Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1892, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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teihmd ly Carrier to any pnttof the City
rsl llni'no" Office . Nn ' } }
.t > " '
N Y. Plumbing Co.
Ccuncll Hluds Lumber Co. , coat.
Crati's ihnttel loani. 204 S&np blocf.
Thcro will bo tie ijamo Sunday on account
tt wet grounds.
Tno Lndlos auxiliary will RVO ! n social this
evcnltiu In Knights of Pythian hall.
W U Morris Is to bo married next wcou
to n youiiR Indy of Oaklntul nvcnuo.
The Pittawnttnmio Uomocratlo association
will tncot this evening in tholr hall.
Sunday school lesson study nt the Young
Mon's Cnrlsilan association rooms tonight.
Frnnic Webster was lined S15 Su for dls
turblng tbo peace jcslorJuy moraine In
police court.
John Nlolson cntortnlncd aniimhorof his
friends Thuradnovenlng In honor of bis
il7lh birthday.
Miss Jcnnlo Heft entertained a number of
licrjount ; friends nt her homo , 800 Avenuu
II , In honor of her sixteenth birthday ,
.1. C Mitchell of the Northwestern tins
purchased ono of S. 13. Maxon's houses on
Harrison street and will mova Into It nt
A council of Commercial Pilgrims of Amer
ica will bo Instituted at Hustings , Neb , tonight -
night , by IV. . Snow of Lincoln , U.V. . P.
or Nebrnixa.
Tbo btiRCHKO shed where Northwestern
passengers buvu boon landed for so many
jcurs past bus been torn down and wonc has
Ix3on commenced on the now dupot.
Regular meeting of Council HlufTs Council
Mo. I , Commercial Pilgrims of America , this
ivonlng. All members nro requested to bo
present as tberop \ business of importance to
1)0 transacted.
John Harhytc Is thocraudfatbor of n litllo
plrl that arrived at his homo on Uonlon
street u few nighu ago. The mother is Mis.
M. 11. HildL'oot Denver , who Ispiylng her
parents , Mr. nni ) Mri. Uurhvtt , a visit.
The Fifth ward election contort will como
up for a hearing In the superior court on the
10th. The result of this contest Is being
watched with great Inlotost , a upon It de
pend a great many appointments to city
Special convocation of Starchaptor No. 17 ,
Kofal Arch Masons , this evening , for woru
in the M.ister Mason degieo. All Master
Masons in good otunding nro coidiullv in-
vltcrt By order of the Most Excellent
High Priest.
John \V. ICIslor was arrested yesterday on
nn Informatlo.i Illod before Justice Swcar-
Inircn cluirgmg him with administering n
trouncing to his brother in-law. Tbiutdous L.
Miller. Ho gave bonds for his oppearancu
next Monday at 13 o'clock.
Tbo monthly meeting of iho Potta wait amio
County Fruit Growers and Gardeners asso
ciation will bo held this afternoon at -
o'clock ut the coun'.v court house. The sub
jects to bo discussed aio "Hecs as Aids to
the Fruit Growers , " end "fertilization of
riult Hlossoms. "
John Mover * , Jacob Ilnmlln , and Bert
JUtc , tlirLO boys atiout llftccn years of ago ,
\vcio nnx'htecl ut midnight Thursday night
for holding up a hen coop on West , Broad
way They bail ono solitary chiclten in their
possession when they worn caught , Imt it
cost them cuch a term of seven days In the
county Jail.
Nclllo Hc s nnd William \Valkor were
given u hearing before Justice Hammer yes
terday on the chaigo of adultery. At tbo
close of tlio hearing tbo defendants were
discharged , on condition that tbo woman
would leave the city nnd rid Mr. Walker of
tier entrancing piescnco xvhlch has cuusod so
much ttoublo in the Walker household.
The ladies of Unity Guild gave an enter
tainment In Masonic temple yesterday to
rniso mints to assist in the erection of a
church building In the eastern part of the
city. Excellent meals were served during
the day and in the evening n dance was
given. The cntcitninmont was in every way
a success and quito u sum was realized.
A petition has berii filed m the district
couit by laa Casady , A. W. Casady and T.
K. Cusaily asking that T. 13. Casad'y bo ap
pointed special administrator to tuko care of
(10,000 worth of personal property belonging
to the estate of the late Judge Casady , of
which T. 15. Casadyas made executor by
the terms of the will of the deceased.
A mad dog created something of a sensa
tion jesteiduy morning at the icsldcnco of
iMivor Lawrence , 10. ) South Seventh street.
Ills teeth failed to mitko connections with
anything human , but the people living in the
vicinity was considerably terrilled. Ono of
the major's blue coated a..d brass buttoned
policemen wcro finally dispatched to tbo
bceno nnd the unfortuu'uto canine was put
out ot dangor.
Coin Smith , a depraved woman who was
run in by the police aday or two ago , amused
herself Thursday afternoon by standing at
tbo front window of the city Jail nnd using
vllo language tovtnid little girls who ueio
passing ; y on their way from school. She
was transferred to a back room , but made
auch n torrillo racket that &ho had to be
kandcullcd to tha wall for bovcral hours in
order to cool her donn.
Mr. anil Mrs. H. S. Uawllns entertained a
party of fi lends Tnundny evening in honor
of their guest , Mr * . W. U. Carroll of Daven
port. The evening was spent in progressive
high tlvo , pi lyes being awarded to Miss Olllo
dark and Mr. C. Morgan These present
weie Messrs. nnd Mosuamcs . D. Ninon ,
( icorgo ShoemaKer , D. Haggortv , Misses
Olllo Clark , Davidson , Carry nnd Mary Aton ,
Messrs. 13. H. Ott , Uoorpo Hamilton , Ed
1'ryor , LuKe Million and CJ. Morgan.
The Ilorcnlos luwn niowor , with 10-
Inch wheels , will cm high grnss nnd
work outilor tlmn nny other niowor Wo keep nlso the onttino Phil-
udelphiii niowor nnd sovorul otlior inn-
chinos Hint wo ctm soli choiipor tlmn the
tihenpest. Now rofrlgoriUors ; carload
just roeoivod. Ununtlnss unil Warwick
Dicyclcfl. 11 Main btreot. Shugurl &
Son. Recollect that the new Dnnglor
tiurprlsn Is only gasoline. steve that
every quality ot a gas stovo.
Candlelight tea by the guild of St.
Paul's nt AIM Uroadway , Saturday , May
7. from 0 to 1) ) . Como and bring your
friend * ! .
Thomas no-vman roturncd to Washington
Thursday night.
C. K Swift of Hurlan , who was assistant
ccrotnry of the Iowa soirnto nt the session
Just closed , was In the city yesterday , tbo
Kuest of .1 , J , Fralnoy.
P. Allen , the veteran grave digger of Talr-
vlow cemetery , hns handed In his resigna
tion , The position which ho has tilled for
twenty-eight year will bo tilled hereafter by
a man named Foster ,
An AlliHctlto Art Sale ,
Messrs. Rlloy anil Sliorradon , the art-
IbtB , hnvo purolmseil tlio Chapman art
fctoro anil atU r June let will reinovo it
to 5 Main street , under their photo
graph gnllory. Until that date , for tl)0 )
purpose of twving cost of moving , art
goods will ho scld nt actual cost anil
frniu.'s nt u heavier discount than at any
of Chapman's special sales. This will
nfloril ft splendid opportunity for art
lovers to secure bargains.
Roitor , thotallor,310 Broadway , .has
all the latest styles nnd nowo-it goods.
