TITE DM AIT A DAILY MONDAY , MAY 9 , 1892. / ) TlPf r-r * ftPlinT"PlAnV tl11f\PltCP PLLSE Or WLSTtRN PROGRESS 'The Courts Invoked to Settle the Unpleas antness in Wyoming. HE SALT BRIDGLOF DEATH VALLEY J'loral nrnl Hirsute \Von < tcrt In California Chryrnnn Clone * tlir Sinrlter Dciil The .Nalloiml Mining Congress News of thn Nurlliucit. The recent unpleasantness In Wyoming continues u prolific source of uneasiness nnJ lll-focllne. Doth the cattlemen and the so- called rustlers art ) indisposed to got together sod settle their differences. On the contrary Iho war > s boins waged as vigorously as over , though on peaceful lines at long range ) . The authorities of Johnson county have filed criminal information aealnsl nil the war prisoners at Fort Uussoll. The charge l tbo murder ot Nato Cnamptou at the 1C. C. ranch. Nothing is said of the burning of the plaro or the killing ot Nick Hay. The stocKmen - men think tbcro Is something behind thcso omissions , and wait to hear from their friends nt Buffalo. An attorney for the prosecution has gone north to collect ovl- ilenco for that side. The foreign cattlomcn applied to Judge Jtlncr of the United Slates district court and obtained nil Injunction restraining the local association of Johnson county from holding any uund-ups a ldo from those arranged by tbestato llvo stor.K commission. All the commissioner * of the round-ups when thev take place are to bo United States deputy tnnnhals. At n mass meeting of Xatrona county people ple held in Oispor , the following preamble and resolutions were adopted : Whereas , An armed body of men have re- ccntlv unlawfully Invaded the state and es pecially Johnson county ; and Whereas , Acting Governor Barber , appar ently cocmzant of this violation of the law and invasion of the state , hns , by his conduct , M wo verily believe , violated his oftlcUl oath , brought lasting dlsgraco upon the utato and Its people and done our business Interests nn Irreparable injury ; bo it Kosolvcd , That we , the peopl-5 of Nntrona county , in mass meeting assembled , do de nounce the invasion of the so-called cattle men as the greatest outrage that can bo per petrated on a peaceful community , and the nctlom of Acting Governor Amos U * . Bar ber , In acquiescing in the outrage and shield ing and protecting the nerpotrators by un usual methods , before exhausting the re sources of the state , as treasonable. Hesolvcd , That wo extend to the people of Johnson county our sympathy In this the hour of their trial , and congratulate them on their tcodcration and prudence during tbo whole nllatr. ana trust that in the future as in the past they may bo guidcJ by prudence , wisdom and unswerving Inynlty to the prin ciples of a free government , namely , the maintenance and execution of the law. Uesolvcd , That wo do detest and condemn stealing In all forms and do severally and collectively pledge our property , our lives and our sacred honor to the protection ot the property and lives of all who may come among us or become Interested in property in our state. Resolved , That wo espoc'.iilly regret the Btatc of distrust and fear that has been engendered among people not personally cognizant of the true condition of nffalri , and that wo do assure them that their fears lire groundless , and thnt in investing m \\yoming and helping duvclop Its untold resources , they are perfectly safe and will reap a plentiful reward. Resolved , That a cony of the < o resolutions be sent to the Wyoming Derrick , Is'atrona Tribune , Buffalo Bulletin , Douglas Graphic , Cheyenne- Loader , Wyoming Commonwealth , Denver News , OMAHA Bun , Chicago News , Now York Sun , Louisville Courier-Journal nnd the Illinois State Journal ; that n copy bo sent to our senators and representatives In cont'res i , and to the president of the United States by registered mall. ' In consequenceof unfavorable weather , the rcund-up of the Northern Wyoming Farmers nnd Stockgrowcrs association was postponed from the Cth to the ' "Oth of May. \Vhat influence the injunction of the United States court had in this change 1s not known. it Is reported thatiiOO minute men have boon enrolled at liufTulo for the purpose of assist ing tbo sbcrllt of Johnson county In enforc ing tbo law. A ISrlilgu < il Salt. The natural wonders of Death valley have probably been morn minutely and extensively described by professional writers than any o'.her spot they never saw , but ono wonder there has in soir.o way escaped those un- traveled scribes. In ISS-l.somo borax works were built , on the cast sldo of the valley , c couple of miles or so above the mouth ol Futnaco Creole canyon. Tbo road thence tc the railroad led down the cast sldo of the vailoy for several miles , and then bad tc cross over to the west aide bcause no drink' Intr water can bo had on the east side belon Purnaco creek. Moreover , the land on the west side lies much bolter for a road. But bow to got the wagons across the valley vras a problem. * > However , a road mint bo had , and so the workmen went about over tbo marsh where the crust seemed to ho thickest and founded It with sledge hammers. They found the crust was a mixture of salt