Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 OMAHA DAILY BKK : TUESDAY , MAY 'J , 1802.
Chief Dinges and His Men Entitled to
Their Places on the Force ,
font Olnrrvnl tlin I'ntnl Culvert
nt thn Tnilii Approached ill n High
JCiitu of Sppcil Cnpllnl City
Now * Notes.
LINCOLN , Neb. , May 2.-Spcclal [ to Tun
llui.J The police muddlotook another as
pect this nttcrnoon. Shortly nftor fl o'clock
0 nil go Tlbbetts gave an oral opinion on the
aso In which F. H. Klmbal ) , n taxpayer ,
pplled to the court for a temporary Injunc
tion to restrain O. 1' . Dlnces ana the mem
bers of the pollco force tomovod by the
excise board two weeks ago from interfering
with Louis Otto nnd the now men appointed
by the board. Judge Tlbbotts hold that
Ximball was not on Interested party and
could not thcroforo maintain his action. In
sustaining the demurrer lilod by the do-
lenuants Judge Tlbpetts stated that ho hold
that Dinges and bis men were entitled to bo
placed back In the position they occupied before
fore the suit was commenced ; but ho was
not prepared to suggest any means by which
Otto nnd his men could bo ejected. Attor
ney Adams , who appeared for Mayor Weir
nnd the defense , stated nt the close of the
judge's remarks that ho would suggest n
remedy In the form of a motion to bo illod
tomorrow morning"
' VlrllniB of Vcstcrd.iy'n Wreck.
The remains of II. P. Shrlnor , the Uncling-
ton fireman killed In the wreck near Crete yes
terday morning , linvo lain at Roberts it Pal
mer's undertaking rooms in this city today
nnJ have boon viowoil by many pcoplo who
liad known him in life. Iln head was un
injured , but his arms , legs and body wcro
terribly mangled. Hhrlner was 25 years old
'und well esteemed among his associates. Ho
was n member In peed standing of the
.Ancient Order of United Workmen and has
, n brother at Nebraska City , llii mother nnd
'two ' slstcri llvo nt Cleveland , O. , whllo
another sister resides In Colorado. His fun
eral will tttko place at , the undertaking
Irooms nt : 'M tomorrow morning nnd the re
mains taken to Plattsmouth for interment.
Ono of the tramps killed In the wreck has
| bcen Idontillcd by parties In this city ns Fred
, IuKor. His Tamil ) lives at Morris , III. , and
llmvo been notillcd.
r Kuril's Story.
Oeorpo It. Ford , tbo engineer of ho
"wrecked train , lives In the Weber block nt
Vhc corner of Fourteenth nnd P streets in
! thls city. Ills right hand is badly inlurcd
nnd ills fnco and head considerably bruised
nnd cut. Ho stated today that as his engine
opproachcd thn fatal culvert they wcro run
ning down grade nt a speed of from thirty to
thirty-live miles an hour. Fireman Shrinor
was blitlui ; on the seat on his side ol the cab ,
nnd , as they approached the culvert , re
marked , "That's a blc nody of water down
there. It looks dangerous. " \ \ ith that ho
crohsod to thu gangway on the right side of
the engine , and WHS looking ahead when the
fatal crash came. Ford says ho don't remem
ber how he got out of the cab himself , but
thinks ho jumped or was thrown from the
cab window , ns ho was sitting down looking
out. of the window when Iho ougluo went
Tuo Important Decisions.
County Superintendent Franklyn of York
county today addressed it letter to State
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Goudy , in which ho propounded the follow
ing queries :
" 1. A lives in district No. 1 , but sends his
child to school In district No. 2. it being so
much nearer , lioth districts furnish Iruo
text books. Can A compel the board of dis
trict No , 1 to furnish all books nud supplies
ncccssarv I
' U. What , if any , nro the privileges ot
teachers under term or yearly contracts , in
rccnrdto legal holidnvsC *
Superintendent ( Joudy answered ns
follows : " 1. In his opinion tliu district
board is not required , under tha statutes , to
furnish books and supplier to children of
the district while sucli children are attend
ing school outsldn the district. In such
cases , unless ttiu district in which the child
is attending school is willing to furnish the
supplies , the parent must furnish them him-
" . So far as the school is concerned ,
there seems to bo no legal holidays. The
word 'holiday' as used in tho'statutes
Bccms to apply in matters of business , such
os the presentation of notes and the
maturity of commercial paper , etc. "
. ( ioislpnt th Sit ( : House.
The State Hoard of Public Lands and
Buildings has been in session all day , audit-
Inn regular monthly accounts.
J. 11. Nowcll of Kimball was at tbo state
bouse this afternoon.
The case of Samuel N. Bell ngalnstAugust
F. Hosche , the Poppleton Park Building us-
Bociatlcn and E. Bosche , from Douglas
county , was Illod with the clerk of the supreme
premo court this afternoon. Another Doug
las county case was W. P. Vaughan , et al. ,
ngalnst Cora H. Slocumb , ot ul.
Thurston county aJdod a case to the
tupremo court docket today , entitled James
AVhltcomb ngalnst John D. Atkinson.
Lincoln in llrioT.
The several lodges roprosontlne the order
of Knights of Pythias In Lincoln have re
ceived a proposition from n resident member
of the order who proposes to erect for their
usn a magi'itlccnt llvo story temple.
The llro department was called out at 9
o'clock this morning by a small blazu In a
Bleeping room over ilrownlorn's hall on Elev
enth street , between M and L , The damage
was It'considcrabln.
A force of 10U men Is employed on the now
normal college building. Oilier largu brick
nnd stouo blocks , aggregating in cost f-IOO.OOO ,
liuvo been commenced In Lincoln this spring.
