Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1892, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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100 Oteas Millinery on. Sale Tomorrow at
A Ilnnkrtipt Stork nf Millinery Arrl\r * nt
HtoiirhlllM-At l.iiHt \\onilrrtiil Stotk
ol llitnkriipt Millinery Unlunilcil
nt Our Dour.
There nro just 101 cnsos. Did you see
them on the sidewalk Saturday morn
ing. It iniulo people yno nt the magni
tude of tlio purchase.Vu havu the In
voice before us find wo will give you nn
idea , mid only u faint idea can wo give
you , of the grit ml unapproachable , won-
tlurfulnnd unheard of bargains Unit you
will lind in our millinery department
Monday. It la beyond our powers lo
describe the beauty of some of tlieso
millinery goods. Tlio linn that failed
in business .was one of the largest in
Now York City , and as the season has
boon buck wtu ( "l their stock was slaught
ered as no vor WHS a block known to bo
slaughtered before. It has been rain
ing continually since the 1st of Janu
ary all over the country , in consequence
of which everybody is badly stuck on
Hpring goods.Vo have taken advan-
tiigo of this , and those who will visit our
Htoro Monday will see what a grand ad
vantage wo have taken , as wo shall
make a good round profit and still sell
millinery goods for next to nothing.
The ri'bbons we shall place in three
lots.Lot 1 , Oc a yard. They are all silk ,
and would bo awful cheap at "Do a yard ,
iinil when we any awful cheap wo mean
wonderfully cheap.
Lot 2 , are worth about 75c to $1.00 a
yard , all silk , beautiful ribbon , in black
mid colors. Wo will hull them , oh , for
lUc a yard , llo'.r is this for a knocker ?
Lot ! l , will go for llo. ) They are worth
$1.00 , $1.25 , $1.50 5I.75 and $2.00 a yard.
Won't you bo tickled to think that
you I'.MI buy New Yoik trimmed hats for
inero nothing ?
600 ladies trimmed hats worth $3.00
and $1.00 go for $1.12-3.
The choice of an cntiro stock of
trimmed hats wortn uj > to $10.00 and
81U.nO mich , will go for $2.2) .
We shall take the table that wo have
been holding our special sale trimmed
nats on ana till it with this wonderful
lot , urn ) wo think wo shall surprise you.
.lust think , $2.25 for hats worth up to
$10.00 and * 15.00. Wo shall not hold
any of the hats in reserve. They will
nil to for } 2 25 Come in early so you
wont get crushed to death.
Beautiful pearl headed lace pins
worth lOo each will go two for Ic. Wo
have thorn in every color- the rain
bow , and if you should want a whole
ilo/on of them you can have the whole
do/en for 5e.
All the beautiful ornaments will gofer
for 3c , 5c , Ule and Ific , they are worth
any whole from "oc to $3 00.
We have a Dcantiful line of crepe dti
inullo. They are woith about 75o per
yard. Wo have them in 28 dillerpnt
colors. They make beautiful trimming
for bats , or beautiful dresses. Monday
you can have thorn for 1 Ic a yard. Did
you over boar anything like it ? 7oe
worth for lie. Wo shall limit 20 yards
of tin. ) to a customer as wo want them
lo last all day. Wo shall also reserve
the right to limit the quantity ol any of
the goods wo advertise , as several milli
nery stores have been buying up our
bargains' , and if wo are the least bit sus
picious wo shall limit the quantity , but
not oihcrwibu.
Our ( lowers are something superb.
All tlio ( lowers that are worth 25o and
35e will go for oc. All the ( lowers that
are north 50c , 75c and $1.00 will go for
Beautiful long wreaths worth $1.25
each will go for lOc.
Elegant rose wreaths that will retail
in any milinory store for $2.00 go for
A lot of their f > th nvotiuo ( lowers , wo
mean by this , ( lowers that they bought
to sell to their 5tb avenue trade , will gofer
for -lite.
A beautiful line of children's trimmed
lints worth $1.00 each for 25e.
Another lot , all the now spring shapes
worth $1.2-3 and $1.60 each , at 10e.
A lot of children's hats , beautifully
trimmed with beautiful wreaths , ( lowers ,
ribbons , some beautiful lace toques
inudo on silk wire frames the frames
alone are worth more than wo are going
to a lt for the whole hut ( and wo wish to
impress this ono bargain on your mind
foicibly ) for fcSc , nnd if you bought it
for $3.U ( ) you would buy it awful cheap ,
Wo have a big lot of shade hats from
thin stocit that will go for 3e apiece.
