THE OMAIIV. JULIA I. El MVY 18 K'LJ. ) IAY SOON BE OCCUPIED One of U > Wtags of UK Hastings Aiyhun OmpUfed. IT IS NOW READY FOR THE FURNITURE J'mtr llomlrrtl I'HforlBnitet I'rpitnt t'npro- llironcliotit the state nt ilu > il irllli Suitable yunrt Tliry Ulll lie Cured fur lit Once. Lmoiv , Xeb. , May 17. [ Special to TJIE UEE , Iheflrst of the new wing * to be added to the State Asylam for the Incurable Insane nl HastinRs Is prastlcatly completed. All that remains to bo done Is to furn'sh it nod tt will b ra.iJv for occupincv. It is es timated that tbcro are nearly 4'X ' ) Insane In the stale unprovided with quarter * In the tate asylums ana the completion of the now building nt Hasting will enable the stale to take proper care of those unfortunates. In tin- Supreme Court. Or&n It Cain against Minnie D Bailer Is the litlo of a case tiled ulth the clerk ot the supreme court from Douglas county today. Hrella bvonson brings her case aralnst the city of Omaha to the supreme court , the patrars being filed this forrnoon. She appeals fro a ) the award of the. ippralscra who as sessed grading damages acalnst bar property on the south half of lot 15 , block S , la Kounlz ft Hutu's addition to tno city of Omaha. On March 19 , ISOi Ferdinand Olson re covered a Jademont In the district court of Douglas county ami list L C Encwold. The latter has appealed the case to the supreme court. The case of M Uoed ot al. against T. E. Tarrel ct al was tiled with the clorlc of the uproino court this forenoon. It comes from Adams county. ueil the City for l > aiiii KC . Suit was commenced against the city of Lincoln today bv Theodore BenninghofT and Celesllu Thiobauit for $ -W3 and I , < X res pectively , for the city's carelessness and negligence regarding the erasing of the streets in tbo vicinity of Eleventh and B. They claim that the city ordered them to praao up nrounl their property and then didn't grade the streets to correspond They also assert that a culvert bad been impro perly constructed and in consr'qjpnce their oroptrty U continually nt the mcrcj of the Hoods. Lincoln In llrlrf. L. H. Thompson , right of unv agent for the Hock Island , is in the ci'.y. Tno Clason JL 1 letcher company filed ar ticles of corporation with the countv clerk It bus a cipltal stock of JJJ.l'JJ and will conduct - duct a wholesale oook and stationery busl- uess aovcntv boys and girls from the Genoa In dian scbootill bo present to partlcipalo in the silver ce'obration. Charles V * heeler was arrested this morning for stealing a pair of trousers Irom Cuarles Tut. Frank Evans was brought before Judce balers this mornitiR chargrd vvitb wife beating , but bis wife declining to prosecute the case ncninst him heva imcharuea. I' L ) Sahin and others todav iucorporated the Farmers Elevator companj of Syracuse , .Neb , with a capital ot S ie : ult of the KT4iiilnntlnti. GIUMI J-UMI , Xeb , May IT [ Special to Tin. BEK.I At the meeting of the board of examiners , Nebraska statu board of phar macy , held in Lincoln May 10 and Omaha May 11 , the fallowing named parsons suc cessfully passed the examination and bavo received their certificate as registered pharmaisu in the state Charles M Andrews , Mrs Della Andrew * , SavagePnstoa W Barritl.boulh Omatia ; iJrieu X Corbin , Alva C Xoilon , Blair ; Louis D-cen , bchuyler , E. Oreen , Aue F. Jenninss , Jr. , CJeor e S Mtlnes , Frank U. Peterson and Horinau Erpeiibeck , OmatmViUlaiii ; U MrXeal , John H. Evans , Lincoln ; J L ConnntjrJ C Kirk , Her man. Ilenrv to. King. Falb Litv , M H. Wil son , OaKuale , 1) . b U'oodard , Himptoc ; Alfred C. Ames. Oau ; \V. H. CJibbs Nebraska City ; G W Hard- t'slv ; Mav wood , Lance Hooper , Oxford ; "iule Dornart , Friend ; M Muguire , Hyanuis. andV Lapt U'allcr , Beatrice. The member * of the board orient at these ineetliigh were Mux Becht , Omaha , \V D. Iluller. Ula r ; M. E. Sbuitz , Beatrice , and James Kc'cd , Nebraska City. Tne secretary bas issued , under instructions of thu board , a ten da > s' notice to all delinquents for renewal newalin l.rj. All who fall to respond In ten du } nlll be stncken from the register. The UH < CI meeting for examination is at Grand Island , Jane , 9 a. ra. Ne' rtl < i 'H Death Kull. OscnotNeb. . , May 17. | Special to THE BLL.I About tvo months ueo Edward Slrang , ono ot tbo early settlers of tbu county , with hi * family went to Parson " , U. T , for the benefit of their health. Vester- da > a telegram was received from 'hero say ing that Mr. Slrang had died Irom heart fail ure Sunday morning. NOIITII I ! END , Neo. , May 17. fSpecial to THE Bet J Aleck Bassetl of bt Loui , \ \ ho has been vuitloK bis sister , Mrs. J. M. Smith of this