Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Determined Efforts of San Franciscans to
" ' Secure a Competing Hoad.
fiiln ot Ilntrnti'fl rntnnii * Sapphire I'lrlcM
liLntitlc * uf Cent nil T'lnili'C The
Norlliirnstcrn Kxtrnslon .Sum
mary of tlio > < > .
The engrossing question in San Francisco
putside of earthquakes , U that of railroad
competition Tbo metropolis of the Gotdon
Gate Is hemmed in by ono corporation. It is
nt the morjy of the Southern Pacific com
pany , which controls north , east and south
ern lines livery pound of Irelcht nnd every
traveler to or from the metropolis must pay
trlbutn to this colossal corporation Num
erous efforts have boon made In the past to
fchako off the commercial shackles. All re-
ullod not only In failure but disaster to
uch of the participants ns were ongngcd In
trade beyond tbo city. Uf Into , however ,
merchants and capitalists have been driwn
togothcr bv Iho organization of a freight
bureau. Independence and unity are gradu
ally displacing fear. Vigorous efforts nro
now being made to eocuro n competing line ,
1-1,000,000 having been subscribed tor that
Tbo project will meet with tremendous
opposition , as the picsont company occu
pies almost every inlet to the city ,
possesses unlimited means nnd practically
controls both the law making und law-
enforcing powers. The projectors possess
lunlclont mentis to mnko n light. Thhty
wealthy persons are Inteirstcd and hnvo de
clared that the matter will not bo allowed to
languish. Their nnmes uro sufllclent ovl-
dO'ico that the enterprise Is genuine. The
lowest subscription was for I.TO.IHIU. It is
not Iho intention to sell any stock whatever.
About 515 000,000 In bonds will bo raised ,
and < huro never has been any fear that ihero
will bo anv trouble In placing these bonds ,
ticcausu the assurance has already been
Clvon that tbo total amount will bo tnitou In
thn cit , } Ono reason for putting up so much
cash Is to bo certain of placing tbo bonds at
r > si. Ah engineer has ocoii engaged , und Is
oven now in tbo Held piiparing data for a
preliminary report , bo much bus been said
riJoul the Oonnhoo road some day passing
into the hands of an eastern road , that in-
qilliy Is made ns to whether or not the pro-
ro > cJ line lo Salt Like will not absorb the
.Juiuhco system It is bald that , for weens
nn examination of the books of tbo Donnhoo
ystcm has bopn In progress In tno interest
of the persons concerned In the bait
Lake proposition. Hints hnvo been dropped
that tin ) road will coma Into San
Francisco by a fcriy , which lends
color to UK-belief that Tlburou will bo tbo
terminal It Is said several eastern toids
have positively asserted that , when il is ouco
established beyond n doubt that the pro
posed road across the Sierras will actually bo
Lullt , tboy will immediately begin to extend
tholr roads lo Salt Lnko and will bo there in
time to meet the San Prancisco road It Is
not denied that the men who nro putting
their money Into this venture hnvo agreed
not to soil or to enter into any trnfllo agree
ment with nny competing line for n period of
at least ton years from tbo tlmo tbo road is
completed It Is clulmed n road can bo built
ttuouih ; the Beckworth nass at n low cosl ,
and Mich a road would liavoiso a country
which fiom the Atari would yield an excellent -
lent local tiaflio.
i bliurlilnn'H Ailxantnyo * .
[ Conti United ]
Tha norlnern pan of Big Horn mountains
And adjacent countiy in Wyoming has re
ceived tlio uamo of Sheridan county. This
tract of lund , altualod in Iho cculer of u vtist
urea of non-agricultural , but good gracing
countt v , has < well earned the title of being
the garden of Wyoming.
Fifty miles in length bv thirty in breadth ,
this country Is traversed by numerous laigu
sized mountain at i cams , How Ing through
wide fcitllu volleys , whllo thousnr.ds of ucirs
of rich soil , on upper bcncnos , await the di.
version of wnter from some stiunm , to fur
nish the fanner with u homo where ho is as-
tureil a most abundant nnd never failing
crop. In marked distinction lo a vast purl of
the agricultural laud in tbo countij , the
farmci in this icgiou tins the advantage of n
first class nnd very cheap fuel. Coul of ex
cellent quality for domestic purposes is
found in ull Ibo bluffs , and at numerous
mines Ibis can bo hud at ? 1 per ton , or lor
nothing , should the farmer choose to mlno
the co l himsolf.
To ono who bus traveled much elsewhere
in tbo west this section of country comes
like u revelation nature bus done her ut
most bcro for Iho granger und soon thou
sands of prosperous farms will bo cultivated
in this favored region. An unusually intelli
gent and well-to-do class of pooplr came to
this country Ion years ago , and , ihough 130
miles from nny rnllioaO , the country on ac
count of natural resources alone developed
into ihcmodt fruitful region of Wyomlnir ,
Iilo its capabilities have as yet been hardly
Sovorul towns were started on the out
skirls of this farming region , but finally by
natuial selection Iho county seat was cstab
lishetl In tbo center of the agricultural dis
trlct nnd toduy command ; , , as it alvvavs will ,
the buslncs of thu county. Already
u luigo number of brick buildings have
been oiectcd in Sheridan , the county seat ,
munv churches , school houses , ( louring mills ,
lunihnr ynids , a brewery , two newspapers ,
nn cxpcilincntal station aud numerous other
enter puses nuvo boon ostublishod , and the
town can hardly bo sold to tinvo developed
commrnsurntowlln the farming renion.
