Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1892, Part Two, Page 13, Image 13

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Plenty of Fun Ahead for tbo Lovers of the
Track ,
Tim Hunter * nnil llio Anglon The Stnlo
Blinnt llnnu Hull AirritKrs Tlio lllcncli-
crit' Vrljn Tlio rlghter * mill the
\Vront IITII yuorlus Amwercil.
Tbo Sixteenth annum tournament of tbo
Nobrusita Slnto Sportsmen's association
opens up on tbo Grand Island Oun club
grounds , Urnnd Island , next Tuesday aud
continues until the l.ltb , inclusive. It will
undoubtedly provo the largest and most suc
cessful lournutnont over bold luthostnto ,
nnd the Ontul Island Gun club has ir.ado
clalioralo preparations Tor the ciitcrtnlnmont
and accommodation of the shooters , A largo
number of Omaha's crack shuts , including n
wain of the Omaha Oun club members , will
go down and endeavor to Rather n few of tno
laurels. The purses arc nil liberal nud in ad
dition to those tha K'un club bus added $1,000 ,
something that has uovor boon done at nay.
of the tounmmunis held In this state. Fol
lowing is the program for tbo lour days :
TunsDAv , May 10.
No. I , ton single targets , three moneys. $1
entrance ; No. a , fifteen single targets , four
moneys , | 'J ( sntrunce , $20 nddeil money ; No.
it , ton llvo birds , four monovs , $7.50 cntrunco ,
JO added money ; No. 4 , twenty single
targets , four moneys , $2.50 entrance , ? 25
added inonuy ; No. r > , UN only-llvo single tar
gets , llvo moneys , ) entrance , 1U added
money ; N a. 0 , ten English sparrows , four
moneys , $5 entrance , ? 25 added money ; No.
7 , ton single ana llvo pairs targets , four
moneys , $ -J.50 entrance , j-20 nddou money ;
No. 8 , ten llvo birds , llvo moneys , $10 en
trance , ? IO added money. No. 0 , C. E.
Mayne , $ 'GU diamond badge ; llfty single
targets ; open to Nebraska sportsmen only ;
bndgi now bold by 1 rank S. Parmalco ol
Uuiahu ; the winner to take nil entrance
money lollowing year ; this badge * remains
the | ) roperty of the alnlo association and is to
bo shot for , In above manner , from year to
year , $ T.f > U entrance. No. 10 , twenty single
targets , four moneys , S2 onlranui' , J20 aaded
money. The eloctrio traps uuu pulls used at
this tournament uro furnished Ireo of cost by
tbo Cross Ciun company of this city.
HIX'UNI ) 1IAV , WKI > NislIAY : , MAY 11 ,
No. 11 , ten single targets , moneys 3 , en
trance Jl.50 ; No. 12 , litteen slnrlo targets ,
moneys -I , entrance SJ , added moneys , $20 ;
No. IK , ten llvo birds , moneys -I , ontrnnco
$ T.50 , udtlcd moneys , $ lu ; No. II , twenty
Blnglo targets , moneys 4 , entrance $2.00 ,
added moneys , $20 ; No. in , Winchester shoot
for $00 List Winchester Hopcatlng gun , do
nated by Lee-Clurko-Andrcsen Hardware
company of Onmha. Thirty single targets
Hun to best score ; -10 per cent of purse to
2d. 30 | > cr c-ont to third , 20 pur cent to ' 1th , 10
per cent to 5th ; exports handicapped four
yards , moneys 5 , entrance SI , moneys added ,
JOO ; No. 10 , ten Kngllsli sparrow. * , monovs-I ,
entrance ) * t5 , added money , WO ; No. IT
twont.v-fivo single targets , moneys 5 , en
tinnco J , added moneys. ? 25 ; No. 18 , State
association team shoot badgo. Two men to
u team from same club. Open to Nebraska
sportsmen only. Five live birds , six singles
and two pairs targets to each man. The
badge and 50 per cent to 1st , HO uer cent , to
2d , 2(1 ( per cent to yd. Won ISS'J , by Grand
Islnnd team , 29 out or TO ; in Ib'JO , bv Omaha
team , 20 out of HO ; nnd in 1801 , by Lincoln
team , ar out of . ' ! 0. Any club may outer as
many tennis OB they wish , moneys U , on trance
8. aaded moneys , WO ; No. lit , thirty singles
entrance JU , added money , $25.
No. 20 , ten single tanrets , four moneys. $2
ontrnnco ; No. 21 , twenty single targets' , four
moneys. $2 entrance , ? 20 added moneys ; No.
22 , ten English sparrows , W added 10 each
money , llvo moneys , $7 entrance , f30 added
moneys ; Mo. 23 , twenty single targets , four
moneys , ? 2.50 entrance , $20 added moneys
first ,
per cent of purse to second , ao per cent lo
third , 20 per cent to fourth , 10 per cent to
third , exports handicapped four yards , live
moneys , ? 4 ontrnnco , | or > added moneys ; No.
20llficen live birds , ? 15 added to each monev ,
four moneys , $7.50 ontrunco , 10 added
moneys ; No. 2T , champion team gold medal
open to Nebraska sportsmen only , ten
targets to each man two men to each team ,
property of the Nebraska State Sportsmen' * ,
aasociiulou nnd presented by Pforzhelmer &
Keller company through E. Hallett ol Lin.
coin , Neb. , the modal to remain the property
of the Nebraska Slate Sportsmen's naaocin
tlon , but the team winning it may retain II
by giving satisfactory guaranty that It wil
bo forthcoming at the next annual tourna
ment , to bo shot for as heroin provided , thi
team so holding It to bo entitled to entrunc.
money the following year , nny club may
deslirnato as many teams as they desire ii
this conlost , record of championsblt.
