THE OMAHA DAILY HKli : SUNDAY MAY 1 , 1892-TWENTY PAGES. | ' 5 5 ( Daily ) JP- - ( Daily ) - 7:00 : a. TICKET OFFICE , 1223 FARNAM 122 . . i | ! ! M } ; MMBB.3El | | | ja B | l l .ml | s | | a Brief Notes About tlio Men Who Lnbor. THE GROWTH OF BOX MAKING IN OMAHA Mnniiriuiturer * iifthi. St ti > MnhlitR listen- l o l'ri'p.iri tlon fur the Comlne t ! - poillltiit Amnillei tlon for The Sownnl H.illy News , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ nbout t\\o wool. * old , starts out \\lth n tand- liiK lUt of the Sow iint factories and aslts. the people to p.itrontjo them. The Morso-CoeMioo company tmvo decided to tnko pnrt In tlio exposition and hnvo ap plied for spacn. They propose to move up the uwchlmw from their factory and po through tbo whols oK < rntlo of nmnufnctur- \ua \ shoes. If they earry out their pro tnt pinn * their exhibit nlono will bo woith n vUU to thooxpoMlle-u. West 1'olnt will exhibit mill and creamery Vroiiucts and Scrlbner will exhibit ereamoiy pniduot * at the manufacturers' exhibit. The Adiiiminv Wall Piaster compnnv of OmnUti has applied for s.p.ieo to miiUo an ex- lilliU at the oxwMtlon. Tbov huvo niked for possession of the mice nsstcncil them two \\foU * Inaitvancoof the openitii ; of the ox- ivslllen to us to oe KIM-'H llmo to nrrntiKO a vcrv eloboiato showlnc of tbolr product. T'ho SlHMicer .Manufacturing wmp.iny of Hluo Spilnt : * bin applie.l for membership In thoinanufactuiMiV astocmtlon and has pivm- l cd to inaHo an exhibit of their poods that 111 bo er\MU to tbemselue and their tow n. Tha American Ulscutl compau > has application lor sp.ico to maVo un exhibit nt the nmuuliu'turvrj. " exposition. Columbu * , NcK , will take part lu the man- Ufaetuwrs1 exposition at Omaha and will nx- hlblt clRars , Hour , creamery butter unit Mooueii luH' . The mo.nlH'rs of tao ns eel I toil at IVlumbu * are K. N. Ste\oinonwho employ ubout twenty tvoilolii | hi ! . creamery , bavhiK n capacity of XlVM to 4iW ivuiul. of butter wr.livy , A. lleitkomper. citrars , oin- j > loy teu mon and hus adopted the ixssivU tiou label ; the Columbus Mtlitnp ivmitany , < mployluB four men , and th elevator roller lulus tpvoti mr , and consumlutr frvnu 7.\l\Xt to ft\l\V bushels of wheat \earlv . the Columbia brewery employing nine to four teen men , with a e.ipacu.v of U'.ivo Uiri\t > pf beer ; l..inti \ Leinplo.Miit ; teu men tu their wcvdai shoe factory. 1'liut. f. r ninetiihio nunufactnrini ; firms ha\o appJuM tor * p cv > , and are inaKiiii ; ar- rani ment * to eihlMt their prvuuct at the Juno exposition ot the luunulictun'tV asscviatlon. Alivad\ , the > { uco In the ext\v iltion bulldlii ) : , Ur e as tt U , U nearly 11 ivntrnotM for Ttio rommltteo on | uc\\ will ileubtless bo compelleii to rvu > sicu tbo ipaiv on a luorv ivouoiuical lu < > ts In order to maVti room fer all ho are t < e > lrlous of thowlnp their p\vslv This will ba of ; \ cer tain advantage. , as the IUOIM cKvicly tbe ox- tilWts Mtv together , the letter will l > o the ( tiowtuc for NobratVo , A ivntinuous iilsi la.v ol c\xvi > am ) uietluxu of manuf cture. will ntaVa Ivtterrffivt tb n would bo tne ra o wetv there U a irevd deal of siuco left uu- There rush ! to be a tiumbor of new fac tories KvaUsl In tba slate this year It any. thl 11 ic can bo acvouiplislusl bv orvuuliaueus. l rst therti ts the mtuufacturfr * assoct * * \liui which alms at maVit' * a market for I\XHU m u fnciur\xl tu tbe > uuturvuj'n the homo | vatrM u uunen.eni. It U KIVUCU that ( acUulclll bo l.vatej ut.i'tM there ts ixrtamtj of a u-arkot. Then taero U ttio Nebw V.a HUU-AU of lu.iuu'nticn. Tno c > t > JecU ot thU oiYauli tlou * ro to ( ntt4uco RvriciiUural and industrial tmiulin.tioti. to H.VUIM luuaufroturliii ; aud business eutir- fVl > M tor tbe towns aud clti < w of Nebraska , to rucouuins the iu\\v > : iuc t ot c-u ul in Or- \eletiiff tlu > n surxvs of XebrasVa. to aj , mUe to the world the uaturil adiaata i aiulwaut * of the stats and to be a prorral l-ur\-AU ot iulcrwalloa in tbo turlherauco ol ttc e ct\c\-U. ) The manufacturer * asscvia- Uc-u aud the Uuru of ImuiUratlco ara Nnh state cvrKauiiattous. In tb vi y cf Uval crvaai lie s Omaha bat tha * Owuen aMcvutiMrtich I * the most of Us tiino to the eneouraRomont of factories locating In OumUn. Almost every city nnu town lu llio stoto has ( ,01110 Icltul of nil orpanltatlon with the object of locating factories. The Columbus says : A. U. ilruttlov of ( ) nn\lin , secrotniy of the Manu facturers ntul Consumer * association of No- brasUu , was In the city.Vhilo huro ho win successful In pitting nil llio tnnnufacturlnp enterprises. In the city to become muiiibor. of the association. Tlio society is dome nitioU peed In the uuy of porsuiidlnp ; people to pat- ronuo home Industries , anil it is ablv as sisted by tha state pr ss. Now If the icanu- faetutiirs wouM i oo tit to aid ttio pros * nnil Ihonmilvos by plvini : the Ion nor n llltlo ad- vorllMnir. nil would bo well. Hut it seonu to bo thft policy o ( the inunufacturcrM of No- tuaska to ipnoro the press. They should iwopulro what U cooil for them ami ce.isu tho.r attempts to Kill tlio pooso that lays thorn polden ocps. There appear * to bo n tendency lu some of the smaller towns of the stuto to rodnco tbo scene of the homo patronaco movement ami m.iko U nppltc.uilo to their homo faetoilos iinly. At the very commencement of the movement it was decided that nothtnp prac tical could bo accomplished unless tin ? movo- uiont should bo mu1o : broad enough to cover thrj whole htnto A factory of m > t > Uo lo cated in n eitv , oven the xtioof Omaha , could ucer amount to aiivthlnp If compelled to ilo- pond cutitvly uiion thoclty In which il Is lo cated. A factory loc.itod in any ono of the Miinllcr cities or towns of the .state would bo In a still worse situation it It had to depmid entlroly upon the homo market. The whole Idea of the homo patromico movement is 10 eiviito a sentiment In lav or of Nubr.isHi fac tories. It Is to t > o expected that the people of a certain town will pivo the preference to their own factories Hr t , but if they ( .top there the homo p.itromipo movement will be i\ failureTor example , Nebraska City has larpti cereal mill , but ttio patrouapo of nil the peopln It ) that oil , ) could not bosnllleient to KiHip the mill runntnp ono week In tbo joar. bin when the people of Omaha , Lincoln and other i-Uios coimnoiieo to buy cereals it count * . Sow ar\l Isto hnvo a corn cob plpo factory , but the people of that cltr inlpht smoke themselves to de.itU and then tbo factory would not oo able to run. They will have to look to the outside for support. The advocate * of homo patrouapo should remember - member to encourato the m.inufrctutvrs of the whole state inell us tnoiO located In their Inuuediato locality. \V. A. l iiit\ president of Iho uutuifnouir- ? r' * association , hus ruturned from a trip into low * . \j\t\ weeK Tun UKG contained the state ment that 1W.I mldltlonal people had obtnlmM empUincut lu the Omaha over.ill factories sluco November 1. This statement has caused consldtirablo comment by reason of the extent of tbe gau inadeiu this Ur.uieti of uunulaclure , siucu tbo commencement of the homo ( uttvHUk-o movement. The. fltturvs as piveucro al ) > oiuteN ) cortvct a < anyone may ascertain who will taka the trvuibld to look lute the subject. Another e\mp'e of the cn > wtn ot the mtvauf4Cturlac imuistrie > is iUi'iuuM by Iho bofjctcrles On August W THE lies reviewed the box manufacturlBK