Sheridan , situated nt the junction of two
Inrgo n.ounlulu streams of pure wntor , with
j oed roads In every duoctlon , loading to
fertile valleys nnd iu the center of the
largest continuous boav of Irrigable land ,
commands bv Us position so thoroughlly the
tmiinuss of this rich country that railroads
etuutlng this region would seoklo plnca their
line wlieio bheridnn now stuuds as
being Iho key lo the trade of tbo country
von though no town had as yet
bonn stalled at this point. Tbo folly of
building railroads on tlio outskirts of the
richest lands in nny community Is seldom
committed ut this late day , Competition
quickly comes In uny good country , und the
road most conveniently established or placed
( or business seourts the trado. The Burling
ton route has now approached within llfty
Billet of the town , and a largn force of grud-
era in o ut work on the mum line passing
through Shorldnn , boon ether railroads ,
kirtiug the eastern slope of the Big Horn
" " mountains us they do the eastern slope of thu
Kocky mountains in Colorado , will also roach
the town , nnd bhorldnn , lapfdly increasing
In wealth and population at tlio present Hum ,
bids fair to goon bccomo a city of fiom 5.00U
to 10,000 people.
Mining In tuo adjacent Ble Horn moun
tains has lately received considerable atten
tion nnd Is adding greatly to the business of
K As a grow lap , prosperous country , with n
brilliant future before it , bheridan offers uu-
urimscd opportunities for business men ,
IThlln the surrounding country oilers to the
granger advantages koldom found in one
locality , In no part of tlio United States
tins nature boon BO lavish with her gifts.
Extreme heat In tbo summer is tempered by
Hie cool ulr from thu mountains , whllo in
ivintot the warm chlnook trade winds from
Iho Pncillo coast give n much morediillehtful
tllmuto thun the country for hundreds of
miles to the south.
As a stock raising couniry , beet from thin
lection commands the blghcut price In the
Chicago market , and during tbo past winter ,
considered severe for this country , Iho writer
baa been uhlu to secure pilmo bout from the
range at any time. Seeing Is believing. The
people of Sheridan cordially invite the most
skeptical to examine her resources , feeling
usnrfd that the unanimous verdict would
be It was no wonder Ibo Indian , ns well
kt ibj white man , had selected this fertile
tountryaa being the most fruitful to bo
found for his uoeds.
Tliu NortIm untitrn KxtiMiilnn.
Hoporta from Casper Indicolo an early
move of the Northwestern road \\estnard to
I.atuler. The ntth Hy ol the Hurlltiglon to
the northweit U bouqd to stir tbo rival line
"It U tomoubat of a mooted question , " ay
Iho Casper Derrick , "which lde of Iho Hat-
ilrsiiakeinnjro it will run. Hut U l thfl
iriglnal opmton that it will bo on the north
side , up Casper or Poison Spider creak nnd
north of Ervny. By this route they would
un tha entire distance from bare to South
'ais through a countty rich In natural re
sources. From ( Jasper to Lnudor , a dhtanoo
of over 150 miles , they would never bo out
of the oil field , while the great coal beds
would bo w Ithln tholr right ot way nnd the
valleys Along the route would be settled up
as a rich farming country The roil to thence
to South Pass would ho the most direct and
over a country through which a railroad
could ortilly bo built.
The route up Swootwater would bo on
through a beautiful firming vallov , but the
mineral resources would not bo touched ,
ave the real at Whisky Gnp nnd the Iron
depoMt at Dry Crook Hut In either event
Cnspor will bo a natural division and tha
orosDojts for her prosperity \\cro never
Mnntnim' * Nnturnl Wondcri ,
In the production of freaks of nature , as In
[ ircoious metals and gems galore , Montana
ceases to ho a nondor. She is n corker. Sbo
alone and unapproachable. She towers
nbovo her nolghoors like a Shasta , sipping
nectar tn altitudes others know not. Tbo
[ irogrosilvo quality of her natural resources
might Justly excite amazement If not nrouso
n faint glimmer of doubt. If you entertain
Joubt of her capabilities , keep beyond her
borders. To doubt within her bounds Is
treason treason means involuntary sulcido.
\Vo hnvo said Montana's natural resources
were progressive. This Is not idle assertion.
Proof Is at hand. Not long BRO a tenderfeet
ulth n $00,000 charter in bis pocket bian lo
pliuil Jap domollshcrs at various points In the
state Nntura became Jealous of her laurels
and bepon work. In n few weeks she
smote the tenderfoot and tnnglofoot with
ono blow. Whllo digging In the Oold Bug
mine near Chinook a utroam of water was
tapped which , wo are told , "cures the tnsto
of lltjuor. " It WHS named the "Hlohlorldc of
Gold spring. " Thus nature , ovoi-indulKcnt
thereabouts , springs to the relief of the resi
A short distance from Silver 13ow Junction ,
on the road to Anaconda and nestling at the
base of the foothills , uro the "Chicken Uroth
Springs. " It Is related tbAthon Marcus
Daly was trudging to what is now Butte ,
wrapped In n blanket and a tired feeling , ho
stopped to slnko his thirst at this spt ing.
