Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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t ciMttcdly Currier to tiny partof Ilia City
. " ' ' * no" Office
. . )
u i rt'iinxr. '
It 1 1 I IIONTS' , j,1Ktlt Kdllor
.MI.M/O.V ,
N Y. I'lumblngCo.
Icutirll HlufTs Lumber Co. , coal.
t rutt's clmltcl loans. 201 Sapp blooi' .
Yesterday's hoavv rain delayed nil the
trains for several hour .
Albert Harris nnd Clara Li Chaniilo , both
of Lewis township , wt-ro marricu jcstcrd.iy
mottling by JuHlIcu Hatntner.
A mcetlnR of tbo uslferV commlttco for the
democratic state convention will bo held thu
cvoninR at T . ! ! o o'clock at the Globe cilice.
The Koclal union ot the First Prcsb.UorUn
church will meet tomorrow cvonltic at the
icsldenco of Miss May tlurztird , TOO First
Tlio Infant child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ueorco
iUilpn died ycstorilny nt the residence. 1(110 (
Avenue U. The iciniiltis will bo tultcu to
Nolan , In. , for Interment.
Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Campbell were maJo
Iho viclliis of n surprl o Saturday nlRht , It
boltip thu niinlvcrsary of their wcddlntf.
The uosts uuro inurabers of the Dnnghtsrs
of Kcbckiih.
Ono of tno twins born to Mr. nnd Mrs. C.
11. Loucli last bnturdny died yestcrdnj niorn-
IIIB. The funeral n 111 occur this motnitiR at
10 o'clock nt the family residence , 'J50 \ \ u h-
Nim In Pull 5 liiB lit tlio lloston Store ,
Council lllnlN , In.
Since the opening of our May stile our
htoro lti ! boon crowed tltxlly with 'inxious '
ImyiTH. Fresh bar tiins laid on our
cniintorb dally. Helow wo quote n Jew
of our ( , 'lovo , mitt , hmidkorelilol and
Cents' furnisliinp barnnlns :
LadlcH1 black siik mitts , HO dozen
just received , and bettor value never
ollerod In this lino. See goods mnrkcd
Ilk2.JC , S'Ic , 'ilk1 , oOf , Ol21e , 76o.
\Vo handle Kuyser's patent flnguroa
tipped gloves in nure sill ; , "oc , $1.
Mines' mitts lo ! ) , --JL , Jiltc : i pair.
Our kid glo\o stock represents the
bent make of gloves in the country , biich
us Foster's Ale.xnndrin , TrilTut > e , in
every imaginable bbndc.
Gents' Initlnl b.iiidkorelnoffa , largo
B'UU loc. cheap.
Children's bchool handlccrchiefs lc ,
nnd ; t for lOc.
LndicB * Swiss emoroldpred handicer-
ohiefs , over 20 frtylot , worth from Me to
lilie , in ono lot for 17c a pair , I ! fr f 6c. ( )
lioltor C'l'tides See bargains marked : ; ) , iCJe , lee , oOc eneh , in line Swiss
Gents' mt.\ed hnlf hose , . ' ! pair for lOe.
Gents' : ilo ! outing shirts for 1 He ouch.
Fine white shirts ut 2oe , 'Jc ' , oOc and
7V1Wo cull attpntion to fancy bosom shirts
tit ( V.cvortli ) $ l.j ( ( ) .
Iloya' wtiists , I'jjo to 7oc ouch.
Outing bbirta in all grades from 2oc teST
ST f)0 eiich.
Gents' onvx hosiery in cottons and
lisles from 2JiIt.'ic , : ) e and 50c ; plain
nnd drop stitch.Vtitcrproof collars , all
btyles , l-e ' } eni'h , worth 120e.
Just lecoivod , 100 do/.cn wire window
Bcreens , the host adjustable and cheap
est oCTeon In America for the money.
They come in two si/.os ut 2oc and yic. !
Don't fail to see them.
Hafts nnd rafts of wnll paper selling
daily.Vo are liend > | iirirtors. Ksti-
inates furnished for papering nnd nnint-
ing. Nothing but the bc&t hangers em
ployed. UO&TON STOUI : ,
. Fottioiinirhiitn , Whitelaw & Co. , Coun
cil DhtlTIiu
JM.'K.SO.'S.II. ' I'.IH ICli II'IIH.
E. E. Hnrt is In Denver.
Kov. Stephen I'hclps leave * today lor
Miss Florence Mnityn is viaitltiR friends
In St. Louis.
Ed Lorton of Nebraska City spout Sunday
witn J. L > . Puxtoti.
A. II. Wallnco of Washington , la. , is the
pnestof his ncphnw , T. K. Winter.
Geurco H. blllliniu loft yostorJav for San
Antonio , Tex , on legal buslucss. Ho will
return thu last of Iho ucek.
Tl'o captive Icnight may escape from
the oppics.sor by his own intelligence
and hi O\MI light arm , but who shall
break the chains lie hlnibclf lias forged ?
A young innn of JiOsajs : "For twelve
years 1 have not been sober three
months. Lifo was u wreck und hope
WUH dead. Friends were gone. In the
darltcbl hour of my helplessness canto
the Intornutional CurouhbOcintion lo my
relief. Three weeks of t-eatmcnt have
loliovcd mo from the drink demon. A
clear vision , an active intellect and tin
invigorated bony arc rootored to mo. "
The International Cure Association of
Iowa , extends aid to sui-h as dcsiro u
euro from the alcoholic habit.
For further information cull on or ml-
dress room 203 Merriam Block , Council
BlulTtt , la.
