PAGES 1 TO 8 , TWKNTY-FinST YEAK. OMAHA , SUNDAY MOUNING , MAX 1 , 1802-T\VKNTV VAGUS. Nl'MltKH 318. MAY DAY IN GERMANY Socialist Loaders Say They Will Not Coun tenance Yioltnco 'or Disorder. 4 AUTHORITIES TAKING EVERY PRECAUTION Troops and Polioj Massjd at the Most Oon- venient Points. f WILLIAM HARANGUES WORKWOMEN is Speech Falls Like a 'Wet Blanket and is Coldly Received. SOME UNPOPULAR FINANCIAL SCHEMES rropo nl to IMnco n Tux on llcrr llcctNUlth nUfitior Corn . ' \lpiillu \ the Army llomlp and Xuw * front rntlicrlnnd. [ fopyMttil nSlltM the X. I' . .li ocfif d IlBiiLi.v , Atitll ! ! 0. The latest reports from ull the industrial centers In Germany show thnt there U every prospect of a peaceful May day. The authorities , however , have tnkon every possible precaution to flip In the bud any attempt to cronto disturbances. There will bo no open dismay of force , but police will bo centered nt every important point ready to net upon the first indication of disorder. Demonstrations everywhere have boon ar ranged to take a festive character. Enor mous excursions to the country will bo made from every large town. The fetes In Herlln will be piolonjjed to early Monday morning. They Include concerts , choruses , singing nnd fireworks. The socialists have ongago.1 sixty beer houses , at which the landlords linvo un- Ucrtakon to engage only socialist waiters. The leading socialists absolutely oppose uy Illegal action. They declare that if the tnarchlsts attempt to create disorder the so Dlnllsts will bo thu llrst to deliver them to the police. hiirlullnlH Wilt Not Comitoimnro DUonltir. Herr Llebknccht In an Interview says that If there are any disturbances It will bo en tirely duo to agents of the authorities. The locialists , ho snvs , do not intend to gratify Ihcir enemies by acts of violence. The sections of Independent socialists have uccldcd to bold a soparatc demonstration. They have composed u now version of the "Murst nUe , " which Is applicable to May day. It xvill bo sung tit nil tliolr meetings. Only at Dussoldorf , Hamburg und Lubeclt will processions bo had. The procession will include Ifi.UOO men. The socialists declare- that the arrests of anarchists in Berlin during the week were limplo police inrco3. In u majority of cases , where genuine arrests were made , Iho men wrro soon released for want of evidence. Since the explosions m Pans the regu lations regarding entry into tbo Berlin Bchloss have increased In stringency. Hence forth nobody will bo admitted without r special pass. Even then they will bo accom panied to their destination by a soldier. \Vlillani'H Speech Coolly ttucrlit-il. The omparor's visit to Duron Strumin has given free umbrage to the worklngmen. He harrongucd Baron Strumm's workmen and bestowed the highest eulogies upon the fac tories uud the regulations for the workmen. ilo declared thnt it was they , moro than ull clao , thnt Germany ought to imitate. His speech wag coolly received , as Baron Strumm's arbitrary treatrabiit of his em ployes and his pitiless discharge of any man suspected of socialism is notorious , and hits gained for him the soubriquet of "King Strumm. " The grand banquet thnt ho iavo the emperor is tno tain of the nov/spapera. It cost over .iO.OOO marks. The debates upon the reassembling of the Landtag lack the expected interest. The conservatives nnd the centrists apnear to bo timid and did not tuko iho opportunity to definitely doilno their position toward the government. They confined themselves to acrimonious speeches censuring the govern ment for tbo withdrawal of the primary educational bill , while the progressists unanimously predicted the triumph of the liberals at the general elections. Unpopular rimiucml 'Measures , The financial reforms proposed by Herr Mlquol , minister of finance , will shortly bo debated in tha Landtug. They arc certain to moot with bitter opposition. The schema will bJ attacked as a piece of state socialism , Ho proposes to make the Inconio tax pro- presslvocxomptiug