THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , MAY 1. 1802-T\VE\TY TAttKS 'ASK FOR A JETTER S110W froxTiNur.n I-HOM rittri PAOB ] to the toinnornturo of thli country , nnu complained - plained of fee line qulto cold. Ihollli'fttrtUQil edition of TIIK llr.r. was ono of the clilcf topics of cOTivcrsatlcn among the The conference will meet In Boyd's thca > t r Monday at U o'clock , Bishop Nowmaii ' x\HI prcsc'nt the conference with a very liandsomo gavel made of rod wood cut from Grant pass , Oregon. WHO liNTHHTAIX. J.lst nl Iliimrs Mhnrn Drtrsntrfl Will ho ( Jtmrlrrril During HIP Month. Following will bo found the Omahn addresses - dresses of the delegates as assigned by the entertainment committee : E. O. AmlMws , bishop , Paxton hotel. J. A. Aekerman , Alabama , O. N. Dawson. C. V. Anthony , California , Mrs. A. Hustos 1MI ninnoy. A. W. Atkinson , Dakota , MM. Stanley. A. 1C. P. Albert , Louisiana. Pnxlon hotel. A. J. Anderson. Nebraska , Uov. Ilodgetls. A. Anderson , Sweden , .Mrs. A. Loboclr , 1623 North Nineteenth. J. G. Arbucklo , Ohio , David Cole , Tenth and Bancroft. C. Alderman , Ohio , Mrs. L. Boycr , Forty- eccond and Cumlnp. .1. Armstrong , St. John's River , Mrs. J. Mclntosh , J. M. Arbucklc , Missouri , Garflold hall. J. W. Alderman , Kansas , K. Brcckon- ridge , 1200 South Thirtieth. H. Adnms , Delaware , ( Jraiul. G. II. Alllerbock , Germany , Barker. G. H. Aliclo , Germany , D. T. Lohne § , 1103 South Ninth. T Houman , bishop , Pnxton. J. N. Board , California. M. P. HUkesloy , New Yoik , W. F. Allen , eiOUCnlltornU N. S. Bcobo , New York. Barker. A. B. Blodcott , Now YorU , L. D. Fowler , 1812 Wlrt. L , A. Holt , Ohio. Brunswick. A. C. Barnes , Ohio. M. F. Hoys , IWl Bln noy. noy.G. . M. Booth. Columbia River. J. F. Berry , Michigan , Dcllono. F. H. Beck , Pennsylvania , F. C. Johnson , 310 North Twenty-second. W. P. Blgnell , Pennsylvania , F. C. John- Bon , 210 North Twenty-second. J. K. Brlggs , Gonosoe , Dnlluno. J. E. Bills , Gonoioo , O. M. Carter , 3510 Farnam. A. J. Brunor. Iiolsicm. N. L. Bray , Michigan , J. T. Hopkins , 1515 Dodgo. G. II , Dridgman , Minnesota , Paxton. H. H. Hi 111 , Minnesota , Pnxton. II. Hcomor , Minnesota , S. W. Lindsay , CUf.T Mason. J. H. Brooks , Mississippi , Gnrtlold hall. William Bint , Italy , O. M. Carter. II. Bauer , North Germany , Elsass' . W. L Bioun , Iowa. Jennings. J. C. Booth. Oregon , S. W. Lindsay , 30C7 Mnnon. F. M. Bristol , Uock Ulver , B. Slaughter , EOI8 Wirt. W , H. Burns. Illinois , A. Koch , 2120 Wirt. .T. u J. Biu-th , St. Louis , J. L. Brandois , , D20'J Dodgo. B F. Brcsco , California , W. S. Wayne , Council Bluffs. II. J Breitrer , Switzerland , L. II. Rood. O. 11. Heobo , Nebraska , MrsC. . E. Morris , Twcntv-Uilrd and J. K. W. Bosworth , Wisconsin , Mrs. Daven port. Eleventh nnd Dorcas. M. B. Batch. Wisconsin , Barker hotel. S. S. Benedict , Wisconsin. A. T. Hector , ISO. ! Bin no v. J. J. Bentley. Missouri , A. P. Hopkins , 831 South T we n tfirst. . B. Brown , Washington. Garfiolu hall. H. A. Butts , Newark. Brunswick. W. H. Beach , Newark , Jennings. N. Brekloy , Nortn Indiana , J. M. Mnrston. O. S. Bnkotcl. Now Hampshire , Fawoett. v H. L. Bruce , Vermont. Grand. S. O. Benton , Now England , R. Hedge , itTunth nnd Bancroft. H. L. Bruc" , Vermont , Grand. W. N. Brodbeck , Now England , S. W Croy. J. M. Buckley. New York.I. N. H. Patrick. J , W. Beach. Now York , Young. Thi.-ty- 'gecond nnd Davenport. F. D. Blnckcslee , New England , Kcnnis- ton. ton.A. . U. Burtlott. Michigan , Jennings. 1' ' W. F. Berry , Maine , W. S. Glbbs. ' F. H. Boll , Maine , Mrs. Standish , St. Mary's avenue. G. A. Barrett , Troy , H. Kennedy , 2221 Dodge. , , . Craneston. uolorado , Paxton. J. F. Cbaffco. Minnesota , Paxton. * M > L. Cure , Arkansas , Bartter. - " 3. M. Curtis , lonnesseo , Mrs. Leonard , M'JT Dodgo. II * W. A. Chamberlain , Colorado , J. H. Ox- nam. 2S-G ! Decatur. H. J , Come , Columbia River , M. F1. Roys. 