Nflbrnsldk A
IlASTixa.i , Nob. , May 2. ( Special to Tin :
Uii : ; . ] Saturday the luiloonilont ] ) county
convention was bold hero In the court house.
Jn several of the speeches the statement was
made and dwelt upon that the farmers ol
AunniB county were continually getting
deeper In debt. Today , ns required bv law ,
Koglstorof Ucods U.V. . tt'llbon mailo up
the statement of real estate mortgage tilings
mid roleaalngs for the preceding month ,
During April tboro were thirty farm mort-
lluul ' . ' . ' , ' ; ) und
pages , aggregating S''l.b1 , llflv-
oven Mitlsllcd , amounting lo f.17,4i7 ! , an ex
cess of twonty-sovon release * , of JtGOI. ! ! Ql
thcsn Jllings fl'.OOO were in purl payment ol
purchase money , so the tilings appear larger
than they really aro. Of city mortgages
tuoro wcro Illed fourteen , $ yb73 , and ro >
Ipaicd .twenty-nine , $17'J ' I. For the lasl
jiir.e months tuls has been about the average ,
UI.NEVA : , Nob. , May 2. ( Special to Tin :
HF.E.J Following is tlio mortgage Indobl.
r.oss of Fillmore county for April ;
Heal estate mortgages illod , 40 ,
118,874.10 ; city mortgages iCd ) | , si ,
f 11,011 ll ! ; chattel mortgages illod. 165
tiull.Vl.4U : ; real estate mortgages released
70 , fiVV-UH.55 ; city mortgages released , ill ,
I15iyob0 ! ; chattel mortgages released , 191
(10,131 ; actual decreased Inuobtncss
fJOlKlil ! Part of the mortgages were foi
the purchase price of laud. To show thai
the farmers are not bankrupt , In January
they borrowed on cattle security ever J.VJ ,
000 and it has boon less every month , while
now It is only ftO,05i,4i ; : ! .
IJKivmn , Nob. , May -Special [ to Tin
IlKr.J-Total nuiiiborof farmmorigapes tllei
in llHRO county during the month of April
JM , lifty-six , amount JM1.00I ; roloasoi
eighty-two , atnounl f'J4,10S ; tlty mortgage ]
filed forty-four , amount f 2tSl , ; release :
forty-six , amount i-'i 'J'.i. '
< M y County lnili > | M > iilrntK.
CI.AY CK.NTKII , Nub. , May 2 , [ Special t (
Vur. llnn.J The Clay county Indopondeu
county convention was held huro Saturday
with a good attendance , thoug'i not so larg
as on former occasions. A full tot of delegates
gates was appointed to attend the state con
vontlon , amoiiK tbo number being Speake
Kldcr and Kepresentative McKoynoids , j
virong resolution wai adopted cndorsluj
Coiigressinan McICoigtmn.
I Hllli'd ut Lexington.
Hriuxonii.i : > , Noh. , May 2. [ .Special Tola
gram to Tin : UEE. ] W. S. Layton , a brake
man on the Chicago , Hock Island & Parlfl
caud train , wUilo twUvblui ; at ibo Mls&our
'aclflo crossing south of town this morning
nccldontnlly foil from his train nnd was in-
Rtantl.T killed , ono car patting over his bead
ind shoulders. Coroner Mills Impanelled a
ury which brought In n verdict In accordance
vlth the above facts. Layton was a married
man , ,15 yrars old and lived In council Bluffs
with his wife and three small children. The
body was taken to the Blurts this afternoon.
atom : sxow AND IIAIN.
Comttdrrnhlo Storm llninngo llcportcil
Throughout the Stntr ,
Font Itotuxsox , Nob. , May 2. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Bnri. ] Itatn fell until noon
oday when It turned to snow , continuing all
ho afternoon , Th i ground is covered with
the lloccv mantle tonight.
Biinmrc , NOD. , May 2. [ Special Tele-
cram to Tin : BEI : . ] The larso county brl'lpo
across the Blue river at Caldwcll , llvn miles
lorthwcst of this city , wont out this after-
loon by reason of the high water. The lituo
s now higher at this point than for several
years. It Is about ut a standstill this evening ,
mvlng ri < cn four Inches since noon.
Honoru from all sections of the country
coining In today Indicate the damaging re
sult of Saturday night's deluge. A largo
lumbcrof horses nnd cattle were drowned
n the aggregate along Indian , Bear and
Wolfe creeks. The daniago to wheat Is con
siderable and bridges nro washed out in nil
quarters of the county.
An unknown man drove off the bridge oyor
ionr Creek , east of this cltv , this morning
vllu a liorso nnd buggy. Ho succeeded in
rescuing his daughter , who accompanied
ilm , but the horse and buggy were swept
down the swollen stream and lost.
Aunciix , Nob. , Mny 2. [ Special Telegram
oTun Bnn. ] The llttlo Nomnha river Is
low out of its banks und Hooding the bot-
nins. The river at this point is n mlla and n
mlf wide nnd the water is still rising. It is
ilghcr now than ( or eight years.
Bi.fu SiMiiNii : ) , Nob. , May 'J. [ Special to
Pun Unn.l During the storm of Saturday
light the schoolhouse hero was struck by
Ightnlng. It did not , however , do much
damage. But llttlo rain fell hero n tlto
storm passed north and wust. Yesterday n
uroutcnt Hood of muddy water. * poured
down the Blue river and smaller streams ,
carrying out part of the dam at Ilolraesvlllo
and Injuring the dam hero to sotuo extent ;
ust how much cannot bo told yot. The
valor is rapidly fallinir. The rise was about
iight feet and occurred wilhlu about twenty
jours. - . - , -
siaciiii : OK A KIII.IY : PATIENT.
