Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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    0 THE OMAHA DAILY BKK : MONDAY , MAY 0 , 1802.
Professional Operators Have "Kail Street
All to Themselves.
Money In Altogether Ton 1'lrntlfnl on llotli
bldci of the Atlanticnml People \\lto
Own It Do Not C'uro to
Sit | riilnto.
Nnw YOIIK , Mny 8. [ Special Telegram to
TUB Hif. | If U ivcro not for easy money
ttio bears would tnnko n bad smash of this
market. Tboy hnvo tint ! good chances In
the past throu or four weeks. That n sec-
BUW sort of mcvcmont , up today and down
tomorrow , with fractional changes for the
general list , has been I ho solo result of the
efforts of either bull or hear , nmy DO at
tributed mulnly to the fact that money Is
ix drug. Wbco n man. tired
of holding n stock which ho expected to ad-
vonco and which docs not , n Ks himself of
What use It is to sell It when ho can tot ; only
1 or a per emit for his money on deposit , the
ctmncus are ho will conclude to hold It. It I *
hard work shaking him out. If on the other
hnud ho had a cbunco to lund his money on
KOoil rotes of interest , and on the other saw
Inavy Interest charges piling up
against him , then not much shak
ing of the market would bo necessary
to iimko him drop hi * speculative holdings.
Hut to nrgua that wo should have n boar
market. If It woio not for easy money is
merely to repeat the familiar old phrase that
If things were not as they arc they would 'bo
dlfforent. Money Is easy and that Is all there
is to It. Not only easy now , but wnen money
Is offered at. I per rent on mixed collateral for
long periods , six and twelve months , ! ! maytio
assumed that ( jankers expect It will remain
A irixcd collateral loan nt 4 per cent for
* lx months was leccntly oflorcu to the head
of n commission house. "This , " said ho , "Is
tl'o cheapest money over offered me , hut I
don't want It. " llo had no use for it. Cus
tomers were not buylnp load enough to glvo
him niiy chance to employ it profitably.
Sumo on thu Other Mile.
In London n like condition prevails. Icllo
money is piling up In the banks in enormous
volume , speculation is stagnant , time loans
nro quoted ut the ridiculous figure of fifteen-
( iNtccnths of 1 per cent. The public is not
In the market there or here. Many of tbo old
channels through which the public money
sought Investment or speculation hnvo
been discredited through the South
American collapio and the Daring failure ,
wuilo housoi uhlcti have maintained them-
elves , untainted , me unwilling to brunch
out much while the Hank of England Is still
holding over the market JL'T.OOO.UOO worth of
Eccuritlcs taken over in the great liquidation.
Thus there Is stagnation. And further
more' , it Is probable wo shall get very tired
on this side waiting for the rnvival to coma
on the other , for though it will coma seine
day us surely as the sun liscs , the day
mav ho moio distant than wo in our Im
patience iinaL'Ino. It xvas two years
quite after wo on this side had nude up our
minds that the South American speculation
must collapse1 , that the collapse camo. It
may be an equally long tlmo after wo linvo
determined that u great revival must coma
before It docs como. Action and reaction cro
equal in the domain of speculation , us In thu
mechanical world.
ll | iu lor tliii Husy ItiMirn.
There has been enough material to bear
the market on lately. A cold and backward
spring could bo inado much of , delaying
farming operations , although it cannot bo
said that such weuther Is Injurious to the
prowlng winter whcatcrop , since that does
well by u low temperature at this season.
The gi'oat Hoods , causing pioat
nclual damage to railroad prop-
city , and moro Indirectly by bamnering
trafllu and vastly increasing the cost of doing
the work are a sound hoar argument. Then
the air Is full of sul's , investigations , legal
proceedings and legislative actions against
the largo class of Industrial slocks ; and this
has powerful inllucnco In unsettling tbo
minds of investors and discouraging bull
Tbo federal government and the state
governments BCPHI to have been entered on n
campaign against this class of beutiritios and
oil U'ull street is talking aoout it. The
sugar trubt la to bo proceeded against , the
whisky ttust ofllcors are also under indictment -
ment , the cordage company is to bo hauled
into court and the coal combination Is
threatened both by congress und stuto au
The concensus of opinion in the street
based on the luinous case of the Broadway
Kailroail companv is that whatever bo the
outcome of the suits , the uronorty itself in
each case will not bo touched at all , but
cpcculuUvcly the moral effect may be serious
enough in depressing Iho prices of nil the so
cnntics. In respect to tbo Heading
company , tbo managers of that hnvo a much
moio soiions problem before them than legal
proceedings present , In nrfceting an actlvo
consolidation ot the working management of
the several companies , now only formally
united under it.
Xnso of Money In London Kxpcctcd to Con
tinue lor Aw lillt1.
LONDON , May 8. Dating the weolc past
discount was quiet at 1 per cent for three
months und one-half of 1 percent for short.
All the Indications point tothocontlnuanco of
the extreme case of the money market , us n
single gold bhlpmont from the cast of ± . " 00-
000 sterling , Is now duo and
further shipments from Now York nro
also expected , while the supplies are about
to bo further Increased by the -payment of
treasury bills aggregating I , ! > 00'UOO. At
the same tlmo thuro is no Inquiry In the open
market for export bullion. In fact , the
plethora of money Is embarrassing the
banks , and seine of them are so loaded with
deposits that they aio reluctant to grant
miy Interest on them. During the
week silver fluctuated slightly. The market
had a show of strength \Veunosday
when the meager allotment of India council
bills caused u reaction , uator the price
hardened , owing to a porcoptibla damand foi
Jndhi , closing yesterday at y.tjjf per cent
for burs , Mexican dollars were also better.
The leading faatura on the stock market
wan the expansion of the public demand
tor Investment securities. The rovlvnl has
not yet touched speculative stocks , but the
activity of the hast elms Is certain to extend
soon. The refusal of bankers to allow in-
teioit on fresh deposits diverts money to tbt
block exchange , causing a stream ot Invest-
li'R ' orders. lirltlfeh funds ivoio In duiunni !
during the week and closed ' < jd lower. Tor-
elgu securities weio strong , Portuguese
Rain II,1 j per cent on favorable rumors about
the now loan. ( Jroelc securities lost
( I per cent on the prospect ol
thoUrco'iC elections assisting the financial
position of the llultlo. Argentine soourltloi
rose ; i.4 ! per cent under the inlluunco of tin
decline of thu Argentine gold premium , am
the qulotor political situation in the republic
Kngtish railway sccuiltloi bonulitlod Iron
the Investment avmand aud from goot
tratllc , rcpotts the average rising for tin
best kinds Doing l1 to 2 nor cent. TWi
upward movomout did not affect tin
American railroads. Komo investment deal
lugs helped to strengthen prices , bu
operators , awaiting , us usual , an linpuls
from Now Yoik , uro still npathotlc ,
Tontutlvo movements hero appear to h
powerless to giro spring to this department
Dealers havu ccnsod predicting an earl ;
boom In tlio fuco ot the fuel that every coii
ditlon favorable for a rovivul has bcoi
neglected by Now York. Variation
for the week in prices of American ralhvu
securities inclndo the following'
Increases Lake Hhoro , throe-fourths of
jier cent ; Now York , Pennsylvania i
Ohio tint mortgage mid AtchUon , ono-tml
of 1 per ov'nt uncti ; Brio seconds , I1 , , po
cent ; J'onnsylvanla , one-fourth of \ pc
cent. Decreases : \Vobruh doucutuios
throe-fourths of 1 per cent ; Mexican Central
tral , I ) per cunt ; Ncrthcru I'nclllc , MUsourl
Kanins ft TOXBS aud Wubon preferred , one
half of 1 per cent each ; Denver & HI
( Iruudo preferred and Union 1'aclllo shuroa
Dno fourln ol 1 i > ar cent each. Cuuadlai
railway securities were weak. GrandTrun ,
j coaa preferred rolayiod J per oout on th
week nml Grand Trunk first preferred three-
fourths of 1 per cent. There was some In
quiry for Kocuittlcs from Mexican railways
nnd securities advanced IJf per cent on the
week ; firsts , l1 per cent nntl ordinary , 1
percent. Atnor.c the miscellaneous securi
ties tbo Knttmans shares game ; ! one-fourth
of 1 per cent on tlio week nnd Hlo
llntos onooiKhth of 1 per cent.
