THE OMAHA DAILY ) WE ; SUNDAY ? MAY ] , 1802-TWKNTY VAGUS. CHINESE MEDICIN CO 9 CAPITAL , does It mnko where a man comes from If ho is n man and can euro dlsotiDCS that others fnll in. [ TfOil the bonoflt of those who llvo In the country * niul cnnnot ntToril to onmo to Onwhiv niul trout , ho ROOTS AND HEXRBS. puts up in hottlus nlno illlTuran' . motltclnu * , onoU ono for iv certain illsouso. They nro us follows : The doctor uses romodlos that liavo boon toatod by millions of pcop'o In China through centuries , until , by yonrs of trial , it is known that they will do for each particular complaint. Mniiy tire not known In this country tit nil. They nro po r- CATARRH CURE Achievements That Have Made Him Famous Remarkable icotly harmless in every roa'poct. Delays nro dangerous. Do not put oft until tomorrow what you can do ted ny. BLOOD PURIFIER Success of the Chinese Doctor. Call and see the doctor at once before your cuso becomes Aggravated , or it Is too DR. Into. Ho makes no charge for consultation or advice , but will toll you candidly what ho can do for you , and whether your coso is curable or not. Hundreds of SICK HEADACHE CURE living witnesses as to his success ho can rotor you to , and to&llmoninls without Hesults , Not Words , Have Given Him His Reputation Facts number in his olllco will satisfy you as to his skill. Is it surprising then that ho C. FEMALE WEAKNESS CURB Is known from ono part of the country to the ether ? for the Sick to Read Evidences That Place Him LOST MANHOOD CURE at the Head of All Others. GEE INDIGESTION CURE WHY do they want him to go ? Is it because he has noth ' KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE ing to do ? Certainly not. Is it because his business is WO'S RHEUMATISM CURE Who has not hoard of Dr. Cluxng Goo Wo ? Who does not know of his marvel ous cures ? His reputation and fame extend far and wide as the great healer for successful ? Because he cures people and does not kill them till ailments. How many families and unfortunates bloas his name for what ho has with poisonous decoctions ? He will remain in spite of all com I ASTHMA CURE done for them ? Comlnp to Omaha a few years ago , by his remarkable BUPCOSS in the treatment of dlsoaso ho has built up a'lnrgo practice and made hundreds of petition. T\vo more doctors coming to help this week. friends. 'Iho number ho has cured who have been abandoned by others are legion. You can got thorn from your drujrgUt or by writ- ' Could ho hnvo lasted ? Could ho have sustained his Immense practice if ho had In T to Omaha. Address the ( . 'hinosu Medici no Co , had themselves in his ? No , not for Oniuhn , Neb All ether persons nlllu-Uvl with those not bonoliUed and cured these who placed cnro . ! ? What insurmountable diseases write to Dr. C. ioo ! Wo , olDJ North HHh St. , six months. And what has ho hud to contain against DR. C. GEE WO Omaha and oni'loso He for . Ho will soud dllllcullles have boon thrown in his way ? They have been such that most ordi , stamp roply. nary men would have quailed under them. Not ho. His skill and Indefatigable . . you , free , a question blank and a book. Fill out the will have won the day , and at present his ability Is finally rceogni/.od even by his blank and tlio necessary Chinese Medicine will bo sent have cut . Ills achievements to euro your case. Kverything is seat sealed and free enemies. Slandnr , arrest and race prejudice no llguro. and they only have won him fame and distinction. Has practiced medicine in Omaha for three years , and has from public giuc. Persons living in Council ISluITi , before ho became known his patients these who South Omaha or Omaha can also cill : at Iho olllco and only Again oumo , to for him a long as tune n last resort , mostly old chronic cases , who wore have failed been called to sign only six death certificates in that time , and trot a bottle of medicine for trial. Pi-ice , $1. their doctors. Wliilo the doctor Uoos not when If you cannot call and see the doctor in parson , completely to obtain relief through then only was called in at the last moment death had send for blank. of all these ho has succeeded with 05 conU a question claim to euro every ono , but cases per No wonder then that people had their eyes opened and souirht the relief to bo ob fixed his hold upon his victims. What a wonderful success ! tained at his hands. Jealous of him and feared , ho has therefore boon maligned In view of the dull times at present prevailing , the doctor nnd slandered by many , but llko the lustra of the diamond , his name will shine for ' will make reduction in his to those who cannot afford all tlmo and cannot bo taken from him. a oig prices ford to pay full terms , and solicits all who would take ad van - CONSULTATION FREE. WHO IS HEX ? tagc of this great opportunity to call upon him at once and re - the benefit of this . Office Hours from . . to . . CALL TODAY. The doctor is a regular graduate of China , and , by the way , what difference ceive great opportunity. 