TITE OMAHA DAILY SUNDAY , MAY 1 , 1892-TWENTY PAGER. 1IAVS FIRST GUST OF SPORT A Glorious Day Among the Jacks Ont on tuo Loup , FORTUNES OF AN OLD OMAHA NEWSBOY Itutlgn iif Horse nml llmo Itnll GIT * TlioVlifipirlliKt < > t tint WlirM 1'iiRlllMlci nml 'Jiir - Him * Aiiftucrnl. VKN If the ducks are nbout tfotio , the Jncln Imvo arrived at last , and for tlio next two weeks line ' sport way bo had on moU any of the fn- vorll'JprnundjwUb' in a radius of fifty mile * . Thu birds wo.ro a llttlo biolt- ward In getting her' thl < spring on account of the nu merous cold rains , * * -i SlUt' tlow l'lnl ' l' ' ' ° i n , , itM , . .i ? . ' , ' wi'athor has ovl- iloiiTrrHOtlieirfor"good , Ihoy have como on ii a bud v Their st-v : will lu Miort , and ( . " .liners should improve Iho Hist opportunity 10 tifl out. , In < k Mmilcnn nml the writer were out on iho I.ci D , 1 ildny , nnit put I" * loya ! day w itn t' c prorinus litilo seoloo'ix. ' I'liero are Hue grmimli here--probably an peed as any M the Intn. A low Ivllitf liKM'lowlnnd ' , niching r.wiiy down Iho bonuilful valley l"r mill's , rorii.sin attractive fo "ling ground lor the tutiU , and when louml anywhere , tl.ev are found hero. I ho soil U loinivllnck and richwith thick ets ot wild roso.llags und moose grass nil ever 11 Hundreds ot trickling rills out tholr wax in Mid out , uu and down and across tls ! choice lit ot tcrrltorv , not oiilv for the jnolis , l-tit for song birds ot all kinds , the red-wlngcd bLu'ltblrd , ttio Jay , tobbln , tun- nigrr ntul bine bird have long made thii their f pring rondc/xous. .latk and I i cached the vicinity of iho ( .rounds oat I v in thu morning , and alter see ing to the Hianil gutting Iho light biarings ironi our host , wu stalled In with F.iu , Mor rison's red setter , cavorting around us. Once within the oo/.y land .lack ordered Kan to gn about her busltio- . and shu did. I can't ' see much use of ado , : forsmpo shooting , at any rale when tlio birds are fairly pUnilfnl , nut on this occasion wo wore n 'jit ' duublful whether wo would llnd nny or not , nnd .lack was iinxioui : to to try his now dog. However , they never cuing nmi s In assisting in recovering the killed , and ot course no objection could bo made. A dead hinpa oil old hunters will hour mo oul is about ashard u thing to llnd , especially on n iccdy , prassy ground , ns nny giuno bird mat can bo mentioned. Without a dog , tbo utmost onto must bo nx- crcised in mm King down , nnd they should bo retrieved nt thu earliest posalblo moment , as the liotr.ogoni'ousnoss between a well-ordered f. i < po grnund and Iho plumage ot the bird Is n wonder and a perplexity always. "Hloon. " The slock setter looked back ever her fchoulder , up inlo our faces lor just a mo ment , llu'ii ns .lack raised his hand , she bounded ell with an cuccr whine , soon slow ing lo a quick walk , her nose up , her noslnls dilating niul her lail going at a rate that plulnly lolil that Iho morning air was tainted with a welcome odor. Completing a circle nhorolurmd nnd , glancing up nt Jack , said as plain IIH words : "There's no jacks here. " She was waved off the second time , and vanning Iho conical tussocks and splashing wiih her velvet teal in the brack ish pools , she was soon harder at work than over. Clingerly she moved here and there , poking lnr : ncse among thu prickly rose bushes , tonrcuiug grassy crypts" and recuy cavcn - , and snidlng over the ground ns if iltilermii.ed tolct no scent , however faint , escape her. Whuin picture slio mado. It is one. that never falls lo send Iho sportsman's blued coursing und tingling through bis veins. Suddonlv , , Iicu > tnd 1 had just pulled our rubbered feet Irom out a little larger tuiro th.tti usuiil , wo noticed n roiilit'iit movement on thu part of the dog. 'Iliunoxt moment she was as innnnbilc ! us if chiseled out of slono. Her oycbvnro vvido open and linr icd nos- tiils I'xuundid to their lullesl , and pointinir hlraight inlo a lilllu llaggy , tangled swail. " 'I lure they HI o ! " laconically proclaimed Morrison , aim llio sntn.d of his voice seemed to shinier the spoil that lay over the scone. "Slteap ! okoup ! sheap ! " and up from these icedv iL'fcsscs , hero , there , nnd all about us , it , si'circd. Hushed n full scorn ot jacks , iho lilllu whlio und urown .sprites darling , twisling and convoluting in the darling Eunshinu liku so many Hooting .shad ows , and although much llustraled nl iholr sudden Hushing , wo both got in both barrels and downed three birds. Fan found them all , but sbo would not retrieve , and wo had to gather them ourselves. Una would suind bcsido the bird until wo roacheu her , then she was off. " \Vn are in for some shooting , after nil , " I .remarked , as wo slopped u moment to look nbout us. The birds hud evidently onjoyad n hearty breakfast , and instead of rising high In the ulr and circling , ihoy had dropped all about , us , In Iho low , .scrutiny undergrowth and weedy sloughs A yelp had steadied Fan and Mio stood crouching and Irombllng , gazing back at us with a wistful look in her big In telligent eye- " . Jack biirto her on , and wo were soon in the midst of the llvuliost sort of work. II was a regal morning and tbo picturesque- ness of the scene was such that no artist could hope lo ronroduco. Bo romantic , HO refreshing , so exhilarating. But what can brat n line spilnp morning on a good snipe gioundl Fun was oulclilv on n stand and wo moved caulionsly up toher. "Skoap ! " that was u bird from almost under Jack's rubber boo' . 