TIIK OMAHA DAILY NEK : MONDAY , MAY 2 , 1862 , JUST MISSED A WHITEWASH Omaha's Only Error Reiulted in Indian apolis' ' Only Run , VERY HOT GAME FOR A COLD DAY Young Dnrliy Itiul Ilio llimilntnt Ills Jlcrry All Afternoon Milwaukee TuniK tlio Tublei on Kims is City Other Hall Unities , Omaha ; Indianapolis , 1. Milwaukee. 10 ; Kansas City , 4. Colurabu' , t , 12i St. Paul.O. Ii. Minneapolis-Toledo , postponed. HOI-LI : CALL them blue Jays , and ns usur.l the people are right. They look llko blue Jays , play UUo blue ) ays , nnd are Jays every ono of them. I refer to the In- dlnnnpolts base ball loam. However , Ihoynro heavily hnndlcanpod. Tlmt uniform Is cer tainly very Billy Harrington , and Brush should demand that President Williams nhulllcs the cards ni-aln and give him an- olhor cut. All of the Uaphaelosqua lights and shades of the millennium plan are conspicuously brought out in hh present aggregation , nud lie has got to bo n good top and bottom dealer to over pet within hnllii.c distance. It wns cold and nark and dreary yesterday , but dosulto thU discouraging condition of things , otiito a fair crowd wont out to Sportsman's park to see the second bout between twoon the Hooslors and the Hustler * . Tno bulk of the concourse , hoi\over , wns of the genuM bleacher. Bl'rompth nt It o'clock Umplro McQunid put n now hull on tap , and n misguided voung man , yolopt Gayle , on account of the won derful slowness of his speed , took hb poslllon within Iho little square near the conlur of the Ulamond. Ho was lull of hope , conlldcnco nnd prunes. Before ho pllcbod the llrst ball ho looked it carefully ever , rubbed It between his palms , sme'lt of It , spit on his hands , took u rest on thu funco nnd pulled the trigger. It wns n good shot neailv taking Shoi- bock's foot off nnd limping painfully , for the umpire's snKo , ho wont to llrst. /ounir Mr Gayle was oxnsparatod , nnd ho book bis good right piw ilorculy , and an al- tltudlnous pilch wns the consequence. On this Shy ran lo second. Robert t.tlks then pressed his club against n nice drop , a regular marshraallow , and Shy scampoiud homo. Bobby cmbo/zlod Iho next ban himself , but was caught tiyinc lo get. homo on ICel'ssnfo ' dilvo. The next moment Tun Berger slammed Collopy out nt llrst , and jour Undo suc cumbed on n high ono to Lotchur. What ought to have been a pllo ot runs dwindled down to ono pearly llttlo tally. But the Jays uldn't last as long ns It takes to toll it. McQunid quit on a pop-up to Collopy , Luwionto smashed /IJolus In the Jaw throe succojslvo tlmo ? , ana ho , lee , wandered into ether paths and byways. Mr. Lotchor shocked the whole toint by making a hit. Then O'Biion , of Gorman ex traction ; sent a little lazy one down to Col lopy and when he reached llrst your Uuclo had It there whiting for him. And the Jays failed to scoro. Camp , Hayes ana Flugerald furnished ispoedy outs. Louis P. fiom Qulnu to O'Unon. 12ddie to O'Brien , nnd Iho song nnd dun co man on throe weird lunges into spaco. For the Billy Harringtons Quinn wns the first man up. Ho took his position nt the "bat and never said n word , but stood and looked nt Darby In a way that made his heart boat thick nnd fast. Ho made four falluies to put her ever , and Qulun took first. homo Doulilo I'lnyft Como Up. Berger fouled to Collopy and on Old Hick ory's hot smash to the same corner the two runners wcro doubled. Colly shot the ball to Fitz and Fit/lo Undo. And Iho Jas failed lo score. In the next Darby led off with a grounder that had whiskers on it that would have made OUH bclimolz sick with onvy. Shy How out to Letchor and Gilks forced Darby at second , and IColly did likewise for Hobort. Again were Iho Jnvs doubled. Aflor Tommy Nnglo , the boy who used to line 'em dawn to hccond llko bullets from n gun , In the hulovon days of ' & ' ) , had been switched off nt llrst bv Collopy , Gayle made a hit. Following this marvelous achieve ment came a nice llttlo parobolic lly to Col lopy from McQunld's ' bat , nnd before Gayio could get back to first ha nailed him , too. Ana the Hooslors failed to si-ore. In tbo fourth Collopy reached lirsr on an accidental bunt. Ho wo hit , lo Gayle , nnd , ambitious lo give the Hustlers n las to of their own medicine , ho turned to cut Colly off nt secoud , but Instead threw wild , and Colly went on to third aud your Undo to second. But noltbar got any further. Camp struck out , Gayle nnd O'Brien attended to J laves , and Old Hick and O'Brien to Fitz. For the Harringtons Lawrence ( rushed the circumambient. Darby throw O'Brien out ut first , and Quinn did the gashing act again. And the , Tavs fp.lled lo scoro. Old Hickory Juggled a hot ono from the end of Darby's slick , and a wild pilch ticketed him to second. Shy mibcued on his Bacrlllcc , hu halMioartod lly falling inlo McQuald's uplifted mauioys. Lawrence took another ono from Gllks , uud It looked llko another arlu waste for Omaha. But IColly came noxt. Ho felt us if bomothlnir ought to DO done , mid-he did it. Swinging Ills omnibus polo bo broucht it forward squarn against ono of young Gnyla's highest priced , nna when the ball bit way out in Buck Kcofn's center crocus bed , Darby wns in nnd ICol pulling on sccona. Ho stele third and Collopy's second snfo seated him. Your Unclu popped up a high ono and Old HICK caruud another p. o. rit'iiHtmt to the Knd. Then JUBI lo keep their hand In the Rust- lorj executed another double their third in the KHIUO. Quinn wont to llrst on ualls. Berger puttied ngroundor do > vn toShy , tvho scooped it up and throw it to Fitz and Quinn was nlppnd , Ihun Fitz IIrod It ou to your Undo and Berger wus also inndo n sucker of. Car penter died cnrouto lo first , Sny'i quick throw healing Ihont by a dozen yards or moro. And again the Jays failed to scoro. In the sixth Camp boat a llttlo In Mold tap oul , llavos fouled to Nuglo uud Fitzgerald to O'Brion , whllo Dnruv wafted. Tbo Ilooalors Uldn't last as long. Me- Quaid How out to Shy , nnd Darby threw the