9 a. m. 9 p. m. RESCUED AFTER BEING GIVEN UP TO DIE. Remarkable Cases Abandoned by Other Doctors but Cured by Dr. Chang Gee Wo , the Chinese Physician Statement from the Lips of the Patients Themselves. CII.UIA , Neb , Aprils , 18 To Whom It May Concern : Ihnvoboonn constant sufferer formnnr years with Rheumatism ami Dyspepula , anil after trying & 11 the doctors 1 knew of nnd received no help 1 hoard of Dr. 0. ( ion Wo In the papem niul conclud ed to try Ills medicines , which cured nu'In n short time My family were nlso nick , tint tlio doutor uro < ] them nil rlKlil. I ImTO nlso sent him atmiu- borof frloniM whom ho ouroll nlsonnd of various troubles. Call on me for particular * . THOMAS COUlHlLIN. 43(21Inrney street , OimiUa. OMAHA , Neb. , To Whom It liny Concern : I have bron sufTorlnK for several years with Im pure blood iinduns trrently run down with general < 2rblltty. Tried many doctors without avail when n trlend rucommendud mo to try tr ChnmMleo Wo. and after n few month * of tils traitment 1 was cured. 1 Klve this freely and for tlio bcnettt of any who may bo sick , unit would ndvl n them tocou- n1t the Chinese doctor. Respectfully , II. I'AUKKIl. 1113 Hickory etreot. Jci'PKUSOX , Ions. To Whom It MOT Concern : I doslro to stale that I was dangerously sick with Quick Consumption nnd abm > ? s on the luniianndt nns reduced to the lowest oxtrumlty with tha KEEP THE LIGHTS BURNING Mr. Wiloy Can't Shut Off the Millard Hotel's Electric Supply. CONDITIONS OF THE COURT'S DECISION Uernmti Kountyo Uots the Ituttlo of Get- tysburc lluildliiK Trouble Over the Poor Farm Lots Other District Court Doings. The electric ( films will contlnua to light the balls nnd corridors of the Millard hotel not withstanding the foot tbat Superintendent \Vlleyof the now Omaha Thomson-Houston Company has said "no. " In an otlluial decl- nlon Judge Hopowoll of the district court Is sued this order yostordny. The trouble between the hotel people and the lighting company wns of long stnnding. In the early part of 1890 Markel & Swobo entered into a contract for the lighting of the hotel at thu price of $37" ) per month. The con tract , conllnuoj in force until April , 1S01 , whan Market sold his interest in tbe Mlllnrd to Thomas Swobc , aud about thnt time Swobo and tbo lighting company fell out. Swobn said the lights were not up to the standard guaranteed in the contract , whllo Superin tendent Wiley said that Swobo had nothing to say in the promises , ns the contract was not with him , but with the old firm. The upshot of the whole matter wns that Wiley sitld that ho would cut olT thu current nnd leave the hotelas dark as a squaw's porltou Swobo dared Wiley to I'D ' this , but for fear that ho would , n temporary injunc tion ! was obtained from Judge Wukoloy , who was then upon the bench. Matters romalnoit in that condition until yesterday , when Jmlijo Hopowoll decided to lottho in junction stand , but at the same time ho ordered Swobo to pay 17r > per month fur the use of thu lights , out ! ho nlso onlerod Mr. "Wllov to furnish Just the same kind of lights that ho agreed to In his contract. ( lilts the I'miiin Hut Not thu I'lrturc. Herman ICouuuo gets tlio octagon building known ns the llultloof Gettysburg , situated at ICIghtnonth street nnd St. Mary's avonuc > , but ho does not got the picture.Vhon thu Oinnhn Panorama company wont into busi ness It borrowed money from Mr. Kountze to put thu enterprise upon its foot. Then it painted n canvas to represent a great bnttlo nnd hung It on the luiior wall. A mortgage was given and ns the interest was not paid when due , forocloiurn proceedings were instituted ogalnst thu building , picture nnd nil , A retraining - ( training oruur was obtained to prevent Mr. Kountzu from foreclosing. Judge Hope- well decided that Mr. Kountzo i-ould foreclose on the building , but be must let the picture aloneas it was not covered by bis mortgage. Trouhln llotivi-tm Trust Cnnrorna , A long time ago the Equitable Trust com pany and the Equltaulo Loan unit Trust cowpiny , both loan concerns of this city , hud troublo. TUo llrat named concern declared that the otbar had itolcti its name and Intended to buildup a business thureon. Of course an Injunction was the rcult nnd Judo Hopowell de cided that it would stauil. Ho said that the niima "Kqultublo" was the private property of the company that had IIrat adopted it , ami that other companies bad no right to its use. A Van In Hla Character VlnillcntiMl , Gary G. McAitor has a grievance against Gcorga Ilaynos anil bos gone into court to get relief. Iu the petition which ho has tiled ho avers that on April 27 , IS'Jl , Hajrnoa tiled a complaint in police court , charging him with being the former of n fl'J cbock. The nnxt day the arrest followed and