Now bolero you leave us read the fol
lowing : *
I wish to state over my own signature
that without doubt this is going to boone
ono of the greatest millinery talcs ever
hold by any lirm. Of coureo tbero are
llrms in Chicago or Now York Unit
liavo a bigger outlet , they may handle a
larger bulk of goods , but no duo over
Bold goods any cheaper than they will
bo noli ! by us Monday. Wo think wo
Imvo enough of everything to last all
day. Of course such a thing is possible
that wo will run out of bomo of the
goods , but If wo do wo cannot possibly
put our regular Block in at the price wo
ndvortibo these goods , ns our regular
goods that wo have in stock cost us much
more than wo bought this stock for.
You can make up your minds to ono
thing that there Is no last yonia goods
In this block. Wo do not buy any old
Btylo goods nt any price.
Como in , and comoin early , because if
you do not you are not going to got
waited on. Any visitors who are in tlio
city bo sure that they bco SlonohilU
over the door. Wo keep the finest line
of millinery kept between Chicago and
Kan Frnneiseo and will sell it for about
one-fifth milliner's prices tomorrow. Do
not put olT going tolhisgrcatsalo think
ing that you are going to get another
just as big later on , because this is one
of tlio few sales that we cannot possibly
duplicate this season. Wo cannot got
hold of another such stool ; , and if wo
uould we would not buy it , as the quan
tity would bo too largo after the time
that wo would gut it lioro , as the bcasoi
will bo through after two or three weeks
Now come , and como early , as wo
elated before , and you will not rogroi it
Win. Vom Wcg sella Union eonp.
Down goes tlio prices on groceries a
THE HELL Monday.
Carload Hothosda water , just received
Bhorman ft McConncll. 1513 Dodge.
Dr. Gibbs moved to HON. Y. Life.
Cady & Hradon soil Union soap.
Clint ] * It-ill's to Oiniilni nurln ; ; Mny.
The Union Pacific will sell tickets tc
Omahti and return at one and ono-tlilri
faro for the round trip from all points 01
its line within 200 miles of Omaha , Mnj
S , -1 , 7 , 11 , H , 18 , 21 , Uo , and 30. Tickets
ots are limited to ono week from date o
For any additional information nppb
to II.1J. . Douol , city tlcKot agent , 130
Iftiruuiu atrooU j
iovel Sale at Stonohills Read the Follow
ing , Read.
TrrtnriMlmn Sluuijlitor of JSOO 1'lccr * of
Wnnli ( looilft , Cutlrturplijr Cloth ,
Drris ( Iniiilo , IUr. , nt Stone-
hlllit Mondiiy.
Monday wo shall Imvo a novel sale.
Wo have'culled out 218 pieces of odes
uul ends of wash goods , all this spring s
foods except , about 60 pieces that wore
i < ft over from last fall. There are only
ibout two or three pieces of each kind
of goods and some only ono niece of a
< lnd. in consequence of which t price
vlll bviy them Monday.
For inst'inco thrco pieces of double
old wtuh dress goods , the price was 18c
i yard , will go Monday at ! ic.
2 pieces of bcdford cord , pi"lco 12c } ,
vlll go for 4e a yard.
I pieces of 23eophor gingham , ono
) icco of it is brown check , ono pleco
rreen plaid , ono piece navy blue stripe ,
ono piece light blue plaid , goes for 7 jo a
0 piece ? of extra quality zephyr glng-
mm , price 23c a yard , in good colors In
ilaid. to close them out at 8ic a yard.
2 pieces of navy blue nnd white striped
gingham , price ICc a yard , will go for
, hls sale for 7Jc.
3 pieces of checked gingham for aprons ,
> no iieco ) of black check , ono piece of
irovvn , ono plcco of blue , price lOc a
ard , to close out at 5c.
3 pieces of boucle cloth , price 35o a
ard , colors tan , medium blue , pink and
lavana , will go for 12jo.
3 pieces of albatross stripe ? , price was
ibe a yard , will go also at 12jc ; colors
ire gray and black , light blue and white ,
uul I'olge and brown.
2 pieces of lOc /.ophyr cloth. Colons
an check and heliotrope and white
mild. Price lOc n yard , to close at
1 pieces polka dot tissues. Price 2.3c
i yaid , to close at 12Jc.
3 nieces of 30c quality of pine apple
ibsue. Colors white with heliotrope
igurcs in green , beige with tobac ( ig-
ircs , green , ecru and clover leaf. These
vlll go for 12jc.
2 pieces navy blue tissue with white
dotb , ono piecehas largo dots , and ono
small dots. Price 25c a yard , to close
or this sale at 12ic.
Wo also have a great many other odd
) icces to close which wo shall not
enumerate , but which will bo on sale.