ludlana battery out at llrst. And again they fnlloa to score. > In tbo next iho Hustlers made tnoir fourth and last run. Shy ran do a bit and Gltk got his base on four wide 0003. Kelly hit to Gayle and Shy was heudod off at tlilru , but on Collopy's third jmfo hit Bob got homo and Kelly tc t third. On Howe's bit to Carpenter ho and Kelly were doubled , Curp throwing Uncle ' out at first , aud O'Brien Kel nt tha pinto. As usual the Jaya fallod loscaro , and In taut kept on falling until the ninth , when , by tbo grace of Omaha's only error , tha ) managed lo nqueczo In a soilta'rv tally , anil were happy. About this tnno Lotcher delivered hlmsnll of Ihu only ovlooiico he baa so far given o ! his right , lo draw a salary. Undo drove OIK uwuy out Into right for a good hard single Collopy wns tearing along towaidjborao a the tlmo Lolcher got the ball. What did hide do ! Why , that big Jay ttiruw to Naploiv prettily us unylhlng > ou over seen , and Col lopy was caught at tbo plato. This is buw the Jays got the run : McQuatd made a bit , aud Lawrence fol Icwod with a hot ono down lo Collopy , am ever eager to cut the game off short Cell ; throw to Fitz to catch Mao , but hU throw > \ai bad , and both r minors landed safe Lotehor's snerlilco advanced tno runnon , and on O'Driou'i long lly to Kul , tha llrst rut homo. Then Quinn struck out and tno game was over. over.Oneo moro this afternoon , then nonioiCusb I.NDIANAI-OI.IS. . . . SCOUR 1IY INNIMH. Omiilin - IndlnnapotU - RUMMMIV. r.nrnoil runs : Omulin. ' . ' Two bnso lilts : Kelly Left on bases : Omaha , 8s Indlnnnpo- Us , , L Double olnysC'oliopv lo Ko o. Is Uol- lony to I'lt/gornlil to Itowo , I ; SliulliooU to I'll7uonild lo llowo , Ii Cirpunlcr lo O'llrlen to NH IO. llnso on balls ! UIT Darby , .l ! off Oiiyle. : ' . lilt by pitcher : lly Oaylu. 1 Striiuk out lly D irliy. ! by d iy'o ' , 4. 1'assed bulls : llyNitflo , 2. Tinioot KIIIIIO : Two hours. Um- plru .Mc ( > unld. Sllll Dolnc HiMlnoss. KissvsCm.Mo. , May l.-Mllwnukeo won todnv's gmno In n walk. F.riors by the Kan sas City Inllold , nnd tlmelv hilling br the Brewers did Ibo business. The wind blew a gale during the entire garao. Atlondanuo V-iOO Scoio1 HCOIIK 11V INMMJS Knrn-ii Cltr - Milwaukee 1 J 1 1 0 3 2 U ' -ID 8UMMIHV. Hiinnenrnnd Kaiisia Clljr. < Mllwniikee I Two luni > lilts Itolilm I. ) ttio , Mctlnrr. l.iikc Threii biiulilt Kolllns llomu run Mulinrr. Doublu plnrs lli-iiry to Hnrl llaso on bull * Olt Wuril , 2 olTKrclB.I. lilt hjr liltchor. IjiikP.Vnril htruck out Twltihulk2 Ilanrj 2 llnmbnrii J. I.nke. J , Alliortn I Itnljoru Wllil pltclies 1'nyna Pnssiul bnlla lljr Kullltm. I , lt > Kr li { , I Molcu buses. Man nliiK. Mct.nrr , 2 , Wnnl 2 Tnltcliell 2 , l.nrl ' ncrl- lieu lilts " -unilay , 1'nrmiVnnt Tlmo of Bunio l u bourn Umpire. Corcoran C'oluinlius < ) > il > \\oii Two , far. PAUI , Minn. , May 1 The Columbus nnd St 1'aul ball clubs played two games in rapid succession today. Ono was decided on its metlts and the other on its domoiits. Weather cold : attendance small. The llrst was \\on l > .i superior playing n well-contested game , and the second waa won by Columbus by hmd hitting and crrow by tbo home club. Score : 1 III'T O\MC lh I1Y INMM > 4 Ht 1'aul 0 Columbus 2 0001000' J SfMMAHV Two base hits : Motr , SutclllTc , Camnin , Abbey , IJilly. Merrltt Double i > ) llulinnil tuiins Inteil ) SuttlllTc , llolliind anil Alvonl , Walsh ami HroLlveiirlilk-e llnso oil b-illn OH htuveiiM. .1 , oir Kcefe , 1 lilt by | ilt < tierHv sloveiiM , I , by Koefe 1 Stolen Irum llourlover. Wnlnliiinpnu , MiClel land Mifn lilt * IJonaKbiio - ' , O Huuiko , .Merrltt 'llmoof K'inio Ono lionr nnd thirty live minutes Umpire tin ) dor. HtCOM ) OAMU HUMJIAllV. Two uaso lilts. biitclllTo , DiiRdalo , O'llourke , nniinii. | I.nlly , IlreekunrldKO lloublo plnyn Wnlib , llrooUcnrldno Us o un balls' Oil OInusun , 7 ; oil OiinnlnRlmni. 0 Mruikoutl ll > ClnUBOh , I , by ( "unulnjbnm , f > . btolen bno < Diinuiiliiio , locrluver. Wnlxlt , lonl/on 'llmuuf itmuo ( Jut hour and llfty minutes tlmiitru bnydor. Too Colil In I'lnv. i , Minn. , May 1. Minneapolis- Toledo gmno postponou ; too cold. Uiiniits Today. Indianapolis at Omuhn. MllwauKooat Kansas City. Toledo at Minneapolis. Columbus at St. Paul. < HtiuiilliiK of thn Tcnnu. Hayed. Won. Lost. Per Ct Milwaukee 8 7 I .87'i Columbus 11 8 .1 7.7 KimsiiH Olty , II 7 4 Omaha 0 4 fi .411 St. 1'iitil 8 .1 fi Tolorto R II 5 Mlnnoapolli 0 2 4 Indianapolis P.COO I. list ol the Iloosler * . Indianapolis and Omaha will wind up their spring sotios this afternoon , and the Hust lers will work bard to make it thieo straight to sort o' oven up with the dose Snvdor und the Columhuslors adtnlnlstoted.Vliilo their chances are good for this accomplishment , there Is nolhlng corlain about it. Thcio is some good material In the Hoouior loam , und they have simply been Ibo victims of circum stances , n lack of weather mid n rotten uni form. Tboy may Jump onto tbo bo-no team todav and whale the llfo out of them. Tbo two teams will bo placed as follows : Omaha. Position. IiullananolU I land llmo . I'ltchur . Mmltleii Hnyus . Oali'hor . Naglo Itowo . I'liitt . O'llrlen Kltorald . heeond . Horror C'oliopy . . . . . 'Ililiil . Cnrpuuter Slieiliecic . Slim I . Lawrmioo Damp . lEIsiht . 