'UWI Binnoy. ' C. B. Clark , Dakota , Mrs. A. J. Harmon (11 Pierce. T. D. Collins. Erie , D. T. Thomas , 1004 i. Norih Twenty-eighth. G. B. Chase , Erie , D. L. Thomas , 1001 North Twenty eiplitli. J T. Canllold , Goueseo , W. S. Strawn , 2015 JJouglas. T. C. Carter , Holstoin. Brunswick. J. M. Cox , Arkansas , Gartlcld hall. W. J. Corshall , Michigan , Mtllard M. rf. Callon. .1. T. llopulns1515 Dodgo. A. Craven , Mexico , C. F. Goo a man , 1833 South Tenth. J. F. ChalTee , Minnesota. Paxton. A. F. Coon , Nebraska , E. A. Parmalee , Twentieth and Corby. C. F. Croighton , Nebraska , Mlllard. C. C. Carpenter , Iowa , Barker. J. H. CresBel , Indiana , J. L. McCague , 2221 Dodgo. F. L. Coultrap , Ohio , Mrs. Boyer , Forty- second and Cuiniug. L. ( Juris , Hook Hivor , B. F. Crummor , 2215 Wirt. J. M. Caldwell , W.J. Broato(1,2520 ( Dodgp. ( ioorce Cress. St. Louis , Elsais. K. W. LMswell , California , Jennings. 0. II , Clurk , Illinois , Mrs. Lewis , Twen tieth and Chicago. G. W. Case , Wisconsin , A , T. Rector , 1S02 Blnnoy. J. R. Creighton , Wisconsin , Barker. T. A. Canady , Missouri , C. F. Oreckon- rldge , 005 South Twenty-eighth. W. H. Coffee. Delaware , Mrs. Hawkins , IK ) South Seventeenth. H. A. Carroll. Washington. Giirflold hall. W. H. Clark , Now England , Mrs. Clallln. G. S. Clmilbouruo , Now England , W. J. Fischer , -IS2.1 Davenport. A. Coons , New York , C.E. . Bates , 101 South Thirty-second. H. W. Chuffoo , Kansas , A. H. Miller , Twenty-second und J. E.V. . Cunningham , Kansas , H. A. MoAl- tester , Elgntsenth and Missouri avenue. S. Call , New York , A. Koch , S , JO Wirt. 1. E. Chase , Now Hampshire , F. A. Phil- loo. * E , R. Crosbv , Malno , Mrs. Standish , St. Mary's avcnuo. J. H. Coleman , Troy , H. Kennedy , 2324 Dodgo. Thomas. Donor , Illinois , J. F. Allen , 2105 Poward H. Y DaLong , Colorado , Brunswick. B. Dilworth. Florida. Garttelcl hall. H. C. DoMotto , Illinois , Barker. N. C. Dol'uuw , Indiana , Puxton. W. U. Duncan , ArUansns , Gartlold hall , S. Dickey , Michigan , Paxtun. j II. T DavU. Nebraska , A. T Rector. * * * * W. H. Dnnlelk , India , Mrs. A. J. li urraan ( U Pierce. John Dale , Nebraska , at homo. A. Du'.llz. Germany , Khass. J. W. Dillon , Ohio , G. Thompson , 'J2J7 . Howard. D. T. IVnny , Washington , G. M. Brown. William Dcurlup , Illinois , Pnxton. L. M , Dunton , South Carolina , Dcllone. D. Dosdali , Germany , Brunswick. J. L. Drydcn , Nebraska , J. B. Hawley. G , S. Dearborn , Kansas. J O. Phlllippl , Dodd , Npuarlt , G. 1) . Kellar , Filtioia and California , G H. Dale , Wyoming , Barker. , 3. M. .D.urrell , Kow Hampshire , S. D. Mor- cer. cer.W. . P. Dilllmrhaui , Vermont , Mr * . Turner. E. P. Dale , Vermont. Grand. U.S. Douglas. New Enciind , F. I * Howe. D. W , Diggs , Dakota , Paxton , C. U. Dunton , Now York. Grand. J. G. Evnqs. Illinois , J. F. Dillcn. John Evans , Colorado , i'jxton , A. Edwards , Michigan , Dcllone. , J. T. Edwards , Pennsylvania , Jennings. . .k'PBIHiiBtoo , Georgia , L. Borshulrn , 251U St. Mary's avenue. M. D. Kvcrbart. Illinois , F. C. Bryant 1019 North Korty-flrst avenue. J. C. Eculw. MU lslppl. Garfleld Hall. H. Egben , Iowa , Mtllard. " ° . EdwardB , Maryland , Dr. T. R. Ward , D. T. Ix > huo4 O F. Eaton. Now England , W. J. Fisher , 48.J.1 Davenport , K. S. Elliott , Kansas , A. L. Rood. J. M. Krnory. II. Eitton , Trov , Paxton. J. W. Eaton. Troy , Turner's , nilGFnrnara. R. Fester , blshoi ) , Paxton. C. II. Fowlor. bishop , Paxton. L. R. FLske , Michigan. Mlllard. H. A. Forrest , Michigan , Brunswick. It. M. Freshwater , Onio , Barker. W. F. Finko , ( Jormany. Elsass. C , O. Usher , Georgia , Garflold nail. T. A. Forton , Oeorgln , Oarfleld hall. A.Fllntt , Sweden , John Anderson , 3T > 33 Chlciso stroot. W. F. Frlodly , India , T. A. Philleo. E. Fleming , Iowa , Jennings. C. Frlck , Germany , Brunswick. ' N' . W Fester , Pennsylvania , > L O. Maul , 3JO Park avenue. F. A. .Freeman. Africa , Garflcld halt. W. R. Fitch , Now York , Mrs. 1C D. Hill , 201S California. D. A. Goodsell , bishop , J. N. H. Patrick. David Gay. Austin , li.B. Ball. 2111 Grant. W. K. Gobor , California , M. F. Roys , UWI Blnnoy. O. J. Goldor , Qormany. Brunswick. G. A. Gournsoy , Now York , Barker , J. M. Gamble , Ohio , Paxton. C. L. Gamer , Chicago. Brunswick. L. H. Gebhardt , Germany. M. Fabke , 2129 Wlrt. Wlrt.W. W. A. Oalbnilth , Holitoln , J. I. Warden , 2305 California. Chris Gatocrtcr , Illinois , F. C. Bryant , 019 North Forty-seventh avenue. C. A. Gambo , Mexico , C. F. Goodman , IbOj South Tenth. C. N. Granndlson , North Carolina , Millard H. A. Gobln , Indiana , Barker. O. Gnrd , Indiana , Barker. J. A. Gann , Unio , J. B. Hnwloy , 2511 Capi tel nvi'iiue. J. Greenwood , Gcoreln , Oarllold hall. M. II. Uass.iway , South Carolina , Garflold hall. hall.P. P. M. Green , California , F. Dale , 1233 South Thfrty-llrst. J. U Gllhnm , Illinois , J. F. Flock , 4011 Douglas , C. W Gallagher , Wisconsin , H A. Benson - son , 4iS Dodgo. J. F. Gouchor , Maryland , Millard. R. K. Gillum. Missouri , Garllold hall. E. J. ( Sr.iv , Pennsylvania , W. J. Con neil , Twenty-fourth and St. Mnrv's avonuo. J. B. Graw , Now Jersey , Dr. R. M. Stone , JJblO Uodgo. S. W. Ghrotr , Pennsylvania , Paxton. A. Griflln. Wyoming , J. F. Robinson. .1 F. Grinin , Washington , Garli.ld hall. J. 10. Ciumby , Delaware , Mrs. Hawkins , 11H South Thirteenth. J. H. Guild , Troy , Grand. J. F. Hurst , bishop , Paxlon. S. Hunt , Tennessee , Paxton. J. D. Hntnmnnd , California , Paxton. M. A. Head , Illinois , A. S Cost , IbUO Bln- nov. nov.M Hicks. Illinois , F. A. Kenntston , 1S31 Binnoy. E. J" Hermans , Now York , W. F. Allen , 210U California. J. R. Henderson , Ohio , M. F. Roys , 1931 Binnoy. Charles Hcdler , Illinois , Brunswick. W. S. Hooker , Indiana , W. S. Mnvno. Council Bluffs. J S , Horswoll , Indiana , Jennings. M. C. Hawks. Michigan , Barker. D. W. Hnjs , Tennessee , Pnxton. U. Howard , Tennessee , Garlleld hall. H. K. Hires , Idaho , W. L. Selby,4b03 Dav enport. W. U. Halstoad , Indiana , G.M.Hitchcock , Twentieth ana Farnam. J. C. Hartzcll , Louisiana , Dcllone. G. S. Iliokoy , Michigan , Grand. C. M. Heard , Minnesota , Sherwood , 2913 \Voohvorth avonuo. J. B. Hovls , Nebraska , Barker. M. M. Hester , Ohio , MM. G. A. Emerson , 2XU St. Mary's avenue. G. H. Hughes , Ohio , F. A. IConnlston. 18-4 Binnoy. S. Harding , Pennsylvania , J. J. Gibson. A. J Hanson , Pupet Sound , Mrs. T. V. Kemn , 1703 Cass. F. A. Hnrdin , Rock River , til. , I. F.iwcett , 2107 Spencer. B. J. Henry , Texas , Garlield hall. S. W. Ho.iltl , . Iowa , ! . B. Webster , 3340 Hamilton. S. S. Hankie , Pennsylvania , Mrs. P. Potts , UN ! South Thirty-Hrst avonuo. B. B. Haiulln , Pennsylvania , J. F. Robins , Twentieth and Spencer. S. H. Hacood , Lexington , Paxtoo. D. W.-S. Hammond. Loxincton , Paxton. F. P. Hays , Missouri , G. N. Forbes , 3115 North Tttentv-fourtb. T. Haiilon , Now Jersey , Paxton. E. Howott , New Jersey , Jennings. J. H. Hurgls , Pennsylvania , E. L. Stone 3'JIU Farnam. G. W. Hugboy , St. Louis , J. A. Wake- Held. J. C. Hall , Kansas , J , W. Harris , 430 North Thirty-ninth. J T. tlann , Kansas , MM. S. M. Arthur , 71i ( North Twentieth. _ J. S. Hodgson , Kansas , bholton. J. E. Holmes , Washington , Garflold hall. J. T. Hammond , Newark. A. Hedge , 2-JJ1 South Tenth. .1. W. Hamlln. Now Encland , Mlllard. L. E. Hlckock. New England. J. C. How ard , 1140 South Thirty-second. E. J. Hill , Now York , Jennings. C. G. HuiUon , Indiana , W. L. Wright , 1713 Cblcaco. T. Tharrono , Wyoming , W. J. Broatch. W. F Ilagon , Africa , Garfleld hull. W. ll. Hughes , Troy. H. A. Crane. C. IX Hammond , Troy , Grand. 'M.S. Hurd , Wyoming , W. A. L. Gibbon 4115 Lafavotto avonuo. P. H. lioidle. Barker. Charles Iwort , Chicago. Brunswick. James E. Ingram , Baltimore , Grand. J. W. Joyce , bUhop. Paxton. L. Jones , Florida , Garlield hall , ( } . C. Jones , Gcneseo , J. fledge , 215.1 South Tenth. J. S. Jones , Kentucky , F. A. Pullet , 1110 South Txvonty-sovonth. h > . L. Jones , Mississippi , Garlield hall. H. J. Jcnning , Minnesota , Shenvoou , 2913 Woolwortn , J. H. Johnson , G. Aonilnimson , 1313 North Twenty bfxth. J C. .lackson , Ohio , D. G. Rhodes , 2205 Douglas. H. H. Jocoby , St. Louis. Barker. J. P. D. Jotiu , Indiana , 7 . T. Lindsay , 312 North Fortieth. K. A. Jansson , Sweden , C. A , Jacobson , 1.115 Dodco. J. T. Jacobsen , Sweden , Charles Svonson , 200J North Twontv-fourth. A. G. Japhion , Illinois , J. F. Flack , 1011 Douglas. T. W.Johnson , Mcnnessco , T.C. Clondonln , Fortv-seventh and Davenport. F H , Jordan , West Virginia , Mrs. N. J. Smith3100 South Tenth. William Jones , St. Louis , S. K. Spaldlng , 2S04 Charles , .1. Kllpatrick , Mlcblcan , G. A. Hoglan , 418 South Sixteenth. j. R. KOVOJ , Ohio. Jennings. J. H. ICotcbam. Indiana , Samuel Burns , 172.1 Dodge. J. O. Kemblo , Iowa , D. W. Haverly , 1914 Farnam. W. A. Kendall , Indiana , Airs. C. Hartman , 3411 Farnam. William Kooneke , St. Louis , G. Lchno , 1807 South Eleventh , A. J. Kynett , lown , Paxton , S. J. Kllnschmldt , Germany , Elsasg's. A , Kollogg. Wisconsin , G. T. Motcalf , Thirty-fourth nnd Farnam. G. T. Kuex , Lexington , < J irllold hull. A. Kluhn , Colorado. Biuniwlck. J M. ICIng , Now York , D , A. Footo , U03 North Twentieth. B. A. ICfiiup , Indiana , W. T. Wrignt , 1713 Chicago. S. C. Keoler , New Hampshire , ! ' . D. Ken- nerd , Ih34 Dodso. A. B Leonard , Ohio , Paxton , A. J. Luidbardt , Germany. Uellono. \Vlllmm Lawrence , Ohio , Paxton , E. T. Lanclgy , Dakota , Jennings. A. Lulgl , Italy. D. Landry , Louisiana , Paxton. A. M Lamport , Indiana , A. T. Hussiu , 503 South Twentieth , C. J. Little. Now York , A. P. Hopkins , 331 Soutn Tuunt.vrllr t , J. B Lapham , Mulno , W. S. Glbbs. b. M , Men 111. bishop , Paxtou. W 1' . Malluliou , bUhop , Puxton. J. W. Menuentiall , Ohio , Paxton. U Illlam McKlnloy , Minnesota , Paxtou. J. H. McCloskey , Alabama , C. N. Dawson , South Omaha. J , W Matuey , Blue Rtdgo , Mrs. M. Stui- g ! . 1114 North Twenty-soveath. A. W. McKinney , Alabama. Garflold b-ll. J. R. Llngren , Sweden , C. Gorln , 131 South Thlriy.Uftb street. J , A. iJinc. Pennsylvania , Millard. J , P. Larson , Swodeo , A. J , Frcdtn , fill North Nineteenth street. V. H. Logon , Texas , Garilcld hall. Edward Lee , Texas , Garllold bait. C. H. Lakln , Virginia , Mrs. N. J. Smitht 21CO South Tenth street. P. J. Payne , Wisconsin , Barker. J. L hahan. Baltimore , Dr. T. R. Ward , 2121 Wlrt stroot. J. N. Lantz , Pennsylvania , BarkT. D. R. Lowry , Newark , E. S. Raymond , 114 South Thirty-eighth avenue. J. W. Miles. Pennsylvania , N. E. Savldgo. W. S , Matthew. California , \V. K. Beans , UU2 Locust. T. J. Maisav ' , Puget Sound , Mr. Gucstls , 1821 Blnncr. J. E. AicComas , California , .1. W. K. Beans. J. C. McGco , Iowa , G. P. Dolw , HW3 North Twenty-sixth. W. McDonald , Mississippi , Garllold hall. L. A. Martin , West Virginia , Bounaw and Williamson. H. P. McGrcggor. West Virginia , Barker. C. A. Martin , Nebraska , J , W. lloman. William MeUlroy , Illinois , G. D. Keller , 0124 California. W. H. Mnsgrovo , Illinois , Grand. T. J. Myers , Iowa , A. J. Worloy , 2510 Soward. A. J. Miller , Louisiana , 1222 North Twenty- seventh. L. Master , Michigan , Grand. R D. McRary , North Carolina , Garllold hall. hall.J. J. B. Max Hold , Nebraska , 2201 Mlama. H. Manscl , India. J. Mitcnoll , Ohio , Jennings. P. O. Magnuson , Norway , G. Aorahamson , 1313 North Twentv-slxth. D. H. Moore , Ohio. Dellonc. C. O. McCullough , Illinois , A. S. Cost , tsOO Blunoy. n. N. Mills. New Jersey , Barker. ( J. H. Maynard , Tonnoisoo , AIM. C. Leon ard , 2427 Dodgo. E. Miller. Iowa , Mrs. W. G. Tomploton , 4010 Cumlnit. W. C. Martin , Iowa. P. SUmmel , 423 North Thirty-ninth. L. M. Mnnn , Iowa , Grand. L. Miller , Ohio , Paxton. S. McGorald , Gonoaeo , O. M. Carter , 3510 Fnrnam. E. Mann , Germany. Elsass hotel , G. P. Mains , Now York , Mr. Young , Thir ty-second and Davenport. A. Mabln , Indiana , Mrs. Porter , 1110 North Eighteenth. H. M. Blrcoy. Kansas , J. B. Jardino , Thirty-eighth and Dodgo. G. B. Moore , Now York , H. M. Samson , 2421 Soward. W. X. Nindo. Kansas , Paxton. G E. Neiss , Texas , A. B. Kerr , 1S3G North Twenty-second. W. Nelson , Arkansas , Barker. J. C. Neal , Maryland , Grand. D. C. Nowcomb , Kansas , C. S. Raymond , 114 South Thirty-eighth avonuo. F. B. Noeloy , Pennsylvania , Paxton. W. M. Nelson , New York , H. D. Estabrook. Y. Nonomlya , Japan , D. FarreU. R. McMillan. Wisconsin , Paxton. D. S. Munroo , Pennsylvania , J. F. Robin son , 2111 hpancor. J. II. Murry , Pennsylvania , Airs. F. Chip man , 101 South Twenty-fifth. O. S. Mlddleton , Missouri , C. F. Brecken- rldge , 1J05 Soulh Twenty-eighth. James Moore , Now Jersey , H. Brown , Twenty-sixth nnd Charles. W. k. McUoylc , Pennsylvania , K.L.atoue , 3310 Farnam. S. M. Mvors , Philadelphia , Paxton. Judge McGregor. Missouri.H.D.Estabrook , 3012 Howard. G. P. Moore , Virginia , A. Waggoner. W. L. S. Murray , Delaware , J. W. May nard , 3030 Chicago. W. T. Morcan , Delaware , Mrs. Hawkins , 113 bouth Savonteonth. C. P. Murphy , Now York , Millard. C. C. McCabe , New York , Murray. J. Miley , Now York , D.A. Footo , SOS North Twentieth. Mr. Mickor , New York , C. E. Bales , 101 South Thirty-second. A. Olson , Norway , G. ADrahamson , 1313 North Twenty-sixth. C. Ott , Germany , J. Krachor. Judge O'Brien , Indiana , J. M. Marston. J. O. Peck , New York , Paxton. J. A. Prichard. Bengal , Dr. C. F. Clark. 2911 Wool worth avenue. E. W. Plater. California , J. M. Keys , 2110 Blnnoy. C. H. Payne , Onlo , Murray. John Pen'son , Ohio. Brunswick. J. H. Poarnoy. Ohio , Brunswick. M. J. Plumb" , Fee Chow , J. T. Weston , 2805 California. J. E. Paul. Louisiana , Paxton. J. H. Potts , Michigan , Brunswick. D. W. Parsons. Michigan , C. R. Nelson , Fiftieth and Curolng. A. D. Payne. Misslsslpoi , Garfield nail. B. L. Payne , Nebraska. J. Banner , Twonty- fifth and Casstus. E. W. Parker , Indlu , A. G. McCausland , 2Itt'i Locust. G. W. Pratt , Iowa , J. H. Barker. A. L. Peuy , Pittsbnrg , Grand. H. B. Pemborton , Texas , Garflold hall. S. E. Pendloton , Kansai. J. o. Phillipi 2411 ! Cass. J. N. Peters , Lexington , GarHold hall. S. H. Pratber , Missouri , G. W. Forbes. 301t ! North Twenty-seventh J. C. Postlowaito , Kansas , C. n. Morris , Twenty-third and J. j ' Prle , Delaware , Grand. s' G" Penn , Washington , Gnrflold hall. A J. Palmer. Now York , Murray. J. Pullman , Now York , Max Mo'yer. D. L. Pierce. r ow York , L. . B. Williams. C. B. Perkins , California , J. M. Kevos , 2110 Binnoy. L C. Queal , Now York , A. P. Wood 12S South Twenty-H fib. F. Rot , Genosaee , Paxton. J. E. Reid , Blue Ridge , Mrs. E. A. Jackson - son , Ninth and Pierce. Jacob Rothwaito , Germany. C. O. Lobeck. T. J. Robtnan , Illinois , D. T. Lohnos , 1103 South Ninth. Henry Rasmus , Columbia RIvorE. A. Jack son. Ninth and Pierce. W. N. Ramsey , Iowa , H. Rhoados , 1915 North Seventeenth. G. W. Robinson , Michigan , Milturd. W. H. Rider , Ohio , Judge Doano. J. E. Rickords , Montana , Robert Hedge , 220,1 South Tenth. F. A. Roggen , Montana , M. L. Patrick , Twenty-fourth and Lake. H. B. Rldgway , Illinois , Samuel Bjrns. William Ritter , Swlt/erland , Lewis H. Reed. J. Kobinson , India , J. J. McLean , 2209 Spencer. J. H. Rhoa. Iowa , E. Benson , 172S Dodgo. B. L. Robinson , Nebraska , J. H. McCon noil. Twenty-second nnd Casi. W. G. RoblldalTor , Vlrcinia. Bonawa fc Williams. C. R. Rico , Kansas. . ! . B. Jardino. E. It. Redhead , Now York. Mrs. R. D. Hills. A. Sblnklo , Kentucky , Paxton W. P. Stowe. Wisconsin , Pnxton. E. B. Scruggos , Alabama , Garlield. J. G. Scbaal , Germany , Brunswick. H. A. Schroeder , Germany , Brunswick. J. B. Sargent. Columbia River , M. F. Roys. G. Soefold , Chicago , Brunswick. W. H. Shire , Michigan , Jcnnlng * . L. M. Shaw , Iowa , Gland , J. F. Spence , Holstein , Brunswick. W. A. Smith , Illinois , Grand. J. N. Sanders , Idaho , W. L. Sclby , C. L. Stafford , Iowa. R. E. Allen. M. Simpson , lowo. Grand. J. Sopor , Japan , Dan Farroll. E. L. Sheppard , Kentunk ? , Barker. H , E. Staples , Michigan , Brunswick. J. M. Shumport , Mississippi , Paxton. 1' . Slovens , Nebraska. James Nicholson , J2U1 Spencer. J. W. Shank , Nebraska , at home. E. Socor , Iowa , C. Hartman. J L. Smith , Indiana , Rev. Wobiter. H. H. Salzer , Germany. Elsass's. N. Svenson , Norway , G. Abrabomson. ( i. W. Staor , Oregon , Mlllard. C. W. Smith , Pennsylvania , Mlllard. B , F , Sheets , Illinois , Barker. E. U. Snydor. St. John's Rlvor , Mrs. Jen. iilu Mclntosh , 2233 Smith Tenth street. E. J. faawyer , South Carolina , Gariiold ball. J. A. Sargeant , Indiana. 