Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1892, Part Two, Page 11, Image 11

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Pleasant Weather Causes a Bettor Peeling
in Businesa Circles ,
Country I'rodiiro Cotninands ( lood 1'rlccs
mill \Vltli the Inllnx of Str.-iiiK
nu Improtril Demand .May
Iio l.oiil 'il I'or.
In Vho west ( it this season ot the year the
country Is the ' .horraomoter of trade
mid nil that Is nccossar ? to ascertain the
condition ot business Is to Inquire tlio liclglit
of the mud on the farmer's wngou wheel.
\Vlieti the mud noar.s the hue It Is safe to
conclude that trade Is pratty near to the
rero point and us the mud recedes toward
the rim nn Improvement may bo looked for
In trado.
A week ago the mud on many ot the coun
try roads came dangerously near being hub
deep and business was as close upon zero as
on active merchant cares to see It. Several
wnrm niul pleasant days during the past
week has diminished the depth of the mud
nnd the wheels of commerce meet with less
It Is no easy inMtcr for n Jobber to sell
poods when n retailer has uo bustnoss , unless
It bu at a tlmo when orders tire being placed
in anticipation of u belter demand corn-
in t : in the near future. With every
thing under water find an almo t
continuous downpour of rain , coupled with a
feeling that the scasrn Is alrcndy oackwnrd
nnd fprm work behind , thcro has bean notti-
Inp In Right to Induce rotnlloM to anticipate
their Immediate wants In ordering goods.
A tow days of pleasant weather , however ,
pees along way toward restoring conlldeneo
us evidenced by the largely Increased orders
received by the jobbers during tuo last two
days of the ueek Just closed.
The fact Is that last week us n wholu
showed an Improvement ever tno previous
week In the volume of orders placed with the
As the season Is so far advanced and farm
work already behind , the arrival of ulcasant
weather will doubtless see farmers at work
in the Holds , whcro they nro likely to remain
until the crops nro all in the ground. Ilonco
Jobbers nro not looking for any great boom ,
but they do antlcipalo a good , steady demand
for goods.
While , ns already noted , the season Is late ,
ihcro Is a feeling that with the ground BO
thoroughly saturated With tnolsturo
there Is 'good reason to ox poet abundant
crops in the west this season and
such an outlook of itself issufllelont to In
spire conlldeneo In every branch of busi
ness ,
There Is an ot tier feature which Is likely to
mnko Itself felt as the season advances.
From every portion of the state oomo reports
of Bottlers ( locking In , Owners of farm lands
ny that they have not In years hoard so
much Inquiry for Nebraska forms as during
the present sprngiiml ! that , too , from n very
desirable class of soltlcrs.
rncfcO nowcomcrs must bo fed nnd clothed
nnd supplied with the necessities for com
mencing Hfo In n now country. Ilonco tliero
must como an Increased demand for supplies
of all kinds which will amount to no small
Horn. If the newcomers are us numerous ns
they nave been ruprcsontcd.
Tno manufacturing Industries all over the
ptato are looking up and in some lines there
lias been such a marked improvement that a
largo number of ndditional laborers Imvc
been given employment. This fact must
Uooncr or later make itself felt In the general
business of the state , and those broad minded
merchants who have encouraged the manu
facturing industries will bo rewarded by an
Increased trade gained from the growing
ranks of the factory employe.3.
Country 1'ioiluco.
Receipts for a week past have not been
very liberal and good strong prices have been
The poultry market especially has boon
poorly supplied and all arrivals of desirable-
Block have sold readily at very satisfactory
figures. The season Is rattier far advanced
for dressed poultry , but still occasional ship
ments continue to arrive. With the weoth or
co warm such stock has to DO disposed of
very rapidly , but fortuuatoly thodomand has
been active.
Kpgs have also been in pretty good demand
nnd nave sold well for the season of the year.
The Inrgo number of strangers in the city
nttondlng the Methodist confcrcnco must
Mtimululo the demand for nil kinds of pro
duce and unless receipts Increase tlio chances
are good for u strong marliot the coming
In the Irult market there is little now to
cxcito comment. Apples are becoming scnrco
and it is no easy matter to fill orders for Ural
class stock.
Itecelpts Tor the Week \Vcro In Kxccss of
OMAHA , Aprll.'lfl. Hccclpts for the past woik.
1t * , : ? cattle. 2S.H41) ) hogs' and . ' .US sheep ,
against If.lbl cattle , -'Mil IIOJH nnd 2,4 ! > 1 hheup
last week , und 7,703 cattle , 20.f > 2D bojs and 4,1,71) )
Hieeji the corresponding alx days of April ,
Itecelpts for the pust four months with com
parison : , fur Is'Jl ' :
II-U2. Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep.
.niniiarv . ' > Siw : 2.llf.r > 7 11.771
1'ubruary f.\r , 3 127,140 17,0.0
Maruli Ul.likl 1112,3:14 : 21,071
April 01,003 UTS-'i ! 17N'l
Total . 'AC.420 6iUIOU OO.C48
1FOI ,
Jnniiary . M > ,072 1C2.105 11.301
l''cliruiry ! : . 47u.)7 Kt'j.lKSl
Muruli . 40,023 145.2.M iui. | : > :
Total . 1KI.MI7 541,831
Incieaso . 02,532 b.HVJ
Docreaao . 15.GSS
The cattle market the past week litis been
lively enough to suit anyone , and prices have
lluctuatcd considerably. Monday's market
\Mibdull ana lowor. owing to tlio heavy re
ceipts , but for the ne.vt tl.reo days recclpU
were Ilirht , and , with good buying and favor-
iiblo reports from eastern markets , prices ad
vanced sharply , and by Thursday were as
lilKli us before the recent break. I'rlcliiy's
heavy run , the heaviest .since last Uctober ,
cauked another serious slump In prices , und
there was a dccllnu In boot und slilpp'ni
Bteersot from ISo to25c. The market U very
sensitive at present , and , while prospects ara
favorable for an advance , the fiitiiro eoiirso
of prices IH larKoly a question of receipts.
Hipo corn-fed cattle are probably pretty well
run out of the country , but food yards arn full
of liulf fat und Ininiatiiro ciullo whose own-
oru. bulng dl.icournnod , art ) ready to crowd
them onto the marUet on the llrst apparent
favorable opportunity. The iibundunco ol
this latter class of Htock will KCTVO as a scr-
louudraK to the markut until the run of west-
em ami grass cattle begins.
UircrlngM of butchers and canners stock con
tinue meuKcr and prices are If anything a
khado btroiiKor than laft week. As teen as
grabs cuttle boirin coming In In any number *
prices will undoubtedly co lower , Moukcrs
und feeders aio hind to u-ct at loa-
bonablo prices. Tlio country seems
bound to have thorn wnllo compar
atively few uro olTurcd. Hotter woathur has
Imnroved the country dumiinci , and urlcus
have iidvaucud about lOotolScon all dojent
itulT ,
Host * romnlned i-.onotoiioualy steady up to
the lust day orhD whun an Increased supply
nndalinur uuhtoru market caused a Ke ilu-
cllno In prices of all isrades. Slilpnuis are
Mill buylni ! pretty freely hut It Is gottlng
uronnd to the. tlmu of yuur uhon wo may look
fur llborul receipts and coiikeiiui-ntly IOWIT
jir.cci. Thorola no appurent chnnitu In tlio
Mltuatlon ua far as shuop are concerned , cur-
t'tlnly no Improvemi'iit although prlcvs are
fully as atronit us u week ugo uml the Uumuud
IK even stron or.
UAITI.E The wee ) < oloiei with n fair run ,
but the supply was hardly one-half in lur o
in on laut bnturduy. The week's supply was
about the umo us lust week , liut the kunply
for April was morothan 'AOJ3 houvlur than
for April last year and tills fact will In u
measure account for the 11. no to JI.Mdlil'eronco
In prices then und now. In the face of boar-
lull iiaBtern ndvlcei , liberal otrerliiRS and the
expectation of u lion vy run at Uhlcajonuxt
week and with good buying by looul shipping
mid export men the general inarUot an
netlve and llrm ut Krhtny's doelino. Good lo
I'holco 1,200 to l.fiMJ-lb cultlo sold from f l.Tu tc
II. ( U. fair to good 1,009 to l.wj-lb. : Bteera from
luu ; t f.'l. < 0 nnd coiumon light tuT ! from that
on down toKW1.
l.'ouy und mlsud rtock cut but little figure
In the recolpls , us thcro wcru less than a
itorun loudu hero , llnslnem was brUk and
Jirleen llrm. Kxtromo sales of cows und heifers
were at from il.US totiftJ. but from J..AJ lo .I.OU
bouuht the bulk of tlio olfurlnxs. Hulls , oxen
und t > tu H uoru In moderato biipply and uo-
inund at from ( i'.O ' tofa.VX Uood eal\cs were
iiuotalily hteady on the Ua U ot from K'.VO to
ij.OO forlnfur or tooholcu vun's. '
Trad i UK In thin branch of the buslueo wits
oiircmely llmlied own to Uiu uioasur HUJI-
Jily. Country order * wuro coed , but thoio
Kuro not the cattle bora to fill them , l'rico
n ccnen ) worn well malntnlncd , sivles bo'nn
nost.y ot ftmnll odd bunches at from $ J. < uO to
13.35. Hcprojcntatlvo sales :
1 sprlnuur 40 00
1 cow and oalf. IK 0)
1 cow and calf 3J 0)
I sprlir-tor an 00
1 sprlnaor i''i 00
1 HpriiiKer " 303
1 milker ill 00
Hon * Itcceluls. 'JJ cars , were considerably
heavier Ihan Friday or last Saturday , but the
nuiiltty continues to run remarkably oven ,
the uvur.tiio woluht for the past month beltis
In thu neighborhood of10 pounds.
