Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1892, Page 11, Image 11

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Animated Poaas in Kuty Bine soil Other
Tafchig Defers.
I1MI H Million In UtfU t B Nrn Tcirk TVi-d-
line OoHt > li Atxitit U ( mien mitl
TlH-lr IVorl < * tel
ol rmthlnn.
This pnmmer'i cirl jirontsc * tt > be tbe
triumph ol tbo ccntutTTtiue we rared
tboat last yi-ar will be larpol.v retired or so
Ituihlontbljrecoiittmctofl us 'o seep in the
wim with tbo bnfii ol the nonnon The
mmrtfifct will wctr the Eton Albleticu powii ,
si jicictu in nary blue nerce or raucb woalher-
wool cberlot , fl plain skirt witb Ictthcr hind-
ice. Tbc coal is linofl witb pay , luJIotn uli :
on d opens ot or & "deoolletevraifclcoat , " cul
like uu ercninp wuiMcout , oJ blue or white
pique or blue wool vestlnc. powdered witb
Tubile dtnfc. Tbe rory mauuitb shirt mny beet
ot xvbil" or colored material , is closed tvitb a
sitiple ttufl , nod is. lite the lititud cuSt , u
noble example of tbe lauuarusi' skill ana
art A feature ot the powti is a pocket cut in
B curve in tbe kktrt on either bide , just as
near tbe location ol a man's trousers pocket us
e cross will admit. At tbe back tbe
ana WList are attucbed ocrordinc to the
most lipp-orpQ byeicnlc regulationi , and tbo
t > et itiu } tie of leather or of tbe flexible pold
r'bbon whica i * now to deservedly popular
us u cirdie lor slender walsi * A pretty nrl
vutb her bands proudly thrust in the pocUots
of Kuril a gown is a pleasant , animated
Tbe maid of Sisfcolon is Miss EfBe Sttuf-
ler. She wa amonp tbe first in tbe rush for
land rode seventy miles In two days , alone
end unattcndud , uud ttnltofl a claim that
promises 10 rleld a moderate fortune As u
tribute to her courage and plucu tbe now
tow ii uuur her claim was named Lftitipton.
> antii-tta Dotsey is aiiother ol tbo irre
pros.hiole cirls who was in Hie vanguard of
tbe rust fc > ne cat rind tw o pursuudurs oucklod
to her licit , and xvhon she a rove her claim
slake tucrc was none to aispute lior ncbU
.Nannotta it a Keutuckj Daise.v witb a lively
Auoiber land buntinc Amaron rode on tbe
front of n ioconiotive and tbuk caluod several
hundred feet udvnntnpe in tbe race for choice
cojuei iOts in a prospective town.
Ttie latest rreation in wadding powns is of
heat * utid luMrous sutiu. cream white if for
a DI inde. ivory v > bite II for a brunette. A
piuin June train , edged around with a ruche
of flow ers veiled in chiffon or silk muslin ,
UUQ uuarned to tbo waisl uoueath a folded
Empire belt of the material. The lolds reach
almost up to tbe armbole to give tbe short
waistou Lnipire effect , and more folds arc
turned down around tbo bell slrirt bslou tbe
Wbist Tue material is cut on tbe bias and
fibapud i'\or ' tbe Hllea and boned Immr " Tbe
waist of tbe gown is trimmed above
its loloed cnnture with ctiffon. and tbe vou
of tulle is fastened in place with tbe tradi
tional orttnre blossoms. A nen fancy is to
wear tbe fcbort lenctb ol tbe veil over the
face , not only throuch tbe ceremouj , but
until the bridal -unite is exchanged for tbe
tmurt travelmp gown.
Miss Florentine , daughter of Solomon
Kancer , the Kew Yort cotton Cine , was
niarried to Morns "Wormser 1'riday of last
week Tbe weddmc was u.u event in Jewish
Bocieiy circles. 'J'be bride was robed in
v bite corded silk , with draperies and flow
ers of point lace. The point late veil was
eocurod with diamonds , and he carried a
bouqnot of lilies of tbe inilev Tbe weo-
dmc presents were rich and numerous , iill-
Inc tw o laree rooms , and were valued at half
B million dollars Among them were an em-
baBRed envelope from the uridecroom's
father , containing ? H.KiKW ) , in railroad and
government bonds , and oy its side another
packet containing SJOU.njO in railroad bonds.
tbe gilt of the bridegroom's uucle. These
handsome sonvenirs were flanuea with 2. > 0
other gifts.
The evervday dress of tns American lu-
flies of Honolulu consists , according to n cor
respondent , of a muslin bolnku or Mother
Hubbnrf Ol ton the ladies go shopping in
these costumes , giving their orders from
their xarriage doors or evoa alighting and se-
Jeotinp their own purchases. Informal calle
tro made in tbe same informal gov u , and ex-
oept when come to church or visiting 01 at-
V ndingthe royal receptions no otner dress is
vera ,
Sunshades pre blossoming out in endless
variety , anJ such tempting Btylcs , so oppo
Bite in effect and BO novel and diuuty , render
k selection eomething of u task. The Bun-
thados of airy turttire with frills of the same most fascinating , but it U not to be for
gotten that the shirringB ana puffings of
these parasols become very dusty during tbe
long Hummer , and it is not at all easy to
brush out tbe dust without tuning tbe bloom
off the delicate lebric Plaid bilks are in
vogue for sunshades , but in most of their
color schemes , which are over bncbt , they
will look ratber conspicuous and staring in
tbe hot sunshine.
Being n millionaire bus its drawbacks. Iv.
C Croede , who is tbe founder of the creat
Colorado mining camp , knows this to bs a
Jant Evorv day he receives letters from all
parti , ol the country , signed by women w bo
want to marry him. It might tie refreshing
for these matrimonially inclined females ts
know that id ! tuch letters and photograpbo
tro turned over to Ins wife.
Trill * lit ruhhiuu.
Amy Thai's a peed Mpu. Mabol Wlial
In ! Amr Papa's uunie al ibe foot of a nice
large check
The Prunes foulards show lost of novelty
n ibeir desipn and coloring Iban any other ol
Ibe summer silks
Linen cuffs bave been recalled inlo tbe
ranks of fashion , and will be worn wilb link
butlou& wilh latlor powus.
Tbe new dress.cs show a ereal deal ol
tLanriimeul in ibevnv of 7)lailed ) ficbns and
drkpinps over Ihe shoulders.
To tnabo yonr nureau drawers sweetly
odort-tis , cover ibe bottom wilb lasers ol
China bilk filled wilh sweelsmelUnpp'owder.
A prulty novelty on ban aud bonnols is the
double thistles made of Jel ana black laoe ,
wuicb are t > el on in algniius form , one t LitUe
riFap above the otner
The sprinr hals are all hisloric in name.
Tbere are Ihe Louis XV , revolution , inai-
„ quKe , tzariiiu , imperatrice and Viutoriun , all
big uud luutublic in shape and pay in color-
in p.
