Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAI LA BKE : wttNKSDAY ) , MAY 11 , 1892. 3
tilxurrt ly Carrier to any pattof tha Cltv
1 neB Onieo
.111 * tut .w/.vjio.v.
N Y. Plumblnp Co.
Council niuffs Lumber Co. , conl.
C mil's chattel loans. 501 Sappblocu.
'Iho Ladles Aid society of St. John's
HugD'h Lutheran church meets tomorrow at
2 | i. in. at the residence of Mrs. 1 * . Nelson ,
COWl Sixth avenue.
JiiBtlco Hnmor lined Thomas Convoy $15
and costs yesterday for assault and battery
on S Uoldstcin. Uotivcy took an appeal to
the district court.
The Woman's Christian association will
Borvo hot meals today at IUI Broadway , two
doors oust of I'cnrl strict. Proceeds to go to
hospital. Hi oak fast from T to It ) a , in. The
pitronago of vlsltois and citizens Is solicited.
Yesterday the Hmo of too district court
was taken up In the hearing of the ctisa of C.
II. I'ornos against \VnithtAtHalilwln , grow
ing out of tbu dissolution of the tlrn < of
Wright , Itatdwln At llaldano. At adjourn
ment the case was given to the Jury.
The voutig lodies of the Second I'roshr-
tcrltip church will give a ehocolatalrc Friday
evening , Mav HI , at Iho icsldcnco of A , M.
Ilutchlnson , rr > 0 Franklin avenuo. An ex
cellent literary and musical program has
been arranged. An nnjoynblo time is antici
pated. All tire invited.
Kpoon laUo Is reported bv City Knglnoer
COOK to bo full and oVurllowlng with the
water whlrh has been drained into it from
all pails of Iho dty. The council has given
him orders to provide suitable drains , The
low lands in the vicinity of Iho lake are BOV-
oral inches under water on account of the
All members of Pottawattamio trlbo , No
SI , Improved Order of lied Men , together
\vlth their families , uro requested to moot
with ntchotah council , No ! l , Degree of Po-
cnhontas , this evening , In their wipwuui ,
coi nor of Hroad way and Main street , at the
eighth run. A program of cutertuiutnctithas
been provided.
MAV t-.M.i :
Nn\v In rnll KM Ingat the Huston hloro ,
Council HlnllH , In.
Since the opening of our May palo our
Htoro has been crowed daily with unxious
buyers. Ficsh bargains laid on our
countore daily. Below wo quota n few
of our glove , mitt , handkerchief and
gouts' furnishing bargains :
Ladies' blank shit mitts , 450 dozen
just received , and bettor' value never
olTerod in this line. See goods marked
lc ! ) , 2-M. ' , 33c , : io. ! ) fiOc , 01ii' ! , "fia
Wo handle Kaysor's patent fingered
tipped gloves in nuro silk. 7oc , SJ.
ISlitises' mitts le ! ) , -OL , 3lt ! ! a. pair.
Our kid glove stock represents the
bent make of gloves in tlio country , suob
us Foster's Alexandria , TrilTuso , in
every imaginable shade.
Gents' initial lumdUot chiefs , largo
B'U.O loc , cheap.
Children's school handkerchiefs le ,
nnd 3 for lOe.
Ladies' Swi ° B einoroidored handker
chiefs , over IK ) style- , worth from 2oo to
HHc , in one lot for 17c a pair , 3 for 50o.
Better grades See bargains marked
2.rc , 33c , 30c , 45c , 50c each , in line Swiss
Gents' mixed half hose , 3 pair for lOc.
Gents' 3'Ji ! outing shirts for lo ! ) each.
Fine white shirts ut 125e , 3Jc , 50u and
Wo call attention to fancy bosom shirts
at Me , worth SLOG.
Boys' waists , liJic to 75c each.
Outing shirts in till grades from 25c to
13 CO each.
Gents' onyx hosiery in cottons and
lisloh from Ii3c , 33c , 31)c ) and 50c ; plain
and drop stitch. Waterproof collars , all
btyk'b , lljc ! ciieh , worth l0o. !
Just let'civcd. 100 do/.cn wire window
Bcrceiio , the best adjustable and cheapest -
est scrcon in America for the moiioy.
They como in two sixes at "oo and HUo.
Don't fail to see them.
Kafts and rafts of wall paper selling
daily. Wo are headquarters. Esti
mates furnished for papering and iiaint-
ing. Nothing but the best hangers cm-
p'oyntl. BOSTON S'loni : ,
Fothoiingham , WhitoUiw & Co. , Coun
cil JHulls , In.
* .ii * I'.ttt Hiit-triiv.
Prank D. Allca of the Auilubon Advocate
li m the cltv.
.ludgoA. V. Larimer of Sioux City is a
DlulTs visitor.
S. A. IJrowster of the Crcstou Advertiser
Is In the city.
Louis E Fay of the Clinton County Adver
tiser is in the city.
F. Al , Carroll , cxccutlvo clorl : to Governor
Holes , Is In the oily.
Miss Lee Prague Is tn the city , the guest
of.loslah FisU , her uncle ,
John C , If cllv of tnoriloux City Tribune
01 rived ycsiorday afternoon.
.1. W. Klchanlson it tepiescntlng the Chicago
cage Tilbunoflt the convention.
II. U , Jones , city editor of tbo DCS Moiacs
Loader , is attending the convention ,
Alexander J. Jouos of Chicago is In the
city , representing thn AssocUtod I'rosb.
L , J. Anderson , editor of the Pocahontas
Counlv Argus , is attending the convention.
Miss isora llrowu has returned homo from
an cx'.oudcd vUlt to friends in Chicago atid
Airs. Polly Huntingtou left Monday even
ing for Leeds , England , her old home , which
bho has tiot been for twenty-six years ,
Hoary Vincent , managing editor of the
American Nonconformist of Indianapolis ,
v.'as 11 callorat Tin : 11 ui ; ofllca yesterday.
il , C , Shaver of DCS Moines and U. S.
