2 THE OMAHA DAILY KliiE ; SUNDAY. MAY 8. 1892S1XTKKN PAGKS. WARM WELCOME AT TOLEDO Omaha Basa Ball Players Eccoivod by the Mayor and the Citizens Qoncrally , DAD CLARKE THEN TOYED WITH THEM Nlnn Innings Spent In n l-'riiltlc s Kndrnrni to aecurn u Sroro-Scvcnil Othnr Shut- uuts Ocrnrrnd During the Diiy Tlin ( lanirt , Toledo , 0 ; Omaha , 0. Milwaukee , 8 ; Minneapolis , 0. Kunsat City , 'J ; Columbus , 1 , Indlannuolls-St. Paul postponoo , TOI.IMIO , O. , May 7. The opening Ri.mo al Olympic park today was sensational from beginning to end , Tha excitement at al times was intense. The grounds were soggy nnd sawdust was used. It wa dlfllcult te get the orb outrldo of tha diamond. Tin Omaha * arrived about half an hour bofon the game commenced , and had scarcely time to kick the kinks out ot their legs before lax Ing tlio field. Shelbeck , who played In Toledo's aisocliv tlon team , was the llrst Omaha man to show hla head , nnd n vociferous yell ot "Sliolb" wont up from 2,000 throats. Ho Rccmlngb hod It In for his former town , making four ol the hits which are credited to Omaha. He hod evidently studied Clark's delivery , foi nine of his cohorts were struck out , while he found no dlfliculty in striking to llrnt. Mayor Kmmiuk opened the gatno by eon < Kratulating President Gunnels on netting into the Western league nnd Toledo on hav ing Gunnels in It. Ho welcomed the Omnhaa In thn name of Toledo , and said that as he bad never heard any tilcknamu for thorn , he iiiffgoslcil they bo known as the "Giants , " w they ure remarkably well built men. He nopod they would not swlpu lh ball in hard is they appeared to bo able , and that the } would strive to bear up as well as possible 11 Toledo took thrco straight. rirnt Up , I'lrnt Out. Armour was the llrst to swing a bnt In the jo w park and ho hit the llrttlnll that came , lying at llrst. Gottlugor did the same , N'ichol'i base on balls availing nothing by Ely following ( Jot's example. Sholhoek cracked a single out of the tlrsl ball that cnmo , but got no farther , Nowell's ilnglo in the second wai useless , his follow robbers ( lying out. Omaha went out in ono , two , thrco fashion. In the third Nlchol was ait on Iho head by a pitched ball and la.v lonsolcss on tlio sawdust for ton minutes V'ickory was visibly agitated. Toledo could not score. Vlckory got on the tbrco bac in Ihu last ol Ihu third on another single from Shcibock , liilkshitim awful drive into comer Hold , but ono man wns out and it looked liku n homo run. Darling , who took Nichol's place , caught it with ono hand and throw it tc homo in time to catch Vlckory. Neither clubdid much but die at Itrst until two Pirates had been laid out iu the Mrs I half of the ninth. Hurley was on first , three balls und two utriltes were called on Dad Clurkc , who then tipped haltndoion vicious fouli against the grand stand anil Bcrcon. A single followed nnd Hurley reached third. Two strikes and tbrco bulls wcro then called on Armour , who dually ripped out nhother single. A wild throw permitted Clark to follow Hurley in. Got- linger then pulled Armour nround with t two-bagger , dying on second. Omaha tried heroically in her half , but thrne men wore hpottcd nt llrst and the atony was over. Al though cold , the weather was clear and 5,0X ( people will lie out tomorrow. Score : Totals. . . Ill U 7 27 13 1 SUM.MA nv , linns enrned : Toledo , a. Two base lilts : Kly. Uuttlneur , Kowo. Three huso nil : Arm our Double plays : Nicholson , Kly anil Cuniplon ; Pnrllngiun and Hurley , llasu 01 ; hulls : OIT Vleloiry , 4. lilt bv pitcher : ll.v Vlokcry , 1. Kii-uok out : liy ( Jliirke , ! ) : Vlt'U'- cry , 4. Stolen liu&o ; rsk-liolson. Tlinu ol KUIIIU : One hour and forty-live minutes. Umpire : Hnyder. Cowboys Won u DnUy. UOI.UMIIUH , O. , May 7.--Kansas City won D eamo from Columbus in the tnlrloonth in ning In a homo-run bit of Manning's. Tnc contest was brilliant and abounded in great plays for buth loams. Woulhor lair , but cold. Attendance 1,000. Score : Two mun oiil tvlipn miming run was scored. SCOIIK IIV INMMJ.S. KIITIBHII City. . . ' CuluuibUH - BUMJIAHV. lluiiH iiiirncil : Kaimnt ( Mty , I. Tlirco Liisn hl | l.nlly , Alibcy. lloluu runs : Miiiinliv. Double tilnyn. .McOlolInn , Wnlnli ami Hiceki'iirlilKO hliilii | < n > , McCli'llim nnil llrci-ki'iiilciui , . | iunu 0 | liullK : (111 Iliiiihoy , 'i ; ml Muilu'iin | , 2. IIU b ) iillchor : My lliiKlit'y. 1. Mruck mil : llj lliitllioy , In by Slcilion | , 3. I'iii. i-il bulls : Hy Mu Mnlion. MiU > n imKOi : U'lliiurkK. .MvClnllnn. All lioy , Merrill. Aliilrus. Ixjriun { inset : ICanaim Clly & ! luluiiibiiH , li. Tlinu uf KIIIUO : Twu hours a in tun inliniH'i. Uniplro : O'liny. 'Mliuii-iiiiilU | Shut Out , Mn.VAUKiiVU. : . , May 7. Fci-son's nm pitching and superb support won for Mil wauUeo today , llio opening gnaio on tin home Rrounds. McOnrr and LaKe did excel loul work. Weather cold und raw , out WM taw the game. Se-oro ; Tnlicliull out , not loucliliiK llilnl baiu , HCOIIK ur INMNr.n. Mllwaiikui ) 1 0 2 1 1 2 0 1 O-i lllnmmioll | > UOUUOUOU OH 6UMMAIIV. Itllin eurneil : Milwaukee. 2. Two bam hl [ lUmburu. lluiiblu iilayn : Mcliurr nnil Knrl , 2. Jlatuun ball * : ( HI l-erjtm , Moliarr , l.iki' . a : limit Uarrull. lilt by iiliclitir : HyMwarUi-l. Hiruvkiiut IlKiiry , HnmbiirK. Mcelurr , Munyaii. cuilen lj , e Wardit ; Tnlloliull,3 ; Ijiku , lli-nry , 2i Hum. Time of iu : > < * i Twu Imum , L'uiplru : tie rail * 1101 m i f fn coiiiiin'i riiiy. iNDUNU'til.lf , Ind. , May 7. On account ol the bud condition of the diamond , which f : being sodded , Iho Ht. I'aiil-lndiunupoli ! game scheduled for today wui postponed , Western league ; Omaha al Toledo , Mlu neapolli al Milwaukee , Su Haul at In UlnuapolU , ICansiu City at Columbus. t\a tlonul league : \ViuhlQgtoi : at Louisville. NATIONAL LKAUUK. \VIMy Ullly llulvli'i Urail Ann unit llitcl Kvrlnr'l Allt-tcd ( lluiitl. Cuioiuo , HI. , May 7. Hulchlusou was Ic great form today anil bad thoUlants com. plstely t bli mercy , one scratch tlnirla it the ninth being the sum total of tbo batting , King was hit bard , mpoclatly by Hutohlnson and Duncan , Weather very cold , Attend. fincon,0uo. Score ! 4'lilcaan . 0 0 0 2 0 5 0 0 I- f Now York . o o o n u o o 0 o-e Hits ; CliIcnRo , S : Now York , 1 , t'lile.-iiro , 2 ; Now York , 3. Kirnod riinsi ( Jhl- rngo. o. lUttnrlos : Iliituhlnsonnnd Kittrldgo ; Klnir nnd llor.o. .loimli * Only I. oil TITO. PITTSIIIJUO. PR. , May 7. The Plttsburgs lost two games todiy to Iho Wnshtngtons bo. cause they could noi lilt loft-handod pitchers , both Knoll nnd ICIllam being very affective. Attendance , IW1. I'llLsliiirit . 