8 THE OMAHA DAILY HKlfc : WHDNKSDAY , MAY 11 , 1802. READY TO BE VOTED UPON Nebraska Central Bond Ordinance Finally Passed by the Oity Council , MORE AMENDMENTS AND CHANGES , Brvc-rnl IlmiM Spent In direful Con tilcrn- lion of the Details nf tlio lfrnto | ltlim No Minimum lliilo Clnmo In- ncrtcil The riiml Vote. Bright anil early yostordny morntne. twelve members of tlio city council , nisKtert by several well known citizens , took up tbo further consideration of the Nobraslta Cen tral bond ordinance John I ) . Hou-o opened the ball by urging that the provision lor governing freight charges In Nebraska be made to apply to the 1UO tnllci in Iowa. Ho was afraid tbo NobrAtka Ceiitral ucoplo would sell out and leave Oicatm to hold tbo sack. sack.Vice President Dumont replied that hi * company could and would not accept to any Bucti amendment. In the llrst place the Douglas county arbitrators could have no Jurisdiction s vcr tbo Iowa lines and , again , the state of lown had Its own laws for tbo government of railways. The Iowa railway commission had the right to llx rates. His company could never sell Us bonils If It was Miown that Its Iowa lines wcro under the control ofn board of arbitrators In Nebraska us well as tbo Iowa railroad commission. Councilman Edwards usltcd and was told that the Iowa railroad commission had no jurisdiction over interstate commerce. Ho then asltod that the cl'.y attorney by um- moncd , and the sorgoant-at-anns was sent after Mr. Connoll. Mr. Specht opposed Howe's amendment. If it was Inserted In the ordinance , it would not only defeat the proposition , but It would defeat the snlo of the company's bonds. Mr. tipccut wanted to know why Howe was present. Ho was before tbo council repre senting some corporation. Mr. Lowry called Mr. Specht to ordoroud nl the same tttno wantud him muzzled. Mr. Howosald that ho wanted to state whom ho represented. The insinuation was that ho icptcscntod icmio corporation. That was falic , "for as God is my } udgc"hc tald , "I non't roproaent any corporation. I net without money and without price , without fear , favor or hope of future roward. " Mr. SpocSit Informed the council that ho was talking for liunscli , and was responsible for anything tbnt bo in I lit say. Mr. Lowry moved the adoption of Howe's cmeudmcnt and Mr. Tnttlo seconded the mo tion. tion.Mr. Mr. Uosowator wanted to know of Mr. Ilowo If I ho amendment would bind all companies using the Iowa lino. Mr. Howe thought that it would under cer tain conditions. Mr. Kosowutor said that the Iowa spur was for the purpose of bringing roads to Ouiuha. If an arbitrary Volley was pursued none of the roads would use it. There was llttlo or no advan tage if the rule only applied to the 100 miles. Through rates werb regulated and fixed by the established standard. They were llxod niul could not bo chanced unless the other roads followed. Ho saw no good reason for adopting the amendment. On a veto the amendment was defeated by the following vote : Ayes : Ucchcl , Ilruncr , Lowry ! l. Noes : Uurdisb , Kdwards. Kl- pnsscr , IIou'oll , .Incob ou , McLoario , Munro , BpcoUt , Steel , Tuttlc , Mr. President 11. Absent and not voting : Hack , ChulTco , Con way and Prince 1. A Maximum 1'iclRiit Cliiusc. Mr. Howe then broueht up his maximum freiirht clause , which ho wanted inserted , In the following language : And , | > ro\lilr < l further , that the maximum r.itu of charges tli.it . sliull bo niudu for thu trunspuitutlnn of freight across sild ijriduu n ml aiuiroaelies , ttlioihcr In c.ir.o.itl luts or otherwise , shall not exceed or In nnylso bo Kss f.iMiruUc to tliu public tli.in the rcgulnr tiirlir of charges ( or the tr.uispoi tutlon of like frol lit iieross nny nillru.id brliljio o\or the Mississippi rh er at St. l.ouls. Mo , und Its up- In urging the adoption of the clause , Mr. Ilowo said : "You will not llml fit inon In the city who wilt not bo absolutely shocked when told that a proposition has been mndo to contrlbuto n largo sum of money to the construction of n bndco without 'llxlng a maximum rate clause. The city has suffered for many ycais from the oppressive charges of the Union Pacillo. This community would bo twice as largo today h.id the Union Pacilic came to the relief of the jobbers and business men of Omaha and given tticin u uhnnco to do business free from the burden of that com pany's monopoly. Mr. Howe urjrcd the adoption of ' .ho St. Louis tariff , which ho nrgund would rnnpo Irom W to ? )5 ) porcar , while the Union Pacillo now runs as high as $1'J per car. Answering Mr HOUO'H Argumrnt. In replying to Mr. Howe , Mr. Oumont said : "H is not a qucmlon as to what the r.itos shall bo across this bridge , but as to whether wo shall have another brldtro and other railroads Into Omaha. The moment a road crosses our bridge then competition commences. ' 1 ho Interstate Uridgo comp my 1mb been defeated In an attempt to sell its bonds by thointorfeiencoof the Union I'acilk * . That company stands ready to open the bars to Its toll gates when u sees an other company entering the Hold as a com petitor. Mr. Ilowo says there's a Mace donian cry for relief horn Union Pacilic op- ptossloti. How else under heaven can wo better got that relief than by building an other bridge for the use of competing lines that iiro trying to get into Omaha. " Mr. Uumont slated that the Insertion of the maximum rate clause would maliu it impossi ble for the Nebraska Central to soil its bonds mid would make It moloss for the company to go on and pay for having the question submitted as it could not sell Its bonds in case they were voted. Councllmon Munro and Steel opposed the amendment. Mr. O. M. Carter thought tno danger line had boor : reached. Ho knew as a banker the bonds could not bo sold contalninc llm maxi mum rau > clause. Mr. ICdwurds was sun ) inons amendments would kill the proposition. Mr Sttol thought It bettor to stand a high tariff Ilvo years and then dupend on arbitia- tlon lather than loco an opportunity to yet another brulgo. Mr. Uosowator said no man in Omaha had spent moro tlmo and labor snowing tbo people - plo of Omaha how they hod boon onprnssed by the Union Pueilio monopoly. " 1 would bo glud to boo n maximum rate where it can bo applied. When wo say the rate bhnll bo Iho biimo as at St. Louis wo must have the same conditions that exist in bt. Louis. Wiou wo have the commercial business that tit. Louis now has and when Omaha has a population of 500,000 people then wo can get the Bttino rate that St. Louis now has , ni.il nut till thon. Which is uctter , wait till the city lias 1100,000 , or11,0,1)00 ) population , when tbo jobbers can demand reduction In rates as they did In St. Louis , or will you continue to bcnr up under the burden you've carried for years , with .vour property shrinking In value end your commercial Intoions hampered for luck of facilities. I pay now about Ja.iWO a year in taxes and am willing to bcnr tbo additional bin den for tbo sake of the benollts wo will receive. I want to