THE OMATIA DAILY BEE ; srNDAY.MAY 1. 1892-TWENTY PAGES. 15 ECHOES FROM THE ASTE ROOM the Various Lodges Throughout the Oily Are Doing These May Days. -ODD ' WEEK - FELLOWS' CELEBRATION LAST Meeting of Ilio Aniinnl Cnnrlnvo of Knight * Toiiiplur til ( Intnil Inlnnil Mod. rrn Woodmen of Ainorlcn Jliiko Merry , A chapter of the Order of Kastorn Star Xvas organlrod at Wnhoo Tuesday night with fifty charter members. The name of the chapter Is Stella , ntid the fl ist ofllcors of the ledge nro : Worthy matron , Mrs. J. A. Loiter ; worthy patron , M L. Ellsworth ; as- loclato worthy matron , Mrs. OrpUrt Good ; conductress , Mrs , U. St. Martin ; associate conductress , Mrs. J. S. Wlldo ; secretary , Mrs. Ilnttlo Davii ; treasurer , Mrs. Charles I'orkyn ; organist , Mrs. H. II. Uorsoj , and the llvo points of the star are represented by Anna Polslcy , Mrs. T. Killlan , Mrs. F. U. Baldwin , Mrs. F. P. McMahon nnd Mrs. N. II. Hell. Tlio work of Installation was done by Grand Worthy Matron Scotland Grand Worthy Patron Guild assisted by others. Aftnr the work of the evening Was concluded nil repaired to the homo of H. Johnson , where an elegant spread had boon prepared. At the conclave of Knights Templar held at Grand Island last week the following ofllccrs was selected : Edgar O. Salisbury , Beatrice , grand commander ; James A. Tul- lovs , Rod C'loud , deputy grand commander ; Clmrlos ,1. Kinch , Kenrnoy , grand ironoralls- Blmo ; Richard P. Mlliin , Lincoln , grand cap tain general ; Kev. William T. Whltnmrsh , Omaha , grand prelate ; Edwin U. Woostor , Hastings , grand senior ward on ; Milton 1C. Williams , York , grand junior warden ; .tamos 8. France Omaha , grand treasuior ; William H. Uowon , Omaha , grand recorder ; Frank II. Young , Custor , grand standard bearer ; Ellas W. Hcghtol , Uoldrego , grand sword bearer ; Thomai G. Roes , McCook , grand warden ; M. Greene of Fremont , grand cop- tain of the guard. Fremont gets the tioxt conclave , Philadelphia Masonlo ledge circles were ( hooked last week by the announcement of the death at Port Said , Egypt , of Clifford P. MacCalln , past grand master of the Grand ledge of Pennsylvania. On February 0 the deceased loft Philadelphia with a party to make a tour nf Europe and the holy land und was expected to loturn about the 1st of Juno. On Salurdav word was received of his dangerous Illness , but the cause was not stated. Horn In Philadelphia , Mr. Mac- Calla was nil years of ago. After gradu ating from the High school ho studied law , but later on duvntcd most ot his time to edit ing Episcopal church journals , Including The Episcopal Recorder , The Ruglster and The Church. Ho was nn nctlvo member of Christ 1'rotostimt Episcopal church nt Media , and for years was assistant secretary , or lay secretary of the diocesan convention. In the Masonic order , with which ho had boon idantlllod from oirly life , ho had hold many important positions. lie had boon past master of Concordin ledge , No. 07 ; member of Jerusalem Chapter , No. II , Kovnl Arch Masons ; Mury Commnndorlv. No. lili , Knights Templar ; the Masonlo Veterans , and nt the time of his death was piosidcnt of the Art Association ot the Masonic Temple. Ho hud tilled the exalted position nf H. W. Grand Master hi 1889 und Ib'.lO , nnd was the llrst to claim for Philadelphia the title ot "Motner City of Free Mnsonrv in America , " and to prove her claims by old records. The Omaha Scottish Rite bodies of the obedience of the supreme council for the United States of America , their territories nnd dependencies , have removed from Gooa- rich hull , on Twenty-fourth street , to the superb ledge rooms , recently decorated and furnished , on the upper lloor of TUB DISK building. Regular meetings every Thurs day evening , Instead of Fridays , as horoto- I. O. O. K. The event nf the week In secret society circles was the celebration ot the seventy- third anr.lvoisary of Odd fellowship in this country at South Omaha Tuesday. The South Omaha lodge had been prnparlng for the occasion for two months aud expected to entertain the largest gathering of Odd Fol lows over seen In Nebraska. The rainy weather kept hundreds of the expected guests away , but in suite of tha elements over 1,000 Odd Follows from Nebraska aud Iowa joined in an enthusiastic celebration. The city of South Omaha was thrown open to the visitors. The principal streets veto decorated with flags and bunting and the triple linked chain , emblematic of the order , was visible everywhere. At 1J o'clock the parade formed on N street. It was bonded by the South Omaha police force , followed by Canton Ford of Lincoln. The cantons militant preceded the subordi nate lodges and presented an Imposing np- poaianco with their blue and gold uniforms nnd militnrv precision of movement. 