Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    A DAILY HI2KYHUNKSDAY : , IUAY 18. 1802 ,
the * appronch , n ihort dlstnncn ( rom the
bridea. Fifty mon were nut at work Ust
voninR repuirlng the dnmngo by nuttinfr In
clndor * . butnt 11 o'clock UWM Impossible
to toll whether or not the worn would bare
boon completed no that trains could bo sent
out thli morning. It will probably not , how
ever , ei the approach Is of equal strength In
nil ! U parti , and when one part gives away
the rest wilt be likely to follow.
MIT ; ix cui.i.isiox.
Stock Inlnnil nml Union I'arltlc Trnlni
Wicrkntl itt .South Onmlm.
At 4:30 : yesterday afternoon there occurred
n disastrous wreck cast of Swift's picking
house and about 1 block south of the Q street
Viaduct , The wreck occurred nt the switch
of the Hock If land compiny and was caused
by a llock Island p-usonpor trnln and the
Union Paeltlo fa t mall , twth east bound ,
coming together with a terrible crash. Luck
ily no ono"was Injured , the crows Jumplnjr
and the four or llvo pasiotigors on the Hock
Iiland train cucaplng with a general shak
ing up.
The cause of the trains coming together It
not easily explained. Whore the collision oc
curred a switch connects tbo Hock Island
track * with the main line of the Union Pa
cific , over which tbo former company runs
ltd trains Into Omaha. Iloth trains wcro
late , ana nnlthor crow expected n train on
tbo other road.
The Union Pactilo has n flagman located nt
the switch nnd when ho behold both trams
coming bo attempted to Hag the mall train ,
but It was too late , and on they sped , coming
together with n crash which was heard for
Bovoral blocks away.
The fast mall was running nt n rapid rate
of speed , nnd the onglno struck the Hock
Island locomotive with a terrible force , rais
ing the latter from the trucks and Rending It
over on Its loft side , n complete wreck. The
Union Paclllc engine was badly damaged ,
the cowcatcher and headlight being knookod
off , and the four front wheels loft the track.
The baggage car of the Hock Island tr.iln
KUiTorcd considerable damngo , the front
wheels and trucks being loosened , and the
car stood toppled over to ono side.
The front mall car of the Union Pacific
train was also xlightly damaged.
Tbo fast mail was drawn by Union Pacific
engine 8.11 , with Engineer Ryors In the cab
hnd Conductor Kcuno In charge. The train
consisted of ono baggage and thrco mull cars.
When Knglnoer'IJ.yorR saw his train sig
nalled by tbo llagmaii ho reversed his onglno
and applied the brakes , but it was too Into
nnd both ho and his ilroraan Jumped before
the collision occurred and escaped unhurt. .
A few minutes aftnr the collision occurred
n switch onglno arrived and took the throe
' mail cars not damaged on to Umaha , causing
but a slight delay.
The Hock Island train consisted of n oag-
page car , ono chair car and tbreo sleepers ,
drawn by onglno No. 452 , with Engineer Me-
Btoon In tnocab oral Conductor Mornn In
. charge. The engineer nnd llreman Jumped
nnd escaped unhurt. This train was running
, us n special , the regular train having boon
nbnnioncd , nnd was to have loft Council
Bluffs for Chicago us No. (1. (
nanmi.T MI Miutli Onuili.1.
The heavy rains of Monday nlt'ht and
yoHertlav did a great deal of dnmngo In
South Omaha. The wator-soaltod embank
ment In the rear of the Gcrruanla hall build
ing cared In and the weight proved too
much for the east wall of that structure ,
which gave way.
At hojo house No. 1 , Twenty-fourth and M
streets , a blgti embankment caved in on tbo
north side of that building , which is a frame
one , and tno building came near collapsing
by reason of the great woicbt against the
wall. The wall gave way In ono place and
the whole building looked us if it had passed
through a Kansas cyclone.
bovornl cellars wcro badly lloodod , the
wor , t being the basement under WonJoman's
nnloon nnd Walker ft Vincent's grocery
store nt Twenty-tlftli and M streets. Tbo
basement of the Drovers Journal was covered
with about two feet of wuler , and as their
pressroom Is located there thov oxporlcncod
n consldernulo delay in the issuance of their
paper. A number of other cellais had water
in them , but no great amount of damage was
ltffNTI\11 H'JlL3l.lX'i JIlVKIHMKItS.
ICocont DlHcuvorli'H .Miiy I.DIK ! to Tliolr
K.uly Ctipturo.
DOUOIASVyo. . , Mav 17. ( Special Tele-
Cram to Tin : Be ; : . | From a gentleman who
arrived from Buffalo today , who U In busi
ness there nnd who refuses to allow his
name to bo used , comes very Important In
formation with Diforonci ) to the recent \Vull-
inan murder. Wbun tihoriff Anptu returned
with tbo body of George Wcllcnn ,
bo reported that ho could Hnd no
ovldenco ot un ambush. The ground was
moist from recent rains and would show the
footprint of man or boast plainly and he said
that a most thorough search failed to show
nny other signs than those of the animals
rode by Wellman and Hathaway.
This is the only statement over wired from
Buffalo , und in consequence the popular bo-
liuf has been that Huth.iwuy coinmiUtid the
murder and that the crime should not bo
charged to the rustlers.
The facts nio that Wollmnn was shot from
ambush by two men concealed in a sni'ill
Bulch or wimhout about 100 foot from the
rood. Ono of Ancus' deputies named Smith
left Buffalo with the posse at the same
tlmo Angus started. Ho returned after an
absence of two davs and the story o ! himself
and mon loaves no room for doubt us tn the
manner in which Wellman mot lib death.
They found the tracks of three horses
loudlng uu the gulch and when
witbln half a mile of the scene of
tbo tragedy the riders bad dismounted ,
leaving ono man to care for the hor3S. The
other two had walked up to within 100 feet
of the road and there lolsurclv awaited the
arrival of their victim , smoking cigarettes
meanwhile to while away me lima as
uvldancod by the half burned stubs found
When Wellman passed the assassins shot
him , und before returning to vvlmro ttioir
liorsca wore , ono of tbo murderers walked
over to where Wellmun lay und appropriated
the pistol which the dead iiuin carried.
Hathaway seems to have hud very little fear
of assassination , for ho Rtoppoa the horses
within 300 yards of the scone of the shooting.
The clearly duilncd foot prints ot horses nnd
men in soft ground told this storv as plainly
nt do the tvpo , nnd with no possibility o'f
mlstaka. An empty cartridge for
u 40-calibro Winchester was found
uhcro thu assassins awaited their victim
and tboy could easily have shot Hathaway
while bo was chunglni ; animaU had they
wished. The doouty und posse sot out on
the plain trail of thu murderers und followed
U about twunty mllns Into the huad of Mno
Jvlllo creek , but lost it In the rocks. Tnls m-
fotmillion Is thoroughly reliable.
Dr. Uirnoy's Catarrh Powder lor tonsllotls.
) ' 'or sale by nil druggista , 50 cuuts.
JHLIMff J.V/ > llll.U.Y
Tliey Indulge In 11Viir ol Won In O\ur Irlitli
A flu 11 M.
