Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMAHA DAITA DKK : MONDAY , MAY < ) , 1802.
Oharlos Dowald , Esq. , Knocked Out by
the Husky Rowe Rustlers.
flrt Atom run Out "fa Hull ( Inino
limn tlie Umplro Mliinonpnllfi ,
Columbus nnil IndliiimpoMs IJucU
\Vlus u Oiiinc.
Omaha , fi ; Toloao , 2.
Minneapolis , 10 ; Milwaukee , 9.
Columbus , tt ; Kansas City , 2.
Indianapolis , 3 ; St. Paul , 0.
TOI.PDO , O. , MD.V 8. [ Special Tologrnm to
Tun UKK.J Ttio prettiest thing about today's
Kama was tlio number of pcoplo who saw it.
Seventy-live hundred saw the Oimbas knock
Dowald out of the box In tliu fourth inning.
'Iho crowd was wilder thmi Downld , and
prevented brilliant work. President Gun-
noils finds ttint Olympic park Isn't half largo
enough. No policemen n.icl uocn dotallcd to
preserve oruor , ana three limes did Umplro
Hnydcrstop Uin game and drive tlio howling
horde back oft the foul lines. After the
fourth inning the mob lost interest in the
gnmo and scorned Intent ou creating
as much nolso as possible , Some
nudnciaus advertiser increased the
confusion by firing several tnousnnd cards
with United States Hags printcil on ono sldo
nt umpire Sn'yder. The crowd rushed
for them and It took ten minutes to lustoro
NIclmlN I * Illnnrll Again.
Toledo opened up by Armour lljlng out.
GcUlnner nit for two bags , nnd Nichols , who
hud not wholly recovered from the blow ha
received yesterday , raised the ilrst on o
Iarby pitched far ovur the loft fence. All
of Umaha'H basemen shooK hands with him
ns hu cantered aroutld , nnd the throng was
Darby collected his nerves nnd struck the
next two men out. Hu had the Toledo-tins on
eggs nil the rust of tbu game , sending ton
back to their bench with disgust painted on
their faces.
Iti the third Darby got his base on balls ,
Shetbcck was hit by the ball , Ciilks died at
first mill Kelly mnao a two bagger ,
Darby and Shcibock scorinp. Downld got
rattled and permitted Collopy to mnko a
sluclo , and HOUU'R double sent both In.
C'umpand Haves \vcrc laid up at first.
Fit7gcrnld Marled the fourth by popping
out. Dnrby and Sheibeok got bases on balls.
Glllis inndo a single , onhlch Darby ran in.
JL'lajcil It nil tlio I'lir.Hoil.
Kly throw to Nicholson to catch ( Jilks ,
\vho was threatening to got to second ,
. Nicholson stood stock still for a moment
waiting for him to oomo. Ho nnd wm
' put out. but in the meantime Shoibock
r-corod. It was brainy work and was loudly
applauded. .
Several time during the remainder of the
Hamo men got on tnird for both teams , ' but
none Mere nblo to got further. 1'earn took
Dowald's ' place In the fifth and struck out
Ho wo the lirsl thing ho did.
Tomorrow U an open data In the
wi'stern nnd Omnlm will spend the
day sight-seeing. Sheibcuk Is the hero of the
team , nnd mcots with a small ovation every
where ho goo * . Score :
scoiu : inI.VMNO.S. .
Toloflo 3 00000000 2
Unialin 0 0 t 2 0 0 U 0 * 6
Ituns anrnoii : Toledo. S ; Oninli.i , 0. Two
basu lilts : ( lottlimur. 2 ; Nicholson , Knlly ,
Collopy , Dirtiy. Home run : Islehol. Ilasu
nn balls : Oil Omvahl , U : I'oiirs , I ; Durby. I.
Illi , by tillclmr : Dowiild 2. Struck out : lly
Duvvald , ' . ' : I' , 1 ; Darby , 10. Passed b.ilf :
llurloy. Stnlon bases : llnrlov , fnllopy mill
hholbcrk Time of Kumo : Two hours and
thirty minuteUmiilro : bnytlur.
AVllilVllly 1)1(1 tliii Itiislnuss.
MII.WAUKKI : , Wis. , May 8. Though out-
batted by the Mllwnukocu todav , the Mln-
ucupolls team , aided by Widner'.svlklncss ,
won out the Ilrst victory It has ncbioved over
the Drawers this season. Heavy battine by
Parrot. Karlo , Ward nnd Krrig , in the face
of a pale of wind , was the feature of the
game. The weather was row. Nearly 3,500
woroout. Score :
Karl out , un miiir Inth-M lly
sroiiE nv I.SMSRS
Mllwaukco 2-i )
Minneapolis J 0 0 1 2 0 4 0 -10
UIIIIH rnriK'it .Mllnnukco. I ! : Mlnnoiipolli ! , .1
Tnu IIUBU lilta. I'arrntt , lirnhiiiii , Wiinl. 'I Unit )
haso till. Carroll. Homo run - Witul , KrulK ,
Kurl , I'urrott 2 t-acrlHco liltH IliinilmrB. Cnrroll
llaHti on liuIlK Mc'liiirr , Tnlti-lioll , l.'nrl , lliiiiibiiri : .
Welilner , MIHIIIIIII , tjlilnnlck ' . ' Hit liy nllchcr
Milinrr Mulon bnaim AUIiarr 2 , Ward 2 , Twllih-
i < ll , Hurl , Hont , Carroll. V v t Knt * . lirnlmm
hlrnck out Mcflnrr , Hurl , lluuibnrn , Jlnnymi ,
Oorliutt2llil iillchc's Wi'lclMor. rimmMl Uilli :
Krcln TlDiw of KIIIIIU Onuliuiiraunil llftvuii mln-
U' . L'mplro i-cruJ
i ; < lillr I.oxt tlin < iiiui ,
Coi.utrni's , O. , Mav 8. Columbus won to-
duv's L'nmu on bunchlni ; hits In the eighth
innliip , aided by the wlldnoss of Kitoljorg ,
The llcldini ; of both teunm was poor. Weather
fulr iiiul cold , Attendant5,000. ! . Score ;
C'ulurubus 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 3 a
Kanioa Uljr ' . 0 0 1 U 0 0 1 0 U - 3
Karncd rium Coluuilnit , I. Tnn bmii lilts Klli'l
JurK. Thri'i'hiMtotiH MeClullnnit. r-acrlCiii lilln :
lliooklnrliUiManiilne , him lay lluntilo plujs.
llcClellanil , Wnluli nil llri'cki-nrlilirui Jttntion unit
U'llourke : AU.crlt . , fatniy unit llulllm lliinu on
lollal Olt Kltnljuri. % til on CluiiHcn. 1 lilt by
pltvbort U'llourkc fatruck out , lly IMU'lJortf , ,1 ,
by llnu > ii , J. l'a oil bulln Holllns a Moluu
lmm > . O'llonrkf , ( uiui'uu. ' l.nlly Mi-llt < lluuil , Ab-
tioy l.Jniitzi-M : . MnyiT. 'Jlmu of uumu Twuhourt
Ullllilru : .MiSJuilM.
llooatrril Hrruk till ) Icr.
