Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1892, Part One, Page 2, Image 2

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Omaha Finds Little Trouble in Winning
from the Tailendere.
Colonel ( 'nmp Secure * the first Homo Kim
of tlm Srition on the ( Iroiimls Knnsai
City Olvot Mi1\vnul < rr 11 Sol-
Imck Otlii-r
Omnhn , in * , Indianapolis , S.
Kansas City , 8 ; Milwaukee , 0.
how popular senti
ment ( -ocs up nod
down ) Now , Just
before yesterday's
g n m o thcro were
played on Omaha's
grounds three as
line contcsls as ever
delighted the heart
of m&n , and yet the crowds wont away kick-
Ine. Why , forsooth I Bccauso Omaha losU
May be. Well , ycstorday'a came was as full
of blunders as n doc Is of Ileus , some of the
blunders aforesaid being vlto beyond descrip-
lion. Yet the volco of the was raised
in gladness , and his Joyous yelp rent the
warm air lu nuny placos. Why I Omaha
won.Thus do you sco how ready oven the son-
Uo , ( ' base ball fanalio Is lo make
merry at bis fcllowman's downfall.
It is perfectly plain to Omaha now. Sotno
pcoplo had wondered why Indianapolis
couldn't win n Ramo. Nobody who saw
yesterday's game will do so any longer.
There Is no tiso , however , in wasting spiico
IxpIainitiK this. Uo out this afternoon and
aoo for yourself.
When smiling Jack McQuald tossed Iho
ball down to young Mr. Madden of Indianap
olis and ho lotsod It back so that Shcibeck
fouled out to Carpenter and Ollks popped up
ono to Madden and IColly to Lawrnnco , it np-
pcarod as though wo "wore to have a ball
game nuro enough. Vickory tossed out Mc
Quald , Camp dropped Moara's Uy after n
hard run , Lotchor sent a pop-up to Sheibeck
and Moara stele second. Only ho didn't. In
order to show that nil signs fail in a ball
game , Eddie Hnyos throw down as prettily
as any ono ever did , and Shcibock put it ou
Mcarn no hard ho know it was out without
bcinq told.
In tlio second , after Collopy hit to Carpen
ter , lave Howe hit out n double and Camn
won n house and lot , a sot of bed room fur-
nlluro , a lickot to the World's fair and a
package of cigaroltcs by Knocking Iho ball
over the right Hold fence. The first homo
run of the season awakened the crowd to
such n pitch of enthusiasm that , no ono
kicked wtion Fitzgerald Hied out to McQuaid
and Vickcry struck out. l ° or the Hoosicrs
O'Brien hit a double , Quinn struck out , Her
per sacrificed nnd Lawrence lammed out n
ulco triple. Then Carpenter struck out.
From this time on'baso hits und errors
wera tangled up with runs In n bawlldorlng
jumblo. Out of the darkness two facts . hlno
Victory's Patting and Hayes's throwing to
second. Only two men triad to steal , and
both died. You'd have laughed yourself sick
it you had seen Vickcry stoat homo from
third nftcrhomadoathroo-basohit.orto have
icon Camp RO all Iho way round in tbo eighth
on a hit lhat didn't go out of the diamond ,
or to have seen tbroo man sknto homo on a
Ilttlo sbon slnglo to center , or to have soon
Old Hickory Ci.rpoulcr lope Homo from third
while Hayes waited for Him with the ball , or
to have scon Shcibeck drop that lly in the
ninth , or lo have scon Lawrence try to field
with liik feet , or to have soon Mcarn throw
tbo ball into tbo grand stand under tto im
pression that it was Hickory , or in fact lo
hnvo soon nny ono of the phenomenally bad
breaks made.
You'll inobably laugh whoa you road the
scoro. If you go out this afternoon you'll
bavo moro fun than a minstrel show. A
caricature :
Totals 44 1.1 12 4 27 20
Totals. 42 8 13 3 0 27 13 10
Omulin 0 2 1 'I I 3 2 1 0 13
Indianapolis 0 1 2 0 U 0 U 2 3 8
Huns earned : Oiiiahn , 3 ; Indianapolis. 3.
Two-hasi ) hllH : Uowo , Vlolter.v. O'Hrlcn , Car-
punter. Thri'O-Dasn lilts : Yickory 2 , llerirur ,
Lawrence , lloniuruu : Oamp. Huso on halls :
UIT Yiukury , 4oir ; Madden , 1 ; olT Sulllvun. S.
.Struck out , : lly Vlukury , ft : by Madden , lhy :
Hultlvnn , i Time of uanio : Onu hour and llfty
iiilniites. ITnipiru : .MuQiiald.
'ii Miixi'ol llroiu'ii.
CITV , Mo. , April ! JO. Milwaukee
today lost their llrst game of the season. Tno
Dluu3 captured it with caoo by bard hitting
assisted by numerous errors by the iJrowers.
Kverjr ono who saw the gaiuu agrees that
Corcoran is iho worst umpire In the business.
Besides the umpire's rankness the baiting of
Lnko and thu Holding of Alberts and Carnoy
were the features. Weather unpleasant.
Altondanco 'J.OOO. Score :
Total 31 727 0 T
Total . . . ( J il JT 10 U
Knnsai. Cltjr . 3 0 I ) 0 U 1 0 I8
Milwaukee . U 1 0 0 I 0 0 03
! rum : KnmnaClty. 4i Milwaukee , 3. Two
man lilts ; Hnmlur - l > ulco I. TlilL'o-lmso lilts
Ilrnry. Ijiko. Homo run : Alliurt * . Lake , luu
tin | iluy < : I'nrnojr ( unurklstcill. Ward to IJ.irlo.
Hum's on Imlln : OlT Hiiiili y , V : HIT Kvrion , 'J
Struck outt Ujf HuKliuf , ii ; by Kuraon , I. I'liBiicil
tialla ; Uy Mc.Mahon , ; ) . Tlmunt unniii : Two Uuura
and ten minutes. tJmplru : Uorrornu ,
( luinni 1'ontpiininl ,
MINNKATOMB , Minn. , April 30. Mlnno
apoliH-ToIudo xamo postponed ; rain.
ST. I'AVI. , Minn. , April III ) . St , Paul-Col
umbus game postponed ; rain.
Htiiuillii ) ; or tin' T < mm ,
1'Uroil. Won. I.iMt. I'cr Ct
MIlwivuUoo , . , , . 7 , K5
KuiiBiisOlly. . JO .71K1
ColumbUH . / . 9 .AU7
Bl. I'aul . 0 . &UO
Toledo . 8 .37.
Oinaba . , . B , a73
DilnneaM | > lU . C a73t
. . . . . . . 0 O.CW
( ininti Today ,
Indianapolis at Omaha.
MlhvauKoo at Kansas Cltjr.
Toledo At Mlnneapolli.
Columbus at St. I'aiil.
l''or Koei Tlili Time.
