TIIK OMAHA DAILY HUE : 'IVKSIUY , MAY 3 , 1802. Till * fllPPI'l I Tll'P lltllM VO IIlL SPkClLAlNh MARKE1S Light Deliveries of Wheat Was a Fcatnro of Yesterday's ' Trading. JULY SUFFERED THE MOST REDUCTION llnrly Strength \Vn Attributed to the lie- lieirtnl SiMinItnln SlloriinVhlcli It Wiu ThmlKlil Would Trml to Dclny I'tirm W irk . III. , May a With rcmnrkaljlv llqht deliveries of wheat llicro wain loai ( if fro n lo to lUc In prince today. Compared with Saturday's close , corn tonlu'ht Is up UP. outs nro off U ? . pork nnil ribs show n 24o ! ad- vaiico nnil Inrd n fie decline , \\holc- Milc unloading by Leopold Illooin. who was n 1 uyoi Saturday . was clilclly ti > spoiislblo for the Mump In wheat , Thu market led off lit about the lowest prices toiichnil. Thu opening liail been ralliorstron ? mid prices were about U" lilahcr for M.iy anil from ' * o lo So lilRhcr fi'r.luly t.liun the cloilni llz'-ires of Haturdnv. 1ml tlio tonn Imiiieillatoly weakened mid prices declined from l o to Po : .Inly sti ( Tor- ing the lartfcst reduction , held steady anil llio rioslnz was about lUs lower for M-iy and lo lower for July than Hiiltirday's closing The early slrotiKlh was attributed to the reported Hjvora riilnstiirnis. which It was thought Would luml to delay farm work. but the offer- iiiitM IniTi'iitcil till nil ol o was lost slpht of I'ho deliveries of wheat wern small , as bad lioi'ii antlclpilcd. amounting to about 151,000 liu. rnratlmo thuro was some tincortnlnty nhoiittlio visible Htipply.but the flguri'B ( liuilly licmtud showed adrcroasn In wheat of l.LMI.UOfl 1 n. , a decrease In corn of I.M.O'J'i ' bu. anil an ItiTO'iso In oats of DtO.GOP bu. Tins Rave u llrmer totio to the market for a moment. A fold wave was reported In tlm extreme north- vest , Pardrldco wan a good Heller on the MronK oneiiinn , but covered voraciously on the break , Nimn ill.stiutviies from the Dako- mssald Hint much of the seeding had alteady lieon acconip.l.sliod , the Rronnd In lliiucondl- tlmi and tlint with warmer or seasonable weather development would bo unusually rapid. cudahv wiia credited with unloading some wheat on the decline. The amount closed out for Illooin was said to bo 1,01)0.000 ) bu. Mghl rains were reported over the west and heavy in thin vicinity , which , together with the state reports , making thn corn benson lutu In most Kuctlons , had the cITei'tof hardening values , i' pee hilly July , which wns In good request nnil relatively firmer than May. A giod deal nf I'linnzlng took place , soiling the May i < nd I he July at from l'io to l\c premium lor the former , liellverlns on May contracts were moderate , as pec-ted , probably 2. > ' , OUii liu. Koliia nroiiiid. 'I ho visible decrease of JiSXCO : ( bu. wim baldly as much i.s generally I'litlclpaU'd. The market opened fiom ViC to tc better tl.an the closing prices on Saturday IIIKI sold up ! ie , reacted > ic , rallied ? c , receded - coded from ! 4c to ? c , changed some mid closed exactly at the opening price. The lib eral estimated receipts for tomorrow , with tlm weakness 'n wheat , were the bearish fac- loison the wind-ill ) . Oats advanced 'ic carly.but later weakened mid prices receded ? , o and tlio maikot closed eafcy at about tlio Inside. Thu unfavorable ciop prospect reports were the strengthening ( actors , but tlio decline In wlical and Increase. of ftin.ODO bu. In the visible supply caused weakness and lower prices. The deliveries of provisions were ntioulDO- C03 bills , of pork , 10.003 tlercos of lard and p.OOO.OM Ibs. of ribs. There was little trading. but much changing ovnr May to July. Tubs were llrm on some I living by packers. I'rclghts were alow but laliu rates remained steady ut ! ! > 4c for wheat anil 2c for corn. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , Hi ) ears ; corn , O.'i cars ; oats , ; ; ? 0 cars ; hogs , 1.000 head. The loading futures rnngud as follows : CLOSE. i BO I HWK HITS BOW fclj * W > ton ; 4WliTli SUM > ) ij4 ! atiKtiH i > y ' - 59K 8U ! bH J7M4Z8 28 0 I2i ! ( 0,15 937 II f5 U 66 9 67 3 6 10 C 10 6 M } , SCO 6 f.Tti 6 72 Cash quotations were as follows : Ki.otiit Steady , unchanged : winter pat- rntc , $ l.2Xj ( < ; 4.40 ; wintnr htralghts , K.gj'tf.uj ! fcprinir patents , $ I.U1.40 ; 8irlng ] fctralglits WIIUAT Nominal ; No. 2 spring , 80e ; No. U t prlii ) . ' , MVilb'c. < 'OIIN Steady ; No. 2 , 40Jc. ! OATS Xo. 2. 2 ' 5c : No. a wtilte , 3iJi@'Jlc ; No. ; i white , L1i > 4-ffi.i4c. ( ) ! Uvi : No. 2 , Tu'.ie. llAiu.r.v No. 2. COc : No. 3 , t . o. b. , 48GCOc ; No. 4 , f. o. b. . 41'ffllSe. ' TIMOTIIV SRK.II I'rlme. fl.29iil.i4. : WIIISKV Dlstillors1 ilnishoil goods , per gal. , SUHAIIS llnchiinccd ; cut loaf , .MJjJic ; gran- ulntcd , 4i'e ; standard "A , " 4ic. ! Uccelptband shipments today were as fol- lous : On the Produce exchange today the butter inarKOt was quiet ; fancy creamery , 202lc : line western , IMMinjo ; ordinary , 15t317c : Duo dairies. Iba''Oc. I ggs. IS'JfflUo. Oniahii I'roilncu 'Mai-kct. IHTTTKU-ttood roll , l ® ICc : packing stock , i'oui/mv Dressed cliicUens , H(3l2c ( : alive r llcorJ4.r,0.OOperdo/eu. ) ' IlilihS. KTC'-NO. 1 green hides. 3c : No. 1 prceu salted hhlts. 