business In Ouuha iul s&oweii t&it therxUTO at that time iitne y-t vo jvopJo empoviM ! In lv maVtnc \uih c annual tviy rv > M of fM.7Cv : . Since tbat date the buslneit bus n.n\n until now ll < people irxsemplortsj , w title the pay roll has tt > rtva > eti to fit\UM , lu other wonls , duriuc thf p-i t clfc-ht ciontht t\\euty tlvo ud- i ci j\ie bavo fc-una euipDyiuent ut the twtactcriov This i > ivciruM J a very nno st.cmluj : fr t&U brauch ot builnei * . Thfro tro in Ocuaha four CMI ( actortei , Umibk Hex factory , picking IVMCS , Joan I- WiUie , jvjijsjr boH. . O TXvsi , fiffr. tlftr acvl pac nf OOIM. T It Melt , cic r IKU < MS TrivCiinK icoa * y that Oiiittu has the t * t oox ( actcrle * In tnectt , ana tint ta j aut of the pjc iuj box factory sur- v\a * > fi kuytbtci ; ta tba UcUixl Ute-5. Even the larvM box factories i.\ \Yi > ocsia and MichiK n are cot xs well invviJixlith t'.io latest aud uicvst approveuiicelutry U all bu tu\it mcc of Omihv&o u.e tv.ue * utll p ; Hheir orJeri at home , Ivieatx live adtli- tu-wal people uay M piwa crt. At the presesl Ume oalr cae linn in Omaha buvi Us r-UH-r rxuivs outtMe ot the c'ly ' , but UD- f jrtuoately it ts c of the Ur eit ia tba city auj lu bu iBf4s U k pt at boiUj would civeeaniioytuv-ul lo serent.aJditkvaal trls. Tt ftvint& el the orvnU bu > m < v .s and t > ix masuftctuncf hai ( tvea i stx li ; fill. SAVED BY ELK , RIIKA'S ART A Despondent Mixn Moved From Suicide by the dimming Actress' PREPARATIONS FOR THE SUMMER OPERA I'rliu'lpnl MiiKi'r * tuii : > ti < il iinil Iti'lie.irs- liiK Tin. Operiis si < | pcti < i\'oi.s | of I ho .AvtiirN * 1'uiiit 1'iilr ( ' .lining At t r.ic- tloim ' 1 In-lit i lril : Clint. Who can meiisuro ttio lianetlcont iiilluonco ot nrll Sumo of Its otTects can bo scon and estimated , but many other * tlml In strange and unexpoetoit wavs. An inci- ilont In tbo profc : < sloinl c.ireor of Mllo. Hbe.i nlTordan llliutr.itloa to tbo point , It 1 % ttilutixt that about seven yenri ago n moictmnt living In Cir.ind KiptJs. Mich. , met with n heavy monetary lo > s , willed ut terly mined him In n tlumicml way. Ho had n voutic wife and hovinal children whom ho denily loved , and tlio thoughts of hia poverty- stricken condition so nrc\od upon In- , mind that the only mo.uis of csc.ipo his dU- tortotl vision could see w.iu sulcldo1 ! . deiub. When ho was out of the wuy , ho nrcueii to hliusolf , people would tuko niiyon his fiimlli and would help them , so thev would pet iilonp better without him than with him. As ho w a ; , on hit road to carry into execu tion bU pun of sclf-dostructl'i.i bis eye \\a caupht bv a pally pii.itod lltho iiitih with a nolico In bold ehir.icter : > which ro.ut. "IV inpht-At the Opor.t Mouse h'ho.i lu 'Much Ado About Nothinp' " Ho stood for .1 few uiomontA pnxhitf nt it musingly , and then the thoupht occuriv.1 to him They suythtactiv - | s bC'iuliful.t.ilotitiM and peed ; why not 1:0 aud too her tonight , so that my Inn look : , may resit upon s-omo- thins worthy before I pass to ttio un known. " In this fr.ima of mliul ho bent his footstep * toward the op < irn hoiuo , which ho readied in time for the opening. The dooiuteiit | man hud onh watched Sti.ikespoaro's immortal producluni when n cluniio Kr.idunllv ! > tolo o\er him. Mhi < actlnp of tlio biU-ht , vnaciou < i activis seemed to uflect him In u marvelous decree , and llio KUH > IU of despair which had cloudtxl hU mind rapidlj Ikva-uo ditsiikittsi. lilnticinp over the program ho discovered th.U the boautlful lady who was Imper-onattni ; the charactero ( IJeatnco a 1 reuch pirl , who , by hnr\l mudi , extraordinary - dinary tintieniM nud indauiltntilo'pjnovor - eiuv , bad ucbieveJ kucoe > Hi an actress , notwltlistandinpthe fact that she had to pvv ! : in ! \ lanpu.uo not her own , whuh. of cour.e , mtde l > er task still moro dilllcult. After tvadluc tbit slumlo statement rxv-stM- uu- Ibo bravo actress ho felt ath.uuci of his own weaune-ss ami determined to once uioro commonoo the struijclo of Me , Ho became Inspire. ! with frxvib hope and reaow Kl cour- n xaud roluriuxt hjmo u wiser aud better man. man.He It now otio of the most I'romltunu citt- icnt of his city aua never lo < es un opportun ity of sp < vAklnp a oovl worxl for the * tas-euiul ttuv-o conncoted with It. tie rtrmly botleves that tbo theater ts capable ot dolnp quita as much peed in lu way as U the churca , tnd whenever the name of tinea Is meutioaivl in hts prveuoo he invar ( a My cidatuii. UUv > s ber. Stie ouco sartxi my life. " The r > ! ns for summer otra la Oiuiha are now well In hand. The followiu principals bavo alivAdr b * n en i M and an ? now ro beai > ia tu CblMco I.utu Stevens. Holew SmcUir , UUly Kllpfet , Kathenne McNioJ , Minoto Sharp , Arthur Hur.on , 15rvxiKtioj > o Howler. C , N. Obeoter , W A. tvliin * , 1li jlAJloy. Msuor Uilllpol. Jehu H. Aiumou * aud Kanle CVllm. , with Ed ar Trevtlla tor aireotor. the airo well known ta aud have niJ * their niir in oivra. Miss McNeil's eajTicxMiiv'ct i jxirtlou'.arly f ortunat She it a BBO ccwtralto and u one ot the Amerlcaa f\rlt wto have made Kun > - | X5a reputations. Miss .McNeil ts w ilcoe > nvteJ , hxs a ocisJ | wti ( iaj ca > ? y a larce aad adMlrtc ; i uiictinw. ar * Jy in rc * r il are -Tha of Ncrmsaay. " "Pinafore. " "Km "Omeu-V < vJ roie "MnscottP. " "Tt.n'0 Hlack Cloaks' " "Boho- mlatiiil ! , " "Tuo Uopear Student , " "Mlk.i- do. ' "FnilnltM , " " 1'lr.ito.i of 1'eniauce , " 1 Nation , " ' % Trob'zoiid" nud "Krinmle. " Twelve or llftoen othur f.ivorltos are to bo added to thoto. Manaeer Uodit promises n chorus of thirty or moro peed voices , which are now at work lotioarMnp. 3UK rni.iTKif * . Tbo last minstrel vhovv of the season will bo seen at } 5o\o's. new theutor this iSuuday ) ovenlns whoa Low loeks.tader niul his fa mous company of burnt cork comedians runko their bow. It. has cnjii the aim of the man- apamciit to muko Docitstidor's mlnstreb tbo lo.ulinp company In America and to that end they hare secured a-- lonalnsnrlUt.s tlio fol low Ini ; : Oeorgj Powers , comedian , end man and banjo soloist , well known anil popular everywhere , frank lilranl. tUo veteran com- odiiin and stapo maiiiiper who o funny sketches h.ivo marto Now YorK tbeiter-poers liiuph for m.inv seasons past. Mclntyre and Heath , premier exponents of the kouthorn nopro In a now sketch , lutrcducinp their fa mous plantation son s ami dances ; The Three Mnrvollcprolosqun contort lonNts and ilnncer > in a funny act called "I'rom the Sublime to the Ki ticulous , " Perry and Ma- prow in a tmrleaiiuo b xiup exhibition. Ono of thc-o artist ? is over six feet and a half tall , whllo the other is not quite four feet in height , hence it c.r.i be easily understood that this Is an upro.iivmsly funny sDccialiy. Tiio vocal ilep.irtinont is sarong and inciuilos oisht superb cnlturi'd vocalists. Ik ldiu the at > j\o hc.idliplits , the taloute.l Uockstuler will present an ontuvly now and oilcinal scotch In which bo will nuiwar as "Our PriM.leM , " with numerous bright , witty and H.irrv l.oo and his piavors will beein .1 week ei'.pnpcment la " 1'bo 15--11 * " nt the Knninm strcot the tier at U..U lliu .tfttrnoon. Mr. l.