% V , Krntliy of Walinn Throxv * Himself In
I'rnnt oT Train at llhilr.
Bi.uu , Nob. , May 2. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Bni.J Frank V. Kratky , real estate
dealer from Wnhoo , who has been taking
treatment nt the iCccloy Institute hero since
April II , committed suicldo this morning by
throwing himself In front of the Black Hills
msseuger No. .1 , going west , nt 9:40 o'clock.
Two men saw Kratky run about 100 foot nnd
.brow himself In front of the oncino. Ho
was crushed beyond recognition. His head
was almost savored from his body , ono arm
and ono foot were tnken off and ho was other
wise badly rutup. By papers in his pockets his
Jmititv was established. Ho were a gold
watch , which was not damaeuJ. Ho had
.old several Kcoloy men that ho would kill
ilmsolfat the first opportunity nnd had
tried to buy a revolver. Ho was atout 40
years olii.
The body was taken to the undertaker's ,
.vhero . It was taken charge of by Coroner
[ 'iorco. An inquest will bo hold tomorrow
ntlr : > J p. in. , when the railroad employes
will bo back that were on the train.
Judge Ball of Wnhoo , who brought Kratky
lore , savs " Kratky was in debt from fS,000 to
Nohrasku Court NotrH.
BIUTUICI : , Nob. , Mny 2. [ Special Tele-
; ram to Tun Bcu.J District court roiiimntt
; oday in adjourned session with Judge
Qabcock on the bench. The adjoarned term
will bo n short one , not longer than two
weeks , as tbo regular summer term begins
Juno ( J.
O'i\Ei.i , , Neb. , May 2. ( Special Tele-
cram to Tan Bci.j : Judge Bartlow this
morning went to Butte , Boyd counlv , where
tie will convene court tomorrow. The most
important criminal cliso on the Boyd county
docket Is the trial of ( JoorgcV. . Wilkinson
for the murder of Captain Dodge at Dodge's
ferry last winter. The case will bo opened
Not Guilty of Murder.
GntNn I > .i.\xi > , Neb. , Muy 2. [ Special to
Tun Brn.J The charge of murder has been
lifted from the shoulders of tbo Steinbeck
brothers , formers residing iuMerrickcounty.
About six months age a woman in tlio insane
nsylutn related to the Stelnbouks made utter-
ings to the effect that under a certain tree on
the Steinbeck farm the remains of Oustav
Hageuer would bo found. Hagencr was an
employe of the Steinbccks and suddenly dis
appeared. It was related thut the Stoinbucks
murdered the man for his money. The case
never came before the courts , however. It
in now shown by a lettyr received by the
father in Duff , Nob. , that Hagenur is alive
and well in Colorado.
Chnrccil with u Ti-rrlhtc Crime.
NioiiitAiu , Nob. , May 2. | Special to Tun
Br.i : . ] William Townsend , n well-to-do
farmer living near here , was arrested Satur
day evcninc on a warrant sworn out by
Hollis S. Kimball charging him with seduc
ing his own daughter. Judge Chamber * re
leased him on $ ! 00 personal bail for his
appearance Wednesday for hearing.
Clulins Oniiilia n Ills Itrslilimcr.
BEATHICK , Nob. , May 2. ( Special Telegram
gram to Tin : Bui : . ] A sneakthiof Riving
the name of Belles was nrrcstca this evening
in the act of purloining a quantity of val
uable clothing from Wheolock's clothing
store. Ho claims to hall from Omaha.
L'lrc ut rler.
BEATIIICB , Nob. , May 2. [ Special Telegram
gram to Tin : Bicl : The residence of J. F.
Steclo , at Twnlfth and Ella streets , was
badly damaged by flro this afternoon. The
flames caught from the kitchen range. The
loss w ll reach j'-'iOO , fully injured.
WHEIM.VO WATKII , fsoh. , Oct. 23 , ' 93. Dr.
Moore : My Dear Sir 1 have Just bought
the third bottlu of your Tree of l lfo. It U
indeed a "Tree of Life. " Doctor , when you
BO kindly gave mo that first bottle my right
Mda was so lame and sere and my liver en
larged so much that I could not llo upon my
right side at all. Tliero was a soronos * ovc'r
my kidneys nil of the time , but now that
trouble is all ever , I sloop Just as well on
ono side as on tlio otbor. nnd my Mcap rests
and refreshes mo , and I fool the host 1'va felt
In fifteen years , and I know that it U nil duo
to your True of Llfo. Yours very truly ,
D. F. Dui.LKir. .
For sale by all drugRlsts.
Paint your buildings with strictly
pure "Old Dutch Proco&s" white lend.
' ' " " " " "
'Hod Soul , "Collier , "Southorn ,
huvo stood tlio test of yours. Specify ono
of these brands and bo snro you got it.
Country .MrrrliiuiU
Who nro cash buyorn should not full to
take mlvantngo of the IIollinairH admin
istrator's sale to secure fcoino womlorful
bargains for their full trado. Aridro&s
13th und Farnuin , Omaha.
A disonso , troatoil as such anil perma
nently cured. No publicity. No inllrni-
ary. Homo treatment , lltirmlosd ami
otloctiml. Itofor by permission to IJur-
Huston IlawUoyo. Somlo stump for
pamphlet. ShuUoquon Chemical Co. ,
JJurlin ton , la.
With the Votera of Douglas County Lies
the Into of the Now Bridge.
On Mny 31 Uio 1'eoplo Will Decide AVIiotliur
or Jiiit It Hlmll Ho Accepted Con
tract llctucun tliu Company
mid Commissioners.