0 1-1 WiisliltiRton . 0 . ' - : lilts : 1'ittsbuR , : i ; WashliiRton , A. Krrors : I'lttsburg , \YnshliiRtoii ; , 7. Karnod runs : Washington.- , lluttorlos : Unlvln and MacK , ICnell ami McOnlro. Second game ; l'ltt bnr . - WusliliiKton . . . . 0 J lilts : I'lllsbilr. ' . < : Wiislitnglmi. 7. Krrorsi I'ltl-ilinm. IiVii lilnnton. 1. Kiirncd runs : riltsburj. I ; VViishliuton , I. Itattorlus : llald- win ami K.irl , Klllanimil Mllll an. Sllll ItoiiHlIni ; .AlcCriiin. Lotisvii.t.n , Ky. . Muy 7. Philadelphln won today by superior playing , outplaying the Loulsvillcs nt ovcry point. McCrun- gave us bed an exhibition of umpiring as hn ! over bcou seen hero. Weather fair. Attend- mice a , SOD. Score : lnulsvl lo . 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0- . ' rinlAdulphla . 0 0 0 3 0 .1 0 .0 t lilts : l.oulsvllln , r > ; Philadelphia , 12. Krrors ! l.onUvllle , ft ; Philadelphia. 2. llntlerles : Stnttnn nnd Uowsu und Jonus und Urlin ; Wuylilnj ; and Cross. DuIVy Is thn liny. CisciNN'ATl , O. , May 7 , Boston won to day' . ! game after a hard light. Cincinnati led iu Ihu seventh Inning , but Hoiton tied Iho score In llio olithlh nnd UulTy's homo run won Iho gamo. Warm. Attendance , 5,000 , Score : oincimmtl . o o n o o i l o o : lloslon . o * ! lilts : Cincinnati , 0 ; Itoston , 5. Krrors : Clnclnnntt , U : Huston. 'I. Itatturles : Mulliun and Iliirrlii.'ton ; Hliley : unit Uunzol. Kartiuil runs : Clnclnnial , 1 ; lloslon , II , llohliy llolpvd Klinur Along , ST. Louis , Mo. , May 7. Foutz hit safely tc Carutlicrs In the ninth lulling today when the game wns lied nnd Hobby let thu ball gel away from bun , giving Foiitz a chanro to encircle circle the bases and brine in the winning nil for Hrookiyn. It was ihu most brilliantly , contested game witnessed here this suason Attendance 'J.IOO. ' Score : HU IxrnN . 0 0-T Itrooklyn . 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 lilts : St. Louts , B : llrool.-lyn , 7. Krrorsi St. LOUIS , a : Hrookiyn , 0. K.irnenl runs ; SI , l.ouU. a ; Hrookiyn , I. Hallorloi : Qluasnii und Muran : Font/ , and Dally. Italtliniiro l-'lnully Wins AKIIII. | CI.BVKMNP. O. , May 7. A base on balls to Sclionh and n luckv two-b.tso hit by Whistler in the tenth inning gave Baltimore the win niiig run today. It was u cloiu ; nul exciting camu. Score : Cleveland . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 d II Haltlmuro . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 II 1 I lilts : ( 'lovoliiml.il : Baltimore. 10. Errors : Cloxel.ind , 1 : H.illlmoro. 1. i.irn d runs : UliiviMaml. I ; Hiiltlmiiru. I. Hatti-rles : Davla und O'L'oiinur ; Cobb ami ( iiiiiiun. iidiiiK of tin * TOIIIM. : WiSllIIN : ! l.KAIIUK. HTATI : I.KAC.UI : . Tallcndor.s ClmiiK" I'lacrs. Pl.ATTSMol'TH , Nob. , May 7. [ Special Telegram to THE Bii.J : : The tailondom came together today and exchanged places. Plaits- mouth outplayed Iho visitors all-round. At no time wns Grand Island in it. Uoorgo Yaop twirled the sphere for the locals , and pl'ehed a wonderful game at critical moment. * . He allowed tha visitors but three hits , ono of which , however , was r three-baser , aud another a doubio. Ho wus wild and gave sovou bases on balls , but braced up at critical times. SlolToy also pitched In good form , allowing the locals MX lilts , four of which worj doubles. Kennedy led in batting for the homo team , while Kcefe led Urand Island. Maupiti , Green and John Patterson for Plattsmouth distin guished themselves in thn Held , ns did Shatton and Hourko for the visitors. The score : I'lattsinoiith ( Unind Inland 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 II Ivirned runs : I'liittsmouth. 'I : Grand Island , : i. Ilaso lilts : I'liittsmouth , ( I ; Oraml Island , II. Krrors : I'liittsmouth. fl ; Grand Island , u. Hatiorliis : Vapp and Maupln , riloiroy and Keofo. Umpire : ( jrcusol. Won lr liy LINCOLN , Nob. , May 7. ( Spacial Telegram to Tin ; UIKJ Lincoln aud Hastings mot on the diamond this afternoon for the llrst time this sea-ton , and the gwno ; resulted dis astrously for the home team. Hasting ) wo n by slugging In the fourth Inning. The vis itors started tlio game with two scores to their credit , Timmo catching dm on Smith's awkward handling of a slow knocked bull down to third , was advanced to second bv McFarlanu's single and both scored on Chiles' two-bagger. In ttio fourth inning Chiles got his base on an error. Packard found the ball /or three bases , while Finch and CUnc followed close aftar with well placed Ringlos. The feature of thu playlnc of the homo team was Fowler's brilliant work nt second. Hcoro : Hastings 2 0 1 Lincoln ( 1 Kin nod runs : Hustings. 3 ; Lincoln. 2. Krrors : Hustings. 1 ; Lincoln. 0. Huso hlis : Hasting10 : Um-oln. III. Two-baso hits ! Unites. McKlbeen , Kenr , Mosticr. Threo-basc hits : I'nekanl. .Struck out : Flneli , : i ; I'uiicer. I. lliitterles : I'lnch and Clulos. I'undur and 1-oar. Umpire : Hart. Time : One hour anil fifty-live minutes. HASH 11,11.1. ItltlCKS. Ditn-iitud tii .Milieu. The Mutes of Council Hluffs were put in the soup by Shanuhun's pats at Nonpareil park yesterday afternoon. Tlio feature of tlio cnino was the pitchinir of Oolnn , who only allowed tlio mute team one hit. The Nonpnrolls will meet the Athletic club at thla park today. The score ; OCUIIK IIV INM.VliS. Nonpari'lla . 0 1 1 o U 0 0 d f Mutes . u u o 1 1 0 U U 0- 3 Hl'MUAIIV. Hum unmix ! : .Nunpnrclli. 4. Two. line lilli : l.llmhun. llaau on lull. : on lloluu , t ; C'uinuilUK 4. Mruck otil : lly Dolan , S ; Ciimiiiln B , 7. Wild pllclitf * : lljf Cllliliulliira I , l'n i-.l hillla ; My All lilohy I , Time uf KUIIIU. 1'oity laliiuit-o. Uniilr : I'nslcd the llnyilonii. SriuxoKiBi.p , Nob. , Mny - . - ( Special Tele sram toTilK UKK. ] The .Sprinxtiold Uraya won their second game of tbo season today , and that , tou , from the great Hayden Uros , team , managed by J. W. Kelly and captained by old man Carrigau , by a score of 8 to ) , SnyJor , the young pltcaor , as knocked out of the POX iu the third inning aim was re lieved oy liorrlgan , who was touched up foi thrco singles and n bruce of two-baggers. which netted tbo Grays four scores. Corrigan - rigan was the ouly onq of the visitors wlic crossed the plate , and that too on a low throw from first to the pinto. Sere : Surlnvllold . , , : * H HuyUonv . . . . 0 I ) U 0 0 U 1 U 0 1 ! SprhiKlIold , llubt and lull ; lUy- dens , ( ; orrlivii. ; Hnyder an I Hwnru. truelt out ; llrlluUt , Hi by Uorrlgan mid SnyUer. 