Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Walter Hamilton Meota Death in a Pecu
liar Manner Near Hjannis.
) froil llrrdlcln of Lincoln Will Answer to
llto District Court for I'riitnlftcti *
ounly Ij'slng n Onti to the Injury
of Hoicrnl I'uritotis ,
HTAXNI ? , Nob. , May 10. fbpoclal to
tTtiK Ui-.E. ] Walter Hamilton was killed
Sunday some lit teen inllos south of
Hyannis wlillo digging for wolves , Hamil
ton hod dug n trench ton foot underground
In order to roach the wolves , when thooarth
caved In upon him , and when rescued life
Yvns extinct. Hamilton lias a widowed
knottier at Hartley who did not receive the
Intelligence ot her son's death until nftcr his
liurlnl. Ex-County Clerk Manning had
j Bltirtcu to go into the ucn when the earth
, caved In ,
' iuitii.iiN : : iiotM ) oviit. :
i Mint Ansurr to thn District Court tor
! Shooting Savrrnl 1'orsoin.
T LINCOLN , Nob. , May 10. | Special Telegram -
; gram to Tin : Hordlcln , the
! liquor craved citizen of the bottoms who
aomo weeks ago utulcrtook to exterminate an
ontlro neighborhood , had his preliminary
hearing bnforo Judge Wnton this afternoon.
lie was arraigned on the charge of shooting
Mrs. Minnie Miller , Mrs. John Luckhardt
nndVultir \ Luckhardt with inlont to kill.
Dr. Shoemaker testified that Mrs. Luckhardt
Imd buun wounded In tlireu pla'o3 : , her son
once nnd Mrs. Miller onco.
Witncsbos wcro called lo describe the
fthonting. The only cause for the shooting ,
us brought , otll by the evidence , wns thai
Mrs. Luckhurdt had entered n protcbtugatnst
the manner In which Ilordloln wns treating
his wife. At tno conclusion of thu examina
tion Judge Waters hold iho prisoner to the
district court , fixing his ball at 1500 , which
was Immediately furnished.
1'ioni thu roller Court.
.1. G. Goggln , who bus been hold nt the police -
lice station since yestrulny mornlne on the
charge of passing worthless uhocks , was re
leased this afternoon. His friends made
good thu money ho bud iciuived and tbo par
ties who caused his iirrobt declined to prose
No ouo appeared to prosecute Fred Mey
ers , the ivj oar-old boy arrested while in tbo
net of robbing I'romUlt's ' grocery store , and
he was accordingly discharged.
Thu case auainst Ulainc Nawoll , the young
fellow charged with commluiug nn unnat
ural crime , was dismissed today , the prose
cution declining lo piosccuto.
Sll\rr AnnlMTBiiry Notes.
The co ninlttco uj'on the silver anniversary
vvus in session till II o'clock p. m. last night ,
liard at woik upon the coming celebration.
Tlio report from the linnnco committee was
of the most encouraging order , and evidenced
the fact that the committee would be cruditn
blv supplied with funds fur the celebration.
It was decided by the committee , to offer n
line silver .souvenir to bo presented to tbo
city or town presenting the best Moat in the
Industrial narade. The medal will not only
bu valuable for its intrinsic worth but It will
nlso bo a souvenir that the city securing it
will not fall to appreciate. The matter is in
the hands of Mr. J. U. Ilnrpham.
The decorating coinmittoo reported prog
ress and that the city would present the
most hnndsomo appearance that was. over
nirido before.
A liberal sum was appropriated for tbo
use of the committee on llghlliigund torches.
The committee upon illumination reported
plans , and a fund was appropriated for their
The committee on advprtislng reported
upon their work , nnd an additional sum was
> ot usido for their use.
The railroad committee reported a satis
factory meeting with the olllcials in Omaha
and tbt Tangcmcnts wore made so that nil
cities towns prep.irinc lloati for the
parade ild bo sure that they would bo
biought to Lincoln and returned free of
The question of reunion of the .survivors of
the united session ot luo legislature of ISO"
was placed In the hand of n committee con
sisting of T. P. IConnara , George M. Craw
ford and ex-Governor Tbayor to make all ar
rangements for this icunion.
Tlio marshal of the parade , Hon. H. II.
Onhloy , announced that ho would select
some fifty citizens from nil parts of the state
to assist him as aids.
At Iho banquet tendered the mayors and
presidents of the boards of trade from the
diffoiont cities in the stnto held recently at
thu Llndoll hotel it was declared the sent !
went of those present that the chairuau ap
point n special committee from the different
parts of tbo stnto , this committee to secure
funds for the erection of a silver memorial
tablet to bo placed permanently in tbo rnpltol
building commemorative- this silver anni
The chairman announced the following na
its committee : W. H. Dickinson , Wahoo ;
Max Meyer , Omaha ; S. M. Chapman. Plaits-
mouth ; J. W. Dawos , Crete ; K. W. Furnns ,
Brownvlllo ; W. A. Downing. Kearney ; Dr.
Alex. Baor. Norfolk ; J. S. Hoagland , North
1'latto ; W. H. Mungor , Fremont ; James D.
Gage , Franklin ; Samuel N. Wolbacb , Grand
Island ; John Kill ? , Beatrice ; C. E. Adams ,
Superior ; Neil Bronuon , O'Neill ; A. C. Jones ,
I'ult orally Cnllogo of l.itw.