15ut ho didn't ' got fur. My good old LoFovor was too quick for him. Instantly , upon iho crack of my gun , there was another Hurry of birds , nnd wu grassed two more. Unfortunalely , wo both shot atone ono bird , the lust Hint1 , and when I picked him up ho was riddled in uucli a way as to rcndcrhim ttsuloss , and ho was cast aside , A few ntcps further nnd two birds not up nnd both got away , not , however , unlil .lack ami I had both mnpliod our pieces at thorn. Nobody need bo ashamed of mining nn oc casional binpo , no matter how sluggish or liow well Ihoy may lay. Funny things happen nflold , as was quickly c'XiMupllllod In our cuso , for tlio next moment Morrison made a cracking double and soon inter I tallied with him , "i'hcro she Is , Jack , " I called as Fan once more , for nbout the tenth time , poiicd her- aolf inlo a statue of living benuiv. "You Bhoot , " replied Jack , "nnd I'll tnko thn rest. " The next moment , with that sharp , plain- tlvo litilo cry iho bird was up , and so was my gun. A puff of luuro amokc , a ringing report , and iho frantically gyraiing sallinago plunges dead inlo iho mud. Crack I crncit ! echoes Morrison's gun , ami BO the sport went on. In lima wo trot the birds pretty wild , and they duelled ul long rango. How lurtlier and were less easily to bajr. Fan's vocation was about gone , fur whenever she vouturua nioio than a bundled \ards away Miu would bo hidden by the Intervening pucker- brush , the moving dags , grass and wreds , and Jacx i.nd I weni depending as much on our own ciTorts to jump the birds , us we woio on her ( hiding them for UK. In the older of this hunt , \\o Dually sonnr- ntcil , I Dealing down an Inviting Mough , whtio Juck went up , The water , only jutch''s ' showing hero nud uim < , midst iho M'iir splnllor-dock und lltiflv wtcds , glistened like btirnlsncd .sliver , and a's 1 plodded on , I Itcnl my oyi's upon for a rising teal or some tielatedoid boa mallard , and coriect were mv mispldona furl hodn't gotten moro limn ' 'u'o yurds from Jiick before lour blue winga leaped inlo ibo nir from a imlcb of broken down binarl weed , and whfzzt'd round pant mu , 1 jruvo them both barrels , but wasdisappolntitl nt only stopping ono bird , \Vlmi were my feelliiKS , when 1 saw iho tinco remaining birds My directly over Mor- risen , and nt tiio crack of his gun , Iho untlro tbrro lot go nnd como tumbling down. Ono , licwevor , mnnagod lo keep nwint ' , juat above the growth of g ass nud weeds , und led Jack a weary uhiui > , before ho got in tlio deciding chou I waited until ho bad relumed nnd secured thu other two. ihun started on again , Well , wo hunted and shot all morning , mooting ntn point not ever twenty yards from the point wo stnrtod In nt a llttlo nfior 1J o'clock. Our coat POCKOU were bulging with birds , nnd being tired nnd hungrv , wo repilrod without further cerotnonv to the house. The dinner , with a couplonf bottles of Krui's ? caulnot on the side , wo got nwny with , made the farm handi stand nghnst. Uy Uwvo : : were In the marsh again , and in exactiv the sumo spot where she had found the birds In the morning. Fan lo- cnlu.l tUmii nanln. They wcru wild nnd all Mushed nt oneo. will-king oil In nil directions , and rising high In the air , circled and circled until they \vern mere specs njnuisr. thu ovorarchlnir bluo. Hero they unrlfd , whirled nnd Mut tered in most erratic Might , until wo grow tire 1 of waiting to innrlt thnni down. All about us In the mucky soil , wo saw where tbo birds nan boon boring for nnylo \\ormsand urilbs , and from the marks inoy left , ono would have thought hundreds of them Iad ( icon feeding tlicro. U him \va hnd abundant sport in the nfior- noon , our bag footed up lonsldcrnblo one- hnlf IPSI than that of the tnoinlng. Hut we gut what wo went after , n day's houltful outliiL' , iiml : x mois of thorarounnu m t deiklousot oil feathered gntnp. the royal little Jack. ro.-l tines ul nu Omuli i NVwMmy. \Vllllnm A. Hrady , the well known thcut- ncnl manager and the Oackor of Jltn Oorbott , WHS once "stranded" In Omaha. It was about the winlor of HSO-SI , ami Hrady wns then n young kid of perhnu * lo or 1(1 ( years of ngo. His folks having died In Nu.v York city his uncle and ginrdlaa decided to send him to San FrancUeo , wucrj some of hli rel- nllvei lived. Uu was accorJI iglv furnlshol with u ticknt nml suiilclenl manoy to see him On thn train coming wjst from ho formed tin acquaint nice of n clever penUam.ui , also u-oln t > "FrHco. Thev had u very pleasant tlmu en rcuto , but , Li-furo roachuifj Omaha hi ? friend dlsap- peaica. and Inlet1 ho dHcoveroJ that his th-ki't nnd all his money had also till o > \ Illght , In Iict von 111. Hrady h.id had his eye teeth cut. He hnd baun taken in by n sharper of the Cnnudn UU ! .stripe , and ho landed In On.nl.u . dead broko. Ho soon showed his huslllng qunlllies by gelling an engagement on Iho old Herald us"iv newsboy and imme diately auhlevod asuccuss heretofore unheard of lu this profession In Omaha. Ho saved his money and wa < on the high road to for tune when his roommate , a newspaper man named Jrrome. then managing editor of the Hi-raid , "bilked" him outrageously and ho was in HID soup again. Nothing damned , however , ho started out with his papers acam ami soon reall/Jd unotiih to buy a ticket lo San Francisco , where hu landed the following spring. After "supeing" at tliu old California theater , then conducted by Uartle\ Campbell , for a time , his bright countenance and activity attracted thu attention of the stngo manager , who put him In as call boy ot the theater. This was ihc commencement of his ihcalrical ca reer. Five year later he started out from 'Frisco with a compiny in a ilramatUution of "She , " and won Immediate success. Ho lias now four or llvo companies on ihorotd , be sides being IntoresteJ in a number of other theatrical and amusement nntorprlsos. The Omaha newsboy of u few joara ugo is rapidly gctling to Iho front as one of the foremost of American amusement mnnnuurs. Brady is a bright , oi.orgotio younp man , not yet : il ) years ol ago , and carries his success with becom ing modesty. Hy the way , what has become of Jcroaiof The old-day newspaper boys used to toll some queer stories about him in those times. He disappeared from Omaha nnd was never agnin heard of. Fell in , prob ably. Jinn's .lint Niililii I'rlmid. The amount of money spant in the United States during the last few years on thorough bred dogs , would bo Iruly surprising were the total amount given lo tlio public. Thu late J. 1C Kmmott sot the bull rolling when ho paid55,000 to Sidney Smith for the great Plinlimmoii , which afterwards became the property of the present , owner of Sir 13oili- vere. 1'lin bud hardly loft ills native shores to cross the Atlantic , ere the St. Bernard world in Hnglaua were whispering of the now star , which really proved to bo thu great Sir Bcdlvcrof the most perfect dog of his kind ever bred with the exception , pur- baps , of Champion Guide , thu smooth St. Bernard , .vhieli created a ( treat sensation when ho arrived in England a low years ago , fron Switzerland all ttio cracks have boon imported mid itopt o.jst "Guide1' was brought out by a Toledo man , and like many of the ridiculously high pnuod dogs , did not live long enough to be heard from , ono would tbinic that nflor the laruo sums of money spent to no purpose , since so many valuable dogs have died shortly uftor their arrival , that St. Bernard fancier would bo timid in buying more , but the recent purchase of Mr. .lofllyn , nn Omaha gentleman , who paid , It is said , 7.10 for a handscmo specimen just bouvhl at the homo oi Sir liodivoru in Melrose - rose , Muss. But it is not of tno great St. Bernard that I start uu to write , for there are ether hand some and most useful companions in the canlno world. U'o have the beautiful setter family and the pointer still fuvoritos. The fox terrier , tnu Yorkshire , black and lai : , and thu many other denominations have their day , the mas tiff , the GreatDano have still tboiradmircrs , but the coming boom is that handsome , jolly aud good tempered lillle dog , tlio cocker spaniel , wilh'his coal of silky loxlure , ul- wavs ready , bo it to play bill with the chil dren or go hunting with the master. Asa retriever ho has no peer. In prize winning cockers America stands iir.st in round num bers , as will bo seen by the entries at the late doe shows In Chicago , Now York , Washington , Philadelphia and Boston , as compared with the shows hold in Knglaud uuring Iho same period. Among tbo cham pion cockers may bo it.ontloned the following well known ones : Black Uufferln , IJlucit Uuko , both owned by Gooivo Douglass of Woodslock , Canada ; Ked Jacket , thu most beautiful .spaniel in America , his coat being of u rich chestnut red , owned by the Brant cocker kennels , lirautford , Out. ; 1 say ono ot the Greatest winners over shown. Like Sir Bcdlvoro she won everywhere ttho was shewn , having p.ovcr bean beaten but once and that wnt last September at Toronto , when her little slater , " 1 Guess , " took llrst too ; " 1 Say" second. At tnis shriw "I Guuss" was bought nt $170 by an hnplish fnnciornnd taken back to England , from whence her great grandslro came n few voars pruvioys. Some time in the 80's F. F. I'llcher of Now Ilampshiroimporled champion Obo , K. K. C. lOr K , from Mr. Farroiv , thu grout English spaniel oreodor. together with Chloe II. From this pair have buen bred thu greuicst numocr of winning cockers now on the show bench , indoiid It would \ia \ hard to Hnd n win ning cocker without Obo blood In bis com po sition , Another great sire was "Tippoo , " imported bv J. F. Kirk , another of our American rocker judges. From champion Obo wo got , Bob Obo , Obo If. , Obo Jr. , Obo lit. All champions , like tholr biro , In the next generation wo gut , Ohamplon Brant , Black Duke , Black Pole , Black Mack , etc. Brant has sired moro winner. * , perhaps , iban old Ooo , among iho many may bo mentioned : I Say , i Guess , iJlBcli Dufforlii , Hinck Brunt. Obadluh and others , Tie ! gioat young winner , Fascina tion , who won Hm in iho ouen class recently at New York , under Judge George iiaper , brousht from England to judge tnat show , Is Hired by Obuuiah. Nor Is ( Jinulm behind in cockers. There are ijulto a few lo be found. Mr.Olmmlck has onu , likowUo Mr. MoJiiy. E , P. Nuwhull of the Pnclliu Express cnmpiny , has a good one. Mr. McCormack has ono of the genu ine Obo strain , and onu of the most promis ing cookers Is ono owned by Bon Wood.sired by a ' brother of Champion "I Bay. " J. II. Mu'luguo bus likewise caught tlio fever and has recently imported Woodstock Topsoy in whelp to fihami ion K d Jacket. The Omubn cocker kennel toasts of several good ones with moro coming It will boa pleasure too , to know that wo have in Nobrasuu a publica tion of our own. Thu Breeder und Fancier uublUhcu by W. F. MoDermotat Bellevuo. Neb. , a very neat little journal , duvotcd lo dogs , poultry , plgoous , rabbits , bees , and it household uook thrown In , who will nay Ne braska is not "getting thoro. " Tim Ki ) utzuiivurt > lii'M Tnimiuniniit , OMAIM , April UO , To the Editor of TUB DEIS : The Omulia Srboutzonvcroin will bold their opening shoot , or spring tour nament this year on Muy i'J , The main fea ture of the mooting will be the competi tion for the magnificent medal emblematic- tbo states championship. This trophy Is un doubtedly ibo hunusomust ever goltcn up west or Now York , the winner may well no proud of ttio prize , to soy nothing of the crauflciUoii the tltl-i "Chnmnlon rlflo sbotof No'iraskft" m.iy nfford him. Major General John Petty has won the modal twice , but it l.s now held by F. A. Fuller , who < u score , I modeuljr state , wo * the largest made thus fur. Thorn nro thrco more chances rcmnlnttie for competitors to win the prize nnd championship. Every man who has been n resident of Iho stata during the year past is eligible to compete bv the re mittance of $ M to the secretary. No ono is barred , nnd nil rifle shots uro Invited to enter the comine : shoot. Those wishing Informa tion relative thereto can obtain the same by addressing William Butts , the secretary. There are n number of export rillo shols throughout the state to whom a cordial invi tation Is intended. The tournament will beheld hold ns customary on the Scheutzonvorlon's range , Kusor's park. F. A. Fi 1.1.1:11 : , Cnpinln Omaha ScheulzoDvercin. DIIUII on tlli > Plutti' . PiATTsMoi-Tii , Nob. , April 23. [ Snoolal to Tin : Bin : ] Since wo have finally caught n glimpse of ilia sun oncj more , our pant up base ball enthusiasm 1m found vent In claiming the slate championship. Wo nrj confident that wo have got the winners nnd wo nro goln ? to back them for nil they are worth against nny uluo m the league. The team ns llnaily decided on U ns follows : Mnupln , catcher ; Uojvot , Myers und Per- rlno , nitohar * ; Lang rlrst , hue ; J. Patterson , second base ; KonnoJy , third baia ; Johnson , shortstop ; Yapp , loft Held ; Sim Patterson , right field ; and ono of the pllchori In mid dle. Wo have iilayoJ but ono g\mo : so far. That was the o-in yastor.lny with Fr.imont. Kcuvos und Yapp wuro the pitchers and imh showed up In line form considering that thov hnvo had no praotlej this season , Ucox'os pltohoJ winnlni ; ball for five Innings but In the sixth ho lot down and wns pounded rather lively. Yapp relieved him nnd tlnlshuil the game in elegant shape. Fremont suffered much from comparison wllh thu locals and clearly demonstrated Unit they must be materially strengthened before they will stand any show ot winning In the league. Baker