livu long enough to see Omaha as largo us St. Louis , ana I think 1 will , If tills proposition U carried , " Mr. Ilowo madu u lengthy tnlk In suppoit Of his maximum freight clause. Mr. Joseph liarker was called upon and told how twenty-live years ago ho had worked for the Union Paul Hub rid cu und how that company bid broken Its iruarantoo to nllow other loads to rome into Omaha on Jjst and. equitable terms. Ho worked three years ago tor the Nebraska Central road to secure n competitor for the Union Pacific. Jlu would not favor any road whose- rates wcro to bo at ranged by competition only. Ho favored u maximum freight rate. The XvlmiNkn Cmitrul' lljllmatiim. Mr. Dumont stated that tboro was no pro vision in tuo old Nebraska Control proposi tion llxlng any rate on frolsht or passengers. llo said ho bad conceded everything that his company could and if the maximum freight clause wore inserted hi * company would Imply withdraw from the Held , . . . . Rlr , Munro said It would kill Iho bonds to try to regulate the railroad and bridge both bv arbitration nnd charter provisions. Ho Was satUUud witn one remedy for high rate * jmt would oppoio the application of two reraoJIos for one dlsoM" . llo would oppose ho maximum freight clout ? . Mr Kssowater sala ho had hoard with omo interest some of the reasons whv tbo maximum r.ito clause should bo exacted from ho Nebraska Contr.il company. One was that the Union Pacilic had made millions by It bridge tolls , llo asked what bonus the 'flclllc company had. Ho explained that ho company had a tonus of lU.OOJ.OOO acres of and nnd from 8N5.0JO to S40.0JO a mllo. Ihon vhon thu $4.000,000 bonds at 3 par cent Interest - est payable In gold , of the company were sstied , thutr wcro sold nt a discount and $ J.VJtWJ were DBld to Andrew Carnoglo for negotiating thesnloot the bondi. Tbo Ne braska Central roaJ , on the other band , starts 100 miles can of Omaha and ends In a spur north of South Oimha. When the company's bonds go on the market the In- oston will risk what is the oarmni : capacity of the Investment. This company oilers si chance toother roads to got into Nebraska and facllltloi forshipptnc. Ulvotheso roads a chance to get access to South Omaha nnd Nebraska nnd then you'll soon sco what Iguro bridge rates cut In the Investment. Mr , Thomas Swift nnido n plea for the pas- ago of the Nebraska Central , llo said the Jnioti I Mel It o had defeated the Nebraska Central proposition two yours ago by letting wo now niilroiils Into Omaha , and then after the proposition had gone by default irul tried to lock out the roads tlnil it hud ot in. Killed the freight Cliuue. Finally at 12 o'clock the proposed amend- nent ciino to n vote and was defeated , the nombors recording themselves ns follows : Yeas : Hack , Dcchel , IJrunur , Jacobson , jowrv nnd Tuttle ( > ; Noes : Hurdun. Ud- yards , Klsisser , Ilowcll. McLonrlo , Munro , 'rinco , Specht and iJavls 10. Uno Aniciiiliiicnt Went Through , Mr. Ilowo was opposed on general prlnct- > los to paying bonds In the sum of ? 100,000 or a road' built into Iowa on which there vas no guaranty. He wanted the words "in said city of Ounhi" stricken out of the par.i- ; rnph rolatlvo to what portions of the prop- irtv of the Nebraska Central were bound. Mr. Dumont was called on to slate what objections IIP might have. Ho said that Mr. lowe misstated the case rolatlvo to bonds 'or ' on Iowa road. Ho reiterated his assor- ion as to his willingness to do anything reasonable that the county might nslc or thnt would not tend to prevent the building of the road.Mr. Mr. Howe wanted to know what It meant vhcu the general ofllcors of the companv came In nnd asked that the ro d bo not jound to carry out the provisions of the con tract , and wcro unwilling to offer nny guar anty that Us covenants should ba curried out. out."U'o haven't done that , " Interjected Mr. Jtimont. Mr. Unwell asked if It was a fact that this city could tie up any road in Iowa , and Mr. lowe answered that it could. Mr. Uumont thought that Mr. Ilowo was straining at a gnat in demanding an addl- ional guaranty after the city had a guaranty of MUOi,000. ) ' Five million grandmothers , " retorted Mr. lowo. Mr. Dumont maintained that sufllclont guaranty had been given , and that it W. s icedloss to give moro. Mr. Elsassor asked Mr. Dumont If the S'oliinskii Central did not intend to control ho Iowa road n < s lone as it did the bridge nnd terminal facilities. The latter replied that it did. "Thou , " said Mr. Elsasser , "I do.i't see whv you object to the amendment. " Th < ; question was put and the amendment carried by a vote of 11 to 5. riimlly Adopted as Amrnilril. Mr. Dumont called uptho interest question again nnd stated that no city bonds had over jeon issued for less than 4 per cent. Ho did not think it advisable to put out a bond .hat would soil at less than p.ir and injure .lio credit of the city. No action was taken and theinteres.t rate will remain nt 4 per cent. The clurk was instructed to engross the ordinance nnd report it back for passage. This was dona nnd the report was received and adopted. Mr. Ilowo then raised the point that the title was hardly broad enough , nnd Councilmen - men Edwards and Lowry suggested that the volintr places should possibly bo named in the ordinance. A recess wus taken until the clei it could get conies of former ordinances and note the custom previously followed. An examination of tbo other ordinances disclosed the fact that the polling places were not mentioned. The ordinance was road n third time , and on its passage received : ho following vote : Ajcs : Iliick , Urunrr , Conwny , Edwards , Elsusscr , Howell , Jacobson , Lowrv , Me- Leaiie , Munro , Prince , Specht , Steal , Tuttle tlo , Davis 15. Nay : Bochol 1. Absent : Uurdisb , CbafToo 2. OucstliMi of ItlKlit of Wnr. The council then took up the ordinance granting tbu Nebraska Central right or way iver certain streets nnd alloys. John D. Ilowo suggested an amendment to section 0. empowering the mayor and council to repeal this ordinance if the Nebraska Cen tral fails to live up to the terms of its bond proposition , nnd Councilman Lowry moved | tbo adoption of the amendment. Agreed to. Tbo chamber then became the scene of a llttlo love feast , Mr. Ilowo thanked the council for its kindness and patience and assured his listeners that ho would cordially support the bond proposition. Mr. Dumont responded by expressing bis gratitude to Mr. Ilowo for his nssurancn of support. Ho also said that if ho had been nt all discourteous towards the council ho wished to bo pardoned , a sentiment which won him a round of applause. Mr. Elsassor followed with n resolution thanking Mr. Ho wo for gratuitously assisting Lho council in its consideration of those ord inances. It passed unanimously. Councilman Bruucr presented n petition from property owners on 1/ard and Cumin ? streets west of Twenty-fourth asking that the Nebraska Central bo made responsible for damages to property on account of its right of