The graduates of the college of law will
receive their diplomas nnd usual formal roc
Dgnition on commencement day , with all
other graduates of the university But the
term work closes tomorrow , with reading
theses In the university chapel nnd with nn
address In the evening. To these exercises ,
both day and evening , the public Is Invited.
During the day visitors may enter tbo
chapel and withdraw , between any numbers ,
BS may suit tholr convenloncu. Tim evening
nddicss promises to bo of unusual Interest.
Following Is the program : Morning Sos-
elon , U to 12. Bcnmiin C , Fox , Lincoln ,
"Caveat Kmptor ; Edgar C. Winters , Salt
Lake Cltv , ' 'Chattel Mortgage ; " Andrew C.
Larson , Omaha , "Mortgage ; " Alexander H.
Thompson , David City. "Mechanics' Lion
Law ; " Victor Seymour , York , "Agency ; "
Charles T. Brown , Lincoln , "Equltv.11
Afternoon Session , a to 5. Allco A. Minlok ,
Urownvillo , "Legal Statu * of Woman ; "
Btophon C. Lnngworthy , bewnrdHomo -
toads and Exemptions ; " Ambrose C. Ep
poron , Clay Cortor. "Usngo and Custom1 ;
Fiank H. Woods , Lincoln , "Common Law "
Churloa W. Starling , Lincoln , "Usury. "
Evening Session , 7-l5. : Music , University
orchestra. Hoport by the dnnn. Address ,
Hon. James M. Woolwoitb , Omaha , "Tho
Ideal Luwyer. "
Miulu It IVriimnmit.
GniNii Isi.ivi ) , Nob. , May 10. ( Special to
Tun BKII.I An Injunction Issued some tlmo
go rcstrainoj the couuiy dork and county
treasurer of Hall county from issuing and
paylug certain \vurinnts ordered drawn by
the county board for the payment of dani
ngus resulting from the opening of a now
road In Washington township. One of the
warrants was in favor of u member of the
board , Judge Harrison made thu Injunction
permanent yesterday by deciding that tbo
touiishlp In which tbo road was opened must
boar the expense and not the county treasury
in which thu city , which pays for and opens
liur own streets , has a part.
Company C limpruttiil.
NmiitASKA CITV , Nob. , May 10. [ Hpeclii
toTnu BCD. | Adjutant General Vifquaii
was In tbo city yesterday afternoon inspect
inr ; company C of the Nebraska National
guards. Ho cow inspects the company every
lour months , and yesterday was his llrst
visit hero. Ho > vn highly pleased with bis
.Siujilrlmn ( ! lmruvtvrirrrotoil ,
FAiimm.n , Neb , , Mny 10. fSpoci l Telegram
gram to'l'iiK HEK.J Two suspicious looking
men and n boy weru arrested hero yesterilii )
on .iiuiilelpn of havinc stolen a largo uumlet
of golu rings , which they uoro ottering to
* nli bulow their value. They will bo hold
awaiting a claimant for the property.
Youiif ll | iulillf ,
NBIIIUSKA Citr , Nob. , May 10. ( Special
to TUB IUe.J-.Tuo young republicans of thU
city hold an enthuilutla mectluK at tbo
ourt house Inst night and organlred the
YoutiR Men's llopubllcan club by decline
W. P. Pfnoslnff. prosMonV ; C. W. HORO. vice
irosldonl ; Hombort Hllltmin , sccrolnry , nod
si. U. Thorp , treasurer. The club will hold
regular meetings oycr.v Thursday ovonlnp.
.Sdinmn on root to Hob Lincoln of n
Stntn Institution.
KEAnxer , Nob. , May 10. tSpeclnl to TUB
UBE. ] Tuoro Is a schouio on foot hero to so-
euro the removal of the state punltontlnry
from Lincoln to this point. It will bo ro-
mctnborcd that nbout &lx weeks ago during
tbo * ovcro wind storm which swept over the
stnto , n big section of the penitentiary wull
fell down. The broach was at once re
paired , but It Is said that the workmen made
the discovery that the wall , Instead of being
solid , was filled in the canter with sand , and
was liable to fall nt any time. An attomnt
was made to hush the matter up , but it has
looked out , Hccontly this reached the oar *
of a Kearney capitalist , who was also in
formed that the whole wall would bavo to
como down In it year nt , most , and that Lin
coln Dooplo on the Insldo wuro already
figuring on having the stnto ouild n now
penitentiary with an appropriation which
they hoped to work through the legislature
at the coining session.
When ttao Lincoln plnn bccamoknnwn ncro
n movement was sot , on foot looking toward
securing the removal of the penitentiary to
the Midway city. A syndicate of capltiillits
wns formed , and the schema now Is to ofTor
the Etnto n largo tmct of land and n liberal
bonus as nn Inducement for the removal.
The men In the deal suy that If the state
must linvo a new penitentiary , It would bo
better to accept n bit ; bonus than to talto the
money from the state funds. They think
Lincoln and her nlwnvs present aporopria-
lion should bo relocated to tbo ronr In this
matter and that tno western part of thn
stnto should DO given a chance.
There Is a probobllltv that when the
scheme Is gonotnlly known n number of other
cities in the stnto will bo anxious to bid for
thn location of the pen.
tx-TiiiAsuitiii TAUI/S TKIAI , .