and sand , and eventually a route was decided upon. The road was then to be graded and probably foi the first time in the world n road of the length of this ono was graded exclusively with slpdco hammers. Hero wai a stretch of solid salt some eight miles across. In a scnso it was level there were no bills or valleys. In another sense tnero was scarce n level square inch on the whole bed , for the salt crust had probably , through the influences ol beat from above aud of molstun from below , boon torn nnd twisted &nc thrown up into the mo-it jagged peaks , pyramids , and criscrossed ridges Iraaglna bio. They were not hib none moro than four foot but there was not level space over for a man's foot between them. Every stor roado was on a ragged point or cdgo of some kind. Judging that the crust would sustain th ( weight of the wagons the workmen swunf their &lcdgo hammers day after day unti they had beaten down tbcsb pinnacles into i smooth pathway six feet wide. It was , per haps , the rae t laborious engineering wort over none in the country , for the climate ant thn location , far from civilized habitations combined to retard the efforts of the work men. Tbo roadway , when commoted , lee over what may bn properly called a noturall' ' formed urldL-o of salt eight miles long-th'i only bridge of the kind in tbo world. . . The "KlrkerV Klrnl. The bright and bustling Cbrcnlclo o Crcode , Colo. , has on Its stuff a graduate o the Arizona Kicker , or tbo Tucson Howler who promises to throw , his teachers In thi tbada. In a recent Sabbath editorial headei "Go 10 * , " ho dispense ! , gospel nuggets ii this wise : "This morning you can go the Tabernacle tackle the gospel , and from a spiritual stand point help your hand. Rov. Uzzell wll suutllo the sacred sheila , and it will be oas < to guess the road that loaJs to poaco. I will be romeraDerod that our first draw \vu a failure wo got Paddock but wo have no weaKened , and wo propose to slay in ttn game until wo have secured a royal Hush Rev. Uzzell Is not oulv doing good worlc a * i loouout for the hereafter , out he is heallni the hol'iloss hero. At bis celebrated Jg | isylum In Denver bo has taken that droadfu ( hint from the throats of hundreds of dome crats , at { 75 per thirst , and fixed a Have where the dark-brown taste so long h& Iwolu Go hoar and see him ; he U suiarto than bo loo&i. " .Among the llljj Hum Drills. A thrilling story of adventure and per come * from Johnson county , Wyoming , th teat of tbo late war. During the entire wit ter Contractor Stringer has been unable t carry the mail across the Big Horn raour tains from Buffalo to Ton Sleep. In the be lluf that tbo summer Reason was sufficient ! advanced to allow tbo trip to bo nir.de , h be started from Buffalo on a strong eaddl horio anil with four mules packed wit mail pouches. Tweuty.flvo miles of bar travolmg landed Stringer at on emoreouo , : abin , with his stock completely ployei tut. Hero ho placed some mull on toboggan , and , strapping on a pair of snow lUocs , made another * turt for Ten Sloop , Ii i bout fifteen miles ono ot the man-shoes wa Tno nearest baveu was Stnneur1 own rnnch , twelve rallM distant. Ho wa flvod .Ts netting to It. Most of the way ho crawled on his hands and knees. \ \ itb hun ger nna exposure ho was all but dead , Host ing thrto dnys at his ranch nnd malting a new shoe. Stringer returned to the stn'.lon for the abandoned stock find mall , and In a week went through to Ton Sleep. Ho re turned to Buffalo May 1. A California Ittxc 1'nlr. While people * in this latitude are watching their budding shrubbery , Callformans are reveling in a profusion of flowers. The "Roto Fair" at Santa Cruz , now In progrc ? , it ono of the annual floral wonders of the state. Entrance to the hallls mode through a tall broken shaft of a redwood tree , over which clambers a perfect tangle of Beauty of Olazcnwood rosos. lOnco Itnlclo , Iho tout ensemble is as bewildering as It is charming. The few draperies used are a rich red In tone , and these , with a profusion of redwood follago wrought into festoons and panels and supports , form n background of warm color upon which are tossed tbo rarest roses and the choicest of other blossoms of Santa Cruz gardens with an abandon and profusion which would make an eastern ilorlU green with envy. Down thn long vista of the main hall , be tween the interlaced festoons of the redwood nro swung hammocks , from which roses and lilies nnd ferns seem fairly spilling out. Jap umbrellas , reversed , ore crammed with dainty bloisoms. and a dozen other original devices for holding the flowers swing be tween the galleries of Iho opposite sldoa. Acaiusttho scarlet draperies of these gal leries nro swung great cables of ecru rope , along which are strung knots of golden oich chultzlas , wbllu the foilago ot many palms , together with the growing trees , im parts n tropical tone. Every Iron sunrort i , u point of vantage , around which cluster glai.i woodwardtas , sprays of climbing rose and other airy blossoms. Across the furthest nnd of the hall stretches a low. old-fashioned fence a real fence all intertwined with Ivy nnd roses ; behind it tall panels of green are scattered with tiny Lady Banksias and u verltabo rustic garden. All along the sides of the hill are rustic booths , not cheesecloth and bunting booths , but Ivy nnd fern nnd brake and rose vine booths , where flowers are displayed to the greatest possible advantage. 