Thu market opened with n fair demand both
from Hhlppuiri add loual buyers , but prices
were fully a nlokel lower than Friday all
around. Good boss , regardless of wulglit , soid
ntJi.'J. ' , with soiro of Uiu bolter lUhtiind me
dium wcU'lit loads sulllni ; at f I.'T" to ! . : ,
and common and Inferior hess of all weights
selllns as low as tl.lT'i to M.'J1' . The market
rather Improved with thu. advannu of the
morning and tlio eloso was stroui ; with uvery-
ihlniKwitof Mist h mU. 11 was practically a
$ l.2l market , airaln-.t } I.'IO Friday. The avur-
nsctif prl os nald botnl.a i , against Jl.'Ay
Friday and Sl.a.'Ji last Saturday. Kuprosen-
Nu Av. Sli. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
3 . . . . 3.10 - SI 10 01 vat i'SO 425
13. . . . 212 SO 4 It ) 77. . . . 21 ! ) 210 425
3 4.0 4 11) ) 72 20' ' ) 218 42.1
74 . . . .211 210 4 175 ! 7S WiO 320 42.1
71 173 160 4 I7'i S3 4 25
M Mil 4 yj 425
.1.1 a J L'lO 420 . . .2:17 : )20 ) 4 25
77 220 200 4 20 . . .270 4 2.1
4 312 - 4 20 . .214 100 425
fil 20 : ! 120 4 20 .205 4 25
(13 ( 210 1W 4 20 . ' . " .S 12J 425
M. . . .23) ) VOO 4 2J 04. . .2,14 200 425
72 225 2:0 4 20 C'J. . . .2.14 203 4 23
70 . . . .1)1 ! ) K.O 4 2) ) 8.1. . . 21S 243 425
71 V31 283 4 20 51. . . .311 i-0 425
72 2ft3 20J 4 20 " .257 3CO 42.1
fl 271 4 20 73" ! .225 81 425
(15 ( 231 12J 4 2.MJ 78 . . .2.VJ 120 425
7.1 218 KiJ 4 22i ! 78. . . .2. ! 421
3 . 200 4 22S ! 71. . . .214 120 425
74. . . . .210 2SJ 4 2J'i ' ( VS. .27 ! ) 200 42.1
( JS. . . .22.1 80 4 W 65 207 100 425
71. . . .217 200 4 22i ! f,2 2.17 120 425
73. . . . .2J4 ICO 4 22i ! 73 211 IfiO 421
( ' . ! > . . . . .213 200 4 2.i 83 U03 63 425
74. . . . .21.1 120 4 2i 7J 200 100 421
fii. . . . .207 S ) 421 8. 208 120 4V5
111. . . .240 120 4 S3 63 202 2,0 425
01. . , . . .3.10 200 4 ' 'I OJ 221 ! 120 425
72. . , . . .22J 120 4 25 07 233 ICO 425
75. . . 217 KM 4 25 CO 2SI 40 425
70. . . . .22(1 100 4 2.1 f.8 . . . ,20S 1W ) 425
II. . 4 21 70 224 427' ' ' ,
Ptf. . 60 I 25 82. . . . 202 103 427'S
70. . SO 4 25 7 237 427'i
Ml. . . . . ' . . > 8) 4 2.1 7.1 21 ! ) 0 4L'7'5
i 212 bO 4 25 C ! ) . . , .ij.i ; 2ou 43T'i
7.1 221 121 4 25 as . . .201 12J 427'J '
70JO'J 360 4 25 7.1 . . .322 10) 427'j
f-0 l ! < 0 UK ) 4 2.1 r,7 . . .2I.S 80 4117"
07 . . 2.Vi 12) ) 4 25 70. . . .211.1 80 4'7i !
( U 201 MJ 4 25 81 22.1 120 . | } 4
(11 ( 2.M 160 4 25 01 Sli'J 40 4274
711 221 10' ) 4 2.1 fl5 2..0 - 4274 !
C,7. . . . 222 12J 4 33 Cl. . 232 4IW
83 311 t-0 4 2.1 (15. ( . fcO 430
81 183 4' ) 4 2.1 (15 241 430
( W 2110 i.'SO 4 25 05 ' . ' 72 80 4 3D
1,2 271 60 4 2.1 07 303 J'JO
70 240 -I 25
1 213 1 75 1 240 375
1 MO 2 75 1 3.H ) 10 4 UO
1 450 30) 3 210 40 4UO
1 27J 40 II SO
Siihili1 I'onr of tlio 0 loads received wcro
billed through to Chicago and not olleind on
tbomailet. I'our donblo-decks of CJolorados ,
mostly lambs , anil vuiy coed stock old for
J0.30. und a slnulo-deck of heavy native owes
htoughl J.1.00. The market remains qnotablv
llrm. with tlio demand strong for ( Icslrabl'o
muttons , ( notations : Kmr to coed natives
from Jl.51 to J.I 10. fair lo need westerns from
fl.5. ) to in W. common and Htock sheep from
j-3.00 to Jl.'il , Rood to choice 4J to DO-lb lambs
from JI.5U to 0.75. liopre.ientallvo bales :
No. Av. Pr.
(12 ( native ewes , hliorn 125 | 5 OJ
Uirf lambs , fed , C'olorudos GJ u 30
Iteeclpts mill DNpositlon ( if.S took.
'Ilocolpti at the Union Stoalc yards , South
Omaha , Nub. , for the twenty-four hours end-
In ; al 5 o'clock i > . m. , April 3) ) , lH'Ji '
noun. i siiEi : ! ' .
Can. ; Cur . | Head. Care. Head Cnrs. Her.I , ,
0 2t J
Chicago I.lvo Stock Market ,
CIIICAOO. III. , April30 , [ Special Telegram to
Tun Hm.l : Tliuro wns u dull and drooping
market forcutllo today , A majority of buy
ers had their wuok'J orders completed airl
were out of the market und tboro was not
c'liongh eoniputltlon among thu lumulnlng
few losiutnln prices , taleadnigged heavily at
fully 20u to30o olV from Thursday's quotations.
Muny cattle wuro lofl ever und tlio close wna
vury weak nt from J1.25 to J3.25 for poor lo
choice cows nnd hulfcrs , t-M to iM-7. " > for
utoelier.s and feeders , M.2' . to itM for shlpp'ng
slcurs und from J2.10 toil.OO for Texas cattle ,
Trudu was dull ut a further dccllnu , For thu
lust d.iy of thu \\QB\I \ thu run wus
surprisingly liberal nnd soller.s wuro iinab'u
to iimko a oloarumiu at u reduction from
1'rlday'n jirlccsof f rom f > o lolOc.
Bsalea of shuup wuru on u basis of from $ \00 to
M.C5 fur poor to o.xtra wooled and the range of
prices for lambs was from J.Vtil lo * 7,00. The
market was ijulet and nusy on thu ubovo
( inotatlons.
Hccelpts worn : Cuttle , 2,5300 ; hogs , 21,000 ;
lloos-Kccuipts. t'l.uoo ; shipments , 10.000 ;
iiiii rkut about btoady ; rough and common. * ! . < 0
ai.SSi mlxud and ouukera. ( l.n : 4.iU ; prlmo
' i4.5o l.Wj ( light ,
s. P.500 ; shlpmontr. nonoj
W S' ' " > . l-XOoao.40 ; Tuxuua ,
ix2iaa2.\ .
City l.lvo Htock Mnrlcnt.