Satisfaction gunrnntaoiL
\Vall ranT. |
Tlio newest designs , the largest stocii
nnd by far tlio lowest prices la nt the
U08TONSTQHK , Eitiiuntca furnished
for papering1 , Nothing but tlio bobt
puporhangers employed. Everything
fimniiiteeil. Figure with us when you
Mint pillaring done.HOSTON
Council UlulTn , Iti ,
Bwunson Mutla Co. , Mutonlo tomplo.
Congressman Thomas Bowman Rofusss to
Accept a Henoraiuation ,
Tlicro Arc Mnny lriiiorr t < , Uourvrrtin
Iliito I.IHIn I'lilth In 'I lirlr Pnrty
the Dlitrlrt lit tlio Ap-
lirii.iclilng Election.
That Hon. Thomas llowman will not DO In
the race as n candidate for re-election to con-
irress scorns to bo a prolty well determined
fact from tbo contenti ot a card which ho
Issued yesterday for circulation over this
congressional district.
The card roads n * follows : "To the Democ
racy of the Ninth District Having been Im
portuned by tnauy of niy con
stituents to become n candidate
for re-clcctlou 1 deslro to state
hero nnd now that 1 do not Intend to aspire
to n re election nor will 1 accept of n rcnoml-
nation. Situated as 1 am my private busi-
nosi demands my undivided attention nnd I
can only continue In public olllco nt a
personal sucrillco. This is the only
reason that prompts mo to decline n
ronomlnatlon. As regards the suc
cess of the party In this district thu coming
fall I hnvo not the least doubt. The Ninth
dlsttict hainn amplitude of uvull.iblo mon ,
any ono of whom bo elected , The trend
of publlu sentiment Is toward doriocratic
principles. There n nothing ephemeral
uoout the great tidal wuvo that swept across
tno country In 1SJJ.
"Tho revolution In sentiment U growing
nnd tbooutloolc for a sweeping victory , both
a ? to the conciessional and presidential
tlclicts , was never bilghtor. In no place is
tlio cbango more ( Irmly enginfted Into
public sentiment than in this district. A
wise nomination must of nccofMtv bo lol-
lowed by success. It Is with the ut
most conlldunco of p.irty success In this dis
trict that I tender my declination to bo n can
didate. In conclusion I deslro to return my
sinroroand liuniDlo thanks to the people of
this Uistiict for tbo honors they have be
stowed upon mo , and while I will not bo a
candidate , I will do all 1 can to accomplish
the election of a democrat ns mv successor.
The meaning of this card hns become the
ubjcct of many Inquiries , both bv democrats
nd bv republicans Tbo republicans nro not
is posed to take Mr. 13 ow in an ns meaning
recUoly what ho suys so far ns his reason
or withdrawing Is concerned. So far
.hero have been four men piominently
mentioned by the republicans for that post-
.ion , Judge Walter I. Smith , Judge H. K.
) eomor of Hod Oak , ( leorgo R Smith and
Oajor H. U. Curtis of Atlantic. Tlio fact
hat Mr. Bowman was tbo tlrst democratic
: ongrcsstnati to bo elected from the Ninth
district , and that ho owed his election pur-
mlly to locil causes and circum-
itnncos which might not have the sumo
, voi ht in thn coming election ns In the last
s thought by miny to have moro to do with
Mr. Ilowman's decision than his lack o
Imo. At alt events , however , Mr. Howmun ,
ivbo is considered the strongest man the
democrats could put up , is out of the rico ,
nd it remains to oo seen who will bo se-
ectcd ns standard bearer lor the democrats
of the Ninth congressional district in the
Doming campaign.
MAY hAI.i : .
Muslim store , Conni'll Itlulls , In.
200 ladies' ribbed vests , 5c each.
Ladiob' shaped vest , 9e , three for " 5a.
Ladies' bhnicd ] vest , llije each.
Heavy weight bilk trimmed vest , 17c.
25c vest wo show in three makes , Hu
shed with silk , draw string , in white
nnd ecru.
Our Hc ! ! vest como in high anil low
neck , silk trimmed.
At 60e see our Egyptian lisle in ecru
nnd black.
Misses' silk vests in black , pink anil
cream at Toe.
Ladies' silk vests in bhuk : , pink and
cream , in narrow and derby rib , the
best $1 silk shown.
Gents' underwear , inodo anil ocru.
shirt arid drawers at oOc.
Lisle finish , shirt untl drawers "oe.
Fancy btripcd shirt and drawers ( Med-
llcott goods ) sold regularly for Sl.-o , our
price for sale 75e each.
At ! icS.OOO yards challie , good col
ors , worth 6e.
At " ) C Challies on black ground.
Good assortment of dark colors and 200
patterns , regular 7c goods.
Outing llannols < 5c , worth 8c.
Outing llannols SJc , worth 12c. }
Half wool outing 12c } , worth 19c.
ItO percale blurting lOc , tisuul price
12 jc.
Gingham , 8tc , 10c and 12c. } Fine
xophyrs , 17c. Scotch ginghaui'j , 2oc.
Black broeado sateen 2 iu and liOe a
yaid. At 12jc our line of wash goods
bents them all. All the latest things ,
such as cote do choral , cropon , Shan-
long , pineapple tissues. Hertford cords ,
Chilian cloth , ever 1,000 pieces to select
from , at 12Je per yard.
THintixoHAM , WIIITIIAW : & Co. ,
Council Blulls , la.
Don't forget the candlelight tea on
Saturday evening next , at 521 Broadway.
Dr. Chamberlain , ojo , oar , throat ,
catat rli. Shugart bloclc , Council BlulTs
I'ropiirlng for thu Coii\oiitliiii.
A meeting of the members of the reception
committee for the democratic state conven
tion was held last ovjning in the superior
court room for the purpose of dividing the
work into different department ) and ap
portioning each member of the com-
mlttco his share. S. N. Harvey
of Ncola was appointed chair
man nnd James N. Foulon secretary. S. B.
Wudsworth stated to the meeting that bo
and the chairman had spent a good share of
tha day In dividing the commit too into the
necessary suucommiltees , and after ho hud
given his idea of tbo work to bo done the
following list of committees was appointed
by the chair :
Marshal of the day , J , C , Lange ; assistants ,
\ \ . P. Supp , J. 1C. Cooper , William Arnd.
Railroad committees to meet deloiratos at
dlffoi out rallroaus Chicago. Kock Is hind A ;
Pucitlo : A. T. iiwell , H.V. . Hart , J. N.
Bowman , A.S. Ha/elton , S. P. MacConnoll , H ,
H VnnBruut , V. M. Hunter , U. A , Tibbltts ,
William Mnlonoy. W. I ) . Hurdln ; Chicago ,
Burlington and Quincy , W. C. Jumos , John
Undt , C. H. lUnnan , T. C. Campbell , u
/.urmuohlon , W , J. Davenport , J. J. Stewart ,
Peter Smith , Wade Cary. J H. Puce ; Chicago
cage , Milwaukee St. Paul , W. H. Wore ,
John M. Lane , T. i : , Casnuy , J. A. Churchill
Harry Bowman , E. O. Ouoll , W , B
lcod' $ . ; , M < Harlr - ABcricrauti ,
LmmetTiuloy ; Chicago A ; Northwoatorn , J
W. Boll , J. C. Mitchell , John II. Million *
Geoigo H. Richmond , Dr. J. M. Uarstow
John P. Weaver , M. P. Hohrtr , | { N *
Whittlesoy , Henjumin Marks , J , 14. Touinio'
ton ; Omulm As St. Louis , P. M. Gnult , J. M *
( Jalvln , CJ , A Uoblnson , W. B. Plshor ! ) '
W. Archer , Prod Gelse , W. K. Aitchison ,
August Berosholm , T. C. Oawson , W. J
Jamison ,
Hoeeptlon committees at botols-Oand :
Mayor N. D. Lawiouce , Lucius Wells , T , J.
livuiii , K. A. Trotitman , j , \ \ . Pcregov. John
bchoentgcn , Hon. H , K. Doemer , Dr. 'Donald
MacraeV , II. Thomas , S. N. Harvey , Hon.