snja ho will till up his weak spots and make them all hustla to keep ahead of htm. It U to bo hoped that they will as their work yesterday was much in ferior to thu Pluttsn > ounth boys. The homo club showed a luck of practice , but still played ptotiy fair ball. Mnupin was off In his catching and halting , but will round to all right with n lltlla nractlcn. Ho full decidedly bad ever his poor work but hi ) did very well considering his m-acllce. Lone on ilrst played a very fair game and will soon demonstrate that ho can tlold. His tultinir was nil right and hu .seemed to have n good eye. John Patterson on second played winning ball but could not llnd thu ball. Hu will lilt 'em out though before Iho season is over in good shape. Kennedy on third loomed up like a threu tiiuo winner. Hu balled Iho nail all over Iho lot und lieldod like Jerry Denny. Ho showed tin in much better form than any other man on the loam. Johnson , short , played a line fielding trutno but was a little work with the stick. Ho Is going to bo a hummer however with praclicu. Myers aovorod center garden - don nna did some beautiful fielding but could not see the b ill. Ho will to doubt take a brnco before long. Sam Patterson , in right , plared Ins game like hu Had practiced it. Ho batted in good sbnpo and was at homo on files. Taken as n whoio the boys did vorv well. This afternoon they \\ill take Bnkur'.s ireaks into camp again. Perrino nnd Mayor will shoot the bill In nnd Maupiu will catch ngnln.'a sco that Grand Island and Hast- incr are knifing each ether out west. This is good nous. If tbu ono cnn't beat the ether , then neither can down Plattsmouth. But , seriously speaking , wo do think that the race between Platlsmouih , (5rand Island , Hastings and Beatrice will bo a proltv ono with Lincoln as the dark horse. If Baker braces up as ho says ho is going to , Fremont will bo in it too. I'rosldtmt Jimmy Koiiils Tlin Ileo. While in this city last Thursday Manager SchmoU received the following letter : COM.Miits , O. , April 20. G. II. Schmclz , , Manager Dear Sir : There has boon some complaint made of thu bull furnished lo the league. Our contract with the Kuach com pany calls for a ball in all respects equal to the National Loacuu and American associa tion bail and this league will insist on this contract being carried out. Pleasu inform me at your earliest convoni- cnco what your observation of the ball bus been so far. 1 havq a u-ootl many balls on hand and do not want to send them out if they are not satisfactory. Very ruspociiully , J. A. WII.I.HVSecretary. . Tlio Reach bi < ll. now In use in the Western league , n Tin. BII : : has repeatedly stated , is the poorest , shabbiest excuse of a base ball ever put on the market. ltn//ln ( ; .Vrniiiiil tint Slurs. Tun OMtiit Br. : : Base Ball team hereby challenges the Eighteenth Street Stars for n game on their grounds. An early acceptance will bj agreeable. Address , CIIAKI.IS : ItjKiis , Manager , UOti South Thirteenth Street. If Manngnr Kiobs will call on Tun Bii : : ho will learn something to his advantage. IB. B. Ed.J _ Keiini'l Clul > N iu . The bench show dates , October 2."i lo 2S , Lave been assigned lo the Omaha Ivonnel club , und the same will bo published in the currout issue of the American ICcnnel Gazatt , the official organ of the American K'Minol club. The board of directors of the Kennel club will hold a regular monthly mooting Tues day evening May ! i , at Dr. Whinnery's office in the Brown block , whore a now secretory will bo elected to succeed \V. F. Cadagan , who resinned at the last board mooting. TolH | from thi ) ISlimrhnri , Neither Halph Stout or Dave llowo wrote this : "It ain't no use to grumble nnd complain ; It's jest ns cheap and easy to rejoice : When Goa sorts oat the weather and sends rain , Wy rain's my choice. The Hoosiers nro iikelv to have n now cap tain Billy O'Brion. "Buck" Ewlng made the first Now York homo run of the season. "Chicken" Wolf h about to b3 added to the Western league list. Collopv is playing nj nice third , while ( JIIUV all round is par excellent. George Hozrlovor is recoivlncr some Mat tering notices on his playing with St. Paul , "Studies in greou" Is what Lou Houso- rnan called Unclo's hall playing in the Falls CHy. The Hoosiers at exactly 3 this afternoon. Everybody go and sco iho Umtlors jump on them with both feet. Martin Duke , Into of Chicago , expects to sign witli a longuo club soon. Another cnso of "groat ox poolatlons. " Smiling William Gloason savs 100 much hand ball has rendered him IneJToctlve as an early spring pitcher. Times Star. The Clovolunds will piny tbo Mr.st Sunday game hero on the duv that nature will crown the May quoe.n with roans , Times-Star. Will Hart put long screws to the Orioles a few davs fiL'O and no mistake. Ho handled his Bond Hill whitewash brush artistically. Billy Hnwos , who played in Cincinnati in ISM with Ihu Onions , is to assist Sir Arthur Whitney at Lowell. Huwes will play first baso. Milwnukoo Is clinching first placo. Some body must head bur olf. Charlie Bnytler , backed by thu Columbus team is the man t > dolt. Eddia Burke holds n rank today thnt ho Is not likely to attain aatn. Ills batting nvor- airolt 1,000 nnd ho loads the league. Ken Mulford. Snyder , while umpiring , keeps ono ova turned toward Columbus , O. J consequently his Judgment is worked. Ho as good as won two of Campau's victories hero. President Williams savs no club can carry loss than twelve inou. If that is the case Jimmy had bettor send on another man for Omaha. She neuds him bad enough. The Indlunnpollft team has been pmyine In hard luck and are In no department weaker than most of the other clubs. At Sports man' * park at 3 nbarp this afternoon , Wrltlni ? homo nbout the state of oxubor- cnco existing in Louisville , Tom Brown said : "Wn hnd the key to the city thct night of our opening gamo. Each player had a five bone hat given him.1 The followlncr umpires nave bojn signed by Scnrutary Coman of the Stale loaeun : Phil Greusol , Cedar Kuplds , la. ; Frank E Hart , Sheboyuan , WU. ; John M , Fulmar , Schuyler , Noli. Elinor Smith got a bouquet from his 1'ltts- burg frlocdi on opening day , but the lad's heart would tnvo it\pndcil ( ) moro hnd a ter rier purp been led out to the plnc-o. Klmer does not care much" for buttercups nnd daisies. 