'Ilio procession matched ttu-ough the central part of the city to Ilium's hall , where the tJxercisos of the day were hold. C. C. Btanlcv welcomed the visitors on bobalf of the Magic City acd Colonel Nichols of Omaha responded. Addresses worn clvon by Judge II. J. Hudson of Columbus , Nob. , nnd Past Grand Master Evans ot Omaha. The visitors were then conducted to Masonio liall , whoio a banquet was served. The celebration ended with a grand ball In the evening. 1'ho liruco Commandory band of Hod Oalr , In. , the Odd Follows band of Omaha , and the Seventh Ward Military band of Omaha were in attendance. The following lodges participated In the colouration : Canton Ford No. - , Lincolt. ; Canton No. H , Rod Oak , la. ; Canton No. 5 , lioatrlco ; Canton Erza Mlllard No. I , Omaha ; Omaha lodge No. 2 , Omaha ; Allor- inun ledge No. S , Omaha ; State ledge No. 10 , Omaha ; Beacon lodge No. ! iO , Omaha ; Key stone lodge No. 1 , " > , Omaha ; Goodrich lodge No. 114 , Omaha ; Wnsa lodge No. llsl , Oinahu ; Council UlufN lodge No. I' ) , Council limits ; Buckeye lodge No. 111. ) , Council UlutTs ; bouth Omaha ledge No. US , South Omaha ; Orange ledge No. ! i. ) , Toka- iimh , Neb. - , Otoo ledge No. 51 , Syracuse , Nqb. ; No. IIS , Greenwood , Omuhn ; No. IJ3 , Columbus , Nub ; No. Ibl , Louisville , Nob. : No. 07 , Hamburg , la. ; No. iUl , UillsdaloLi. ; No. Shennndonn \ , In. ; No , 21'J , VlllUcn , ] a. ; Uau-jlilins of Rohokah : Ruth chapter No. 1 , Omaha ; Guidon Link chapter No. iS ! , Omaha ; Ivy chapter No. : < . ' ) , Omaha ; Alpha chapter No. II , South Omaha. ' MoiliTii Woodmen tif A The Omaha camu No. 1-0 , Modern Wood nieii of America , gave a imislcalo nnd hop . at their now hall In the Continental block. This hall was formerly the Elks club room nnd has been roiUtod , mnkiuir it one of the Ilnost ledge rooms In thocltv , The several cpmmlttcos were : On arrangements , C. II. T. Hiopcn , .1 , K. Van Glider , L. H. Hojit ; on rot-option , I ) . I. Thornton , Phil Miller. W. E , Cudy , A Hold , Frank H. Jones ; un lloor , C. H. T. Riupon , T. Brandon , George Colt. An elegant musical prozriuu was , rendered by local talent after which n sumptuous lunch was served , Dancing followed und about i50 couples enjoyed themselves until after mid night. The Modern Woodmen are to bo con- pratulr.tod on their success at giving those entertainments , us every ono voted that they novel- spout a more pleasant evening , The program rentier-ad was nsjollows : Address t Wtilociino . ' . . . W. U Ouily fcour.ino hole with Kltito OhllgntoAiieels' Serenade li. llinga MUi lloltorfnnd .Mr 0. A. Wordnn. IleultntiOn 1'olUh lloj Mrs. Lena K'iy. Pinnn Duet Tlio Jolly lllacUsmlth . . . . . . Join I'uu Muster 1'rc'd and Mlvj KHIMKI TlliUo. Declamation , bho Wuniiidto lion Woodmai MUs Illta Whlpplo. Selection by Symphony llaiijii Olub . . . Itulcowny 1'ark Maiurk. I'rof. 0. ( lollunlMwk , J I' . Miuiuor , d. I'u ray mid W. Kulf , Eoloctloii-Openiof Nurnni liellln Vi'iiuto llrothnrs. Mars lodge No. 130 , Knights of Pythias held their regular mooting on the evening o CT'.h at their hall , 'ihirtloth near Drown The meeting was opened In duo form , Chan collar Commander Gluduisch presiding. Then was n good attendance of mamuorr mid tin utmost good fellowship prevailed. The members bors of Marti lodge foil glad to see lu thoii midst four visiting broibu from town , twi from Maratlmn No. 61 nnd two from Trlaiigli No. M. Work was done lu the third degree Mr. Frank A. Aveudalo reoelved his thirj U the AmpllfloJ wnrk , find It * vfts workoj to perfection. Under the hond of "good of the order" Urothor Slab.iuKli , of Marathnn No , 8-J R& < ta a npoooh on I'ytblanUm which wai excellent , and ntso Brother Montncno ot Mnrnthnn RAVO n speech which was apprcct- rttod by all the mombeM present. We are sorrv to say thai our Chancellor Commander Ulrtdnlsch Is poln to tnko his departure from us In n few days to go to the oa t on a few months' Icnvo. All members of the lodpo will miss him nnd they all wish him u happy and pleasant tlmo during his abience. Over twonty-fivo yenrV oxoorionco In spoutaelo llttlnp and m < tklnir by llio op tician at Alee & 1'onfold Co. , 1st door south of postollico. The now Mothodlst church at Tacoma will cost about $ $0,000. Hov. Edward Hvorott Halo was proscnted by hU parishtonors , on his TOth birthday , with n purse of 113,000. Hov , Isaac Clourch , who will probably suc ceed llov. Mr. Crowthor as blabop ot Niger territory , U a iiouro clerpyman of uncommon ability und forco. A Washington jury began business with prayur. and , having nsreod upon o verdict , uikod Oed to forglvo "the man whom they hud condemned to death , The Uostou News Is waging a war against young women associating with Chluamcn In the Sunday schools and presents numerous examples of the Uomorah/ing results of the practice. The filunds of Dr. Uriggs In the Now York presbytery will bo In u minority In the coining general assembly , Hourly nil of the twcnty-olght delegates to that body being nuil-lirigrfs men. 1 hero ought to bo no doubt about the sin cerity ol the religious conviction of a person who su omits to Immersion lu n stream of run- ninu water In winter. Seventy-eight Hop- tlsts wont through the trying ordeal referred ' , o nt Uanvillo , Ky. The "American linptlst Year Book" shows totnl memborshin or 3'Ji'JSOO ( , nn Increase ver the lust j oar of lUj.nTy. The numher roportoil as baptized has rlsoa from 1 10,0 Ib In &W tollJO.'Jiriii Ib'Jl. ' The totnl uontilhu- lens woroll,8bl5,5o3 , only a slight Increase in those for the previous year , which were The Hov. Jnmos F. Spaldlnp , who re igned his pastorale lu Cambridge , Mass , , ast November to cuter ilio Catholic church , has now returned to the Episcopal church. ie has spent the Intervening time lu attend- ng lectures at the Catholic university nt Jeorjrotown , U. C. , nnd in editorial wet It ecured through Cardinal Gibbous , ' inllucuco. The receipts of the American Board for March woio7rir 3.-JJ agnlnst $ S , ! ) : ) T.lJ ) for March. The tailing off is entirely in lega cies , the dgnatlons showing tin increase ol > , ; H851. The total locelpts for seven months wore $3'J.VKH.20 ' against 440.lyuJ ( 30 [ ortho conoiponillng period of lust your. The donations for thu whole period show a gain ot $0,000 , the legacies u lulling ell of $11,000. Dr. Plorson's connection with the Metro politan ( Spurgeon'sj tAburnucIo continues to ou the subject of much speculation. It has boun decided to ask him to remain in his present capacity for the next live years nt a > alary of il.'JOO a year. Unless anything unfofaoon should happen Mr. 1'iorson Intends to visit America this summer , starting by n steamer which louves England on Juno 4. Uov. George Grciifell of the Baptist Congo iiission suys that in Central Africa there is in uruu of 4,000 square miles larger than the iVholo of Europe still unoccupied by a single : ms3ionarv ; that the center of Africa cannot permanently bo evangelised by white men , out the greater part ot the work must bo douo by the natives themselves , and the uuUvot > are showing their Illness fur the task. The llov. Samuel Davies , a Mothodlst clorgj man who died a few weeks ago , once saved the life ot an lush priest who was sot upon by a crowd of biu-ots. The Irish priest is now Bishop Kondrickson of Hhodo Island , and the Boston Pilot suggests that "tho Catholics of Providence would do well to make that humble grave ( Mr. Davios' ) con spicuous by a monument worthy of the ercat heart .vaich sleeps within it. " Though the fact Is not generally known , Episcopalians of the diocese of Maryland are aolarmluod to erect a cathedral in Washing ton that in size and magnificence will bo en tirely worthy the national capital. Bishop Parot will try to raise an endowment fund o'f $ . ! ,000OUO. As the proposed cathoarul is to bt , iuu sense the metropolitan church of tbo Episcopal church of the United Slates , Episcopalians generally will bo appealed to for contributions. Another heresy hunt m the Protestant Episcopal church is anticipated , the offender being Kov. Dr. S. D. McConnell of SI. Ste phen's churcn in Philadelphia , vho sooko before the Contemporary club six weeks ago on "Tho Next Slop In Christianity , " and de clined that this next stop was to become "the ono religion of conduct , " dogma , ece"lcslas- tlcism and other hisloiical phases fading be fore tbo essential impouauco ot conduct. Some of the other mlniaton , of tbo church re- gatd this position as taking "the very lools from Curistiunity. " Mrs. L. H. 1'atton , Hoc.uord , 111. , writes : "Fiom parsonai oxpailunco I can recommend Do Will's Sursuparllla , u cure for imuuro blood aud gouorul debility. " Miss Schhomnnn , daughter of the famous aicliaiologist , has made un important Greek