Dtmi.iN , May 17.A mooting of the Free
man's Journal Kluirolioluoi-s has noon held to
u mm go the diractor.ila. Tbo announcement
that Archbishop Wulsh had sent proxies for
8,1)00 voles culled forth a vigorous protest
IrotnJoha Dillon. Ho bad never heard of
anytblug iiioro inulbcicot or ( lint was butter
calculated to do injury to the nutionul I-UIHO
than this action ot Archbishop U'aUhi \
was a dallbor.uo throat to coutco bhuionola-
ori. Helm i moan * of knowing thai there
were dangers ubcud to meet , nnd that the
Introduction of thu prlejtlv element would
bo a serious blow , Mr. Dillon t.ulil ho spoke
with thu full authority of tbo McUarthylto
romiulitpo und party nnd bo challenged the
legality of the proxies.
Mr. Healy oppoiod Mr. Dillon's motion to
mtjourn fora fortnight. Ho admitted tuialt
was wrong to wnsti dirty linen In public ,
but ho said Mr. Dillon bud ultuukod him pub
Mr. Dillon challenged Mr. Healy to hold u
mooting to sco If the McCarthy committee
liud lost the coulidonro of the party ,
Mr , Healy roiorieu Unit hu did not sot
himself up at a leader a Mr. Dillon did , The
latter accused Mr. Healy of desiring to loud
without assuming responsibility.
ICtiKklu Tijliii ; lo f.ronoial/.u.
ST. PcTeiignuna , My 17. Owing to the
boavy outluy that has boon neoessltalod In
coniequenco of the failure of crop * , the cov-
oruuient has ordered that rolrenchmont bo
intde In ell govornmcnt departments. The
orders for the projected extensive army
inuncuvora nrar this city und In woitoru
Hussla have been countermanded and this
wi'l save lSWmy roubloj.
Toledo Given a Taste of Whit Minneapolis
Can Do When She Trios.
lluckryrs Tlt1it iitiK Thrlr ( Jrlp on the Top
IloniHl-.Mtlwniikcn ( letting Kven on
the Cowlioyn IndliumpollsStill
Ton laini to Pluj" .
Minneapolis , 3 ; Toledo , 3.
Columbus , 5 ; SU Paul , 4.
Milwaukee , f > ; Kansas Olty , 4.
Indlanupolls-OmahA postponed.
TOLEDO , O. , May 17. Minneapolis Rnd
Toledo played an cloven Inning gatno today
which was full of Interest from the begin
ning. The brilliant double plays or the Min
neapolis timm at the opportune tlmo wait all
that saved the game for the visitors. At
tendance , SOO. Weather clear und warm.
Score :
None on t vrlicn winning run wu ninilo.
Toledo 0-2
Mlnnunpolls 1-3
Hiinn oirtipilToleilo , 2. liltsi I'nr-
roll. Thri'c'lm < o lills : ( irnliiiin. Sncrlltco hits :
Campion Diinbln | ilnjs : Newell. Mcliolson niul
Cnmpluii. K\j \ , Mchulson nml C m | > li > n : West nml
Dlxun : Dltmi , West nliil DUun ; Knt7 , ( irulinm
Htnlun linson. Arinuiir , Kly. llnsus on balls. I/It
1'onrs , 2i oil Kranci ! , 4 , Hit lij pitcher : Nlcluil ,
Hurley. Struck out ! Iljr I'cars , 2 ; by f'rniicp. 4.
1'aised ImllH Dlxon. Tlmo ofHtune : Two hours.
Umplru. MiQutild.
CotuinbuH Still Uncliockiul.
Cot.fMiius , O. , May 17. Columbus and St.
Paul played a stiff gatno toduy. Columbus
won In the ninth on a steal and single by
Abbey nnd Merrill. Weather perfect. At
tendance , COO. bcoro :
ij uv i NX i van.
Columbus. . 0 0 0 II 3 1 0 0 1 5
Bt. I'nul 0 U 0 1 U 2 0 1 U 4
Hunsonrnril : bt. I'nut , 4. Two tinso lilts : Waits-
ivorlli , Mitclllto. Tlirt'e-biiio lilts. Mntz. Snurlllcu
hltn : u'Homitu. Holliinil , Wmltnortli , Collins.
Diuiblu iil'iys Watsli , Mcl'lellnn unit llrt'Ckun-
rlilk'u.Vul < h , Ilit'cLi'iirlilito r.nil O'llniirku. lln.'o
nn bnlU : Utr Mnplii'iis , 3 ; iilt Wiulsnortb , 4.
Moli-n ban'H > ! ci Icllan. ; by Abbey. ' . ' .
I'liiseil lulls Hy lliiKilnlu. .1 ; by Collins , 1. I'lniif
Dim hour lunl tlfty inlnutui. Umplru :
( illSHll ) Dill It.
Mu.WAt'KKKVls. . , May 17. Errors by
Alberts and Mayor In tie ninth with timely
hitting turned into n victory what sucmcd
lilco defeat for tno nrowors.Vcathor lino.
Attonda'ico 000. Score :
All II I < A K All Ml' AC
McCnrr. s . . 4 1 4 & U Mnnnini : . 2b. A I 4 4 U
\Viinl.2i fi 3 1 2 11 rfuniliiy , If. . . 3 1 1 0 1
Tutu-hull. If 5 t u U 0 Mayor , 3b. . . . 51082
Humy. in. . . . 4 1 3 U I Cnrncy , lb. . . 4 1 15 0 U
KrclK .Hl > . . . . 3 0 1 2 0 l.jttlc , in. . . . I U 2 U U
I.nke.c 4 U 2 U 0 AllicrtH , us . .
Knrl. H 42 U U U .Ml-MallOH. c. 4 I .1 1 U
lliunbuiK rf. 4 I 1 U U \minis , rf. . . 1 0 I U 0
\\lillllT , p . 4 U U 2 U H'uKliey , p. . 4 3 0 2 t
Totals 3T DiT U "l ; Totnli ar 1U27 17 6
MllnnuLco. , . 6
Kuiisai City 0 0 U 1 0 0 3 0 0 4
Ilnni onrncilMllunukcu , I ; ICanjus City , 0. Tivo-
bnjuhlU : Tnltchcll. Karl. ' 1 hroj linatt blt < : Car-
noy. fniTltlcu lilt : Wldner. Double plaja : .Mrfiarr
anilVaril : .MaiinliiK ami Carney , lluao un bnllx :
.McCuir , K'rulk' . Snnilay , 2. Mruek out : llunry ,
l.aLu. HamlnirK. Wllil nllehca. Hy HiiKliuy , - ' .
I'lianuil balta : Hy .Vc.Mnhtm. i Tlmu of KIIIUU :
Unu bour unit lorty-llTH mliiutua. Umpire : Lor-
coran. atolcn bunu : llambiiru.
Denver or Tort \Viiyno.
CuiCAiiu , 111. , May 17. | Spoclol Telegram
to Tim BEI : . I Tbo Western icaruo ndjournod
tonight after a lircsomu session without ac
complishing its object , which was to Delect a
city tovlilcli the St. 1'aul frunchiso
is to bo yivci ] . Grand Uupids , Den
ver nnd Fort Wayne were the lead-
Incr upphcants , but ns the answers to
the conditions telegraphed to Grand Rapids
und Denver wcro not , satisfactory , tbo mut
ter win loft In the bands of President Wil
liams to adjust. If satisfactory terms can bo
mudo with Denver , that city will bo Riven
the club bucauso of its ndvantniroln HIZO ovur
Fort Wayne , which is moro accessible. If
negotiations with Denver fall through Fort
Wayne will set the prize.