Knt strawberry short cake ut Russol's
restaurant , M I'earl street.
Chapman's screen factory. Exclusive
Ecreen doors and windows. See him or
write for prices. 13 Pearl St. , Council
Vrlrriins , Attention ,
On the octMsion of the department en-
cumpment of the G. A. 1Jto bo hold at
Ottninwa , commencing May 11) ) , the C. ,
1) . & Q , will bell tickets at one faro for
the round trii > . For partii-ulurs cull on
O. M. Brown ,
Ticket Agent , 517 Broudwuy.
Who Will ItiTonitf.
The follow Ing committee has boon ap
pointed to look after tno decorations In the
opera bouso for the mooting of the stuto
Icuguo of democratic clubs und the demo
cratic stata convention : L. A Casper , L.
/.erimiohlen. Chnrloj llcno , S. D. Hohrer , J ,
K. Hollonbcck , 1-Vmilc 'Irlmblo Charles
Huns , ( J. U. Waller , L. C. Iluslnv , I. F. Hen
dricks , Hurrv HaasV. . H. Kneiilicr.Charlcb
Is'lehoUon , W. O. . .lampsV. . JJ. HeoJ , W. E.
A. Troutinan. W. It. Thomas , J.unes Nich
ols , J , U. IJoIIavan , T. O. IJutler , Will Mo-
I < \tilacn , Tliotnas McMillan , A. .McMillan ,
Krnnk Gunnella , U. A. Honnos. | .Mlllln.iri Sulr.
Monday only Misseb Sprlnl ; & Feuron
will hell u largo consignment of linost
bluek legliorn huts , sold ovc-rywhoro
olbU for ifU , for DSc , und trimmed bailer
lints , worth 50c , for 2u % , Thot-o goods
are as fine for their graded as the eastern
markets bliow and are very handsome
mid btylibh. _
Wall I'.ipiT.
Thn newest designs , the lurgcst stocu
nnd by far the lotvoat prices is ut the
BOSTON STORE. Eilinwtos furnibhi'd
for papering , Nothing but the best
) ) aporhangers employed. Everything
guaranteed. Figtiro with us when you
want Diiperlng done.
Council B hi Hila. .
The crowd nro nil going to Rubbol's
rostuuraul to got ono of ihoso big Ib
-.cut uioHlu , 1 1 1'curl BtreoU
Bwanjon Miulo Ca , MaionloteiaplB.
Rsv , J. L. Hnrlbut of New York Preaches
an Eloquent Sermon.
Itrv. .J , M. Croft * Will SIMCT IIU Con.
tuTllon Mlih ( ho Clmrcli
( irnnit Ann } .Miittrrn 1'rcpnrliiK
for the Coming of the Democrat * .
Hov. .1. L. Hurlbut , D.U. , of Now York
Jlty , EUpurintcndont of the Cbaulnuiiua
lormnt Sunday school work and superln-
.cnaont oT Vlio Siitnlny school department of
.ho Methodist episcopal church In this
: ountry , occupied tliouulplt yestcntay morn-
tig nt the First I'rcsbytcrlan church. Ho
ook us bis subject the cptstlc of I'HU ! to the
'hilllpplniiH. mid us his text ttio Ilrjt , verso
of thu uplstic : "Pnul anil Timolhous , the
Servants of Jesus ( . hrist , to nil the Saints In
Jhrht Jesus which nfo nt 1'iillllppl , with the
Ulstiops ana Ueuioiis. " Ho referred to the
. \\o\\nysofstudilns nature , by cx.tmiulnz
i emu of sapd or by takinir In n tnoun-
alii nnd laiul < c.ipo nt n slnglo iKinci } ,
a leaf of n tree or ttio vnilca bonullus of n
'orost , nnd drew n parallel between these
tuouys of stmlyliiK nature nnd the two
\nys of studying the bible invcsllpatlng n
sltiRlo sentence , clause cr word , or sta'idlng
on an eminence and ovcrlooKlup a whole
book nt The latter was the method ho
u'loutcd tn his scimoti.
"I'aul has been spending many wonrydays
nnd nights in pilson , " said ho , "waen hes'iil-
lunly hears thu toottnll of a Irlond ; his fnco
jrvhtuns , nna as the door opens ho tfazes m-
.o . the face of Knnphroditu3who comes brlni-
ng him the KroctniRS of thu church ut Phil-
ippl nnd \\llhtlionuhcthtngs which ho
.hlnks will inlnlstur to his temporal happl-
loss. In return bo sends back the epistle
votiiouow stuiljlnp. It has not lau soar-
UR caRlo llleht of the oplstlo to the
Cphi'slans , but it has peculiar tr.uta of Its
own. You lutvo doubtless listened to nn
or.iterio and heard n lolly strain now deep
down in the buss , almost concealed by the
upper parts , now pcailnc bl 'ti above nil , but
currying Itself turougli the entire piece.
So throughout the epistle to the 1'hllitp-
ilutis thuro is one prevailing chiiractoristlc
oy. 'Kojolco' Is the word about which the
whplo otintlu grows.
"TMs fact is the more notloinblo when wo
consider that when Paul wrote it ho was
not In the prime of success , but his llfo wns
( rawing to a close with failure nnpnrontly
stamped all over it. Every day a brutal
itomun soldier ana the Koman soldiers
, vort > picked from the lowest and basest of
men catno Into bis cell anil they \vero bound
\\rlstto wrist nnd nnklo to a'nklu. When
I'aul penned the cn'stle the soldier was at
Ills slue. It has seemed to mo that if 1 were
In such surroundings ink would not bo bitter
enough to toll the story of my woes. Dut
the soldiers brought into contact with Paul
In Ibis way every Jay took uway the story of
ttio pospcl with them und multitudes heard
It through this vorv cxpeiioncc of Paul's.