place , died suddenly tni * morn ing of heart failure. Two Yen fur Itlcainj- . Sr. MID , > cb. , May 17. ( SDecial lele- srara to THE Bi B. ] C. S. Wusey , * the sexv- ing machine agent who has been in Jail hero tor some time charred with bigamy , appeared In court today and plcadoa guilty. He was sentenced to tvo jears in the penitentiary bj Judge Bates. Polumhus Cltlzfiii Oliject. CouMnus Nee , May 17 [ Special Tele- pram to THF Bbr J After a lonjrthlv trial , in nhicb ma" > nitnesses Mere examined , Jasper W. Judkins today was Qnod ? i'j on the charge of conducting a gu < tinaablo re- Bert in couneclioa vtltn nis Gmnd Central hotel. _ llrnko 111 * Arm Tiilrt' . OSIEOLI , Nob. , May 17. [ Special to TUB Bi.E.1 Tl.o lltUo 2-yoar-old boy of L. A. Beltier fell from bis high chair yesterday , breaking his arm In tire placet. Dr Blmoy's Catarrn Powder for cold In head , for sale by all druggists. U ) cants. IN THE COURTS. Anolhrr Clnllii Air lu t MrilPiminy'i Ki. tatv All Injiliictlim Asalii t HIP < 'lt > . In the district court the Omaha National iUar.U nat brought suit atrainst tbe neirs and W.lliam Wallace and John C Oowin , cxocn- turs of thu citato of John W. McMcnatuy , de ceased. TLo plaintiff seeks to recover SJ.7J4 nnd allcget that the account on which suit is brought was purchased from W. It. hpell- man Speilmau did the pld'nblrig in the old hospital alMnlh and Harncy streeu acd has uot bdi-u paid llobert W 1'helrnhas commenced B suit to recover KW from tbo Home Tire Insurance compuQj Hit huube at .Mis Miumt &ttoel \v Insured oy tbo oorjpauv , nd when it burned , a few weeks azo , a tolusal to juy was entered , Jtidga IrvinH granted an Injunction in the rasa of Patrick and lUxu Unlley spafnst tne rlly of Omaha Sumo lima ago the city council na vcd an onimanco ordering the improrcnimt of Mar tha street from Sixtooutti to Tivoniielh The Dnlleys owced property alons the line and wore a sc fd for benefits. Mr. M. A. Murryilminpton , Del. , tvritos. "I had oua of njy severe heaJacbes ttud was ( Hrsuaded to try your valuable ( Uradycrotlne ) rnediciue. f never hail any thing to do ma o much good. " NOT'SAFB YHT. fin u tlitlnr f the County lluipltat Itcaily t < i .lulu Ilia North. Contractor Dl.-lf. Sinitl/a g.\ug of men put In the trcator portion of the day al the vrrtcifM baipiui In trying to tare the south vrin ? , Tbe rorth iuc vvcs bracoa up yoitorday and ulll roicalu in that condition until the cc'iiuiitteo of architects and builders dowidovt.etcer the v lU can bo repaired , or t > bother the mil hart ) to b torn diiwu and rebuilt. \ rati-ranjj hnavjr rain had a rery damae- jaff clict upon thn out wliitr of tea build- coLioThe crack * In 1w lU anl th coLio ir biito ooooed ncar.y a Jnon slnro yotteriaj. ana the w- i strjo uro M declared to Do In a dacreroui condlUon. Iron rods art boine put thtoush from cist to west to tie the wall * together , and It U believed that th se may &ars the bntldlng. RAILWAY EMPLOYES CONFEn. I'lr t National Cnntmtlnn ol tlic New Onlrr In Proton In Omntia. The first national convention of the HMl % vay EmploTM clahs ol tbe United Suites met nt Central hall yestereay to form a national organization. The chief purpose of thne clabi Is to pro tect railway employeby all legitimate and honoraoio means from hostile action by legis latures , railway corctmsslons nn the court * . " The movement began three yosr ago with the organization of a state club n Minne sota. About a year ace tt spread to neigh boring stales , and the present con\entlcn is dotlgucd to form an association that will or ganize railroadmen tb roue bout tbo country There nro now state organizations in > e- braskn , Minnesota , lotva , Kansas and North Dakota. Tno local clubs number about 2 > J. and the railroad men In those states are estimated at llft',003. These Uvo states sent full delegations to the national convention , nnd the following Kontlemen are la attend ance Nebraska W.V Conkltn , H Knodoll , O E Coombs , George Mnitbj , U L. Slur n , H. M Murray , F. C Forrln acd G. H. Uteger , Omaha ; F.V Smith , Alliance , II. Craft , Norfolk , \V U Miilian und William Uaird , Liucoln , Jerome Alexander , Long I'ine , liobert McAllister Columbus ; H. A. Cox , Cbadron Mlncesota P. J. McCullom , U J. Esle- ston , Jobn Cope ! and and C. F. Wlison , SU I'aui , W. E I'erry , P. I'erusso. U. F. Kav- mond. L ( } Boody. D L Crowley and E U Bristol. Minneapolis ; J. J Sbaunncssv anil F vV Little. Wiuona ; J. B. Cop.