Ho Mutt AiiHuur the Cliiiro } | < > T l mhnr/lc *
inont In I ho Near 1'ntiirr.
HisTivns Neb , Mny 10. | Special to Tun
Uii.J : This morning the case of thobtatn of
Nebraska vs ox-County Treasurer Charles
II. Paul for embezzling public funds was
called up before County Judge W. H. Uurlon
for preliminary hcnrmc. As the attorneys
in the case are pretty well scattered , by con-
soul of the counsel an adjournment was
taken until May 20 , It was hucgosted that
the hearing bo mndo on the 1'Jth. but , us that
was circus day the 'JOtli was speedily substi
tuted. The stnto will bo represented by
County Attorney Hujponer , assisted by
General A. H. llowon , Judge U. A , Hatty
and .1. A. Casio. Mr. Paul will bo defended
l > yv. . P. McUroary Expert HatclIlTlio
has been examining the books of the countv ,
was present ntd : will probably glvo Uis
testimony In the nrolimlnary.
Captain A. 1) . Yocum. who was recently
pardoned by Governor Hovd lor the homi
cide of Myron Van Fleet , has disposed of his
Hastings property and will lonvo for Cali
fornia.hero Mo will make his future homo.
At the mooting of the city council the coni-
miltco which had been appointed at a previ
ous mooting to investigate the management
of the city watorwoiks reported that there
had boon tmicu more coal burned in the last
llscal year In proportion to the water pumped
tnan in tno your previous. Further , thpy
recommended that the council mnkonchnngo
in the occineor and lorco at the pumping
station. The council then Hoard the engineer
and ilromeu regarding trouble which hnd ex
isted , and after a long and somewhat inhar
monious session adjourned without action.
Death Itoll.
TAIII.C HOCK , Nob. , May 10. [ Special to
Tin : BKE. ] Mrs. S. E. Follors , wife of
William Fellers , who has lived here for
thlrty-flvo years and is ono of the most pros
perous farmers and citizous , died Monday
morning of catarrhal pneumonia , after a
prolonged illness. Showasburiod yesterday
morning from the Methodist clnirrh , all
other churches having dismissed to unite in
paying the last rites of respect.
Took it Uoso ol .Morphine.
Gounox , Nob. , May 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun LJKc.J Homer Peacock , living
near this place , died nbout 3 o'clock p. in.
today from a dose of morphine taken last
evening , supposedly with suicidal intont.
No motlvo is liuown.
Dr BIrnoy's Catarrh Powder for tonsllotis
Juclfjo Iumly ( Jets IIU Court Sturtml In
Kvcry ttrnncli ,
.Tudgo Dundy was croetoa by a very
crowded court roooi when ho ascended the
bunch yesterday afternoon. Inside the space
reserved for the barrlslori.Toromo 13. Miller ,
jailor at the Douglas county Jail , had his
onglo eve upon a scoru of United Stales pris
oners whom ho has boon foodingnnd lodging ,
some -t them since January last.
After hearing several motions In civil
cabos Judco Dundy ordered the grand jury
called , and every man drawn responded
"hero. " After iho jury had boon sworn to
' true answers make" his honor wanted to
know how many des'.rod ' to bo excused , but
nary ono of the eirhtonn raised his v oico.
W. C. Parker of Ueynolds , Nob. , a merchant
of that place , was f elected ns foreman and
the jury was sworn.
District Attorney Balcor in ashort spoooh
told the jurors would Do expected of
them. How they worn to aid tha court In
the returning of Indictments and performing
such other duties as the district attorney or
his assistant would indicate fr.nn tliuu to
time. Judge Duudy delivered a snort charge
and the prisoners wora then braueht befora
the bur.
John Patonn colored trooper from Fort Hob-
Inson , was in court for assault and Lmtterv ;
S. E. Kennedy for ombuizlemcnt and falsi
fying the books of the Omaha National buuk ;
Jolin Jonos.sollius whisky without a license ;
John Towns , selling liijuor to Indians ; H.
DeJ"o7cs , using the mails for non-mailnblo
matter ; Uoorgo Skillmoro , uounterfcltlnz :
Harry Imlny , countorfuitlug ; Anton Hixv-
Hcolc , sollln ? liquor , V. 13 , Freeman , taking
letters from thu mulls illegally ,
F. B. Freeman , whoso case was then
taken up , accoidlng to the information , was
indicted bv the grand Jury for the district of
South Dakota , having takou from the mnlls ,
in his capacity of postmaster at CJrand Val-
lov , S. O. , u letter containing i-'Ji ' ) , which was
addressed to ono Jamon L , Cutler of Daduo.
villo , Wis , Freuman , heating of the indict-
mcnt , Hod the country , and was finally ar
rested in Nebraska , Requisition paper * is
sued to the district court of Nebraska from
the district court , of South Dakota , and upon
tljoso papers Judge Dundy was asked to uim.
Freeman admitted that ho was the man
named In the information , and when asked
bv the court whether ho could give ball here ,
thought that it would bo impossible. Alter
hesitating a moment liU honor stated thai ho
would allow Freeman to give 51,000 bail , in
default of which ho would bo taken Hack to
bouth Dakota by thn marshal ,
The criminal busineb ? having boon disposed ,
the petit , jurv was c-illod mid uxlcud thu same
"old chestnut" whelhur niiyoiio wanted to oo
excused. Ono gentleman from Lincoln .tinted
. hat his wlfo and chili ) were very sick , and
the court Immediately excused Iho juror.
