Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Bottling the Affairs of the Kearney Oom-
rnerclal find Savings Bank ,
Their Noted Held liy the Institution Cnii lie
Uollrctril with 'Morn lingo When
Tlii-y Unto Mnrhnlnl Their
11'rcM'iit Crop.
Ltxcoi.v , Neb. , Mnv 0 , | Spcclftl to Tun
Ufir..l Hccolvcr Gibbon of tlio Commorclnl
nnil Saving * bank of Kearney hns tiled bis
monthly report , showing that during the
month of April ho hnd collected on the assets
of the bunk fSOO.09. Suit hn3 n ) o been com
menced to recover * 13n.VJ on past duo paper.
In rcK rJ to the general condllloo of the bank ,
Mr. Olhbon says :
" 1 llnd It almost Impossible to collect
farmers' notes nt this season of the year , and
instead of forcing collections on this class of
pacer I bollovo It better In certain cases to
got Interest nala nnd renew the notes until
after harvest. In my former report I fctatcd
that I held as security for notes of John
Bnrnd shares of stocK of the J < icbraslcB Land
company , and that two notes amounting to
toD2f w'oro endorsed by the Security Land
company , both companies bomg owned and
controlled by Uarnd nnd St. John. In the
lutorcat on this batik , nnd in order that no
action may bo taken by the directors or
stockholders of cither the Nebraska Land
company or the Security Land company to
Impair the value of securities or Indorse
ments of salu companies , 1 respectfully
nek that both of thcso companies bo
required to furnish your honorable court
with an Itemized statement of nil property
own cm by anld companies , together with
ihelr liabilities , nnd that they bo nnjolnod
from disposing of uny such property until
the affairs of the bani < lire settled. And in
case the action of John Barnd In trading
Ili'.BOO Mutual Loan nnd Investment com
pany stock to S. S. St. John for Commorclnl
nnd Savings bank stock shall bo declared
void , nnd If It Is decided thnt said | 27,50J
Mutual Loan nnd Investment company stock
Is still the propertj of the bank I would then
respectfully ask thnt the Mutual Loan and
Investment company bo enjoined from dis
posing of nny property or doing any net
whatsoever to Impair the vnluo of said Mutual
Loan mid Investment company stock until
said company has made full settlement with
the bank. "
New Killing * In School .Mutters.
A. If , Goudy , state superintendent of pub
lic instruction , has rund'ercd the following
opinions In matters of interest to educators
in Nebraska :
1. U signs n petition for a change of n dis
trict boundnry. After ho has nlllxcil Ills sig-
nnturo to the petition nnd bolero the super
intendent hns acted upon the petition li removes -
moves from the district. Held , that the
nnmo of I ) should bo stricken from both pe
tition nna list of voters attached thereto.
2. There Is no lugiil authority for locating
a Bchool house slto at nny time other than n ,
regular annual meeting or nt nn udjournod
ncssion of ttio annual meeting.
! ) . A contract made with n quallllod
teacher , signed bv two members of the
board. Is valid , even if the other member of
the board tins no notlco.
4. Text boons owned by the district nro
district property , nnd , llko all other district ,
property , nro utidor the care of the district
board and subject to sueh rules nnd regula-
tloni ns muy bo imposed by the board. In
the matter of purinllting the pupils to tnko
the took-5 homo during vacation the board
would probably Do tulded uy the voters of
the district.
DUlilfil llln niciinlnl Iteport.
For the benefit of the school people
throughout the stnto Superintendent
Uoudy today published in the form of a
bulletin ttio ilrst half of bis forthcoming
biennial report. From the bulletin it is seen
that thcro arc 0,117 school districts in the
ninety organized counties of the stato. The
school census shows TO,115 children of
school ago. The school property of the state
is valued nt fOlK > ' . > , ( > 07.7U , while during the
year the sum of ) ,3r > 0.r > 17.ll was spent In
maintaining the schools. There was In the
hands of the school treasurers at the be
ginning of the current school year the sum
of $73:1,23- : . An interesting fact developed
by the report is that it costS'J.'JO ' per annum
to educate each child actually enrolled.
During the year tnoro wore expended for
permanent Improvements thr sum of 5918-
< ! OSH | | > sit the Slnto House.
Adjutant General Vlfqunin today nccoptod
the resignation of Second Lieutenant P. M.
McC&nnon of company A , Second regiment ,
Nebraska National Guards.
Volume 31 of the Nebraska supreme court
reports was Issued from the press today.
The case of Pierce , Wright & Co. niralnst
Ezm W. Duv and Laura A. Day came to the
iiipromo court today from ICnox county.
General A. H. llowon of Hustings was ut
llio stnto house this morning.
Hon. Church llowo wns B state house
visitor tnls forenoon.
CliiMi Another Turn.