Hogurt of Chicago are iii the city "dolne" the
convention In ihoiateiost of the Chicago
Hoi aid. <
Edward Warwick of Storm Lake IH In the
city , u guest of W , II , liohlniioii. Ho anil
Mr. Uoblncoa c.utio to this city together foi
the Ural tiino forty two .luars ago.
DoWltt'h Sarsuparilla destroy ! such eel
sons as scrofula , i > Kln dlsoaso , oczpino , riiou-
imitism. Its tlmoly uscsavos many lives.
Cotuli ) I'nl ,
The above ntiino is applied to n now
weave of dress goods locontlv introduced
-V. to the American market and rapldU
taking the pl-ico of the llodford cord. It
is shown In nil the prevailing spring
colorings , tuns , modus , hlntcs , greys ,
imibhioom , navy , bltiuk and croum.
Ono dollar and twonly-llvo cents is
the ordinary p-ii'o for thls'fabrlc , but ns
u Hpuciul iiiducomant wo will put thlrtv-
ono piiH'os on Btilo Monday morning ,
along with other bargains for May sale ,
ut ninely-uight cents a vard.
FOTIUKIXQII.\M : , \VniTKr.o\v .t Co ,
Hoston Store ,
Council Ululls , la.
Hotel Gordon , 'HO Hrondway , has recently -
cently changtul hands , nnd is being thor
oughly renovated. Clean b.-ds ; prompt
Borvico ; tnblo llyat cliisa.
All Saints Episcopal mission will give
on ice cream social In Shubcrt's hall ,
23 It ) West Broadway , on Friday evening -
ing noxt.
Roller , the tull or , 310 Hroadway , has
nil the latest stylus and newest goods.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
While attending the convention oat
ut UusBol's robtaunuit , U Pearl street.
Bvrautoa Muilc Co. , Masoulo toinplo.
Democracy's Host ? Have Gathered anil the
Oily is Thoir3 for the Timo.
Men U'lio Wnnt tn ( In to ChifMgn Are Nil-
iiu-rnim inn ) KnrrRrtlc MI > PIIR | | of
Clulu Last .Slf-lit Organizes
n Stuto Hod- .
Council Bluffs never before saw such nn
Immigration of the followers of the princi
ples of Thomas Joffcraon ct nl. These who
arrived Monday qlRht wcro reinforced by
car load nftcr car loud of cuosts on the early
mornlup trains , and long bofoin 1,0011 the
Grnnd ho'el , whcro the headquarters \\oro
located , bccanu n miss o ( hu'niinlt.v , In
which the dciuocrat jo Hied the rcpubllcun
anu the farmers all'atico ' man the mugwump.
All for the tlmo b-lnrf atlcisi wore demo
crats. There wore something over 11(1 ( dolo-
piles to conic , and by the tlmo tlio evening
trains nrrivod nltnojl the last one was on the
Ainontr tbo o who appeared to bo moat
tiumurous Among the delegates wore a num
ber of gentlemen who are candidates for the
position of delegate i-at-largo to the national
democratic convention. There ate four dolo-
gates-at-l.irgo to bo elected whllothoro are at
least nine candidates whoso chances are con
sidered fairly good fur seam Ing ono of the four
places. Ttioyaro John V. Dun combo of Fort
Dodge , Btlwnrd CampUulI of ralrllelu , ben-
ator Yoemans of Sioux Cltv , Senator J. II.
Shields of IJubuqnn , L. M Martin of Dei
Mollies , U. U. Alien of Wutorloo , L. II.
liotter of Logan , Harrison countT. ; . H.
I'orry of AUciton and Colonel Cluirlcs A.
Clark of Cedar Uaplds. All these Kenlloincn
vvoro present and cacti was busily engaged in
doing Ills best to make his particular booinlot
assume as large proportions us possible be
fore the convention should ttioet.
U \\as the uopo of the delegates that Oov-
onior Holes would bo present. From their
conversation U Is easy to see that Holes'
popularity Is great , and although other men
whose names are mentioned In connection
with the national democratic tlclcot have
their frlomU In the various uclogationi ,
there Is probably no other candidate who
can m.iUo anything hlto such a showing as
ho. The probability is that bo will not
The different delegations will meet In their
respective places , which were published in
ycstoiday's ' Her , ( it ! ) o'clock ' this morning ,
to choose two representatives to thu national
convention , two alternates , and the members
of the convention committees on credentials ,
rules , permanent organi/atlon nnd resolu
tions. After this has been done the proces
sion will start for the opera house , talcing In
on Us way the delegations , who will
at their places of meeting until the proces
sion arrives.
The hour of the convention to open is 10.30
o'clock. Hon. John C. Bills of Davenport
has boon cnoscn temporary chairman , and
Frank Watson of Hcnton county sei rotary.
The follywlng are the other olllcori : Assist
ant secretaries , J.V. . Can ill of Leo county ,
William .M. Park ot Wanon county , Frank
Saute of Howard county , J. U. Uutler of
Webster county , A. Hranclt 01 Jackson
county , \V. C. Campbell of Shelby ; reading
secretary , J. H. Stcubenrauch of Marlon
county ; olllctal reporter , C. Q. Tborpo of
Lucas county ; sergeant-at aims , Frank
Uuanolla of Pottawiittainlo.
bhoitlv before half past b o'clock the dele
gates to the state convention of democratic
clubs met In the Musonic temple. Previ
ously to that time It had been discovered
that the Pottawattamio association was en
titled to live representatives instead
of four , the number that had been
elected , and a session of the associa
tion was held for the purpose of
electing an additional delegate. Two candi
dates were in the Held , L. Zurmuohlcn , jr. ,
and J. II. Dietrich , and n hot contest took
p'uco bofcroiurmuohloii was dually ile-
e'arcd elec od. The Pottaw ittamlo repro-
s ( million then stood as followsV. : . II.