Iloosltirs Still l-i Ilnril I.uelc.
INDIANVIMMS. InU. , May IT. Indianapolis
against Ununa gAinu postponed on account of
rain. Tbo Indianapolis club has hud olgnteen
Kuuirs out uf t.vQiity-sovon uustpoucd since
the season uponod.
( JlilciK : < > Kuops SullliiK Alon ; Toward the
1'ercli OocMlplcil liy Host cm.
PiTTsnuii'i , PH. , May 17. Woodcock
pitched bis llrst game today. Tbo homo
team played poorly lu the Hold and did not
bat nt Iho proper tlmo mid were defeated
Tom Burns ot tuu Chica os will pluv third
und captain tha local club. Attendance ,
J.SUO , Score :
I'lltsbur * 2 01 1000 1 0 5
chiuiii. ! ! y o o i o i s i * 7
lilts : I'lttshurs , 0 : Chluiuo , i ) . IJrrois :
I'ltl.-ibiir-- ; Chlcii0. . : t Kiirnud runs : 1'ltts-
buiv. 1 : I'hleiijjo. . ) . K.iUunuWoo'lcock ; ' and
Muck : Liu nburt and .Suhrlvur.
SjiliInrH Mint Out tlui Kniiiiiils.
Ci.ivr.i\.M ) , O. , Mav 17. The Clovclands
pluycu all around LouUvltlo today nnd won
iho game with rialculous c-aso. Young
pitched on' ) of the host games of tuu season
and thu opposing team could do nothing
with his delivery. Weather warm. Attend
ance , ; ) , ,0l ) . Score :
Clovolani ! S 0 II 0 1 0 2 0 1 0
LoilUvl.lo 0
lilts ; L'liivoland , b ; l.iniUvllli- , Kirorn ;
Cluvuliind , I : l.uulsvlllo , I , IUIIKH ! iiins ;
Uluvoland. ' - ' . Iluiturlus : VUIIMJ and O'Uon-
nur ; .lunui and Cirlin.
lliiHtonViis Ilcuil 1:1187. :
Niw : YOIIK , May 17. The Bridegrooms re-
turuod to Brooklyn today aud Ward's men
won as they plcusod. Attendance , -1,710.
Score :
llroolilyn 7
Huston 0
Illtn : llrooklyn , 1llostnn ; , 4. Krtors :
llioiiMyn , n ; lloiion , J. Karneil ruui , : Itrocil-
lynlliiuuilu ! , ; l/'r.ino tuid llovlu ; lluuluy
und IliUVn.HIM und Itoblnson ,
( il.intH Wtirn J.u < y.
NKW YOHK , May 17. Today's game at the
Polo grounds between the how York and
Baltimore i-lubs was u long drawn out farce.
Over coiiildonco and luilness did much to de
feat Iho I ! Ian U. Attendance ) 1H1S. Score :
Nuw YorU 4 o 2 0 s o o o l u
ll.iUlluoru . . . 2 1 0 4 S 0 0 0 1 10
lilts : Now York , 8 : llultlinorr , I , Krrom :
Now York. . ' ; llaltlmoru. ' . ' . K.mied runs :
Now ) ork. Uj llnlllmoru , 2. ll&ltcriu * : Muok
nail Kin.uu : Is ohols and Koily ,
> ciiiU < ii * Dim n tin ) Uuukctra.
Piui.AiLi.i'iiA : , Pa. , May 17 , Washington
dufuutcd tbu homo club today uv bard hilling.
Altondanco 1,811. Weather clear und warm.
Score :
I'hllidtiluhla , 0 C
NYiibhlnittoil 1 U I ' . ' 0 0 0 0 ' 7
lilts : 1'hll.iuolphlu , 6 ; Washington , 13' .
l.rrora ; rhll.iduliln | ) , U : Wu U.iiKton , S.
Kurncd runs : I'nlliiduliihla. I ; Wushliutou ,
S. llatturiH : K per uml ( Jro i Knull , Mllll-
Can and Mcuutic ,
KuliiHt.M. l.ouli.
ST. I.ouis , Mo. , May 17 , Haiti : no game
Games Today ,
Western league : Omaha at Indianapolis ,
St. Paul at Columbus , Kansas City at Mil
waukee , Minneapolis at Toledo. National
league : Boston at Brooklyn , Baltimore at
Now York , Washington at PhllaJolphla ,
Cleveland nt Chlo-iRO , Cincinnati nt Pitts-
burg , St. Louis fit I-oaisvillo. State Icnsuo :
Koarnny nt Ilealnco , PlntUmouth at Host-
Ings , Fremont at ( ] rand Island.
All State loagtio games scheduled for yes
terday were postponed.
Standing of the Toil tin.
. . t. P.c. w. t ,
roltimbin I ? S . "I Oniftlin 70 . . . .
Mllnnilkco II S . ; i1i St. I'nnt 10 . .til
Kiinsni Cltjr. . 19 8 . ! > > > Mlnnonpolls . . I It .M7
I ok'Jo 8 8 .Ml InttliinnpoUs. . 1 S .111
lloston IB f . 'M I.oul vllln 1312 .KO
llrooklrn . . . . 14 8 . ( Wl I'lllMiura t.l 11 .MU
Cleveland t ( u .MM
Clnclnnntl 15 II .S77 PMInilHpliln . 10 li .40)
Clilcnuo 14 II . . 'HJI llnltlmoro B 17 Ml
Now York 1 ] II Ml n. loiil li 19 . ' . ' 10
llontrlci ! .1 0 1.0U1 . 'tattimonth . . 3 4 .33.1
HnMlncs 6 4 Ml ( Irnml IslnnJ. . 2 4 .311
Fremont 2 3 .53 ! ) Lincoln t 3 .250
! ipiiu : : in NO.
Ulinrclilll Downs Snnkoil und the Talent
AR | II Thrown Down.
L.OUISVIU.E , Ky. , May 17. The track nt
Churchill Downs today was little short of a
quagmire and the weather was wretched.
Jutboforcthotlrstrnco | ; what promised to ben
llcrco storm bccran and for an hour the rain
pured In torrents and the wind blow a gale.
There were about 2,005 people at the track ,
however , and n majority of these made things
pleasant for iho bookmakers , and thosolucky
Individuals were by no.moans doleful when
the last race had been run. Tbo event of
tbo day was the Merchants handicap , and
whllo but two horses , U.tlgowan ana Horka ,
started , still the tip on Korku was so success
fully spread around that ns Rood as t to 5
was to bo had ng.tlnst Bnlgownn. Ho was
never In trouble and proved himself to bo by
long odds the most Improved colt In the west.
Klrst race , ono mile , eleven starters : Morse
(4,1 ( to I ) , won. Ituxeiil ( . * > to I ) , set'ond , Ilardco
( W to I ) , third. Time : IMUH.
s-ofoml nice , sl.x furloniM , olsht starters :
Kinilorit (4 ( to II , won , 1'owers < ? lo 3) ) , second.