for two ' 'ITS Mr. MoAstor itatos that ho was rclc I in a cell with drunks , ruts , cockroai I < § , nd ether vllopris oner * . When tha triu w J ruachad ho wat released , hut he also iivcri that during the foriy-clgb' tioura1 imprisonment ho sufTorod 11,000 worth of injury of body and mind , pub lic disgrace , scandal ana Infamy. VVitnU a Dlrurcc. Holou K. St. Gorman hai a huibond , Jo- drcna ( llsensc. I called In nevornl doctors nnd could KOt no benefit f rom nny of them , nnd tliey RHVO mo up to die , 1 wnstlnnlly nitvlaed to call In Dr. C tleo Wo , which I did , nnd nm now Imppy to cny thnt I nm romploluly cured nnd restored to uiy former health nnd vluor. I can't any too much In fnvor of the Chlnci 1 doctor , nnd would ndvlso nny ono nuf- ferlnit with Mrullur disease ! to cnll on Dr. U. Uoa Wo nnd bo cured. JOHN INUOUr. From Bit Ayr , Iowa. Dr. C. Gee Wo. Omalin , Neb : llonr Doctor 1 IIOTO your letter of thclstlrnt , end In reply n 111 nay I do not think I nlmll requlro further treatment from you , ns the medicine you senthns hnl the denlrod ollectniid hns entirely cured mo of my Inilltfoitlon troubles nnd the son- ernl condition of my health Is so much Improved that I think I nm well. Also my nervous system Is all right. 1'IensO accept my sincere thanks for the great favor you have dona mo , nnd ro.t insured 1 shall not lot an opportunity pa i to return lliecompll- uicnt by rerommondlnif your skillful assistance to any one ncedliiK treatment. My friend who was tnklnu Tour rheumatism rem edy Is nlso cettlnx bettor rnpldly Vou tuny publish this letter If lt III assist you orhclpyou.unnywny. . C1IAB | 8TOTES. Mt. Ayr. In. , SlnrchS , 1892. soph , who , accordine to her story , is a poor stick , and she has nsked the courts to allow her to plod along through life without anv of Joseph's assistance or company. She nvora that a mnrriatjo took place on May 22 , 1S71) ) , and that since that time she has remained a true , chaste , faithful and obedient wife. Joseph has not beer this kind of people , for , according to his wife's affidavit , ho has associated with had people nud bos acquired vulear haoits besides - sides being guilty of extreme cruelty. Not Hlltifilloil With TlH'lr ISarRiiln * . From this tlmo on the county commission ers will bo kept busy explaining why they should not pay back tbo o-irohase money that Douglas county received from the sole oi the poor farm lots. Just at this tlmo there nro any number of the purchasers at that sale , which was made on April U7. 1889 , who want their mouey re turned. Yesterday the following parties filed their claims with the county clerk , asking for the return of these amounts : Henry Pundt , $1,530.88 ; J. S. Gibson , $1U1U.M ! ; William Cleburn , $3ttt.C3 : ; ; J , F. Gardner nnd Alvin SaundPM ,'i ; Miles Bortelson , ? 1,110.01 ; Caroline ICuhu , $ la71.-14 , and Chris Hartman , S'J.BOO.Wi. The parties come before the county clerk with papers which resemble the regulation district court uotltion , and in addition to de manding the return of the money paid at the snlo , allege tbat tha contracts and deeds made by tbo county of Douglas are void ; that the IJoiird of County Commissioners never adopted a resolution ntithori/.lng the sale of thai ots at auction or at n private sale ; that the salt ) was Irregular and void for the reason that tbo county hnd no authority for making the same ; that the tttlo which the county gave is , and always will bo imperfect. In each of thu petitions , the plaintiffs ngtoo and promise to quit claim their tjlntor- cst in tlio property , providing the county jwlll return the purchase" money , with Intorou at the rate ol 7 per oont from tno date of salo. BAILROAD MATTERS. Mr. Clark Will I'rohuhly I.onve tlio Missouri 1'nrlllo Itock laliiml Flyer , It Is now reported soml-oniclally thnt S. II. II. Clark will voilgu his position as vlco president nud general manager of the Mis souri Pacific and dovotu his whole energies to tha affairs of the Union Pacific. S , T. Smith , ox-man.igcr of the Denver & Hlo Grande , is mentioned ns the possible general manager of the Union Pacillc , but morn rollr.Dle Indications point to U. Dickin son us tlio coming man. President Kitnball of the Union Dapot company says Mr. Clark will undoubtedly confer with the directors nt once about the Omaha enterprise and the proposed compro mise , and advicui are expected dally. Mr. Clark has boon committed to the compro mise and is thoroughly allvo to the advantage of puthlug construction with all bpcod. llonco favorable action is expected. Another HiirlliiKton Kxttiiixinn. General Manager Holdregc of the n , & M. is authority for tno statement that tbu con tract hixs been lot for another twenty-live mile extension of thu Wyoming lino. The road U completed and operated to Gillette - lotto , and the forty-four miles between that point and Powder river are under construc