His happiness was not tbo result of circum
stances , w ncu one has n spring of wutcr eon-
fctuntly at his hnud what cares be for the
drouth ! With his enemies outside the
prison howling for his death , with thu gal
lows looming up in tne distance , he had
abundant resources In Christ Jesusand knew
that hH poverty would bo lewdrded ton
thousand limes over in the weallb iu Iho
next world.
"Love is another striking characloristlo of
the epistle. Uo. point , to Paul in the
mightiest apostle of all , nnd why I Because
of the Intensity of his conviction , the clear
ness of his views in theologv , but most of
nil , because of hU nccp nnd tenuor affection.
Ho loved men nnd therefore- drew men to
him. All through life ho seems to have
luken holu of some one who followed him to
the end of his doys. If anv one loves men as
men ho can go anywhere nna ho happy ,
and this Is the principle that was responsible
for Paul' ; , success. Ho was not always so :
once ho hated men , saw them slain , gloated
over their sufferings. What wrought the
change ! 'The love of Christ constrmneth
us , ' says Paul. The love of Cbnsl was born
in lil in , and from it the love for all his fellowmen -
men throbbed in Paul's heart.
'Ep.ipurodltus had brought word of sins
that were springing up in the church nt
Philllppi , of wroi.R opinions lhat mltrht turn
to heresies la'er on. ot strife und bitterness
among name of the members. Thcra was
danger from sellbh ambition. He did not
seek to stop these troubles by coining out in
strong nnd bold denunciations ; ho only set
up the glorious character of an ia > al Chris-
tinn so cleaily that each otio must have
longed to bo just sucn n Christian. Ho goes
through the whole list ol their defects , but
does not tell them of n single one. Ho simply
polnis out thu batter path nnd bays , 'let
this bo your ideal. ' Pho way to make people
ple turn from wrong is > to till their hearts
with right and then evil will lice nwav. Oh ,
that in us mlcht bo born all the nobility of
the Christian religion that is shown forth in
the tender epistle of Paul to the Philtippian
church. "
IEr\ . ( I. U. Criiltx KfiiKiin.
At the morninc service of the Congrega
tional church yeMcrdn\ the pastor , Uev. G ,
\V. Crofts , astounded his cougicgatinn anil
the many outsiders who were present by
reading from the pulpit this brief but uu-
equivocal announcement :
With m.illeo touard naiio and charity for
nil , aftfr pr.iyurful consideration and with
n M'nso of duly I hereby u-mior my ri-s-
Unaticm as pastor of this climcli , to tal.u
ellt'i't thrcu months from date.
The reading of the announcement wns con-
cliiaou before Iho concregnlion apparently
realized us Import , nnd then consternation
lolloucil suipribo. The relations of the pas
tor aim his congregation bnvo been of Ih it
close and fraternal character lhat can only bo
realized where lovu is united wilb veneration
and respect , and where perfect harmony pre
vails. The motive that has prompted tbo
resignation has not been made public , but it
cannot bo other than ono that rellccts thu
lushest , credit upon the popular pastor.
Whatever it may bo the ontno public of
Council DIutTs will join the members of the
church in urging him to reconsider it. for
thoio never lias been a pastor in the city who
has been rnoro generally loved than the eloquent -
quent poct-picachor , whoio totiguu ana pen
hnvo swnpt every chord in thu gimut of hu
man joy nnd soriow lhat the people of Coun
cil llulT have felt since bo came hero seven
5 eat3 DUO All will K'-'l that neither
the church nor the city cun of.
ford to lese him. nnd only impera
tive-reasons will bo accepted in justlllLation
of bis determination to conclude his won :
hern. His ministry hero has been ore-of
tireless energy und bas reached overv portion
tion mid every class in thn tliy. No matter
whence ciiino the call ho has never hositaled
to respond , nnd utiilo ministering und as
suaging the sorrows of people , many of whom
weio obscure and humble , ho baa bicathcu
forth poetic gums that have permanently en
ricucd the literature of the ago.
No action can bo upon tbo resignn-
lion unill Ibore h n vestry inrcilng , nnd nouo
has.\olbeon called The fixing of the dale
upon which the resignation is to tuko ollcct
IB in accordance with nn ngrccmnr. ! between
the olllcor * 01 the cnurcb ni.d tbo pastor
when ho was encaged , that three mnutlis
xhouldelapso between thu tender of bis res
ignation nnd his final withdrawal from the
cliuu.'li. It is very liuely that the popular
pioacherwlll bn Induced to consent to remain -
main hero long uofora llio three manias
Hvorybody eutb utlMbgel's rcalttiinitit ,
11 1'e.ifl bli'out.
The nbovo nitmo is applied to n now
woo of dfuss tuuda recently intfodufcd
to the American murk el nnd rnpltllv
tuUliiR the plni'o of the Hedford cord. It
U n In nil the | irovnlUii { ;
colorings , tuns , modcb. l to8 ,
niUfliioom , niivy , black und eromn.
Ono dollnr und tweutv-llvo cents is
the ordinary p-ico for thlb'fnbric , but us
u s pee in 1 Imluoomoiit wo will put thlrtv-
ono plocoa on Milo Monday mornini ; ,
along with other burfjuliib for illy gale ,
at ninety-eight cents n yurd.
