Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1892, Part Two, Page 12, Image 12

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Loaders of Fashionable Circles Arrange for
the Annual Summer Exodus ,
Piny Turtle * niitl ( liinlcn rotcn I.nntn Up on
tinHiHliil llorlron Waddings of
HID Week I'miC'llons fur
tlio Wrrk.
May i here and society has not yet awak"
cnod from thu Lenten rest , the j > ast week
being otio of thorough quietness nmong the
leaden of the tiaut mantle. It Is anfo to pre
dict that not until next full will the round of
ga.vcties bo again commenced , for alrondy on
every linnii you hoar the question "Whoro
will you summer ! " Every society woman is
fretting lior mind over thu perplexing prob-
Jem , whllo you hear It a hundred times a
Jav lit thu clubs. In Europe , on the Hudson ,
at Spirit lake , In the mountains , nt Narra-
gansott , In the Innu of tno mikado , In the
"Vosemlto , uro the answers heard. The four
hundred and the hundred and n half will bo
scattered to the four corners of the globe ,
not to be entirely reunited again until the
loaves nro soared and fallen next autumn ,
and thu turkey begins to bavu doubts and
misgivings in In what ho Is led on corn and
line victuals for anyhow.
AH a result of the annual plans for the
summer exodus society 1ms been in widow's
weeds thu past suvon days , u marriage or
two , several qulot luncheons , two or thrcu
May parties only brcniilng the Lenten spoil ,
lint then the weather hits been something
torrlblo , which may account for the slloncu
111 the ranks of the oxclusives.
It Is utmost llmu to ask ourselves whether
wo are to have a Summer gill or not this
season a uroaturo enveloped in gauzy fab
rics with skirls drawn tightly back and a
heavy buncli of pleats thrown out at the
back rudder-like , colored silk stockings , low
shoos and big hut loaded down with flowers.
Will she como back to us , just as full ol
spirit , as nver , willing and nblo to eat n
pound of candies nt a sitting , wear out three
partners .valuing , tncklo a lish or a game
dinner , talU athletics or aquatics , join in a
coaching party or makii ono and a jolly ono ,
too , on a btraw ridoi
Will she came again , the Summer girl , with
her oclkln princess displaying her pretty
ligure , her vvliolo back jacket mullllng Her up
ou thu hotel vaiandn , her puffed sleuvos , her
poke bonnet , her bell skirt , her fancy con > o-
lots , wnlteau effects , her fantastic plastrons I
Will aho bo on hand ii. all her old- imo ana
now-time glory I 1 opine that she will , for
there's uhvaya a plneo for liur ; stio's n prod
uct of our civilisation , she's our "end of the
century" and not n bad sort of girl , cither.
Hue Iccls tier power and maltcs jou feel it.
The boys ate utilized by her in m'anv ways ,
dancing partner * , escorts , factotums , and
the "old fellows" don't escape hor. either.
They have fie money and uro always roauy
to take her for a drive , send her flowers ,
candies or fruit. She can always soil tickets
lor benollts to the old follows. The boys only
laugh and say : "I'm not Jay ( Joulu , anil
don't you forgotitl"
The Summer girl , like her frivolous Eng
lish cousin , if alter the "oof" which means
money. Sbo has often heard her papa say
that bo will nay for no "extras , " by which
ho moans that only board bills must'bo sent
homo to him. This puts the Summer ifirl
on her mottle. Sbo must have style enough
about her to attract the attention of those
who can pay for the extras. They don't cost
much , but the Summercirl'.s spending money
won't buy them , that's out of the question ,
llencn the Summer girl is apt lobe n bit
mercenary. The season Is snort ; she mus
got in her best , work as quickly as possible.
There is great competition. The Spllklu
girls have moio llguro , the Hoggs girls more
style , the Newlots cirls bettor dresses , the
Frlvello girls moro audacity. What is thu
poor summer girl to do'in the face of this
awful state of affairs !
"Noll1 said nn Omaha cigarette holder
to a dashing Summer girl ut Spirit Lake last
season , "mny 1 cult to see yau in town this
fall ! "
' You'd better sea mo now , Tom I" was the
encouraging reply , Rnokcn in a tone that
meant volumes.
Tom look the hint.
The Summer girl may have a dcmuro look
about her , but she itnows a good thine when
she sees it , oven if it does stnuKo cigarettes.