Wo shall make ono grand effort to
close out our line silks tomorrow. A
'fund , and wo hope final effort. Wo
mvo sold out about all the cheap ones
md Monday we shall throw in cverthing
that is worth from $1..JO to $2.00 a yard
ind bell them at U'Jc. .lust think of it ,
Uiic for $2.00 silks. Wo have too much
if it and it must go. Monday will be
the last lime it will bo on sale. Every
uakoofsilk will bo included in this ,
ind none of tbo bilk we guarantee you
will bo worth under $1 .30 a yard.
Jackets and capes will bo ono of the
oading features of Monday's special
200 jackets , worth $7.00 , $8.00 , 59.00 ,
$10.00 , $12.00 , $15 00 and $2.3.00 , will gofer
for $2.08 , $3.08 , ' $1.08 , $5.08 , $9.08 and
It is getting late for dross goods nnd
wo are going to make a special olTort.
Wo have too many fine dress goods
Lhat is , dross gooils worth $1.7.3 and
$2.00 a yard. You can havd your choice
of any of chcbO goods Monday for 05c.
Did you over hear of anything bo ridieu-
, ous ? 05c for your choice of any drobs
goods ! So that you are sure that wo
ire not trying to do you up this will in
clude any dress goods in our house.
None will bo hold in reserve. Wo have
silk and linen glorias in all colors ,
worth $2.00 a yard. Wo have bilk warp
lionriotta worth $2.00 a yard. Wo have
cropon cloth worth $1.50 a yard. Every
thing will go , nothing will bo reserved.
Joe for vour choice of everything.
Auction ! Oilrntiil KIIK Anotion.
Tbo finest , largest nnd most comwloto
collection of rugs over brought to this
city , now on exhibition in Now York
Liio building ( first door to your right ) ,
uul will bo bold at public auction on
Wednesday and Thursday next at 3 nnd
7.30 p. m. All goods will bo sold with-
iut limit or rcsors-o. tliubo goods came
consigned direct from the east.
Down goes the prices on groceries nt
TIIK 13ELL Monday.
Jones & Co. sell Union soap.
r.nunl Oii-nlii | | ; AVri'k.
Store open till I ) at night for one week ,
to allow all to see store nnd get bomo
1502,1(301,1500 , leOS , 1(310 ( , 1.312 Capitol
tel ae. .
Good fiboos r.t . half price at THE
BELL Monday.
Wm. Fleming & Co. sell Union soap.
: t ivii ii.
Now scale Kimlhill piano. Go and
scot It at A. Hospe's.
Ideal Ir.dles' halrdressing parlorshair
goods , toilet articles , 209 S l,3tn,3d lloor.
Special sale of men's furnishing goods
atTHEUELL , Monday.
Saniiiol Burns is offering 100 Jowott's
celebrated refrigerators at factory prices ,
$8.00 ill ) .
You can afford to buy a nhaeton when
you can got it at wholesale prices and
have bovoral hundred jobs to soled from.
Don't buy till you see Linlngor it Mot-
calf Co.'s immense stock , corner Oth and
Pacific , wholesale repository and buinplo
Hamilton Wnrron , M. D.t eclootlo and
magnolio physician and surgeon. Spe
cialty , diseases of women nnd chlldron.
HON. lOthstroot. Telephone
S. R. Patten , dontlst. Boa building
rnlj-ruiir Yt-ar * Ago ,
In the course of an interesting sketch.
Hlshop Newman gives the following
striking picture of early days :
"From Hie general conference- 1SG8 ,
hold in Chicago , fifty of us came to
Omaha for an excursion on the Union
Pacific railroad to Laramlo , as far as
the road was then completed. Onward
wo wont ; day after day wo rode along
the Platte over the \irgin prairies. Indians -
dians and immigrants , antelopes and
bullaloos , prairie dogs and prairie
chickens attracted our attention. At
nightfall we reached Lnrnmio , a clustei
of tents ; the next morning Laramlo was
uol ; during the night the tents wore
folded and moved llvo miles beyond , to
the end of a now bootlon just com
pleted. "
The great Overland road stands In its
completeness today , the mobt delightful
rou'.o for tourists in tlio country ,
A Trcracudona Spot Oash Offer Takes Ivory
Piece of Silk Ho Had.
Till * No\v York Importer Clcnod Out In tlio
HoKton Stciru HOO I'loccM bilk nnd
lttOO I'lrci-1 Iirrnt I
thing Ho Iliul ,
This spot cash purchase Is really by
ar the greatest bona lido cash sale of
sill ; and dross goods over made to an
Omaha houso.