Thii afternoon , so says Uilly Harrington
tbo spell will bo orokoa and Indianapolis
kvlll win one. O ( course Hilly Intends 10
put bi strongest team In tbo Ramo. Tommy
Noglu , always a favorite in Omaba , will be
( be receiving end of ttio Rooster battery OIK
promises to give Omaba a taste of bis ' 8'J '
work. Young Gayle , who Is loouod on as
ono of tbo best of tbo youngsters , will do
tba twlrlluu. Darby will pitcb for Omaba
anil if be does as well as bo aid wilb Cclum
bu * . tbo Hooslera won't got a smell. The
Kamatll bo called promptly at.1 o'clock ,
mil the players will bo :
liunlin , I'rultion. IndlnnnpolU
) .irliy Pitcher . ( Jnylo
hiyci UnU'lior Nnislu
! ewe . . . . .KlMt O'llrlcn
Itr.eorald Second Hurscr
Jollopy Third Carpenter
'liulbccK ' Sliort Ijawrcnco
lamp lllglit .I.plchor
Jllki Mlildlo Mcara
{ oily loft McQuald
'lnclnimll Tukn Another from
lon Ipy lliittliiK.
CINCINNATI , O. , Atirll .TO. A homo run by
} bamborlrtln with thrco tnon on bases won
ho game tor Cincinnati. Tdo Holding of
iVnshliiRton was mUornblo. Attendance ,
,000. Hcoro j
Ilnclnimtl 2 000000 t 1 7
WmhliiKlon 0 00002000-2
lilts ! Cincinnati , 0 ; Washington , 7. Ktrori :
Iliiclnniitl. 2i Winliliutoii , H. Kainod runs :
iVn.slilnmcn , I. liattorliM : Uhninburlalii and
larrln ton ; I' and Mi-Oulro.
rlllnhiirR Still \VliilUHK.
I'ITT-IIIUIHI. 1'n. . April 30. Tbo Plttsburgs
administered another sovcro drtibblnc to the
inltlinorcs today. Attendance , it-100. Score :
I'lltsbiirK u I o t t R 2 n 0-11
llaltlmoro 0 0 0 U I 0 0 0 0- 1
Illti : I'lttsburz , 1.1 ; llnltlnioro. R. iCrror.s ;
I'lltiliurB. 0 ! llnllimuro. I. IlntlorlM : Ilald-
wln nnd Mnck : Mc.Malinn and Kolilnson.
I'ncln Coiililn't Win Two.
CnifVdo. III. , April 30. Today's pamo was
playcil In a drlzzllni ; rain and was very dull.
J'ho l'hllllo.4 won on Tttcltor's lilttini ; and by
eifla of binoi on UalU and Unhlon's costly
> rror. Unino called nt the end of the liftli
inili : ( , ' on account of rain. Score :
CliliMKO 0 000 0 0
riiiiiuii'ipiiiii o o „ t s-n
lilts : Clilo.ico S : Philadelphia H. Errors !
I'll ( injto. I ; Plilludultihlu , llatturlos ; l.tiby
and Suhrlvor ; WoyhlnK anil ClomunU.
Doyln Dili It.
Ct.r.vr.MNn , O. , April 30. Two wild
thro\v by Doyle Kavo iho visitors thrco runs
nnd lost Cleveland today's gatno. Attend-
mice , : t,200. Score :
Clovuliiiiil 0 4
Now Vork * B
'lilts : Clove-land , 8 : Now York , B. Errors :
U.uvuliuul , r > ; Nu\v S'ork II. Knrnod riuiH :
Cluvulun i , II : Now York , 2. Ilatterlus : DavleH
and lloylo : Klnianil lluylc.
IllllH Dill till ) ItlMl.
ICy. , Anrll 30. The Drido-
Rrooms turned Iho tabloi ou tbo Colonels to
day and pounded Mookln nil ever the lot.
Inks , on the other hand , pitched a ( 'ood
article of ball , only civing Iho lioinu team
llvo bits. Wcailior finu ; attendance , t,000. )
Score :
I.onlsvlllo 0 2
llrooklyn 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 (1 ( * II )
Hits : l.onlsvlllo , fi ; HrooKlyn , 11. Errors :
I.oulsvlllu. : i ; Ilrnoklyn , 1. Eurnud runs :
I/oulsvlllu. t , llattor.'os : Mcokln nnd IJownu ;
Inks and Klnslow.
( liiinus Toiliiy.
lialtiinoro at Lovlsuillo.
Washington at St. Louis.
.Stuiiillii ) ; of the Tcaini.
I'laycd. Won. Lost. I'crOt.
Iloston Ill It U .810
l.onlsvlllo 12 11 II .7.V )
llronktyn 12 ! ) ! l .T..ll
I'lttslnirj 1:1 : a 4 . ( i'J' ' '
Ulnvuliinil It 7 4 . ( "Hi
Olnc'tinatl l.'i 0 ( I .li'U
New Yorlf 12 7 ! i ,5si :
IMi'.liulclphla U n fl JC !
Washington It II 8 .27.1
( Jhloaito 14 : i 11 . I4
St. I.otlls 12 2 10 .107
Bulllnioro 14 1 13 .072
Itciitrlco Cluilifjos.
BBA.THICK , Nob. , April 30. | Spoclal to THE
BKB. ] Beatrice released Hilly Vau Arnam ,
third baioman , to Lincoln today for n mouoy
consideration. Van Arnam will bo succeeded
in Ibo lioatrico team by Dud Handall from
Dayton , O. The Beatrice slugger.- * departed
for Fremont this afternoon , where tlioy will
open out in Iho league games wilh Fremont
I'lattHiiiimth ManiiRor.
PI.ATTSMOUTII , Nob.- , April 30. [ Special tn
Tint BKK. | At Porrino , pitcher and out-
llcldor of the State league team , was yester
day afternoon appointed by the directors as
manaRfir of the team. Kennedy was ap
pointed captain. The indications are that
tomorrow's gnmo will bo attended by a tro-
mcndous crowd. The prospects of tbo team
are improving daily and enthusiasm is wav
up. _
Won Their Kirxt.
SrmxnpiBi.n , Nob. , April 30. [ Special
Telegram to THE Br.K.J The baseball sea
son was opened bore today oy a game ba-
twcen the Springfield Grays and tliu Bolln-
vuo college team , the former winning easy
by a score of 1to - . Carnnhan pitched a
splendid iinino for tno visitors but had no
supnort. Ciolst for the Urays was very of-
fcctivo , slriUlnp out twenty-two men. Ho
handles himself HKU a professional and his
support was good. The sc.ora :
KnrlnKllolil' . 1 12
Itolluvno . 0 0 0 1 1 U 0 0 0 2
llatterlus : Sprlnullelil , Hull nnd tiulst ;
Hulloviie. OariinliHii , led 1:0 and Muihlox.
