THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY. MAY 1. 1892-TWENTY PAGES WEEK OF PRETTY WEDDINGS Social Skies Brightening as the Days Grow Long. MOVEMENTS OF WELL KNOWN PEOPLE Cotillon nt tlin OnrrHon fnnl 1'nrtlr * mid JJIrtlidny AfTnlrsVlint tliodny World 1 omul tn Do In Ilio Weak .luat Knilvd , Society braced up a llttln the pnit week , Iho cotillon at iho fort , the visitor the ( Hoc and Dnnjo clubs of the University of Mlclti' gan nnd sovornl weddings , bualdws a number of card parties , gave social pcoplo nn oppor tunity to tiir tholr best clothes. Slnco Enstor the beau tnondo has bcoti oh , so dull that ono has often Imagined If such a thing ns society existed nt all. It Is fair to presume - sumo that brides and grooms , the pretty bridesmaids , the haughty ushers , the well fed pnrsons , the highly paid milliners and florists each gave thaiilts the past week ac cording to the benefit , that accrued to him or bar. bar.For For uous mitre ? , wo who nro neither fish nor lloah nor peed rod herring , neither proem * nor brides nor niRh priced trades men tlnd that a superfluity of weddings puts a check upon all other social nrnoiiltles. Mora than ever is the f nut apparent that wo liovo no longer au after Easter season , and only the presence of the cloth in largo num bers In our city today save * iho bottom from dropping out of everything social , * It has become quite a popular fad in east ern clues to give Sunday afternoon teas. Wo all know there is a certain quietude per vading tho. Sabbath , whloh none wish to Ignore , yet after church there is nothing to do but drive , which Is not good taste , or punish ourselves by utter seclusion. It is not beyond the province of decorous conduct to keep open house for one's gentlemen friends on this day. so why not Inaugurate the pretty custom of being hospitable at this time. Men nro usually busy all week , aid touk on Sundays to go to the homo of the vorv most congenial friend , so why not plvo thorn an added pleasure , by a suggestion of homo llfo. in serving them a light lunch , a fragrant cup of ten , nnd you'vo no Idea what u blessing in disguise you bestow upon your bachelor friends who know not the sweets of doniflstlcity. This gracious treatment will always roault in n BUbtloand Indefinable Influence , nnd you wilt find that you nro Instilling the fund- nmontnl principles of the love of homo la some man who aomo day xvill maUo a better husband for sotno dour girl by this Inltlatlvo education. Try it girls. Temperance doc trines arc good , but nothing lirto practical demonstration of mild beverage- ) dispensed by the fair hands of n sweet , wlnsomo girl in dainty egg shell cups , to accomplish that in- lluonco which ono must possess to achlovo doslrod results. * * * "I had rather n unique experience the first year I was In society , " said a San Francisco Kirl , "for i 'catno out' In Now York , Berlin , and afterwards in London ; and lam obliged to say that I found moro kindliness and real courtesy in Uunnany than anywhere else , although many of the customs struck mo as very curious. A stranger in oiihor Londoner or Now York has a hard tlmo of it in society unless she is exceptionally gifted with beauty or money ; but in Germany every ono is at least welcomed with cordiality , and the habit of universal introductions puts ono at cue's ease at once. Coming straight from Now York , where 1 must confess I had boon re ceived , if not with rudeness at least with the most uncomplimentary indifference , the con trast was most striking. The evening after my arrival I attended a Ilttlo gathering whore there was some danc ing and moro conversation , and to my surprise nnd gratification every man In the room asked to bo presented to mo. This was Indeed a pleasant change from New York , where I have felt myself forlorn and an alien , and I was none the less pleased with the kindly young ofloors [ to loam that thcso marks of civility were not personal nt all , being merely the usual way of welcoming a stranger. "Somo of the Gorman ways , however , ( truck ii.c , as I have said , as being vary queer indeed. I never quito became recon ciled to the habit of hand Kissing. At first It eave mo quite a shock when , after a din ner party , the man who took mo in to dinner escorted me to the door nnd with a low bow nnd a 'Gospgnote Mahlzolt Gnndlgsto , ' 'A blessed meal , most gracious one , ' Kissed my hand. I nm told that this formality is gener ally omitted now , but several years ago it was quite universal but the hand kiss ing still continues I believe for part ings and greetings , and so on , ad libitum. A delightful little custom in Ger many which Is becoming moro or loss preva lent ever hero now is that instead of havine supper spread in ono room where everyone is supposed to go in solemn procession , a posse of waiters bring in numerous small tables which ara unfolded ana placed in all the rooms tor the guests , each ono being ar ranged comfortably with plates , forks , icuivos , etc. In short all that Is needed. This Is a great impro'omont ever our fashion of holding our plates in our laps and putting our