-'o reprx'-tmts the nervous , dream huuntcd , frouitM : Matthias. The character draws deep i noa the stronirtti and otuotioaal ability .lUo. There isital fon-o the force ot peilu-in ; the intonslty ot Mr. Leo's scene * , which ilj not Mu o-.t the uu'lo dramatic , except perhaps at tne close of the second ait. It u terribly and tr.iplc throughout , lu fleixv , hopeless animal rape , sul > Jupati\l by cuunUiKiind foive of will , the court room .stvuo ts n mastorplcco of nitiup. The cotatunv will uUo present "sweot- he.ut > " I'hU is DUO of the ptvttiest hiu of deucate comedv aver put upou the Nlnpo. It has twj act of about nu hour lu length to pother , it tells in pra > ofully tender and tiiiut fasbuKi how much mnro faithful i > woman' ! , love , though seomlnclv uuHiTereat , than man's lo'idty doctarxsi ivusta-.iov. Us two ncu are a tJiicditono of poo.l iir.inutio work. too. LiKdsgiail pom- , which muu Ivo cut uioro exactly than lnixx\ and which must have purer cowr aud ptvater brilliancy , dramatic camcoi , such a < "Sweethearts' " ivtiuiro a luoro accurate artistic iu > tmci and moro cnroful traiiiini ; tu the actor who woula uckvsstidy ) iiuderuXo them th.iu do the btv.uor liut * ol less condensed cjauviioj. There is so much In tha manner , as well a > the matter of theao kiuall pictures of life , that tbo colormc must iusvs ; xrube true and the seltlnp oirefully made. Mr Leo presouts a strauK portrayal of ttio loading r\Mo aud l support * . ! in bo to jU.vys by an ex coilont company. "Li Oiarlna" Is play which Ka.het made famous half a ccr.uirj ace iti < ncatlv a counteipsrt to "Josephine , " txheVs preat sucv\M4 of last ca > ou. This wors of Kapeuo Scnb s u not only dramatic n tth actiou but also lu tt : > ct wltu emotlMi i touaonnv * . tn- trifue and romance are cleverly l.uerwvven in a plot of prt kt tutervti , and its tine rv e rtt tbo vcoillic r.'vuca arlistlut ) her kV\\us. MU > Knea is tvHikext at the iU\rd tor four preijutauoa * iuis WIVN tno f.r-st bait of the wtH'k , M.vuda > aud \\\\ cveninm-.aud tee \YtMno .U ) uiAtliuv < will U > devotivt to "i.aOjariua , Umwvssof KM * l4. " \\aile 'lues ueteniiij "Oosstp " a | HIIM le ttituato cvuuslr , attorviiu. : liau aa ox ivpuuoil nao oiHKirtuuit.x to dismber | tale - e t aa J prac * a * a oo4uJi < > uaa It U eUbt ytvir. iinw KaeA' Aawrlcju ahul lu New Yor as iNktttlUc , > CM ' follovxM bv V'rvHi r'iu aau AJritMiue. Tbe artistic suvw i of tbu btMutUul wMtau was iu > umaa > v > ui , and aa UBpn.v vi Bttu nx'ial sucsv s folUwW hard Hec while \UJaawi > * li KkA it tor Aw rt u t mr > ti t bou > * a J fnaas at a ul > .rj cJ Pans , womia HKo , she has over cultivated the society of her Amurlcnn aumircrs. Despite the arduous duties of ber profession and the physical ex actions of travel Mademoiselle Hhea is ever u most praclous nud pcnial hostess to n con tinual stream of local frunds niul admirers. Tor if she be winsome in holdlnp her mirror up to nature on the stage , sbo is no less cap- tivatitip in its rcltection in the parlor and boudoir. Mrs. John A. Lopnn i ono of Rhe.i's oldest American friends nnrt recently pave a reception in her honor. Everybody of na tional imporltinco ut tbe national canltal made it a point to call , and Mrs. Harrison , who. because of n previous enKapemont was nimble to attend , sen * , her reprets with a basket of beautiful tlowers. In Ottawa Ulu a was similnily bonoivu at llideaut hall by Lidy Stanley. Ttio artiste's snup little villa at Montmor- eno. . * Is furnished from salon to boudoir with "zo mcub'.eineiit frctu Grand H.ipide , .Mich. " It U therefore upon American chair.