tion. The now contract will carry thu line to Clear creek , sixty-ninn inilos ooyond Gillette - lotto , but etlll a considerable distance from liuffelo arid Sheridan. Linus are projected to these two points , but the time of beginning construction has not been determined. The railroad will establish stock yards at Clear Crook to facilitate- the shipment of cattle , and Mr. Hnldrego unvs the yards will be ready for business In July. Missouri J'urlllu Mhort I.itio , Too Missouri Pacitlo bridge ever the Platte rlverntPlttttsrnouth will bo completed next Wednesday , and a train service by the now roulo la announced for tbo following Sunday. Tbo now line will shorten the main line by twouiy-ono miles and will enable passenger trains to tiho the union depot on Tenth street. A pas onor service will uUo bo inatutainod to and from the Weimar street dopot. _ _ _ _ _ _ Hock Island ri ) r , The fast service on the Hock Island will bog in today. Tha train leaving Chicago ut 10:45 : a. m. will roach Omaha at 1 a. m. FOUND AT LAST. After Years of Unsuccessful Search for Cure , Martin Anderson ( lots Cured by tlio Chinese Ioclor--A Voluntary Testimonial. OMAHA. Nob. , March 18,1892. To Whom It May Concern : This Is to certify that 1 have boon a constant uf- forer for many yoari with catarrh , asthmn and bronchial nffectlons of the throat , nnd tried all the patent medicines and remedies 1 over heard of. but with no success 1 treated with doctors In various parts of the country , but none of them could do mo any good further than KlvlnKiuo a short temporary relief. Isu ffoicrt nliiht niul dny , and continued to firow worse. notwlthstaiulln. ? till the medlclnol hail taken. 1 hud nlmosi given up my case us hopeless when 1 was Informed by n friend of Dr. 0. Gee Wo , the Chinese doctor , nnd advised to BO and sec him and Denver at 5:4. : ) p. m. The train leaving Denver at ! l n. m. will arrive in Omaha nt 2 a. m. and in Chicago at 4:13 : p. m. The time onrouto between Omaha and Chicago is but liftoon tainutos over fourteen hours. COMPETITION ON ASPHALT. The Harbor 1'aoplo 1,0111 the Contract fur H pIng I.eavomvorth Street. The Board of Public Work ? held a session yostordny morning to take action upon | the question ot asphalt pavoraont for Leaveu- worth street , from Sixteenth to Twonty- nlntli , should tbo property owners petition for that kind of material. Friday when the proposals wore opened there wore two bidj offorod. Oao was from the Barber Asphalt company at &J.12 per square yard and the other from Andrew Jnicks of Chicago at $2.S7K- It was arcuod that the material Which J nicks proposed to furnish was not the Trinidad sheet ashpaltura , called for in the proposal. Mr. Jalcks in formed the board that his nmorial was ob talned from the island of Trinidad , but not from the luke which the Barber people Dad leased ; it was the overflow from the lake and was considered superior to the pitch token fro m the body of the lake. Chairman IJirk- huusor stated that ho had investigated the matter and know that the Julcks matoruil came from the 5,11110 source as that which the Barber neoplo proposed to furnish , llo did not think that it would bo honor able to bring bidders from a dls- lun co and then award thu contract to a competitor who was a higher bidder. The city had boou hunting , ho said , for competition for yean , and after it had been secured ho did not thlnlc that the opportunity to secure cheaper pavement should bo re jected. Colonel Egbert remarked that bo had boon informed that the JJarbcr people were the only ones who could furnish the Trinidad shoot asphaltum. lie was glad that the in formation was oot correct. Ho then moved that Iho contract bo awarded to Jalcks. The motion prevailed and the contract will go to the council for approval. For paving the intersections at Eighth nnd Douglas and Kighth and Parnam streets Hugh Murnny bid JS.'O per square yard on red Colorado sandstone and got the contract. HAD TO USE FORCE. Mu'rlll'llcntuitt Surrrcds In Kviftliig Cut-Oil Island Siiiutt | < tri ( . Sheriff Bennett succeeded in ejecting Noa ! Larson from tlio property of the Byron Kooil estate oa Cut-Off Lnko Island. Ltubon showed light and refused to move olT until ho hail boon knocked down. Tuou Mrs. Larson Hew to the rescuo. and for a few moments thu nbcrill hud all that ho could attend to. Having tlio law on Ills side nnd a warrant In his uouknt the eviction was finally made , and now white-winged peace hovers ever the island. Mining Into the Nnw City Hull. The onicos of the city treasurer and the comptroller were closed yesterday on account of a llttlo moving that is golni ; on. The two ofllclats have employed a largo force of moil , who are moving the books and papers to the ucw rooms in the city ball. These two departments will open for bus- ineis next Monday morning , The city clerk U packing up , but on ac count of the