1-1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUXTFAY , MAY 8 , 1892-RIXTKKX SPEGIRL NOTICES , rOU TI1BSB fOLt'MNS AnVBKTIXKMKNTS IJ 10 p m for tlin cvi-nln nci unlll 8..W p m for the morn Ing or fundnf cd All advertisements In Ihcio columns J cents n word for llrsl Insertion nnd I cent n word thereafter. iir n | er line t er month No advertisement taken Jorlc'sllinnvJtcnH t < r Hie llrst Insertion rcrmj , tnsh In advance , Initials Ili-ures symbols etc encli roiintssnword All advertisements must run con- rcriitlvily Advertisers hy requcitlngn mimhi red rheck cnn hnvo the litters addressed to a num- iK-rrd litter lii earn of 'Inr Hu Answers so nd- ilrr-si-ed will bo delivered on prcscnlallon of Iho chock SITUATIONS WANTED. ATnilsTll.A q HOOKICBBPBIl ( DOfHLB rnlrj i wishes n situation best city " ' Address M < P OJjox V/.I " -\\AVI i.n , "sfFrAT ION in . A In tin i np > Ing inn write ! ( Jcrman houth Iflh street - A TIIOROKIIILY COM ASIKMMIIIAPIIKIt- position. AdiUi is A itl. lleo " _ _ _ _ _ _ - "T HAI.lc''MKN ' MAKISO NP.IIIIAM A , ( OI.OH yXadonnd I Inh wonts coed side line , mfB pro frrred Address \ b.1 , lice ' > ' _ 'A unipi'TiiNT i AMSIRI ss WANTS si.\\ Winit in inmlllcx by week or month Ladles nnd < hlldren s flhlti w irk ntpeelnlty ( an brlnu inn chlno 'leinmrcaiioiinbli AdilrctB \ M , II < "T A PO Tl ION WAS-ll'.I ) HY MANTfMAHS ) : /Void New \ork ntlornoy nnd counsellor , tltlo ronrrlier on i'ynnpcr nnd typnwrlter. "U senri nmnniilnii clptk promlnint law llrm A I onstorn rrfirinoi Aiiuptomcd to hard work Adurcss lock lei .Itl Otmilm. Neh ' * _ -\\AVTKD. POMT10N IIV Mltlllt.K AtllMI AAVTKD. - clly or countrs Ref no up KUin Omaha l.inploymcnt olllce , 111) ) N li.lli meet 1Ml 8 WANTED MALE HELP. , , MAVIUI ) , M.UsMBN OV SALARY OH COM- J'mission In bundle the new patent chemical Ink rrnnlnt ! pencil 'I lie uionlest M-HIIIK notell ) eur Printline ! erases Ink tlinriiiighl ) In Iwu teeonds no nliraslnn of paper HO tn K ) per cent protlt , one Bent s mil's amounted lolfi.t ) In six dnjs number Mi In two hours Wo want one ttencrul IIROUI in rncliMn'o ' und territory lor terms and full pur tlculirsnildrcts Monroe l.rnscr Jlfif. Co , La ( rosso. . . . . . . . t/ij \ \ IB \ M 7P\\ ANTI ID : noon CITY CAN v \ niis i OR Jl\Mi elerWMson "ewlni Maclilnus llsli-y nnd rnmpie.0 Pianos nnd Oru ins 511 bo ll llisi. _ > -SALAR\ PAID WKIKLY'IOCOOI ; ) / 'experience uuiiece osnr > bluucrolIlcc.lMii IJouulas > -AlIDBNT IN" bOLICl IOHS , 511 HBB 111.11(1 ( 1) WANTCD. I.AIHIIII'.HS I OR It II WORK IN > \\3omliinnd ( south Dikoli l-ciod allot , frc-o pass. Albrlnht Labor Olllee , 1IJJ t-nrnam slieet M M * " 1 17 1 > WANTKD , A I IR T CLASs DRAI'IIRY AND 1 'shade man .Morso Dry Hoods Co , 4th lloorMl Ml VI ! > - A.VIBII 'IBAMbTl.lts1. 'I RACKLAMUlb J land rock men for \ \ > UIIIIIK | or foiith Dakola Ehlieveiy | other eln ) Irom CUU tf 10th blreet 1ANTBD HALBMBN. L1HBHAL SALARY lltei rimilar men Illn commission to side line men California Cider Co , ChUnc-i ) , III Main 8 * 1) WAS'IBD ! OOOI ) COA'I.MAKBHS. I RANK Jibohal , Datld lit ) , Neb. 810U * U-bOLliriOH1 * IN ANY LINK \VILLIK ) Whl.L Dlo cull ut or address Ml tl. Y Life llulldliu : b T J3 11-M'V.VrBII. TWO TIIAVKI.INIJ SALBSMBN liwlioaro practlcil melt men Must bo n bio to furnl'h Bund re-ference-i stntu p\pe-rlcncj nnil alary wnnteil Nothlnu but hustlers und coed nie-ii ne-od npplr A Heller V Sons , pork pickers , blom I Ity. lu M.M. H IJ-SAI BSMI.N ts PBR MUN'IH AND i\ : Jjpcnses Makes an excellent side line ( iood rhnnce lorclerksnml others to pel on the road Hiielo-i- stamp for particulars Kenwood lluklni ; I'owder ( o , ' . < to Harrison btreet , Chicago M6U5 11 * ' WANTBI ) ACBST IO SBLL WISP 'MILL1' , i-tc us side line nl o pirtle-i lo sell mills In Iho ronntn $ IUW a lillll. taelor ) , 1010 so 1Mb slreot II B Knvel M-.UJ b * T > HRlCKlx\I.HS ] M'AM'KIl AT IHA ! Nil IS -l > lnml. Neb. , Immedlntel } . IIM-I2 * " | > \iKN"s. | MOST WOSIII.Itl t'L ADVBIIT1S J'lnu Kiheme eter known , pntoi ted e-tery nier chain hiii , enclose stamp ArcJ MfB. Co , Racine WIs W < ' ' * TWANTBI ) . A COOD .MAN 'IO LAY CAHPBTS J'and handle furniture- Old ) an experienced man wanted Appl ) Omaha Kiiriilture Co. Miii'J B -M'ANTBII. OM : PBHSO.V. HI'.CBIVB IN slructlons , keel ) books , HO week OJ5 Nuw\ork Life. 1000 U * " | > * iIUNIi MAN'AROIT ' < 0 'IO (5O1NOI-HCB J'nntl learn lmlni ss. e lie ip at tlrst Address In own hundutltliitf und st ito experience und refer dice Addle-HP O box 7J'J 10ii8 1WANTB1 > . i ALBSMAN 1 OH 11113 WI bf , J'ntsoH'dei line men Address bumulrn tlt-'ar lo lileaco 111. 101 II * - WANTKII. A llllbl' CLASH 1'AIN'l Bit AND pnper hunger Address at once Lock llox 43 , IscIIUi , Neb 10J 1 > WAN'IKII , B.M'BRIBNCBI ) COACHMAN J ) lth ver > hc-st of recommendations None other mc-d apply Cull Mundiiy forenoon 1108 2 arnam street , upstairs 133 8 "I ) WAN'IKII. CAPITNTBH OH PAINTBR'IO J'rent & room cottupe. cll > und elslcrn wulcr , J.i07 1'nrker firi-ct Price- 1.100 T room liiiuhe we-ll nnd cistern wnter 2 * 1 or CP& H. Ihlh H. Price. fluOJ Puy rent In work b2 N Y Life hhlK J II Johnson M140 14 l > -WANTii : ) , A LIVi : MAN WHO CAN MAN -1 'like , munt bo a husller nnd wilting to learn , n Bond educnllon with u'ooil appearance the requls lies. A 1 reference , but no capital reciulred , M > od liny , call after lOa m , imumucr s oillco room 1. , CrulKhton block 'I iicdday afler 1(1. ( U. 8 * N WANTKD TO SULLOUR liOODS J'lo Iho Iride In Nebrnskii cooil commission , up id ) now Diamond bnspondcr Co , PCS Mollies In 15. ' . 8 * 1) WANTHI ) AT ONCl : , ' 'OAT MAKHRS AT -I'Colmuhus , Neb , pilcea from $7 lo fl. r A I.lnslriim M 151 j T | > \ \ ANTIII ) , AliKNTS 'I O INTRODUCiT\ : S J'ccimblnntlon IronlnK table four articles In ono Irouliiu tiililo , kllc hen table stop ladderand wnsli tiench , the most complete tiling out , neciitxniak tu blK mones > l II 'is lor \ Co , Muncle , Ind 111 S * f > bAI.FSMBN ' 10 SULL HIT HAMPLII OUR -i'mones order HS"tem In retail incrcbanlH , f.ljo n month In It for Ilio salesmen , experience not liwi'rsnr ) Addccbs .Mi'rtliunts Money Order lo , Cincinnati , O 10US * -WB 17mTR ACKN'l.S Rill MONiYlN : F elusive terrllors Our nen imtunt balls sell at alKht In i Its 01 countrs New Agents Hist In Hold fictunlls ruttliirfrkh Ono Ajtont In one day clenred ftm. boc-invoii ( nlahmue Iree Alpluu bafu Co . No 3kl 371 Clark st , Cincinnati , O. 1U3 8 * E-\\ANTID. : bALBbMiiN. SALARY OR COM- mission , to handle greatest notelty ptitenled Kxchnlui lerrllors Hells nt nit-lit Particulars Jri-o bnmploWc t'nlty ' I ) . C. Co , Dept. W Unity Jlldu , , ChlcaKO HU b * 1 > fALFfMIIX WANTIII ) IN 1IYKIIY CirFro J'l-ell saloon trade , scndjl for line of linrKlassos , MK money Address 'Iho Chlcauo Crockery Co I7H btalo si. , Chlc-aito. uj g. T > -IS 00 A IY I MAIIK IIY ACKXld ( jB.STS OR J'liidli Kl\lni8UiiipleBand selllnx our Medicinal r olet soap to families Crofts A , Reed , Chlcauo , l * > b * H WANTKD. OBNTLIIMKX OR MANAd'IIR OF brnmh ntllco In this city New business con luctod with Worlds fair f ou cash reimlred JJbernl salary , expenses o. C bt Clalr , I'ontluo tiulldliiK , ( .lilrntttii HI I.'l 8- 1 > -A .i.VI : WANTKII IX BVHRY TOWN AND -'clly In Iho wont on o tr llbciral terms , to nil i ' ? . . .Wnr. I ! I . ' . " . " _ . " " .I.1.0'1.1 ' : ' ° .f tllu.Muliial . He erve und Ifci association , also Iho now fll ) 000 combination policy of tlio Preferred Mutual Accl < li-ntii8 < ocUllon of Now York , cost only * | i ! per year for preferred risks mvo money by insiirlnu make money by n > pro emliik' Ihe.o wldeawako rompanies , tire uncut * can double ihclr