Ware , W. C. .lames. Emmet Finloy , Ira F.
liundncks and L. iiurmuehlcn , Jr.
When the delegates tn the convention had
taken their places the Musical Union band of
Omaha stalled the ball rolling by a rousing
selection , nftnr which N. Mclvor of Couar
Uaplds called the mooting to order and read
a short addrecs , tn which ho rnfcrcd to the
possibility that iowa democrats would have
n chance to name the next president of the
United States , n reference which was greeted
with applauio. Ho then named G. F. iCIrby
of Matshalltown temporary chairman and L.
1C. Gamut of DCS Moines temporary
'secretary. A committee of one from
each district was appointed to act
as commltto on credentials. The
rommttteo was composed of tno Jollowiuir :
John H. Cole , W. II. StojkhousuC. D. Ham ,
August Hilmer , W. ( . ! . li.iiloy , 1. L. Patten ,
A. 13 Morrison , S. A. Urewstor , William
U'Comicll , D. M. Fntik , Wlllmr Owen.
While committed on credentials \\ns pre
paring Us report M. V. Gannon of Omaha
was called upon for an address. Mr. Gannon
thought the lime had como for a tromendou"
democratic victory , and that no one could
bolter load the hosts to victory than Horace
Mayor Flcko of Davenport made an ad
dress in the same strain , but gave the Cleve
land men n chance to clvo vent to their en
thusiasm by alluding to the ex-ptcsuient.
S. L. Mash of Des Moines , picsidout of the
State Afro-American Tariff Keform league ,
and A b. Hitchie of the Samosct club ot
Omaha delivered addresso * , after which thu
I'oiuuiiitco on credentials made Its report ,
allowing : delegations Irorn the following
places : Kcoiuik , MountPlo.isniuBurlington ,
Lyons. Davonpoit , Dubuiuo ) , Waterloo ,
Dccoiah. Now Hampton , Mnrshalltown ,
Cedar Unpidj , Tamil City , Vluton , State
Center , Onkaloosn , Nowlon , DCS Moines ,
Peiry , Creston , Council UluIIs , Oakland ,
Audubon , cast Poltawattamio county ,
Stuart , Atlantic , Avocn , Valley , Stoim Lake ,
Mason City , Carroll , Hampton , Manning ,
Webster City , Coon , licmscn , Orange City ,
Ottawa , Alton , Plymouth county , Sheldon ,
WtnteibOt. Forty-seven clubs \\ero repre
sented by ' . ' 00 delegates. The temporary
organization was then made [ immanent.
After n constitution and by-laws had been
adopted the work of selecting otllcors was
proceeded to. The following L-er.tloinen
were placed In nomination fur president :
. .N.V. . Mclvor of Cedar Uiplu * , Clarence
Argo of bloux City , J. A. Dytr of DOS
Moines , Holand Clark 01 Kcolcuk. The vote
stood as follows , Clark \\Uhilra\\ing from
the Held ; Mclvor , lll.t ; Argu , fi' ; Dyer , HO.
Mclvor was doulaied elected and thu election
was made unanimous , Argo was appoint d
secretary , and the roll of the districts
was called for nominations for vlcu
piesldcnts , the following being selected :
Uoland Clark of Leo county , W. I ) . Poler-
son , J. F. liurns of Waterloo , Al Sorter of
Promptly Cured.
BEATIIILT , Ncn. , Nov. filli , 1801.
Atm'it tlie miilillo of Annum Ihu vsrlltr
7ii3 proetrntcdllli \ mi ( tcule attack of
Kolr.tlin. Tor two months wu < < tcuruly
r.lilo to % MilU ni'roen ll.u room \\lllKiiitnn
fUtiuiar the [ min \ui9 Intolerable. Tliu
muni rLincillcf oulypue li'injMirory relit f ;
Iwomuabiiut dlnuiurat'iil. A frliujwlir ,
Imil tlelttd , anil IK in treated for rliunnfi'
tlmii at l.iciltlor tprluciiiihitcd me to
K\\u \ tlio wiitdf a trial Did ro , renmhiln
ut The Khun flxUrn ( UfK. driiiLliiK tlio
J-ulplio Sullno mul Id-Rout WaUr , taking
hot Kult rulphiir bnlli ; ilnlly
In I'lio urel ; Ilia pniii Kuholdi-il ; frrm
ttmt tlmo on Inuc laiprincd rupldl ) , piln
liiB ulruicth i\or ) liny Wnlkrd ahout the
tonn nnil in IT the biirruundtiiL' hills of
I'.xivltior hprlnga
Am comlmid 1h t persons afflicted
\\llh nny Ijpn of rhiliinnlUin , ulll bo
Kti'ntly ucnctltpd. If not lunnplcttly lurid
y IhuttaU'ruof I'.xccli-lorSjirliii' * Scnrco-
ly can tno inui-li bo tuld In prnlee uf Ilia
water * , Tlio Kluia uuil tlitlr ilt-llulilful tur
rouuJiuf *
( SlguciJ ) KIUNK llinri-iT , Hii.
The tcateri ait Mlletl culy ly ( fa Exctl ,
tier fjirimii Coiiiiany at
Excelsior Springs
"SA. . W. ByBissouri
Hicliardsoii DiUiS Co. , Agis. , Omilia , Ke
Mnson City , Hvrun WobMor of Minhall-
town , Chnrlo * lonroc of OikiUooin , I. . M .
Garruttof DCS Monies , Thnmns L. Maxwell
of Orcston , B. L. Funk of Unrroll , .1. U.
ICclfTor of I'lyinouth county. K. J. UIckcr on
of C'ass county. The followliiB executive
comiiilttoo was cho < cn : .1 , O Oarrotson of
Kcokuk , W. F. UonUlln of Iowa City , Sum
tiel B. Carroll ol Porr > , Mark Holbrook of
Otiawn. J. P. Uoaahuo was elected treas
It was decided to flic tlio annual dues for
membership In the loaguu at W. A vote of
than us was plvcn the Satnoset * nnd .lack-
sonlans of Otpaha for their altenJnnco dur-
trig the evening , and also to the reception
committee of Council Hltiffs for courtesies
shown the dolccatos tn the convention , after
which the mcotinc adjourned.