uou-arrival of some ofttco fur niture ho will not tuku poisoailon of his now quarters uutll the last of next week , * Worn They Ilimiloouil ? Dr. Lnnynn was passing the Erie clothing house yesterday whou a sign fell and , caroming off bis bead , pitched through a plate-glass window , Ho called over his friend , Hd Krausa of ludiauapolis , to see where ho bad his narrow escape when a street cnr ran over a rillo cartridge , which exploded , bonding the bullet through his friend's ' sblry bat. All this was at Sixteenth and Chicago , and both parties made a boo- liuo for the station to got u warrant for Bomebou'v or somutulng , they were not par ticular what. DoWltt'stiaraapariiia is rcuaula. Inlhehopoof K"ttlnif rcllot nt loiit. If not n per manent euro ( or my troubto I wns slow In mnklng up my nilnil to rnnku such n rndlcnl chnntiu In my treatment , as 1 knew n trial with th Chinese doc tor would brlnB me. ! mt I Ihmlly concluded to xl\o him n trial , no 1 called at his otllco with thnt Inten tion I found the doctor n clever , ontcrtnlnlnu Kontlcmnn thorouKhly posted on my condition , nnd It took only n very short time to convince me thai ho was the party I nas no long In search of llo told me my case wiis curnbln and thnt ho could cure ' me , and propnrcvl mo n | u > clnl trentmont to suit my condition , nnd In twowooks 1 wns so much bettor thnt I had the fullest conlldoncoln the doctor's ability and commuted my cnso to hla treatment. I continued to grow better rnpldly , and nm now en tirely well. 1 ewe my euro to Or. C. Gee \Vo , and , rm not ashamed to mlmlt It , ladvlso nil nho want _ . „ , rollnf from their troubles to call on Dr. U. flea Wo land * they will bo cured. For all particulars apply " or write to MAUTINIj ANDERSON. 3121 CumlngBtroct , Omaha , Neb. OMAHA , Neb , March 30 , 91. 1 To Whom It May Concern : /i I have be' n lon > ? tlmo sulTeror with stomach trouble and KOncrnl debility , and could llnd no re lief from any of tlio doctors Itroutod with. 1 wane o badly rundown that 1 thought U Impossible to MILD MANNERED MILKMEN They Protest Against the Provisions of the New License Ordinance- OBJECT TO EXEMPTING SMALL OWNERS Cases In Police Court tci Bo Dofomlod by the Jeulors AV111 Test the Validity at the Ordinance the Courts. A score or more milk men mot at Wolff's ball at noon yesterday and rather wordily resolved to furnish the sinews , financial and otherwise , for the defence of a test of the milk license question , whica will cotno up before Judge Borka on Wednesday. They argue their own case with a peed deal of force and some indignation. Hulo 40 of the milk ordinance is the sticking point. This provides that private parties having not moro than two cows who sell milk on their own promises snail not be required to pay the $10 license fco. This , they claim , is un just nnd unconstitutional and must have boon incorporated by some ono who know very little about cows and mill : . "For Instance. " s.ays ono , "I bad eighteen customers iu ono section of the city. I furn ished them with milk through the winter when mill ; IH scarce , feed dear and roads nro poor and blizzards arn at largo. Of course Micro is no money in it but I look forward tea a harvest iu the .spring whou milk is plot , ti- ful. The spring arrives and two ot the neighbors got fresh cows. 1 lese my eighteen customers to people who pay no Itconso. "There are ever 1,000 city cows not taxed. The 1,500 dairy cows are taxed. This is not fair. " Again , they claim , that they do not pcddlo milk but simply deliver orders as a grocer does , and they should not therefore bo re quired to pay for the privilege. SAKE. ricimliigr Kntortulnmeiit nt the Young MOII'H Christina Association lluildiiig. The auiMtoriuin of the Young Men's Christian - tian association was , \vell illlcd Friday evening by enthusiastic friends of thr.t In stitutlon to witness a performance of the "Dcqstrict Skool. " Dr. Darwin , In gray wig and biard , acted tun dinicult part of toauner , nnd did his work well considering that bos was compelled to devote most of bis tlmo'td ' calling his pupils to order and keeping them quiet. During the morningTiOtir the infant , spell ing , geography and grammar clasios recited , nml had prolty much telr ) | own way , much to the aituoyanco of the jtoiycbor but greatly to tbo atnubomont of the nutuoiice. Any number of local bits were made by tha old school pupils'"some of them very amusing. In the spoiling class n pupil was asked for the deflmtiotpef the word harmony. The brilliant scholar ' .answered , "A demo cratic caucus , " and 41)0 audietico roared. Tbo geography clais ciipjp. in fonts share of futi. Aftpr several unimportant questions by the preceptor , who stood by , stick iu hand , ho sprung too following on unsuspect ing Jorusha Perkins ; "What is the nnmo of the largest body of water la Nebraska ! " Not an instant did Jorusba