The pollco muddle assumed another com
plicated phase today when W. A. Fletcher , a
taxpayer of the city of Lincoln , lilod n pretest -
test against the payment of the claims for
salary allowed the member : * of the now po
llco force by the city council at Its mooting
Tuesday night. According to the provisions
of the charter of the city of Lincoln when n
protest is illod against nny claim allowed by
the council within two days after It Is al
lowed , It must go to the district court for
lottlumont. The protest tiled against tbo
claims of the members of the police force
will deprive them of their salaries for many
OtliU nnd KIIIR. |
The flro department was called out this
morning by an alarm from 1533 O street.
The lire was caused by the explosion of n
gasollno stovo. The burning fluid wns
thrown over the clothing of Mrs. Josepn
Fisher nnd but for her presence of mind
In rolling herself in a bed quilt she would
haj-o Coon severely burned.
Julius Meyer of Omaiia was in Lincoln
Two girls who were enticed from their
ho , nes in Topeka by the promise of work at
liberal wnpes were rescued from a colored
dlvoln Lincoln todny.
Mnvor Vv'olr hns discharged the four police
men appointed by the exolbo board night bo-
faro last. They uro still wearing their itnrs ,
l > y McluirHH ,
Oxroun , Nob. . May 0. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB HIK. : ] Yesterday William
Knuth , n young farinor of this vicinity , be
came Insane nnd uttoouod several friends In
n violent manner. So dnngorous was ho
that ha was tnkcn to Beaver City nnd pending
ing examination by the board of Insanity ,
plncod In the county ] all. ICuuth has never
been richt mentally siuco ho recovered from
an attack of the grip.
HAMITOX , Neb , , May 0. [ Special to TIIK
IlEK.l Anton Krlkscn , aged til years , not ) of
a respectable and well-to-do farmer living
two mil PS north of hero , was taken before
the board of county commissioners today on
the charge of Insanity. For several weeks
his actions huvo boon peculiar , and at times
he gave vent to acts of violence and throats
to kill thu entlro family. Ho U laboring
under the Impression that his folks havu
been trying to poison him , houco his1 dosiio
for their blood , _
Churned ulth WlioU > i li > Thuft.
BKATUK.T , Neb. , May 0. ( Special Tele
gram to Tin : UKII.J Patrick llowo , an
elderly man who tins hitherto born an excel
lent reputation , was today discovered to bo n
professional sneak thief. His speculations
were generally cor II nod to clothes lines and
like plunder. His promises were searched
nd n large quantity of plunder discovered ,
iluo clgar , tobacco , etc. Howe was locked
up and puta In Ms lima singing , praying und
wearing. Ills hearing li sot for tomorrow.
Child ion' * Ulvlo Soelntlci.
ClunnoN , Neb , , May fl. [ Special to TJIB
HeB.J Cbndrou hai organized two civic eo-
cletle * In addition to the many BOW located
hero the flrst of tnee belup Sons of Veteran -
an : oarop No. 1WJ , T. F. Powers , so named In
bouor of Major Powers of this city. After
the ccreioonluj an olegaut lunch was vurvod
the members bv the Woman's Ilcltof corps of
this place. The camp starts out with twenty-
seven charter members. Captnln P. J.
Smith of company B , Second regiment Ne
braska NutlonM guard. Is the commander.
The second lodge was that of the Order of
the Kastcrn Star. This { soclnly was organ
ized by Mrs. Hillings of Hastings , grand
worthy matron , nnd Mrs. Whitney of Supe
rior. After the Installation of ofllceM nn ele
gant banquet was tondnrcd the ladies by
tholr brother Masons. Fifty-throo members
were Installed , with Mrs. A. W. Crlte as
worthy matron.
Nchrmlm Marl CHRP * ,
lUtiTi.voToy , Nob. , M y 0. [ Special to
TUB URP..1 During the month of April the
following mortgages have been fllod nnd re
leased In this countv : Farm mortgagns
filed , ninety-six. fCt'j,2M.4i : : ; released , U Irty-
one , Kll.OlO.4S ; city mortgagesthroe , f 1W3.10 ;
released , three , $ ! ) lo ; chattel mortgages , 214 ,
tot. 189.20 ; released , 100 , (47,091.
Snpplj In ) ; Southern .Markets.
NioiinAin , Nob. , May 0. fSpoclal to Tun
HER. ] Eleven car loads of the product of
the pork packing establishment hero were
shipped over the Milwaukee road to St.
Louis yesterday. This Is the fifth year that
thcso meats iiavo found their way to tbo
southern markets nt excellent llguros.
lie.lected Until Petition * .
Oxroui ) , Nob. , May O. fSpsclal Telegram
to TUB DEI : . I Considerable fooling hns boon
worked up between two local rival appli
cants for n liquor license , the culmination of
which was the rejection of both petitions.