Thu taste of the water wiis notuishlng. WHS
ho unfamiliar witn the tnsto of Adam's olol
What matter ! It is enough to know that ho
Imhlood freely nnd smacked his ruops Ho
looked ; i roil nil for the chicken. It wasn't In
sight. Unloading his grub stake the pros
pective millionaire drew out popper and salt ,
ilnshed it on the broth and Imbibed again and
again. Kofrcshcd and Invigorated , he structt
out for Butte nnd dug n fortune In a few
\cars. The springs How merrily on , attract
ing \tsltors fiom Inr and wide , but natutc
lias vet failed to supply the popper and salt.
There is no scircity of ice In the state , es
pecially In winter. To provide for emercon-
eies , such as n short crop und prolonged hot
weather , natuie has established n permanent
ILO house in the old Now Yoilt gulch In
Meaghar county Hero in the cantor of n
crevice is n mass of Ice of unknown thick
ness In summer a blast of cold nlf blow son
it to prevent thawing Inititcr nature re
laxes , blows hot , and fiom the repository 01
lie sends out a crystal stream.
Nature thus ptovldos mountains with a
euro for excessive fondness for the bottle ,
broth for the weak nnd weary nnd ice for
feverish summer brows. In tbo light of these
evidences of nature's lavlshnoss and foro-
slcnt , It Is not dilllcult to believe that nug ,
guts of cold woio dug from chickens'
or that a festive lightning bolt embossed the
photograph ot an evergreen tree in colors on
the uncovered arm of a Helena womau.
Thn Snjiplllro I.umlMild. .
Tbo solo of the Spratt brothers' sapphire
land near Helena to the Sapphire and Ruby
company of Montana was consummated.
About a month ago A. N. Spratt loft Helena
for London. Later ho was Joined there by
J. B. Clay berg , who has Deon the attorney for
the Spratt brothers during the negotiations.
The price ugreod upon for tno ground is
fi.OOU.OOO , one-half of which is to ho in cash
nnd the rest in fully paid up shares. The
company is stocked for -50-400 ! , in shares of
JLl each. The property which originally
ligured in tha negotiations comprised nbout
1,1)00 ) actcs , but this is ubout one-halt of
w bat tuo consummated deal includes , ntdo-
lade bar , containing 1.5SJ neres of
patented land , the most thoroughly prospected
pocted of all the com lands , was the
nucleus and to it has been added gem-bear
ing ground , malting a total of 8,000 acres on
both siaes. of the Missouri rl\or , nnd extend
ing a distance of 110,11 Iv llftcen miles. In
addition the company has acquired by lease
or purchase all the water righu in the dis
trict. Tno plans of the company are well
matured , and active operations will com
mence at once.
1'ho story of the development of the ruby
mlno in Montana Is not a new one. When it
was first printed it caused a good deal of
flutter among the Jeweler : > of the cast. Tbo
character of tbo stones found was announced
u 1838 , out no prospecting-was aono until
the summer of IfeOo. Tno first find , howo\er ,
was twenty > ears ago , and this was by the
placer mincis. A few of the stones were
shown as curiosities , but the bulk was
thtown away with the tailings as worthless.
Gold was the sought-for treasure in these ,
days , and so high was the fever on that
proclous metal that bad the old placer minors
accidentally turned up a diamond tboy
would not have stopped to consider its value
over that of the " .yellow boy , " which they
had gone miles to discover.
The attention of experts in London , Now
York , and Chicago was directed to some of
the stones from these mines and they were
pronounced Identical with the Oriental sap-
phlto , emerald , ruby and topaz. Their color
was not so deep ns the lattoi , but in point of
brilliancy they were declared to ho up to the
standard. The niont numerouMy discovered
stone thus for Is the sapphire , % nryinp in
color from H light to n corn ( lower hluo. The
nevt in quantity is the emerald. Then fol
low In the order named the rubj , topa ? arid
amethyst. A few tiunsparont garnets ha\o
also boon found
The Holds aio on both banks of the Alls-
souri ilvcr , from twolvoto fouiteon miles
nottheast from Helena , and no far as is
known comprise an area of eighteen square
Stiirtlrd Poor I.u.
An eastern paper tells ubout a small band
of Arapahoe Indians , who , like their white
brothers , drew their stipends and hied to
the neatest town for recreation , bomo of
them tought buggies , and , hitching their
horses to them , took to driving about town
like palefaces. One , a sort of ruler , saw
ibis und determined to outdo tbo common
ones of the tube Ho bought a heauu witu
a glass CiibO , put bU family Insldo tlio case ,
and , mounting the box , ho drove
through the town with a stoic oxpios-
slon on his fuco that every Indian
has when bo Is born and which never
leaves him whllo holhos. If this oftlclul
is light It Is not sui prising that the Indians'
nttltudo is ono of Indltloronco and curiosity.
Tboy are mingling with the whlto Invaders
with the solo idea of seeing the sldo shows
and other amusements that go with the tldo
of civill/atlot ) Of till the thlnes new to
thorn the nickei-lu-tho slot phonograph Is said
to puz/lo nnd startle them tno most Ono
Ii'diau invested u nickel and listened with
Increasing alarm , und ns Ibo volco of n well
known prltim donna struck a high staccato
note the rod man clutched bis blanket around
him oud ran at top speed to tha nourest tiui-
John \\ilklnsof Utlca is building a flno
District court at Geneva has adjourned
after a busy two weeks' session.