UaWitt's Sarsnpirllla aeuro.v * suna poi-
nous us icrofulii , skin discajo , cczotm , rhou-
tnatlsm. Its tlmoly use saves nunjr llvoi.
Cnrpots Will ( lu This Work ,
Tlio Counoll DlnlTs Carpet compiinj'
liavo had tlio liuuviost trade this sprintr
that tboy liavo over had , and to talco
care of it they hnvo had dally ship-
inputof now jroods. Today their sleek
Is oven lurgor than It has boon at any
previous time. Tlioso goods bought at
tt discount inulttdo all llio spi'lnu weaves
and novelties In all lines , and this week
will bo full of opportunity to not bar-
triiins , us well as the haiitlsninest latest
designs that wore not out of the looms
when other dealers bought their goods.
Delegates and visitors In the city this
woi-lt are ospodally invited to-visit the
carpet atom.
Chapman's icreen faelory. Kxeluslvo
Bureon doo-s and windows. See him or
wrilo for prices , lo L'oiit'l St. , Council
I'lvorvbotly oats al Russet's restaurant ,
11 1'oarl street.
Hi1. Clmmberltiiti , , car , throat ,
cntiitrh. Sluigart bloclc , Council LJhitls ,
Patronize blue ice wagons for Mo. river
cliannul ice. Mulhollantl & Co. Tel. 1(32. (
Kilt strawberry short calco at Hussol's
restaurant , 11 Pearl street.
I.ou-Triced I.iiun Mouors.
ncsides the High Wlicaled Hercules ,
which cut" grabs a foot high und soils
for JO up , wo give you your choice of n
12 , 14 or Hi-inch mower forgo , every inn-
chir.o warranted to do good work.
1'hiliulolpliin mowers always in stock.
Largest and best line bicycles in the
city Swift , Dauntless , Warwick Pil
grim and Warwick Student besides the
St. Nicholas line of cheaper wheels.
11 Main Sttcot , Council Bluffs.
The crowd nro all going to Russol's
restaurant to got ono of these big 16
cent meals , 14 Pearl street.
Tlio largest and best 15 cent meal in
the eity at iv'issol's restaurant , 14 Pearl
Drmnrnitlc Ilnidfiuiirtcrt.
For stylish hats and bonnets , at Miss
Ragsdiilo's millinery parlor , 337 Broad
Francis Wilson and his company of opera
singers and comedians arrive In Omutm tins
afternoon over the \Vubasu. It was the or
iginal Intention of the company to arrive in
the tnornine. but a telegram from Mr , Wilson
was received from Syracuse , N. Y. , onrouto ,
stilting that they wore several hours late ,
owitijf to rain storms. The company will
rest hero this nvuninc andauond the Thomas
Orchestra concert. On Thursd ly evening it
opens a three nights' onea omont at Bovd's ,
nrcsentiuK Goodwin & Morse's operetta"Tho
Merry Monarch. " The company comes
direct from Now York , whcro It closed Us
season's run lust Saturday night. The sale
of scats opens this morning.
The next , attraction at the Farnntn Street
theater will bo iho successful picturesque
Irish-American comedy drama , "Tho Uruis-
keen Lawn. " Dan McCarthy appears in the
production of "Tho Crulskeen Lawn" in the
character of Dublin Dan. Mr. McCarthy
will bo supported by an excellent company of
clover singing and dancing comedians and
will opou his Omaha engagement Thursday
evening , Muy 12.
Uowltt's Sarsaparula clcansci the blooJ ,
AJH ! > OF yi :
The executive board of the Knlshtsof Labor
will meet at I'lttsbur . I'a , tod.iy.
The llllno s Ilonieopithit ! Mudlcal associa
tion lias convened at Cnic.iKO foi u thrcn
ilayn' session.
t'onfuclcrato memorial day wns Boner.illy
observed throughout the south wltli Impres
sive cuicinonlus.
JudRii llorton of Chicago 1ms appointed
\ \ allacu I'cuKiimn icccl\cr for tlio Atcbbun
steel aprln ; works In bond of JJO.UOJ.
Ittir lars attempted to rob the Toccao. I'la .
bunk , and In .1 ll ht with the walchiniin killed
him , They did not secure uny plunder.
The bccond Indletnient has been reported by
the United States grand jury In hu slon at
Iloston iigalnst the defendants In Iho whisky
irusl case.
John OrlcKor of Chicago commenced
suit against , u Chlcugo lodge of Odd I'ellowa
for JJ'i.OJO diima uh for Injuries received whllu
bulni ; Initiated into iho order.
Il Is now h.ild that u Di-nvor syndicate has
puicluiRcd n pill of the Tloria Ainorllliirant (
[ ylnitln Colin ulo for f 300,103. The tract con-
luiiib over lo' ' iicros.
In a letter lo Kov J C. Ilyrno of Mlnneap-
ollh. Arenlilshop Irelitnd , now In Home , an
nounces thai the latlcan huh formally n iccd
to Iho I'arlb tull plai , of do.illnR with \inerl-
cnn p iroehln ! schools , and llili , lee , ( ic"pllu a
vlcuioim opposlllon fiom thu Jesuits und
.Taeicr. the dcfanltlm ; cnshlor of the Roths
child's Tr.inUfort bunklnu hoiun , has been
urrestud In KKJ'pt.
The HelKliim Chamber of Deputies hasdc-
cldod by it > oto of 1.11 to T to icvfso the consti
tution and greatly Increase the electorate.
Tno Connecticut M.inufiiciurliu Co. , Hart
ford , I'o nn , , will contract for line mechanical
\uirk at reasonable prices , Conestiomlence.