7. Time of n'amo ; Two hours. Umpire ; llrowii. Down Went thu Tlgeri. Piiisc rroN-,7) ) . J. , M y 7. The Harvard men are happy , Tnoy have man the Prluoo- ton at the bat tuli afternoon tor the tint time ilneo 1 9 add beaten thorn. Tbey plnycd n steady game vxhllo Princeton went pieces. Score : llnrvnrd 1 0 1 0 2 0 A 3 It I'rlncoton 0 0 0 1 0 S 0 5 0- lilts : llnrvnrd , , p > ; I'rlnrnlon. U. Krrors : llnrvnrd. : > : I'rlncotoii , 7 , ll.ittcrlcs : Hlgli- Innd and Noasoti. Vonni ; and llrown. Thn lllghHi-liniil KliM Win , The Hicli school team wont down to flollovuo ycsterdav and played tno colloga team two games , winning both. Following are the scores : sn n 57 71 n rotnis . . . . IIV 1XNI.XOS. Otnnlia Hlali School . 2 4002 17 00 0-23 UclluvuoL'ullcKU . U 121 I U U 0 0- G SI'MSIAIIV. Hiinsenrncil : Omnhn High grliiial , 18 ; HclloTiip , 4. Two-lima lilts : l.imrli' , ( 'lurk nnd lliillcr. Tlircii-lindo tilts : t'Urkc , 8 ! ( looilrlcli. 1. llumo runs : Clnrk , t. Duulilu | itnjra : Cnrnahnn to llelli lln kctl (11 ( lltitlortu Clixrkp. llaru un linlln : ( in llniwn , 3 ; nit Omiitlinn , s. lilt liy pitcher : It ; llrnirn , 1. Struck mil : Hjr llrown.il ; hy Cnrimlmii. 2. U'lM iiltt-liun : lly Cnrnalmn , 1. t'nminil 1ml IB : My Oln lwrtf , I : lir MnttClork , 1 , Tlmo of gninu : Two Imnrs nnit Ililrly tiilnuton. Uniplro- Clarke See-ond gunio : llullovuo . . C 2000000 05 Omnlin Illuh bclionl . .1 8 2 1 U 0 1 0 - 12 llnllcrloi : Otnnti.t lllah Schoul , Clnrk niul Gins IILTK ; HolluTiiu , buillli nnil Hull. til'KKIt ItlXtl. Close of thnViiililiim on Jocltoy Cluh'n \VAJIIIIXIITOX , U. C. , May 7. Today closed the most successful meeting of tlio Washing ton Jockey club over hold horo. The weather was beautiful , the attendance very largo , the track fast nnd the racing good. 1'lrst lace , llvo furlongs : ( Jhlsoll won. .Tim- ' l/unloy : second , Koar Guard third. Time : Chlsoll was a 0 to 1 shut , Socoml riu-o , one mile : Krle won. Mr. Snss soi'imu , Ilr. Wllcox tlilr I. Tlmo ! 1:11 , 'riilrd race , one mlle and a quarter : l-'ronto- nac won , Bolero sccontl. My l-'ullow third. Tlmo : atliU- Fourth race , six fiitloiigs : llcl Dumonco wim , UHgptecuond , Thcrndalu third. Tlmo : 1'lflli race , stcoplccliaso , two miles iml n half : Unlawnru vron , Ham Morsu second , lliill- rush third. Time ! J- : ! ' , , Klphln full unit threw ills rldur nnd Stone wall us u scUut ( bulled. Sixth r.ier , stcopleichaso , guntlemon rltlurn , two inlltn : Maiinln won , Natchez second , Arab third , Tlinu : 4JJ. : ( Alliance full and threw his rider. ItCHIlllS lit NllHllVlllo. NAfltivii.i.c , Tonn. , May 7 , Do.sult.v I-'Irst raci ; . sullliiE. six furlongs , nlnostartors : Oyrenti < : ! ! $ to 1) ) won , Ijniiy Illiiokliurn ( II to fl ) second , lion Ton (10 to 1) ) tnlrd. Time : lll > H. Second i-.ice , .sellln. . one und iiiic-slxteonth mill's , six Htai-leira : Powers (4 ( to 5) ) won. Kit Ksholby (13 ( to 11 seeon-l , Kobln Hood ( Ih to I ) third. Time : I.V. : Thlid nice , six fiirlonss , ton starters : Kan Uln-i ( ID to I ! won. Asitoy ( . * > to II second , Mari etta (3J ( to 1) ) third- Time : 1:10 : , Kotirth ruep , the llniicaii hotel stakes. JI.OO'J added , sixty-seven untrlus , imu mile : Hal- cowan , l-'i (4 ( to . " ) ) . lloiinlu ll.vrd. 117(8 ( to II , ( Juvurlon. 7i ( , Dolly Mel'ouo. ( eouplodU ( U to S ) . They started with CJuvorton nhoal in frotn of Dolly McCone , she another , in front of the others. Passing th"j quarter Covprton hud increased his load to two lengths n'nd Dolly McCono had dropped back to last place. Liounie Uyrd nnd I3nlirowaii ran bead and head for halt a mtlo nnd alternated in second place nnd thirel places. Posslng around ttio turn for homo , Dolly McCono assumed second place and mmio a rattling finish , with her stable campanio-.i , Covorton , finally win ning by l.ul a length. Dolly McCono second , Ualcowan third. Time : 1 :42K : , I'lfth r.-ice , live fiulomis , nine starters : l-'or- csl UOSD (10 ( to 1) ) won , lonely .lane ( ! . " > to 1) ) soc- oml. Uuorgotl to 1) ) third. Time : 1:0. : . . Sixth race , .soiling. HX fnrloncs , clcht start- r.n : I-'aklr Cl to 2) ) won , Hob Jacobs ( i ! to 1) ) see- oud. due Dime (3 ( to I ) third. Time : 1:174. A euiiili'in.ins' nice , sixfurloius. . hulwoon llcely Jolin , Iliillot , eld South und ( .eon II. , was won by Uullot. Time : 1:13' ; . J.cxhitcm' ( Iti'st liny. L.CXIXGTOX , Ivy. , May .7 , The attendance at the Lexington .lockoy club track today was largo and the weather was lino. The track was fair and good time was mode. I-'irst race , selling , , one mile and seventy yards. 'I lu-eo starters : Hnpoinl (2 to II won , Mis * ICnottl ( to 1) ) see-on J , Hook J.aidloy (13 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:47' . Second race , one and tlireo-fourtlii miles. Three starters : Ordroy C' ' to 1) ) won. Ethel (10 ( to 41 second , Dundee (10 ( to 4) ) third. Timor l.i4J : . Third race , Phoenix hotel stakes , onei and one-eighth miles. Tluee starters : Wndsworth ii : toM won , Newton (7 ( to II second , Faraday < : t to i ) third. Time : 1nii. : Fourth race , lirioon-slxtcenths of n mile. three starters : Hr.indolett ( l-tn 1) ) won. Maud llowjrd ( I'J to 1) ) second , llolon N (3 to II third. Time : I : - ' : . ' . , . Fifth race , four and oriu-hnlf furlongs , throe starters : Duteli Oven ( S to I ) won. Lo < i ramie a la 1) ) second , l.uko F (10 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : fS. Sixth r.icu. solllns , ihrco-fonrllis of a mlle , three starters : .Major Tom (4 ( to ll won. I/oud- loy (4 ( to ti hucond , I-.iuma l.onlsc (3 ( to I ) third. Time : ItlU'/i. Ilnnvy Truck nt St. l.tiuls. ST. Louis , Mo. , May 7.Tho weather was clear and cool , nnd about S.OOO persons nt- tended the races today. The truck was lumpy , nnd only fair time was made. First race , sollliie. six fiirlonqs. olclit start ers : St. Lee (3 ( to 2) ) won. Hurt Jordan (4 ( to J ) second. Al Orth (3 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:17 ! } . Second race , four and onu-halt furlongs , llvo Htnrtera : Sir Car ( It to I ) won , Tliu Klni : (1 ( to 5) ) sin-rind. Scotland (5 ( to t ) third. Time : Ir-'O. Third r.ico , soiling , six- and onu-lmlf fur longs. Nlnu starters : John U. CJ to II won , Miss Kitty (1 to 1) second , Minnoru (8 to 1) ) third. Tlmo : lisa , Fourth race , four and ono-lmlf furlongs. N'lnustarter.s : Highland ( JtuS ) won , Caloosa CM to 1) ) second , Miss 1'lokwlck ( II to 1) ) third. Time : 1:15. : Fifth race , selllns. six fiirlonus. l-'lve start ers : ItoMimont ( " > InJl wim , I'atrlul : ( It ) to 1) soeond , Costa llle'ii ( I to 1) ) tlilrd. Tlinu : Il7lj. : Hi.vtli raeu. handicap , one mllo. Six starters : Jim iiiinn ( U to II won. Kd Ilopiiur ( M to I ) second end , I'esetulor.