llud oilier own account. Shu is to miiiry the son of .Mayor Mulus of Athens. A Pennsylvania jury acquitted a m&n of trying to kiss an unwilling widow , but sen tenced him to pay the costs for bis clumsi ness , no doubt. Ho got oil very lightly. A man can got a woman lu un hour and thirty minutes to work for him all her life for nothing. That's his wife. If ho wants a woman to work for him for $ J a week it will tnko him a mouth to gel her. The widow of litcburd A. Proctor , the as tronomer , was man led last week m London to Dr. James Cuiuac bmjtho ol Belfast. Mrt > , Pioclot's maiden name was Thompson , uud her iuther was a merchant of St. Joseph , Mo. Mo.When a young man is' married It Is unsafe for him to have hlb house connected with the olllco by telephone , if he expects to attcud ' piuperiy to business. After 'thiee or lour jean , hu may salely have the telephone put in. "Old Goldbug to marry the beautllul daughter of Uurduppo , i believe I" "Yes , thu wedding tukopiaco tomorrow , I've boon Invited. " "Does h'jr fattier give her nwuyj" "Give her uwuyl No. He's sell ing Lor. " New engagement rings have two largo stuncs , a Diamond with u pojul , a r'lhy or sapohue. A new luiiu of armlet , to bo worn with u glovi' , U n narrow bind of watoreu ribbon , with slides aud buckle set with pro- clous htonus. The Danish golden wedding month bids fair to be almost n unique coloorutlon. FiniiL'O , Turkey and Austria are ull to send war vessels to Copenhagen , and the omprtMS of Kubiiu will prudent to her father six pure white Ar.ii/ horses of enormous value. Immediately upon the doulh of tbo duke of Claiencu thoio wore newspaper suggestions mat I'rincuss Mary Victoria of Tutk might wed his younger brother , Prince George , and now , apparently , this is about to come to pass , It is annouiiced from London without any iiuuliliciUion that auch u uiarriaga has been arranged. A cfertrymau in Minneapolis was lately called upon to ofllciato at a wedding. After the service was performed the happy groom culled him to one side und aikod "what his charyes wcro , " Thu mlnUier replied that heu not In the habit of making n charge. ' Weil , " replied the groom , " 1 will call aud see jou later. " Tliu happy groom celled the next week uud piosented the revcrond gea- iiuman with u doi&n sticus of chewing gum. What wo call quulninoss lu style is to bo one of the prominent features of the summer diojsmg. For Instunco , the "poke bounet , ' . is a copy or thoold time "buuniu" ' u is ot mixed green and white straw with no trim- mlngon thoctownbut n huge green bow" and around the face inside the rim Is a thick ruuho of narrow green ribbou , 'Late to bed and early to rise will shorten the road to your homo In the skies. " But early to bed and a "Little Early Ulsor , " the pill that makes Ufa lougor and batter and wisrr. IIixvo your oyoH examined and correct ly llttod with aultablo glasses. No charge for testlnu' . Alee & 1'onfold Co. , 1st door soula of podtoQica THE COUNTRY AGENT. S. H. Itoimnl < n Itatttmy In 1831 when the - railway was extending its llnoq through western Ne braska , I was employed on one of the brnni'hoa in the caltlb grazing district as station nRont , express atrent nnd telegraph - graph operator. As there was no bank In the town the express business was qulto largo , es pecially the receiving and forwarding of money packages.Vo also had qulto a nice money order bu3inossof which , In the absence of other moans of oxchantro , the sales would often nmount to from $ .500 to SI , 000 per wool : . To supply the demand for money or ders , I was compelled to keep a good supply of blanks on hand , as It required from four to five days , after making a requisition on our supnly olllco , before they would roach us ; this would necessi tate our ordorinjr at least fifty orders each tlmo , consequently wo would often have as many as sixty or seventy blank orders in our ollico. There had boon several cases of where agents had boon "hold up" In the west ern part of the state and the express company had repeatedly Issued Instruc tions , warning its agents to Ube the ut most vigllanco In the care of blank uionov orders. Wo wore required to remit both rail road and express funds daily , and the practice of keeping over S > 5 on hand , over night , for change , was strictly forbid den. den.Tho The idea of ray position being quito n responsible one for a boy of my ago I was hardly 17 years old had never en tered my mind , and I had implicit confi dence in my ability to cope with any emergency