-land. Crookston , C. L. Moorton , LcSueur ; liobert Uibbv , Worthinpton ; W. F. Itallltc , liarnes Tlllo ; P. Zachntz , Morris , J. J Preston , MoorchcaO Joiva H LoDsclv , loxvaCity.L S Sted man , Cbarlton ; J. II. Wiseman. Creston , 1 Kcudal : , Atlantic ; ; P. Shannon , Hutneston , L H Harvey , Waterloo , li. Kobmsou. Mis souri ValleyV. ; . L. Uutler , IJooao. S L Howard. Uurlinpton ; Ucorgu Koslsr , Fort DoJgeV ; H. Brook * , Sioux City. H L Cults , Dubuque ; A. L Keno. Albm ; William Kcddinc , Otluitnva , C E Milcbcll Marion , T. A Baker , John Johnson and L W. Ileoie , Dei .Monies , O. H bvveeney , Oskaloosa. L H L.eelljn , Cedar Kaoids. George r oroes. Osceola , Corrv A Keed and C. CJ. Faachor , Council Bluffs Kansas A R Olazlor , H. vV. Sharp , G J. Wniih.nnd L. L , Bigler , Newton ; C.V Arnold and C R Hardiuc , Nu kerson ; ( J. A. Brov.n and W. H. E.'an. Wichita , A. N Brown and J. B Ec-Kark , Arkansas Citv. C C. Crouse , J. K. Morjron und Oeorpo Lem- moa Xeodasha , W Wcich , Ossavvattntnie. Iijtiatnin ] Cone , Emporia , \V. J. Uotlman , Uolimglon North Dakota ILV. . Knov.Hoa , W. Ter rell and W J Common , Farro ; A Ander son. Devil's Lake , J P Fitzgerald , T Hat- ton and G E Nelson , Jamastovvn. Bv o'urtesv of seniority in the movement. 1'rcsident John B. Cooaland of the Minuo- sota.assoclation acU-.l as chairman of the oortenuon and Ucuerai becretarv W. E. Perry onirlated as secretary The mceltng was opened wita prayer by Bishop Joyc-o. Deli > iate ConKlin u.i'lo ' a n-arm-hearted speech welcoming the visilors to Umaba , and Chairman Cop lind opened the business of the convention wi'.b a short address in which he dwelt upon the uecca- tltv for organization Ho sporfc ot the efforts of Ibo farmers to eontro' logtslatlo'i in their ortu Interest , aid h ur ea tbat railroad em- plovcs must combine to protect Ihum elves in legislative bulls The ca iirmen ot the five delegations were appointed a committee on credentials , and the com enllon adjouraud until 2 p. m. At th- ) afternoon session a corrmittee on constitution nas appointed , ana during Us absence the comtnittoo listened to several speeches and started to elect officers for tbe national organizitioa. T2o following were chosen. President , L. S Stedman. Chart- ton , la. , tirstvica president , Jobn B. Cons- Ian t of CrooKston. Minn. , secretary. W. E. Perrv , Minneapolis At this point the committee reported , and tbe rest of the afternoon was devoted lo the discussion of the constitution. Tno convention accepted an invitation from J H. McConnell , superintendent of motive pocr , to vt-tt ths Union Pacttie shops ai 2 p. in. tomorrjw. Al 'bo evening be > sion tbe constitution vvis auopto < l and the organization completed with the follow inu officer * . Vice presidents H L Loosely , Iowa Citv. la , O A Brown , \Vtcbita , Kan . W. W Conklln , Oraiba ; K W Know lion , Fargo N D , treasurer , H W Sharp , Newton Kan , national organizer , K. K Bristol , Mmneapo'U. ' Dr.Birnoy's Catarrh Powder cures catarra. For sale by" ell druscUt * 5J c nts. THE POOK FAEM SALE. Another Catch of I'urcliiiors AViint to Un load llu'ir l ar uin . For a month or moro the parties who pur chased lots in tha uoor farm addition have been baforo tbe cruily commissioner ! , do mundinc the return of the money mid at > he time of sale. On Mav T the cornmisiione rejected the claims and refused to reiuru the rro-iey. Today Aucust Dall and a nnmbcr of otncrs appealed from the dec'.iion of iho com ml - ' sio'ncrs nnd brought suit in the district court for tbo purpose of bnntring tbo county to time Coantv Attorney Mabonoy states that he has no fear of tbe result Tbo question of junog tbe defect in the title to Douglas addi lion will be submitted at the special elect 10 i to bo held Jnno li ( , and if the ornoosition carries rios , warranty deeds will at once be given , and lone before the courts could pass upon the cases. DjWltt's Sar sparllla cleanse * the bloaJ increases tbe uppemo and lonei up the sjs tern It has oericiittoJ tnanv p.0ph3 who have suffered from blood disorder. ! . It will help vou. A 1 ittinc I'rrluilH to a iiiiniipr'n Outing. Realization of tinticipttcd : joys of a summer's outing- the mountains or at the ocean resorts of the otxst , character ize your journey thither via , Pcnnsyl vaiiia linos. Dii oc' . rouui from ChlcjRO , where counoeUnt ; Unes from the west und northwest enable pasiengen > to titko fast and luxurious trains ot or this stand ard railway of America. Address Georuo Jonkinr , traveling paasonyer njrent , Duhuque , In. lUillilltii ; IVrmui. The fol ovvinoermlt * ' \oro usuel bv the superintcnilentof buildings ye turdar A. t" . Itnyn er. one -tud ono-ha'f ' torv franio dwolllny , $ .1 ! south Tulrty- clnlli ivunun . . . i 3,900 llrnno Tji-liu > k. one and onc-lm'f ' stcry frnnie ndilltlon toilwellln ; , ll'J.