way. The paper was filed. The ordinance was railroaded to its pass age , the vote on which was : Yeus : Hack , Hrnnor , Con way , Edwards , Klsassor , Ilowoll , Lowrv , MoLoario , Munro , Prince. Specht , Steel , Tuttle , Davis 14. Nays : Jacobson 1. Absent : Uochol , Kurdish , Cnaffeo 3. If you go "a fishing" this summer and tnko along a bottle of whisky for "sunko bites , " bo sure nnd talto : i bottle of Urady- crotino for whuky headaches The regular monthly mooting of the Builders niul Tnulord Kxclmngo will tulto i > lnuo on 'Wednesday , May 11 , 10:110 : n. in. Mutters of grout importance to the building interest will bo discussed , N. U. llussiv : , President. W. S. WISDOM , Secretary. Dr. Cu'liino-o. ' : ouaiiit ; . Wonmii'H Auxlll try lli > : iril , Commissioner ( Jenoral ti.mieuu decided to appoint fifteen members of the Woman's ' Auxiliary board to the No urns I ; a Columbian commission , apportioning four to Omaha , two to Lincoln and nine to the state at largo. Ho yesterday settled up > n the following ladies for members ! Mr * . J. S. Hrlgcs , Mrs. M. Allan HOCK , Mrs. A. Patterson and Mrs. E. A. Katon of Omaha , Mrs. J. H , Smith nnd MUs Elizabeth W. Envln of Lincoln , Mrs. C. H. Von Wyck of Wvoming , Mrs. U. O. Lang- worthy of Sownrd. Mr * . C. H. Wells of M t- son , Mrs E. A. Stewart of Ulnir , Mr * . Alice D. llumo of Harvard , Mr * . J. H. Lynch of Hebron , Mrs. Juan Uoylo of ICoarnfiv , Mrs. W. II. McDonald of North Platte , MUs An toinette Wortham of Pnwnoo Cltv. Mr. Oirnoau has deslcnated Mri. Brlffgs as president of the board nnd Mrs. Van Wvck ai chairman of the executive commit tee. The board has been called to meet nt the Mlllard hotel In this city at M p. in. on May 21 to choose its secretary and commit tees and outline a plan of work. The presi dent , the socrotnrv nnd the chairman of the executive committee will DO allowed $3 per day and hotel expenses whllo in active ser- vico. The ether momsen of tha board will receive ? J per day and hotel expenses. Mntlneo Wednesday. The Pnat Mull at the Farnntn street theater should bo seen by every one with its real online niul freight train of eighteen ears and wonderful steamboat explosion. 113 cents any reserved soatin the house. Attention \ > tcr.m rirpinrm All members of the Veteran Fireman's association tire requested to moot at No. U engine house at 112:30 : p. in. in full uni form to attend the funeral of our late brother , M. Goldsmith , May 11 , 1892. J. DoN'NiirY : , JH. JOHN UAUMKK , Secretary. President. Auction ! Oilditul Hug Auction , The finest , largest ami most complete collection of ruga over brought to this eitv , now on exhibition in Now York Llfo building ( llrst lloor to your right ) , nnd will bo Bold at public auction on Wednesday and Thursday next at 3 and 7'iO : p. in. All goods will bo sold with out limit or reserve , those goods came consigned direct from the oast. WHLLS AUCTION STOKAOI : Co. , Auctioneers. DR. HARSHA'S RESIGNATION. Olllrers of the Tlrst Church Art Upon Their I'listor'H U'ltliilr.txviil. The Omaha Presbytery mot nt First Pres byterian church and passed upon tbo resig nation of Uov. W. J.Harsha , D. D. Ho was dismissed from tbo presbytery with the following complimentary resolutions : In dissolving the pastoral relations that haAOovlstcd for llttocn ye irs between the Hov.V. . .1. llaishn. 1) . I ) . , and the l'lru 1'rus- bvtcrlan of Omaha the nrcsbytory of Omaha adopts tlio following minute and aiders It to bespio.id upon Its records : When Or. llarsha , then lust graduated from tlio seminary , came to this church It was woilc and strn- gilng nnd there were compar.itlvoly few churches of our order In Xobr.is'.a. llo has seen I'rcshytprlnnlsm grow and de velop Into Its present lar , , ' < > proportions. In place of the one I'rcsbytcrlan church of that davthoio are now In Omah'i and vicinity thirteen Presbyterian churches nnd a hospi tal , u nnlvcislly and a theological seminary under I'rcshyiurlan control. In the do\olopmont or this walk Uev. Tr. ) lliirslm has nlw.iys been an Important factor nnd his pri'suncc will bo greatly tnlsbod from the council- the church. As Dr. lliirslm now BOI-S to ono of the load ing churches of a sister denomination the best wishes of thu presbytery follow him to his new Held of labor and its prayer Is that his ministry may lie gieat y blessed. Dr. Dcniso. General Hawley nnd Al fred C. Kennedy were unpointed by the congregation on last Wednes day night to nppoar baforo the presbytery and state the wUhoa of the church with reference to the rclnaso of Dr. Harsha. The congregation passed very complimen tary resolutions last Wodnosaav night re gretting the departure of Dr. Harsha , but wishing him gro.it prosperity and success In bis now Held. TOLEDO. Iowa , April 0 , 1391. Dr. J B. Moore , Dear Sir : My wlfo has used about t > ix bottles of your Troa of Life , nnd thinks that .she n.is received greater ben efit from it than any medicine she has over taken. Yours truly L. H. UUFICIX. Gen'l Aeont and Troas. West College. Since receiving the above testimonial , 1 am in receipt ot a letter und check from the Hov. Li. 11 Bufkin of Toledo , Iowa , April 2 : > . to send Hov. .f. W. IConworthv , Crostllno , 1C an sas , six bottles of Mooro's Tree of Life. i-'orsalo by all druggists. Turkish rug sale , Now York Life building , Wednesday , 3 p. n. Exhibi tion now open. Country Merchants Who are cash buyers should jiol fail to take advantage of the Ilollman's admin- istrtitor'tt sale to secure some wonderful bargains for their fall tralo. Address UELLMAN'S ADMINISTU.YTOK , 13th and Parnam , Omaha. MONEY ALL RAISED. Fluids XcccsRnry to r.iitnrtaln tlio Independ ent Contention Secured. No doubt now exists that the people's party convention will bo held in Omaha. The requisite amount , Jl0,000 , is assured for the expense of holding the convention In this city in July. Between $3,003 and $10,000 have already been pledged by business men and citizens. The bankers und brewers have wry effec tively assisted in increasing the subscription fund the past fov days. Tbo general citi zens' ' committee which has had charge of raising the money mot yesterday nftnrnoon in the exchange hall of the Chamber of Coin- in or co and reported that the necessary amount would bo forthcoming. The national executive committee of tlio ' will arrive In Onmha people's party tomor row morning and will bo iccoived by the local citizens' committee. The executive committee is composed of Mossr.s.Taubcneol ; of Illinois , Donnelly of Minnesota , Davis of Texas and Wowor of Iowa. Tlioy will bo ontortulnod nt the Millard hotel. After their business meeting they wil' ' prepare for a rally , which will take place Thursday aftyr- noon at Washington hall. There will bo u mooting of the general nnd special committees , which have in charpo the entertainment of the people's party conven tion , to bo hold in tills city July-I , nt the Chamber of Commerce at li p. in. todav to meet thu executive committee of the national