I'nldrC , to 1) ) . third. Time : HIT.
Third raeo. the .Merchants haiidlcr.l ) . two
still ti-rs. cloven-sixteenths of a mile : lirtlKO-
wuiido to 10) ) , won , Korku (3 ( to 5) ) , second.
Time : I.TO. :
Fourth race , six furlongs , ton starters !
I'.irooles (11 ( to 5) ) . won. Ori : ( 'J to 1) ) . second ,
I.adv.Ionesd'J to 1) ) . third. Tlmo : IMDJI.
Klfth rape , mlle and llfty , thruo start
ers : Tlllla lllaekhtirn HO to "I. won. Major
Tcin ( 'to li , second , Klrst Lap third. Time :
Ilnril on the I'lun crs.
ST. Louis , Mo. , May 17. The weather
was n trlllo threatening In the early part ot
tbo afternoon , but the rain hold oft long
cnourli to dccldo llvo races at tbo fair
prounds. When tbo 5,000 people who were
present be an to start for their homos the
clouds let out considerable dampness. The
racing was good , but very disastrous for the
plungers , ns only ono favorite was equal to
tbo demands of lauding llrnt. Ruby Pay no
beat Citiltlo In the llrst raco. r.iec , six furloiiBs , ( en starters : Ituhy
I'nyno ( I ! to l ) won , llttliln ( ti to h sui-ond. Mill-
H'U t'eoio to'J ) third T mo : ll"r. : .
bi-ooiid race , for " -yoar-olds , four furious ? ,
eleven startui.s : Low M .rtln (7 ( tn 1) ) won.
Montana Hello 18 to I ) .sueon I , Dave O ( ' . ' " > to 1) )
third Tlmu : 5) ) .
Third nice , oni' ml'o. ' so\'oii'sturters' Casolla
( I lo 1) ) won , Minor ; ! ( T to 1) ) second , Odette ( S to
f > ) third. Time : I:4T' ( .
I'Oitrth ' race , sullln , s'x fnrlonus , seven
.stiutuis : MaryLiTtol ) won , l.aiigtry < i to'J )
.secondVntiiiol4 to 1) ) thlid. Time : lidi'j.
Mflli race.hollliiF. ono mile , .so\eti starters :
llydy ( S to.'i ) won. .Miiy ll.irdv ( S to 1) second.
Olio ( i'l tel ) third. Time : 1:47.
IMriiHttro at ( Sravrsotiil.
Gitivisr.xu : , L. 1. , May 17. There was
comfort ana pleasure in witnessing the races
hnro today. The weather was perfect , the
program excellent and the track fast.
Klist raee , one-half mllo. twelve starters :
AJn.v Ci toil won. Comanche ( ! . " > to 1) ) second.
1'roeedli (10 ( to 1) ) third. No tlmo.
M'cond und oiio-sl\lconth
raee , one - \ tvm starters : Wllllo L ( . ' > lu ' - ' ) won ,
Osrliii ( to 1) ) second , lleau llriinlmcl (20 ( to 1) )
third. Tlmu : l : : li. !
Third raie. tliree-fourths mlle , twelve
.starters : Liold | i to 1) ) won. On ard
C-'O to II sucoud. Don Carter ( lu to 1) ) thud.
Time : ll.\ :
rotirth raee. one and onu-slMcrnth
miles , ten starters : Ui.iblo ( oven ) won , I/ow-
IniKler t'J ) to 1) ) sjcontl , .Milt Yonn ; C-'Jto 1) )
third. Time : 1I8'A. ; ' l
Klfth r.ic.1. one and onu-9l\tcbntll miles" ,
irtors : I'lukpouUot Ci to 1) ) won. H.iro-
tool ( U to I ) second. Tom Top ( ia to b ) third.
Time : Il8y.
Sixth nice , nve-olahth inljo : Noll. colt. (5 ( to
II won. Iron Muster(8 ( toil sucond , St. Hubert
( S to 1) ) third. Time : l : . v-
Tips lur Toiluy.
Hero are some of the good "thincs prob
ably the best the curds otTord : -
1. Corroctlon Dr. Hasbrouclc.1 '
'J. Huckon Itoclart1. '
! i. ht , I'Morlan Alr-hafU - "
4. LoiiKilicot Itussoll.
fi. 1'earl Top -Hthli ! Colt. '
0. Vuriluo , ' - . .
1. Hob JacobsLnoknort. .
2. .MurinadiiUu Kiorlst.
! ) . Azra-l'hll Dwyor. . ' .
J. Manrovla-K.iy K.
R. I'.illsadu 1'iiliiiutto :
0. S.un Sayro-Orlt o.
A .MldKiiiiimrr J\l \ < ' < 'tlncr.
A tnrco days' trotting mcotlng will bo hold
nt Union Driving parlt , Council Bluffs , July
12 , 1U nnd 14.
Ainuni ; tin * Itnoy AmntrurH.
Tin : OMAHA BEK nlno challenges any team
In thu city or state whoso members nro not
over 18 years of ngj. A game with the
Kesorvos Is solicited for Sunday next , and
ono with the Burl Street Stars , Sunday ,
May iil ) . The BIK team consists of J. l-\in-
ferllcb , catcher ; O. Irish , pitcher ; C. Krons ,
llrit base ; M. fnrroll , socona base ; J. Yel
low , short stop ; W. Huser. third case ; J.
Kox. right lluld ; T. Xiplc , aunlro Held ;
Julltin , loft field. Addros- , all challenges to
Ihu base ball editor of Tin : Bun.
Tbo U'llllnm Street Stars nro ready
to tilav onv team In the city under 13
years of ago. Address Frank Swoboda ,
Fourteenth street , between Williams and
Tbo Falconers have o canlzod and nro In n to got at the lluyilcna. Following is
the teamV. . S. Strong , mladtoj H. Smith ,
loft Held ; E. ICo.itou , right Hold ; U.Davis ,
llrot base ; Joe Morrow , second base ; A.
Kussnns , shortstop ; U.Davis , third base ;
( J ( Uodko , catcher ; Joa Mlllor , pitcher.
Mrj. L. II. PitUon , liucltford , III. , writes
"From personal uxporlonco f can rocominon
UoWitt'u Sarsuparilla , n cure for Inipur
Ulooa and goncral clonility. "
The l > i < ! ith U ll.
LONDON , May 17. UonoralGoorgo IClnpUu ,
mil later of war under Louis Kossutb , Is
Disease never successfully nttacliB a sys
tem with pure blood. Jo\Vltt's Sarsaparilla
manes pure , nuvv blood and onriunuj tbo old.
J. Kansas Moixan , editor of the Register
of Neodosha , Kan , , is in thy city attending
the convention of Hallway Employes' clubs.
II. S. Lally , manager for the Crane com
pany , will leave with hi * family today for
Sun FrnncUro. Ho will have cbargo of ttio
Crane establUhmout In that city.
Judge U'llllam Boweuof Holt county Is on
hb way to Lincoln to attend the convention
of county JuJpes , nnd stopped over to sec his
many friends at tha conference. Ho it tbo
guest ofV. . S. Fclkor.