An Immense lot of printed India and
China silks in black and colored
ground * . Kxtia quality of imported
; oods usually 7oc. quality tomorrow 3c. ! )
8-"i ploccs black and colored Pongee
silks , checked surahs , 21-inch Shanghai
silks , adapted for dross and shirt waists ,
Sl.2-5 quality , tomorrow 61)c. )
40 pieces of swivel surahs , black
ground with rich woven figures , newest
: ind choicest shades. Regular 81.CO
quality , tomorrow OOc a yard.
28 pieces figured China silks , most so-
cot designs and colorings , both black
i ml colored grounds. Thcso goods are
now and wore imported to sell at $1.2j ,
our price for this lot is 73o.
32 pieces of black faille frnncaiso and
black gros grain , black satin rlmdamos.
All pure silk and bright finish. Regular
$1.60 n utility , tomorrow 02c.
TERNS , 81.10.
In this lot arc about 2-50 sill : dross pat
terns , consisting of real China silks ,
loublo warp all Mk surahs , in solid
colors All sill ; China silks , a few
changeable silks nnd striped silks. A
complete pattern of 12 yards for $1.40.
$15.00 silk dress patterns for $7.0o.
In this lot nro about UoU silk dress pat-
.orns consisting of everything in the
ino of silks , from a real Choonoy Hros.
jest printed China and Slmng-
iai silks , every yard of which
s warranted. In the most elegant
patterns , of which no two are alikn , to a
rich faille Francais-o in any imaginable
shade , including blacks , some gros
4rain , Pcau do Sole , corded Artnuros and
: ho popular and stylish changeable
TalTpta silks , all worth fiom 81.25 to
S1.7o a yard , go at $7.05 for a complete
pattern of twelve yards.
125 pieces of all wool drois goods , in
cluding stripes nnd fancy weaves , mix-
Lures and solid colors. Also 42-inch
black and white Shepherd plaids. All
regular 05c quality , go at 2c. ! )
40 pieces India camel's hair dross
goods , checks and plaids , in tan and
browns , and 40-inch invisible black plaid
wool cashmeres , worth "oc , all go at35c.
12-inch Bedford cords , in all shades ,
tans , grays , blues and blacks. These
iroods wore imported from Franco to
retail at SI.25. They go tomorrow at 55o
a yard. This is the greatest bargain wo
lia"o over shown.
00 pieces of II and IS in. black , grays
and tans , crcpon jackonets , in clioico
weaves. Those are exceptional values.
Your choice 75a
50 in. nil wool and silk brocaded sum
mer woi/jht / mntolnsso in tans and grays ,
just tho'thing for capos and jackets ,
foods that co t to import $3.75 , tomor
row OSc.
30 pieces , 1 } vnrd wide Gloria silks in
grays , blues , blacks and tans. Regular
price , $2.00 ; go at Sc. ! )
45 pieces 50-inch French and English
crepons , cote docboval. fll-ineh French
confiction cloth for street and traveling
garments. 51-inch English and German
soft finished sergos with xig/.ng and
scroll ollccts at 05c , worth up to $2.50 a
N. W. cor. 10th and Douirlas.
nraiiil Oprnhii ; Work.
Store open till 0 at night for one week ,
to allow all lo see store and get some
1502,1504,1500 , 1508,1510 ,1512 Capilo
Down goes the prices on groceries nt
THE BELL Monday.
Courtney & Co. sejl Union Soap.
IllilH fur I'rlUlitffrH .Must Ho in by .tiny II.
Sealed bids will bo received by tlio un
dersigned up to 4 o'clock p. in. on May
14 , 1802 , for all privileges on tlio en
campment grounds during tbo encamp
ment ol the National Competitive Drill
association'to bo held in Omaha Juno 13
to 20 , 1802 , Inclusive.
Bids may bo made on any and all priv
ileges such as
The feeding of soldiers in camp.
Cigars and tobacco.
Temperance drinks.
Pop corn.
Barber shop.
Transportation of baggage , to and
from dopols.
Ollleial program.
Carpenter work.
Also any and all other privileges
which may bo desired.
Tlio local executive committee , who will
open all bids , reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids.
Bids to lo addressed to tbo under
signed and marked "Sealed proposals
for ( htnto privilege ) privilege. "
Full information may bo obtained on
application to iho secretary at tlio olllco
of tbo association , Room 311 , Paxlon
building , lNO , E. ArrciiihON ,
Secretary of the National Competitive
Drill association.
Wonderful cut in ladies' hosiery and
underwear at THE BELL , Mondiiy.
P. M. Million soils" Union Soap.
TonrUt Tript.
Round trips to the Pacific coast.
Short trips to the mountain resorts
of Colorado.