Huso tills : Sprlnirllold , II ; llollvnu , 0. Errors :
yprliiKlloln , 4 ; Hollvuu. n. Struck out : Unlst ,
22 ; C'arnahan. I ) . Two base hits : Hprlnnold. .
I'otcrs anil lloiisdno. Tliruo bnse lilts : llasUn.
Hollevuo two bnao lilts : I'nrnuhan. .Madilox.
Time : Two hours nnd fifteen minutes. Uui-
plru : Tealliotin.
Union I'lirlllcK riny Hull.
Tno "General Audilors" won Ihoir fourth
consecutive victory yosternoon , the victims
this tuna bolnir tbo "Car Accountants. Bat
teries : General Auditors , Culler plchor ,
Flanagan caiber ; Car Accountants , Osborno
and Butler pitchers , Wilklns catcher.
Mnncy Tiilkt Npw.
OMAHA , April 30. There nro numerous
base clubs in this city who hnvo made tali ;
that they can down the liaydons nnd fiat
we are not what wo are cracked to DO. In
return I will s'.atoVoaro : ready to play
play nny team in O in aim or Nebraska ( Statb
league teams barred ) for frcm f'i3 lo $100 and
00 and 40 pur cent of the irross palo receipts ;
game or games to bo playerl on tbo Omaha
grounds. I want It understood that wo will
not play for loss than fJi. : ! Tlio teams wo are
the most anxious to got at are the Paxton it
Gallimhors , W. U. Bannotta , Council Bluffs
nnd Fort Onmhus. Now cnrno to the front
and sco what wo nro made of.
J. W.
Manager Iluydcn Bros. Base Ball Club.
HIM ! .
Sprliis MeiUlni ; of ( hit .SonKtmtuokjr Ao-
ulntinii Ojiennil.
UBXixaios , Ify , , April ! 10 , The aprlnt :
mootine of the recently organized Kentucky
association opened in a olazo of glory. It
was nn ideal spring day and the attendance
was the largest known in years. Five excel
lent races were on the program , the prlnat-
pal ono being tbo Distillers' siako for all
ago * , ono and oao-slxtcenth miles. Bermuda
was scratched , leaving Ethel , J. A. J. ,
Wudsworth and No wton as starters. Eight
een bookmakers were in line nnd the batting
was the largest known in the association ,
The opening was three qunrtera of a mile ,
for : i-j car-olds and upwards. Snllio Me-
Clollun andTula Blackburn were the lavor-
lies , the latter taking the lead ivt the three-
quarters and won hands down , two lengths
In front of Sallie McClollan.
The second raoo ( mil ten sturters and \vns
won by the B to 1 shot Hook Laidley , Hlok
getting the placo.
Third nice , Distillers' nlnkos of $1,000 added.
I'our RtarturB ! WaiNwurth Pi to ] ) won , Kthol
( i to r > ) bueuiid , Nowion (7 ( to 1) ) third.
r'ourlh nice , i-.lno-al.vtoiiiiths of a ir.lle.
Hevoii alarlors : Uiilhonn won , ti.izottu second.
1 < Jfth rave , a hiilf-inilo ihuli. Nine slarlers :
Susie .Null won ; Moravia second.
Vuur KuvliiK ut
WASIIIXOTOX , t ) . 0. , April SO. Tnoro was
a good attendance at Bennlngs today. Tbo
weather was line , but the track was heavy
and the racing poor.
Firm race , six and iniu-luilf furluncs : Ilallo-
TUO won. t-iinipost second , Tliorndnlo third.
Hucuiiil raci' , ono and ono-ol hlh inllcsi
Cynosure won , Mar horlta sucond , Mr. Sab <
thlrU. Tlmu > . >
: iOj ; { ,
Third nioe , onu and ouo-fonrth inllos :
lloorKo \ \ . von , Eric second , I'oinitdo third ,
Time : 2liH : ,
rourth rai-o. flvo-olRhths of a mlli ) ! Hiram
won , gueon Hess levund , Ni-purltol third ,
Tlini' : lfti :
Klfth nice , steepluohasu. two and oue-li-vlf
mllcii : I t Oakley won. Saw llorbo second.
Elphln third. Time : 4:33. :
: at ( jiittcnuuri ; ,
GuTTCNiiuito , N. J. , April SO. There was a
largo attendance nt the races today. The
track was In fair condition and the weather
P.Mtruco. four mid n half furlun t Mo
ld-over won , Cold StriMiil second.- Marsh Itcdon
third. Time ! r.ii > 4. f
Second rnco , ono-lmlf mile ! Nick won , Sun-
dnnnoipcond , Ida lllcnltl third. Thiou < Uf. )
Third rco. . It furloiiKii Ilnllanit won , Do-
r.'iti-'o second. Dlxln llilrd. Tlrnn : . " .
Fiinrtli race , s .x ftirlonK : Hlchnl won , MO.T
terry second. Illnck Look third. Time : lilT'l.
I'lttli rnco. nno and onr-ilMounth nilli' :
rcnJon won , Dcfaiiltorsccnuil , HarrUoii third.
Time : li.V'ij.
Hl.xth r.ii-o. ono nnd a half miles ever six
hurdles : SI. liiiko won , St-.Iolin .sevonil , Sler-
ra Nevada third. Time : 24l ! > i ,
Nrhrmlm CltyS IJrivIni ; I'nrlt.
CITV , Nob. , April 30. [ Spnclal
to Tun BIK. : 1 The stockholders of the
Nebraska City Driving Pjrk nr.d Wlr
association held a meeting In the
Board of Trade rooms last nleht. It wns
decided to bold races nt tbo driving park
July 4 and a fair some time in September.
The association will bocln fitting un the
grounds t\t onco. Another mooting wiU beheld
held Monday ovcnliig , May 0 , when ofllcors
lor the co in I nir yonr will be clouted and
PUHCS made up for the Fourth of July racos.
[ FHOM Yc.sTKitiuT'ii flucoso K
Story nfllU Cunlpmiliiti llrrlnrnl 1'ntnp Do-
rciuliMl hIIH ) Itrolhrr.
Pnii.Aiini.i'iin , Pu. , April 'JO. Dr. H. A.
Ponrotc , a brother of Dr. Charles Bincham
Ponroso , who was captured by Wyoming
rustlers , arrived bore from Choyonns
today and denies the imputations
made against his brother nnd tbo
party of stockmen whom ho accompanied.
Outside of Governor Barber , young Pcnroso ,
ho says , was the only reliable surceon iu the
Atnto nt tlio Ulna the expedition started and
he was induced to accompany it nt
the earni'st request of his friends
who organized to 'protect their cut
tle against a contemplated rutul-up to
bo mndo by the rustier. ) two months hoforo
the time llxed by the state laws. The youug
surgeon became separated from his
party , which ho was following a
day "behind when ho was captured , owing
to the poor condition of his horso. Thu
story of his nrrott and subsequent
release by the Unitoil States authorities
is well known , nnd up to this lime , his
brother declares , no charge or indictment
of nnv kind has boon preferred against him.