small incomesand , ho will also introduce a now tax , miming Interest pay moro in proportion than earnings. Min ister Mlquol expects that the increased rove uuo thus obtained will enable him to resign taxes on land and Industries amounting to 100,000,000 murks to the local authorities. His most unpopular proposal Is to create a tax on beer , which the centrists will es pecially attack. Probably In the face of the opposition , Minister Mlquol will abandon his proposed tax. Taking Von lliili'iilmrir'n M auru. Surprise has boon expressed at Chancellor vonCaprlvi leaving to Count von Eulonburg the burden of the debate in tha Landtug. The general belief Is that tha chancellor wishes to emphasize bis withdrawal from the presidency of the Prussian ministry and \ to leave Count von Eulouburc to handle tbo reins ot an Important debate unaldod , and thus ( juago iho future lulluoiico with which the chancellor will have reckon. It is ttn open fact that the chancellor's position Inn been weakened by recent events. Ho has loss suuro in the emperor's counsels than formerly. Other ministers are acquiring an amount of Independence in their relations with the emperor which they have not pose - ยง o sed hitherto. Chancellor von Coprlvl will return to Ber lin to meet tbe king and queen of Italy when they vlitt here , and lu order to hold a con ference with tbo Marquis dl Hudlnl , the Italian prime minister. Contrary to the re ports thut are circulated , there is little likelihood of Count Kaluoky , the Austrian prime minister , being present at this confer ence , as It Is practically certain that Count Kulnoky end Chancellor von Caprlvi will moot later lu thu summer In accordance with the practice of recent years. SlnUtrr IliimorH orCliaiieiii. Sinister tumors that another rupture In the i Italian cabinet Is linpandlng arrive. Signer Nlgri , the ItalUu ambassador at Vi enna , Is mentioned B.I tbo possible successor of Marquis dl Huillnl , The belief In politi cal circles In Berlin Is that the crisis will be tided over. The emigration of i-ru Ian Poles , chiefly to the United States , is rapidly growing heavier. This aucmontatlon 1s attributed , not only to the agricultural depression , butte to the fear thut war with Uussia is Inevitable sooner or later. The emigration from Germany has bcon heavier thus far this year than for many years twst. The figures so frshow thnt the emigration has doubled 1SS3. \VIII Use Corn Meal. Mr. Murphy , tbo special agent of U.o United States government to Introduce the use ot corn meal , states that the German government Is now establishing a corn meal plant In onu of their Inrgou mills nt'ze- burg. The tests are satisfactory and exten sive Improvements are contemplated , llread used by'tho army In tho.futuro will consist of one-third corn meal nnd t.vo thirds ryo. Kov. Mr , Francis , pastor of the American church nt St. Petersburg , passed through thla city cnrouto for London , Ho Is worn out by his cxortlons In bchnlt of the famine sufferers. Ho says that small pox nnd typhus fever are making fearful ravages In Kussla and that unless stringent precautions are taken tticso diseases will spread to western Europe. lUTKS JVOT Itl'.STOtlED. Cuts by Lnko MIIIM .May Havn n Disastrous Kltcct on Tnilllc. CHICAGO , III. , Apt-1130. Before authorizing the Chicago lines to rcduco iho rate on sixth class freight to the basis of SO cants per 100 pounds from Chicago to New York , the chairmen of the Trunk Line nud Central Trnlllc associations will make a strong effort to Indnco the St. Louts committee to with draw the reduced rate from that point. Such was the ndvico received today from Now York , where the Joint committee has been canvassing the situation with n view of ronchlatr a .satisfactory solution of the prob lem ? presented. Some of the roads nro dis appointed that they were not given iminocil- ate authority to moot the action of the St. Louis lines and it would not bo Ktlrprisln ? if ono or two of them should decide to take the