7 T. Llndsey. W. F. Stevens , Indiana , Jennings. R. D. Smith , Texa * , Garfleld ball. M. A. Smith , Ililuols , H. L. Whitney , 1311. South Twenty-sixth street. H. Swanson , Texas , Garllold hall , J. B. Scott , Texas , Garfletd hall. L. L. btowart , West Virginia , Barker. Joseph Spensloy , Wisconsin , L. A. Har mon , 2220 Ohio. R. S , Shelter , Pennsylvania , Mrs. T. OUon.21JS Wlrt. T. W. Sweet , Kansas , Mlllard. W. H. Skrlin , Now Jersey , Paxton. Dr. Street , Now York , Jennings. W. H. Sweet , Kansas , J.V. . Edgerton , South Oinaha. M , M. Stolz , Kansas , J. W. Ldgerton South Omaha. W. Swlntelles , Pennsylvania , Paxton. O. N. Stewart , Missouri , Dr. S. K. Spald- Inc.W. W. T , Sbooloy , Virginia. A. Waggoner. J. U. List , Germany , J. Krarher. A. bmltb , Delaware , Grand. R. F Thompson , Georgia , Airs , Standish , St. Mary's avenue.n . J. R. Tibbies , Ohlojllfvld Colo. W. P. Thlrkio'd. ' Georgia. W. J. Connoll. P. E. Tubbs , Mississippi , Garflold hall. S. W. Thomas , Pennsylvania , P. S Mer rill. f , , T. C. Thoburn. KansK ? , A S. Potter. Ebon TIrroll , Now Krffcland , Grand. A. C. Tythls , Now England. E. Howe , 814 South Twenty- fourth 5Treot. J. H. Vincent , bishwiAPaxion. A. C. Van DerwatoVynilnols , Barker. F. M. Van FoeegoIllinois , Mrs. H. Lewis , SOtn nnd Chicago. E. W. Voorhoos , Ktaruns , C. E. Morris. South Omaha. i i > A. J. Van Cleft , Wvpnilna , Dr. Cuscaden , A. K. Sudler , Delaware , Grand. J. II boarles. Now York , Mlllard. L. S. Sprague , Wyoming , M. O. Maul. \V. W. Scott , Wyoming. Barker. T. B. Shopoard , Now York , H. M. Samp son. 2431 Soward. J. O. Shorhorn , Vermont , Grand. J.V. . Thoourn , bishop , Jennings. B. O. Tallman , Illinois , F. A. Konno&ton. S. II. Thornton , Colorado , < V. A. Edbard. 2015 CMI. H. W. Warren , bishop , Pnxton , J. M. Wnldon , bishop. Paxton. M. C. Wire , Oregon , O. A. Hoatrlaml. W. F. Warren , Bengali , Rov. I. N. Harris , 420 North Twontv-nlnth. E. D. Whltlock' , Obto , Mlltard. A. G. Williams , OBio , M. F Roys. W. W. Wilson , Ohio , G. Barker. S. J. Williams. Ohio , Charles Goss , 110 North Twenty-sixth. J. S. Wilson , Ohio , L. F. Porter , 1410 North Llchtoonth. H. Wobb. Ohio , C. C. Beldon , 1911 Cass. A. Wheeler , Pennsylvania , Judge Wake- ley.J. . J. E. Williams , Gcnesee , W. S. Strawn. S. H. Whitlock , Illinois , Mlllard. W. H. Webster , Illinois , Dr. G. L. Pnyno , 2537 St. Mary's nvonuo. J. S Ward , Illinois , G. M. Httchcock.Twon- tlcth nuct Furuam. H. B. Williams , Iowa , James Halncs , 03 ! North Twentieth. W. Waugh , Inilln. H. L. Whiting , 1311 South Twonty-slxth. N. Whi'tflold. Iowa , Grand. N. F. WhltUold , Ohio , Mlllard. S. P. Wilson. Oregon , Barker. F. S. Williams , Washington , John Dale. T , H. Woodrlng , Pennsylvania , Grand. I. E. Wilson , South Carolina , GarHold hall. L. H. Wood , Indiana , Mrs. C. E. Morris , South Omaha. H. Wellman , Germany , Brunswick. W. B. Wright , India , R. McClellan , 2314 Webster. C. S. Wilson , Tennessee , T. c. Clonden- nlng , Fortv-sevonlb and Davenport. J. E. Williams. Mississippi , Garfleld hall. G. R. Wright , Now Jersey. Paxton. W. A. White , Delaware , Mrs. Hawkins , 113 Soulh Seventeenth. W. F. Wurron , Now England , Dr. Duryea. T. H. Walsh , New York , Murray. T. C. Wootpert , Indiana , Mrs. Dr. Kiioncdos , 3120 Mason. If. White. Kansas , A. S. Potter. D. A. Wliedori , Now England , C. F. Wol- ler. ler.J. J. S. Youmans , Ohio , C. C. Belden , 1911 Cass. J. B. Young , Indiana , Sholton. F. U. Young , North Dakota , Barker. C. E. Yoran , Iowa. J. B. Carmiehael , 4915 Cass. „ K Bishop Thoburn Is it tot bo Jonnines hotel. Bishop Taylor Is at James Huynos * . Bishop GoodsoU ts nt J. N. H. Patrick's , and the fifteen other bishops uro at the Paxton hotel. , r OKPICK or ATiiEii Bunruu , ) OMAIU. April 30. | The storm center tarried in this section during tho"day and w'lfs' ' lu southeastern Ne braska this evening , li'aevoloped great heat In the latter part of/'fh'o / day , and as a cool , high barometer Is icovfbg down from the northv2st , thunder slorms resulted. While the thunder storm"Vas in progress nt Omaha th6 temperature here was 70 = . and at Valentine 5U ° , nnrf"'oHuron ' 8i = > . Along the northwestern borders of this country the temperature is at theji freezing , point. The maximum , , of the day ; was 8.1 301 Omaha , 615 = at North , Pl.atto and Concnrdla , 82 = at Yankton. 