Dr. Ponroio is now practically on trial
awaiting a hearing next month , nftor which
ho is expected to return hero. The story of
liis confession is pronounced falso.
t'lVK TllOVS.lSIt llOUaiiH
Dlnnnt rolls Gonllngrutloii In tlio Jiipitnose
Capital llviivy I.osi of l.lfo.
SAN FIIANCISCO. Col. , April 'J9. The steam
ship Bolgic arrived today. She brines do-
mils of a great lire ntT'oklo , Japan , April 10.
The flro started early in the morning in
tlio house of n small restaurant keeper from
a candle left burning , and spread in thrco
directions through densely populated dis
tricts. The tire was extinguished by noon
after consuming 5,000 houses on twenty
streets , including forty warehouse * , police
stations , panorama buildings , schools , Tokio
English schools and residences of Viscount
Foil a. Admiral Akamtso , Count ICarastumaru
and Marquis Toktldiaji.
Details of the loss of lifo are not known. It
is variously estimated that seven toorty -
llvo persons perished.
The steamer Unidon Mnru was sunk by
lloating Ice m Kusbiro harbor and forty
v.ii.iFtimrt.1 .S/I.IKE.V .K.I/.V.
VlhratloiiH Scvorp , Hut l.lttlo Uttinngo Kr-
piirtod One .Mini Iiijurcil.
SAN' FJUNCISCO , Cal. , April 'J'J. An earth
quake' shock occurred hero at 4:07 : p. m.
today. The vibrations wore north and south.
A shock is roporled a * having occurred
at Vacaville , Ksparito and Winters shortly
after 4 o'clock.this afternoon.
The shock was strong at.\'acavillo , but no
damage is reported yet.
The vibrations worn severe at Esparito ,
but no damage was done beyond tbo fall of
some scaffolding.
Some bricks are reported to have fallen at
Winters and a man is said to bavo been in
rnirl.iiKLi > niA'n no n HUH.
Iloily , Supposed tn Ha Tlnlt of Thomas
I.orrllil , IJnriiverml This Mnnilii ) ; .
PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , April 30. At 1 o'clock
this morning the workmen uncovered the
charred body of a man lying upon his face
with bnlrand clothing entirely gone. The
man is supposed to bo Thomas Corolla , who
ran bacic into tha thcator after ho had
escaped 10 save his wifo.
A tow minutes nflor his body was un
covered another was discovered lust behind
Early last evening several particles of
flesh and a piece of skull with Iho hair Intact ,
were unbanned , wbilo near by a diamond
bracelet , which had scarcely a scratch , was
found. This was idontiliod' having be
longed to Mrs. Lorolla.
PKI/.I :
Sln-rroy Won.
At Blum's hall , South Omaha , last nlglit
Aaron Shorroy knocked out Bud Mills in
thu twenty-fifth round. It was a bard light
from the start , Mills Having the host of It up
to Iho tenth round. In the third Mills drew
lirst DlooJ , landing a stiff cross counter on
the Sherroy MOJO. In the sixth a straight ,
right hand punch on Iho Shorroy jaw gained
llrst knockdown for Mills. After the tenth
Sherroy brnc-od up nnd from that lime to ino
clo o tba lighting was furious. As time was
called for the twenty-lift ! ! round' Shorroy
crossed ever nnd bit Mills while the lalter
was silling down. A claim of foul was
made but not allowed. In tbis round came
the knockout.
Ciittliniioii In Conlornnvn ut Ogilcn.
OQPKX , U. T. , April 2 ! ) . The cattlemen's
conference convened ill the Grand opera
house with 150 delegates present ,
representing Utah , Wyoming , Colorado ,
Idaho , No v ad u , North Daliota , South
Dakota , Nebraska , Kansas , Arizona and Now
Mexico. Permanent organization was
effected and Governor Thomas delivered an
oloqunnt and appropriate address of welcome
on behalf of thn territory. Judge J. II.
McMillan then welcomed Iho visitors to
Ogdcn and nftor responses by prominent cat
tlemen the convention adjourned until to
morrow and tha delegates were taken to the
Hot Springs to spend the afternoon at the
baths. Prominent , stockmen are hero from
Omaha , Kansas City , Denver and Choyonno.
I'lillliliiiu In tlu < Illlirk IllllH.
Uti'ii ) CITV , S. I ) . , April 2(1. ( Platinum has
been discovered in tbo Hills at a poih't about
twenty-five mlles west of this zity. Among
some specimens of ere recently broucht to the
city , Dr. Wtittnoy found u piece of whlto
quartz carrying what appeared 10 bo horn
silver. Ha at once pronounced It platinum
and confirmed his opinion by ih.o usual acid
tosts. As platinum Is a very rara metal , and
thu demand tor it In electrical construction
has brought tbo price up lo from' $ . ' . ' ) to10
per ouuco , tbo discovery is a very Important
Imrii Crop rriininrtn. | '
DKS Moiscs , la. , April Vi- ) Scattering rs
turns received by the Iowa crop bureau ] show
that the season on un average will bo two to
three weeks lato. Reports from Sioux
county. Dacotur , Louisa , Fayetto , Story aud
other counties in the control part of the
Btato all ujrreo that Iho present outlook is
serious. Grast U doing Welt and so ii wheat
that hat been sown. The acreage of outs
will l > o atnull. Plowlnr for corn U hardly
begun nnd rain is interfering with its prog
Hlcunulilp Arrivals.
NEW YOIIK , April' ' ! ) . Arrlved.Fuarst BU-
ninrck , Hamburg ; Bothnia , Liverpool ; Can
ada , London.
At Lizard Passed , Frlosland , Now York ,
for Antwerp.
At Liverpool Hunlc , Now York.
At Hamburg Normaudla , New York.
At Brow Head Passed , Htruria , from Now
York for Liverpool.
Ooncurrcnt Ii ftolntioiuon tlio Subject Ap-
prnrwl by the Mayor.
n of i ! Proeo of Condemning
Property n Vnj- Purpose Power of
iiiilnnnt : Onunilii Shoiilil Uo
i u Last Itesort.
Nothing remains to prevent the purchase
of lands for park purposes , as the mayor hns
approved the concurrent resolution Instruct
ing the park commission to close up the
deals , In transmitting his npproval to the
council ho sulil :
" 1 linvo approved nnd return herewith
concurrent resolution No. 71 , relating to the
purchase by the cltv of Omnlui of lands for
imrlt purposes. I also transmit herewith the
opinion ot thu city attorney , showing timt
special bonclU.1 cannot bo assessed against
property where lands nro acquired for parks
by purchase , instead of by condemnation.
"I hail intended bi'foro receiving this opin
ion , to return the resolution with a recom
mendation that It bo so chinned as to avoid
the payment of the whole cost of the lands
from thu proceeds of the pnrk bonds.