31utitiuia Outdone. Montana Is forced to confess that a benefi cent nature did not lavish all her treasures in that favored region. She reserved a few minor blessings for other sections. On tbo western slope of the Sierras , where the sun on Its diurnal rounds kisses farewell to the continent , U the little town of Auburn , sur rounded with rounded foothills and embow ered with pink llowored manzanlta. In early limes it was a prosperous mining town , and all the country round it is seamed and scarred with prospectors' holes. But the gold has been mostly dug up nnd carried away , and now instead of minors' camps there are miles and miles of olive- and utange groves , prune and peach orchards. Close to town and hid- fv.i amid bushes Is a little spring which .coins . to have been expressly designed oy nature to bo the comfort and blessing of the man with a bald head and the woman with thin locks. Its virtues were discovered ac cidentally by the man on whoso land It is and have since bcnn tested by a number of other persons. All of those say that the .vaters of the spring had put now life into their scalps nnd caused their hair to groiv as nothing else which they had ever tried bad doge. National Mining Controls. Invitations have been issued for the second csslou of the National Mining congress , to bo hold at Helena , Mont. , July 12 to 10. in clusive. The first snsston was held in Den ver last November. The coming session promises to surpass the first in numbers , as it will bo hold at a season of the year when those interested In Its objects take a vacation and combine business with pleasure. Apart from tbo business of the congress , Helena proposes to act the host in lavish manner. There will bo excursions to Butte , Great Falls aud to tbo great mines in the vicinity , nil to conclude with a tour of the wonder of nature , Yellowstone National park. Special rates and accommodations will be provided by the railroads. Hon. Samuel T. Hauser is chairman and B. Brown secretary of the Montana execu tive cotnmitteex THE BEE acknowledges receipt of an invi tation. A StrlUu in .limtoirn. The Eunice mine in Mammoth Mountain , close to Jiratown , Colo. , shows up rich rain- oral. A vein recently topped is about fifteen feet wide and tbo ere runs high in gold , as does all the rock of that mountain. The property is being developed and opens up wide and better , aud from all accounts It is a ereat and important strike , fully doubling the mineral resources of the camp. Mam moth throws the richest float found in the camp. A buce vein has been known to exist there aud much prospecting has been dono. The excitement about big grass root dividend payers has kept this mountain bactc , but re cently several good mining men have taken bold up there and tbo strike now made is not unexpected. Messrs. M. L. and A. D. Koedei of Omaha are interested in the property. The Cheyenne Smelter ( Joe * . The long-ponding deal with Capitalist Blanchard to build nnd operate smelting works in Cheyenne has been satisfactorily closed. Tbo contract was signed a few days ago. Blanchard cots a bonus of00,000 ir. cash nnd real estate and guarantees n plant to cost * 3T > O.OOJ mid employ 400 men. This will bo for tbo treatment of precious metals. Work U to begin In sixty days and the fur naces to bo 11 red within tun months. Con tracts have been mndo for tbo building ma terial , machinery and fuel , and the silo has been secured. A boom that will last several been started. Tbero I'M years has ore con tributors to tbo bonus , which was raised in two weeks. Ni'lmiftKu. Herman wants a Methodist parsonago. A now race track is to DO bui't ' at Minden. Tbo Harrison Herald has entered upon its seventh year. Herman Knights of Pythias tallc of organ izing a brass oand. Seventy-five horses are being trained on the Syracuse traok. County division will bo discussed by i delegate convention to bo held at Brukoc Bow , May 10. Tramps burglarized a tailor shop at fair bury and secured several suits of clothes and some money. There are twenty-seven Sunday schoolx U Dawsou county. 105 teachers and o nicer : and l.TXJO scholars. There Is talk of organizing n building ant loan association at Herman. Tbo Gazette i : booming the project. Captain H. H. Kosengrantz of Madrid , n prominent grand army man , died last ( tveel aud was nurlod with military honors. C. M. Murdock has sold the Wymoro Reporter porter to B. S. & S. A. Baliard. It is hoped tbo now proprietors will make a nevvspapct out of tbo Reporter. F. M. Currio , editor of the Sargent TImes , has declined to allow tbo use of his name a < a candidate for tbo legislature to represent Custer county , Mr , Currio's bead is level , bammio Edperton Is the name of a 12-year old Tekamab terror who has just beer brought to grief. Sammie formed the babli of carrying a revolver , and when ho wanted to ccaro anybody be usually "pulled UU gun. " Ho tried it tbo other day on the wrong ooy and was arrested , tried and sou- toucod to the Kearney reform school. Another shooting scrape occurred up u tie sand hills In this county tbo other da ) between Bill Helm on ono side and youti ; ; Granger and Mr. Rondebush on the other , says the Chappcll Register. Wo have beer unable to get thu particulars , only thai young Granger received a slight scali wound and that Helm was bound over to the district court by a justice of the peace. Says the Columbus Telegram : An Indlot maiden Jrom the Saoteo agency , attenoint Grant institute , gave birth to n child last week. The maiden's condition was not bus pected until a few mluutes before tbo blrtl of thn child , aud the ( authorities were vcr\ much surprised. TUo girl arrived at tbo in illtuto eight months and five days before tbt child was bora. It is not at all probable tba this Indian Infant will over be { "gathered t < its father's" arms. The World-Herald , la a dispatch fron Blair , told of tbo killing of a patient of tbi Hodal Gold Cure Institute , a Dlackstnltl named t.add , on a railroad crossing , who unaware of tbo approach of tbo train , WBJ struck by the enorlno and bad an arm and lei cut off. The Blair IMot quotes the dlspatcl nnd xays > Tbo man1 * name was not Ladd. lo was not on the crossing , nnd WM fully nwara of the approach of the train. Neither n leg nor an arm was cut oft. He wts not and had not been a Dedal patient. Ho was not a blacksmith and did not live in Iowa. With these minor exceptions the report was tolerably correct. " \Vvmniiic : . Cheyenne thinks a lively boom will bo latched by the new smelter. Newcastle has incorporated a volunteer Ire company and a commercial club. The expenses of Laramlo schools for the current ynar are estimated nt fJViOO. Notwithstanding the troubles in the north some largo deals are pending for Wyoming ranch property and cattle. A petrified man was discovered In the vicinity of Wllcox station. Soapy Smith's Blaster of parls stiff left Creedo n few days Before the find. Forty men are now employed at the soda nkcs near Laramlo. From 700 to 1,000 tons of soda per day will bo shipped as soon as the surplus water Is drained. Fifty shcop shearers are on n strike nt Casper. Tnoy bovo bc-cu getting 9 cents and want 10. The employers talk of getting machines. Sheep shearers mnko from IT to 14 a day. South Dnknln , Winter lingers on the summit of tbo Kills. A convention of sheep growers will bo held at Aberdeen beginning Juno 7. South Dakota now has ninety-two chart ered Masonic lodges and y,5y5 nftllliated master .Masons. Dcadwood's popular Star shows no signs of waning. For the fifth time Sol. Star was elected mayor of the city. During the last term of the United State * court at Sioux Fulls there wore In attend ance 227 witnesses and jurors , who traveled : o got there in the aggregate S'J,494 miles. They were In town lf , > 'JC days and have re ceived between $3,000 and $ 'J,000. J. Btidwoller owns nnd operates tbo Heavenly Rest ranch near Deadwood. What tbo ranch lacks in the way of angels Is supplied bv n horde of hungry boars. St. Peter , a medium-sized canine , stood guard ut the gate. The story goes that "Bud's" bacon nnd slapjacks moro than smelt to noavon. They penetrated the olfactories of bruin and roused a dangerous appetite. Ono evening recently a burly grizzly called for ? rub. Bud wasn't in the mood of sharing his feast with the unbidden guest. Ho sicked St. Peter on him. The bear tightened his chops on the canine and bore him off to the hills in triumph. The Heavenly Rest is now without a canlnoat tbo gato. Presuming that the time within which South Dakota could participate in tbo World's fair has passed , the Deadwood Times vigorously scores the authorities for their noeligcnce in so Important n matter. "To think' , " says the Times , "that a state whoso output was nearly J1M.OOO.OOO in agri cultural , stock and mining products last year could not make an appropriation of { 5J- 000 for an exhibit along with every nation of the glebe and every state in the union is in deed humiliating , and will forevermore cast a disgrace upon tbo state. How long will wo vegitate under such a mean , niggardly cd- raiulstrationVillwocvor ? become nn ag gressive , intelligent state , or always be a nlckol-ln-the-slot affair wheedled about by a contracted , penurious executive ) and an igno rant lot of Jumping jacks ! " ( Mali. A proposition is pending in the Salt Lake council to issue improvement bonds to tbo amount of $000.000. The famous Walker house in Salt Lake City , unable to keep up with the modern pro cession , has degenerated into a common lodg ing house. The municipal receipts of Salt Lake City for April were fi4t > 10.71 ; disbursements , tG3.lii3.7I. The treasury has a cash balance of $30,110.02. Sidney Bailey of Provo toyed with the business end of a fractious horse. He was burried "over the divide" with "good luck" embossed on his hip. Salt Lake doctors are in a terrible stow be cause some unprofessional member dared to advertise his business and pay for it. The ethical sticklers , by the way , do not object to being interviewed