J. 1C. P , AlcGee , S. U. Undenvood. Ogden :
IonnlV'i-.i ' flnllb' J .V' 0rE8D- I- { Clancy
; - . ? , ' . ' - - - ,
A. T
, Plicklnger , Prank Trimbio , Chris
jja o . i'H , Guanclln. A. L. Htudriclts ,
U N. Whlttlcsey , A , W , Holkman.
( .ommittces on Tempoiaiy Quarters /or
Delegates not Provided for at the Hotels
cillo , II. b. Uawlinf-s , K. r. Waits ; 'Kiel
William Larson , John T lUzen ; newspaper
reporter1 coromUiotf ; , U. j. Clanov , E. K.
niXtrtehW < tOD' " a " " J * "
Ushers Coinmlllce E. A. Troutman , J. N.
Bowman , L. eriuueblou , Jr. , J. M. Fouloo ,
W. II Thonrn , William Larson , John
Million , KmmottTlnloy , A. W. Casady , W.
B. Ucod , S L ntnyro.
District Headquarters Committee Archer
hall , W. L. Thlekstun ; north court room , W.
II. Thomas ; Wagner's ball , L. A. Bergman :
Manncrchor ball , nmmctt Tlnlc.v ; Creston
hall , A. W. Kloktmn ; Grand Arm v of the
Republic hall , J. A. Churchill : south court
room , W. B Keed ; League. William Moore ;
Democratic club room , H. N. Whittle * } * :
Mntonlc temple , W. J. Jamison ; Knlh'lils of
Pylhlas ball , J. M , Scanlnn.
Clianmnti's screen fuotory. Hxoluslvo
screen doors and windows. See him or
wrllo for prices. 1"1'oarl St. , Council
A * > plriullil Kiiiliirioinrnt.
Kveryhody In Council HlulTs knows
George H. Moschondorf. Ho Is ono of
our most enterprising business mon and
n very successful ono at that. Mr. Mos-
clienuorf , Hko all human beings , is not
without his faults and his greatest ono
was drinking. I'o a reporter yesterday
ho roclted the facts which corobjralo
his statement given below , as follows :
Cot-NCI t , Hl.t'rix , April 2 ! ) . IMVi I ,
the undersigned , am engaged in the
moat market business in which I am
qulto extensively Interested in Council
HlulTs and Omaha and have been for the
past twenty-six jears. 1 finally con-
trai'tcd the liquor habit , so much so that
nothing less than from live to thirty
glns-iosa day would satisfy me. Feeling
it was injurious to myself , my family
and my business I sough ; the aid ot the
Blanchard Gold Cure. After treating
for the past two-tvly days am thoroughly
satisllcd that I am absolutely cm oil of
the worst habit that man can acquire.
The treatment left mo robust and In the
best of health and today liquor Is dis
tasteful to mo. Therefore , I cheerfully
recommend the Blanchard Institue , / > > > }
Broadway. Council HUilTs , to my many
friends of this city and Omaha.
Gio. : H Miscinxioui\ : :
Drntli on u Iliinit Cur.
A torrlhlo Occident took place yesterday
morning about T o'clock at Stnnton , n small
way station seventy miles east of Council
Bluffs , OH the Uniliugton rond. An engine
H Ml been to Ciustnn for ropilrami was on
Its way biclt in ehnrg i of a railroad orow of
the Burlington. In rounding a sudden curve
the cncincer was appalled to sco a hand car
with six men on board coming directly
toward him and hardly 10J foot awnv. The
engine was going nt thn rate of thirty miles
nn hour or morcTnml It was Impossible for It
to bo slouncd for the men on the hand car to
got out of the way in time to avert the im
pending danger. A collision took plnco , the
hand car was burled from the track nnd nil
but twoof hs occupants bccamo the victims
of tbo iron wheels. Two of the men were
Ulllou outricht and the physicians who wcro
summoned to attend the others pronounced
thu recovery of two moro impossible.
Voter. ins , Attention.
On the oci'.ision of the department en
campment of the G. A. K. , to bo hold at
Ottumwa , commencing May 10 , the U. ,
B. it Q. will sell tickets at ono faro for
the round trip. For particulars call on
O. M. Brown ,
Ticket Agent , 517 Broadway.
The most fortunate man in town is
Goo. Davis , the leading druggist , Uo-
ctuiso ho has exclusive agency for the
bust prcparoJ paints in the world , made
by Heath & Milligan.
Hotel Gordon , 'i'Ui Broadway , has re
cently changed hands , and is being thor
oughly renovated. Clean b.'ds ; prompt
service ; lablo first class.
Patron Izo blue ice wagons for Mo. river
channel ice. Mulholland & Co. Tel. 102.
i\porlenro : or n Tavoiim Hunker Whu
Itnlilii-il in London.
I Copj/i//Writ / / ( / 18)2 ) t > u Jfima Ron/on / IfrnifU. !
LONDONMuv 0. [ Now York Hera'd ' Cable
Special to Tnu Hr.n.J With the Influx
of Americans to Eurooo como the usual
stories of confidence games , thievery and
swindles practiced on the unsuspecting chil
dren of freedom , i have just seen a warrant
that has been issued from the How street
nolico court for the apprehension of ono H.
Stanley Brown , un American who cnmo ever
In the bervia thren weeks ago. His
name , with the exception of thu
ilfjt Initial was the sumo as that of the late
Ptesluont Gaillfld's ' soii-iu law , and many
pavscntrors supposed him to bo that gontlo'
man. Ho became very popular on board ,
particulaily so with T. V. Walter , n Tacomu
A few dnvs ago Brown stole from Walter's
overcoat pocket i letter of ctodit for $ ,500 , a
number of railroad passes and other valuable
papers. The thief , who had proviouslv made
himself known at ( Jake's tourls * . ofllio under
the nan'o of Walters , c.illcd tboro on Mon
day , prescntoJ the siolon loiter of credit ,
showed Walters' railroad passes as a guar
antee of his genuineness , procured u lirst
class ticket to Ireland and received $ ILTi In
cash , ( Ja70 loses his money and Walters his
letter of credit and passe ; . The police think
the thief will have considerably u-ducod the
amount of the letter of credit before ho gets
through with it. BI.LMENTEU > .
Ilrli-r rori'lgn Not PI ) .
irYij/rf | h' iW i hj J.t n'.t ( liirli i Utn\ \
Bitfssri.s , May 0. [ Mow Yor.c Herald
Cable Special to TUB Bii.l : : Twenty-one
supposed dynamiters nro now in custody n' '
Llcgo , but others are still nt largo , as last
night un explosion occurred nine union fron
Llcgo at the Chateau Hambroux , the rosl
donco of M. Puqucs , a wealthy landed pro
prlctor and burgomaster of Allo-Hcincd ,
Tlio family escaped unhurt. The mansion
was slightly damaged.