What looked nt ono time like an engage ,
mentless season turns out to bo just the re.
verse , as n perusal of these columns will tolll
Some time ago wo wanton to announce a cor
tnln engagement , but the popular young gen
tleman said no , that as tlio wedding would
not take place until fall ho wanted to have a
good tlmu this summer with the girls of his
acquaintance , but the girls are on and the
young centlorneji Is gottiug lolt so lelt.
But it has always boon thus , and you mnv
acpond Upon the dear creatures llndlng out
all too soon that you bavo "gone and done
It , " anil then comes the deluge. Mon. when
they nro ongncod , should not hosltuto to
inako it known unless there are family rea
sons for secrecy usually turns out to bo
badly advised.
A i'rittty Kiitcrtiilnmciit ,
Wednesday evening the ladies of the Cath
olic Heading circle receive- ! their friends in
lie spacious and baauilful homo of Mrs.
Raines G. ( Jilmora ou California street. The
weather without only served to bring for
ward moro stilckiuply the charm of the
lights and flowers and music and handsome
costumes within. Mrs. Gilmore was assisted
In receiving and entertaining by the seven
teen Indies who make up the membership of
the circle. Those ladies were
particularly proud of the num
ber of stars they had secured
for their drawing room prouratn , to which
Miss Crcighton and Mr. Burklov contributed
a vocal duet , Captain Wordori a flute solo
Mr. Ollmoro a reading , Captain Kmzlo the
"Ava Murin , " written for and dedicated to
Mm by Hlttor , Miss Crowley , Kudynru Kip-
Jlng's version of "Tho Colonel's Orders , "
find Mrs. Cudahay a seromuio song with ex
quisite delicacy of expression. Pleasant and
delicious refreshments were sorvcd durlii"
the evening.
The guests were : lit. Uov. Bishop
Bcannoll , Fathers Klnslor , lloeffcr
McCarthy , Bruon. Conrov , AIcDo-
vltt , Koopmnns , Hlllman ; Colonel aud
Mrs. Shor'dan ' and Mrs. Dale. Dr. and Mrs.
Coffman , Dr. and Alrs.J Council. Captain and
Mrs. Wordcn , Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Gallagher
Mr. und Mrs. J. U. Crolghton , Mr. and Mrs.
D. J , Smyth , Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Daughoriy. Mr. and Mrs. J H. AlcShano ,
Mr. anil Mrs. C. William Hamilton. Mr. und
Mrs , J. U. Furny , Mr. and Mrs. J , E. Itlloy ,
Mr , ana Mrs. Ambrose Leu , Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Swnrtzlander , Mr. and Mrs. Bon Gal
lagher. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. dishing , Mr. and
Mrs L. A. Cudahay , Mr. and Mrs J. A
J'ompioton , Mrs. nna Mrs. Schonck , Mr
and Mrs. Connors , Miand Mrs.
Uulil , Mr. and Mis. Engloman ,
Mrs. Amies Mcbhnno and Miss McSbano
Mrs , Celm McShano and MUs Tnggart Air *
and Miss Premier. Mrs. S. T. Alexander'
Misses Magruder , Crowley , Cretghton
Kuthcrlno Cn-ighlon. Keller , O'llrion
Miirphv , Swift , Muncbolt , D.mihay , Mr
John A. Crelghton , Hon. J. A. McShalio , Mr.
Michael Cudahay , C'uptain Kln/lo , Dr.
Allison , Mmrs. Swift. JaeUson , Murphv ,
Burkloy , Paul.
lyci < niiiiti > to tlin I'riiut.
Tuesday evening ono of the most enjoyable
ovonU of the season occurred ut Lyceum
hall , on North Twouiy.fourth stioot , the oc
casion being May party given by the Sara
toga Lyceum company , under the manage
ment of JA \ \ , Lossontino , Billy Austin and
Cal Pago. About U p. m. Prof , and Mrs ,
Matthews led the grand march , followed bv
lorty couples , representing the youth and
beauty of .Saratoga. Tlio Saratoga orchestra
furnished thu music whllo an excellent pro
gram of twenty-six numbers kept the young
people busy on the floor , whllo the old folks
onjoycd high llvo on the stage , Every ono
loomed to enjoy themselves.