IsDMNAi' , lud. , Mar 8. Indianapolis
and St. Paul played a scheduled gauio at
Kort Wayne today In tto presence of lrUO ,
people. IndianupolU its lust gama of
the season by hard bitting In the ninth.
Kort Wayne Is nogoiiatlng for the purchase
of the St. 1'aul team and iranchlse. Scorn :
BL l > ul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 UOUUO'OOO-0
luillaui | > ell > . , . U OWUUUUOJ-3
Itum carueJ. luilUuepotU , J. Double uluyii
Bmltti Holland m ) Motf o nrlen ni
llmo on bills HoerlsTcr Dnnmthun.
Mniffi Minim mil Fir Kfofp t : br Snlllvan S
Stolen tm oi llogrlntor , Siitcllftc , Mot Time
ofKninc Onotiour nnn fortr minutes. Umiilroi
Itnltlmurn ntul Clnrliinntl liidulgn In Somn
( Mil lnnn AmnrlriHi Work.
CiNttixvri , O. , May 9. Today's gnmn
was n disgraceful exhibition of dlrtv ball
playlr.g nnd wretched umpiring. Ualtimoro
won out In the ninth Inning by hard hitting.
Weather chilly. Attendance , o.tloJ. bcore :
Cincinnati 0 1 1 n 1 0 0 0 I- J
Iliiltlniunl o 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 2-o
lilts : Cincinnati , fl ! IlivHIiiioro , 0. Errors :
Cincinnati , .1 : lUltlmora. : i. Kirned runs :
Cincinnati. 3 ; Iliilllnuirc. A. Tliruo-lmso liili :
O'Nell nnd Hoblnsnn. Homo runs : \\lilsller.
Stolen Inscs : Mul'tlen. llnllljriin. Puublo
plnys : llBlllKiiti , MtJl'hol : Mcl'liec , hinitli
hmltlt , Mcl'boe , Cmiilskys Miotfk , 1'iokPt ,
Whistler. I'lrst basp on tinlls : lly Hiiryen.
.li by McMiihun. 5. .Struck ouf Hv Huryeii.
' . ' : bv Mu.Miihon. S. l'a scd n\lls : : Koblnson
Time : Two hours and three minutes. Umpire :
Harry Vaughn.
llrowiM Still Umibln to ttitt.
ST. Louts MoMav 9. nnd Holding nnd
Inability to hit Uuppv safely was the prin
cipal cause for the dpfoat of St. Louis today.
Hroltcnsluin wns lilt hard at tltniM , but
wrfctohoil Hold supnort was responsible for
tlio result. Attendance , 5UK : ) . Score :
Ht. Louis o t 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-2
Ulovuland 0 U 0 0 5 0 1 4 ' 10
lilts : ? ! . I.ouis. 2 : Oleyo'ind , 8 , Krrnist
St MIIIIH , 6i Cleveland , I. Kirnud runs ; hi ,
Louis , I : Ciovi-latid , I. II itturles : llrultun-
stoln and Morani l > upi > y and O'Connor.
ICunnuls llruUi ) tlin Jnntor * .
Lorisvii.t.r , Kv. , May 8. The Colonels ,
feeling somewhat sore ever four straight de
feats , broke the spell today nnd had no
trouble In defeating the Sonntors. 1'foffor
had on his batting clothes today , making
four hits nnd n sacrifice otltot flvo tlmas at
the bat. Weather fnlr. Attendance , -4'J'JO.
Score :
I.oulsvlllo S 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 t-S
Washington 2 ulOOOOOO-J
lilts : Lmilsvllln. 10 ; W-ishliuton , 10. Trrors-
I.ouUvllle. 4s Wiishlnston. 8. Harnod runst
WiisliliiKtiin. I Hattoiics : .Moukln and Orliu !
llolnn and Mllllgnn.
CninUhiijr Alter N w IMnjt'is.
CiMixxm , O. , May 8. The local case
ball club has at last awakened to the fact
that Us outtlcld Is too slow , und negotiations
wcio started tonight for ono or two out-
lleldcn. Attempts nro being maiio to slim
Frank McUcnohy nnd Dickey Johnson , The
management also announces that It is nbout
to sign a star catcher who can also play In
the oiitllold. This means the release of Har
rington ,
Cnlilll < ! > os to Troy.
Lonsviu.B , ICy. , May 8. Tom Cahill , re
cently released by the Loulsvillo base ball
club , hns been signed nt Troy , N. Y. , where
it Is understood ho will bo captain of the
Standing of tlin Tc.inn.
t , I'f vr r , IT
Mllnnukrc. . . . 8 8 Omnlm ft fi .4W
Illy. . 1J " t I'nul 4 7 . .l i
uliiNibui. . . . 10 fi .lliT.Mtnne.itulls | | II 7 .
olujo li U .Wjlm1h\nnpoll3. | . 1 8 .111
lloslon 1" > .1 .61. ! IMilliululpliln. . 3 ! l f > 30
lliuoklyn . . . . 1.1 6 . 'It rio\aliinii ' ' MO
I.iiil vllli' . . . . 12 7 . ' -I- 8 10 411
I'lllslniiK 11 8 Chluniio 7 13 .AM
UmlnmUl . . 11 ID .5J4 | U Louis . . . . 5 14 ai
Now \iirk . . . . S 8 MW | iinllimoro . ,117 .1M
llontrlco . 3 0 1 000l'lntHmoiitli. | . 2 a .403
rriimuiit . 3 I .IJ)7 Lincoln . 13 . 0
lln.HliiKS . J t UJOllirnnd liliuul. . 1 3 . 'I'M
CuniiM Toil.iy.
National leatjuo : Boston at Cleveland ,
nrooklyn at Chlcaso , New lork at Pitts-
burp , Philadelphia nt St , Louis , Unlttmoro at
Cincinnati. There are no Western league
yamca schodnled for today.
NHWS roit TIII : ri iiiTius.
blulii mill .Iiivk oii Tr.ilnlni ; .
Losnov , Majr S. 1'otor Jackson Is training
at Brighton for his light with Slavln In n
somewhat peculiar manner. Ho does no
sweating , but takes long Jaunts Inlund gen
erally bv himself und ho never spars with
anyone , because bo says it has a tonuoncy to
makn him slow , llo has reduced himself in
three weeks nearly tlfteon pounds , and will
cuter ' the ring welghlni ; about Jfc" > pounds.
'Frank Slavln Is training at Dovorcourt on
the east coast , and hU method of proccauro
is the very opposite of Jackson's. Ho says
his lighting weight will bo considerably over
I'M ' pounds.