matter lu their own hands. ThU will not bo done , however , until after next Monday , when a meeting of tbo railroads committee will ho held to consider the matter and to boar the dual decision of the St. Louis roads. Chairman nianchnrd , who has boon In New York during the week , is expected to return In time to nttond the conference. There seem ? to bo little chanro of escaping from this difficulty by prevailing on the lake and rail lines to rcstoto their rates to tha agreed basis. It is claimed that the trunk lines could do this If they chose , be cause they practically control the boat lines , but for some reason or other it Is not done. It is true that the lake lines received nn ordnr today to restore the rate ou Hour to 15 cents per 100 , but further than that it docs not appear that any atto'npt i.s being made to enforce the agreement made last winter. The special committee appointed some tlmo ngo to recommend a schedule of circuitous routes to California points have prcrurea a rooort to bo submitted at the May meeting. Only ouo change Is suggested In the schedule at present in force and that Is in regard to the rate going by way of St. Paul to Port land or Vancouver and returning by wnv of Texarkami and St. Louis. Tlio committee thinks this rate should bu $ l\ \ ! > , ns nguinst the lowest round trip rate from Chicago , which Is f 102. A request from General Pas senger Agent Eustis of the Burlington that six now routes bo added to the list will bo favorably reported by iho committee. < . .ti.i.vr inwicuiins 20 ADJUST. Western freight As oplntlon All.ilrs Not In thu Heat Possible Condition. Cilic\oo , III. , April SO. A stir hns been created in Western Freight association circles by the discovery that n out is using quoted on shipments of binding twine from New Yorlt to Missouri river points by water and rail. The cut rate on the commodity in question Is as low as : i. i cents per 100 pounds , Now York to Kansas City. The route by which this rate is quoted is composed of the Anchor Line , rail and l.iko , to Chicago ; the Chicago & Alton to Alton , and the ICansas City Packet comnany to Missouri river poluts. The naeltct company operates on the Missouri river between tlio towns along tbo river nud the Mississippi river , and is owned nnd couti oiled by Kansas City Jobbing tirms. Immense shipments of hinder twiuo have re cently been captured hv this route Irom the cordage trust of Now York. This now com bination route will probably add ouo moro to many soiious complications that nro nwuillng adjustment bv the advisory board of iho Western Traftlc association. Tlio St. Louis Hues of tha Central Trade association have notilicd Chairman Blunchard of their Intention to rcduco thu rate on grnln and all sixth class freight to - . " > rents per 100 pounds from St. Louis to the seaboard , tak ing oftrct May 4. This Is on the bnsib of 20 cents from Chicago to New York. If the re duction is lunistcd upun the Chicsgo lines will of course oe authorized to meet it. Lake and rail competition is tha cause of the action. The rate today on expott ilnur by InUo and mil is I.1 ! cents per 100 pounds from Chicago to the sqitbourd. 3I.IV' VKLKHH.ITIOXS , No Trouble Anticipated In Kltlier ( Jcrmtiny or Ili'letiiiit Tomorrow. BKUI.IV , Aptil ilO.May day will bo cele brated bore by meetings at the various brew- orlas , boer gardens and public halls , vith speoeli making and Ringing. No procession will bo allowed either here or in most of the other largo cities of Prussia. Biu'ssr.i.s , April 30. Very general preparations have boon made throughout Belgium for the celebration of May day. The labor organisations nt industrial centres111 hold meetings , parades , etc. No trouble is anticipated. llnlil llrlKaiiilrt Jfi'ur Cairo. CAIIIO , April ! IO-New [ York Herald Cable Special to TIIK Bm : . | During the night of Thursday u strong band of brigands at tacked the Uoalat Draker railway station. whcio the line to Upper Egypt begins , with the object of capturing the