modal won 1887 by Otnaha , score 18 , In 18SS
by Omaha , score 11) ) , in 1S90 by Grand Island
icora 11) ) , in 1801 by Omaha , score 10 , on
trance ner team $5 ; No. 28 , fifteen single tar
Beta , four monovs , ? 2.50 entrance , $20 added
moneys ; No. 20 , ton single targets , thirty
yards rlso. three moneys , $1 entrance ; No
BO , citizens' shoot , open only to citizens o
Urnnd Island who have never shot In i
tournament contest , twenty single targets
four moneys , $1.50 ontrunco , $20 added
gets , lour moneys , J.1 entrance" $25 added
money ; No. ; i.'l , ton live birds , four moneys ,
7.50 ontranco. fli ) added manor ; No. 3-1 ,
I'liittsmouth silver cup , open to Nebraska
sportsmen only , four members of a club to
compose n team , only one team can bo cu
be entered by a emu , ton slnulo targets to
by Omaha , scoro. 117 : ib'S2 , by No'uiaha !
icoro , ! ; JS83. by I'omnlia , core , 88 ; 1KSI
bv Platlsmoulh , score , 3S ; 1SSU , nyTukamah
scorp , 117 ; 18S7 , by Omaha , score 30 ; 188S bv
Omaha , scoro. 37 ; 1800 , by Lincoln , score ,
81 ; IS'JI , by Grand Island , score , 37 ; Ihroo
moneys , $10 entrance , $40 uddod money ; No
B5 , twenty-live single targets , three moneys ,
f.'J.60 entrance , ftiS added money ; No. 80 ,
Oxnard Heel Sugar company's shoot , llf teeri
livn birds , $ ' . ' 5 added to each money , llvo
moneys , fill entrance , 8123 added money ;
No. ! ! 7 , twenty single targets , four moneys ,
til entrance , $10 added money.
Anil TliU U thu Way Tlit-y riitliluil.
In the nlno games the boys show remark-
ibly well , considering they Jumped rlpbt
Into the ahampionship season without any
jrcllmlmiry practice. The individual record
j us follows :
l > n A. 1OU
sholboclc. S3 in IU
Gllkii , in. . 13 1 IUUO
Dnrby.P 3 1n 1000
ICully. If 10 1
L'ollopy. : ib IH
KOWI' , ill Kl ,077
Da in l > . rf 11
IjllVU' . " „ " '
' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' *
Vleki-ry.p'.i'.I' , . . . , . . l 10 ,8111
llntidlboe. p . 0 ,0o7
How Tim ) ' \Vlulil tlio Club ,
Out of elghteon ichodulcd games for the
borne grounds for tha opening championship
icason the Omabas succeeded lu playing
nine , just one-half. The other halt wore
prevented by cold , rain aud wet grounds. In
these nine games the Rustlers went to bat
just 303 times , and out of this number con
nected safely with the ball just sovonty-four
times , making forty-seven runa , Uut to give
a inor-j Intelligent estimate of tno work aono
with the slick , tha individual record follows ;
All. it. llll. AVK.
Bho beck 41 7 10 .218
tints , at ) 7d 10a . 11 4 13B .371
& 13S
, .31 S
, . , SO Q .ITU
lluyim. . . . . , 1C 7 . . ' 11
I'ltigoruld X' 0 T .via
yiuUury , 16 0U , 'J.V )
J > urby 7 1 .142
llauulbuu m 1 , J53
Comparing the salient poluti of play bo-
iwoou tUo OmuUo * and their opi > ouonU la
the nlno ftames played ncro this spring the
following ibowlng Is mndo :
n. nit. R
Omfthft 47 70 SI
Opponent * 3:1 : M 41
Notwithstanding this superior nil-round
t > lay , however. Omaha won but four gnmos
and lost live , as follows :
WON flAMK * .
Omnlia vs St Pntll. 12 to 2.
Oimiha vs T ln < lo , A to ' . ' .
Omaha vs Indianapolis , 1.1 to8.
Onmha vs liullnnnuolls , 4 to 1 ,
I.OJT ntMr.s ,
fit , I'mil vs Otnnlm , C to 5.
Toledo \i Omaha. 'I to 1.
C'oliiinhim vs Oniiilia , 4 to.1.
( 'oliiinliiis vs Omnliii , 'J to I.
Columbus vs Omnliii , o to U ,
Thu * It will bo seen Omaha loU tlireo of
these games by a single and the other two by
two runs. Ilo'rd luck , very.
I'nriniir llnrin vs. Onllntln.
Farmer Burns and E. T. Gallotin have
been matched by the Omaha Athletic club
for a cntch-nvcalch-can wrestling match , two
lolls out of three , to take place before the
club next Saturday evening , for a 1150 purso.
Totn | from thn HlruclirrK.
Dalrymplo lias signed with the Spokane
Dolnn and Klllon are pitching great ball for
Sblnnlck has boon appointed captain of tlio
MinneaDolis team.
ICiliho Fussolbach has signed with the
Tcrro Huuto , Ind. , club.
Martin Duck , alias Duke , Is with a coun
try nine down at Blnghntnton , N. Y.
Cannvan doesn't swing on the ball lllto ho
did last year In the American association ,
Kansas City and Columbus have played
more games tbnn any olhor clubs In the
Jimmy Canavan , Uncle Anso's second baso-
tnun , may DO released aud Tom Burns put In
his place.
Kx- Manager Bob Leadloy will devote his
leisure hours to directing the Detroit Athletic
club base ball toam.
"Dark Days" Con way , the old cowooy , Is
cavorting over the swurd up ut. Buffalo as
chlppor as a yearling.
Georgia Shoch might ns well como back
IIrat ns last. Baltimore Is tiring of bis mil
lennium plan bull ulaylng.
Lawrence Patrick Murphy nnd "Sandy"
Grlfllu , two of last year's Washington team ,
have caught on with Now Haven.
Put Tobom : doesn't thlnlc It possible with
irdlnary luck for Cleveland to bo beaten out
iy nny of the western teams.
Elmer Smith heads Pittsburg In run-got
ng. Bully for the King , ho is the kind of
ball player people never tire of hearing
; oed of.
