53 of the lovmod ordinances of HO.
Hell ordained by llio city council of Iho city
of Omaha :
Foctlou 1. Th it Fcctlonflof eh iplr > r53 of the
rev M'd oidlnanie'sof Ihl' , cntltlid "MM ! es-
tnto. " bound tlio hume Is hereby ameniled so
us to read as follows :
foci ion fl. That whenever the m ivor with
the npprov il of thucoiinoll shall appoint com-
tiilsMoiiors to assess tlm d im lu'cs Mistalncd by
tlio owi or or ovvnois of property to bo taiten
or appropriated foi public use In pmsii mro
of any iiiillnaiR'O ot llio o tv. It HI | ill bo tlio
duty of siildi'oninilsalonois. as soon as piac-
tlcab'o ' theioiftei , lo IIx upon a tine and
place within the i-itj for tlioli n cctin. ' to con-
sldor mid m lUo tholr assessment.
beetlon 2. That section 7 of Mild chaplor ,
Wiof the revlhoil oidlniincis of Isi ) be and the
sinio Is hereby amended bo as to road us fol-
sWlloii 7. It shall bo the duty of a ild com
missioners lo cause a notlco toboulvento (
such owners , rcspo.'tlvuly , of tlmo nn I pl'ico
bo llxo 1 by them , which notlco shall litullhor
written or pr ntcd , or both , nnd signed by
them , bnch notlco shall conlain adescilllon |
of iho propel ty of the person notlllod vvhli-h Is
to bo taken or appiopilated , KiKi'thui with a
Htiitement thatsuch taking or nppmiirlitlon
of property has been declared necessary by
ordinance. If thu owners mo known and iiro
residents of the city tlio notices may Do islvun
by dellvcrliiK a copy theioof to Ibem person
ally , or bv ionvliu llio s mm xt thi'lr usual
pliiceH of ri'MhluiKo at lo tst ( Ivo days before
the tlmo llxed for makliit the ashossment.and
If such owners are non-rchldcnts of tl o city ,
or unknown. Iho nullco iiiuv bu Hi'rved oltlior
norboiiitlly us afoiisahl or by publishing the
tame In a nowspupei published In the city for
at least twinty days bufoio the tlmo named
In the not co for niakliu the iis-.cnsinoni.
r-estlon 3. Th it s ild scellons 0 nnd i of s ild
chaptiT 55 of thniovlsod urdliiniircH of M' .
us hmotuforo iixlhlliirf bj and the same are
i'uct'loii ' 4. Tli it this ordlinnco tike
clfi'ct and bo In force frcm and after Us pass-
City ulurlc ,
n I' . DAVIS
President of thu Ulty Council.
Approved May 4.1 . , . .
i > ) nMlHi :
Aiv ordlnanco orderliu the iiuvlnu of the
nlliy In liliivlc J , llanscom I'lace , In tn < ot
imunnoinont district .V > \ with icil ( ! i > \it- \
rado HiinilHlnnoon ban I base , and directing
the bo ml of public wm ) < to take the nccca-
suiy bt"p' * to cause said work to bo done.
Whoieas , a potlllon of property owners roil-
lesuntlng morn than a majority of the front
feet on H.'Uil alloy hat > boon prosuntud to the
olty council designating Uoloiado sanilutoiui
s the material doblrtd to bo used for bald
imlng ; tlicioforc ,
llu-llordalnud by the city council of the city
of Omaha !
Section 1 That the alloy in block : i , Hans-
corn 1'iace , In street Impiov eincnt dlstrlel f < o
41" ) , to and tliouamo ID hereby ordered iiaved
with C'oloiado sandstonootiband basn , accord-
lnn' to specifications on Illu In llio ullluo of the
board of pubi o works.
t-oetlon ' . ' . That the hoard of publlo works Is
hereby directed to take tlio necei > sary steps to
cauBu said work to bo done ui'iunlliu to iiptcl-
llcntlons on llio In the ollli.o of said bo ird
riectlon a. This ordinance shall tiku olfuct
and bo In force from and after Its paiuiigc.