Mrs Lotos Poor Mrs. Levey IB Ul , and 1
mu > t go aud see her Mr Lotos An < Trund
of niorcv , bh Mrs. Loio Parliy , aud
itien , 1 wunl lo see how the looks wild her
Guy Hussinn blouses lor wearinp witb
blurer * . und kkirts come in Btrmos of tbrwo
colors , foui incbf wide , joined witb bluet :
crencl cro- ktucuoB aud oinbroiduroi lu a
d'os-v-kU'-fh pattern
Mrs MclorkleVbat did our butbaud
tcj about jour ue ball Mrs. McCriirkle-
Ho fell to tbe floor iUKuubiule wbou be buw
tbe t > ill Mr * . McCorblo I toid you H was t
HuimtTbeu vou tioupbt it-
It it a rnutter of common t tbat for tbe com-
iup bet season rod Uu > lw sotitonbiroly ubud
iu iiiiilitiery brilliant scurltn and not ulout
tbe doeptir unit in Juoqup-rose rod , uopouia ,
cerainum uud otbtir fcbades tbal bave boon sc
Bonnets ere ruob Uuy bus of millinery tbat
tbey bnrdly deserve a name , but tbe stnnpi
ure lous and make up vuliar.tly lor tbe want
of material iu tbe rest of tbe i-n-tll aflutr
Tbe Mnncs ure tied at out' cide , tbe bowi
pinned demuruiy down uud tbe euds dangle
U ) t IB fcUH ! ! > ,
HibUoiib are still tied iround tbe waist or
til kortK oi drenses , but tbe bun pine ends urt
tied iu front , instead of back , or in tbe bad
t lurpe , tuff buw of riobon without ends.
Witb an Eum jacket costume of dressy ma
tenul. a broad * asb is tied around tbe waist
tvitb ilat bous in tbe back corning from uudei
tbe jurkcu
A mlpnonette-green silk dress , figured will
pitiu rokebuis , bus round badioe bnd c
ItpIHid nenmluss iront , wilb collar and full
bltwve * ol black kyutrttuetbed Bussiun kills
net , ttriped witb narrow pink tUk ribbon.
Many of tbe bright flower trlmmrngt bn
titrcU * fMhioc notvp Teryt.rb at
tbe bnck , tie -otte Jonr. tp sort tf irfty
fccainiit wLieb tbo Cowers t-na
Verv popniw tu ure tbe durabi * cotton
trimmine * for rephrre. cbamhrmys. nod png-
bams , etpfnltlly tbe fiat threaded pimpt
overlaid with k thgbtlr rmsttfl woven feather
sutchiac in caiors or white , tbat plve the
prouv and coat &pt > oarance of sluiilar f-tltcb-
inc done tiy hand.
Bolts , are of great variety of shapes tu > 6
wietbs as well ai In qntHtr nnQ oolor of tbe
le&tber. Same of the new nirnipht leather
tiaiu of greenish black have a MB MI jmrsi
for chanps Rewu flat on the beat A few
foidcd mlk baits ure stxm-n , and with Mouses
Mid short Jackets wooicii usbcf like tbe
dress are tied bround the waists
Hnirdroso sty tbcr ere puttotboir wits'
end to fltid ways of doing up the hair of
( .hon-halrud women Short hair has pone
ont sc qulcklr and so tboroupbly that ioouer
than &piear ) with shorn locks a woman will
have her hair drawn bark nnd tina to a
switch , even though her eyes start from their
.tickets and her ears prow purple from the
Silk WPUBCS utifl cotton waist ? ( .com to be
j > orennial Lvery t = pnnp tbev come out fresh
und sure ol public laver us if tbrr were most
original novelties instead of timo-bouored
und % rry convenient little parments Tno
chanrcs in our olfl friends are never very
radical , but there are hnbdredn of new little
touches whlrb smarten them up nud make
them more ] autity tbnu ever.
Wlmt M oiiirn Arc I > olnc.
Tbe ice cream girl IE modest in her ocsires.
All sbe wanu is a cold bite.
Tbe University tf tbe City of New York
graduated trvun young lady lawyers last
An Oregon woman ba > earneS bcr living
for twentv jcars by using n chisel and mul
let us a stout-cutter
A cry of dUtwss comes from the 270 young
women iu tbe states normal school at Trenton ,
N J. Tbey complain tbat they are not suf
ficiently fed
Women wore notive participants in prim
aries ana counts conventions in Wyoming
la a week. At last accounts the cry ol fruud
bad not been ruined
A bUl was , introduced in the late New
York Ifcislature prohibiting "red-beadod
lotnules' from playing bubo bail. Tae author
of tbe bill is new an exile.
Allro M Bucon of New Haven has for
ucurl } tun % caw taught without a rularj in
the normi.1 school fo : Indiiu.s und nt-proes , at
Humpton. besides caring for Ji little motbcr-
erless .luaunose cirl. bUpervlsinc the
lion Dixie hospital aud training school for
coiored nurses which sbe bus founded , ncd
doing editorial wori ; on iho Hampton school
There are : U3OU3 wotr.en pngapod in indns-
tnn ) pursuit in Mussarbusotts , embracing
tweun diflorout o rupations , the larcar per- beinp domestic uud nmDulnrturiuc.
Txvo-thirdf of \vorkingwomtsn are under
; iO years in bast-pbysical btrenptb , and only
one nftb ure over -JU , which u-nds > to show that
marnace is the great cause which taues
\vomeu out of industrial life.
That u woman is capable of fully cariuc
for herself hut bptn aemoustrutoii by tne
work of Mrs. Nannie Osbarue , xvbo was. left
n widow with a family und u furm on un
inland in the midst oi u luke auout ten miles
Irom tiult Lake City. Her husband went to
Utah for the nonafit of his ht-ultb , but died
uftor iturtinr u ranch on a line island Since
bis death bis w fe bus iiucn carryinp on tbe
ousiuess of tbe lunch in nucb good style tbnt
she now has the nuest form In tbe terntorv
und is muKing large profits from tbe pro
1 % hat VToiix-ii A re IJu.i lug.
Bedroom wrnppsrs of striped "outing"
Reefer jackets in tan and diagonal for little
Curd cases of while snade raountoa with
Black sun umbrellas with Dresden china
Pink flowers , hats , crepe und nbbou for
Cloth cupes trimmed with a deep shoulder
cajie of luce.
Silc nnd cotton mired linings for thin sum
mer dresses.
Men's ties in a pule grayish-blue figured in
Bilverj white.
Reddish-brown gloves for traveling and
ordmury wear.
Blouse vest fronts of china silk , chiffon
and silk muslin.
Spauglfd pnssomonteries for trimming
black grenadines.
Black und cream cotton pongees having
china silk debims.
Gauntlet gloves to wotr with tbe first
spring street suits.
Cheviots in preen and blue nurtures for
tuilor-mude powns. .
Gravish-blue linen stationery , also of en
old parchment hue.
Gluce t-urahs trimmed with ribbon nna
Point de Genes lace.
Bodice belts of leather IBBEQ in treat and
Duculed on tbe side.
Jeweled yokes und Jetted Poim de Genes
lace us extreme novelties.
.Neut black tid ties baring a fancy toe-
piece snd foiinp of patent leather.
One of tbe largest retail drup houses in
the west , H. C Arnold at Kansas City , Mo. .