Theto is little or no betting , but what there
has been has fnvorod Jackson.
Jack Slavln nnd Con IJionJan of San Francisco -
cisco have been matched for00 a siiio and
a big purse. The men will light at the
Ormonde club Juno 2. The fancy here favor
Slavin , but the match ought to bo a good
thing for Hlordun.
Fred Johnson , who is matched to light
George Dixon , will lonvo for New York oa
the Majestic Wcanesdav. Hi < ought to whip
Dixon if be uls into good condition. He has
trouble in getting to 118 pounds and tights
hotter at I-- pounds , but ho will mnko the
weight all right.
Undril In the I'siml .Thinner.
iNnnsAi' , Ind. , May 8. A special to
the Sentinel from M uncle , Ind. , says : A
rough and tumble pri/o llht took place
uoithc.istof Muncie in Randolph county nt
-o'clock this morning , in which Jnmcs Patton -
ton of Philadelphia knocked out Al Pogla of
Muncie in the third round with a blow In the
neck. In Iho Ilrst round the young tnon
went at it rough and tumbio and with dlfll-
culty were separated at the expiration of
In the tlnal round n general light ensued
botwconsoconds and backers in which the
roferco was chased out of the ring by Jack
Hanloy , a prize fighter of Indianapolis , bo-
caue no would not allow fouls that should
have given Foglo the Ilcht in the round ,
During the eenural molco Putton was hit on
the huid witn n beer botMo and badly In
jured. The light was for aSiOOnurso and
gate leceipUs , amouniini ; to ever $1,000 at 0
per head. This was l-'oglo's Ilrst ring light
but the eighth contest for Putton , whoso BC- !
ouco outwindod Foglo.
l.Urli I'lu-IU nt Itnpiil City.
H\i'in Cirv , S. D. , May 8. fbpccial Tele
gram to Tin' Ii.J : Library hall was packed
last night to see the light between Fred
\\iddows , the Englishman , and Klmer Quick
of the Black Hills. At 11 o'clock , after sev
eral exhibitions by talent , tbo light
commenced. The llchtlng was ilvuly at tlio
shirt , thii KnglUhmnn rushing and forcing.
In the llr t thrco rounds Windows tcorod
one and Quick three sijunro knocU-dows.
Uoth fought warily until the seventeenth
round. In the nlntccnih Windows , who had
bi-on b.ully nunlsheit , was knocked down fur
the fourth tiiiu' . Hu was unsteady whim
time was c.illod for the twontloth round nnd
was put to sloop by a nock blow , tno light
bolim civen to Quick. Wlddows showed
considerable grit and moro science than
Quick , but was overmatched by Iho weight
and roach of Iho lattor.
.Switching tlm
NBW OIII.KAXS , La. , May 8. The Olympic
Athletic club of NBW Orleans Inis changed
thu dates of Its big lights , Flt slrauions
nnd Prltchard are to meet Monday , Septem
ber 5 , Mc-Aullffo and Myer tbo fallowing
night nnd Knlilvnn and Corbett Wedne day ,
September 7.
Tips fur Toiluy.
Here nro the horjoa ttiat seem to bo tbo
good things on today's card ;
1. Olllo Olenn Kooic I.aldloy.
2. Mr.u um uiiiiin.
,1. .Ion Mlirjihy llsilpyoiu
4. Vulo-Jl-IiMifhli'i.
5. Koslyn IL' ( irnod.
aUTT Nlllfll
I Klmbcrly IloadllKhl.
i ( iatnblur l.enter.
3. J'rlni'u HowardK'haf.on ,
4. I itielon Itlco.
f > . l.una trldu S.mrtstonn ,
0. llustinlu nt , John.
HI'AltKS < T M'OllT.
Aiuitliur Tug-iif-Wnr Cliullent ; .
SOUTH On MIA , May T.-To the bporting
Editor of TUB Bun ; In regard to the Omaha
Swedish tug-ot-war team
challenge to the
state champion team , the Omaha Dunes , we
would like to make the following remarks :
The state tournament gottenup by John
I'riuco. manager , was declared for the state
championship , and open for all comers. The
Omnbu Swedish tug-of-war team , being the
champion team of Omaha , accepted teenier
Into the state , tournament In tno Jim placo.
but withdrew by roaion of family affairs ut
Ihclr Anohdrmatf. Uri to IhM ttfno wo
nrocd to enter Into the state tourna
ment , but withdraw alia when tno Omaha
Swedish team rondo the nbovomentioned excuse -
cuso , which wo regard as a loophole , nnd is
proven by their late challenge to the champ-
Ions.Our main object In entering Into the tour
nament In the Ilrst place wn % to try the
strength of the bt > st team in oTlstnncn.whlch
wore to engage In such tournament. A
things stand now It. is undecided which is
the best team In the state. To deride this
natter , nnd to communco with , wo challenge
the Omaha tug-of-wnrtoam to u conteit , flvo
or six men in the team , for a f. > 00 parse and
gnto receipts.
Tln.p , plnco nnd other dotftlls to bo agreed
ipon. Honlnu this chnllcngo will not bo
ntsconstrued or discredited , our oppon
ents nro kindly requested to make nppoint-
ncnt for further urrungomcnts In tno lin-
nodiato future.
Sni Tit OMUIA CSniiMVN Tie ; cir-W * n THVM ,
Dtsnaso noversuccossfullv nttncm n sys.
tern with puto blood. DoVVltt's tJar aparllla
makes pure , now blood und onrlcho the old ,
Work lor tlio Connrir ,
This ovonlmt's session of the rltv council
will bo nn Important ouo. The occupation
tax ordinance , wnlch was laid over from last
week , will coino up for final action. With
slight revisions thoordlnnm-o may bo passed ,
nnd if it Is will ho Immediately enforced.
Tito fiicnds of the measure claim that by
ovying the occupation tax the ucliclency in
.ho several funds will bo mndo ill ) and the
lln.incos placed upon n proper basis.
Another important innttcr which will
claim Iho attention ol the council will
bo the accepting or rejecting of the
pioposlllon made by the Cnlltornln Po-
trolotun mid Asphalt company. This com-
panv has the contract for paving Twenty-
lourth street nnd nearly completed the same ,
finishing the work last fall with the excep
tion of thu west half of the street , from .1
strcot north to A s'rcot By tno terms of
the contract n monthly ostlninto of the work
done was in nil o by the city onglncot nnd al
lowed by the council , und the company rc-
colvod 8(1 ( per cent of the amount In warrants ,
It was claimed that the last estimate was
Illegal and the council refused to allow the
samo. The company stopped work and since
that time has boon endeavoring to secure tbo
amount of the estimate. Suit was brought
against the city nnd Judgment for the amount
of the estimate secured. Tfo company now
makes n proposition to dismiss the suit
nnd finish Us contract , provided the
cltv will allow the estimates. If the
proposition is not accepted tonight
Iho company says It must protect
Itself und intimates that a damage suit
against the city will follow , the crounds for
such an action bomg that the city engineer
stopped the company from work mid pro-
vonled a completion of the contract.