- that Mile. Khea numbers amoiip her good friends Cocijuelui and Sara Uernlmrdt. It doubtful if tboro is another actress on the Amerlcrn stage who dresses moro ox- tr.iVHpautly and in batter taste that Mile Koeiv , and tu "La fj.irina" she has certainly taxed the Ingenuity of ber modist . That worn in tbo tlrst act is superb n > ixirt of \\bitosatin , embroidered in pold , waist of like material , studded with jewels , ami over- I'ross of red satin , brocade 1 in cold , the front and sleeves trimmed with sable. The ono in the -ecoud net cotiMitof a white civpo skirt , the waist falling in praccful folds over the skirt , ttio overdress of white brocaded \eivot Kusslau slcoves in crt'pj , the whole dre > s trimmeu with whlto fur , the head ornamented witb the Kussinn head dress called Kai.iv.nlci ; , in diver cloth , studded with jewel * ami diiuioaJs. is an ex act com of the one worn by the present cm- press at her woddms. VUounrd K-'mmiyi , wl.o return * to Omaha on Tue-dnv for a matinee performance t lioyd's theater , has b.-en recoivmp the most ll.itteriup notices from the musical critics of tbo country.Vbeu last In Omaha , a mouth upo , nis pl' received the hearty praise of musical people , who saw in thU straucelv liiterestuii ; man the successor of Pa anini. A UJW ptinoratlon has coma upon the < ceae of Ufo since Uemouyi wa < last in America and Interes * . in the personality of the nrtUt hnt > oou constantly prowinp siucj it WAS an nounced to the world that ho had been drowned on the African coast. Older con- iortoers recall the wouaerfut furore l\einou\t cre.itinl a decade aco. In the concert to be siveti on Tuesday be will bo assistiHt bv MnuMueateferinc. . pianKtc , and L'iptniti Kuu.o , tenor , n combl- nation w hicti coul.l not bj Iwtter. The pro- prAiu is excellent atui will couituend ttcf ! to nil lovers of peed niusic. lu ndditiou to a K.-itT tiumtH'r , H Ssirasito comisiuo , two transcripttons cf his own , Hemeuvi wilUwith Mm. ' , lueuteferttip. plav U tp.o\ea' famous touo tsviu , "Tho Kivauer Soaat.i , ' for piano and violin. Seau for tbo cii uieuts will go cu s.iU' Monday taorulup. The Miller Opera c\nuvin.v will proJuco the latest oAMern eo'uic v'ix.TA sui\v > * . "Ship Ahoy , " at Uoyit's tbuater next Frulay , a untav aad Miudav ui ht4 , au.l Saturvlar matinee. "Ship Ahoy" i > nautlcAl tu. iveu at farcical. Itwas written bv H < . ! riuon UJn- mlly. and c\mipo od t > > Fnvt Miller , Jr. . who will porsonali. ditvot the orchestra at Hi\t < i' Uurtnptho "Ship Abe.v" enK-a nieut. ' > ! np Alv.icarruvs city vx.vjve wun the beauti ful Mn Ix > ui e > U > otauo in tba pnru * diniua tvJe. JauiiM t sulllvaa late of tne "Crystal Mipp < ir" aud "Htue Heart ! . Jr. " comivmto * will be in the leuditit : < x > mi\ly par ; . Olbcr tuemtxr * of the cust ara Harry H liell. Harry M.indisb. Kd Kadwa > . Heun Mol > .iwvU. Jt * ie JooMns , r'.orocp * Uuulur sud Auate lUrtxnt , 1)UB.'A3 CUrfc's Female Minstrel * , after plivviui : to crowUeJ houses , at thrt People' * J * t Saturday aud buuJa.evrnia , bavode to t iav a return date teu iSuaauyi uiT. Thera will be an eotlre csaage of Pries * rvwcB of alt Ucwitfs Sarsspir.iu c.tfi * > tij Tke ColocUl trle o.f furniture tbit so much sure is i-ot ay la this omatr.r. and \xa uit * > of wMak * ro se eajurty sacttt tn a # * aaii ta skein tbat lure out "real ; , " ' * corruption cf tt Louis XVI CO-OPERATIVE HOME BUILDING One of the Remarkable Industrial Develop ment ? of the Age. A FEW INSTRUCTIVE HISTORICAL FACTS The llrnrtlti of Co-Operative Societies II- lu tntteil bj-Thclr U'nrk In l.c Knotrru StutesVuiutcrful Aids to .Mmorial drouth. PA HI I. Amen ? tbe miuy Industrial and bonedcent de\elopments of tbo present ape co-opjratlve srvietlfs ileserve a foremost place. In the United States tbo application of tbo princi ple , prafted from the workshoos of the old world , is scant five and forty years , yet lu that brief period they have reared counties ies- homes as monuments to thrift iu every Isrpocity in tbe country. Co operation cud co-oporaUvo iocifltloi are ponerallv acvop'.eJ as synonymous bat there. is m radical diSerence , Co-operatioa is new pra ticoo tueaus concurrent effort of any uody of