Among the security Issues placed on Iho
nmrlibt Inst week nro the Illinois Control
railroad's 1,01X1,000 of 4 per cents ; 17)09,000
of South American Cnolo stock In 10 shares
nnd JK > 00,000 of the Mexican nntl Central
American rnilwny mortgage Os. The Antflo-
Amorlcnn dcbenturo corporation has de
clared n dividend of < > per rent ,
( In the I'nri * llonrnp.
PAIIII , Mny 8. Tlioro was nn cnsy bourse
settlement last week. Money was abundant
nnd prices tended toward firmness , although
dealings were slack. Ttirco per cent rentes
advanced 72 centimes In the WCOK , Credit
fancier shares ono-clghth of a fr.ino nnd Klo
tlntos'J'f francs. The uourslors have llnully
forbidden Coullsslcrs to but In Russian ,
Itnllnn or French stocks or to do nny busi
ness except during ofllclnl hbur * . The
Coullsslors propose to itart n free bourse nnd
this will open the question of boursicr's prl-
vnto ones ; thcro nro many ndvorsurles in
the Chamber of Deputies.
On thi ! Ih'rlln lloiirin.
Uniiuv , May 8.---Business on the bourse
duritiif iho wool : was limited but prices were
firm. The Html pt Ices includa : 1'russlun-Is ,
10IK50 ; Uuutscho bank , ltU.U : ; Mexican Us ,
SIM ) ; Uodimncr , US ; Hnrpencr , IIUou ; -
bles. 'Jin. 10 ; short exchange on London ,
'JO. 12 ; long exchange on London , 'JO.UU1 ;
private discount , 1 ! 1rt per cent , lllclchroller
. Hassan have agreed on the terms of the
Hungarian conversion loan. All fi ntiil-t | $
per cent lo.ins nro to bo converted Into 4 per
cents. The Austrian government nltns to
complete the operation and begin tlio cur
rency reform In July.
On thn rninldiut Hours1.
FitvsKFOHT , May S. Un the bourse during
the week trading was quiet , but tlomnnd
good. Poitugueso sc ( unties rose ! ' per
rent yesterday on a report that the French
syndicate hud tnkou the Portuguese loan.
The Html quotations Iticludo : Hungarian
gold rente , ( il ; Italian , 6V.U ; Portuguese ,
SlUH ) : Spanish , (10.10 ( ; Austrian silver lento ,
TU.T'i ; short cxchnngo on London , UO.-IU ;
private discount , 3J $ .
TIII : sricui.ATivi : MAKICKTS.
\Vur Talk In iuroio : | Ciiuscil Wheat to
CiiiCAtio. III. , Muy 7 , A rlght-about-faco up
turn In prices with light traUlng were the
features today on the Cnleaso Hoard of
Trade Compared with l.i&t evening the wheat
attur Us decline ma do an udvuiivu of lUc und
tonight shows u net giiln of Jic , coin Is l'gu up ,
oats 2sjc and poik l'-"iC.
The llrmnvss was mulnly nttrlbtltublo to
war tulk , II liclng lepoilcd that the Russians
were mussing their forces on the Austrian
frontier and the 1'riisslans were more wuilIKo
than for scum time. The weather again
turned i-older with snow In somn hcc-
tlons of the northwest and Ill's ' lee had some
ellecton thu market. HccolptB for the week
at primary nun Uuts were about the simo us
lust week , while iho exports were larger nnd
It was estlmuted that the \lslblu supply
ought lo show a liberal Increase through
some of iho who it which h is heieloforo uceu
counted out may tuiu up attain llraclslrcet's
roporlcd th it I he avalluolo supply In Kurope ,
alloat und in iho United Mates was 'll.liUO , HO
bu , larger than a year ago , and also tint then )
had bei'tt u dcrro.i&o In Ihu supplies of liO.W- ) )
( Hli bu. In four months. Cables were a Ilttio
mixed , some markets being higher and others
lower The advancu late In the session was
helped uloiu tiy reported c\cessivo cold
weather on the continent , with apmchcnslons
of damage to the oren In Germany.
Tlio opening wus fiom ' 40 to J c higher than
the ultHiiij yesterilav. Ailccllnoof 'ic caused
by liberal selling was followed by an advancu
or I'ji1 with halts on thu way up. The
fact that Tails nml itcilln qnotut ons vcro
lower , notwithstanding the bullish news ,
caused a l > .ss of IJe from top prices. The feelIng -
Ing at iho close was steady. I'linlrhUu was
said to hnvo been u good luycr of July around
bJ' c toS)2JBeand was said lo have picked up a
good ileal. l.ato signal service rupoits Indi
cated that more rain probable In
the northnosl rum helped to Impart
strength to the wheat maikct. To
that was nilded dtspatclics from
"Mlimo ipolls to 0. A. Plllsbury , who was on
iho floor hers , saynu that London and Hilstol
sent orders foi lloui und that u ship wus con
A decrease In the week's visible. It Is said ,
of under X'.iiOJ.OJO bu. Is not llkolv to ho ac
cepted as bullish , Thu impto\omoiit In the
condition of iho winter whuit reported by
Katis is and Onlo , leads somu to expect nn ud-
\iiiiLO In Ihu tronornl estlmnlu to bo fuiulbhod
by Do Igo on Tues lay. That , hov.'over , Is by
otheis pionounced e ralhir unsafe * assump
tion on Ihu around that If private advices
fiom California tire botno oi.t by the olllclul
fUures. there has been eniiuKh drtctloratlon
to moio than countcrbuluncn Ihu bcllerincnt
of Kansiis anil Ohio.
There was iniiuli nervousness in corn all day
und the jirlces Kept cllmbltu slowly with
bidding both by shorts and those who wuio In
Ihu market for u hulu'o. The selling lulo
yesterday was so fieo lliut a fiesh short m-
lerebt was created , Ihu udvunclnx wheat mar
ket helped bullish fuellui ; ; rucclpls weru
under the estlmntn at 181 cuts ; grading
uots wotso Instoid of btilier. with
but otto car of contract corn to
day : cables weio higher on coin whllo lower
on wheat ; expoit oknianccs fof iho week
noio.iT'.dUO ' uu. moro thin last week nt 2.-
47.1.U.1Ifrom Allnntie ports nnd llhural from
Now Oileans. .Moio than all this the wi-ather
wus lllt'.o lmpio\ed over the corn
stitcs und them was loports of further
r.ilns In Nebraska aud olso\\h io. Thu cash
markut icsponded first , and lotsof No U grade
weiitat 'ao ' over yesterday. There was nothln ;
In suht. to soil coin on c\cctt the high
prices , whlloshoris and lenis were forced to
look foi an advancing maiket under Iho o\-
Istlnx adverse weather. Umhiliy was among
thu uctlvo buyers.