But when a man iron ) Ainiworth said that
ho would lose bis Job in o druir store if ho
did not cot unck in a week , ho was Informud
by the liencti that ho had n butter Job In sight
in Omaha , wblch convulsed the court
room. "Tho men with jobs nn > iho
people wo want on those Juries , , '
snld the Judge , "wo can gat plenty
of pcoplo without 'Jobs' to servo here ,
thi-roforo I guess you will hnvo to stay with
us for a time at least. U tray as well bo un
derstood now that sickness and dotth mo the
only Uilnes that will nxclto Judicial pity. "
And the monotonous cried of din court
went on bearing an argument In a civil suit
on foreclosure gf mortgage.
An agreement , hat been madci bntwrcn City
Attorney Council and Judge Kelly of tno
Union I'aciflo luenl department to li.ivo Uiu
cuso of the Union 1'aulllo Kail way tomiiany
against the City o [ Omaha go over until the
November term of court. Tnis case mow
out of the city of Omaha attempting to levy
a tax upon the pioperiy of the lailioad com
pany within its corporate limits , the com
pany resisting the attempt to assuss in prop
erty upon the ground that it had paid Its
state tax , which u apportioned between the
counties through which the Overland line
Judge Striuvn acted ns sponsor for Mr. li.
D. Pratt , who was bdmltlcd to practice In
Iho federal courts.
Dr.Blrnoj's catarrh powder for cold In hca
Amrrlrii's Mncnlllront Contribution ( o thn
ltiiK lnu Itrllrf riind ,
Mr. D. P. Tllllnghost , editor of the Domo-
crnt-CSazotto of Davenport , la. , wns In the
city yesterday , onrouto to the democratic
state convention , which moots nt Council
Bluffs today. Mr. Tllllnguast was secretary
of the Iowa Utisuan Hollof association nnd
hnd Just returned from Now York , where ho
superintended the loading of the Iowa con
tribution on the Tynohond.
"It Is the greatest work of chnrltv over
undertaken in the United States , " said the
lowneditor cainostly. "Three shiploads of
supplies have already been dispatched to
Utissin nnd n fourth Is being loaded. The
cosh vnluo of America's donations Is esti
mated nt $1,000,000 nnd Baron Struvo , the
Russian minister nt Washington , told tno It
was more than all the world bosldo had con
tributed , A particularly Important point Is
the fact that everything has been con
tributed , includln/ transportation , tele
graphing , storage , Insurance , broker's com
missions nnd superintendence , so that the
value of A mot ten's gift has boon practically
"lownns bavo good reason for prldo In
their part In the noble work. On December
2-2 Governor Boles Issued his proclamation
Inviting contributions , nnd on April 1 'J.10
cars of corn , enough to make ton trains , wore
on tholr way to New York. The Tynohoad
was chartered for fKV-'OO , but the brokers
donated tholr commission , which reduced
the charge to nbout $12,000. Afterwards
the ladles of Washington , with Clara Bar
ton at their head , nskod as a favor
that thov bo permitted to pay the oce.ui car
riage. The insurance companies donated the
premiums lor risks aegrcpallng SbO.OOO. Iho
loading was ilnlshed on Monday of last week ,
when the Tynohrad had every pound that
the inspector would permit nor to carry.
The cargo comprised I''O.OOO bushels of Iowa
corn , two or three cars ol Nebraska corn
meal nnd n largo assortment of supplies ,
such ns canned fruit , wbcnt , rye , Hour and
hospital stores , the whole welching 7,000,000
pounds. The Nebraska corn meal was a lot
that had boon ground at Akron , O. , nnd did
not teach the seaboard In time to bo shipped
with the rest of the Nebraska contribution
on the Missouri.
"Tho departure of the Tynohead was the
most Inspiring sight I over witnessed , The
vessel was decorated wtth Hags and bunting
from bow to rudder. From the highest mast
bond floated an American Hag , the gift of the
ladles of Washington , and from the second
highest mast Muttered the Russian ll.ig.
When the pilot boat towed the ship out Into
the rlvor all the steam vessels In the harbor
joined in n grand chorus of whistling , nnd
the demonstration wns continued for half a
mtloilown tbo harbor. The cargo will bo
landed at Rign , where trains will bo In wait
ing to transport it to the river Volca. A
pottion of the supplies will bo soul down the
rlvor in Hat boats and the remainder will bo
distributed by wntron. "
Dr. Birnoy'a Catarrh Powder cures catarrh
i\lill : > ltc > r l'liirmnry : nnd Surgical Instru
ment t nt thu V. M. C. A.
A transformation has taken place in tbo
Young Men's Christian association building.
It it the exhibit of pharmacy and surgical
instrument1 ! now before the Nebraska Stiito society , which coinmoncod its twen
ty-fourth annual convention at 3 o'clock
yesterday afternoon.
Among the mo t elaborate home industrv
exhibits is that of the Cudahy Packing com
pany's chemical and pharmaceutical depart
ment , which Is in charge of l'Doc" M. L.