Indianapolis has suspended old roan Ilon-
lo indefinitely. She would do well to
lend about eleven moro of her players the
vholo outllt is bum.
Kcddy Mack nnd Catcher Hynn of last
oar's Louisville team have signed with
'rovldencu. The Eastern league scorn * to
ave the bulge on available players.
Jimmy McAleer of the Clovulands caught
thief in his room tbo other night and made
ilm disgorge. Cleveland Leader , ilow
much did Jimmy got.
Toledo comes along with a now wrinkle.
The trolley poles on tbo electric uar.t on the
'Inos to the ball park are to bo decorated
.vith Hags Inscribed , "Base ball nt Olympic
-ark. "
"Sandy Griswold of TUB OMAHA BEK , the
est base ball descriptive writer in this
: ountry barring " is the hlrh
, no ono , compll <
ncnt of the Ohio Slate Journal , In last Sun
day's Issue.
The Toledo club has a conglomeration of
names. The team Is known as the Pirates ,
ITrog Eaters , Black Pirates , Dwarfs , Plg-
: nlos , Kobols , and last the "Chimney Swoops. "
-Columbus Dispatch.
Joe Walsh's Omaha friends want him to
abide with them , and when Columbus
played there Wednesday ho was given a
deed to a lot. That beats bouquets. Times
Star. A lot of what !
Baron Ilach , the Minneapolis magnate ,
.vont to n game while Jack Frost was run-
ling things ut the park und now he's laid up
ivith pneumonia. Uen Mulford. Yes , Hen ,
but pncumonla'll never hurt the Baron.
No more ballat Sportsman park until Sun
day , the S9tli , then comes the Kansas Citys.
Third Baseman Heat of Milwaukee is the
on of an editor. Uoat's homo Is nt some
iinnll town in Illinois. IIo has been laid oil
by Cushman.
It Is said that Jack O'Connor's natural dis
position toward dirty ball playing is again as
sorting itself. A parauruph that does O'Con '
nor great Injustice. There 1ms boon no sug
gestion of dirty ball playlug In Jack's work
thus fur this season. Cleveland World.
President Williams is negotiating for sev
eral catchers and stales that ho will have nl
the clubs that are weak in that posilion wall
titled out. Omaha ts the worst In need of a
catcher. She has only one now and ho
( Hayes ; cannot last always at a game a day. .
After ton yearn of continuous service for
Louisville , Jimmy Wolf was on the 21st mst.
released. The veteran outfielder has signed
with the Western league from which ho may
soon bob up as a rejuvenated "young blood. ' "
Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette.
The Ponca base ball team wants to ougagi
a good amalour catcher , willing to play twi
games n week for a moderate salary. The
balance of the time nny such man can put in
as he sees proper , Just so ho keeps in condt
tlon to play ball. Addrus * Hiland P. Lock
wood , lock oox 07 , Ponca , Nob.
TUB OMAHA BEB emits a holy howl abou
Snyder's umpiring. The Omaha man ough.
to run against Corcoran and tbo Milwaukee
team. Ea. Hile. Well , I guess you arc
right. It looks like Columbus and Snyder ,
Milwaukee nnd Corcoran nnd I don't knov
xvho Is lo help Kansas City out.
Catcher Merrill of Columbus has startc (
out In n career which , if he holds out , wil.
land him In the very llrst row of catchers In
the country. This is only his second year in
professional ball , nna he is now regarded ns
one of the best , if not the best , catchers it ;
the Western loogjo. Ohio Stale Journal.
President Whlto of the Eastern league ha :
written the Plltsburg club asking for the re
lease of Harry Raymond. Ha says he cai.
place Raymond us nlnyor-nmnagor of the
Albany club. Raymond will not bo released
bv Pittsburu. Albany Press. Oh my ! Oh
mo ! Manager Harry Raymond , wouldn't
that scald you !
Toledo's dirty mid much ridiculed gray
nulls will bo removed Irom the public eye
when the Pirates return from tholr trip nud
replaced by the dark blue ones. The cups to
this suit are trimmed In whlta and make Iho
moil appear short. However , It is n pretty
suit , and may bo worn on the next trip.
Toledo Blade.
The Eastern league's captain's have boon
named. Hero they are : Sam Wise , Rochester -
tor ; Jaok McGlono , Troy ; Jay Faatz , Syra
cuse ; Sid Farrar , Providence ; Dan Stennis ,
Buffalo ; Harry Lyons , Philadelphia ; Dan
Shannon , Now Haven ; Mike Lehano , Bltig-
bamion ; Bobby Wheolock , El mini , und Jim
Fields , Albany.
Charley Morton has nerve and pluck.
"Jitfgs" Purrotl , Iho third baseman of the
Minneapolis , was spiked early in the week ,
and as there wasn't ' an understudy ou his
staff the veteran manager wont. In nnd
played tbo bag himself. Ha made n hit ,
btolu n base und accepted aovon chances
without an error In the llrst game with the
Hooslor. ' .
The following players have made applica
tion for positions In the Western league : E.
F. Hulrhinson , third baseman nndbhortslop ;
J . G Mitchell and E. 1) . Cusbman , pitchers ,
and David Fleming , oullleldor. Chicago
Herald. Who nro they ) What are they ;
ball players or Just plain men like those
touring the country for Indl'inapolul What
the \Voatern league wants Is ball players ,
not cigar signs.
Every manager in tbo Western league says
he "wouldn't swap his team for any other 'in
tne league. " What a pleasing state of af
fairs. Now York Herald. O , what a lie !
Indianapolis Is willing trade her whole outtll
for a ihovel full of mud , and about lour more
clubs wovld trade "sight unseen" with nny
of the commons aggregations. The mlllon-
lum plan U a lulu-bird.
Pitcher Fournler is the funny man of the
team. Ho is a great itory lollor and grand
sliiKor. Henry missed 1m vocation by not
going on the staeo. Ho ts also the champion
pool player of tbo team aim had rather play
pool than sleep.-Nuw Haven Roglslvr. Yes ,
Henry got funny up In Stoux City one day
last summer aud struck George Common's
list a horrible blow with his nose. Ho never
smiled during the whole season after that
titute League llroozoi.