At Inst , and nftor wooki of deliberation ,
the county commissioners have decided to
lot the voters of Douplas county any by their
bnllots whether or not they want the Ne
braska Central railway and Its bridge across
tlio river at tto foot of Casa street.
Tills decision was reached last night , \vnen
the county commissioners and the ofllclnts. of
tlio Nebraska Central hold their llnal session
ntid agreed upon the terms of tlio contract.
The election will bo hold on May 1)1 ) and the
expenses will bo boroo by the railway com
pany. To lnsuro these expenses a cash de
posit ot W.OOO Is made nnd a bond for 5,001) ) ,
on which thu railway company agrees to pay
any uxcoas above $5,000.
Synoptl * of the Contract.
The following Is a synopsis of the con
tract :
The Nebraska Central affrcjs to build a
double track , stool rald'.vuy bridge across the
river nt the point before mentioned and nlso
a doilblo track railroad from the west approach
preach of the bridge through the city to a
connection with tlio tracks of the Union
Stock Yards and Kalhvuy company at South
Omaha , and also to project n lluo of railway
from tbo west approach of the bridge In a
wostcnily direction from n point on the main
line , north of Pacllio street to n point on the
L.lttlo 1'aupio In section 25 , township 15 , nttiRO
13 ] and rdso to construct a line of railway
from a junction with the main line ncnr the
Intersection of Fourteenth and Izard , strcptSj
qorthorly to Oraco street. For doing this
Douglas county will doimto to the Nebraska
Central $500,000 ol its \ \ $ pel1 cent bonds
dated July 1 , IS'J.2 ' , duo and naynblo twenty
years from date and drawing mtorost , pay
able smm-nnfaually , from .fftuuary 1 , fsOl.
The bonds , If voted , nro to bo executed and
roclsterod on July 1 , IS'JJ , and delivered to
thu First National bank of Omaha , to bo hold
In trust for delivery to the Nebraska Cen
tral , Its successors or assigns , in lustallmeuts
ns follows : Ono-half when the brldgn and
Its approaches nro completed and the remain
ing one-half on thu completion of the railway
lines , all muturca coupons to bo. removed
before delivery by the trustee , who slmll
deliver the bonds after the county commis
sioners , by resolution , shall declare that the
bonds have been earned by the railway com
Will ItcBln Work Within u Year.
The Nebraska Central ngroos to begin
work within ono year from May 1 , ISOii , and
push It to such nn extent that the sum of
$500OOJ shall bo expended In thn actual con
struction of the brutgo and railway within
nine months from the duto of tlio commnnco-
ment of work. This cxnondlturo is not to
Include the cost of the right-of-way. Work
shall not cease for a period of exceeding
ninnty days bofoio the sum of not less than
$ , ' ,000,000 has been expended. All ot the
work on. both the brldgo nud railway shall bo
completed wlthiu three years from July 1 ,
In case these conditions nro not complied
\ylth ( unless delay is directly caused by in
junctions or other Judicial uroceodings , or by
unavoidable accident or act of Providence )
tlio company shall not receive the bonds , out
all rlgut to them shall bo forfeited.
In consideration of receiving the subsidies
the NcbrusKa Central agrees to allow all rail
way comuanios the light to run then-loco
motives , passenger uud freight cars over the
bridge , its unproaches and over the tracks
and main lines ; and it also agrees to allow
each and every railroad desiring to ontijr the
city of Omahii , ever its tracks , the right to
use s.ueu portions of its terminal grounds ,
depots and facilities us may bo necessary and
proper lor the conductinc of the business of
sucli roads. It also agrees to switch and de
liver upon all of its switch tracks the cars
of all railway companies , and nlso
that all railway companies shall have
Iho right to connect their lines nt any point
within 100 miles of the city of Omaha with
any line or road which the Nebraska Cen
tral , its successors or assigns may con
struct , or cause to bo constructed east of the
Missouri riviir , and to run their locomotives ,
passenger and freight trains over the main
and passing tracks into the city of Omaha.
These roads will also bo allowed to connect
with any of the Nebraska Central lines con
structed , or to ho constructed in Douglas
county and within lOi ) miles , either or
west , of the Missouri river , and to cross the
same for the purpose of entrance to nnd
egress from the city of Omahu , provided that
tbo use nnd enjoyment of such rights by other
railways shall bo upon Just nnd equal terms
and the payment of just and fair compensa
tion to the Nebraska Central and subject to
such operating rules nnd regulations of the
Nebraska Central as shall bo necessary ,
proper , Just and reasonable.
YVIIt Arbllr.Uo AH nilrorcnccs.
In caies of dispute between the Nebraska
Central and any other railway company with
respect to the use , terms , operating rules or
regulations , such disputes shall bo submitted
to and determined by arbitrators , who shall
bo three of the judges of the district court ,
embracing the county of Douglas.
Tbo plan of arbitration is HUe this : The
ocrgrioved party shall servo notice upon the
opposite party , setting out the matter in dis
pute. The time of hearing shall not bo loss
than thirty days from that dato. Aflor ser
vice the opposlto party shall have twenty
days in which to answer. The dpcismn of u
majority of tbe board shall control and the
determination shall bo final and conulusivo
upon the parties , in alt matters .submitted.
In regard to freight rates the Nebraska
Central agrees to transport all trolght ever
its urldgo and approaches , ns well as ever
the 100 miles of railway which it constructs in
Nebraska at just nnd reasonable ratos.
In case of UifToronco as to what constitutes
Just and reasonable rates , the board of
county commissioners or the railway com
pany may submit the sumo to arbitration.
The paragraph respecting freight rates ,
however , does not become operative until
llvo years from thu date of thu delivery of
the last Installment of county bonds.