The forces of thn Ilrlllsh Tint Africa corn-
panv In an cnv'ax'enieiitvllh the Mabnru
tribe won a victory and ree.ipluicd a number
of slave caravans.
A Minister's ' Wife
'Would Like To
tarn mend
- "
AtiHo-pho-ros ,
Morcncl , Co. . Shell. . I
ttovuinbur U , ibfll. I
TIIK ATiu.oriioiios Co. ;
1 liavc tiikoii Ath-lo-pho-ros My husband
is u mlnlstor of tills place. Would Ilko to re
commend tlio incillcliiu If you wish. Am
l.nuvMi all through Illllsdulo County , us wu
hnxti lived them ninny years. Tiio meOlolno
him ilono uomleri fur inut In fact , I do not
think 1 bhould liavo liceu hero now , ns I li id
trkd four coctors .ind none did jno any good ,
The Indlsputahlo fact U Uiut thu onu spoclflo
for Klicmnatibiii lu Atli-lo jilio-roa.
tl per liottlo ; n for W. All flruzglsts. Ileautl-
ful pioturu frou. poitp Ud. to unyonu who will
write for It.
Office and Repository Nos. 12 , 14 and 16 , < } th Street. Warehouse , Corner gth and Broadway
Brandreth's Pills
A medicine that has been a household remedy for
sixty years and used in that time by more than 200,000,000
persons must have great merit. Such a medicine is found
in Brandreth's Pills. This fact demonstrates the value
of these pills better than any statement of the proprie
tors. It will , be observed that the close required to cure
is small. One or two pills taken every night for ten or
twenty days will cure dyspepsia , costiveness , rheumatism ,
liver complaint , biliousness , or any disease arising from
an impure state of the blood.
Brandreth's Pills are purely vegetable , absolutely
harmless , and safe to take at any time.
Sold in every drug and medicine store , cither plain or
sugar coated.
Are Quickly Married. Try it on your next
Purely Vegetable and Strictly
on the Llvor and Stomach , restoring the
constipated o pa MB to healthy activity ,
ACHE , BILIOUSNESS , and all other
diseases arising frOiu ) a disordered con
dition of the Liver und Stomach.
They nro the Only nifiliio Vcsot-xlile Liver
I'lll bold : Thuy nro I'urfoutly ' llnrmlcnsi They
ro I'uirly VdRclnblcj Try Them.
IK. PeliPiiek's Ilookjin Consumption , I.Ivor
Complaint < m < l Dyspoiisla Sent I'rcu.
Il.J. H. SOHENOK &KIN , I'hlliulolptiK
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul R'jE s represented
on this man. ' -
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Far-
nar.i St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent.
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.
Chas , Lunkley ,
I'linci'iil Director anJ UnilortiVir.
311 Broadway , Council BltifTa
1(111(1 ( ( lUUUlUU ( I
llust faail'tlps , npp.iruiH nnil Uuuollo'i
for successful tru itniont of nvury form
of disease rcnuliiiu iiiodliul or
siiriluiil tioitmi-nt.
U boas for patients , hoird mil uttomlin30
, l > c/1 acc-oiuo lations tn the wast ,
< n
\\rltoforc-lrouliirs on duform'lios mil
nlles , lumnr. , c nicer , oil irrh , 'hionohilH. In
haliiiloii.o'ectrlclty , piiralysls. onllupsy , kid-
nov. h utider , eye , , fkln iin hloo I tin 1 nil
BtirKh'al opor.illons.
Uoiiu'ii \Voha\elitulrndlud ! : ; ,
In dap trtmont fur women durliuconfinement. .
Hrlolly | ) r > , ito.l Only Uollnblo Mouloal Institute -
stituto inaklnz u Spool illy or
All II oed Dlsu.ises buccoinfully troatol.
bvphllltlu 1'nUon removed from ilia uyMom
without nuiroury Now itostnnitlva 'J'ru'it-
ment for l ossof VITAI < 1'OWKK. I'orsons nil-
ublu to visit in mav bo trailed ut homo by
inrremion lonce. All coinmiinloatlona oonli-
dcntlal Muilicliu-a or Inttriiinoati sent l > y
mull oroxpress , securely picUod , no murks to
Ind cntu eontontHor sonJor. ( Jno parsonnl In *
tervlew prefurra I. Cull iiud consult IN or send
lil-itnry of your easo. mid wo will send In plain
wrupuor , our
{ ! Ulon I'rlvuta.
BOOK TO MEN , bptlo riKn
eases , Impotcnoy , Syphllla , OloutuiU Vurlco-
rule , wall ( jnoslion ll-it.
llr.ices , Appliances for neformltlot It Trusei
Only m-uiufactory Intho Weatof Iniftlit U.
til .ll-l-l.l IMJr..i. JHUi > an.i , ULUU'ltlU
ll.l TTlUt IKS A A li 11 Kl. I It.
Oinaiia Medical and Surgical Inslitute ,
26th und Broal way , Oojuoll BlutTi.
Ton minutes' ildo from eenlor of Uniiili on
Oiualiuand Oounoll lllufTi oluctrlo motor line
Ot Council Illulti.
CjpUil Jtcot . fU.HO.OOa
turplumiiiJ I'roHts . HlH > 'j
NctOapIt il nn 1 Surplus . yXUUStltl
l > tri'clurJ I ) KUimili'ii ' rt. I. iii.ifir. . , < ' i
( ilcmcju , 1' i : Iliri , I A. . Millar , J V Illmi 111
uDilClmrkit II JUnnnn Transact sonoral b ink-
IIIK bubinoss. l.arsest eapltil aud nurpluiuf
any bunk In southwestern IOWA.
Ndtlco of I lid Sitting ( il tlio City Council IIH u
Hii.inl of , ( ] iil/iitlon.