committee of the pcoplo'H pirty to arrange details for holding said convention , A full meeting of the committee is desired. The citi7cns of Omaha generally arc invited to bo present , Turkish rug sale , Now Yorlc Life building , Wednesday , 3 p. m. Exhibi tion now open. Each Spoonful has done its Perfect Work , Is the verdict of every woman who has used ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Other baking powders soon deteriorate and lose their strength , owing to the use of inferior ingredients , but Royal Baking Powder Is so carefully and accurately compounded from the purest materials that it retains its strength for any length of time , and the last spoonful in she can is as good as the first , which is not srue of any other baking powder , Anrtlnnl Ortl-ntnl ICtiR Auction. The finest , latijost nntl most ootnnlnlo collection of ragi * over brought to this oily , now on osiilbitlon in Now Yorlc LiUo btiihlinc ( | | ro Hoar to your right ) , nnd will be soldi nt ptiblli : auction on Wednesday antliniurstltiv next atJ ! ntul 7(0 : ( n. in All goods will bo soltl with out limit or rcsnrru. tliuso goods c.itno consluiiQtl tllroot'from the c'ist , WKM.S AUCTEON SroiiAcri Co. , Auctloticers. Pnlnt your balltllngs with strictly nuro "Old OutchiPrncuss" whlto loud. ' 'Hud Su.il , " "Collier , " "binithcrn , " have stood tlin test of years. Specify ono of these brnntls anil bj sure you got It. Both Iho method and results when Syrup of Pigs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the tnsto , and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem efl'ectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro-i duced , pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy andagrccabfcsubstanccs , its manvexccllentqualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 7Cc bottles by all leading druggists. Any rclia'ble druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. , SAN FEANOISOO , OAIi. LOUISVILLE , K1' . HEW YOBS. N. Y. IT bUMIS AT I III ! 11KAU NAS1IV1 ! I.i : , Hir YIHIIIK l.-ullps. TIJN.V , .1 InillrtlnRB , S.Uilllcors 7 VnnJcrlillt 41J punlN from VO r't.itcs ' Art Miit > | 4 , ( ij mn.iMum Ucv. Ol.'Olt .B W F. I'lllCi : , 1 > . l > , MtP.Vt I'll.HO. WKaT'3 NKIIV.T AND lIItAl.N VKUVT. MENT.t sp32lloior UriterU IMttliMii , Klti , Naa. rultlmlloidlolia ; , .Xorram I'roiirttlua cumoJif \ al , cobut orlo'J ic * \ValcafulndH. . Muutil UoproialJi. buftcnlnz ot tu lirain. ciujlni : li sintty. muorr clcc.iydoi'li , I'romtuM OMia. . llirrsnniii , Lou of 1'owur In either IUT. Iranotenoy , I.ajcorr > oo nn I oIlKuratlo Wo WnjHiui , liivoluiinry l.ojiji , Sosr- mntorrlioo ; c.imultf \ oror-oiortlun of the hr.iln Bnlf-ibm'.ovor-ln : luU'eiico. Amjiuh'i Irottmint II , U for fJ , by mill. Wo tuir.iit33 ; lt bniei tj cura i : ichor Isr for J bjm , with 3 > > rlll ian I writ' ten RUi > r.intoa tu rotjnOilf not curjl. ( iimr\ntjo -.uodonly br A. Bc'hrotcr. Dnwitlst , solo iiuonts S. liacor It.Ill itiul K.uninisu , Oui.iha , .Nab. 1. . llonnru of ImltutloiH. A Written Guarantee to Cure T'Jvor.v ' Case or Money Hofundod. Our euro U pel nmiont an 1 i.ot ft pitc'il up. Cn ca treated seven years no Imvo never Been a syiaptnii elnco. liydesrrlbin r fiia fully vrv cin trsit you by mnll.knd woulvo tlio imnu ilroiiz BUiirantos to euro or refund nil money. Tlioio who prefer to como liora fcrtrcatnientc'.in do soanl wo will pay rnllroi 1 fnra both wnynnnJ hotel bills whllo hero , If wo full to euro We challenge the world fora caa ? thtt our Mazla Htniedy will not cure , wrltofor partlcalaM nn.1 cc& thecTldcnco. In oureoven ycnrt prnctlco with the Miule ItomoJy It 1ms been most ilinicult to ovcrco-uo the prcjudli'us njilnat : socalleit spoclll a. Hut un lor our stroiic Riiir mteo Ihousanils are trying It an J bo Inpcured.Voauarintoo to care or refund every dol'rr.nml ' nswe have a rciiulft'-lon to prompt , nUo flnnnclnl Imcklnz of WO.UJOIt Is pcrfoctlf tifo to nil who wlKtry the trciitmcnt , IK'retotoro 5011 Imro putting up and paying out your money for different treatments. an 1 although you are not yet cural no ono has paid baslt your money. Wo will posltlvoly cure you , Old , chronlj , deep scntoJ ciis curotlnS ] to'Jldnyi. InvoJtljila oar financial ftunJlnA our reputation nsbuslnfji men.Vrlto us tor iiiuno } nal addrefsesnf the oo h ITO curej who have given pcruilsf-lon to refer to thou It cost ! you only post * nee to do thin. If your symptoms uro fioro t'iroit , mucou patches In mouth , rheumatism In bones nnd Joints. Imlr full I iik' out , eruptions on uny pirl of tha body , feeling of Kcnoitl dcproislon , pilns In healer Loncs. Von have no tlmo to waito. Tnosovlio are constantly taking mercury nnd pottuh , should tlU * continue It. Constant use of thcso drills will surely brine son's nnd cntln.- ulcers In the end. Don't fall to write. All corrcupoiidence sent buuloJ In plnln en- c'lopo. Wo lnvtu : theme < t rlidJ InvotUntloj ami will do all Inourponcrto ul-lyoulr.lt. Address , COOK REMEDY CO. . - Omaha. Neb FOR MEN ONLY S500 for : i ease of Io T or KAii.iva MAv nooi > , Ooncr.il or NUIVOIH Dciui.trr , weak ness of ioily or mind , tbo olToctsof orrororox- cesscain old or youii { thnt wuo iiinotunro.Vo \ cuar.mtooovery case orrnfiiud every dollar. Five d.iys trial trnntmont Wl , full cnnrsi ) 5. Perceptible bonellts roillzol In tliroo days , lly mull , uc-uroly p inUo 1 from observation. C'ooi ; HEMEIIV uo. cur ' LADIES ONLY I'UWAU ? Kr.UUI.ATOH , enr0 an I Cort.ilu to a. diy or inonoy ref ntulo 1 117 mall t ! . nSoouraiy aoilol from obsurv.t tlon. V < HHi UK II lilt k' tl > . Dni.ih i. N O Dr. C. ELECTEIC BELTS KolliivcM llcuilacliun III ono iiiliiuto niulvlll cure Ili-rniii , J'eirr mill stf/iir , ItheiiintittiHit , Jtt'lfjlit'xlAf mot IIftirt - - fit I'll , , * Hunce , I'l ulainua Jnl , 1'itriili/ils , bphitti .Iffictiuiil , i iiiviff/'ii ' , /.nine Hitrli , fotil I'rtt , llrailiiclir , rim , l.rtut 1'ulfiinlnu , Jtit.3 iif Jlanliooil , Luftuf I'liiilKii , iiiifiinii iii'iiniieit , lach t > t Xrrrr I'viei'unil t'igur , lititiirii anil I tier 1'uiniiliilnli ! > n i-uii.iiuan niul nil / < ( ! < u/irr tlitre It a l.iiek o i'rojifi.titlun Uuilcrli' * tinIdnlly lli'iu-wtul niul Clfiinril imtl xvlll liiKl Cor Veilm. Call and examine them. JUDD ELECTRIC CO. 1506 Douglas SI. , Omaha , M. .Sillier. Tlio nnniinl incctliw of stoouliolilcri of tlio rruiuonl , r.lkhorn , V Missouri Vnl uy llaiiri.nl coiniiuny will bu hulU ut tlio ollluu of llm voiif n\ny : In Onulu , > ou. on rrnliiy. May 8J , Isj. ' . ut Uo'oinok p in. , fur tliu u uct'on of ill- ructora iiml for Ihu trans ictlon of suuh olhur bubinuni us uiiiy iniiiii ln'forn tliu muollii ; , J. IJ. ltiiu * KM > . fccerut iry. Llato I AyrlllB , laji ul.iUltM AN OLD VETERAN. II. Ste\ctifl' Point , Wls.i snffcrcil tot 25 ycntg o ( Ner vous 1'roMrntlon , linorn tlinn tonuno ctin tell. I'lifdlcl. nns fi\nilcil noth- inp , ODD bottloof DR. MILES' IUBTORATIVC NERVINE , bronchi him u-M , dep nml mmlo him feel new man. Dr. .lullan C. 1'mlorrcooil , Meniinun , Tenn , suffered from periodical nmous nttackt , lint f ounil i fleet nfter ueinc ono bottle ol r er\ino Trial bottle and elegant book I'UKIJ ( it drti'yl8ts. ( Dll. MILEO MEDIOAIj Oo , Elkhnrt , Intl. l\ir Sain liy Knlin A Co. . IStli and Douglases I ) ] > OOytl S TIIEATHR Tuosiltiy - Wcdncs'y MaylO aiiilll , Mitt , Wednesday. A Tromotidous Musicul Jivcn Conducting th3ChicagoOrchestra OF 54 MUSICIANS. GENEVRA JOHNSTONE-BISHOP , The I.cMidlniSoprano of tlio Counlrv. FANNIE BLOOMFIELD ZEISLER , Tlic Most Wonderful 1'lanlst In Amerloi. upsurxetl suats } | nntl $ l.