-i (4 ( to 1) ) third. Tlinu ; l:4Ut4. : ( illl ' lit C.UttOlllllll-J- , GuTTKMifito , N. J. , May 7.Tho trnck today was in excellent condition and thcro was'u large attendance. First race , BUVPII furloiiRs : i'r'ottlwlt won , Ur.idnutu bucontl , Headlight third. Tlinu : Si-eond race ) , four furlongs : Ninon Colt won. Nnrkti Cult HUL'oml , Lorraine third. Time : O'J'i. ' ' J'hlrd ! race , six and one-half furlongs : Lord Harry won. Vugubonil sueonil , Toano third. Tlmo : li'J.1 . Foui-lh race , one mile : Mubotln won , Sam T tiocimd , Turk thtr.l , Tlmo ; l4iii. ; : I'1. ' fth ruc , llvo fiirlongn : Hob Arthur won , Irregular second , Ha liirat tlilrd , Tlnm : I Mi'JSi. Sixth race , seven furioiiRs : Philander won , Centiuir BOCOIII ) , IjOiiKstrldo third , Tlmo : Kim rriiiii'lsuo Clone. SAN I' HANCise-o , Cal. , Mny 7. This was the closing day of the blood horse races : First race , selllnc purse , six furlongs : llrot llurle won , Tom .Stacey second , Hoverlo third. Tlnio : lS)4 ; | ) , Second race , five furlongs : Martinet won , t'ondo second , Oporto thlr.l. Time : lu"i. : Third race , Inindioap for ' . ' -year-olds : Uhiirmion won , Alllunco second , Orrln third , Tlmui ! : ( & I'onrth nice , mill ) dash : Ksponumi won , Montana second , Monown third. Tlinu : Jill1. . Fifth race , three-fourths of a oillu ; Joe 1'IIUwon , All 1'uusu becond , nklrmin tlilrd , Time : lilliK. Sixth nice , consolation pun > u , seven for- > IOIIKS ; Sim I'edro won , Kurlu sucond , Lady IJwynn third , Time ; 1:31 Si. lawn's llnuvy I'iirnn , DiviiN'i'oiiT , la. , May 7. [ Special Tele gram to TUB n UK. ] The Davenport river carnival has been Qxod for the llrst week in August , conclding with the opening of the mill track now In prooass of construction. At the race inootliii ; to bo hold f-'O.OOy in purses Is offered. Ten thousand forAxtcll , Alerton , Nelson und Nuucy Hunks , $ o OUO for IIul Painter and Direct , and $500 for uuy broken record. These purses exceed any uvorofforoa In this state or part of the country. Clrcut llaumco by FlomU. PEOUU , 111 , May 7. Hesculng parties have been out In the flooded La Marsh dis trict all nleht , and have found six of tbo twenty families. They have not been over the entire dUtnet , and do not know whether the remaining families are sata or.not , The damnyo will be very great. The destruction is complete , and tbo soono one of ventut dejolutioa. flouaj AoceplsoBn Amendment That Opon1 the DoorNumbarlosa Abuses. nilc . VIGOROUS PROTEST FROM MR. O'NEILt f t "Hrnnntny" ' < , ' (7nKrcM Allow * Tlmt Public Work * on , | ( ] niiriiM'inrnti | Mny Ilo Ioiiii. . " < ) tli < < r\vl < Mi Tlinu \ < y Contrae-l. " "t . v , t > . ( J. , May 7. In tUo house today the bill donnilng the military rosorvn tlon at Oklahoma City for school purpose \vna passed. Then the house wont Into com mitted of the \vholo anil resumed discussion of the rivers and harbors bill. The po nil I up amendment was that offer-eel by Mr. Whiting of Michigan , to strike out tha appropriation for n ship channel Iwotit.v-ono foot in depth connecting the waters of the Rro.it lakes between Chicago Duluth anil Ituffnlo , Inserting In Hot thereof a provision authorizing the sccrctnrj of war to atipoini a board ot oiiBlnuor.s , tc whom shall bo rnferred the report of Colone O. M. Pee upon the subject of n twenty-fool uhiuinol from Dulutu to liuffulo through tin grout luUca. The board shnll also report ate - to the practicability of deepening the wntoi level of the lakes. Mr. whiting's Rinomt merit was rejected , ! I5 to ICO. Mlsionil Imiirimminnt Apiiroprliillnn. On motion of Mr. Hondorson ot llllnoU tlio appropriation for the Improvement of the Missouri river between the footot Great falls In Montana and Sioux Ulty , la. , was increased from $70,000 to ? 100,000. On motion of Mr. Smith of Arizona at amendment , was iidopto-1 appropriating SIO , 001) for Improvement of the Colorado river b > the construction of a levou on the GUa rivoi nour Its Junction with the Colorado nt llumo Ariz. Ariz.Mr Mr , Hlanclmrd of Louisiana offered as at adaitloiml section n proviso that in case : where authority liad boon granted to th ( secretary of war to mnko contracts for tin couiplotion of certain works of river mid bar bnr improvements , if no bids bo roceivct which arc doomed to bo ndvanlagoous to the government. or if the secretary 1)00111 ) it bcsl for the public interest , then materials may ho purchased and work done otherwise that by contract. llcfmcd to Ho Shouted Uown. Mr , O'Neill of Missouri vigorously as sailed the proposed section , contending thai Its otlcct would bo to start In motion a vasl political machine , havinz iu its control the expenditure of millions of inonoy nui ! opened the door to a great abuse of dbcro tion. tion.Uoiiitr intorruptoil with cries of "volo,11 Mr. O'Neill indignantly refused to be shouted down , declaring ttmt the cries ol "voto" sounded too much like "pork , pork. " [ Laughter. I The nuiondmont was agreed to , 123 to 45. The committee then rose and reported the bill to the house. Mr. Klclmrdson of Teunossoo moved to lay the bill on tlity , la'blo. Motion rejected , the opponents of tlio bill not baiui : ublo to mustei sufltciont force 'lo.brdor the yeas and nays. The amendment : ) wuro agreed to in cross with the exception of the last section , upon which Mr. O'N/jJtr.of Missouri demanded n separate voto. , The section was agreed to Veas , 121 ; nnysj , at. Hyiitim Ti-itvi tlio I'ltibiiHtor Ant. Mr. Stone of' ' 'Ivbntucky ' movedtorecon - siaer the vote , tihd Mr. Blauchard to lay the motion on the 'taolo. Pending which Mr. O'Neill bf Missour1 , ! moved an adjournment , which was reJoctL-d. Then Mr. Dyhiim of Indiana put on the garb of a iilibustor > and made a motion for u reed's until S o'clock , supplementing it with a motion that \ytion.tliu house adjourned today It bo to wed on 1'ucsday uoxt , but Mr. Kjehnrdson-ofj Tciiyicssep thoughtu'n adjourn ment , should bogtjiljjui jin U Wojlnesdjfy , , and mjiJouv"'uioHyii'"to that'ciTcc't. . j j > nd : the amendment was Jest , 8 Jo 103. Mr. Hynurc then cave .Inn house nhothor opportunity to adjourn , airl this time it was accepted. Tinii'iioxu An Innocent l.Hily I.ocltuil Up nnil III Truntinl by tliu Chicago 1'ollce. Cliu > Ate : , 111. , May T. A glaring piece ol