The town Is now dry and affords a good
opening for a saloon.
rirst Itcglmont OMIccrn ,
DBATHICI : , Nob. , May 0. | Spoctal Tele
gram to Tin : BEE.I At nn election hold by
company C , First regiment , Nebraska Na
tional guards , last night , First Lieutenant
Gilbert Palmer wns elected captain , J. A.
Heed Ilrst aud E. U. Carroll second lieu
Mangled liy Miilliom.
Pnnc , Nob. , May 0. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : DEC. ] In trying to separate two en
raged stallions this afternoon W. M.
Hood was seriously Injurnd. Ono of tbo
animals bit his loft thumb off , pulling out
the cords with the severed member.
Thnt cough of yours can be stepped surely
quickly , by Plso's Cure for Consumption
Pleasant , effective. ° .5c. All druggists.
School children nnd students' admis
sion ° .u cents to Iho jrand concert ut the
First Congregational church this nftor-
noon ut " p. in. General admission , 50c.
Jumps Stepheinon Auardeil the Street
KuccpliiK Contract Other Coiitrnrts.
The Board of Public Works met yester
day to receive bids for street sweeping
during the unoxplrcd term'of C. E. Squires'
contract , which runs until July 1 , ISM.
James Stouhenson was the lowest bidder ,
bo agreeing to sweep nnd keep clean the
paved streets at the rate of $17.9'J per mile.
For grading Lake , from Forty-second to
Forty-iltth street , which means the removal
of 23,000 yards of earth , the lowest bidders
were Lamoronux Bros. & Ettlnger , who bid
11 2-10 cents per cubic yard.
In bidding on the curbing of Seventeenth
street from Ilarnoy to St. Mary's ' avenue ;
the alloy from Twenty-second to Twenty-
fourth street in Paulson's addition ; Nine
teenth street , from Hnrnoy to Fnrnam ;
Twenty-eighth street , from Popploton to
\Voolwortb avenue , nnd Davenport street ,
from Twenty-fourth to Twonty-lUth street ,
thu lowest bidder was P. Ii. Mnhouoy , who
bid GO1 ! ) cents on wnlto and 5'J 0-1U cents on
red Colorado sumlstono.
J. W. Furnas Sons bid 59J4 cents per
lineal foot on Borca sandstone.
Bids were received for paving the same
streets nb those that wore to bo curbed. The
bids were as follows : John Grunt , shout , us-
phaltum , form "A , " $3.31 per square yard ;
form "IV'S3.03 ; form "E , " $3.19 ; Andrew
Jnlcks , sheet nsphiiltum , form "A , " $3.01 ;
form "B , " $2.91 ; J. II. Smith & Co. . vitritied
brick , form "A , " 51.99 ; lorm "B , " $1.84. The
nwiirds were made in accordance with the
above named bids.
A spirited discussion nrosn over whether
or not the board did the proper tning when
It rejected the bids for white Colorado sand
stone , and readvortiscd for the sumo Kind of
Chairman Birklmusor thought not , ns it
allowed the white Colorado snud stone poo-
Clo to know just whet the rod stone people
Id. The contract for red stone , ho said , had
been awarded and by randvortising for the
white material these stone people had the
pri : os and could come in with n bid that was
one-half of a cent lower and carry off all of
the work. Action upon this matter was do-
xorred until next MoniJav.
Don' buy foreign wine when there Is bet
ter nnd cheaper at your door , Cook's Extra
Dry Champagne.
Pnxton & Gallnghor were awarded the
contract today for furnishing the U. S.
government with 10,040 cans of their
celebrated "Gato City" brand of extra
canned goods. This shows the high
merit of the goods , as the government
selected the "Onto City" in preference
to all otlior brands of extras olTorcd.
iiK I'ermits.
The following permits were issued by the
superintendent of buildings yesterday :
Connor fc St afford , ono nnd one-half
story frame dwelling , Thirty-fifth and
Davcnuorl streets . J2,000
John Hanson , onu-slory 'framo cottu o ,
Thirteenth nnd Gustavo streets . WIO
Sovcn. minor permits . 1,159
Total . , . $ a.OJO
DoWitt'sSarsapariiin is reliable.
Tlo sure to attend the grand concert
at the First Congregational church tins
afternoon at 2 p. in.
The folio wing mirrlago liosnsaj wora Is
sued by Judge Eller yesterday :
Name and Address. Ago ,
j Ohrlstlnn NollMJii. Omaha . 'M
1 Sophia I'otoroon , Unialiu . ! U
j Krnnk ICnnolsKy. Omaha . ! > l
I Veiling Oaiula , Oinnha . 10
Do sure attend the grand concert at
tlio First Congregational church this
afternoon at 2 p. in.