champagne glasses on the floor , In Ger many , by the way , no girl over gets 'stuck' ( horrid word ) , a cirl being returned , to her chaporonu directly after a dance as a matter of course. The said dance belongs to the man who has engaged it , nnd anyone who bogs for nn 'extra tour' must ask the gentleman - man , not the lady , which always scorned tome mo rather odd. " IIITH mid Oliirk .Murrlaso. Thursday evening , April 'Jl , nt 8 o'clock , occurred the marriage of Miss Sadie Clarif , daughter of Mr. aud Mr * . J. W. Clark , to Mr. John W. Ivors nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs , .lohn Dale , Ui'11 Park avenue , Hov. G. W. Brown of Hnnscom Park Methodist Episcopal church officiating. The bride looked very pretty in a crown of whlto silk crepe trimmed with natural pink rose buds. Miss Emily Foster attended the bride and Mr. Frank King aotod as best man. After the ceremony refreshments were served. The house was very prettily decorated ; the bridal party standing under n floral bow and arrow , A largo number of friends were present nnd many hnndsomo presents received bore evidence of the high esteem in which the young pcoplo were hold. The following is n list of the Invited guests : Mr. Frank Barker , Saratoga , Wyo. ; Mr. nnd Mrs. M. K Fohs , Mr , nnd Mrs. J. W. Ivors , Miss Itojo Ivors , Mr , Sherman Ivors , Mr. and Mrs. U. K. Powers , Or. and Mrs. F. HalleU. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. W. Otis , Mr. and Mrs 1 , A Footo , Mrs. Martha Powers , Mrs. A. G. Thornton , Miss Francis Stuart , Miss Dora Johnnton , Ked Ouk , la. ; Mr , nnd Airs. L. U. Juquith , Mr. nnd Mrs. Calvin Whit- comb , Minion , la , ; Mr. und Mrs. Joel Whit- conib , Mr. and Mrs. John Whllcomb , Mr. Walter Whllcomb , Bngloy , la. ; Kov. and Mrs. J , B , Worrall , Kcottuk , la. ; Mr , and Mrs. Slider , Corning , la. ; Mr. Carl Siglcr , Corning. In , ; Mr. nnd Mrs. K. Pelts , Mr. and MM. O , Wliltcomb , Mr , Walter H. Dale , Chicago , 111. ! Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Johiihon , Cincinnati , O. ; Mr * . Charlotte Johnson , College Hill , O. ; Miss Lucy John son , Columbus , O. ; Miss Lillian ( illnn , Phil adelphia. Pa. ; Miss S. E. Eddy , Fort Collins , Cole , , Dr. und Mrs. S , H. Way , Mrs. J. H. Way , Dr. and Mrs. W. E , Scon'oy , Mrs. A. B. Chapman nnd son , Mr. und Mrs. J. Black- itono , Kdiikakco , III. ; Mr , and Alrt. A. E. Uortby , Sheldon , 111 , ; Mr. mid Mrs. A. Itav- mond. Fondu , WIs. ; Mrs. A. M , Nog- Hlo.Watortown , S , D , : Mr. and Mrs. Backus. " Miss Lu Blackburn , Genoa , Nob. ; Miss Jon- ola Blackburn. Hastings , Neb. , Miss E.Kane , Ishpomlng , Mich. ; Mr. Andrew Dorr , Miss Mnry Pulllan. Mr. Henry Fiolncr. Mr. James Andrews , Alias Eno Clothier , Miss Josle Smith , Genoa , Nob. ; Air , and Mrs. W. U. Mason , Mr. nnd Mrs , E. L. Howe , Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Brown , Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Kln < j. Dr. nnd Mrs. C. F. Clark , Mr. and Mr * . F. Phllleo. Mr. and Mrs. C. Casiwoll , Mr. and Mrs. Motzel , Mr , and Mrs. UV. . Mills , Mr. und Mrs. S. M. Lindsay , Mr , and Mrs. E. ( J. Dill. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Chaffoe , Mr. and Mrs A. O. Foster , Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Waggoner , Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Kennedy , Mr , nna Mrs. E. Price , Mr. nud Mrs. W , C. Blackburn , Mr. uud Mrs. John Dale , Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dale , Mr. nud Mrs. A. B. Dale , , Mr. L. U. Dnle , Mr , F. B. Dale , Miss Laura nd Martto Dale , Master Paul Dale , Mrs. E. P. Lewis. Mrs. li. H. Johnson , Miss Helen -Johnson , Mr. nud Mrs. J , W. Clark , Hiss Eiviso Clark , Mrt , fl , F. Curtis , Miss.cs Oraco Waeoncr , Grace Packard , Edith Pack ard , /ndto Packard , Aland Packard , Joslo Cionch , Emma Uosklo , Joslo Hosklo , Emma Foster , Anco Cowlcs , NclIIo Frailer , Eva Frazler , Jennlo Boyle , Hattlo Inrorsol , Maud Lnndaryon , Mrs , ICato Cahlll , Flossie Joh'isoh. Messrs. Hubert JRqulth , Will Iledjrwlck , John Hodgwlck. Charley Lander- yon , Kobcrt Lnndcryon , will Stevens , Al Stevens , A. H. Wagner , F , .1. Klnif , J. C. Ani3ur on , Jntnos Blackburn , Campbell Boy'.o , Frank Ingerioll , Miss Ada Landcryon. Tlin Cotillon lit rorToitmlm. Socially the event of Iho xvcok nnd the post Easter period was the cotillon at the garri son Wednesday evening. The post bop room was beautifully decorated with flags nnd ttio stngo temporarily turned Into a rocoptlou room , where Mrs. General Whonton , srou to taxo her Icnvo from Omahn , iccclvod the puosls , assisted by Mrs. Pnrku nnd Mrs. Worth. Mrs * Whonton wns beautifully cos tumed In whlto sllK nnu lace ; Mrs , Parke were a handsome gown of sapphire blue silk covered with black lace ; Mrs. Worth was charming In a gown of yellow sllK , cnlraltio , trimmed with point d'alencon laco. Later the favor tables were presided over by Mrs. Who'Uon , Mrs. Pnrko , Mrs. Wright aud Mr . Fox. Under the Inspiring strains of the Second tlcgitnent band , Lieutenant Plpur .lead the gcrmiin , Droving himself n most experienced director of