FOrtlttUIMUUM , WlllTKl.OW fi CO. ,
lioaton Store ,
Council Ulullb , la.
otr r r
Tbo dologatcs to the state oucampnicnt of
the ( Jrinid Array of tbo Hepublic will leave
over tbe Uurttugloa { or Oltuimva this morn
ing. The car will bo finely decorated within
and without , These who will compose the
party arc the follow ing members of Abe
Lincoln post of thl * city I ) M xltby , com
mander ; C. S. llubbnrd and Osorge .Miles ,
dclcg.Ua. } , Cook. Theodora Oulttar , U H.
Cousin * . Major II. V. Klnp , Colonel U. M.
Dally. Dr. F. S. Thomas , James Jacoby ,
John Llnot , Colonel J. J. titcadman.
Major Ocor o H. Richmond will also nt-
tend , its stated In THE HTE several days ago ,
and will do tin best to have the charter of
Abe Lincoln post revoked in order to defeat
Colonel Stotidman in his cnndldncv for the
department commandership. Colonel Stead-
man has stated all along that be was not
anxious to secure the position , but since tbo
rc-cont excitement sprang up nnd Major Htcn-
inond tccan bis opposition Stead man's
frlcndi hnvo determined that no effort * snail
bo spared In his beh .If. The npplicntlon for
the revocation of tbo charter will be made to
tbo state council of administration , which
consists of Judeo J. S. Woolson of Mount
Pleasant , John Limit of Council HlufTs ,
tieonio U Wright of Donlson , Dr. K. A Gil
bert of Dubuque and J IJ. AlorooK of Mount
Yernon. Most of these gentlemen nro known
to bo friendly to Abe Lincoln DOS , nnd Iho
members of iho poit hnvo no doubt
that the result of the effort to knock
out Stcailumn by b'ottlng ' the wbolo
> nst to which bo belongs from iho
.irand Army rolls will bo n failure. There
will doubtless bo n tremendous amount of
wire pulling during the first days of the en
campment and it will piobnbly bo ono of the
nest exciting encampments , .so far as the
members of Abe Lincoln post mo concerned ,
that hni over been held A number of the
ncmbors of the Union Veteran legion bnvo
ilso signified their intention of going to Ot-
The largest nntl best 15 cent tnoal in
the city ut Mussel's restaurant , II I'earl
Pntroni/obluo ice wujronsfor Mo. river
channel ice MuUiolltind & Co. Tel. 102.
A Croud < 'im > il.
There wore live or six men who hnvo
Luken the course of treatment at the
Blunuhurd institute , fit 5-55 Utoudwuy ,
Council UltilTs. dischtirired yesterday
thoroughly cured of their Incon-
Lrolltib.o uppotito for liquor" . Ono of
Lhem , Air. J. IJ. Donahoc , hfter rocciv-
ing his certificate , iniulo the following
eloquent speech to bib associates :
Associates , my time has coino to bid
you good-boy. My stuy with you bus
been a plotisuiit ono. One seldom meets
a more sonorous , open hearted , cordial
class of boys than those with whom I
have mingled at this institute. Actu
ated by a common motive wo como from
different parts of the country as
strangers and now part the best of
friends. Unfortunately I , HUe many of
you , in the nast have curried upon my
shoulders a burden which in u few more
yours , possibly months , would have
brought mo to u drunkard's grave.
With liquor my master , I for many
yours marched through the very quag
mires of filth. Twenty years of habitual ,
periodical drinking "had established in
me an appetite over which I had no con
On the 12th of April , 1S92 , I entered
this institute for treatment. Words fnil
mo when I undertake to express my
gratitude for that fctop. Ilelland heaven
have been described to you all. Imagine
the former and you see me ono of its
demons as I lived less than ti month ago.
Imagine the latter and you see mo us I
feel tit this moment , happy , contented , a
new man transferred from a demon's
home to u heaven on e trth. I came here
a disgrace to myself nnd friends and
leave with the knowledge that I am
once more a nvin and my friends need
no longer feel the btiginu of disgrace I
have brought upon them.
\Vitli a happy heart and a buoyant
spirit I uo back to life's earnest pursuits
und feel that this institute bhould have
the blessings of heaven rct upon It for
the good work it has not only done for
me but to all those who nro placed in
charge of its courteous and gentlemanly
managers. With my best wishes for its
future I now part with you.
Illnck l.riiorii ! Hits ROc.
Before buying the ladles should see
the 50c bluck und white leghorn huts
which will bo sold this week at Miss
Hugbdulo's millinery parlors , 3157
The most fortunate man in town is
Geo. Davis , the leading druggist , be
cause ho has exclusive asency for the
best prepared paints in the world , made
by Heath & Milligan.
Hotel Gordon , 310 Broidway , lias re
cently changed hands , and is being thor
oughly renovated. Clean bds ; prompt
service ; tublo first cluss.
While attending the convention oat
ut Hussel's rebt.iurant , 14 Pe.trl stteet.
Mrs. IJrav , competent nnrso for the
sick. 107 Washington two.
The Hercules lawn mower , with 10-
incli wheels , will out high grass and
work c.ifaier than any other mower
made. Wo keep also llio genuine Phil
adelphia mower und sevorul other ma
chines that we can sell cheaper than the
cheapest. Now refrigerators ; carload
just icceived. Dauntless und Warwick
bicycles. 11 Main street. Shugnrt &
Son. Kecollect thai the new Dangler
Surprise ib only gasoline stove that
possesses every quality of a gas btovc.