-i ; box soils $ . ' . Nieelnl prices for mritliiuo. On salu at box of- licoon undttfter Monday , M.iv U. AND COMPANY , In the lTc.it Modem Operetta , Merry Monarch , Ooinlni ; direct from the Hiouluav theater , > . . , after his annual season In their home tho.it r. Farnam Street Theater.'i'opm ' rPH ifOJ 4 Mclits , CoimnenclriK S-itmln } Nlclit , May 11. MatlnDu WutiioMluy LINCOLN . I. CAIIT1. IIS Ori-nt fcccnlo Krlo Denmo THE FAST MAIL. See. The IIUlil of tlio Sial mail , tliu womlorrn ! rntliuailitoinicnctnu nnd train of clKlitvcn turn , Miicaru fnlls by moonlight , Ihu tcrrllllo btunmboiu Farnam St , Tluatre , 'Jlireo Mghts con in-'tuliif ' 1 li Jlny I'.1 , Matt- ncu ntuiil DAN MCCARTHY. Hut ono \cnllct. Press nnd public s ly Tlio liiu- nlt'kt unil hrlulitc tof all Irlsli Coinoillfo WONDERLAND GRAND OPERA HOUSE. 14TH AND CAl'lTOI , AVfiXUE. WEEK OL'1 MAY ! ) TfI. COFFEE DUDE SKELETON. W II I S T L I N G PA 1" T I. SHERMAN MAHN WILLIAMS. GLEAbONS WILLIS IIALPIN. 2 Hl ( { 2 SHOWS 2 PROCLAMATION AND NOTICE. I. fioorco I' . IlciiiK , nmvor of the City of Onialin. do Isstiu thU , niv piot-'litiiKitlon , and liyvlrtuoof tlio nntliority vested In > i > "s mayor of Mild eltv. : nul In uoiiitili'iiu.'o with the direction of tlio city couiu-ll of bald city by nn urdlnnnco of said city entitled : "An ordinance calHus a special election to votu iiDon tliuntcuiitiinroof the nronosltlon of the Isehr.isUa L'unlial It ilhvav company nnd the Issuance of coupon biiiids of thu city nfOinalm In tlio sum ( if i.'i 1.00 i.r.U . t o aid the NehiasUii CVnttal Uilhv.iy coinpiny In nc- ( ] iilr ns depot LMonnil- tlic uonstriictlon of u union rnllwuv and pas < = cn or depot anil of other i.illuay IniptoroiiiLMitH uiion .s.tul Kionnds. iiml to nuthorl/o u tax fur the pay ment of the Interest upon s.ild bonds and to create a slnkltij ; fund for the payment of Iho ptlnclunl thereof. " Approved .May 10 , 1S02 , do hereby pioclalm und il\o iiubllc notice unto tlio electois of suld city of Uiiiahr. th it a special election ulll lie hold In bald lty at tlio respoctlvo jilnccs horulipiftiT dcslciiated on Tuesday , tho. ilst day of .May , IH9. ' , for the purpose ot "iihinlt- tlns to thu electors of s.ild cliy tlicciiioitloti of accepting or refusing to accept the fulloulnu' ) iropoiltlon ! of the Nolirasa ! Central Kiliway comp.iny licrelnaf tor set forth at lunulh. and of levying taxes to moot the prlnclp tl and In tel est of the bonds mimed lii s.ild iiroposltlon : Tlio siKI : proposition niul the s.ild iinestlon as to tax levies shall ho los.trded as ono tiueatlon und shall bo siiliiuitted to salt \otors und voted upon In t lie form and man ner followln , : Shall the following proposition of the Nehruslca Conlial Hallway company ho ac cepted l > y the city of ( Jinalm. and nhall uu annual tax In addition to the usual anil all other taxes bo lovlud 111.011 tlio tax.ib'.o proi- ) eity of lo ! : city of Omalia siilllclent to i > ly the Inteicst on said bonds as It becomes due ; and , nt the time of levyliu the annual city taxes. coinmcnc us the tenth year prior to the ni.i- tuilty of b ltd lioiuls , shall a tax. In addition to all other taxes , ho levied upon thu taxable properly ot Mild city of Omaha , and con tinued annually theioal'ter. from yeir to vc'tr , until thereby H sinking nmd shall have been obtained biilneiont to p ly bald lioniis nt thematuilty t hereof/ I'loposltlon of tno Nuliraskn Oontr.il I { ilhvav eompuny to the city of Umalii : , Nob. To the Mayor und City Council of tbo city of Omaha , Nub. : The uiidortilunod , tlio Nebraska Central Hallway company , pioposes to iicipilio and take po-bcsslon of , for lallway purposes , that cuitaln trai'tof land loeated svlthln thu dis trict bounded bv I'ifleenlh streot. Chicago sticct , I'lovunth btrcot , I'.illfoinla stiect. and the rljtbtufayuf the Oinali a Unit Hallway cdiupiiny. ( excojit I lie hiiuth half ( if block .is , lol : iuml I , lilot-lv > , lot I , und IKII th onu-half of lolsij and .1. blocU .Tl ; and tooiuct theieon a union pahsvugur depot on thu cornel of I'lf- tecntli nnd Chicago htieots , toeoit , Ini'ltidliiK the other railway Improvements on S-IK ! ( iioniidH , not less tlrin four hundred thotib in J del aibitliO.Oiti ; I'lovuled , the city of Omaha , In Oou.'las I'ounty , Nehrubltii. will duirito to the s ill ! No- bi.ihliii Central ICalh\iy : eonipany two huii- dieil and fifty thousand dollars ( f- ! . " > J'JO'i ' ) cif Its four ( I ) pur cant bonds , dated July 1 , IMC , nuu and payanlo twenty c0) ) yearn from January 1. ihJJ , with Intiirost p.iy- abliibeinl-aiinually from tliu last above date , all piiy.ihli ) at Iho I'lseal AKoncy ( if the Ht.ito ot .NuhrabUn in the city of Now Voi I ; . Slid bonds to bo ( if Uio denoinln il'on ' of one thousand dnllaia ( ? 1UU ) each , and each thcio- df lo reelto : "Thlb bond Is ono of a seiloa of tuo huiiilrod and llfly ii > 0) ) boiidh of line amount and lonor. which are IShiied by the ully of Oma'ia , In DonvliiB countv. Nebraska , to the N'obiauki Cent ml i in I uny company , 10 aid It In acquit I nir land In tbu city of Oniuhii fur union dopnt and terminal purposes , and In the consMiii''tluii of n union nillw.iy pasbcnaor depot upon him trioiiiid , and Its lalluay tnukN sl'l" ' irackd , turnoii s , switches an I apjiio'ichns lo Kill cthuiutn. and other railway impro o- iiients tlMiio\\llh eonneuluil. " hald tiundH to lie iixoonted nnd roslstorod on thollistd.iy of July. l-oi. iiiui iniinod iiuiiy thcrrnfter dolheiol to thu 1'lit.t Natlunjil IliinUuf Omah.i , Neb , trnjuee. t bo bold In tniht furilelhury lo the NubrasU i Centril ItalhMivciiiiipiny , Its Mictcs.ois or amlBii * . by bald Inulcc , In mat illmonla as huiulnuflur NcbiasUa Coi.tr.il Hallway com- iiaiiyiiluiiBlo const riK-t. iirtiu o to bo cun- itiuctml , a line of i.illniiy In thostalo of lonanot lo > s limn IW ) mllui. In uMent , froni the 041.1 approach of iibildKO. wnioli the h.tld NobnieUiit Lintr.il Hallnsiv company hah ilfco planned to eumtiuct o\or Ihu Mlinoiirl rlvot. inturbootliu or connuvtliij with , or reauhliu HID lines of two or moro of thu follouln ; , ' i all- way coiponillons : Tbo IlllnoU Central Hallway comjiany , tliu \\inuiii A , houthuostoin li'Ulu ly coupaii ) , the Mlnnuapo U.VM. l.on U Hallway ciminmy , lbuUhlcaio. M 1'aul .V Uuinus City Hallway eiMiipan.x. tlu CblcaKo , 1'ort Midison.V les Monies Hallnay eompiiiy. Iho Alch son. TopeKa - peKa .V Haiit'i To K.illuay coinp.niy