The great Salt Ltiko tour. *
Yellowstone National park the most
wonderful spot on this continent
Puget Sound , the Mediterranean of
the Pacific coast.
All reached via the Union Pacific sy
torn , See Harry P. Douel cily llckot
agent. 1302 Farnam street.
The W. A. Page Soap Co. are pub
lishing each week a different list of Ion
niorohanls who soil Union Soap. Watch
for your grocer's n'nmo.
A. O. U. W.
The supreme lodge of Iho Ancient
Ordot of United Workmen convenes at
Helena , Mont. , Juno lo , Ib02 , For this
occasion the Union Pacific System will
sell tickets to Helena and return at the
law tatoof one first clots fare for the
round tiip. Tickets on silo Juno 7 to
14 , limited to 30 days from date of sale
and 10 days transit limit in each direc
For tickets or additional Information
apply to H. P. DIUIL : ,
City Ticket Agont.
Agent Union Pacillo bittern J302 Far-
nnui ut.
Retailing Millinny at Wholesale Price ? ,
208-10-i2'Sonth llth St.
The Only Wliolmnla Milliner * tit tlin OH }
ItctiillhiK MUltnery lit Wlmlcsiilo
I'rlci'i Vttritiii HlK
Sn\liif ; to You.
Wo are retailing millinery at whole
sale prices. Do you know what that
menus ? It moans that wo ask
2-3c for what retailers ask "oc.
$1. for what retailers ask $1.50 to $1.
$2.50 for what retailers ask $ .3. to $8.
$ .3. for wlmttctallers ask 7.50 to $10.
For $0.00 , $7.00 , $8.00 and $10.00 wo
will duplicate any hat in the city.
This may socm a broad assertion , but
among tbo hundreds who have already
visited store certainly
our out-of-the-way yon
tainly have some friend who will toll
you it is n fact ,
Every day some ono sees how aston
ishingly low we nro retailing our mill-
Wo don't quote prices on goods to
draw you in because wo live un to what
wo advertise am1 wo are never out of
goods as wo are wholesalers , the only
wholesalers in this city who are now re
tailing millinery at wholesale prices.
Wo are not for an instant to bo com
pared with any other millinery houbo ,
for our prices are way below anything
you over hoard of in all your life.
All goods are marked in plain figures
[ wholesale llguios ) nnd are always ready
for your inspection.
It will p.iy you , ladies , to como down
to our store for your millinery , for oven
though it may bo a little out of your
way , our prices will bo such a joyous
surprise to you that the journey will not
bo thought of.
Wholesale Milliners.
Retailing millinery at wholesale prices.
1108 , 210 , 212 South lltli street , .
Between Douglas and Farnam.
Special Wo are daily expecting the
finest line of novelties over shown in
Omaha , and upon arrival wo will an
nounce a grand midsummer opening.
Those beautiful -J-button kids sold nt
half price at THE BELL MONDAY.
Auction ! Ortontiil KIIK Auction.
The finest , largest and most complete
collection of rugs over brought to this
citv , now on oxnibition in Now York
Life building ( first lloor to your right ) ,
and will bo sold at public auction on
Wednesday and Thursday next at 3 nnd
7:30 : p. m. All goods will bo sold with
out limit or reserve , these goods came
consigned dircct'from the oast.
Chas. Ilanloy soils Union soap.
Domestics and linens slaughtered at
rouri.AMt AXI > JIUTUKX.
' Ono Pare for the Itnimil Trip.
For the accommodation of those desir
ing to visit at points in the vicinity of or
nt Portland in .May , during the s'ession
of the Presbyterian , general assembly ,
tbo'tJniOiv'Pacilic'will soil tic-kotolo Port-
hujd'and return at ono fare foe tlio round
trip. Tickets on sale May 9 to 14 , inclu
sive , limited to00 days from date of sale.
For any additional information apply
to II. P. DUUKL.
City Ticket Agent , 1302 Farmun st.
Country MiT
Who are cash buyers should not fail to
take advantage of the Ilellman s admin
istrator's sale to bccuro some wonderful
bargains for their fall trade. Address
13th and F.irnam , Omaha.
Special sale of men's furnishing goods
at THE DELL , Monday.
Jcpscn & Lund soil Union Soap.
Good shoes at half price at THE
BELL Monday.
Grand Oprnlnj ; Wrrlc.
Store open till 9 at night for one wcolc ,
to allow all to see sloro and get bomo
1G02 , 1501 , 1500,1508 , 1510. 1512 Capitol
bargains in dress goods at THE
(3ELL ( , Monday.
Samuel Hums is making a snocialty
of hotel china. Call and see it or Bond
for prices.