Among these present wore Alesdauws
Tletzo , Graves , Brown , Stoveiu , M. Dermal ,
Jlausor , Ferguson , White , hutch , U I.iitoii ,
Hoxhnld , Fredrlckson , Klein , Davis , liyora-
lorff , Hu&or , Aumock , Prless , 13rubaiter ;
Messrs. Hart , Blaokesly. Moodlo , Erylo
Mopktus , Fox , Gould , buydor , Gould Jouee ,
' '
The Best foi the Money Is Always to be Poiina Here. That's Why We Keep Telling You of It
This is the greatest otter in a good
Seersucker , worth lOtsayard , over an
nounced So n yard.
15c yard
price , M
Ahsolutoly fast black ORGAN
DIES , a now opening of 50 patterns ,
1& & &
A few now cases just opened for the
spring and summer , worth loc and 12Uc ,
wo will place them on sale Monday at
m flit BAM
KxqtiisHo designs , sprightly colorings
on beautifully contrasting
Beautiful Styles. New Designs.
Fine Zephyr Gingliiims.
Just opened , fresli and crisp , elegant
Scotch Ginghams ,
32 inches wide ,
25c YARD
Silk Stripe Ginghams ,
Others Ask BO cents.
French Organdies ,
Uusual price , SO cents.
Treat , Walter , Blacksoly , Johnson , Brown'
Tloxhold , Snunilors , Mictmol , Anderson ,
Doliin , Thompson , Buchnrd , Lioim , AI-RO ,
Muck , Urubaltui- , Ewers , tVlllson , Coy , Swo-
boda , Hcss , JAustln , .7. T. Austin , W. II. K.
Austin , T.vugosail , 1'riosa.
Tlio Hlinriiiiin-Cliiircli Xnplluli.
( Jno ot the prettiest homo wcudlnzs of thy
season was solemnized Wednesday evening
at tbo residence of Mr. und Mrs. Itobort Mc-
C'onnell , l.WJ Nortli Eighteenth street , whoa
Mr. Charles Hollin Sherman and Miss Clara
Muud Church , granU-ilauphtor of Mr. Me-
Council , were mi I to J "la the ties that forever
bind" by KIJV. John William ! * , rector of S.
Marimbas , In honor of tbo occasion the
pluusnut homo of Mr. McConncll was finely
decorated with ( lowers and smilax , and
although tbo night was desolate without ,
thorn was a cheeriness within that quite olT-
sol the dripping weather outsldo. At 8
o'clock ttio DriJal party entered the parlor
preceded by the olHclatlng clorcyuiau , Hev.
John Williams , followed oy two children ,
then the bridesmaid. Miss. Clara Clarksor ,
the best man , Mr. Frank Cariniuhael , then
thu bride und groom , Vho bride , who is n
beautiful girl and as lutnlligunt a she is
pretty , wai hanii'somoly ' cojtumud In white
diinu silk , dcmi Iraino profusely trimmed
with dufhusse luco , a .siiiL-lii rose in her hair ,
whllo she carried n boquut of lihus
of the vnlloy. Mils Cliira Ulnrkson
were a fidured silk and carried white roses.
Following the ooruiuony came cnngr.itula-
lions and wodrtlng supper. Later In the
ovenim ; the bride mid uroom repaired to ttio
cosy tiouiu provliloa for tbo bridu bv the
L-room , at iiJii-l North Twonty-soventh sirent ,
whore after Juno in they will bo at homo to
tbuir friends.
Amonc tlioso present were ; Mr. and Mrs ,
Knbort .MuLlotna'll , Judge and Mrs. Church
of North 1'latto , father and mother of tbo
tmdo. Mr. and Mrs. Fn-d McConnoll. Mr.
nna Mrs. Taylor , Mr. anil Mr * . Hcurv Has-
kell , Mr. and Mrs. Urair , Mr. and Mrs.
Josopli MuConncll , J. M. McUonnoll , Charlca
McConiinll , Miss Calllo MuCoiinoll , Air. linr-
i-otl , Mr. Martin , Mr. I'alniaticr , Miss Inez
llas'rfcll , Missllutlha Cmrltson.Mlss Goorjjio
French. MUs Lena Hyri-e , Mr. A. 1J. Me-
Connell , Mi < s Htunt of bt , i.ouls.
Mr. tihonuuii , the groom , U the senior
member of tbailruiof Sherman & McCon-
null , and one of the best known young bust-
IIOSH men in Omaha. Tlio brklo has boon
connected with the public bchoob of ttio city
for sumo time.
'I lie Htrlclilor-llooM'i' Woilillni ; .
The innrnago of Mr , Vir il Ormanil
Btrlckler , the well known raembor of the
Douglas county bar , to MUs Helen Florence
Hoover , daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. L.