BBVS Bradycrottne is tbe greatest noon to
humanitv in the xvorld. It cures every form
of headache.
AA 'kt ru Cow lio.r Mrlkrh a Gotham Joint
and IK I.uld Out.
A thin , wiry mun , with a big IDUE-
tnche and a broad brimmed hat , blood
before Justice Tuintornt the Essex Mar
ket Police Court yesterduj tifternoon ,
' '
says the Kew Yo'ik Sun. Something
about the man's male-up und UJOVB-
mentB sucge&tea the broud Jlrau ie and
broader life ia the Wosu Beside
the man blood Policeman Michaels of
tbe Madison street station. Kert to
Michaels fctpod Miss Mamie Parker.
Leaninp ngainht the prisoners' railing
were three Cherry Hillers , Thomas
O'Rourke , Jeremiah Corcoran , and John
" .ledge , your honor. " s-aid tbe little
man wath the big mufctacbe "I'm
Pat Healer. 1 pot done las-t nignt ,
iedgeJ anu done right. I went into a
saloon on Cberrv street. 'What you
drinkin" " abked the cooler. "
: . "Pizen,1
Bays L 'We've got it , ' says he , aad he
Bet out the bottle. I died my giasE and
drank it. It was. pizen , sure. ] felt it
btnart when it toucned my 15p and I
felt it biting when jt reached my tongue
it was warming on my palnte , cooking
in my wind pipe , and was a regular
roaster on my stomach.
" 7 he next thing 1 struck was the o
throe fellows. The first thing tbey did
was. to strike me. They hit my w'atcn
and knocktid lay money. They were a
regular cyclone. I just laid over and
veiled. Thie girl yelled , too , and tbe
policeman came up. But I had been
done I feel cheap , jedge. too. I've
. bated Grizzlies , fit panthers , buclied
again Leadville , fought Injuns and
roamed the Black Hills ; but wben it
cornea to knoalrlng eastern pizen and
doing the routiling jict in Cherry street.
I'm a cowboy and outen it. "
"Yet. , " testified MIHS Mamie Parker ,
"be is outen it. "
"What ha\e you prisoners to Bay ; " '
Ued Justice Taiutor.
"Nuttin. "
"One thoudand dollars each to an-
e wer , " snid the justice.
"Pizen sure , and I'm outen it , " said
Th - Clrrui. I > rr ,
The circus fever in this country at
present has never be n equaled in the
memory of the oldest follower of the white
tents. With fully half n hundred email
thows about ready to spread their can
vas in the old fashioned way , with a
dozen or more circus comedians travel
ing over tbe circuit of theaters , awl
with capitalists preparing to establish
a permanent oiruuf cm a big scale in Kew
York city , there surely seems to be a new
and bright era in prospect for the world
of epangles aud the motley- . The
change Luc come within two year * .
I America ins been Iurt-Ltte .n
great men at every criti * of tcr * hort btt
evettfu. hutcrr md in the foremost ratk of
her rreat came * ye , of the great en of
the Nineteenth centary we muni place tbat
of Vburtei Sumner. This uame statrds tor
i&fic ible principle tbe kinfl of inociple
tbtt dt > es not tolerate any compromise with
nrotig ooing , thtt will ever au-ert itself tor
the right though the heavens f til.
Webster , the great New Enclander. dared
to compromise with the sooth ; und innt.v
people deomca the incUer settled and the
union t.&red unttl bumner. In e voice that
rang through tbe nation , pronounced the
over famous dictum Nothing , fir , can lie
settled which is not right ! " Here we have
the key to the character of the man. the doe
lo bis most rignincuni portion in tbe aboli
tion movement , tbe determinant factor ot
hi1 ! place in history.
In tbe "American Rotormert" series Arch
ibald Urimke bus gives tbe world an excel
lent biogruphicul sketch of this patriotic
tatestuuti under tbe caption -'Chines
Sntnnor. the Scholar in Politics. " Bud be has
treated his .ut > Jt > ct in a mastorlv manner ,
wnicb is wbal raipbl be eipoctoa considenng
bis control ot languuge , his funuliunty witn
the history of tbe time und bis passionate
Evinpatby with tbo abolition movement. 7 h
biographer Is an uble wtilur uud tbe IJDDK
under notice sustains bis higb reputation
Published oj Punk < k Wucuall's company ,
New York
Yuin fortune , by Geutgf Moore , is in
manj respects a very remarkable story Tbe
principal Interest hinges on tbe unhappy
love of Emily Watson for Hubert Price , a
younr dramatic uutnor who. unfortunately ,
only entertained for her ftoiiups of n purely
brotherly nature. Emily nus a companion ,
Mrs .lulia Bantleybo is young , handsome
and i&lellociuul , unil owing to Peculiar cir
cumstances this trio ure constantly thrown
into eacb others hocit'ty Emily \Vutsor
scion falls dcsjicratelv iu love itb young
Price , but he unluckily does not peiccive
this , aud bimseli becomes enamored of Mrs ,
Bentlcy , wnom bo subsequently murncs
Pinding that her love is unrequited and be
lieving sbe bus been deceived both by the ob
ject of her uffec'tious ai.d b hrr bosom
friend , tbe unfortunate EmiM muues two it
tempts at suicide nnd Jiuullv succeeds in dt -
ktrojiur herself by drounlng a bo
termination o' tbe uurrative is some
what sad , but us u mutter
of fact tbe whole storv Is far more proaame
than \erysnuny that one rouds in tbe
novels of tbe day , and tbe cast , graceful and
attractive style ol narration of the uulhor
tiiukus it u very laspmuunr bonk. Published
by uhnrles bcnbner & Sons , New York , uud
lor t-ale cy .1. S. CnulSeld , Omaha , Iveb.
Harper's , inarar.ine lor tbe currrnt month
opens with Edwin A. Abbej s superb illus
trations. "The TetDinsst. " accompanied by
Andrew Lunt't. interrstiur and bcholurlj
comment. Tbe frqnti'.p.e.c'e ic u tine en
graved portrait of Walt Whitman , who con
tributes to this number u poem. "Deutb
Vuliey , ' to noEomnanj a full tmge engraving
of Georce Innass' great jiainting , "The Val
ley of the Snudow of Death ' Besides tbe
above tbe principal ulusfuted articles Lre
A craphic description of l-a e Superior.
"Brotbei to tbe bea , " ov .luimn Rulph , ulus-
trulod bv Kemmpion uud Grahum , the tbird
chapter of the iJunnoe pujiers , "Prom ibe
BlucK Forest to tbe Blaci : sea , " written
by P IX Millet und iliu truted by Mr Millet
und Alfred Parsons , , "An Indian Fair in tne
Mexican Hot Country , " by Sylvester Bax
ter und "The Last Days of Percy Bvssche
Suellev , " by Guido Biupt Other papers of
peculiar imnortunce ure "Western Modes
of City Management , " by Julian Ruinb.