Superintendent Carey of the Patrbury
school * has resigned bis position.
A camp of Sons of Veterans has been or
ganized at Cbadron with
thirty-eight mo tu
Fifty republicans bavo organized a club at
Indlauola with ox-Judge Harlow as presi
A ICnlgbts of Pythias lodco with llfty-two
chaitur members was organized at Dillo'r last
Tbo Sidney Telegraph's editorials are now
written by Mark M , Neoves of the land
German farmers In the neighborhood of
Sterling raised $300 to aid the relief work
among the slntvlng Uusslans.
While cutting willow n along tbo bank of n
crook near Crow n 9-yoar-old boy named
Sadlacok foil into the water and was
Whllo John Carton of O'Neill was doing
some blacksmith work bo accidentally broke
a steel staple , three pieces entering his eye.
Two local doctors performed an ooeration on
the injured member takiug tbo eyeball
out nnd remorlnR the steel bits. The
ball was placed In tbo looket again and tbo
pollont Is getting along nicely.
The Baptist church at Ashland has o-
tended a call to Miss Francis Townstoy of
Chicago to supply the pastorate nnd the has
Tbo Nebraska State Sundnv School asso
ciation will bold its twenty-fifth annunl
meeting at IConrnov Juno 7 , 8 nnd 0. An
ottenslvo progmra has been prepared
Utlca has a citizen , Charles Bennett , who
was born January IS. IbOO , consequently ho
is W yours of ago. Ho can sing , dance and
play Ibo violin with the rostof the boys
Says the Schujlor Quill : T. B. Turrlli
tins a bon which lays eggs to brag on She
lays a common sized egg every other day
and alternating n big , double-voko ono.
Last week ono moascd O'fxS Inches and was
n Jumbo That is n protltnblo chicken to
have , and must have been the Identical hen
meant tn the problem "If a hen and a half
lays an egg and a half , otc , "
Twenty-two years ago last Tuesday the
fltstelection was bold in York county. It
was pursuant to a proclamation from Gov
ernor Butler. There were 130 votes cast in
Iho county , night of tno nlno ofllcors then
elected nro still living nnd flvo of them nro
still In York county. Ono of thorn , Edward
Bates Is also n resident of York yet and U
judga of the Fifth Judicial district of Ne
M Miming.
Shorldan Is moving for a college.
Nqxt Friday Is Arbor day \\yomlnp. .
The Vllotto camu near Gold Hill shows up
well In gold mid sliver.
The Imprisoned raiders nt Fort Kussoll refuse -
fuse to sco rcpoiters of papers which do
nounrcd their opoiations ,
The Buffalo Echo has not reverberated
since tbo "war. " The Echo was fornlnst the
honio guaid , and directly censed to axlst.
The Diamond Developing company , com-
pcsod of Omaha capitalists , has boon Incor
porated , It proposes to work mines In South
The Butllngton has purchased several
aero lots In the suburbs of Shoridnn. Sov-
oial Omaha boomers huvo also Invested In
thai vicinity.
Laramlo Is putting on metropolitan airs.
Hdward Ivlnson , u wealth ) ' ctllrcn , is about
lo build nfoO.OOO rosldenco , which will ho
"ono of the architectural and utt attractions
of thocily. "
Cliejonno has pinned down the Blnnchard
smelter project. Hlanchard agieod to not
ask for u dollar of the donation until the
smelter Is completed according to conttaot ,
nnd to glvo lltst lion to complete the plant
for f 100,000 as guarantee that the smelter
will bo run two j ears as per conlraut. The
pioposltlou was nccoptod.
South Uiilcotn.
Union county has o\er $50,000 In its treas
The Minnesota mine and mill , owned by
Alex Chlsholtn and partners , were sold to an
eastern sjndlcafe for $ ' 50.000.
A monster pelican wn shot near Plank-
Inpton , Its wines measured eight nnd one-
halt foot from tip tn tip. and llvo and one
half feet from end'of bill to end ot tall.
The Coin Bell Koal Estate association has
been orcanbed in South Dakota with the
vlow of diffusing know ledge of the natural
wealth of the slate throughout the world.
A monster snapping tuttle was caught In
the Elm river in Browii county last wrok It
measured four foot and three inches in
length and two foot hvo inches across its
hack. Its bead was eighteen inches In cir
The Central Dakota Prosbvtery nnd Mis
sionary society met at Volga on the 19lh.
About 100 delegates were In attendance
The reports of the ofllcors of the two bodies
showed a largo tncrcaso m the work during
tbo past jcar as well as a most Gratifying
increase In funds.
Butte took in $30,137 from licenses last
Free silver clubs are multiplying in the
A new dailv democratic paper Is to bo
started in Mis oula
Ore from the Springfield mlno , north of
WnUtorvillo , averages 202 ouucos in silver
and $3 In gold per ton. This is the tocord
for a month.
An assay of some ore from the Merrhnao
inlno , Willow Springs district , Jeffoison
county , gave 10J ounces in silver nnd bj per
cent lead , malting a total value of 8130 to the
Hoports of rich discoveries of gold con-
linuo to come from thu Little Heckles , south
west of Chinook , a ton of surfnco or lloat
ere from tbo minob yielding ovei tbOO in bul
The richest mineral over found In the state
Is reported from Bouhart , In the Little Bolt
district. The vein is eight inches thick and
assajs from &J,000 to &Jd,000 a ton. Tbo ere
is fairly streaked with ruby silver.