the cotillion , six dlroot and tnreo Indirect ilgurcs being danced. Among ihoso who danced were : General nnd Mr . Brooke , Major nnd Mrs. Worth , Captain and Mrs. Sponccr , Mrs. Dr. Brown , Captain Osgood , Captain Crowdor , Captain Turner , Lleuton- ant and Mrs. Aborcromblo , Lieutenant and Mrs. Pickering , Lieutenant nnd Mrs , Vuu Lieu , Llouteuaiit i.nd MM. Webster , Mrs. Ulcks , MM. Spencer. Lieutenant and Alra. Mnllorv , Captain und Mrs. Dornpsey.Cautaln ' Ktnzlo , Lieutenant nnd MM. Plpur. M'lssts Waring , Nightingale , Hourdmnn , lliilllday , Cretghtoti. Osgood , Swltlng , McCllutock , Ooiuic , Wnkoloy , McCora. Curtis , McClel land , Bacho. Messrs. McDougnl , Hutu , Bnldrldgo , Doauo , Gulou , Whitman , Hlnes , Bookmtilor , Powell , Arrawsmlth , Host , White , Heed , Jordan , Patrick , Bacho. Wil son , Berlin , Lieutenant Wilson , Wrlijht , The Daly mill Mount \ViMldmg. Ono of the prettiest early sprlug weddings took place Thursday morning at St. IJarua- bas1 church , the contracting parties being Mr. Joseph Daly and Miss Bottle C. Mount , two of Omaha's most popular young folk ? . Precisely at 8 o'clock the bridal party walked up the alslo to the delightful strains or the wedding march from "Lohengrin , " pluyod by Mr. East. The services were of the most impressive nature. After the benediction the brldo and groom received commun ion. Huv. Father Williams , assisted by Dean Gardner , then performed the mar- rmco ceremony Kuthwal McEwon , nn S- year-old nephew of the brldo , acted as boat man. The bride were n nnvy blue SIK trav eling dross aud curried n boautltul bcquctof white roses. The church wns beautifully decorated for the occasion ; the nltnr was ouo mass of burning tapers nnd sweet smelling' flowers , annun ciation lilies being In the predominance. The choir wasuudertho direction of Mr. East , nud rendered Kobal's wedding hymn und the communion service from Woodward. The church wns crowded to Its utmost ca pacity by the relatives and mends of tbe brldo and proom. After the ceremony an impromptu reception was hold in the rectory , nnd nt 9 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Daly left over the Missouri Pacific for nn extended trio through the southern states and Mexico. rnrowoll from tlio Officers. Thursday morning Iho oflicors of the Second end United States Infantry presented their late colonel , now brigadier general , Frank Wheaton , with a silver punch bowl as n memorial of their regard for him as a soldier. a friend and a man. Shortly after guard mounting the band look up its position in front of General Whoaton'squarters und im mediately afterwards the officers of the ropi- ment in full uniform tiled out of the head quarters budding ana proceeded to the gen- oral's houso. Thov wore mot at the door by General and Mra. Wheaton. The house was crowded with the ladles of the garrison nnd their cuests. After the handshakings aud congratulations had somewhat subsided , Major Worth , Second infantry , addressed the general as follows : "General , 1 have boon requested by thy ofllcers of the regiment to present - sent this punch bowl to you as a token of thnir regard and uilcction. Kcgrettlng , as wo do , the separation nftur so many years of service together , wo at the same time are de lighted that your service has ut last boon recognized by your promotion to bo a briga dier general. Wo wist ) you health and hno- pir.css in your now command. I , lor one , general , fool sure that if any of the old Second end should ever como near your now head quarters , tais punch bowl will bo kept well 111 led.1 General Wbeaton , who wan much over come , apoko briefly in reply , staling that it was Impossible for him to express his thanks or feelings on such an occasion , but that bo would writu the ofllcors in the near future and was confident that they understood why ho could not reply at such a time. The punch bowl is an exceedingly hand * some piece of repousso silver , engraved as follows : FRANK WIIBATON. From the Officers of the Second II. S. Infantry April 18 , 1892. Among thojo present were Colonel nnd Mrs. Pnrko , Major nnd Mrs. Worth. Cuptnin and Mrs. Kollur , Captain and Mrs. Dompbcv , Captain and Mrs. Waring. Miss Waring , Lieutenant and Mrs. Webster , Captain aud Mrs. Sarsoii , Mrs. Porter , Miss McClelland , Captain und Mrs. Ullo , Lieutenant und Airs. Pickering , Lieutenant und M s. Mallory , Lioulenunt Piper und Mrs. Piper , Dr. and Mrs. Halllduy , Miss Hallulay. Dr. and Mrs. Spencer , Mrs. Wicks , Mrs. Spencer , Major nnd Mrs. Worth. Mrs > . Andrews' . Miss Night ingale , Miss Boardman , Mrs. Fox , Captain Klnzle , Miss Swit/lir. Lloulununt. Arri- smith , Lleutonnnt Whitman , Lieutenant Wiight , Lieutenants Bookmillcr , Wilklns , Powell , lllnos , Mr. Boyle of ICeurnoy , Cap tain nnd Mrs. Turner , Lieutenant and Mrs. Van Llow. C'nlnliriitoil I In:1 Illrtliduy. Janet Eunice Iloirers , daughter of Mr. and Mrs , Tom Itogor.i , oolobrntod her tenth anni versary Thursday from to 8 p. ra. nt her homo , ll'M Park avenue. AU .sorts of games were played nnd the Ilttlo pcoplo had u very happy and thoroughly cnjoyublo tlmo. AftoV