Tlio Xr Oiimliii-ClilciiKO Triuil
Loaves the U. P. depot. Omaha , at 7
o'clock every evening arriving at Chicago
cage at 0:30 : the next morning via the
Chicago & Northwestern railway.
Dr. Cullimo.-o. oculist.
Domestics and lines slaughtered at
A ( iramlcr .Mission I'lrlil
than any region known in the populous
cast exists in tlio heart of the continent
far to the westward. It is a Hold intended -
tended to make a now man of you , to
develop your appreciation of tlio glory
of this country of ours , nnd is reached
only by the great Union Pacific , the
original overland route. There are the
mountain gorges of Colorado , the quiet
beauty of great Salt Lake and lovuly
( iarliold bo'tch , and still beyond greato'r
glories on Pugot-Sound and distant mag-
nillcont Alaska.
H'Aititv P. DIUMU- ,
CCity Ticket Agent ,
1302 Farnani st.
H. Haas , florist , 1813 Vinton street ,
pannics and ( lower bed plants a specialty.
Special sale iJf Inon'o furnishing goods
at THE HELL , Alomlay.
Only ttKMUKIoUliilrtm anil Iliiturn.
The Union P/u-lllo will sell tickets
from Omaha to > 'Helena and return atone
ono faro for the i round trip. Tickets on
snlo Juno 7 to M , Inclusive , limited to 30
days from ditto tif-salo.
For any additional information apply
to H. P. Douol , olty ticket agent , agent
U. P. system , 1302 Farnam street.
Wonderful cut in ladles' hosiery and
underwear at THE HKLL , Monduy.
Hutu You Itrml
Sights nnd occncs in Colorado.
Sights and bcenes in Idaho and Mon
Sights and scenes in Utah.
Siu'hts and scones in California.
Sights and bconos in Oregon and
Sights and Beetles in Alaska.
This Is n sot of six books beautifully
illustrated , full of story and legend as
well us valuable information for the
tourist and are given away lo all mem
bers of the general conference. They
may bo procured at the Union Pacific
Hu'reau of Information at tlio Millard
hotel and McC'aguo building , or at the
City Ticket olllec , 1S02 F.u-imm strool.
IlarryP. Douol , Agent ,
flrancl Oiimlng Work.
Store open till Oat night for ono week ,
to allow all to see store and got some
1502 , 1601 , 1500 , 1503 , 1510 , 1512 Capitol
tel avo.
"Oinnlm .Inch's" rnnrrnl.
The funeral of Flora Aubray , alias
"Omajin Jack , " will take plaeo Monday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence
of Misi Hello Urandon , corner Eighth
and Dodge streets.
Wonderful cut in ladles' hosiery and
underwear at THE BELL , Monday.
A. L. Root sells Union Soap.
Paint your buildings with strictly
pure "Old Dutch Process" white load.
"Red Seal , " "Collier , " "Southern , "
have stood tlio test of yours. Specify ono
of these brands and bo sure you got It.
Take your Molhodistgucits out riding
in something stylish and now. You can
alTord to do this at the prices that
Llningor & iMotcalf Co. maka on
phaetons , surreys , carriages , and all
styles of vehicles. They sell harness
also. Call attholr immense warehouses
and sample rooms , corner Oth and Pa
cific , where you can choose from several
hundred samples.
Bargains In dress goods at THE
BELL , Monday.
Mrs. Knto Clampllt has removed her
hair dressing and manicure parlors to
rooms 20 and 21 , Douglas block , 10th
street , opposite Ilnydon't ) , where she
would bo pleased to see her nianv friends.
On Wednesday she will display a great
many now things in the latest hair nov
The Estoy and Camp & Co. pianos and
orgnns are first class , with all the
modern improvements. Sold on easy
payments. ( Jeo. W. Lancaster & Co. .
agents , 511 South 10th St.
Trade that ancient machine of thine
for Wheeler ifc Wilson's No. it. Gco. W.
Lancaster & Co. , agents , 511 S. 10th St.
AT 1'OKTLAXD. MAY , 18 ! ) ' , ' .
The I'roslijlorlun ( icncrul AH mnl > ly.
For the accommodation of tlioso de
siring to visit at points in the vicinity
of or at Portland during Mav tbo Union
Pacific will soli tickets at o"no faro for
the round trip. Tickets on sale May 0
lo 11 inclusive , limited to 00 days from
date of sale.
For tickets or additional infrin Uioti
apply to II. P Dr.uii : , ,
City Ticket Agent , 1302 Farnam street.
TinlliirlliiKlon Train No. It.
Leaves Omaha daily at1:10 : p. in. nnd
arrives in Denver at 7 the next morning.