with which 1 should moot. Ono evening , when later than usual I was counting the cash preparatory to putting up my remittance which would bo forwarded on the 11:30 : p. in. train I was suddenly Interrupted by the wait ing-room door being quietly opened through which n stranger entered ; after taking a hurried observation of the waiting-room and oflieo. ho was about to make his departure when I asked him if there was anything wanted. "Nothing in particular , " said ho , and ho left as suddenly as ho had appeared. I thought nothing more of the matter , and wont on with the work of making .ip my reports , when the waiting-room door was ajrain opened , and inalkod uy visitor of a few minutes before , fol- owcd by four more of as lough looking specimens of cowboys as had over boon my privilege to behold ; they wore armed to the teeth ; the jingling of their spurs and the noise of their heavy hoots upon the hard wood jloor was enough to frighten an "old timer. " They cneh had i largo slouch cowboy hat upon their liead , while tlioir faros wore covered with handkerchiefs , with holes cut in them to accommodate their eyes and nouth. I was so completely taken by surprise that I was unable to move , and before I recovered my souses sulliciontly to real- i/o the situation , 1 was confronted with the muzzles of flvo pistols , with the com mand of "hands up , young fellorl" This all transpired so quickly that it would have been impossible for mo to have offered any resistance , nnd worse than madness to have done so. "Wo don't want yer money , young feller , "said one , who appeared to bo the lender , "what we're after ib thorn money orders. " By this time two of the men had oapcd over the counter which separated my office from the waiting room , and jomrnenced searching mo to disarm mo n case I had any weapons of defense : lese at hand. After satisfying themselves that I was unarmed , and warning mo to make no call for help under penalty of immedi ate death , they then ordered mo to pro duce the money orders , which I immedi ately did. I had by this tlmo somewhat recovered from my surprise , and had como to the conclusion that their intention was to compel mo to issue money orders paya ble to bearer , so they could ho cashed olf-owhoro , and they would therefore irmko a larger haul with less danger to themselves than they would by taking the blank orders and the insignificant amount of cash that was in the ollico at the tlmo ; this , I concluded , was an ex planation for their apparent magnanim ity in "not wanting my money. " and my conjecture proved to bo correct , by what followed. "Wo want no funny business now , but want you to write out some of them orders , and do it blamed quick , too. " Suddenly a scheme Hashed on my mind , by which , if I could only raako it work , I could yet frustrate their plans ; so , in as bravo a voice as I could muster up. I said , "What amount do you want them made out for ? " "lluhV" said the spokesman. "What amount do you wish the orders made out for , sixty dollars each ? " I asked. "Yes ; sixty dollars will do , " said he. "Make them payable to bearer1 ho further added , and for the next hour I steadily llllod ' out money orders "pay able to bearer , " for the amount of 5 > UO oiich. After forty-two orders had boon filled out , they began to L'ot restless , and said they would now bid mo irood evening , hut before doing so they would In com pelled to , as a more matter of form , go through a few preliminaries that wore absolutely neuoss.iry in a case of this kind. So while one of their number do- taehed my telegraph instrument from the table "tho other four proceeded to hind mo hand and foot , After having completed tying my arms and feet se curely aiul tying a handkerchief over my mouth , they extinguished the lamps mid with mouk politeness hade mo good night ; than locking the door with the key tvhiuh they had tikon fiom my pocket , they departed , taking with thorn my telegraph instrument. The sound of their horses hoofs had Bcarcoly died out when I had the hand kerchief worked oil my mouth , which wes donn by hooking it on a nail that projected from the mopboard , and rollIng - Ing away from it ; but try as I would I could loosen neither my hands nor my foot. It was nearly train time , I was cer tain , and hoped to soon ho released from my present dllllculty. I know that it would bo useless to attempt to make my self hoard by any one in the town , as there was not one chancp in ono hun dred of any ono coming within hearing1 d islnnco