"Our city charter acorns to bo very defective -
ivo In many respects. 1 cnn see no good rea
son why the city should bo permitted to
assess uonellts against a ploco of property
abutting upon another piece of property
which has been wrosteii from its owner uy
coudcmnitlcn , nnd should not bo permitted
to nssoss benefits if the same ploco tind bson
acquired by purchase. A IHW so defective
should mo f certainlv bo changed at the next
session of tbo state legislature.
" 1 look upon the right of eminent domain
as u power granted to bo used only in emer
gency , and that It never should be resorted
to unless the parties cannot nprroo. The exercise -
erciso of this power in the acquirement of
continuous boulevards , additions to existing
parks , etc. , will undoubtedly bo found of
proal value to the city , as it will prevent nny
Individual from standing In the way of im
portant public improvements ,
Kcliitlviiiilui ! nl' thu Property.
"I am of the opinion that a satisfactory
test of the relative vnluo of the proportion
In question has been made since the
lands were recommended for purchase
almost ono year ago ; nnd even
if condemnation was dostrablo 1
have grave doubts whether nny appraise
ment nt lower figures would bo maintained
in the courts , as In the absence of offers of
other lands at hotter prices , in answer to
advertisements made , nnd In view of the
fact that the prices havu been acted upon by
a unanimous vote of tha park board and a
two thirds vote of your Honorable body , the
evidence as to the value would bo as nearly
conclusive as .any theoretical or expert ovl-
dcnco usually is. Long experience In the
real estate business has convinced mo that
the value of real estate is not a fixed quan
tity , and that opinions of experts concerning
nny given ploco of property usually varies
greatly. . - , ,
"It scorns UititaTthal the chances are much
in favor of a higher than a lower upprniso-
mont , as somo.of the property has been pur
chased nt prlcps inuch'bolow that of adjacent
property , and the conditions In Omaha at
present nro such that n material advance in
prices may occur in the near future.
"If either condemnation was resorted to ,
or wo should baVH waited for n change in re-
Bard to the assessment of benefits , there
would have been no assurance that tnc ultl-
matn not cojt to the city would not bo more ,
rather than less , and the acquirement of the
parks ( which tlip people voted for nlno to
ono ) would navb'Seon postponed moro than
ono year. "
The opiiiiouor. attorney , to which
the mayor roforre'd , is as follows :
tnii of the City Attorney.
"iu.responS to your inquiry as to whether
tbo clcy can Assess bncl : bono'fus on the lots
or iojilostato"abutting on th $ lauds" pur-
cbasodfbr parks , 1 have JhoJiOnor to state
that , i'n'my opinion , such power does not ex
ist . under" , the ' provisions of. the charter.
Section 108 of'Hho-x-harter , after declaring
lhat it shall bo- the jluty ol the mayor and
council 'to tnko sucli aijiion us may bo nec
essary for the appropriation of lands desig
nated by the park commission , specially
provides that fortho purpose of making pay
ment for such land , tbo mayor and
council may essess each' real ostalo
as may bo speciallyv benolltod by reason of
iho appropriation thereof for such purpose.
The power to assess real oslato specially
bonelitod Is limited to the laud obtained by
appropriation and does not extend to lanu
purchased. With respect to land purchased
for park purposes , the provision of the charter -
tor is that for thu purpose of paying tor and
improving tbo same ibo mayor and council
mav appropriate money from the general
fund of the city not otherwise appsoprlntcit
or may issue bonds for the purpose or such
purchase , but no right exists in such case to
assess real cstato specially bcnellted , as
would bo the case if condemnation proceed
ings were robortcd to. "
Dili Not L'ndi-r.-itllllil It.
The clerk read the communication from iho
mayor , in which ho stated that he had ap
proved the resolution , but there wcrosovera'l
members who did not understand iho docu
Do I understand thai the mayor has ap
proved the resolution J" asked Mr. Chaffeo.
"That's it , " answered tho" president.
"Woll , I declare , " remarked Mr. Elsass > or ,
" 1 wonder what wo adjourned 'or last Tues
day night ! "
This resolution was introduced by Mr.
Steel and adopted :
Unsolved. That Iho members of the park
com m IKS.un. tliu police commission , together
with the city troiuurer , comptio lur , ulu.-k ,
iiii'jliieur , attorney mid chairman of tliu Hoard
of Puhlio Works be and they niu hereby In
vited 10 occupy souls , tuci'tlier with I ho mayor
and iho city Iho stage at the Kx-
positlonhall , at this Methodist confeiTiii'u re
ception , Monday evenhr.Miiy 2. anil that
they bo requested to me t at the council
chamber at 7:3) : o'oloi'k , p. m. , lo march with
tin ! council and thu band to the Kxinsltlon
hail. .
The resolution utumgin ? the sun of corner
curb stones , as called lor in the spccii'.cutions '
of the Board of Puhlio Work' , was ruled out
of order. At u former mooting ol tha city
council the comptroller was instructed to
advcrtiso. for bids for gas lixturcs for the
now city hall , the cost , not to exceed il'J.UOO.
Last pight Mr. IIowoil moved to reconsider
that action , lie thought , that If itio bids
wirj received nnd iho bidders furnished
their o\J-n specifications the city would not
got as good material or work.
Mr. Edwards said that the city .could
nave money by having the architect furnish
the specUlcaUo/jfV , as bidders would then
know Just whafotjio city wanted. Mr. El-
sasser slated ttwjt tjio city was oollgcd to toll
iho bidden whiiCwould uo required.
Mr. Munro luijUted lhat tlio plans lire-
pa roil by Blur.dcffjj showed wlicro tbo lamps
and lights wero. jo "bo ' placed. Such being
tbo case , u , ni { , f'oily to pay him for preparing -
paring plans tojmv , | what kind of lixHmii
were to to usod.gjj
Mr. Lowry tliwiyht , it was the wish of the
committee to pyBJast ) and looao with Iho
ligbliiiR busine , ,
i. In regard to tUqg'propo < ltIon of tbo Ne
braska Central IJi > iI\Vay company , Mr. Prlnco ,
chairman of the cemmittoo on viuducu and
railroads , submltfc this :
"Your eomrrfUogi to which was referred a
communicationMftju lion K. Wakeloy In
answer to u Cfxyjcst of the city council ,
would respect fully report as follows :
"That the ibaiiiijgOf this council and the
citizens of Oiuwrfiru duo lo Hon. E. Wuko-
ley for the vptuaulo Mifigcutlons which iho
honorable gentleman bu made for the pro-
lection of iho ci'.v'ji Interests ! n the craniin ?
of a franchise and the , rating of qonus to Iho
Nebraska ( Jjiilral Uailway company , nnd
youruommitiqo sugccst lhat the communica
tion , looUicr ; wilh Iho ordinance Introduced ,
granting privileges lo sutd NoorasUa Cen
tral Hallway company , bo referred lo the
city attorney , to act In conjunction with iho
county attorney fortho purpose of preparing
now ordinances to tbe end that the proposi
tion to bo submitted to the people ut the
specUl election lo bu called for that purpose
shall bo ullko , bblh as lo city ami county con
ditions , for voting said bonds. "
'Ibis resolution was adopted.