It is by tbreo hours the fastest train be
tween those two cities , and it is com
posed of the finest vestibuled palace
sleepers , chair cars , smokers and diners
running out of Omaha. City ticket of
fice , 1223 Farnani street.
Tlio Motlmillst r.onornl Ooiifi-rrncp.
For the accommodation of those dcsir-
iiiLr to visit Omaha during tbo session of
tlio Methodist general conference , the
Union Pacific will boll lickets at ono and
ontbird faro for the round trip from nil
points on its line within 200 miles of
Omalri. Tickets on sale May 2.1 , 7 , 11 ,
11 , 18 , 21 , 25 , 28 and 30 , inclusive , limited
to ono week from date of sale.
For tickets or additional information
apply to II. P. Dcuel , city ticket agent ,
1302 Farnam street.
Vain Itt'Krutx
In matters spiritual or temporal are
common to all , nnd ono of tbo greatest
mistakes of jour life will bo to delay
tailing a trip over the Union Pacific
system to any of the ninny western re
sorts along the line of that
Eldridgo & Buusorman sell Union
I\CUKSIOX AT n.M.r I'Aiti : .
To 'tint Hot Springs ol ltlio ;
\VnlitiHh K.illronl.
On May fith and 7th the Wabnsh will
soil tickets at above rate good returning
until Juno lOtn. Only 37 hours Omaha
lo the Hot Springs via tlio Wabash.
For tickets , sleeping car accommoda
tions call at Wabash office , 1502 Far
nam street , Omaha , union depot , Coun
cil Blulls , or write
N. W. P. Agent , 1502 Farnam street.
Samuel Burns invites visitors to his
china hall whether purchasers or not.
Good shoes at half price nt THE
BULL Monday.
Ono I'll re for tlio Koiinil Trip.
For the accommodation of those desir
ing to visit at points in the vicinity of
or at Helena in Juno during the session
of the convention of t'io ' supreme lodge
of tlio Ancient Order of United Work-
inch , the Union Pacific will sell tickets
to Helena and return at ono faro for the
round trip. Tickets on bale Juno 7 to
11 inclusive , limited to 30 days from date
of salo.
For any additional information apply
to ] [ . P. Douol , city ticket agent , 1302
Farnam street.
.Mulio Yonrxt'll ul Homo
At the Union Pacific Bureau of Infer
inatlon in the Millard holol and at the
McCaguo building ,
Tlioso beautiful ( button kids sold at
half price at THE 13KLL MONDAY.
rortliinil ami Itotiirn.
The Union Pacific will soil tickets
from Omaha to Portland and return atone
ono faro for the round trip. Tickets on
wile May 0 to 11 , inclustvn. limited to 00
days from dnto of sale. For any addi
tional information apply to
II. 1' . Diiw : , ,
City Ticket Agent , 1302 Farnam street.
W. T. Seaman , wagons ami carriages.
rlncjiioilt IIUIiop Nou < : > , ni.
Says , "not a few intelligent Ameri
cans abroad have often boon embar
rassed by tlio searching questions put to
them by intelligent foreigners regard
ing America. " Members of the general
conforuiu'o are today at the very gate
way leading to all the marvels of match
less mountain scenery along I ho line of
the Union Pa-llio system , tbo original
Overland route. Full information ro-
gaiding tours at the Union Pacific
bureau of Information in the Millard
hotel and the McCaguo building.
IlAltllY 1' . DlCUii : < ,
City Ticket Agent , 1302 Faririm Bt.
20 fresh milch cows for sale. Call
afternoon 25th and Hurt mroots.
in : i ///.s.
Mitteet < ' five ll < i IT lt i uwl-rthU heu < l.njtj
rend : cirii < MI'J'i ( ( ' ' < il " ' " ' < ' ! c > ' <
I'utlioiliie , a o 81 yours. Muyflut
IIn : : < i'ouuk ; p. m. , ut lliu ittsldunun other
bon. Thomas l.jncli. 8JSS feoiith Fifteenth
Btii'rt. I'liiivral "III tuku pliico at b-K ; )
n't tin K n in , , Muml.iy Mjy 0. lobt-Mury's
DI-.MI'sl.V Jninuk. MIIT C ncoc ] ft3 years.
i'unurUHindiiy , Ma > i. ut J p m from rrsl-
iluncu , 'JjlT L aid H oil bt luiurmunt Holy
buuulcliru cumulory ,
Tomorrow Morning Wo Opoa Our Now
Annex ,
A'oln Our l'rngrr < AVe Itrfor llurk with
1'rlilo to , Not Only Our Miroo * , lull
Ale to Our Hunting *
MctlicxU. ,
Tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock wo
will add to our already mammoth store
our now annex , ( Mix 101 foot. Wo pro
pose to continue this opening for one
week , during which Uino wo shall guar. '
nnlco lo furnish our cualomera and llio
public In gonornl , in fact everybody but
dealers , with any quantity of tho'most
decided bargains it has over boon their
pleasure to buy.