4'4 < S.4'ii' ; No. 2 green salted hides , , .tt.lKc ; No. 1 green baited hides , 2. ' > toja Jhs. , 4U 4ie ! ; No. 2 green hides , 25 to 10 Ibs. . B4i3'4c ; No. 1 vonl calf , 8 to I. . Ibs. . fie ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 to IS Ibs. , 4o : No. 1 dry Hint hides. To : No. 2 dry Illnt hides , 'ic ; No. 1 dry salted lililfx , MCCe : purl cured 'ic PIT pound ICHS than fnllv cuicd. Sheep poltt tlrcuii salted , each H'lcSitl. ' . ' . ' ! ; gretsn Baited Hlioiirlluis ( short jvoolodoarly Rkltis ) , ouoh , ISU2-o ; dry stioar- llngH ( short wooled early skins ) . No. I , each , iMtldo ; dry Bliearllngu ( snoit wooled early jklns ) . No. 2 , each , 'ic ; dry flint Kansas nnil Nebraska butcher wool polls , per Ib. . actual weight , 10U14ic ! : dry Illnt Kausasniiil Nebras ka Murrain wool pelts , pcrlb. , actual wolglit. KCI'.o ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool noils per Ih. . actual weight. 10 il''io ! ; dry Hint Colorado rado Murrain wool pi'lts , jiorlb. , nctual weight , MOIOc ; dry pieces and bucks actual wolglit. viilU 1 allow nnd urcaboTallow , No. I. b id ! . l i tallow , No. 2 , aa-i.c | ; crease , while A. 44S l'4o ; uroas > L . white II , ai < ai4'e : ; grease , yellow , Ic ; grease , dark'lc ; old nutter , 2'ic ' : beeswax jirlmo , HWJ4u : roiiiih tallow , I'.Cit.'i' . I-IIDITS I'lilirornln lllvorxldo orancos , f.t.00 : Unix lots. J2.M | Washliiglon uavals , * I..V1 : choice apples , W.i-0'LM - ; eliolco lemons , fL7.Vffi : ( .t'O ' : fancy liimons , } l.f,0 ; bununim.crutcd.t..Oi jW.Mscranl i-rrlos. Hhlpplng stock , bbl. , J7.M ) ; Jilorula tomatoesll.wj pcrcratoof six baskets : pliieapplcH , 1'iiMta.w per do/ \ tfdUTAlit.KS-tiefd sweet potatoes , 12.25 ; California oabhago , 24o porlb. In crates ; homo j row n lettuce , 4Uo per do/ ; onions , OJeitil.lS per bu. ; Nebraska hand picked bonus , H.H.Vj [ > I. 0 : iiit'dlum. f l.MCBI.n : ) ; Colorado und western NabriiiikH potatoes. ; t5 ® < 'e ; native potatoes , I' iOc ; lima bean , lo per III , ; water crocs , 21- qt , cases. 12o ! per qt. ; Bplnnch. $ : | lKVai.2.'i : per bbl , ; radUhus , 40c ; riitabagns. JI/iMiiLftO per bill. ! pieplant , Sc per Ib. ; parsley , a' . < ft4Jo ; now L'nllfotiila potatoes , ao pur Ib. ; cucumbers , ' , . „ . . , v. . , : , . . , fram 18Ko | o ,3o , < New York Alitrhrt * . M w VOIIK , Jlay 2. I'LOUlt-Uecoluts. S.\- KK ) uKcs.i i-xuorlH. 150 bhls. and ll.OOJ SUCKS ; market ( inlet ; salei , 24,000 Libia. OOUH MKAI Qlllct. \ViKAT-Hocolnt [ . 202,000 bu.j oxnorts , 205.- MO bii.t sales , 11,151,000 bu. of futures. 102.000 Uu. siiot. 8uot , unsuttlfd , moderately nctlvo mid easy ; In store nnd oluvator. luii.eu-e : l oat.mhttW'iOf. o. b. : iinernnotl rod. W'itJ ' WHoi No , I norllierii. W > o4Mi.Wii ; No. 2 north- ft" , W .fiiW.'iCi No , 2 UiluHiso , IWf.ttUlo : No. 2 Mlhvauker , * ? < a.S e , Outlous uliowt-d lario BwltchitiK business. Tno ouciiinx \vnH HttSe up on llpht deliveries vresl lid hum , larKo elearltiKa mill dPiTOHsed vlsi- olu. declined ( tlo ou IOIIR aellltiK through more favorable erop weather , opening of the rnniil , lower prlvutu cables and larKo India ( lilpinnntH ; closed weak ut l.'Ui'ie under Batur- iluy. Na 2 rod. .May.W'iOOlc. closlns at UlUo : June , Wti&Vitie , closlni ; atwyci July fciiin DOc , closniL-utW.'io ; Ancust , bO'.jUUOC. ' clon ing at 8'Jio ' ) : t-etitomlicr , Hi'ia.wo ' : October , 020 : May. im. OSH ! Klic. closlmr at M ic. KTE Dull , lowers western , W4t8'cj saloi P.O.Obu. ut8Ic. blocks of craln In itoro and afloat April 33 : Wheat , 1.524,000 bu.i corn , 459.000 ; outs , b'j'.oou ' ; rye , lllOi.O : malt , 118,00barley ) : , 00,000 ; puas , 1,001) ) . JUiti.KV MALT Quiet UOHN Kci'olptB. 1UW > 0 bu , ; exports. 70,000 Ini , ; inli'B. XUOuJ bu. of future * ; 13S.003 bu. of iiiot. r-potstrnnir , fair business : No. 2 , WHO In elavntorMio : ! nlloat ; iingr.tded mlxcil , 4711 tt-Uic ) : No. a 45iftlG { o ; Bteuiner lulled , 47iiJ ! , 40u Option * uoro iiilet | hut bpuriiwly offered snil uiliinccd ! itti" ! " i nhscni'U ut contract Uullrur.es. May , UVC c , oloilct it.Vv ; June. < , i % JK , tp , ilr lnifi 4ci.Iulr. r > Cl ( > < mi4 , Autflist , 4i > ' llj .c. closlllS 41. iC. OATS llFiPiptu , 16.1.1 ui bit ; cxportn. f > oii.ooO | lu i mlcs , Ti'.OTO lii ) of futures nnil ll.Vouobu. ( f spot , Hpot inodpr.itc.y nc-tlvc. easier. Option" t.ctive , onlrr ; Mny , : : i'i5M3 ' 1I-16C. clo-ilncai'ic ' : .In no ; ) ' * ' 3 II-HV , rlo tnJ ICPtei iV'A.iiUCialu ltiiriKiVi Nw. white , May c ; spot No. S , white W.fe : tnlxcd western 3lftr > ! < .c ; whlto'.Tcstorn. Mllstuc. llAY--ririn. nulot ; chipping , 83c : coed to choicp , KVatl.OO. llni > .4 Stendj' , dull. DSirnAli-llnw , moderately active , firm ; sale. " . ( ii.oniimm contrlfueaKtio tent , : il-lGo : ruoliis- scs u pnr , W test , 21 c , niri a car ? " tnmoovado at llainpton llo.tdi to Philadelphia , 2 ic : re- flnod. steady , quiet , Mot.As is : rotelgn , dull ; Now Orleans , steady , nu'et. ' KICK rlrin. ( inlet , J'BTiioi.i'.fM .Steady , fjuiot ; united closed at -tc for June. COTTCINSKKII Oil , Qlllot. TAM.OW < jttlot : stendy. Kosis-Qinet , Bieady , Timi-nxTlNi : Hill ! , steady. KodS I'nlr dnniand , liriner : western , IGc ; re- coltits , J.r.O. ) pkas. llllis ) : Stondy. quint , I'OHK ynicl. stn.idv ; old tness. J0.03QO.M ) : new nicss. # IO.i ® ll 00 : extra prune , tl'Uid ' fur MIIATS More active , llrnipr : pickled bol- ll < " > . jaw : iininR , Jlu.O (310.50 ( : middles Inactive ; short rlb , ti'.jH. I < AIII > Iiowor. ( lull : Western stoatn , closed at ? ,1.4 : > ; sale * . : ( W tlerci'-i. ! , ) .4rK 0.47'ij city , IXIWi oiillon salc < < . niiiie : May. 10.1' . ' bid , llfTTCii Modoratn demand , easyt wpstern , daily , l2'i5iHi' ' : western creamery , ICGW-'e ; Western factory , llWJ'Si' . ( ; nii-ir. : : IJonil deinand : part altltn . .Tiffine. I'm Iito.v stividy : Aniorli'an. Jll.7. > iil0.2.