and having their names paraded in print without price. The Salt Lake Tribune says the Indian contingent at Fort Douglas are progressing immensely. They have at last been given their arms , nnd they are as tickled over it as an orcan grinder's monkey in a new jacket. And the "Injuns" catch right on , too. They are drawn up in three detachments , each of which is commanded by a sergeant who gives the orders , and as he does ttm another sergeant at his side pees through tbo motion " with his gun. Tbo" Sioux catch onto the order and the motion combination quickly , and in a short time go through tbo manuul correctly. The men seem to take pride in their personal appearance and altogether malto n fine showing. Montana. Butte bonds sell readily at face value. Butte has a larpo Don-partisan silver boom ing club. A strike of $1,500 ere has bocn made in the famous Drum Lummon mine. Rich ore Is being taken out of the "Buzz Saw mine. In the Llbby district , Missoula county. It assays on an average WO to fJOO per ton , and n particularly flno piece went il,30u. The police at Butlo unearthsd a dungeon aud chamber of torture in Chinatown , nnd found an inmate in stocks and undergoing punishment. His countrymen claim he was insane. Butte is wrestling with the problem , ' - Resolved solved , That woman has moro Influence over man than money. " With stacks of rods nnd blues rattling on the ground floor , the town gives an emphatic negative answer. The Queen of the Hills company of Gel bart is pushing work on their electric light plant. Tbe hoisting works are also being erected. A tunnel has been run into the mine over 1.000 feet. Fifty thousand tons of ore are in sight and 3,000 on tbo dump. An esteemed citizen of Doer Lodge con tracted with a jag factory to banish the to bacco hubiu Ho was given the wrong medi cine , which destroyed a well cultivated and artistic Depreciation of spirit lumentl The e. c. has sued the } . f. for damages for rob bing him of ono ofthe joys of life. " The iron highway bridge over the Missouri river at Great Falls Is practically completed. Tbo structure Is 1,0-Vi foot long , and consists of six liSO-foot spans , ono 13\-foot ! span and two 72-foot spans. It is supported on iron pillars resting on mosonvy piers. Tno road way is 20 feet wide , with a tlooriatr of 3-inch plank , and there is ono 0-foot sidewalk. Aloiif ; tinC'oant. . The Oregon penitentiary has 392 boarders. North Ynkima , Wash. , is raising a bonus of S100.000 for a railroad. The Pomona ( Cal. ) Congregational college has secured an $3,000 toloscopo. Cell is P. liuntington has made a generous gift of J25.000 to tbo Uoldou Gate porlt for an artificial waterfalt. Fred Atkins , u native of England , aged 30 , a civil engineer in charge of tbo Astoria end of the Astoria & Portland railroad , \vai drowned In Young's ' river. The Elmlra mill at Banner , Idaho , Is pro duclne 1,500 ounces of silver bullion it day The 500-foot level from which the ere comes is about worked out , und preparations arc making for sinking another 100 feet. Negotiations are in progress for the sale ol the rich Helena and FrUco mine at Gem , Idaho , to an English svuoicate.for something ovortl.000,000. It is said the transaction ia practically completed. Tbo Helena one Frisco is owned ultaon entirely by Helena parlies. A test was made in California last week of a mixture of rnmlo aud wool Jn the manu facture of cloth. It was perfectly successful , Tbi resu't ' was a fabric stronger and lighter than pure wool , which it Is predicted will take the pUce of silk. These who naro labored to introduce ramie culture in Cal.- fornm'are greatly encouraged. The latest find In Washington Is a dercl- john of wbUky supposed to bo twenty-six yean old. It is supposed that twenty-six years ago a rancher named McLood was car rying borne in bis waeon a demijohn ol whl ky which he had purchased at the Hud son Bay company's store , u hen he wa > per- Fuaded to giveu couple of soldiers then stc- lloned at Fort Stcllaccom a ride. When tbo soldiers got out of the wacon they abstracted the whisky without McLeod's knowledge. They hid the whisky In the wcoJi mar b , intending to draw from it from time to time , out their company was transferred to an other post soon after. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Srrupfor chil dron teething produces natural quiet sltser. * 23 coots a bottle , DR. HEIA.INOS' SERMON. I'lr t llnptl < t * ( IlTpn iH.iinpln of Thflr rro prrtlte r BVm > Ablllljr. Rev. Dr. Hotlines of > Miwaukco | preached at the First Baptist church yesterday morn- np. Dr. ( idlings h s .boon called to the pastorale of the churclvjbui has not yet do- cldod to accept. Holli spend the greater > art of this wrck In tboLclty , , and will give ils nnal nswer after it .return to Mllwau- ceo. t ) The discourse yesterday was based upon 'Tho Love of the plrit. " The speaker said that tbo personality , divinity and offices of the yplHV. were sot forth n the word of God nnd forcibly illustrated In worldly sxporionce , "Wo : annot speak of It too much or meditate upon t too frequently. No ono can look at the character and life ot Jesus as presented In the word of