Olty Clork.
U 1' DAVIs ,
I'rosldeot Olty Council.
Approved May 4th , l3
aiai ; > lJhMiq (
JIJll.l of Trn.lo llroktr
In grn n PIP. I'tKatn
wire to N V , Chicago
and M louli ,
CO. ,
Dealers linrdwirj an4
Corner lOtli and Jacison kM tonl <
btreets UDI btroot.
llnrdwoot lumbar , wooJ
eir ( > t nn I m tmportolmirlpm I'ur t
tloortnn , Ian I oo u-nt , MllwiUi )
llc cnnioiit ana
( Hi and irbltJ II no ,
ILER&C3. , FRIC < & . IIER3RT.
1.1 in or niorchnnti , III ]
llarney-st Mfrs Kin-
nolr'i Kail In lla lilt- \Vholcialc llqmr dealori
tori. 1UOI l-iiriiimat.
Importers and Jobboriol
millinery notions Mull
orders prompt , .MB US ,
lltli * t.
Pianos organs , artists Ift'N. irth St Plnno
materials , uto. 151S murlc and imislrnl ln <
Douglas it. truiiRUtaof all klndi
Uctlncd nnd iubrlentlnj Ko ba I odor , nn stin i
cliliniiP ) no clnrrl u
elli , axle grease , pto. wlilns \ fur It nclm-
field Minrmer A IV'mlo
Mfrs of " 1C A S" pint' Mfrs aclobratod "Dnc5 >
pblrts anil o\crallsctc skin" overalls , pantt.
61 < I3t > llllisu sb'rts , coats , etc. hast
Kitabllshed , 18T9. BRANCH & 0
V/HITHEY SL CO. rrodncc , fruits of all
Him or , ifus nud poultry UrnSt oystem J1I a ,
Wi .1. lotlj st. Utbm
J. A. RYDER CO. JAS. A. CLARX & . CU , ,
Uuttor , chcoiQ oj/i
trv little and Kama
1215 llownnl street. poultry and jama
tlefer to Coin I .VatUan 317dout'a 13tb Strujl.
Our spocliltloi : Iljttir. uiittor , njx * , chuctA.
OZKS and p MI I try , UlJ friiil" , po.ilhyirm. ( .
Howard atrool. .VtfimM fur My tr a
lliiyal liur.o ami cilllt
ililcu WJ s llth i _
( lliSr , I "IDOSH4BO. ,
Whoiialo butter A mm Dultnr. clipoi-1 ,
Bu , . and .ell. for I tvrc"n'Jb ' " ' '
ca.b 413 S llth at. |
Carry o lull slock of XX'rapphu pnpir ullklndt
and of twli'e-i i to UH *
printing ; nipping
How ird BtreoL Tcl -
writing paper , card pa
per cic. pbouo , KW
btovn repalrn nnd watif
nttic'inionts for any
kind of htoto mad * .
IJj ; Douglas
ToyK ilnlU nlbumi.
Manufacturernf sash fancy tuoti hoimu fur
doors bll nd < and
moulding ! ) Ilrnuch of itren's carrln o >
fice , Uth ondlzardbts larnam Street.
An ordinance dielarlni : the ni'io.sltsof t'rul-
In" di mil avenue fiom .ITtli stu et lo l.'nil
stiect , I'onlor a\onuo from , lsh | stieid tu
40th .iM'iiuu , .I'lth btrt'i'tfiom ( .rind iixeniiu
to Ames avenue , 4iith htnol ftoni lirind
iiNpinie to pi.isiio street. Itith avenue from
( .1 mil avLiiuo to Spr.i.'tio sliei't , and ap-
iiolnlliu three dlslntiirusti'd apprilscri to
! i > ss anil dotcTinino th d n i it-1 * . If anv. to
the pronoity owners , which may bo cause I
bv Mich I r.idlnir.