lio.Mtato. Al most before the question was out of the teacher's mouth the bright young man yelled "Uosewator , " at the top of his voice , and was promptly placed at the hnad of the elaiis , Then this question was put to Zebodiah Tborudyko , "VVbnt is tno largest factory iu Omahal" and it didn't take /eb , long to gather his wits and say , According to TUB UKK it's the Fake Factory ou lower Furuam street , " aud everybody laughed. Ttioontdrtainnient was given for the bene fit of the homo for used women , aud linun- cially was a success. Wlirro Kitramot ,11 cut. Thomas llennesy was arrested for va grancy yesterday and given a chance to leave tbo city or spend his tlmo with Joe Miller as ho might oloct. Ho stated that ho was roadv to go to work and keep on work allowed to romulu but the Judfo was llvo n month My frlemls hml ulvnn mo up to tlio nnil I lirnl lost nil couniRU myself A frU'iul tulil li'o of Dr. C. Coo Wo , OH ho was curoil nlno , anil ait- Tltoil niu to cull nnil ace him without tlulny , us there win no Htm : to line I Imil tncil nil llio doctors I cuulil Hntl , niul nil the patent iiiuilUlnoi , but with out relief. I tlunlly innilo up my nili il to vlnlt tlio ClilnoMO doctor , niul from Hint moment dntoi n.y recovery. I ncceptoil his terms nnil iiliuoil uiytulf under hla onro. 1 uni now entirely wollnntt on o my euro to Dr. C. Gee Wu , itnd take great pleasure la recommending othorato him.THO3. THO3. cmVKUT , Nnrthnoat corner Twelfth nml Karuam streets , uuJor Iran Unuk , Omnun , Nob. After Tno Months' Treatment Ho Was Cnrcil. OAKLAND , Neb. To Whom It May Concern : I have boon a st'llerer for mnny yenra nnrt hnvo tried a great many iloctorannil imtoiHmeillclnoa , but tbey never Rnve mo mucb lialp. Tlio doctor * lironotinced my otsD llrlsht'a dlseoso ana Iiopoless. inexorable nnd insisted on n ctiango of air. Hennesy is hampered by a reputation. C. Johnson is a good looking traveling man who carries a gun. This ho might have con tinued to do indefinitely if ho had not tarried too long nt the wine when it was rod nnd so laid himself liable to arrest and search. llo was given the usual prescription. lH > UKZ3iri".l2'lXU AUAl.\fiT OMAHA. OMAHA , April 27. To the Editor of Tun BEK : I desire to call your particular atten tion to the subject of the discrimination against Omaha oy tbo railroads in the sale of tickets to tbo various conventions which will bo held hero this year. As is known the Methodist general conference will bo in ses sion thirty days. The National Guards' drill will last ton days. The Modern Wood men's convention and the People's National convention are of largo importance. Each of these conventions will bring thousands of people from all ever tbo United States to this city. Such being the case the railroads under all known rules should arrange to place tic oH on solo for a reasonable timo. For the Methodist conference , as at urosent fixed , tickets are to bo sold only on April 'J7 , 23 and 2 ! ) . This for a convention which will last thirty days is docidodlv unfair. There should bo other dates lixed , say May 0 , 7 nnd 8 and 13 , IU and 1-1. The bcnolils to bo gamed by Omaha iu having the railroads extend the tlmo for the sale of these tickets are con siderable. First , Because of the free advertisement that wo will get nil over the United States , from thu notices the companion will give reduced rates to Omaha and nlso for the rea son that the traveling public take advantage of Iho roducpd fares as far as this point , and then purchase tickets from hero on to their respective destinations : by this means alone thousands of people will visit Omaha audit Is easy to appreciate the bonclHs to bo ob. talned ; again many business man and others knowing that they are not closely limited in time in purchasing ticKcts can and will visit us during the conventions , who would other wise be kept away. For tbo teachers' convention held bold in Toronto in 1801 , tickets were sold the 8th to the Kith inclusive. Six days for a convention lasting only two weeks , of loui importance than any to ho hold In Omaha. For the Grand Army of thu Kopubliu en campment hold in Detroit from August ild to 8th , lb8I , tlcltots werosold August 1st to-Hli inclusive , four days ; these two instances readily show the unfair treatment wo nro receiving , and something should bo douo nt onto toward Insisting upon our rights. I would suggest the forming of a good strong committed of representative men who should bring the matter bolero the Western States Passenger association Immediately , thiough Mr. Finloy , Its chairman and induce him to extend tlio. time for the sale of tickets to each of tbo conventions. Yours roipentfully , WlI.MAM II. ( JllAHV. ITS FIFTEENTH ANNUAL. Thu Coming Ilininl ol Tr.uln Itxport Will Kfllpxo all I'ruilcriiNKiirii. Secretary Nnson of the Board of Trade 1m ? completed his arduous work of compiling the