Just what notion will butakan by theconn-
cil Is not known. Public opinion Uwn | this
question is about equally divided. Those who
oppose accepting the proposition claim that
the pavement laid is worthless and will not
Rtnnd the extreme hot weather. The friends
of tbo company , however , claim that the
pavement Is co'od and will answer all pur
poses and give satisfaction. Tno committee
on viaducts , streets and alloys 1ms conferred
with the city attorney nnd will report upon
the company's proposition at tonight's ' meet
ing of the council.
Hint un Diiuolcoinii < tiiost.
Charles Fisher , is a wontman employed
upon James Halo's now residence now in
course of construction at Twenty-third nnd
B streets. Fishnr sleeps in the house at ,
tight , which is nearly completed.
Late Saturday night ho was
awakened by some nurson breaking in
through n window , He'nrose and nlightcd a
lamp , and n big burly trump loomed up bo-
lore him , Tno tramp was socking shelter
from the storm without and informed Fisher
that ho desired to share his bed with him.
To this Fishorstrenomly objected , but the
tramp was determined and was preparing to
rotiro. Fisher secured his revolver and
caused thounwolcomo visitor to boat n hasty
retreat. In order that ho might bo enabled
to better protect the property then Fisher
was today sworn in by Mayor Miller as n
special policeman.
Taught for tliu Dry Spot.
Two tramps sought shelter Saturday night
upon a porch at the old dance hall at Twen
ty-fourth and G streets. When the storm
began they had trouble ever which one
should occupy the dry spot. After puminel-
Ing each other for a few moments ono of tbo
traniDs drew u revolver nnd lired two shots
as the other took n lively spin down Twontj -
fourth street. The tramp met George Dale
and Chnrlss Vaugnan and sought their pro
tection , Those gentlemen provided him with
lodglnc at u cheap hotel.
Notes nnd I'crHonuls.
A pleasant dance was given Saturday even
ing at the now Ketch hotel , Twenty-seventh
and L streets.
The adjourned mooting of the Presbyterian
rian church and congregation Will bo neld
Wednesday evening at the church.
Harry Ball , a Fort Omaha soldier , was
arrcstci ! at an early hour yesterday morning ,
and the charge against him is hoin'g drunk.
The Athletic-Maroon base ball game was
positioned yesterday on account of the rainy
weather. The game will be played next Sun
An effort Is being mndo to arrange for the
attendance of Lily Division , Knights ol
Pythias , at the national encampment to beheld
held in Kansas City next August.
Charles Singer tins the plans for his now
throo-story brick block completed and will
Immediately begin its erection. The now
building will bo located nt. Twenty-fourth
and N streets , and be In size > xUO foot.
Uev. Dr. Grand lion will deliver a lecture
at tbo Methodist Episcopal cliurch Fndav
evening at 8 o'clock. Uev. Dr , Haygood
will bo present nnd favor the audience with
several solos This is an excellent opporlu
nlty for hearing these educated roprescnta
lives of the colored
"Late to bed und early to rise , will shorten
the road to your homo in the skies. " But
early to bed and n "Little Uarlv Hisor , " the
pill that makes life longer and bettor and
wiser. k
A disease , Irentotl as such nnd pormii-
nonlly cured. No publicity. No Inllrm-
ary. Homo trciilmont. llunnlobs am
ctfoctiml. Itofur by permission to Hur-
Huston lluwkoyo. Send 2c btttinp foi
pamphlet. Shokoquon Chomlcul Co. .
Burlington , In.
.i.v. % u v.yi.vrs. .
Francis Wilson will make his first appear
pearance hero at the head of his new famous
comic opera organisation. InThe Morrj
Monarch. " The opera will bo elvon here
with the full company , complete scenery
costumes nnd effects that maiio its produu
lion such un artistic und popular ssccess ii
Now York. The list of members Includes ,
besides Francis Wilson , such noted natnos
ns Lulu Glasor , Laura Moore , Nettle Ley
ford , Charles Plunkott , Gilbert Clayton ,
W. r. Stolgor and Thomas Guise. The
music will bo under tbo direction of Slgnor
A. do NavollU. All of Hoyl'a scenery wil
bo brought bora and the costumes designed
by Percy Anderson of London , und executed
by W , Uu7.mii & Co. , nnd Charles Haw
thornoof New York , nro likely to provo n
surprlso. Tbo only n-atlnoo will be given
Saturday , Tno engagement Is for'threo
nights and a Saturday inatinoo , commencing
next Thursday , May 1- .
All should boar in mind the great Thomas'
festival Tuesday and \VednosUay of nex
week. Mr. Thomas bus a band of musicians
under his baton now second to none in the
world and his conducting is the same as over
quint , dignified , muslclanly , In fact Ides
from niuusiclan's standpoint. The programs
for the Omaha festival have been selectee
with rare taste , and nro not too classical fo
anyone. Goaovra Johnstone-Blshop , whom
people are alwuys delighted to hear , wll
slug twice at each concert , and I < nnnle
HloomlleM-Xolsler , who always entrances b ;
her playing , will give ono of tbo great piano
concertos for each program , Many people
from out of the cily have slgniUed their in
tciitlon to attend the concerts If good weather
Dr.Blrnoy's catarrh powder foroold la h eau
u > 'lco Hum.
CINCINNATI , O , , May 8. Thnrt > wort ) 30,000
pioplo present today at the annual May
festival of the Mount Auburn German Pro-
tcttant Orphan asylum , and the asylun
- Mi 1 . '
rcallml f l,00jrfn"niftll voluntary contribu
tions by the vljjllQrs.
Dr Uirnoy's Ifatarrh Powder nuros Catarrh.
Tire mill U'a > Utilii n .Stork of Clothing
Vry U"'rlclJ' ' *
A spark from fin nrc light , was the cnusnof
tbo fire In J.Ua aborgor'3 clothing house' ,
1317 Douglas ftfrcot , nt 1:30 : o'clock this
morning. Jim jive minutes before the pa
trolman on tjai bent passed the place nnd
tried the dor nnd there wna no sign of
lire. A miekman going to his
supper two joj" ' " tliroo minutes Inter
saw the Humes' " In the middle of the
store nnd cave Iho alarm.
liy thn time thu Hremen arrived nnd broke
3pcn the front doors nnd run In n chemical
ilno tliu fire hud spread to the calllni ! nnd
burst throuuh the doors nnd windows. Chief
Llnlllgnn laid In several lli'os of hose nnd
had the firemen direct their attention to the
ceiling of the store , which wns ono mass of
llaino. Hosomcnoro sent In and crept
along the floor to the center of tbo lire In tht
middle or the store and soon bad the building
UpodPd ,
At the ilrst outbreak an employe of the
clcctrio light company rushed In through the
smoke and removed the nrc lamp.