The htrength In corn nnd unfavorable
weuthor In the west , together with noml liuy-
In of Jluy by Hairy Wudhums , who wus un-
donbtPdly covot'iiiK Hhorts , comblnetl to muko
oats llriiiertind higher.
The provision murUct oponol strong In
sympathy with high prices for corn nnd
wheat. There was some ruullzln ; and , i reac
tion from Iho opening prices ; but thu market
firmed up again towurd thu cud of the session
und closed strong ut thu best prices of Iho
day ,
I relghts were slow with light offerings
Kates held steady at Sc for und 1' u for
corn to llullalo.
INtlnmlcd receipts for Monday : Wheat ,
lot ) curs ; corn , 20 curs ; oats , 1UJ curs ; ho s ,
; ; ioou heiui.
Tlmloatllntf futures rarucn as follows :
Muy B.1 82
Juno. . . , i B.1bJ bl
.ltd ) . . , fali
COIIN No faliH
Mny . . . . , 41H H ! <
lunu . . . .
41 @ 4lj ! ii
OATH No.l ii20X
Mny ? IH ? UH 20X
.lime 2 u iStt
.Jtilv 2J IH
ill-t-S I'oltK
l r S70 970 DM 0 70
July U75
Muy. C1J e 17M t ! 12V D IS
Julr ll 25 027K
U Vj U I Ii 47.1 U 10
SHOUT I'.ius--
Mny 1 73 670 r > E2 >
" " ' 5 77' ' * SS'i & bi
J"lV - 6 ' .U ft I'S ' 6 Hi
Cash iiuuiallons wore UK follows :
1'l.oim Quiet , prices iinalrnuoil ; wlntci
patents , il.'Mttt Id ; winter xtruluhts , f.l.U.VQ
4.yi ; spring patenls , Jl ) ; springbtrulghts (
WIIKAT No. 2 sprhiK , flyo ; No. U spring ,
namlnul ; No "rod , M/UMIV
COII.M No. 2.44aiP.ii. ' : No. : i new , 43o ,
OATS-NO. 2. aiijto li'.c : No. v wlilto , 320
o.'het No , .t white. 'IJ'iiU.ll'.dO.
HVK No. 2 , 7iS(2 ! | ( > * 7o
llAiti.isv .No. 2 , 0'c ; No. 3. f. o. b. , isa59c ;
No. 4 , f. o. b. , 4in.
l'i , \ hiniNa : l.tfJo.
TIMOTHY hBitl'rlme. : > . tl.i.'
I'OIIK Mess , nor bbl. , n .U7li4tJ.70 : laid , poi
ICOlhb. , tiU-Viuliiit blmrl ilhs. sides , ( loosoi
f'i.KiXitVh'Jij : ury united shoulders tbo'cedi
cl.OJ'iOt.ia ; short clear bides , ( boxud ) , W.I7) ) !
WinhKt DUtlllura' llnlKhod eoods , par gnl. ,
r-tidAiis Unchunspd : clitlo-if , tftfici grunu
luted , 4lic ; standard ' 'A , " 4" o.
Kcculpu iind hhlimonlb | loituy were us foi
lonu ;
Omaha I'roiluro Mnrkul.
HiiiKS. r.TC. No. 1 Kreon hides , ric ; No.
flceil biittfil hides. 4'ift4ej ( ( No. " | iiei.iiKaltt.i
hides. IliiaStiNa ; I creeu ktilted lihlca. S to J
lli' . . I'iftKtCi .No. tfsriion hides. S3 to JO lh
.lti.H',1'1 No. 1 veal calf , H to 15 Ilia. Uj No.
\ualcalf , btoUlbv. lo ; No. 1 dry Hint lilne-
; cNo. : ' 'dry Hint hides. Lei No. 1 Ury sallei
liluus'wiflci part curoil lie per Jioiind less thn
fullv cured. bhoe | ) pelts Urcon salted , cacti
' Kroen caltad shoiirlliicit ( shor
wooltd early iklua ) , eaub , IWiSfli dry ihuur
llniiidhort wnolod oirly skln i. No 1 , eaen.
ntlnc ! ilrtr shcnrllns ( unort wrtnlod early
< Uln < > , No. 1 , ettcli. .Vjj dry Hint Knn-n nntl
Noliraskii biitchor wool pelM , per Ib. ncttinl
wclnht , lOilllHt'l ilry Hint Knniasniiil Nohrnv
ka Murrain wool pelt" , per Hi , aclml wclcht ,
SllJoj dry Hint Cnlnr.ulo utitoliot wool jioito ,
per Hi. actual weight , lOflil'-'HIoi dry Hint Colo-
rntln.Mnrrnlti wool polls per Ib. , actual welzlit.
K-iMOc ; ilry pieces and liuck , actual wclclit ,
TW o. Tallow and aroaso Tallow , No 1. : n4'il
4c : tallow , No. 2 , IKil-'HiC ! erorvsc , white A. 4IS
4Uoi uroase. wlilto It , 'lija-Tie : pro iso , jcllow.
lie ; crease , dnrk , : ici old nutter , 24c ; bcoswuv ,
prime , ir > aJ4croiiJli : tallow , I'itt.Y.
I'litJITA Cnllfornlii Klvcnldo oracRcs. $1.00 :
Sbox lot . JJNlVnililiictoii navals. tl.V ) :
choluo apples ft-iOH-lf-Oj i-liolco lotnoiis. { .Li.iTi
4.tKii fancy lemons fl.Mj bannnas cr.itcd.J..OJ
Cl'.M ! crnnUerrles. slilpplti itock , lib ! . . JT/ifl ;
I'londa toiiiftloo1' . II.5J perrratoof six baikctat
pineapples , iWax'.V ) per ilofc
\ViiDTAiii < ns feed sweet potatoc" , JJ.sst
California cablmgc , 240 | mr lli/tn crati- ! homo
crown lettuce , 4Jc per do ? ; onions , Mcltll.l.i
per tin. ; Nebrnska hnnd iilckcd lieans , JI.KVTO
- ' . 0 ; iiMMllum , } I..1JI.O' ' : Colorado and western
Nchr.iHka potiitoei , a.vai'ct native potatoes
' lima hean , 4c per 11) ) . : wnter ere s , SI-
lt. cnse . ijijo per ot. : spinach. $ I tKVftt.3."i : per
bhl. ! rnll hc , 40c : rutaliaSHS fl.'J.Vitl M per
bbl. ; picpliint. He per Hi. : p-irsioy , 3-VB4 cs now
Cnllfot nla potatoes Jo per Ib. ; cucumbers ,
$ I..VpcrdO7.
i : ( m ( liincrnl tnnrkot. nSlll'ic.
lit 'Iho p'lelu-rs nro l-ilklns only PCS
medium armies , I0flli ! > ic In n small way : n
Mmilt proport on of the best countiy roll , l.HJ
.sTltA\viinuitiF.S"Cholco stock sttltnolo for
sluppini : none too plenty. J.I.S © I.O'J.
I'ort.Tin-Uood fowls H.O@l.Si ) per ttoz.i
hickens , lar o.
Nun York M irkots.
NK\V YOIIK. M'iy 7. ri.ouit Hcpclots. I"-
8i : > ukr : exports P.100 bills , and 17..V.9 sacks :
markitunkur , dull : s'lles , lt.2)0 ! ) bblsi low
p\tns. J..itVM.i. : ; winter wheat , low grades
J.M ( i7.t..Vi : fair to fancy. $ .1 II > 5M ir > : patents ,
Jl IViH.Wi .Mlnnesotae'e ir. f.l..wa'lfl | Mr.ilirht.