1-iiluhur Cllllis . Middle . Mi > ara Kelly . l.uft . Moguaid far ATI : I.K.VCUI : . I'liittKiiioutlt Openn In the Mini nnil Loses the I'list Uninn. PiArrsMOUTH , Neb , , * Mny 1. ISpocial Tolcgiatn to Tun UKI : . ] The opening game cf thoStato Dnio Halllouguo was played hero today on grounds throa inches deep in mud. The gnmo losultod In the ignominious defeat of the locals ai iho hands of iho Lincoln club. There was n small attondnnco on account of tbo tbroatonHg weather. The locals oulbatlod Iho visitors , but put up 'nn aoomlnablo fielding gainu. Koovus started In lo pitch for Iho honu club , but lollred nt tbo end of the fourth Inning nnd wns suo- coodod by Yupp , whoso delivery was n puzzler lo tno visitors. Cabtouo 'pitched a good atmofor Lincoln , Kooplng the hlu well acuttared , Maupln c iricd oil the ualtlng honors for the locals , whlto Fear and Cast- tone did iho hilling for the Lincolns. The score : Lincoln . . . .2 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 0- riulUmouth . : . Kitrnod ruiiH. Llnroln , 4 : I'lattamoitth , ] < lliihivhlls : I'litlt-.iiiouth.l ) ; Miicoln , 7. Krrors IMiittiiiiiintli.il ; Lincoln.I llutturlcs : I'lutts- inoutb Keovi-s , Vnnii mid Mitiipln ; Llncolu- UuHtonu and 1'oar , Umplro : ( Ircnsly. tin nur Cll } > , httumpoil , CiuiM ) Iii.iM ) , Neb , , May 1 , [ Special Telegram to TUB lUij : 'Ihroa hundred people , half of whom came on n special fron Hastings , saw iho llrtt game of the stuu championship t > oason. Wnathor cold , ( irani Islnnd lost on account of poor all-aroum ! ulnying. llofer wa ) knocked out of the box , 1'uokard did oxcellcnllj in the box foi Ha&tlnKB. Score : Urand Island . .0 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 1- . lliistluzs 0 1 3 1 3 1 1 I -n Kiirnud rum : ( irund 1 bland 1 , lilts. Gram Ihlaud , r > ; llnatlniits K. I'.rrors : ( ir.uul U land , I' ' ; llusitinvs , 4 , lliilterlui : llofor , UourUuaud Kuefp ; 1'avkurd and Stunning ot the T < miu . I'laycd. Won. Lost. Per cent Lincoln 1 1 0 1.00 llantlnu'H 1.00 I'lntlnnioulh a oo Urand Ulaud 1 0 t aoo lloyn ut 1'rUe ri MU.SCIB , lud. , May 1. A brutal prlxo flgh occurred Just oul ldo the city limits of Mun- clo yostordnv , In which fvo young boys bad their faces bsdly puuimolod with bnro fists. The principals were a colored lad , Ilurt An derson , nnd n whlto boy uamcd ( lonlon , Thov hud n dlsnulo nnd fnonils urged n prlzo light as n Bottlomcnl. Three vicious rounds were fought nnd the contest was decided a draw. Tbo grass was much bespattered with their blood. NATIONAL ii\iui : : . St. I.onH ( "ranks llmile One of Nlrlc t'lirliisltlr * . ST. Lofi" , Mo. , May 1. Umplro McCrum was the feature of loday's game between Washington and St. Louis. Ho was guyed unmercifully by a crowd of tl"OJ cranks for numoiouj bad breaks. Dwvor was In good form and In addition to Iteoplnp the Wash ington * ' bits scattered lloldud bU position superbly. Score : St. Louis . 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 2fl Washington . . 0 0 0 1 0 1 S 0 o- lilts : St , LouK Ii : Washington , II. Hrrors : St Louis , t. Washington , . I. I'm nod I misSt. . LonK I , Washington , ' . ' . llittorles : Ihvyor and lllrd , ( laslil ht uud Larkln. KIIIIIK-N Hnil Kitsy IMurklni ; . LDUISVIM.I : . Ky. , Mav 1. The homo team had no trouble in dcfcallng tbo Oilolos to day. Fll7gorald pllchod his llrst champion ship game for the Colonels aud was very oft'octlvs up to the ninth inning , when ho letdown down and allowed the visitors lo score two runs. Pfoffor mnao the llrst homo run hit ot tbo season on the local grounds. Weather Hue. At ton dan co , 0,000. Score : LonlsMllo . , . . II 5-11 Illltlinoio . . 2 Hits Louisville. 17 ; llnltlmoro , 10. Krrors : Louisville. .1 ; II iltlnioro , 7. 1' . irne.il runs : LoulsMllp , ( is It iltlnioro. 1 Halter us : 1'IU- gi-rald mid Urlin ; Cobb und Kiimnsun. \\lllj Illllv .Uclllll's I'lrnt ( iiinto. CIMINNHTI. O. , Mnv 1. McCilU pitched n line gmno against Cleveland todav , but his support was of the wont. Cincinnati knocked Cuppy out ot the box In llvo lunlugi. Warm. AllondfUice , IIJ.OOJ. . Scoro. Cincinnati . . . 1 1 5 ,1 0 0 0 0 2 12 Cleveland . . . . 2 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 .1 0 lilts : Cincinnati 14 ; Cleveland , 0 Ilrrors : Cincinnati , 8 ; ( Jtuxottiml , .1. Kilned runs : Cliiclnu ill , 7j Ulovnlaml , I. It'itteilos1 Mul- lano. Mclllll and Murphy ; Williams , Onppy und Doyle of the Tonnn. I'layocl. Won , Lost. 1'orOt. Iloston . II 11 2 .810 l.oiiis\lllc . II 10 II ,7ii ) llronklvn . U B II .7)0 I'lttsburi . II U 1 . ( m Clnclnnull . 1 ( > 10 0 .lii" ) Clinelanil . U 7 fi .GiJ Now Yorit . 12 7 5 .f > s. | I'hlliidOlpbla . 11 fi 8 . . ( S3 Washington . 13 ! l U . 'JAO Ht , Louis . II : i 10 . ' . ' .It Chicago . 14 3 II .214 HalUmoio . 13 1 14 .007 U.imtM Todny. Hoston at Chicatro. Drooklvu nt Pittsbur ? . Now York nt Cincinnati. Philadelphia nt Cleveland. Washington at int. Louis. Alter I'lcil l niter's Curls. OMUIA , Atiril 30. To the Sporting Editor of THU But : : I hereby challenge Fted A. Fuller to shoot n rlllit match ot fifty shots each , 200 yards , oIT baud , for from $ JT to WO n slda on btandmd American target. En closed please tlnu JTi foifoit , bilanco to bo uut up as teen as challenge is ucccpteil. C. J. Him Conii WIIIIIK * Mrs. Newton , living in Omaha near the police station , was in South Omaha Saturday evening in search of her daughter Marv Newton , need 1(5 ( years. The \ounp girl had been employed as n domestic by n 'mnlly named Daly until recently and had loulected lo so Infoim her mother. She fell in wilh bad company aud was 'oa astray. This fact reached Mts. Now- .on's cars , nnd in company with Oflicor Humpol she mido u search for bor daughter , but wns tiuablo to lind the wayward ono. Tbo girl had aopllcd for admission at n Twonty-soveath street resort , but was refused. The police found tbo young girl in com pany with Ben Barman , a young man em ployed at a packing house In thU city. The couple wcro located on Twentyfourth'street , between J and K streets. In Barman's pos session were several letters from the phi indicating that a strong affection existed be tween tbo two. Ono letter in particular gives ptoof to Iho assertion. In this missive the young pirl In affcotlonuto terms gives notice to bor lover that she has tauon poison and is dying for him. Bolh were placed under arrest and taken to the pollco station. City KcuortlH lu Danger. The records and valuable paporj of the city of South Omaha are not in a nluco of safety and the city council should lese no tlmo in providing quarter * for the muuicinal ofllcos vthlch will bo .secure from loss by iiro. A number of locil