games uatno danolng to the music of the Mandolin club , which added not a llttln to iho pleasure of the occasion. Mr.i , Kovor.s was assiduous in assisting her daughter to properly entertain the guests who were ; Mabel Hudson , Cecilia Fin-roll. Fanny Cole , Louise Motz , Helen Cutty. Mildred Lomax , Anna Shivorielr , Bessiu Cooley , Ella May Brown , ICtlzaboth MrConnoll , Ethel Wlli-ox , Marion Council , Ilnrcl Connell , Janet Taylor , Adele Mooros , Josophlno Drake , Clarem-o Thurston , Louis Nash , Fred Nnsh. Ned Wil liams , Danny Duniiu , Vernon Lee , Oilln Mackey , Loren Drake , Guorgo Prltchot , L.iwronco Guylor , Fred Hamilton , Grace Thurston , Jean Thurston , Lily Bamford , Hortanso Clark , Mary McShano , Joiun o U'akellcld , Essie 1 ionise , Lulu Boyd , liesslo Boyd , Bcssio BraUy , Blanch Kbtnbrook. Murgucrlto Pritchott. Munso Taylor , Minnie tJchrotor , Lily Moore , Heed Hancliott , Arthur Hartman , Hurry Carter , Hobort Morse , Lee McShano , Chnrlcn MorsniMi , Curtis Lu ? , Janios Godfrey , Hey Wood. Charles Sulvorick , Billy Shivcrtck , Lulu Poycko , Mnno CofTmun. Koso Coffmnn. HipoIIanchutt , KutliunmiO'Donuhoo , Mnbc ! Carter. Gertrude Goodrich , Florence Gilmore - more , Margurot Wood , Mamlo Holilrceo , Bcsdie Holdrcco , Grace Tayjor , Myrn Wood , Louise Miles , Wolr CafTman , Edwin Gilmore , Louis Claric , Jean Whinnery , Hohert Mors- man , Hobert Lee , Harvey Clayton , Max Coo , Dean Cady , Hex Morohouse. intitrtiilii4 : > il l > y'riuTTFT'rleiicU. Last Tuesday nvoulni ; at the homo of Mr , and Mrs. J , J , Epeuolor , 40 JI Izard street , the young ladies of the J , U , G , Leap Year club ngaln ontortalned their gentlemen friends. It was the last party of the season nnd thoyouiif { ladles spared no-pains to maUu it a great success and for which they dcsorvo a great dual of credit. The tuterlor of the house was boitutlful ! ; decorated with flowers. In ono corner of the * drawing room stood a feunullful cut plnss punch bowl embedded in smllax and roses from which delicious lemonade wai served during the evening , There were nlno tables , Mr , F. M. Doach won iho gentle man's first prize , an elegant silver paper kutfo. Miss Hattlo Epoctotor won luo The one store in the great west where the rich and the poor alike find the best for the money in every article of common need. PLUMP BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS. New spring styles in all wool serges , SOc yard. Frosli til-rival of 10-inoli wire stripes , gray and blue Rj-ny olTuots , etc. , 65c yard. Late snt'ing-styles in Wedge U'alc Serges. Crocodile Jlttxdtrcs. Heather Mixtures. Chevrons. Oievcils. Whip Cords. Camels Hair. The Grandest Aggregation of MliDIUM AND LOW I'RICliD DRUSS GOODS Ever shown in any great city , cast or west. Send for samples if you can't come. OFFERINGS IN Fast Black 15c pr Fast Black 25c pi- Fast Black 35c pr Fast Black 40c pr Fast Black 50c pr Fast Black 65c pr Fast Black 75c pr RELIABLE. Fast Black $1 $ prOc WE ABB SOLE AGENTS FOR THB WEST. AFOR.QELR Oc ) FOR A PAIR. YAKUR. 'A PAIR. A genuine French l.isle FAST HLAlK Iliirh Spliced Heel and Toe Worth Special Price in all for a Fairness , Few Days , 750 pair. SOc. Second Floor. Mail Orders Filled Tilt Thursday. We keep constantly in stouk OUT SIZKS in till our best qualities of Hosiery for the accommodation of stout ladies. SILK Wo are without doubt honuqutirtors for line Unaoi-vvoat- Hosiery. All Silk Hosiery , $1 , $1.25 and $1.5O a pair. MENS' WEAR. ' at 50c , The $1 styles and quality you will meet with elsewhere in Silld Tecks and Scarfs. New and exquisite styles. Only SOc Each. at 50c , The sort for which you have been in the habit of paying $ i. 400 Styles to Select From. Only SOc Each. MEN'S WINDSOR TIES FOK Neglige Shirts , Only lL3o mid 50e , worth COo und S.1.00. Full Dress Bows lOc , 15c , 25c. Unlaunclcred Shirts , SOc , worth 75c. Better ones , 75c , worth more. Wamsutta Mills Muslin Shirts , St.oo. Send Mail Orders. Send for Our tow jfc Catalogue , Mailed Free. a < ies' ! first prize , a beautiful hand-painted cbhm cup and saucer. Alter the Barrio ro- rroshinoiits wory served aud the remainder of the oveniiiK spent in dancing Those iresent wore : Misses tVarintr , 1'armnr , Ambrose , Foster , Stevens. Einma .fones , liva Jones. BromB , Klttio Eponoter , Selma Eponeter , Lena Seaton. Anna oeaton , Van Horn , McCuraber , Avers , Wood , Cora Wood , Peroio Stuart , Barlha Stuart. Mossi-a. li. Hodendare , H. Taylor. BrocUman , F. Paliner , W. L. Jones , G. F. Eponeter , E. lolmson. Knuusc , Buach , Youst. L. Jonos. Bovollo , FuUnaer. Bert Suepard , Gulor , Sliinn , Scnaeffor , Vickers , Oasper , Bert Porterfiold. A licautlliil April Wedding. Ono ot most notable events of the pist- Lenten season was the marriage of Mr. J. Hail Howell , the son of S. J. Howell , the well known coal merchant of Omaha , to Mis-5 Hat tlo Vaughnn , the daughter of Mr. WllHatn Vjuptmn , formerly of Montreal Long bofuro iho hour appointed for the cordmony the besiutlful church of All Snlnts was tilled with a biilliaut company of friends of both parties , Windsor place especially , the homo of the bridal pair , attending en I11OS30. A tow minutes past the hour the low , soft brcathiuK tonns of the organ changed to n trlumnnul strain as the Volvos of the boy oholr were hoard in the dlstance.sinKintr fora processional the marriatru hymn of the ser vice. Immediately lollowiiiK the choir and the rector came the bridal party , the tiiher.s , Messrs. Georfro Vaushun and Horace W. Henderson leading. Ttioy were followed by tlio bride's iLulds , Miss Marion ilundorson , in pale blue , and Lou Hundorrion , In cream colored mull , each carryingbunchoj of lovely plnlc rosos. After these uamo the maid of honor , Miss Uwomlolino I'jvans.alsom cream silk mull , iicnrliiu a couijuet of exquisite cream roses. The brltlo , a beautiful blonde , followed , leaning upon the nrm of her father , aud Mrs. VauKhan. escorted by Ir. Taylor , ono of tlio ushoM , closed the orocossion. The groom , attended by bis best man , Mr. Will Vau han , stnppcd to the altar and the Huv. Mr. Macltay performed the solemn and impres sive marriage survlco of the UpUcopal churoh. The brldo were a heavy white sillr , untrainc , nnd In her hand she carried a whlto prayer book. A reception at tbo homo of the bride's parents followed , and for two hours the par lors wera thronccd with guests. Kofresh- monti were servnd by a well known catoror. The bride and groom wens the recipients of numerous costlv and beautiful presents After congratulation * and hearty good wishes the happy pair , amid a showar of rice , departed for a tour in the oast. They will bo ut homo tn their friends nftor Juno 1 nt their now residence on Thirty-aixlli street. Amone thosu present at the reception worui Kov. and Mrs. Maokay , Mr. and Mr.s. Ponncll , Mr. nm ! .Ml' ? , Mirshall , Judge and Mrs. Langdon , Mr. nnd Mr * . 1C. Howctl , Mr. ana Airs. Jos , h , Pr , und Mra. Hen- der.son , Mr. and Mis. MooonoyMr. nnd Mrs. Bangs , Mr. and Mrs , HHSS , Mr. and Mrs. Evans , Mr. nnd Mrs. McCov , Mr , nnd Mrs. Kroldlor , Mr. and Mrs. Holdon , Mr. and Mrs. Motcalf , Mr. nnd Mrs. Blackburn , Mr. and Mrs. Dill. Mr. and MM , ] 'ricc < , Mr , and Mrs. F. Chirk , Mrs. J. L. Stone , Mrs. Sarah K. Pratt , Mrs. JMontmoroncy , Mrs. Willard , Mrs , J. liar- , low Koi-nolds , Mrs. W. P. Campbell , Mrs. C. W , Canllold , Mis. S. B. Brunei- , Mrs , V. O. Megeath , Misses Bella Howell , Amy Howell , Edna Hoivell , Faunlo i'ratt , Huso Lane , Susie Hun teen , Kdlth Waterman , ( Jraco Vandorvoort , NollloUundull.Charlntto Waterman , Myra McClelland , Edna William * , ilajorlo Montmoroncy , Ada AI. Stone , Lillian Bruner , Katharine Drake , Florence Wlllnrd , Abulo I Holmes , Sadie Kcllv , Emllv Foster , Elva Fisher , Blanche Van liureti , Hclon H. Van liuren , Lillian Mackuy , Mcjurs. Wil- lard , fciwollzer , Mogoath , H. W. llowell , Mel- H. Hourncr , Jumes C Boylo. 10. U. U roc lie , W. S. Stone , D. H. Haitie. Dlnril III" C'ollcKliuis. . Tuesday evening was ijulto n red-lettor event in the history of the resident alumni of the Michigan university duu to the visit of too Ciloo and Baujo club ot their alma matur. After the concert of the club at Ex position hull the visiting collogluns and their friends \\ori > entertained at the Omaha club by the uiumni and a nutiibur of well known coUopu men. Luncheon was nerved tn the inumut'rs of the two clubs , und after wards came songs and college airs until \ midnight , when the Ann Arbor bovs | loft on their special tram for Kansas ] City. Among tuoso whn nssistnd in entertaining them were : Mr. E. M. Mora- man | , piosidcnt of the Paollio Express com pany. who-.o sou is in Ann Arbor nt present ; Mr. C. E. Yost , president of the Telonhono companv. who graduated from the Univor- sltv of Mionigan , as ho expressed it "before thesB kills were born , " in other words in 'flit Mr. Robert Patrick and Mr. John Patrick , under whoso direction the feast was spread , assisted by Mr. Frank Hamilton of the club. There wore nlso Messrs Nothorton Hall , Crofoot. Lander , Cliipp , Flschor.Wlll Doauo , Gulou. L. P. Funkhousor , Wilson. Baxter , F. L. Weaver. Dr. Crummer. Dr. Bailay , W. M. Gilder , E. StoDger , .f. JJ , Shcoan and J. W. Houdcr. Tlio Itrlfif mid Scott N'uptlaln. At the residence of the bride's parents , l. > 12 Douglas street , the marriage of Mlas Helen Scott to Winfred A. Krieg was solemn- ucd nt half-past 7 , Her. Mr. Crane officiating. Only the intimate friends of the family were invited to witness the wedding. The brldo was gowned In a lieavv white boil- fordcord silk trimmed daintily in lace nnd carried a bountiful bouquet of bridal roses. Immediately after the ceremony and con gratulations were ever an elaborate supper was served in the dining room , tbo pretty brldo cutting nor own wedding cnko. The presents were numerous nnd handsome , con spicuous nmnig thorn being a silver tea sur vlco. vlco.Tno Tno newly married cnuplo loft on the Hur- lincton Fiver for a couple of wcolcs sight seeing in Chicago , nftor which they will re turn to Omaha. Miivouit'iits Unround 'I'Jirri * . Mr. Nothorton Hall returned Tuesday. Mr. Clitford Smith 1ms returned from Cali fornia. Miss Nash arrived homo from St. Louis on