The proprietor , J. Hamuorgor , arrived
lifter the lire wns under control , lie said ho
bad n MU.OUO stock with about WO.OOO insur
ance. All the goods on tbo ground Honr
were ruined by lire , smoke and wntor , and
the loss will probably amount to nbout _
Mrs. L. K. 1'aiton , Kocisiord , III. , wntos :
"Ftom personal experience 1 recommend
DoWitt's Sursaparllln. n euro for Impure
blood nnd general debility. "
S\VIMHI | | | ConCon-iici ! Delegates Ironi tlio
Mntlii-r Country llniiilsunu'ly Iti-coUod.
A largo audience grouted the delegates
from Sweden und the Northwest Swedish
conference at the Swedish Methodist Episco
pal church on Eighteenth street , Friday
evening , under the auspices of the lady
patronesses of the church. It was n most ao-
llBhlful success. The Swedish nnd Atnoil-
can national colors decorated the walls , and
an abundance of nature's lilies and llowors
the pulpit. Hov. F. .1. Swanson presided.
After singing by the choir and road lug of the
scriptural lesson there was prayer by the
venerable and oldest minister of the Motbod-
1st church in SweOoii , Father J. P. Larson.
Uev. Alfred Anderson , presiding elder ot
Chicago , welcomed the distinguished guests
from Sweden ,
Ho spoke as follows : "Hovorond Breth
ren , Laymen and Members of the
Church : I stand , before you tonight
ns thu representative of our Swedish
church , and with heartfelt greetings nnd
brotherly love , \volcomo you to the shores
of America , nnd let mo say to you that as
long as you remain witU ut during the con
ference nnd afterwards , our cities , churches
nnd homes nro yonis. For twenty-six years
have I worked in this cause , nnd wo hnvo a
large Held befdro us. It is different heio
from in Swodcnr While wo become Amer
icanized and forgot it In time , the Swedish
language , jet our work grows and wo
prosper continuously. God is with us. Wo
hnvo an opeuyiiijld hero in America for
hundreds of 'sivfltlisU ' ministers , and your
visit with us ybj'tnist , will bo most agree
able to your llfAuJi and expectations. Wo
again say wcjuorao honored guests from
Sweden to the scores of mighty America. "
The next spyakpr was Hov. P. J. Berg of
Dayton , la. A * an old Omaha man his ad
dress was intonating. His description of
the struggles ot ttje small class which tlrst
mot on Tenth strpet to the largo congrega
tion now In the city showed Omaha's grit
and energy Oranha today needs another
Swedish Mctbodis EpUcopal church and it
would bo well 'for tlio bishop to appoint nn
nil-round man3foe such work , ho thought.
After singing 'liy the choir bamo tbo re
sponses to "Wo uotho to Amerjca" by Editor
1C. A. Junssen ot. thu Sandobudot , Stockholm
helm , Sweden. 'Kaltor ' Janssorf-ls n man of
line , classical upp6itranr'6. His nddres.s was
brilliant and tmi' &reoflngs ljjln Sweden
were ifstduod W with profgunil rpspoct. He
was followed by'J. H. Jlfrnbson from Stockholm
helm , the author and poet. His readings of
his own poems wore heard with delight nnd
bis manner of address was most pleasing.
The solo , "Till Frldens Horn , " by Miss
Hulga Gubtafson , was oeautifully rehdernd ,
after which the ladies served their refresh
Mr. Charles A. Glnduo , wholesale dealer in
dry goods , Stanton Va. . writes : I bavou cd
Brudycroliuo fcr headache and find it a good
Ago Ioi-s XotVltlirr nor IXpcrii'iico Tamu
Ills 1'Inry Tjngiip.
At the meeting under the auspices of the
prohibition committee of tbo Methodist con
ference nt the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation hall lost evening , Rev. Sam Small
was the principal speaker.
"Tho gospel that saved mo , " said Mr.
Small , "is n gospel that enters into every
fibre of my being , every convolution of my
brain and purl lies , ray whole soul. It Is from
the hlgti mount of this gospel that I view my
own responsibility and ttiat of ovrry com
munity in this land and if our nation docs
not Improve these mighty opportunities and
rise to the dignity of this gospel 1 expect to
read its epitaph nt no distant day. "
Ho declared himself an optimist , nnd then
ho went for the churches. Ho declared that
Justice which came so tardily to the bluck
man would pruuably not come to tlio red
man until after wo build a monument to his
"You want reasons for opposing the liquor
trafllcl Like FalstalTIt" reasons wore as
thick as blackberries , I would not give them.1
No further reason is needed than to step out
Into the st loot and bo staggered against by
ono ot the victims of nn Omaha liquor shop. "
Ho declared tbo liquor business exists by
permission of thu Chrlslian pcoplo of
A'uioriua. Every pulpit should bo a parapet
and the Columbians of Gou's gosnol bo tired
ut this CUT.-.O until blood and hair and smoke
and dust and toe n.ills filled tbo air.
"A conscience nallot Is needed to settle
this question. Your ballot is your mental ,
moral nnd political photograph. They know
mo so well In Atlanta Unit il I wore to send
my photograph or my visiting card down
there to the judges of election they would
count It for prohibition .
"A proachci in Omaha who made the first
speech for the nmondmont and dccmtcd him
self ready to pull oft his coat and work for it
afterwards sneaked out , andvtion
an investigation WHS hold swore upon
oath that ho voted against pro
hibition. [ A voice , "worso than Polor. " )
No , not Peter , you've made a mistake , it was
another ono of the twelve , I'd ' rather bo two
yellow dogs under a wagon than that sort of
a preacher. "
Mr. Small will speak again on prohibition
on next Sunday evening ,
Dr. Blrnoy's Catarrh Powder cures catarrh
Qtrixifiux o/.1 i'-unnii : COXUVUT.
Why nn Io\vu liquor l.iuv Violator 'I lilnkH
Ho Hlioulil'it Ho I'niilHliecl ,
Four Donne , Iitf , May 8. [ Special to THE
BEC.J John Cul n , u young man under in
dictment for violating the liquor laws , has
tiled a petition before Judge iilndnmn usuiug
that the case against him bo dismissed on
unique grounds , licn states that ho Is an
inmate nf a cold ydro Institute , and is rapidly
being cured of hu appollto for liquor. Hu
petition sets forflv5' that with this cure has
come a repugnancy to tlio entire trail ! ? , such
ns would prevent mm from ever cngaglnc in
it again. This , bo argues , Miould bo cuftlcicnt
grounds for discontinuing the ceso nnd his
diploma a guarantee of good conduct in the
future. No action has yet been taken by thu
B Mrs. E. M. Henry , Norfolk , Va. , write * :
"Finding much lollof from headaches In thu
use of Bradyciotine , I urn desirous of intro
ducing it in our notv hospital. "
Every seat at the Furimm Street theater
wab sold last night and even uUndmg room
was at a premium. The occasion was thu
tlrst performance of "Hie Fast Mail. " Thu
play was poor and the company quite in
keeping , but tbo villlnny was thick enough
to cut with u knife , and was balked ut In
tervals of ton minutes. Tbo scenlo offucu
wore quite elaborate. They Included n view
ol tno MUilsslppi at piht , u river t > oal'
engine roam , n nlcnmbont explosion , n freight
train , tno fast mail nnd n now of Nl.sgarit
Fnlls. The nudlonco seemed to bo well
pleased with Iho show.