Hoover , Lincoln , Nub , , on TuoiUay , was ono
of tlio ploasantost of thu work's ' events in
tbu vauitot city. At S o'clock , to ttio strains
of Mondelisohn's wedding march , plavod by
1'rof. Qiboault , the contracting jiurtiui
me as
Fine Nubian Serge , > ; oed , stronp frame , sonslblo stiolss
and liaiidlos ,
Ribbon Fringfs and High
There seems to bo no end of beauty in the mind of do
sicrnor and maker. Wo pnthor the richest and most taste
ful that comes to this country. Gimps and Fanny Steel ,
Slllc , MOM and .lotted liunds , ljcurl and irrodescont Orna-
inunts in beautiful profusion and attractive assortment.
f'oint do Gone. ICe up.
Point do trlaiule , loc up Tn black , cream , white , ecru.
Now puitorns in Klouncinps and Drapery Nets ( black
533 EIE 833823
Stamping Outfits.
Containing all the letters of the alphabet , 25 artistic
and desirable designs , box of stamping powder and pads ,
all neatly encased in : i box , for
Send for our new Summer Fashion Catalogue.
It is an epitome of our great store , and will help'
you in many ways. MAILED FREE. T"
To the churnctor of si store is its stock of
Wo point with prlilo horo. Not miothor such n marvel
ous Rroupliifr of rolinlil ? qualities mid excellent slvlespota
together tinder one roof , and 'kcena constunttv"iuovlnir
under such nltnlno prices.
linro'rf moro news Unit every thrifty woinitu will oncer-
ly road :
75c ,
n * ff\i *
Pin Sin
Delightful designs , rare and unusual , not lilco these
soon in every htoro about town.
Forty rich Wool Plaids , beautiful colorings , regular
price 50c and 75e ,
Former Price ,
Sisal Mexican Woven Hammocks , "Corn , " Close Woven Hammock , with '
white , length six foot , en tire length spreader 42x84 inches , three foot long , Children's Hammocks.
twelve fool six inches , knotted cdgo ,
$1.75 .
$1 Each.
Made of Seine Twine , plain white ,
White , length of bed seven foot , entire - "Gem , " Close Woven Hammock , Valance eight foot six inches long , width in pro
tire length fourteen feet , corded edge , ance , with spreader , full color 42x84 portion ,
vos-v wide , and lias clinch thimbles , inches , thitteen feet long ,
$1.50 Each. $3 Each. 50c Each.
Mr. II. M. KaufFmnn and Miss Uollio A.
Harpstor , Wednesday , May II.
Mrs. O. II. Jeffries has returned from Don-
vcr and will ba at homo during tlio summer
at 011 South Twenty-eighth street.
Miss Minnie Gotham , formerly of Omiiha ,
now a resident , of Salt Lalto City , is visiting
with Mrs. Itoeitlield , 1J1I5 Muion street.
Mr. D. C. Patterson and family have re
moved from the Ilrmiswictc t.i their new resi
dence , 20H South Twenty-Ill 11 avoaue.
Next Tuesday evening the Episcopal min
isters ol the city tender a reception to lilshop
am.1 Mr * . Worthington at Urownoll huM.
Mr , Scott , inothor of Mrs. C. K. For.l and
Master Horace Scott , nro vi > tltine Mr. and
Mrs. Ford , 117 South Twonty-llftn street ,
Mrs. J. ii. Hulburt left for Chicago. Mon
day , her fatnru homo. Miss Uesslo Hulburt
remains in Omaha until after Hchool closes.
.1. W. Howard of Wausoon , O. , and bis
daughter are enjoying a visit with bis
brothel , N , M. Howard , nt U509 Farnain
Mrs , Uilo nraobvoffol and the children left
for tlioir future homo in Chicago , Tuesday
evening to the regret of H largo circle of
ivnnn friends.
Mr. Augustus ICount/o and Miss IConntzo
went to Now York Monday to attend the
funeral of Mr. Ausiistm Kounuo , which oo-
currcd Wcdnosday.
Hi. Hov. Ocorgo Wortliington and Mrs.
Worthington will give n reception at the
close of the diocesan convention , Thursday ,
May ID , at HUhopthorpo.
Mrs. J. Ii 1'raston accompanied by her
truest , Miss Card well , loft yestordnv forSt.
Louis where they will visit Mrs. I'ccltham ,
wife of Dr. 1'ockhara of the Marino hospital.