33 ° at Sioux CM and 3 = at Dodge City. The warm wave , generated by the passing low baromc'or , will slowly move across the Mississippi and bo succeeded here by brisk- and colder north to northwest winds. For Eastern Nebraska , Omahaand Vicinity Clearing to fair and colder weather during Sunday. WASIIIX/ITOV , D. C. , April 30. For Illi nois Showers ; northeast winds. For Wisconsin Showers ; northeast winds. For Iowa Rain ; variable winds ; cooler by Sunday night. For Nebraska Fair , preceded by showers in the east ; cooler ; winds becoming north west. For South Dakota Fair , preceded by light sbowors ; colder ; north winds. A C0 1 VIIIKISIl COXGltKfiS. rrocot'dliijpt of ItH . ' Third D.ij's Si'HUlon at Atlanta , ( in. ATLANTA Ga. , April 30. The third day's session of the Scotch-Irish congress was larcely attended , and tnoro was no abate ment of the interest in the proceedings. The feature of the morning session was an address by Rov. Dr. J. M. Bryson of Huntsville - villo , Ala. , on "Scotch-Irish Inventors. " The doctor devoted his time to sketching the careers of Robert Fulton , Prof. Samuel P. Morse and Cyrus H. McCormick , inventors of the steamboat , the electric telegraph and the grain reaper , whom Dr. Bryson" called typical Scotch-Irishmen. The rest of the morning session was taken up by sbortspeoches by George B. Farrarof Atlanta , David Rogers of the Pennsylvania legislature , Henry Young of Pennsylvania , and I. W. Avcry of Atlanta. Greetings were received from Lord Duf- ferln , Load Wolsolov , Scotch-Irishmen on the other side of the \vator , nnd from Colonel Wilson , commandant at West Point. Memorial services will bo held tomorrow afternoon with Psalm singing , scripture ex pounding by Dr. Mclntosh of Philadelphia , and a sermon by Dr. John Hall of New York. Sifo Miiiiiilnrttirfrft Combine. NKW YOHK , April 30. It is officially an nounced that the great safe manufacturing houses of the country , Horrlng , Hull atd | Marvin , have combined and n now company incorporated as the Horrlng , Halt , Marvin company. It , will begin business on Juno 1 with a capital of $3,30U,000. m Hi J Ono Week Commencing Mntlnoo Today , ri a u 1 ee And His Players irfiTCiMnd DoubleBIll ; , THE BELLS And Gilbert's Comedy , Mallnco Wednesday nnd Saturday. SPOT CASH ! So More Installments. Goods Marked in Plain Figures. t HILL & YOUNG Arc goinu ; out of business an-l will sell no more goods on time , but for spot cash only , and will sell every at tide at factory cost. We have becii closing out for six months past , but have been obliged to have a profit on goods sold on time ; but hereafter all will fare alike and ouly cash deals considered. You can be your own salesman , as all goods arc marked in plain figures. We have sold many of our cheapest grale of goods , but have a large stock of first class" and me dium goods.that must be disposed of within the next thirty days. CLOSING OUT PRICES : I'ormcr Price. NOW. Former Price , Now. Chamber Suits $16.00 $10.00 Bed Lounges , plush $30.00 $18.00 Chamber Suits 20.00 12.00 Bed Lounges , plush 40.00 25.00 Chamber Suits 30.00 20.00 Woven Wire Springs 2.00 1.25 Chamber Suits 40.00 26.00 Cotton Top Mattresses 2.5o 2.00 Chamber Suits 50.00 40.00 Excelsior Mattresses 2.00 1.50 Chamber Suits So.oo 50.00 Palm Leaf Mattresses 7.50 4.00 Chamber Suits 100.00 60.00 Hair Mattresses 13.00 7.00 Chamber Suits 150.00 90.00 Hair Mattresses 15.00 9 oo Lounges 7. oo 3-75 Hair Mattresses 25.00 16.00 Lounges , plush 10.00 6.00 Hair Mattresses 35.00 22.00 Bed Lounces 10.00 6. oo Wood Scat Kitchen Chairs. . .50 ,33 Bed Lounges , plush . 