Dr. llirnoy , nose nnd tliroal. Boo bhlg
tutu iwmi.iMt tr.i.N.v TIII : 11.11 * .
Murder Attempted by n Chlciifo r < ilc < Who
l.o\nl .Miothrr MIIII'HVlfr. .
Cnicuio , 111. , Mny S. TonlgUt Stephen
Mykcl , n 1'ole , wns nrrosted on n charge of
assault with Intent to kill Stephen Lowko-
wlcli ? . The wife of thu latter Is Implicated
In the charge. A week ago , while asleep with
tils wife , Lowkowiohz wns shotnt through
the window of his room , the bullet entering
Ins body. The wound , however , wns not
dangerous nnd ho has since recovered.
No possible explanation wns given of the
matter until tonight. Myklo wns locked up
on the statements made by tno wounded
mini's wife which , the police declare , says
that she had boon imfnlthfitlto her husband ,
nnd that nn attachment had sprung up bc-
Lwoon her nnd the accused , wna nad mndo
lior presents of money nnd with
whom she had talked of marriage.
She further says that Myklo had
agreed to shoot her husband on condition
that she would marry him. She docs not
confess Hint she ngroud to abide by any such
arrangement , but states that Myklo loft her
with the undorstnndlng , notwithstanding
her opposition , Unit ho would remove the
only otistnclo to their union , nnd in n few
days after the attempt was mndo upon thu
husband's life. Mykcl would not mini It
having done Iho shooting nor did ho deny It ,
DoWltt's Sar-mparllla destroy * such poi
sons ns scrofula , skin disease , cc/.om.i , rheu
matism. Its timely usosavos many lives.
Tlu > Mouth Hull.
CiNrixsvn , O. , Alay S.--Colonel William
G. Halpin died today. Colonel Hnlpln was a
union brigadier general during the war.
After the war ho visited Ireland , wns ar
rested as n fenlnn , served four years of a
fourteen-year sentence , whnn ho was re
leased on n pardon.
WIIKEMXIJ , W. Vn. , Mny S. Hon. A. U.
Botolor died at tils homo In Shopherdstowu ,
this state , today , aged .
Colonel llotulcr was a momborof tin1 Thirty-
sUth uonprtxs and oainu within , i few votes of
belnu spiutker , was on Mni.ownll Jackson's
stnlT nnd a member of the confederate con
gress , uns u nienibrr of thu tarllT commission
appointed by Piosldout Arthur and waspar-
dou clerk tlurlm ; Attorney ( tcnorul Hrottstcr's
reign In the Dupuilmuiit of Justice.
Dowltt's Sarsaparilla cleanses the blood ,
Till ) lto > lll l.iMlglln.
Tuesday evening Omnlm Council No. 153
Hoynl league , entertained its members and
tnclr friends , to the number of about SOU , in a
very pleasant nnd sociaolo manner.
Dr , Stone , who. by virtue of his oftlco In
the council , or well ns his most , cnicient ac
complishments as nn entertainer , had charge
of the evening's program.
Hu brielly stated the object of the Uoyal
league to bo fraternal insurance , with special
attention given to social features , and urged
nil present to place nil formality aside and
mnko the most of tuo tltno in real pleasure.
The following program was rendered :
Music by Philomela Quartette
Mrs. L. T. Sundorland , Miss Clara Clark-
son. Miss Anna Bishop , Mrs.
Frances Mocller.
Quartette Blue Bells of Scotland
Arr. by Schilling
Duet Autumt Uubonstoin-Yarnnll
Misses Clarkson nnd Bishop.
Hecitatlon An Answer to an Advertisement
Mrs. Eltn Mathcson.
Solo I tlao a Curl Sawyer
Mrs. Moellc'r.
Solo Promise Mo. . . Mrs. L. T. Sundcrland
The work of the quartette wns well re
ceived , especially appreciated were the duet
"Autumn" nr.d the solo "Promise Mo. "
Mrs. Mathobon's rendition of the Irish
boy's cultured appeal for a position caused
much merriment.
The second part of the program was given
to dancing under the personal direction of
Prof. Chambers.
Kefrosnmonts were served dutlnglho even
ing nnd everybody bad a Jolly good timo.
If von feel weak , tired , and run down
Hood's Sarsnparilla is Just what you need to
build up strength and purify your blood.
20 fresh milch cows for srilc. Call
nftcrnoon 2oth and 13urt streets.
K. or r.
Pythian Memorial day is Juno 12 , 1S92.
Florida now has 1,171 members , a gain of
131 for tlio year.
Great preparations nro being made by the
Knights of Pythias and citizens of Kansas
City , Mo. , for the coining conclave in August
There will In all probability to 200,000
visitors In Kansas Citv at the great Pythian
conclave nnd sir knights with nodding
plumes innumerable.
Everv sir knight should got himself in
shape to go to Kansas City in Auinist.
St , Peter What are your credentials I Ap
plicant \Vell , I was saved by n woman Sal
vationist. St. Peter 11'in1 Walt here In
the nntoroum till 1 consult St. Paul. I don't
want any uftorclnps.
The Knights of Pythias and Independent
Order of Odd Fellows lodges of Geneva ,
Neb. , hnvo erected n line temple at an ex
pense of fciO.OOO.
Nebraska lodge , notwithstanding the fear
ful weather of Wednesday night , had enough
members out to initiate two'candidates and
after the ceremony had a pleasant sociable
time. Next Wednesday evening the mem
bers will endeavor to excel nil past meetings
and it is hoped that every member will bo
Indigestion ! Miserable ! Take Becham'k
AiirtlonI Orlrntiil Hug Aiirtlou.
The finest , lar est iintl most coinploto
collection of rugs ever brought to this
city , now on oxnibition in Now York
Lifo building ( Ilrst lloor to your right ) ,
nnd will bo bold nt public auction on
Wednesday nnd Thiirndny next tit I ! anil
7"tO p. in. All goods will bo bold with
out limit or rosorvo. these goods ciuiio
consigned diruct from the oust ,
Paint your buildings with strictly
nuro "Old Dutch ProceW white load.
" " " " " "
"Red Heal , "Collier , "Southern ,
hnvo Blood tlio test of yours. Specify one
of those brands and bo sure \o\\ \ got It.