1)JI1 Darling and 'iMtchor Sprftguo have both concluded to'Jithv off the diamond. They have refused U'c.storn association berths after tholr toJms were accepted. Mulford. U.irlingU nutting up some pretty stiff bail for Minneapolis all tha same. The West Omaha Juniors hnvo reorganized and nro anxious to cross bats with nny team under 15 years In the city. Sunday , May 8 , they would bo especially pleased to moot the Western Union TnltHf'raph loam. Address Charles Kuppo , captain , -SOI Douglas street. The llrst ono ot the Hustlers who makes n homo run on the bortio grounds can walk into General Fredericks jinn bo measured fora now Uunlnp. That's tbo general's proposi tion. Ono of those Ktioboy now Derby s would match .lorry Jacob's soason'a shaving ticket to a dot. Smash 'em , boys. The fact thnt Michael Angelo Lane's scis sors have been dulled by running nealnst a paragraph like thU , "Alison's team is show ing up stronger than was expected , " calls forlh , the ratuor profnno observation , "H i nbout tlmo to call that ram ark In and throw It into the hell-box. " Tom Tucker will carry n gun nnd lay for all mascots hereafter. Isaac Ilalns , who rooted for Button \vhllo the Hubltos woru In Ualtlmnra. carried of Totnmlo's diamond ring ami stud. I lo was captured in Wash ington and Jullcd In the Monumental city. There will bo ono miscot missing during tbo season. Jocko Halligan , the Hods' hardhitting rlghtilcldor , although young In years com bines a number of trndos uuu professions. Ho has In his time fought n few alovo con tests , wrestled u few matches , driven trot ters a few bents on the grand circuit tracks iiml can , on a pinch , do a neat clog dance.-- Bon Johnson. The following men will cnptnin the East ern association teams : Sam Wise , Roches ter ; Jack Mi-Glono , Troy ; Jay Faaz , Synx cuso ; Leo Smith or Sid Farra'r , Providence ; DJti Stearns , Buffalo ; Harry Lvons , Phila- dclphln ; Dan Shannon , Now Haven ; Mlka Lohunu , Blnghnmton ; Bobby Whealock , Elmlra , nnd Jim Fields , Albany. The llr-st triple play of the year was made at Piltsburc and Alf Cratty describes it so : "Strieker opened with a lilt. Crooks got his base on balls nnd Carroll made a single , 1111- Inj ? the bases , \\erden sent out u llttlo My to Blorbalior. who trapped it and threw Car roll out nt second. Shu cart and Buckley put out Werden. Strickor ran home , and in Crooks had not run to third , he , too , was put out by Beckley , bhupart und Farrcll. " Dave Howe , the captain nnd manager of the Omaha loam , sent a bill to President Williams , which arrived this morning , it is a very poor excuse. The cover must have been green when put on. tor It would now nearly cover two balls. This discovery has led President Williams to send out n query to the various clubs asking how the balls uro turning out gcnoially. It ihoy are found not ' to bo satisfactory , Mr. Kcnch'wlU bo notified to furnish n bettor class of ball. Columbus Dispatch. Patrons who saw Elmer Smith in the Pit'.v burgs the past weak scarcely recognized the licht , ngllo , giuyhimnd-lmllt young man who played loft Held as thn fat aud flabby pitcher who used to play with the Keds. Elmer , in plain terms , has beun taking care of himself. Ho was always possessed of great latent spaed , but ho never until re cently took nny pains to develop his powers. The past winter ho atvoku to the fflct thnt fust sprinting is a very , desirable quality In a ballplayer , and ho gave most of his attention in training lo this onu point. "I started in to become an outfielder last year. " said Elmer to > no the last day the Pittsourgs were hero. " 1 did U because I know the ba.sa ball lifoof a pitcher , especially a left- handed pitcher , is , as a usual thing , very short , and I wmtudito stink to spangles throe or four moro years U iio'siblo. 1 found it a little awkward at first , but I bovo improved right along. My weakness at present is on balls over my hoad. This is duo to tbo fact that I played in a slidK field in Kansas City last soasoti and had tin practice on long lies. I can run faslcr ihan J over could , and with my baiting ability and iho fact that T am comiDR every day , not yet boinp 34 years of age , I am sure of slaying in business for quilo along time. " Hurry Weldon. Whispering * ol tluiVlicol. . The club poet arouses from bis trance and curgles : When old winter has taken the summer keys , There is time to bo blue enougn If you feel ; But when bluebirds como and the snowbird Hoes , Then , ho ! for n spin on the Hying wheel. Somebody PE.SS Iho bucks , please. The crop of beginner. * this spring is un usually numerous. The Denver Kumblcrs have made up their mlnil to Join the Icacuo and DO "In it. " All club runs scheduled for last Sunday were abandoned on account of the rain. The Tourist Wheelmen pedaled ever to Fairmont park Saturday evening , quite a crowd turning out. 3 am Kutnol has dropped out of the aoiivo ran KS , and is wbeolois. That won't do , old boy , better line up again. The Omaha Whonl club take a morning spins out to to the fort this morning , starting from the club homo at 6:30 : sharp. Six members of the Press Cycling club of Buffilo , N. Y. , recor.tly rode a century over the Erie road in eight hours and forty-two minutes. The April number of Good Roods , the noa little magazine Issued gratis to League of of American Wheelmen members , contains some splendid articles on road improvement. A. H. Perrlgo & Co. und M. O. Duxon have fitted up their respective ostaolish- mcnts in splendid st > lo nnd both dealers feel junllant ever t no outlook for a brisk trade in cycles. Illinois Man I am told the worst roads in the world are found in your state , Missouri Man ( Indignantly ) It's an infamous slan der ! They're ' in Nebraska. Ours are the next worst , sir ! Chicago Tribune , Bob Young , the genial vico.prosldont of the Tourists , cntortnir.cd a p'irly of his friends at his rooms ono dnv of lust weoktho occasion being the turning of another inllo stone in tlio popular cyclists' life run. Clarence II. Smith of Dotrolt , famous for his tours and 'vlio is well known to the local wheelmen , is organising a tour from the city of No'v York to the national moot of the Leacuo of American Whuolmon at Washing ton , D , C. , this season. The Bearings , that bright , newsy sheet which Is published lu Chicago and which is read by the majority of tuo wheelmen in this grout land , has , with tholr customary enter prise , lunilo