13.00 7.00 Cane Scat Chairs 1.25 .70 Bed Lounges , plush . 20.00 12.00 Cane Seat Chairs i.oo .65 Folding Beds , Wardrobes , Dresset-3 , Cheffonlers , Center Tables , UfTice and Library Tables , Children's Chairs , Baby Carriages , Refrigerators , Stoves , Tinware , Hollow ware , Crockery ; Cut lery , Lamps , Pictures , in fact all kinks of house and office furnishing goods at actual factory cost. We always prided ourselves on selling exactly as we advertise Our customers will biar out in this assertion , and we shall continue to during this sale. HILL & YOUNG , Street. NEW Last Chance. THEATRE Seventeenth tun ) llarnoy Streets. SUNDAY EXVE1NINQ , MAY 1. ON'K NIOHT LEW DOCKSTADER'S * MINSTREL I1AKRY J. CLAL > 1IAM , MAX Af.J-Hi. A Multitude of Notable Specialists. A Superb Company of Comrdian * . Itcflned Minstrelsy und its Greatest Victory. A Cultural Hand of Vocalists. SEE DOCKSTADER as OUR PRESIDENT "OUNG TOWnit , " [ HIsOrlKlnul Creation. ] Ami near him sins = = "I ASKED TO BIS Don't Miss McINTYRE & HEATH'S Uproariously Funny Ethiopian Farce Comedy "HOTEL PUNCH DE LEON. " PRICKS . . . . . 2fiC , OOC , 75G AND $1 BOYD'S JEEZNEW THEATRE. ON DECK Friday , Saturday , Matinee and Next Sunday Evening : THE 36 Consecutive Sights in New Knglanl MILLER 8 Weeks in Xc\v \ York. 12 Weeks in Boston. QPERR GO. CHUCK FULL OF 50 PEOPLE Including MERRY MUSIC , Miss Louise Monfaiinc , lly H Grattnn Uotinolly PRETTY SCENES , .las. R SuHi\aii \ , and anil Hairy Hell. Prod. Miller Jr. CRISP COMEDY NAUTICAL , FARCICAL , MAGNIFICENT PRODUCTION. SALE OP SEATS THURSDAY MORNING. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES BOYD'S ' THEATER , R Mr. Tlicodorc Tlionm The Clroatont Conductor In tlio Worlfl Musica THE CHICAGO ORCHESTRA , Or 51 Musicians FESTIVAL Cenevra Jolmstone-Hishop , Tlio'Ook'bratoil .Soprano Tuesday , Finnic liloonificld Zeisler , roth. May Tlio KunnwiitMt 1'Iamst. Under Auspices of the Wednesday , May nth. APOLLO CLUB Mntihco nnd Evening. Reserved Seats , ? 1 and 81.50 ; floxScnts , $2 ; Gallery , ' Attrnotivo and Kn- 60c Special prlooa for Mulinoo. joyablo program. aavo your money and attunu nil of tlioso Concert * . Reserved'Seats on Sale on and after Friday , May 6tn , at Uox Office. The Choicest Musical Treat of the Season. GRAND CONCERTS AT TUB FIRST : CONGREGATIONAL : CHURCH , Tuviday Kvoiilng , May 3 anil Matluuu Satur day May 7. 1'UOK. KONKY , onOAXIST. Mlt $ . J. T. CLARK. Soprano FoloUU MISS MAY AONKd UfAKK , ElocutlouUt. TlukoU 50 Cents. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. GRAND OPERA HOUSE 1'itli and C.ipltul Axcnili' . SACICKTT .V 1AU .U. - - MAN \GKH3 Week of May 2nd. ROXIE -Drama. SPECIAL SCENERY. MECHANICAL EFECT3 , ENGLISH SAW MILL , RIVER THAMES , STARTLINGSITUATIONS. . Vanishing Cupid. Muller's Panorama. MIGHTFTORELAND- Weighs 60O. PRICES REDUCED : SHOWS BiriTHU THAX EVKR. Mohawk Exhibit. Mexican Fair. Ualcony Cluirs 5c. IMrqueltc and Circle lOc. PERFORMANCES : 2:16 : , 3:46 : , 4:30. : 8 , O , 10 P. M. Open Da ly 1 to 1O P. M. BOYD'S NEW THEATEH. j > Monday , TuesdaWaJnesday , Ma2.3 & 4. \V 1 1 1 ) N ES I > A Y .M ATI N 1 1 1 : . llRKiiKainent of tlio III. I ITI J F7 TT I UnvnUliDit Actrf . \ \LJ \ \ / \ U fi I IN TWO NHW 1'l.AVM. 1 \ . YLA K\ I Momlnjf nml Wotnaidax Krenln i anil Wortiiaidajr Muilncu Tliu Historical Dramatic , N'iur4llvo LxA. LxA.uiB uf UuiBlu Tuunlat Krunln.- the llrll * uiBG Haul Cumuily G O B H 1 JJ 1 Nlplit I'rlcos us iisiiiil , .Alatlnon iir cos Saw as nlKlit Kale npuiiH h.Unrduy innniln. . IJOlfD'S SEW IHiiAfl-iR KXTHAM _ fINI.I Tuesday Aflcinooo , May 3 , Spechl Jl Edouard Remenyi ! The Kinlnont Violin Vfrlupao. At the re < | U itgf uanrof our Icrudlnir an < t luni- leal LltlzeiK , Lni l un pruvalleil Uiun tu irl'u unutlier LUiitrrt tierolivfnro till doimrtur * furKu- rope , null onTue rtax Bfturnuon next will priuvnl n brilliant program at lluril'b lliculur , n Ul < > tl tijr aorural vrvll kuuirn artutx l'iirn1'arquPI. ! . tl 00. pirquot circle , 76 ao4 tlw. Lalcuoy , i'ioauj ' JSc , Uvt ibvol opvn