Mrs , Howard Siiil'li was summoned on
\\ednesday to Chllicotbo , O. . where nor
inptlior and sitter , Mrs. Mcivull and MUs
MeKcll , are lying dangerously ill with pnuu-
Mr. Caldwell Hamilton , Mr. Curtis 'I ur-
nor , Mr. Harry Cartan and Mr. W. J. Cartan
sailed yesterday by iho steamship Umbria
for Liverpool to spend tno bummer on the
Last ovoniiiK the people at the garrison
pnvo Mus FurniHs' pretty farce oomodv
"Lulu , " to a largo nuilionce , many Omaha
pcoplo being present to applaud the clever
work of the amateurs ,
Lieutenant and Mrs. Truitt are the euosts
of Air. and MM. LowH H'ud today. Tomor
row afternoon Mrs. Truitt luavos for the
east , where sbo will bo Joined in a month by
Ltoutnnaut Truitt.
Mr. Henry T. Lally , manager of the Crane
Manufacturing compuny , has been trans
ferred to San FrancUoo and with Mrs. Lully
unit his household goods will roinovo to the
I'aclllc coast within u fortnight.
Major end Mr.s. Paddock , Mr. and Mrs
Lynun Richardson , Mr. and MM. A. U.Vy -
inan , Miss Sumtnorn and MUs Nolllo Wyman
comprised a party that loft on Thursday in a
spi < clal oar for Orj on and California.
Inuonorof Mrs. Saylus Mr , U. 1C. Cou
Ti > a
Are destined lobe the MOST POPULAR summer and autumn
costumes ever introduced. Very suitable for traveling by boat ,
in mountains or on the sr > a , or at home wherever you arc with
one of these suits you can gracefully moet any emergency.
They come in desirable cloths , sensible colorings , perfect
fitting and graceful in every line and drape. Composed of
jacket and bell skitt only. BOTH KIT. Others arc showing
the sorts that don't hang gracefully no shape to the skirt or
fit to the jacket only thrown together ; sec ? Not so with
ours. Tan and various shades collars and cuffs and girdle $10.
Light fancy mixed cloths , with silk embroidery on collar ,
ctifl's , girdle and bottom of skirt $15. Navy blue ladies' cloth
or bcdford cord $15. Don't have a blazer suit made , but
come and seethe perfections of fit and elegance in finish and
material and the price of ours.
-V '
Monday we will inaugurate
in our cloak parlors , when
only ONE Reefer , ONE Box
Coat , ONE Top Coat. ONE
Blazer or ONE Cape of any
kind will bc offered ( as they
arc all we have now ) and wa
Do you want a handsome tan chevron
cloth"blaor jacket , stylish lenptli , will make the
worth $7 , for
Como and see us.
Reefer Jackets , $5.
that an IMMEDIATE sale is
Black or tan , sizot 32 to12 , host ma
terial in all wool cheviot cloth , stylish CERTAINTY.
shapes , worth 87 , only $8.OO.
Improve the great oppor
Top Coats , $15. tunity.
Elegant clay diagonal top coats , fin
ished with pearl buttons , lined through
out with best satin rhadtuna , worth $25 , GET A BARGAIN
only $18.
Specially Good Value
New Importations This Week No Old Stuff/
Nottingham Lace , ; Sc pair , regular price $1.25.
Scotch Guipure Lace , $1.85 pair , regular price $2.50.
Imitation Brussels Lace , $3.85 pair , regu'ar ' price $5.00.
Real Irish Point Lace , $3.85 pair , regular price $6.00.
Tambour Swiss , $7.50 pair , regular price $10.00.
Brussels Net Lace , $1.50 pair , regular price $ i5- ° ° -
5OO Bamboo Easels worth $1.25 , 7Sc Each.
entered tbc parlors of tbo Lindoll hotel ,
which were beautifully decorated for the
occasion The orido , who has boon
a social loader in the fashionable life of Lin
coln , were u cream silk costume antralnc with
roses in her hair and b bunch of ( lowers in
her hand. Two llttlo uialdonb , as bright and
pretty as the ( lowers themselves , strewed
the pathway of the bride aud groom with
fragrant blossoms. Standing boiioath
lovers' knot of flowers the solemn words
were said uultins two estimable young people
ple , spoken by Kov. C. C. Lasoy of bt. Paul's
Methodist church. Following the mnrrlago
ceremonies the guests were invited to a wed
ding supper. Later they loft for a tour of
the east and will bo at homo in Omaha after
Juno 20 at 113 North Twenty-fifth street.