of the station at that tlmo ol the night , na the million was situated nearly a half mlle from the nearest building in the town. My only hop seemed to bo to make the host of the situation until the train should arrive , when I could no doubt make the train crow hoar mo , and explain the situation and have them release mo , Time aped on nnd still no train camo. A storm had been threatening nil the evening , and it nt last broke forth in al its fury. For fully two hours nothing was hoard save the incessant boatintr o : the ruin and an occasional peal of thun der. Presently some ono tried the door o the waiting room and called my name 1 recognized the voice of the sootiot foreman , who on account of the stern had couio down to look after the track. I told him I was bound hand and foot TARTLING PRICES "MONDAY. 8 ; SUIT DEPIRMNT. Railroad Worsted Suits , $4.48 ; usual price $9. Men's Wool Suits , $5.48 ; usual price $10. Men's All Wool Suits , in latest styles , $6.48 ; usual price $12. Men's ' extra fine Clay Worsted Suits , $8.48 ; regular price $15. Everything in Men's Suits can bo found In endless rnrlotios and nt prices to suit nil. PANTS. Our never rip stout Pants , all colors , 790 ; A puarantoo with every pnlr ; usual prlco 31.75. Men's Wool Pants , $1.98 ; usual price $3.50. Pants of nil Icinds rotnilod nt wholesale prlcos. Boys' and GliMren's ' Department Boys' National Knee Pants , 140 ; usual price 690. Boys' Knee Pants , 210 ; usual price 750. Boys' Knee Pants , in fine cheviots , 350 ; Usual prlco 81.00 and upwards. 5000 Children's Suits , neatly made and durable , 690 ; Usual prlco 91.75 2500 Children's Suits , trimmed , corded and buckled , 980 ; Usual price $2.50. 2000 Children's Suits , trimmed , corded and buckled , $1.25 ; - Usual price 83.00. 25 styles Boys' All Wool Suits , $1.79 ; usual price $4. 10 styles of Homespuns , Victorys and Union Cassimeres , $2.37 Usual price $0.00. Sco display in show windows. Young1 Men's Throo-pioco suits , apes 13 to 18 $2.40 ; usual prloo * 1.50. Leaders in Gents' ' Furnishing Goods. 2100 pure linen Collars , warranted 4-ply , lOc. 2100 pure linen cults , warranted 4-ply , lie per pair. Thcso tire ull the latobt styles of thoday. Men's nil silk Scarfs in Toclcs and Four-in-hands , 23c ; usual prlco 5Po. Imported Silk Toclcs and Four-in-hands , satin lined , usual price 7oc. French Balbrifjpan Shirts and Drawers , ISc ; usual price 7uc. 13est quality French LUlbriijjTan Underwear , 89c ; usual price $1.23. An A 1 White Shirt , laundered , 48c , 75c and 81.00. SHOE.HND HHT DEPKRTMENT- Visit these departments. They are replete with the newest and latest of every thing. Yon cannot full to ho pleased nnd llnd exactly what you want. ALL GpODS WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED. . 1317and ; 1819 Douglas 8t , The , W-liolesale Millinery House OF L OBERFELDER & GO. Still Continue to Sell Goods at Retail AT WHOLESALE PRICES 208-210-212 S. llth 81. , and for him to tnko his switch Uoy nnd unlock the freight hottsu door and' como into the olllco and i-olouso mo , which ho did in short order. I briefly explained the situation to him , nnd wo concluded that it would bo useless for us to nt- torapt to follow the villnins , as the rain Wuld by morning Imvo thoU- trail so completely obliterated that it could not bo followed. My main line instrument was pone , and as I had nothing in the wlmpo of a main line relay in the olllco , I con cluded I would have to send a report of the allair to the superintendent of the express company to the nearest tolo- grnph olllco , by the section foreman , to bo transmitted from there with as little delay as possible. While the section foreman had ffono for his men , I thought there would bo no harm in "cutting in" my local bounder oil the main Jino , and greatly to my surprise , by adjusting very ( ino , I was able to ' 'road" the main line very nicely. The expected trail * amd boon delayed by a culvert being * J9hod } out further west of us , I promptly reported by wire to the superintendent of express what hud happened , BO ) to could notify all otlicoa to bo on their bfiiuru Jf any of the orders were prosontoStfor payment. The orders , as I ha'ct"ihsuud themwere worthless , and not 1 eont could bo real- ixod on them by any.ptfo , , for across the top of each order in large capitals was the following : "No piior ; sold for moro than $50. " And as they were Issued for SCO each they were therefore of no value. Ton dnj'H later 1 to'olved word from the superintendent tuutlio