Wo make tl'n plump week so that if
it is impossible for you to como Monday
you can como Tuesday , or Wednes
day or any other day during the
week and find genuine bargains.
Tim iin"i | iinlun 'ii.mm1 ' iOTy'iniiliiiiiuii ! > iii.i .
113 N. liTH St' .
] Sx-)0 foot.
Of course wo advise you to como Mon
day if possible , for then you will bo sure
to find tbo bostai-sortinoiit. Wo believe
wo have bought largel.x enough to last
about a week , but of course some of the
lines may bo cleaned out in three or four
days , but others will stop in to fill their
place , .lust at this writing , however ,
we cannot say what tlicy will bo.
Wo believe wo can 'tafoly say that
"our grand opening" will last not only
for a weelf , but for all time. In adding
this annex to our present quarters wo
cannot help but look b-iek ever our busi
ness career and note with pride our suc
cess and growth in tbo past thirteen
years in the citv of Omaha.
1502 , 1501 , 1500 , 150S. loll ) . 1512.
132x101 fcot.
10,130 pquaro feet.
Our growth lias been gradual and
Our business has been run on business
principle" from tbo start , and our trade
lias stood by us from tbo beginning to
the present time , showing that tboy
appreciate our methods.
Hundreds of faces can be seen in our
store daily that could have boon seen in
our little store thirteen years ago.
Wo appreciate Ibid fact , wo can assure
you.Wo make tlio bold assoi tion that wo
run our business with less expense than
any other similar kind or si/.ed house in
tbo city , and can back up the assertion
with facts and figures.
You say bow can that effect us ?
It atlects you very ma'orit'lly ' , for the
expenses of'running a business nro of
course added to tlio cost of the goods ,
and the expenses of a lirm depend
largely on the manner in which the
business is conductoJ.
Expenses are incurred largely by
collessal rents , interest on borrowed
money and arrangement of tlio store so
that it is easy and cheap to handle stocks
and the trade.
Our location , whicii is a trillo to one
Bide , affords us a low rent.
We have never non-owed a dollar , so
have no interest to p.iy.
Wo now have the best arranged store-
in Omaha.
Think of these points.
Some changes have been made in the
location of some of our dep'irtmenle.
For instance , our drug depirtmont
will bo found at the extreme east side of
our now annex. No. 1502 Capitol avenue.
In our now arrangements of poisons ,
our perfect classification of all drugs and
medicines is perfect order ; buying of
iho very best of everything known to
the trade , coupled with the long and
varied experience of Mr. S. F. Bennett ,
in the drug business and as a proprietor
of patent medicines , is a positive guar
antee Unit everything in our drug do-
parlinont will be done in Hiich a manner
as to give positive assurance and sails-
faction to our eiiitoinerp.
Our candy , Htatlonery and dry goodi
notion department will be found just
west of the drug department mid in this
department you mav look for big drives.
Our furniture will bo now found on
the main lloor of Iho annex also in the
b.iHumcnt , 1601 and 15011 Capitol avonuo.
Wo have a largo line of startlers for
this department. '
Our exclusive wooden nnd willow
wnio department will bo found half way
back of 150(1 ( Capitol avenue , now anno.v.
Our muat dopai Intent , immcdlatoly
back of \ \ oodonuiro. .
Our butter and egg department will
ln ) found in the lour of 1600 Capitol
avenue , now annex.
Our hard ware and cutlery department ,
in Hnmo old location , room nearly
doubled , old sloro.
Our bout and shoo department will
olToi some \\ild Imrnnint ) .
Our toys and fancy novelties , nlpo
rugs , door mute , oto.Vo have sot aside
a largo line of bargains in tbosro goods.
Our crockurv dopaitiiicnt Space is
oxnctlv doubled and prices out in two ,
Exclusive ton , coffee and spice depart-
nicnt Wboio drugs were formerly car
ried. Entrance , 1510 Capitol avenue ,
old store. , .
Our grocery doiwrlmont In same old
location , \uinileifully improxod.
Our pjc-kiiKo dopi.rtmont In roar of
grocery dep.irtmont.
Our b > Jor department In rear of tea ,
colleo and Hpieodep irlmtMit.
No troods sold nt/ovo tbo second lloor.
1602 , 1601 , loUO , Jjt'H ' , niO , 1512 , Capital
tuonuo ,