"The MjEtery of Columbus , " by Eugene
Lawrence , und "Some Talks - * bout English
Public Scnools , " by an English writer es-
peciuliv fumiliur with tbe educational insti
tutions of his country Tbe notion depurt-
ment is well tilled uud the same msv bo said
of all the other Departments , including the
In 1509 , twentj-threa years ago. Miss
MacGregor wrote her novel , .loan Ward's
Governess. Sbe was then but 17 years of
age. uud it wusery justly considered quite
u remnrkable story It ran through sue eai-
nous , nut , uufortunntcly for bath author
cud publisher. It was nnt stereotyped , aud so
ran out of print. G W. OUlmgnam , J\ew
York , hut now reproduced the book , without
ulteration or revision , believing that it wiU
meet with a papular sale.
After reading ibe story one can scarcely
realize that it was written by so young u
woman. It has a freshness , a vivacity and
un indescnbanle charm about it that is per
fectly inesistible. Tue authoress displays
unmistakable tuieuts as u novelist und her
delineation of tne lovable disposition of the
heroine , Gertrude Lyie , cud her cnarming
descriptions of tbe love scenes and other in
cidents of the story evince considerable liter
ary uDility It is u deh btf ul novel.
Tbe Foruin for April gives tbe position of
emphasis to u discussion of "The Crisis , of
Lhe Democratic Purty , " a group of three
articles , by Congressman W'liiEm L. Wilson
of W est Virginia , who lavs aowu a line of
campaign for the presidential election , by
Frederic K Coudert , the leader of tbe anti-
Hill democrats in Nfw Yorn , who explains
the revolt ugainfct Sucutor Hill , nnd oy
Matthew Hale , wno narrates how the dumo-
cruth captured tbe l\ew York senate wben
its election returns hud fairly shown H to be
leuufalican. Then there is un autobiograph
ical puper by tbe late Prof Edwurd A. Free
man , un instructive puoor on "The Learning
of Languages. " bv Phillip Gilbert Humer-
ton : un entertaining discourse on "The
Speech of Monkevs , " by Prof Ii. i . Uuroer ,
"Reforrnutory Prisons us Schools of Crime , "
by W. P. Andrews , and "Is Iowa u Doubtful
State * ' by Governor John K. irwm , also
two articles of peculiar interest to students
of Germun uHairs "The Germans us Emi
grants , " by Prof Geffcken , und "Tne Free
Trade Teiidencv of William U. , ' by Poult-
iiey Bigelow.
Tbe New World is tbe comprehensive
ti'le of u quarterly review of religion , etnics
und tbeolocy , the first uumoer of which bus
Just been issued by Honghton. Hifflin & Co.
If the contents ot tno initial number can be
relied upon us u foretaste of future issues tbe
new quarterly review is certain to make a
place for itself. Rev. Dr. Lrmnn Abbott
contributes "Tbe Evolution of Christianity. '
Cuurles Curroli Everett "The Historic and
the Ideal Cnrit-t , " J. G. scburman "Tbe Fu
lure of Liberal Religion in America. " Wil
liam Rounseville Alger 'The Common , tbe
Common Place end the Romantic , " Cruw-
ford Hwell Fey "Abraham Knenen , " J.
Estlin Curpeuter "The TtieiKtic Evolution of
Buddhism , " Tbomap R. Sllcer "Between tbe
Testaments , " Edwtrd H. Hull "Tbe New
Orthodoxy" and Cburles 3 Upton "Theolog
ical Aspects 01 tbe Philosophy of Thomus
Hill Green " These are followed by an in
troductory note by the editor and by forty
pagfs of exhuusthe book reviews Rev
Nicholas Pajie Uilmun is the munaring
eaitoruud Professors Charles Carroll Everett ,
and Crawford Howell Joy of Havnrd , ana
President Orello Cone of Bucbtel college
together with Dr. Gllman compose tbe edi-
toriul board. Th6 pnce is til per year ,
single numbers - > ceniE. Hongbton Mifilin
in Co. , Boston and New YorK.
Tbe Quarterly Journal of Economics for
April oontunik among other uble contribu
tions cu eiceliont article by Edward Cuui-
miugB on "f n vertity Settlemeutk , " which
fehould be widely read by educationalists in
particular und the public iu general
Frederick B. Huwlt-y bus in this issue un ex
haustive review of Professor ± Jtehm
Bswerk's book "Kupuul nnd Kupiulnus"
in wbicb tbe reviewer expresses tbe
opinion that learned una inte estinc
treatise of the professor hut culled forth a
great deal of able adverse criticism , sufhuient
as it aptieurs to him to dlncr&dil the results be
attaint. An article which should have more
tbun a passing interest for bankers and finan
cier * is that rupplied bv Charles. F. Dunbar
under tbe ctptiou ot "The Bank of Venice. '
Tbe notes and momonmdu oepartuiont will
be found to be very Informing end worthy of
cartful perusal in tbe uppenoix is given a
translation of the fret by wnicb the Venetian
oeuute in Idl9 established the Bancogiro
Published for Harvard unirersltv by George
H. Ellis , 141 Franklin street , Boston , MUSE
The Political Science Monthly for March ,
edited by tbe university faculty of political
science of Columbia college , is an excellent
cumber. Prof. J. B. Moore lias a very timely
crticle on "Asylum in Legations and in Ves-
beli1' and tbe question of "Tbe Finance * of
the Confederacy" U handled in t musterlv
nmnner by J. C. Schwab. Prof. William A.
Dunning write * intelligently and evidently
witb considerable knowledge of Mio true ill-
of tbe subject on "Jrith l.&uU Leg-
.s a'.tsr J M utlrt-man J.rtntM an .n
s'ruct te paper on The New \tirk i a t.-j
of Appu ctmont Tbe > % tvre t T j\i u-a'
Mujmvuc- ful'y epl ' * 3 by Prt' T H
Biddings , nnd Hormiofc : ha a > tr > np
article entiUod Boottisawcrif on I npinu ,
\ \ hich. torethor with oo : > nu rtvmws and
bonk notes , make B Very roroj. pte and in
strucilve netntwr. PoMishee by Gmt A , On ,
T4S Brvadway , > ew Yore.
Tbe Illustrated > pwof the \ \ orid of Lon
don. England , pavs 6 priwefBi tribute lo tbe
demh of Wmt Whitman t > v publishing a re
production of fc pVotogrtpb of his law resi
dence in its issue of AJirtl K , , which also con
tains a brief but interesting article on tbe
life nnd works of tbe great poet U con
dudes this sketch n . follows "Of late
years tbe life of tbe TM > fl gray rosf went
on tilocidly ID his litUe home al Camsen , the
scene of content pilgrimages by English and
Americans. He was alwars poor , and never
desired riches. He lived in lact the simple ,
free natural life he loved to picture in bis
wild musing * and much pictures of men and
things * Tbe same issue of this excellent
English weekly likewise contains a very fine
portrait of the aerea.sed puet and a specimen
of his bandwritii.c.