Kelter , thctail or , 310 Broadway , has
all the latest styles und newest good *
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Curpotn Will < ii > TliU Wci'k.
The Council BlulTs Curpot company
have had the heaviest trade this spring
that they have over had , and to tukc
care of it they have had daily ship
ments of now goods. Today their stock
is even larger than it has been ut any
previous time. These goods bought ut
n discount include till the spring weaves
und novelties in till lines , and this week
will bo full of opportunity to got bur-
iritlns , as well iw the handsomest latest
designs that were not out of the looms'
when other dealers bought their guodA
Delegates und visitors In the city this
week are csccially \ invited to visit the
curpot store.
/ Uly litllo girl suffered for three yenra
/ from n largo Abscess on her hip , the
I result of u fall nml dislocation. The
\ Abscess was large , with six openings ,
\all of which discharged puss. I was
induced by friends to give her S. S. S. ,
nnd by the time the fifth' bottle wiu
flnUhcd the Abscess was entirely heal
ed , nnd the child was well nnd hnppy.v
I Send for book on the Blood and Skin.
1 SWJFT SrtciFic Co. , ATLANTA , GA. ,
Gr at Keys
Sucli as St. Peter carried in pictures , and
the rest of us carried in discomfoit , went ,
suddenly out of use on the Intrf duUion of
the famous " Y AUD " locUs. Then some
happy people jumped to the conclusion
that any small key meant a "YALE"
lock. Not so. It's easy to make a worth
less lock with a little key , and it takes
less metal. Your protection lies in one
\\ord. See that " YAl.U" is stamped on
every Key. If that Is there , security Is
there also. Sold wherever locks sell.
. . , . ,
Th Coed Samaritan. 20 Years' Eipericncc.
/ treat the following Diseases :
Cntarrli of the Head , Tlxroat , nnd Ltinga : Bit.
cases of tbo Eye anil Er.r. Kltdnnd Apopleij , Hoiirt
Disease Liver Complaint , Kidney Complaint ,
Nervous Debility , ( Vlontal Depres
sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal
Weakness. Diabetes , DrJclifs Disease , St. Vltua'
imnce/Kemnatlsm , rarajrsli. While Snelllnir ,
Scrofula , Tevcr Sore : , Cancers , Tumors
nnd Fistula In ano removed without
the knife or drawina a drop of
blood. Wonwn with her delicate organs re-
etorcd to health. Dropsy cured without tnppluff. Attention given to prlvnto
and Venereal Diseases of all kinds.
SCO to S50O forfeit for nny Venereal Dis
ease i cannot euro without mercury.
Tape Worms removed In two or three hours , or no
pay. Hctnorrholils or Piles cured.
Will save life and hundreds of dollars by calling
on or u > ltig
The only Physician who can tell wlint nlU
a pontoniitliout asking a qtiolon !
All correspondence strictly confidential. Modlcino
Bent by express. Address all letters to
W. G PAN OLE , M. D.
. C ) uncll III ufTs , In.
rr pnsilfi : for DKtilrt Street Inipruxciiiciit
Ponlod illds rmrUod l'ripo nls for District
trout Iinptoxoinont Itnnils , mil be remitted
IID tolJucloi'K noiii. of HiB Mn day of .M.iy ,
Ifr'U. ' for the purfli iso of 1) btr.ct fatreet liu-
proveinunt Honda us follous :
Dlhtrict I.1 ! ! ? < VOJOO )
District . ' ! l 'J.VWOJ
Distr ct .171 2.1UOJ )
nistrii'C : ios
Disttii't 41) ) ! ) lli.ODOOJ
District 411 U.OiOOO
Issued uiiilcr ch irtcr BOWIT of motfopolltaii
cities Rach hid luiibt st.itu ) irlro nnd niiioiint
sought for nnd incliido uccrucd Interest to
cliitn of del very t Oin'ilia. Nob.
Tlio rUht to rojcctauv mid nil 1 > IU < Is 10-
servud. . llKNKY IIUM.N.
M7dIStra. City Treiisitror.
Omaha Mm ical and
Eye & Ear
FOR Til :
llest facilities , upparittHml Konolloi
for successful tro itmoni of ovury form
of dlso.iso rcniili In : mo lie U or
snr-lf it tre itmunt.
M beds for patients , ho ml iinl attendaneo
Ilest , accomoJations In tbo west. . for clreulirs on ilufnriinttos nnl
uncos , trusses , club feet , curvatures of snluo ,
piles , tumors , c nicer , citti ih , bronchlt s. In-
lial.ulon.o ectrlclty. pini'.ysls , oullepiy. kid-
nov b a Ider. oye. o ir. skin an 1 bloo I : inJ ill1
surai-a opor itl > n .
< < JDQ A si'nciAiTv.
ni JDA nr mrpfj (
UlObAODO Ut lubll iijnkonn.-ui9.nof
Women fit HIT. Wo have lately ad led i iy.iu-
In department for nomcn during conllnomeut.
strictly uriato.l On.v . Uellablo Medical In-
Etituto luaU'n ; a spool illy or
A'l Hood Disirises suecossfutly troitol.
! -iiihliltlo I'oNon icmoved fiom the system
without mercury Now itestoratlva Ire.u-
meiit for Loss of VITAL I'OWHU. ror-.ons uo-
nblo to > Itlt us mav bo tro-itud at homo by
torresoon cnce. All commuuluatlons contl-
( Iculial MoJiclncs or liistriiineiiti scat by
inn I orovpress. securely packed , no m irks to
Ind cute contents or sender. Duo perion il In-
torylou pruferroJ. Call and consult us or sen J
history of your case , und o will send In p'aln
wrupucr. our
Rnntf TH MFN ntRn : V\mn \ ITIv.ita.