$ .l' ' ( il.ii ( : patents * lr > iUVOD ; r > o niUoil , W.5J
an in.
t'oitM Mr.At , Dull : yellow wcstorn$2.T.Vii'l03.
WiimT-llocelpts ' 4lfiriJO bu.s exports , U'll.-
Si4 bu. : sales , G4\033 bu. of lutuics , f.sOOO
hu. Miot. MIOI mnrket strontror. dull ;
No. 2 red , lVv'riJ.'pSVo : UT'iay.'o ' f. o. b :
unsrntlod red.T-JJSiUc : No. I noithotn , trj1 , ®
U/'ic : Nn. 2 northern. 81'te ; No. 'Jt ilcaso.W'ic :
No 2 Milwaukee , PO'tO nski-d : Nol spilnc.
fcTUK ie. Optlotn were rather iltill , but ml-
\ iineed 'B O .mil closed firm ehlolly on
manipulation , but holpoi ! by llijhl Interior re
ceipts for biiyitn : and liberal clearances , No.
3 red. Mnv. lliSilPnO , dm nit nt Ul 'iCi Jtinq ,
UlffillSo , i"oa UK alUIVct Jutvnii-ltii : ; l ll-Hlo.
clos'ni nt tll'io : August. WuB'il'jc ' , clo'lnz
KVK Ktisv , iiulet ; western , 83(3830 ( ! sales ,
10.iioubu. at SMtvJ'ic. '
ItAiti.i : * MAI.T Dull : O.itmdlan , ST > G.9Jc.
O.HIN Itecolpls , btl.j exports. 45,500
bu. ! silos -Mu.OJJ bu. of futures ; : il.OJO ; bu
of sjiot. Spot stronKor , ( inlet , o isy ; No , S , 65o
asked In elevator ; Me asked ntloat ; ungraded
mixed , 4S'J(25Ui' ( : steamer mixed , StMlM'H * .
Options mlviinciMl lie to ( o anil closed Him ;
short coverlnu ; .May , . ' .2c : June , 4S'4o ; July,4Sc ;
Au 'list. 4Hc , September. 4S .
OATS llecolpts. 74,0 Obu ; oxportp.S.f'Oaiiii. ;
sales. JlUJUbu. of futures nnd fl'MWJ of spot.
Spot llrm , dull : options dull , ( Inner ] May .1141 ,
lU'i. cloalnj , lime : July , : i4jc ; Annul. : ilit
tpot. No 'J wlilto. : i7' e askud ; mixed wcatorn ,
: ill7c : wlilto western. Ill. .
HAY Hoce pts llplit. tlrni : shlpplui ; , 60c ;
Rood to choice. K'icfMO.
Uoi'S Dull , easy ; state common to choice. : 1'aclllo coahU 245i-0c.
SuoAU-Uaw. quiet but atuady ; fair ronnlnif ,
Js8c ; - cnttlfu aU , OJ to t , Ul-lic ; refined.
quiet , bte idy ; No. G. a'.aic ; No. 7. II U-IGIS
H5-lfie : No. . IIVWi'ic ; No l ) . : i (1-103'J ( l.-lfic :
No. in. : iS9l 'l > 4u : No. 11. a l-ic3 ) 11-1(1 ( ; No. 12 ,
i'SOa e : No. 111. .I Ga'ac ' ; mould A , 4 l-10c :
stnuJnrd A. 4 1-1I/R4 7-1 c ; confoctlonurs A , 4' <
( 4L ; eut leif , fij'ac : crushed , 5 ® " > 'ie : pow-
deiod. 4'l c ; Krunuliitctl , 4 o-lCttl U-1G ;
MOI.AS.MKS rorolcn dull : ro tost. 2.Tic ; Now
Orle ins , common to fancy. ' - Ti tic.
Kvi : I'lrm : dotnestlo fair to extra , GlUc ;
Japan , ri'eta'i c.
I'LTiioi.KL'M Quiet , stoidy ; crude In bbls ,
I'nrkor's , S.V l > ; crude In bull ; . f..SV. relincd ,
Vow York , ili. 10 ; I'hiladolphli and Ilaltlmore.
T , 111 : rollned In hulk , J1..I @ IGO ; United closed
at.'i'e for June.
CHTTONSKEII Oli < ririn : crude , 20330c ; yel
low. am © i v.
TAI.I.OW Dull : city ( ! J forpkc ) , 23 c.
lto = iN Dull ; steady ; strained common to
good. fl.4.Yr l.47li. : Dull and steady at Iiayane.
Koos r lr demand. Him ; western , Ii3i10c.
lleculpts , 4.700 paeka 'os.
Ilini s btendy ; wet salted Now Orleans ,
4" > to 75 Ibs , GBso ; Te.\as seloi-tcd , MtoOOlhs ,
I'OHK I airly actlvo : steady ; old mess ,
$0.n , < ac. ' . . " > 0 : new mess , Jll.OJ ; urlmo. tlO.O\
OUT MUATS ririn , wanted : ph-Uled bellies ,
GH'iiO'je : pleklctl nhoulders , f)5 , © " > 3 e ; pickled
hams , KVfolUitc ; middles quiet ; bhort clear ,
KUO-ft'iGO. '
LAUD Dull ; wc lorn sto mi. $ flf > 0 : sales. 2oJ
tierces : options , no sales ; May , SJ.4S bid ; July ,
IDA'S ; August. Jli.UI.
Hi'TTKH Active and stoacly : western dairy.
r.'aUo : western creamery , ISiQiili ; western
factory , llUe ; Eiitlu. ' 'Ic.
CJIUB-K ; Jloderato demand nnd steady ;
part sUlms 3'j5Wic.
I'm IKON Stoutly ; American. $14.7 : > (310.2i (
CoiM'Pit Quiet , Arm : laUc. $ l.tijitrilA ) .
Ti.s-Kusy ; straits. J-'U ® .OM.
LEAU-nrm ; domestic. SI.
St. I. mils .Murki'ts.
ST. I.ouis. Mo. , May 7. KI.OUII Unchanzcil.
Win : \T-Opoticd ' 40 higher and gradually
advauecd to ttio close , which was i > c above
yesterday. No. ' 'red cash , Hl c ; May , tS c :
Jiini' . ftlc ; July. Sic : Atuust. W'4 .
OIIIIN Klrin and hUher ; closlni Vo above
yesterday. No. S cash , au'i ® Oc : July , 8'oc ;
September. U'J'iC.
O\TS I'lrm and closed 'ic hUhcrj No. 2
cash , aii' : May , .ItVSe ; Julv , -.I'ic ,
K\u Dull : No. a sold titoio
HAV Pirm for top erades ; pr.ilrlo. 57.jOt5
ar > ; timotiivOii vjQu.oo.
i CAii-Qulet : Jl.OI'J ; spelter , $ I.G5.
1 IAHKKII Slaudy at 07c.
llUTruit Unsettled but unchanged ; cream-
orv. IfrlilUc : liulrv , U'SKic.
iiH Steady at I'Jtol.'Uc.
COMN MB\L-I''lnn at S..OJ.
WIIISKV btondy at Jl H.
ItAddiNd-Unchaii.'i'd at O'iSSo.
Ilios COTTON TIK.S Unohrin.'ed ; Jl. 15311.23.