Open Tomorrow Night Special One-Hour
Sale ,
COMMENCING AT 7:30 : P , M ,
Tor Ono Hour Tomorrow Js'lchtVo Will
1'lnco tint rollowiiiK Wonderful llar-
Eiiln * on Kpeclul Snlo Ito
Sure nnd .Sea Them.
GO pieces of the best standard prints
regular "jo nunHtytomorrow night forl
hour ; Ho yard , 1 dross pattern to a cus
Hoc French saloons at lie yard.
12c ginghams at 8Jc.
20c Scotch ginghams at lljc ,
Choice of 100 dozen moil's silk tcck
scarfsvaluo 50c , tomorrow night for ono
hour 7jc each.
These tire Iho gcnulno seamless ox
ford mixed half hose , soil the country
over at from lee to 23c u pnlr , tomorrow
night oc a pair.
Gents' fancy striped socks , value 2oc ,
for this sala 12jc a pair ; UOc socks nt
lOgc ; 40c , 4uc and 60c socks nil nt 2oo
per pair.
Thiri is certainly n splendid ofTor.
300 Indies'shirt waists , madoof sateen ,
outing llannel , madras and cheviot , act
ual value everywhere 81.00 and 81.2-3for
tomorrow night's special sale 33jc each ,
thrco to u customer.
For tomorrow night's sale wo will soil
our 81.2o , 81.35 nnd Sl.-tO calico house
wrappers at $1.05 each.
PINS , WORTH 60C , 05C , 76C UP TO
81.00 , ALL AT25C.
350 , GOG AND 75C'ALL AT 2oC.
BUTTONS AT 31.00 , WORTH 82.00.
None of the above goods will bo sold
at prices quoted until nftor 7:30 : in the
evening. N. B. FALCONER.
School children and students' admis
sion 25 cents to the grand concert tit tlio
Firht Congregational church this after
noon at 2 j ) . in. General admission , GOo.
Hlds for 1'rUlleces .11 list Ite In by Mny M.
Sealed bids will bo received by the un
dersigned up to 4 o'clock p. in. on May
14 , 181)2 ) , for all privileges on the cn-
cainpmiint grounds during the encamp
ment of tlio National Competitive Drill
association to bo hold in Omaha Juno 13
to 20. 1892 , inclusive.
Bids may bo made on any and all priv
ileges such as
Tlio feeding of soldiers in camp.
Cigars and tobacco.
Fruit. *
Temperance drinks.
Pop corn.
Barber shop.
Transportation of baggage , to nnd
from depots.
OHicial program.
Carpenter work.
Also any and all other privileges
which may bo desired.
The local executive committee , who will
open all bids , reserves the right to re
ject nny or all bids.
Bids to be addressed to the under
signed and marked "Sealed proposals
for ( state privilege ) privilege. "
Full information may bo obtained on
npplic to the secretary at the oflleo
of the association , Room 311 , Paxton
building. JNO , E. AITCIIISON ,
Secretary of the National Competitive
Drill association.
Dr. Cullirnoro. oculist. Baa building
Country .MerrlmntH
Who are cash buyers should not fail to
take advantage of tlio Hollman's admin
istrator's sale to secure some wonderful
bargains for their fall trade. Address
13th and Farnam , Omaha/
Paint your buildings with strictly
nuro "Old Dutch Process" white load"
! 'Red " " " " "
Seal , "Collier , "Southern ,
have stood tlio test of years. Specify ono
of those brands and bs sure you got it.
Thousnml- : Dollurs Involved In n Test
Cnso Now llclng Maile.
Dockets of the Justices of Omaha , past and
present , contain the records of thousands of
oases which have duly apucndod tbo regu
lation lists of fees for summons , fees for
docketing , foes for subpus m , fees for con
stable , foes for trial , fees for transcript , ions
for judgment , fees for execution nnd foes for
the infinite variety of smo qua noas which
no capublo Justice over forgets , but which in
ono important respect ore vanity and vox-
atlou of spirit.
No foes huvo boon paid nnd In figuring the
bills of costs the Justices have wasted time
and ink.
Ex-Justice Edgcrton has brought suit on
ono of those cases and nn arrangement his
boon made whereby another by an acting
Justice will bo Instituted with the under
standing thnt tbtfcdofontcd party shnlt npppal
nnd finally cnrrjrlhequestion to the supreme
court. The point to bo determined is
whether or not lira Justices nro entitled to
the benefit of thtf "work and labor" clause In
the exemption law.