Tbe American Law Review for March and
Atiril uonluhis some very strong articles
Seymour D. Thompson' * contribution under
tbe bead of "Abuses o' Corporate Priv
ileges , " tbe report of tbe address delivered
by Lymun Trumbull before the Illinois
State Bar association on 'Timed States
Circuit Courts of Appsals , ' and .lames
Scbouler's pajit-r on 'I'ounes to Free
Passengers , " l eiiip partinauily noteworthv
Another very excellent urticle is "Classifica
tion of the'Law for Luuycrs' by Emlin
McClain. und tbe paper br H Telchtnuellrr
on "A Uniform System of Bankruptcy , is
worthy of careful perusal Tbere are also
some very interesting non-s of recent de
cisions , tsorrct-pandccee ana book review * , iu
this issue Published oy Review Publish
ing company , 212 Pine street. St Louis , Mo
There is on irresistible fascination about
detective stont-K , notwithstanding the Jart
thut uiost people are iniimed to PC u little
incredulous us regards t ne veracity of some
of the more intensely exciting nurrutlve
.lust before his death , w Lien occurred on
July 1 , 1S-4. Allan Pit'kertcii , Mboso ability
us , u detective officer has boon without equal
in this country finished his lust book which
he cntlt en , "A Double Life una the Detec
tives. " In bis prelace tbt lute Mr PiuLer-
tou usborts that tbe btorios us reluted bj him
are essentially true , that the incideuU de
picted have occurred , und that tbe people ol
whom he treats were , und rnnnv uf them are ,
hviuc men and women. At all event * the
reading public will not tie inclined to be
bvnercriticul in this repurd so lonr as the
stories prove as intcrestiui : ns ure these
under notice. Published DV ( j W Lnlhng-
nani. New York
ChEries L. Webster \ Co of New Yore
buve just issued u little volume of Walt
Whitman's effusions under tbe caption of
" . selected Poems" This edition ol Mr.
Wbitmun'b tuems is , on his ourt , u conces
sion to Inendbhin. x\e uie told by tbe editor
of this collection but w Latever be the rea
son of their publication the renerul public
will jovfullv welcome this handy volume o !
tbe great poet's masterpiece * . Walt Whit-
inun is so well Known and be bus sucti u nest
of udmirers wberevej- the Enirhbh languace
is spokeu tbut it is quite bujierfluout to ea-
lurpe upon the merits ct tbe poet in thebe
columns. Typocrtphicallv the woru is n
crtdit tr > tbepubhsners und the poet's portrait
trait which forms tne Irantibpiece is a work
of art.
Tbe Illustrated World' * . Fair for April , en
larged by four additional tiages. devotes
many illustrations to a tiartraj al of tns ex
traordinary traveler or derrick tnnt IB now
betting tbe urcbes on the preat floor of the
Mnanfactures. Besides tbe many instruct
ive scenes photographed in Juckson pork ,
this bngbt und instructive magazine oan-
tuius u pane article and portrait of Max
O'Rell , a page suetch by Opie Reud. illus
trated o.i Churles Lederer a nape sketch
and portrait of Mnrah Ellis. Ryan. the same
of Annu Oldfieid Wicgs un urticle by Di
rector Odell , un extended editorial descnp
nnn of the scene ut Jnckson park , by John
McGovern ; the rules of the mining exhibit ,
und a lure * number of cumorous poems and
paragraphs The numtisr is tne bebt bo fur
issued. Published ov J N Hulllgun , gen
eral manhger , McVicker s building , Chicago
Frebh. attrsotivo and pure as a spring
blossom , heultbful in tone as the pastimes
Lbbore and afloat , wnicb it so zealoupy advo
cates , is tbe April number of Outinc. Pros
perous on tbe face of it , una thib month es-
pociuliy rich in artistic und literary matter ,
Outinc is a cheering toueu o * a growing ua
tionul inclinution towurd those munly bports
und pastimes which will eventuully build up
for us a race of Etiilwurls fitted to grusp and
guard tbe macmlicent possiuilities ol our
great ana glorious country.
Tbe bpoclkl feotures of Short Stones for
April are. "An Easier Idyl , " a lov * story
by Anere Tbeuriet. "Playing Courier , " an
amusing incident of travel , by Murk Twain ;
'He Was u Bronson , ' n boutnern vendetta ,
DV Opie Reud , "Sot Boot , " u tale of love
and devotion , by Lynn C d'Oyle ; "Brutus , "
a tale of horse , by Lodovic Halevy ; "Tne
Unpardonable bin. ' in tbe Famous Stories
Series , by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
The Cullforniun Illustrated Magazine for
April contains among others , a paper by
Mrs. Loud on "Pensioning Teachers , " a
fully illustrated paper on "The Orange and
Citrus Fairs at Los Angeles , " "The Red
wood Forests of California , " illustrated , un
article on "Union Labor , " by John Bounor ,
two Illustrated beientibc articled ; "The
Mound Builders and Extinct Giants , ' ' "The
Education of Polilicians , " bv Casper C
HookinB , "The Hairy Men of Japan , " by
Helen E Greporr-Flesber pud a fully illue.-
tru1od tiapsr on "Presbi terlauism in San
Francisco. "
Harper's Magazine for Muv opens wilfa
Ibe SJ-KI chapters of K characteristic New
England novel , " .lane Field , ' by Mary E
Wilklus An important literary feature of
the number is an article by Anne Tnackeray
Ritchie on "Robert end Elizabeth Barrett
Browning , " relating many interesting per
Bouul reminiscences ot the uvo eminent
poets. A magnificent contribution on "Tbe
German Army ol Today' is furnished
by Lieutenant Colonel Exner , un of
ficer in the German bervice , which
is effectively illufctrated by T de Thulstrup
Julian Rulpn , continuing bis vuiuuble series
of papers on the great northwest , gives u
Mrikingly inieresting description of "Tne
DaUotus , " iheir peculiarities of Eilualion , soil
und climate , tbeir inhabitants and resources ,
und thiir oullook tor Ihe future , The fourth
of the deservedly popular oenes of Danube
papers , "From tbe Black Forebt lo the Black
Sea , " IK written Dy F D Millet nnd beauti
fully illustrated by A'frod ' Parsons and Mr
Millol Taken us a whole this , issue of
Harper's is a bplendid one und the lilustru-
tious are particularly pood.
There is a charming freshness about the
Mav number of tbe Ladies Home Journal
uud it goes out lo iu numerous readers
laden with song , btorr. , and u weallh of peed
malenul The number open * wilb "A Doy
in Paul's Caslle , " written by Florence Wii-
eou , n young Englisn woman. , who obtained
pcriuibbiou from the famous divu to describe
minutely tbe daily life ut Cruig-j-Nob ,
PatU's cubtle iu Wales. This article is ac
companied by drawings nud enpruviugs
tuuen from photographs made esiiociully for
tbe Journal by Mudame Palta herself Mrs
John Wunnmcker pives u sironp paper on
"The Patienl Worn of Molberhooa , " Mrs.
William Ewurl Gladstone coninbutcs tier
second article , "Hint * from a Mother's
Life , " and Miss V Stuart Mosby fumisbek
an-interesting sketch , with parlrtit , of the
wife of ex-beiiutor lug&Us.
"The Goddess of Alvatubur. Bemp me
History of the Discovery of Ihe Interior
World und Conquesl of Alvntabor , " is tbe
extraordinary title of u sllil more exlraor-
alutry book by William Jt Bradbhaw. 31 is
u work of imagination , pure una simple , wilb
no attempt ai realism. Julian Hawthorne ,
the f.oiiulur writer , who fnrribbes un iniro-
duruou to tnis proauctlon , seys "Mr.