arrangements with nn able law yer wheelman in Chicago to furnish legal nd- vlco'gratls to Us reader * . The "Dutoh plcnlo" at the Omaha wboel clan house last Wednesday evening was another success. Members were requested to bring thnir lunch , and Ibu result was a Mattering testimonial to thuporcopiivo abili ties of the club's gourmands , Such a dainty collection of edlblus'was never spread upon any table. Hofrcshmonts were also served in the basement. Everyone soeniod to enjoy tno entertainment Immensely. "Club night" is growing lo bo quite un uvont , and is anxiously looked forward to each week by the club mon nnd their friends. Omaha may put nn a llttlo dignity now , and just cause she has to feel proud , too , for a lull-Hedged and uctlvo ladlos' cycling club claims thu Nubraskun metropolis as its homo. The club , though yet In its Infancy , promises to bo a fixed star in the local cycling firma ment. Pleasant spins are taken nearly every pleasant evening about the city , the fair cap tain loading her llttlo command like u vet eran. The picturq is a pleasing ono , and many nn admiring eye is turned toward the fair cyclists as they skim along , so delight fully cool and self-poisussed do they appear. The ladloa uro all very good wlioulwomon , May the Omaha Ladles' Cycling club oxlst for many moons. Hero Is nn example of how oyclinz may bo carried to excess , Shndbolt Is tbo name of a famo-seokitig Now Yoikor who started in last Muy to break thu world's record for mileage. The Wheel in commenting on his performance , says : "Shadbolt of the Brook lyn Dloyrla club , rain or shine , is still grindIng - Ing out his years reoorJ. Ho is little moro tbun bkla nnd bones , and is looking anxiou&ly forward to May 'M , when bis self Imposed tu.sk will end. Ho has fairly lived on his wheel for cloven months , as may bo judged from the faut that ho has riu don sixty centuries , aUtoen of them dur ing ono month , " To a great many people the significance ot riding a century is a feat unknown , U menus that the rider coven 100 mllus on country road inside of from twelve to sixteen continuous hours. This Is a task that few cyclists attempt lu this part of the country , When ouo person does his sixteen centuries in ono mouth or thirty days , the enormity of iho task becomes com- prouunsihM Sixteen hundred miles is a good many I What good this continuous sprinting will do the , ambitious wheelman Is n question to remain unanswered. Bicycling when Indulged in to such nn excess only tends to ouo result the complete ruin of health. On the Tnirk unit In tinSlntile. . The Gentleman's Koudstor club has rented thu fulr grounds track nl $100 per month. Entries to the stnko race for both Juno nnd August mooting * at Lyons , NoK , close May I. U. E. Whitney of Boone , Tn. , has moved his stable to DCS Motnoj , and will train ever the ktto-shapod track there. . Joo. 2'A : I < i nt the Lincoln track , nnd Mr. Matt Williams thinks ho bin a great horse lu the son of Canonlcus , 3:33 : . An excellent program has boon prepared by the Silver City , In. Driving Park nssool ntlon for n mooting , Tulr 4 nnd 5. Captain W. ll. Ash by , of Ashland , the owner of Ashland Almont , is talking of Im porting n thoroughbred trolling stallion. Judge Spencer , St. Joe , has purchased the 7-year-old goldlnc Bordcn , trm' ' Ui'-'O. , by Mansfield , and now tbluks ho has the kin ? of the roads In St , Joo. Nancy Hanks will start at Belmont park , Philadelphia , the first week in July , to boat the throe bouts trotted there by Maud S. In ISSl-'JUS , 3l3 4 and UM'JK- Oonornl Manager \V.O. Brown , St. Joseph. Mo. , bus purchased a muro sixteen hands high by St. Bnl , dam by Dlctnior. g. d. by Blackwood 7-1 , In foal to Elcctriu Bel. John Snyder of Oseeoln , Nob. , Is owner of thu Kulgwny stock farm and among hU nu merous coed ones Is n son of Shadelnnd On ward , 218ltf , dam bv Snltellltu. This follow is bred just like Fred IC.'JiDIVj , and Mr. Sny dor bollevos ho will bo fnst. E. F. Davis , Beatrice , Neb. , has a hnnd- somu matched team , both by Counsellor , 23lt : ! < j' , diuii by Humblutnnlnti Prlnco , Jr. , and Ladd's Security. Ho has had some tempt Inn- offers for them , all of which have boon refused , for ho oxpocls thorn to trot lu 0:10 : to the pole. J. P. Wngnor of Bontrlca is the owner of thrco great stallions in Norvnl Chief ISIfiu , by Norvnl the son of Eloctlo'icur , U:1 H ; the second is Terror 10.OS ) , by Madrid , bv Gen eral Wllks , and the third Gawood , by Chit- wood , by Nutwood. Newton farm , Grand Isle , Neb. , 'has bought the fi-ycar-old brown horse Scientist 7:1' : ' ' ; ) , by Almont Wlhtes ( sire of Hapubllcnn ( I ) U:2U4) : ) , dnm Dlototor Girl , by Dictator ; second dam uy Doctor Kcenu , son of Mam- brlno Champion. Entries to tno various class oronts an nounced by the Syracuse , Nob. , association for their summer meeting July 'J and -I , close tomorrow , May U , and the entries lo Iho slnko avciiis for the Intar-Stat * Brooders' meeting over the sumo track August It ! to HI , also clojo on the same ditto. Idnvnn U'2''i-j , is looking lit for a hard race now ; ho is In splendid form , In fact there nro few fin or looking strings of horses than the ono Dick Tlldon now has charge of. Ho has a yearling brother to Hoseleaf , by Pellotior , that In every way looks like a troUor. Ida- van has n number of colts in this state nnd all that wo have scan are splendid looking animals. Mr. Williams has concluded to let Allorton go away from homo and wo may expect to sco him in some very choice company dur- Ine IS'.iJ. ' In speaking with a gentleman the other day in Chicago concerning the event between Allerton nnd Axtoll , bo sold it was dollars lo doughnuts that Axlcll would bo the winner in 1 , 2 , H order , and the gentle man is in a very good position to know what ho was talking about. Uticn is building ono of the llnost one hal f mile woo tracks to bo found most nny whoro. Through the efforts of Messrs. J. E. Murphy , Dr. K. D. Ilnvoy , Charles. Heimburgcr , George Lamphicr and others , suWclont money has been subscribed to lease a ploco of ground embracing fifteen acres for five years , and wont has all ready boon com menced upon the same. The track will bo put la first-class shape ns rapidly as possible. There are a number of well bred aud speedy horses In Utica. S. J. Wngnor , Lushton , Nob. , has pur chased of Watson & Co. , Beatrice , the Ken tucky bred str.llion Colonel Sims 17010 , by Charley Offut 7753 , dam Saclio. by Edge- water J 2730 ( sire of Harry W2:27'4 : n'nd sire of the dam of Edgemanc (4) ( ) 2lli : ) , g. d. by Jublloo Lambert 518 ( sire of Jubilee ) Do Jnrnetto 2:2D'f : ' and sire of the dams of three 2:30 : performers ) g.