Tuesday. Mr. Augustus ICountza arrived homo on Thursday. Judge Lee S. Estollo has returned from Now York. Miss Orchard baa fully recovered from her recent illness. Mrs. Lynian Richardson returns today from the south. Miss Simpson is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garno'iu , Mi's. Dompsov of Fort Omaha has returned from Philadelphia. Major McCIlntock arrived in Omaha from Oklahoma last wectf.1 ' Major Bciilmm lotuincd from Hot Springs , Ark. , on Wednesday. Colonel Hughes bus tauon apartments nt the Bachelor QunrLcrs , , Lieutenant and Mrs. Truitt loft for Kin. porla , Kan. , last nlgliU , Mrs. W , B. Stouo. of Chicago Is visiting her sister , Mrs. H. B. I'onttio. Mrs , S. D. Haruainw went to Now York Monday to bo nbsTi't'tliree wenks. Mr. and Mrs. M. ( j.-i'orklns ' have removed from Council IJIuflrf'tf'1110 | Nelson street. Miss English expect ? , to leave tbo last of this week for Her hog jjiii Columbus , Ohio. Mra. McMlllun Ie4ro > this evening for CaU ifornia , where she will-spend too summer , Dw. J. A. and CieoiV" Koeder left for Chicago cage to take a post giMduato courjo in modi- cino. PI in. Miss Marklinm of Si Louis will bo the guoit of Miss Mary Poppluion during this mouth , Mr. and MrV , H. Morris hava taken Mr. Mcduy's house on Park avenue for the summer , Mrs. Harold F , Saylc.s and daughter ar rived yesterday iUMoud | two weeks with Mr. and AIM. Casper Yost. Mr. Ed Suainp. train dispatcher of tbo St. Paul , and hit wife , are viting ! Mr. Shnmp1 * mother , Mrs. A. Boardsley of this city. Mrs. Victor Caldwull went cast Monday to meet Air. Caluwcll on hU ruturn from aoroad. They uro expocu'd about the 1 Ith , Mrs. Hunting mid Mn , Arthur Hunting of Newton , Mass. , who nave ULVII tlio guests of Mr. aud Mr * . A. B. Smith will leave to- duy. duy.Mr. Mr. William Gleasoti of Syracuse , N. Y. , father of Mrs. Irving F. Baxter of thi city , arrived In Omaha yc terduy to attend the Maltiudlft conference. Mr. and Mis. Kllpatrick aud daughter leave Omaha for New York , May 20 , from wneco they sail for Europe by steamship Frlsland , May 23. The engagement is announced of Miss Edith Hobart of North Villa , Mount Vornor. . N. Y. , to Mr. E' . II. Uobertsou , formerly of Brooklyn , now of Omiiha. Miss Emma Meedol , n society young belle of Columbus , Nob. , has returned home after u very pleasant visit of two wcoits with friends and relatives. Mrs. T. G. Sanders , who has been "visiting her husband In Council Bluffs , has returned to her homo in Canada. Mr. Sanders nlso intends to return there soon. Mra CurtlssTurner , Mr. Harrv Carton and Mr. Caldwell Hamilton loft last'oveninp for Now Yorx and will sail cm the Umbrianoxt Saturday for their summer outing In Europe. The Lyceum club will give a May party on Monday evening at Lyceum bull at Twei.ty- fourth street and the Elkhorn railway tracus. Louis Littlofleld is master of core- monies. Air. Benjamin Smith and AIiss Smith re turned to Omaha Sunday and aront thoAlod- ison. .Mrs. Smith spent Sunday as the guest of her sister at Lincoln , arriving in Omahu Alondav noon. Air. Hcjury A. Taylor of Omaha made n great hit in the society circles of Council Bluffs Alondny Rvening nsCluudoAlelnottoin "Tho Lady of Lvons , " with Aliss Edwards of Chicago < is > Pauline. There arj many in Omaha and at Fort Omaha who will miss the cenial fnco of Lieutenant Powell when ho takes his dopart- urn for his now post , ilo is to bo on General Whcaton's staff. Alnjor Paddock takes a party to Oalltorula in a special car In the near futuro. Airs. Pnddoci : , Air. ami Alr-s. Lynian Klcliardson , AIiss Summers , nnd Air. A. U. Wyman ate among thnso who will go. Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Shrivor of Joloytown , Pa. , nro In the city for the purpose of visit ing their bon , Air. W. G. Shriver nnd taking in the Alothoilist Episcopal conference. Airs. Corinno AJooro-Lawson , the .soprano , will give a song recital under the auspices of the Uadles1 Musical society May 111 at trio Lininger gallery. This will bir the llnal ro- citul of the Ladies' Aluslcal society for this season. Allss Llzzlo Gerber , n pleasant and charmIng - Ing young lady of Columbus , Nob. , Is visitIng - Ing friends and old assoclatios in Omaha and during her stay is tno guest of Airs. Bernard Kolators , lllli North Eighteenth streot. The Friends Social club will give n Alay party Thursday evening , Alay ! > , at Wash ington hall. The commlltoo having iho ar rangements In chnr o is composed of Geortio 1Grigg , A. C. Kuglo , W. E. Stocuham and J. / . lllssom. Wednoiday oveningsomo fifteen or twenty couples , friends of Alias Melson gathered at her hout > olUO South Twenty-seventh streetln honor of her ruturn after an absence of three months nnd had a very enjoyable time , Tnuy danced , played cards und partook of lofrcshments. Mr. Walter B. Wilklns , whllo In Denver last Sundav , saug ut St. Mark's Episcopal church , "if with All Your Hearts'1 and in consi-quonco bud two church positions offered him within twenty-four hour4 , either ono paying twlco ns much ub his picsout salary with Trinity , Itathbuu's business oollogo hun lately re