capitalists coiitomnlato Ihooruclion of several business blocks , nnd It would seem that the opportunity is nt hand for providing suitable und safe quar ters for the city's oflicml. * . A number of the members of the city council so em to bo of the opinion .but the best way out of tbo di lemma will DO to leasu quarters in ono of the now brick blocks which will bo erected dur ing the present season , nt a reasonable rental for a term of years , providing the owner of the building will put in a large vault , equal lo lhat which the municipal business demands. Charles Singer will orocl a threo-story brick block ut Twenty-foul lu nnd N streets , and ho professes lo bj desirous of entering into such an agreement with the authorities. Knturtnlnliif ; Dolvgutoi. A number of the delegates to tha Meth odist conference are bcin < ; cntcilalnod by South Omaha pcoulo. Ke.v. C. N. Dawson Is onlorlainini' J. A. AcUcrman and J. 11. Mc- Cloticoy of Alabama ; A. II. Mihcr , II. W. Chaffeo of Kansas ; H. A. McAllister , E. W. Cunningham of Kansas ; Mrs. O. 1C Morris , O. K. Bcobu of Nebraska , K. W. Voorhocs of Kansas , J. C. Postlewait of Knnsns and IX H. SVoou of Indiana ; .1. W. Udaorton , W. II. Sweet and M. M. Stclof Kansas. They will bo bhown the greatness of South Omaha und the lact will bo Imprcssod upon their minds that the future packing mid .stock cen ter of thu world Is the Maglo City. Tlirlr I'lircHi'll 1'iirty , Thursday evening , May 5 , the members of the Young People's Social club will glvo a fm ewoll party nt Knlshts of Pythias hall. This club during Ihu past season has proven u success und added a great deal to the en joyment mid pleasures of social llfo In tbo Mngio City. Thursday oyinilnu's ' affair will bo u success in every particular and these who have le-ceived invitations look pleas antly forward to Its coming. Xotoj unit I'mritumlft. Frank J. Sholauoy Is in Chicago. Mrs. Frank Dubois rapidly lecovoring fiom her recent Illness. D. M. ritzgorald of Chicago was the guest y os tor day of Clarcnco Soboikor. Mark Boukul , formerly a mail carrier on iho Soulh Omiba force , lolt for Chicago lust evening to bo absent several days. The city council will moot in regular scs- sion this ovonini ; . Final action will bo tukon on the proposed occupation tax ordinance. Tbo Maroons and Atblolics crojsoa bats yesterday afternoon on the Third wuro grounds , tbo former winning by a scoio of 7 to 4. Hugh Murpbv has a force of men at work grading South Twenty-sixth street , aud will commence paving us soon as tbo slroot U In condition , Kov Dr. Boobo of Brolron How occupied Iho pulpit at tha First Piesbytciiau uhurcn last evening , nnd delighted his bearers by delivering a masterly sermon. The annual mooting of the First Prosbyto riau church and congregation will bo bold Wednesday evening , May 1 , ut the church. Among ether businosb to bo transacted will bo the election of n board of six trustees. A large number of the members mid their ladles of thu Scauaauuvluu Benevolent society of the Order of tbo North Star as sembled Saturday nliibt lu tbo Anclont Order of United Workmen hull and pleasantly celebrated tbo third anniversary of the foundauon of the society in this city. Hey , A. L. Leonard. D.I ) . , of Brooklyn , N. Y. , occumod Ibo pulpit at tbo Methodist Kplecopal church Sunday inornluit aud Kov , E. P. Albcris , D.D. , of Now Orleans , La. , Sunday ovonlni ; . Prof , Ackornmnn of U. S. Grant college ot Athens. Tenu. , delivered u short address to the members of the Epworib league at tbuovouluc mooting. OonsidoMbla Diflbrotlco of Opinion as lo Just What it Is , CALL FOR AfytNTIRELY NEW CREED .Mutton lo HTrrcmted nt th MeotliiB oT ( ho ( Imirral As emlly nt I'orlliiiul , Ore. , TliU Month \Vlilrli Will At * tract ( Ictipritl Attt'iilton. PoiiTHNtt , Oro. , May 1. [ Spoclnl to Tun Bur. ] for severalmonths tbo Prosbvlorlans of 1'ortlnnd anil Iti vicinity have been preparing - paring for ttio moetlnir ot the qonor.il nssom * bly of the Presbyterian church , which will begin on May 10 ntnl lost noaily two week * , Although this U the id lib nicotine of ttio as sembly this venerable body ha * never boon further westthun Omahn , nntt only onro has It mut so far west hs that , For a number of years the project ol cairying the Prosuyto- Hans to the Pncillo coast has been under dis cussion , nud nftor numerous consultations and what was equally important the layIng - Ing nililo of n mileage fund latpo enough for the iiicrensoa uxponses cotucquont upon such nn extended trip , the claims of the Pnclllo eoait wore seriously considered last year at Uotiolt , Mich , Invltntlons wcro re ceived from the ( Jalvnrv church of San Francisco mid the First church of this cl'v. lint the spccc'li that captured the assembly was given by Dr. A. ,1. Drown , the pastor of the First church , nnd by nn almost unani mous vote It was decided to nci-opt the Invi tation. Harly in thu fall a lan-o committee of arrangements ; v s appointed , with special committees on hospitality , inform ttlon , Ilnnneo , preparation of assembly rooms , mis sions anil pulpit , pioss and piintlni ? , banquet , excursion , music , railroad and trans , poit.itloi , , and nn oxocntlvo committee com- pilslng the leading clergymen iiiul laymen of the presbytery. Preparations hnvo been inndo for the ontortuinmont of 2OUJ people commlsslonois , olllcors and visitors. Dr. Urowu promised lastyear ; free entertainment for nt least ii.OOO conimlssioncrs nnd S''i OOO If necessary for the expanses. It Is thn wUh of the 1'orllaud people that thu assembly so sooii lo moat In tlielr city should bo pre-eminently n missionary as sembly , and lo that end a commit tee has boon appointed to bring this question specially before the commls- sloncis who , in reaching Port- laud , will traverse the gtoot mission field of the church. The First church Issues a monthly paper , called "The Hesperian , " aim early in the season , in an editorial , this state ment was i undo : "Homo