mouoy In tbo sta tion. The arrival of the police defeated the purpose of thn brigands , who lifter it detur- mined tight retreated , leaving ono of their party mortally wounded. Tbo boldness with which the brigands operate at the very gates of Cairo Is really astounding. One of the causes of this state of things is tbo misery In the provinces of Ghlzos and lienosiu. All tli Hoilli'M Kecoverecl. Pnii.MiiriiiA ) : , Pa , Aoril ao. Thu morn- inp the bodies of all the missing member * of the Davit's Auction company who loit their lives lu the Central theater lire were recov-i orcd. At 1 o'clock tbi.s morning the body ol Thomas Lorcltu , the gymnast , was found , later that of Vincencla Chi licit , the dancer , and llnnlly those of W , S. Breaks , leading man , Function Couyors , Juvenile lady , and Surah Goodman , Coryphee , together , ' The Hull. Nr.w YOIIK , April 30. General W. T Wells , ono of the best known citizens of Vermont , who was prominently spoken ol last year as likely to bo thn successor of Secretary - rotary of War Proctor In President Harri son's cabinet dlud yesterday in a Ullliam street business house of heart disease , Molli IH'fe.m ST. PAW , Minn , , April 30-Sralth Me- Hugh and Charles Moth wrestled last night calcli-ns-culch-can for a purse of f.2,500 , gate receipts and the championship of iho north- west. Moth look iho prize In two straight bouts , \Vhl ky TritHt I'lititi In lousi , DBS MOINI : " , la. , April HO. The whisky trust has decided to spend ? -53,003 ! In enlarg ing the International distillery in ibis city , with a view to us use exclusively as a mal house. Cuptureil an ArUoim Kmbeizlrr. DKM-UI , Colo. , April 80. Sqorlff J. 1C llroun of Tucson , Ariz. , arrived In town tbi uiorulug to toke charge of Cecil Hcury Hvtherford Fitzgerald , the Amona ombcz- 7lci % Fitzgtrnld , It seems , was the represen tative of nn English company who wore putting In an Irrigating tannl and reservoir near Tucson and In his oftlcial capacity had : hargo of the funds of the eompiinv. Accord- ng to the sheriff about $00,000 remains to bo accounted. for. tolcs nnil CIcxFlnnd 1'iietloin Caitsn Some IHMiirhaneiMit loun Clly. IOWA CITV , I.i. , April HO. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BKE. | Theology aud politics got badly mixed and Iho democratic convon- lon was stampeded this afternoon. When the democrats were selecting tholr delegates to ho state convention Assistant Secretary ? onklln ot the Iowa sonnto moved to endorse ) otos for president. Senator Moses Bloom , n strong Cleveland man , protested , Conklln excitedly said the democracy of .inhnson county did not ivant to bu dictated to by a man from Jerusalem. Senator Bloom , n llcbrow and ono of the cader.s of Iowa democracy , startled the largo convention by saying : "I resent the imputation of the Gentleman. I am n descendant fiom those who lived In Jerusalem , but I urn proud of It , nnd 1 nm glad to say that our Savior Jesus Christ nado his haadquttrtcrs In the Holy City. " Mr. Dloom cnnio out ahead nnd Mr. Clovo- and scored n notable theological victory. After order was restored Judge Falrall. who nlso a candidate for nomination for con- gtess , was nut at the head of the state dolo- tlon. DAVEXI-OIIT. la. , April no. [ Special Tele gram to Tut BiSH.J The democratic county convention met hero today nndchoao'twcuty- sovcn delegates to the state und fourteen to .ha congressional convention. Tbe former ivcro instructed for Bolos for proldout and Hon. Nathaniel Frcnsh ot mvonpcrt for district dclegato to the nattonnl convention. f ho congressional delegates were Instructed for Hon. Walter I. liayos of Clinton for congress. Resolutions were adopted In favor of sound currency and tariff revision and opposing trusts on the necessaries of life and thu Iowa prohibitory law. Deck llniiiU Ila\ii ' 1 roithlo. DiVESfoiiT , Io. , April 30. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bi i.J The Diamond Jo line steamer Sydney , plying between St. Louis nnd St. Paul , lost about half her freight randlcrs hero this morning by n strike. Sight men quit. They were ordered out of town by the polica. An effort is being roado among the upper Mississippi men to extend the strike that prevailed In St. Louis ro- contly. AilUscd to Use Shot Culls. DivcNPoiiT , la. , April 30. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Bcc. | Today a Jury acquitted John Goldsmith of ciimlnal nssuult upon o-ycar-old Mary Averill. County Attorney Fred Heinz refused to accept a verdict of simple assault and demanded the release of the prisoner. He then declared ho would not prosecute another such choree , though ono Is about to como to trial , but would advise - vise relatives of the victims to use their shot guns aud como to hi.u to secure dctunsn if prosecuted for murdor. Mr. Heinz has prosecuted several such cases , acquittal re sulting in all but ens. Public feeling Is strong aud Goldsmith is not s.ifo. Section .Mun on u Strike. FonrDonoi : , la. , April : iO. | Spcclal Tele gram to Tin : BEE. " ! The section men on the Illinois Central hero ara on a strike for higher They have been receiving Sl.-Ti per day and want $1.50. The demand has been refused , aud tha company is en deavoring lo secure now men. Dltehed 11 Freight Train. CEDAU HIIMIIS , la. , April 30. [ Specia Telegram to THE Bui : . | A freight train on the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul was wrecked this afternoon , caused by sprcudlng rails. The engine and live car i were ditched and demolished , causing n loss of $ l , " > ,000. ln u Crop lluilellll. DCS MOIXEF , la. , April 30. The Iowa weekly stitlo croo bulletin says : The past seven dnjs have become fillghtly improved in weather conditions for form pjrtlons , but the average dally temperature was two to three degrees below the normal compared wllh the average of recent years. The season is fifteen to eighteen days late. Sow ing of small grain is quite generally com pleted , but the unfavotable conditions have caused a heavy decrease in the ncrcngo of oats , wheat and barluy. This may result in a corresponding increase In acreage of corn , millet und ilax if the season become1 , moro favorable. Thcto Is somu complaints of oats rotting in localities where there has been greatest excess ot moisture. Corn planting will begin this wcok if the weather will permit. "Storm } " Jorilnn rarilonoil. OirusnvA , la. , April 30. "Stormy" Jor dan , the notorious , saloonkeeper , was par doned today by Governor Bole * , on condition that bo would forever give up the saloon business , ilo promises never to allow his building to ho used acrnm for a saloon as long as ho or his heirs own it. I.cmarti * Now Normal School. , la. , April 30. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BcK.J This has been farmers' day at the new Normal School addition to Lc- mttrs. An ofilco , dining hall and band stand were erected and tbo farmers invited to en joy the hospitality of Lemars for tbo day und look over a site for the normal school build ing soon to bo erected. Over 1,500 people visited tbo grounds during the duv. ninny buying lots. The proceeds from the sale of lots will bo used In erecting the building , to sue ply tbo needs of iho building already established In Lcmnrs. The corner stone will bo laid in ubout thrco weeks. J.ITTI.K AXO OKUlldi : OS TltlAL. IIow Contractor nlavini'H Herd Happened to 111) Itapldl.v Diminished. KUMI > CITV , S. D. , April UO [ SpecialTola- grum to THIS Bur.l The preliminary hear ing in iho case of tbo United. States agaiust John G , Little , ex-sheriff of Cherry couiity , NebraskaColonel Ellpnus George and others , was hold before Commissioner O'Connor ' today. Joseph Demarche , a half breedJohn Burnett , a quarter blood , Hnlrstring , a full blood buck , Ho- ! Horse , a squaw , und Charles Lambert , a whlto man , testified. Their ovl- dunce made a slrong circumstantial case In support of tbo charge that In February last , under the direction of Little and George , seventy-two