The Olive Branch , lying In the suburbs of
Butte , Is giving great "promise. A shaft bus
boon sunk nlnoty-bi'c foot , the last thirtj-llvo
foot of which has been driven through a
solid bodv of ere that assays from forty-
seven ounces to U7rt ounces of'silver , ana that
carries from ? 4 (50 to $19 In gold.
The Butte Miner declares that the opening
of tha base ball season in that city surpassed
thai of any olher city In the United States in
point of brilliancy and excitement. It ts not
every city that can boast of forty arrests , the
cnopplng down of a touco and an appeal to
the militia , all in ono day. The game has
not ot been decided.
Along ; the Const.
Natural gas was strucn near Trcsno , Cnl. ,
at a depth of 1,100 foot.
At Sacramento burglars broke open the
sulo in the oftico of Major Comstock und
Bccuicd fSOO and a gold watch. There is no
Chin Hung , a Chinaman ejected fiom a
street cor hy u hlliuious passenger , bus ob
tained u verdict from the railroad company
of $ J,500 at Albany , Oro.
Mrs. Harry Throckraorton , a beautiful
Portland woman ot SI , contracted typhoid
fever and Implicit conlldonco in the faith
cure. Harry Throckmorton is now a
During the tnroo months ending April 1
there was received at the Hoiso City Na
tional bank 8 1,500 in silver bullion and
MV > 00 in gold , boiug a total for the quarter
off OO.OOO.
Tolioa , a Washington town , Is enjoying a
trade boom The Indians , having received
cash for their lands , blow it rapidly , buying
everything for sale In the way of horses and
vehicles , gaudy clothing and suido Jowolry.
A largo iwroll to fell about tbroo miles
1101 thu cat of Palermo , Cnl , at about 11
'clock Tuosdav night. The aerolito was
green in color. It loft a long train of 11 ro In
ils waxo nnd its striking the earth was uc-
compnniou by an explosion.
U'llllum McBean , tha patriarch of pioneers ,
\\hoilioUroionllynear Wullit Wullu , aged
01 , came lo Oregon ulth thn Hudson Bay
company. Huwnstho father of John Mo-
Bean , the interpreter , widolv known
throughout the Inland empire. The Misses
btono of Pondloton ate granddaughters of
the deceased.
The recent btrlko In the lower tunnel of
the Gold Hunter ut Osburn , Idaho , U turn
ing out a uli'gor thing than was at lirst re
ported. The lediro , It Is claimed , is eighty
feet wide , of clour galena , and , besides car-
rj Ing grav copper in considerable quantities ,
it runs higher in silver than any ere hereto-
foio taltou from.tha mlno.
The 100th anniversary of the dlscovorv of
the Columbia river will bo celebrated at
Astoria , Oro. , on the 12th dav of May.
Ovvlug to circumstances over which it has ho
control , the Pacitlo const has not as yet boon
proliilo in centennials , nnd the people of
Oregon are determined to inaxo tbo observ
ance of this ono note worthy.
Poetic llcedso was never stretched further ,
says the San Francisco Chronicle , than by
Joaquin Miller In a poem iu St. Nicholas , It
celebrates the fortune of an old Scotch
shoopberdcr In Tularo who sunk an uttoslau
well with a gun barrel. Tub tnlo may defer
for the tenderfoot , but wo fancy tbo broad
grin with which il will bo received any-
wbero In the Sau Joaqulu valley.
Tbo Walla Walla Statesman is Informed
thai the Union Pacitlo Kailroad company hat
compromised with Elmer Van Dresion and
Mrs Wilson in the cases commenced by tbo
latter persons against tbo compa&y. About
twoyoaM ago a wreck occurred on tbo Union
Paclllo railroad at Meeker Hill , in which
John Wilson was killed and Van Dressen
sustained injuries which will crlpplo him for
life , ilo sued for FJO.OOO damages whllo
Mrs. Wll on claimed fao.000. It Is stated
that Van Dresson secured fT.OOO , while Mr ,
Wilson will got tIO.000.
Dr. Dirnoy , nose nnd ttiroat. I3oo bldg
Memorial Tnblrt for | I.loutnnnnt
Krected In West ifljnl Chnpal.
A tablet to the raornoy.oj Lieutenant fid-
ward W. Casey , Twotjytsccond } infantry ,
has recently been placoOLln/tho cadut chanol ,
says the Army nnd Nnpy KogUtor. Lieu
tenant Casey , it will oqt remembered , was
killed by n Brulo Indinn near Pine Hidgo
Agency , S D. , on January 7 , 1891 , duting
tbo hostilities which marked tbo winter of
1590-01. Lieutenant Cni r was appointed
to the military academy .from Louisiana in
IbO'i ; graduated In lip und was then as
signed to the Twonty-sotond Infantry. Ho
received bis promotion * & 3 tlrst lieutenant
January H , Is80 , was stationed nt tbo mili
tary ncadomv , m the department of tactics ,
from 1SSO to 1S34 , Upon Joining his regi
ment bo was appointed adjutant rvnd
served In this capacity from September 1 ,
1SSI. until January 31 , 1837 A iluo buffalo
head , prosenled to the ofllcors' mess by
Lieutenant Casey , nnd his picture ( enlarged ,
wo believe , from n photograph1) ) servo as
mementoes of thU bravo ofllcorlo bis friends
hero , by whom ho was grentiy beloved.