oppression in ofllco was rovoulrtt- the police court here when Mrs. fcUla Robinson was brought up for examination. The police of Kliuiru , N. Y.havo been hunting for Miss Ella C. White , nn alleged forger of that placo. Some days ago Mr. ,1. O. Newton , who says tie knoiv-s the Wluto woman , mot Mrs. Hobinson and Informed the police that ihu much wanted Miss White was Airs Hobinson. Mr * . Hobinson was arrested und kept under survjiillancc.so the police say , but she claims she was looked up ana ill-trenlod. Finally Mr. G. P. Norman , cashier of the Second National bank of Klmir.i , came to this city and identified Etta Hooinson as ElhiC. White. When the case came up fn the police court Mrs. Hohinson proved that she is not Miss \Vhitc , and llio judge discnnrcoa the pris oner. Her friends nro very indignant at the police tor their share in bringing about the incarceration and subsequent abuse of Mrs. Hooiuson. Till- : riunt of thn Nortliiirn Oar Miiiiiiruutiirln ; ; Company at Minneapolis Dustroytxl. MiNXHAi'oi.is , Minn. , May 7. At 1 o'clock this morning fire stnrtoil In tlio olllco build ing of the Northern Car Manufacturing com pany at Croncsdalo , a suburb of tins city , and in an hour the entire place was destroyed. The loss on buildings ami machinery will be $100,000 , of which amount not jnoro ihun flO.OOO is on the buildiiigs , the remainder being on the machinery and uncompleted cars The Minneapolis lira department was notnotlliod until the tire was well under way , and then on accountof the distance * , be tween four and llvo miles , the liromun did not reach tiinro until too Into to bo of any as sistance. Between 1.10 and 2K ( ) men will bo thrown out of employment. The insurance will not probably cover moro than half the loss. n Hand-Ill-HUilit.Sports iMiltuil. VoNKKlts , N. .V. , May 7. The police ol this city raided the lland-ln.IIaml club last night and arrested forty-three man and nova who were witnessing a pnzo light. Mllto Madden' , one of tlib principals , was * caugni , but his oppoiioru/0o.scapod , The hand-in- Hand club is cp/npoied / of young men ho- twcon 18 anu 'JTi , onw of ace , Thu rooms nro over a stnbla.on.'Main street. Thcro was n wild scramble to , escape when ttio pollen raado their iippuaranyo. Tuoso captured were locked up. iiikcil Work. PITTSIIUIUI , P . , MMi > y T. Indictments have been found neaiV. , . H. Dill , pnaldout ol the Clearllold ban'ftv/ind Theodora Mylar , as sistant postmostttni nt AlloKhony , for om- ber.zlemont , wittij nlliu ndulllonal cbarga ncolnst the former , , of falsely cortUving checks and notc * ( TO a largo amount in the yoarlB'Jl. ililnjr Illiu : , Ncw YOIIK , MVi1 , , 7. The rumor that Jay Gould is 111 " { Jimtly n slock Jobbing canniil. ( Jeorgo c' uid rocoivoa n telegram from him yesterday afternoon suying that all was well. Dally anil O'Momirll Ulll l'lKli < . Sioux Cur , Ia.Jlay -Special ( Tolo gramtoTiiK liir. : | - Billy O'Donnoil of thU city and Dan Daily of Qmuha luvo signed articles for n light with lour ounce glove ; of not loss than twenty round * lioro Juno 'J. Triiincoiillni-iilul .Hull Train U'n-uki'd , KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Mny 7.r-Tno fau mail on the Missouri Pacillo , westbound from St. LouU , was wracked at Knobnoita ? , Ma , by collision with a freight train. It U part of the transcontinental mail nynicm and no passougers. \Vi-iilthy llrutlirr Tlroil of UKIII.IN , May 7. Victor Jaoxuratrom and brother , members of the noted uommission Urm , worodUcovorea In itio ThiorgarUuVic tor dead nnd hli brother nonrlr so , Victor shot himself and bit brother tried to linn7 himsclY , but the rope broko. No cause is known for the deed. Fnllnro ntSlonr Cltr- Sioux CITY , la.May 7. ( Special Telegram to Tnr. IHi.I Judgment was rendered yes terday against the New Kncland Investment and Improvement con.pnny for fTO.OOO. Ills ono of the suburban real cstnto speculations. Iturgliirlxcil the rottulltro. Wiurn PI.UN ? , N. Y. , May 7. The post- onico wa < i burglarized last night , The loss Is heavy , but Juat how much there wai secured U not yet known. Drcrrmo In the llnnk llr rrvo. NBW YOIIK , May 7 , The bank statement shows the rcnorvo has decroatod $5-J8,000. The batiks now hold $11,803,000 in excess of legal requirement * . ] 'imo IllorkulrilVltll Stiinv. ViKN'N.v , May 7. The mountain passes of Iltineurvand the Tyrol are blookadoU with snow which fell yesterday , THIS ItKAl.TV MAItKKT. rNSTllUMUNTd plouoT on rooorJ May 7 , L itvji WAIIHANTr PKKIJl. Helen Krloln to James Hrownlco , lot 4. hlnckli , 13 V Sin Ill's add . $ flV)0 ) U Lv Huso to llernlnird Thomson. S.33 aeros.sw sw IH-I.VI3 . 753 K A I.lnilsay and liuslmm ! to'ontr.-il In- vestnumtL'onipanv , lots I anil 2 , lioik ! II , MuL'nrinlckN nild . 15,000 T ' ! ' Wilson and wlfo to Kiniuii Ciin- nlnzham , lot" , b.ook 1 , Dem Inn' * add. . . 4.YH ) J U Ureun nnd wlfo to I'eter Cousins. lots li und to , bloi-k a. , Wllcov's second ndil . 2'J o II M I'alilwu 1 to llynm ISeetl unmtmny. sill ) lot ( lot lot ' . ' , Capitol add . 12..VW 1) ) II Soavt'r to same , purl lots i and 11 , same . I0.5M 9 K Johnoon nnd wlfo to I ) 11 inuvor. sainu . _ . . t'.i.MO Die Ityron Ueeil company tonchool dU- trlel. of Oniiilm. t.Mi\Uji-"iI ; feet on s line loil o Mtruel mid w line lot U , nnd -'Sxllj ; : 'Ji feet on sllno Io.lKesln.'Ut ) und o line lot. ) , U.ipitol add . 3'OOC Mury Murphy , umudlim , In M A Hansen. lot s , blool ; 4 , lloms & Hill's ndd . . . . . ' : . 4,500 J V Klnelc company to J ! ' Muller , lots 10 to47. blook 2 , Mystie park . 4,000 A.I I'oiiploton and wife to I'opp'ulon Park.lliilllllii ! ; uisoaliitton.lot 18. block 7. I'oppluton park . 000 C KStratton and wlfo to t ! WVlit , lot ID. block I. Lincoln plncu . 3'rM H.-uno to Samuel Strutlon. lots 1 , U and ' ) , block 13. Ilanscom pliu-e . 