, The Nebraska Central nlso agrees that the
bonds shall not bo delivered unless it onlora
into an undertaking that Its principal depot ,
its olllues and principal machine
shops shall bo located Dnd maintained within
tlio corporate limits of the city of Omaha.
Any violation of the terms of the undartak-
Uiir will render thn bonds void and lay the
read , its successor ! and assirns , Indebted tu
the county of Douglas in the full amount of
the bonds and the intorust thereon ,
The p'oposltion of the Nebraska Central
is to be recorded in the ollico of the register
of deeds of Douglas county , and for n period
of twenty years it shall bo referred to by
pugo and book In all deeds of trust or mort
gages , with tbo statement that the Nebraska
Central , its successors and assigns , are
bound by the terms of the proposition.
If the bonds are voted the railroad com
pany shall within forty-live days llio with
thu county clerk its written ratitlcation and
acceptance * under its corporate soul , or else
none of tlio bonds will bo Issued ,
Upon the voting of the boiidyhorolnbuforo
mentioned the Nebraska Central surrenders
nil rights to receive the 250,000 voted December -
comber a , ISbU.
Mr. Berlin stated that the report and the
agreement were tbo outgrowth of the worn
of the cominiitoo of the whola. Ho moved
its adoption. This was seconded by Mr.
Van Camp.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Are Yoii'iHi , Stranger ?
OXVOKN I imtT.s i
produces foMcr
ondiln rnrt In
tiiftkn you
"POUNDVlait1' "PKN.NV rooMSU"
S 1KB'
1KB'sium WHICH 8HIK'
\Air is the base ,
We add rich mag
netic Oxygen , You
breath the whole ,
The effects are as-
tonlshingdelght- !
ful and nest OT all ,
permanent , Atliome
"Oxygen Ihk" and Inlialalhns Free
Cull on , or wrlto
TiiosrKcincoxv ixco. : ,
Sulto MO blioolr IliiUillnc. cor iJtli ntul llownnl
ttreuts. Onmlm , Ncbrnskn
A Written Ounrantoo
to Cure Kvory Oaso or
Money HofundoJ.
Ourcuio Is pcttuitncnt unit not a pntolil u up. O'cs
lrc tcJ CTcnynr nKolmvenoTcr tctn n symptom
tlnco. Ilyilps. rlblnisca'o fullT wocan trj l you by
mull , and wo Klvo the pnme tronu Kiiarnntoa to euro
or refund nil money. Thoie nlio | > rofcr to coma hero
Jorlrcatmcntrnn do fonu.l wo wlllpiy rnllroaJ fnr3
Imlh vnyi anil hotel bllli whllo hero , If wo fnlltoctira
We clmllcnaottio norld tarn r&93 tint our Mtxjlo
llomcdy will not euro , wrlto for pitrtlculaM an J get
llicevldcnco. In our aevon years prnctloo with tlio
MnElcllcmoly U tins been most difficult to orcrcomo
the prejudice * ncnlnst imcnllnl peoinn. Hut un Icr
ourMroiiK ( uirnnleo HioinaiiJ' TO trying It nnd ho
InRcurcd. Wouiinrnnteo to euro or refund every
dollnr.and nswo Imvo n ropuln'lon toproioct , nlao
financial bncMtiK ofSMJO.OWIt Is pcrfccttr s fo to nil
who will Iry Iho treatment , Hcroloforo you Imvo
puttlnEtip nnd pnylngout your money for illfforcnt
Ircntnienti.nndaUhouKli you nro not yet curd no
onchas pnlilbacX your Monoy. Wo will positively
tureyou , old , chronic , deep spate 1 cms curcllnS )
loU aarJ , InvijUlii'e our IliTnncInT sVnnllnf , our
reputation nsbusTiitTs mori. Wrlto > U for nnmos nn t
ndilrotsos of thoso""o Imvo enrol who Imvo glren
pernil f Ion to refer to thoni. It cb < t you only post-
SOloiJo Ihls. Jf your symptoms nro fore throat ,
mucous patches In mouth , rlicumiitlsai In bones nnJ
joints , hnlr falllnic out , eruptions on nny pirt of tha
bodyfcolluicof Kenornl depression , pains In healer
bonc . You Imvono tlnioto wn to. Tnojo who nro
con'tnntly tnklnn mcreury nnd potash , stiouVI dli-
continuolt. Oonstnnt U'oof these drius will xurcly
bring sores nnd cntlnz tilcarsln the en I. Don't fall to
write. All correspondence sent senle.l In plnln en
velope.Vo Inv tu Ilioino't rlitl I Investlvntloj and
nllldunll Inourpowcrto uU you In It. Address ,
COOK REMEDY CO. . - OnmhnNob _
800O fora case ot Lo T or
HOOP , or Nmvotn DHII'I.TV. woak-
ncssof Uody orinliitt , tlio olFootsof erroriorox-
ccssosin olilor youni ; tliatwouaiinotr > iiro. Wo
niiiranlcoovury casa or rotund ovnry doll ir.
Klvc days trial troatincnt I , full coiirso w.1 ? .