I'nrt Itllcy.
Mnjor S. M. Whltsldo , Savonlh cavalry ,
rolurned last Saturday from a leave ot
absence. The major will hnvo charge of the
Second battalion , on the range , next month
Instead of Captain Hoi.rv Jackson.
Major John Van H Hoff , Hospital Steward
Levy ami the detachment of men fiom the
hospital corps who wuro lit attendance at the
medical convention iu St. Louis rotuinod last
Trlday to the post.
Lieutenant renton with the detachment of
tbo Seventh cavalry who have boon on re
cruiting servlco tn Kansas City for some
months past loturncd Wednesday to this
Captain C. A. Vnrnum's llttlo 1-yonr old
daughter Is very sick with scarlet fo\or.
The captain and his family are quarantined
In their quarters.
Tbo hospital corns is kept busy taking care
of the "monsloy" .men of light battery A ,
Second nrtlllory. The aflllctad nto all re
Prlvnto roidlnond Mtlllor , light battery F ,
Poutth urtlllorv , was discharged Wednesday.
Foray enlisted under an assumed nanui nnd
ether false pretences , got tired of soldiering
nt Port Hllov und then gave himself away
Soigcaut William bharpo. Ctttoop , Seventh
cavalrv , returned last Fuday from n lengthy
visit among friends in Pennsylvania The
setgeunt will not ropoit for duty for souia
tlmoot , but will take a rest bofoio stalling
In on the four j ears and n butt ho has con
tracted to put In with Undo fanm.
Mis. Tompkitis , wife of Colonel TompUlns ,
quartermaster department , arrived lust Fri
day fiom Go\ornoi's Island and is visiting
her sous. Lieutenants S K H nnd Prank
'lomplilns , Seventh cavolrj. Mrs Tompitlns
wa > uecoiipauled by Miss Allco Burr ,
daughler of Colonel Barr , Judge advocate DC-
pnrtmont of the Etst. The visit of the In lies
will bo a lengthy ono.
If the vvfl.ulier permits muster will ho In
full dress uniform on Pawnee lints T ho on-
tlro gairlson will bo reviewed by General
Foravlh. Immediately after muster the
second battalion will go Into camp on the
tarqet range.
John McCaw , D troop , Seventh cavalry *
now on furlough , in the poet exchange , will
bo discharged underproyislo.i of the thioe-
jear act Saturday , May 14. When John
"hold up his bond" three years ago ho
weighed 110 pounds : ho now weighs 'Jill.
The orono of Port Uiley was very beneficial
to John.
Died At this post , Friday afternoon , April
22. Porcival Clavton > McCormick , aged 3
voars , 11 monlhs end "Oldays. Buster , as he
was calloJ , was the only child of Lieutenant
and Mrs. L. S. McCormlck. The llttlo fol
low was stricken with diphtheria a few days
before and was in n fair way of recovery und
It was thought ho would recover. At 2-30
o'clock bo was taKen with a relapse and all
that medical skill and'gooil euro could ac
complish was of no avail Ho was a bright ,
mai.l } little fellow and his death was a sad
blow lo the bereaved patents und those wbo
know him. The funotat services was rend
by Chaplain IX H Lowell and the remains
Interred in a vault in tho'cemotory Sunday
morning , April 24.
Will Tub Bun bo kind onou h to toll us
when the bodies of the men who were killed
at Wounded Kncoato to bo disinterred. Wo
do not hoar o wora about them nt Port Hlloy.
[ It has been decided by the Wur department
to allow the bodies lo remain nt Pine Kldgo
until they can be temoved wilhout being
scaled In metallic cofllns IZn Bun J
I'ort Milnoj ,
The following men were recently enlisted
nt Lincoln , Neb , , for companies at this post :
William H. Churchill , Charles Wlllman ,
Andrew T. Nathan , Orr D. Lilllnrd , Angelo
M Kehoo und John H. Anderson.
First Lieutenant W. Y. Stamper , Twenty-
first Infantty , has stopped recruiting and
has returned heio with his parlv.
Privala Bartholomew Larkm , who was
transferred from company D to company A ,
bus utrlvcd hero from Fort OuChosno , Utah ,
1'rivato Felix Massbl , company A , has boon
Iransferred to the band.
Lieutenant Canmhan , lately transferred to
Fort Yates from Ibis post , oxpecU to leave
hero about the middle of next month , about
the tlmo Iho first boat for the upper
river will make Its appoaranco.
Since January 1 , 1SUJ , twenty-six enlisted
men bavo been discharged from the com
panies stationed hero.
Ten ro..tults leave Columbus , O. . barracKs
on May 29 for companies B , C nnd D ,
Tvvclth infanlry.
Palrich Higlor , company D , Twelfth infan-
li v , has boon granted a three months' fur
lough nnd will leave hero Friday for his
homo In Norway to visit his father , who is
getting old nnd feeble nnd unable lo super
vise bis Dusiness. Hlglor lakes with him ttio
best wishes of bis comrades , who much regret
grot his loss , having piovon himself a true
friend iu every lespoct. Higlor served a
former enlistment io thu band of the Eighth
A board of ofllcors la In sssslon at this post
assessing the voluo of the post traders'
buildings owned bv Mr. Russell , u former
peat trader. It is the Intention of turning
these buildings into quarters and pojt ex
Tort Sully.