-g. d. bv Almont Senti nel IJ054 , by Sentinel 2SO , sire of eight 2:30 : trotters. Charley Offutt , the sire of Colonel Sims , is by Almont IM , anm by American Clay lit. In the pedigree of Colonel Sims will bo found blood that is highly desirable , ns the breeding of bis sire is of "tho kind of blood that has furnished us with many of the best and famous horses. James G. Ladd , Bcatiico. Nob. , nnd M. E. Mellonry have offered to match Lobasco , J : Hi1against Pat Downingwho madcn tiuio record of 2itlast : : fall , lor from i > l,000 lo fcj.OdO a side , half forfeit , balance to uo paid in August. Pat Downing was sent against tbo watch live times to beat 2:13 : , ' before the feat was accomplished. Ho was fourth twice at Hock Island , 111. , last August in 2:23'2:17' : : ' , , which boats were won bv Brilliant , 3:17 : , " , and Charleston 2:15 : , the latter winning the race , while Pnt Downing was distanced in the third heat. Pat won a race at Independence , la. , iu August in thrco straights , best tirao 2:18. : At the same meet , ing Lobasco won a race in 2l < i , 21 ; < H/ , 2:18 and trotted almost a dead heat with Bennie Wilmorc , when Bonnie took his mark at2J4' : , in fact the heat was so close that the Instantaneous pnotograph was used to decide which had won the raco. Both Lobascn nnd Pat Downing are known to bo great race horses aim should a race bo ar ranged it will bd an event worth going miles to ECO. . TIt-Tiittlu of tin. King. KokoAbrams of California , writes Danny Daly , that ho will match him against the winner of the Hawkins-Smith fight. Dan ny's brother Mlka also has the pro pcct for an onrly go on the slope. Billy Myor nnd Jack McAuilffo have boon matched to fight for a $10,000 purse in Now Orleans on the Saturday preceding the Sulll- van-Corbott match , It Is evident that Billy O'Donnoll of Sioux City couldn't bo pushed into a ring with Danny Daly. The latter is willing lu meet him for any kind of a purse or MHUO , from a nickel up. Billy Woods , who dofentca Jack Davis , wants to meet Joe Lannon , Mnhor or Fitz- simmons , just to shake hands , however. Souio people have queer Ideas about the manner in which Billy whaled Davis , and do not hcsitato to say that Jack made big money by laying down , There is nbout as much doubt as to whether the Hall-Filzslmmons match will como off as there is concerning the Sullivan- Corbett match. The articles called for the fight to take place between November I and December lUbut tha Olympic club wants the fight to como off the HUIIIO week us the Sulll- vnn-Corbott light is expected to. This , Hall says , will not do , ns ho would not have time to train after making his Intended trip lo Europe. It is doubtful if the Olympic club will lot Its olfor for n $12,000 purse stand for any olbor time than the Sulllvan-Corbott week , as they could hnrdly alford to. . Jimmy Noonnn the ami tour fcathorwolght champion of Chicago is in the cllv. OucHllnMH unil AiiKwerH , [ A'n uiuu'trx hi/inttl ( n Hilt < tj > utin'.iti. ] OMAHA , April. ) ) . To the Sporting Kdllor of Till. Ui'.u ; Would yen nleuso Inform mo In your next Sunday paper who was the referee In tu ? i > f wur botwonn Swedes and Dan us last Wednesday nUhlV-ll. 1' . Ans. Frank S. Parmoloo. ( liUNCir. HiariTiJ , April ill. To iho Sporting Keillor i > f TIIK lliet ; fn reply to a query In your "Wheel WhUpurlngs" of Sunday bufiiro last , I lie'to st.ito that yonnz llaltuiilmnnr. the Uounoll llluIN racer who tfalnod m > many laurels at Missouri Vnlloy last oasoii , Is rid- ln a Columbia pneumatic thlsscuMin. llohun given up raclnx and In working In the Inlcrost of Die Ijuuguu ot American Wheelmen , having already enl In a Inriju number of upiilluatlonx for membership. Wo have no doubl ho will bo a credit to Iho Iowa division , and on club run * will bo cm hand uhon Iho dinner hull rings at GleiiHQod. O II , W. O. Lover of Sports , Hlldroth , Nob. Mrs. Dr. Avers is iho owner of the only thoroughbred mastiff in this city , r IjK.MNdTON. Nob. . April ' "I Tn the Fuartliig Kd lor of TIIK IIKK : AII. . elalum to have killed u mallard this apriliK ucluhlng six pounds I'o ' they uvur roach that wulghtY i ; miner. Ans. Never , OUAIIA. April 29. To UioSunrtliiR Kdltorof Tin : UIK : : VVJH Danny Ncuclhuin uvur whipped by 1'nuy Kurnunn. If to whuru and whun. and huw wu * It duno. I hot that Kerrigan und Noudham uuvor fmitflil. John Quill , Ans. Patsy Kerrigan nud Danny Nood- ham fought a 102-rouud draw on February 27,1890. UMAIIA , AbrllVI. To the Sportlus I.dltor of ' "TfcE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver nnd 1 bowels , purify the blood , are pleasant to take , safe fjtul always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness , Blotches on the Face , Bright's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation , Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered Stomach , Dir.ziness , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence , Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives , Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite , Mental Depression , Nausea , Nettle Rash , Painful Digestion , Pim- pics , Rush of Blood to thc Head Sallow Coin- , - plexion , Salt Rheum , Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired F c c 1 i n g , Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash nnd every other symptom or dis- case that results from impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating are benefited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabttles is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross $2 , sample bottle 15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY , New York. BAKING ABSOLUTELY PURE. JUST TRY IT. PAXTON & GALLAGHER , Omalia.Neli The UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS that the Behr Bros. & Go's. f | T 7TL T v C "V PIANOS Hiuc nUnlnrd , nntl ( he likh prniso tlioy luivo clicltoil from llio MorMN MOST n , NO 'NEI ) AIITISTS. from tlio press ami from a public long prpjinlk'oil In favor of lilcr iiiiilios , i ( is snfo to nssninu that ( lo