1'orcoptlblo bcnellis rotllzoil tu tliroo days.
lly mail , eoourely jucku I from obs-rvatlon ,
MARIP i'ivr.i : : Ri : < ! tTr.\Toit. si ,
HIHUIU Curtain to a d.iy or inonuy rcfiiniloit
Hy mall JJ. Soouroly soiilol from obgorva
ton. ! COOK JtEJltHlUC < - ' / > . . Onialri. Neb
JIt.r.C. ! WK3T-3 NIIKVi : A.N'I ) IIHA1N
MKMT.i spa-liltfor llydtarU DlzimoJi , Klti , Nua-
ritlgln , lleadicho , Nervous 1'roitr.ttion caused by ut-
lOliul ortobtpcoVaUufulnoii. , . Muntil Doproisloi
Boftonln ? of tlio Drain ! cvialnr. Iniinlty , mlsor/ .
deciydoi'.li , I'miuuraOld A'iu , ll.irrannuii , l.on
ofl'owor In elthnrior. linpotonoy , 1,3 leorrhooinnl
nllKumilu Woilcnejioi , Involuntary I.OKCI , Sujr-
aia torrhooate.iusuil by ovcr-oxortlonof the brain
Buf-ibun'1oyBr-lnJiilKOnc3. ! ! A niunth't traat'iiont
ll.lifor ( > , by mill.V'o Umr.uUjD alt botai t )
euro. Kao'iorjjr for 1 liooi , wlthJi will sai I ivrlt-
ten ituaranteo to r fnad It nofi cjrjl. ( tutrintau
Issuodonlr by A. Hfhrotor , lriliKljt > ole uyunts 5.
U..cor. lljth unit Karniuii its , Omnliu Nob.
Hanaro of Imitations.
Anew nnl Complete Trcntmoit , conelstlnK of
Bupposltorlos , Ointment In Cn | > sulOi , nlso In llox
undl'llls ; n Positive Curj for Hu.-rilal , Intarnil
blind or UleoJIn KoUInChroalo , Itocanc or
heioditary I'llm. This llamody ll u nav-if b33i
known to ( .ill. fl per Int. J for $ > ; aunt b/ milt ,
Why suffer from tili urrlblo ills jnvii 311 i writ
ten B > Is puiltlvoly ulvju with ti ; ) ) tjior
refundthl monuy If not curJl. Bjnl nti up tor
Irco St-uplo. lianrmfjj Is-itu 1 by Ku'i i \ do , .
Ms , Solo AiOJU , conillitli ilnJ DjuiUi
. Oniilii Nuti
) 1 Cent ( 4 )1 Cent {
Worth of rare , valuable information sent
to tiny address
This wealth of knowledge , this golden
treasure uf helps to health is continued In
a new , ably written and handsomely illus
which has just been issued for the benefit
of sull'urini , ' humanity , by those eminently
Buci'csstul and popular physicians and
8urgeonstho8oUNUbOl , ] < 'Sl > iieiAUSTS ,
Drs. Betts & Betts
With the ald'&f ' thlsvaluahlo nnil inter-
work , oiltltlbd "Know Thyself , " its
renders are enaplod to adopt the best , safest
and surest method * for tll ( ) preservation ot
their health : or , ill case they are allllotcd ,
they are fully informed as to the natiiro
anil sj miitoms of every disease. ' 1 hey can
at once decide what particular foun o
1'rlvatc Disease
Nervous , Chronic or
their malady lias assumed , whether it ho
a'jy/i/mis , Oonorr/io / i , ( iteet , Stricture ,
UlHlraccle , Karicoccie. 1'Ucs , lllotid or
.SMu Dlntdsts , I.tver , KMncv or Urlnurv
thousand ills of a
Trouble , or any of the
kimlred nature. . . .
K\erv man and every womnn should
road this book , which to the nfllli'ted is
wortli its weight in Kohl , and bent to any
address for KOL'H Cl-JXTto.
Call upon or address
Drs. Betts & Bette ,
10 South Uth St. , N. I-I Corner Hth
and Douglas Sts.
Omaha ,
looking Backward" over the past At $2,75
four months
and comparing them with corresponding for boys from 4 to 14 yenrs old ,
months in have iimclo or very hnndsome nil wool
previous years , we every
fnncycnssimorca. Thoconta liavo
reason to feel gratified at the marked in five corded plniu downcnch sldo
crease in business in every department of bnclc. in front nn.l eleven down the
our vast establishment. Nothing seems to
check the growth of ' ' Tji g Nebraska. ' ' At $3.90
Even with the days so cold that we still JUKIQB , SUITS ,
hear the mournful sound of the "Patti"
for boys up to ten yonrs old.
coal wagon on it's "positively last farewell These suits nro mnde of very flno
tour ; " with beds of ice where you'd look nil detachable wool cnsslmeres and , with oont ,
vest , knee pants ,
for pansy blossoms ; rain , shine , snow or the ontira suit being heavily
mud ; it's all the same our business grows braided.
with the days. Of all our numerous de At $3.90
partments not one has quite kept pace
with the ' 'boys' room. " Truly the growth
for boys from 4 to 14 years old-
here has been something phenomenal. These suits are ns toney gar
ments ns were ever mnde. They
nre mnde in light nnd medium
shades of fine nil wool cnssl-
meres. They cnn bo had in
LOOKING FORWARD to still plain , mixtures or plaids. They
cnn be had in nil the new shapes.
. . _ , _ _ , , greater
j m i. 111-- | m Tlr > alt g a rai * iaMM mm im
They nre mnclc with flnt plnits
activity more business in this department box backs corded plnlis rnlspd
as the days grow warmer , we have made senms or felled senms. The cents
nre nil mnde with four patch
extensive of several hundred
purchases pockets nnd the pants hnvo
Boys' Suits in very fine goods , in junior , three pockets not ono too many
for n boy.
knee pant and long pant Suits which we
place on sale to-day For the first time. At $7.5O
These suits a re gotten up in very handsome LONG- PANT SUITS ,
shapes , many of them being productions ( Cent , Vest nnd Pntit. )
by leading designers in April and are much for boys from 14 to I9yenrsold.
Clioico ol t\vo sty les nn elegnnt
handsomer styles than the earlier ones. A
nil wool fancy cnssimero , ot' an
better class of clothing for boys was never nil \vool black cheviot. Those
suits vvculd just laurjh ut a ten
offered at special sale. dollar bill in most stores.