Mr. und Mrs. E , A. Thayer end Mrs. C. F.
C'ntlln will arrive from thu west this
nftornoon at 4 n-clocU wltti the remains of the
Infant daughter ot thu late Mrs. J.Vallls
Ohl of Sullda , Colo. Sorvlcoat Prospect
Hill comclery atUO : p. m. , ICov. John
Williams officiating.
Mr. T. W. Blackburn , who for a vear past
has hold mi important post on thb' editorial
utatf of Tin : BIK : , has resigned. Ho has cast
his fortunes in mercuntito linen , having nc-
roptud a rosiKmtlblo position with the K. U.
iua morcantllu agency In this city. Tnat
ho will succeed pees without aayioi ; .
Tom Cook of Uncoln Is ia town. Ho
called ) at the federal building yesterday
nnd tried to cloo n deal wllh Wuathor
Supervisor Dusjlor for the use of bis rain
stopping machine , guaranteeing Immunity
from precipitation botweea showers , but
Old I'rot.t wouldn't stand any interference
with his iirorogatlvoj , and it will therefore
continue to proripitato. , ,
DoWltt's Sartaparilla destroy * eucn poi
sons as scrofula , skin disease , czon-a , rhcu
mutum. Its timely u u aavoi many lives.
POSSATO by thoQity Oounoil of the Ordin
ance Galling Special Bond Election.
Omnlin' * Votrrvill 'Ihun Tins
( in the Nrlicipkii Ccntrnl lri > pi iltliiii
llontMi's UiMuirllmcn CinnliiB I'ro-
foiMlln' ) of the .Moullng.
The city council has passed the oralnnnco
providing for the coiling of a special election ,
to bo hold Juno 10"ht which tlmo tbo voters
of Omaha will dooldo whether or not they
will grant n subsidy of $250,000 In lone tlmo
bonds to the Nebraska Central Hallway com
pany to aid it In the construction of n brldgo'
over tbo rlvor at the foot of Cass street , and
the erection of a union depot n . fifteenth
mid Chicago streets.
The ordinance was passed last night , nnd
of the sixteen members who were presort
Mr. Hcchcl was tbo onlv ono who voted
"no. "
Mayor Uotnls named \V. H. llutlcr for
Janitor nt the city Jail. Tbo nppolnlment
WfH rejected by n vote of 13 to 3. This glvos
the present Janitor , Anderson Mnion , n
chance to hold his Job n while longer.
Hostnn'n Rouiirllmou Coming.
The mayor wrote that the members of the
cllj- council of Boston would rcacli boru next ,
l-rlduy. Ho thought thov should receive
some eovrtoslos at tbo hands of llio Omalm
President Davis appointed the following
committee to rocoIvothoBostonlnns : McsM'3.
ChatTco , Beeliol. Howcll. Lowry and.Incobscn.
'iho nppoitittnotit of George L. Ho.irst to
the position of license Inspector was rojectnd
by a vote ot 7 to 9.
The mayor vetoed the resolution allowing
the plumbing , sewer and otbor inspectors
$3. ) each per month for uorsu blre. Tbo vote
was sustained.
The resolution allowing the bollor Inspector
$2. ) per month borso hlro was approved by
the mayor.
The Union Pacific Railway company asked
permission to erect a frame "shanty nt Tenth
nnd Mason streets to bo used as n mall und
bupgngo room.
MrSoncht opposed granting the Union
Pacillo nny more favow until tbo depot was
completed , or at. least until it bud made n
slater nt carrying out its agreement with
the city.
Mr. Lowry said that Spocht would not op
pose tho.eroctlon of the building If there was
any cornice work in sight.
This olayful mood caused Spccht to grow
angry , nnd be.iug angry ho mudo some re
marks which wcro Intended to npply to
Lowry. Then bulb men got , mail nnd" the
president tbroatdriud to put them out of the
The Union Pacific was then given per
mission to creel its wooden shod.
Tboofllciul bond of John .Muthloson , super
intendent of the city hall , was presented
und approved.
U. H. MoEchron reported that the Patter
son building m. > $ arcntcenlh ntid Pnrnum
streets , was ored in violation of tbo build-
lug ordinance. [ Che city attorney will look
Into the matter.
For building thtoiron cates between Tim building andittho. city hall there were
three bidders. Tim Paxton & Vierling iron
wonts was tho'Jowcst bidder nt # 175 und
was awarded the contract.
Property bwnors Protest.
A Inrgo nttmb ? off bouth Thirteenth street
property ownori ) protested ugiilnst n side
walk twenty foot wldo. They said < hat luo
council was TtTOng Herman fCnuutJO
place a six foot walk along the line of bis
property nnd tbjvlihoiiiht ! that they wore
entitled to the ? amfl rights. . ,
. Tbo Uua'rd oftPlClioVorkVVaVlnstructcd
to report all.paymp biiU to thocTtv"council ,
nnd Thursdaytbo ! ) cautiqU'.wlU meet in
ndjour pdi o biQn w ) consider Cu&u.
' '
H'y. iqwjlu''oodttn walks'on .North
Twenty-fourth scrcet in good.condition woto
orJqred let-aloncl nnd for'thft "present thov
will not bo WplacQd .tfy permanent walks.
Tno committee on cas and electric lights
was Instructed 'to cet iieures on are lights
and report nt the t\oxt \ luoetlnsr.of the council.
Resolutions , instructing the Board of Pub-
lie Works to repair nny number of washouts
in the paved nnd unpavcd streets , were
The report of the Board of Health , recom
mending that after Juno 1 , IS'.U , the existing
contract wnoroby the city pays for twelve
beds in three hospitals bo cancelled , nnd that
thereafter the clt.7 nay for only xvhat beds
are actually occupied- was nlacccl on Illo.
Mr. Lowry hoped that tbo committee on
streets and alloys would report upon the
street signs.
Mr. Hpwell , tha chairman of Hhat. com
mittee , stated that hohad oeen so busy look
ing after washouts , that , bo had not con
sidered ttio sign question , but would report
nt the adjourned session to bo held Thursday
Mr. Bruuor lutruuuccd nn ordinance which
provides that no person shall hire out , or
keep for use or hlro. for the transportation or
hauling of goods , merchandise , fuel , building
material , earth of nny other article or thing ,
nny drav. carl or ether vehicle , without llrst
having obtained a liccuso therefor.
Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Syrup for chi-
pron teething produces natural q'uiot sloop.
M cents u bottle.
A7fir . .i.vyir.i r.M/y.
They Arn Still Contlilont of Winning-
Their Strlltc.
Ninv VOIIK , May 17. Secretary Grant of
the Paving Cutters National union today re
ceived a dispatch from Secretary Dyer of the
Grnnito Cutters National union , saying :
' Lockout nil along tno lino. " This moans
that 15,000 union mon are locked out , and tbo
only quarries now in operation in the New
lOnu'luiiil states are those at Swim's ' Island ,
Mo. , and Oncco and Waterville , Conn.
QU.STV , Muss. , May 17. Kvcry stone yard
In tbo city ononed for business tnls morning ,
giving n chtuico to workmen not recognizing
organi/od labor to roiunio work , but nouo ru-
sponacd. U ls said an effort will bo made by
the men to have the apprentices , who were
the only people working toda , Join the
unions , thus urlnuing thn work to an abso
lute Mandsllll. The men foul confident that
Iho present state of affairs will not exist
moro than a week.