KneiigumoiitH Ainimiiu-cil.
The engagement of Mr. Moses K. Trnuor-
man and Miss Ernestine Dunas , daughter of
Mr. Morris Benas of Kansas City was made
public lost week , The wedding will possibly
occur in January.
Publio announcement is made of the on-
uagomontof Mr. Henry KolbhoU and Miss
Dora SchlanK. At homo Sunday , May 15 , S'2 ,
iihd US ) , ] IK)4 ) Howard street.
The engagement of Mr , Norman HotbhoU
and Mint Augusta ICopuld has been made
public. At home Sunday , May Ifi , 23 and 2'J ,
lUlll Howard street.
The engagement of Miss Klslo ICobbtm-
huvcr of St. Louis to Mr. William Koenlg ia
annonncoil , the marriage to take place in
The engagement of Miss Harriet White of
Brookllno , Mass. , nnd Mr. Arthur Smith ,
formerly of Council UlulT.s , now of Omaha ,
was announcnd in Hcuton last week. Mr. .
White niu ! Miss U'luto will bn the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Smith durin ? the summer , and
early fall is out for the wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McLain announce the
marriage of their daughter , Carrie , to Mr ,
Uoor o Francis Day , Wednesday afternoon ,
May 18 , at-J o'clocK , UJO'J Spcncor stroot.
High I'lvc lit Clirtiiu Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cusbon entertained a
few of their friends Monday evening at their
residence , 4205 l2rsklno street , Clifton Hill.
High five was played by the ttuests present ,
who were :
Dr and Mrs. Patten , Mr. and Mrs , Lav
idgc , Mr. and Mrs. Orcgsr , Mr. and Mrs.
Llpplncott , Mr. and Mrs. Abbott , Mr. and
Mrs. Hull , Mr. and Mrs. McCoy , Mr. and
Mrs. Haywaril , Mr , and Mrs. f'room , Mr ,
and Mrs. Hush , Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman , Mr.
and Mrs , Mlllard , Mr , and Mrs. ICIddcr , Mr.
and Mrs. Durkec. Mr. nnd Mrs. Duval , Mr.
and Mrs , Bouoh , Mr. nnd Mrs , Truax , Mr.
and Mri. Brown , Mr. and Mrs. Tribbclo ,
Miss Kato PilTor. MUs Mabel Hull , Miss
Kihol Hull. Mr. W. A. Hank , Mr , Joe Luv-
Idgo. Jr.
After the game rolroshmunts were served
aud then the prize * were awarded to Mra
Froom and Mr. Hull , the second prizas
Mrs. ICldder and Mr. Duvnl.
MoM'iiinntH lli-r < < sinil Tlion * .
Miss English loft Thursday for Colum-
bm , O.
Mr. Wallace Broatch has resigned from
West Point.
Mrs , Lewis S. Rood returned from Now
York ytvstorday.
Miss Woolworth of Sioux Ulty is the guest
of Miss Williams.
Mr. nnd Airs. Popploton returned from
Now York on Wednesday.
Hov. and Mra. Millsnausti of Minneapolis
nro visiting Mrs. Clarksoii ,
Mrs. Lander has gene to Ohio , \vhoro she
will pass the month of May.
Mr. and Airs. Olin N. Davenport have re
turned and ore at tbo Mlllard.
Miss Sadlo Stonp , dauchtor of Dr. H. M.
Stone , has returned from Colorado.
Bishop and Mrs. Ucorgo Worthlnctonlmvo
returned and are at Blshopthorpe.
Mr. and Mrs. .Ii If , II. Patrick returned
Monday from n trio through California.
Mrs. Sayloa wilt bo the cuost of Mrs ,
Saundurs of Council Bluff * this week ,
Mrs. Jcrrold of Niagara is the guest of her
daughter , Mrs. Wright , at Fort Otnaha.
Mrs. John Westphailng snout the wok In
Lincoln , the u'jest'of MM. Frank Brown.
Major and Mrs , McCllntocU and Miss Me-
Cllntock will loavu piU weak for Oklahoma.
Miss Marie Davis1 of Mexico , Mo. , U visit
ing thu Misses Weif ofVn > t Farnain stroot.