moved to Goodrich hall , coruor Twenty- fourth and Hamilton streets , and In honor of the occasion tliu students und ox-students held a social and banquet on Friday evening , April -2. About ! MO were present , many coming from a distance. A very ouloyablo time was had. Airs. Ducho entertained delightfully on Thursday. The o present woros Alra. John Brooke. "Alra. Wheaton , Airs. Ayrcs , Airs. Fox , Airs. Benhom , Airs , Worth , Mrs. Andrews - drews , Mr.s. Sboridan. MM. Dale , Airs. Sumniora , Miss Summers , Aim , Wordcn , Airs. Piper , Airs. Spencer , Alra. Bradley , Mrs. Parko and MM. Bird , Air. and Aln. Baron W. Klloy loft yester day for Now York preparatory to sall-ng unit Wednesday for Liverpool on the steam ship City of i'flris , Mr. Kitey having been called to his homo in LoamliiKton spa , County Warwickshire , England , on account of the serious illuoss of hli fathor. Mr. and Mr.s Kiloy will b. ) tone aliou' , three months. t Alls. J. T. Cl rk , Aliss May Agnes Clark a no ; Air. H. B. Itono ) will given concert , at iho First Congregational church Tuesday evening. AIM. Clark and bar daughter , Aliss Clark , arc wull Unuwn to Ouiubu people , buv- Men's Sox. Finn sonmloss fnst blnok , Ific pivir. hnportud IVouoh double heel ntul totSi * > c. Vine I'Vottch cotton , link slUtih , U3o pair. llonvy Knitted cotton aox , sonmlcsg , lOL-pnir. Kino joatnlcss" " biilbrlnnan sox 12iu pair. Men's ' Neglige Shirts. Kanoy dninots o'1 ' zephyr cloth , COO' I-' blade Kngllsh natino , 31. l''aiicy Maih'jis cloth , Jl , A Car Load of Hassocks , All Ne\v. \ Brussels , Velvets and Moquots. New Shapes. 3Bc Each. Mattings for the Many. Specially attractive prices for this \veolc on now mattings , now carpetsnow ruus , now linoleums , now art squares and druRgotta. Send mail orders. It is as safe and as pleasant to shop hy mail as to visit our store in person. Try it. ing made this their home in former years. Now they are of Chicago aud well iinown in tlio art life of the city bv tbo unsaltcd sea. Air. tlonov Is the orgaalst and choirmaster of Grace Episcopal church. In honor of Aliss English , AIiss Hime ; bnugh and Miss Silloway entertained at din ner on Tuesday evening. The tublo was all in white , being strewn with whlto roses , A tall operguo filled with the sumo llowors ornamented the center. The guests were : Aliss Doauo , AIiss Balcb , AIiss Thede Balch , Air. KediCK , Mr. Chatham Ilodlck , Air. Hu bert Cook , Air. Arthur Gulou , Air. Ueod. In honor of AIiss Boss of St. Joseph AIiss Kountzn gave an Informal luncheon on Sat urday at Forest Hill. The table was all in white , with n largo center piece of Easter lilies. At each plalo were bunches of lilies of the valley ana hyacinths tied with a gold braid , which wera retained by tbo. guests as souvenirs. Those present were Miss Yost , AIiss Brown , Miss Alary Pouploton , Allss Sherwood , Allss Conolauii , Miss Anna Mil- lard. lard.Air. Air. nnd Airs. O. H. Curtis celebrated their wooden weddlug Wednesday evening with a high li''o party. The tnble * and partners woio discovered with the aid of hand painted clothespins and refreshments were served on woodenvnire. The tii'it prizes were awarded to Airs. L. D. Fowler , a hand painted placque , nnd Mrs. West , a wnodoti pall artistically adorned. Air. C. F. Wollcr and Air. 11. E. Cole captureu tbo second pri/.os , n paper Itnifu nnd a donkoy's ' head painted on a shin gle doc-orated with ribbons. In honorof Airs. Andrews Mrs. Ayrcs gave ono of the prettiest luncheons of the post- lenten season Thursday. The table was all in yellow with bands of broad moire ribbon , ending with huuo bows and bunches of jon quils. Upon a center piece , embroidered in yellow nnd white , stood n boivl of jonquils and maiden hair furn , and ever the whole candelabra , yellow shaded , shed softest light. The guests wore Mrs. Worth , Alra. Btooke , Airs. Sheridan , Airs. Giiford , AIM. Hussey , Airs. Wordon and Mrs. Dalo. Alisn Mary Poppleton , in honor of Mr. Haitil > iin ( "Jl U. of M. ) , gave a pretty supper on Tuc.sduy evening at Elizabeth Place. Tbo table was made dnluty with la Franco lese * and an cxqulslto contcrpicco of American beuutie" . After supper the guests had music und later occupied n box at Exposition ball ( luring Iho performance of thu Ann Ar- uor Glee and Banjo clubs. Mr. iiathbun wns formerly president of the Glee club , nnd is a thorough musician. Thoie present were Allss Lemist , Miss Brown , Air. Hotirv Wy man , Air. Curtiss Turner , Air. Not Hull , Air. John Brown "Tulu , " ono of AIiss Furnlsii' ' clover farce conmdioH , will bu givou ut tbo post theater next Saturday evening for lhn benefit of a poor old parishioner of Trinity parish , "Undo Hilly , " who Is passing bis last days at the Home for the Aged and inllrm. The play Is given Under the direction of Airs. General Wheaton , who will play onu of tbo female parts. Airs , W , G. Spencer , a very clover amateur , will play the ililu role , whllo Airs. WlcK.s , another bright young woman , will play the other fntnalc part. Lieutenants Wright. Whitman , Piper nnd Pickering toke the male characters. It is extremely