Income > Vrllii for circulars and terms to II. 11 Uoblnon < icm-nil MunoKor. Oinalin , Neb 1 4 - | > Adll.yiH COIN MONBY HKLLLNO IIBVKR J'tdkeiiAutomnllo Cooker. Kve-ry woman buys. 1UM limit heaped cooker sold Illu protltn to coed worknr * . niuloor female bamples welnh only \l \ " ' : . Ad\ertl lintni Uorfiiriilihtd. > or circulars ddnn WJI Jluu'ildvu , lliiltlmorc' . Mil. | . b * 1) WANTIID HRsl'CLAbS CLbmTN7)"BALKs" J'l who uptiikH llo'ii'mlan Nebraska Cloth 1 > BNdlNKIIRh AM ; HRKMBN TO PROCFRB - 'licenses lmuld M'la copy of "blrphenson t II lustruted Pruitlcal'lenl loniuln. | alt t oxamlnn lloiiKj hS , * l. uucuts wHiited Walter t. Ut n. publisher , iu Laballe bl , Chlcuito MI6J 14 * 1ANTKI ) . HALFb'MlIN TO HULL HY bAMPLB A > to merchants our new Inuullon IM ) per luouth lu llvo wen Kxperlunce nut netessury H-nd stamp for parllinlurs ttanley Mfir Co. ' ' " \ \ KLI.MJ 8Ar.IIt.MKN CAN 'make IWperwcvk 'Irmlo fpe-elultlot. labor 17V Monroe ilreut , I'lili'aso ] g | b. -WANTKI > , THAYHI.INd bALICSMAN NFW J > IM-claltle lornrocers nnd Kenernl tore Hie ( > y to rlfc-hl part ) . Alllion , 17 ? Mouroo itrett , th | . B-SALKMMUN. KYKKVWIIKHH tOH Ot'H nhllo I'liumeliil lelteri and door plute * 'Ilio Jnust mudo. bend t imp for bamplo , llellpfon lalno MlK'u . Cluclnnall , O. le ? b * TO-fiCO'lO fllUJ PIIH DAY AT 1IOMB. HKI.L I'luK J.lvhlnlni ; Plater und platlnn jenelry lattlic * , ULIowuie , I'll4. pUti's the uncut of Jewelry jood a * now , on all Un.U of metal with Kuld , slUer jr nickel : 110 I'lpe'ilcnce , no ciipllal , erery hou o ns coed * nee'dlni ; platlutf 11 , K. IK'Ino & Co FolllinUiln O. M b * _ " "ll-AiKNTb WANTKII TO bF.I.L "PAlNTlUTS J'lend ; ' no optrlinco iH'ionirr , full icunrunti'O nnd ioutieo rumple ; sells iiooils on ultiht. o 120 i > e > r ton ; frtlcht pre'pald : commU > lua < literal. V , UAUIWUI'ulut Co. , bt Loull , Uo , M 6 * WANTED-FEMALE HELP. C-I.ADIK1' , DOOl'll WORK AT VOI'R HOMES : msy and InlcrpttlnK day or ovcnlnm no pjpcr lencc. no cnnTa * lnii coed pay Address with M tnp , Iloston Aquarelle Art to , \Mnlpr street , lo _ lon. MR 9 .MB70 MH. ' _ WANTKD ONB LADY TOOK 1 OH HOT FL 0 Address Lock IloxM Klncsley , town 511 lu * / 1-WANll.l ) A (1IIIL KR I.IUI1T Hot II- V work Mrs J M loung IMt'orby street .Mi 3 TT OHIL'FOR dllNBHAL 1IOFMCWOHK IN V'Mimll fnmlly. Cnllnt once. Mrs J. II LnrnphPlI , 11IM ith st fi < l 7l-lIRI.FOR ( ( ll.SKRVL I10FSBWOUK MI sT v IIP tiood cook , washer nnd Ironcr. Apply 8 > 3J Cnpltol nve'nue Mi' ' " - ( IOOI ) mill7"i''OH iTiiNIIRAL HOU-iF.WORK I ) \ \ Phelps , tOi S 8Sth avenue MS.fl & * 7l-WASTKI . WOMAN tOH ( IIISIIRAL 1IOFSB- v-'work , must bo wood cook nnd l-iundress : I In fnmlly ; nnitosli per week DlO llollKlnMS.M / 1-WAMIIII OHIL FOR ( JII.NIIRAL 1IOFSII V.- ork. References required. Mrs B. llosewnlcr 1711 DouitlnsSt 8.y _ /-HlilL WANTKI ) . UIINBRAL HOI ! lORK : , V small fnmlly ( lood wnwes UUSIIluft ri C ( OK WAN mo HH T CL \ s WOMAN < ooic v for honrdtni ! house , uoodvn C" . Appts Su N. 17th ftrcet Ml'll ' 9 * IHL PROF nlr drcssliiK parlors , ISIS L'oUKlns ilrect /1-i\AX1ill : , HKHII.M' UAIHIS PAID I OR v hafquolltilshers , wnnlcd nt once. Morsel ) (1 company _ i" 1 a /l- WANT IIP. "KIHT AND WAIsI' MAKF.RS. V Miss K. McCubo , room lo , Wlthnell uulldlnit / TTWA.VIF.I ) . I.N IAM1LY OF 1 11RFB ADFL'I s , v llulil bouse kccplnir n neat lilrl for Keneril work , i nil ut fllll siiruco street M'itli ' / 1 I WILL PAY LADI1IS A SALARY OF flO Phil Wwock 10 work for me In their lornllts nt home , Ilk-lit wuik need p-iy for p-irt tlmo , wrltP with stnmp Mis II II tiirrlnuloii , llox ' ( ll. < lilcnitu , III. .MW7ii' f 1-WA.NTI.H-A COMPF/IIINT t.IRL HlH ( il.N- v eral hou ework di'rninn or Rohemlim preferred , Kiiod mines 2110 Douitlns street AIMS U ( I-WA.V1F.D , FIR'U' CLASS ( HRL , NO WASH- v int'orlronliu inustba a uood cook , wanes f > iu nweck UUI I limy street " 'Al H * fJ1I1L WNTBI ) I-OR tlBNICRAL 1 lolls1 b- BU South 3th st ! " 8 / 1WANTI.II.OINO ( Mill. TO ASSIST IN v ueiieral housework , 1113 ( ieurtiln n\o References required Mlllii' 7UANTLI \ ) t.HUMAN ( Hill. Ill OH 17 YIIAHS V/ohl in 'i -l t In ( .cneral housework , fiimlls of t\.o , 'SlSJonesftrect Mil ? II * / - -LADILS WHO IIAVH'IO BARN TIIBIR I.1Y V Imt can maku It easier by selling our lljt-ela 1 lectro Mamielle Comet n tlmn ans thlim else lor terms apply toestern Lortct lo , bt Louis. Mo. n OIHL I OR ( ! F.NBRALHOL-biWORK. : THRBII V ln family , tlti S. IDth street. Mrs. F. S Hush. 7T WANTIH ) . 2 IJIHI.S TO SKW URAPIIRl FS sCnll Monday mornliiK curly. lhns bhherlcU A , Co. ! ? ! 8 n-WANI'BD ( OMPUrBNf MILLINBHY 'HUM. > - uier , no other need uppl ) Address / I. Hee MI ill 0 ( 1-WANTI.II A I IRST ( LA S C.IRL AT NOR'I II V-'fiist corner 'oth nnd Half Howard ats KOOI ! w Kes. 173 b % FOR RENT-HOUSES. D-HJH HUNT HOLbK 1)17 N IT'IIISTU ROOMS. balli , etc. KM i cr month ! \Soodrow , .Neb Nut boil1 , bull lliut _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 _ D-IORRINT. : bt.xiiooM MODIRN : nllfornl.i si $18 per month 014 1-llOLsl 1 , H\b ! , v b'lORIN , I.ARt.l ST Lisp , 'lowest pilecs , to.OO up Pnirolle.R.K.Oouiilns blk M > l M1J DlO ROOM IIOt'SB WITH ALL MODBHX IM- protements b S bouth I'Jth ttrcct Inquire'"ill ( .hlc.iKO MSi'l D-l-OR IIKM' , 7 ROOM DWBLI.1NO , NO M tullfoinla ttiect , also J unfurnished rooms 4Kj 8 * D-llRsrCLAbbHBblDl.NCi : PLA'lf. .1 OR 4 rooms now block. Room C , Slti b 22d 'lulu phone No 171' ' 1 MCi. \-lrltOOM llOUbB AM ) HARN , 2U18 DABX - J-'port street , all modern conveniences , Includlmj ( team heat , Ml bowls and laundry , south front. ourlooUnn hlUi ( chool grounds , newly painted and papered throughout. 'Ihos 1. Hull , CO ? Pnx- on block. tuO D-I-OH HBNT , 10 ROOM HOUbB , No 310N. 521) street I nqulro 304 N 'd (16 -lORHBN'I HOlTnBs , $7 PBH MONTH AND upwurds IhoO 1. Dot Is Co , 15J5 1 arnnm Cll D-l OR RFM' . 1IRST CLASS TUN ROOM HBSl deuce with ull modern Improvements and ii'n trails located Inquire oft , R Voss , 'Ml 1st Nat. bunk bid ? Omaha Neb MS.U 'I " -7\N FtdHTROOM H R.Msirl | ) HOI SB I OR the slimmer Inquire W > N" : Uil utreet IMHil b * D-UHOOM IIOUbB. DAVBM'OHT NBAIir.'N'D Ht , 52i to lir-t elans tenant HOCKS & Hill. 1IJ3 l-iirnnm st. UU7 10 D-l-Olt RBN 1' 10 ROOM HOl'SB , MODBHN , .VO Davenport st Imiulro at 'u Datonport 11-IHUSBS IV ALL PARTS OK TUB 01 TY KOll l-'rent ( , eo M' P Coates loll Kirnambt Mlu D-AN BLBHANT NBW 10 It IIOUbBHPKAKINi tubes , electric bella I iundryusihalt | patement , Hnnicom Plncu Muud Invst. Co , II- Hue bldh- 445 D-CHBAP HB\r , IIOUSBS. bTOHBS ASM ) Huts at lowest rates bmnll suits of unfurnished rooms a bpeel illy O K. Hulls , room 4 llee buldlnu Mli'ii mil -KR HBNT ll ROOM lOI'lAOB. hTANI-OHI ) Circle Appl ) C b hlgultir , II 4 , N \ lllebldi ; n-e ROOM IIOUSB , HOT WATBII , HA'I II , I.TC. . ' 7011 Douglas street P Pesen M.VJ Dl HAB A NBM'S ROOM HRICK AND siolIB house In north part of city , will tent cheap to permanent le-iiunt Apply lo K 1 Willlims , I I rat National hunk Lull.lint : Mllil n A M\VLY : n RNISHBD noLfi : or MVBN : looms b > iiKentlemun who will he out of the ell ) lor Iho Mimiuercry reusonablu terms Ad drebs _ \ 11 llee to ! h * D -'IBNlfoOM HRICK. VBRY MODBHN KLIS 2Ul ( Capitol atcnuu , udjolnliiK Dr K Sttnrtz- hinder Mlrib | j D-IOll RBI ! ' . 