KANSAS OITV , Mo. , April 3J. CATTI.B Ho-
celptf , 2,710 ; shipments , I.COJ ; t > tcurs wcru
uctlvo and stioiu ut iJ.45d64.40 : cows weak
ut t l.uvfWl. > ; blojkursund fuudurn bluudy at
* 1.7vai.u.
lliuis Hcculpts , 6,030 ; bhlpments , 4,003 ; thu
market wsis.MilUo lower : ullgrudea. < 3.bJ44.3Jj
bulk. l.WifiU.3.V. !
tfliKEiituculpts , 4.IWO ; shlpmonta , TOO ; the
uiurkut wun gulut and steady ,
Everything Waa Extremely Quiet on
'Ohango ' YestarJay.
rrlme'n Krpnrt Win Il : thcr llnlllih nn l
the i\pnrt : Miivpincnt for tlio U'rokvus
Also llotlor Tlicro n tlood
ol .Mil- .
CTUPAOO , III. . April 30. Anliourln thoccmo-
toiy woulil have ( lovclopod nltnoit. in much
life us tlio wliulu ot today dtil oti 'Chunpo.
The cloio Krnliis wcro n sliudu higher than
lust P veil I n ivhllp urovlsloni luul nioltcil nil
a trlllc , Liverpool cables cainu In lower , tlio
declines rnngln. ; from lUdto2il. mid domestic
markets seemed Inclined to woalinoss. Tito
wuathcr was also ro ardo ; ! as mete ( uvornhlc.
Hut l'rhno'3 report was rather bullish ami the
oxuort movement for the week was also hot
ter. Thl , In connection with tlio roeout
net Ive export engagements nt the seaboard mid
HIP rumor that lur o iimoiintH would soon bo
ino\ea to I'r.invc , liavliu boon sold to arr.vo
there iiljont Juiiu I. when the ol'l duty Is In Iio
n-hlorcd , had n teti'.lnncy to vliock weakness
which the bearish news miiilit have Induced.
Tliuru was con.l solllni ; of May at the start
In the way of chnnglM ! ! to July. CoutKolinnti
.V Day and Mllmlno-llodman uolnz the lead
ers , but the jiroHsnro was soon over and It bu-
oamo aiiuaront tliattno t of the May had bcun
placed mid that deliveries Monday would bo
IlL'hl. Dnrlni : tlio last hour the market was
Flroiiz. A cold w.ivo was s.tid to bo approach-
In and this with the fact that Armour , Sev
ers , Itoydon , Nortuii-Wurthlii'jton and other
cairleta turned In to buy May , started that
month up and .Inly fo.lowed , Tlio closewus
stuiuly. L' , mparod with limt ulsht the iiiar-
Uul opcnud from Uc to o lower , advaiicud Ho
In Ic. ehised , o lilithurttir May and 'Jc lilchi-r
for July , A ilL-cro.iso of Sno.OjO tin. to 1,000,000
bu. Isc.vpcctod In the visible supply.
In corn nrlces woto fairly stoacly for .Tilly ,
but lifter bein ; : linn o.irly In tlm session tbero
was u deposition to accept a lower prlco In
the uhaiu'lni : of May to , luly. The closing
prli-o for the lattrrchows ! c advance ever tlio
llnal llsures of yesterday.
Uat9 wcto llriu enrly In the session and
Inclined to bo strong later , although the
stientb was mainly eondnud to an caucr do-
slio to buy on thoadvaticonrk'o. The strength
In wheat anil corn was tlio main InlUicnee ,
and as In corn 'nu ailv.incu Is shown In the
closing qtiol it lolls.
Tlin provision inarKot opened weak und
lower on u larger run of IIOKS tlmii
had been looked for and u drop
loportud from the yards of from So to
lUu In the pilco. On t'stlmatcs of a
considerable decrease of BtocKs during the
month thcio was some Impiovciiient on the
openlni ; prices. Tlio business donu was almost
wholly conllned to chanKHi ? over May cua-
tiactH Into July. The market started 2'io
louor all rvround on the advices from the
yards. Later the drop In prices amounted to
; > ( In lard , 7'io In ribs and 12'ic ' In mess iiorlc.
Pork sold nt J0.45 oil to iO.37'5.
ICstlmatou rcci'lpts for Monday : Wheat , 103
car.s corn , 410 euro ; oais , ICIGcars ; ho , < B , 2j,000
ho , d and 140.03'J head for the week.
There WHS a coed inciulry for vessel room
and rates were firm at 2 ! u for wheat and 2a
for corn to Ilnllulo.
The loading futures ranged as follows :
II Kill. LOW. I'l.OSE.
April i fKUf
.Mny siu
Coil.v No. 2-
Aprll 39
May ( OM , 40 Wfl
.Inly b'.l.'i
OATH No. 2
.Inne 5SW
July 2S
MKBS I'oiiK-
Mny n 1.1 oat J > 40
July S > I'S u M US7M
May eo C 2 6 ! 0
July 6 ao G 30
SHOUT llllis--
Jlny 5 C& 600
July 6W- A 7.1
Cash quotations were as follows :
FI.OUH Dull and unchanged : winter pat
ents , * l.2Jitl.4& ; winter straights , * 3.'J5 ' ® 1.30 ;
sprlnz patents , Sl.l.'ifTtl.lO ; spring ( .trutghts ,
$ : i.T,03.70.
WHEAT No. Ssnrlnc. 61 (392c ( ; No. 3 eprlns ,
7.r > " , ( J : No. 2 red. 8,5ffi-8'/c. :
Con.N No. 40Jil4'J1ac ; No. 3 , now , 39Kc.
OATS No. 2 , 2Sie ! ; No. 2 wane , 3iJi3lc :
o. a white. 2ijffi'oj4c. ! !
lire Na 2 , 7uc.
IlAitr.r.v No. 2 , GOffiKo : No. 3 , f. o' b. , 47 ®
COc : No. 4 , f. o. b. , 4H.'c. : (
TIMOTHY SEUD Prime. 11.32541.3.1.
I'OIIK Mess , per bbl , , tl.U7i'J.40 ) ! ( : larh , per
100 Ibs. . J3.I7H540.2J ! short rlls , sides , ( loosol ,
f.l.n-ji'(33.G5 ( : ary suited shoulders ( boxudi. S4.50
Q5.tiu : short clear sides ( boxed ) , { O.I7iQ.0.30. !
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. ,
t-ur.Aits IJnohanced ; out loaf , 5351 c ; pran-
ulnted , 44t ? : standard "A , " 4Hi : .
Hecelpls and shipments today wcro as fol
lows :
On the 1'rodneo exchange today the butter
miirKut was ijulet und unchanged : funcy
cronmory , 1721',5c ; dairies , 15.Oo. Kegs ,
bteady ut 1314c.
Omaha I'rodilcc Market.
ntJTTEit Good roll. iIOj : ; packing stock ,
I'oui.Titv Dressed chickens. Ill2c ; alive.
OSlOc or ! (4.5'J.1.00 ( iicr do/en ; turkovh ' very
bcnrcu and In uctlve demand , drusacd , ] 5lGc ;
ullvc , 13'iillc.
lluiKS. Krc. No. 1 crecn hides , 3c : No. 1
creen salted lildes. 414 < 3l'icNi : > . 2 recn salted
IndcH. : iWic ; No. 1 crccn sailed hides , 25 to 40
Ibs. , 4 > 4ijl4o ( ; No. 2 creen hides. 2.1 to 4'J Ib.s. .
" 461'ic ; No. 1 veal calf , R lo 11 Ibs. , tc ; : No , u
veal calf , .s to 15 Ibs. . 4c ; No. 1 dry flint hides ,
Tcj No. 2 dry Hint hides , Sc ; No I dry salted
hides. Wii'ic ' ; pare cured ' .ie per pound less than
fully cured , fc-hccp pults ijroen s-iltod. each
a.lcf&JI..l ; preen S'illu.1 shearlings ( bbort
woolcd early Bklns ) , each , l.V32.1c !
diy shoHrlln s ( short woolod o irly skins ) , No.
1 , eaeb iVii lie : Ury hho.irllnKS ( short woolud
curly skins ) . No. „ ' , c-ieh flu ; dry Hint Kansas
and Nobrasku butcher wool pelts , pur lb. , ae-
tual weight , rJfcH'jc ' ; dry Hint Kansas and
Nubraska Murrain wool'pclts , pi > r lb. , actual
wolxht. B&12cj dry Hint Colorado butcher wool
pelts , per lb. , uctuul weight. Kl2ic ! ; dry
illnt Colorado Murrain wool pelts , pur lb. . uc-
tnul weight , htolOc : dry pieces and hiickR , ac
tual wolKht , 7CMc. Tallow and Kreauo Tallow
No , I. afiUJJiJ ; tullow No. 2 , 3'l'40 ' ! irease.
white A. 42 > l'kCi sroaso , white II. WiWat
uroasc , yellow , 3c ; Kroaso , dark , 3o ; old but
ter , 2iu ! : beeswax , prime , lOti' n ; rou h tul
low , l'/j'p.
rituiT.4 California Hivorsldo oraiiRCS , IJ.OO ®
3.2.1 ; 5 box lots , I..M'liO : VViishlinMon navels.
s-I.M ; cliolcu apples. SI.OOTW.ebolco ; loinons ,
(4,00 ; fancv lemons. ? ! . .V ; bananas crated ,
6 OJ2..riO ; eranborrlos , shipping slock , bu.
boxes. W..Vj ) bbl , , * 7.50 ; striiwborrloa , : i : > © | [ ) o
0t. ; Klorld.i toinators , $ > LV5 per crate ot six
biskets ; p neapplos. { ' . ' . .Soai.OO per do ? .