4G,3lii Ciithne llaydcnanl husband to Helen Cl ark , lolj. lluul pla co . Total amount ot transfer * . $1TOC < . )7 ) THE ANCHOK OF COLUMBUS. Tim Oldcat Itrllc In lOtlstiiucn or tliu Din- on very of AniiirU'ii. On the night of UiolM of August , 1-108 , tlio little Hoot of Chrlulnpher t'olun.biis , Ihodiscovoror of Amoriuti , lie boinir then upon his third voyage , lay at anuhor just oil thu southwest point of the ishuul of Trinidad , olT the iiminliiml ot South America , which lie line ! scon thiit clay for the IIrat time. " 15ein < r on hoard of his sliip , ' ' says Washington Irving , in his hiatoiy of tlio great navigator , "lute tit night , kept nwuko by painless ill no-is and an anxious ami watchful spirit , lie heard a terrible ro.iring from the south , ami bohehl tlio sea lieanod up , as it were , into n ridge or liilf , the hoipht of the ship , covered with foam and rolling toward him with a trcmondoiia uproar. As this furious surge approached preached , rendered more torrihle in ap- poiiraneo by the obscurity of Iho night , ho trotnhiod for the security of his ves sels. His own ship wits suddenly lifted up to such a height that ho dreaded lest it should bo ovorlurnod or east upon tlio rocks , while another of llic ships was torn violently from anchorage , leav ing1 her anchor behind her. Tlio urvs \yqrp for a time in great coiulernatioti , fo.uHng that they should ho swalloweil up , but the mountainous surge passed on , and gradually subsided , after u violent contest with the counter-current of tlio strait. This sudden rush of water , it is supposed , was caused by the swelling of one of the rivers which How into tlio Gulf of l'ari ; , and which wore as yet un known to Columbus. " Thojinchor thus lost on tlio night of August 2 , 1-10S , nearly -100 years ntro , from ono of the ships of Columbus , oil the southwest extremity of the island of Trinidad ( Point Arenal , as Columbus mimed the spot , vide Irving ) hns re cently boon recovered by Senor Argo- stino , the gentleman who now owns the point of land in question. It hns the rare merit of being the oldest relic ex tant of the great navigator atul of the discovery of America. As would bo expected from the ago of this relic it is an anchor in the simplest form of expression. Tlio shaft is round and oizlit feet nine inches in length. At the head of the shaft is a round ring nearly a foot in diameter to which the cable wns fastened. The llu'nos have a spread of about five feet. The total weight is 1,100 pounds. This anchor was dug up by Senor Argostino iu his garden from a depth of six feet at thodistanco of ! ! - " feet from tlio nearest beach of the sea. His first supposition was that ho had stumbled unon a relii1 of the Phoenicians or of some other of the ancient nations who have been supposed by many to huvo visited tliu coasts of America thousands of years ago. lint an examination of local fiict and authorities HOOII con vinced him that , a portion of his garden now occupies Iho vary post at which Ilia ships of Columbus lay at anchor on the * night of August S , MS. ! ) The land is constantly rising from the bea along this entire coast , as has been shown by lliimbohit , Kindlay und scores of others who have written upon this subject , and tlio rate of this rising is known to have been quite milliciont to turn in1(10 ( years the an chorage of Iho great licet into the gar den of n private citizen. There is not a pnrticlu of dpnht , therefore , n . the end of llio rigid inquiry that 1ms been made that tlio anuhor recently lound by Senor Argostino Is rcully nnd truly llio lost anchor of Columbus. Tlio great busmesi of the Pennsylvania Huilrond company is Indicated in Ucnornl Manager 1'uch's report of the work done during tlio v.'ar in the way of repairs and re newals and the construction of now roads , There woro'r > S'l tons of steel rails and SIM- OS ) crcHi tlos used for repair- ) and renewal- ; , und l-,4'.r > tons of stool rUls nnd 2li',0. ' ) > : i crois tloi used in the construction ot now branch roaUs nnd sidings. XKIfA 01' yKSTKItl > .lV. llllllllMllll. t Juliiiii KuITrl.i.ii of Norwood , 1'a. , w.is xtruok by lUMningaml klllu'l \Vnrthlnxtnn. I ) . O . lias hcnn vMIUiil by a suvcrn wind ilorm. wlncli did nuieli damu-ju ( o thorlty. A cyelonn nt UuttyHbnrK. 1'a , . did mni'h daiuavu to that town A woman was Kovuroly Injured by llylnt ; liinlicr-t- Dlllpliisof the IVoi-la .t Wrt iru oiuphnll- cally deny that llicre Hns liutm u UIUL-K or uu- I'lduut of uny Mud on thulr Inn * . IMwIn.S. I'uarl Jiiitipi-d from tlio hip brlds" i thu Mt.s | h > li > : > ! tlvurat MumtiliU to thu w.nvr b ow , and was pk-Uud up iinliiliiro I. 'I'homas lu iv Ion has l.iinii oxui-nlod at Ihu ( ; olor iito iiunltrntlary for Ihu nuirilcr. last Acn.-11-.l.of .lolin I linn iiilnu < H L'oliir iiloHirliius. | ( Jovitrnor MuhuUor l.oiiN.aiu lius * l-'nucl tlioiliiitth wurr.ini ot iU'leiins Uoxili.iinp. , tliu miirdcrurof JnlU'ttu Unll/t-h , and llxu i 1-rl- day , M.iy i'J , liotwi-nn tliu hunrrtof I ; noon and U p. MI. H Ilio lime fur o.xiienllon. A uii.ui of llio brldsu norots IhoTunnuiieu rlvurnl rioicncis Alu. went down bummh thu ulk'ht of a froUlit train. UIIH manus diumurouKly tiuru The lirldcu l iliu iirojierty of tliu Memphis < k I'lurlcstoii ralliouif , 1'ureiicn , Knine hos-boon dlttiirbed by slUht onrth- AnaruhUU huvo iitluniptud to blow up the rulliond hrldso nt SteoiiBoriiiie' . Belgium. The ) ( Jurmiin cnipririir * oldoal on , ( Irowiu I'rlncol-'iuiluriox William , wu * | Jyearioldyo - lerdtiy , und In uccorJanvu with Iliulonz e.slib- IHIiod riutum hruamu "tbo yonuso t lluu- tvnitnl"ln tim unity , fritoM YVsmntliAt's sKeosii TUITION- . ] nr.i-oitr : TIIK I'TtiMiiosi : T. Lord -SalMmrr ! | TP llttrmnrn to Same ol Ills t'enillnr lpn | . T OXDON , May O.-J'rostdlnn today at i mcotiPK of the ( iraud Habitation of thi 1'rimroio league In ( > vent ( lanlrm theater Lord Salisbury snld ; "Homo nile wouli place a hostile island on our llnuk and subject joct to Inflnlto damage nnd to dliRrAcofu ahandonmont those In Ireland who have ovci fought for our cause. In America and othei countries an orgaulo ohaiiKO must receive thi sanction of the people , but hero electors voU on various Issues , and there Is no mentis o distlnRiitshtnK their vorllot on homo rulo. " Ho clidmed that tils promises of six yean ago that Ireland would bo pnclllod If glvet generous consideration In regard to her ma Icrlal wants and a flrm , Impartial and contln nous administration of the law , had boot fulfilled. "The spirit of dUordo , " hn said "had crndually cowed before the spirit of tlu law. " Peace has so ro torod Irolond that boy cottlui ; no longer exists , Still there nvo met in Ireland \vrtb have resolved to undo thi : work and pi nro the .spirit of Inwlossnoi : above the spirit of tba law. ( Crle.i o Shame. " ] Mr. I'nrnoil , on whom , now gone. I do no wish to pass any criticism , wns undoubted ! ) a much more formidable opponent than any man ho has left behind. ( Uiioors. ) Ilo luul the power of bringing tlio American element Inlo the ngltallon , with nil Its wealth and In dividual onei'py and llnancial assistance Now ho Is removed , the agitation seems to have fallen buelt into tlio old groove ami resembles very much the conflicts bet-vcoi a portion