2 BLBIiANT 7 ROOM 1 LAIS , LIIUKO block , Uth und .luuknon sts UK } i 1A-SMALI. I I HNIsllBI ) HOUbB , MTIH PIANO , J 'Netherton hall , . .Oi M , Uth St. M 'J' D-FOll IIBNl'-A KIVIMCOOM IIOUbB , 2010 Charles street Imiulru at.'ul4 Clurlca street M'JVJ 10 * D-IO-RCOM HRICK HOLbB , HA'lH.OArf. I-UH- nnce ll-'l N I7lh VU \ * Dr. NICB III OM , HBNT I,0\V 'IO B'IBADYTBN ant , larn If desired 20JJ Pierce l < 9&b * A V WBIAB ROOM HOI biT : MODBRN IM- provemeints , two blocks from ne-tr pnstolllco , rent reasonable , M. L. Hoedcr , 403 Pax tun blk 140 iS-tOR HBNT , AKOOD'J ROOM IlOUbB.CHBAP J-'Modern liuprotinienis , bc-urlnt ; fruit tree-son lot iHl Chnrlcs strc-el MIM' > A LAIK1B LIST OK HOUbPb. h'lOIIBS AMI tints for rent j'lUUup , Cull for list , l.eo 1'nnl , HOi 1-arnum stre-ot Ml b * D-KIR HUNT. 'IBN ROOM HOUsB , HIU | CAbS blnet. Apply to HCII.IWU.V Lo , IWNUih street M1II7 IU * DCORNBH KLAT ALL OU'lblDB ROOMS , < heap til Kood pnrtlca M'rltiht X Lnsbnrr. Uth nnd Houurd MltCi'J * ' 1HB III'b'INBss MBN OP OMAHA M'HO nunt to reaeh the pcoplo of Wasblniiton county will llnd a uraml udvertlilui ; inedluui In the Her- miin l.iu.ftto It | j Iho paper 18.1 b FORIIENT-FUUNISHEDKOOM3. RMCKI.V H'llNlsHBI ) I HUN P HOOS1 wTTTI all coin c'lili'iiooj 2nelj Dutik'his street M(71 -NICKLV KURNIbllBD ' HOOMS 4U-I N lil'II I 'st , opposite Je-ITeraua 6iuaro | , tS to (15 pur m until hOI 11 * 1,1 ( ONmilBNCB VlBl'ioilS ACCOMMODA'Il'.I ) IVtlU North lilli street. 8ISJJ * I , ' UniNTsiIKI ) OR I'NI-UHNISHBD ROOMS Ufor lluht hou > ekeeplnif lll''b llth MS7B 10 * 1,1 Mill IIBNT. NICLV UMINHIIBD HOOMb ; tJiuoiU'rn coavinliiuei cboleu locution , teriim reinoimhle 107 N julh Hrec-t Ml u li * HOOMb , ALL CONVUNIBNCKB \ i-Jl > aMnporl MUU Ii * [ , i A LAHliK , Lldll'l KRONT HOOM. KUR- Jnlshed VirjSJIoward bt MOH1 8 E-MIIT OP HIONT RO(7\Tb HJHNlsHBD W ( unfurnlihed,2UI7 Hurney UI5 k' 1-N1CBLY KUHN1SHBI ) . COOL HOOMsj HOARD l-Jlf di.lreul lift Howard t N B cor. loth. 1,1 J ROOMS KUHNIbllBI ) rOH I.1UI1T HOUSB Ivkeoplim. tli bU.- Kill lit IWJ b li VOUNi MBN Dl.blltlNti ( JOOD HOMB WILL 1'llnd pltiifunt furnltlicd rooms ut bl'J und If.'l Liu > enworth M 1 3 li' 1 ? KAb I' KRONT r URNItfHBD ROOM , IK , 1IMIKH J froiu motor ; mode-rule rent. Mrs riweuny ilO bouth , UUi ; us a 1,1- 0l | HKNT-LARUB , PLBAbANT I Ull ' JnUhfd room la muull lumlly. Inquire IMC North ' I'Jthtmet 1115. \f \ NICBLY H RNIhHUD HOOMh TO HKNT ; ' -/ol I'oineuleucw. prhute fuiully , best locution SIIJ Cnpltol me , MIJ7 II * I,1 lj H HMsHKU HOOMb , UliCAPnOLAVBNUB. M17I II * FITUNISUED HOOMB AND BOARD. ' - KLNKVlROOM M'lHl Ij'-lJIK ROOM IN TUB CITV , J- board MKU < 1 bli v * P-NlCKLv"iirHMSHKD HOOMS W1 HI H lib ! ' JoUi > tiu ril , gl buulb : tth tinj ( . illj ; FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Condiuitd. Kl DBSJliAHLB HOoVlS and board to visitors nt "The. hrcniur , ' 1H1 No M'lS ' 14 * IMhjt _ _ _ T/clNTcBLY Ft'KMXIIKII SODTIIBAST HIONT 1 room wllh alcove nnd bar windows nil moiVrn conveniences ! private fimlly , board If desired t J H v-Hlut I'd 8' i ; MAS'TBD VOt N < i I\in. BMPLO\BI ) DPR- " Inn the dnr. to room and bonrel and mnke her home with n traveling mans wife for company , terms very Mil-factory to right parly Address A dl , lire olllce IS"8 * FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS. r i-l OR HBNT 4 I'NKrilNHHBI ) ROOMS. Llsullnble for liousekeeplng lo Intnlly without children 17IW Webster street. M4JJ -t nooMs roMpi.iri : : rou HOUSHKKIIP G MlsAI'J" Intf IbJO Cnpltol nrciniv "f-3 UXrUHMSlII.il HOOMS. IWt PAHNAM . _ I ml.'iCIO' " -I N ( K t'P TAIHS ROOMS Wl I It U8K OF Jbnth In Kood locality. Address \ M , llee , ( -ifxi t HM < IIIII : ROONH wnn KAHTLHX V tnni | pouthorn exposure Mr Shrlncr , lii H ! i 111 ptreet MIIJH * I30AUDINO. -Pl'LLMAN ' 1101 Si : KlOIHllKli : FOR ( IOOII H in nnl nlco rooms cnineiilenc" rntonnlloca tlon It cannot be otci lied. Mrs Horn prop jly' ) 16 * . i-HiR RUNT , THI : t vroitv IIIUCK HtiiLii.so I 'ii. ' | Vnin nn nt 'Iho hulldliiK hns n llreproof eo ini'iit bisiment , cnmplotu sloimbeitliu tlxtures , wnloi on all the floors , k'n , etc Appls nt the oillco of I he lice 1H3 _ 1-1 Hit HI. NT , A ( iKll ) NI.W IILACIv MlTII 1 phop nnd tools itood locitlun onls phop In town. Call on II \ SnrneriiriierMlli - . Neb. Mlrfi U i nn-Koitoi tun ROOM ion RIM'ON : i JlliMirN Y Life Lull room I Mli'.l 10 I flTYi : A { i.TOUO CASH Clill'Milll ' I OR JLlnmlncss properts Must bo nt bed rock .1 J ( llbson 1st .Sat I bink Ilil 8 l-Tlli' 111 SIN1 > - < M1-.N ) OMAHA WIHMNA.ST I to reach thu people of Washington county will llndninund ndMitlslni ; medium In the Herman dare tie U Is the piper Is ) b FOB KENT-MISCELLANEOUS. I-M AHI.llOLbB l.MJUIHB-llCb lot lib I' U tilC I -1 OR RB.S 1' , 10 ACRI'S C.OOD ( AIHIBN LAND 'J miles from postolllce Imiulru l.07 Purnnni street M'lSt ' i-'iiu : iir'.iNr'.s MPX OF OMAHA \\iio ' 'want to leach the people of V'lishliiKtoii counts wl'l ' llnda crand aiUortlsIni ; medium lu the Her limn Onrittu It is the paper Ibl 8 WANTED-l-O RENT. K-RY A HIXIiLi : tiKMLKMVN , 11DARI ) AM ) room In prlMile family orwhero thorn are but few boarders , permanent. Address A , lii llee MlbJ-'J * K WAXTKII. HY A ( ! iSILiUAN : , A HJR tilslud room neireentcr city preft'rred , stale prlie. Address/ , this oll'co 175 b * RENTAL AGENCIES. L-i : 0. UARYLS A. ( .O.iTO bllHULlIY 1ILOCKon STORAGE. M OI.li-T : CHKAPF.sr AND lli : T blORAOi ; house In the city \ \ llllnius . > . Cross , 1241 Harnes MB M-CLBAN. DRY AND PH1VATBLY StOl furniture- Heating stoves stored ot er summe 1207 DoiiKl is st Omuh.1 btuvo llepilr works. Id'J WANTED-TO UUY. > ? - * ! I UNIT ! Ri : IIOUC.HT , bOLD , b'lOIHi ) l > Uello 1111 l-iirniini st IM AT AN'l III ) , OMi : LOW PRICF.D CLBAH LOTS -L i as llrst pavmcnt on a nice house and lot Will built to suit and sellon monthls pns tne'itVtiy p is rent ? bee. N A Kuhii. 15th and Douui is 71o mj i\ ' 1O IlbY CLAIMS AdAlNST RAILROAD BM tdo > es Webster Collection Atiuncs , bloux Clty.ln Mil mil AT HIGllBbT PRICKS PAID toll 21) HAND HUH 1 > nlturu. Omnha 1 urnlturu Co , just opened , i' < ll N II th Z1' ! m 2J- XT WAM1CI ) , LOIb , bUHUHItAN ACHCS , 1 choice farms anil ran land to sell or exchinta' bond full description. Ale\ Moore , ( Ul Heo bldu M'l II VT WANT1ID , C.OOD DRIVING IIOHBB OR COM 1 > plete rlc In exchange for cheap lot at cash \ nine 11.11 Hnrder , 1M4 l-nrnani M 'il 'J XT WAN'IBD , TO HUY toil CASH , A STOCK OK 1 > liiirdwaro In small town In central or eastern Nebraska , not to exceed $1,000 Address X 4' ) lieu MM1 V VT-'IOHUY HARN. 14 OltllixSO. OH bllBD KH Ii lumber. Address JI2 b.3th Htrcot. MJ U * VT YvANTBI10 HIIVJIICKBIS TO HOblON liorother Now Unilund points ; must bu over B-imo road Address \ 05 , Heo 1VS S * AT WANTBI ) , A ( , OOD b'lO K OK GIIOI BHIKS li about fiW , must bo a bargain Address/ . Ike " M177 U * XT TUB HUsINI SS MBN OP OMAHA M'HO Ls Mant to reach the people of M'ashlu ton eouut > will tiud u Brunei advertising medium In the-Her man ( . .aetleIt Is the * paper 1S.I b FOR SALE-FURNITURE. | OLl/BiTllP ; ) IiSK : 2. HuTLBR bOJ N Y 'Life ' or P O at , fi'M f\ lORbALB , Fl'RNPIUHB , CAHPLIb. bTKBL V rniiK tW California t 11l U * 0-1 OR bALB , NBW t UR.M'l UllK AT201 ! NOR'I II IDth avenue , Monda ) und rliiesda > 141 8 * 0-1-OR SALV-1 INB 1 I'RMI URB AT AbACRI- Ikc Parties lenvlni ; city. Ib i Cass ttreel ttreelUl Ul B * FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. 1)--1-OR SUB L iTlOlTTTNB VUN ) ( ! lIORdB und elelUer ) wauon , hor-o Kenlle nnd wa on nearl ) new , for sale cheap Iiuiulre ut 1'Jlo 1 uriiuni i.'J I ) I OR SALB , 'IBS' WORK HOilbBS AND 'IWO 1 peed drl\ers Inetuiro ut Harrctt'tt filnbleu Dodxe street , neir bolt line Ml&i P-1BAM OK HOItriBS , IIARNB8S AM ) WAOON I bUltablu lor dclltery. Inquire JU10 l.alk ptn-et Mb IJ U -p-KH bALB , LAHCiB , I-INB , VOUNC ! i- aim surry und harncts , all IIrut class. Cheu | > lor cash. J A DodKe. IUIJ S ! ! 