Iho 11 iltl- morti.x. Ohio Hiliuav eomp my , lliuOliio > V Mississippi II il'way ' company , tliu ICcoUuK .V \Vcstctn Killway roiiip.iny , thu l.'n ' iu < y Oiniili t \ Kuiis ib i'lty Hallway company und tlio Iowa Central Ituiltsuy company , One tinntlrcd tliouflind ilollnr of said bonds MI ill lie dellrerrd liy - nlil tnntoo to silil Nu- tiraskii rout ml Itiilrny romii.iiiy. Its sue- ctcsusor av lcn ( > , whcti It or they sli.ill have a | tiltol ant ] taken | n u < lnn of tlrU eorttfn tract of land located within Iho district boundi'd by Klftoontli street , Chicago street , l.leventli strrol. Cnllfurnla street and tlio rlKht of WH.V of the Omah-i llJlt Kallwav com- puiy , ( oTcept the sotilh half of block . ' , lot It iiiiiN. block VN. lot I. and th ] north hilt of lots S nnd a block .Ti ! I'roMded. tbnt tbu sntd ono hunilrpil then- j-inil dollars ( JluftOjO ] of s-iltl bonds shall not betlelUered until nfter the nld Nebraska ( .untr.il Kalluny companv , Us snocessuis or tisslyiis , F-luill ha\e Cin tnicto 1 thu said line of railway In the HMD of Iowa. One hundred nnd llfty thousand dollnrs IM.MVKHi ) of salJ bonds shall be delhem.l by said trustee lo.said Nebraska Cciltnl Hallw iv coiiinany. Its successor-tor assigns , u lieu It or they shall h.i > o completed tno election of a union pasniti er depot upon said tract of mud anoUdc criued , to coil. Inuitilliu the ether railway liiipio\otnonts on sild prounds , not less limn four hundred thou inil dollars ( fllO.OOn ; proof of such cost to bo made by the sworn statement of the president and troas- uierof said rallH.iy companv. Hied with tbo c tvcloikof Unialiii. iHHunnp'iiled by eeillll- cale. sltrned by thocitv altoinov an I cltv on clnrer , that In their opinion such amount has n timllv been expended. I'totldcd , that if t'iu stiltl Nebraska Central Hallway eompanv. Its su'ccs < ors or assigns. shaH fall to HIVIII ro anil taUo possession ot siln Innd. Itsh ill not bo entitled In lo-oho iinv part of said ono hundred tltousanddollars iJliM.iuui insfilltiicnt of botids : and. fnithcr limhied , that IIOIIL of s-ild ono lltmdicd and llftv tbonsMiid dollarsJr.O.OJH ( ) Installment of bouiH shall be delivered until at least oner ill- wnv cutnnnny In addition to the NobrjsU.i central Hallway conip-iny slnll bo actually uslii sald iinkin depot ; nnd. riovldod fuithcr. Thai the mayor nnd the cltv council slmll , by to oldtlon , upon the full petformanco of the undcrtaultus on the p irt of nld lallVMiy companv herein cuntalneil , order the tlullvciy of bald bontls at the t mcs aforesaid ; nnd , l'ro\ldod fuithor , Tliatnlt iniiturcd coupons hall bo removed and e-uiculled bv s-ild trustef licloro dellxeiv of the bonds to which they are atficliedj and , Provided further , Th it the mayor nnd city council of the elty of Omaha shall cause to bo lovlutl on iho taxab o piopuity of said cltv an annual tax mimeient for tbo "payincut of thu Interest on s.ud coupon bonds as It becomes duo. mid after the expiration of ten ( Hi ) ycais from the ditto of sihl bonds the nriyorand olty council of sild city slrill cause to bu levied In addition to till otliur taxes on the t-ixablo procrty | of said olty an amount ot tax siilllclent to create a sliikfiu bond for the li'ivment tit maturity of said bonds , ttho amount of lax to bo levied for said slnUliu- fund not to exceed twontv-Hxo thoimml del lars ( W.OJj.no ) In nny ono year ) ; bald tax to bo continued from yo.ir to year until tliob'ild bonds are fully paid. The cctilremcnt | of the s'lld Innils and Im- provon.onts hcteln eontumplatod Inelndlnt ; the saltl railroad In Ion a. shall ho bejun within ono year from Mav 1. isi.1 , ami be pushed lo completion without uiineccssiry ilelay : and shall bo completed \\ilhlnthruo yeais fiom Iho 1st day of July. lh'i > . In casu , inv of the tonns limitations , con II- llonu 01 pi in Is ons propose 1 beivln iclatlii ; to the bc innln , | iioress and completion of said I nprovemcnu aio not compiled u th , < un ess tlo ay Is dltectly and nucossailly catisoil bv tnlunctlon or other Judicial pio- cui-dlnijs or bv nnavoldiiblo nooldent ot net of l'ioIdence ) , the said comp my slnll not bo entitled to recoUosild bonds or any thereof , oven tluniEh thoolcctotsof s tld elty of Omaha shall Imo by their vote author rod the Is suance of said bonds ; but allil ht to said bonds shall by such default and without any judicial determination bi.voino forfeited , I'tovldcd , howoxoi , Unit If the bej ; nnln , PIOKII ssorcomnletloii of said Improve'iicnts shall > 'e ' dcla > ed 01 obstructed by any of the afoicsald causes , the times hcioln al owed for the pro-'iess and completion of s ild In.piove- mouts shall bo oxlendctl lo the extent of such delay or ohstt ncllon ; and should a dispute arise between the said city of Omaha and the said Nobiaska Central Hillway comp my with tosut'ct to thtse lusoorextont of any cucli delay , the samu al Iho election of paid Ne- I iasl\ Central Hilluay eoiou.inv , shall bu rcfeired for dctct initiation to : t Do ml of ar- bltiatots , to bo apuolnlcd 113 heroin.ifter pro- \ Idcd. In consideration ot rocelvli.tr the proposed subsidy the Nobias.cn ( Jcn'ral IUI wav con- nuiva rees to allow all lallway comp-inles Iho follonlns : lights : Tliu rl.'htlo tun llu-ir lot oinotlves , pass Miser and frellit tr mis over Us m tin and p ts--iiK triels within Iho elty of Omaha ; and oer Its proposed br d o and approaches preaches , the rlsht toiisosueh poitlou of Its teiiuln.il groundsdepots and faullll e < as may bonocessaiy and propui for the conduct of tbo business of such ro tils ; the riRht to ha\o their cats switched anil dellvuioil by the No- bt.isUa Ccnli il H ilttay co np my up MI all of Its switch tr.icUs : the rl ht to connect lh"lr ID ids at any point within one hundred il'U ' ) miles of MI d city of Omaha \ \ lib any line of r. 11 iv. .iv v.lilub thu Nebraska Ccnttal Hiilnav coinpnnj' . or Its suc.'os'-ois or asil4us , may < 01.struct or caii'-o to bo constrncto I u.st , of the Mlsso'iit r.ver , and to run tbcli locomo- t \es , passenger and frolsht tialns o\orthi. < main and pabslni ; tracUs > ot said railroad. It boliu huroby aurocd th it in ease the Nebinska Central Itallwnv com pany slrill construct Its promised line east of Iho Mlssuni I rier. . tliroiuh thu a eiay of any ether corporation or jiuty. It will ran so such coiporitlon or pirty to execute and deliver lo the city of Omah i a good and stilll-lent Instrument , lilndln U or him to abide by the terms , conditions and provisions of tliU pioposlllon. Ihu same as tlio s.ild Nohr.isUii Cenlr il Hillwiy comp mv would li.no boon bound if II hid built the same , tuforo delivery ot the aforesaid onu bundled Ihous.md dollais ( ! 1U3OJJ ) Installment ot bonds. 