-outh Tuouiy-iiftli nlrc'el . . . I , " U fclx in'nor poniilla 1'JJ ' 'lotal i C.4W Late to bed and earlv to nso will sbo'ten the road to VOJT homo in the skies " But early to tied and a "Littlo Early Jtise' , " the Phi ibal injito > life longer and better and vv i er. Checked the frightful inroads of bcroftUu mid oil blood-taint * . Dr IVrco's Gold- eu Medical Dis covery purifies and enriches tbe blood , cletin M tLo system of all s , ( vnd rctores health nnd rtrength It cures nil discuaii armsg from impure l.IouL Consumption is cno of them. H' fciuiply luns-crof ula. In all its uurlicr fctage * , tbo " Discov cry " efTorts o cure. It's easy to son M by. The mediono that moitcrs scrofula in ono jmrt , U tbo Ut rrtnedy for it in an other. It u the licst. It'n warranted. It's the only blood and luus roiio ly that's ( /KUJ- aiiffnl ID benefit or mri" , or tfio money will be ri'fut.JcJ , > 'o otUrr inddJdue of its clisi * doc * it. How niauy would bo left if they did I IU'i U'i the thrajirst blood - punfler , sold through drussiit * . ( nn nutter bow many done * ore offered for A dollar , ) lvauje > ou wily ju\ for thfnooil you sef. Thitt'i tbs Una of lutxlidne to try Your nioiitT u rvtunitxl if u down't dt or cam you Cu j ou Hji mur * I Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it ia pleasant and refreshing to the taste , and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced - > duced , pleasing to the taste anu ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its man vescellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by 2ll leading druggists. Any relial'le druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by tha CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP GO , , SAN FB AN CISCO , CAL. : . KY. NEW YORK. N. Y. Salve forBurns 1 _ Take a rjunrtcr of a pcttntl c.irh of bocs- wax , IJurpwiul } pitch , \\lutc pine pitch ciulrcsin. half a pound of mutton tallow , a gill of goo e 01 | ( ijaif a j.n , o { tar ; mix and melt together and use as other salves. DUx IJET'1 > . & UET1V iHustratedncw book of 120 paces , which they send to any one for 1 cents in stamps , si w th's ' anl ( hundreds of other \aluable recipe" , as v\ell as information on ho\v to get well and stay \ \ ell. But those w ho are afflicted \ \ ith Nervous , Chronic or Private Diseases , Which neither themselves nor their family physician can cure , should at ono consult those eminent and successful specialists , A A Drs. BEITS & BETTS Who have treated and cutud more cases of CAURRH , SYPHILIS , PILKS. GONORRHCEA STRICTURR , GLEET , HYDROCK1.I ; LOST VARICOCELK , MANHOOD , And all similar afflictions of n private or delii'.ue t.-iture , titan any other firm of specialists in the United States , Kast or West CONSULTATION FREE Call on or address , with stamp , 119 South I Jth St. N. II Corner 14th mid Duo la ? StA I.'IU'-C S EiT 3 NEItVi AMI IJIl\tN YUS\r MKriTt > i > 3iJJfor ilr > t rn , DUURIII , Kid , > ij. rmUU , ila J tola , Ndrruut frotirvuoa CAaial bal icuul oriole : . ) Uikefulnoii. MunUt Djp.-aiilaa. softenltu ot tna JJr ia , etiilnic lu mir roller/ decir. wb ProoiituroOU A:3. OirrH3n ii , l < iu cll'ower la eltlitsr dt. lmoUo = 7 , I acorraoai auJ MlKemtla U'uitnjiioi , laroluntirlattei doir- < n&urrtio Vcau > l br orer-exerltan of lha tirila buiaDTer-loJulzenc . A nunfi i trettcaaat II , C for Ji , bf mi'.LVe Guirjnm lt boici li care. Kaclioracr far : boot , wuiili TII > at writ trn sa r nle to rf Jal It not carjj. Goarantaa Tuedonlr tir A. Achroter. I > ruu1ft , tola sacu S it cor ictb an ! Karnnm > li , Ornalin Neb U. Kaoare of ImlUtiuQi. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS Purely Vegetable and Strictly Reliable. The\ act DIRCCTLYund PROMPTLY on the L.iver and Stomach , tcatonnsrthe constipated o'unno to healthy activity , and are a POSITIVE and PERFECTLY SAKE CURE for CONSTIPATION , LIVER COMPL.AINT , bICK HEAD ACHE , BILTOUsNESa , nnd all other dibea e nribing from a disordered con dition of the Lu-or and Stomach. They nre the Only Kellbfo VcKBtable Llrcr Pill bold. They are Perfe tly M tnUei , They n Purrl > Vejetable ; Try Tlicm , OIL Schenrk'i Itook on Con.uinptlun I.trcr Complaint and Djipcpi a rent I rev , U } 11. tCHUMK i SO.N. Ihiladrlphla PINE SPECTRCLES a EIJB Glasses , or tie correction of all defecti of rlsloo Solid Cold Spectacles wtrJ Fine Steel Spectacles Irorn ll.U ) nprarj Proto-tani loip-oveyour eye ijnt. Your oyiiuutji tin ba Optician. MAX MEYER & BRO. CO KAIINAU md Hth. s\ Chicago Hatter , lit State Street , Cbrlaco. March ,151. The Athlophoros CO. Oentlemcn Ath-l rho-ros has entirely cored me of a Chronic c.i e of Ins&mmrtorr llbenra- tlim Ih TC al'O rccommeDtl d It to pcr onal friends , where K > bottles bare bton told