bright nud pretty and a host of pcoplo ought to go out from town to assist so worthy u cause. Air. and Airs , Slaughter gave two high live parlies during tbo week , with the fol lowing list of guosU at both outer- lainmonu. Alondny evening : Air. and AIM. Gibson , Mr. and Airs. Fowler , Air. and Airs. Wellcr , Mr. and Airs. L > on , Air. and MM. Charles Brink , Air. and Mrs , Fawcotl , Air. and Airs. Baker , Judge nnd Airs. Alacombor , Mr. nnd Mw. Van Court. Air. Alorcor , MM. W. Fisher of Qulnoy , III. , ctrid Aim. W. B. \Vhoplor , of Lincoln , Neb. Thursday even ing : Air. and AIM. Hector , Air. and Airs. Blum , Air. and Mrs. Joslyn. Judge and Airs. Bowman , General und Airs. Uonnls , Air , nnd Airs , Altnuhun , Judge and Airs. Bradley. Dr. nnu Airs. Crummer , Air , and Airs. ICnut , Miss Jewel AlcCuno , Mlis Harris of Denver and Mr. Will AlcCuno. Sin honor of Airs. G. G. Cooley , who will leave with tier husband shortly for Houston , Tex. , whore Mr. Cooley will represent tbo American Loan and Trust compuny , Airs. O , .M. Carl or gave a pretty yellow and whlto luncheon .Friday. A number of AIM. Cooley'a friends from A'hland , her old ucmo , aa It waj also the honiu of Airs. L'ortci , were prus- ont ut the feast and the iiftornoon was de lightfully spent in recalling old associations and old memories. There were present MM. Scott , Airs. Scott , Jr. , Airs. Lumuroux , Air * . Pullou , Mrs. Pickott , .Alra. Folej , Alra. AInns old , Airs. Dunbar , Airs. Dcon. Airs. Woodbrid o of Ashland and Airs. Noxvt. Barkalow , Airs. Philip Potter , Airs. I'owoll aud All's. Dr. Clarke. Imperfect vision duo to optical defect1) fully corrected , gltisson uiiulo to correct it by n sulontillo und practical opticinn. Alee ifc 1'oufold Co , , 1st door south K O. jini : < iiia a * ' Tin : Flossie , who Is doing bor first year in school , albiotshs is a very bright child , came in the other oyoulng and' begun catechising bar mother , says the Datrolt Free Press. "Alaraiu1 ! she inquired , "Is there any body in h'story ' uamed Tiraon Tydol" "I've hoard of such a name as Timon , " ventured the mother doubtfully. "Was limen a man or a woman ! " "A man , If I remember correctly. " "I gucsti that must bo the same ono , then. " By ibis time the mother was quita curious. "Why do you-thluk so , when you know so Ilttlo about ill" she queried. "Woll , " responded Flosslowithconlldenco , "the teacher said today that Timon Tydo waits for no man , and 1 didn't think It could be a woman.1 * Two newsboys stopped in front of a paintIng - Ing which represented a chubby momuor of the fraternity bouted on the curbitono hold ing aloft a ncelod banana. " 'Xain't like , " said the first boy. "Sho , you don't know that kid , " chimed tbo other. "I moan 'taint like one of the sang. " "What's the matter it aln'tf" "Did you over see ono of 'em that would give the gang u dare wld u real big bonanv Ikodntf" "Naw. Uo'd tiin mobbou. " And the voung critics walked off know ingly without another look at the picture. * Ho was looking at some gaudily dvcd Eas ter eggs displayed inn shop window. At last ho put his Uionght-i ID words. "Uront bcott , Alammy , " said ho , "what color does yos'poso dom chickens would or bin of doy bad or hatched ) " * Alatnma Can you pusa mo the cake , dearl Llttlo Dear I links you's had all 'at Is deed for you. Alammn How do you know ! Llltlo Dear I don't know ; I only fink , like you do when 1 wants linp.s. "My .son , " said the kindly old gentleman , " 1 hope you do not chow tobacco. " "Course 1 does , " was the answer , "I a'lnt learned to swallur It whole yet. " "My father's nn Odd Follow I" Uonstod a little boy. "My dither's a Frca Alusoiil" re plied the other , "an1 that's higher , for tbo hod follows wall on thu masons. " Dr Illrnuy curo.i cuuirrh. OKR bulj ; . H 'N it Mur In III * I , ( no. L , H. Baker , fnmlllaily known as "Franchy , " was arrested yesterday on gen eral principles. Ho is a mombur of IL gang \vhlcb some time ago furnli > hnd a iruod deal of material for tbe police court roportura , At that tlmo a man named Barnum and unoihor who claimed to bo nn omploo of Barkalow Bros , wera urrcxled whllo In possei-don of letters and papers exposing a systematic confidence schema covering u large portion of thu western statos. They were "shell inon" and tbo like nnd had connected with them a ! Kl = Mason , u member of the Knights of Labor , the Knlahls of Pythias and other booiotius , whoso business It was to lix thu town * KU t ttat arrests should b < i few and there fcohly prosecuted. They bad loner * end receipts from chorlffa , mayor * und otbnr nflloiali which abundantly proved how effectually a n umber of to wux had ueon "fixed. " "Fronobv , " whoit u diminutive and in- offensivti spticin.en nf humanity , was u shell operator and is reputed to bu ono of the most imiailc In bis line In the country. DaWltt's BaMaparilla destroy * such pot- nous M jcrofnln , skin disease , oozt'ma. rhou- matlaui. Hi timely usosuvcs many liven. llmslramton Hepublloan : A "hari.iloii crunk" It une thai rum tlio crJiidklunn liv lhi > iild or u bo/ . It In not uuhjcut tu viol , u' ' tuins.