I'liMVibinNS Very dull and only a small
job ti.ulo donii at juevlous iiuoiallons.
Kiciii'TS : : I'lour. 4,000 hbls. ; wheat , ll.OOObu. ;
corn , fi,0)0 , ( ) bu. ; oats , ll.OUJ bit. : rye , l.OJObu. :
barley , none.
hiui'MUNTS I'lour. 0.000 bbls. : who t , 1G.ODO
bu ; corn , 41.000 bu. : oats , 15,000 bu. ; rye ,
none ; barley , noun.
Kansas City Markets
KANSAS CITY. Mo. , May 7. WIIBAT Jloro
actlvo. strong and h yher : No. 2 liurd , uiibh ,
! XtHa ; No. 2 red , cash , bOSIe.
UoiiN I'lim and falily active ; No. 2 mlxsd ,
30yfta7c : No. 2 white. ah4c.
OATS Dull but ( Inn ; No. 2 mixed , 281iai.0o ;
No 2 wlilto , IIOc.
KVE-Steady ; No. 2 , C7c.
l'i.XSKED bOe on basis of pure.
llitAN Kiisicr ; b.'o sucked
lUv rirm , ; timothy , JS.5tia9.00 ; prairie ,
Kdos Klrm to higher at l'24e. !
llurruii Dull und weak ; creamery , ICSJOc ;
duiry , I0ffll7c.
( JiiKESK btuady ; young Americas , lIwSulic ;
full cream , isiic.
Kr.CEHTH Wheat , 11,000 bu , ; corn , O.OJ3 bu , ;
oats. J.WIU bu.
SmrviENTS Wheat , 11,003 bu. ; corn , 1,200
bu. ; outa , JGUJ uu ,
Cattle VuluoH Improved , llngn Htrally uiul
Sheep Scarce and IJncui-luln.
OMAHA , May 7. Hecoluts for the past week ,
iri.MM catlle , 2S.74.1 hogs und ; i,5t ) ) nheop , nnulnst
W.'Mi cattle. . ' 'h.CI'J ' ho.'s and S , 118 blieop last
week and 0.4.J' ) catlle , 24.0U.1 hotta und 2,74. !
sheep for the Ilrst week of May lust your ,
Tliu violent Illicit ! illons Unit clinruutorlrad
the cattle imirkot the previoim week wore
attain u inirKoil feature of this week's trndo ,
Keeelnts were very iinoven und In Ihu piesont
extremely sensluve rundlifnn of iho murkot
prices went up or doAii with thu tnciuaboot
decteaso In supplies , Tim buying has been
free nil week , both by local houses
und outsider * , und us receipts wen
some IUW lighter than last week , It
naturally follows ihut prleus have udv.inccd ,
llundy luht steers uru selling 1'e ' to'.Mo butter
than u week ago. They havu been In active
di'mund uiul free sellois nil week. Heavy
eutliu.espoolully unfinished und rougli biccr *
huvobeenUut Indlirurent sale all week and
prices uro no heller , whllo nlco , binooth
medium and ho ivy bteura uru nhout u illmi
higher than lust week , Kverythin , : depends
on receipts. Thu dumuiul U tnod enough ti
ubsorb unv loiibonablo supply , but nhei
uveryonu tr i > s to pet tu marUut at thosunu
tlmu dliHSKir Is Inevltuble. llutchera' am
dinners' stock , und stojkurs und feeders htitt
devuloned nothing new uiul uio still In jicllvt
ilomund ut hlrone pr.ct'S.
'I hu him murket fins been rather monoton
ously steady , although In the mull
piloi'H have leen ruthor on tlu
upturn. ItuccIptB have been prolt )
niiii'h the Sluiio us last week and Iho quality
hits not H'JIIWII uny nurllculnr ch.iuuo iitloani
nol Imuorlant. 1.astern packurs have beet
free bin en , till the weuk und tlio ail v.uien It
pi Ices of all cr.ides umuunts to about udlim
compuied with lust week.
The tdluntlun romiilns practically mi
chunked , Too few shet'ii hu\o been recolvoi
to toil tlio strcnglh of thu inuikct. but I
U only reasonable tu supooso that other mur
Uels ii ivlng uxperliuiceil u decline or slu'ej
would svl | lower here l.ncul i > luiiliteror
want the millions bo bud thut they are buvliii
them In thu country und ut Kun .iti City ti
ineul thu dcmiindb ut llmlrtrade. 1'rlces however
over uru strong compare. ! with other markets
kots und will so runiilii until Bupuilun lu
croastbotcral fold.
CATTI.C 1'or u Saturday the run of cuttli
was very fall , u fuw hiiniirol moro than las
Haturduy , Hltliou.-h thu weeks' receipts fool
up MHIIO itXU bhortof last weuk. TJivru wus i
notable scarcity of prliuu heavy uulllu , bu
p.unty . of light ana meUluui wi'lght bteert
The market wua prutty much the sumo ai li'rl
dny In nearly cvrr o/nrtlcuUr. Heavy cuttle
were slow nml dnli nn nrcoutit of the llclit
( Irmand from flhlpprM ntnl exnortcrsi fair to
coo 1 l.-V ) to l,4Viiitn | stcors celllns nt fwni
F.I.7S tn $1 2J , llttnny nt killers mulshing l.noj
to 1,200 IPs were In iictlvo ilomnnd anil sold
briskly nt frotiT TI. ) tu $1.00 , while
the usual rot'J of common light
stuff sold ftronrttl'l ) lo " -W.
lluslncss nt no tfinf ditrlnn the day co'tlil
Irivo been ctillrd ux'u .y nctlvc , but tlio Cattle
kept inovlni , and | rl the end acry
nnco wns iMTrctcd , '
Thodorcn or llftccnto.iilsof cows ami mKed
.stock changed haniln briskly at steady to
strong prices , Inferior to cholcccows unti helf-
orsselllnz at froiu il.M to J.UO , mostly ut
from J2.SJ lot 1.0) ) . Hulls oxen anil stuRsworo
uuchuiiKcd at from * I.W to f I2" > . Calves weak
and lower ut from f j.yj to 11.01. .
There was but Ilttio < lomit In the stocker
nnd feeder line , but Unit Ilttio wns at coed
sttonst prices mostly nbovo f.l" " > , und from
ttiat un to $1.40. The demand Is Improvlnz ,
butsupp'les uro not kocplns paoo with It.
Koprcsentatho sales :
lions The run of ho s did not conic up to
lust fc.tturituy by nbifiit 1,00) IIO.KI , thu wuuk's
hiiuplv hutiiK about tliu s uno us lust week and
4,7uo heavier than Tor the s.iuio nuuk a year
"Ko. , i t
fchlppors ojioncd iho inarltot. paying fully
steady prkus for nuoil heavy uiul butcher
weUht ho s for Hiteastern tr.ule , but other
cr.idesara right around a nickel loner than
1'ilility , nml It was not Ions ; after the onoiiln ;
Llll ul I kinds of hos * wore quoted fully So
owurand none \ > crp hio\lnir. lmpro\cil east
ern adv.o s caused liuyers to ralso their bids
MJinowliat , aiul a part , at least , of the early
deutino was rtvalijed.boforo the closo. Thcro
was very little nutlceablo spread between
ll 'ht and heavy hoes , the f.ur to ooil htull ,
ree.irdlcss of weight , soiling atM.31 to { ,
prlnioblutr ati-l.-lS'i to 81.41 , nnd Inferior loads
at J4 3) tu $4.UJUnvervtlitim i-nltl In coed
season , thy.biilk at from ft.'M tu 4.4J , against
14.31 to Jt.40 I'rldny. the ceneial avor.igo of
pricepnld belns J4.35V5. against4.3SH Friday ,
ana t\Mi lust Sjtuiaay.
r There were no fiesh receipts of
sliecp uiul nothing here to m-iAo a market.