lifteonth annual report of the trade and com- inerco of Omhn for tbo year ending Decem ber : il , 1891. The advance shoals show that the report covers l'.K ) paos of a neat and well compiled book. Everything perUiMiig to the city in u business way , public instructions , the city government , iu otticnrs , banks , clearances , financial stntUtlcs , educational and charita ble institutions , pork packing industries , stock yards , and every industry imaginable are handled in detail. The business of the banking Institutions i elaborately dwelt upon , and some of tbo leading bunkers nro so well pleased with the compilation of tbolr business that they pronoto to msuo them selves 15,000 copii's of the statement for dis tribution aside from the edition published by tbo chamber of commerce. The report ib one of the most nxhaustlvo overissued by the Hoard of Trade , ami when put into circulation will not only do crou to the city , but will bo very bonetlcial in advertising aud showing the resource * of the city. Klillcnlo ] > rtnt > Him Insane. BKTIII.EIIBM , Pa. , April . ' 50. Uwight T. Carroll , 23 years old , instructor Iu physics in the Lohigli university has boon tnkon to his homo In Wnlllngford , Conn. , suffering from insunity. Carroll wns burlesqued by the stuiicnts nt their minstrel performance which ho recently attended. Ho loft the houto at the time and the affair so preyed uoon his mind that ho became a mono-tnaiiUo on the subject. HIM /.v Giirznrcl TMIcon from .mil nt Nashville nnil Hanged to a llrlilgr. NASiivn.i.n , Tonn. . Aoril 30.At midnight last night a mob of 200 from Goodlottsville attacked the jail for the purpose of tuning out and lynching a negro , Eph Grizzard , who , with Henry Grizzard , already lynched , were supposed to bo the men who outraged the Bruce girls Thursday. The mob attacked tno jail doers with Modgo Hammers , but wore unable to effect an entrance , although they worked several hours at it. Finally Governor Buchanan appeared on the sconu and endeavored to persuade the mob to desist , but without effect. The whole city police force was finally called out nnd charged the mob with clubs. In the light which followed several shots were tired nnd n man named N. S. Guthrie was bhot through the lungs. Ho died sov- ural hours later. Charles Kcar wns nlso shot and seriously wounded during the fuwil- udo. udo.At At last the mob , finding the attack useless , dopaVtod , aaying it would return and accom plish its purpose the next timo. At 'J o'clock this afternoon the mob reassembled sombled on the gqunro , marched to the jail apparently without the Interference of the olllcers , took Grixznrd out , putn ropa nrouiui his nock , led him in a northeasterly direction nnd hanged him to the bridge across tbo Cumberland river in the heart of the cltv. They then riddled tbo body with bullots. Timor. ? ifuit Tin : woitr.iya Oonenil Srhollclil llrlps on Ornrrnl .Miles' .Moduli lor u JUIIUiu-y Inhibit. Cnicvcio , 111. , April UO. General Miles has received a letter from General Schollcld practically granting General Mile ; , ' request for troops nt Chicago during the four days in October when the dedicatory ceremonies of the World's fair occurs. In his communication General Schofluld says : "Tho secretary of war approves the suggestion of the inujor-gcnural commanding Unit the following organisations bo notified thnt It Is probable they will bo called on to take part in the ceremonial , nnd thnt this notification is r.pni now that thev may bo ulTordcd every facility to drill nnd bccomp thoroughly familiar with the new drill regu lations. Cavalry posts , not exceeding a battalion , from the Sixth , Seventh and Ninth regiments , and tbo Fort Lea von worth battalion. Artillery light bittcrles A nnd F of thoHocoml , and F of the Fourth regi ment , Washington bai-rauks ; Q , TlUrd regl- ineut Fort Hamilton ; 1C , First loglmunt. . Fort Adams , Infantry Second , ThlrdSixUj , and Fifteunth nnd Nineteenth infantry , tin- headquarters of the Tenth regiment , and eight companies at Fort Loavouworth. "Thuso troops witn these at Fort Snorl- dan , will number ! i,500 , " .said General Miles , "and In addition there will bo about 0,500 militia from Illinois , Ohio. Kentucky , Iowa and Minnesota. That , will make quite a formidable showing. " firntciH'tiil In Ilu Iliiiiifcrl. CIIIPAOO , III. , April ilO. George U , Palno was today sentenced to bo hung on Juno 24 for the murder of his mlstross , Alice Martin , It is Iho Ural case iu Chicago slnca the exe cution of tbo anarchists In which the death Buntonco has boon given. Painter caused a sensation in court In de manding a private Interview with the Jucli/o , saying ho was afraid to speak publicly. Ills communication was in regard to the' police , and amounted to on accusation that thu evl- iloucu against him had been manufactured , Iinllrtiul thii Archltuct tor MHimluuglitor. CIIIPAOO , III. , April 80.