\ Coi-rai-yulot ; lako. t I.S5 bid , J12.00 I.KAII Klrtn ; domestic. ! l.K7 Tl.N-Sto.idy ; str.ilts. $2).Coa'i0.7J. St. l.ollli .MillKrts. 81. Louis. Mo. . Mnv 2. KI.OHU Dull and weak : family. KUXWiltOi choice. * .2 > xai.Bi : ; fancy. $ .l.lVSt.7.i ( : : extra fancy , Jl.05a4.15 : pat ent' . J4..T > Tol.4\ WHEAT Advanced Uo early , the ( Inclined nnd after Iriltlnz for a short time , hrokiMualii and closed from So to 'it1 below Saturday : No. 2 red cash. Ml'ic : M.iy COIM | at b.'l'io ' ; June , Sic : July. TS'jej August , 7Sic. roiix Qulot and firm anil closed about ns Saturday : eush. ilT'ti' ! .Mnv 37'ioi ( July. M > ic. OATS I'lrni ; No. 2 cash , 20)40 ) : Slay , 2uc : July. 27' to. Hvn-Ditll : No. 3iolil at Me. llAllt.EV No market. llltAN Illltlivr at tuaWic. itAti-\Voak : , ollered at tl.OT'.t ' ; spelter , steady atl.t > ' > . KI.AX SKKI : Klrtn at OSHc. lltjTTiMi-haslor : creaniery. ISQSIc ; dairy , IXWc. ICdos Stondv at ll' c. CdltN MKAl.-ltlKhur at S2.00. WIIISKV Steady nt fl.Il. llAtini.Nfi-l'nchansnd at fi'sffiSc. liios COTTON Tuts Unchanged : Jl.ivijl.25. I'li'ivisioNS Dull : pork. $ IO.I2i ! < iM0.2. > . IiAliti } O.UfCfor hutchcrs' lots. Ditv HALT MIATSI.oo o nnd .shoulders , ? 4.fiO : lens and cribs , iVTO ; shorts , fj. lloxcd lots 15c more. HACON Shoulders , t. > .2j ; lon s and cribs , JC.if. : : shorts , NJ..W. Sun.Mt cuitKii HAMS ! D.oc < aio.ro. llcccirTS riour. 7,000 Ibs. : wheat , 20,000 bu. : corn. lOII.ODO bu.i oats , 73,00. ) bu. ; rye , 4.U09 bu. : barley. 4/0) ) . SlIII'.MUNTS Flour , 4.000 Ibs , : wlie.it , 8.000 bu. ; corn , 8,000 bu. ; oats , 0,000 bu.i rye. none ; barley , none. HIUIHIIS City Markets. KANSAS UITV. Mo. , May 2. WHEAT Steady to lower : No. 2 hard , 77c : No. 2 rod , 7iHfcOc. ) Cons Very llrm ; No. 2r3d , Me ; No. 2 white , 37c. 37c.OAT OAT -Weak ; No. 2 mixed , 2S29c ! ; No. 2 white. 2ll'4c. ' RECEIPTS Wheat , 10,000 bu. : corn , 8,030 bu , ; oats. none. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 10,033 bu. : corn. 14,000 bu. ; oats , 7,00 J bu. Liverpool .Miru'H. ! I.tvEiipoor. . May 2. WIIUAT Quiet ; holders offer moderately. lied western sprlnir. 7s2'idiJ ( 7s M percent : No. 2 red western , -HiKiTs 3d. 3d.COUN Steady , demand fair. Tuui'BNTlNU I'lrm , 20cGd per cwt. STOCK ) ! ' 1IIIBAII8TMFM I'lOlir , ItU-O O Backs : wheat , 1,20 .103 centals ; corn , 3Go.OOO centals. NEW YOIIK. May 2. Options opened steady , unchanged tn 15 points down , closed barely steady lu to 20 polntR down ; salt's , lA.flOJ ba s , Including' May , gr.MftIMS.20 ; June , Sll.80ail.ST > : July. J11.7. > : August. $ ll.7. > ; September , $11.70 ftll.Sj ; October , iil.70 ; Oeceinbor , I1I.7J. Spot Klo , dull , lower ; No. 2 , $ l2.7."i ; nominal. New York Visible Supply. NEW YOIIK , May 2. The visible supply of drain on hand to date Is stated to bo as fol lows : Wheat , 37.0U.OCO bu , : corn , 0,037,001 bu. ; oats. 3.021,0001)11. ; rye , 813,000 bu. ; barley , 53S- 030 bu. _ Traders Talk. CIIICAOO , III. . May 2. Konnctt , Hopkins & ( Jo. to y. A. MeWhortor : I'ardrldco nnd the crowd have been Ruuiilnt ; all day for a line of Ions wheat hold by a prominent , local trader anil they Rot It. Outside of the cables which show no strength the news has boon bullish. The larco decrease In the visible supply , heavy clearances. larjo eiiKaKements for ex port , relative btrensth of the May option and prospects of continued wet and backward weather are features , the longs having been shaken. The market Is likely to do better to morrow. There has been an Increasing do- mana for July corn and the market has Eliown asood deal of firmness. The weather favors the Ions sldo as li Is unfavorable ) for planting and shlppln ; . Oats are dull nnd show no disposition to move , but ought to KathcrsoinostieiiJth from hail weather. In provlslans there was little doing except chanirlni ; over from May lo late months. The Increasing receipts of ho s nhow larger stocks and lower prleot , . CitiUAiio. 111. , May 2. Coiinsolman Day to I'ockrell llros. : The wheat market to day was Inllueiiced by liquidation on account of holders having expected too much anil being als ippiilnted. Tno weather was cold In the northwest and wet In central localities. hut not a howling \vlntcrday anywhere. The visiblu dcciL'iisi ! . 