Justice Drndloy sty n favorable decision
of the case will ranko A difference of f 1.000 n
year In his courtiilncomo. All sorts of people -
plo sue nnd are toed nnd tnko advantage of
oycry possible co t accumulating loop hole ,
Someone gets Judgment , mid the defeated
party forthwith hmes behind the exemption
law. ' 'Of course , " ho snys , "no honest man
will do this , but the dead bout family Is a
vorv prolific ono. "
If the Justices ? win there will bo a cront
deal of monov changing hands , for all the old
Justices have'hundreds of such claims , and
most of them nrol hunfionng ana thirsting
for costs.
Nearly cvcrv ono needs a good sprlncr mod-
lelno , nnd Hood's ' Snrsaparllln Is undoubtedly
the best. Try u this season.
To petitioners for paving : The board
of public works on Mny 2 , 1892 , awarded
the contract to Andrew Jaicks ot Chicago
cage , for the paving with genuine
Trinidad asphnHuin from the island of
Trinidad , class T3 , with a ten yonrs
guaranty , of the following streets :
Spencer , Lathrop , Parker , Caldwell ,
Thirty-second , Thirty-ninth , Lowe
avenue , Davenport and otlior streets , at
82.74 per square yard. Mr. Jnickn was
also awarded the contract for guttering.
His bid for the street gutters was from
GO to 100 per cent lower thun the otlior
usiphaUum bidders.
Appropriately l > ntrlotlu i : i-relioi nt the
Kellom School Yoiturdny.
The new Kellom school was crowded with
visitors yesterday afternoon. The orchestra ,
composed of the musical "big boys. " dis
coursed Its sweetest music from a coign of
vantage on the second lloor. Visitors , young
und old , paraded the hnlls and school rooms
nnd wished they oould see what was going
on In the largo room nt the south end of the
upper hall. The pretty llttlo operetta , "A
Dross Huhonranl , " was going on there , and so
many pioplo were looulng on that It was
something of n privilege to got within earshot -
shot of the doors. The operetta Is a very
catching little thing , with n lot of rvltty
dialogue and some vorv pretty music appro
priate to the voices of the school girls. Fol
lowing was the cast :
Miss Jones , Principal of Oiovo Academy .
Uracu llit < sbctt
Mdlle. Kplnnrd , French Governors
Nellie Wright
Amy rihl.s , iCInilenilln ) I.cttlo Turply
Clara \Vllkiii , (1'ho ( Prince ) Trl\lu Sluttor
Haruh Ann , ( ( irucdy Olrl ) luillo llnrdwcll
b'ophronla Splvins , ( Homantlc Ulrl )
Carrie Satreldor
[ Spiteful Sisters
Mnv FlocUiam nnd Vestii Huncato
Mrs. .Inrvey. ( A Kotlrcd Aotrussi. .Kanny ( JolT
MUs I'rudenvo I'lnclibuck. ( A Vlbitor )
1'rcdnrlcku Wusscls
Hose Jupnln " , d'ulry ( Jodniothcil . . .
Edith .Tones
The performance went off without n hitch
and wns hugely enjoyed. Miss Fanny Goff
us Mrs. Jarvoy convinced the audience thnt ,
if she docs not become an actress it will bo
because she Goes not want to.
At the conclusion of the performance the
nudlonco wns directed to the front of tbo
building where a temporary stage had been
erected and the Hag presentation exercises
were hold.
The school snng wltn n good deal of spirit
"Tho Ualslng of the Flag1 which went to
the tune of the bat'lo hymn of the ropuollc ,
nnd had been written tor the occasion by
Miss Jennie Alton Johnson , who wns once a
pupil of the man for whom the school is
u limed.
Then Mr. Fred McConnell tooK the stage
and mndo ono of tbo neatest of presentation
speeches , referring gracefully to the donors
of the Hag , Mrs. Kellom and hnr daughter ,
nnd to the Ufa nnd work of the man in whoso
memory the gift was mado.
Four young ladies presented the colors ,
nnd their nppoarnnco was grouted with
cheers from thouudiBiico.
Mr. Ilonry Estnbrook , In behalf of the
tcuchors nnd pupils , accepted the gift in n
brief but eloquent address , in which ho paid
a tribute to the memory or Mr. Kellom und
gave the school some patriotic boutimonts
for their consideration.
Mr. Fitzpatrick spoke briefly , nnd then
while the school sang "Tho Slur Spangled
Banner" the Hag ran to the top of the flair
polo nnd waved gloriously out against the
blue bky.
Sick headache ! IJcocham's ' Pills will rc-
Kditor of Smutnilll In Court for Libelling
u CltUun.
County Attorney Mahoney prosecuted the
libel case against W. J. Byrnes of the Sun
day Ferret , which was called up for trial In
the police court yesterday nltornoon.
In order to show Byrnes' connection with
the disreputable ) shoot which slandered Mr.
Hosewater D. A. Eaton WOT Ilrst called to
the witness stand. The witness testified
that he printed a couple of thousand dodgers
for Kocn and iivrnes , und that the bill had
not been paid yot.