0lli st. hio l-IOIl SALB , A ( .001) LOOKINH , ( .OOD-SIXKI ) 1 family here , cientlo for voinan or child todrltc Also , a medium sl/ed xentle roaditer ll. HUJOB room 2 , Wltbiiell bulldlni ; .MS 8 | ) -\OI Ni TBAM. WBHTlU' 1.20U Lll1 * . , HlfcB 1 J-'i'J , Co Opcrutlvo Lund .V Lot Co . JJ5 N Ililli st W > 8 p-lltJ.Y. ( 2 PONIKS AND LAIICB IIORSB -L ehcup. Will toll sepurutely. Addres A U Heo 1B7 l-IORbALB , STHONI ! 'IWObBA'IBD AHHOI'T 1 surroj , but Ilitlowo'a 153) N Ilith li'.8 - PI1ABTON IN ( .001) HBPAlH.IMJOOi WOR'I H Address X 07 , lice IOJ 8 b'm.lbll MUN ( ! HORSB AND III'V ( ( ! cheap 170. ' N. 'ilst street. M17i I4 FOB. SALE-.MI8CELLANCOU8 Q I OR bALU , KHKbll MILCHOUNj ( JBUSB cow und cult 2IO'.i California st. 6'nJ _ I OH bALB , CHBAP , A ( , OOI ) SECOND HAND orK.'in. Imiulro at It'll North ISth street M'J.8 H * -lOHbALB , COUNTBHS AND SllBLYKb.2105 l.cutuiiwurth bllb' -I OH bALB , ( JOOD POOLTAI1LB. 412 N Kill , MVM ! ) QrOH bALB CIIBAP. ONB 2 VBAR OLD AND onojeiirllnii-IoiBU/ oruddrens 1411 Vlnton Blreel. Omaha MJT.'b' Q -VOLNJ ( MASTITIS. CiOOD PBDH.RHi : . Price , ri5 and K'U , P. O. box eiJJ Ml.'o 10 * - VBRV 1 IN'BbT HKHNAHD ' Q-A PUP il.MON'lHb old , by Hedltere. Will bo sold cheap If taken teen Address 11,314 b iiith bt. 167 b * QrUHNlbllKD HOUbB , Wl'l 11 bT BIN WAY idiiiio for b ilo or truelo , valuu , f..OJU , choice. A K III o > , I arkor block. HU b * . ' > helvliik'ery cheap Inquire B. II. Duncan , room 2IU , Meluiiuo HulldlnK. MIMi 10 Q TUB HUHINBbb MBN OK OMAIIA WHO mint 10 reach thu people of Mnkhlnxton eouiiiy will Had a Kruud nelterllslni ! medium In the Her mundutoltc. l | Is Iho paper 18.1 8 MISCELLANEOUS. 1J--CANAD1AN BMPLOYML'NTOKl-ICBTlWJ VAU -IVnnm. upstairs , umlo und female help lu ! KSI Kim roil SALB THU STANDARD CAT ! LB Co oiler LUUO Ions ele-cted , bum stored hay for saloon truck. Ames , Neb 121 K-'lHB HUblNBsg .MLN OK OMAHA WHO want to re nib Ihu people of Wnshlniilon county will nnd UKrund uel\eitl liit ; medium In Ihu Her man liutottc' It Is the paper Ht 8 -UNB PA8TI HAd'B rOHHORsLb A LITrLB -IVnent of llui Lltllo Pnpplo , In 15 , IS. 13 McArdle precinct. Addrots Jacob I.lion , 3Jrd und Ames uto. U > i. I , , * R WAN IBD , WILL \OU llAVB. OR M'ILLU ( ! build Mllhln ten months In food locullly , iRbe-r u nuKlcrn double house , or two > lni.-lo house's , with ono barn , lor two responsible biulne'n. men , who will Ifiisu furntcrui of > enrs Address , Matlnic locution , AW , Hue 1JS a -err V \ip7.o YAuTvI' OKHCB. uu KARNA'M v l Help furulitied uii short notice. To I lim. .Mil * 14 * P M'AN'IBD.n HOllbKS 'IO PAb'l Ulti : AT JXlie'i'r trc'ck LodKO twelve miles north of Onmlio. tluofrati thndeuml runnlnir wuter block culled for und drlltired omilut.JoiiUtou.w7 Puxtoa bluck , ( JtuuU. 'lclcpbouy.'U. JW J7 LLANEOUS. I (1A ( OI.1NB SIX ) B HBPA1IIKI ) . i. Mlalo City repair1 * up M7N I'.thM leiMlil Mlil 11' CLAIRVOYANTS. s- riuni LBONAHD , KINO ( H AM. CLAIRVOYANT1 * , I'/ ' Permission l'iibll ln a 1 OWTI ( I IKOllCllIll . 'Icillnionl Us \\lint Mr Tnstnnnjf proprietor of Ilio Pmton lintel , tnvs of Proffil (1 ( l.connntMicreinnil how does I'uif I.ooiuh > lict : tlio knowledge of fuels niid Incidents known only to Ilio person himself Hint hit does know mid Impirts such Information in nitcsieel by innny . . > irlimu lie hns clvcn n test I nm not n bolle-vcr In spiritualism nnd clilrvoyaiicp , niulennnu In any war account for UKwomlcrlnl powers displayed by nof Lootmd 'Hint ho ran IHIyoulncldi'iilsuf your past lifeUiown enl > to yourself , Is true , ns 1 cnn vouch "II. A B'ITM\V ' CIIICAOI ) , III , Hff R faiMr. [ . , t (1 Ltov : iul > ] - pcar sir Induse-d please Mini P O order for tnoiily H\o dollar" , thei Mini which I nitreinl lopft > joulf yousuccee-ded In the miller with wlihhl intiiistcdyoii \ilmv , , , fnllllled your pirt of the nitri ehicnt ntnl 1 niu entirely snllfdled with the re- suit , Respectfully. Jill" N III III s . No SMephcns st , Lhlcano III ImiMiAlK , Minn Mnrrh ni , IP'S ' ( Pilot' .1 H , I.I OS Mm | - | ( . . | i am ph'nH-d to udxlsojou Hint jour proplici i has cnmo trim the liiliiriniiilon sou Batons rocnrllnit the matter we intrusted to you li wholi ) fntlifnri.T ) nnil we herewith Inclose- 5011 uur thick fir fonins acre-eel Awaltlnii ) eur ncknow ledm-mc t we remain \our8terytrul ) , II Minis rum : I A Hoi i isu Mn i t u , A. Kol MIIAV. Xov 10 [ I'lldi1 1 (1 | , i ON Mini- Kind Mr You will find Inelu-cd ihcik lor fSMtl lileh I tuicedlo liny oil for Inroriunlloii nnd ehnrin Hint would hrlnumv lui'luuid hack to inc iifier helntz n'pnr- nlid uearl > thrnUHIS llo In now re tored to mo nnil hN IIIMI iKstroiijtor thin c\ir. 1 liopp jnunlll do loin of KOOII Indiir nork mid llmtnll Ilio ladles cnn ho 1 < ni'Mttd r < < I lino.oii can iifo this no n reforiiuo Youra n > pcitfiill < , Jllis M K SM > I II. f , Illn. Cinr\no. Ill non I. I 'J1 - fl'iinr J. ( i M ov Mill 1Dtnr MrVo lnc'o ' o soil liarunrllh eliutk for Ji'iOJ , ln-\nit \ for Inriirinntlon nlilili led in to le eo\er our homo , which wns lost. We followed jour InrtructloiiH nnd found thu homo III cxnctly thu niiiniier uuiMiitpd wo would \\o nru sntl'Hed > ou IIH- truthful lii nil > our MntonienH , nnd cnu reooni mend sou to nil tho-o Unit iin > Innny milliner require quire } our erketeryruspectfulls , 1 ! I ) ponemnretriiij womlprful 1 trust sou will be nhleto nfdst nilTerlnv ! mankind In their Kcncrnl liiiBlneis toinpiu.itioii" nnd tnn ricomiuend you to those ueedlni ; n eUtnnce Yours truly. Ul (1111)1. ) ( Jt'UI Jit . , , M4 Lincoln A > 0. „ What the Preen say of 1'Itor. J. o Lio.NAHI : > , TiiKGniATis-Twoxniii : : OF TIIU IOTU CKN- TUHY. "AKtonlshlnK lesM nro these Klvcn by Prof. 1 couard ' Mlnncnpolli ) Journal. "Prof. J ( ] 1 connrd li ctrtaluly n wonderful man " Morning 'Irlbtine "In no ono of the to ts Relectcd was Prof I.eomird found nontluic or even liebltntlnKbt Paul lilobe. "N he ninn or devil' Wlintcvor It li rlnlrvoy- nneor spiritualist It Is sure ! ) wonderful " - Plon eer 1'ress. Wo have nlwnys been nkeptlcal , but wo nro now convinced that ProlVl oominl In n mo t wonderful man , n the toil hoicn\e us would comlnco iiny- bodj.Dcs Molnes ( la ) Leader. Your powers nro most wonderful and convincing HON HUSK ( ill MAN , Pepro entatlvo Iowa I cgl.Maturu and ll.inker. llnmburi : . In I never was a boUe\er In | ilrltunll < ini before , but Prof I einnrd coin Inced mo w Hi.ANCllAiti ) , Proprietor and 1'dltor lubuiiiu | Ledger Prof Leonard nlso eubmltted to n to t ns dllbcult li ) tlio llcin 'llioniusp tenlon , the noted crlmlnil Inwstr of Leavonwprth llo told Mr. I vnlon the nuiuu of ii man ho defended for murder twenty SPi'rs ' IIKO llo also told him the name of u lads who has been lead tllteen sears. It was Wilbur F Stores , the nblo nnd aKuresslvo editor of the Clilcnxn 'limes , who remarked to Robert ( ! liiKLmoll that 1'rof J. ( i. Leonard was thu onls true medium ho had ever met. so rosnivi : AM i OV.MV POWRUS TO TILI , TI1IC I'KP.MINT AM ) UlTOlli111AT I WILL JIVK A FIIUU TEBT 1O THOSIJ DKblRIMJ A Jly parlors are crowded dally with seekers for the truth , and thcro hns not been a tdntilo Instance ulnto my arrhal In the city where ans ono 1ms departed parted dlH utlsllcd , to the contrary , all who have to.NbUi.'ii-.i ) MI : Aim mot UHIS IN THAMCS AM ) PUAISi : Thcro nro hundreds of cheap pre tenders and Imiio.