JUJII'A of yinrKitn ir.
D.ilton. the train robbnr , lins buon seen near
ll nnespy. OKI. , and a possu hah started In
pursuit of him ,
Thu niMmx'r.its of ( .unlslnra have patched
up their dirfuiGiu'us mid will unllu against
their political opponents ,
Huv. C hunt's I.ul7. ri'Ctor of M John'H
Epls"Opal chuK'h nf Miisun. In. , IIIIH rnslKiii'd
his charge nnd will join the C'utl.nllo ehnriili.
A report from womoin Kentucky H that
llitlTiilo gmits niu onuslng lo os. Ills
i-Hliin.itud that 1,00) horaiM have been kllloil
by them ,
John ( illnuirtln , 20 yours old , WHB htabbo.l to
dcnlh by a negro dnriniru ipiarnd at ID I'ull
htri'iil , Now Yuri. , wlioiu ( Illnuirtln llvi-d. Thou
u II n I r occurred ut tla : ) oVIuok last mpnliii :
Tlm htuninor t'lty nf I'okln , wlili-h arrlvi'd
from Voknhiiina nnd Muni : Ken with sovural
hiindrud Uilnt < nu and . .lapanusihai burn
i4iiriintlnud | on iiccount of Hin.ulpo\ board.
The real miners of the Wyonilii. v.illoy.
Puiiiihvlviiiilii , "III taUu iiutlon ngnlnut ilia
uiiiisumiiiulion of < h" llnidlnu 1 hu
aiitliOrllli'Hof Ni'w Ji'rsoy will nl4uciimtnuiiio !
ai-tlon In hnvo that portion of tlmiieal no fur
elfuctud sot asldu In stale.
A prrat lire In Nti'liln di'slioyod 2.000
limihi-B und a nuinliur ( if puuplu worn killed.
hi-ott'a oyster bar In Covpiitiy ntn-ul , Lon
don , h.u buuii burnud 1'uiir Liirpsus hat obuun
tnUiin from the ruins , and It is feared lliuru
are muro undf i thodobrln.
I'lirtliiir ueeounU of thu wont unrlhnuaku
at Mniill.u cnpltul of thu I'lilllinlno Uliind ,
show Unit tliuiu iu coiisldoruhlo dniiiaco
done tliroiizhout thu land. In humii towns all
thu chili-Choi and college ! ! wore destroyed.
Dr. Vmuhuii , thu now arclibUhon ofVest -
inliutor. hi : > bt'un rntlironnd in ibu pro-cathe-
ilrnl. Tlio youthful lord ( if llutcuu mid his
brolhor were trulnbearors. Thu dukeofivor-
lolk and mumburs of high fatallli'i attended ,
Dr JJlrnoy cures catarrh. UKB bidj ;
riilrnRnmid Mm WorldM Piitr.
\\orld' I'nlr youvonlr , Illustrated , bolun n
compluto nnd conolso history ot thu principal
world's fivlrs troin the Crystal I'nlaep , London ,
ISM , to the World's t'oluniblin K\pos'tlon ' In
Chlo.iKo. \ < < M. With I'xpl-xnatory tables and
limps. Published by The Analmjuo I'ublUli-
liueotupnny , ClilcixRa bound noully In cloth.
It laroly fulls lethe lot of the reviewer
to notice so exhaustive a work ns the
"World's Fair Souvenir , " which has
been compiled with so much care by a
former resilient of Omaha , 'John U.
JonoA For purpose * of reference , of
comparison ami for general information
the work Is a inngnllicont rellox of the
push nnd energy of a city that la the won
der of the world.
In its complin tlon expense has not
been thought of , and the richness of its
illustrations of the World's fnlr build
ings , outs of the men and women who are
directing to a successful Issue what bids
fair to bo the greatest exposition of an-
clont or modern time ? , pictures
of the colossal business blocks that
stand an monuments to the outurpvise of
their owners and builders , is typical of
the "Chicago gait , " as the rush and
bustle of tlio great city by the Inland sea
hns been doierlbcd.
The book has boon arranged upon a
most comprehensive plan , the object of
the publisher being to givn a complex
resume of what may bo BOOH in Chicago
in 1SKI ! , and at the same lime give the
Information in a compact form , so that
the work may bo a valuable adjunct to
tlio library and readingroom. . Its iibo-
ulness will not end with the clo-,0 of
the exposition , but ou the contrary will
grow in value with years , for it is the
most perfect compendium yet issued of
an event which cannot fail to have an
inlhienco for many decades to comoupon
all lines of art , literature and com
merce. A Mr , Jones says in the intro
duction to the work : "As an educator
this event will leave its impress upon
succeeding goner < Uions and bear fruit in
all realms of human thought , Ingenuity
and pi ogress. ' '
In addition to its complete epitome of
what hns been done , is doing and will bo
done when the fair opens , it comes to
tlto general public at a most opportune
time. It brings before tlio American
people tbo forces that are actively ut
work to make tlio exposition a success
worthy of a nation that in a little ever a
century has , from nothing , builded the
mightiest republic of earth. It not only
gives full page art typo illustrations and
descriptions of the principal buildings
of previous world's fairs anil all the
buildings of Iho piosent World's Colum
bian Imposition , together with portrait *
and biographical sketches of its
oilicers nnd chiefs of departments ,
but it tells "How to lleach the
Fair , " gives descriptions of Chica
go's parks and boulevards , its places o
amusement , the wholesale and jobbing
interests , its railroad facilities , and vn
general is the most complete guide book
to the city that stands at tlio edge of
Lake Michigan.
Do you , \vnnt ono of these books ? A
few minutes' work will hocuro one for
you. Send to Tin : OMAHA Br.i : one sub
scriber to THU WuKKiA Bin : atftl.ii-5
and ono will bo sent to yon by mail. Tlio
book soils for 81.00 , but Tin : Bui : has se
cured a largo number of copies , enabling
ho publishers to make this liberal olTor
It is the best thiiiir in this line ever of
fered and you are sure to be pleased.
You can have the paper and book sent
to your address or the book alone and the
paper to some other person.
Omaha , Nob.
Utlca Observer : llcnry WnttcMon thinks
thu nomination Cleveland would bo un
wise. llo says that ho would lese the slate
of Now Voile as surely and as disastiouslvas
It was lost by JudfoFolger , when lUU.OOO
republicans stayed away from thu polls und
' "
gave the Mate'to Mr. "Cleveland by nearly
" 00.000 majority The reforunco by thu Krn-
tuekv statesman totho Folgor campaign only
recalls the force with which the voters of
Now York can sit down upon purely machine
candidates. Also that nothing could bo
further removed from the Folgor case than
the demand for Grover Cleveland.