Mr. Julius Festnerof the Tribune Printing
company stated that the paper was edited by
E. A. Keen nnd W , J. Byrnoi , and was
printed on the Gorman Triuuno presses.
Witness said that from I,000 ! to 4,000 copies
of the Ferret were struck oil each week.
Sovornl printers and newsboys employed
by Byrnes tcstilied to the connection of 'tho
defendant with thu sheet.
Jailor Miller of the county Jail was called
nnd wns positive that Ed. A. Keen had not
sent nny copy to the Ferret for three nr four
weeks. As the libelous articlu appeared in
the issue of April0 ! Keen could not hnvo
written It. In n conversation with Jailer
Miller Byrnes stated that ho had taken hold
of the paper far the express imrposoof roast
ing nnd nbusltig Mr. Uotowntor.
The prosecution showed by several news
boys und printers that Byrnes was the head
of the paper aud furnished the bulk of tbo
copy.Mr. . Edward Rnsowator testified that ho
was the editor of Tin : OMAHA Br.i ; nnd was
the individual libeled in the Ferret.
The nttornoy for the defense claimed thnt
no evidence had been ofTnrcd proving tbut
the articles published were llbelous. Mr.
Mnhonoy offered in rebuttal several ulandor-
ous articles about the plaintiff which hnd
bean published in the lust few wooks.
Arguments In the case were postponed
until U p. m. May SI.
is free from lime , alum ,
and all extraneous or detrimental substances ,
and ABSOLUTELY PURE. It is in every way
superior to every similar preparation. Witness :
The United States Government tests ( Chemical
Division , Agricultural Department ) show Royal
Baking Powder a cream of tartar powder superior
to all otlicis in leavening strength , Sec BULLE
TIN 13 , Ac. DEP. , p. 599.
I find the Royal Baking Powder superior to all
the others in every respect. It is purest and
strongest. WALTER S. HAINES , M. D.
Prof. Chemistry , Rush Medical College ,
Consulting ChemistChicago Board of Health , etc.
I have found the constituents of Royal Baking
Powder to be of a high degree of purity , free
from adulteration or admixture of deleterious sub
stances. J. W. MALLET , Ph. D. , F , R. S. .
Prof , of Chemistry , University of Virginia.
I find the Royal Baking Powder fansupcrior to
the others. It is pure , contains nonebut whole
some ingredients , is of 23 per cent , greater
strength. F. X. VALADE , M. D.
Public Analyst , Dominion of Canada.
The Royal Baking Powder is perfectly healthful ,
and free from every deleterious substance ; purest
in quality and highest in strength of any baking
powder of which 1 have knowledge.
WM. McMURTRii : , E. M. , Ph. D.
Late Chief Chemist , Agricultural Department.
The Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure.
It is undoubtedly the purest and most reliable
baking powder offeicd to'the public.
HENRY A. Morr , Ph. D.
Late Chemist for U. S. Government.
.ooking Backward" over the past At $2,75
four months KNEE PANT SUITS
and comparing them with corresponding for boys from 4 to 14 years old
months in previous years , we have every mndo or very handsome nil wool
fancy cnsslmores. The coats hnvo
reason to feel gratified at the marked in five corded plnlts down each side
crease in business in every department of In front and eleven down the
back ,
our vast establishment. Nothing seems to
check the growth of "The Nebraska. " At $3.90
Even with the days so cold that we still JUNIOR SUITS ,
hear the mournful sound of the "Patti"
for boys up to ton years old.
coal wagon on it's "positively last farewell These suits nro mndo of very fine
tour ; " with beds of ice where you'd look nil wool cnsslmeres , with cent ,
detachable vest , nnd knee pants ,
for pansy blossoms ; rain , shine , snow or the dnttre suit being hoavlly
mud ; it's all the same our business grows braided.
with the days. Of all our numerous departments At
partments not one has quite kept pace
with the v'taoys' room. Truly the growth ,
for boys from 4 to 14 years old :
here has been something phenomenal. These suits nre ns toncy gar
ments as were ever made. They
nre made In light nnd medium
shades oC fine all wool cnssl
meres. They can bo hnd in
LOOKING FORWARDto 8l plain , mixtures or plaids. They
can be had in nil the now shapes.
They nro made with flnt plaits-
activity more business in this department
box backs corded plaits raised
as the days grow warmer , we have made seams or felled scams. The cents
nro nil made with four patch
extensive purchases of several hundred
pockets and the pants have
Boys' Suits in very fine goods * in junior , three pockets not one too many
I'or n boy.
knee pant and long pant Suits which we
place on sale to-day for the first time. At $7.5O
These suits are gotten up in very handsome LONG- PANT SUITS ,
shapes , many of them being productions iCont , Vest and Pants )
by leading designers in April and are much for boys from 14 to 19 years old.
handsomer styles than the earlier ones. A Choice ot two styles an elegant
nil wool fancy cnssimere , or an
better class of clothing for boys was never all wool black cheviot. These
suits would just laugh nt u ten
offered at special sale. dollar bill in most stores.