Eddlngor ii a good man for Beatrice , hav
ing all tbo qualifications of a llrst class
Kennedy ot PlatUmouth Ii ouo of the com
Ing third basemen of the base ball profession
and will bear watching.
All the State league clubs seem solicitous
nbout Baker's arm as the report trains pround
that ho Is In fine fettle and has more speed
than ever.
Manager Rourko is n hustler nnd will have
his team well up in the rnco , his words to
his pitchers being , "Dont work too hard In
the llrst gamss whllo it Is cold. "
Fremont has released II. Houtnson on ac
count of wlldncss and Urnnd Island has 1st
Haskoll go , ho having sprained his nnklo nud
the club couldn't afford to carry him.
Bcatrlco was a little bit surprised nt the
strength displayed by Plattsmouth lu their
Initial game , and don't feel so confident ot
having n cnko walk for the pennant us here
Mannirer Baker has secured Austin of
Mcadvlllo , Pa. , to cover second und the Fre
mont fans are correspondingly happy , for In
his Initial game ho made some great plays
nud Is ono of the pels of the town ,
In Purcell , Duller , Bowman and Jollcn ,
Baker na.s n quartolto of coming man nnd
they nro doing better every day , Bowman's
stick work especially being noticeable , ns ho
has heretofore boon considered n weak hitter.
The State league has certainly struck hard
llnct in this the Initial season of its existence
once , but the backers of the club should bear
In mind the fact that a poor beginning means
it llrst class ending nnd , by nnd by , iho sun
will como out nnd iho warm breezes will
waft larger crowds to sco the games nnd
consequently moro money In pocket for their
On thn Track und In llio Stable.
Van Duke Is looking line this spring. Ho
has the speed and ought to bo u wlunor In
his class.
The Nebraska brooders' mootinc opens un
nt Ileutrlco August U , continuing until the
12th inclusive.
The Rolfo ( In. ) Driving Park association
Is offering n number of stakes for their meet
ing July a to 5.
The inaugural mallneo by iho Roadster
club will bo held at the fair grounds Sutur-
ay afternoon. May 21.
Following the Nebraska state fair Is the
Otoo county fair , to which entries in the
peed department close on May 14.
A. .1. Arnold , formerly of Central City.
S'pb. , has accepted a position as trainer nnd
river for It. H. Sim born , Geneva , Nob.
The pacer Rockott (4) ( ) is n buzz-saw nnd n
old of six or eight ol her speed and gnmn-
oss would maku u race worth going miles to
The Ponca Driving nnd Fulr association
vill hold two race meetings in 1S92 and fcil- )
00 will bo dlstribuied among the horse-
The Blue River stock farm , WymorcNob , ,
ius secured the Inlo Dud Davis1 property
nd will train over the excellent track on
hat farm.
Bethel , b. ui. by Boaudln , dam by Black
lunger , owned by Bob Kneobs , comes protly
icar being right. Sbo can stop a quarter In
5 quite handily.
Not Brown's bay filly Mary is filling the
illl up to all expectations. She Is Inking lo
lor work nicely and when given her head
hews lots of speed.
What has become of the stallion race that
vas talked of to come off soon between the
ocnl horses. John Tutner , Holsieln , Elhnn
Mien nnd Trenton ?
Mr. Barnes of Lincoln is n very proud man
iccanse of the arrival of a line fllly foal by
Mr.yilllum's horse Agon 5015 , out of his
avorito Uolddust mare.
Ed T. Cook , Elba , Nob. , has sold to Her-
nan Wolf , Hmsworth , Nob. , his 5-yoar-old
bay slallion , Lord Nelson , bv Slerlingliam
270S , dam Lady R 2:3B : > .f.
Tom James of Des Moines , la. , has se
cured Iho consent of C. W. Williams to race
Allerlon wllh Nnnoy Hanks at the Dos
Moinps meeting in August.
At n mooting of the Iowa City ( lown )
Driving Park company it was decided to hold
u mooting Juno 21 nnd 24 , nt which time
$5,000 or * C,000 will bo given.
T. J. Fleming has gene east with a car of
ino horses. Providence. R. I. , Is the market
.oward which ho Is headed. Among the lot
s n number of perfectly matea pairs.
John D. Crolghton has sold the brown
mare Evangeline , aiy ; ( by Director , to A. H.
Moore of Philadelphia for $18,000. Docs It
pay to raise horses I Yes , if thov are trot
Quito a number of horses at Independence ,
In. , have been seriously sick wllh pneumonia ,
among Ihem the slallion Willie 0,2:25 : , '
though all nro improving , and no cases lia'vo
us yet proved fatal.
The Silver City Driving Park association
extends to Iho horseman a most cordial wol-
: omo to bo ut their July meeting , nnd ns an
inducement bangs out purses aggregating
$3.000 for I wo days' racing.
E. B. Farley Is now secretary of the Dos
Moines driving park , succeeding J. N. Nel-
man. This association will holu' its lirst
meeting August 15 to 20 , $ (50,000 being the
amount of money offered In stauos and pursos.
Decorab , la. , has prepared a flno program
for her Juno meeting. There will bo tbreo
days Juno 14 , 15 and 10 , with an average of
51,000 in purses for each day , the classes
being sufficiently varied to meet the wants
of all.
Entries to the Otoo county classes for pac
ing nnd trotting close on May 14. at which
time horses must bo named and 5 par cent
paid. There will bo $5,000 distributed , In
cluding six moneys ot $500 for trotting and
Lobasco , 3:10Jf , will go to Freeport , III. ,
about Juno 20 , u member of M , E. Me-
Henry's slablo. ItU hoped nil will go well
with this grand stallion , and that ho may
roiurn to Nebraska In the fall with the stnl-
Ilnn record.