Ooil or follow Him In His jarthly career without being impressed with fits infinite love for us. But no ono has heard mucb of the love of the Spirit , nnd .vhilo . wo cnunot measure the love of the father or of the Son , wo should not think ess of the love of the third character of the Trinity. "Tho attributes of the love of the Holy Spirit may bo considered in two ways , n what manner It is manifested and what It begets In us. It is manifested first in in spiration , as Illustrated In the holy scrip- .uroj. Thcso are not the words of man , nnd they do not come through human philosophy or speculation , but by tbo Spirit of God. H 3os not entered Into the heart of man what ihlngs God has prepared for them that servo Him. but it Is revealed to us through the Spirit , As the teacher explains to the student the things thnt are beyond his com prehension , so the Spirit explains the word > f God to earnest seekers after truth. The Spirit sanctifies us and continues to build us up until we are transposed into Christ's ikencsa. Tbo Spirit bcgou In us a love for God's thoughts and God's wavs.1' Preceding the sermon Mrs. Dimmlck sang Hlller's "Lord. Whom My Heart Holds Dear. " Her rendering of the rather diffi cult composition was admirable. A recep tion will be given to Dr. Ilelllng's at tbo church on Tuesday evening. Mcmorliil Service * . A meeting of the various Women's For eign Mission societies of Omaha was beld at tto First ilsptist church yesterday after noon in memory of Mrs. Jennlo F. Holmes of Tocurasoh , Nob. , the late state president of tbo society. The attendance was some what limited on account of the win. but did not detract from the interest of thi * occasion. The meeting was called to order by Dr. Freda Lanltton and prayer was oTere ! > d by Rev. Mary Glrard. Short addresses were raado by Mrs. C'ovoll , Mrs. O. C. Bryant , Mrs. G. W. Clark. Mrs. Watson B. Smith and others. They united lu paying tribute to tbo life and works of their deceased sister. She had been devoted to her wont and to her efforts had been auo much of the prosperity of the society la Nebraska. A portrait of Mrs. Holmes was mounted on nn easel In the center of tbtt state and draped with black. The meeting was at the call of the state executive committee , aud similar ones were hold yesterday by nearly every Woman's Foreign Missionary society In the state. WCEPIXO WATBK , Men. , Oct 23 , 'M. Dr. Moore : My Dear Sir I have Just bought the third bottle of your -Tree of Llfo. It is indeed a "Tree of Life , . Doctor , when you so kindly gave mo that first bottle my right side was so lame and sere and my liver en larged so mucb that I could not lie upon my right side at all. There' was a soreness over ray kidneys all of the ; ' time , but now that trouble is all over. I sleep Just as well on one side as on the other , and my Meep rests and refreshes me , and Ifeel : tbo best I've fell in fifteen years , and I know that it is all duo to your Tree of Life. 1'ours very truly , r- D. F. DUULET. For sale by all druggists. FAST FIlUtT"TRAlXS. From Sacrninento , Ciil. . to Now York In 150 Hours. CHICAGO , 111. , May -8. Mr. JJ.iE. Good- aell , a fruit merchant well known in the east and on the.Paclllc coast , where ho has long been working to secure moro rapid transportation for deciduous fruits from California , has Just been Informed that the railroad companies east of Ogden had guaranteed - anteed a service whicn will put tbo Cali fornia fruit market in a position never Do- fore attained. Mr. Goodsell , who arrived from the wen today , says Iho Union Pacific company , after consultation with tno Chicago cage & Northwestern and the Chicago , Mil waukee & St. Paul , has made the proposi tion to the Southern Pacific that the South ern Pacific shall schedule a special fruit freight train to leave Sacramento at 0 D. m. daily , and be turned over to the Uuion Pa cific nt Opden thirty-eight hours later. In consideration of this , the Union Pacific , Chicago & Northwestern and Chicago , Mil waukee & .St. Paul companies asrca to de liver the train seventy-two hours later in Chicago , leaving Oeden at 5 a. m. , Omaha at 10 a. m. tbo second day out and arriving at Chicago at 7 a. m. the next day , a total time for tbo journey of IUS hours to Chicago and 150 hours to New York. Tnl * is reducing the time of delivery by exactly one-half. This schedule will make it possible to ship riper and more palatable Cal ifornia fruits thla season with positive cer tainty that such shipments will reach their destination in good sound merchantable con dition. The service goes into operation as soon us four carloads nro offered in ono train that being the minimum number that will bo accepted while the season Is opening. Mr. Goodsell now proposes to labor with the lines from Chicago to the soabordand en deavor to induce them to shorten up their time in a corresponding manner. Dr Birney'i Catarrh Powder for tonsilotls J/.1WJ K1T 21J1K. Klval Colorado Paper * Dlslrlliulo Their K < lltl u by rust Train * . IJBN'VKit , Colo. , May S. The nonor of mak ing fast tlms is uo longer confined to eastern railway linos. This morning the citizens of small towns along tbo