Captain VIvon returned lately from Forrest
City , wheto ho inspected Indian supplies.
Patrick Hafinon on his appointment to
corporal company C , T.volftb infantry , wns
detailed on special duty ns acting pose
sorgennt major , vice Coiporal Warnoi , same
company , icllcvcd.
Miss Shiploy , sister of Mrs. Morkomler ,
after having spoilt n pleasant recreation hero ,
loft for Plorro , S. D. . the 25th.
Kocruit John Wooso , company G , has arrived -
rived nt Ibo post aud Is awaiting the arrival
of his company , which u expected here from
Fort Randall , S. D , , m a few daa.
Musician Homy Orko , company B ,
Twenty flrsl Infantry , has been discharged.
Private Heiuy Pnrdo , company A.
Twcnt.v-llr t infantry has been appointed
coi poral.
Captain J. W. Duncan has been quite ill
for aomo davs past , but Is now convalescent ,
Captutn and Mrs. S. < 1 * . Jocelyn gnvn a
\ory dollgthful high llvo Inst week. The
winners of the [ ni/os were Mrs. Palmer and
Mis. Williams , ( japiulm Duncan and Lieu
tenant Palmer. '
Dr BIrnuy euros ciUfrrh. BISE
n >
At the head ot
all blood-puriders
is Lr , I'icrco's
Golden Medical
Discovery. Hut
it's different from
all of thorn.
Whatever is
chimed for this ,
do. Tbo money
is refunded in every case wbero it fails to
benefit or euro. It's because it is different
that it con be Hold BO. All diseases originat
ing from a torpid liver or impure blood yield
to it. U cleanses and purifies Ibo system ,
freeing it from all manner of blood-poisons ,
no matter from -what cau o they have arisen.
For Dyspepsia , BUiousnocs , Scrofula , Knit-
rheum , Totter. Erysipelas , or any blcod-taiut
or disorder , it is an uncqualod j-emcdy.
Nothing el-o can take its plate.
"Golden Medical JUco\cry" contains no
alcohol to inebriate , end no sj nip or Mignr to
derange digestion.
It's a concentrated TCgt-fablo extract j put
up in largo bottlM j nlon < smt to tl o tusto , anil
equally good for adults or chilli un ; works
exmally well all tbo year round.
If it doeeu't lioncflt or cure , iu every case ,
you have your money back.
There arc more people wearing Hcllman's clothing- Omaha
today than from all other houses in the city.
Because the Administrator is rushing out the goods rcgardlcsss of
cost or value. No such opportunity has , nor probably ever will again
occur whereb ) ' ' you can clothe yourself at so small a cost.
Clothing , Hats ,
All go in the Slaughter at the
V O Uw * "
Cures nil disorder * of Hie Stomacli , Liver. Itoircls , Kilenjs , Hl.itlJdr , Ncno'is
on cs , Loss of Apix'tite. Honilncho. Constlpiitlini. Costl > unc < .4 , Inillfroatl m , Ui
lie's , Tcver , 1'ilcs , Etc , , nnd rcn ! ors tlm system loss li.tblo to contract disease.
UAOWAY'S PILLS are cure for this complaint They tone up the Intern il secretions to
healthy notion , restore strength to the stoiniqh , and en iblo It ti purform Its functions ,
I'rlcn Jjcabov. Sold by all druggists , or mailed by UA DWAV A. CO . .U Warren Street
Now Yorli. on receipt of price
Quick Safe Sure.
Aificock's Porous Plasters are the
great external remedy of the day. The quickest ,
safest , surest , best. Not only immeasurably
superior to all other plasters , but also to lini
ments , ointments , oils and similar unctuous
Beware of imitations , and do not be deceived
by misrepresentation. Ask for AfiIcocl 9S9 and
let no solicitation or explanation induce you to
accept a substitute.
ten unnrnnti-o to euro nil nervous dl m e . filch n Weak .Mrmory ,
las * nt Urnlnruwer. Hi'udaclio WuUofulmn , l < o t ilanhooii Nlntuly Knits-
Bloii3. Nervouancea. Lassitude , all drains nnd loss of power of the < icncratl\
Ursana In either eexcjuso I liy over uxortlon , youthful jirrors. or i > xcn lvf
u S of tobacno opium or stimulants which noon load to InllrmitT. Consump
llonmirtliisnnitr. Tut up convrnlont to carry III vest jiockct Wt | if r pack-
Rcobyniailinforti. Wltli ovcrySxmlorwo ytve a taritUn yuTrantte taetiri
or rtiuntltM montv , Circular I ree. Addaa Aerirulx.eUCo.CUIcuB . 111.
For fialo in Onmhti by hjliorinan & Mcfoiinoll 151H
Sealed proposal will be received hy the
undersigned until PJO o'clock | i in. , Mny 11th ,
l t. . or the fullu l'U ' kludd of pavltu me-
tonul , vU :
hhout atplmltuiii
biuux l-iillsor other uranlte
\\hituOolnrado snuJstono.
Ited Colorado hiinilatouo.
Wuudrnir , Kiuis b , htono
Vltrintd urlcK.