Get up letter M itrong ax jou plti e mail It to me and 1 wlllflcnlt I w ! i lied for four wc kf until friend Infilled on mr trjlnc Atb lo-pbo ro la thri'cd y I was up and ! i ate daj at the store. JNO I ) \Tnj , ( Hatter The Atblophoros Companr , pnrsulnc tti Inia rlable method of ncrer "doctorlne or TetlstDR' testimonials , docs not nrall Ittelf of tbe incuc-t- Ion made bj Mr Gates ' Get up a letter a itrong at you i > lea c , mall It to me and I will slcn It" but tlinplr prints vhat bo wrote as ho wrote H , ac companied bj tbo builneis card , of which tbe above Is a reproduction. Ills brief and rncged phraMnc ought to be KOO ! enoucb forolbcrinh tuner frota rhcumallj'n In tin ; of 11 toras. is sold ' all Ath-lo-pho-ros D } Druggists. $ i per bottle ; six for $5 Send Postoffice address and receive a beautiful picture free post-paid. THEATHLOPHOROS CO , NEW HAVEN , CONN' CRIPPLE CREEK I handle the CRIPPLE CRCEK MINING STOCKS , nnd can nil tele- praphic orders on short notice. My list comprises tho. following Cripple Creek stocks. Anaconda , Bull Mountain. Cold Kiner , Beuna Vista. Blue Bell , Work , Alamo , , & Washington. And all other rollab e stocks , of these mlnei. as well as many stocksot the Leadvllle , As pen and Creed mines Manv of the t'r p e Creek stosks have rnoro th n doubled within three months. TboAna- cond i stock bold lour mouths azo al lu cents , ani sclis no.v for over Zl per share. Other new mines arcon ° nins every fowdays with Just as o'ood prospnot- . . A ccntii m m of Council Huiffi Ixiu ht some nf thU stock al l" cents , the latter nart of March and h ssln e refused ! 1 for it In- vestn.cnts made at low rate All correspon dence promptly answered J. S. GIBSON , 10 I'ikes Peau Avenue , Colorado Spring. - - Colorado BEJUJTIFUL BEAUTIFY AND DEVELOP THE FORM. MME. ADA P. EVANS , of Chicago Is now stopping at the Hotel ItruusvTirk , Koom li. parlor floor. In this cily One f.iclil treatment free to introduce her vronderful "TOMI'LtXION ULEACII" unions Ihe ladle P mplea. moles , frerkle * . super fluous lair ntuovod by a palulc remedy , warranitcl uollo Injure the mem delicate face. Alx > dm elena the forui and conv erts the puny llmbi and Imt Into well rounded and lieallhy ones. Hours , 9 a inlo5p.m CURE AN ACHING BACK There Is DO known rctncd ) thatWOOD'S WOOD'S PENETRATING mU" ! Improvement on or. PI flCTFC ? * l ry porous plas- r UHO I ur\Jt n it is n revolution in plaktcisVoll' is the on ! ) plaster hiving povtrr to thlale the pores and penetrate to the seat of pain. SOLD rv PCUCCISTS V Depot , PURE RYE. In diseases such u Consumption , Heart Fail ure , 1.3 Grlpi-e and Its cfter eflecU , wbero itlmu iauu ore Indicated as inodldnal agents , the t-eit reiulu are obtainable l > j uiitig " Cream Pure Ilje. " This Htilike ; has no equal In porttr or mellowneij atid.bceniue It U dlstlUed from n < " , ( tbo raott BQ- trtilous of all Entlni ) , and douhlj matured , Is erj wholesome as a bnvenee. For all purx < ses It Is far sur-erlortoccrn wbUVIfai ( known as tour- txmi ) . For Kilo at ell nrst-clau drinking place * end < ! rus storpj. C ll for "Cream I > urt Ryir und Vii.ii no other. Tountar know tt lir Itj delldoni flavor and the proprti tnrj l enl ID nhtch It U j ; fJALLEMlND & CO. , CONTINUE W- That remarkable sale of men's fine all wool suits , worth t\Vfl\v- fifty , thirteen , fourteen , fifteen and even sixteen dollars , at seven-liilv a suit , will be continued till next Wednesday night. A recent purtha- by our representative in New York of about seven hundred additional suits , fully as good , if not a trifle better than those on sale before , \\ill be thrown on the front tables today , and still your choice goes SEVEN-FIFTY A SUIT SEVEN-FIFTY A SUIT SEVEN-FIFTY A SUIT SEVEN-FIFTY A SUIT Remember : They're in Sacks and Frocks. They're in all wool and silk and wool cassimeres all wool cheviots all wool homespuns- all wool flannels. They're in dark , light and medium colors. They're in plaids , checks , pinheads and plain patterns. They're in any size from 34 to 42 , Remember : That included in this remarkable sale are several hundred G. A. R. suits , made of the very best all wool indigo blue flannel , colors guaranteed absolutely fast , coat cut either single or double breasted , at seven-fifty a suit and the G. A. R. buttons go free. Remember : If you don't "catch on" to one of these suits you'll be as badly left as some people were when Noah started his excursion. PROPOSALS FOR PAVING. Sealed proposils will be receded b7 the undursicncd until I Kto clock p in JuneJrd , isuiforthu following kinds of palng mute- rial. Mr sheet nspli ilium MOUX Palls or otner cranlto hite Colorado ' and'.tone. I'.pd