DUUK. IU , . .youLi ! , lr xorvous Uu-
cases. Impotency , Svphllls. GloetauJ Varlco-
ce o , with question list ,
Unices , Appliances for Deformities & Trus3J
Only m inufactory lutho Westof tntt t / -
ITy Al'l'l.l 'AC'/.s , J.itUasr. ! > , JCl VA'lllU
It.l Tl'KltlKH .1 ' It 11 Kl < ! " >
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
26th and Broadway , Co moll BluTt.
Ten mlnutoV lido fr rn center of Om ih i on
Om.iha and Commit Ulutt. oiujtrio motor line
Chas , Lunkley ,
rniiprnl Dirci-lor nnd Ueitlcrli'tcr
311 Broadwtiv , Council BlulTs.
TjljptlOTO III
IH > K ri > uiiilku < ' | itT's Niitlfi * .
The following dos h.ivo been IIHDOUI
since May - :
L ; piiK < lo s.
( i sellers.
t Xowfoundland dogs- /
1 Kreyhonml.
I shepherd.
; i hluek niul tan rat terriers.
G tiordon sctteis
II white pooJIcs.
60 Uincruut colored ,
( )
Dog I'oundkL'Oiicr.
Bee Bureau of Claim
For Inventions
I'UOCTtl I ) IlY 1\IC. \
Bee Bureau of Claims
rqnnl with the Intcren of ( ho n hirlnt
fictlnit thCk'OTorntrH'iit H tint ot IS'VK.STOtt * Wi
olcn lo ) e the tonotlt or r ihiiiils Intent ! n li JJ mi i
of the Inccmipoioncr or InitiontHm of t'ti nitnrun
ttnpliiycil to obliln tlulr | MtoU : > . roe m 1C l ( MM
rnntiot bi uxuri'laul In ontloylnt cMi Ujal .ill
iplililo | ollc tori In prnpuro pun if for I'lJ vilu
of n plint ,1p in li gr.Mttr If lutoitlrjlr , upjltll
rnrcnn I "kill of Uu tttornar
\VIIMtliD vlo of prcito tinjInTontori frJn warst
lr oreirtM < nltornjf ixnlof lOJlnt mtitif M.
tton nri ) well total by villl piuiti. Titii il < J
1IUIIKAU ln < rotilnJ cojnul ot jri la
rrnctlcu , niui 1 1 tlurof jrj prop uoJ t J
< 'in ihiittln-nt
wli'i'tnt cnict ,
/ni Is iiiiii-V * ( ii I co'fit-l * i
li'n < t < - > - < > i > ! n ! . > ii < i < iv toMCjim niul filll t-
tintt ilfffit I /V/iivrm / J i
. rtt' , fit' ,
If von Invo in Invention on hnn I cn.t TUB It' ? t
UL'IU\L'nik3tc' : ! or p'uitoir | iU llu-rjif. tojalti jj
n Ith a t > rltif itotorlptlon of t iu Import ml tottnr * ) !
nnd yon nlll ho one 1 1 trlni ) 1 n to tti t tutt oj .r u ' .
puriiio Mo loM nri ) nu njcoi iry nulofi tti3 wr j\
Hun l < of a com , > llc.\to t nitun > If otlianr. . ) 1 1.
Irlnuliiu on your rliditi , or If you nrJ en irwl wit >
Infrinnotiu'tii Dy oinuri utihnlt Uu itnttur to l\lt
lIL'lllIAflor a rjlliblj Ol'l.N'IOM buforj :
220 UPC lluilliti , ' , OIII-I'M , ' .
J , * Tli s lluroiu Is cuirintoj.l by tin
Oiiiith i Iko. the Pioneer I'rois .ui-1 Uu S.m
1'i.inoliL'o l.iiiilnur
Cut this out tin.I son ! It with you ? 11
1'ropomiM for I'arU ItoiuN ,
Pealed lildt , , iiuirKcd proposals for I'.irk
Itonds ul'l ' bo rt'i'i'ivi'il up to 1o'clm k noon.
of the > th duv of May , l J. ' . for the | iuri.lin' < oof
> 4 i , i U'liO'-'i xciirs 1 PIT cent , 1'arK llotids of
tlK'ity of Omiih i. NeD
l.ach bid must t ito pr co and amount
-ou.'lit for and lncluili > accrued Interest to
( Into of di > l.\irry ul Omaha , Nub.
Tht * rljlit to reject anv mid nil bids Is ro-
serxi'd 11P.MIV I1OI.LS.
Mi.dlM. n IMy Treasurer
\\TA Tii : ) I'ust class trimmer linmeili-
Ni iitcly at Mls < K m d lie's nillllnciy par
lor , .Kl" llio.idtt.iy. Council Illutts.
TANTKD-At "Hotel (1 ( inlon. " assistant
cool ; an I dialiwashur ; good W.IL'CS ; hltua-
llon permanent.
I r VUU ha\n iinythlii ? for snlior tr.ido sou
- iK. . 11. Miu.ifo. Urn ulu.iy and Main stivnt.
" "
\ \ \ : ) - clrl for - ener.i.l hoaso-
woilc. l.'TJ l..iht I'luicostrout ,
low \ f iriis for s ile. Improve I K > ) a-ro ?
In llairlson co inly , ii'j OJpar jcn1 , 1'Ji ncras
Iinunnud , iJJ.OJ : b > , n ro . JH.J' . Tor l > ir.'