A special rommltteo reported on Ibu $1,000
which Architect Dvlrndurff chilmi that the
cltv owns him for Cervices as architect ou the
city hall , The members of the committee
rould no contract wilh Mr. Belrndorff ,
but recommended Ihu payment of $ l , . ' > 0ii and
no moro until the completion of ihe buildinp.
The onlliiHiico tiecluring Ihu neo-ssltv of
changing iho grajj of Dauglas acd inter-
sec'.hif ; streets from Sixteenth to Twentieth
was Introduced twlco and referred. An
ordinance creating the ofllce of license Inspector
specter nnd dcllnlng his duties was Intro
duced , It provides that bo Mi nil have a
MRlary ot ? 10J per month , that bo shall bo
clothoii with the powers of n pollen oftlrer ,
but shall bo prohibited from collecting nny
money or fees. The Janitor was Instructed
to look after and care for nil nffiilrs in the
nnw city hall as soon AS they should bo de
clared ready for occupancy.
Oumlm'A 1'iilillr I.llirnry.
The ordinance to establish n public library ,
reading room , art galleries nnd museum was
passnd , This ordinance Is n modification of
iho ordinance now In lorco governing the
public library. The city electrician ordinance )
was passed. It provides that the appolntro
shall bo a practical electrician And hnvo sued
powers ever the appliances In the
city as nmv bo civon him by ordinance. Tlio
salary attachment is $123 per mouth. Then
the ordinance providing for the appointment
of a superintendent of the city hall was
passed. This ordinance llxes his salary at
? 100 per month. In addition lo this the ordi
nance provides for mi engineer nt n salnrv of
f'.iu per month , a llremati al ft)0 ) per mouth ,
three elevator boys nt $50 per month each ,
and three janitors nt ? ! , " > nor month each.
The Issuance of $100,000 purl : bonds , to run
for the period of twenty yimr.s at ii per cent
Interest , payable scnil-unnually , was author
ized by the p.vssago of nn ordinance.
The motion to reconsider win lost , the "oto
being a tic.
Uy resolution , the hotel men of the city
were given the privllogn of selling their
The piles of lumber and the old woodan
biilldincs on Tom Murray's lots opposite Iho
court house were declared a nuisnnco.
The mayor applied his veto to the resolu
tion authorizing the expenditure of S75 in
grading the alloy in the rear of the new
engine house nt IClghtoonth and Harnoy
streets Mid iho council stood by the mayor.
Then the mayor In n communication stated
that ho had authorized the Hoard of Public
Works to accept the offer of C. E. Squires ,
who had agreed to furnish his sweepers frco
of uhargo to uo used during the present
month ,
The mayor also suggested that the paved
streets bo Hushed once or twlco n wuok dur
ing the month of May. Some members
thought that the plan was bad , as It might
till iii the sewers by washing iho mud into
Ihem. City Engineer Hosowator assured
the council lhat there was not much danger
as such washings would amount to about the
same as n heavy rain.
The mayor had sovcral reasons for vetoing
the contract with Newton Nidtiy , who
wanted to haul away tbo dead animals. The
contract , the mayor enld , was bad. The
matter should hare been loft in the hnnd.s of
the Board of Health. The Hoard of I'ublio
Works submitted the names of the following
men ana asked that they bo appointed as
Inspectors of the publio works : h. II.
Parker , M. II. Ish , A. K. Nelson. William
Nelson , D. .1. Hurgesx , Theodore Hotchkiss ,
Charles Kassmusscn , D. Cosirrovo , W. II.
( Jnlowood , M. Lolss , Joseph Michoal , John
ULn Course , Peter Mo's ' , Joel A. Urlfttn , U\
U. Patrick , Frank W. Solon. Peter Casey ,
John J. Conlon. George .1. Itoddor , Hoiirv
Shnrpo , Alvln H. Hun'sol , J. R lloyl , Uo-
fiiro the clerk had finished the rending of the
list Mr. Munro moved that the appointments
lay on the to Die for ono week. The motion
City Treasurer Bolln reported the sale of
city hall , library , sewer nnd paving bonds.
The report was adopted and Mr. Rolln's
action approved.
License Inspector Vaughn wrote that ho
found the affairs of the lieeti&n department
in bad shapo. Ho had found : t 0 peddlers
nnd 150 hawkers without licenses. Tno com
mittee on police will look Into tno matter and
see what caused the negligence upon the
part of License Inspector Kilov.
The fonton Metalic Manufacturing com
pany wrote that work was progressing upon
the vault ( ixlures and lhat the outfit would
bo shipped on or about May 1. Contractor
Coots was allowed $111 , - < ; : ? , it being estimate
No. ! 2tl for work upon tbo now city hull.
Property owner * * on South Twenty-eighth
street protected against the paving of that
street between Popploton nnd Woohvorth
avenues. There were seven parties who bid
to put up street hicns nt the intersections
throughout the city. The bin of C. N. Flow-
6rs & Co. 'at I ! ) cents was the
lowest. The committee on streets nnd
alleys will llguro out tbo best bid.
Parties on West Loavenworth petitioned for
better street car service. The Thomson-
Houston Kloclrie Light company was auth-
orixod to place a fire alarm gong in its power
house. The paving of Twenty-ninth street
between Woohvorth avenue and Hickory
street was ordered , with the ouo-half to DO
charged against the park levy. A resolution
by Mr. Spcoht. ir.structlne the city attorney
to prepare ordinances ordering the construc
tion of viaducts over the track ; of the Beit
Una on Iho line of Luavenworlh and Cuming
streets , was referred to tbo committee on
viaducts ant ! railways.
Superintendent Tilly , the inspector of
bulld'lngs , was instructed to examine the
public fountains and order the water turned
on at once. The Thomson-Houston Electric
Light company was ordered to place thren
arc lights upon ' .ho Tenth street viaduct , to
remain during the month of May , Messrs.
Bruntr , McLoarjo , Spocht and Steel voting
"no. "
l02hn ( 'limit * U. f.dfln.
Between the years 1840 nnd I8o9 tlio
wlmlinjj vessels of such nations nw pur
sued the Icvintioti of tlio deep for his
commercial vnluo encountered no less
thiui live whnlus who buuiimo ( unions as
terrors of tlio sea. "They were "Moulm
Dick , " "Spotted Tom , " "Shy Jack , "
" Jim" nnd " "
"Utrly "Kightingr Joe.