IU.J3 for a spjcltic puroose. It is conspicuous iu all deportments of hum. n ac tivity. fbo capitalist and tha wor tain tn- \0itotts aid for stmUread > . We bavo as sociations ct tninufacluwr * ea aceu in pro ducing Uie articles ot trade , aggregations ot wholesalers huudli .p a invea stuno , n-'d ' unions , -o CJlieJ , of retailers controllUK a iuxos-nry coamux'tty ta a comrauutty Tae > e forms of co-ojxratloa are properly called trusts , for , whl'o ' bouedcial to tbe meabets. they mn.ico the public weal by strangling compotiuon aad extorting unreasoaaole protils. lutheUborCeMcc-opv-'rauoabai made uijantic strideuottinc diverse traje in a common cuu < oand arawinc clc > > er tae bonds of mutual solf-lutoroat and friendship. I'.onulnc l'o-l ) ; > f r.illKii , But In none of taeso classes are. the trao co-operative principles practiced In ts.i former wv-ojxiratioa Is acotber came for $ fl- dsunesi and avaritv , the roboinc ot the many for the benefit of tae few. la the latter ' ter 'it sUuities unity of action against tn- jurious cociiwititiou in the Ul > or market and reilstanco to the oppre ivs avanco of em ployes. True co-oporatita encojrafe * thrift and soU-der.ul in ten individual , and deve ] ops and fo-itor * thJ material interest * and moral woifare ef comiaauitiei Its greatest and best phate is amplified in building and . . Tne of co-opentioa are at old at ciullJHtlcu and have cwa praticvJ in a crude and remieteJ form for over a cwntury Tee cide t aud probiily tha parents of the pnr sut societies were taa eo operative stores which tlourishe-i in England * cd liiraiaay a cautury HTi\ und ars in existence at this day Illnnr. ofHiwn ll x IIoim llulliltni ; . The history of banding and losa associa tions joes Uac to th-i threshold of the nine teenth centurr ! ? ' > when a societv of the kind was fortceu in Loncon It failed. K.fM'a } ears liter another lias oraniz > d , wnicb put in oiwranon the suo.tanco of tbe princsfufs prac'iced bv le.-ittoate cooperative tive societies todar Neanv half tbe ccnturr had iu > eJ aw-ay twfore they \oot root In the United Matr The foster father of the ix and a halt thousand associations iiow In eils- teacd ID tne I'nued Sute.s wa Dr. William ctuiolc , a Pcrnsvlvaaia ( jeruiin. wao la l > 4uorganitisi tbe nr > t 'luiUlm , ; and loin as- in Palladolpau. Krom tni citr tcey > prvsd to B<imore , toeu to New Vork and New Jersey. At the outbreak of tbo rotvnoo the * wercpretty geDCnilthrouebout the north aud south. Tbe war wrecked tnern la the touth aud paralyzed there in tbs onrtb , t > ul woeo peace was rcitoroj co-operative sKei ! ; 4 r iaiceU their place tn puouc oontl- acii multiplied rapidly. It u etu there are at tbe present ttxe t > ,5X ) a - sociitioos in toe United1 Sutei , wun a n.cia- twrthip of ii Mi > - > J cd 0" autbor- ii a capital u > c of 7V , WOOJ , of whtct fi " . ' .WJ.uXI i * subcnk > * l. nno fiW.M.O.W.0 paid in. In view of the fact itit tey are competed ao > ou ex. lsstv iy of Hare workers , the Cyurei lllui- rate the vast beaefiu cocf erred by o-sp.r societies oa the bone and sinew of thi llenetlts Illustrated. is n stn' { ° S illustration of of co-operative builaiaz and loan associations. U is claimed that of tbo dwelllnc houses in the cltv have teea Dutlt tbroush this apencv and inuch of : b prosperity of the toilers of the cltt U direcyj due to their iotroductloo. Thsy- are tba source from whica Spraa < PhltaJeiphU's proud nnd signlncaat title. "The Cuv of Homes. " Over 6\OX worktncmeu in "th < oae cltv bavo secured homes trroueh tats * associations. Offlcial statistics of the condition of build- inp and loan associations in the state of Ohio snow srratifyiap prosperity. Tno nutaoor of members enrolled in the state is lsTO , of which .1.041 , are reMdeats of Cincinnati. As mos : members are heads of fami lies U is safe to estimate : h : TXO people are financially iatereed m these association- . The ajrw assets amount to KO.iX > . ' , ia3.33 , and amouut of money Uuned reaches th * enor mous sum of MT.oiV.l 61. A toial of - VWJ share * are held oy the I-.V.70 cumbers. In Massachusetts tuiUis ; aad loin ai.xl- ations are known as oorvjrative barks. vtirc $ onl'times coafounJea w.a s\r- inps ban s , ca : there is a vis : diScrea.