111 lm\i ; ant .Neor isU i f.inin c ill on or wulo
to lulnnun X V in I' ittuu , Counc I ItlulVi.
i/DKH.NT : Drtciiin iii MI pirn or tiu
J city. K. il. Slidafo. llroulw.iy ami M iln.
W'TOll VOI3 .mil Co iimls-ilon Stovei. fiirnl-
turo , ute. , stoted .ui'l sold on commission .it
low LSI r.itosIj. KlmieiKin. .I.V llro.uhv.iy.
\V AXTCD Competent sin , by Mr.1. , . N
> > Cas uly. App y ut offlcu of J. 1' . & J.
IfOlt SAI.n Ono slnilo too bn rcy. with nr
uitlioiit harness , chiMp for c.ibh O. W. At-
uooil , US H.uijlin struoc
VyAXI i : Iminullatuly. slrl for kltchon
> ' v.uiU. OooJ pernriiiuut p.ou. ! 1-J b. "Ill
tti cot. .
T7I1UJAMi Oil TltA lE-s-icto ) : farm , cspuo-
JP Lilly uil.tptc 1 to fruit citltiiru ; I ir uliouso
stabto .mil wliulinlil ; .I't nil us from liruul
hotel , App.y to l.coirml K\irutt.
[ 7\UU \ SAUK 1 > U KiXT : est nnd mint
-U urolit.itilu 11113 it m nKot In the west , ( iolir
f Mm Hi , QI.OJ in JT.UUJ Uuibhlnis nussii nunth :
bank boo will s'unIt ' ; ullt i-iljoJ. spu'iidl 1
Uiisinuss u'lancc : .1 voir > ' le-iau on buiUiii
M .1. Hcu olll u L'oinii 11 It.nils.
D'Csll Altl.r. nllli'j f ) i-iis ) forruntln llroirn
Milliliii- . front n , " on I'u vrl nml Main
stion. . Ith n'l ' MKilurn fiJiivunliMi os Tor
torius iipinv to A It ! or II. C. Cory ,
room U , : i outs for bill Id In. ; .
\\TANTnr . cool L-lrlfot gcnoril liouso orlc
T ftU bontli 7th strent.
AN Imcstmi'nt nar nlu. New iloulilo house ,
tlliialed at Nns 114 : ind 1 ( i H.Tlh St , ( .01111-
cii ululls. linproiuiiieiit. now nnd llot-cliiss
house , contuliid H rooms.balh looms ' - ' line
tiantrevs. 10 closets , from nnd b.u'K si ill- ,
not .itiu co d wati'i MTV ce , RII . utcwnrth ,
: " . . " > Ji ; , ' .Mil sell at n I ) ir-'iiln und sollc t hiine-
II lo iilTrn. 1'oicst hnilth , H.UitwIa , I
L'ouuoll KIulls. |
COXIl'TlTKN'r plij-slclan wanted to inko ]
cli. . ! , : < of nu'tliciil Insllt ite. Hcforuiaea. i
Cua at 1)14 ) llro.idu.ij Uouucll Itlulln.
I -BTC < lltruto lit'ltl IN IIIM * y
Dmnlm IVpol UHh ai I Mann Hi
if 16 p m I hlcvwi ) VoillhiiUi Ml ) < n
t' Vi s in iln'Ui t : .irjn . . . " ri * m
1 V ) p m . I'MPM | ht.iron , I U p m
1L _ $ } p m ( n1rA < u V low i lioctl i > u > p m
TCHVPI III Ul.lvmiN A Ml > IIIVMI Arrlret
I'miha ' IK-pnt 10-h ml Mmoa sn
ID'S it m UtHiTnrrilihulo l.lmltal I ( U p in
10 15 K m . . . . OiMilwool Ktproti I J > p tn
I 19 p m . .li-nrtsr Ktprjii . . 9 i > a in
I 10 p m . . HonTiir KipMti . . U Dp in
C.'il p tn . llJMlniM I.O3ftl r , , ? p tn
S Ij a in tilncolti irtKMHKvoi It * j i m
l"iro K t T J .1 1 ! . II i V fir
Depot Uttl nrl tln II ' Out1 ! ! *
Vti a in Kvnn IMj IMr Kiprim 1100 pT7 !
t tp m K r suit KJH i l > I1. TM-H in ) ft m
I.oiVPi I I'.NUIX miTP
innalm Irnlon Hi'iuUJOlh amili rfj8in Om lifL _
' v < n m . . . , lie Uric , ! Ktprjti . . > IJ p m
p'Dam . Danror Ktproti. . . I ( U p ra
115pm . OverlAmlKlyi.'r . roipro
p in itluosp iii f irntVij KTOI ( Sum i J3i p ra
I cnvi' * ICIIICAIKI.V MltrilVhSKU.Nrrlriti |
TrninfiTl I'nlon lupnt. ( oiinelt HluT ! i I'rintfar
II T0"n lii ( TilriiiTrK iTfrM ! > V p m
4.V ) p m . . Vritllinln l.lmltoil li IU n in
* 1) ) p ni . . .1 ii'tern ri > or . . . I U p in
8UU p iu thx Mm ) Allitntlc Mull ( ISi Moil T U a m
7 10 n mli\ | : SI i' rroll 1'axun cr ( Kt M i II45 p m
ouviMi I oTlAHA l.llTH. I Krilr'i
UinnlmltT P ilcnot. lOlli unit Mnrcr M 'Oiuiit '
4 p in ] si | , oiiM Cannon Hall. 12'ttj m
U-avt'i I T'7r..C M o "VAT.liKV"VrrlToY"
UiiLilial IH'pot. IMli itnl\Vehilorai _ _ > iQint'it
PtxjTi nTl . . . . "TlMrtwoot Kiprnn T V { ) p ra
tUH ) it mltKt Sit ) Vt'ro Kip. ( Si Mon ' ft JJ p m
MO p in1 . . Norfolk ( Kr. Snnilir. ) lilJa in
145 p in I . si I'aiil lCtirmi | M1 a m
" cTsl-ri' . M. A o. Vrriv
Uinalia | I'epot lilli niul Wolnmr an I Oaitl
M iPi "in i < lciit > Ur Aocoii"nJi1allOT
I 15 p m ftuutCltr Kviroi | ( nit .Mun.l r1 I-I ) p
ft II p ni . . .SI I'niil l.linlto.l . .