CoNctmt ) , N. H. , Mav 1(1. ( The following
tolosram lias just been received from the
Central Labor union :
Nnw Y.Uiiic. May 10. To the Oflleorsof the
fi ran I lo "Cutlers National I'n'onVo. : \ . the
Central Jibor iinloiuiif the city of Now York ,
have this day eml'iMeil your position and
huroliy pledge to-you onr moral sunport In
your ollurts to obtaliu Juatleo ut tbu hands of
unfair employers.ij
Operations arc siupciiucd In all Iho city
sbods and quarftetfof the Now England
granite works. § } 45.
Do Witt's Srirantrsullu I * reliable.
llnslijili& . Trciiililcs.
CHICAGO , III. , W frn.-Donnls Leahy .t
Co. , wholesale iloS&ifb In woolen cloths , have
failed. LiabllltieK&Imated ut $10J,0X ( ) ; as
sets nomlnallv tb& > Hpio.
C'Ai.t'U'iT > , MayWfti.GUborno Ss ( Jo. bavo
failed ihrough losMAan ludtgo iiud exchange.
Tbo gross llablllt | iniount to $1 , ' > 0GUO.
DoWllt's SarTaBSlaoloiiiisoj the blood
Vnrdlct fu | llclii ! < i | Diiyltt.
DUIIMN , May 17 , Bomo tlmo ugo the Kvcn-
idg Herald publUboU an nrtl lo in which It
Extract of Beef ,
Do you wtuit a copy ol
Doof Ton ? See that it
is mudo from Iho Gun
utno IiiL'Oinpurnbly
tha boat. Pure , jmlu-
titblororcshiti ( . Dls-
eoluds clearly-
See Huron Lol-
bif's bitrtiiiuro
in blue on each ,
luhol , thud.
w < is Imputed that Mr. Michael Oavllt bnd
boon Biillty of cominorclnl dishonesty. Mr.
Uftvttl bronchi notion ( or libel itialnst the
| > aner. laylhfj bis damages at 11KM. ( A Jury
has returned a vordlcl Awarding Mr. D.-wllt
JL30. _
.iK.vrwAO.'i ) TO in : tutor.
Mntlrnn Munlrrrrs tn'ty \ ( tin ronnltj-
Thotr I'rlmi- .
Hi. PASO , Tex. , May 17. In Jurtroz , Mcx ,
today Judfjo Joaqulti Uortnpo patsccl sentence -
tenco upon the llvo mon convlrtod of mur
dering Anuheto , tnnyor of Ascension , Mox. ,
nt that place during the political riot of lust
January. Forty-ono of the licensed \voro nc-
nulllod , but Juan Mustro , Uermirdo Duran ,
Dlsldcrlo Chavez and Julian I'ornz were son-
ton eea to bo shot nnd Sovlor Itulilo was son-
tenccd to thirteen years at lurd labor.
I'Hiiti.s or TIII : inir.
Two Hundred mid I'lfty 1'onpln Sink He.
npiitli tliii Wuvos of llm Oitsuliin ,
ST. I'r.Ticiisnttiin , May 17. It Is reported
from Astrakhan that , the stonmar Alexander
\Yolkow foundered In the Caspian sea and
250 pnssenpors were drownod.
LuNno.v. Miiv I7.--Tlio IJritUh linrk Karl
of Abordcon nin on the const off Pombrolio
last night and seven of the crow ore sup
posed to have been drowned ,
Tha Rranlto cutters Rlrlko has extended to
MurdnrorTUo will bo electrocuted nt the
iitntti prison ut A I tinny , N. V.
The Women's western I'nllnrlun conference
U In atituiiil torsion nt. I'lilcMijo , III.
In u Imltlu with horse thlovos near fliithrle ,
Okl. . a duptity marshal was shut and killo.l ,
William Johnson , iv eolorud waiter ut Me-
Koosport , J'.t. , IsdyltiR fnim excessive cigar-
otlo smoldiiR.
tloorxl.i doniour > ts am lighting ntmniR them
selves. olovcliintl germs to bo thu rook upon
which they have split.
Thu dotnooriits of California am In state
convention nt I'rosno. Thu u itl-Uluvolund
men huvo cautiirod the tnoctln ? .
Ulohard Kyle , tulluruf thodofitnct Weitorn
Trust und Savings inuiK of ( Jliloiiu , hits boon
Indicted for umboizlomcnl. Kylu Is somo-
whuto in the west.
The Missouri rlvor at Kansas Olty Is iiKaln
rlslnjj. Tlin waters In the Knw uro , howover.
fttUlne und no serious damage U untlulpatod
from the. rlso In the Missouri.
Thomas t'olo has brought Hiilt to recover
damitKos to the amountof JIUO.OJO fiom Dr.
Twot'd. whom , ho clulms , allouatud his wlfu's
nircctlons. Mr ? . Oulo It now In ono of Tweed's
C'liiOH'H "hcaVcns. "
Colorado democrats huvo met at Denver nnd
elected duloriiilus to the Chicago convention.
The resolution ! adnutod onpos'j the free com-
ngoof sllvnr : imdnrso Cleveland , but do not
Instrticl tlai delegate * to vote for him.
Goorjju u. Taylor nnd I ) . R JlcOanUoy ,
ptoulinml | lawyers ot I'orsytlic , Mo. huvo
been arrostud , charged wllh killing Deputy
HherltVVHIInms nnd p.irtlelputln In tin )
lvnthlni.ot.l.V. . Krl ht at that pl.ico lust
North Onrollnn ulllune.o lenders nro In ses
sion nt Kalel li. I'loiulnunt muniliRrs Irivo
been dcnoiineiid for tholr efforts to Instill the
tlilrdp , irty idut : Into thu ii'Inds of the mem
bers of thb order , their. ict Ion Is stated ns un
ntloiiibt to disrupt the democraticparty. .
At u special session of the Sprlinllo'd Vn'a-
connl elinruh lnld : nt Sprlnutinid. 111. , Kev
Ch.-u.UN 1 11 ilo , D.D. M * U. , doan of llr.ieo
untliodrul. Davenport. In. , oleoted ns-ls-
tiint bishop of that dloccso on tenth billet
ovur Kov. 1'iodericl , ' II. Duvunpoit , of Moin-
Dhls , Tumi.
A Cbleau'o jury In u ca o lironsbt In the In
terest of Oharluy t'nmp , un tv t ur-olil boy ,
has Klvun u verdict ncnlnst the West Olile mo
Ktreut Itiillvvay company for JU'O ' ) . Vouns
Oamp , On the ITlh of 1'ist montb , was run over
! > y oncof the i-o'iipany's enrs and hnd both of
Ins loxs out otf .ibovu thu i
The Kronen Cliimborof Djjiuilos hus roas-
The report of extensive und disastrous f all-
nros umnn ; London jiriln do. ilurs li without
The Iris snut u eiinimiinlcatloii to
Amerl 'iin Jlsioin ) lueomiuei.dln j the orKnnl-
/atlon of u natioiiiil UIKOII against Oahemly-
Hr , nirney's Cuturrh Powder cures
catarrh , l-'or side by Hll Jrucgists. 59 cants.