Brudsbcw is to especially be com
mended for having tbe courage
of his imagination. He uuKlea no
undue time on explunatluu * . but proceeds
promptly und feurlessly to set forth Ihe poinl
ul issue. When , for example , il becomes
necessary lo introduce ibe new lunruuge
Fpaken ny Ihe itihumuntb of the interior
world , we are broupnt in huif u
dozen parugrapbe to un understanding of iu
cburucienslio features , und proceed to tbo
use of it without more udo. A more timid
writer would hove misspent labor nnd in-
genuuy in dw elllug upon & matter nbicb
Mr. Bradsbaw righUy perceived to be of ne
ctseutiiil importanot ; and we thould bave
been woartpd fct J de svnJ .n irr.t.R at U.o
ro& -ctcres1 tp ii eto *
Tnercl-ave tioea , me verv rentrkabi *
cuitttBtions fr ffl thf puh.i press tf .a'.e , but
this certait < e tali's them h. . It s pr .usoly
u ustrated a"d lh tvuoprapfcv js good
I'nblmbed bv J T DontuitC SsB hfth
a venae. New York
One ot th * most useful rompdndlcms. of
history ts Alaen s " ( . 'yclopodia ot History. "
pabSisbofl lt > two volumes it covers the bis-
tory and descripUou of oil nuticms. ancieul
nnd tnoflorn except ibe Vnited StaU-s ,
which from a separate toluree bud will
be sold net arulely Tbe value of B
more extenMvp Knmxleope of foreign his
tory Mi tbo e wbo are Irjing to elevate them-
relvci. by mentis ol Keif-education is incalcu
lable , and us study ma > be made at fascia B
tingubtioiei renaing With tbe two little
volumes under boticc no one need remain in
ignorance of those preat nations. , which in
both ancient ana modern time * buve plrj ed
bucb prominent parts , and uUnslonj. tc which
are ponslBnlly belnc mude br per OB of cul
ture und loarnlnp I'ublUhed by John B.
Alaen , New York
In her very inlprestlnc paper on the trip
of the Internutional Lsugue of Press Clubs
across Ihe comment , in ibe May numbe * ot
Frant Leslie' * Popular Monlhly , Mrs
Fratil : Leblie has ibis lo say of Omaha
"Our Rtop in Cbirnpo was Just right hours
long We left at 11 O'CIOCK in the evening ,
via ibe Chicago i Northwestern rullwav. for
OmnhR MU-mile run. wnicb was ucrotn-
plisbwd by S n m. the 00.1 day Our Otnuha
sojourn , wilh Con -re nlati Ro.sewator us
host , % vas a repolition of that of Ibe preced
ing day ul Chicago minus tbe World's fair
Tbe newspaper visit wus to tbo imposing
Bi.i buildiuc u fin-do blecle landmark of tbe
Nfbruska metropolis Omaha marks tbo
eastern terminus of ibut bislorir tunuecr of
Iranbfonlinenlul iron higbx'-ays.lbe t UIOD I'u
cific ruilroud svblem. and will uluays M'tiir to
old tiuvelers , Ihe irue beginning of u Uiuitur
niu Inp J remember Ibis ti.uce twelve venrb
uco us u raw , overgrown , ill paved nud inot-
lej looking lown Now il is a flourishing
slntely cltv. There is ulso a very line view
of Tne BLE building in Ibis issue of Leslie b
"The Blue Scarab. ' by David Granam
Adoe , for Ibe number of chapters iu it. con
tains more villains und villainy Ibuu one
cores to moot in every duy Hie. Tbe blorv
lolls of ino btculmg of u wonderful diunioud
from the French government , ils Journey lo
America , w hero il is concealed in ibe blue
scarab , is burled with n pauper , dislnlerrod
and hns u vurioty of star-time nflveutures
The hero ib ateacbet of the noble nrt of self-
defeubo una Ihe cburuiers include a circus
clown , u delective 3isguibeu us u Ouruian
fencing master , u Rutbiun nobleman , a
French count uud a Jewisb diamond mer
chant There ure no end of mysteries , mum
meries , murders and bimilur excitements ,
nnd through it all of course runs tbe fine
Italian bund of the omnipotent detective It
ib txfutmp reading , uud ibal was , pobably
the aim ol tbe author
"Tbe Blue brurab" ib published by Laird
& Lue ol Chu'upo us No 4i of tueir Librury
of Choice Fiction
Ever fresh und oniertaminc , Ihe New Enc-
laud Muguziue for May ib bpuclullv bo There
is u beaulilul poem by Murio Pouavbky. u
tuieuled young Riibsiun lud.on . Ihe famine
in Russia cuilua "The Czur'b Bunquot , " un
inlereslitip ureount of "Village Life in Old
England , " by Reuben Gold Tb\vutes. a vul-
uable and interesfnp paper by Horatio J.
Perry enutlea "On ibe Track of Columbub. "
"Ye Romance of Cusrci Bav. " by HorbertM
Sylvester uud grupbicullj i lustruted by tbe
uutbor. Churleb H. \ \ aoabury , Soars GUla-
gher , Jo H. Hat.iiold und otners , u contribu
tion on "The Progress of the South Ameri
can Republics , by \ \ illiam Eleroy Curtis ,
uud the remainder ol this excellent periodi
cal Is filled with interesting matier on a v > ell
selected variety ol topics.
Helen H Gardener is just about to give to
Ibe world auolbci bank under me title of
"Pusned by Uusoen Hands. " which prom
ises , from udvnnce sheeib , to be us popular
us "A Thoughtless Yes" una "Ib Tui Your
Son. My Lord' " These stories ure highly
commended from a scientific paint of view ,
bt recognied scientific uulbonty
As u writer of short Ktorius Helen H
Gardenei bus achieved an enviable reuula-
uon und her new book piveb indications that
sbt does not mean lo relinquish ibis charming
method of giving to her renders pleasure
witn profit , whatever else she mny do
"Pushed DJ Unseen Haudb ' { will bhorriy be
puuliftbed by the Common weulin eoinpunv ,
New York
The bccne of Augubta Cumpbell vVntson's
latest story , "The Old Durbar Town , " is
laid iu New London , Conn. , durmc tbe early
slrnpgleb of onr country for independence
Tbe main characteristics of the book ure its
dehcute quuiutness und himpncm. inter
woven \\iib u dusn of bibtory to ertilain ttie
motives of tbe different pprf-onures It is
filled with exprthsion * of loyultj and patriot
ism , und its two unncipui churucters. Letlv
Chester and Love Main waring , like two
heroic women of Ibose btirnnp times , pass
on tnrouph scenes of w ur and sudnesb to the
psuce und resl of hapcv homes. It is u pure
t.nd beultnful btory , filled with a bubtained
interebt which carries the reader onward to
tbe lust page without weariness , aud leaves
a pleasant memory in its wake. Published
by G. W. Dillmchani. New York.