Vr.OETAiiMH Fancy Muscatlno sweet pota
toes. } 2.7.vai,03 ; seed sweet potatoes , * 2,2.1 ;
Uallfornlacabbaio \ pi'rlb. Incratos ; homo
Brown lelluco , 4lc ) pur doz. ; onions. UOcl.lV !
per bn. ; Nebr.isku'i and picked beans , J1.7JTC
l.M : medium , tiAO.n | ] | Cullfornlaeolory.ifl.oo
( 1.2.1 ; Colorado and western Nebraska pota
toes. 31 ; iiatlvo iiotatocs. 233'JSc ; lima bonus ,
4u per lb ; w.itor cross , 2I-nt. casm , 12'iffll5o '
porot , ; spinach , } t5'J per bill. ) radlt-hes. 4lie ;
rutabagas , tl.2ViM.50 pur bbl ; plo plant , 5c per
Ib , ; par'luy , IOOJMIOW ( J.illfornlii potatoes , 3o
per lb , ; cucumbers , } .M)1).25 ) ) pur doz.
Kc.cs-Sollln-i from r.'o to Uo , with a coed
many Koine at 12'ic. '
Kt. l.onU Markets.
ST. Louis. Mo. . April .TJ.-Fi.ouu-Vory dull
unchanirud ; family , f3.oofta.10 : choice ,
H2j < iiii.l ; ; fancy. M.0.va3. 75 : extra fancy , Sl.oyjfi
4.11 ; patunts , tl.XtfM\
\\illSAT--Ciisli. lower ; No. 2 red Kl' oi op
tions lilitlier ; Muy closed at 61u ; July , 70i ! ©
T'J'ic Anciist .
; , 7lly.
C'oit.v Firm and closed a hhndo hotter ; Na.
' 'oiibli.Sbe ; Muy , iOJie. July , uOf.cj t'optcnibcr ,
; No. 2 cush , 29 < 4o ; May , 20) ) , ©
ItYE Nii'sales.
ItAiti.uv No market.
HIIAN 1'lrm utua&iiic.
llAV--Unclinn ed ; prairie , t7.5IX39.55 ; tlin-
othy. ! 2.0C' i 15.10.
Mc.ui-Qulet : (4.10 ; spelter , II.C.1.
FIMX SKKH J.owur ut l)5t' ) .
lIUTTnt Uni'liangca ; ereamery , 19322o :
dalrv. 1.W-20C.
Ktids Unclianpod ; 11 'n.
Cons MEAI , Illeber at $2.05.
WlilSKV-Steiuly at tl.ll.
IlAiiiNO-Fncliuii3i.l ) ut B'/iQ c.
IKON COTTON TIKS Unchanged ; I l.lMiI.2\
I'nuvisio.s'S Very ( jnlet und with only mod
erate Jobblii'- trade at pruvlousiiuotatlonH.
Hiciirr3-l'loilr. : : O.UOO Ibs , ; wheat , 21,000 bu , :
com , 4.1,0)0 Int. ; o.its , 2U.WO bu. ; rye , 3.VOO
bu. ; barley , none.
HliIi'iiUNTS Flour. 5.0CO Ibs. ; wheat , II. OX )
bu. ; corn , 57,000 bu. ; outs , 11,000 bu. ; rye.
l.OWbu. ; barley , none. York .Markets ,
Nr.w YOIIK , Aurll 3) . Fi.ouu llceelDtJ. 22-
5.1S pk.'s.i exports. 2:1.110 : bbla. und U-lbO sacks ;
murkitl dull and Jriuzulur ; sulet , lti.3.10 bbls.
Lowuxtras. t . ' .tWtiari : elty mills. 4.Tja4.W ;
city mlllk. pilent : , t4.A5.QO | ; winter wheat ,
low ; rrados , < -.O.vaii.3J ; fair to fancy , ti.4010
* .M ; patents , I4.l.vai.v.s ; Minnesota , oloar. IU40
tilM ; itrulghts , Jj.u.SI.W ; yutuuts ,
rye mixtures , MSOffiiyraJj super flno , Jl.&va
"COHM MRAti Quiet ; yellow western , U75Q
WHEAT liecolpt" . 37 1 bu. ; export * . 33-
T79 bu. : Miles , l,7iV.,003 bu.W Intiiros , 183.000 bu.
epot. Spot , dull unil ttn < ( * ttled : Mo. 2 , red ,
DSS4W9V1 nllont : l 'iot' o f. o. u. ! nnzrnded
red , sm.s ( , ( c ! No. r ionliorn. trJHftWsOj
No. Snorthein. POej No. 2 Chloiico , Ol'dHWI V1 ;
NttSMUwnukee , MUe. ) Unllons showed only
n moderate business , cqlclly In switching wlin
prices caller , April Sltofclnc tlio mo t decline
of 1'ic ' , while other mouths were ' . "a o down.
Nu 2 red. April. OJStttT-'o ; May , WnGMj'.e.
closins nHi\e : Jiino , . , oha9Jiui. ( cios nj ? at
tXJ'iCt .fulv. Oi't'ipiiJ'ie. elosinj at tONiC ; An-
ciKt , M la-lOSMi'iC. closlnR atfro'ic ; > cptom-
tier. J-OVilWiC , Bosln : iit'MtSc ; Hoccmber , W
OW'4 , closlnu nt P2oji Mny , ' "
closl - .
HVB Dennmldull : western ,
llAin.r.v M ALT Dull.
C.JUN Kecotpts , 1IKJI ( . " > bu. ; exports. 04,671
foil. ! < : ilc . 1IO.OOJ bu. of futures ; 1I2.0JO bu.
of spot. Spot weaker , iinsclllod and quiet :
No. 2 , Me ( n clovator ; ungraded mixed , 4fi'i
Ci.VPlc : steamer mixed , 47'4ttls ' | > o. Options ,
April tlecllnod 15 , or Itt 5'e on cioilnz out of
short Interest ! " . Other months Irregular and
dull , at > < > c down ; -Inly , ' c up : others un-
ehaiued ; May , 47 ? ci June , 4.1ic ! ; July , 4.1'ic ;
Aucust. 40u.
OAT * llecolpts. 70,700 bu : oxporti. 43J
tin. ) sales , 40.000 bu. of futures and 01,000 bu.
of snot. Spot market dull. Irrectilar. Options
dull , stonily i May. 31 " : .June. : nyc ; July ,
Il'ISe ; snot No. 3 white , , iG'o ; mixed western.
34'4WI.'ie ' ; white western , aiaioe.
UAV--Falr dumand ; shipping , ; Rood to
choice , S.V3inc.
HOPS Dnll.steady : state common lo choice ,
S45Jiic ; ; I'aclllo coasl. 'Jttvnf.
Si'ciAH-llnxr , qulcl. sleady ; fair ronnlim ,
2' e ; eenlrlfugals , ; retlned.iiniet ,
steady ,
MotAS ns Foreign , nominal : Now Orleans ,
steadvi common to fancy , 2VQ'
Ittrr. Active , firm ; domestic fair lo.oxlra ,
4 ? lilO > 4o : .liipiin. 5'SiViHp.
I'KTlioi.tH'.M Dull bill sluadv ; crude In bhlls.
I'arker , M.40 : crude In hulk , Jil ; reflm'd Now
York , JI.H ; I'h.ladulphla and llullimore. * J.o.l ;
In bulk , ! 2.U022.G5 : nulled clo'ud at 50io ? for
t'tiTTONsBKii On , Sleady ; crude , 23Je ! bid ;
yellow. 3l'il2e.
TALLOW Dull , steady : clly , ( $ J for
ItiistN Dull , flrm ; strained common to good ,
. .
TouriisTisr. Dull , steady ; 343IUc.
Kr.iid Firmer ; wuslern. 14Jc ! ; receipts , 329
HIDES Inactive : wet Malted New Orleans
KOlectud , 45 to 75 Ibs. , CQSc ; ' 1 e.\as boloctod , M
to 00 Ibn. , fiSsc.