Bnti.iv , May (1. ( [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to Tins BKU. | 1 have high
authority for stating that the much talUoc
of visit of the czar to Berlin has been post
poned for some mo-iths , if not definitely
given up. The king of Italy's ' visit is also
likely to bo delayed until a moro convenient
season ,
C'uno , May O. f Now York Herald Cable
Special to TUB BBI : . | Bowing to public
opinion tbo Uhodlvo has abandoned tlio Idea
of sending bis brother , Prlnco Mohomot All ,
to continue his education m England. The
prlnco will resume Ills studios at the Vienna
Thcrcslanum , and later will enter the Aus
trian military school.
An execution took place at Aloxandrli
yesterday of a native named Bohit , who was
hanged for murdering his employer , Mme
Limborsnoultr , and her servant. Ho Inn
boon under sentence moio than n vcar.
PAIU" , May ti. fNoiv York Herald Cable
Special to Tin : BKE.J President and Mine.
Carnet had Mr , and Mrs. I'ottor Palmer ,
Mr , Jnmos W , Scott of the Chicago Herald
and Mrs , Scott and Air. Kohlsuat and wlfo ,
publisher of the Chicago Inter Ocean , In the
presidential box at tbo Grand Opera house
this evening.
Huron Puva Is now hero , cnrouto for
Washington , sailing for Nuw York from
Havre tomorrow. Dining his stay boto ho
has expressed great satisfaction nt being
able to resume his diplomatic functions In
the United States , and the great dellifbt that
the late difference between the countries had
been adjusted amicably and so honorably to
both nations.
MADIIIII , May 0. The negotiations for n
truatv of commerce butwoen England and
bpain have been suspended and the Kngllsh
delegates are about to return to London ,
The negotiations between Spain , and other
powers aio mailing very slow proro < s being
retarded by the estrangements with Franco.
The effect of the Pronch taiiff on the Span
ish wlno trade is meeting tbo worst ex-
pcctatlonc. The March wlna exports this
\oarwcrijvaluodat only 7,000,00 J pusotat > ,
against MJ.OOO.OOO In March , IS'Jl , and ) , -
000,000 In March , 1MK ) .
Shot tliu hull try.
PAHIR , May 0. Some lima ago n man
named Godroi was 11 nod by a magistrate for
goiiio trilling offense. Ho applied to the min
ister of justice for a remission of the line ,
but his application was denied , Today
Godrot appeared at tno ministry of Justice
and wanted to sco tbo minister. Ho was re
fused admitslon , whereupon hn drew a revolver -
volver and shot tbo sentry at the door , Inlllot-
Ing qulto a severe wound. Godrot was ar
rested , Ho Hold that bo came from the
Chateau Thierry and that be lutuudcd to Kill
the mlulitcr of Justice.
Ocntral"0hlinanco ns Qooil ns
Passed bj ' , iho Council ,
Utlip Mnjor r.rnds lls Apprinnl It Will < !
to tint rmpliv-CiMOlliiP , ( I > s nnd
iiortrlc ; r.lgit | < unit O
'Miittrrt Discussed ,
If the mayor lends hu approval , the voters
of Omaha will have nn opportunity of casi
ng their ballots for or against the proptm-
lon to Issue bomh to the Nebraska Central
Hallway compiuy in the sum of $ J30,03J to
aid In the construction of Its nnd and
jrldgc.s. for the council ha * abroad to pais
tha ordinance at Us next mooting and call n
spnclal election to hu held on May Ml.
When the council convened last night thcro
wcro eighteen members who wore In attend
ance. The Ilrst thing that the council did
was to go Into eo'iimlttuo ot the whole , with
Mr Lowry In the chair , for the purpoio of
considering the proposition of the Nebraska
Central Hallway company.
All the ordinances and papers filed in con
nection with the proposition were read by
the clerk ,
ItciMimiiirniliMt thn I'miii R < > l thn Orilln incu
After the ordinance granting rignt of wav
hud baen road President Divls moved that
when the committee nilso It recommend the
passage of the ordinance.
"Wo can't piss the ordinance , " remarked
a tncmbrr.
"That's true , " answered Chairman Lowry
This is nn adjourned meeting , but wo can
have matters ready for Until uctto.i next
Tuesday night. "
President Davis' motion was put by Chair
man Lowry and carried by n unanimous
Tno next thing In order was the oading of
the ordinance calling a special election for
May ill , to vote upon the proposition of Issu
ing $250,000 of 4' ' . , per lent , ! 2l > j ear bonds ,
to aid thu Nebraska Central Railway com
pany In the construction ot its , bridge over
the river at the foot of Cass street.
Mr. Edwards moved that Vice President
Dtimont bo itivlUM to a scat within the mil.
President Davis wanted the city attorney
and tbo engineer to bo appointed as members
to concur as to the expenditure of $100,000 , on
tbo union depot.
Mr. Lowry stated that It was n mistake ,
that each member had not been furnished
with n copy of the ordinance.
Air. Prince asked City Attorney Council if
ho had consulted with County Attorney Ma-
honcv In the preparation of tha ordinance.
Mr. Council replied that he had nil of tbo
county attorney's papers before him when
the ordinance was drafted.
"Is this ordinance as strlnnent m the
agreement with the county ! " asked Air.
Piincu of the committee on railroads.
President Davis tiskod if the ordinnnoo
was legal nnd binding.
Air. Council replied that it was legal hut
not as stringent us it could have been made.
Ho thought the city's interests wcie pio-
Air. Pilnco state'd ' hat the city's interests
woio protected. Ho did not think it would
bo well to have thoordmanco in such a shape
that it could not bo accepted.
Air. Elsusicrromnrkcd that the bonds bon.g
in payable in Now YOrk City would force all
actions into tbo com Is , should s > uoh
actions ever bo brought. Ho wanted the
bonds payable In Omtihn.
Air. bteel said that.lnl was all boab. Tbo
bonds would lomiln Jin Omaha until they
ueio earned , und then it die ! not make any
difference where ttiejr wcio paynble.
Air. Ell wards aaURvwas a subject of great
importance and ho-'could not'sco why there
was so much haste In flushing tlio ordinance.
Air. Elsasscr was of the opinion that there
were many things in tlio ordinance that ho
could not understand. Ho could sco no
clause providing for teaching the stocit yards
of Soutn Omaha.
Air. Chalteo explained that that condition
was In the agreement with tbo county.
South Omaha was out of the corporate limits
of Omaha nnd the agreement with the city
could not effect it.
Vice President Dumont then read from the
agreement with the county , showing that
provision was made for reaching South
\Vi\l \ Vote for tlio Onlln nice.
Mr. Klsasser said that ho would vote for
the passage of the ordinance , as ho believed
the matter should bo submitted to the people
of the city.
.Mr , Dumont said tbo trouble had boon not
what it , to gut goods in and out of
Omaha , but bow to got them. The plan that
ho had prepared , he said , was mloquuto for
many roads to roach Omaha. It was usual
to have a railroad nun , m the committee ,
but the company waived that custom , ho
isaid , by leaving the whole matter in tlio
hands of the tluco judges , who would bo fair
and impartial.
Air. Kdwnrds wanted to know why It was
ncrcssarv to hold the ejection as BOOH us
Mav ill.
Air. Dumont replied that the milter bad
htinc lire for live weeks and his people felt
anxious to get tow one for thu purposu of
doing something. Ho felt tanl each day's
delay wus n day lost , us later in the season it
might bu moio difficult to in lUe contracts.
Air. Edwards was afraid that the Union
Pacific would buy the franchise
Mr. ClmlToo said that it the Union Pacific
did buy the franchise it would Uuvo to carry
out the provisions of the contract.
Mr. Edwards ntmveicd that with the
$ " 0,000 the Union Pacific would build the
bridge nnd tlio union depot.
Air. ChniTcu replied that if the Union Pa-
cille did this vorv thing it would have to
bland by the terms of the contract , or not
get the bonds.