"A Corner on Boys Clothing ' - Corner Windoiv.
Hvcry MAN can be
I S'/UOMO and VIQ-
OnoUSinall 'cancels
_ J by usm SPANISH
NURVINE , Uieerent { ijmiilnh licmcdy. YOUNG M N
OR OI/D suffc-rinc from NDHVOUS DISllILITV , IOST or
KAIZING MANHOOD , nishtlyei.iissious , convulsions , nervoun
t prostration , cuu cd b > ( he use of npinin , tobacco or alcohol , wakefulness -
fulness , mental depression , loss of powtr in either sex , sprrmator-
DEPnoRK AND AfTHK US.K , rlicca causeil by self abuse nml over iiuliilRencp or any personal weak'
nosscan be restored to perfect health nnd the NOlJIdJ VITALITY OK STRONG MEN.
We give a written guarantee \\uli 0 boxes to cure nny castor refund the monry. $1 box0 ; bozoc $5
For Sale in Omaha bv Snow , Lund & Co.
) 1 Cent (
Worth of rare , valuable information sent
to any address
This wealth of knowledge , this golden
treasure of helps to health is contained in
a new , ably written and handsomely illus
which has just been Issued for the benefit
of sntleriin , ' humanity , by these eminently
suuL'csslul and mimimr iihyHlcians anil
surgeoiiB.thoso KINGS UF { h'JiOlALlSTS ,
Drs. Betts & Betts
With Iho nld of this valnnblo nnd inter
esting work , entitled "Know Thyself , " its
readers are enabled to adopt , safest
and hiirest methods for the preservation of
their health : or , in case they are allllded ,
they are fully Informed as to the nature
und symptoms of every disease. They can
at once ifecldo what particular form of
Nervous , Chronic or Private Disease
their malady has assumed , whether it bo
3l/j > fiU ( , Ummrrhocit , ( ilcel , Stricture ,
llvilrocclc , Varlcnccle , I'llcs , Illuml or
SHln Diseases , Liver , KMncv or jlwini
' 1'rouMc , or any of the thousand ills ol iv
kindred nature. . . ,
Kverv mim nnd cvciy womnn should
read this book , wliicli ui thu ulllli-U-u w
worth it.s wciKht in fold , and . - > ont to nny
address for KOl'H CUNTS.
Call upon or atldrcsa
_ Jrs. ) Belts
19 South 1-Hh St. , N. K. Corner 1-Jth
Oinalia , Neb.
The annual meeting of itocuholdert * > tin
rrtmiont , KlkliornAcMissouri Valley Itullroucl
compiiny will liu liold ut the olllco ut the i-nni-
imny In ( Jmulr.i. Nolj. . on I'rhlay. May ' ) ,
! ! , ntao'olock p HI. , for llio olout'on nf il |
rectors anil for tliu transaction of hiu-liotucr
bublnoea us nmy comu liofuru the incotln ; ,
J. II. llKiirai.ii : , rcroiury.
Llatul April 16 , Ih'ji al'iiUUM
DR. J. E.
Is unsurpassed in tlio troatinnntof all forms of
PRIVATE DISEASES , and all cllsordois
anil debilities of youth it ml munlii.od. I'ycaiV
e.Micrlcnco. Illi ic onrc-oi and facilities are
lirautk-ally unlliiilli > d. Thu Doctor Is ri'coni-
inondud liy the [ ire s , and cndoi.suil In thu
stiongust tonns by the people fur fulr trnut-
nienl iiiid liont'st jirofcbsional advice. Tlio
most povM'iful runiiMlloH liiio\vn to inoduru
Fclenco for thn hiicccsiful troatniLiit of tliu
follow Ins dlseasos :
QONOKKHOKA-Iiiinu'dlato relief. A enin-
plotocnre without the lois of an hour'b tliau
fioni liuslness ,
OLHEr-Ono of tlin innst coinpleto and suc
cessful treatments for Klcct nnd all nnnnvinc
dlbchar.'cs.vul known tu thu medli-al piofes-
fclon. Tlio losultsaru truly wnniloiful ,
BTKICTURE ( Jtontust l.noun remedy for
the Iruatmcnt of sliluturo , wltlinul pain , cut
ting. or ihlatlju" . A most i > > innrK'il > li ; rcinrdr.
SYPHILIS No ticatniiint for thl tenlhlu
blond disease ) hns liver lieen moiu hiicei'Mful.
norhart RtionRc'reiiilniMiincnls. In the lluht
of modern hHoiini HUH illseaBii Is positively
curahlu and every liaco of llm jiulsun entliuly
removed from thu hlooil.