1'rovlded , that the usoanO enjoyment by such r.iliway companies of o icb and every of said ri.'hts snail bo upon Just aiideiiu.il tunns an 1 the p lyment of just and filr commons t- tIon tn the Nebraska Contril Hiilway co i - pany. Its bticccbsors or assigns , nnd subject to such opcratlni ; rules iiiul regulations of the Nobr.islca Central Hallw iv comp inv. Usuc - cossnrs or assigns , as shall bo necessary and propci. Just and loasonab.u. And tbu salt ! Nohiaski Central llallw.iy company wl.i submit any dispute ailsln be tween It and such other company or comp - p inies as to thu use and enjoyment ( if any lights under this prop > sllIon , or as to thu terms , componsttlon , opei.itlnK inlcs and regulations , lolatlns Ihcioio , lo a board of aiblliatots , to bu made np of tlueo pei-ons who ate judircs of Iho stale dlslilcl court , or Its successor , of the district embracing thu county of Douglas , to bu su'.uuted by a two- thirds vote of all Iho petbons who are ( listi let judges of said court. Piovided ih it any such railway eompiny oilier man said Nebraska Central U ilhvav company. Its successors or a'slitis , shall h.ivo tbo ulcotlon to Biibmit any such ( llsiuto to arbrllrallon or to pursue any other icmudy \Vborevor arbitration Is provided for by this imposition , thu party desirln. to .submit , any mailer to arbitration shall cause lo ho serve I upon Iho oilier party a wrlllun nollcu which shall i-el out the nritter in dlbpulo lo bu submitted , and the time plumbed for tbo ho.uliu , which shall not ho loss than thirty (11) ( ) d.ijs after the time of service ; and there upon Ihu advcrau uaity shall within luoniy C.'Oi days after such service upon It , servo Its aiisuor , If any II have , tipjii tbo pirty do- m.md 114 thu iiihltr.itlon. The Hoard of Arbitrators , when ouanl/od , sh ill Inuo po oi to llx tbo tlmo ( if lijirin , ' and to adjiiiun the same fr.im time to tlmo , an.l to m iku all nooss iry t tiles an I regula tions for tlio | ) ioductlon of tcsllmony In iho possession of uilhur pirtv , an t otherwNo to compel ! a fairmil ) HUU | ly tilal ; the declsl.iu of a miiiIty | of Iho hojid shall control and the final dotoi initial on of thu ho.ud sh ill be Mual and conclnslvo upon thu 11 u ties , of all mat ters submitted an J dooldud , Whoi over arnltriton shall lie resort oil to such nililtratlon shall buthuexcliislvorcme ly of HID parties lexi'ept as heioln nliowhorii prn- vl Jo.l ) . as to thu mattCM and lhiii , " > Involved anJ decided theroln. Sahl Nohr.ti.acntr.il ! ( Hallw lyeump.iny. Its siiL''esors and asiimis sh til ti.uispoi t fivi'-'lit. ( Ini-lildliu transfer of freightml allchar.'ei Incidental lo s ild tiaiispoitallon ) over any In hip ) and iippro.ielius. as well as DM i any rallnay II shall e iiistniot within ono Inindr (1)0) ( ) ) miles of the Miiwurl ilvorHllhln iho state of NohrinUi. for Jiut and iiiason I'du ' rates or ihaues. and Incn-oof dlllfiiiiK-os us to what eonstilnUH ju > t and ruasouablo oharxos nndoi this puravraph. Ihu m lyor imd o iv connull or sild railway uomn my may submit the s imo to arhllr itlon In thu maniiur and to iho arbltralois abovu prov Idud foi. but. this pitaffraph rmpactlntc ftoic'il ' ehaivus hh ill not bn'01110 opcrntlvu or In force until llvoyoais from thu dulo of thu dullvory of llm lusting illmont of the hond-i hurolnbufoic ref - f ei rod 10. II Is fuitbnr propxod that said bonds shall ha dulhUK'd lo Iho Nebi.islia I'ontr il railway eomp my. Us sn coi > ors or assigns , only up in Ihuexcinillon by iho s ild Nubr.iskiContr.il r illw.iy comp my or Its SKCJUSSJIS. and deliv ery to thu illy of Om ilia of an uiulurtakliu In wntln.- thu oifoia tli it Ihu prluulp il depot ofs ild railway comp iiiy.llsirunoral iitlluL'S tind plliu'lpal machlnu shops when built , shall bu loi'atud and nialnt ilnu'l within the enipur.ilo limits of thu elly of Omaha , an I Hi it a viola tion uf the tci inn of said undortiikiiiK by the said Nohiaska I'ontral railway eompanv or Its snceodsoisor assigns , shall lender thu s.ild Nubriiblui Cunti.il railway company , or Its smvus'.ms. Indchtiiil to Ibusal I eity of Om ih i In the full amount of b.ud bonds , and intuiusi Ihireon. This proposition shall , nftor bulng duly auknowlud ud by the Nubrasica'Contral Htll- wuy I'omp my , lie lucorded In thu olllcu of thu ro.'iKtor of dui'iUof 1) ) Jii.'l is county. NubrasU a , and for a pile I of twenty ( Jo years from and after this d.ito. hh ill bu luforrud lo by'Km , ' IhiboiU mil p.i/o vxhuieln the s-umi U 10- curded li , any morl iuredeo l of trust , di ed of conveyance , or IC.IHO gf a.ild dupul and dunot Jliiunds , ulth the statement th it tints ild Nu- bi.ihka Central ralhv u y umiiu my. Hi sue oy bors and unsl IIM. are bound by thu tuinut limi tations. pioi'UhiiH and condition * of tills pioposilloa rthlcli aio herjby m ulu In eovv- ninli lint utlach In ant ) run with thu * ill propui'ty Into \Uio.oover hauJn It may co mi PiovKlud. thai the vltyeoiin II ol Iho city of Onuihii ahuiiivor iiipn | > yin , ' III due form ) bha'l ' ei.ail a eertii'ii ' oi.Iinun o o.hi-11 at III" dati ) heru.f ih pi.nliiu' con * d < r itimi Infoio ildmiuiioii | unlillud 'An mJinancj tr.uit hU uuruiUi.un auJ dutborlty to thu Co nt r it K.illnr company. It' sticoossors ami nssiuns. to ronitruct rulr > id tr.ioUs iilouz. n.'txii * . over nnd under cert tin streets niul til- ley In tluiclty of Omatin. sulito t to orrtaiti conditions , nnd to vncito pirts of ccrtln slieots niul alloys In thu cltv of Oniiilm , upon compliance with certain other cotid'tlom. ' ' An I It l also provided , That If sild No- / bri'ka Ccntril llallnny rompinr slnll not , within fnrlr-nvu (4M ( days of heltiK notino.l bv tlit'oltv Ciorkof the aJoptlon of this proposl- tion nt the oloutlon huld to Mite upon tha " .imo , fllowlth tlio ild city cleik 11 * written i.itllluationof tills IIMII Hitlun under Its eor porato soil , none of mid bomls shall ho Usuoil , nnd all thu tarms nnd proisloiunf tlili propo * Altion shall ba hold for n night Tlio Nebraska Ccntr.il Knllwny company imeos before nil election belnnoiilod to sub- mlt to Iho > otors of the elty of Pinnlm thli proposition , that It will oxi'i'iilo mid dollvci io sild city n bond with j-nod nnd Hiinicleul Mitotlos In tbo sum of tl\o thousand tlollnri ( $ WOi. mid Ilvo tlioiM.ind doilari IIUUQ > rush conlltioned upon thu piymontof tlu > ox- ponsosof Hnltl election. Tills proportion and tlio aooontanop thoro- or bv tnocltyof Uirnlpi. mid llm rntlllpntlon of th s proposition by MI d Xo.ir.isU'i Contnl i.iliwav eompiny. or its succusiors or assigns , i tis heroin provldod , HI | ill tie construed nnd understood tocunsiltuio a eonlru-t hotwi-iin the sild NubrisK i tVntril r illway company , Its successors or assigns nn t the sild envoi li'iillm , nml all of Hie lei ms.rotiilll Ions , ajrco- mrnts nnd proIslons m ulo on the part of tlio NuhrisktiContrtl rahw.iy company in this liroDiisllloii cent ilnod are liuruuy mndu thu eo\eiuiitsof thusald Nobnska , iYiilr.it r.iti- w IV oompiny. Us siiocesiors mil nsslKiig , which Mia launch to nn 1 run with all of 111 sild prnpoity and blndiiiK upon any pvrty Into whosu hands It or any of a may comu. YIS : M ) . All ballots of the lo il voters e.i t nt s.ihl clcotlon contilnlni ; the alui > proposition nnd