I'OIIK t'uiet. stonily ; old mess , I0.03S9.50 ;
now mess , $10.5 OH. 00 : extra prime , J1U.UO
( , 'UT Mr.ATS Inactive ; pickled hollies , 5 ic :
pickled shoulders , .iVWn1. pickled hams , 111
( iili'ic ' ; mlddlesiulet ; sliort e'ear , J0. ) .
LAUD ICasy , dull : western steam , M.52 ;
sales 2'0 tierces M.H051.1.1I.1 ; options May ,
7.VJ t crccs. { fi.,1) bid ; July. itiM : Auuu U M.b7.
llelinod , quiet , llrm ; continent , $
lli'TTEH Quiet nnd steady : western ,
12'i5615c : weslern creamery , Itxa2.ic ; west >
cm factory. llrir."ic ( ; Klfiln. 2M-i2ic. ;
CIIIBE : Quiet , linn ; part Rldnis .VflOe.
1'Kl IKON Sloady ; Amurlcan. S14.7.V < 610.2.\
Cori'Kit-Qulot ; lake. $ .1.85 bid , Jr.1. 00
I.KAII Qulel , firm ;
TIN Dull , easy ; slrulls , } 2J.5020.55 ; p'.nlcs ,
quiet ,
Kansas Clly .Mnrkctn.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. . Aprliao. WHEAT About
sleady ; No. 2 hard , 72c : No. 2 rod , WXttSlc.
COIIN Finn ; No. 2 mixed , 30c ; No. 2 white ,
OATS No demand ; No. 2 mixed , 2Si@29o ! ;
No. 2 white. : mc.
HVB Firmer : No. 2. Ofc.
FLAX ijiii : : > Me on the basis of pure.
HIIAN Firm ; sacked , C5c.
HAV Unchair-'Cd.
llDTTKU Quiet and weak ; lS3c.
KRUS Firm : Ill2e.
HKCEti'TS Wheat , S.OOO bu. : corn , 7,030 bn , ;
oats , none.
SHU-MUSTS Wheat , 1J.OOJ bu. ; corn , 01,000
bu. ; oats , none. _
Liverpool Market * .
Livrnrooi. . AprlUW WIIKAT Quiet : holders
oITer moderately. Hud western sprln1. . 7s3JS >
7h 4d pur cental : No. 2 rwd winter , 7s.3dQ7s 4d.
< ! ( IHS Firm , demand /air.
IIUTTKH United Stales tlnesl. 83s per cwt. ;
United States good. 70s. "
NEW OIILEANS , l.a. , April 3n. Qulot and
sleady ; middling , 7u ; low middling , 00-IGc ;
peed to ordinary , 0 1-ICc : net receipts , K.IOJ
bales ; cross receipt . S.70J bales ; oxporls lethe
the continent , l,2i)0'balos ) ; coastwise , 2,500 ;
bales , 400 bales ; sloeK. 21U.200 bales.
Colleo .Market.
NEW Yonic. April 3X Options barely
steady nnd 5 tolO polnladowni sales , 0,2.1' ) batrs ,
Inolndlnt : Mny. } 1'.2.VS 12.30 ; June , 81 l.twai 1.0.1 ;
AiiL-uat , Sll.bS : i-cplomber. $ I1.J ! ) ; October ,
2I1.S.1 ; . Spot Hlo , dull , weak ; No. 7 , S1M.OO
asked. _
Now York Ilry UixuU Mnrkct.
Nnw YORK. April 3D. There was nothln : of
now Importaiico In the dry goods market.
Prices are very llrm , but there is no change
oiitsldo of that. Auonts report that the April
business Is uliuad of last year.
Tn drr ' Tittle.
CHICAGO. III. . Aurll 30. Counsel man it Day
to Cockrcll llros. : The wheat market was
almost devoid of Interest today. Ivxyept In
thu way of providing for M.iy contracts In
wheat the remnant of Ion.- liquidation was
completed early In the dav. causing n ' 40 de
cline. Thu readiness with which elevator
people absorbed offerings Indicated the Mon
day deliveries would bo light and started a
demand to cover local bhort sales. The
attempt to do this on so dull n
market caused n ? * o rally and the
market closed llrmor at JJo advance. There
was no especial Interest taken Incablo nows.
which wus unimportant , hut the tendency Is
more pronounced among speculators to bin-
on the backward souson , low pnco and over
sold condition of the local market , The
nundlng anti-option legislation Is thu chief
detriment. Corn and oats were ( inlet but llrm ,
thu principal features being tno buying for
naar deliveries by strong local operators.
Provisions opened a shade oa.slcr In sympa
thy with gruin markets , hut wuru dull und
yielded from lOc to I2' c for pork and 5c for
I.ird and ribs , principally on local soiling fern
n small scalp , Inlliienccd by the estimate of
2HJ ( ) hozs for Monday nnd 140.000 for iio.u
wuuk. We think It a fair purchase on any
flintier decline.
CHICAGO. 111. . April 31. F. O. Logan tc Co. to
Duncun. Holllngcr & Co. : Wo have a light
trade In wheat as well as all oho. The princi
pal trading lias bonn the selling of May und
buylngof July. The opening price of July
wasb'J'ac ; May about BiHc. The closing of
July lsbl'iQ3lic ' ; May 8l'4c. There has been
considerable speculation's to what the deliv
eries would he on the May contracts on Mon
day morning. This has added to thu strength
towur.ljl llio close. From nil we
can lonrn the deliveries will bu
very llghl. For Hhlpmunls cnsli wheat stll
commands from Ic to 2o promlum over May ,
The crop reports uro not miiuh Improved.
Cables are steady. Receipts of the winter
varieties are very small , much smaller than
thu milling trade requires and the general
sentiment Is de.'ldedly In favor of better
prices. Corn has been fairly strong , thu re
ceipts nro light , shipping demand good. The
planting season Is now hero and wo need line
wuathcr to allow It to bo done favorably.
Until this is over and some Increase In re-
cnlpls wo do not look for any decline- prices.
Muy opened and closed at 4USc. Julv opened
at ; WBe and elosnd at a'.l'.io. ' Oats aru some
llttlu Influenced by corn and are firm. July
closed at 28c bid. Provisions weak from the
opeii'iii. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
London Stock Murkct.
ICapyrloMtd Ifil ! liy Jiimcs HiirJnn llcnnett. ]
1.0NHON. April 30. ( Now York Herald Cable
Special to Tim Hr.K.I As regards nltond-
anc of members of the Stock exchange today
It has pruxentod fioruawlml of u holiday ap-
iio.iranco , but taking Into conslduratlon the
fact that the lionbo .will bo eloped on Monday ,
moro business was transacted than might bo
expected , Thu markets as a whole presented
a necidodly favorable appearance I'nnds
were wu.l malnL.iJiipd. Indian rupee paper
Is conipiirallviily hU'ady. Homo railways
have been firm ' 'from tlio opening to
the close , thu passenger lines particularly
so , Tlio principal .movement . In advance was
14 pur cunt In Southeastern deferred , ( iroit
Katfturn Improved1 per cent and most outers
f n m fi percent lo'Mipur cunt , American rail
ways were tolerably active for Halnrdny.
liny Ing today has bcpn good and thu result Is a
general advance , llrul prices bulng thu best ,
Canadian lines h4i been ijiillo buoyant ,
chpeelally ( Jrand iTrunk second prufnrcnco
vhlcii has rln'ii ? per cunt. Tliuro has been lit-
tlu demanil f or mon'or , Miort lo.ins being cablly
obtulnedat ! lo ? i percent discount , The market -
kot bus been quiet , hills being scarce. Those
nt two and three months wcru quoted ut li !
per cent. '
ItcadliiRaln Itosunieil UK Old Communil-
Ing I'oiiltloii In HjH'ciiliitlon.
NEW YOIIK. April U ) . The stock market pre
sented little feature onUldu thu coal stocks
und Heiidlng again resumed its old command
ing position In spoculntion , these stocks bulng
thu only ones , except u few specialties , lo
hhoxv lIuctniillonH of any mark , Thu market
mill continues lo bo a professional ono , The
bears aru the only aggressive force In Iho
market and iimko fiom tlmu fo lime strenu
ous ulforts to gut b'lelt fomo of the stouki so d
In the early part of the wcuk und to do this
direct their attention against two or three
slocks for thu purpo > uof lowering their prices
enough tolnllunncu the London market.
Thu coalers wcru thus attacked today and
In tlio midst of a promising upward move
ment the pressure brought to bu.-ir knocked
all of thum olf. Thu market opont'd a t higher
prices and further Improvomunl w is madu
during thu uarly dealings , but Huadlru was
depicted from CIU percent toVj'i pur cunt ,
I.HCkuwunnr from IGOii to li'J and Delaware . * c
Hudson after tulllni up from lit to HC ! {
ylol.lcd to 14V | . The only olhcr
wunk point win No. Knglind. which con
tinues to decline nto.ld times without regard
to the movements on the re l of the mnrkot.