' ' ' ' '
'l.UU.fil JlKli'riTlKli.
The Board of Trade last nicht sflbscrtbed
SI , QUO to the support-ami mulnlonanca of the
Iroight buroau.
Durinp the heavy shower about S : ! > 0
o'clock last evening , a runaway was caused
by the lonp pile of sand , pravel and cinders
alone the west side of tbo PaUorbOn block
nt Seventeenth find Parnain. The obstruc
tion tills the east side of the street and no
danger sicnal is displayed thoro. Thus it
happened tbnt the 11 rat ttilntr that the driver
of a nat'.y ligiit , rlsr knew , his borso was
lunging and tlouudcrlnp over the mass.
The buftfe'y was overturneu and the driver
thrown out , and the horse , after
Rotting clear of the pile , disappeared up
Fa run in street nt n mad cullop with the vd-
biclo bottom MUD up cracking and clattering
behind him. The man was apparently un
hurt , as ho nt once started in pursuit with
out waiting to answer any questions or civo
Ills nnmo. The runaway took to the sldo-
walk in front of Ti K UIK : building and BOV-
cral pedestrians only escaped boiue run over
by dodging through tbo main entrance of the
ll-jiuonl Ooncham Pills act lilts mi lo.
In the morning with a dry throat
anil offensive breath ?
A morning drink of Sui.rno-
SALINF gives prompt relief : It Is
n mild salluo aperient refreshing
and appetizing. Its .jontintieil use
cures constipation , biliousness and
nil diseases caused by a torpid liver.
Sold nt leading Drug Stores ,
Clubs , ilotels nnd IJars.
The wet < r nre t.olllfii only by tht Cffel-
ilor Spring ) Company at
Excelsior Springs
u : . Missouri
llicliardson Drui Co Omaha Neb.
; , Agis. , , .
Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing ,
Ohuppod HandB , Wounds , Durne , Etc.
Eomovoo nud Prevents Dandruff.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water.
Worth $1 ,
The Good Derived from
Down With
Tlic peculiar combination of stomach
tonics and alterative remedies in Hood's
Sarsaparilla cannot lie equalled , and
this superiority explains the \\ondcrlul
success of
This Croat Modiclno
In cases of Dyspepsia , I ndigcstion and
similar troubles. Mr. T. A. Wlicclock ,
a well knoun citizen of Burlington ,
Vt. , writes :
"Six months ago I Imtlly inn down mid
unnhlo to nttPiul In business , Tlic ptlnclpal
tioulilo seemed to lie duo to Indigestion and
ngKi.'unteil dy.spcpM.1. I had no appetite ,
Nothing Tastocl Good
nml what I illd oat dUttcssed inc. Added to
this was n ncnons ilhtni banco. Physicians
that 1 employed failed to reach my case. I
prow worse , lost itrh and almost hope Ono
day I tan ncioss n testimonial ( or Hood's
Sal sapai Ilia slatliiR u hat It had done In what
seemed to be a case similar to mine. I got .1
hottlo and In three or ( our days saw that I
felt better , lleforo I liad finished the first
hottloM iicatly ; Impioved , Kcstcd hctlcr ,
( clt butter , and knew I was
Bettor All Over
I continued \ \ Ith the medicine , and liave taken
twoholtlei mid now feel better than at nny
tlnio ( or the past llvo yeais. Keel as heal ty
as when hoy. lln\n ichained my flesh , have
good appetite , can .sleep welland turiicrrr *
ai o In excellent condition. 1 \ \ onlil not vnluo
a thousand dollars for what It did for me. "
T. A. Witr.Ki.oi'K , Darlington , Vt.
Fully Indorsed
"Wo hn\o sold Mr. T. A. Wheclock
soveiat bottles o ( Hood's Karsap.nllla nml
have heard him tell In lil | > h tcims of com-
tnemlatloii what It has Mono for him. 1 know
that he has iccominended
Hood's Sarsaparilla
to many others Hcie. Oiir ciutoincis nener-
well ( It. " ! ' . L. '
ally speak o'T & Co. ,
I'haimarl-its , lluillngton , Vt.
Hood's win Liver
Pills All Ills
Kco Dr. Allies'
hoolc. Now nnd
.startling Kncta.
Kii-o at
Two Years
Shortness oi
Bronth , Pain
in Hid OB ,
Spells , cured
by ono bottle
Ulun Itock , i'u.
Dr. miles' Tliomost rclln-
. bio euro for all
I'osUhotnrc tor tron ) : , jijtiima , ( . < . Diseases.
on. BULKS 1 Co. KUUjart , Ind.
ly l.t 1 n A ( o. . Hth 1 1 cl I c.i ( . i H
"OANATIVO. " the
Wonderful Simnlsli
llpiurdv , 19 MtMttli tt
V/rltten Guarantee
to euro nil NCIVDUI Ids-
raws , eucb ni Weak
Memory , I/i 3 f Praia
1'ouer , lleudauhr.
V/oVef nines" , lont.Mi\n.
liooJ , Ncn auanrw , I u-
elttidp , all ilialns and
Before & After Uso. losi of i > nwer of tbo
Photographed from life. Gonerallyo Orpins til
cltbcr BCX , canned tiy
o > rriptloii | , )0litlifiil Indiscretionsor Hi"1 eicwlva
iwflf tnluiin , nptiini , 01 sllinillints , wblib ullhimlrly
Inul tu Inlinnlly , < ' ; i-uniitlim | and Iiivinllv 1'iit up
Incniiteiileiitfinm In vnrry In tlicxf-i | " Mt. 1'ilce
II : i ppckrcp , 01 blur SI. Wltlinri } ' onli-i npclira
written nunrintou to euro or rofuml tlie
nionoy. M-nt hi tnall to miml IITM rjliuliu free
tnitiliiPiivfl | : < i'C. Jtcntloii lhhp.i.u. | Aii.'iiM ,
MAD.11D CHEMICAL CO. . Uremii on.cefoi r.3. A
359 lP.1lbnrn ) StlcM. ntlCAOO. II.I. .
Kiihr ft Co. , Co.r 13tli & Donclat Sts.
J .A. Fuller i Co. . Cor. lltti A. DouKlaa 6U.
To the ownnrs of all lots , parts of lots uml
roil : L'.stalonloiiK Douglas street from liilh to
Mtb Htrects , ami Intersootln. HI rents and
alleys us follows , lo-w t : 17th utri'ot from
alley north of nirnctto DodKO street ,
ISth btruut friiiu li'arniini flroct to Do.Ui !