and foiuigu mis sions sliould have at Joust a day each and more if possible. The committee on illu sions and pulpits will endeavor by corre spondence una otherwise to bring this about and to prevent those causes being crowded into a corner.V"o are iutctoslod In the Itriprgs case mid 111 revision , but the pioblom of the ovnucelizatlou of the- great west is lo us ot paramount importance. " Hut while tbo committee feels so strongly about homo missions it will bo utterly im- rossiblo to crowd the llrlggs casu" mia revision Into ai corner. In Inct , It seem- , probable that the coming assembly u 111 bo made memorable. Jiy the defeat of tovtslon and the ordering of anew creed for tbo Presbyterian chinch. TLo revision commit tee appointed t\w > oars ago , with Dr. W. O. Koborts , president of the LnkoForobtunivnr- sity , as its cbalt/nqij / , has prepared its second ronort which ha been made public. By the limitations Imposed when tuo appointment was made the committee was unable to tntro- duce any propositions tondlng to Impair the Calvlnlstic systdm ofj doctrine taught in the confession , nnd itris-admltled that the mem bers of the committees have dona their best in view of all the circumstances , but they have not satisfied the great mot's of the church , ! it ! \a \ bolloved. Many of thoso-who il ojjposod revision at the outset , feel that tbo committee have irene too far , while these who were extreme ruvisioa- ists insist that the iei > ult is altogether too conservative nnll'tfiRfc Iho changes miiUo are not at all satisfactory , lind , further , that the temper of the chur.ch in regard to revision has chaugod siuco the matter was tlrst broatcncd , and that no rovisior. is possible now which will satisfy all parties. The only Ihlnis lhat can keen tlio Prosbvtcnan cnurch united , they say , is not an unrevised confes sion , nor the confession as amended by the revision committee , but a now .creed which will in some respects losomblo the ono out lined bv Dr. Henry Van Dytto of Now York City. Whoa discussing tno matter in his presbytery ho sniil that those whom be rep resented wanted a now statement of essen tial doctrine for four reasons : "First , because it will bo simpler. Wo want homothlng that n plain man can under stand : something we can put Into tbo hnnus of these that need instruction without eou- furilng their minds. Hecoi.d. because It will bo moio scriptural.Vo want somothlng that has tbo tone and accent of 'ho Now Testament : something loss like a law paper and more line u creed , which can bo road In tbo churches without injuring the spirit of devotion ; something that will uplift and warm tbo heart. Third , nucausa it will be shorter. Eleven thousand woids Is too much. The substance of our faith can be put into half that space. If woleavo outtho non-cssontiul wo shall be able to put moio strength into our faith in the essentials. And tills will biing us nearer to our brethren and help to clear the way for tbo unilication of Christendom. Fourth , because It will hnvo a bettor balance. In political theology thu Important thing is thu emphasis. Wo wantaciocd that will lay a massl"o em phasis upon the love of God for the \vbolo world , tno ntonomont of Christ for nil man kind , and the free , slncorooffer of the gospel for ovorv crcotuio. " The revision committee , on the contrary , feel that if its report is adopted it will satlsfv ull except a few extreme conserva tives and a few extreme radical * who will bo equally unable lo agtco upon u now creed. Too progress of the discussion of this im portant , question will bo watched with irreat Interest. The subject most Impottnnt next to the ro- vi > ion question , and perhaps of grcalor pop ular interest because it has in U a porsuuul olomoul , will Do the discussion of thu Hilggs case. This will coin'- before the assembly in two ways. Last year his unnsfor from ono chair to another In tbo Union seminary was disapproved by u vole of 110 to 00 , but an In tense was the feeling on tuo part of the seminary - nary diicctora that at n mooting hold shortly after the assembly they rcafllrmcd his ap pointment , or rather his''transfe ! " ns they term it , and decided to stand by him. Do- sides disapproving tbo appointment the nssomblv appointed a committee , houdotl by Prchldent 1'niton of I'rinroton , to consult wl'li thn dliectora rolnllvo lo thu lulatlon ex isting between tuoMiininnry and thu assoui- hly. This cominlitou1 hold two meetings in Now York nnd nfltfl the adjournment Dr. Pntlon and Dr , HuAlugs signed the follow ing stnloment : .o , , "Tho adjourned conference which began on Wednesday last hotw ou the gcnor.il nsseinblys coruifiittco nnd the directors of Iho Union ThnologlUal Bomlnnry was con cluded on Fridayi owulng. A full , free nnd calm discussion \yysJiad ot nil the points nt issue. There was uuouRhout un obvious nnd earnest dcstrii to roach harmoniously homo conclusion.Jil'ho ' commlttco did not mid could not yn lll its to tbo general assembly's intorpictatlon of the agreement of lb0. On thoothfcr hand , the bemlnurv directors did not'Jieid tnrir position with regard to the ( I'llDsfor of Ir. lirlggs. The fact is "JHii'eopted on both sldus that tbero ftp'an honest dilToroiicoof opinion between tlioCiwo parties to thougroo- menl of 1570 , which difference will bo 10- portcd to tlio genera ] , , 'assembly a < i for the present Irreconcilable. The coinmlUco Mill recommend lhat tjio staius quo bo recog- nUeil in Iho hope tlmt soinu action tuny bo inlieu which will lead lo a harmonious settle ment of the question involvrd , The mumoors of the commiltco und the directors of the seminary have readied a bettor understand ing of ono another by the free nnd courteous lntoruhuno | of views , nnd on both aide ? there has been nn honorable disposition to sock the o ihlngs Vi uli.li inako for peace. In the conclusion of tbo conference thu vonura- bio Dr. Duller nildros < od thu cominlitou in n few kindly , impresilvo words , to which