Tothoowncrsof the lois D irtsof lots and ro il
estate aliiiltln-1 : on or udj icont to the street * ,
alloys or axonucs heioln n.unod orsltuatu I In
whole or In imrt within any of thu districts
herein spocltlcd :
Vou and each of von nro hereby notlllol the city council of thn eity ot Urn ih i \\ill
sit iis a butr I of eiiuall7Jtlon .it the olllco of
thu fltv oleiU , In thu i.ty hill , Omaha , Sob , ,
ou Thursday , the 1'lth ' day of Mnv , IVJJ , from
U o'clock a. in. to f > u'e < HMC p. m , for tlio | mt-
IHWO of consldorliu and ounall/in , ; the uro-
jiosed levy of special taxes nn I nssessmi'iits ,
as shown by "Proposed IM.iusof Assessmuiil"
now on Illo In tbu oltlco of sild oltv eluil > , an I
coi iect UK any eirois therein , and of hoarln
all coniplalnt'j that the on tiers of piopoi ty so
to bo assessed and l.iM'd may make , ild spu- taxes und nssessmciits piunixol lobe
lev ed belli , : nuucsttiry to cox or the co-t of the Improvements duly aulhorl/ed to bo
ni.ulo anil nou uomnleto 1 , as follows :
Dam ges for olian.lutho grade of Arbor
Btruiit. llth slreot nnil U'th blreet.
unounllns to the sum of J.M7.00. uhlcb s lid
uni It Is priposcd by a loport duly adopted ,
by the city council tn iis > usi on the lots und
real estate to the depth of center of block ou
both s dos ; of
Arbor btreot from 10th to 1 lib strent ,
llth street r i om 17. > feet sou thot Arbor street
to Ojstollar stieot. street from Vlnton street to Custcllar
Judgment In f.ivor of MIcluiol Dounolly for
dnma.'cs for oliatue. of Kr.ido of Dnenport
street from ! Hh to loth Mici > t. umountliu to
tno sum of J > 0'i 111 , which sum It Is propusod by
a report duly adopted by thu city con null to
abbess on thu lots and estate to the depth
of I.C feet on both sides of said l.ncnpjrt )
stieet fiom I'tb to lUtli street.
Dam.iui's. for uraiHiiz the alley In block P.
Kount/o.x Uuth's addition , amountliiK to the
sum of fKhOl , whleh s ildsuiu It is proposed by
a report duly adopted by the cltv council to
usso-s on the lots and estate to thu depth
of one hit on both sides of s ild alley In block
8 , ICount/u & Uuth's .iddlt on.
Ch uin'liiff thn jrado of Dnu.-las sticot from
ICth to .Utb street and -ertaln Intelsoctlns
streets , uii.uiiutlnK to thu hum of Jl',0" 7 , whleh
s.tid sum It Is pioposeu 1 > V u report duly
ndopled hv the city counoll to us-ess on llio
lotsmil est ite to the depth of 1 U feet on
both siiles of sulil Doiulas sticet fiom Uth
sticot to-4th street , us follows :
1'iom Uth to 10th SI. . " > cis poi foot frontazo.
1'iom lUth to lllh t. . Il.liii poi foot front t.u.
I'lom 1 th to Uth SI , 8l.n : pel foot fiont i o
I'rom 1 th to 11th St. , * , ? 'i per foot fic-ntti o.
I'rotn lillh to 14th M , 8UU ! tiiM'fool front i c.
I'rom Ht'i to nth -t. . $ . . " > i per foot front inn.
I'rom l.'ith to lUth-1 , , $ l'iU pel foot frontage.
I'rom th ston north Mdo tocst line , lot
2 lionsul'sBiili ,
I'rom 2ith S-l. on south hl'lo to west I'ne , sub
IK , lot „ ' , L'.ipitol add. , at J14UU pel foot fi out
age.DM north sldo from west line lot'-1 , HousoPs
sub. to westlliio sub. H , lot L' , L'.ipltol add . On
south hide fiom uest line sub. IH. lot L' ,
( Junttol tdd . to west Hue lot ( ! , llomui's biilj.
at i i U per foot frontage.
On ninth hldo fiom west line sub. 9 , loll ,
Cuiiltol aJd. loest ilno sub .1 , lot I. t'.inlliil
add. . On booth aide from nest linu lot d
Ilousels'Hiib to tvoni line sub. I'.1 , lot i , Uap'lol
add. utlJTii pin fo it fiontau , ,
On ninth l. o fiom west line sub. II. lot I ,
Ciipltol ad.l. toU'llh hi. . On south side trom
west line sill ) . 1" , lot.I , U.ipltol add. l'Vlth M ,
utfJ 0 per foot front i o.
' 'lib St on wet sldu from north line of lot I )
tobouth line- lot II In ICcilom'b 1st ad : . utfl 8'i
poi fool fiontiiKO.
Doiulasbticet fiom IGth to20th at t7J ! per
foot front iito.
i7th t-t , fnrn alloy north of l < jriiuni ht. to
DodueM tit Ji7i per foot front t o
It-til SI. fiom 1' ill ! nn to UoilRu Ss | at 1.1.70
per foot front.i o.
HMIi bt. fiom rurrwm to DoJsuHs. utf.l.iO
per foot fiontiuo.
I'urtlinui'itof ' gr.idliu-llli Axo. from Or.ind-
vlcn to II uaioffl1" . . amotliitlii to ? li. 7S..lft ,
whleh sild sum It Is pioposod by a leportduly
udoptod by the city louncll 10 assess on llio
lots and K'al oitiilo tot he depth of alloy on
both ; ilus of lib A\c. fiomGi uidvlow to llan-
Oh.itul'iu thociii'loof Slth Ht. fiom Loavon-
v.oitlift \\oo.woith A\o , amoiintliu to
thu sum ot JI.IIII.UO , which sa'd sum It s pro
posed toiihsi'SHou Ibnlots an I le ilustutotothu
depth of thofontur of b.ocU not oxceedlu ; I U
feet on both N dos of sild4th it. from l.o.iv-
cnuorth St. lo llici.oiy St. Itntu per foot
frontuvo Ji.'lllfi.