These names were , of course , gtvon
them by the sailors , hut they cuno ; to
be known by wlmlors of till nations. You
may think it curious that one whnlo
could oo identified from another of tlio
siiina Hixo and species , hut it was no
more dillicult than to identify u narlicii-
lar lioie in u drove of several hundred.
In oilier words , each loviallian hns some
peculiar murk or i.-hiiractoristii : of his
own , and if sighted two or three times
cnn bo idontilied forever afterward.
"Mocha Dick" headed the list of ter
rors from tlio start and leapt his place
for iiinuteon long yours. No whale was
so lierooly hunted , and none ever cre
ated so iiiui'h duinngu among the hun
ters. What I am going to toll you is
partly u matter of public record in Hag-
land , Scotland and Ampricn , and was
partly gloanud from Kantuckot anil
Now Hedford whalers who battled with
the cacholot time nftor time , to suffer
defeat on each occasion.
On the fith day of July , 1840 , the
Hnglish whaling brig Desmond , being
215 miles duo west o ( the port of Val
paraiso , Chili , sighted u lone whale
which broached liis full length ahovo
the surface about two miles away. The
bouts were lowered,1 but before they
were within half u railo of the whale
ho .slowed around head on ) to them and
advanced to moot them. Ho .struck ono
bout vv.iili his liead and drove her under
Kt ° , rn lji > l and then chuweU her up. Ho
then Bounded nnd was lost lo sight for
tlfteen inlnutus. Whun ho ciimn up it
was to lift the other boat thirty feet
high on hib head , and of coun > o sbo was
completely bhattiTcd. Oars and planks
were ground line by his tcoth as ho tvnl-
lowed anout , and two inun were drowned
before the whnlo wont slowly oT ! to the
north. This was "Mocha Dick's" intro
duction to the bliibbor liuntors. Ho was
the largest whale any one aboard the
brig had ever seen , and IUT'OSH his head
was a scar about eight feet long , which
showed almost whitu on Iho gray-black
background. It was by this scar ho was
over afterward Idcntilicd.
The next craft to encounter "Mocha
Dick" was Iho Russian bark S\ropln. :
Thi.i was on tho.'KHh of August , almost
two mouths later , and she was fully AIM I
inMcs to the south of the spot where lo :
was llrst been. She lowered I wo I.-OIUK
( or n lone whale and killed him. 'J la
bark was thrcu miles aw.iy , nnd boating
down to tliu vvlialo under iv liirnt brcozn.
when ' 'Moctm Dick" stiddonly shot out
of the wntor between the vessel and the
boats. Such wan his impetus tlmt
nearly his full length could be traced
bcoro ( ho ( oil with u crash which could
have boon hoard for mlloa around. As
soon as ho hud righted himself hu made
straight ( or the boats. One of thorn
pnoscd around the dcnd whnlo before ho
got tip , but the other was caught by the
Hweon o ( his Juvv us ho cnmo on and
ktioi'k'-d to pieces , lie then took up
his poMtlon bosldo the dead whale and
malncd quiet lor half an hour , during
which Interval the othur boat pulled oil
to the bark.
Three men hnd boon lost nnd a fourth
hud both arms broken , while the sailors
hnd been given such a fright that tliov
could not bo induced to ntlnck. The
vessel hung about the spot ( or three
hours , hoping the llorco luviuthan would
bike himself off , but Dually hnd to sail
away and leave him in pi > * 4i > sUii. ) The
dead whale was taken possi'sslou of two
dnys later by the whaling ship. John
liruco of NanUidiet , but it was no longer
The next authentic record ot "Mocha ,
Dick" was furnlshoil by the Hrlslol
whaler John Day , in May of the year
following. She was then to the cast of
the Falkland islands , and was trying out ,
blubber ns she drifted with a light
broezo. A - o'clock in the afternoon a
( jiiraiillc whale breached within HIM ) feet
of her , shooting Ills full length out of
water , and rnlsing such a sea by Ills full
lhat. tlio ship ro'.led as if tr , a gale. The
whale then swam slowly about , nuu as j
soon as tlio men caught sight of I
his head they identified him as I
'Mochn Dick. " His ailions were menacing - I
acing , but the captain aloncu decided to
attack him. Three boat- * wore lowered ,
tihil us thu whale made otT to wlndwa il
the llrst mntu put a harpoon Into him.
This was the lirst Iron "Mocha Dick" !
had over full. Ho sounded at once nnd !
ran for three miles , and when ho came i
up it was to slue around and head for
Iho boat. Ills action was so unexpected .
and liis speed so grout , that ho caught
the boat unprepared and ran right over
As it went under ho stopped short and
turned as on a pivot , beating the water
all the tune with llukos which measured
Uvonly-four feet across. Nothing was
left of the boat but splinters , and two of
her crew were killed or drowned. The
olhor two boats advanced to the ntlnck ,
but before they were near enough to
dart , the whale settled nwayllko a lump
of lend. One of the boats got hold of the
lloating Hue , but had scarcely secured it
when the tricky lighter came up under
the other and setu il skyward with the
bottom knocked out. Ho then pivoted
and Ihrnshed the .surface as boforo. and
another inun was lost and two others se
verely injured.
Tlio crow had had enough of "Mocha
Dick , " and while ho hauled olT and lay
wailing for another utlaelc llie remain
ing boal wiu hauled up and tlio ship
sneaked away. The English captain hnd
vowed lhat if ho over encountered that
whnlo ho would kill him or lose his
wliolo outfit of men and boats , but an
hour's lighting satistied him tlmt ho had
undertaken too big a job.
The particulars of tliu several encoun
ters recorded above worn soon known to
all whalers. Some captains decided to
lot "Mocha Dick" severely alone , while j
others were ambitious to secure the j ;
credit of killing him. Howpvor , ho dis
appeared after tlio tight with tlio John !
Day and was not seen again for seven- !
Icon months. It had eomo to bo generally - '
ly believed that ho had died of old ago
or killed in a light with another whule ,
when ho suddenly turned up in the 1'a-
cilic ocean olT the oust coast of Japan. j 1
Hero occurred the battle of his life.