Rich. The exhibit comprises mostly the extracts -
tracts ot baof. Otnor Hrms of the east ,
south and west have exhibits of drugs and
surgical Instruments.
Tbo opening session of the raodicnl society
was presided over by Dr. Charles Inches ot
Scribnor. and president of the association.
After being called to order tbo report of thu
committee on credentials was made , after
which nbout twonty-Hvo now momoors wore
admitted into the society.
The now members admitted are : P. M.
Hobbs , Wymore ; 11 S. Bush , Ccrosco ; M
O. Ricitotts , Omaha ; W. 11. Christie ,
Omaha ; D. C. dtinsberry , StooKham ; C. W.
Doty , Cordova ; W H. Parkhurst , Dunlur ;
J. W. Pollard , Nohawhn ; J. Lukens , Her
man ; J. W. E. 1C. Davis. Omaha ; F. S.
Morris , McCool Junction ; T. B. Uunkln ,
Uushvillo ; W. D. Jones , Rising City ; U.K.
Aynrs , Lindsay : S. C. Boedo , Surprise ; T.
M. Gardner , Waco ; W. H. Kerr , Falls City ;
Charles L Mullins , Gretna ; D. Boswcll ,
York ; W. L. lioss , Omaha ; John Stoutt ,
Ponder ; W. F. Gooden , Aurora : H. S. Sum
mers , Norfolu ; W. G. Morrw , Lnnnum ; W.
II. Lallan , Doloit ; F. J. Sclmufelbergor.
Hastings ; P. W. p. Baor. Ploasnnt Hill ;
Uoyal Woods , SuicKloy ; William L'argor ,
Newman Grove ; G. L. Smith , Weston ; W.
B. ICorn , Wood River ; W. C. Uoblnson ,
Clarks ; J. E. Lamb , Wuhoo ; A. H. lUy ,
Fnirfleid ; J. W. Tho-iipson , Strang ,
Treasurer W. M. Knapp of Lincoln mido
a report which showed that thcro wasSJS'J.lM
now In the society's treasury. Ills report
was approved.
At the opening of the night so ion Secre
tary M. L. Hildroih ot Lyons made bis report
port in which ho stated that several plivsl-
cians had withdrawn from the society. Dr.
B. F. Crunimer of this city wanted to know
If n..y of thorn wtro the gold euro doc
tors. The secretary iiformed : him that
they were not. Ho said there
had boon ono or two physicians
who wcro in the inebriate CUM business hnd
withdrawn thonuelvos from membership.
Dr. Crummcr then stated that ho considered
the cures the worst kind quackury , and
nil society physician" engaged In It should bo
denounced and expelled from the society.
After some discussion on expulsion of the
physicians conducting or being connected
with institutes the matter , as welt as the
secretary's topori , wai referred to a commit
tee to-tuko proper action In the caso.
Dr. Crammer , chairman of a special committee -
mitteo on medical Icglslnlioi , read a report
on quackery and the present state laws re
garding specialists , Chinese physicians and
the prostitution , as bo termed it , of the pro
fession. Ho recommended that the society
employ able counsel in an appeal test case of
tbo State Medical Board apalnt.1 a Chinese
physician and appropriate tlOJ as a rotalncr ,
and that nn additional 3100 bo spent If neces
sary to prosecute the caso. The appropria
tion was mado. and ono delegate from
Kearney was in favor of forming a combine
of tbo stntn physicians anil assessing Ilium
? 1 each for the purpose of prosecuting every
quack that started in business.
LoWilt'srJarsaoarin is roiuola.
Tlni Hulls Kin ? lotllnnry ,
Henry Lee of "Tho BolU" combination is
at present travolinc : a rocky road. Ills prop
crtio , and baggaeu urn under attachment is
sued hv ( ieoivo A. Waller and he himself is
laid up nt one of the city hoipitals.
Don't let that cough continue. Stop It nt
once with PIso's Cure for Consumption. It
never falls ,7 > e. All druirgUts.
"It is iimmiknliU'licm your tiipabroad
lias inmrnvcil joii , "
"It is the use of the Caihlind Waters
which lias improved me , iniiiu thnn my
triji iilmiait. I linve gninrtl in lU'sh ini'l
strength nince I INO thi'iu. 3Iuiy : pnr-
eons use thfiii for rahidnpr llrsh , lict-anso
the Waters remove all unhealthy tissues
nnd suiioriilmmlfinct' of fat , Init they nlso
luiiid uii firm and coliil slu > hliich is a
Iju ; of perfect health. I also tisu the
Carlliail S | > nidi'l Salt cutly in thu inoin-
iiig , with a tlnss ; fullof thuVnitT. . It iu-
c i eases the luvntivt1 action of the name.
If you over mnlVr from i-hionio calarih
of the xtomach , hihoti&ni-os , gout or iheu-
iiKitism , I ail\Nit von to u ithorn. . Every
* '
diuggiht hiis 1111111. " 'llw " soiitiino' ; "
linvn -.igiiiiliuv of " llNnrr \Iendel- -
bou Cu. , " ycuts , M , Y , | oil uvury Uutle.
Hcnil Ono Sollil SerA ItchliiK Awful.
Hnd to Tlo Mifl Hatitls to cratlle.
Curcil I ) } ' Outleiir.i.