S. M. Smith , Kimball , Nob. , recently lost
a number of horses that showed svmptoms
of poisoning. Upon Investigation it was
found that strychnine had been mixed with
salt in the horsos' troughs. A reward ot"
$ ! 00 has been ofTorod for the villain's arrest.
The attention of all Interested in future
great race meetings is called to the magnifi
cent array of stakes and purses offered by the
Lyon Driving Park nssociullou. to bo given
atlhelrJune nnd August meetings. The
lirst meeting begins Juno 22 , lasting throe
days , aud tha August mooting IU to 20 ipclu
D. i\ Mount has In Harry Harold by Zulo
and Wilkrows by Antoras , a polo team of a
faHhlnnublo typo und by the tlmo of tha road
riders' mallneo races will bo lit to stop to the
half with the host of thorn. The Eloollonoor
and Harold combination Is about tbo stufl
and In the possession of such goods ouo
ought lo bo Hullslled.
The 2-yenr-old colt. Venture , In Bob
Knoobs" string at Union Park , Council Bluffs ,
Is a good ono to keep a tab on. Ho Is u I rot-
tor nnd his dam Is by a great racehorse , Elmwood -
wood Chief (2:184) ( : ! ) . Ho always trotted u
great race when called upon , and was nol
Iho kind that bad to bo nursed all summer to
go fora "tin cup" record in the fall over n
billiard table track.
Thu Omaha mooting will bo held August
DO to September 2 , and liberal moneys ura of
fered. Omaha Is In the circuit composed ol
Creston , la. , Omaha , Syracuse und Lincoln ,
Nob. , und Topeka , ICnn. For full informa
tion concerning the Omaha race mooting ml-
dross John Baumor , secretary. Have addci
a 2:20 : purse , irolllng , to program.
The full program of the K. nnd W. racing
circuit , which embraces Centorvlllo , la. ,
July 1 to 4 ; Lancaster. Mo. , July 7 to ! ) ; Memphis -
phis , Mo. , July 13 lo 15 , and Kahoka. Mo. ,
July IS ) lo 21 , wllh ft lolal of nearly f'.OOO in
purses. Thu program Is the same at each
place , there being a total of thirteen events
for the tbrco weeks , including purses for
trotting , pacing and running.
This is thu critical lime lo look to vour
horses , before gelling down lo nclual spring
work. If lame , they should bo treated ; If
any unsightly blemishes , they should bo removed -
moved ; if any distemper or founder , your
horses are not in a condition to work. Also ,
the mutter of sprains aud strains Is very im
portant at this season of Iho yoar. There are
many olbor complaints that are likely lo
occur durlng-the winter and spring mouths.
According to the aflldavlt of her breeder ,
John W. Lynn of ibis cily , former' * of
Clark county. Ohio , the black mare , Jenny
Wrenn , pacing record U:17l : , was not by
Hailstorm , as has been represented , but by
Cal Moore , out of Josslo , by Republic , son of
Marabrino Patcnon. Shu is a hot-headed
mare ana dlQIcult to keep In hand , but has a
torrltlcturu of speed. At the Cleveland fall
meeting lust year sbo paced a quarter up Iho
back slretch lu 31 ! $ seconds in tbo second
heat of thu 2:25 : pace.
nf llio Wheel.
Toledo. O. . has 1,800 cycluls.
Willie Wludlo U soon to bo married.
A prominent wheelman has sold hU whca
nnd invested n small fortune In n tennis set.
What next ! N
Who ! has becomo'Bf tlio Young Men's
Christian association jfrcllstsl
Nebraska division ts assuming the past
years' proportion ns regards numbers.
Where , oh , where nrojlho local consuls ap
pointed for Omaha ! \vfc need 'cm , nnd need
'em bad. , J ,
Porrltro's 'C.vclo Emporium on Dodoo
street Is ns pretty as n wly's parlor since ho
n tied It up. 3
The number of falr cycilsts Is dally In-
croaslne. The Ladles' Cycling club is gain
ing strength rapidly , tjfj
Holton , ono of the fastest safety men in
the state will rlao a racing machine of his
own manufacture this season.
The ' -smoker" at the Omaha Wheel club
house , which was held lust Wednesday even
ing , was n very cnjoyaolo affair.
The recent rains have knocked the road
riding Into the roiddlo ot next week , and con
sequently the wheelmen look bluo.
The Tourist Wheelmen hnvo renewed tholr
corlillcato In the League of American Wheel
men nnd nro the only league club In the state.
M. Church , n prominent wheelman and a
member of tlio Toledo Wheel club , was n
caller at the Omahn Wheel club club house
this week.
Several now members were taken In at the
last regular meetings of the Omaha Wheel
club nnd Tourist Wheelmen which occurred
during the past week.
There are over four hundred entries for the
Pullman road race , which occurs the HOth of
this month. Some of the men who will com-
polo hail from Canada.
A Query "Why Is It that you can seldom
ride slow enough for a pretty girl to overtake
you , nor fast enough to overtake her whoa
she Is ahead of you. " The Bearings.
Isn't it about tlmo for the base ball cranks
over at the club housn to bo ngllnllng Iho
formation ot n base o U club ! Last year's
club retired on Us laurels early In the season.
Billy Townsend Is the proud possessor of n
Singer pneumatic nnd will bo "In It" this
season. The Singer Is a "humming bird1'
und hails Irom "over the pond. " It is n
Although the Hurry over the Omaha \Vhoo
club house has subsided somewhat , the
promolcrs of Iho enterprise say that the club
house is n "sure thing. " Such' things always
take some tlmo to mature.
Xlmmorman , the great American crack ,
was bcator. fair and squnro In England , but
that "cuts no Iiggor. " Kimmy is laying back
nnd will surprise the natives yet "before ho
embarks for his native land.
The semi-annual meeting of the board of
directors , Nebraska division Lo.iguo of
American Wheelmen , will bo hold iu Omaha
May 21. The board consists of Iho chief
consul , vice consul , secretary-treasurer and
two representatives.