Tbe stones especially wortny of note in
Short Stories lor My ure "Artist Wuin-
wright , " a romanlic lala by Sianey Lusku ,
"Tbe Curutn'b Dream , " un urantunp stetch
by Alpbonse Dundet , "Dealh Cometh Soon
orLule , " u palheuc tale by Luke Sharp ,
"Tb s Puerto oe Medina , " a story of love utid
adventure by Maurice Kingsley. "A Horse
Tliief , " a romance in jail by Opie Rend.
"Tbal Church Picture , " an amusing incidonl
of clerical life by O'Monroy , uud "Tbe
Lifted Veil , " by Goorjre Eliot , Puulisbed
or ibe Currant Lileruluro Publishing com
pany , 52 and M Lutayotte Place , New Yorli.
Those w ho aamire Bret Hnrle's writings
will rejoice in tbe publication by Meisrb
Houcbton , Mifflm ii Co of Boston and Kew
York , of s collection of nine of his stones ,
under tbe tilleot "Colnnul Slurbottlc's Client
and Some Other People ' Bret Harte's popu
larity is so well established thai 11 is quile
unnecessary to go inio Details as to the
merits of ttie various stories , suffice it to say
j-hat they fully maintain Ibe writer's high
reputation uua 13 uugraphicully tbe book IK n
little gem. For bale by J. S. Cunlfield ,
Omubu , Neb
St. Nicholus for May is us usual full of in
teresting articles for the young folks , hund-
someJy illustralod. "Prehistoric Phntogru-
ptiy , " bv Tudor Jenks. "Tbe Conspirator * . "
oy Emma Sderwooa Cbebter. uud "Tne Ants
that Pushed on tbe Scv , " byCbarlesF Lum-
mib , arc perhaps tbe most entertaining ,
ibough Ihere is not a dull prose article in the
entire number Amouc tbe short piesus in
verse , "A Year With Dollv , " "AMortifving
Mistake , " "Laugh a LitUe Bit , " und "Three
Lillle Mice. " ureespeciully enlerluining. The
Ulublrauons are numeious und in ibe high
est btyle of Ihe modern engraver's urt.
"Soa Mew Abbey , " bv Florence Warden ,
while not n remarkably Mroup novel , is
nevertheless one that impercepllbly draws
Ihe reader on lo read il 10 the end alter
having fairlv waded into it Tbe characters
ure life like , tbe situations olevcrly deuiclud
und tbe luuguuge ubod is bolb graceful uud
correct. Il is u book Ibnl unj ui > o run rc-ud
wilb bolh profil and pleasure. Publisiied by
Uniled Slales Beak company , H2 lo IfiU
Worth Blreot , New York
"Children of the \Vorld , " by Paul fleyse ,
is an excellent novel of ibe modern Get mun
fcubonl. Il is full of love from ibe Jim chap
ter lo the close of Ibe baok Tbe plot ,
which is original in conception , is inosl
artistically wrought out , ana me character *
ure aelinedted wilh a fidelity lo nature
wbicli evinces ibe w ork of u inusler band.
Il is b thoroughly fubcinating ttory uua one
Ibsl cannel full to prove of bjiecaul lulerebl
lo feminine readers Published by Wor-
ihinptou company , 474 Broudwuy , New
A new IIluBlraleo edition of 'Peck' Bad
Boy aud Hu. Pu" bo * jusl been Usuea by
George W. Pock , il i * , Ihe publishers buy ,
Ihe lirtt complete edition published and com-
pribes two volumct. in one. Tbl * book bat
gUned such popularity among ull ciusbet thut
it i * allogelber unnecessary to enlarge upon
iu gmtt nierlis us u mirtb-produeer. suttee
it to say thai it bus been entirely rctet. und
with new plute * and new covers it make * u
very pretty book. Published by Merrill ,
Co. , Chiraga
We have received from Messrs. Ddd ,
Mead & Co of New York u bountiful illus
trated series of poem * entitled "Log Boon
Note * Through Life. " by Elizabeth > . Lil
lle. Il oonluin * twelve exquisitely urti lie
view * of ocean toBuery ticcompaniHd by u
BiacKweJ' ?
Bui ! Durban ?
Situated in the immediate section of countn that produces a prid
of tobacco , that in lexture , flavor and quality is not grown elsew h : * .
in tht- world , and being in position t" command the choice of all offs/ .
ings upon th ; . market , we spare no pains nor to give tiie trade
When in want of the best ; asl. for
Bull Durban ? .
Sold everywhere. None genuine without the
Trade Mark of the Bull on each package ,
0215. FOR
mativ charming lutip paims. oath bj s dif
ferrut author There is no worl. of a pwtic
uutuic that would inane Mr h a suitable nud
Handsome present to otic with a nautical
iieut than the unique boat uudrr noiico.
Cven the coor is u work of art
"Helen Yojug , " br Paul Linflun is a
[ irotty little story , translated from the Lmr-
inan. It is dedicated to bi highness Duke
Cruest 11 of Saxe-Cobuic-Gotha und is
above tbo average in plot , style utid charuc-
Ler delineation. . Published by Uatid , Mc-
Nally A. Co. , Chicago.
Av to Asplmlt I'HI I'lticnts.
OMAHA. May 5 To luo Editor of THC Br.c
Under Ihe utie "Ben-are of Cheap Pave
ments" you call atU'tilion to tbe IE.CI thai I
am a much Ion or hiaocr on 1 rluidad asphall
pavemotit than the Barber company and John
Graul , buljou cauuon the public to beware
ol me because our pn-vemeul if not lake as
phalt , und as Ihe lauer is the oniv suncoss-
lul pnvinp tnalertal in Europe and
Amenca , ours is mro to be a fail
ure and require perpetual repairs If what
you scy is Irne , thi-n Ibe pretter
portion of asphalt pavmp in Amer
ica laid by ihe Bwbrr company
is a lailure lor not unlil within a year or bo
nns that company pretended to lay under
nuy other specifications tnan Iboie which
we now preionl The Omahn specifications
of 1S32 ID ISSSi inclusive called lor Trinidad
Cfphtllum. no such word as luke aspuall
was miked aboul , and nellher Mr Grnnl nor
Mr Squires , if nut under oath , can uftrm
tbat Dourlas street pavfmont was other
lhan asphalt vt hich came Irom Trinidad
How came Ihe chanpe' Simw because in
ine bcrumble lor aspnallum interests other
p&rties pot stock nud partial control of Trini
dad asphallum Mr Barber and borne of bis
associates Ihen conceived Ibe idea tbal Iher
would pet control of the central section ol
tne asahalt bed uud bamboozle the public
with thp specious plea of eirlniive puntr
The lact is Ibe so-called lake is a small dp-
pressed area of KM acres or BO , aud adjninmr
this area is a much preaier area contaitanc
similar material which tbev now cc.ll "over
flow " The material from both tources is
shipped in a f-oha condition and rennet
chemically at Ibe works If lake asphalt is
better tbkn tbe other and ahsolutolv pure ,
Iben wbv is it sent 10 uuv rahnery' Simply
because all asph&ltum whereverlound , must
be cbemicaiu irt lea lo be avtuuble lor use
in psvine
Now whal is Ibe siluaUon in Omaha9
Nosr lhal tne bids are opened after a pub
lic invitation to us and ever ? one else to
come here in open competition w * are the
lowesl oiaden , on Ihe asphall pavinp by over
10 per cent on tbe asphalt , and Irom 70 to 100
per cent on tbe ruttenuc. Mr Grant's bid
on land asphalt was hirber lhan ours , und
hence we are not surprised lo dis
cover ibal land asphalt is a Iraua
Are bondsmen usually bamboo/led lo sipn
ten rear puaranlees lor bunecrabe'
Now in ull seriousness lei me Bay I am nol
here for buncombe 1 propose to erecl n
plant in Omaha nnd lurnish asphall pave
menl al living prices I propose'to lay stone
or brick cullers al from 70 to 100 per conl
less lhan Ibe oid monopolies nsk for ihe name
work. Do ihe people of Omaha wanl it an
nouncea ibal when they advertim lor bids
tbat u IB lor buncombe and tbal no outside
capital need appjy' Axnnrw , IAI''KS
- Muter M
It is Bind there are twenty-five rivers
on tbe plebe wbo- fc < eparatti length are
over one thousand miles Tne Miss
issippi , estimating from the Bource of its
irrcaUxit tributary , the Min-ouri , is
4,1100 miles in lengfih. The Amar.on ,
from source to moulb , ih 4,0-9 miles
lonp. The Yenesei Kianjj and Hoanu-
ho , lu Asia and the Kile in Afiica , are
between H.OdU and 4,00(1. ( Seven rhers
on tbe plone are between 2,000 and it.OttO
rotlefc long , and ten are between 1,000
und 2,000 mileb in length. II we in
clude the projit lalres and tributaries
with the St. Lttwercnce byttetn , jt
ocvers 715.000 huuaro milet. and ineludeB
Si,000 miles of water. "Whatever else
may fail , tbe water huppiy of the world
Sioems to be inexhuufatible.