Dr. Paiton responded in a like spirit , and then with thu doxolngy nnd Iho benediction , Iho conforoncc was adjouined slim dio. " I 1'ATrox "FiUMis * , , ' Chairman of the Uoncral Assembly's Com mittee. ' TiiOMAttS. HASTINGS , For the Dirocton of Union Theological Sem inary. " In tba meantime , Dr. Hrijn has boon tnacblnt ; m the seminary , und B hu col- loagun nnd tuccDssor In the Hebrew chair , Prof , Drown , bus boon In 1'utopo the Ktonter pnrt of the your , ho hns boon practically fill ing his former rhalr. The second phnftu of the Drlgg * case will bo the appeal from the prosecuting com mit too of the Now York presbytery , which dismissed the heresy trial bosun Ihoro last summer. After the committee had inndo Its report citing the charges and specifications , mid Dr. IJnggs had made n reply , the pres bytery dismissed the rnso , mid It Is against this action tlmt the appeal Is brought. In nddllion to tlmt the members of the com mittee have lodged n complaint npalnst the presbytery \\iththo New York synod. Ac cording to Iho usual course the case should go from the piesbytery to Iho synod and then to the assembly , and Iho appeal may not bo brought up this spring. \ \ hen the cfiso was before the presbytery of Now York last fall , protests against the ruling of the moderator and ngalnnt the decision of the presbytery wcro offered , nnd these hnvo been signed by many who voted to dUinlss the case In Iho presbytery. It is unt cortnln yet who will servo us mod erator. Two names have been prominently mentioned , thosn of Dr. Wallace Kidcliffo nnd Dr. S. .1 , McPhorson. Dr Uidcllfffo Is a Princeton graduate nnd the pastor of n loadIng - Ing church In Detroit. Dr. MoPhonoti Is a Chicago man , to whom the prosidoncv ot Lake Forest university hns boot' offered since the resignation ot Dr. Kobcrts. Dr. Kmlcltffo was borti lu Pittsburp nearly fifty years ago , was graduated at .lofforson college thirty years ago , had his theological training lu the Unttou Presbvtorian somln- nry nt Allegheny nnd at the Prosbytorlan seminary nt Princeton. Hu was ordmnod by the presbytery at Philadelphia In 1SOO , serv ing as pastor of tbo Woodland chun-ii for four years. From Philadelphia ho wont to Heaalng , first ns staled Biipply of the First church , mid Inter became lu pastor. Ho IIM surged ns moilaintor of the synod of Phil- ndolpbla , nnd would mnito u strong moder ator. ator.Dr. Dr. McPherson Is n young man of much promise nnd Is exceedingly popular In Iho west. Ho Is n piogrosslvo man , and the onlv word beard ngalnst bis selection Is lhat Chlctgo has had two moderators within thu last ten years. Dr. Herrick Johnson and Dr. Matquis , auu Hint it is not fulr to the rest of the church to choose : i man from Chicago so soon ngnln. Dr McPherson was born in Whoatland , Monroe county , N Y. , In 1S.10. Ho wiw gradualod at Pilncoton colipgo In 1ST I , with the llrst ucadomlc rank in his class. For ono joar ho wns tutor In mntho tnntlcs at Prlncoton. In lS7. i ho onlured Princelon seminary. In 1877 ho gave the master's oration. Ho was llconsod to preach by the proibytory of llochuitur In 1877 , nnd wns Installed , by the prosbvtory of Morris and Orange , paslor of Iho Knst Orange Presbytoiian church in Septomuor , 1S7U. Hero his labors were largely blossi-d. In November , 18SJ , ho entered the pastorate of the Second Presbyterian church of Chicago. The following statistical tnblo conlnlns in brief the record of the giowth nnd progress of the Ptosbyterlan church for morolhiui 250 \ears. Prior to 17a9 accurate ligures seem to bj unattainable : 1 heir Ijo\ontli ! Viinuit McutloR , The eleventh annual meeting of the Nobraaltu State Pharm.icoutlo.il association will bo held Juno 7 , S and 9 , lOJ , at Grand Island. As this is the llrst tlmo the annual mooting ever convened lu the western part of the stnto and Grand Island boinc so cen trally located and on all tbo lallway lines , the largest mooting in Ibo history of thu association Is expected. Plcasuro and protlt are assured to nil who come. Music , dancing , games and sports , now and old acquaintances , are the pleasant attractions. Above nil , the Interests of pharmacy and of every pharma cist will bo promoted. 1'rizos on papers and queries hnvo boon of fered by Morrison , PlummetCo. . , Hlchard- sou Urus cotnniuy nnd James Uced and II. U. Hoyden. Prizes for laces by Ulalto.Bruco , t Co. , H. T. Clailto Drue company , McPiko , l ox & Co. . Nelson Johnson MunufactiirliiR company , M. C. Dcwitt & Co. , Lazcll. Dalloy & Co , Shenvin Ai Williams , PoroKoy AJ Moore , Fiodorlclc Stearno. Cudahv PadiiiiK company , Tlldcn & Co. , Hood & Hot don , T. C. Taylor , rcpiesontini ; Moirison , Plummor AS Co. and Soeloy Pcrfumo Manufacturing coin pan } . Badges for mo.nbers have bcou fuinlsbcd with the compliments ol Parlio , Davis Ai Co nnd the programs for the ernna ball with the compliments of A. A. Flandoii , icpiosontlriR Tllden As Co. A gold headed umbrella will bo presented by bmlth C. Wilson , ioproonllng Meyer IJros. , lo Iho member who secures the largest number of now names for membership. The local committee of Grand Island is un tiring in Us ellorts for the success of this meeting. i'jiti > ox.ii , r i2i.mii iniH. IV. . Robertson of IConrnov is at the Mil- lard. lard.G. . W. Shrock of Yorit , Neb. , is at the Aicado. K , M. Ford of DosMoines Is stopping at the Millard. Adolph Peterson of tVomout is at the Millard. L. J. Smith ot Manning , la , is slopping ut Iho Arcade. ,1. L. Lasubrood of Oxlord , Neb , was al the Uullone. Ueunii Shcedy , n Denver capitalist , Is at the Millnrd. George K Lorton of Crawford , Nob. , Is at the MUrray. C. O. Smith of fort Nlob-ara , Neb , , is nl Ibo Dollono. W. V. Scottof Spoaillsb , S. D , , Is stopping at , Iho Murray. Oicar Tidomnn of Mlndon , Neb. , Is stop- plug nt the Arcade. Mrs. J , F. Gavschow of McCook Is rogis- toriidnt the Arcade. M. E. IJarnett of Ncmnha , Nob. , Is regU- to red at tlioMllliird. \ \ ' . SVillinms and wife of