of the people of Ireland and Hie people of ICiiKlnnd which have happily existed for many generations. Onthuothoi hand , wo are of thu opinion that the localise of Ireland are unchanged. Thu conviction ol its dntiunrs hits increased every year. I dc ' not know of nny symptom moro'mciiacinp than the recent declarations of Ulster leader ; that they dre'.id being put under the feet ol their irreconcilable enemy. Lord Salisbury utterly refused to recognize nizo Iho inhabitants of the souttcnsl portion of Ireland as typical of the Catholic church , Ho was the moro Justified in .sayInt.'so because cause ho knew that the popo"though , o ! course1 , observing In nslrictlv political manner nor the utmost" partiality , strongly con dcmncd the agunrlos with which the agent : in Ireland had striven to succeed , Though ho had not condemn the Catholic church , ho had condemned and would always condemn those who , holding high spiritual authority anil heading a great spiritual organization , use these weapons for purely secular objects wherein no spiritual concern exists. Ho would condemn , whether Catholic orCul- vinist , men who thus inllictod a deep wound on civil society and fastened profound stain upon thu weapons they used. I Cheers. ] Ulster , ho said , had been taunted on rho passive nttitudo. " 1 am u tory , " continued the speaker , "but I do not believe in this mi qnalillcd doctrine of passive endurance. I uelievo that the title of both kings and par liaments to obodicnco from their subjects depends upon Uioso kings and parlia ments observing the fundamental laws nnd understandings whorobv they 'rule. Parliament has the right to govern the people with laws , but not the riuht to soil them into slavery. [ Enthusiastic cheers ana cries of "I3ravo. " | 1 do not believe in the unlimited and unrestricted power of parlia ments nny more than in Mien power of kings. Pa 'ilamontH , liku Kings , may"take a course which , while technlc.illy within the legal limits of their attribution , is yet entirely at variance witn thn understanding of the con stitution whereby they rulo. " Don't lie In llustn To break off an old and tried fricnship. Or contract a now nnd doubtful alllnnro. To pivo ndvice without being asked for it. Tt > spend vour salary in advance of earning it. To make love to mbro than ono woman at a time. Deliberation is the great preventive ol misery. Togivo up a reputable business to dabolc in politics. To blame your children for following your bad examples. To take part iu the difference between your neighbors. To quarrel with your wife because sbo cnt icises your faults. . Or with your husband because ho docsn'l toll you everything ho knows. Or with your sweetheart because she treats athor gimtlomcn with courtesy. Or with your lover because ho mixes com mon .sense with bis lovc-makini. . To give up a safe but plodding business for i bubble speculation. To accept the scandalous starios you hear : oncerr.lnir other people To go in debt because tbo shopkeepers have L'onlld euco in your honesty. AltlllUtTKn I'UH tiin.VIHtlXH. Dutulciitlcin of nn ICx-iliuil ; ri-cxlilcnt Plx. viivrrt'il liy Accldrnl. NKW YOIIK , Mny 0. Charles II. Pinkham , jr. , former .president of tha Hank of Ilnrlom , tvas nrrosted this nlternoon on an indictment charging him with misappropriating ? 7JUlU ) if the funds of that bank. The discovery of [ 'resident Pluktmm'.s alleged defalcation was made at a plan of consolidation of the Har lem with the Hamilton bank , which was put into execution. Charlea U. Fordick , of the Hide and Leather bank andV. . P. St. John of the Mercantile National banic were appointed a joitiniitteo to loon into tlio uiTalr.i of the bank t Harlem unit they discovered u shortage. Superintendent Preston appeared before Llie grand jury nnd the indictment folio wo u David F. Preston , successor to Pinklmm js president of the Hank of Harlem , said this ifternoon : "Mr. Pinkham was one of the organizers of the iianlc of Harlem in 1SSS. Ho tin * n wife and live or six children. Hollvutin modest , lyle. He borrowed of the banic for himself in securities which wo have found to be ivorthlu.is. So far as we Know ho was noted gambler nor a last man. Tlio son of an ex- ilderuiaa seems to have benefited by thcso transactions and I am free to say Hint wuro lie in thU country wo should have him In dicted. The condition of the Dank of Harlem , after alt tha losses have been allowed lor , and homo of them will undoubtedly bo recov ered , the rommiiio'j ' asserts , shows unusual strength. There is f4TOOOl ) oil hand , as ngiilnst total lii-pa.ilts .cf fli'.i.lHK ) . Further more the Hamilton bank Is already the jiro- leclor of Ihuiiilumion. The charge against Pinkham grows out of i transaction in IMS' ' . ) , umlunmo to thusurfaco In thu recent work of consolidating the HarliMii bank with thu Hamilton bank. I'inUtiam , in his capacity ni prosluunt ; > f tno bunk , irnvo t\vo promissory iiotiu to A. H. Wood , a theatrical mun now In prison for swindling in connection with th erection of u Ilurlom theater. These lou-s were for the payment of money made iiv Wood nnd duro thu face value of $7OOJ unl ? rWl ) ) rospnollvcly. Ho also guvo lib heck on thu llavlem bank for tl I,50J to tVood for the notes according to tbo com- ilnlnt , and accommodated other : * in tno iiimu wav , thu whole umount being stated at VKI.OJO. Pinkham Is 40 vcnrs old. Hall was fixed it ? 7.r > uo. Mr. PniKuum , after his arrest , ulil the bank had known the cintuniHtancps dl along. He admitted that thcro was a de flclt In Iho brink's accounts which' the boitM of directors had been acquainted with right Blong. i-'i.onns XTIU , iti.vi\ti. Ottimn IVnpIr ltriiio\Inc from Mnny Ills * trlrts of MM4'll.v. . . OTTAWA , 111. , Mny C. Heavy rains brought the Hoods today up to a point two feel higher limn over. Tlio south bluff boats were being rowed through the streets to remove people from their water .soakod homes. The power liouso of the clccttlo railway has sovornl Inches of water over the main Moor , compelling the abandonment of the lino. The K'IIS.S ' factory district Is all under wtiUn * and the Pioneer company bos boon compelled to shut down. Gront furrow. * have bflon made In many streets ami culverts , sewer * and drains huve been rendered worth less by the rnshliiL' waters. The loss in this city alone is fullv $ ? nXM. ( In the farming district ndjncont it is Incalculable. llnr tlni ; ol it Diim , PKOIIIA , III. , May rt. The dike of the L Marsh dram system In Iho lower part of tha city cave way shortly after 10 o'clock to night , Hooding the dlMrlct , which Is aboil * live miles in length by two ana n half In width. This was nil reclaimed land and under cultivation. About twenty families llvo In the portion affooted and great excitement pre vails at Pokin , directly opposite which plaoo It llos , for It Is fuiircd that sotno of the families have perished in the rush of water. 