Colorado sandstone. \\oodrutf. Kas. . slonu \ itritieJ oreqinlly cond brick. And brick btocLs. all .iccordin ; Ui specifica tions. Tor pavlnr parts of the following troot and ullrjs in the city of Omiha , comprised In street ltiiiro\cnient ] districts Sos liJ , 401 nnd 4(2 ( , ordered Imjiroved by Ordln incca No IWGt and tM , and uiuro partlLUl.inv described as foiloni , \ iz No 4ll.imllton street from the west line of 4utli street to tli e ist 1 ne of tlio \ 1 iduct of tbo Kelt Line r.ulw iv Na JGI 1 he alley In block 2. > . citv and > o 4U' ( 'Ihe alky in uloi.1. U' , Kouutzc A. i Rutb'e it < lUitlun I-ach bid to specify a price per eqinre yiird for the parm : ; complete on the alrtet and alleys. \\ork to > > e done In accordance with plans and specifications on fi.e In the office of tne board of public works Kach proposal to be made on printed blanks furnished bv the board , nnd to be ncc-oui- paulod by a < ortlfieU < heck In the sum of tvj'j. piyablu to the city of Omaha , as un evidence of coed faith The board reserves the right to awird the contrnct on all the said districts together oren on each district separately , for the different kinds of material , bubject to tbe selection of the inatcrlil by the property owners , or maj or and city council , to reject any or all bids , and to waive defects. P.V HIKKHACsER , Chairman Bojrd of Public Works. Omaha , Neb . May lath , lUii lalj-U-JV-t PROPOSALS FOR CURBING Sealed propo uls will bo received bv the un dersigned until I'JU oMock p m. , JuneJrd , forcurblns with white Coorido s&na- s'onc , red Colorado stndstorie and HeriM sandstone , according to pociticHtlon < , II null' ton st-eel from the west line of 4 th street to thee'ist line of the Mnduet of the Bolt Line railway , cumprHed In street irnpro\ein"nt dis trict No lii in the city of Omaha. Kach bid to [ ecify .1 prlc e per lineal foot for the curbing < ompleie on tbe street In E aid Im provement district. \\ort , to l > e done In accordance with plans and-iHcllcatluns on Qle In tno office of the bo ird of public worU , 1 rti | > ial < ! to be mude on printed blanks fur- nNl.fd liy the board , and these ncoompinled with a rnrtitiedcheck In the sui i of $ > 0 , p.iya- b'e to the city of Omaha , as an utldenci of good faith. The board reserves the rlzht to reject any or all Lldb. and la Wdl\o defects I1.V. . IllKKHAUSCK , Chairman llourd of 1'ubllcorks Omaha , May iMh , ISM mli lUSi 'JG ORDINANCE NO. GO.V1. An ordinance cliaiislnj the curb lines on I'arLer street from 14th to 33rrt streets. In lliooity of Omsha. and repealing so much of ; ill ordinances i'j contllct hcruwlth De ItonlHlned tiy the city council of the city of nn-ilja fccct < * I That the curb Hues of Parker strert .rorn "Hh to ird striets. In the city of Unuht are liorohy changed to a uniform dU- tanro of 15 feet on each side of the center line of said street. section . ' That so much of all ordinances In conflict ulth the provisions of thU ordin ance ! c and the tame are hereby repe.ilel -onion 3. This ordinance shall lake effect and l > oln forte from nnd after Us passage. Parted MayJrJ , Mi. JOH.cnuvns. . Oltv Cleric. K P. DAVIS. President Lit } Council Approved May Jth iv/J. GEOKOE P IlEMIA M ivor PROP 6SALS FOR PAVlNcI Sealed proposals will bu rccolted by the un dersigned until I.JO o'clock p m , . June M. JS"Ji for red Colorado sandstone , classU , ac cording tOiuecllicatluQS l'.r paring tlie alley In block 3 , Hanscom place in the city ot Omana , compr ed in otret-t Improvement district No 415 , ordered luiprorea by orclin ince No W5- hach bid to specify a price per square yard for the pat ; ug corap ute In the alley \Vork to bo Oou in accxirdanoe with plans and ipeclilcatlons on Ule In the ofike of the loardof publlu works. Kach proposal to be mane on printed blanks furnished * bv the board and to b .u'c-oinpamed by a certified chuck In the sum of C' 0 , paya ble to the city of Omaha , asan utldence of peed faitli. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to wal u defect * . J' W IllUKHAUsEK. Chairman Iloirdof Public Works Omaha. Neb. , May Jsth Isct May 15132586 NEBRASKA National Bank. U S DEPGsiTO f OMAHA. H 3 rnjtllal $100,003 . . . , Ou'3 , 0)0 On trianiDlrot3ri llearr W V t i priUn\ ft CCoiblnj Tloopratl-loat C.A iltail = jY V Vluut ) , Juba i. L-clllai , J M IL I'itrlck. L , ) ll i Utod. Coiliior THE IRON BANK. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. The eminent uptc-lsUM In nervtu rhronir prlvi'e bl o' , pkln and nnnnry illieinc A re ul r na reffl tered mdnn'o in meilcine n dlpi man nnd ctri fli tt-s h tw n titl feaitn * * w th pc ite t ici < * * i mtarrh , Bi miHt'Jirhof * . lust mnnhooJ. nemlnal Makna4 * nuht losx : * inip tun'y % p ! ) * > * * n uv i ; n orrhoea elect T rtco < * lc etc o morrt.rr u ei. Net ; trthtmttnt fur lo of itui | > < r 1'anios uiMb c to viiltniemui l > o .rjH'el at liume tir corrc'iiondenc" . Mc iHa * or tu trumpnts rent U' mail t c-sprp i o curely paclteJ. nr ma-titotaJI atu coitents or sender. Dnfi ucnonul iiifrrluw prilorn-l C n u a. m free i orre'ponJcnco itrlctlr private Huuk ( Alj to-i i of LJIe ) leul live O"4co tijurua in to J p m. njilUi in tutu send .ampfur ivy. ; . PERMANENT SIDEWALK LUTIOX. Council Chnmbor Omulm. Null , Mav 3rd. 1 0' He U re = oive < i by the rlty council of the city of Oniah i. tne rnuvor < onctirniu- Th it perm uietil siilnwalKsbeconstructed In the city of Omabi at designated bo low , vtith- In Utn daj s after the puoilc itiori of tills reso- lullon , orlhe personal vervl'-o thereof , as by ordinance K authurlzed and rcqulroil , fciich sldew-iiks to be laid lo llio per- in inenl tjracl" as ealablUhod on Ihu paved streets "speclfic-d heroin and to be "onstrucU-d of stone , stone , brick or tltlnz ac cording U > tpocltlc'at ons on IIlo In the office of llic boird of piiiillo vvork and under ltsu - pervlslon. to-Hit \ \ est side of lath st. nil of block 15 S K Ko - crs addltioa , permaiiant cradf , Ofl vride West side of 10th ( .t , lots 1-2-J-i-T block 1 KOUMUO'S 4th addition , perinauent gradu , Ofl wide. Kast sldoof 10th st tax lot 7 sec 2T-1V13 , per- in inenl 2 rude. C f I nrldfi. Easl sldeof Tlh si or Park Wild nvo. hit 40 Kounlzo's A dd , pcrinanenl cr.ide , " > ft wlda East sldeof Tth st or i'arkV lid me. lots Jl- JTKounlzebA add , permanent cradc. 5 ft wldn. \ \ esl side of 7th si or Park Wi d av e. lolTS - u"J Kounlze'b A add. permanent rradc , ! > ft wide Weil side of 2Jth 1 bloc'k203' , cily. pcr- tnanenl ciade , Gfl Wjdi' l.jst aide of JJtli st. lol 4 block 334' city , per- in inent Rrauc. G fl wide. West le ! of Jtli at , lots I mil 6 block 19l'l ' city , pt'rrn men' grade. C ft wlda North side of I'liic > io st , loti .VC-7- : block 4 city , purin inent r.idr , G ftvtldu. South side of I'lik-a.-u si. lols 1-2-3-4 liiQCK 3 City , purniincul crudu. Gfl uide. North sldoof Davenport sU lols 7-5 block J3 citv. pcrniuncnt cr.i'le. C ft wide U ot sldo of . * 0th at. lol I block Ini'i clly.per- innnuntrade Gfl Hide I.tsl ildo of JUlh st. lol 5 lno * k 10.V i ol t J , pcr innneiit'raae , G f t n Ide. North side of i'&rn-vm st , loir , UMI blojk 4 , Summit I'ldcc. permanent --r.iOi' . 6 ft tt.rtr. North side of Tarn , m st , lol > 14 to ] 9 Inu u- s've block 12. West End , pernmnent grade. G fl North side of 1'arnam st , loU I4-15-1G block 13 eil End. permanenl gr tde , G f l wide North side of 1'arnani st , lols 10-11 bloc' 10 West End , permanent grade , G ft wlilu. Norlli > ldu of r-trnam st , lots 12-U-ll bio 'k G Alnuio Plazi. permanent gnde , Gft wide North side of Chicago at , ioU C-7-3 blocx 45 city permanenl grade , G ft wide aoulbfclduof Ciilcago st , Iol § 1-2-3-4 block Uclly. permanent grade , 0 fl wldu. North side of Chicago st , lot B block 44 city , permanent grade , G ft wide. south hide of Chicago sUoU 2-1 block SI city pcrininonl grade , G fl wide. North sldeof Ua > enport U Jotn 1-2-J-t block 7" irity permanenl grade n feet wide \ \ n t side of'Jtli si , lol i bock all city , por- munerit grade Gftwldo hast bide of Jitli it , lol 3 block 343cily , per manent grade. G fl wide -until tide of Capitol rive , lot123 block sJ city , perm aunt grade. Gfl wide -oulh siJu of Capllol me. lots 2-3blocket city , purmjtienl grade , b ft wide ? ouib < iideof Davenport st. lots l-V-3 block 's city , permaripiil grade A ft wide. .North side of lots ' Uavenporl Kt G-7-S , b'ock 511 It ) , permanent grade , 0 ft wlilu West Hide of lath H. lol e block 21 city , per manent grade G ft wide. East iliieof l-th st lots 4-5 block ( I city , pur- mi nl grade , G ft wide. U est fcldt * of 1'tli 6t , lots I-B block 7 = clty.per- meuenl grade. < i f I wide. West bide of 17th bt , wiutli 75 f l of lol 6 block U city , permanent gride. G ft wluu. suutb bldn of Davenport t , lots 3-4 block 7 ! ) city , permanent grade. G ft wide .south tillu of Davenport bt , lot 2 block & 0city permanent grade , G ft wide. Enet side of luili si. lot block 4i city , jier- manunt grude. G ft wide. West bide of luili su lot 1 block 11 city , per- inunenl grade , 6 f l wide. West side of 19th it , lot 3 block 313 cliy. per manent rrade eft wide. North bide of I'urnam kt , lots 12-13-14 block G Alan.o Plaza , permanent grade. G ft wide North kldeot i'arnam st , lots 14-15-IG-17 block & Alamo I'luza. permanent praUe , Gft wide. Nortli bide of rarnani et. Ion llll. . ) block I Alamo i'lura. permanent grade , G ft wide. Norlli bide of Farnani U lots It to 17 Inc-lu- site block U Jerome Park , permanent grade , G ft wide. Nortli side of Farnam st. lots 1-2-1-7 block B Jerome Park , permanent grade. 