Our Illilctior btoko ont tilf Ills lionrt with bil
fnnn of ccnoiin , when lie w ji 'four months ol 1 Wo
trlciltlircoiloctoM , bnt the illil not hol | > him , We
llirniinvlycmrt'irco Catlcn'rrf HonieJIo * . nml after
\isliiittliciiiolovcn weeks otnctly no.Mnllni to Jlroc-
llo/IVliobrKan / to flomllly
ImitfuTc. nti < l nftcr the n o
ofUlpni for c on montln
Iilshonil wn < cntlrclj well
Wlicn no bcitnn mlnit It Ills
Iliourt wnm j0 | | , | viro from
f tlio crown to Ills eyebrows ,
Uwnjul ontloTorlili curs
most of hit f'ico ftinl sumll
rlnccionilllTcrcnt | mrt < of
Ills bodr There were lv
teen weokt llmt wo tintl to
* _ n . ' " kcCp ' ' ' ' tlllni1 * tlei1 tl lll °
crnillo nnd liol J them wlicn lie wns tnkon upi nnit hail
to Vocpmlltcns Ill-it on his to keep hl tlnitor-
nidls out of Iho orcvns no nouM ncmlch If bo couhl
In nnr way ( tot his hands loojo. We know jronr Cull
curn Itcmi'illoscHrcilliIni , Wo fool snfo In rccom-
inenillngttiem lnnther .
Gi:0 : 11. nml JANKTTA HAlllttS , WcbMor , InJ.
Cuticura Resolvent
T * * now llloo.t niul Skin I'liillk-r , nml ( iroili' t of
Humor Itrineillcs. clonn < es thu blmil of uli Iminirl-
llosiuul pulMinoiis elements , iiml lhit removes the
c n e , wnlto OfTtci'iti , the K'rcnt kln euro , ntul
L't'Tlci IIA fiOtr.un pxuulslto skin beHiitiller , clear
the skin iiml scalis nn.l ro lore iho hnlr Thin iho
Ul'TiriliA IIKMMilfi. Hi' " qterjr | peclo iifll lilinr.
liiirnliiB , cnly , I'lmiiljmill lilnlihjr kln. sciilp.nnil
liKinil tll < casa < , Irom plnniles to sciofuiii , ( ruin In-
tonKe , when Iho best phjmuiuns lull.
Sold every where. I'l Ice. CDTU UI-A. M . i SOAI
l'3e.i llKdoi.VBNT. Jl. Prepared by the I'OTTKK
" ' "How to Oiin > Sldn Dlio "
C5Dr" < onil for ISDS. 04
paizos , fi1 , ) Illustration' ' , nnd 100 tustlmonlnls.
Bkbi mill binlp imrltleil mid hrautltlail
bjrlTTtcl'll * SOAJAbsululelr liuro.
Of femnlcH Instaiit'y relloM'l by
that now , olounnt. and Infallible
Antidote to rain , Inllummntlon.and
Weakness , the Utmu'tiA ANTI-'AIN |
jrlvnto iirncllco nml lor over unity joiirs liy tno
nt'oplo wltli entire success. l.U'n tingle bjivcino
u siwclnl euri- for the tllscaso iiiuncil.
ih y euro w Ithout UruKKlUK , t > uriliiK or reducing
tluiej atom and nro in fact ami dciUUio but rrcluu
IttMiicoIci or the U oriel.
LliTor r&iNCiFAl. 1,09. cuuru rKici ft.
1 Fevers , Congestions , Inflammntlone , , , 33
! 4 Worm * , Worm FocrVormCollc . . ' 23
3 TeclliliiBi ColicCryingikefiiliicso . ' 23
4 Dlr.rrlieu.of ClilWrcn orAdulu . . 25
7-CoilBlin , , llrondillU . 25
8-Nfiiriiluln , Tootlmobf , rnd-acl.c. . . . 23
I -IIcndncIn' , Sick UcnilacluVcitlgo. . . . 23
lll-I > > < iiopfliii. nillousncsa.C-onstlijatlon . 23
11 SuprcKHi'd : or 1'ninfiil Perlniln . ' 23
1VJ V/nlti-H , Too rrnfuso Tcrloils . . 23
I , ' -Croup. IjiirynKill * . Hoarseness . . 23
! Salt lUirum , Krj-sliiclns , Eruptloua . ' 23
13 lllicunmlimn , HlieumnlloTalus . 23
I K-THnlnrln , Chills , rover nml Apio. . ' 23
17 Vile * , mind or Ulccilliii ? . . . ' 23
10-Cnlarrh , Inllucuia , Cold la tlio Head . ' 23
\VliooplnaC iuitlJ. . . ' - , ' >
27 Kltlncy IMsrnm-H - . ' 23
U8-Ncr\cms DeblHtr- . t. 0
30-Urlrmvy Wcnknijsi" , Wittlns ril " $
Bol 1 I nrncRlitfl , or Bent tjw > 6lr l I on rorcl ) t of 1 rlc .
DR llunpnRrfs1 MANUAL ( UVrte1' " , UillKurntr
nVjirinims'siFn. rn. , 1111113 uniiimfi. , wllr .