M. O. Daxon is helping the cause along nt
a I'rent rule. Ho has renled u hall and has u
school in operation , where the ladles are
taught to master Iho 'cycle thoroughly be
fore appearing on the street. Some o'f his
pupils nro remarkably apt and have become
splendid wheolwomen.
The Ell Cyclists is Iho lalest club to enter
the lists. The olllcors are embodied in ono
person who is president , vice president , cap
tain and secretary In turn. His term of
otllco only lasts ono month. The ofllco of
treasurer Is abolished , ru each member Is bis
own treasurer. The club is called out on
runs every evening of the week.
Cycling has caught the lawmakers at
Washington , D. C. , and the following con
gressmen have crown quite export in the
management of the rubber shod sloed : Ex-
Speaker Reed , ' 'Uncle Jerry" Simpson , John
son of Ohio , Washburn of Tennessee , Hull of
Jowa , Sperry of Connecticut , Daniels of New
ilampshlro , Springer nnd Scott of Illinois.
What a great bl club these gentlemen could
'orm. '
Last Sunday tlio Omaha Wheel club and
Tourist Wheelmen agreed to hold a Joint run ,
jut the weather was. sothreatening that only
.wo cyclists turned out , Lieutenant Taylor of
: ho Tourisls and Low Llvosoy of the Omnbn
Wheel club. These two mutually agreed to
; o on the run , despite the scattering drops of
rain , and to their credit persevered in their
attempt to muko the round trip. The run was
a success.
Captain Potter of Iho Tourist wheelmen
ins issued his called run eara for the mouth
of May. Ho has picked out several very
ileasant "jaunts" for his boys. Below wo
; tvo the list : May 1 Fort Omaha , joint run
with Omaha Wheel club ; sturt SI5 : a.m.
May 8 Bellevue , for dinner ; start 9 p.m. ;
24 miles. May 14 Irvinglon ; start 7:91) : ) p.m. ;
14 miles. May 15 Glen wood , In. ; sturt 7
i.m. ; 50 miles. May 21 "Blind run ; " start
7:30 : p.m. May 22 Missouri Valley , la. ;
start 7 a.m. ; 02 miles. May 23 Florence ;
start 7:30 : p.m. ; 15 miles. May 20 Spring-
Held , Neb. ; start 7 a.m.40 miles.
is : im ! AnHwcrs.
LINCOLN. Nob. , May 5. To the Snorting
Editor of TUB HEE : Will you please decide
the following bet : A and H playing sovon-up ,
? ach nro 5 points ; A makes high , game , whllo
II makes low , jack , 7 points being out. Who
wins ? A Header.
Ans. B.
\\A8iiiNnTON. D. C. . May3. To the Sporting
Kdltor of Till' HKI ; : I'loase give 11:11110 : and
place nf former Omaha players now playlna
with the league. To bo copied In papers hero.
Old Subscriber.
Ans. Halllgan , Cincinnati ; Crooks , St.
Louis ; Nichols , Boston ; Canavan , Coonoy ,
Chicago ; Knoll , Washington ; Filods , Now
YorkToboau ; , Cleveland ; Inks , Brooklyn ;
Eurlo , Pittsburg ; L-ovett , Brooklyn ; Dvvyor ,
St. Louis ; JJungun , Chicago.
SOUTH OMAHA , May a To the Sporting
Editor of TUB HEU : Did John L. Sullivan ever
knock Ohnrllo Mitchell out at Mudlsou Siimiro
( jurdon , Now York ? 1' . lS. .
Ans. No. Ho had him all but knocked
out when Police Captain Williams stopped
the fun.
OMAHA , May 2. To thn Sporting Editor of
Tin : HKK : Please answer In next Sunday's
HKK : In u KUIIIO of pokur whom the jolter II1U
uces Hushes und straights there are iwi :
straight hands out. one N ace , king queen
'uck und ten ; the other Is nee , kin ; ; , queen
uek and joker. Which hand wins ? Sub
Ans - Wo gamblers and sports iu Omaha
recognize it as un nco of any color only , talc
ing precedence over no olhor. The "hands
uro u standoff.
LINCOLN , Neb. . Muy 2. To the Sporting Edi
tor of Tin : KEK : Uun a Gordon Kuttor bo ro
littered In llio A. K. S. 11. undur these condi
tions : The sire Is registered In the Encllsl
Kennel Stud Hook , but the dam and boll
sire ami dam of dum are not reflutcrod , Mal-
coni H.
Ans. No. The sire must have a podlgroo
OliAND ISI.A.VD. Nob. . May a. To Iho Sport
Ing Kdltor of THE HKK : Tom und Jerry shoot
Ing a live bird match for a stake. Before
match ii completed Tom challenges Jurrv'n
loud , und Investigation shows Jerry shoutuii ,
moru shot than the rules allow , There Is con
sltlurablo money on the shoot. The shoo
lireulis up In u row ami Tom refuses to 1:0 01
with u now match , clalmliu u foul. I'leaso
decide thu muddle. Trap and Trigger ,
Ans.If it could bo.proven that Jerry pur
posely overloaded , hoi loses ; l > ut if lib wu. <
shooting purchased machine loaded shells
and knew nothing of : the overload , then thi
shoot must continuo from the point whore 1
left olV , bo shot ovorjij-ain from the begin
nlng , or , with nil buurtbo declared off.
OMAHA , May I. Tot the Sporting Kdltor o
THU HKK ; 1 wrote someUmohlnuo to thec'hl
cugo Herald to llnd out' hoinullilng ubout tin
English heller Wiin Luns , who won thu Kant
era Klein club's llcrliy iUHUh Point last Jun
nary , but received no Information. Dan yui
toll inn what he N , how old , who owns him
und his reeoniy-A
Ans. Wun Lung W a white dog , with n
block head ; was wholpo'i In February , Ih'.io ,
and Is owned by N. TV'Horns ' , Hurstbourno ,
Ky. Ills record Is n ' ( jreat ono , having won
either llrst or second monov In throe big Hold
trials , the last balng tlm-Unilod States Field
Trial Derby , hold at Uiokuell , Ind. Hols tlio
youngest puppy thai over started In a Hold
trial. His courage , tylo. endurance , speed
and bird sense uru said to bo wonderful.