"A Corner on Boys' Clothing * Our Corner Window.
' .J
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
DR. J. E , Me SHEW ,
Wrlto for o.rculars.
N. 11 O or. llth auJ Rirn-1 u = t , , Omiha.
Tlili IsthoJobct Tilelit Iloadstor which soils
ntl25.ii. ( ( Ue will soil them for sixty days at
fli.\K ( ) . It bus „ ' Ini'b euslilon llrcs.U full ball ,
bourlujiand nil dionforslriKs. Pont I' O.I ) .
on icculpl of * l . Won'sosuU ' tbo Columbia
llaitfoid und Victor. t'atalo.Mio free.
Removed to 1514 DOUGLAS St.
Is the purest , richest , smoothest and most
wholesome whiskey produced in America.
It is distilled from Rye a grain , containing
more nutrition than any other , vastly
superior to corn ( from which Bourbon
whislcics arc distilled. ) You may know il
by its exquisite flavor and the proprietary
bottle in which it is served. For sale at
all first-class drinking places and drug
stores Call for " Cream J'tm Jtye" and
take no other.
6 DALLKMAND & CO. , Chicago
ORDINANCE NO. : i02.'l.
An ordliiniK'o dci'larliiR the condition of cor-
tilii : lols and lands In Ihu city of Uiiinlia to
lid a nuisance , und direct In ; , ' thn tumid of
pillule1oiUs to UiliO tlio necessary hlopi to
almtu the s uiic and lopoi I to tlio city conn *
ell thu expi'ii'.c' llioieof.
Ho It oidnliiud by tlio city council of the city
of Omuhu ;
Hccliini 1. Tlio pirsont cnndllloti of the fo'-
lovv.n-j lots and Iuin1s Is lictuhy duulaieil tu uo
u nuNiuici ! by loabcin of UK : uxlstoiicu of
naiit water upon tliu h.inmor liaulis of uurtli
cuvlnx over ailjaeuiit sldnwalUs :
I.oth.l aniN liloi'K : is\vui'/y'a udultluu.
Lot 17 Kern's "ml addition
l.otilill ; S AS > I'atilok's addition
l.ol 4 lilU S do
lol < i l > l It ! ) do
Lot 7 111 is : i 'lo
Lot n lilK : i ( InLet
Lot 1 lilU l ! do
Lota lill , ' , ' do
l.otll tills - do
1.014 Nil ; ( lo
l.ot.Millili do
l.oKlblk do
l.ol 7 tills a do
l.ol 7 1)1 ) Ml do
l.ol MilUtl do
l.otlllilkU ( lo
l.ol Willlio'i addition
lotl ! hll , 4 lloacsA Hill's addition
Lot jn i : JO ft ofV SID ft llai llutt't , addition
l.otll ) iiiW : flofV.IJ ) ft ( o
l.dl I Keyes'dh lots ) Capitol uddl I.artli
1-ot'j Jljj VcovuiliiK
l'otr , do do J blilu'.Viillc.
I.nt Milk ? : 8 clly
l.ol I lill. 7 Urahu'i ) nddltloii
l.ol 'J lilli 7 ( lo
Lot .Mills 7 do
l.ol 4 lnl > 7 do
l.ol abll < 7 do
Lot 0 blk T do
l.ol 10 IIIk.1 : ( Id
Lot U blk a do
l.ol HliIs'J ! do
Jni7liliE'J ( Id
J.oKiblls'J (0
Iot 1,1 lills 'J do
lot 14 lill. a ( li
intiaiiika < o
l.olllbll > : i ( Jo
Lot.i blk : i do
Lot 4 1)1 Is : t no
i.t r > i > ic ; i do
l.otOblU.t ( Id
Lot VII In Uavriijiort'ssuU
l.ol b llnsi'.ill A : Ito/urs' stlbof UllbiOTDT.M of
h i : HogoM * pint of OUaliuiiiu
l.otll ( ills b lluuilioino tiddllluii
l.oMIJllib do
Ioi' " > bll ( l'"i do
l.nt o blU 7 lii.iovuiutint At oolatloi | add
l.utTbll. 7 do
lut 1 lilU 19 do
Lot b blk HI do
Lot .1 blK I.I do
l.otlbikll do
Lot M tills 17 KuunUo'6 .V Hulli'i ailUlUoa
Lot 1U lill. 17 do
I.olliblk 17 do
LotHJ bll. 17 do
l.of.'l l.ll . , 17 do
LuU'l Ijlk 17 do
Lot t'i ! lill , 17 do
Lot'Ji nils t Koiint7 ( > 't > : ird addition
Lot "a bits 17 Kotint/u & Kuth'i udiHo" ! !
Lot 11) ) blk 17 do
Lot 111 bll , 4 f.uKi ) Vluw
Lot 14 bll , 4 do
LolGbllc ( I I.owo's uddlllon.