I ) nia.'es for Krndliu eortiln streets and
allojs In Murbli's iiddltloii , amounting to llio
sum of $ s4.0' ! . tthloh hiulhumlt H piopusud
by a repuit dtuy adouted by the elty council
to , isit .son llio IOLS adjulnln ; tliObtieoti and
alleystouit :
51 icy hticot from " 3th loS'th strciitH.
Mason street fiomV'ith to JTih Htieels.
Kth immuo from l.oavennorlh ulrcot to
Hickory place.
L"itli slreut from Ioa > enwoith street to
Hickory place , mid'ho ulloys In Marbh'H nil-
dltlon , equally on thu se\oiil lots In blocks 1
toll iiichislvu , in .Marsh's uddlllon , ou o.iuh lot
$7.7 ' . " -
DIIIIMKCH for Krudliix C iblullarctrcel from
l.ltli to "till btrcou mnoiiiitlnx to tlio hum of
tJn.l.K ) . which Bild hum It Is pioposed by it re
port duly udoptu.l by tlio city council to s-eis
on tlin loin mid to il est.ito lo thu depth of the
nlloy or thoceiitli of tlnco ( I ! ) lots und In tax
lotto the depth of IVj ( oet , on both sides of
Castollur btreot fiom 1Mb to Slth streets.
Katu per font f rimttuo , t.t ( : > M ! > ,
Diima.'i's forir ; idln I'ucllluhtroulfrom 'llli
to " 7th streets , ainoiintlnir to the MI in of iilH.uu ,
which Hild sum It U proposed by u ropoit
duly udopted bvtbocllv council to .IH OSSOII
the lots und real csttto to the depth to the
center of block , and the depth only of lots
4 , .17 and 43 In Illokory plueu , on both Hides
of I'liolfleptrcot fioiii Hli to-Ithhticots Kato
tier foot fronl.iie , * i.'VW ,
Damii''cs for Kradiiu Dupont street and
Itlcebtieot In Dupont pluuu , amountliu to the
hum of (4810' , wnlth said sum Ills proposed
by n report duly iidopto I bv the city ooiinoll ,
to HHsoKson the lot * mid real ostatu to the
depth of I.Ti feut on both tides of bald .slioets
" ) | " " from east line to west line of
"uYc "sueeLt ° from east line to west line of Ou.
pont pluce. at latoof U.1JJ per foot fiuntujju.
DiiniusiiM for eh IIIKO of urudo of 4'nd street.
] jufiiyi > ttu und other stivotH InVulnul Hill
udd lion. nmountliiK to the Mini of t TTdti ,
\\lilcniald inn U I * proposed by n niporl
duly adopted bv tlio city council to assess on
the lot * and roil I'utito to the depth of 151
fenton boll , aides of I''nd btreot from Hamil
ton to NIcholiiH stieul ; in en no
from IV ) feel west of 4'ml utrdiit liHUt slroot
K-to per fool fronUKo IJ.lllM.
Dnmai-'OH for trrudluK-bth fctreot from Kur-
n mi lo Hurt street , miiomitln , ' lo thu bum of
IHHfiO. which unlit sum It lb propound by u re
port dill v adopted liy thoelty ( oiinoll to un
less on tlio loll mid roul uit.ito lo tin ) depth
of tlrbt ulley or IMfoetou both ildoi of
street from P.irn nil stroit to II irl stroot.
Hate per foot frontage f.Oi.'J.
( 'bun inu' Iu Kr.ido of II million sticot from
"Itli street to 4)1)1 ) ) street and certain Inter
section HI reals , aniountlu : to the HIIIII of tll-
i.'ii)0l ) , which said mini It Is uroposod bvu rcnort
duly ndopted by tl-ii city eon neil tu ussoss on
tbu lots and i.'al estate to tlio deptli of center
of block or the llrst nlloy. and pioperty not
Mib-dUldi-d IM fi-ut on both sides of the fol
low Ing HI reels :
Hamilton slreot from Slth to 41th street.
LVilli street from Ch irles to Uiihhvoll street.
" 7th btreol from alley soulh of Hamilton to
I'll irlO' , stioet.
"h'h street from 11 imiltoti to Ohnrlei strocl.
" 'ilh ' street fiom In linn i to'h < irles street.
.list streel fie u II tmllton to U im lei street ,
.llril street from Myrllo avenue to Charles
htionl ,
.1'ith struct from I.afiiyollonvoniio to Charles
.litb street from Ijitayottoavunuu toClrirloi
H no per footfronta-o , $ JOI2,7l"i
I'lllliucertain lots amuunUn to thn HIIIII o I
$ 'l" ' > lu , ttlilch mill sum It Is pro , line , I by a ri > -
puit duly adopt 'd by the city e ninell to as *
besbontlie Uus and roil estatu as folo\ :
Lot II. block 4 , llr ike's addiilon , * XMU.
Toco\ei tlio cost of slopliu certain lots ,
nmountlni to the HIIIII of 4 nO. 1 1 wiileh said
sum It Is proposed by u report du'y ' adopted
by tlio citv council lo assois on the lots mid
real est ilt > as follows :
I.ol is , block 10 , Ambler I'laeo. II ( U.
Lot l'i. block U ) , Ambler I'l ice , il. ' 7.