Minneapolis A : t , l > oui lost n portion o. ' the
late caln. Iou svtllp. Now Albany > Chicago ,
which bus advanced 0:1 : li.rju lnerni : o In
earning * , held llxuvn In the face of the weak
ness oftlio loaders. The general llstelo cd
heavy hut Inslgnllieanl ehiingcs fro-n openliu
prlcos. Tlio llnnl chunges wcro small but
Irregular and Heading Isdown ! ' percent
and l.ncknnnnna I per cent.
( lovcrnmenls are dull and ttc.idy.
The following nro the eliHinx limitation * for
Iho leading stocks on the Now York SleeK ox *
change today :
Alclilnin s.'l ' i NuriliwcMorn . I
Ailni < Cipress 113 | ( lo preferred
Alton , T. II SS N. V Central
AltonT. II. pfd . . . in.xv . , c. A M. i IS
American lUpre9. . H3'f do preferred
II C. H. A N M niilu MI I IPII | . . . .
Cnnnda 1'acltU1 do preferred
Cnimiln Soutliutn. Ontario A Western.
Central I'aclttc Crck'on linpruvpm't
Chen , ft uiitu ' Orek-on Nnv f.1
do 1st preferred. . ran Oregon Trans
do 2nd preferred. . U 1'nelHc Mall
Ctilcnua x Alton us I'corln Deo. A V ! . . . 19
( ' ,11. A O 107H ritt burit l.M
C. , C. . U A St. 1 , . . . . I'lillman 1'nlaro. . ltjl4J ]
Del. Hudson Heading ft *
Itel. U A W lluck Inland
II. A II. I ! pfil M. I. AS. Klstpri'f 7(1 (
KnHTemieMoo St. I'mil -j t
do lot preferred. . do preferred I23M
do 2 < l preferred . . SU P. , Mln. A Mnn. . 11J' <
Hrlo SI. Paul \ Oninu.v. . 4 ; * |
do preferred . . . . do preferred 11'iMi
Port Wnjrne 1M Tenn. Co..l A Iron. . IK > 1
t'lilenito A K. Ill Texnn 1'acllle lij ( )
Hot-klng Vnllcy. . , Tol. All IVn. pfd. . M
Houston A ; Texas. . . Union 1'acllo il
Illinois Central V. s. i\prrn : l.'l
M. I'.ml A Dnliitli. . Wnliniili. M. U A I' .
' ' ' do preferred . . . . ,
I'nke'Krle.V West ! . Wells I'nrpii Ks. . . , 141
do preferred Wenlern Union. . . . ,
l.nke Hlior Am. I'olton Oil
Colurndd Con I
I.onhvlllu A N. A. . . ItotiicMako
.Memphis , V Char. . lu Ontnrlo 87
Mlchiitnn Central. . . lii'.iM ( Otilckollvcr
Mil. I , . S. A W W do preferred
do preferred \M \ Itlch. A. W. 1' . Tor. . .
Minn. \ t. I 15'i Wisconsin Central. .
du preferred . . . . 27' ( ireat Northern pfd. 121
Missouri I'nclllc. . . . ' " lUlilrnmMliiJ JS * *
MotilluA Ohio Ie.i.l Trust ' . ' 0
NHslivlllo ( 'halt. . . . .Sunar . Trust MV |
N. J. Central Southern I'aclllc. . . . S7V |
Norfolk A W. pfd. . . ! 0. ! < I. . A U. N 25
Northern I'aclllc . . 'uio ' ii. w ;
North. I'nclllc pfd. . . , IllnlJ. W. pfd Tl'l '
U. I' . Hon. x ijnir. . in nun tsm
The total sales of stocks today were 13(1.70 ( ! )
shares , Including : AtchUon , : u'i70 ; llulawuro.
I.uckuwanna , t Western , 5'i73 ( : 'Crle , 1.3W ;
Northern Paclllc preferred. 2,23) ! Now Knu-
land. 5.1110 ; Uuatllnu' , 0".M)0 ) ; St. Paul , 3,1)33 ) !
\\estcrn Union , 2UVL (
I'lnuncliil Review ,
Nnw YOIIK. April ao. The Post says : The
bank statement served only to show ; tbe prepress -
press made of the remarKable huaplni ; up of
of money at this and other financial
centers , The facts of Iho sltuallon
seems to uo the receiving of money
moro rapidly than wo aru sending It abroad ,
and In spltout this fact thuio nas nn b'uid
IOIIK a 150 more than could be actively um-
ployod. This curious condition of the money
mnrliot will Iio of particular Interest
to the season's > ; old u.\porU One cool
uulhorlty In llnanclul matters expresses to
day the opinion that the o\port of siiule enn-
iKil roxch laro proporllons. Tlio reasons are
the heaviness of the merchandise cxuort
trade and that the unprecedented volume of
March Imports was duo to temporary cause * .
H mUht bade been added that the forclzn
llijnldalion of American stocks Is Ki'tionillv
believed to have como almost to an end , With
these taets known , the conditions of thu prob
lem uro simpler niul moro patent than In thu
cnld movements of February , but It Is novor-
Iholcsa host not to bo too coulidont on o pur-
ulexlnj a ( jiicstion.
New York Money Market.
NEW YOIIK , April 30. MONEY ox CAM.
Ensv at I'j pur cent ,
I'uiME MniiOANTii.n l'Ai'F.ii--il4'J. : > ner cent.
STUIIMMI KXCIIANOI : Quid liit ) steady at
J4.b7 for sixty day bills ami Jl.sS'i for du-
Thu dosing nnotntlons on bonds :
r'lnaiielat Xotes.
NEW Onr.iANS. La. , Aurll 30.-Cloarlng3 ,
1CAN9AS CITY , Mo , , April 30. Cloarlnsa ,
I'Aliii * . April 30. Three per cent rentes. OOf
82c for the account.
HAI.TIMOIIR , JId. . April 30. ( llcarlnsR.
82,407,7.VJ ; balances. 8..13.t5i. ! Money. 0 per cent ,
MnMi'iti ? . Tenn. . April 31 Ulnnrlimi. * 7I9-
030 ; balances , J167.000. Now York exchange
at * 1.50.
riNPlSNATl. O. , April 30. Money. 3jtt ! < i [ icr
cent ; New Vork uvchungo , 50 pur cent prem
ium. Clearings , { 2.11'O.bOa
riiii.ADKi.riiiA. I'n. . April 30. Clearings.
111,100,701 ; ' bulanees. 2,12.1l7fl. For the week ,
clcarlnes , flH llTOi ; balances. ill.OOl.Oia.
Money , 3 percent.
CIIICAOO , 111. . April 30. Money dull at 45JG
per cent. Now Vork cxchaimu nt 20a prem
ium. SturlliiK cYchiiiiUP , ( 'liny ; sixty-day hills ,
I4.h7 < i ; iloiimnil , lM.S'J. ' Hank cloarlnsrs. 813.-
0'J.2I. ) ( ; Clunrlnss for the week , .fe3.i)3.oi7. ( ( ) :
against } 9I,4'JI.758 ' for Iho corrcbpondinj ; wuok
Ho.sTON , MOBS. , Anii ; 33. Cloarlnps. 115,720.-
412 ; balances. ? 2.17fill'J. Money , Hi percent.
Exchange on New Vorlf. 158H7odlM > oiint. Foi *
the week : t'luarlnss. ts7.S'U,03l ; ; biiliincen. 112-
518,145. For thu eoneHpondii.u' week lastyonr :
Clunrlnxh , JI4..r > [ i3/7l ; balances. $11.7.15,527 , For
the month : Clearings , eiO..Vi2b25 ! ; balances ,
{ 4.1.28:1,181. : I'or the coi responding month last
voiir ; Olcarlnss , tll' ' s.i.Wlj ; halances , $ I3,5U7- ,
NEW YOIIK , April 30. Oloarlnis , ? 1I3,2.12,8IO ;
balances , t5.oil,0'J ; ( > . For the week : t'learliiis ,
f 2 ! < ,24),2 ) i ; balances , $35.374,5I2. Thouvports
of sjioclo from thu port of Now York
lust wcuk amounted to $5,745,117 , i/f
which J.1,3-5.08 ! was sold and tCI2Ull ( silver.
Thu Imports of spoele amoiintud to $17,143. of
wlileli H.70i : WIIH sold nnd SI.U"silver. . The
Steamer I.a Tourlne had on board il,095,000
In gold for Havre.