Dr. iiiul MM , Summers have taken rooms
ut the MadUon , wtxyro they will move TUOJ-
Jny. „ ,
Mr. and MM. Funnels C. Orablo returned
last weou irom u.nU weeks' visit to Now
York. -o j
Mr. Orchard and Miss Orchard contem
plate u trip to Cbtoigo the early part of this
week. o'/d
Mr. and Mrs. W.'K. ' ICuru have returned
to tbo city after an cxlendod visit to custom
cities ,
Mrs , Prltcbelt entertained a few friends
yesterday at luncheon In honor of Mrs.
Sayies ,
MUs May Williams leaves today for Edeor-
touVU. . , on a visll tn her slstor , Mrs. Dr.
Mrs. Ezra Mlilurd uud family will leave
Omaha the middle of this month for the
Mr , and Mrs. Bucknor of Chicago worn
the guests of Mr. and Mrs , Ira B. Mupes
last wook.
Mr. and Airs. Thomas McUaguo nro to bo
congratulutoa over the birth of u daughter
Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Vullen , 81 ! ) South
Twenty-accond street , will celebrate their
silver wedding this evening.
Mrs. A W. Tillapaugh of Haelno , WU. , U
visiting her daughter , Mrs. A. J. Lunt , 1531
North Nineteenth street.
Curds are out for the weJiilng reception o f
tunt entertained chnrmincly on Thursday.
Mrs. Yost , Mra. Morsman , Mrs. Pritchott ,
Mr.s. Sargent , MM. Barton , Mrs. Mlllard ,
Airs. Ilunscom , Miss Hanscom. Mrs. Bon ,
nelt , Mrs. John Brooke , Mra. McCorJ , Mrs-
On Wednesday Mrs. Yost entertained a
few of Mrs , Saylcs' old friends. The > o
present were : Mrs. Wood , Miss Knipht ,
Mr. * . Stobbins , Mrs. Carrier. Miss Carrlo
Mlllard , MM. Prltcliott , Mrs. Mnramnn ,
Mrs , Lchmcr , Mr.s. W. V. Morbu , Mrs , Con
tain , Mrs. L. M. Bennett , Mr.s. Siuiiiilcn ,
MM. Hanscom , Mrs. Levl Carter , Mrs. Paterson -
orson , Mr.s. H-M I Me , MM. Sirgeut.
Mrs. , l. T , Clark of Chicago was the guest
of Mrs. Cieorgo I. ( Jllbort and MUs Clark
was a welcome gunst at the homo of Mrs.
Frank Colpetzor on Twmitv-'lfth strpot.
Prof. Honey stopped at tbo Mlllard. Mis.
Colpouor. Mra. Gilbert , Mrb. Clark , Mlbs
Clarlr. Miss Castottor of Blair and Prof.
Honey occupied n box at the Uumouyl eon-
In honor of Mrs. Dale , Mrs. Sheridan gave
or.o of the mou admirably appointed
luncheons of tlio season. A bugo cut glass
bowl Illlod with Jonquils and viiiled with
inaldon liHlr fnrn rested upon a contornleco
ombroldorod in ynllow violets and bow Unoti.
Had roses were ut each cover and a moro
than dolioions moini was served to the fnl
lowing guests ; Mrs. MoMinun. Mr.s. Punic ,
Mrs. Bradford. Mr * . Wordon , Jlw. Cudahv , i
Mrs , Ayres , Mis. Mclfentia , Mrs. Lovl Car- ' |
The celebrated 1'arltonc ' , Mr. Kronborg ,
who has had such wonderful success as a
teacher of the voice in Bo ton and If misns
Citv. and wai ono of Iho soloists with Oil-
moro's band while in Omalui last fall , has
been secured bv thu Omaha conservatory of
music as their volcn tcachor. Air. ICronhcrg
\\lllcommunco hU engagement at the con
servatory in Boyd's now theater imxt Kat-
nniav , May 11. Persons desiring to study
with him will do well to secure hours l/eforo /
that dato.
TUB Biii : vosterdnv afternoon was tn'ion '
possession of by the boys and girls of the
eighth i/ruilo from Laku school under the
cbapcronauo of Miss Whltmore , prlnclnal ,
and Mrs. Carlisle , teacher of the crailo.
From basement to the top nf the bulldliii ;
the Interested anil appreciative young folks
wen1 ihown bow a metropolitan'nowspnuor
Is made. Them were cagur ears to tuke In
the explanations of typesetting , storeot > plng ,
and press woik and some of these days bril
liant essays will bo written by these samy
boys and girls ns to things they saw ycstor-
day in Tut : BIB : compoiilng room.