-e t - tweeathetwo. The fucc'.ioa of a SSMESS baa c is to provide aa at > sM2X ! v safe p'.sca of deposit for tae small savls s cf people whose iaccmis and who must nave their naaey reajv a : call. The func tion of it co-oper.itive fc : is to crovtds an absolutely safe tvace of depjsit far tha savings of people whose tacoae is re jlir , aad xvho can aSorJ to .coi some yeir. ihe 4 to obtain tha greatest advasuj-j coa- slstea : with safetv * nd at the sims time to ad home seeders la o- qijinnj' homes. Thit ttev fjlfll [ ' taeir raissioa is atsejted by 'the fact tha : bu : oao co-osowire oiak was cicsed ia nftoea ye-trs and DO : oae dollar was Isn to members in tha : iwr-.ix ! . Tae rspor : of the state commiss.oaerof Mnfs for the rearmed- intVot ; > ? r oii ? i.itowj a : caiof U > - co-es > - emttvo Dints ta Missxchusetu. with sis ti arcreratinc fll. ; i.SUll , an incrtaie of ova bAns and fidOA Vx' ia assets over ti- * pre vious yeir. Tne mcrawwhlp IncreuiM fro-a .Vxi ; to T\JOT m a year , and : he njmoer of " shires from 3iiU3"o .Cit.oiy Tse to cant feature of co or ntive societies in Ma s- acausetu as else.saere ls thj ecosomy of tnins ement. Tae averse * expesse ut toe Ifts lun 5 for tae year msatioai'd was Ca < j frVVJ each The cojrisblnc coaJittoa of the bulidiu ? aui ! Icuo associaiioas in New York * utJ shown by tbe assertion of the Co-OporaUva Xews that ihebciountof loans made by them on bond and mor'.fziti securities nearly equals the whole a-noaut loaned on sucn 10- curities by all tbe trait compiate > of thi state The total receipt * of the associations annually rqual the deposits durlag tbo saras period in ail tne > 3\inzs banks of tbe state. when one reflects on the vast numoor and limitle i iviMlth reaching out for Investment from NcrtYor city , tne Importance of the business done by the associations may t reaiitc-J. In the \\'ett. Co-oporatlve associations arecotnpiratlvel/ new in tbe west. L'ntil recent years , tie shifting character of tbo population , tba resist * ! and nxvulativo spirit , mlnlDK and real estate txxm . aad otbcr money making ventures characteristic of the region , pre vented tbo app.ica' Ion of n beneficent prin ciple. Il was too slow It wat the ttazo rosch of thrift m a ruco with tbo overland tlvcr of fortune pettinp. Hut tbe moment comrr.unitlei dtspcnsod with tbe flctitloui and tettlcxl down to rcalllicx , co-oporatlra socirtios found lodgtrnont. They are noiv to bo found In i. early every city and town In the wen , contri'Jjiin ? substantially to material a < Jvnnceir."ut. Tno Listorof i-ooporatlvo oclotlo In Nebraska is briefly told. The flul orKoniiea in Omjba , and bulievcJ to U > the parent society of tbo state , date * from Muy , liAl. Xotwitbetandln ? an Almost total want of praaical ox | > erlonco In luanapomerit , or sufll- cimit Knowladia tu > ply tlio prlncip.ot of co-oj'eratlou.tticlr growth has been remit : lilo. aud tnoir suocco proportionately e'l to that of older iavo . At the prctcut lima sixt ) afctociutloni are doiiif ; bushiest ID Ute sUte uad r cartlftVaU * Usued bythoilata bankm , ' board Of time , Qfiy-tovea are rtouienic aitoclations and three forfct 'o. oooaltlon of these Kssoclattont , and tloaucitl ilreot-th , will M coaiidcr&l in