1,213.0'JO.bubhcls had been an- tlclp.itcd of Minneapolis. I.ess than 173,000 LmsuhoU of wheat were lecclved at all points and Atlantic clearances of wlieat and Hour were 800.000 bushels , with 4l2OaO of new business reported. This wns more than on"s > ot by the apprehension that the expected largo shipments from India would bring doptes > .ed cables from Knglaud and tliocoiitlncnt tomor row. Thus thu market olrtscil In the dumps. Corn was In peed demand for consiimptloii nnd futures llrmcr , closing at ' 40 advance. OatH were quiet , cash demand good , futures dull and stonily. Provisions were irregular , pork firm hut Inactive , packers free buyers for May. Iitird was weak , deliveries frco and the market 7'xie lower. July ribs barely steady but May strong and 5c Higher at the cioso. I'liiCAOO. III. , May S. K. G. Ixumi & Co. to Duncan , llolllngcr & Co : Wheat opened btrong. Muy Hold nt81 > nO. July ntHI'iu. The strength was caused principally by the light deliveries , onlv about lli'.ouo ' bu , being de livered. Thu decrease In the visible supply of 1,300 000 bit. , bad leporlsof scedltiK from Da kota and lUlit let-elptKOf winter wlieat IB all In favor of bettor prices but with all this the market closes weak. The den , ami for cash wheat ts very light , this with lliu selling of n big Hue of long July for account of Leopold llloom caiibod llio decline. The market has disappointed us and unless wo liavo larger shipments from this wo cannot see how pres ent prices can ho sustained. Compared with foreign values our wheat Is low. hiitthny don't appear to want It at about this price , or In fact at any price ; they make no bids for It. Corn has ruled llrm ilurlir : thu entire Boston , the rains through the wct and houthwust de laying planting , which hi already late. Oats were ( .toady. Provisions llrm : the liquida tion In May continues , packets are the best buyers of It. _ NIIW York Monny Market. NKW Yoitit. Muy 2. MONKV ox CAM , Knsy at I'itt' ' ' per cent ; last loan , li ! per cent ; closed oll'orcd ut. 14 ! per cent , I'liiMiiMeiirANTli.K 1'Al'Kit ; ! ® . " ! uoreont. STUitt.iNd ICxt'iiANni : Htouily at Jl.b7 for sixty day bills and fi.bS'j for demand. The closing auotatlons on bonds ; STOOICS ANI > HO.MIS. Alucnro of I.ondiin Orilera I.nit tlio Tradu New VOIIK. May 2.-Tho styck market today , lu the nbsenco of Ioiulon orders , owing to thu holiday thero. was quiet and llfoloti. movliu within narrow limits and the Industrials sup- ulyliig the only features of special notu. The market still presents the same profosslonal character atid the Interest In the trading la railroad stoeku Is confined to a very few stocks. Heading , Now Knelaiid nnd Atchlsou sllll rotalnoil thu leadership In point of ac tivity , and In Ihcse stocks , with Union Pacific , the only decided tendency of prices was to bo noted today , The Industrials , however , fur- ulvhcd the Important movements , luu the movements In thi'90 MmrcK vcio ty no inouna uniform , and whliu Sugur was thu only weak point , thu others were Inclined to show n utrting temper and Cotton oil preferred mtulo the only material advance diirlnz the dny. Among railroad btockti the grangers weio miner wt-ak. the ouunlnu ofUko competition ana the prulmblo lncroa o In craln bunt for ward hiivliuno klliniiliitlng Inllucnco uaaliist thu report ! of ralu cutllut ; , but luu cualur nnd the flo.ild toks were firm during most of the time , with no mntcrlnl movement in nnyof them. Pho advices that tlio ROVCMI * mcnt would proceed against the siiff.ir com bine In P.tliado phtn was used with crcnt effect azalnit the stocks of tlio company and n lo < n of 3 per rent followol. There was out nn undertone In all dividend pnylng slocks , nnd this helped to rnily the inark.-t In the late dealings when there wns atao coiisld- prablo covering of shorts so that the market closed niilct , but llrm , with the prcal majority of the list within sinnll fractions either up or down of the llnal Saturday. There was only one material decline , which was Sugar , with : i loss of 2"ii per cent , but Cotton Oil preferred wns up Pjjicr cent. Government bonds , nro dull , steady. The following are the clmln/ quotations for tlio loading stocks on the Now York Stoo < ex change today : e\.dlr. Tlio total saloa of stocks today worn 200.000 Rliiircs , liu'luaini ; : Alcliison , 14,1.00 : Krlc , t.OLO' ll tllu ll 1'aolilc proforrcd. 5.UCO ; Now 1:112- : liitiil , J5.WIO ! Uondln ; , M.0.10 ! St. Paul. f.OOU : Union 1'uolllc , MMi Western Union , 5,000. riimnclal KovKnr , Nnw YottK. MiiyS. The Po t snysi When the l.oiulon Stoi'l ; oxohnnzc Is open Its opcru- tlonq do nttlu nr iiotliliiK nowailays In this market. When London Is nkwil this innrUol Is ( loclarcil Inautlvo for lack of London business. This looks very much llko caccrncss to accupt excuses for In activity , but the npolosy pnss'd cur rent for today's dullness. Kloliinond Tor- inlnnis and Susnr curtlllcates supplied all that there was of novul Interest. Financial Xntus. KANSAS OmMo , , May 2.-CloarIiiRs. 11,841.031. Nnw YORK. May 2. Clearings , 583.977,220 : balances , ! ! 'S,4'2,1SU. HAI.TIMOHR. Mil. , May 2 , Uloarlnps , S'.SIT- 577 : balances , J4il,8'C. : ) ! Money. 0 per cent. CINCINNATI , O. . May 2. Monoy. 34l ! ) : Now _ Yorlc oxohange , COo premium ; clearings , JL'.SW.- I'llir.ADEM'ltlA. I'n. . May 2. Clearings. $12,703,719 : balances. $ . ! , ; J70GSI. Money , 3 per cent. LONDON. May a Tlio amount of bullion pone Into the Hunk of England on balance to-Jay , i'31,000. MnjiPliis , Tenn , , May 2. Now York ox- chaiiso sollinc at JI.5J : clearlnjs , f4 ) , :43 : balances. J''OU , 120. IIOSTON , MIM . . May 2.-ClearliiKs. 