-tora In the city who IninilniK the credulous , nnd tliuj do Injurs to loRlihn ilo me- illiiniM Prof I connrd does not desl e to bo elapsed with the o chonp bumbuKS , and n visit to his par lorx will convince the most Incredulous that hols able to do all ho says , anil that he really possessi- * the miraculous powom claimed by him ; that he Is Iho Foremost nnl onls Trance Medium In the country , and hns the best references from pcoplo here Mnco ho returned from Kuropu Ills MICCOBS him bocn phenomenal , and ho linn testimonials from a number of his patrons which con bo seen at his parlors Prol Leonard Rives the nnmes of UvlnR nnd departed parted friends , nnd khes nd\cjln ! rcvurd t o all business transactions ; ho has no equal In charm workliiK and does not make ans chaws until his work Is tlnlshed Prof Leonard's manic chnrins are most uotcnt In wlnnlUK the. love or altertlon of any pcrt > on , and o\eryonu should piocuro ono. All challcnxcs accepted ' 1 his alone should bo sulllclent to satisfy anyone of Pro t Lcomird'H reliability , but If s ° u nro l.S ClliiULOUt : > CO.ME AM ) 11L. CO.NYlI.UtSI ) . lleraember the address for ono more week slltlnc for ladles f I 00 and upnitrdx : slttlne for Kuntlomon'U ) nnd up- waidH 'IhofodeslrliiKa slttlni ; should call early to mull ! the lush. < 18 0 l.'th PT. cur THIS AD our , AS ir WILL NOT AP PKAIl AO A IX All buslncei li upon honor nnd Btrlctly conll dentloj _ _ O-AURIVAL H.XTIIAORDI.VAHY , WO.SDKItfuL 'Jroulntlons. thalleiiKes the world.Mrs I > r Jt Leurave , doiid franco clairvoyant , nstrolotclst , pulmlstnnd llfo render , tcIN your life fiom the cradle to theurave ; unites the separated , cniiM'H marrliiuo with the ono jinilo\o ; lolls w hero sou will hiuceed nnd In what Iniclnoni best ndapted for , hns the ( olehrated J'Rjptlnn hrenstplnto for luck nnd to ilotroj had liilliieiues cures llts Intempomnco and all jirUnto com plaints with mniiaKO but hi and alcohol treatment. Send fiUO , lock of hair niimo and date of birth and reeelvo accurate llfochnrt , . ' cents In stamps lor clrc'iilnr ; ul\o Initials of ono Sou will mnrrs , also photos of name Olllco 1UJ7 Mnitli llth street ilrbt lloor ; hours , Ua m to n p m ( ome one , conu all , and bo convinced of this won derf ul oracle MSItl b * MRS XANXIi : V , WARRKX , t'LAIUYOYANT , rmlablo bimlnesa medium , llfth ) oar at HUN U/tli. l l _ O-MIIS. U ( ! lIAWniOUN. Ml NOIIT1I Itl'II > 'ntreot , corner Webster Inulim had sears of ox perlenco will il\o ; readlnKB of past , pu.'i-eiit and future Hlttlnus to ladles only , W cents , lu a m to ' .ip " ' dally , biimlny peopled .M7 14 m ii * _ MASS APE , BATHS , ETC. -MAShAdH TRKATMK.NT. IILCCI IK ) TIIKlV- 1 mill Imtlm scalp and hnlr tieatmont , manleiiro and chiropodist. .Mrs Post.JIWta. Kith , \Mtinull ) blk i.Jl _ _ _ 'I' "MI.-'S STOWH , MAbSIIUSK 1 al llami.0 block rp-MADAMII SMll'H 1IV1 DOfliLAb HfRKlCT. i room 7 , lid Hour. McolioI , sulphur and sea baths. MSSI U > - rj . _ - _ _ ' [ ' MADAMK I.A itUK , MASsAdK , < IO MHJI'H 1 ISth at .Id llour..l-it ) 4. ns l tant MJII ' U-MA'ITIIKWSA'MMO.SS ( COURii : ) CiK.NTLK- iniiii ) Hint lived lull nnd howunl st. cr any ono knotting his whi'n'nboutJ plcasi ) wrlto lte > ed X j-elhy h.Ki Hoard Tnulo UJI If-'llli : IIUMMv M MKN OP OMAHA WHO 1-J want to ri'iuli ( he people of Wnnhlntiton toiinty will llnd a vranit uilvc'ltUIHK' medium In the Her man dizetto It Is tlio paper 1S.I u Uii. \\HICN A > jWiiiin : : CAN i am ; \ < iw > Wrlto A ) ffl \W \ H U-w I-IP\OI : Aim IN OMAHA .M < I.MIAuo to IW i llodiro stn'et the llrnt Ililni ; and buy mo two moro of Ihomitun dollar lou Oliver 117 b * U- PKItK.SAL-KMW UMJIl ITT UHK < ' < IM" plelo wrlllen prodlellon of your luturo Jlfo and photo of fiituroiiu bundcr wife nent lor a ) nuts ( Ktampul hond dcserlpllon and date of blnh Prof W U lleiu , AhtroloKer , llox T ll , W I hi CIIKO 1:4 h' MUSIC , AKT AND LANQUAQE. r HKrOICK llim.Sd A PIANO nXAMINK TUB nuw eealo Klmbull piano A lluipe , liUDouiilns - ' ' O.KLLi.NMKLK : , 1IA.SJO wild lloipe. orSli N bth ft HI. \\r-l.OAMi ON l\PltiVii ] ; ) AM ) l'MM"JVI'l ( ) < ' city proper ! ) , fjuuu and iiiwanl | .i , KiH pur runt No delays \V Farnuui cnilth A Co , IJth and JIarney ' \\r AM IKIM LOAN AND ' 1 Hl'iT CO . n N V ' Life' , lends ut low rules for choice neon ny on Ncbrutku or luwa lurius or Omaha clly properly li 9 T\V-pTii\'Aa"B ToNBI ibTAMI JD MOHi < AIB ll louiislow , rate Alex. Moore',101 Heo bulldlni ; U."J \ vLOANS. . < i ( , M'ALLACK , 31 ! UROM'N HLK ir C W HAINKVJI&OMAHA NAT H'K Hl.lHi I Clly ( uuUux ( . Lowest ralet Mono j on hand. CJ1 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. Cniilfniirel. AY T MOS'Bli TO UIAN ON IMPIKU Bl ) CIT\ proper ! } , low rale A C. Krost , Douglas blkmi mi \Ar-MONKY TO LOAN ON RBAI. BSTA PB 'I 111 : O K IMvlsCo IV , Kama in M HI vTT TlBALBSTATlTToANsTtTlO 7 PBR CHN 11 ' ' no additional charges fur commission or nltor ney fees U II Mclklc , Urst Nntlonal bank bldg \\r-CBN 1RAI LOAN A IIU'SI CO HBB Hl.lHl. tl'-OMAHA 8AVIXHS HANK MAKIIS LOANS ' ' on real estate nt lowest mirkpt rules Loans made In pmall or Inrue PIIIII ami for short or limit time Noroinuil < rluii Ischftrned and the hi ins nro net sold In the cnpt. but cnn nlwasn hi ) lound nt the bink on the corner of Utli and DoiiKlas streets Kl\ r-iAMKIIN : SIOSKV LOAMII ) ( JKO W. P. ( oates rep 1CU InrnnmM Mil. I VIT IM"PuiPAHKII lOMAKIt LAROi : IMI ' ' sinnll loans nt lontst rates J 1)lltle , All nnd f I J llrown block. MM I Al'-WK WANT A LAIUJK AMOUNT OF APPI.I- ' entlons for lonn enstern monry , loweptrntes ( Joe J. Paul livj Farnnm MIUlu * A\T JU.ilMI'IO LOAN.Sl MS OPfaOK ) I'PWAHDS < < inn plaee loans on any Insldo Improfo I prop erly In any ninount where value Is buck of the loan Amos Real K tnte Aueuey , 1'H ) ? Fnrnim st Oil \\T-7 Piu : CINT : MoxnY XKT Tii noRittnv- ' erson Oinnhn city properts No oitrachnrKis of ant \\hspishlKlirntcfl Mouey Is chi > ip \ otic nn irct full ben III of low rntes Iroui ( llobo Linn A 'liust i o It | h nnd Poikc III _ MONJCY ToTOA N-6ilAi"TELSi - - - - - "VHOOl WANTMOMin' v If so do not full to cot our rales before bor rowing \\elimUelnnMi wlthnut delns publlclts or removal of propel Is on furniture pianos horses wagons etc at the lowest possible rnto \\owlllciirrs the * lonn n lotions > c u deplrc1 , wlv Init sou the pmllojioor pnMiiK It In full or In part Mans time to milt uinr coim ulcnce nnd nny part mild reduces the cost of umjlni ; Iho lunn In pro portion to the amount paid 'I here are nn charucs ofans Kind to bo paid In alliance , hut sou itet the full amount of tlio lonn If you ha\e a loan with other ptrllos , or lm\o cioucM n piano or nthei furniture on tlmu and tlnd the pas me tils n llttlo larizer than ion cnn meet eon \enlpntls , we will pas II for sou and carry the loan as him ; as sou deslro. It will lo to your ad\nntnKO to see us before to eurlni : a loan OMAHA MOKIUAHi : LOAN CO Room II t'reluhlon lllock. ISIh M , boulh of postotllc o uti > x- rio LOAN. riDKI.ITY LOANMJUAUAN'IKBCO. On horse-hold goods , pianos , organs , IUHSCS , mules , wagons , etcat the lowest posslldo rules without publicity , lemotal of proper ! } or change of tiossesslon : Pa ) incuts of any amount can he made at an ) lime , ii-iitic lug both principal und Interest , Ihusglt Ing patrons all the benellts of Iho partial pajnicnt plan Monc ) alwajson hand no delay no publlclt ) , lowest rates , business confidential 1 lllil.l : I \ LOAN I.BARANTBB CO , R17 H 4 , M'lthnell blk , 15th and Harm- ) M'n.L LOAN MONBY" "ANY KIND OK security ; strlctl ) conlldtintlal A. B UnJrH , loom L Continental block UW "Y-ROH TPR1TC1IARI ) , II 3 , WIIHNBLL HLK -rfV MJ \r M'HBN YOU WANT A CHA'ITBL LOAN bl'.K VW R Dut Is , room 20 , Continental block UIO V MONBY TO LOAN , ClIATTBL MORTclACB jv to , 00 , IO da ) s , on f urnitiiro. pianos , lite Block etc , w ithoiit publicity or remotitl of prnpertv , at the towe-t lutes mid thu easiest pa ) ments No dela > Cash on hand Dull Green , R band ' . ' , II irne-r blk X f.