Air. Jacobson said that It was the duty of
the council tosubmlt the question. Then If
the votor-t did not think it was a good thing
they could defeat It ill the polls ,
Air. Conway wanted to see the brldgo
built , "but. " said bo , "I urn not In favor of
bnlldinu' a foot of road into prohibition
Iowa. "
Air , AluLcarlo thought the line should bo
built into Nebraska instead of 100 miles Into
I own.
Air. Spocht was of the opinion that If the
cabtorn roads were brought into Omaha they
would soon Unit a western outlet.
Mr , HowL'll wanted to know if it was true
that If tho'bonds.wpru made payable in Now
York , Omaha won't a buvo to go thoiu lo
light , if any should over occur.
City Attorney rjpancil replied that that
wus immaterial , ifiaay suit xrasovor brought
it would have to ( W'-commonccil in Nebraska.
Air. Jucobson nxivJd that in the mutter ot
election expenses the Nebraska Central Rail
way company do-rout 3.VOOO in cash and ix
Pond for , " > , UOO to cover unv additional ox-
ponooi. The motion piovailod.
Air. Steel offered u resolution that when
the president and the treasurer of the rail
road company fuinUhod proof that flOO.O'JO
had been expended in the completion of a
union depot , thp expenditure should bo
coitilled to by too city engineer und up
proved by the ysUy attorney. This was
John D , Howe ) vjoto a letter elating that
tbo city should Firovldo fvr u muximun
brldgo tine. Ilu/nUo stdd that the city
should extend H 'authority ever the lowi
lines. ' /
V'lco President Dumont answered tbo
letter. The answers weio the porno us Iboso
given to the members of the county board
Air. Dumont said that the mayor and thu
members of tbo city council bad authority to
uiako complaint ! to Ibo arbitrators.
TlinyAll VoU-d "Aju , "
Mr. Chaffeo moved that when thu commit
lea arlbo It iccomniund the passage of thu
ordinance a ) anieiulo.1 , and then all of IDo
members voted "uyw. "
Having finished und disposed of the rail
road question , iho council went on a him
for some light. A low of the mombcr
wanted to pn homo , but the majority held
thorn , They wanted to dispose of how
when und where Iho000xasollno lamps wcro
to bo distributed by the council.
Mr , Munro wanted to know where the
money was to como from to puy for the new
lampi. Ho wanted to know If some cash to
pay for lighting could not bo taken from tbo
general fund.
City Attorney Council naid that In hi
opinion men3v could bo taken from tbo general
oral fund , although the cuartor prohibited
any eucb transfer as the k'ooural fund wa
ntondad to ho used for oxnandituros not
irovldod for by low ,
Air. Prlnc.i movoil a roll call nnd that the
vnrd councilman nama Iho kind and number
f lights needed.
The roll was called nnd the result was as
allows :
Plrsl ward , six electric lights , thirty gfts
and sixty gnsollna lamps.
Second ward , six oloelrlc llghls , thirty gas
nml sixty gasollnolamps.
Third ward , none.
Pourth ward , six cloctrlo and forty pas
Pifth ward , three olectrlo lights , twenty
gas and sixty gasoline lamp ? .
Sixth ward , ton gas and 140 gasoline lamps.
Seventh ward , ton olcctrlo lights , twenty-
five gas and fifty gasoline Inmpi.
r.lehth ward , sixteen gas lamps.
Ninth ward , twenly-llvo gas nnd seventy-
five gasoline lamps.
That was a total of thlrty-ono oloctrlo
Ights , I I'd ' gas nnd li."i gasoline lamps.
Air. ChnfTeo said that on tbo first of the
vcarlfOU had been talson from tbo liehtlng
'und and transferred to the general fund.
lo wanted to know If that could not bo uut
buck Into the lighting fund.
Cltv Attorney Council ropllod that the
eenrral fund was a fund that was at the ills-
losal of the couucll.
Air. OlmfTeo moved that f 15,000 bo taken
'lorn ' the general fund and pluced to Iho
credit of the lighting fund ; that the commlt-
oo on gas nnd uloctrlo lights confer with the
rhotuson-HoiMton Elccttio Llcht company
and learn what that com pan v will charge
'or addition il nro lights , and that cacti ward
> a allowed the number mid kind of lights
ind lamps selected by the respective ward
Ivlclu'il on ilia Apportloninc'iit.
Air. Steel kicked upon tbo apportionment.
I'hu Second ward had moro than its share of
Air. Lowry replied that It was n verv small
bet oil man who would kick on n few lumps.
Air. Couwnv said that it there was ns murh
gas outside ns there was m thu council
chamber tho.sticots of Omaha would bo as
Ight ns day.
The report of the committed was adopted
and the apportionment stood.
Then tliu coitncll adopted the report of tbo
committee of the whole and voted to pass
thu Ncbiaska Central ordinauco at its tioxt
The ICotchum Furniture company was
Instructed not to send any moro furniture
until further notico.
It will bo some days ore the public will
( now Just how C. K. Squires got Ills p ,000
wuiTontoutot the comptroller's olllcc , ns the
committee appointed to investigate the mit-
tor will not be able to report next Tuesday
night List Tuesday night Air. ChalToo was
appointed chairman of a committee to in-
vonigato this matter. Last night Air. Cbnf-
fee stated that bo had to leave the city and
wanted moro tlmo lu which lo report. The
request was granted.
Air. Elsasser introduced a roioliilion com-
lelling all companies and corporations using
eleeiui'Itv for power or lighting , lo pul their
wires on red glass insulators ,
The ordinance wai read twice and referred.
Jtinii , riviititi ;
Cnlatxisii Taken unit rul.icto's I'lncst Troops
Itontril nltli ( ircnt I.ins.
| CV > pii/y'i'r / < I tWltiuJniti annlinfeim'tM
Bviicriovv , Venezuela ( via Oalvoston ,
PCX. ) , Alay ( i. [ By Mexican Cable lo Iho
Now York Herald-Special to Tin : Bir..J :
fho scciol of Crespo'j hesitancy is out. Ho
lias been awaiting arms. Prom Livelahas
como a mcjsago lo llu chieftains that Core
was ullatne with revolution nnd the Palcon-
itcs were armed. This indicate * thit the
vessel ot which I cabled Saturday as
liaving landed her cargo on the
coast somewhere in tan vicinity of Puerto
Xnmoru , carried the material needed by the
lobels In Coro. Core is the northeastern
district of Palcon and was formerly thoslnto
ol Coro. Tno deparluro of Aranjo
from Carabobo Inlo Los Andes is
now clear. Ho has probably crossed
over inlo Core lo helo organise Ibo
rebellion there. General Colma's departure
from Caracas was for the purpose of accept-
ng the leadership of Iho Core revolutionists.
The men ftom i'acayn and Caburo are
mounted on mustangs and armed with
machetes and lances. They prefer to fight
with these weapons as they "never miss fire. "
DocclMMl tlio I'coplr *
"Tho state of things is horrible , " says
Aranjo in u message to Cresno. "When the
trouble first showed itself Pulaclo's ogonls
came tc Vela and stated that in n week or
two Iho lebellion /Camera nnd CaraCobo
would bo crushed. Merchants proceeded
wilh tholr business nnd now they find lhal
they have sustained severe looses. Now
comob the rising in Core , and everywhere
aru heard imprecations against the dictator.
Bo assured that Core is in arms. Colina
will take command. "
Tno killing of Quoncjo nt Las Toques has
so aroused I'alacio that a strong force of fed
eralists has been stationed there. Tbo cov-
ornmont tioops ure numerous thorp. They
uio waiting lor further rcinforccmoutb
which have bjen piomised from Caracas.