Lot f > blk b Marih'b addition
Lot W blk B do
Lot. , bll. 0 ( lo
S'J lot'.OblkO do
Lot U lIU tl Marili'u ad Jltlou
N'S ' lot Oil.1,0 . Mnrsh's addition
Lot' ) bll , 7 Mniimoiitli I'.nlc
l.ol in blk 7 do
Lot II bll , 7 do
l.ol U blk 7 do
Lot 111 bll ; 7 do
Lot II bll ; 7 do
Lot 15 blk 7 do
Lot 10 111 Is 7 do
Lot 17 bll , 7 do
Lot IS blk 7 dd
Lot I' ' ) blk 7 do
Lot , 20 bll , 7 do
Lot U Olsabnnm
Lot : i do
h ' lot II blk 5 Park I'laco
\V 'HotJblk f ! do
Lot M bile'JO I'opu'oton ' 1'ixrk
Lot 2 blk 1(1 ( do
Lot ! l bll , ID do
Lot 4 blk 10 do
Lot II bll , in do
Lot 10 blk 10 do
Lot 11 bll , 10 do
Lot 5 I'arinontcr I'laco
Loin do
Lot 7 do
Lot 7 Krilick'i * Crovo
Lots do
Lot 41 lllclsnrv I'laco
Liitli'l ' Hcdlck's'Jnd nddlllon
Lot I bll , r.subdlv.i | Itodlrk'q addition
Lot - ' b Is . 'i hub dlv ,1 I Kpilli'ls'ri addition
Lot 1,1 lill. It .Slilnn'b L'nd aiUUIon
Lot M lill. K do
Lot : iblls SSliull's addition
Lot S bll , I Suuo/y'i addition
Lot'.Hills ' 4 do
Lot I Terr , en addition , earth covorlns
Lot 7 blk 12 Walnut 11111
Lots blk II ! do
Lot Ublk 12 do
Lot lObik 12 do
Lnt h bin II do
I ot II bll , II do
Lot in bll , II do
Lot 21 blk 10 Walnut Hill
Lot 22 blk 10 do
Lot II bll , II do
Lot 12 111 I , II deLe
Lo ! ii : bl I , 11 do
Lot II blk II do
Lot'J.'l blk II do
LotHI blk h do
Lot 12 blk ! ) do
Lot llllilk'.l ' do
Lot 1 tills < i dd
l.ol-'bile II do
Lot 2J III 1,0 do
Lot 2.1 bll , ( ! do
Lot VI bll , ( i do
Lot 2J hll , I do
T.ix lot Hi see 2I-ii. : | ; !
Tbat put of Ha'o street north of
Hticct as vac'ilcd.
Section 2. Tbo board of puhik' works li
hijicby dlioclcd to take Iho nucossary Hlips to .
oaiisoHald ntiNaiiro to bo abalod. anil for that
jmrnoso It Hball be tbo duty of HID cliiilriniiii
of ( bo boaid of public woiLs to sorvc notice In
writing upon ( bo ovMicr. oci'tiiruil oraunnt of
any lot 01 iilivo of land In or iinon wblcli liny
of hald nuisances inav In found. ' 11m bourn
sbail Ms a date unoii wblcb all InK-Ti'Sltiil iinr
tics may appear licforn tbo lloaid and bo
hoard ru.'ar tlnx said nnlsanciM. Tbo notlcu
shall bo In foini IIH fii'lou * :
'Olllco of tbo lend ! of 1'ubllr Woiks of tbo
( 'lly of Omaha.
To .
Von aid In liny imlllli'd Unit Ilm fuMnnini ;
dcsi'ilbcd jirciiilM'H to \\lt : . . .
tbn elly authorities and the o\i > enM > thnifof
In > led ui > 11 hpn 'InI tux [ ma lust tlio ptopoity on
which said iiulsMiic'o exists.
Thn lloanl of I'nblle Win lev will bo In fcos.
Millionth ! ' . . duvof ItiU'
belwoon the houis of and . .at wblcb
llinu un oppoitunny wlllhogivun jou to bo
hcaid In ii'Kard losald nnls.inco.
IMiud this .day of I6 ' . ' .
Chnlriiuin of tbo hoard ( if I'libllu Works uf ibo
City of Oiniibit. " , - <
Hald notice shall I in served bv any pollen nr-
nccrof the citv and Iho mrvlcn klnill bo by
dollvci In--u copy of the nollco to Ibe iiwiini.
ocoupiint or iiuont personally or by li > ulng
UNO nt bib usual pluee uf iosidoii''c ' m any
t line before llvo iluys pnivlniiH to tin1 day sot
for hunrlns intuii-hlcd p.trtluv , piuvidod ,
whunovcr llii > ti\\iiir ( , oet'iipunl or nvontuf tbo
lot or p'eco of land In m upon wbbib any of
said nn s.ini'cx niav be found Is oiiKi.own r
cannot lo fniind. Ibo s ilil ( di.ilriuan hball k'l1'
nulled to Ibo ( inner or a 'nut by can lni : tu lie
published In tbe 'illk-lnl piH ! > l of Die city u
copv of Ibe nnllee , licuiln pnnblud f'ii. fur
flvuVniihcciitmi ilays ; llio lust of Mild ; pub I-
riitlons hi Inal IO.IHI IUo d.iyt. pic ou < i tu
tlii > day sot for bo.irlnn Inluiesiud piiri ( *
If Ihuuwiirr. oi'cupiiut or ai. iil t > lnil | ne/-
Icct in icfiiko in eonuilv ullb Ibo r"iiilio |
inontbiif fcald iiollco ulibln ibo 11" " "peflllod
Ibcioln. Itsbiill bu Ibo duty of Iho bond..f
public wuiltH lo i.rovucd at oncii iiponlboox-
plratlon thertof lo uaimo tlio nii'sanco ' to bo
"s'cc'liiJii ' ! ! . Th it tbo tinaid of public works Is
bt'roliv dlre > 'tel lo report to tint oily Ciniti' II
upon tbu eiiiiiplotloii of Ibu wotl < Ibo cost and
u\pon > o of .ibillir ' Ibu nald nulK-incn upmi
oacb i-otiui atu lot and tract of land before ' -
rJoction 4 This ordlnanrn slrill ti
and be In fon'is from ami after Its pas
' * April m.i . . . . .
Oily Clerk
P. 1' IAVI ) ,
I'rriilduut t.'lly Uouncll.
. .
Mayor ,