HT. I.OUIS , Mn. , April 33. CloarlnKS. (3.011-
KI8 ; balancos. i745,70.1' ' . This week's oleurlncs ,
t2b-'O.I70 ; balances , II.11.1.0X1. Last weoK's
clearing , SI.427.I72 : balances , tl.37B.OSI. Corre-
fcpondlii ! ! week last year : Clo.irlnKS , } 20,1U3-
121 ; balances , * 2,4.V > ,030. This month : Ulieiit-
IIIBS , ; iu3.iMIU.1l ; ; balances , Jl.luU4CiO. ; April'
1SOI : CIcarlneH , J-.l,4 ! .5a2 ; balances , ( U.liu.V.-JO.
Increase , II3.i-S2,047 , or 1.1.5 nor cent. Money ,
quiet at 500 pur cent. IC.vcliuiiiju on New
Tin ? HIM i T c"iMTr * iiinirr'T
Quiet on the Surface Does Not Indicate
Business Stagnation.
An Old Itrnl IXnto Dealer DUrimcs tlio
I'uluro of Siihiirbiin 1'roprrty and
> 'ebni kn 1'iiriii l.nmN The
Connection lletHcrn Them ,
\Vhllo the past week has not boon nolo
worthy by reason of nny especially largo
deals In Oinalm real estate it has by no
mentis been entirely unsatisfactory to tnoso
especially interested In the movement of
iroporty. The fooling is better , and has
jcon for some few * weak * , but It WAS not lo
bo expected that tne improvement In tnls di
rection would immediately result In nny
: rcat speculative activity.
Money Is plenty and the rate of interest
owcr but no one anticipated that Idle capital
would be Invested in real estate with a sud
denness that would create n boom , Capital
bceklnif nn investment on n conservative
basis , is bonnrt to fool its way cautiously , nnd
capitalists with an eye to Investment uo not
ongngo n brass band to accompany them
when they go out looking for property.
Hence tlio tact that mutton may appear
rather quiet on the surface is not necessarily
n sure indication that no progress Is being
mnuo. On the contrary , real cstato dealers
a 111 rm that the situation is growing more
promising , that would-hc purchasers are
< iuiotly Investigating property offered for
sale and laying plans for Investment. It is
dinicult to llml n real estate agent who does
not report having in hand one or more largo
deals which they expect to close up In the
near future. In ether words , there Is n good
deal going on beneath the surface , n con
siderable portion of wnlch must sooner or
later como to light.
Two or three months ago this could not
have been truthfully said and the fact that
the situation hns , In so short utm.o , changed
so much for the better gives real estate men
renewed courage.
This , however , is not the only source of
encouragement. The outlook Is Improving
all over the Btuto nnd Omaha In her roll of
metropolis of Nebraska Is bound to keep
pace with the growth of her tributary
Opinion of an i\port. :
M. A. Upton , who has for years boon n
close observer of the growth of Omaha and
Nebraska real estate values , comments on
the situation ns follows :
"Thero is certainly a bettor fooling re
garding realty matters this ipring than there
hns been jor the past four years. Of course
the miserable weather wo have boon enjoy
ing ( i ) so far this year has held back Invest
ments and improvements , but with the ad
vent of gojil weather , which now seems
assured , real estate in Omdha will bo qulto
active this season , especially well located
suburban property. Rapid transit Is revo
lutionizing residence property and silos that
in former years seemed entirely impractica
ble for homes arose to speak , right in
town , for it is time , not distance , that Ulngs
your homos close to your business.
The ideal homo Is a suburban one , wliero
the air Is pure , wboroyou are free from the
tumult , smoke at.d dust of the business portions
tions of the city. What n sense of relief and
ease it gives a man who passes the day in the
busy marts of the city , where ho continually
hears the hum of machinery , the noise of
hammers , the rattle of motorcars and loaded
wagons over the pavements and all the ether
hubbub incident to down town life , to retire
at evening to a homo where nit is tjulci and
pcacofulness. In twenty minutes ho is trans
ported from ono to the other , to such perfec
tion has the age of electricity reached.
"Tho best Investment today in Omaha is
well solcccod suburban lots and acres. Never
miml if the streets have not been
improved to thorn. . You got them
enough cheaper to make up for
that. Only see that the sites
chosen are well located , sightly ones. Streets
will bo graded and motor lines built to nil
the Jlno ridges within four miles oi the post-
ofllco in the next very few years. Electrical
appliances will bo improved , rapid transit
will become more rapid , and there will bo
less time consumed in going to your homo ,
four miles out , in llvo years from today than
tliero was in going ttiroe-u.uarlers of a mile
cignt years ngo.
I'ann I.umlH Valuable.
"Hut , to cliango from the city to the
country , surely Nebraska farm lands are
going to be the active realty this vear. Very
lew uro aware of Iho amount of laud that
has changed hands in Nebraska und Iowa in
the last eight montlu. The good thing about
it is that the purchasers of farm land now
arc a better class of farmcra , with more
money than have heretofore settled in the
state. Not only is the actual farmer buying
nnd improving land , but investors are buying
largely , and it seems that no other- invest
ment offered today can compare with that of
Nebraska farm lands , for tliero is not
the least doubt lhat Ihcy will dou
ble and trobblo in the next' four ur
live years , i am not RO sanguine as Mr. C.
Woods Duvls , who hns been making n study
of the food and population question for Iho
last ten years , galhering stutics , etc. , from
nil parts of the world , for he soys in IS'.Hi
every good acrr of land that will not require
moro than the uvcrago amount of furtizing
will be worth I O'J ' golden dollars. Hut 1 do
think that all good 'and in eastern Nebraska
will bo worth from SIU to ? 7I > per aero , ac
cording to improvements , within the next
live years. Does this seem unreasonable ,
when last year's crop on many u Nebraska
f 11 rm netted 10 per cent on u value of J75 par
acre for the land )
"Again , if land In Indiana , Illinois nnd
eastern Iowa reached n value of < , " > to
fl'J.'i per aero when millions of acres
Just west of it was in competition
with it ut $ l.27 > per acre , what can we ex
pect of Nebraska lands with railroad facil
ities and close to tlio best markets and the
competition of cheap land wipsd out.I For it
Is a fact that every good available quarter
section of land between hero and the
mountains has been taken up.
"The portion of the stale in which land is
changing hands the most rapidly U the north-
custom part along the line of the 1'acilio
Short Line In Wayne , Dixon , Cedar , I'lorco ,
ICnox and Antelope counties. The reason of
this is that In this part of the state nro Iho
only cheap lands left mat are cloio to the
Missouri river and within easy carrying of Iho Kloux Cily nnd Omaha
markets. Thol'uclllubhort Line has nponod
up a country that was not so well known oe-
forc. but wlnnh , in tact , Is one of the bujt
stoclc und grain portions of Iho stale.
"While ut llr t thought the fact that No.
brnska Is tilling up with settlers , nnd that
farm lands are In active demand , may not
appear to have nn/ special bearing upon
Omaha's property , it Is novorlholotf * Irue
that there Is an intimate connection botwcsn
farm and city real estate. A city Is depend
ent upon the surrounding country which fur
nishes n market for Its manufuclured product
and offers n Held for nil the dlvursu coinmur-
clal enterprise originating in the largo city.
It follows then mat when the tributary ter
ritory of u cliy ramnlns stationary the city
itself can make little progress , and whan the
country Improves the city will go with It.
Ilonco Omaha has mucti to expect from ilie
rapid growth in the population of the state
as ovldoncod by the grout demand for farm
lands ,
Kidu ItumurkH ,
Mrs. Hlackwcll of Muscatlno , In. , who re
cently purchased W. L. Snlby's lot 0:1 : Fur-
iium between Sulrty-sixlh and Thlriy-
Bcvonth strcolhs , is having plans drawn for
a leildence costing from il.'i.OIH ) to $18,001) .