Alter the arrival of the column from the
latter city thev will march lo Iho aid of Los
Victoria , providing thai Iho insurgent general -
oral does not Ihrow his line bjUveeu tbo
two citie1 ! .
Ciuurrc is massing his forces north of Vic
toria and west of Tuequos to prevent any
assistance teaching the former plato.
lusiiigent * ( imti'r.ill > Victoiluim.
I have just icccived important information
which , stiango enough , comes by way of
Caracas Instead of the insui gent camp near
San bcbastian. Thu news received is lo Iho
cftect that Calaboso has fallen.
The mvbteiy surrounding Casanas
is solved at last and thcro is no
doubt that Iho commnnjur-in chief of
the government's army is n prisoner
in the hands of the insurgent j. Ha bus held
himself wi'll at Caltiboso , but as I pred ictrd
nearly Iwo weeks ago , Iho end had lo come
ns It did. Calaboso and Its commandant
wcro not taken without a show of resistance ,
but conslant desertions ana thu want
of supplies had so weakened the
government troops that to hold out
against the losoluto forces which opposed
them was no longer posniblp. Humors of
Ibis disaster lo Iho llowor of Palacio's army
h wo been coming lu for several days , but
Ihoy were discredlled. Aleasor details men
tion n fight ! u wblcb the nalioiiulUU were
driven into Ibo city wilh the insurgents fol
lowing nnd taking possession.
II will take several hours before I can got
positive information nnd will take all day
riding lo send it to where it can bo placed
upon n wire.
Look out for the fall of Valencia vorv soon.
Calaboso U several days removed from the
depot of information ,
JHl.Ull Ol'\l
M. CiiiKiunil , ii ! Sntlvn of Nmi Orlr.ins , In
I'll i in VuHtiiriliij.
ICiiwntijIitul ISH ) } liu JuniM dunlin Hfnutlt. }
P.utu Alay I ! . | Now York Herald Cable-
Special to Tun UnnJ Nothing positive is
yet known in regard lo Iho ministerial crisis
in Italy.
The Piench musical world has justsuffocd
a great loss in tno dualh of Al. ( Juurnnd , who
passed away this afternoon , Ho was born
in Now Orleans In lbl)7 ) , tils Cut tier boinc
a Prench professor in that city.
Though ho was never voiv successful
its an oporutio composer M , tJuorand was
considered ono of the groalcsl authorities on
musio in Pruuco. Ho had completed several
operas , and ho has loft not a few unfinished.
At the llmo of his dealh ho was engaged at
walk on ' Kasilik , " u posthumous opera by
Dellbcs. As a musician bo was noted for
bis exqutsltn tastn , nnd In the artistic world
of Paris bo was highly esteemed.
Sr , Cenc.
AnotlimItriTiilt fur ritUlmrj. .
PIIOVIIIB.NCB , K. I. , Alay (1-Pitcbor (
Woodcock of the Browns has boon ruqucslcd
lo join the Plttsburg club und no will pitch
IIIH tail game for tbo Browns at Andover to-
moirow and Join Pittsburg next Wednesday.
Delctjiitefa to the Democratic Conven
tion will II ml a warm welcome and nn
opportunity to tnnko their expenses 11
they will h'luo to
Buy Any Furniture
this Bprluff by visiting the lnrDr < t furnl-
turo house in the webt Kustuin prices
wlllprevtul. C. E MYERS ,
llrebe's Old bland , 103.2)7 ) lire I'lwuy
TolcubouoSOT , Couudl llluir
I tin Olil-ritslilonoit ( Ions
Ui-tnrnn llnrtor anil DrncKl'tluit
llrs , Ciippliinil A Mirp.iril Hmr Ac-
lKMl In lining Away
Ultli It.
The nrllolo contnlncd In the o col-
ttnns lust week roKnrdlnj ; the conilt-
.tons oxlntinj * : hotweon some doctors nnil
Irnpijlsts , eonfornlnj ; which Tin : Uin :
nntio some Dolntcil nnil pertinent edl-
orlnl comment , htis nwiiUoneil moro or
ess Interest in the mutter. In this
connection ' the following plainstraight-
'orwaril stutotncnts may not bo out of
, ) lnco :
Why do Dra Copolnntl anil Shcpnnl
liavo their own laboratory ami dispense
tholr own drnpsV
There are tovoral reasons :
[ 1 ] Hecatiso no two ilrn trlsls in the
city would bo capable of llllitir | the pro
scriptions from tholr ollices on any day
of their practice.
| 2 ] Because Drs. Copelaiul anil Shepard -
ard would not trust the Illlliifof tholr
| ) iocriptions to any oulslik-r. livery
bottle of medlclno that tjtics from their
olllces or laboratory is compounded and
prepared under their dltect and person-
nl suparvlsion , whiuh aiToitnls in a { jreat
measure for tholr siicees : * .
These two statements nlono would an-
cwor the ( niostinii ; but there is another
answer that poosueopi'i * into the matter
than ollhor of thee , and involves some-
thiiiK that is vorv imnortant to the pa
tient his pockotbook. Next to a heal
thy condition of tlio body , mind and
spirit , it is right to regard as of para
mount importance the m liter of money.
lis. Copelaiul & Sliopard compound
anddUpenso their own medicine bocaubo
by so doing they wivu their- patients ev
ery month an absolutely incalculable
amount of money.
NTow. by buying their drugs direct
from the manufacturers , Drs. Copelnnd
& Sllepiird are able lo fufnish p oserip-
tions to their patienls at absolu'ely
whole--alo rates. This makes it possible
for them to place tholr treatment within
the roach of a'l. ' This m.iucb the rate
ot $ " > per month for treatment and all
medicines a possibility.
\Vo are prop trod to aiy that. In the
majority of cases , the system involves
an arrangement between the doctor and
the drugcibt u sort of division of spoils
by which the doctor rocolvoa a com
mission a kind of rake-otr , as it wore ,
for every prescription lie semis to the
druggist , thus being ptid practically
twice for his services , once directly by
Iho patient , and the bocond time inili-
rcctly by the druggist , the patient , how
ever , being the linancial victim in both
Let us answer the question then in
conclusion in detail. His Copal mil
and Sliopard dispense their own drug- , ;
Ilfbt , bocaiibo Ihoir p actico is so largo
that their patients could bo supplied
with proper meriicino in no other way ;
second , bei'.uibo by this plan they are
able lo give bettor prescriptions more
satisfactory medicines and purer drugs ;
third , because by personal supervision
they can prevent tlio blunders and mis
takes which occur so often in the old-
fashioned prescription system ; fourth ,
because fiey are able in tills way to s-avo
their patients , legitimately and
practically , a very large sum of money.
Catarrh nnd Onlnsj Alter I'll I ecu Vriirs llo
< Jot Itcllfl Tlic ( inilirtliiK Ki'snltH
ol hlilllnl TriMtini'iit U'i'll
[ Men who arc rxposcd to all U nils of we x-
tbur , day ana nlslit , : ire p y llnliiu to
c.ittirrh nnd chc-t troubles. Tliu eh insut
fiom tocold , and from tnoSt todrv nui-
ther. Imlnco Ii rlt itlon of thu iuic and thro it
that lo ids to pcrmancntdlsr.isc of thusu p.irts
Cntiirrhal sj iiitimis ] ) lirt ulfcct the nnsu , ind
then extend to the thro it mid brom hi il tulii's.