)1 ) Cent (
Worth of lare , valuable information scut
to any address
This wealth of knowledge , this golden
treasure of helps ( < > health is contained in
it now , ably written and handsomely Illus
which has Just been issued for the benefit
of sufTeriii } ; humanity , by those eminently
successful and popular phvsicians and
burgcons.thoseKlXGSOFSl'tCIAUS'i'S ,
Drs. fietts & Belts
With the nid of this vnluaMo nnd intor-
csliiif ; work , untitliid "Know ThyHolf , " its
tiMtlurs arc enabled to adnjit the bust , safest
and surest methods for th preservation of
their health : or , In case they are allllcled ,
they ore fully informed M to thu nature
mill symptoms of every disease. They can
at once decide what particular form of
Mervou , Chronic or Private Disease
their malady has assumed , whether It bo
> 'l/j'iJllK , UnnurrliOfii , Otcci , tin tctnt r ,
Illlilrocctu , ViirlaticCflf , I'tta , lllnwi or
Miln Dined- , Ltvcii , KMncu nr Urlnitiji
I'tonhU ; or nny of Ih'otliuiuinul ills of n
Kindred nature. .
Kvcrv inun nnd p\m' \ woman should
ii'iid this book , wiili'h In tin. iitlliclcil if
\Norlhilh\veiKlitin wld , nnd beat to ni'y
iililrcwrorKOUIl OEVTis.
' . 'all upou or address
Dix l i .fr Reitfi.
11 ! ) South Mlh SUvJS" . K. Corner Hth
Omalia ,
t Jfk'
? ? ss\6XxKA R P api'ly lo the
rr > ot
( "Illllllilll I , 113
'i" al | 'u cr to
, | | | 3tc Die pores ,
pr-irtrale /amlklPiip-ini rindcn
n fir utiniir u orilii.i ; : } porous
I'iiners. o
V. V. Ptpot , 93 William St.1 *
Every year , ns regularly as the month of May puts in its appear
ance , we hold a special sale of Men's Suits. These sales are looked
forward to by the majority of our patrons with unusual interest , they
having found by past experience that nowhere in this \vide damp
world do they get such extraordinary values as these sales put forth.
Our May Sale for " 92" begins today. We have cleared all our front
tables of their usual loads , and placed on them about eight hundred
special suits. As fast as the assortment gets broken , it will be replen
ished from the third floor , where great piles of the same sorts of suits
are waiting to be led to the slaughter.
They're made in They come in
All wool cheviots , Square cut sacks ,
All wool flannels , Round corner sacks ,
Allwool cassimercs , Frocks ,
All wool-homespuns. Culaways.
There are dark colors , light colors , medium colors. There are
plaids , there are cheeks , there are pin heads , there are plain colors.
There are suits for young men , middle-aged men , old men. There
are suits for rich men , suits for poor men. There are suits for men in
every station in life from a railway station to a police station. In this
grand offering are suits positively worth fifteen and sixteen dollars ; the
majority of them are worth thirteen and fourteen dollars , while not a
single solitary suit in the entire lot was ever intended to be sold for less
than twelve dollars and fifty cents. No matter how we bouglit them
or what they cost us , you can walk into our stoTe" any time between
now and ten o'clock SaTurday night and take your choice of the entire
grand assortment for seven dollars and fifty cents. Included in this
sale -will be about thrl TriuTcirTd i for G. A. R. or
railroad men , made of the very best allwool indigo blue flannel , colors
guaranteed absolutely fast , coats cut either single or double breasted ,
with either G. A. R. or buttons to match , at the same price.
rgf It took 12OQO yards of goods to make these suits , and there's
not a thread o f cot i orTTrTt h e e n't i reUB , O O 0
of Chicago Is now stopping nt ilia lintel
llninfiwlrl-f Koom 18. parlor floor. In this city.
Ono facial truitnienr fruo to Introduce her
wonderful "COMI' KXION HL.EACI1" aiiioiu ;
the Lulled. I'ltnplus , moles , freckles , super
fluous hair removed by n piilnle-H remedy ,
wnrr.inted not. to Injure iho incut dotiujto
fiu'c. AUo duvnlopiho form and converts the
nniiy limbs and oust Into well rounded and
healthy onus. Ilonis , ! ) a in. toT ; p. in.
HIFouthlUh SI rcol ,
Kext to I'o.nolHeo , Uinaha.
Practical opticians
And branch of world renuwnsil opllonl oilnblli'i
aic'utof A. H. Alna It Co . St. Lauli Our inollioii ! .
inporlorlo oil other * : oar Inmsi nro nuperlor. will
aot wcnry or tire I La ojo . Tbo fininei pro | > rlr ado -
| o l J to Ibe faca
Eyss Teated Iroo of Charcro.
Prices Low for First-class Goods.
National Bank.
U. Z.' . OMAHA. NH3
( 'njital ) . 77777 . $1 1)1) ) , 083
Olllieri nn I Hire 'tor i Hairf IV. Vatji. I'lil I > r.
It f. Ciiihl/u / Tl3)prjiljn | , i ! . S , lurl3i , V /
Morno , Jiilin S I'cllliu , J . < U I'.itrlot Ijj-ni v
lieu. I Tjililur
, S3S ! > U-f
. . .