.struct. I'Jth ' .struct from I'ariiani to Uud o
htrnet , alloy hutwoun DoiiBlnKstrei'tiind Dodco
birout fiom twenty-two ( ) feut east of 17th
htruot lo''Uth itroct. mid alloy botwi-im I'ar-
nuin street and Douglas hlroul fiom 17tli
Htreut to JOth.s'rcut :
Yon uro hoioliy notllloil that thu iiiulur-
slijm'il , three ( llslnturuitnl fnieholdersof this
city of Dinnhii , huvo hoi-n duly appiilntoJ by
thu mayor , with uf llincily i-oiin-
i-ll of mud city , lo iis-iU'.s iho iliiiiuiRO to the
owners respoetivnlv of the property nlleclud
oof of DOIIL-I.IS sliiM'tfio
Ijv HID ulian yruilo n
liilh .HU out tu'Jtli xlicol nml Intiir-ioutlnu
stioot uml alloys , ilooliun 1 nmtiwiry by or-
illnaiii'o No. Idj , pjsii-d JIuv a , INK. , iinivud | ) |
Jliiy 4 , 1V. . ' .
von are further notlllo.l that , having HU-
cepti'd said nnpoliitniLMit and duly iimilllloil
us ruiiulioil liy law , \ui will , on tliolllht day of
May. A. I ) . IS1at tbo hour of two < - ' ) oViouk
In llio uftui IIDOII , nt thu llulldura oYi-lmn.ii1
room. Now York Mfo biillnlnt ; , within the
forporiito limits of mild city , muut for the pur-
iiusii of coiiHtdorlnv nml maliliiK thu ussobs-
iiiunt of duiniiKo to l hu owners rcspot-llvuly of
rfiM : iiroporty ulfuctud by said oliiingu of
s tiiuliu Into consideration spuulul b no-
y'ou uro iiurohy notlllod to ho tinxont at thu
tlmo und pliicu aforesaid and muito any ob
jection , to or statements concerniiiK Hiilil as-
hUisiuuut ot UaiiniKi's " " . .yon'Miiy ' tuiuldcr
Dionur. > V. .1 J > KIJS 1.
ti. U. 1IASHKTT.
.1. i'iii.u' . .
( 'oiiniilttuu of A.pnralHuiH.
Omaha. May 18. IbiU .M Isil lUt
To Iho ownuHof all hits , and imrtoflots
mid real ostntii along i'llh struct fiom u point
.Ml fuel not ill of Jliownobtreot to tlinnortli
curb line of Amos iivnniio , nml Intursoijtliii ;
htteot us fullowH , to-wlt : TpinploUm tttrout
from a point l'0'J ' foot west of sub. utrout to the
WDHtoiublliioof ' 'Ithstruut.
You uro huri-liy nolillud Hint tbo nnilur-
Hlgiicd , tliruu UNIntorusiud fruohulilorM of the
olty of Uniiihu , huvo boon duly npjioliitud by
the mayor , with tno approval of the city
council of suldolty. to nasoss the diimuKu to
tbu owners irspoutively of the pniporty uf-
foctcd by tliuuhaiiKU ofcradoof ' 'Ith Btrcut
from n point Ml fuel north ot llrownu htrrnt tu
tliu north curb Una uf Amus uvunui < and Intur-
buctlnj blii-ot , iluuluiod iit'ccsaury by ordl-
iiiinuo No. 1H2 , passed April 0 , 1UW , upprovud
You a'ru "fuitnor notlllod , that having ac-
ropttd Hiild iippoliitiuc'iit. and dtilv iiuiilllleil
us loiinlrod by law , wo will , nn the 'list day of
Miiy. A. ! > . . Ihl ) . ' . : it thu hour of II n'oloal ; lit
Iho forenoon , at the ortlcu of T , O llniniii'r ,
room I , \ \ uro block , corrur 15lh mid Kanrtin
tit i cut B. within the corporate limits ot tmld
oily , muut for the pnrpoio of coimldorlns and
in ult l ir , ' thu iis-.o > KiiiL'iit of diimaxo to thu
uwnurn ri-Micutlvuly of sultl jiropurty , alfuotuil
by said tliiin 'oof gradu. laUlnrf Into conslJ-
erntlonapoclal bnnulllH. If nny.
You arc notlllud to bo jirusunt at tbu tlmo
and place afoiusald , und maku liny uhjoutloiiH
tuur statements coiu'urntiii : said
of dnmuKOS u yuu may consider
' ' .
W. II. ( JATi : ,
It It. II AM. .
Omaha. May 18. 16'J. . MlBillOt
To Hullrouil Con true torn.
Wo will mil ) . let 40 miles of rudliiK on line ol
. , U. It. it N. Hy. . from Foiol Olty. la. , weal-
ward , on nnd"nft r Tuumlny , Muy 17. 1'unS
onO | iecltloutloiin i , nny bu soon nt Korott ( Jlf"
BOYD'S ' _ The
HEATER.Tho " -
Thirsday , May 15 ,
Mntincc Saturday.
- -
lilriH-tlon of Oustnvo rrohmnn'
Thursday , May 19-Souvcnir Nigiit.
A Sterling S IvcrV lob Snonn wilt ho nro-
snntrd In tlu ladlos. I'sualprleus. lld\ sheets
opan Wodnus'liiy.
Farnam St , Tlnatre i PRICKS
M r 14 iinilny MAtlneo nml N't lit niul all the
Matlnics Wolnoadnand Saturday.
W o i-i cl o r 1 ci n d. .
Wi LL LA.WL.En. Mnnngof.
, , , ) (
tiouuivV snows.
. &
The above brauila of tjlovcs lor sale by
The Boston Store
N. W. Cor. Kith uiU Uou < rltis SU.
TlieOriginal anil Genuine"
Imrmta the mct dollcioua taeto aiiJ rest
( JltAVIl'.H ,
TI.EMAN ntMail-
ra9 to hla brother 1'ISII ,
nt WOUCEUl'Kl ! ,
Hay , 1651. HOT Jt CUI.D
that tholr KAUCO la
hlxtily oitcciocd In
Indla. End lain ray
npinlon , the inns' WELSH-
iwlntnble. asvi > ll
HB the most wbcK
fomo BCUCO that 13
poado. " IQP AT.
Beware of ImiMions ;
see that you got Lea & Pernns'
Blgniturn on every Imttloof Orlclm ! * i Oonulno.
IliFontlil'tli Hlrcot ,
tu 1'ostollljo , Uinalui.
Practical opticians
And orancli of world renowned opllonl nitnbllih *
uvnt of A , H. AIou A Co. , St. I-oiili Our mntliod l
laporlorto nil others' ojr Ifntu nro nuperlor , will
not wcnry or tire the uyc . Tbu fiuniet proi < ilj
laitoil to llio fnco
Eyes Tooted Free of Churao.
Prices Low for First-class Goods.
"Unlike the Dutch Process"
No Alkalies
Oilier Ghcinicnls
are iisrd In tha
jirri > aratlon of _
tt'h Irll ia nlmnltitclu
jniro end soluble ,
ttiottrcnutli ut Cocoa mixed
with Htarch , Arrowroot or
_ Siijar ( , and Is far inoro eco
nomical , coitlny less than ona cent n enj > .
It is dclluloiiH , nourinhlng , and IAML.Y
Sold byO'roreri eterynliort.
W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mais. _
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul R'y , as represented
on this map.
ilectnc Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibulcd trains leave
Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m ,
City Ticket Oflice : 1501 Far
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.
NASIIVII.I.K , Kor YOUIIB l.sltof.
TKN.N. . atiullillnKI M onicors. 7 Vindorhllt
U3 purli4 from 'JO Htutni Art Mukli. ( Jymujlum
Her. UKUItUIS W K I'lllUK , I ) , l > , l'r * 'l.