'I ho break is about tl'Jtl feet in length and tlio damugo t.o property will nmouni to thousands of dollars. Kutculng parties nro in-ranging to go out of Peltln. The Illinois river 1 * higher than It has been Mtiro 1811. \Vntrr . liifl < . NBW OIU.KANS , La. , May | J. The Timos- Doinocral's Orconvlllo , Miss. , .special says : The Mississippi river passed the high water mark of IS'.U yesterday , nnd the high water mark of IS'.h ' ) wns reached this morning , and tonight tliu CIIUKO records forty-tlirco and a half foot , half an inch higher limn nnv nro- v.-jtis record , nnd is still nsinr at the rate of n half Inch In twenty four hours. It is liltelv to go six or ulght Inches higher still. There ) uro no causes for nlurni , wlmtovor. The levees are carefully gunntcd and watched the entire length of tlio district. DlHiistcrs lit KiMikuk. KKOKUIC , la. , Mny O.-Tho Mississippi Ins been rapidly rising Ihn past two days. Low lands are submerged , crops ruined and farmers taking their stock and families to the high ground for protection. Small lovlo * along the Dess Moinevs nnd Fox rivers nro broken and largo tracts nro under water. The main levy , however , is yet safe. Alex andria , Mo. , isBurroundud by water and tlio people are traveling about in boats. Should the rise continue inucn longer the dlsaslrou * Hood of four years ago will bo repeated. Siirriiiiiiiti-il liy Water , Ai.r.XAXiiuiA , Mo. , May 0. Tnls town is .surrounded by water and travel nnd tralllo is conducted by skilTs. The railroad tracks uro submerged in places , but tlio rend beds are safe. Should thu rains couiimio much loniior it will bo a repetition of the disastrous lloods of four ycnr ago. BOUGHT ANOTHER SITE. I.dent Ion lor u School \Vlmlsor 1'lncn At n mooting of the Hoard of Education last night the purcbaso of n school site m Windsor place was decided upon. There 'v were two propositions before the board for consideration. Ono piece of ground tit Thirty-fourth nnd Francis streets and the other at Thirty-fourth and Martha were offered. Tlio latter place is known as the Howell tract und wns offered for fil.OUO and was Eolcctei' ' , Mr. ijlowoll's cause was chain , pioned by C. 1C. Babcoek aud II. U. Coryell. Kuclid Martin voted against it us bo staled u week age when the oilers were being considered that thu Thirty-fourth and Francis street prop erty was the most desirable and the cheap est. est.The president and secretary were author ized to draw warrants for tie payment of tliu Johnson and C.duwnll tracts of land for tlio Central school site nt Twenty-second and Dodge streets which was selected n few \vueks ago. The amount orde-rod druwr. is 11SMI ) from the Central school site fund. U. Holbrook , vice president ol thu Hoi- brook .t 1Cano Ventilating and Heating com pany of Chicago , was permitted to explain his system of heating. Ho made the board a proposition to heat school pmldincs , and said that his system used lire for moving air. His system , ho claimed , would move 'JOUU , cuulc feet of uir per hour. The healed air will average in the severest weather 7y ° ' Farenheil. Heating by a furnace in- eluding his system of ventilation docs not cost over Ji.'iO ; with steam , W. > U per room. Ho claimed bis system nmdo an excellent diffusion und distribution of air which made an even temperature. Ilu fur- the-r.stated that if his system wus not su perior to any other ho would not charge a dollar for his work. The committee on beating and ventilation wns instructed to inquire into the system jf and report on the matter at the next meet- " ing. JT Mrs. John S. Uriggs , one of the lady man-/ ' ngers ol the Columbian exposition , pe'l- i Honed the board to endorse a circular appeal- | tnc to the acnool children of tills state for n j 1-i-unt contribution to bo used in erecting n building exclusively for the bcnollt of tlio children nt thu World's fair. The matter was referred to Iho superintendent of schools. Mary Agues Frazier , n leacher of tlio .IncKson school , who formerly received a monthly salary of fS ) but wuieh was ro e-cutty reduced to * 7u on account of the aban donment of u room , nsitod lo linvo her iegu- lar salary restored. Tno matter was referred to the committee on salaries. H. U Coryell introduced n resolution to purchase lot'J , block K. Lowe's addition , lor thu sum of fl.'ill'J of A. V. Troll. Tlio lot ad joins the Franklin school bite on tliu west. Morris Morrison desired also to purcbasa two lots east of tlio Hickory school site for ? " > .UUO. Ho miulu ihis us un amendment , but it was lost. Tlio resolution was then re ferred to ttio committee on buildings and property. The committee on bulldincs and property reported that it had instructed llio Miperin- lendcnl of school buildings to ivpn'.r thu 10- tatiiing wall of the 1/urd school building at u rou not to exceed $125. The report wus adopted. Superintendent Hamilton was nlso directed to box nvo on school property wherever the boxing is deemed nocos-i.irv. Thi ) commlttco on buildings and properly was roijiietstod to oxamlno tliu KonnUe situ at KlovonUi ami Center streets ul the price. olTered. f7d pur front foot , for tlio enlarge- _ se'liool dllo. * * incut of iho ( Junior An-biloutnral plain for a twolvc-room school building on llio Lnttirop silu in Kount/o place , to cost fuiH ; ; ( ) ) , were suutnll- le d and acccpte-d. The phv.is for the Vest Omahn site ivoro also approved. The archi tect win instructed to prepare specllicnttuna for pressed brick for the buildings. Sii-iimiT Ai-ilvul * . At Hamburg Columbia , from Now VorH. At London binhted , I'hiliidelpliia , from Huston ; City of Chlcnijo , from Amsterdam ; U'allfornlan , Thlnuvalla , from Now York. , Al Unllnnoni Hiltlmoro , from Liverpool , Al Now York Wiolnnd , from Hamburg ; Lilly of lioston , from Livorpool. ICiiiln I'ltHlm Itrpurlril Ucuil , HKIII.IS , May II. The Tognnl/itl publisher ! i report from Arab sources lhat 1C in In I'n3h& is dead. The sclionnor ( irovor Dlovnlnnd of nnd f ri.iu Ht. Johns , N. K. , fur HoHtdii , with a uaryoor flsli , hub boi-n Ktvuii up fur lutl. U in up- po-.ed lie fonndt-reu in tlio gule of Muich 4. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report