How ls the Nebraska Central scheme
going ) Is what every real ostuto dealer Is
enquiring ,
Persons & Horry of South Omaha report
the following hales made during the past
week : C. O. Lnbcck , executor , to Council
man John P. HhulU , lot I. block l.'l , situalcd
on Iho wojtBldo of Twenty-sixth street , be
tween JJ and C streets , f'.K)0 ) cash. The pur
chaser will build a roaidonco costing not loss
than f..OOO. The size of tlio lot is OOxino
feut. S , 1C. Uarstow to L. IX Fowler , lot fi ,
block 721 , bitmUfd on tlio west side of Twenty-
fourth street , between L and M streets , slzo
tWxlW ) fuel , unjinproveJ , W.ii..O cash. Hold
for Alfred H. Tto s , lot 17 , block a , slzo M ) *
K10 , unimproved , situated on the east
side of Twoiity-fourtti , between Wyinan
und Mllroy ovenuo , tsr > 0. The purchaser will
erect two dwelling house * , Juntos L , Loit
toG. II. Baxter , south one-half lot 8 , block
0 , i'ouer & Coubj' tiocona addition , inuatod
on tlio west side of Twenty-second itreot ,
sire , Stalin ) fcot , between Milroy nvcnuo ami
Armour streets , )9V ) ) . The purchmer will
erect a dwelling house. Hurt K. Wllcox lo
MM. Jennie M. Itlanchanl , lot 17 , block 1,10 ,
MUmtcil on Hie east side of Twenty oconrt ,
between I nnd .1 slrooK lze , f > Jx"lIO ! fcot ,
$000 cash. Also the north one half lot ( > ,
block ' . ' , Potter & folios' addition , Mluatoil
on Uiotnl Mdo of Twentieth , bi't-.Tcon VVy.
man and Mllrov uvonue , slio , ! .V > . < cUK ) fcot ,
unimproved , ? 'KX ) .
A roininllloo lias boon looking over tlio
city during tlio past few ilnya to nseerttiln
what Inducoinenn will bo offered for the lo
cation otlioano colleen at this point. U U
suvffoMoil Hint Diindoa I'lueo would innko n
coed location nnd thn donation of a liberal
Mice of renl cstnto for Iho bonolH of the rol-
loco would add to the vnlito of the balance ol
the suburb enough to make up for Uio gut ,
ChlciiKo nnd the World's 1'iilr ,
World's rnlrSouvonlr , Illustrated. IIO'IIR ' i
complete and concise history of the pr nr < pu |
world' " ! fairs from Iho Crystal Palace , London ,
KM , to the World's Columbian I-\pos lion In
rhtetiKO. ' ' ' - ' I. With explanatory tables and
limps. Published by The Anabojno Publish"
Ins company , Chicago , bound neatly in cloth ,
It iixrcly falls lo the lot of the reviewer
to notice so exhaustive n , work ns the
"World's Fair Souvonlr , " which hns
boon compiled with so much care l > y u
former resident of , .lolin D.
Jones. For purposes of reference" " , ol
coinpnrlson niul for general information
the work Is a imignilicont roll ox of tlio
push und energy of a city thutls the won
der of the world.
In its compilation expense hug not
been thought of , und the richness of Its
Illustrations of the World's fair Imlld-
ingi > , cuts of the men und women who nro
directing to u suecesstul issue \vhiil bids
fuir to bo the greatest exposition of an-
clnnt or modern timn , pictures
of the colossal business blocks that
stand as monuments to the enterprise ot
their owners nnd builders , is typical ol
the "Chicago gnlt , " as the rush niul
bustle of the great city by the inland sea
hns been described.
The book bus boon arranged upon n
most comprehensive plun , the object ol
the publisher being to give u complex
resume ol what may bo soon in C'hieago
in ISiKt , and at tile same time give tlio
information in iv compact form , so that
the work may bo a valuable adjunct to
the library and reading room. Its uso- will not end with thu close of
the exposition , but on the contrary will
grow in value with yours , for it is the
most perfect compendium yet issued of
an event which cnnnot fail to have an
inlluonce for many docadesto como upon
, ' .ll lines of art , literature and com *
niorce. As Mr. Jones Bays in the intro
duction to the work : "As an educator
this cvont will leave its impress upon
succeeding generations and bear fruit ill
all realms of human thought , ingenuity
and ii ogress. "
In addition to its complete epitome of
what has been done , is doing and will bo
done when the fair opens , it comes to
the general public at a , most opportune )
time. It brings before the American
people the forces that are actively tifc
work to make the exposition K success1
worthy of a nation that in n little ever ft
century has , from nothing , builded the
mightiest republic of earth. It not only
gives full ptigo art typo illustrations and , '
descriptions of tlio principal buildings
of previous world's fairs anil all the
buildings of tlio present World's Colum
bian Exposition , together with portraits
and biographical sketches of its
olllcers and chiefs of departments ,
but it tells "How to Roach the
Fair , " gives descriptions of Chica
go's parks and boulevards , its places o
amusement , the wholesale and jobblnj ;
interests , its railroad facilities , and in
general is the most complete guide boolc
to tlio city that stands at tlio edge oi
Lake Michigan.
Do you want ono of these books ? A
few minutes' woric will tecuro ono for
you. Send to THIS OMAHA HICK ono sub
scriber to Tiln WKKKi.Y Bine at $1.25
nnd ono will bo sent to you by mail. The
book sells for $1.00 , but Tin13UK : has secured -
cured a largo number of copies , enabling
the publishers to make this liberal oiler *
It is Uio best thine in this line ever of
fered and you nro euro to bo pleased.
You can have the paper and book sent
to your address or the boolc alone and tlio
paper to some other person.
Omaha , Nob.
Armed .Mcxlc.ins In T xm. :
Anii.rsi : , M'ox. , April ! 10. Thirty Moxicnnl
well mounted and armed with Winchester5
rilles nnd revolver * , passed through here
vcstnrduy. Diligent Inciulry failed to develop
the fnct from wlicnco they came or whither
they were bound. They roimiticd in town
only n few mlnuto ? to socnro rations , during
which tlmu they were totally non-cominuul-
untlvo. They nro supposed to bo revo-
intionlsts. Moro are reported lo have passed
through other portions of tlio coui.ty ,
Killed by 11 .luiiloiM Iover.
MiVNKAi'ous , Minn , , April IIO , Mrs. Bos-
Mo Kelly wui shot and Ulllod by her jealous
lover , Frank McUovorn , yesterday , who then
tried unsuccessfully lo kill himself ,
Not ( inllty of .Murder.
M.UISII.U.I. , III. , April ill ) . The Jury in the
cnsa of Andrew Kinahart , accused of the
murder of M. F. HallinH In July last , returned -
turned a verdict of not guilty.
rNSTtlUMEXT3 plaoo.1 on rooorJ April Z\
L le'J.'i
H .1 CorrlKiin to Kluhard O'Koofe.v"
blouU : t and w" , of s'i block ? > , J I add
to Corrman place $ 1,200
M.I Illiincliard and husband to I ) mills
( Janley , lot II , blouk til , South Oni ihi ; , l.'OD
C C Stanley 1111(1 wlfo lo L U Glhion , nn-
nlv ' , ' lot li , blouk 114 , HUme 600
1 , II Hall nnd wlfu to 0 0 Stanley , lot I'.1 ,
Kami ) , . . . 750
Surah Seldon to M A Muhonoy , lot It ) ,
Uhiiiry ( i.'irden IW
U 1 * Druxol and wlfo to 1. .M M ml , lots ! )
nnd 11 , hiook'S K UOXUM' add , mid H
'i of u'i ' lot SI , Konnt/.o'iiid add . 0,509
Della Krnest and liuib.ind to S li Hulvur.
w'.i lei ; l. blouk a , H.iundtrs& ll'b add
Id Walnut Hill 1 , 23
11 K Wllcox to ( ' U Oeor.'e. lot I.F > , block
( , Arbor place l.'iU
J A lloilneh and vlfo to M A Mhtcr , lot
7. bloek I' ' , IlorlKioh's Vd add . , . , 1,030
M M .Mar liall and wlfo lo U It UriiJun-
heukur , lot , Id , hlook "I. Oartliauii i-OM
A.llllid und wlfo lo II J lllli * , lot U ,
liloek I , I'oppluton p.irk l.WO
lllr.llo Cochran and huatiand lo M H
.Murphy , part tax iof.'T In 'JI 5,000
fi N liielibet u ! to P J .Murphy , lot U.
bloek J.1 , .South Omaha . 2,533
Marv D.vier to IMwiird Dwyer , lot l.bloek
' > . KoiinUu Jd add . 1
Men IH Morrls'jn.triHtue. , to James Walxh ,
lot * b and U , block 4 , Mount l > oula | * 1,009
guir cr , u.i IKK > 3.
A J I.ove to Walter llroen , n - " > font of
lot 4 and n"i feet of w :8 feet of lot It.
and und tj w B foot of n Vi : fuel uf u 'M
foul of lot II , blouk IS , Omulm. . . 1
W Ij.McCaiiioto William Colf.ix. lot ai ,
bloek I' , W It guilty' * Ut uild lo Sunlit
Oiniihu . 1
K M HlukH to John inline , block 4 , oxcupt
lots Vi und I'J , and block \Vestlawn
Park . 1
J F Dillon and wlfu to IK } 1'ienoli. lot 7 ,
block ' . ' , l < ako View . 100
M S Ilarllett , special nuistor , to 0. l'\ '
llliven. triutee , lota , Llook li. Walnut
lllll . . . . .
Total amount of trausfori. . . . t W.VJ