The tonsils often unhirKoand luiniiln so : thcv
iitotundur and .spongy , nnd no.iriy 11 1 tliu , uiruutlng the voice : inJ Indnulnu an nn-
iioyln ( .oti h. On taMiu ( .oM thuy.uclt .ind
Inllamo , till thu throat and Intensely n.iln-
ful. Headache , throitacho ami ilnllnoi-s of
hotirlng nro frcqiicntlv pi imped In thuso oases.
Ncunilgliis. lirdliL'hltls und poor'iiiiit'lltu ate
lo bo looked for. ]
Oftlcci S. S. Drummy Is .1 and cdl-
cleiitmemberof the Om ilia police force , load
ing atltuTH. I'.tlisttect ; In a recent Interview
the o nicer siys :
S'Sly tronb.o dates back fully fifteen > >
I snllcrod fiom c.itnrrh. My nose wasstoppod
up and gave mo Kioit .innoyanee. H.IWMII ;
nnd bjilttlng to my tluoal u is nl a\s
necess iry. 1 also h.i dsexero p ilni In the1 sl < k
of my hi'id nnd face , which at times woio al
most unbearable. I had a thud ftollm ; t'\ury
inoinlng nnd did not fuel at all lll.u st'nlnt ' :
about or u-olns on duty I no ap | e lie foi
hrcaUfnst and thiihlL-htof food nlinoit g.igKi'd
mo. Tlio most dlstress'ii tlhlu. asthi.t oxory
winter 1 hid ficquiMit alt iels of iiilnsy | , or
tonsillitis. My tonsils would swu'l ' und gel In-
llnmoJ , jialning me teriibly and nu.irly pro'
M'titlng bieatlilnu' or s'v.illou InTbuso nt-
taoKs cao mo great distress and Intcrfurod
lnully wllli my ( hit es as a poik'o olllcur. Tor
liftcen youia I bad this alllli'tlon until rccul\-
Inu Iruiitmcnt from lr ) > Uouoland X Bhi'pard.
TliebOiiliys-lnna tieatu 1 me nttho bu lnulii' of
oi-niriii : i s HUI'MMV
InHl winter and I am uluil to Mate that the
winti-r has passed without iiny ru'nrii of tills
( IroniHnl condition tint for llfti-i-n yrur-i had
not fulled tolslt mo The trmtmiiil I 10-
cchedfrom Dri. Copeland .1 Shopiiril was IK-II-
cilclul In c > cry way nnd piodncod the most ,
gratlfylni ! ir nlts. I hnariuy i-oniini'iid thoin
US bUCCfbbful | liyKlCllllll , III ( IllOUlf dlhlMEVi '
Copclsiiiil Mcdiciil liislitule ,
ROOMS 311 AND 312 ,
New York Life Buildinj ,
Cor. 17th niul Fanmin Sts. , Onrilu , NH'J.
W. II. Coi'iiANi : ) . M. I ) .
C. S. Siun'Aitf ) . M. I ) .
Cuti'iUltlng 1 hyslolaiH
Spoolnltos : Oitarr.'i an 1 all > 1U > MM of t'l i
Tyu. Kir. Throat an I hiuiis , NITVIIIU IM-i-
1'iinvs , aUIn IlUoasus. Ohroiilo Illmi mm. Ollliu
llonra 1) ) to II a. m. , ' ! U > 5 p. m. , T to H p m.
tunday 1U n. m to I p in troubles an 1 klmlrud
truatud Hiicuosbfully by in ill bund Ij in
stumpa for ( iiumllon pfruiiliiM Addrnm .nl
letters to Copeland Mmllo l Inbtllulo , .Nu.
York J.lfo lliiilillnc. Umiiba , Nub
TKI'ATri ) AT Till : UMrult.M HATI.OI * Ii
- . ' .N ri'itNibiii :
niKK. * roii Alii * IHHI
WIIOI.I'SAI'K c-obT or MEWCIMS : ni- :
guiuiu :
1tnrt jUIIOAIH ) ni'llllMlfb' ' * t * J
Jtainht I Hcjiot 1011 nn I Minn l SH
1 IS p ni .Criletjo VO < IIIIID |
P O n nil . . Clnc / : > Kspr . . . .
1 M | i m < , . ChlcsiJ KtprMi . . .
C.V ) p ml , ( * hlri i AJpws Ixipsl
Tfp | lliitl".INlTl ) ) > A MO illVKIt
( -'in/I'm I Depot jOlh atiOtA n s (
Hi1.S n m . lionTi-r VeUluiiia l.tniHoJ
10 IS ft m . . . DesliTUol K < prau.
4 ID p m . . .tlinrer . .
4 10 p m OenTer KipoMt . . . .
KM p in . .Iliitlani l.ocnl . ,
t-l.i n tn Lincoln l.ooilil.vcjptitn i
IAMVUI I | { r.sT" J TtOTl
Oinnlm | Depot. Utti m t SlMim "it *
I'M ' n ml . KinWTi'iTy DiyTTipnm
i'43 ' n m'K ' 4 * NUhl ttiiijUJM'jrirvi ;
l iTos I "Ir.NION I'AllKK * I Arrlrc *
1'in.Tlm ll'nlon DcpotlOtli nnil Mnrcy Sl I Onitlm.
' v , a m . . . , , ll Mrleo Ktire | ! I > .IJ p in
I''Onm ' IMnror Kinran 4 ( U p m
I IS p m OTprlnnilKljrj * | 70)pm
4 is p in.llluQsp K , I strm ' > , IJ ( ot hum 13 S ) p m
fHpm1 I'nrltlo Kinren. . . . „ . 10 40 n m
Mi p m „ . _ Donvyr I'nit Mull
llolmi l" ( IIU'MIO TlT A l7\l.lFir I Prom '
_ Kn t | l'nlonllppnt _ lOlh , < MnrcyJ < IM KmU
Atlnntlo Kvfir,1" I I. VO p 14
4 T. p m 1 1.IU p in
, , ' to P ni I Ii IJ iin
J 5 OJ a in . 11U n in
I l Illl Alll ) , II I , , V I'AflHO.
I I'nlon Doponoth nml Mnrcy SH
| . . Dcnvor l.tmllu I
lm t i\priM : * . .
I Knninl'llr ( i\ciMit : suiulnyi
_ TJI ilconl nml MIUT St
. . . . .llilpitfo ixpru : < i .
. . . „ riilrnso ixpreM :
SIODX I Tl'li \ I'.M lUi ,
TiM'Ot. lOlli niul Mntcr stji
n till . . . .sionx I Ity I'lUKiHigi" . . .
p m | . . . st , I'mil t\in- ; |
luf''t ' I'V A I'Al irit
Oinnlml Depot. IMIi nn \Voli 1 t r
_ si I'nnl l.lniluvl in
! . ( - . ! \ cs | CIIICAtlO\ Mill I'll ' W"KU ! Kll. > ,
jiiiunlinlll I * _ ilopnt. Ilit'i niul Mnrcy Ms I < ) mnh\
T VO n in ( Kt. bun'y ) Carroll I'n iunitur tiSUp nT
10 11 n in . . Chlcil.'ii itpriH : HOip m
4 UJ | i ni Vi-ntlhulo l.lmlli'i ti'.Mkm
Till p ni . l.'niturn HILT . . JUp m
0 40 p jii U5t Sun I t'lilc ( tit Man i HUIIm !
1 tnxi1 . .