-OOOO TO LOAN ONCIIA'ITBI. HUCUR11'Y business coatldeutlal. Room 401 Karbnch block Mbll Ji' A'flO JJ-i f.'O , JICO. ANY M'M 1O I ( IAN ON rUll- ' VnltureliumB or nn > good securltv lowest rates Nc-bratkii I oan Co , Hlo Douglas st l * > 7 BU TNESS CHANCES. _ V A &ItiSKi : b bALB-NBM" STOCK OK CBN J-cral merchandise III Hromtlehl Neb , liuolca nboul l.OUJ Addicsi A. J. McConaiiKheassignee , Aurora , Neb. Sui 10 * Y-Toit SALB OH B.\CIIANii : , bToCK OK general merchandise ol about fMXJj , store building und lottLVIJ , for good lurm In en-tern Nebraska or western lowu. nnd t = ( X ) cash Aeldresa L H. Itano , Viimlulln. la MHJ 11 * YdUNO MAN WITH $2,50J to M.OOO c'AN bB- euro lateiest In paying business Mu-t be rust ler , pleasing addreta. with iinquoitlonablu relc-r enccs. Addrcbs \ 5. , Hee. M1U7 b \7-WA N fl'At , A COMPBl'BST , RBLIAHLL J- hotel man lo run the hotel on the 1 remont Chaiituiiquu grounels Jtiiv Ibt to 15th Write I rank B llaitl nn , "ifinont. Neb 'Jib'J * V'-S'IOCK OK MKRCHANDIsi : INVOICING ifl.BOO forCS per cent. Hov Ilbo , Columbus Neb V I'OH SALB , bALOONb'lOCK AND H.X'I L'RBS i In city Address X 43 Dec ol.lcf. tlJ II V KOR bALB OH THAI B ? IOOOOTej tJO.OOO IN- Jtcrcst In the best job printing and book binding estubllshmenl In Memphis , 'leiin , to a Hist ehisH oKIco man , to tike chnrgp of the Inislncs.i of Iho coiuern. A splendid opening lor the right mtu Room 019 , New York Life. MUOO M * A f7WJOJ ( ' 10 fSUOJOO SlOCiC OK CKSBUVL merchandise , consisting of dry goods , boots , shoes and giocerli-H , clean and welt selcclcd stock U ill exchange for land to tLo valuu of il OOJ 01 und the rest cash or gocd notes block Is Inn tov\n of ( DO people und has a line trudu Liber il dhcount for all cash Addro-s P O llox No UK ! or No .W ) , York , Neb. M'rlto for particulars Mbll MS V - ; . . " ( blOCK CLBAS CHOOL'RIBS , DRY -1-goods , boots and shoes Inoo I Nebraska town , for ! > . * > cents , largo store with rocic collar , also tine living rooms overhead , e-stubllshed business , rent , $20110 per month lor entire building Co oporutHu Lund niM Lot Co , 20j N loth st , Omaha. 105 \ > A' MILI.lNinU S I ORBBS'l A11L1SHBI'I HADB L good location Address A 5J Iloo oillco Y WANTKII ' 10 KMAV 01A i.oeAliii.N ic H L n docioi , orwould buy n practice. Addicts \ i" > b. Omnha Hco llli b * ' \7 1'HB HUblNBSb MBN OK OMAHA MHO J- want to reach the people of UaHhlniitoii county will tlnd a unind iuortlalii.medium ! In the llei- nun ( iiizetto It Is the p ipiir 16.1 b DOINC ! ( .001) HUblNKfa ? , CHMHAL 1) located , cheap If taken nt once , onnermust Alex .Moore. 4U1 lleo hld.ir MI5J IU V-0 ' - - ' ' ' - " VOUOM'NANV HBALBsl-A-IB' Il'NOI' , Xoueiin iu-\ei Ki't start lor less than (10 A nice biilldliiK lot between Oinuhii ami the nen fort forexnctl ; ten dollars this week Vlnll the sale , 1'itXi DoelKU si , or tend AMamp for pint and Inlor inatlon. Chtirlea P Ilonfnniln , tolo utfcat , l.'iUO DoilKest. 117 b * VWANTBI ) , A PH\blUAN AH PAin.NBR J bmnll euplial reinilred A KOOI ! chance Ad clrci-sMll , lice. Ill 8 V M'ANTBI)7 PAHTVBH WITH li Ml 'I O J 1 000 1 An oleKiint cash business Advertiser will put In sumo amount. Address \IM , lleo Kit ) b * V KRbALB , ONB HALK OR ' 11113 M'HOLB OK A hardware stock ( .nod town , good Irado iinel eheup rent. Address Lock llox bi7 , Lincoln , Neb Mlill 17 * _ FOR EXCHANGE. roonm , modern Improvements , on motor line , 1 mile from postolllco Will uxuiiunrfi ) for I'ooil budncss lot or farm lunja M' , P O , box I.I'i , Uninliu V77 y-TF\ou IIAVB A ( loon upHiinir PIANO TO ' Iruelofor lot 40. block 1 , Armour Place , bout'i Oimihai clear of ull Incumbranco Addroia N4) , lleo o nice. JUIJ rIKUU ) M'ANT'IO HUV A HOOD HIJMNBBH , f-lot with to illspouoof } otir buulncji list It with It. 1. Johnson , Oil Paxton block. U'.ti MJ1 y HRS1' CLAbS (11V PHOPBH'IY TO B.\- /JebunLo forciood farm land In Nebruskii and IIMTII bend lull ilocrlptlon of land lor otchanuu ( Icork'oN Hleks uU6N t Llfu lildK. M 2a J. y-KARMb AN'l ) RANCIIBb' AND Illlill HRBD /Jhorsoi for nule cheap or oxelino.'o for Omnha properly. II J Kendall , 4'JJ ' llrown Hldit.M'JIO M'JIO MID fCLBAN bl'OCK OKOBRBHAL M.IIS'K , WILL ' -/take real estutu & . mono ) llox VU.I innklurl 1ml 1.1. y-ltlll SALBORTHADB J rBBl' KI.MDBNcB /Jlol , .S L ( or VUli and IVnnlilln ulrojtJ J.lltlo or no imh leiiulred H A Darner , room i.l'J .S \ Life. Omiihn , Neb MIM y-KIU BAdlAMJB , RBrAILblOCKOI' ' ' HOOl'rf /-'and bboes for k'ood Impioved farm nruood un Improved land trie from liuumbrnnic. Adilrcn , KlvhiK loeitlon nnd full particulars A U > Hc-e y-M'AN'IBIi. CLBAH I.OTM OR ACHl.b I OR Is J' /JniiirU'iiKo note Addrets \ I. , llee1 MH4 II * iy-b ROOM HOI bB , ALL CO.NV , ON 211II bOf'l II /-/of I'liin nn slreel Uno new 7 r um hou c , all tout nnd furnace , H.OIWUO llutchliibon A Weud , 16.'l Dou lai. * U 77 10 'lltAIIB. . HB\D 011111,11 liHADB /Jsborlhorn and Mimex the inltlo for lanlern No hrasku Imiinned land Apply Mlndsor. Kj'iiip A Co'OJN \ l.llo HhlK , Oiiiaha lib t * rliAVK TolJ AN\1'II1N ( ! ' 10 I.AIHANliB ? A/aend / ll > t lo ( > eo Paul , HXJj l-arnum > treet rDDtlll.B HOI bB ON Volll HB'IWBBN JA ( K AlHonund Hulf HeiwHrd Hentu HIO.'JU ' per nionlli , wants lu room dwelling's J J dlbsoa UlNil bk lot b ' / 111B llTs'f I.SB MBN HI- OMMA M1IO /JMunt lo iiueh Ihu people of WinhlniMoa eounly will llnd u manil u.Ue'riltliu medium In thu Her man dutetlc 11 It the puper IM 8 FOR 3ALE-.REAL ESTATE. _ _ M s\7lLI ' PARK HAi IIIK Miilllll H' naler trailed sire-ids sidewalk Mltoul beiiutl lul Ibiullun everj Ihlnit lo nuke It uttruclUi * lor lute or hoiuc-s In tills benullful addition on lusy tuiuisseeU U , M'ulluce , truituu , 3U llrown bluck , Uth uud IJouKlui. l > ll < FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. fonffntfnl. 1IA1KIAINS IN nKAl'ltl I'L HOMK . IJ . . , No Hill Pacliic utri-et Llecant brick nnd frame eollnco. All modern Improvements. A perfect eem of n homo ( nil nnd obtnln price No 1IXH Poppicton nvp Nen and modern built hoiup JuMiomplelcd , all rea.lv . for ocrnpnnrr. l"'lllll > 'llnl hidthrouKhont. All , . . latest edntenlcnces , electric bells , ipcnklnR Kh'Knnt bnth 'marble ulallonnry wnsh slnnds , I iirnaee brie k cellar , etc. ( all nnd obtain price. No 1510 Popplclon ave " ' ! ' room hoil p. . , , e % ? ub lnnllnlly built by elny Inhor Ihoiniuliotit , All conveniences , npiendld neluhborhooel. Close to motor line with pived streets , ete. ( nil und obtain price No. SJIC Popplclon nve Wemintcottnuo with south front lot All modern Improvement , Includlnx bnlli , Hot nnd cold walcr Mnllomry i.iirtdei nntliiintul , Kurnncc , brick cellar , etc. ( all nnd obtnln price Nlco. llttlo c ottnite nml lot , Only leiur blocks west of huh r'ion1. \\lthln convenient wnlklmr illMniuo of Husiness portion ofrltt , ! I. < OJ Oeo. N Hicks , .101 N V. Life. KU t 1,1011 , SALB-4X-ACRB ( ) KARM IN HH'B lllBU 1 inllo , 1 IIBMTcounty , 10miles west of Hebron ono of the Aery best tnnus In the count ) , i-ood hoiiKe burn primaries cribs etc .and iinnbundince of fruit tltnbernnd runnlna nator Also tor silo or puliinitp for Kood lindsor city propcrt ) , a brick pork pnc knur house and llMurin In Hebron Ihoor count ) near H e. B depot I or pirllculnrs Imiulro of mi ) real estate iiKent 111 Hebron M' > U RIYI : obr AMI sii : : LA IAMUTI : Pi\ri : 111 ? S' I-HOMI : : ANY PRICI : . $ ro. ? isd UP , t onu terniN tnkii cle r properts as llrst pnMnont Cl \\nlhice , Ilionn block , loth and Douulas CIO I OHIH AT A \HOAIX. . LOT l1ILOCK I I \ \ 1. fcclbs s llrst addition tiouth > oninlin Miintl pasmeiit down , balance monthls If desired lniiilruli | II 'I/chuck Omnha lleo Sil JOIt Al.i-OV : MONTHLY PAYMK.N'M , , i housei A lots ' 1 ho O F. DaIs Co , 150i Pnrn nil M 111 I1ALCVON Acres , Inlf acres and lots on electric motor roi I Also hou os and lots In Haleioi Height * . OMAHA , lllJAI'l'll Ul , SUllURIt Onls Ihlrts mlnules' ride from center of citsKnsy pasments Ion rite of Interest .Son Is the time loI't'iiio n lioni" W'.llbim II Crnrv. VUJNuworkl.lfe 111. . Is \\ldl \ M19 1 > HAininLLAFAYnrTi ; : PLVCI : i > < I.OI-A rnn I'on .Sol-oil Ptrc-et duo block nest of Lotto nut H\ new elegant modern dwclllnvs cif 7 to' ) rooms each ufwlilcli four nro htlll fur sitlo \cm einnot iidito of the beauts of thU terrace or the com plolenessof the cottairos without si-elmi them I'pen ' for Inspection Prices reusjii ible and onsy lermn Call at our olllco nil I wo will show Ilium at tins time whether you wish to bus or not On not and lorsuleb/ 1 Idullts 'Irust I ompnuy 1MI Fnrnam street. Id7 8 \VIIY bllOULlOU PAY ItnST AND AT Till ! 