effect that a young follow had proWntod two of the orders for payment at Santa Fo , N. M. , and ho had MMon promptly arrested , and wjwn sonrching him , tha entire forty-two money orders were found. Ho confessed that ho had organized several bands in vari ous partb of the west for the purpose of raiding and swindling the express com pany as revenge for the company dis charging him for dishonesty. His ac complices all escaped. Shortly after this occurred the major ity of the principal express companies throughout the country issued joint in structions to the effect that u money order should not in any event bo inado payable to bearer , Dr. Birnoy , nose and throat. Boo bldg Tlio over foslilonablo blouses and fancy wnlsts , willed are an IndUpeiisaulo addition to every woman's summer outlit , are in a greater variety of styles than ever before , nuil aio inado of any llijnt material , whether it bo sllu , wooloruottou , Sucu pretty effects If you are not sure that the whiskey you are now using , as a beverage or for medi cinal positively purcand whole some , ask your dealer or druggist for It is guaranteed to bo absolutely pure , rich and mature. You may know it by its fine flavor and the proprietary bottle in which it is served. For sale at all first-class drinking places and drug stores. Call for "Cream Piirt Rye" and take no other. 4 DALLEMAND & CO , Chicago. MU5.C. WKiT'8 NB11V15 AND UHAIN Vtttt\r. MI5Nr , spaclHofor llriterli , DIzzlnoH , Kill , Nau. ralgla , llciidiclio , Nurrotu I'rouratlon oaunoil bill. . coliol ortobicoo , Wnkufulnon , llnntnl Daiirooluo. fiufluulni : of tha Urnln , ci'iiliu luisnltmlior / , OccnjrUutth , frematura OH A , 11 irrJiinoii , l.on of 1'oworln ulthoriox , liupotuncI.ejcorrtioiti an I UKotnnlaVoiknoMoi , Inroluntary I.oiioi , Hmr- matorrliooa'cauioJ br orar-oxortlonof tlio hr.iln Bolf-ivbu9Poror.n | < lulKtiiaii A munth't treatment II , t ! for IV bf nnll Wo tiutrnnta } oil boioi U cura KachorJor forl burn , wltlil ) ivlll neal writ ten KUarnntao ti > r f unit If not curaJ. Ouartntio liauaUonlr br A , riulirolur , Druck'IH , uo ! neonti tf K.cnr li.tli ninl Kariiiiiu it * , Uujatia , Neb , llonnreof Imitations. JAPANBSIS CURB AnoirnnI Complota Treitmont , cou l tlnf ( of Buiipoiltorloi. Olntinunt In Cap ula , ulio la llox end I'llU. a I'usltWo Curj for ISxtunui , laturaal lillncl or UluaJliu Itunlnt , Ulironlo , Uocoru or l.tireii t ry I'lliii. I'lili lljniuJr jiai nuror bua-i Known to foil. < l iwrbov. 'I ' forSii > anl b/ mill , \Slir iiiirur from mil I3rrltiiu rtltj.U ) whim i wrU- Irn gujruntoo IK po itlvoly ulvoii with O jjfitor refund th u inaiitir If not cirul ; Honl sta up tor fruo rinmplo Uuarantiia hr.ul br ICuli > A Co , , Urueu'liti , riola Aito ui curujr litli auJ ( trouli umnlit Nuo. Baby's cheelc Is like a , Is it Madame Uupport'b bloacli ? No ! but baby's mama's oheolt Volumes to Its praise doth tpealc ! Call fur Mini ) Itupi'Ort'i ' took , "Jlotr to bo Ucautl ul" of Mrs J Ilonxm , 310 A IJtli bt . Omaha , Nub. can bo attolnod with so little- expense , and they are so easily mtulo , that those who are qulto unsuphistlc.itecl In the art of dressmak ing can proiluco very satUfactory results , Dlsoaso nnvor succoislully nttaclts a sys tem with pure Mood , DeWill'a Sarsaparlllo makes pure , uovv blood uud onrlchoi ttio old. FOR IT WAS STOOP TTEST / , OF ALL TWE SOfiPS "Oufl ( Jinks"/WH w/s / TAIRBftNRS"is WE BEST. OuR CLOT/fES SMELL V ETOU llty/ft / SlKS fo WB OUSE isaEANANQ J3RICNT Wo WONDER RIRBANK'S SANTA CLAU5 FILLS HOUSEMfllDS WW . CHICflCO. U1QI1C OF OMAHA. ABSOLUTELY INCANDESCED FIRE PROOF , ELECTRIC LIGHTS PERFECT NOT A DARK VENTILATION OFFICE INTHEMLDING NIGHT AND DAY ELEVATOR 68 VAULTS , SERVICE. DIRECTORY OF OCCUPANTS : GROUND FLOOR : POHKST LAWN Or.MnTEHY ASSOCIATION on Y TK TitUbTiis : 01Tin : IMIArr A. KEHHIS OA r- OM.VI1A Ki.VI : , KSI'ATH ANOTKUSTOQ TLI3 OO. MIJ1K & - GAVLOUI ) . Uoal Ilstato J. I ) ANTICS , KotuniU Olgar Stand. CITY UOMl > TUOLiLiiiL WOMEN'S FIRST FLOOR : Tin : OMAHA nrE COUNTING HOOM , Ad- 1'RANt'L. REEVrS & CO , , Contractor * . urtlsln and fcmltecrlption Hoiiiirtincntb. WESTERN UNION TELEGltAPII OI'KIOD. A JlklUOANVATKR WOUKS COMPANY. CJ'.NTRAL LOAN AND TlUJvr I'D. SUPERINTENDENT HUE 1IU1LDINQ. SECOND FLOOR. II .A.WAGNERApcnt for UnltcdStatesMutuiil THE EQUITAHLE LIPE ASSURANOI3 SO Accident St.ito Association. OIETYOL'NEW YORIC. CllRlbTlAN t-CIENCE Ab.