Mies Hamilton cntcitallied a few girl
friends \Voilmmluy nt Hamilton place In
honor of Miss Kfighsn , who made bo pittas
ant an Improsslon among bocloly people this
soason. The luncheon was In the nature of
u farewell matlnco for tlio prottv woman
and the surroundings were quite lilio the
lovcablu character of onu of the sweetest
girls who him tionoiod Omaha by her pros-
HIICO during the soasou. 'J'noso prcccnt wore-
Miss EnglUh. Mist Hoagland , MUs Laura
Hoaglun'i , Miss Brown , Mist Balob , MUi
Theilo Balch , Miss MclCenna , Miss Yust ,
Miss Sherwood.
A number of woo little tots with mothers
and granilmamns unjnyod a merry afternoon
Thurbdiiy with Mildred Hogers , The mothers
nnd childret. present were ; Mrs. I'richutt
and son Harold , Mrs. Slobblns and daughter
Knluny. Mrs. bhlvoriuU nnd son Uobort , Mrs.
( Jhaso" and children. Clement , and C'armohtn ,
Mrs. Uaylord ana son \Vollus , Mrs. Patterson -
son nnd son Kenneth , Mrs. CaUlwoll and
grandson John , Mrs , Deucl and son LUke ,
Mrs. Poppluton and son Jack , Mr * . Hing-
wall mul son Joseph , Mrs. Brady and bon ,
Mrs. Hamilton and ton Charles.
The "Jolly Sixtcon" were delightfully en
tertained for the last time this season by
Misi Flora Groscurtb Wednesday evening
Proeresslvo high live was played and Mr.
Louis Flosehor and Miss Tracy John wera
the lucky ones to capture tbo Jlnit pri/ns
Hefreshnionts were served and uvor.vbody.
spout a p'.oasant evening , Those present
were ; Messrs. P. J. Tobblns. Tusch , Fles-
cber , Hui'tienborg , Hoson/.welif , Mnycr ,
niutturt , Hommlngor , and the Misses Cl iru
and Tracy John , Lena Tebblns , l ' | orn ( ! ros.
rurth , Miirnlu Hartolf , Minnie Ilongnn , Mm
P. ,1. Tobblns and Alls , Hobort Hoson/.woig'
Alr < . Clement Chase nnd her son Clement
leave next Tuesday for Kansas City , whom
shii will Join Madame Mojoska and bur hus
band Count Clmrlch Bo/iintii , nnd Miss Fruo-
man of NL-W York City , who will make n
pleasant party for the transcontinental Jour-
nov to Soullim-n California by way ol thu
AtVhlson , TopoKii ASiinta Fo. Airs. Chase
uill spend the llrst part of the summer \vnh
hur motliur , Mr.s. ICdwards , at Santa Ann ,
nnd at "Ardnn , " the beautiful homo of
Madame Modjuska , in Santiago canon , and
later they go line camp together ut Kan Jiuiu-
by-the-Sca , wliero Mr. Chnso expects to Juln
them with little Miss Oarmnlito , probably IB
Viewing all precedents with attributabin
prulso In rompnrison to Iho soriablo of
i > 'rldav uvening given under tlm auspices ot
the Young Alun's institute , tlio members
feel Justified In declaring that every follo.v
me fiitcrtalnniont they have given possesses
to a certain dugreo In tbo various views of
plnarant enjoyment a posltlvo onlmncomen *
over past records. St. Pbilomena's secoml
choir received n well merited applauso.
Allss itoso Flaiinery sang "Yo Murry
Birds" with decided effect to rosnoiulva
encores. Tbo ni-xt party will b i on Filduy ,
Alav 'JO. although at the atblotlo entertain ,
ment next Thursday evening , ihpro will be a
sociable that will follow the regular program.
rr < i-NiiHliil | l.iiiirliiinii ,
III honor of MU Parrlo McLain , whost
marrlagu takes place May 1S * Miss ( Jussla
McAnslandof Kounlzo place gave a 1 o'clocu
luncheon Saturday to fourteen of bor mosi
Intimate frionds.
These prnsonl were : Alosdatnos Craig ,
Crandail , Davenport , Hamilton , Ochiltrco ,
Missus Benton , Oiborno , Betiloboniior ,
hmith , Wedgu , Fawcott , Pldwull , Collet !
Ncllio McLain.
bi > ticUclca , Dr. Cullimoro , Hou bldg.