Doiii.inU still active , prices ijuotably Hun.
Quotations : 1'nir to oed natives , from $1.50 to
tuOi ; fair to iiood westerns , from il 5) ) to W 1)0 ) ;
coiniiion anil atonk sheep , from f.Hl ) to Ifl2'i ;
peed to cholcoW to 'JO-lblumls , fiom $ I.UO to
Itccolpts mill lllqmlltloii of Stock.
KocolpU ut HIQ Union htouk yinU. South
Om.ih.i , Neb , for Ihu twjnty-foiif liour.i und-
Ing ut 5 o'clock p. in. , M.iy 7 , 13JJ.
i 1.1 n > Monk 'Mlirliot.
CillfUOo. III. , Jfa 7. Tolesrnm to
THE HKE.I Tuw cattle HOIO wanted today
the pilnulpul iMiytuis ha\liu fully hiippllei
their present noorts and drooped out Thine-
fore holders had ) iij-tl : uorli to illsposo nf the
Email nuinher In [ fa yards , ewn at the low
prices of tlio day lreoro The ninso of ( juot-i-
tloiih was from flK\3n Jl. < i for poor to cholui
rows and hulfura , J'i to Jit s" > foi sio liuis HIM
feeders. JIK ) to/W t ) for uniniiion to extra
bleers. * l,71 Jo J 1.10 for TUXIIN uatllc , and $100
tol.7. > forealvi ! ! , . The liulk of the day's re
ceipts uctiinxt'il to local drussoil beef linns
'I ho ran o of llui him niar et wiia from } t. ' . ' " >
ojll'1 ; . The oilVr'clu ' limitation \uis for uv-
tr.i borib anil ivH suliloin reached , fully
hcvon-ulihls of Ull the ho s on h.ilo ijoln
within a ianuotf from * ! . : > ) tojl 0. " , ' Thu
iivo auo wak jutl : t bhaUo lower than for
yesterday. ' > [
Trade In hhoi i was Blow at unchaiiKri
prl'M ! % . Quotatluiisran ud atfiom fl AO tojii 40
for noolfil sheep and at from fi 7.'i to ( ( UKIfur
liiinbs ; bhoru shcoi ) boll about ll.uo per 1UO
ilis. under the nhovo prices.
Kecelpts ere : Unit e , 'Ji.OOO : lie s , III.UOO
sheep. 1,000.
The Evenliitt Journal reports : OATTt.K Ho-
ket active , bio idy to S" higher : roii h am
common. lll-U4i.ri : inUcd and paakem if I f > J&
4CO : jirlnio he.ivy unil butuhura' welu'its , II W )
< I.7U ; light , JI.7U.
tiiKtiUecelpt8. : . 2.700 , shlpmcntr , lr > 00
inarKct ue.iUcr ; Toxans. il.WOV.'i ; uesteriis
J'i iSiio j ; prime luinUs uiul yoarlingB , * o.i a
Total l ur of CITIES ,
Com-ipondi nw nollcltfd.
163-105 Doorborn Btreat. CIUCAOO.
! 5 Wall Street , NEW YORK.
70 OtntoSt. , POBTCN.
Adding fuel 1o flic flames
that's about what it amounts to
when taking the mercurial prepar
ations so extensively advcitised for
liver affections and
pout , indigestion , ,
kindred diseases. The Carlsbad
Sprudel Salts are Nature's own rem
edy. Their action is prompt , safe ,
and sure. The world's standard rem
edy for constipation and the ailments
named above. Look out for coun
terfeits. The genuine have the signa
ture of " Eisner & Mcndelson Co. ,
N. Y. , Sole Agents , " on cvorv bottle.
A \Vritton litmruntoo
toCuro Kvcry Ctiso or
Money Refunded.
Our euro Ii poimnnont nnd not n pntpliln up. Ca c
tuiUojjcvcn jonrsugo linvonovor sosn n. nympto
lnco. Hj-clp crlb'ju cno ( ally MO cnn trjit yon by
nikll , ami wo clvo tlio ftm tronit imnrnntoa to cum
orrpfnnil all money. The o who prefer to rome hcra
fortrcntmcnlinn do onnl wo will iny rnllroi I [ ara
both wnjsnncl hotel blllhllo hero , If wo falltocura
Wo clmllcnKOthu world torn cnu tlmt our Mnitl )
Id rncdy will not cure. Write for imrttcultirt nnl net
Iboorlilciioo. In our o\on ycnn prnctlco wlt'a the
Mnclcltcmoily It lim been mostitlflicult to ovcrcomo
the prejudices ncnlnit soc.illoil prcltloi. Hut un tor
our Mrong nuirnntco thuuinmlB nro trylnz It nnd bo
Inpcurod.S'oiunmnt:3 to euro or rotund ercry
< Jollnr nml nswo have ft ropuln'lon toproi : t , nl" )
Ilnnnolnl tinchliw off.'XJ.UJOU Is pcrfccllr safe to nil
who wlh try the trcnttncnt , llcrctoforo 3011 Imro
I'UtthiKUp nnd pnylnx out your money for ilNTorjn'
trpntmcnt , nmt nlthouRli jron nro not yet enrol n. )
ono has paid bnck your monoy. Wo will po'ltlvt ) , ?
euro you , OM.cliron ! ' , ik'cpsentol ci\u curolHS )
loUJilayi. liivoUUrt'o our Btindln ; , our
rrputntlon asbuslncis mon. Write us for names mil
addrrficsof thee uo hnvo curcl w'lo liaTe Klvon
permit Mon to refer to thorn It costs you only Dost
nrctodo till' . If your oymptoms nro ooro throit ,
raucous pntcbcsln mouth , rheumatism In bones nnJ
Joints , hnlr fulling out , eruptions on nny pnrt of tbi
bodyfcellnirof Rcnernl dcprostlon , pnlnj In hcilor
bones. You hnvo no ttmoto wnsto. Tnoio who are
coii'tnntly taking meronrr nntt polnsh , pliouKt dli
rontinuo It , Constant u < o of thcso drum will eurcly
bring surcs und cntlnz ulcers In tbu I'ml. Don't fall to
nrltc. All correipondonco sent oenlcJ In plain un
\cloio. Wo Invlto tlienuxt rlull lnTc tlRltlou anJ
will do all Incur powcrto oU you In It. Address ,
COO K REMEDY CO. - Oinnhn. Noli
Wfloo fora cnso of Io T or PAii.i.xn
noon , or N-uvoiH Ddii I.TV. wcitk-
ness of fody orniliul. the ( Mfuctfof error < or a\
ccssoiln old or yoiinn . wo eaiiiiotcuro. Wo
ruiir.inteo every case or nifun , ! every dolt ir
Five days trial tro.ltniotit "I , full course WS.