3I9.03T.I1A ; balances , $ ' . ' . : i24.27l. Money. 1'i ] ior cnnt. E.\- ehansoou Nuxv York , 1217o ! illscount per ST. I..OUIS. Mo. May 2. Clearings , $ I.S.i2,090i balances , J020.270. Money quiet and easy at V2 ( ! per cunu Kxchunire on Now York. UJc pieiiilum. New Oitt.BANS. ta. . May -Clearings , 31,082,000 : Now York uxcliiuiEO. coiiiineiclal. Jl.ri'iueril.tOJ premium ; bank , fl.M per Sl.OOO preinliini. OiiiOAno. 111. May 2. ( Jloarlncs , ? ID.7S2noo. Money weak at 45'5 per cent. Now York ex change O'isy , lOc promiuin. Storllni ; exchange dull ; sixty-day bills 3l.ST'4 ; demand. SLS8J5. lloitim Stock Alurkct , HOSTON. Mass. , May 2. The followln ? were the cloains prices on stocks ou the Bos ton slock market today : XIMV Vnrk Mining Oiiohltlons. NEW YniiK , May 2. The followln ; are tl.o closlnz mining stock quotations : Con. Cnl. A Va 'JTi Mexican 125 Kurcku I on I2 > Ophir 210 ( oiild A Curry 120 Savnso Hi ) Hale It Norcros' . . . . 110 Sierra Nevada 110 lloiucatalie IdOO Simulant 135 Horn Silver 30(1 ( LIVI : ST < HK ; .M IV'nckiit Uiiinlin Oponeil with a Light Jtun und Stcaily Triers. OMAHA , May 1. The week starts out with a very Unlit run of stock of all kinds , 83 ears and naturally prices neroashade firmer all around. Only 83 cars of cattle were received nnd these were almou all steers and pretty Rood as far as quality was concerned. Eastern markets were llrm. with modern to receipts , anilthosamu condition of affairs prevailed here. All uuyora wanted a few eattle and were willing to pay somewhat stronger prices for anything that suited them. Kvoryono Is looking for a very liberal run Tuesday , ind for that reason the advance waa not more marked. Trading , however , was nctlvo nnd It did not take over two hours to oloar the prns. ( Jood 1,20 ! ) to l,4J-lb. ! ) sterrt sold at from 1,73 toil.15 : fair to cool 1,0.0 to 1,200-11) . steers at f rom Mi50 to W.7."i and common light atuif at from H'.Ti to JJI..VI. Thuro were not half a dozen cars of rows am ) mixed stock In the yards. Kverythln chanced hands quickly at fullv steady prices. Inferior to choice cows helling at f loin $1.50 to $ 'l.u.i ; hulls , oxen and Slavs ut from ? l.7. > to $ .L7. > , Calves were firm on the basis of at from { ' . ' .On to J.'UW for common to prlmo veals , 'J ho Hiockcr and feeilor trade was IlKht. ov- lions-The run of ho8 WUH about the same ns lust Monday and the quality noi enough dllTcront to bo nollceabie. lln s uro now run- iiliis uroiind ttiJ poiindN , hlx pounds lighter than a month ago and twenty-three pounds ho tvior than a your luo. There was hardly enough hogs here to nmko H initiket , but everythltiT met wlthnroudy sale , ab nhlppura and fresh m : it mun had good buying orders , The matkol was rather uiiovcn but prices la the nrilu ruled a trlllo stronger than Uaturduy. The bust light and butchc-r weU'ht hoa sofd largely at JI/JU and the . 'ommoa grades , lo/ar.llecs of weight , ut M.3. llio raiuo was imnnw and theio was praelleiilly noHproad between good llglit nnd hcuvy ho,1 * . Tuu uuoral avuruKO of priut ; * paid wn ? f I S' ' t ftgalnql Jl,2l'i Siturilnr , nml M.J.I'J last MonilfiKcptisentntlvos'ilcsj } Nn Ar. Bh. ffi t No. Av. Sh. Pr. SH4 C40 ! 4 10 f.7 . .liu 20J J4 25 f.7W 1ST 4 15 W . ! KI7 ino 425 1113 80 . . 20S IRO 423 4 2l2 ! ( A . . 244 89 240 4J5 21 " . .S.6 4 27' ' < 20.1 4 10 10" . 20.i SO 427'i ' 20 4 M Kl . . 211 120 427'i ICO 4 US f > 7 . . .SS4 120 430 83 Kl . . .245 120 4 : s 81. . . 813 40 40 ! 2M IT. 64. . , .2. 4 too 4.-IO 240 4 23 67. . . .271 80 HO 4 23 CO . 223 121 430 160 4 23 ' 67. . 2.15 80 4 33 10) 4 2- > 01. . 270 SO ) 43n 120 4 Ot Kl . 21 ! ) 83 433 KM 423 3. . 270 430 ICO 4J3 rigs A f o notion. n I.V1 y i ) 7 411 160 300 12 313 ; | 25 ' 0 315 2SO 303 2 100 a t.1 3 210 3M ! 2 mi 80 373 1 310 3 ! > J 1 460 S3 : t73 3 24,1 40 400 3 170 80 360 Sitcei * Itconlpts were four double-dock1 ! , two of thorn hilled direct to Swift A ; Co. Tlio other two double * , western ewes averaged t-.Vifts and broiiitht J3.43. Tliu dcinanil Is uooil and the 'market uuotubly stonily , although with mnro liberal receipts , prices would In all probability ho lower In sympathy with other markets. Quotation * : Fair to goon natives JI.505M10 ; fair to peed wcstmns J4.STStH.tOl common nnd stock sheep W.iHil4.23 ) ; good to choice 40 toW-tb lambs$1.50(20.7j. ( Heprcaciit.i- tlvo sales : No. Av. Pr. 107 wcslorn cwo < i 01 645 204 western owes W 645 Ilrrclplsnnd Dl.pmltlon of Stuck. Kocolpls at tlio Union Stouk y.inU , South Omahii , Neb , for the twenty-four huitrj end ing at 5 o'clock p. m. . May 2 , 1 U IttlCEtl'M. II13PUSITIOV , PnrrhnsraVol , 1'iircliiisrH Tor April. Mvi- Stock .Market. CHICAGO , 111. . May 2. [ Special ToloRram * o THE llEC.1 The cattle market WIIH slow to open and the 0.1 rly fcollng was rather weak. Lateral ! actlvo du.'iiand Rprnng up and there was u strnnKtlicnlns of prices. Tlio average of prices was higher than for Saturday , but about from lOo to ITic lower than for Thursday , which was the high est day last week. This applies moro particularly to steers , prices for cows and bulls having lluctuitcd : but slightly. Quotations were at from SI.00 to W 50 for pool- to choice cow , heltois and bulls , if..Su to : i.K > for stockcrs anil fceaers. $1.4:1 : to f" > ,00 