A coasting craft hnd boon blown olT thu
const by aTheavy uiilo and was making
her wav back. Jt was about an hour
afler daylight when a big whnlo was
seen to broach about two miles away. It
was passed ever as a trilling incident ,
but ton or fifteen minutes later the
lovlnthiun was discovered rushing down
in Iho wake of the craft with all the
steam ho could put on. Ho was so close
aboard aud the sight of him throw tlio
natives into such a terror that no olTort
was made to escape him. Ho struck tlio
craft on her stern and wrecked her in an
instant , and pieces of the wreckage were
carried away in his jaws as ho swerved
to port nnd swam slowly away. As the
cargo of tlio coaster was of lumber , the
men soon Knocked together a raft. Tlio
craft did not go down , but sank until her
decks were awash , mid the men had not
yofput olT on their raft , when three
whaling vessels appealed in sight all at
onco. These proved to bo the Glasgow
whaler ( JrielT , tlio Now Bedford whaler
Yankee nnd the English whaler Dud
All had hoard of "Mochn Dick , " but
nil thought him dead. By 8 o'clock the
three whalers were up and had heard
the story , but "Mocha Dick" hud disap
peared 'tin hour before. It was agreed
to separate and search for him , and Hint
if lie wore found all tiireo ships should
take part in the attack and share in the
credit ol ridding the deep of such a ter
ror. They did not have to hunt for the
fellow , however. While the captains
were planning ho suddenly showed u-p
nbout u milo to windward. After his
usual fashion lie came to the surface
under such headway that ho seemed to
stand upright on iho liu of his lluUes before
fore lie felt over on his side with a crash
like thor full of n great building. Ho
wallowed apout for n time , and then
slued around head to the whnlora and
rcinninod perfectly quiet. Ho seemed to
bo asking what they were going to do
nbout it , and the query was answered by
thu ( nil of n boat from onch vessel ,
Tliuso had only pulled away when
three moro were lowered to supoort
them , hots hnd bi cn cast as to which
boat should have the llrst show , and iho
honor had fallen to the YnnUne. llur
bout took a circuit to uppro.tch the
whale from behind , while the other two
lay on their oars to wail. ' Tun whnlo
seemed for a time lo be nslcep. but nil ol
a sudden soltlcd away M > quirk thnt
every one was dumbfounded. Ho was
about to try his oM dodgoof coming up
under a boat , .and each omuf them
w.i.s pulled away fif i Iho spot un.l , i
sharp watch ke-ii ? oi rlgus of his
It was twenty iiii'iutes bofc i'o "Mochiv
Dick 'showed upt oin. lie had h-ipc.l
I to catch a boat , bi.t nil wo.'o too lively
' for him , and while lo : lay w.iHowlug iii
the seas his f.tll had civ.ii < d the nr tot
the Yankee pit : a liirixma into h ni.
The old lighter humped up as iroi
went in , and for live minutes scenio I to
j have been struck dund. The i ho m idea
a rush for the Scoli-lim ni's bvit , ran
right over H , and slued about , fo.- the
Knglishiimn. it was pulling nw.iy from
him when bo nMu' < l again , caught it
with u 8-ving of liis long undo.j j nv ,
and the unl < K > oko's : behulil a spjetti'le
none of them ever forgot. Tlui
whnlo lifted his grout head c ear out nl
water with the boat in liisnio lib , nn I a1 ,
ono 1'ito mnde mutehword of it and pulp
of two of the crow who had b.-ou un.thio
to tumble ; out. The crews of the two
boats were now lloating on the <
the \\linle pivoted and lahi'd tlio * eu
with his ( hikes to destroy them. In tlim
manner he id Hod two niun , but OIM uf
the reserve boa Is came tip in gallant
style and rescued the others.
Tile Van lee's boat was Uio only one
fitbt to tlio whale , and after vainly .
to sob.u or smash It , "Mocha Dick V.i i-
den'y ' started for thu wreck ot the
coaslor , which was lloating two miles
away. Ho made a straight course , and
the three captains were agreed that It.a
speed , when fairly under way , was not
less than thirty miles nn hour. As ho
struck the wreck ho hero il down , and it
rose behind him bottom side up. To
prevent a collision the boat had to cut
her line , and the whale soon sounded
and was lost to sight. The boat started
back , but had not yet reached
the ships , when the lighting
leviathan broached under the bows
of the Scotchman and carried aw.iy
jibboom and bowsprit with Mnush.
Ho had planned to coniO' up under she
ship , but had missed il. As bo fell upon
his side and rolled over on an even Iced ,
si ) to speak , ho made a rush for the Yan
kee's boat. He was so close on thai all
the crow went overboard , and he picked
thb lighl craft up and chewed it ns a
horse does his oats.
Had it been calm "Mocha Dick"
might have sunk the licet. Luckily the
breeze kept growing stronger , and as
soon as tlio men from the Yankee's boat
could bo picked up the Ihreo crafts set
ball and beat , an inglorious retreat , leav
ing tlio whale hunting about for more
victims. From lirst to last "Mocha
Dick" had nineteen harpoons put into
him. Ho stove fourteen boats f'lid cnused
the death of ever thirty mer ; . IIo stove
three whaling vcfsols so badly that they
were nearly lost , and ho attacked and
Html ; a French merchantman nnd an
Austinliun trader. IIo was encountered
in every ocean and on every known feed
ing ground. Ho was killed olT the
Bra/.ilian banks in August , 165 ! ) , by a
Swedish whaler , which gathered him in
with scarcely any trouble , but it hns al
ways been believed that poor old "Mocha
Dick" was dying of old asro. He meas
ured 110 feet long ; his girth was ( i feet ;
his jaw was 2o feet 0 inches long. Kight
of his teolh were broken olT and all the
others badly worn down. Ills big hea-1
was n mass "of scars , and ho had n ppur-
onily lost the sight of his right eye.
Onr/a Is nnw said to be In Canada.
Congressman IIIll of Illinois has been rn-
nomlimtrd for his illslrlut.
Specials from tlio wnstorn and
parts ot .Minnesota report suvcral Inches of
snow ,
Juy Gould's nnw road will bo known as UK
HI 1'aso Northern , anil HI I'uso mud Is bucom
fni ; vain nil u.
Tim coal trust gives notice of an advnnuo
of . ' "i cents .1 ton In tlio prlcu of anthracite , to
take placu Mity 1.
Dolrifiiti's from 2XInhor \ organizations HIP !
In Now York and doctdml to nnlto In onu s
bo ly to work In harmony against organ
1 1 Is Konnrally bcllovod North HaUnta's t'ov
ornor will cull un uxlr.i session of tlio luirUl.i-
lure to prr.vldo for llio choice of presidential
Tlif Marshal bank of St. Paul , Minn. , has ass -
s miprt lo K. A. Soymotir. cashier of the Mer-
clrini'H National bunk. All deuosltiirs will liu
paid In full.
The Hamburg-American utuamshlp 1'iicrsl
Illsinitrok hns liro' en tlio Atlantic rncoul. tier
own. maklns Now York from tionllmmpton In
six days and twelvn hours.
Thirty .Mtxluiins. mount oil and armed ,
pinscd through Abilene , Tux. , ami inquiry
failed to llml out anyihlna about tlioni.pur -
iilutlon full back on ( ; and his band.
Miss .McDonald or St , Paul , who was ub-
ilucteil lusl Monday , at pistol point , by her
lovur. writes Mm HIM married In lies Molnrs
Wednesday , "as It WUH her only salvation. "
A mo Ii bruku Into thu Nashville. Tumi. , jull
at I'IO : this moinlni ; : iml si.'iuiuil tlio ni'iiio
prlsoneis cliitrxud with complicity In the
Itruto outrage at UoodlutHvlllu yesterday ,
Lynched ,
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