ST. MAUY'B Coi.i.uiu : , linn. , .May 4. To the
Sporting Kdltor uf TIIK HKK : 1'foiit.o answur
the following ( jncatlou In next Sunday's aport.
IIIK column * or your puuur. Are nut all hits ,
whether they bu singles , doubles , thr"0-ba -
Kora or home runs credited In tin ) bate hit col
umn uf the olllclal oorer Very Amateur.
Ans. All hits are recorded In the B , II.
column. In the averages a homo run counts
no mora than a single.
tlio porting Editor of Tin : UEK ; I'loaio give
thu milo run so far this year , and by
what her o , and deuldo u but. Kiinnor.
Ans. The fastest milo ruu so far this season -
son was by Woodcutter , 4 , 10'J pounds , who
Mulshed the distance In 1:12 : at ( iutlenburg
on the 7lh. Rancocas , 4 , 'J7 pounds , ran three
quarters over the aamo track ou tha nth in
1:13 % , Lorenzo , 4 , uld iho dlstauco upon the
saruo day iu 1:14 : , with 118 pound * up , finish
ing In a cantor.
IIAIITIMITON. Nob. , May I-To the Hjiortlni , '
KdltoroT Tim Hum Toduc-ldrt n liul will you
uluuaoaiuwer the following question ; Abets
U tliultieiUl will weigh uu much u U. They
K.ODAK.S New Patterns.
"Daylight" nnd "Ordinary" in nil sizes ; invaluable to
parties contemplating an outing.
We can supply you cheaper than you can buy in the cast ;
on these we are headquarters ; we nlso cnn furnish you
with nil the material necessary in photography.
At wholesale prices. 5OO styles , latest designs , Picture
Frame Mouldings , 25 per cent saved.
In numerous styles and sizes , lOc up to $1.25.
Wholesalers and Retailers. 1215 Faruaiu Street , Omaha.
In which Hellman's Administrator has to sell out the stock of
clothing and furnishing goods , is the cause of some great
bargains , and the rush for them at all times , day or
night , proves that they are
Everything is fairly cut to pieces as far as price is concerned ,
and if you don't get your clothes cheap enough this year , it
won't be the fault of Hellman's administrator.
$ 4.25 for Hellman's $ 8.25 Men's Suits.
5.00 for Hellman's 9.0O Men's Suits. - '
6.50 for Hellman's 11. OO Men's Suits.
8.50 for Hellman's 12.50 Men's Suits.
13.50 for Hellman's 18. OO Men's Suits.
14. 5O for Hellman's 18.50 Men's Suits.
16.00 for Hellman's 20.00 Men's Suits.
17.OO for Hellman's 22.50 Men's Suits.
50c for Black Sateen Shirts , that Hsllman never sold less than $1.
3 E. and W. Collars , SOc. $1.BO Hats , 75c.
E and W Cuffs , SOc. 6Oc Shirt Waists , 38c.
2Oc Collars , lOc. 2Se Bordered Handker-
SOc Ties , 25c. chiefs , 3 for 2Sc.
Stainless , ISe Pair.
Guaranteed.ISe a .
We have engaged a number of new salesmen , and in the fu
ture there will be no tedious waiting to be "served , as we can
now take care of almost any size rush. The morning is the
best time to buy as the crowds do not come until towards the
middle of the day.
weigh and II weighs flvo pounds more than 0.
Who wins the bet. A Subscriber ,
Ans. A.
OMAHA , May 0. To the Sporting Editor of
Tun HUB : I'foasn state in Sunday's HKK the
day and data of the Brooklyn handicap , ono
unil ono-fouith miles. Alex I < \
Ans. Monday , May 10 , at Gravosond ,
Dr. Birnoy's Catarrh 1'owdor cures catarrh
Francis Wilson and his celebrated comic
opera company will begin their flrst engage
ment In Omaha at IJoyd's opera house on
Thursday next , May 12 , which will bo contin
ued on Friday and Saturday , with special
raatlnoo on Saturday , presenting "Tno Merry
Monarch , " which was called In Now York
the most successful lyric production of the
past ton years. The book of the opera , al
though derived from a Frouoh source , is , in
the main part , the work of J. Choover Good-
win , author of "KvangelinQ" and adapter of
all the opera * once so successfully performed
by Allco Oatos in the days of her greatest
popularity , Is dusoiibodas one of the brightest
and wittiest over contributed to the stage.
The scene of "Tho Merry Monarch" is laid
in InJIo , and the story goes on to explain that
King Anso IV. Is much pcruloxod to llnd a
subject for the death penalty , which the law
required should bo furnished as a portion of
thu coromonloi ot an annual few day soon to
come off. Francis Wilson plays the king and
Miss Lulu ( Jlasor the part of Lazuli , n trav
eling vendor of perfumes , who , on account of
the lee free usu of Ins tongue , fulls Into the
king's hands. The king Is congratulating
himself upon his good fortune In so readily
securing u vlotlm for the nodded sacrillco ,
whuu the court astrologer , acted by Charles
I'lunkott , makes the important dUcovory
tlmt Lazull's ' horoscope Is t > o closely asso
ciated with the king's that Ills majesty life U
dependent on the oaloly of toe young scamp
who peddles perfumes ,
Of course , tbn scntenco of death 1s at once
revoked and every precaution taken to preserve -
servo Lazuli's llfu ; but the mishaps , scrapes ,
dinicultloa and complications the youn > ; follow -
low Is continually potting into maku things
very lively for hw majesty and form the priu-
clpal dramatic incidents.