611 p m Hani-roftJ j5nj rK ( . _ 8in il jri I 8 H it in
MIs-SOUIl ! 1'AClVld lArrireT"
| Depot I MM an I Wolntor Stt I
10 Un ni M. l.oul KM > ri-s . . ti > 0 n in
1' ' ,10 p 111 . St. l.onlf Kxpruvi ft IU pjn
" "
Union Pi-pot.Council Illu.T' rr n rur
( > . < U p in . . . .NlKlit Ksprtuii ! ' ' . ' 0 a m
IU .M 11 in Atlantic Kipr us. . . . . ft t5 p m
4 .V > p m . . _ . . .Vi'stlbulo I.lmltod _ . _ ' IS SJ p in
"K c. hijoi : x c. n. | \rrlv * s
' 1 ranpfor I'nlon Dupot. Council HlulH I'lmintor
llHOu III . . . .tvnn ii City IMr.CTpr t ) 0 1 > T' " >
1UU pill ICuniai I Itr NU'il l.'iprjii li U u in
l."l\C-1 LIIICAIHJ , HUlli..S A UIJINCV \rrlvj i
' 1 rnnufor I nlun Depot. Council lllutTi
' .i.M nin. Lhlc.izo IJxpriMi . . . 5 10 p til
10U } | im [ . . Uilci-'o Kxprjn . . > U'li a m
7Ui p in | . .lre timl.i > cil , . . , 7 IH il m
" " "
1 pnsis | lM"Alt \ * sr. Arrlvi-i"
' 'ITU ? " 'I t'nlon IH'pot. Council Hluti I'rnmfor
4 i'j ' 'jTn | T njouln Ci > nca _ Hull" ! 1 Ij p in _
1 rnvri I n7v'"xTlT\ T'Al'll 1C \rrhui
Tran furl t'nloTOi'pot _ Cnuticll lllufft I' far
74i i iu Ulnx I Ity Accotninod itlon li , 1 > J p in
6V ) p n . . "t I'aul Kxnrasi 'i IJ a m
Dele < rit"'s to the Djmojnitic Convoii-
lion \\iil lin 1 11 warm wulcuino : ind 1111
opiiorhiiiiiy to miiko their oxnunscs if
thny will h no 10
Buy Any Furniture
this bpring by visitinjj the lur est funil-
luio lio'ibo ' in the west l''iistt"ii prices
will prevail. G. E MYERS ,
Hei'lip's Old 6t.uul , JJ-'Ju llro i"l\vny "
Tolcplionu .07. Council HlulT
Of ( "oun.ll lilu.Ti
fcuriiltisanJ Profits . SHUIH )
NctC-iiiltil nil i Furplin . yitUUtt : ?
lllri'cturrt ) K 1 u j 1 1 * i. .2. It S'ltrir if )
nitMtiM , K K ili-t. I V M'.llir , I V i in nil
niul Cli irl-i U 1 1 mm in Tr.itis lot 'onur il I ) inlc-
liU iJ'lsinuiS. I. ir'es' u ilt [ il iiuJ huiplus of
any L/.uiL In outliwosLurii luw.u
1NTEIE3T TI vli3 D3 ° O31T3
Olllli ? St Sinn ITS Attornoyi it U\T 1'ra
naa Iho stito
in sti nn
fi'Jor.iI courts K ( un I. I uaJ J aha far
UeuuUIuck , Cjnnk'll Ilia
1'llllllr Nut Ice.
So ili-d lilds ttlll bo rocchcil nt tup dflleo of
tliii'diiniy p fili in Will or until Miiv 10. I Ml. .
; it u'd'cln Up in. , for furnisli us nil n .itcrlul
niul iicrfoiiuliu' n \\orlc 1 niuessnry to ruiuoilol
llio S.uluu I'diiniy ooni t huuso ac'i unlniK to
p mis niul siiOL''ous now on ( Hi' to IIP si'un
mil I'Miinliii'd in tin' ruiiiitv t-'orU's ulllio.
InN ! to I < ncuonilMiilul by < i ooil niul siiUN
iMi'iit I niul tn In1 n pprm cil by Iho county coin-
n.Kslonuis. ( onilltlniiuil for thu fuillidil por-
fiiriiiun ! of the L'lintr cl. Tin ) roiiiinlsslonors
ic-i'i vo 111" Huh ! to reluct uny or nil bidd.
l.itud Willinr. N II. . April II. 1SOJ
I' . 1) ) . WILLIAMS , County C'lerlr
May b-9
_ A S
Qffice and Repository Nos. 12 , 14 and 16 , th Street. - Warehouse , Coiner 9th and Broadway *