iiieston | | In tlio form of th , ' oilli-l.il ballot ilo bopiejiti'd ' by thu oily cleric of nail eltvof Omnli i for H.ild olootioiu with mi \ i iiirk fol- lowini : thn woiil "yes , " upon s ill ollli-lal bal lot shall tie counted In fiver ot thu nccept- nncnof said proposition , thr l snanee of s.ilil bonds niul iho luvy of said tnxus In payment of tlio principil tliuroof und the lutureal tlierooil. And nil ballots of loinlotcts east at salt ] election of thu fo-iu nforiM il I. with nn X marl ; following this word "no" upon sild olH * elnl bullet Eh ill bu conntu I a'in lint I Innc eeptmico of said prop ) sltUin , Iho l"iiuuicu of xiild liomlH mid thu levy ot s il I ttixos. If two-thlrdsof nil sil.l bnl olsoted IIT tlio li < : tnl voters of suld olty of Omnlin nt inl'd olcetlon slinll bu east In faMir of the lssu < micoof said bonds mid Uny of Hild taxcit In payment of tliu piltu'lpil : md Intnr- est tlioii'on. thu foiuro n pioposllloii shall bo hold to have boon iiceoplml und tuloptcil , nnd s.ilil bonds shill bo Isattud nnd loslstured , nml suld tux s shall bo lo\ led In nocordnncu w llh thu terms nnd con ditions tliureof. otliornlsn not , t-ald ului'tlon shall be opouuii nts u'oloek In the morning nnd will cnnllniiu upon until 9 o clock In tliu afturnoon of the sunu day at tbu following places In said City of Umali.u n.imuly : rtltSTni ) . Tlrst 1)1 Uriel Southeast eornorSovonth anj Maroyitruuts Second District Northwest , corner Eighth nnd l.o.iv oinvorth strums Thlid Dlitrlet-No. l.'is Jones street. I'ourth District -No. 1JS7 simih Tliirtecuth struct. I'lftli llstrlt Northeast coruur bo\onlh ami I * iclllu streets. Sixth District s-ontlioist cornur PIMh ami I'iK'illc. strouts. Mjvonth District No ( i."i I'lcrcn strcot. I.lehtli Distilct SoutiiHmt corner Klovonth and Center streets. Ninth District No. l OJH > ) iilli Sixth street. Tenth DIstilot .Noituo 1st uoinnr N.nth ami It.incrott htreuts. l.luvonlli District No. ivn South Thlrtcuntli btrcut , uoi tho.iat corner Ai bor stioci. SKCOMI Mill , Pirst District Intetscutiim roiirtconth ami Jones street. becoutl District No. 10)4 ) South Thirteenth stieot Third District Intersection l.lKliteenlh nnd l.i.iMiiUirlli ( streets. 1'imrth D.strict , Intersection I.oiivenwortli and \\enliflh I htruuts. 1'lfth District inleisuctlcm Twenty-third niul l.o i\en\\ortli sueels. Sixth DNttlut IntorsuctloiiTucntluth streul nml I'opplcton avrniie. Scven'li Dlbtrlut No 14'Ji Williams street. I U-htli District-No. 1J1J fcotith Tlilrtloth street ( MeCindllali ) Ninth District Intersection Sixteenth and Ci'nti r si reels. Tenth DNtilct No. I8JI South Tnontloth street lliDvolt t Woodman ) . I.luventli llslrict.-hitoiai.'ctioii ) Tnentluth n id llanciofl streets. Trte'ftli District No. lotI ) Vlnton nttcet ) novnii ) . Thirteenth District Intel section Thirteenth nnd V.uloi stiuots , west side. I oiirtenntli D.stilet Intersection Twon- tiuth and hou ovard streets. TIIIIIII AllI ) . I'lrst D.strlct inteisectioii Twelfth and ' District No. 1117 North rittcoiith snout ( Wooilninth ) . Thud District No. 112 Sixth street ( A. J. Simpson ) . 1 ninth District No. 111 , ! Douglas street iC J. C.iiimi. ) Fifth District-Intersection Capitol avenue anil Tenth street. Sixth District Intersection Hartley nnd Ninth stiet'ts , cast side. Seventh District Intersection l.lcicnth nud Karn im stteut. iUlith : District No. llli'i Ilnnioy stioot ( J. 9. Mei'oimlck ) . Nlntli District No. 1211 Ilurncy street ( Ifll- kenny , lir.iy .xCo ) . FOL'UTII WAII > . fl I'lrst District Intcrsectluii . exentecnth and Dnenpiirl slreots. M'coml Dlstriol Intersection Twenty-sec end D ivcnnoi thtreut f. Thlid District Inteiaoctlon Tttunty-Ilfth and Iods ) streets. louilb District Intorseetlon Bovcnti.'cnth and DodK" streets. Fifth District No. 411) ) South Kifteonth. street. s sixth District Intersection Twentieth and Douslns streets. SUN eiith District IntcrHCCtlon Twenty-sixth stiuut und fit. Mary's uvuntiii. I'lKhlli District Inleisy''tloti 'I wontloth struut and Si , Mary's avuiiuu , west aide. Ninth District No. JSih bl. Mnry'b avunuo ( Ifo'-odcaux ) . Tenth District Intersection nuhtoenth an 1 I. eaven worth alreois. north s'de. ' Eleventh District No IUI I Howard street ( lllBKlilb ) . 1'irrn vyAiin. First District Intursuellon ShurmannvcntiB and Man lorson snoot. , , , , , . , , Second District I. illlti' , ' building , west Bide Hhurmiin avoniiu , bulvvuon Ohio mil ( Jorby snouts. Third District Intersection bhorman avo- iiuu und l.il.o strcol. Fourth D.sirlct-Sniilhwost corner S-horman avonuuand ( iiace btruot. liili ( Jr.icu stroct. Fifth District-No. WIT rhuimin avunuo District No. M > -horni.in l avenue 1 'Jovonth Distrlot--Intorj > octlon Sixlcanth BIEI.Ihtli'1VlSl ' | ? -No. 8JS N.rth . Slxleenth tiCL't III. ( ! . Uliirk , agunl ) . Ninth District Intersection Cass and lonth S Tonlh District No. On North Sixteenth btieul iHo.vis , naunt ) . Illuvunlh Illstilct Hjntliw.i'.t ornor I.lah- luenlh and OasistrouH. 4.'iUhtounth : slruuU HIXTJI VVAIID. Flr t Dlstrlct-I.yuunm h ill , < 8.'J North Ttti'iity-fonrth HtroutiHral- ) . socuiid Disttlot , Intel > uctluii Thirty-sUtli btiuotand tirand avenue Third District Intuisucllon Military avenue ' " ' " " "I'onVtn"1"iSwriot - Inter uct. . n Tuonly fmirlh stiout and Mniidorsim sliiiut. 1'iftli Dlstilct Intuisucllon I'n only-fourth " ' ' DIstTfc't JntorsoutlonTlilrty-thlrd and Paruorsticots , -uVL-nth Dislrict No. 1'jJS I.aku stiuet ( W. l.ightb u'lslrlct No. aij'5 Ijtil.o btiect ( Sns Nlnil'i District No , ilia Noith Twenty- fourth HtlUUt. Tunth District Intersection Twenty-olshth and I'l mlclln streets. l.luvonlh Dlatrlcv-lnlnriiuctloii Tnunly- fourth nnd Franklin strums , Twuiflh District No. U > ) Noith Tnontleth stieet. nrvu.sni VVA n. I'lrst District No. JSII l/aavenworth Rtroot , Second District Inlorsujtl. m l'wonl > nliith avuiiuu an i I'oppleion aviinini. s.uiili nl lu. ' 'I wi niy-nlntn I'liird Dlslrlut lnter uut mi street and vVordworlh avonii > , noiilh slHu , I'uurlli DUtrlot rwunli-ninth and Fifth District Thiny-si'eond avenue mid ' ' TiSut'i'DlHtrYa- , . Mi Twoi.ly-i.lntl. . . avo- " nistrlol-IntoMJcUon Thirty- fourth nnd Fruuclshtruets KI1IITII U'Altll , I'lrst Ils " ll.iniilton itreot. ' ' ' ยง ' ' Third - . Tivuniloth ami Nieliol iHutrcut. 1 ourth D.strlut-No liJH ' " ! ! ! " . " " ; < i ifiii iii iini't J\ < > . -U * Dijiiiliitc Hin"M. h.xii. . . DiUrlet-l terUcl.on TttuiHynaconil ' "iouinMi"Umlrlot IntOMuctloi. Twentieth mid Uasi ktroets- MNTII WAIIII. F ist DIstriet-JntcMOJtioii Tlilrty-soooml an I i'liiiiiiitf Btruot . H i nml Dlbtrlut-Intoricctlon 1'ortloth and ( Jiiniliu streets , inn til sld > ) . Thiid DKlrlul [ iuoruoll.ni Fortieth nnd I Illl Illl UCIU. ) Fourth District Inlorsactloii Thlrty-sooona itMMiiio ami 1) tvonporl lr.iil. 1'ifth District No SI ) F.irnnm itrcot , -l\ii | UnlrluV No Jlil I/uavunwortli utrniit. Thm dunu and prouUlmud In tlio City ut Um iha Iliu IHIi ( Jay of May , iv.ii tKItlil2 ] I1 IlKillS , Miijror of thu U.iy