Lincoln are ranis- tcred nt the Dollono. W. H. Sweet and M. M. Stoli of Sallna' Kan , , nru nt the Dollonu , MM. C. K. Uovott mid Mrs. L. II. Roe of Dulutli nro among the lady guests al thu Dcl- lono. MiBsoi Ltllia Crummer , Maud Ilamlln , Klttlo Hmnlln , Myrta Abbey and Lillian K.irrlnKtoij , Mr , Hnriico Hclfrlch nnd Mr. nud Mrs. T. 11. Cole of Falls City , Nell. , paid Tin : HUP. n call last ovonlni ; . Tbo nollce and detectives wore out in force yesterday shadowing the saloons , None of Iho flown town resorts were found upon. The pollro caplurad K Hurlto , n colored man from Council HlulTs.ycsiurdav Mud held him nin fugitive. IJunu is wanted across the nvor for hur liry. CoimuBiiciiK. May in , Ollli-er Flynn \\lll drill Ihu untlro dalall of polli-u for iwcnty mlnutoi ooforo roll call , Tills , will lo con tinued until October I. Sergoaul Ormsby nnd Oflicor * Davis , Dunn , Fislto and Flynn \\lll iopi > rt for dui > to Commissioner of Iloalib bomor-s al i o'clock Ibis morning , mid iho aclivo wotlc of cleaning up ihortty will begin A gang of hoodlums amused tlioinnolvm yesterday afternoon uy throwlni : stonoi end shoollng u revolver at the switching crow employed In the fat. Paul , Mlnnuipolls & Omaha , yards , The police department wui notified und a slop put lo the sport. About 10,3U Saturday night a numborof nricsts were niadu from Il > ion Clark's suloon In tba rear of Ibo pouofhco , upon Ibo charge of gambling. This place has boon lioqueulcd of lalo by a number of well Uuowa gumbleri and Suturday night's worls on the purt of the pollco was tbo luiult. ACRES OF SMOKING IIOISS Winnipeg , Manitoba , Vieitod by a Disas trous OonfhgratSon. FAILURE OF THE CITY'S ' WATER SUPPLY Olntnrlri Tlmt Confronted tlin rirninrn In H htlng the rir tiiimngrs und linur- nnur Oltitun , Knntns , Simors IOM Irum u Ooiitliiffrntloii , MINVKAPOMS , Minn. , Mny 1. A special to the Tribune from Winnipeg , J tati , sats : Tbo most extensive lira In the hlstoty of Winnipeg occurred about 2 o'clock this morning , and bofora It wns gotten under con trol slxtcon or oighlcou buildings were to tally destroyed. A space covering nearly thrco acres Is uow n mass of smouldering ruins. Tlio flro stnrtoil undur the ttngo of Iho Princess opera house and wns burning , It la supposed , about an hour before discovered. Members of n theatrical company were play ing there nnd loft their dressing rooms and tlio house was locked up. About 1 o'clock 200 people In the Grand Union oppotilo hoard n loud explosion In the theater , nnd al most Instantly Iho place was lllloJ with llainos. \Vhou the lire brlgndo arrived It was found thnl tlio water works company hnd closed dovui lor tupaiis , nnd as the hydrants wcro useless the hose hud to be laid lo t nulls before fore the water wns turned on the lire. Dy Hint lime the opera house mid live or sl\ stores in Ihnopmn house block were com plotiMy wiappod In tlames , nnd so quiculj did the block burn that not a dollar's woith of stuff was rescued. TLn llninos spread with torrlbto rapidity , audllftcun uilnutos nftur the alarm hud been souudod they had crossed nn nlloywny nnd caucht McGregor's largo lively stable , In which \\cva Ihousand of dollni's worlh of carriages , etc. , Including all the wagons of the Dominion Express company. Bo hot was the lira that uono of these were savou. And then , In spite of n'l ' the efforts of the lire- men , thn llames spread to the buildings on tbo opposlto side of the strcol. Frost & Wood's ' agricultural warehouse. Green's ex tensive fccdstoio , a carriage repairing shop , tbo Salvation Aimy bariacks mid three pti vale ros'doncos ' across the sttoot wcro nil on lira nt the sumo limn nud all \\orouurncd to the ground \\lth Iholr contents ovtopt Dawl- lug's grain wnruhutise , which wns partially saved. Thrco residences and n largo stable back of the opera house were nlso dustroyod and lllllo If nnylhliig savoil. Tlio Grand Union bolol wns also In great dan per , the windows being cracked by the great heat , but the lircmon , aided b > a fa\or- able \\ind , saved the big hotel. Hub ? & .Swift's Uncle Tom company lost everything , Including special scenery , ward robe , oti\ The propitotors of Iho opera house mo heavy losers. Tlioycnirled only $ iiOlJ ) Insurance , which would barely rover Iho sconciy und properties. Total losses arc voij heavy , but cannot now uo ositmitcd , while tbo insurance appears to uo exceed ingly light. Tiiiuedian FroJerlck Wurdo wns to hnvo opened nt the Princess ibis week , but for tunately for him , none of his bacgngo had been taken into the theater. Othui flics. Omw \ , Kan. , May 1. A disastrous fire started today in n Hvoty stable in the nouti part of town. A slroncr wind was blowing and after destroying the sinblu , the lire spread to Crowdor Bros" , steam laundry mid J. I" ! Spencer's frame house , both of which wen > dosttoyed. lirnntls fiom the lire WPIO carried by the wind ucross the river and sot flro to the stables of the street rar company ' and to nn ndjolnine livery stable. Doth o'f the latter woio atslroyed. Tbo loss is J.H.OUO ; partially Insured. P.iint your buildinps with strictly puio "Old Dutch Process" white lo.id. : 'Rcd Soul , " "Colliot- , " "bouthorn , " have stooil tlio test of yoara. Spooify ono of thcso br.imla und bu sure you { jot it. OIPICS OP WKATHCII DUIIEIU , I OMAHA. May 1. f . The barometer is lowest in Kansas and Colorado and highest In the extreme north east. Warm weather prevails in the south west und over the interior of thu country , In tlic northwest It is cold and quito winlor- ish. Snow U icpoited from Montana nnd Noitli Dakota , and raw nottbcnbtoily winds and dismal wo ithur prevail thioughout the ' upper Mississippi val'tcy. The wannest nt Omubn today was i53 = , nt St. Louis and WlelilU ! > ! > = . For Ijastorn Nebraska , Omaha aud VIc- initj ( Jo&ler nnd contlnuou laluy. unsnttled weather , north to northeast Avlnds during Monday. For Nebraska Fair , mocedcu by sliowors inoxliuuiosouthcast , colder In soutii ; north cast winds. .Uf-ss Lettlo lluittlt'U , Is the sister of Mr.V. . S. llunllcy , ot Cortland , N. Y. , ncll known car penter and builder. Her frank slate- meat below jjlvcs only tlic absolute truth concerning her illness and mar- \clons rccoveiv by llie aid of Hood's Sarsaparilla , She sajs : " 0. I Hood & Co , Lowell , Mass. : "lcu hill Tuclvo jean iigo I licsan to have lieinoirlngcs and fum joars ago Uucaino no low tli.it tlio physician * lold mo There Was No Hope and I should soon die , f could not ho movoil fiom my lied , lunlrr my face \\cio niikliu | roiitlimally reddened wllli hlood fiom my inmitli 1 oiili ! mi iiuililiiK and had no acllniiof Iho boHi-H fm \\iuk. . 