\\lioiL.ih , tlio pioporty ottin'rs ownliu inoro
than thicc-illhsiif the foot front i c on c ich
of Iho htnuts or avenues lioicln mi iitloned.
liav.i petitioned the i lly I'liiim'll to have said
Kiadliu' . under the thri c-llfllis I'liinso im
piovlded foi Inflection W of tlio clt > charter.
and thu cost to bo in ido pay.iblo In ion eijual
nav mt ills thercforo , .
| ) u Itoiilalni'd by the c ty council of the city
" ' ' "
. Ion' ! That It Is nccess iry and U IK hero.
bj du'M ' irod piojior in I in'ct'strlo nado
( .i.iiidavcniui from 37th stii'et to I'lid Mrctt.
] 'im ler av eniio from .lull htn nt lo I Jib av i-iiuo ,
.I'lth ' street from ( ir.ind lucnuo tn XIIIIHIIVO-
HUP IJtlisiri-ol fiom tlraml avunuetoSprafc'uu
btri'ot. 4Ulh avenue fiom ( irind avi'iiiio to
i-iiriu'iio street to their piesent i-it ibllshcil
ci ul ? " mi.1 iidliu necessary appro iclintliuic-
to silduiadlnt to bo done iiiidm tlio Unco.
llflhs iM nisoof thee tych.iilei.abpiin did for
' ' ' " '
K'c't'lo'n" . ' . That the mayor , w lib the approv.
al of tlio city council , appoint Ilin-o d slntur-
estcd appralsc'rH loappralsi' , IIHIH < I u d di'ltr-
mlnotho d.iiniiKos to iimpi'ilyoottnnrs which
, y bo uaubi-il ny hiioli ( sridliu. lukliu Into
Lonsldoritliin In nuking such ippi iNiuiiuiit ,
tlmspoclil ImiiofllH. If any , to s ich proiioity ,
by riasun of such K. .
OBllon .1. That this ordlnanco sliall tajfl
cllcct and bo In force from and after Its pTii !
O tv Clorlc.
U I1. DAVH ,
I'rosldent Olty Council.
Approved May 4th. :
; > , , ,1MH , ,
_ _ _ Mayor.
I'ruyn , J. IX IlurdicU , ( harles I' ,
Shaw , ( Jroi 'o llannon , XVIIIIiim V , lluuuii ,
JosephHrUcon. . John II. Marburg l.mi I' ,
hpintclnr , Mary A , XV.ud and all oilier prop.
erty owncisonrant blreet l/ottveen Jlul au'l '
1'Hh In the olty of O uiilia ,
You drn hureby niulflud tli it the under.
hlcnod , three dldinterciited fn.'oli.iilci-s | uf tha
city of Umahn , ha\o Ivan duly uppo iitud by
thu in.iyoi , with the apptoval of Iho city
council of said elty , lo assess the dama.'o to
thoov ners ri-bpeetlvely of the prupoily af-
foitoiby K-radliiK Urant itieot from 'Ut to
21th htruotM dnclarod noifmary by ordliunia
; wiJ. ( paBhud April I' ' , apniovod Apul U
You are further notlllud thai linUiK no ;
within the corporal ! ) llmltb of stldclty mooe
for the purpoxo of oonxld' rliu and jnaklns
the absossmont of damai'e to thu owiiets rp-
Bpi'otlvuly of nalil property , iiilnoiud by laltl
n , ' , tukliM Into cunsldur itlon upetlal
l to bo present at the tlmo
and pi co afor is ild nml "iako any objection
t r toncernlnJ bald
you may | '
J. ll
u , I- THOMAH.
Oiiinjin. April 27. 19-)3. ) MlldlOt
Not liu.
The annual moolliu of HtnoKholdcrs of tlis
rremorit , I Ikhorn A. Mh-ourl Viilluy Uiuroail
conip my will bo hold at tlio olllco of the eom
puny in Omnh i , ISoU. on 1'rlday. May ' "
IS'JJ ' , atao'elook p in , for the oluut'on of
rectors and for Iho trail , ictlon of such olhoir
bublno > an may comu uoforo the moulln. ,
J. U. Ucunu-u ,
Uutei AprlllS , ISJi '