I'orcoptlh.o bcnollts roillzod In three days
Ily iniitl , Eoouroly ji icl.o 1 from observation
MARIH I'l' 'AIji : lti : ULATOIt. Safe nnl
IflnUlU Certain to a d ly or money rcfuii'lud
Hy mall 8 ; . nSoouroly so Uo I from obsurvu
tlon. COttli ilK.llfitk' Clt. , Dinah i. No
Itpllcvpn llcaduchcii In 0110 minute
runt AVlll euro
Jlrrnln , Ferrr ami Ailtir ,
HIifiniHitlmit , llrlaht't Jllkoisf ,
} li ut t Itini'/isr , AI'llm h'lltce ,
I'rolni > iiiAnl ,
Jmllllvillun , fiiiiniljila ,
J.iinic Illicit , l'l ttfitiit ,
( old Fret , 1'llin ,
lleniliiclic , Fit * ,
l.tnil 1'oli.onlng , IM-H af Jllai ,
Lutiuf rtlntltu , Iliiillnn Hialintit.
Inch ttferrf lfoicc ttttil rffr ,
lilittieif nmf 7./inr / Cottiitlnttit ,
J > ci'fnntiiiii"i mill all Dhiine * ii'/'rra
tin-re is Lack I'rojier Action
liailcrlcH nrc I iif ll > ltiiiiiv . < l uiul
Cleaned and will Inht Tor Yenrw.
Call and examine them.
1506 Douglas St. . Onialia , Xcb.
The nnnual meeting of stockholders of the
rremont , nikhorn .t Missouri Valley
conip.iny will ho hold at the ollleo of the com
pany In Uniiili i , Noh , on I'rlduy. May 8J ,
l&u.1 , ut2o'clock p m. , for Iho oleet'on ' of dl-
tcctoisund for thu tr.uisnctloii of such other
business us may como heforo the meeting.
II. KEIIHICI.II , Sceri'tiry.
Datol AurlllH. 1HU al 7(1.14 tM
Union Stock Yards Company
est cattle , ho ; anil sheep market In tlio west
Sfl IIMIIIU Write to this house for cor-
ilU. U.HAIln | rect iffiirUet Kajiorw.
Wood Brothers ,
t'outh Omtiha Telephone 1117 , - ChleuRo
J I ) . DADISMA.V , I . .
\V. U. WXI ) . fManiKors.
Market reports by mall anil wire cheerfully
furnlihcd upon tipiillciitlon.
Campbell Commission Co.
Chluaco , HHStHt. IOUH | , IVIIIIBIIS t'lty. ? outh
Uinahu , rlouCity , Toit Worth.
A. frill , W , I" IKiimy. 11 I" . TalliiimUo
Clilciifu. llo Miluiiiiiin. Ciittlo Milmninn
Cnll , Denny & Company ,
l.Uo Stock ConiinlnKliin. Uuo'ii''T l ) cliun.'J IIKI'K ,
South Onulia ,
A. D. Boyer & Company ,
Maud M nxchanu'O lliilldln..SouthOinalri.
Corrciiiointoncu bollcltjit uml promptly nnswor l
hpueial utteiitluiiluonler for tuckemMui.'Uo .
i : tubllihcd , IfcW. - - - Incorporated , IS ) )
Copltnlfnllr imlil , l.t ) UJJ
Waggoner liirney Company ,
Write ur wire us for liroiupl nnd rollublo market
reports ,
Union Stoclc Yard National
Tlio onlj bank nl thu jruritt Cupltal unl < url -
l > lu , iJW.tiuO. ( 'ollvclluni Kruwlng uut uf lliu Ilvo
murk l > u > la * i tliuultl bu nnt direct lo llilt bank
blilpiiisr * cunilcpoillftfr credit of tuolr Uuaiu
Manufacturers' ' Jotters' flip
J. II ,
Contrsctors nnd ntieontriptar for nil dliult of
tiullillntf. | iln < tniliie pnlnlliiit rto. will riMClren
copy r ( Jlenn'n nrrliltcct > niultivillilrr < rtlrclorr
ftre tiy fomllim iht'lr iinine , liu < lncs < nml l < irn-
lion to ttio tnilillftier J II ( llrnn , ll.i lithst
IND COMPANY , Tent , nwnlnm , tntrnn-
ninm liRmuiocks. ollnnd lln , coTi'i * of nil Xlnitn.
rubber clolhlnn fccml t\ \ i , Immipr * . rto. JTnit
forcnt'gue , 111J Knrnnin for CAtnluiiuo.TIU tt ICIli
Stint , innnllln , rntton
Importer ! nml mrt , Hour rope , linnip , Juto. cot
sackf , burlapt , tnltio. ton t lnc .lnrrrct o < 'f t
nitu , PIP , an M. Hlh H _ _
< or to.T 3Vllk
M , . DAXON , rii'Oi ) . M'ftf clRnr. jM | > er
nolil on monthly | iickliiitlOM."i. Allnincl
imruicuti I'.M .N. Hill > t Ilu9 In box unit
1I1U Douglns St.
110J llornir.l Htrolt
Fnatorr oorucr lltlintul IUiulit < .
Wo nro iimVlnn cloiu ptlcoi toculi bjyori , nil ivra
icllliitf a clU9 < ot HojK whlc'ili vurr il -
uilowlu marutiinti.
\Vlmlp np Mfrs Aeonls llootn. Miner rubbers
li'lt tiiuil UJ8 , 131
IM1101 llUjltnruc ) nl llnrnoy st.
Ofltoo , P. Oih nnd I.c.ivcn-
worth Sit. Onmlni.
lubn Muiliovur. AKt.
Xttrit romfccllonors nnJ
johbcrs of fiirolKn and
domontlo fruits , 1110
llownrcl Bt.
Cnrrtaxo bulldnrii. llo.-o
aatl pntrol wopons u
IStli , opp Court llouio
LIME CO. , Mfrs. ( tnlvnnlzpil Iron
ami nofl conl S 1' . cornlcn , wlmlow catu ,
IInnl .
iiiutallo k > IUIilB , vtc.
ci r. Itith ucJ .
1110 , UU UoUuo-Bt.
Clotblne. notionfurnlsli Manufrs nnd wholcsitla
tiiKB ( ilvo us p trial. elotblcrs. 1IW Ilarucy
Siuniilea iirepnld by express - truot.
press 111J llarnuy.
Contrnctors nnd nub contractors for nil klnils of
bulhlliik' ii.nstcrlnir. pilntlni : et" . . will ri'ci'lve n
cop } of < .lenn' architects nndhu Idurs illre < lory
flee by enrtltiK tbclr niituc. binItiPits nnd loca
tlon to thu | ubllhiT. J. 11 Glenn. 113 b. 15th
Dry eoods , notions , fur- Dry Roodsnotions. Kent's
nlHhliiK oocts. Corner lurnlitlilni : goods Cor.
llth and Howard bU. llth ixnj HoworJ Bt.
Illnstrntcd cntalOE free-
1014 Capitol avo.
Upholstered furniture
IMK I W > NMcliolis J ( jraca nnd Tblrtcenth
Wlioli-nnlo only. streets.
1201-1X15 Jones street , 10th and Ilarncy streets ,
Ouiaba. Uuiaua.
SIMM of Trndo Ilrokftr
In crnln. etc. I'tlrM *
rrlro to N. V. , Chlcnso
aiutM l.oul * .
CO. , Dcnlcrs linMwar > > ftn
Corner tOlhnnil JacVton mcctinnles tools.
blreets 1101 llouiilAS Street.
llnrtttrond liitnlmr , wool
cnrpuK nn t pingum Itnporto I Vmirlo in 1'or b
Hooting , Hut run ml , MII * l'iC9
hy Iriullr ( v.iu'iit i\ni
( Hi an I Doujlis ( Jutncy wbltj II110.