And brlok hiocks , nil according to suoclflca-
Kur puliin the filley In h'ock J ,
Ilaiitcuni I'litte , In thu ulty of Oiniitm ,
comprised In Street Iinproreinent District. Nu
< o'dored liupnned hv nrdlniune Nu liWJ hid lo bpoelfy a prlc per s < | uaro yard
for the pavlnc complete In thu alley
Work to hu done In accordance with plans
null specllluatlnimon lilo In the olllvu ot the
Ko.irn of t'uiillc Works. .
Kach pronoa U to be in'idp on printed hi inks
furnished hy tha lxrd and to hu icuuitipanlod
liy acertlOeU iiliuuk In tluistnuof J.VM. payahlo
lo the city of Om ilia , as un ovldento of KooJ
The boird will nwsrd the cnnlrttet. for the
different kinds of mutorlal biihjcct lo the u-
lection uf thu muturlal hy thoprouoitvowncri
or mayor und elty vounull
'J ho hoard resurvcs the rl ht to reject any
or all hldn and to uuivu defecti
Chairman Ilo ird of 1'uhlie Works.
Omaha , .Nub , April 23th I-'J !
April 23-UoMayJ-3
National Bank.
Capital 9100,000
urplus. . , , ( Jtn.t ) 00
Oitlcen auJDIroctorillanry W Vatei priillut
II C I uslihu vludprdlMont I ) . 0 AUuriajV V
Muroo , Joluid Ccllltu , J M IL I' trlut , I.jwll A
Hood Cantilor
CAPITALS 100.000.00
Bee Bureau of Claims
For Inventions
Bee Bureau of Claims
Fqtinl with tha Inloroit of llio o li.iTln < oHI n
aaalnat theKoruruiucnt Is tliut of l.Wi.N'TOIl3 ; w'n
often } O5O the bonottt of VAlunblo Inventtaiu baa if ) 19
of the Incumpotonc/ Initttuntlun of the uttornojri
employed to obtnln tlialr patunti 'loo niua i oirj
rnnuot bo oiorcUol In ouplarliu coji [ > atoit ail
rellAblo rollcllors U ) proct ro pntunti , for t'u vita )
of apntnnt cU'pomli Kr.mlr , It natonUraljr , upon tUi
cure unit skill uf the ittornar.
Wltlitbo vlovr of protecting Inronton fr ) n irort1 !
less orcarcle54 attorno/j , nu l of 0ojlii { 1 1 it inrji >
llonsnrowcll protjclo I by vill 1 pit'jn'.l Til If II A 1
IIUKKAU Im ) rutHlnuJ couiuol oiiurt In pitoal
prnctlco ! nnil 1 1 tliurofuru pru.nrjJtJ
( ilitadl jxitfliti ,
Coniliict Iittei'fei'ensai ,
Jf / . < > Hiirrltil crniiilnntloiu ,
'f trnila HHir\i nn I vnp
< > i > inl nn iinli > ni'u ] > u unit mil I-
itu < > / ji' '
I tnH < > ctifr mill ilufi'itt in fi-
Hlll'tN , < > t < ! . ,' :
If 7011 Imvo in Invention on Imncl onlTIII3 HI !
OUltKAl nHkotc'l ' or photn rnpli tliuroof lo auiut
with n brlof ( loSLrlpilon of tha Imuortint le.aurji
nndfou trill bo unto < ulvl eil ,11 to the bait co'inutj '
puriuo Modoli ru not tim.ui > try unluii tluntui \
lion l > of n complluntol nature If othiiri nrs IT.
frliu'lngon your rltthli , orlf you nra cimr oi win
InffinKuinoiii 07 union siiliinlt tha inittor toTIIII
HtlKKAl/lor a rullnblQ Ol'l.NIO.N buforo nctuuua
tbo matter
220 lice IJnilillii , ' , Omiiln , Nul ) .
{ 3yThls Hiiro in U pit irnntcod hy tha
OniulM Ileo , thi ) 1'lrmuor 1'rosi 'Hid tha a tn
rranolsco hx.unlrior
Cut this out nnd band it with your 1 1
I Imndlo the C'HIPI'UJ C'KHKK
Ml N'I NO STOCKS , and can fill tolo-
ffrnphic ordcra on hhoit notice My
libt cumpriHCB tlioullovuiiK / Cri ( > pla
Crook stoclcH.
Anaconda. Bull Mountain.
Cold Kins ? , Beuna Vista ,
Blue Bell ? Work ,
Alamo , Washington.
And all uthor rnllab'e sit.cks of those mines ,
HS wiill nn many stnuUs of the l.uudvlllu , As-
pun and ( JruoU m nun
Mnnyof Hie Cr pin Oieok stnckn linve IIUIM
IhMi diullt > r | within thrio inontlm Tlio Ana-
crind tatoc'c sold tour montlis HUO ut li > vcnti ,
and BVI now for o nr il poriihuro Olhui nuw
mini's uninpniilng every few day with Ju l us
goml proapftts
A L'Ddllrin m of Council lllufTn IxiHKht MDIIIO
of thlr. t-toulv ut 15 cunts Iho In Her part of
March , nnd h ibklnio r fi > e < l il fur U In-
voitiiicntB madBiit low rated All corrospon-
ilunto promptly :
10 J'ilces Peal ; Avenue ,
Colorado Spnn'H { , - - Coloiudo