That People Speak Well of
Mr. R. J. Hrnndagc of Norwalk , Ct. ,
of the firm of linxton & lirtintlngc , ex
pressmen , 159 Main Street , writes , his ex
perience below :
" I'ora long llmo 1 luvi' been troubled with
n weak stninadi , followed by
Indigestion and Dyspepsia
A short lime ngo 1 began tiiKIng Mood's har-
sapailllaand took tlni-ooi font hotllei lie-
suit , I Inn i' lint fi'lt so wi'll all ovi'l fm seats.
My food seldom tumbles mo now My Miter ,
who was tumbled aliont Hut 1,111111 way as
mjself , took Hood's Kaisapaillla with H'lV
plrilna n-iiilM. I do not uniiilri Hint pat-
ions alfalonif Iho line speak so wi'll of Hood's
Kais.iiiaillla. Don't sou how tliuy ran help
It. " It J HltlTMHdR. Xorwalk , Ct.
Mr. B. H. Rose
Is well known In JtochestPi. N. V. , a1 , lu-ad i
of ( In ) Him nf Iluio & Kddy , uholesalu and
retail dealeis In gi-ni'ial liaidu.'iH' and house
fninlshiiig gooiN. al 1M7 Kait Main Mii'i't.
Thu sl.ilfiiu'nt of so prominent a man limit
Command Attention
"I si'iid this uiMoliiiifilus I feul to con-
firatulate myself that I uted Hood's Karsajia-
illl.i. hlx months ago inj illgotluiias \eiy
bad , and I had ulmoit a case of
Chronic Dyspepsia
T \\as also bioKun doun by over-work , go
that I could not sleep nights , My stomach U
now netfcct , my iicites In excellent shape ,
and I liun : gained to pouniU In n months.
Korull Mil * bciipflt my Kialltudii U ilnu Hood1 *
Barsaparllla. Aecept my best whhcs for
Hood's Sarsaparilla
tlm belt medicine In the land " Ji. II HOHI : ,
of Hosu St Kddy , Uxxiliester , N. Y.
HOOD'S PILLS iirir i'r iiitiy | i"J I
cOlcloiitl- tun liver < 1 lKmetjcuro"
I'linl l < nlllilrli ls Kriiitiril | nt This Tlnii
nl tlin Vriir ln Von Know \Vluit In Do ?
Wo hear n Rtrnt donl. Ju l now , about Spring
inedtpliin * . It | < kitnnn Unit people fool run
down nflortho libors .mil SIOJP of winter , and
It Is nssuim-d they noi'il a spring im llclilo
This Is not true. Spring modiolm's iiro nut
nopilrd ; nature will throw oft tlin rheums In
the blood \\liU li tiavflticoutnulnten dm Ing tlio
win tor. If slio has only n llttloholp Nature N
able tuclrnn liur own house , line ) lake < ire of
lior own household , with u Ittilo IISHIM.IIU-O ,
inn ) a llttlo ccnllo stimulant Is nil the Spring
modlolno niiynno ri'nulrps. "Hut. " y HI tuny
siv. : "what du > on nipiin liy Milniulntit. ami
luit do 1 rviiulro ? " \\i > answer , oniollilii !
iibsolntoly pure , powerful ntul which hns lirpii
prou'd to nliiimliintly iinswer the purpose
riuiucstlunalily. whiskey , If of tlio rltfht l ml ,
it tlio prniior thing to uso. nut unfoituimt
llii'ro iiro fmv good nlilsKluslii the nmr < it , anil
only onn wh oh Is almoluti < lv pnro. unit
POSSIMMM im'dloliinl iiutlllti ; < Tliat wlilskoy
N Dully i I'nro Mult , H hut ln-mi upon tin- for ymirs Uhas the uninuillli | > d on
( lOMPinpiit i-f physVlium and chuinlsts. an I II
Is tlu > only whlikcy whloh oan bo ri'roni
tiiniiilud. II is iruo ri-rliiln misi rupulnus
imii > , .lsis mm utoccrs ROOK to M-I ! oilier mid
Infi'ilor KoniN. I'laliiiliic thi'v : irr > pipiai to
Dully > . Imt they ii , > si > s < ! ltlu ! uuilly ntul no
medicinal powpr whatever. Duffy's H
Hpoel.uly di'sl.iu'i us a inuilloln il whlslun It
wo'ihl bo wi'l ! tohi'11'tluo.p f-K-ts In in nil wlipn
oontliliTiiiir tin suti | > < -r ofpun , ; medli'lnes
anil him to hi si put tin gy ti in In slmpo
thu lequiiomi'iils , f ih > Hi"i .on.
Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing ,
Ohappod. Hautls , Wounds , Burns , Ktc.
Romovoa and. Provouts Dandruff.
Specially Adapted 'or Use in Hard 'Voter.
Purely Vegetable and Strictly
They act mKUCTLYsuul PnOMPTLV
on the Livur nnd Stutrweli , rcatorinutho
constipated ojaiin ! to hunllhy nctiMtv ,
mid area POSITIVEumi L'KKKL'.CThY
AC1IK , BILIOUSNKSS , and all other
ilihosibUs aribiiir } , from a dlsordorod con
dition of Iho Liver and Stomach.
They arc the Only KolibUVrgnUiblo Iilvi'r
I'lll bold : Tliuy : iru I'eifoL-tly lluriniuss ; Tliov
tu I'uiuly Viiculiiblu ; TryTliuni.
OIL SoliencK's Hook on CoiiMiiiiitlon [ , Liver
Complaint and Dv potisl.i i-unt 1'rcc.
U.J. 11. M'HKNOK . .yoN , I'lilliidolphla
I rnilc Hark. )
P.I &
The ahovu brands of ( flexes lor sale l > .v
The Boston Store
N. W. Cor. Iflth nnd Douglas Sis.
Farnain Streal Theater.r \ ) > ir
4 MulitH. Ciiinini'iiilnKSiiinliy NUIil .M x II
Miillniii WnliMiMliiy
I.INCOliN .1 CAIl'ITIC * CJront fionlu I'.i'la Dcuine
Srii Tlio HUlit uf Hu f.ut ni ll. the ivoiiilni fill
rnllniiit HloiiiiKiiifln inn ! Iriiln of i-lidiliM'ii cirn ,
Nl uiirii K.illi liy iiiiMinlljiiit. His liTrllllu ilnnnitiunl r
nxplo'lon _ _ _
i'ut'bdny WctlnoH'y
May 10 ant ! II ,
Mat , Wcdiitihdny.
w *
K' A TrcmoniloiiH
Conducting ihoChicagiO iclcs'ra
Tlio I.u.idln t-onrHiKJor Ilio t'uuntiy.
Tliu Most Wonderful I'luntst In Ainorlon.
Hrnuricd H il * i mid JI.'iJi luit Hiiati ii
hput11nl prlii's for in itlni'O On sale at IKIX of-
Ikooii aiid.iflur Moiul.iy. May U.
WKIK : OK MAY irni.