line of the Santa Fo and Hio Grande roads were surprised to see two trains lly through their town at a raw of speed which raado the spectators dizzy to witness. The Denver republican and another local paper had prepared special editions for this morning , containing a write-up of tbo famous Cripple creek mining camp and had chartered special traics to carry their papers Into the camp. The Kepublican took the lllo Grande aud tbo other the Santa Fo , the ( oncer loft tbo union depot at ' ) K6 > clock n. m. und the latter at40 : ) ; a. m. , with a train of two pos tal cars each. Both trains made Colorado Springs , a eihtanco of > evontv-dve miles , In ono hour und thirty mlmitoi , with two stops. Tbe Santa Fa made Florissant , thirty-seven " milns further on the ' .Midland lino" In one hour und fifteen minutes , the distance Deing entirely up the mountain sldo , mill Lccau-o of tno shorter distant * traveled , readied the camp two hours abead-of its rival. Tbo Klo Grande truln reached , . Florence , ISO rnllos from Denver , on ttran.i > , oth tralm making nearly fifty miles an n6ur during the run. The mull had to po bvl'dtogo from Florence and Florissant , thirty : and. elghtjon miles respectively. u am Must if avaid- edi or buyat n > you , . , , your own riik anything imrport- on lug to be Doctor 1 I'icrco's mcdi- icinca , sold by un- /S authorized deal- I I crs nt less tlian . . , . ! I the regular jiriccs. ' , 'You risk the get- - " tin ? of old bottles refilled , dilutions of tlio genuine medicines , imituUous , aud sulistitutcs. To prevent all thla , end to protect the pub- lie from fraud end imposition , the genuine guaranteed medicines of Dr. R. V. I'ierco wo now ouUl only through drugglsta , rcgu- lady authorized as agents , and at the follow ing long-catnblishwl jiriwa : Golden Medical DUcovcry ( for Liver , Blocd nnd IMUX Disease * ) , ? l.w. Favorite I'ro- ecriptiou ( for woman's weaknesses and nil- nioiits ) , fl.OO. Pleasant I'ellsta ( for the lir- cr ) , 2. " > centa. Comp. Kit Hmart-Wesed , 60 cvnla. Dr. Rage's Catarrh Ilcmody , 50 cents. Dr. Pierc * " * remedies nro the cheapest you can buy , for you JKJ only for the yood you get. They're guaranteed to give eatls- factiun , or you Uavo your mouoy back. rr\ IMIT In which Hellman's Administrator has to sell out the stock of clothing and furnishing goods , is the cause of some great bargains , and the rush for them at all times , day or night , proves that they are GENUINE BARGAINS , Everything is fairly cut to pieces as far as price is concerned , and if you don't get your clothes cheap enough this year , it won't be the fault of Hellman's administrator. $ 4.25 for Hellman's $ 8,25 Men's Suits. 5.00 for Hellman's 9.0O Men's Suits. 6.50 for Hellman's 11 OO Men's Suits. 8.50 for Hellman's 12.50 Men's Suits. 13.50 for Hellman's 18.OO Men's Suits. 14.50 for Hellman's 18.50 Men's Suits. 16.00 for Hellman's 20.00 Men's Suits. 17.OO for Hellman's 22.50 Men's Suits. 50c for Black Sateen Shirts , that Hellinan never sold less than 3 E. and W. Collars , 6Oc. $1.6O Hats , 78c. E and W Cuffs , 3Oc. 6Oc Shirt Waists , 36c. 2Oc Collars , lOc. 25c Bordered Hajidker- SOc Ties , 23c. chiefs , 3 for 28c. 23c.AGK Guaranteed. Stainless , ISe a Pair. We have engaged a number of new salesmen , and in the fu ture there will be no tedious waiting to be served , as we can now take care of almost any sixe rush. The morning is the best time to buy as the crowds do not come until towards the middle of the day. no ntul o CORNER 13TH AND FARNAM. Have No Equal. ALLCOCK'S Ponous PLASTERS are unapproachable in curative properties , rapidity and safety of action , and are the only reliable plasters ever produced. They have successfully stood the test of over thirty years' use by the public ; their virtues have never been equalled by the unscrupulous imitators who have sought to trade upon the reputation of ALLCOCK'S by making plasters with holes in them , and claiming them to be "just as good as ALLCOCK'S. " POROUS PLASTERS stand to-day endorsed by not only the highest medical authorities , but by millions of grateful patients who have proved their efficacy as a household remedy. Beware of imitations , and do not be deceived by misrepresentation. Ask for ALLCOCK'S , and let no solicitation or explanation induce you to accept a substitute. : Vlf itspt t'n m > it orcruclstlnz palrtu ; ncTor falls ioclve cme In For.prains , bruises , biiikttciit ! , pilu In tlia fhet or siJjj , he.il.tc'13. IOJITIEU , or tiny external pain , a few applications , rubood on by band , act Ulco ma < jic , caus ing tbo pain to instantly stop. For coii stioni , Inllim.uitlmi , rlio.t uitlsm , ncj- ralglalumbaio , sd illca , pains In tlio sm ill of the bau'i , raoro oxtondoJ and ro pouted applications are necessary : All intanul pilus , iliarrh'ju , djr.scalar/ , cull ? , spasms , nuiisca , fnlntltis ; spclU , norvoiisnois , sip pplennon , are relieved instantly and quickly cured by taking inwardly 20 to6Q drop * in hulf a tumbler of water. SOconts a bottle ; sold by dnurijlsts , 'With RADWAY'S PILLS there is no bettor euro or preventive of Fercr and Aijuc. 