Bf fhlriit.trr' * r. , , tl.S IH.mun.l
/ - Vt'lK.tlrlclliul ( tlJ'I OiiljIfliuluo. . A
-r vcv
- rf ( alwk ( 4 , , [ Utl . LAD1CO , ( /5\
| | 4 < ! "r fkirhttifft fuutitlt < t jn \
u il flnuju \ tU I 4 'I CoM nieulll\ * * ' '
u i ol li r. K/vn t > 4jrrtitiittlv \
tl l
f.f i4r-titff ftr I iMIf * ( * * ' * t ttfrt IT riturn
/ ' Mull ll > m 0 T-.liww.l- ' < > / \ , , ,
t tlCMtlifct CV
THE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and
bowels , purify the blood , are pleasant to take , safe and
always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness , Blotches
on the Face , Bright's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation ,
Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered
Stomach , Dizziness , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence ,
Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives ,
Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite ,
Mental Depression , Nausca , Nettle Rash ,
Painful Digestion , Pirn- pies , Hush of Blood to
the Head , Sallow Coin- plexion , Salt Rheum ,
Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin
Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling ,
Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every
other symptom or dis- ease that results from
impure blood or a failure in the proper performance o their
functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given
to over-eating are benefited by taking one labule after each
meal. A continued use of the Itipans Tabules is the surest
cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be
injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross $2 , sample bottle
15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
The eminent upp'l ills' In nervous , clironle , prlinlo. lilool. nkln unil unnnry cllscmiies. A ro ulir anil
rcclilcreil KMduutiiln nieilclni ) , n illpluiimt nncl uvriillnili-nnliow. Innttll treating with UHKronen ) luceaii
etiliirrli , ipi'rin'itorrlioos. lust miinlionil.iomliml wenknim. nUlit IOIIIM , ImiJiitcncy. nnOillN. Hlrlciura , KOII-
orilii on , islut't , vnrleiiculo.clo .No iiu-rciiry usoil. Nut , tiiiiilinuiit fdrld-nof iluil | iuwi > r , 1'artlos innlilo la
visit nui 111:17 : ho trjulol nt liuniu lij ourraspoiulenui. Mu'llilno ' ur Inslruini'iiH sum In mull uraxpruHa no-
curolrpjckuil , 1111 marks tnlmllnUu cuntimli or iinili'r. Ono in-rrMmnl inturfluw profurrcil. Uiiiinultatlna
fri'U ( ! ofro3ponileii"ii itrlclly prlvnlo llnolc ( ilJ'Blorlui at I o ) out truo. Ollloo lumri'Ju m. loU p. m.
Bundujri 10 a. j2 inHenil Biaiup for rui > ! / >
"Norve Seeds , "
ttio wonilerfiil romcilf
Is nolil trlth n ivi'lt *
tcu cuunin'ee to cnro nil nerroun < ll.-eu > C' . nucll ll NV'i''ik Mrmorr.
lxsso ( llruln 1'owir. Ili iilunhc. Wakclulnon. 1/onl Mttnhooil , Nlubtlr lnil -
Blons , Norvou nos , I.assliuilo. nil drains RnJ lota of pouor of tlio ( Junerutlvo
OrKans In cllliernoi causml by over ninrllon , youtuful orro'n.or oxccnalvr
'lunoof tolmcco. opium or ntlmulanta willed soon lend to Inllrmltr. CoiiBinup-
, 'Ulon iinillmonlty. 1'nt upcmivmilonttocurrjr In vest pockei. SI porpack *
"iiKOliyrumlsOforlS.Vllli ororyjionlorwn uivtawntlcn guarantft tarvn
orTtjumlthemontll- Circular Jrco. AUdrcaa AcrvoHeed to. , Cblcuuo , ill.
For sale in Onmha by Shonnan < k McConnell Ifilll
any thing but Sour Mash are now calling
for Cream Pure Ryo" is tho. statement
made by a liquor merchant operating three
of the largest bars in the west.
This is not strange when you consider
that thu purest , richest , smoothest and
most wholesome whiskey produced in
America is
Cull for it and take no other. For sale
nt all drinking places and drug
14 DAI.LKMAND & CO , Chicago
Dr , Bailay , $ [
The Loading
Dentist <
Flos1 xton llto3 t
' 1 elioiin | ) ! 108" ) , Kith anil Fariiani Sis.
A full lot of ti-otii on riililuT for fi. l' rfcctnt
Tecoli vrllhoul plnloi or iriuuvvubla Lrldiiu Murk ,
Juu lliu tliln , ' for | HULI uf pulillo ipeakiT , norur
/Ml IIHInc 1.1 itttnunublu ralo.ull ork warrantuil
tu'.liliuu I Hinn.ldn. ;
UW j Freque ntly want a now
, v/llliont notion ,
Oninlui ttilrcrllitmt Jtitreiin , ff. 1' . l.lfc.
TheOripal anil Genuine
tlm incut Ualicioua Ukto ami zest
TI.K5IAN at Mail.
rat to ( lit lirollior I'IKII ,
May , l vl. HUT & COLD
JEA h J'KllllINB'
that tholr ( unco IK
ImlU , nnil l ID my
opinion , thu luoat WKlMll-
{ 'aUlnljlo , aa vul ]
Ml tlio most wlirln.
Kiine. aiiucu that la
luado. " ifcr.
Beware of Imitations ;
. '
T l lllll - - -
I ! I l M-lt
eee that you got Lea & Perrina'
BIjmitiiro mi t very Itottlucf Orwini' it Qtnnlna