'I same tlmoown \acn it lot > r n > i the Hd llly IrustCo will pell you a beautiful colt we ho nu In La , t > ettc place and pDrhnps tnko sour vnciut lot ns pin payment' ComuanJ 803 us and lot us B io\r Sou thecoltaKCs ilf 8 * T bAIIIIIIIONTOOM VII V.I IN 1'PL V f I'll l > - 1lt 1 cast of llenson on elc-ctrl motor llnj I ols $ AW to II5J Terms 'S cash hilanco In thruo equ il piyments due. In j it u jours an 1 7 PT cent Interest * I'otfr \ eieorrfo Co , s w corner Idth nnd tarimin rilM'l ' \\r\ \ ' . \\II.L CONSIIIKH A CLKAR VACANT LOT < > as part payment towards a homa lu l.nfayetto Place Id7 b' GHKAT IIAHRAINS IN RUM , KSl'ATi:1 4s lott * In Dundee place : * olcctod early 1 lim 1 ainani slieot lot Milt iblo for business 41 feet on loth si , two stores 4 Hats. \ orj choice l.MJIcit irontiiKO n line Ineatlon lor a block of Mores nnd Huts I cultiiKPs c or Ilith , t Mason , and other Imrixnlns II J Kendall , R 4UJ , coiner lotli and louil.is st MVWMZ7 CIK I./ FA\IITU PLACI : UKioitn HCMM ; n homi e id ? 8' AKi : Ml ! AX OITHR ON LOT II , 1ILOCK .S. lluell s subditlslon. on Hnmlllon t Anjtlilnc Koes Osinr droshell , bait Like tltttnh. . is ? in 13' \\niY PAY HUNT \ \ nns YOU CAN niOM : o ? " ' the Uncst modern entttKOs o r built on easy terms In Lafayette Place ! til ? i ) * l OH fa ALB OR H.\'HANU. ( 100 ( SOOII FARMS IN J In Nebraska and Dakota. Luther Miller O'.Noll , Neb. M7SU M Jl A MCI ! BAM' I HOST LOT 44MOJ HALF CLOUv hontliol Leavennoith on Htli n\enue. lot and btieels craded Apply A C Rasmer , Wl b llthsL 47d IT'OR HALH SIKH AOIIKb OF XBIIHASIC V LAND , J at tire it paerlHce Apply for particulars to ( 11 Peterson , unncr , HI. s Uth st , OmahaMOift MOift ni3l li-.JOU ) OAMl 1U\S 100 ACHKS HFbl' LAM ) > aln boutb Dikoli Onnur miiit hito mones Potter Loiints Land and Abstract Co . ( Jettssbuiu , bouth Dakota MW5l -cAX OI-KIH : Tin : roii.o\\ Inc burealns In aero proper ! ) close to Uui ili.l Ten acres c Ici'o lo cits , J4.VW ' 1 c'li acres c lose lo Heft line , will make 4S nlco lots clctmnt trait , onls K > tMJ 'Iwents acres live mlle < from P. O , $7000 Forts acres llnest tract acs-e property nround Omihn , If taken iiiltk | , only f 12 1 pc i a ; re Kliiliiy ncroiost Omaha , cluso to new fair lirounds and parks , f 10.000 horts ncics southwesl of city , can qucitu for a fen dass ulfJTJ per ucro noorKcX Hicks , Invebtment a c'nt llooui SOS X. Y. Llfo Ilulldlni : bi' . s 17011 SALIC , 8 ROOM HOUsr. IN ORCHARD HILL 1 with him , laundry , halli cits and cistern water , 'I blocks liom motor J nKJ liirnlslieil , tl IUJ unfurnished I or terms enquire e. M 111111101.1.11 ? Howard street M i.'l h' BHi IIVRCAIN 1OR1Y ACIII. TRLT IN UF > I Omaha , rlUit In Iho was of Iho luturo vrimth of the cits Can be platted Into 'JU benulllul loin If sold mile k Only i.i'M | icr uciu Hicks nKcnt , : > N \ Lllollhlk- .MJ-HS JIM' \OIJH NKHRASICA LAN 1)11H1 ) L. L luhnson.idl I'liilun block , Omaha i/H Mil \ SNAP FOIIAN\O.M : HFMRLSI ! IH-SIDHNCK Ji lots In center of city bniall uish im > inonl , tinl nnco IOIIK time atu pir cent J I ) . Xlttle , fill and ! > li llrow n block. I'.V'-Ji ' l OH IIAHCA1NH IN HUblNK-t-i AND Itl'SI 1 clencu piuix'ttles In nil parts of the city , seed L I.rcen , 4S Darker block Relurenceii any batik or business m mil ) Oman i , lleea hero twenty seirit , nnd Intend to remain. ' .ul 6 IT'OH SAM ! . . ' .ROOM COITAOK ( ONLY ) bl TU latedlGll Izard street Call on A. Ilospo Jr. i < 3 \\n : HAYI : A LARCJH LISP OF IIB-UKAIILB 'i bouth Omaha progiurty tor sale Potter .V UVOTKU Co , S. W. corner loth nnd 1 arn tin 13 ! Mil ! i : Vt i/or 4 IILOCK n. Hiii : : ) ' < i iir addition , IfM la\enport st , S room colt IKO 'I he O F Davis Co , 15UJ I arimm st. MJ Mil ObT HRSIIILY KAHT FRONT ON ( iKORdIA nveiiuu ( I.UUUUJ. Double front on hnrnam street car line fl , . X ) ( ) Kant front on Military roud , opp Clifton Hill , tl.uuuuo. Hiitchlnson X Wend , Pi3l Douylap 141 9 HOMI.b I OH (10 WB AHB ( .DIM. TO SI.1.1 , A few more lots In Oniuhu B Iutu t addition , lying between Omaha and new I ort luiiiilin , for tlO u lot ' 1 Ills addition Is good hone-st propelly No swiimp or wit land , bututor ) lot giinranli uel unleoletul building lot. fieufreim mortgage or Incumhrnmn \Vurriinty ile-i'd , abitract and plat ( then with each lot sold , flO In full payment lor n lot llufore-nco given Call In Intestlgulo nnd gci iiiimeHnf pur chnsersand pnrtlot. now living on ll l > addition , or Inclose 2cpi ) liU'oblninp lor maps plain , etc lints P Hi njaniln , bole ugent , IM'i ' Doilve street Opt-n C'tHidngs H7 b * Ivow is iTuTTiMirriMiuToM'r.ii 'i nosi'i is : IN dollar lots IJ Ing letneen Oniuhu and the new fortu mu l not i'Xiet | te > bu ) the m lor ten dollars alter the nun liirl Is completed unil Ihu electric motor i mining IO Is lull pujment now lor u nice building lei with iiiirraiil ) de 'id nbtlract of llthi and pint of iiilillllon No mortgage on this proterl ) nll Hit" week or reniUi ) pontugo lor idat und Inn rimitlon ( Imrles P llenjamln nolu agent IWJ I'oilgo ' st Open etc nlngs. 117 b * T'lNBllROOM DWBI.LINd ON WBbl'IARNAM 1 * fur rental piopcrty J J lilbson , 1st Nat , bank. ltd 8 4 SNAP-blX IHXIM CoriVCli : WIH | LOT AMI 7Vill > wilier , I mlle from port ollli o. worth f..IIU , inn ho had lor fl/OU-f7UJia h ( all ul Idiom UJ , I'm tun bloek , SUtctnih und fiirnuin street 1 D * Y/OII "sALi : , XHW COlTAdB AT LAhK OKO11OJI , I Iowa Addrets Mrs r W dray , 'MH Hondas Hired Omahu liititt i7oR bALi : . ( 'HOICK HI'HINKMS I'HOI'hlU 1 ; 1 pre > ent loi. ant hns opiupUMlbulldliiK lor 7 sears ; luystlW per month rent , prim fltUMi , lomocjulck If sou want n Kilt oduo 12 per ei'iit Inve-iluiunt. Power .V bhe | lit id , room oU Chamber of Com HUM co li'JS' OUN1/.H PLACK 1IOI hICH AT A some trade ojntldurud J J dlbson , 1st bunk Ibl U _ rpllB NU KHT NF.W 1.11. Ill' ROOM COITAliK HJ 1 the ells kralu , mantle barn , fchado und fruit trecm lotc'xlfiu all codded , block and u half from motor , IJ.jUO dooil lemm Imjulrci Hlnson. on prcml i > 4WI ( .hnrlet near \\alnut HlllMhool , or A K Rllu > , llnrkur hluek 171) ) b" rKW Moiu : or ritihi : t > AND iv A < RI : irticu onist liortiMi tlrrti , at ( IIX ) per mru iJlliem u k for land muuu dlsunen out duublu Ibo muieySrlifht A I u bur > , Itlh und Hu uid MMIK IIIMNKSH MKN ( ) ! O1IAIIA WHO WANT JtcircMcli thupuiiplu \\utiiliutuii tuuiit ) will llnd atrancl uilM.rtl.lnX medium In Ilio lle-rimill dutc ttf It In thu paper ! ' b MANUl'AlyTUKING JKWELEllb , 7A h H P AI l r OJ t OLD dULD. lTAin J.S A IIAMCS vyjoum M , llnrker Muck , Oiuulia. Uij LOST. _ ci HAM : t rww w fAi"r"Hii.li. . IUTKHKIN > oiiy Under please address IJIS -nvonwortli l street Mji.