'WELL BRED.SOON WED"GRLS ! WHO USE SAPOLIO Are Quickly Married. Try it on your next House-Cleaning. Persons wlio have lost property froii Iml'an ' rulds lioiilU filn their claims under tlio Iniiiaii Dupraiation Ai'tof MurJli ' , 13 I. 'I ho t null limited , an I tlio claims uro taken up liy tba courtui tboorJurln whtuh lliuy ura ro.-oivuJ. Takd Notion thatall contract. ! entareJ into with attorney * prior to tha Ait arj iniit null and void. Information given anJ all cluiins oroinptly attended to by tlio Blili UURIIAU OF CLAIMS. JlL-e. OMA.HANISLSK.ASKA. . pJTTliU llurenu Is snarantnoJ by the Omaha Itee. the I'loneur I'rusi anI thu Hau Francisco Kxiumticr. Dr , Bailey , $ [ Tlio Loading Dentist Third Floor , P xton Bloat. Telephone IOS5. llith mill Farnnm Sts. A full > el of ti'i'tu on rubber for 13. rerfevtlit Tft-i'li Bltliqut | l.il i or rtmineable bridge work , Jutt lie llitiiK for ktut > i'r of public pvuktrr. nerer .irujiduwn. TtETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. /M r-ll.nr. n ieatonb' ' ralei.all work irarrautel m'li t i uKoi iiulde. I'OH MII.CII COWS. DEI'AKT- -l meni of Iho Inlorlor. office of Imllan At fairs.ViiKhliuton. . I ) , f. . April I' ) , 19. . Hcalod propus'ils. uidnr.icd ' l > roiusiin : for Mllcli ioivmill nil.lrcsscil ta Iho Cniumiviluiiorof Indian AlfulrNo . ( ! ) anil \Yooitor htrtot , Nuw York , N" . Y..wlll bo received until 1 n'olook , ji in. Thursday. Mny 111. Ivji , for furnishing and dii.iverln- I'lno UUl.ro At'uncy , South Ual'.otu , tlio Standing Hook Asunuy , North Uukuin. iiinl Crow Agency , Monuimi. about 3.3.U inlU'li town. IloKulurhlHnkt. for hid * urn not rtijulrol. Schedule * iwhli'h will bu inadn u part of tlio proposals ) thutvln ; the number of co Hi ifiiulrcd at the various uzimulus , con ditions to bo observed t > y binders , tltno nnd pliii-o of doll very , terms of contract and pay ment. nd all other necesinrv Instructions will bo furnlxhud upon unpilcHtlon to the Indian otllce at Wiialilnaton , I > . O. ; the I' , .v Iii'lhm Warehouse. Ntw. fii and 07 Wooitor street. Now York OUyi the commissaries of ubUtcnt.t > , I' . r > . A. . HI Omaha. Neb. . luicK'hoyenne. Vi'yo. ; to the publisher of the Slock Grower's Jour nal of Mlloi City. Mont. . nnd the mvttral In- . The rl ht Is ro erve-d lu rojeulnny or all bids , or any part of any bid If deemed for the bust Inleroitsof the cnverniaunt ; nlt > o the fnrthiT rL-lit In making thu awards to In- rro so or diminish to any in tout the number of animals Cilloil for In the nchttUitlcs. aUo to n-'inlra ' a ili'llvery of S5 per cent moro nr Ins. than the amount gpiiclflod In uny con- tr.U't , OrtlllcJ chttckf. Karh bid ir.ust bu ac- compnnliMl by u certified check or draft up on aoutu United t > t'itts d no > llory or so vent natloniilbank In the vicinity of the res I encn of Ilia bidder , made payable to the order of the CommUvlonor o ( Indian AITalrx , for at toast llvu per ctmt of the amount of the proposal , which checx or draft will bu forfeited to the United Ktutei In en so any bidder or bidders rooelvlui ; nn r.ward khall Mil to promptly f xoculo u contract with coed and sufficient nurnllo * , Olherwliu to bo returned to the bidder. Hid * fcvompanled by cash In lieu ( f a certified cheick will not bu coiuldorod , 't J , MOKUAN. Commissioner. A SUltw , ( S I handle the CRIPPLE ( . REEK MINING STOCKS , and can illl tolo- ffraphic orelorg on short notice My list comprises the follo\vin { Crlpplo Creek stocks. Anaconda , Bull Mountain , Cold Kiner , Beuna Vista , Blue Beli ; Work , Alamo , Washington. And all other rollab is stocks , of these tuinc , as xvoll us ninny slui'ks of tlie l.e.ulville. As pen .ind Creed mines. Many uf the L'r pie- Crook stocks li.iro mor tli3ii doubled within three months. Tim AIKI- coudii stock so : < l tour monthu.o nt 11 cent-s , anil sells now for over Jl per share. Other novr nilne.s areouemn ) ; every fotvdays with Ju-.t as Rood j > ro ui'et- > . A zontlom m of Council IlltilTs bought some of this stock at : j."i cenu. the latter nart of Mnrcli , nnd ling slnco rofusoJ ft for It In vestments made at low rntos. All correniion- donco promptly answered , J. S. GIBSON , 10 Pikes Peak Avenue. Colorado Spniijrs. - - Colorado SAYEYOOHUXJiSlGHT OPTICAL HOUSE OF TUB ALOE & PENFOLD CO. , llliSoiilhl.'t h Struct , Next to 1'o-itolllco. Omaha. Practical Opticians AB < ] branch ot warM rennnntil optlonl aiUbllsh- meat at A. 8. Aloe 4 Co. . 81. Lauli , Our method l < inpcrlurlo lloth r : oar l nts ro inperlor1 wll ! ot wv&rj or ttra tb yo . The dame * properlr vl * jailed to the face Eyea Tested Proo of Charsre. Prices Low for First-class Goods. All the latest styles in Soft and Stiff Hats. STETSON'S SOFT nnd STIFF IIA TS , AULABAUGH FUR CO , , HATTERS AND FURRIERS 218 South 15th Street. Furs Stored and Repaired. iMtU > n. dyi-ila. wLr. ueujtltinii Icuof l orpl i' * ' .iu , [ t.-.ltiful ! " * . wlt' < w f * liupurv Mood , or m fiUurt * by tuff vtomcli. Jh i-For in l ilM toiifunu Uirlrp : r f uurtlc.in. lvr.oi.1 rrrailiifC orvbenrnled Cj lakliur vitonfti r J iTiru 17 ii.ftil. 1 k'n Mlt i-AiujJft , ! . ! C11KMKAI ! * (5o.VlOfprucvhi. . St r Voik J * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - ol