1.1 nil or tiii'rclinnU , 111 :
llnimy- \lfri Kan
n-ily g lIuH InJIi lilt- Wholesnhi liquor Ocalori
IOM. 1U01 I nrnnru > t.
lniinrtt | > rs nnd Jobborsof
Mllllnrry. nntloim.elonks milliner ) tiutintn Mnll
utc llo 118 a. lOthaU ori'ern prompt VUS U4.
. llth tt.
I'lnnos orKins. artists Ift'.V. liHht ! Pianos
iintiTlnl , uto. ISIS nniFlc nnd IIIII < | CM | In-
DotiKlnsst. truiiu'iita of nil kludl
Itctlncil nml lubrlcnllnz No Itnd oilur , m SIM'O
chlmni * ) . , no ch.irrlif
oIK axle Krc.iio , cto wliki. \ ' Inr It sclio-
Held , Minrinor , \ ToiKlo.
I'nckrrs of oysten , llsh Oysters , tlsti anl eolorr ,
nnt colury lutli Bt lmi-14
north t. Cole , i
Mfrs of "K , V 8" panls , .Mfrs cclobmtcil "Unck
rhlrts nml overalls.etc nkln" OTcrnlls , pnnt ,
Gil US lltUBU rb'rts , coats , utc. tkil
istnbllslicil , 187S. BRANCH t 50
WHITNEY & CO , Produce , frulls of nil
Iliitlor , I'Riis nnd poultry Kinds o ) ter . 317 a ,
. UUi at. loth at.
j. A. RYDER & CO. JAS. A. CLARK & CU.7
Ilutier. < < Eiisclicascpoul- llutter , cticoio , out ,
tr > blitot und ( iniuo
poultrj nnd ' .
1V15 llownrd etreeU ja'no.
Hefei' to Com'l Nat. Bank 817 bouth Mitt Btroot.
lutlor , ( Ugi. chonva.
flfili buyers butter nnd fruits poiiltry , KHQIA.
I' KH , hnntlles all otbcr Alii'nts fur .My r'
proilucu < in cummlalon. Itoyul hnr o mid riittln
tlMb. llth hit. eptco. MJ b II tb sU
J. B. HU3tS.C3.
Iliitter , rirus , poultry , Our | iocl iHU i : llnttir ,
1:111110. lildoa ami trull , CJK n ul iioiillry , Ull
lU'JT llonuril btreou IlowurJ atreot
(1M ( bllxhoit IS36) )
Wbolsnlo butter & vug * Butter , cbeos11. 07j ; %
TeKetulilt'tt , frultHpoul
HUTS nnd sells for
try uuil tuiLU.
cush 411 S. llth Bt.
n full Block of \Vrn | > ) ilnii | iiiiir ullklniH
uf lulnui rlo KM
printing wrnpplne "
lloni.rd Dtrcot , Tcl >
urltliiK , curd paper
paper .
11)10110 ) , 171J.
per all
ftovori'l'ilrs onil watnf
nttio'.iments for nnf
kind of plovti made > .
, Toyn. ( lolls , nlbnmi
llnniifncturcrs of snih liincy Boods hoiiBufiiri
Hours , blinds and n'-tiliiK iiuudfl olitX
mouldings , llranch of- clren's cnrrlavoi Llll
Oco , I2lb and Tarnnm StrocU
A I ) I A. 1 IiiJ
jijivtiniiijit" ) \ ji'j ' - * .
DKl'KM'ION I HUM II17SINI > 3 W , , ltiKii&
YOU TO OVT.K 1.101 1'Al'II.N'l' ' . linosllitito
our inetho'l. Written gn ir inti'ti to a'isjiutuly '
euro ull Umlaut KUI'I'lJUi : ot hotii he < es ,
without the usu of knlfo or syringe , no
tor of how long stundiiu1.
The 0,15. Miller Companyr
N. Y. Life OIIII'M ' XD'J. '
207-30S . . Building , , .
Ofllrct'Dinvor , CIo'o. ; Chk'.io. III. : HI . .
I.oiilb , Mo i Do troll. Mich ; Mliw.iikui , Vf\i. \
Drh .1 o.nes. In. : Knltl/io Uity , Ul.ii ; I'ort
und. ( Jie. : Untie , Mont.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
nrlinio hlnol. eklnnnl unnnry ihr ! < nn' A ro ul ir anil
( hum c
ert' ' ' ' ! ' "ii'moTlclnVi , hViliiHomiii" i S'cV'riill. ti. .h. . . * . UMill Iromliii wllh Ihcjrijilu.t snwoii
" ' ' ' ' ' "
CnVMV.l'A"Lkf.Vi'\tnrl'oT."rcctim ' ' [ . "NSB'V'milHUMiifnr'SVio'r'Vlw"
Sfi\VVn'KH.i'ni.Hio \ ? . Li ? corroSl i'- .Miillilim or InHnimcnt. Milt nmiliirutiiruMiiK
Tl ! ll nio limy ho , r JHtoI I i. homo i iijr I , ci f " ! " on , . „ " , , " „ , - , . , , „ , „ , M.r.m , | uiturvlvw prcterruil. COIIMI.IBUUO
Ct ? lrforrepon'i ) * i.triVlly | . ? lviV ' ! ! ! > ly.iorli. of I.llo ) .out Iruo. Otllou UUUM Ju m. to J P m.
Buniiuyii 10 a. ui , lu 12'nil itump tor rc'ilr. _
Horvo Soodo , "
_ the Miinilerful reineilr
* \t \ fiiM with n u i It-
ten iriiiirnnloo t' > r'irn ' nl1 ni-rvom dlfeaso. nidi as Wi'iik Meiri'irr ' ,
IXJbBof Iliuln 1'owir. lli'iuliiflu. Wnkufulnem , l.o t .Mlinlioml Mtlnly Kail * .
lon , Nervoum.cin. I.n ltuilu.ill drains nnd IIIBI nf power ol II" ' < " iitrulj' o
_ In either IMIXCJUBO I h > overrxerllon , youthful i-rro ' or < cc il
ulniul.intH which lead to lnllrnill > liinmuiip-
th n u of tolineeo. opium or noun .
ky < tlon nnd Insanity. I'ul "I" con iinlont to tarry In vcft imrli I t 1 I er pnin.
lyaiuliriii'iiliHiirl.'i. ! With every $ , nnlorw oiwnuTiMm ? > r vit't tacwi
. orrtJuntlthcmviKU . Circular frtu. Address Avrvubei il c u , , i nuiiicu , n.
Kor bale in Ointihti by Slit'i-iniin MuConnoll JfllU JoJ > | est
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee ;
& St. Paul R'y as represented
on this mao.
Electric Lighted , Steam I leat-
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Oflice : 1501 Far-
nani St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent.
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.
Or III * 1.1'iiKir llnlill f < . lll 'l. I'lircil
by ! iiliiiliil lrrlnir ill' . IliilmV
< Jolil < 'ii hiirvlllf' .
It CEU bs given In < cuu of cotlce or If . or In fauJ.
HltbouttboknowledeoDliliepiilrnt II l b.oluicl/
liarnileu. nd will eilrol K prm and upcfdy
cure , wbetbcr Iho paileul U o innrttru o drliihor or
'lle 10 eilal .
. ' H > - . J'rop'M. C'l.rln.atl. O.
1KO took ol parltouUru Irec. lo ba bad of
Kuhn.VCo. . UUi and Dnuglui r-ts. . nnd
Ciniiui. hlfc. Wholes no , ItluKo , Ilruco & Co
un t Hloli ir.lnoii Driu .o , i m in t. Null. < t