LOST MANHOOD , and ambition , iiorvonx-
ness , timidity , ilc.simmlum'y and all wcaltnehi
and dlsordiMH of youth or munhood , Hcllef
ohtnlncd ntonuu.
SKIN DISKASES. und all illnuai-os of Iho
bloiaai'ii , lilooil , llM'.r , Ivliincy.s nnd hladdcr
are tfoati'd hiiucessfully ulth thu iieutvat ;
Iciuiwn remeillcH for these illspasn . .
Wrltu fore 10 ilais and iUU.stlon | list , frco.
/ ///j nml l-'in-iunn . " / . , < lnntlut , . ! < / > .
If you want the whiskey which will not
scald the tbroat , burn tlio stomach nor
cause headache and nausea , but is smooth
and pleasant to the taste , of exrjuisito
bouquet and guaranteed lo bo positively
pure , rich and wholesome , call lor
and take no other , You may know it by
thu above qualities and thu proprietary bottle
tle in which it is served. For sale at all
first-class drinking places and drug stores ,
12 DALLEMAND & CO. , Chicago ,
Or <
, Bailay ,
The Loading1
Third Floor , P.xton
Telephone 1083. Kllh anil I'.inmm Sis.
A lull net of U-plli on rubberfur J IVrfi'd lit
Teutli without plutei or removubln luliluu work ,
luit tiir tlilnv lor UIAT or jniblloipvakvr , iiovur
llrOiilunn |
All Illllny nl rr.uonibio ratu . l | work Hurra mccl
cut tlilmut lor agultlu
Bee Bureau of Claims
u ny T
Bes Bureau of Claim
nqunl w"li Ilia Interim of tlnxo liiTlt j m1
npnlnat thti ernmi'iit Ij tti it of l.VV'KN TiMt * > *
often lo3G tlio bunuilt of vnlu I'jlu InvoutUiM OJ ui 11
of llio Inciiinpoteiicy or Inattention ol In a'tirun
employed In nliltiln llrjlr pituuti. Too tinn-ii < 'i-i
cannot bJ uvorcloil In iruiliirln : eoiiijliit | til
rullitblo Hc tor * to p itunli. f' > r tit vaiii
of n pitont ( I fp : iil < tfro illy , If nutOtiHrjly , iiui t i *
rnronii'l skill of Iho uttorn Jjr.
Wltlitlio vlo of protujtliu Invonlnri fro u " ' " ' '
iPKsorcirolmj uttornoy ) , un I uf noilnj I'l it 1 1. n
lions nro wull prolacto I liy v ill I P itoiiti. TlllCtUJ
IIUHIAU : h.u rotnliul eo.nujl ujt.ur : lu
imictlcu ; nml 1 1 therefore jirop
( ilitnin
T /rude iiirir.V * tin-l cntnirt'l'i'
' i > i > ( nlnni tintuHtmiiu unit mil I-
O/'jtttlflltH. .
I ruxei'Ht ? < nnl rttsfeitt
HltltH , l-tC , , < ! tll.
Iff 0,1 have nn Invention on Inn I enl TUB II" ! I
DUlllJAUnskuto'i or pliofurip'i lliLTJ if , imaltur
wlllui brlof iloivrlptlun of tlni Import int luiturji
nnrt you will liu mini iMvlno I iiilo tlu lia > truti
pin iio. .MuclclH ni not nitcoii iry iinloii tli nn n
lion In of n complliMtol nature. If iitlinri M i i
frlriKliu.'on your rluiiti , or If you nr.i i-iiirMlwiti
liifrliiitumunt uy otluirJ , submit Iho uiilur I > ' 'I"
lIUltlJAinor a rulfiUlo Ol'INIU.V buturJ uc.nU'JI '
Iliu inuuer.
Tllli Hlili BUREAU 01'CLAIMS
t2UO Ili'B Hull.tlnOm.ilii , NVi.
rSTTIi H Human It IMI ir intnuil liy tli'i '
Oiniili i He" , tlio I'i'inuur ' 1'ioai iiuU tlio > t
Cut this out nml aon.l It with your i \
This Is tlio lulint l.lslit Una 11 or wh Jchinll
( ill if. . * . Wt ivlll Mill llju" . f"r , " ! * i.y ' 'Vf ' , ?
. llrui , ' " ' ' "
isi-um. It Ims U Inoli " "
iS'iWJ. . " ' ' "d 'ff- ' " ? " ' ' "
Jlfdidl and VJclor. tiuirtlOKim free
J lOOUOlJtJ K bl It KIO I.
< 'htduUr' KnylUb IMataunil Hr
1n | < ) > / til L