Irnnnfer Union lit'pot. I oiniell nult4
It .WTHii
4 M p in . . . Voi > tllinlii l.lmlloil .
* M p in 1 nslvrii I lor
8UU p m ( ICt Sun ) All tnllo Mull ( ICx VIun )
tKx s ) rarroll I'aiiicnirur ( lit st
i Kri-T" i n\iAiKr.c si. r.ons
Onialinll ) . 1' ilppul , lOlli nnil Mnrcy st <
4. p nil , s | l.o\iH Cniinon Hull
. R , K ,1. SID \ Al.l.i'.S.
Oinnlnl Depot , mil an I Wolistorriti
PTnl am
" '
! ' ( M n in ( lC\"HiL ) Wyo Hip ( Ur Mon'i
'i U | l III .Norfolk ( Kt.
f > 4 p tn . st IViul
C , sT I' . M A I )
Depot , litli nml Wolnlor 8U
Slcnt illy Accom no latlou
> | out tiltjr KvpraM : < sun I yi
St. 1'iiiit l.linltu.l . .
suni > i
" "
MlsSOt'lll 1'ACIFIC
llcpol lltn nn 1 Wcb-ilcr Sti
I'lllUAdU It 1. A. I'Al'IHO
Union Depot ronncll lllutti
( , a p in NMitht htprc f
lO'.Mnin AtlnntlclUpri's
4 "iO p in Vc'Bllliulo l.lmltoil _ _
lenses i To7sF jot : \ . * ii.
liaimlorl Union Depot , t'oiincll Hlnn >
lOliU a nil..Kunsii I'lty Ity Ktpron
10 U p nil .lum-ai ( Itr Mziit Txiirox\us ILIIH A.l ) , llUllh S A 1I 1M'\
Traii > forJ _ nlonDipotliitiiii _ ! _ > ll Illnlti
I' ' 'iU n in
WO ! p in
7 Ui p in I roMon
.5 V
UMA11A A. St' . LOUIS I Arrlvos
I'nlon Duput ClUinoll lllllir < I'rnnjjttfr
st Louts Canon llill . 1' Ij p m
x un A , I'Acn to \rrl\ol "
ttnlo i h'l'ot Cinincll lllniT rrnnsfor
7 4 > i in sloux l Ity Acconmiod Illon 11,1X1 p m
6 V ) i < in 1 . . .St Paul , vtirsss ' ) U n ui
Hot facilities , npniritns ind Keniollo !
for s.iccositu truitnuMit of nvery furm
of dtxo.nj ri'iinlnn : mudic U or
siir If il ire itnwtu
M Ijods fur p.itlonts. boird nnJ nttondano *
llest acLomoJations In the wi'-t.
\\rto fur olrt-til irs nn dufur n t us nml
lirico < . trusses , club foot , c irvaturi'sof suinu ,
piles , tiimir-i , ciiR'or.eitirrh Uroiichlt s. In-
h il.iitono I'ctriclty. > sU , pnlluuiy. kld-
nev b adder , oyo. aiir. skin an 1 bloa I an I all
stiri : ! . : i ! oii.-r itions.
\\iiniiMi runIX'o h-uolntolv ud led i lyliu *
In ilop iriinutit for \\unien ( lurln.I'linllnumuub. .
sirlt-tly vr v ito i Unlv KoMublo Medloal In-
btttute ni.iUln ? aio | > t illy o :
AU II ooil Dlso isos siicpuisdilly troitoL
t-iiilililtlo I'ohou rumused fiom thu system
\Mllioiit meretiry Now Itestontlva Treat
ment forl.os of v'JTAIi I'OWrit. I'orsons ' uu-
atile to visit us IUT.V IID tro ited ut homo tiy
lorrospuii loiico. All coiiimiliile.itluns cunll-
dimtlal Moliclues or Instrunients sent liy
mail oro\pres , seonrely iiaeki'd , no m irln to
Ind iiite contuntiur siMider. Unu pur-on il In *
terv iiprefenol. . C'.ill anil consult , in or send
history of your unse. nnd uo sslll tuml In pliilu
urupnui. our
BOOK TO MEN ' ' " * " " ' "I'J'n I'rls-.ito ,
ease , Impoteiioy , Sviliilla ] , Oloet anJ Viiilco *
fii esitli niiuilion list.
Ilrae- . Appliances for Deformities > l Truioi.
Only m itiuf lutory In the Wcstof in'.nut U-
jt.i rrintii'ti .1 \ / * itici ,
Oiiiilhi and Suriiiul Institute ,
2Oth and Broa Iway , OoJiioll Bltitfa.
Ton in I mi toildo f rim center ot Umah i on
Oiimhi und iJiiini ni Illultj oloctrlo iiiotur lino.
( TTiZElSl'AfElANK '
Ur Council Ilium
f'apltil dtcoc
burpluii an I 1 _
Ni-tCapHil nnl Kurplns. . ( iViOHttli
lln ' ) > ( tiri I I ) K < 1 Illl'l ' l'l'l ' * illir. ' .
- 15 I ? Ilirt.V I MllHr. J V "I IJMUI
iinilCliirlot U llntinin Traimii't rfi'noral h HIM ;
liu biisinois.'os1 cipltal and siirytuiUt
any Uanli In soiillinutuni lotr.i. *
I' you haui .inylliliiK for minor tradu sou
I' II. Hlioafu , liioulw.iy and Muln Htreiit
D A irool ? lil for gunurnl housu-
v. uorlc IV7J I.a l I'leri'Ohtruet.
. _ .
- | in IOWA f inns for a ilu. Impr-isod 10) ) a 'rot
1 In llairls.iu county , Jl'j.OJ porauie , r.'nifrm
linpioxod , J.'i.oJ ! si uuru4 firm 1 m liir.f inn
In lowu un i .Nuhr iskii farms o ill on or wntu
to lohiHon ti Van 1'iittun , ( Jonnoll Itluti *
l7v > | [ KUN I-Imllnm Infill l' ' " ' < ' . , "f , tliu
J' ulty. IX II. hh < ! .ifii. lire ulwiiy and M 'n. ' _
: and Coiiiiiilsslim-MiivKH furiil-
. itin1. iitc. , ti d and fcolil on tit
luwuvt rates Oiincliaii , .liO
\VANTMJ-Cmiipoluntilrl. ; b M i j J. N
J. I' . iJ. N
( ' .is.nly. Apply at oflluo o
( as.idy.
. . . . SA I.n-Ono hlli.'lo toil bilZKy. with Ol
without haniuiit ! . cho.ip for < J V At-
niiod , I.Ulluii.liiihiruut _ .
\ \ ANrii--lmmoJliituly. : ) islrl for Miclien
> > mirk. ( oed jionuniiuiil | ) l ou. UJ S. 7111
T > 1uHi.Al.lTolt TUAHi : n-acro farm , i-spoi-
JJ lally adiiiilo'l lo frull cultum , liirn'uhuiibu
hTubo tinii windn.lll. . , iniufuim . Urand
hutnl , Apply to I.eunnrd l-Mrolt ] _ _
rnoft , bAl.U OH KI.NJ'-I.arKOht and moil
J ? urulltihle mint tu.u l < ut In tlio west , dolni
from tl.bUJ.Uj to (7.000. ( Of .mil hiiHlnfhx u luontti ;
uiinl. book will bh w Hi K t udBe I , kpli-ndld
biiiliiixi olianou. .1 vuurV leusu on bulldtui ;
M l. lIcoollUo Council. . Illufa
' . ollli-u rujii | for runt In Drown
DOIUAI1M' front lu on I'oml IUK | Mun |
t leets , witli all inodvrn convunU'iiucs Tor
tcfinn npplr to A II NIchuluHur II. ( } . Cur/i
ruorn n. aiontu for bullillu .
" \WANTii : > , u-odiKlrl fur general bouicwurk ,
V > Ml South 7th meet.