6 ft wldu. North hide of I'arnam H , loll 1 to 7 inclusive bin. k 7 Jerome Park , permanent grade , G ft wide. lots K to 19 Inclu- kiie biouk 1Wcit Ku'J , ptrmaueut grade , C ft wide. North ide of Farnarn it , lou U-IS-1B block 13 Wrt Knd , purniaiibnt grade , C f I wldu. North .cle of Farnarn it. lols 10-11 block 16 Wt t Foil , permanent grade , G f l wld Ejsttlde of J/tb UTC , lot li 1G-17-19 block 1 Ilausccini Place , permanent grade , 0 f l wide. Men of nth st , couth : I7 ftJot'JlJ I Hedlck'n add , permanent trad * , S fl wide. West siilo of 2Tth ct north 2J1 fl Lit 10 J l Itoduk s tdd porin meat urajc i > flule Fti-tsidi of 14th st lots 4-j bo-k tilt ty permanent zradt. d ft wide Nurtli fide of I arn mi st , lots 111 1 til i u i -tunmil 1'laco \ > < rmsinrnl c-ratio , G ft vide l.a t lde of4ili si. lol 1 b ock lUotKr v i nail , peri i Hit M cr ide , t ft wile. Uesllde of4III st. lot 11 block 1-h iu * add perm ineut urido , c ft wide East sidi of 2ltli st. lot- , 2-M-o-G-1 ! block s 12 V -inlth'e idd i > ernian"tit cride. ft wide Kast slrto of 24th st. lot 111 Idlonlld. po-ma- nenl sradfi. s fl wide Wet sldoof 4lh st. tax lot 31 sicO-15-iJ.per- in inent erade. b f I wide Ea t side of 24lh sU lols .VC-T-I block IUI4 citv , iKirmanenl srade. e f l H Ide Enst side of ? 4tli sUloli 2-J-4-3 b o kls7li cily permanent urade , e f I wide East sldeof 21th st , lull 7-s-O-IO block 187 i cllr , pcriuunent ci adn " ft VTlde. I'isisldeof 2lthst lol > 1 Io5 Inclusivebloi < Ic I lioi bach's Jnl add , pcrminenl grade. 8 ft wide , \\t-st side of C4th tit , lots 7 to 12 trie < IH a b ock 1rtu > trinK's 1st add , purniam-nt erail' , S feet wide. \\islsidcof2llh st , lots llhlock -li.nnd add perin inrnt 'r.icle. ft trlilc. \\est side of 21th st. lots 2-11-1 ! bo ! K 0 Shlnii's add , permanent srade. b feet wida -until side of Davenparl si , auj iinm ; II'h srhool croun I between 'JthnJ -r.nd ts , p < r- tiiMnoiil crude , b feet uldo. Eistsldc of 22nd t , adjoining HUli ho l Srouml bfHiic 11 DoJcu and Oavenpjrt als , permanent xrtdc a ft lile. EJSI slil < of .full st. lots b ocIc IQi'i city p-r- niunent cr ide , < f I u lau Wcsl sldeofJth si. lot 4 block 1ST , , cily , per m-men t Kradf- fl wide. \ \ LSI side of - ' til ( .t , lol 1 block 'Mi , cil ) per- mnnenl crade G ft wide. East blile of JOlh st , lot 4 block KW'4 city oer- in ment cradu ( j ft v/ldu \ \ > > stsldoiif 2 < th st. lots t-s blo.-k iJf , , city , permanent craclu. G f t H I le. Xortli side \\oolworlh .ive , lots 9-1) UIu 'c ' Olliins om I'lac' permanent r tJu b ft wide .Norlli side ofo ilHorth avo. lols 12-14 blfitrk 9 ilaiiscoin ria < 'ti. perniauenl crAdu 0 fl wldu East sldoof 2Uh st , lolaUllasoall ! sub , - raile. G fl wide. And , bo It furlberresolvo'l : TliHl the board of publlo norks be. and I * hereby authorlteJ und directed to cause. ; i copy of this ro oiutloti to be published in thu ofllctal paper of it.o c.ty for ona wiujk , or 1m served on the O"n < mot nail 1'iU audlliat nn- le > > such owner sli.ill uilhln ii > e ( li ; } iifler llio publlctllon or torvlce nf hiirh ropy i-on- struel said > ldcwrnik8 K Herein reijulrt'd , Unit the bo ird of public works caLMj the same to be done , tlio cost of coiiklrurtlii ! ; such nldo- walksi ronpoctlvelv to bo nhsooed ftrnlnst iba real estate , lol or pun of lol In from of anil ubutllnssuch s'dtjwnlki 1'as ed , May Jrd. IWiE. E. 1' . DAVIS. I'rfsulunt of llio C ounclL Alicst : JOU.N t.KO\ - t ity i Icric Approved : OEO I' . I1EMI. . Mayor NOTICE TO CON = TKUtT ! illtAI.Kn. . To the owni'M of the lots , pirn "f lots md real ( islalo described in the ubjvo rooiu- tlon : Von nnd cac-h of vou lire hercliy noUfle'l to construct permanent bldcuulkb ai. rcju < rwl by a resolution of the illy council ana maynrof the cily of Omaha , of which Hit uhote Is u copy P W nillKIIAlSEU Cualrman HuarJ of Public \\orna Omaha. M-b . May Istli. lf ; Dr , Balle/ / , $ ! The Leading Dentist ' Third F ojf , Pixton BlO3 c. Iclcplione lOSi. 10th and I'urnam SU. A full et of tcetn on rubber fur IX I'erfcct fit TeteU wltlioot ] > Ut > or reiuuTcatilo brlilku jrk , Juit tlio tblui for loecr ol putillc iponkcr uovir drupduon TEETH EXTRACTED WlTriOLir All Clllng * trrA ODab < o r tei , li work mrraulel c uthliuut for K K ulde. PER CENT INTEREST PAIDONDEP05IT5 ATOMAHA10AN&TRU5T01 SAVJK&5 BAHK EELCDR IG 5DOIJDLA55T5. : CAPITAL : 100,000.00 DWtCTORSIAUJAYWAH-C.W.KAEH IKMiaARO CUY-CBAHTON-C B.LAKC. JvlBFtO'iVN-l.HOS-L.KIMBALL.