-Ol'l ATION. . . . DR. UTIARLEb 1JO&F.WATKR. ANGLO-AMKRICAN MORTGAGE i. TRUST ! PROVIDENT SAVINGS LIKE , of Now York. - COMPANY. MAfcbAOIirfETTS MUTUAL Lll-'U 1NBUR- - - ' Ol' I1KE IIUREAU CLAIMS AXCU COMPANY. lt. 11. II. IUUNEY , N < HO nnd Thrnit. OMAHA TIRE INSURANCE INSPECTION IUKNEY UATARRHAL POWDER CO. HUREAU , C. HA HTM AN , Inspector. GRANT OULLIMOUE , Oculist and Auriatk THIRD FLOOR. JOHN GRANT , ContraetorforStroctandSldo- MANHATTAN LIKE INSURANCE OOSt. nulk P.ncniuntb. 1'ANY. ItOIIEUT W. \TRIOIC. . Law Ofllcoi M. R. TRAUERMAN. Altornoy. EQUITY COTIIIT NO. 1. DR. OCAR fa. HOI'I'MAN. EQUITY COURT NO. 2. UNITED STATES LH'V- INSURANCE GO.- LAW COURT NO. 4. J. M. Oil A MIIEIIS , Abstr.icta. of New Yor't. W.M. SIMKRAli. E. W. SIMERAL. UI1L , Loans , Real Estuto and Insurance. S. R. PATTEN. DentKt. FOURTH FLOOR. NOUTHWESTERN MUTUAL LI IT. 1NSUR- T. M.ELLIS , Aichltoct. A NUT. COMPANY THE PATRICK LAND COMPANY , Owner * CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LU'E 1NSUK- of Dundee Plai-o. ANCE COMPANY. JOHN LET1IEM , PiihlMior. PEIsN MUTUAL LIKE INSURANCE COM- OMAHA COAL-EXCHANGE. PA NY. P. If. EKENHERG , I'icsco Painter. IIARTTORDLII'E AND ANNUITY INSUR ALEX MOORE. Roil E > Uat3 nnd Loins. ANCE COMPANY. TIlEMEROHANTa RETAIL WE11.STKR & HOWARD. Insurance. AGENCY. WKbl ERN CAR SERVICE AbsOOIATION. bTAPLKTON LAN ! ) CO. ANDREW ROSEWATER , Sanltaiy Enslnoor. II. II. MED AY. J. L. 11LACK , Civil Engineer. MR. &MRS HODGES , Ait Parloia. FIFTH FLOOR. HEAD QUARTERS , U , S. ARMY. DEPART Cllll'.r PAYMASTER MENT OK THE PLATi'E , : W OfUcos. PAYMASTER. DEPARTMENT COMMANDER AS&IbTAN T QUARTERMASTER. ADJUTANT GENERAL. INSPECTOR SMALL ARMS PRAOTIOR GENERAL. INSPECTOR CIIIEP OK ORDNANCE. JLDGE ADVOCATE. CI11EK QUARTP.RMASTKR , ENGINEER O1TIOER. COMMISSARY OP bUIJSISTENOK AIDES-DE-CAMP. MEDICAL DIRECTOR. ASaiSTANT S U Rl ! EON. SIXTH FLOOR. M. HARTMAN.Cnst Iron and Water Pljio. UNITED STATES LOAN ft INVESTMENT COMPANY. C. LAMltERT SMITH. THE IMPLEMENT DEALER. C. P. 11EINDORIT , Architect. I. O. N \ " > ll. Loins HAMILTON LOAN AND 'I RUST CO. REEI ) .1011 POINTING CO. EDI1OR1AL ROOMS OK TlhJ IIEE , Compos U. ARMY PRINTING OFI-TOIX ing. Slciciityiilir , ' and Mulling roomy. HANUrACTUIlKKs AND CONSUMERS AS. M. A. UI'l'ON CO. , Rual Estalo. I'.A DAW1.S. S001ATION. SEVENTH FLOOR. THE ROYAL ARCANUM PARLORS. A few more elegant office rooms may be had by applying ot R. W. Baker , Superintendent , office on counting room floor N , M , RUDDY , THE DULY PRACTICAL OP1ICIAN L'lO ' Fouth 15tl > fit. , KnniiinSt. Tlioator. EYES TESTED FREE Olnssoa Klttod to remedy all ( InfooU nf nyu- slKlit , Steul sput'Liclos ot iuiir.iiitouil ( juallty llund up. Solid ( JoM Spct-tiuUM mil Iljo 'lum , id and uiiuur.l OociilUV's pror'iiHon4 ' fur Illloil coircelly sumo dny n * roJulvoJ AETITIOIAL HUMAN EYE3 INSERTED ? " " " "M ' " 'l ' - - 1W K. C. WKST'd NKUVKANIJ IIIIA1NTUKAT- J1KNT nupocllla for llyotorla UUilnom , I'lti Nun rulk'lu , llvndacho , Nervous rrootrnton ciiutml bjr ultonoi or tobacco , Wnkutulnutfa , Montul Dunroi Ion , rioUnomof lliBllralti i-au > lnln iiiiltr mUury , decaydeath. 1'ruiuaturu Old Auo , llarrvuoit , l. < m of 1'owurln tlllier e , Jiupotuiioy Uiuuorrliua aul ull Keninlo Woaknomus Imoluutarir IAJIIOI , bpur mntorrhea oausuU bir oreroxurtlon of thu brula Kall-ubuiuurur liKlulk'onc.0 A moutli'i trvatiuuiit II. 0 furl' , by mull. WCk'inirauttiunU boxui to euro Knitiurilor loru boiui. with I ) will no ml wtll'.uii uuarunteoto rufuail If notcuroil Ouurantco lijuol by Uooduiau Urutf Cu , 1110 fctruam 31. . 'Juuna. QUICKLY , THOROUGHLY , FOREVER CURI2D by n new pcrfactnd tclontlilo iiiotlinit Unit canilul full iinli.s : tlio ciso 11 liaj-onil Imman ! .I , Yon fool Improvoil tlia itrst ilny , f oi'l u hono- IIt rvurv day : noon know yoursulf u Klux umiini ; man In body , mind uricl heart. Dnilnaandlosauj ciidud. Kvury obKiacla to liuiMiy iiinrriod Ufa ro- nimud. Norvii force , w 111oniTfiy , bruin rower , vrhun ( alllnunr lout are ri'Btorci ! by this trrnU mom Allnmnllnndifualc portions of lliolmdy on lurked ui'il Etrcnft'uned. ' Victims of DbuBca and icofx.'H. tcclnlni your rannbood' HiifTcrcrn from folly.ovorwiirk.lllliniUtli , rCKiln smirvlunr" " Don't dii i > alr oven If In the lust Rtuit' | . Don't tiodlxlioart ontillf gnnckn tmvorob- bidyou l.i tuittluiwjou that luodlcnl eclcncounct mitlncnihonor Mill i > il t ; licrn ui > linnd In liand. V/rllo lor iiur Itoou wlih fZiljnatluiin& iiroofa , mallDdieuloiirree , Uvur , ( ) ! > ( > i vlcrcucci. EBIB MBpigAILCO , _ , BUFFALO1T.JR , INTEREST PAIDONDEP05ITS 5 E.L'fJR IBttf&DOUGLASSTS , CAPITALSS 10O.OOO.OO DIRtCTORn'.Ail-WyUAN-E.W.NASH. Jd.nftOWN-THOS-L.KIMBAtL.