'JliutUicluiH xniil tlio c.insu win ulcers in llui stoiinch , At Iliit tlmu my inolhoi .sniil hu wanted In make una iimiu Ulal , and asKetl If 1 wonlil Uko 1 told her Ituould bo A Waste of Money but Amlliig It would comfoif her , I began talc- luglt. In u few dn > * Iho bloating began to siiliMilo , I scemeil lo fui I n lltllo Mionucr , but Ihuiicht It only f mej 1 was .so weak I could < nilv lalto ten diops of SarsajmllU ntlhst. In ha weeks I win nlilo to il up ii few mill- uteicu'i ) day In a mouth S rnnlil Miilli nrio. Km loom. Ouu d iy 1 ilsUcil ull It tliuv weie In h.ivii fur diiinirmil Mild I wanted hoinctlihm henity My inothcivaj soji.iipy | aim ciled. It was Urn First Time I had Felt Hun gry for Two Years I Itcplon with IlooJ's E inaparllU and In six mouUis u as : \ullai our In my life. It Ii now lam 5 cms Mnco I icroyi icd , ai1 1 f luvo not luil a da ) 'a ' sluUnci * sliu o. nur any liemni- ilmKu If c er a Inini.ui bclni ; th.tulod < h < > KoniJ Lord on beiiiled Knee * it was I. I J now Hut llnoU's SaisapnllH. mid that alonw , uniucitlonably | Miiml i r Iiie. " llenrt. Pawjrer A JcnnliiRi , Ilio well known ilriislit | of Cortland , iy UiatMlu Iluntluy ' I * a MKli'X ' rciiicctoJ ladyj lierstatcuiuiit of what Hood's Sarsaparilla JUi done for her Ii nortlijr tlio liUUe ; t conn- duucc " Hooil's 1'lllu curu U > tr A SLUGGISH STRHAM. It < lr > l I'otil nnil roinonoiM Unlrm It Is Kept At this season of tlio year people fool inoro or lc s weak , run down , wearied nnd depressed It hns hern commonly supposed that It Is tin to Impurities of the blood and tint only by purifying the blood ran good health ho socurnd Is this trim ? I.et us sio. The blood g t Im * liure because It is sliiRiilsh llun does n stream giM linpuro with preen scum anil poisons on llie top ? Miuply bei'nu'.o It doesn't run. A lunnliix strt-uu Isnot IniDtiro , bill a stammnt or slucgloli sttpam nlwnys Is If. therefore you would Ueop your blood purr. Ueop It mov- \nt \ , keep It thiolibtii ) ; . The moment It boelns to bo slucutsli. It will tid l" to bo Impure , and jou will fool tlio effect * In tired , wi-nk foelliiKs , dintrrsccili'inutlons , nd n thousand nnd ono troubles whli'h iilwuys follow. The piopor way to knrp the Mood Mlrrlnc Is bv the usu of apiirostlinulaiit. In iiittilnr.itUin. Mlmumto IlKunlly , nud It will Keep In ronstiintilionltliy motion , nnd food lieiiltli will follow. There Is buliuuiwav In whleh this oiin bo done und that Is l > y thu use of tbo purest nnd host ntlm uliint you can Mini , | ti < ( oriltly Hhlskoy , and tlieio ( shut one nhso.utely pure , inodlelnnl wblskoy known to tbo uurlit , mid that Is nulls's Pine Mult ' cloiitlstH admit this , thn doetitrsnllcoutlriiilt. It Isinornsoncr-illv used to-dnv tli.ui tniy ether whiskey which tlut world has over soon , mid It Is popular only throu h Its nior t , , not lot nny ilruititlsl or croeordecolxo you by s'lylnv they lm\o sonlo- thliiK "Just us niMtd' MomothliiR they can ro- eonimcnil 'do \ \ lion any dOHlorxnys this , h has nn lntpro < ted inolUo. wbli h itBtinlly N. t null jousoini'tlilnc" heap ml Inferior ouhlcll ho oan itmko moro money Do not bo so deeol\ed. Dit.ii.c.vicsr 3 NIHVH : AND nuvis 'i MKNT.t NIOC ! tofor llrUorm DltMiiuii , Fill , .No.l rnlxla. Ito.i'lu'lij. MorTinii 1'fJitr.uion oui oJ br nl roliol orlobni-oo WukofiilnuM. Mvntil lljproutoi buflonlni ; of tlio llraltt at nlnt linsnltr niliorr ili-cnyilut It , I'm nil ire Ol I A < > Mirron.ioii , lun iif | 'OWLT In olthopHOT | ntHiton" ? , l j irorrtioDt ftit I nllhomM. ) Wntkniniai , liifoliinttrr loiiot SDJf mntorrhoat'CAinuI hjr ori'r otorlliinof tha britln Hi'ir-iilUi , ovor-ln liilnnnoJ A miiitlh s truntment ll.tifar ? \ I'r millVu Oimr.uitx u t > .iiai ti cure Knelt unlJr for 1 lujY.ts. irlllil } mil on I writ ten uurirtntoo to refuii t If not ourjJ riiitr\ntto liiiutilonly br V Scliiolcr , Dnmal'l ol iunt i : lor liilh an.I 1 iirn in its Oumtui , Nub llonure of ImltntU'iia Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing , Ciirea Oliappod Hands , "Wounds , Bunio , Etc. RoraovoD aud Provouts Dandruff. S Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water. Tlio above brands of gloves lor sulo by The Boston Store N. W. Cor. Kith and Doujilns Sts. Oiuuluu All the latest styles in Soft and Stiff Plats. STOTSON'S SOFT and STIFF IIA TS. ADLABADGf FDR CO , , HATTERS AND FURRIERS 218 South 15th Street. Furs Store ! niul Repaired. Monday , Tuesday & IVet/nesdiy , Ma'J , 3 A t. WKDMIaDAY MATLNKi : . Kiiuni-'ciiioiit of Ilio DU- - RHBHI IN 'UVO NKW 1'l.A Monilnr mi'l ' w < InmilHjr KruuliiKi \\uiliiuiilar Miillnoa Tim lllilorliMl llruni.illi' Nurrnllvu I-iA. G14A.KINA , limiireii of IliiiHl-t 'luu l ir l.tcnln the llrll lUnt loiueily 0 O B H > I P ! NlKht J'rlrp us usu il , Miitlnoo l > r ojs siimu lib night Sale opens ftittirduy iniirnlu ; , Farnam * - iinilu.Miillneu Mny - . , uiul I.I. . | iluur in n k-roinl ilunbio kill THIS BELLS SWEETHEARTS v < ciliit ! < ilnr " " 'I ' bulunlnr G rancl"Opera House. Coraor Capitol Avenuu and Kth. \Vook Couiiuunc.u Al jndiiy. April Uh ( ; . \ri. hiDMiv III.MIA.N , i.ii'i : AMK. HUTU , D.V.NCIX. oiAlliii-.s. ) : : WAX WOUKH , IM.U IONh. VIUWA A - I'l.IU OIlMANcnS DAIIA' A " ! " s. t. 4-r , * .u' ' . yu : : u. in i , OMiDlMK. Chain , , lUo.