instrument must bo possusscJ of UNCOJT MOX ATTltlliUTUS. ATTltlliUTUS.MAX MEYEK & BRO. CO , Sole Agents , Omaha , Nebraska , Established 1866. Wishing lo Inlruaiico out CRAYON PORTRAITS f.intl al iho pumo ttiuo or loud our business and make now customers , we luivo decided lo ninke Ibis Nirclul OflVr : Bond us n Cabinet Picture , I'holo- grutih , TintypeAnibrolypo orDnK'ioroljiicof jmirself or mi ) mcnibor of your ifiimlly , living or dead , nnd we will make you n CRAYON I'OKTKAIT I-HII : : or CMAUUK , provided you nihlbll It to ns n Bnnp0 , ] Of our work , nnd USD yonr Inflaonco In cerurlnE us fulnro orders. I'lnce - - nninanndnddroason bnckof plcluronml It will bo roluniod In perfect order.Vo raako any chnnco In picture you wish , not Inlcrfcrlnc with tbo likeness , liefer to nny bink In ChlcaKO. Address nil mail to THE CRESCENT CRAYON CO. , Opposite New German Theatre , CHICAGO , ILL. 1' S. Wo will forfeit 1103 00 to nnyono ncmllng us pliolo nnd nol rccelrlnB rrnyon ptclaro FRKK as per thli oiror Thli orfor l Imnn-lldc 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , .Neb. The eminent specialist In nervous , chronic , prlvnlo. blool. Bkln ami unnarjr dhOHSOB A rofnllr nnd reclMerei ! crailiml In mudclne , ns diplomas nnd cenlflcntes ahow. la still treating with the ( troitest auccoss cntnrrh , spprmntor lioen , lost uinnbooJ , nonilnnl wcnknms. nUht lei ai , Impoteiipy , srplilll > . Ktrlcturo.yoa- orrhcien , Kloet. THr cocelo.ctc. No mercury uooil. Nor.trontmunt for losi of vital power , 1'arllos unnblo to visit munmy botrontolat homo by currcipomtenco. Modldne or Instrument * sent by nmll oreipreis ta < curelypncked , tin n nrks to Indicate contents or ( under. Ono peraonnl Interview prefurrud. Coniultatlon frou. L'orrospondo icu strictly private. Hook ( Mjslorlui of Life ) sent frou. Ollico lioura 0 u. m. tu U p. m. Sundays 11 } a. ui.to 12 ua. Send stamp for reply. -HOTEL LAFAYETTE Lake 3Ilnnctoiikii , Jlluii. Reason of 1R92 hcglna June , Uh. Ijt'iullnir Hummer Hold ol' llio\V < t , ' ruoiufacn tliolaUo. . . _ ful location. All moilcrnpi comfortsdally conccrtH , lino' , host of " ' ' ' BI cnory Freqiifiit liafiiK Jo anil fium Kt , 1'aul anil Mlnncapollei one hour from St. raul.30 m from Mliv 3U. V. 'EXoloonLiIUo , 01 Or cut .Northcru UullOluE , bT. J'AtX , Ml.NN. CmCHESTER'S EtlQLIZII , RED CROSS THE ORIGINAL AND GCNUINC. The only SnfV , Sure , nilrtUMiPill for lilf. I.iulloa. uk llrugtiit fir ( Tilc/uHir / i insliiHiamonil llraml In lU'cl n.l r/cM nicmllli ) . toin fcakd vllh blue rlbtxm 'ft. ' ti nu utiipr Llnil , ttr/utt tfulilftitttotn and /mr < jffon\ MI \ I > IIU In pftiuboiull l > nxrfriDk wrKip [ rlAre riutii ( , > rnii cniintcrfrllc. At ItruRnUt'.or irnfl nt . rKrlleularilftliuuuul , l "Itfllcr Tin * I.iuUfM , " ( ( ilf , br MilIU < Jc.In ilAtuni f r * i n < c ur .iurH uitr y n turn JO.OOO TVillTlonUll ; : , ini ! „ , , r. CHICHISTCM CHEMICAL - - . , Mn.ll Hulil br ull I ocal l > ruaiilot . TUB HUE : In u gnmo of rnzzlo durzlo A bids f. , calls for the kln , O lioIclH same ; IB It lio- lutoly nocotsiiry for 0 to iiluy tlio king on thu liiat trlolj If liouoos not wish to ? 0. A , Olson. Ans. It Is not , dutln the majority of cnics It Is the sntotl plaj , but there is nothing compulsory about It. Koimi OMAHA , April 30. To the Sportlns Editor of Tim HUE : Will you ploiuo answer In sninluy's IIKK whom IlundlUoo , Oinnlin'H pllcliur , uaino from , und lita nco und record. If you oun you will groutly obllgo-IIarry Kon- nurs. nurs.Ans , (1) ( ) Cnlumbus , O , (2) ( ) Twenty-four. (3) ( ) UnttlnK avcrano , .UI50 ; fielding , , 'J4S. Cou.NCir. IliiiiKKfl. In. . April SO. To the Bporllna Kdltorof TUB llRi : : I'lonso answer In your no.\t Sunday's IIKK lliu fnllowliiK riiioslloiis : ( A ) Did the Iliotlinrhonil luivo u IniiKiio lust year or yoarboforo , ( II ) Did Ulilca- L-o mill Hoslon luivo Ilrothurhood luains. ( U ) .Wan Ilostnn orOhlt'ttBoovi'r In llio Ainurloun uhsoo allon. And ohllKo. II. H , O. Ans. (1) ( ) Ttio year boforo. ( a ) Yoa. ( . ' ! ) Hoston was lust year. Cook' * Kxtni l > ry Iiiumriiil ( 'lminimirno , This excellent RjiarKllng wlno has bcoii ho- fore tbo public for nearly forty yeuw audit has boon Ibo aim of tbo Ammcnn Wlno com * puny , to make it the best spjrifliiiK wlno in the trade , therefore nollilng has boon left undone in its production that science nnd modern Improvements could sntrKCst. The company hnvo ample capital nnd are not com pelled to put their wino on Iho market , before it is matured , It * president , Mr. Douglas U. COOK , has bcc-n with tlio concern , over slnco Its incitiloncy utul was specially educated for Its management , 'rho largo salot annually , ( millions of bottles ) , and Iho increasing de mand for their wlno bat made them Icrgnly augment their plant , which is ovldcnco of its i worth und lastly it's perfect purity "needs no bush. " Tn those who hava not used it wo ask u trial , feeling assured it will bo found all that It claimed for 1L There nro all sorts of Husslan blotuei used for street Jackets , and very trim and jaunty they look. They are made of dark blue or bluclc cloth , witb trimmings of Kucslan braid , and are to bo worn over tbo dross bodluo If desired to take iho place of tbo customary jacket. There Is but ono drawback and that is tno necessity of their being always uont trimly fastened and en warm days tbis would bo inconvenient. Fifty cents buys a bottle of Hradycrotlno , a bottle of liraaycrotlnu will cure four bead- achiu. IS YOUR GRASS READY ? If not , it soon will bo nnd wo would bogliul to Imvo you moot It halfway , with ouo of our 181)2 ) LAWN MOWERS. - GARDEN IIOSK , WIHK NETTINGfor poultry yarUt TUKLLISKS , etc. 1511 Dodge St. FINE SPECTACLES nnd Eye Glasses , for Iho correction of alldefucti of Tlilon. Solid Cold Spectacles ( romlJUJ upward Fine Steel Spectacles I'rom tl.UU upwnril rotoctaiid Improve your uyusljhU our oyoi teatoi Iroj ba practical Oj tlclan. VIAX MEYER & BRO. CO K tnLllihu < l Jilii IAIINAM and ICtli. OQNSUiFTION. I h&fea pasitiruremwiy fur Hie ftbotadlMt&so , by It ! use tliouiiiidi of c&ttel of the worst kind an < ] of lone rtindmir him IOKIH curol , Icidiwl go itronv ll my f ltU ju itn nine * ? ? , tlut I MrlllBjiidTwoiiorn. > a Hire with a VAI.UAill.H TKKATISK on tlutdluiaw lu ny uf. J'.rur who will tend me thvir IU | > riu4und I * . O , addmtii , X. A. blucuiu. .tf. C' . , IBU 1'uurl HU , N , V.