for shipping Rtecrs and il.to $1.15 for Texas cattle. There was a fair Inquiry for springers at from J1S.UO lo f 1S.OO per head. The hog murlict hold up surprisingly , although the arrivals wore unexpectedly laixo there was no softening of prices. Light weights wete atilllo stioiigcr. There was an active demand at from $4.2. > to $4.60 for poor tn prime grades. Only a small part of the supply chained Irmds oclow $1.50 , tlm prevail ing prices holngl.r > o to J4.f > 7'f A few fancv butchcrwoluhts fetched from Jl.02'5 tojl.cr > and there wae tradliiK 111 culis at fronr J-.OU to J-I.OJ. Mzht and heavy weights are now on a parity , and the probabilities are the former will soon command a premium , The market closed firm for all grades. The shccu market ) was dull nnd weaker. There was : i full supply and only a slack demand either for local or shipping account. Trading was slow , and not all the stock wns closed out. Quotations were , from M.OO to JG.V ) for poor to Choice wooled sheep , and $5.73 to $7.00 for lambs , Receipts were : Cattle , 17,000 ; hogs , 34,00) ; sheep. H.OOO. The Evening Journal reports : CATTLE Re ceipts , 17,000 ; shipments , 4.M'0 ' : market fairly active , steady ; Lost steers , $4.iOCl.4.a : ( : ethers , 83.SOiij4.2oi feeders. SJ.'J.iSXC.'ij stockers , liUOffi U.I.r > ; cows.ti.OGSlS.SO. Hoes Uecoipts. U4.C03 ; shipments , none ; market active , closed steady ; rough and com mon , { 4.0034.23 * : mixed and packers. $ l.i.'iiS : 4.nfl ; prime heavy and butchers' weights , Sl.fu ttl.CO : light , JI.40iai.llS. SllKEl'-Kecelpts , 8,000 ; shipments , 1.000 : market slow , steadv to lower ; westerns , $ VCO © 0.00Toxans ; , $ l.avii. ? > . ( .iflipped ; nutlvca , year lings and lambs , yi.BUS.VJ' . New York I.lvo Stuck 'Mnrltct. NEW YOIIK. .May 2. HRKVES Itucolpts , 4COO head , Including . ' 10 cars for sale : inarKot lOc per 100 Ibs. higher : native steers , $ l.ll@l ) vj per 100 Ibs. : Dulls and eo\vs , J.OC5W.7j ; dressed beef steady iitf@Sc. CAI.VUS Kccnipts. 4.0iu head ; niarlcut ac tlvo and strong , iic higher ; veals , $ | .UU < 2G.UO : mixed cnlvuo , $ l.rUS4.75. SiiKBi1 Hocclpts , ll.COO huail ; market steady ; Iambs , Ho per Ib. lilghcr : unshorn falieep , 55.2S(30,00 ( ; cllppad shcop , $4.7. > ® r.7ri : unshorn lambs. ffi.fOa7.'r ) : cllppud lambs. $ J.005.ti.S7'4 ( ; dressed mutton , slow ; dressed lambs higher at IDifOI''c. Hocis Itccelpti. 12fOhcad consigned direct ; market nominally llrm at JMK > li. i.i.O. Itaiihiis City I.ivo Stock 'Murkrt. KANSAS CITY , Mo. . May 2. CATTLE Re ceipts , 1,610 ; shipments. 2,1'OJ ; steers actlvo nnd lOc hl'MuMat J.401.25 ; stockers and fenders , } a.U2H3.45. llooa Heco.pts. .330 ; shipments , 2.CO ) ; the market was ijulut , steady to Cc lower ; all grades. Jl.00@4.i3. : SHEEP Hccolpts , 4,900 ; shipments , 8MO ; the market was weak , Thorites Jilr. CitATii.KS LAWUKNCB , of Aslilnntl , Kcb. , says that Swift's Spcciflc ctirctl lifin of severe llliciiinntfsm of which ho hntl suffered for over Fix months , with vain efforts to Kul relief , liu recom mends it to nil puffcrcrs from Hliutima- lisin. Send for our book on the Blood nnd Skin mailed fret- . "fiWn-T SPECIFIC CO. , ATLANTA , ( U. Or. C. 5. JUDO'S ELECTEIC BELTS llollovri llcaduclioK In one inliiiila nndvlll onroic. ' ' llrrnla , t'rerrantl Aj f , Jtrtaltl'i insane , Heart Itliirttir , M. ' ( ( IM / HI .Inl , Jfftctloitt , IiHllyritloii , lilt" , Laine Illicit , folil Fret , rile * , llratliifltr , fltl , J.ratl I'oltoi J.un of Manhood , LOU of 1'itnntu , ire < liU'rukntit ( , J.Hck of Nerve force anil l'/ur ( , 7t"iiln lund /'err t'om/iln/ii/ / , Krrruuiiiria ( iitil nil ninrtium u1 there ii a Lurli of l'roj > rr .lrlo ( Ilailcrlt'ii ure U ll > ' llnu-n'cd und Cleaned and will lakt Iur Veur > . Call and examine them. JUDD ELECTRIC CO. , 1506 Douglas St. , Uinalia , Neb. R 2t Y.s a warm , nituition wlion you arc troubled witli iudi- postion , or , in fad , any of those ills tliat nriso from derangements of the digestive apparntiH. Yon go to the drugstore and you will probably take some pepsin preparation , some mercurial doses which will injure yon for life. Stop it. The medii-al fra ternity throughout the world are now recognizing Johann Hoffs Slalt Extract as a standard remedy. It is specially recommended for in- v.ilkls where a delicate yet strength ening tonic i.s necessary to build up a debilitated constitution. There nro lots of counterfeits on the mar ket. The genuine have the signa ture of ' Johann Ifoff" on the neck of bottle. It is beneficial alike for man , or woman , or child. Eisner & Mendelson Co. , N. Y. , Solo Agents. The loss of flesh is a trifle. You think you need not mind it. But , if you go on losing for some time or lose a good deal in a short time , you are running down. Is that a trifle ? Get back to your healthy weight and generally you get back to health. A book on CAREFUL LIV ING will tell you what it is to get there , and when Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil is useful. Free. SCOTT ft DOWNS , Chemists , 131 South slh Avenue , New York , Your driiRKist keep * Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil all druggists everywhere do. { i , 7 Outfit that very properly contains a supply of Beer fcvax 'A