The muslo H chlelly by Woolson Mor o ,
the young American composer who , several
years ace , wrote ' ' ( . .Indorclla at School" for
Augustln Daly's ' company , although some of
thoorlelcal lyrics by the'late UtulloChabrler
of Paris have been retained ,
Manager Burgoj * has booked for Sunday
evening aud for four niguu the great , rail
road inolodrainq. Lincoln J. Carter's
Mail , " which will bo given a urand scenic
production , that in many respects promises
to bo one of the most remarkable ever in thU
city. The pluv is constructed on strictly
modern principle. The Interest starts at a
terrlllc pace , and la not allowed to Hug for
an Iiistant. The Incidents uro made doubly
thrilling by tbo mechanical aud scenic effects
that are employed. There la tho' rattle nnd
clatter of a patrol wagon ns It comes down
the Btroot , the whistles , bells , etc. , of a
Mississippi steamboat leaving her wharf ,
moonlight effort * ou the river , the glowing
furnaces of the boat , and tbo explosion and
breaking up of the steamer. A glgantlo
ploco of roui water scenery is presented In
the Niagara Falls scone , whore the enormous
cataract is represented with the roar of the
water , the seething foam and tha rising
mist. A freight train of fourteen cars is run
across the stage. The caboose Is lighted nnd
the ougmo carries the engineer ami llreman ,
It Is every where asknowledued to bo nn un
surpassed achievement in railroad nconio ef
fect. Thcro acorns to bo no limit to the pos
sibilities of btaco mechanism , but ' 'Tho Fast
Mall" scums to have covered all the ground
up to the present date. Tha company is
highly spoken of , and the play is well con
structed , with u strong tinge of cotnody to
offset the serious elements.
Manager Crawford bus secured for his
theaters for the Miminor season tha JJodd
Opera company , organized specially for the
engagement , under tno personal direction of
Henry W , Uodd , who has been with the fol
lowing operatic organizations ; The Carl
Hosa , Hey 111 Kugllsh , Clara Louise Kcllogg ,
Duff , Carleton , MorrlHsoy and Guslav Hein-
rlch opera companion. Among the principals
may be named Luiu Slovens , Amy Losllo ,
Kulherino McNeil , Arthur Burton , J. C.
Audio , Slgnor Cionopoll , ICinllo Collins , Dan
Young and many others of notable merit ,
also a grand chorus of forly voices.
AH comio opera has always been well re
ceived In Omaha , an engagement for the
.summer will shortly begin ut the Farniim
Street theater In u repertoire of the follow
ing popular operas : "Fra Ulavolo , "
"Olivette , " "tilroilb-UIrollo. " "Tho Mas-
cello , " "Throe Block Cloaks , " "The
Bohemian Girl , " "Tho Buggat tHudem , "
"The Chimes of Normandy , " "Tho
Mikado , " "Fntinlt/u , " "Tho 1'lrulus of Pen-
zauco , " "Pinafore , " "Nanon , " "Kriniulo , "
elo. _ _ _
One of the greatest successes in pictur
esque Irish-American comedy-drama since
the late Ulon jiouclcault made his famous
success In "Tho Suaughraun , " naa buon
"Tho Cruiskoen LUWII. " This druruu from
the pen of Dan McCarthy , telling Its story of
Ireland us It Is , In plain , simple terms , has
Bcorod an unlimited triumph wherever pro
duced this season , and Is today ono ot the
biggest money winners on the road. U U
full of burner and patboi , and coutulun all
, Aelc your DnigcUt for
, bottle of Hig ti. The only .
non-jMiiionnut remedy Tor nil I
' the nnniitural dUchnrgi1' nnd
I private illkcrtvsot men and the
I debilitating ircnkncr.s peculiar
I to troinen. It cures In a lew
1 days without tlio aid or
jiubllclty of a doctor
\The Unit trial American Ture ,
Mnnufactureil l > y Q
s The Evans Chemical CJ.B
u. a , A.
the olomnnti thnt go toward making an Ideal
picture of the Kmornld Into.
The loading character , that of Dublin Dan ,
Is essayed by that extremely clover dolln-
eater or Irish character purls' Dan Mcnr- ( !
thv , Mr , McCarthy has a ploaslng purHOii-
allty , aswoetvoico anil nimble feet. He Is
boynnd n doubt tha host dancing comedian nn
the stage today. IIU Bonus , "aiy Irish
Qtioon. " "Hands Across the Sea. " "McCar
thy's Bull , " and "Tho I'ortralfof My Mother
In Irolnml Fnr Away , " never full of Inn most
enthusiastic oncoros. "Tho CruUiicnu
l.uwn , " taken us n whole , U as prelty n pro
duction as has buon soon in the city this soa-
BOII. It will bo given nt the Fariiam Ktroat
ihoatcr for three nights , commencing next
Thursday evening , May 11 ,
The last performance of tbi Miller Opera
company in "Ship Ahoy1 takes place In.
night. The bright llttln operetta will bo
remembered in Omaha. ' 1'ho llrst not xcenu
on the Island of Palms , the arrival of the
sullnra , the Dooming of the chin's cannon ,
the holitlng of the Hag , Is realistic. Tha
second act ship scene U also deserving of
praise. Miss Montnguo presents u lovely
appoarunca and has made rapid strides In her
vocal powers.
Wonderland and I-MIMI Musna has llrmly
osiubllnhod it croscunl popularity at Its now
homo In the Grand opera hoiiso. For II IH
week among the loading attractions olTerod
1s Oofft < o , whoso fame became continental a
the bright particular star of Bnrnum &
Bailey's combination. The "Whistling
Paul" Sherman ls also en the bill , whoso
filllloul&lla successes every body tins hoard of.
Other musical marvoli uro to bo presented
oy Ward and Williams , Willis and llolpcu
uUo appear. The panorama , the Illusions
und tlio ( jleasons will continuo In ovldonce ,
tha whole forming a varied and Interesting
onlcrtaininont IrrosUtiblo In lu appeal la
the amusamcnt lover and the student of na
ture In her abnormal tantrums.
L'owllt ' s Sarsapanau clounsai thu ulooJ ,