- Architect Emory J. Mills WBS this afternoon indicted for man- eluughtcr. Ilu planned the structure on Plorco Etreot which collapsed recently In a storm , killing a uumbor of people. I tilTcre > l n urcnt tlcnl nml K'H ' no relief until nt Uu nilvlcn of n frleml , I wont to BPO Dr. ( ' lien Wo , tilt Cblne otloi tor of Omnlin 1 look hln motllcino foi two months nml nm completely cuu > < ! I ewe my euro to tinriilnpso doctor nml an tbnnkful to him for It Very truly , A. 0 MOUKL , O.iklinil , Nob. I'OCATKtr.o , Unho , April J , 1803. To Whom It May Concern ; 1 hare boon n constant oulTorcr for eight yonri with n disordered atomnc ! ) , blooil poisoning nnd In- illKCBllon , nnil tried n Kront mnny iloctora nml nma dies , but KOt no liolp. Mycnial rontlilorcil hope- leas. A frlunil nilvlieil me to call on Ir C lieu Wo , which I mailo uu ilelny In ihilnit Tlio ilnotor ovum. Itieil me niul tolil mo ho could euro me. nnil 1 now Bland completely cured , n llvliuUIIOHI to Ml ( treat xklll n n lionli-r of the l ( k n-id nm plenvcd til bo nblo to recommend him to nil nuiTcrlni ; people. AIr. Uli : . STATE EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT Nebraska's Showing at the World's ' Pail Will Bo Creditable. HOW THE WORK WILL BE DIVIDED All Institutions In Tills I.lno Throngliotil tliuHtnlo Will Do till on uu Oppiirtunlty to JMuku u DUpliiy l-'eil- turcH tif the Plan. LINCOLN , Nob. , April flu. [ Special to Tin BF.E. ] The matter of the state educational exhibit at tbo World's fair has been thor < oughly discussed at the mooting of count ) and city superintendents , hold at the btati bouso last evening and today , nnd if the plan decided upon is carried out Nebraska will have no uced of being ashamed of her tlis > play , oven when it Is compared with that ol older and wealthier states. The general plan will bo to divide tbo exhibits into classes iu follows : State institutions , including the Stuto mil versity , normal and industrial schools and institutes for the blind , deaf and dumb and fcnolo minded. Educational instltiUicnH , ether than public , comprising universities , colleges , normal schools , academic1) , business colleges , kinder- uiirtens and parochial schools. Touchers' iiistltutus , showing methods ol conducting , of .study , tronoral char acter , circulars ami announcements. Children's work In both city mid country schools. jiuildlnga and apparatus , to bo shown by | ) lioto/fiitis | ol school buildings , both exter ior and interior , with plans and descriptions. Stale onico , comprising photographs ol prominent educators of the state , reports , circulars and literature. The matter of expense will be the greatest difllcully to surmount. The state coirnnls- Hioii has appropriated butlr > 00 , with the uu- uorstandlng that this amount Is to bo used for defraying the expenses of preliminary work. The commission will rocomuioud a Itirthcr appropriation : but it is the opltion o ( those interested In the matter that It will ha advisable to undertake to raise a fund out- siilo. The Kansas plan of bollclting penny subsLript'onii from school children has been considered nnd may bo adopted. I'lilirn i'nhii ArciHul , The pollfo muddle paused two weeks ago by tliu action of the cxcisiu bonril in removing Chief of Police Dlnges and tliu police forca of the clly and appointing tin entirely new force la in a fair ivuy 10 bo sullied by Mon day morning. Judge Tibbots beard llio ar guments in the injunction case Instltitutod bv F , H. ICImball to restrain Uhlur Dinnes and his oltlfcri from interrering with Chief Otto mid the now members of the force mid look the matter uniitir advisement , saying that ho would probably hand down an opin ion Monday , ( ioitslp nt Hid SI lit n HIIUHO , John K. Altchlson of Omaha , sectotary ot the National Compotitlvo Drill association , was at the Btato boubo today in company wilu Colonel Joss 1C. ( Jlck of ( .inventor JJoyd'a staff. Mr. AHchlson Is in Lincoln connected with the national oncampmciit of the a < ioclatlon , which takes place in Ouiuha in Juno. ( Jolontil ( lliclt called upou ( jov- ornor Jioyd in acknowledge in person his re cent appointment ou his oxcelloucy'-i staff. The petition in error in the cuso of Hlchurd II , Lyrner , receiver of the Oily National ban' ; of Hastingb , luialnst the United States National bank of Omaha , was tiled with thu clerK of the eupremo court today. 9- Snortnulos& cyo glasses lUttid AprounJ to suit the Bi'ht , on short notiuo nt A lot & I'onfold Co. , l tdoor bouth of 1' , O. Cllltllgll < lf I.INT , CiiirM.o , 111. , April 30.Alf. . Dayman hm rosigucd as manager of tbo Columbia luoatcr to become nmiiagor of Charles I'Vohumn'i company , with hoadijuartors Iu New York. llustnn JeHlcfIt : U ousy for tlio small I/or to "inulfo n ulimn liriMtHt of It , " but the tub cotuea when you want him to wash lib uocU.g