Iot 'JO. block 10. Ambler I' , J.'S'.H
West 150 feel ot so 'i of nH socllon JU-lj-iS ,
Dam IKO- . for cridlns Mtb slreel from Kur
il im street to II irnov streol , and alloy from
" ' . ' 7th , to the
"llth street to avenue amount n :
sum of ifl.JMl ) , which s il I sum 11 Is proposed
by u reooi I duly adouted by the c ty council ,
to assess on tlio lots und roil tut itn to tlio
depth of 1.IJ feet on c.isl sldu an I 1W feel on
\\estsliloofHilil .vth street fiom K.iinamlo
Ilarney blicuts. Hlto per foul fiontastj
bamaces for chitnlii ? the i\ o of Doil o
btreot fio-ii Lowe inonui ) to Ilult nllway ,
nnionnt n to the sum of $1100) , which said
sum II Is proposed by u r.'poit duly adopted
by tin1 cltv uiuncil to assess on thn lots and oU ito to the depth of tbr.'u lots or the
llrst 'illoy , on both s dos jf H il.l HI reel from
Lowe avoniiii to llo I railway , liatu per foot
front i o J0sin7.
Itj' ru ison ot oponiiK 27th stroJt frim Ilils-
lol stiecl to He.Hek park , amin.itln ; to tlio
MI m of il. UJ 01snlcli s ilil s nn II U pioiixoii
by a ri-p.ii t dulv a loptod liy tliu city council
lo ! iss3-.s on llu lots ind rj il o > latj on both
shies of s tld ' . ' 7lh street from Ililstul slruol to
I'nxton street , IIH follows :
To I o nshis-cil on Hie bnlanco of lot 10 ,
Ilancs iiddlt on , ! .r > ) JIH
I o bo .issi'ssed ou tlio o ist 01 feel of sub-lot
II. t ix lot 0.0) ) .
1'iom the south line of Uo llok p ir > to I'ral t
stieet al the late of f I. ? . " > per foul fiont.i o i n
depth to contci of b ojk.
I rom I'r ill streull1'ixlon stuot at the
r.itu of HI.KIT pjr fool fronla u In duptli locun-
lurof hloi'lc
Vou art- fin I her not I ( led that s i 111 "propn nil
p'niis of iihsussini'nl" aio non s ilijcrl to the
Inspection and examination of any of thu
owiti'is of bald lots , p irts of lots orplcccsof
iiiitl I'stalo , or llio Inspection or \iinin tllon
of liny othur perhfin Interested In silil pro-
liosuil H- , < ; 'ssmi'iitg , at the olll 'o of sild city
ctiTlt , anil tl.u hy a run n t of a ( . oiiiiiiltloo or
H ihl I'ouni'll duly ndopio I. II Is propose I Hi it
unless foi ocI and Hull ! lout o.iuso H m ly hu
olhuiwlsu onlcriMl and < uterniliinil , th it thu
cost ol H ild inipioveiMoiils respout.voly ho us-
sussed on thu lots , puts ot lots and
pie os of iO"l cstato us shown hy said pio-
jiosu I pin'i \ o1 as ussiuuiit
Vou .in 1 o toll of you ire hereby nillflolto
nppo ir hufoiu S'lld lloml of Kiju i Iition at
the lime an 1 plucu uhovu Hpoullli'd to iniiko
any complaint , * t.uo nont or olijiii'llon vou
( luslro loneornln : unyof sild pionsjl ; levies
nnil as3C8siiiunlsof apoclal tuxes
JOHN ( iitovfH.
C'llv Clurlf.
Oman i. Nob. , Mny 10 , ISO ? . may 10 dot
WA.VTKD At once , u eompolont clrl foi
pcneial housework , llcslof uaizes paid ,
d.'O I'lrst .no ,
IT VOU ha\a .inytbliiK for s ilo or trade BOO
I ! . II. Slio.ifo , Ilioailwuy and .M iln slivni
Id I ) WA f ir us for s lie. Improve I hlj ucroi
Inllairlsin co , inly , $ , ! ) . U nor. ioni ; Uniurm
Improved , J.'I.US : HJ iierj * ? li.'Ji. 1'orbirtilin
In Iowa mil Nobr ibk i fat mi oall o-i or wilto
to.loliiHon fc V in I'aUon , Counoll lllnlN
utsof tlio
city. H. II. She.ifo , ltr.idway und Main.
S'I'UU VMR mid Co nmlsilon-Sioviii furnl'
dire , on- , stored and sold on umimlsihm at
lowest i , itos. U Kliinon in. il.'U llro t Iw iv.
jnou SAM : OK unNT-i.auosT un.i moit
Jmnllt ihlo moil m trkot In the west , dolui ;
from HJOI.OJ loJriW ) . OoishhiiK nussiini nub :
hnnk boot Mill show It ; ulll tiU'ul , Kpiendld
biMlneschaiuv ; .1' lu iso on hillldliu
MM , Hoc olll oC'onn.-'il Itlillfrf
DOIItA III. Lolllco rooms for rent In llrown
.nilliliiu , front n , ' on I'o irl mid Main
Hieets , ttlth all modern convonli nces for
terms apply to A II Nicholas or II " Uory ,
room ) ) , a. cuts for building ,
\VANTni ) , hojsonorlc ,
T fill South 7th
_ _ _
AN Investment imr.'nln. Now double house ,
illnatud at Nos 114 und 1 ( IMth Su , I oun-
ull lilnll.s. Improvumont , now mid llrot-olasj
house , lonlnlns II IOOIIIB , 'j Uulli moms 'i line
Pan treys , 111 o'obuls , front uii'l buuK stiilM ,
hot ainl co d water service. KUH , otc , worth
* ft.MO , H i I H 01 ut a h iryuln and solio t lionu-
fl'Jo oircri. Knieit Biultli , Iliildwln block ,
Counoll Illulfn.
Uoo | U tha stito mid
ftdoril courts. HOD nit 1 , I uni i
Iltnollo3k , Uoiinoll Uiuffi. It
Delegates to the Domo-ratio Conven
tion will llnd u warm welcome and an
opportunity to make their oxuniitos if
they will 1mvo to
Buy Any Furniture
this spring by visiting the lat'jiisl ( furnl-
turo hotibo in Iho wobt KatitiM'ii prices
will provall. C. E MYERS ,
llouhu's 01U ManJ , X05-/7 llio I'l
Tolcphono JW , LUUIUII