-oa' LTlsT PVIH OK (101.1) ( BYKOI.s1kl AN1 > thnln , between I5O1 ( hlcnio stte-et and the Lin- ItiBi-rnrl gallery Liberal reward glicn. Mr < (1. ( I ( Illberl l i l.hlrngo St. Mil 7 S * VTisT * dAY fA CRBAMl't'O DOO NO RUCK Ijotibodf name I'rlli had cm no collar nl Ilmo lost Return to \ > cljs largo express olllc H AM elepol , nnd re-celt o rownrd 1-0 fc * aoons. TN rTiTTTul > > I TIIIAT- : lj-lcnl wlxs nnd liennls n speclnllr \ \ If bann , snltehpji , hair chillis etc , pen I lor cntilniiuo Mall orders solicited 1 n > lc > s , 111 : < l.iihI , inimlui. I is ( JMIICIIPS tl I'P WOlll'H It > l IMA. ( IP t prlies for shorttlnu * Prof MonhiMt hnlr drejj i r nnd manicure. 1511 Douglas lei Km MI'IM.'S' ' TAKKN UP. 'PAKPS IP. IU\ \ I.1110PONIIIIAMIBD ( ( W I hip whltt * html fce-t ( twner cm hive same by nppDIng to " Mel iitlh ) , burp > Mills Mliil ll * DUKSSMAKING. 1'MI Mil MKSIS It ) 1) ) 1)11 INS \I\KISU IS 1 Jfiimlllessoiuitol Miss blur I ) .it . s 'Mh st mmi : HOTKLS. I IMtl.l I. llliTl-r , MNlIl'AS. i" i dn ) , spiulal rntosl s the week i'S Mjl LOA.N" lilJ iiDlIK ST. k Mi7J MJl iMtii : > .Moiii.ion : ILL G TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Mcgeath , Dealer , 1007 remain Olri-dl. OMAHA PATRONIZE IIOiyiE INDUSTRY AM ) III'Y east PUmp. Is theonlv cifcct one niiiele llui M' ul'llBR and PCI thntlt hnsthe 1 Mi llranil' TlilllC Millk' . PiiccSOocacli Us mall tat s our iHki add I ( Jo M. nes to acrnm * pans filler ArH \oiir ilril.'ulft for Oiraiia linbbirrc l.VAl 1 nrnnm bt. ( .or huh THE SHORTEST LINK fO CHIC\Gl' \ ' , is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , as represented on this man. am "CEDAR RAPIDS UKS MOIl < iiS : Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuied trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar > riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. n > , City Ticket Ollicc : 1501 Fai'-1 nani St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH. Gen'l Ag-ent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. IJIIOPUbALs Kolt. MILCH LOW.s IEl ) > ART- X inont of thu Interior , oflleo cif liiillan Af fairs , UnsliliiL'ton. I ) . I. . Aplll 11' ' . IW. be.ilod propos ils. iiideirseel "I'roDosils fur Milch CO\\H , " unil mill rested to the CoiiinilsHlonor of Inelliin Allalrs. Nils lii.incl li * Uunslor streeit. , Nuw York , N Y..WIII lo ) loe-ouoel inilll lo'cloc'lt. p in. Tlitirvlny. May 1(1. ( liCU. fur film hhliiif nnil cloiUerln at Pine Itlil c Ave'iioy , bouth DiKoti , tlio st lulling lidcl. A oni'y , North Dul.otn. .mil Crow A i'neV , Moiii.ini iiliout It.liO inlkli ( .DUH Uouiil il 1)1 in- fin bids nro not require11. Helioiiuli'Huhle'i ( ' w II tie ni.nlo a p ut of Iho proposals ) sliowln : liio niunhcr , , of COHS mi Hired at the \arli > ns u i in les , con- elltloiis lo ho ohsiTM'il lj biilclers , ilmomjr \ 111 iocs of dullMirv , loniis of eontl.ic't null p.v/- ineiit unil allotlicriio e ss u v Initrui'tloiis 1 I ho fin nNlieel upon imp lout on to tlio liiillnit olllio at WaHhlii lon , I ) . ( ' . . the 1.- Inilau Wnrc'lioii-o , Nm In nnil \Vooitui \ bticel New Vorl > O lj , tlio c'omnils-i.u lei of su' ' slrnci\ I1 b A . HtOiimh i. Noli . .unit lii'venni1 Wjo ; to the pulilislicT of tlio stuck ( iiouer's Jour * mil of'lllos City , Mont , anil Ilio se\oril In- illaniiKunts TliurlKhLls ruit'Mvil lo rt'Ji'ctiiny or all lilds , or any part of an } Mil If cluonioil for tlio lie-si. Interests of the ) KIH I'liii.ioiit , a so the fiiithor rlt'lit In inuKliiK Ilio iwauls lo In- e-ro ( .oor illinliilsh to'iny c-sli'iil Iho nuinljer of niilnialHUille'il for In Ilio Hi'lii'iliilus also to nqulro a ili-luury of - ' " > I" t ii'iit inoro or II'HS tlian tlio aiiioiint Sn'i'llli'i | ] lu any I.MIII- li.iet. ( Vrtltloelc'liooUs I'.ai ll llu n list , lie ao- coinp inli el 1'V ' a corlllloil ohoi I , orelnft up on binnei Unltoil bt iti'S iInpiMltory or soxe'iil/ iiatlon.ilIjunk In the vlelnllv of Uio ri-sl unto of tlia lililili'r , in iilo pivuhlo lethe the onlor of tlio < oinniUstoner of Inilliiii Air-iln , for nt iiuisl llvo per ee'iit of Iho ainouiit of Iho Di.iposal. whli li . -liceU or drift will lie foifuiioil to the I'nlloil btairs lu e-aso any bidder or bidders rc'e'oulntf an ward Mi ill fill to uroninuy uvcuuto a cMintruc't with irood an I Hiifllelont siirotloi , othnrivlso lo ho rotui neil to the ) liliUlor. HliU . jicninni mloil liy uash In linn if a rerUHo I c'luiuk will not Do conslduro.l 'I I MOKdAN , Coiiuiilbslonor. A J Id.1 ] tin IJUOPObALSIOK IIUtlilllNd I'llltlAI. . I liunhiT cue : U. b. Indian t < rt lci > , Unsii- Iniil A.cinoy , b. I ) , , May : ' , Id ) . ' . si ilnl pioiios- alf , niulorsod "Propos Us foi liunliei. laillilln matt-rial , ute " . as the e-aso may lie and ail- ( irchsuil to Ilio liiulcMHl-'iieir , al Itoki'liilil iiKfiiuy. b D , via Valentine' , Si I ) . , will 1 > n - col \ c'H nt Hi's ' iiKonuv until I o'oloi k p in of Tne'silay , .M y'I. . IH'r ' fiirliMiln. anil ilo- Ihi'ilnwal Vali nllnn. Nidi. , 01 at polnlH on tlio lto-.oliicl Indian icsiTWition lo lu > closli- naleil by Ilio iiiiJurslBiiuil. iiboiil SJ , < WJ of iihsnrU'd liunbur. IJ5 , J MiuirfliH , lullis , brlc'lf. Ilmo. lianhvaro cloois. wlndowH , iitliiix. oIlH. c-te' , a full ( losCTliilion of ttlneli , lo-c therwitli Infornmtlon us of do- llve-ry , ulll bo fnriiMieil upon nppllcatlon. llldileTS will lu ioiiilml | lo btulo Npui'lll > only In tbulr bills tlio proposud prlci ) of uai'b arllulo olToic > il for ilollMtiy iiiulur u uunlrai'l. and the po nt or polnH Ills pro- posuel toile > ll\or HID arlle 04. I'lic ii.-ht IH 10- horvi il to rojnct anv or nil bills , or any p irt nf anj bid , If doomed for Ibo bos-t lute rest of tin ) burtlcu CfciirillH ) IIIKKl.iieh bill iniiat bu iic'tninimnlc'd by a eoitllliKl diek or draft upon seine Hiilti-ilbtrili'silciioslloiycii sDlventJ National b ink In thu vlulnllv of tin re sielonuu of thu bidder , iniiilo piyablc lo I uiirderof tliu c'OiMiiil 9loiior of Indinn nil i' ' " * . ' "r "C IniiHtri per cent of the ainouiit o ( nn propi-sul , wlilth uheuk or draft wlll'Jo leif < liu Jo tlm I tilled blatcsln oisiiinv bhld' i ir ' I Klori n , ' an award sh ill f into \ nnpt y > x a fontracl with v > od and Hiillli enD Mirt'ti"s , otbcrwlsotolio roliirm < l I" llui bld- dur lllil aei'ompinli'il 1 > V I'luliin llpu ; f u certified obi uU will not biu-oimleloied 1 r further Information niiplj lu J Ouorni ) \VrlKbt \ , Unitucl btatos linilan - ' ( ' " . , ( ( Itoe i-l\n' hale1. Notice ) U litroby chun that , iiiirsu nit to nn ordur of thu district c-ourt of lionmab county. NubrahUa , boalod proiiii'.iln inior < uil I'ro- losalbforpiirehiisi'of I/unor iniil " ' . " ' ' ' , ' , ! > Char ts V Milt H rcc-ohi-r. u'w > r < Lifu b il iiu'.Omal.a.Nobr.iUa.wl . 1 ho M. ' ijlvod | H to and liKluilliu May rirel l 'r for tlio j nir- oiiiVeof howholiiorporlonsof the btooli of ttblhkiob. wlni' . llquoii. . HO. f'irinirly ownuil liy 1C H ( Jrotlo nnd n i' < l In lilt wliolumilo and rut ill Ilijiior inihlru'M In Omaha , No- braska. to/uthur with all thci fiirnltnru nnit llnliui's ijbuil In und about nalil liualnoss. 'I'lioatouk can bo Keen iiiol a ilotmluil Kirlptionof the buinu uan bu hull upon up- plleiatlon to the roc'uUor Thu ale to bu for cnsli. nnil a e'oitllk'il t'hock for 10 per tout of the ninount nlTuiiiil muni ac- ( Oinpiinv uauh bid. wbleh check will bu to- tiirni.il In c. IBD Ilio iiiopu-ial uccoinpunyliiK Kiiino bo rojuutrd. Thu rucufvur runurvob thu right to rujuctuny or all h eU UtiAllA Nubraski , May 4lh IX ' . ' . I IIAKLKs V MII.IIS luie'iilvfr. , I/J'J ' .Nnv Vorli l.ifu I ) , 'idio lUybdlOCiu On. aha , Nub ,