which adds to the enjoyment of all the other dainties , and makes a picnic a picnic indeed. A 25 cent package makes 5 gallons of this very popular beverage. lon't be deceived If a dealer , for the salta of larger profit , tells you some other kind Is 'justas : good " 'tU false. No imitation u as ouJas the genuine Hums' , Dlt E. 0. WKST'3 NKFIVK AND nitAIXTHKAT- MENT. H spccliic for HyHlorln. Dlizlneat , flti.'Nea- rulglu , lleailiichu. Nervous I'roatruton c.uno.l b/ ulcoliotor lobnccoVnkofiilnoi'4 , Montul lo r > ji- Hlon , tfottncajof tlio llr.iln. can tin. Iniunlty , uibary. decay.ilcuth. I'rL'iiifituro Oltl Ajic , Iturrunuij , 1,019 of I'on'ur In cither sox , liupolcncI.uucurrli9i : un I all Fouiato Wcakness.'s. Involuntary 1,01131 , Mpjr- mntorrliP.i causoil by ovor-cxortlun of th3 tir.iln bolf-iibuseovur-lmlulefticc. A montli'i troatnunt (1,0 for ( * > . l > y mull , \\Vguarnntco tilx boxci to curj Kncti order tor l > boxHi. with S' * will ponil written uuariuit'H'to rofunil If not cured. ( lUnrantco IsaiieU by tioodiunn Dru Co. , HID Farnam fSt. . Jnm.n. " . , . " FROM THE "PACIFIC .TOURIJAI "A Kroiit Invention lias IH > UII iimilo I > y Dr. Tutt. Thut cinliifiitclioinlst 1ms produced \vlilci ! tinllntoi nnlnro to | irrfe 'tlonj It acts liiHtanliiucoiisly ami IH piTfcrtly liariuli'hs. " TrlciSI. . Olllce , UO111'uiU I'luce , N. V. OMAHA : Union Stock Yafds Company SOUTH OMAHA. est cattle , ho : and sheep market In the west COMMISSION HOUSES. GEO. BURKE & FRAZIER laVK STOOK COMMISSION. TIIK I.KADKKrf. OHM 1111 I Writs to this house for cor- . U.UAI1A I ruct Market Baporta. _ Wood Brothers , fc'outh Omaha Telephone 1 l'i" . - Chicago. Mnrkot reports by mall and wire cheerfully furnished upon application. - Tl-I lil - James H. Campbell Company , C'hlcairn , Kast.St. I.oulH , Kansas City , K Unialui , Moux City , 1'ort Wortli. A. Crlll , W. V. Duiiny. U. R TallniadKe. ChlcuKO , HocHulumimn. t'nttlo Miliniimn Crill , Denny & Company , Livestock ConunUblon. Itooiu' ' ; Kxctmngo HI t't ; , South Omaha. A. D. Boycr & Company , Maud .V.I Kxclianiro lliilldtn-lHouthOmaha. Correspondence Mollrltod ami promptly aimwcr d , fcpcclul uitunllon toorderd lormui-kom A fucdiir * . Kitabllihcd , Ibhl. . . . Incorporated , 13H Capital fully paid , J.UUOJ. Waggoner Birney [ Company , Wrltoor w Ire u for prompt and tollulilu umrkut roporU. Perry Brothers & Company , I.lvo Stuck Commission. Hoom 51 Kxehaiijro Iltilhllne. South Omaha. Telephone lit)7. ) Miller Brothers , ItoomU. Kuchnnue llullillnir - - - Boiith Omaha SOUTH OMAHA. BANKS. Union Stock Yard National -UAN'K.- Tlin onlr bank at tlio yardi. Capital nnd iur- Iihu , I IU.UUO. CollectloniiiiroHliik' out of tlio live itock Lu lnu < tliouhl bo iunt direct to Ililn bunk. bhli | | > c r ran deiioilt fur cruUllu ! tliglr Uuniu htrovvr locuitJ. OMAHA ( UIUK refs an if jjiroctory _ AKOHITEOTS ANpjBUILDEUS J. II. OLEHN. Contractors nml stitir.'iitrnrtoM for nil kliuli of Inillilliia tilnMrrln * pnintlnni'lc will trcclvc n ropjr of lilrMin n roll 11 ( ! ! nml inilMi-rMlirrdorr frpi > liy fomlltiB tliolr n.iinc. iui inr nml locn- tlmi to tlm iMililtnlicr ,1 II ( ili-nii. IMS i.th t AWNINGS AND TKNTS. OMAHA TENT & AWN WOIF ING COMPANY. Tonto. ntrnlnni. tnrimn- Flfinr hnminofim. oil nml IIIM. rover ! ) or All kliulu , rtibticr clothlnn. "c-nil Itnun , liRiincrs , etc. Sriul forcnt'Kiit. ' . IIU Knrnnm tor calaloKiicu\ > * Kill HA OS AND T WINKS BISHOP A DO. BEMIS OMAHA BAR CD . Slsul. innnllla. cotton lmiortcr nnil mrfi > . flour | ropo. lipmp , J'jto. rut- aackK , burlii'i. tnlnc. ton Htlm.tnrrpd ruril- _ nsf. QIC. M2 ! mil H. mcYcr.KS. 130XHS. II. 0. TtlDD , 8uccc ser to. I. J. Wllk- M.O. DAXON . . , ctuoii. M'l'u clgnr , | > iipr rohl ou rnnntltlr pactlnii ln > H" . All novel 130 N , IMh 31 tics la box line. llli ) St. BOOTS AND SI1OI . MOnSE-GOESHOEGO. 1IUJ ItOTar.tHtroit Knetory oornur Illli nnJ IKmnK' strosti. Wo ivro rinlclnu clo > o ptlDOJ to oMh biiyari. ml ara olllnc a clasi of uooli walch li torr s lo- ablanlth murchnati. KIRKENDAU , JONES & AMERICAN HAND SEW CO. , ED SHOE CD. Whplcsnln Mfrs. AROntB llooti. nhucv , rubbers llanton llubbor BhocCo , foltuoods. KOi-U liar- liulllll , llOvllliicnur-il liojr-tt. BHKWERS. JOS. SCHLITZ DRE , . ING CD. Ofllco. P. U'.h nml I.pnTcn- worth Ht . . Unialui. lohu Muthovur. Agt. CONPKCTION'EUY. VOEOELE&DINNINQ fru ( * omfpctlonem nail Jubbcrn ( if liirelKU i"l ( loiiiosllo fruits , 1110 llowitnl et. CARPJAOI2S. W.R.DRUniMOilD&CQ. Cnrrlnxo bnlUlorB. Hose nml patrol wagons n ISIIi , opp Court lloii'o. CARRIAGE TOPS. OMAHA CARRIAGE TOP C. J. ANDERSON , CO. , Mrfa. bURgjr totis , bnolf , A. T. nnrbj , Mgr. Tops , cusbtumi , etc. fend tor cushions , backs , eta. cnlalog. 3U S. 15th sU _ JM NpnhJMh-st. COAL , COKE , | CORNICE. OMAHA COAL , COKE St. EAOLECOnN CE WORKS LIME CO. , Mfrn. gnlvanlrcil Iron Hunt anil soft conl. H K. cornlco , window cavf , . tut'tnllc nkjiUlilK , etc. ccr. llith aci ) ' . 1110 , IM'J I lodge-ft. CLOTHING. BIOTCHKY& CQHEH , QII.MORE&RUHI , Clothing , notion.furnish- Manufrs nnd wliolr nlo Inita. Olvu us n trial. clulbluri. 111W Homo- Snmplcit prt'pnld by ox- > troiit. preia. 