Symptoms. - BiimuK atiiicks an nccoro-
Iianit-d by catiBtipanun , lm > < > ( iippi.-tUe ,
cull voiuiung uf bili- , und dtarrtiau *
The bilious condition is lee
often neglecied until it has
led to bilious fever , or some
other serious complaint. It is
easy to l.eep the liver and
biliary organs in thorough
working order b ) using Na
ture's own rt-med ) . It regulates-
* Putt
and Mimulates the liver and
bowels , purifies the blood , and
keeps the system in a perfectly
healthy condition Ask for
Indian Sagwa
11.00 b bottle. All drurgUu.
Kickapoo Indian Salve
limit kurct , ulcers , pile * . ccuu , _
Before the cause of con
sumption was known ( that
was only a few years ago )
we did not know how Scoit s
Emulsion of cod-liver oil did
so much good in consumption
and in the onditions that
lead to consumption.
The explanation is inter
esting. We send it free in
SCOTT & DowNtjClicmiiti , 131 South sth Avoitie ,
Krw YorL.
Your dnicci" Lcc ) Scott's HmuUior. of cud-lircr
oil fell dru cifitt rvmywhere do. ( i.
I Morning
Night !
Good all the time. It removes ,
the languor of morning , sustains -
[ tains the energies of noon , lulls !
-weariness of night.
Hire 'Root ]
Beer !
' delicious , sparkling , cppetizing.
Don't lie deceived if a dealer Tor ttie s
i f larger profit , tells you fcome other land
a "just a * pond' ti * false No mmation |
is a * good ni the genuine Hn u
Wonderful Brtnniali
Itemed } , it wild wilb &
Written Guarantee
to cure ull Iseivous Inc
rascfi fiuulj oprat
Mcinu-j * IJBSR uf llnila
3'owtr I'c uti&ct e ,
V , n.hcluliicsR.Lo Hlun
filtudc , all dmtnn and
Iocs of jtoirfir t > ( tit *
clllicr trx ciiusfd 1 > ] T
u cr fir tlun inntlifiil indiscrplinm < tlif ric iiiv
3K nrluljuctD ( iiium o BtiiiiulunU , vliiri tilunmli-lj-
lend it lnlifinli.1 uimuuiption und lii uinit ] m IIP
Iti cuDvi'inenl fiirui li cam in tin * * ! ptirkpt 1'ticp
f > k ini'Lnrr oi I fur f w itu CIPM f mil wi click
written cunrnntoe to cure or refund the
money , win l' > inn. H nit * urttirww < irrulai irtr
in jilitni mireliijH Miutinu tlil ] mHi AuSrees
ft'AD.tID OtlLUlDM. CO < lflitc fui t S A.
SSBlleullmni Stnct t'HK AGO ILL.
Unhr ft ( u Cti r IStb i turnout , SIB
t A Vnllcrtd , ( or Uth A Iiut-CUt Btt.
I'aul S rihuitir Cuunt.ll mutt * la
MEMT.a BpBoldutor Ur < t rlx liutmeii , I'll ! Knu
i'l-uitrntluii cuuiua \ at
rKlctitHnudacui : Nerroui cuuiuaij
roljul ortolikcwVuLuf ulnon Muntnl iiDpreiilua.
huttfinlnir of the liruiu ciuilnr luinnltr mlmrf
dttc&r de&tu Hrum&ture Ulfl Aira llurrdBnett J QH
iill'uwiT In tiUliumui. Imiiutimcj l uoarrtiuai ual
nil Female Wuitnumm. Invuluutirr I.UXBI. p r-
mft torrtiontitcitUBBj lif ovur-uxarUuti or the liram
hHlf > atiu"c uvtir-lntluipHnoB A muniti trRtttnmnt
f 1 , t tut IS , t > ; ratUYt > UunrnnKie HIZ lmx i t >
cure , tuob order furi > liuiot wuhl > wtu naal rnt
Uii iunrautw lo refund it xiul pural Ou&rantae
liiuuaimlr IT A. grkrotitr. DrtiEirlnt. KU ! ucuutt . "
1C tor Illtb nnd ruruuin KU Uiuuhu Kuti
llewuri uf Itiiltutluui
rr < iii ul > . lor Dtbtrii t stn-fl luijiruiKim lit
MiUUlCl dlOb tllUrkltd I'HIII'ISlLlt , fill Hell t
t'lruut liiiiib\uiiiiut Hoiidtili tit rcc'i tua
uti to 1 o'clock IHKIII ciT the " "tn duy < if Muj
1HH2 Jo i tlif jiurcli-ihp of Mr iM la
} iro\ciucnt Hoiirtt , ufc ( olUi h ;
Jihtrift ; Ci . t ii 0
; t l . .fxi o
ct : iT4 . i.r u oj
a's . i imomi
inn . KI.UIUIM
District 41 u.riii tin
tinili-r charter : itm PI of tnt troji > liiin >
ILni ; ! ; lild lnut.1 bliUf iirl ii uuO iinioutil
I or und lin-ludo ut rual icturtioi 10
date of dril icij HI Oniuiiu ' > un
The iJ.iu to ivjuct uuy .aid an lud ifc n
-rvi-d 1JI.MJV II'JLLN '
MTdlbtin. < J.J Tr
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& SL Paul R'y , as represented
on this mao.
s,0uclTr 2M °
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains - leave
Omaha daily at 6:20 p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a , m.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha ,
F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent.
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. AgenU