11U llnruey. CONTRACTORS , J. li. GLENN. Contrnctors nnd nub ronlniftors for all kliulM of uiilldlnu' , plntteilui. . | i.ilnlln ete. . "Ill lec-'lvo n ropy of ( ilenn'sarcliltei-ts and ! > nlhlrr illrectory free , liy fendlnirttR'lr nnine. binlnr.-s mid loca tion , to the | iubll. hir. J. H. ( ilenii , 11J S lltli Street. DRY GOODS. KILPATRIGX-K02H M.E. SMITH & .CO. , DRYOOaDSCQ , , Dry Roods , notlonn , fur- Dry K00il .notloni , cent's nlnhliiK gooilj. Corner lurillMllllg KOOdn. Cor. llth and llownnl-bts. llth and Hon-itrd-Bt. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES WOLF ELECTRICAL CO.i Illustrated catalog frco- 1011 Capitol live. FURNITURE BEEBE&RUHYAN FUR- I UphoWoroil furniture ! NITURE CO. , IS02-1. Nliiliul.il Uracu nnd Thirteenth Whol'jiiilc only. itreeK. GROCERIES. DRUGS , Etc. D. M. STEELED CO. , BLAKE , BRUCE &CO. , 12011205 Jonci etruct , 10th and Herooy trcct , Omaha. Omaha. GRAIN. S. AMD WHQRTER , 213 IJd of Trado. Drokpr In grain , ote. I'rlvato wire to N. V. , Cblcaeo ana t. I.ouli. Coutiueutal Bl'k , 15tli and Douglas. Furniture , Carpets and Draperies. m ALWAYS CONVENIENT AND HANDSOME. CI.OSKO. Gunn Combination Bed , 13 different styles. Be sure and see this bed before purchasing. We are the Exclusive Agents Send for Spring Catalogue NEBRASKA National Bank. U. S. DEPOSITOROMAHA , NE3 Capital $40l,00t ) ) urpliu. . . , ( JJ3 ! , 000 Olllc ri anilDlrei-nri Henrr W. V lei.p'lil li I" It. C. ( Juililnx , vlcjpreililaat. ( i S. Mkutlo > . Vf V Murec , Jolmrt. tcllln : , J. .X. II. I'AtrloK. 1 < } U A i.'n lilur. TI-JB 1ILON BA.NK. HATS , ETC. DATE CITY HAT GO W. A , I , QIBBONA.CO. , llit , cnp , . Hnt < , CAPS , Mrnw condi , glotps. iii. mitten * , nib Klovm , colcbritcil ( Into ( ly ! ana Unrnor. Vhat. . . lltli nnj llntnor. HAHDWAUn RECTOR LODECit&LINK , CO. , nl Corner Ifllli nn.l , ) nck on inrctmtilci' tools titrccu. Strcrt. Lir.Mni-n. : cHAs.rt. IE ; , ! H A , WAKEFIEID UnMwoo.l liimlior , wiol carpet * nnit ti'i Impo.-tol Amirloia IMr t > llourln , 1.111 t ( _ II-Tl , MIlT.MUOl liy.lnulh' i-nnicnt mil ( Julnor wlilt ) lima. J.IQUORS. ILER&CC. , FRI3X& HERBERT. l.lnnor morc'.mnH , IIIJ llnrncy-it. Mfr * Una- ' Wholesale liquor itoalnri 's Kut : lllJIi : Illl- 11X11 ruriiiiiu-st. MII.LtNKKY C. ASTOMEIIILl , J.OBERFELDERA-CO. , lniierlpr.i | unit Jobbnmof > lllllnpry notloit'.rloa'iii intliln Ty. niiiloiM.Mnll utc. 11U-1I3S. liitli at. urdurs ( iruinpt. W3-U S. lltliit. MUSICAL I A. HOSPE , J3. , THE MEINBERBCO , , I'lnnoj orit.iti ! . nrl lOl'.V. ' loth St. nation , in tcrl.il , cto. IJ1S tuuslo uiiil imnli'M In- t. triiincutii of all kluiti 01 LS. _ STANDARD Oil CO. SHD'.V DSD ? Oil | Hctlncil anil ' .tilirlcnlliu I Xo tin I o lor , m im i rblniii' * ) ' , . nil ohnrr . i-ti- I , l''k" , ' A" ' ' f"rJ ! , . Hc I Ill-lit Miurinor * Ti'nit OYSTKns. A. BOOTH PACKING CO. PLATT& CO. , I'nckprs of oyitprs. tls'.i Oyslori. H ! i aaJ colorr , ntl colpry. W l.uuvun- .1111 8. IUtli-nt. IlarU worth > t. Oulu , inniiiKor. OVICUALLS , SIJIHT.S. ETC. S MEAD , Sfm ! of "If , V S" imnti. , Mfrs crlotir.Ttcil "Puck. ulilrli niul nvcruIiB.ctu. Bkln" ovrrnlU. ponli. 6U-I8S. llth-sl. Bli'rts. conti , etc. hull Unialui. PRODUCE COMMISSION . " cd , 1S7.-I. BRANCH & . CO. , WHITNEY fl. CO. . Produce , frulm of nil Duller , OKK niut poultry UniK oyntcri. i\1 \ 3 , UI'J S. loth-bt. mil-it. KIRSCIISRAUH& JAS. A. CLARK 4 CU. , " SONS. , Ilultcr , cheoio. out. L Butter , exxs n1 poiiltrr poultrj nnJ gimn > 12J9 llor.-anl- . 317 Soutli IJtu SlrjDL J. A. RYDER > t CO. 0. PEBAU , Oommhjloti merchant , Iry. liiii < > 4 anil > i.unu. 1'roclucp. Unttcr. PJKI , ' Ivl.'i llnnnnl utri'pt. CIPO | I > nr.d poultrr Hcfc. ' to Com I .Nut. Hunk 121U unil llonanl it MMUIH & MR CLAIM f-cclnltle | , bnttur. csa * . cliocsc. ponltrr , Plr.N'i , < I5S. lUh. Her. Isl.Natl SCHlOE3Ef ? ? & CO. I " 1QOR ! * FEROUSOfl. : : utter , Tnsh huycr. tiutt-r nnil lrult < , pb iltry , SM J. CKK1 * : hundlov nil nthpr Aut'nt * for My T'I producd un cumiul&lon. ) tu > al Imrro nnit ciittl * I2J.S. llth St. tiiiLV. : oj s. nth tk GREELEY ( L CO. , J. B. HUSEA. 03. \ Butler , tfus , poultry. Our Bpoi-liltloi. Uultir , Kniiir , l.liliM ami Irult , uzx * n'nl pjullry , lJU ID'J" Howard btrcut. lluwarJ strcut. W. E.RIDOELL nDOELL&CO. | , iKri Lll-hoil lb-j ) Wliolsiilubuttur , V onus nnttor , clifeiff. ect , . . . | , ! frutt..pijli llura nml oplb for try und tJ cnsh. ( I3S. lltli-st. I 1'APER. CARPENTER PAPER CO KlliS PAPER CO. Cnrry it full xtock of Wrtpplne piipor nllklmli printlnK. winppliiK niul of tvrluxi etc IIU lliinnrtl treot. Telo- ' cunl wrltliik' , paper pa per cto. phunu , KJJ. OMAHA STOVtRsPAIS VCRXS ; , Steve repair * nml " . ( I'.tichmontn for ai.f 1.1ml of rtuvo 1JUI SASII. TOYS. M.A. DISDflQW 00 H. HARDY AGO. Toy , ilol ! , alburai. Munufaclurcr' ' of sash Inncy uoads. liousofur * doorv b 11 nil anil nl hlU2 lioodi. clill. iuouldtnK9. llrnncli of- dtun'a carrlnuoi. ml flvo , IZtli and Unrdbts i'urnam btroct. Morlilillif. Habit cnridlnKlloUOiUM Or , Bailey , $1 Tlm Leading ' Dentist Third Floar , P.nton IHoa'c. 'I'clcplionct IOS" ) . Kith anil l''urnnm S A lull ci of It'ulh on rubber for li. I'urfvct a Tc'ftli nltliout plnlm of renuiruble brUk'O wurK | uit tliu ililni ; for tlnyurj or imbllc ipuuiiert , nevol drop iluwn. TfctlH fcXTRACTE.3 WITHOUT PAIN. All Illlluv at rrnionablo ratalill , tfbik vtarr utoi nttLli out Iur