head of cattle were stolen from Contractor Slavon's hctd on tbo Rosebud reservation , shipped east and nold , This afternoon the defense waived further exam ination on thu ground ot not having wit nesses or time to prepare. Llltlo and George's bonds were placed at $2,000 each , to appoHr before tbo United Stales grand Jury In Dead wood In July. They expect to fur nish bonds next v > eok. BVUCKSSFULLY L.lUXCIlii > . Another Addition In the MilpH of Iho United MateH Naty. EUZAIIETII , N. J. , April 30. The practice cruiser Bancroft was successfully launched today from Samuel L. Moore & Son's yard at Ellzabothport. AssUtant Secretary Soloy , Commodore Melville , chief of the engineering bureau of the navy , and other government oftlclals wore present Miss Mary Frances Moore , daughter of Milter P. Moore , member of the linn , christened the vessel , The Bancroft , which la for the use of the cadets lit Annapolis , Is a stocl screw pro peller , barkenllno rigged , 1ST feet , six Inches in length and thirty-two foot breadth of lieaui. , Uer main armament consists of four inch rapid lire , breech-loading ( 'uns und an auxiliary batlery of two six-pounders , two three-pounders , ouo onc-poundcr , ono re volving cannon and ono gall Ing gun. She will bo ready for trial iu ibrco months. The I'lra Kcecml. Corj'EYViu.E , Kan. , April 30. Six buslneis clocks burned yesterday. Lost , { 50,000 , FREE TRADE ; DOOMED i i Great Britain Almost Forced to Abandon Her Position on the Fallacy. MUST PROTECT HER HOME INDUSTRIES Pine Theories Smashed by Actual Experi ence in the Matter of Business. BRITISH ZOLLVEREIN IS TALKED OF ' i o - Union of the Colonies with the Mother Country tho' Hope of England. * SALVATION FOR THE BIG FACTORIES * . Something Must llo Done , fur They Cnn No Longer llattlo Agalntt the Tariff * of the World rimls l'a\or inul bupiortvrn. 2 byJatnti Gonlnn Jlr.nntU , ] Losiiov , April fcO.--Notv | York Herald 2nblo Spoclnl to TUB I.BEB. ] England has jcon stirred up by the ( resolution passed by the Canudlan House of domraoni , pratcionlly offering rociprocliy to Uifoitt Bntiiui , Thoroughgoing ough-going free trailers nro alarmed , and lot without reason. WorKlngmou every where nro beginning to shspocl the soundness of their views as applied to all circumstances. conditions and nations. The history of Eng. ish commerce shows Increasing Imports and decreasing exports. Manufacturers nro muling out by cxi > 'crcnco that this docs not moan prosperity. In the cotton trade the nro ( Us liavo almost reached tha vanishing point. Iron is no bdttor. Foreign markets nro becoming moro arid more Inaccessible ) to English traders , while foreign goods pour into English ports in larger volume than over. This state of affairs , though satisfac tory to the theorists , Is the ravorso to the men who are actually engaged in the vast manufacturing industries' . A remedy has longbeoul looked for In direc tion of a British IraporiU Xollvoretn. The first move had to como the colonies. It li rs now boon midu by Canada. It will bo welcomed by the working classes . They have been ardent froojtrrder.s till recently , but the McKinley tariff opened their eyes to n now condition uudor which British trade would have to be carried on. Citn ono free Irudc nation fight hostile tariffs successfully all over the world ) Philosophers still bay ' yes,1' Djt practical men are forced to take an opposite view. 1 May liccomo .Self-Supporting. If England can sootira , nrofercuco for her products in nil hor-'Jc'oIpnlos she may yet counteract the McTC-inljbv tariffs , ' . Loading statosmon.aroliot yet proparcd to admit this , but will scon have to lofloxvitho popular will. When ox ea this , which ) tfxs povnr till noW wavered on free trrdc.'llnfls t compe'lloif to ndmil.thauhe Caitadisn oCfo/U1 worthy of couaidoration , and toot Itjraav possibly cre ate n new situation altctfoiher , it is obvious that old theories have been shaUca to tnoir foundations. ' ' Of course acceptance of tha * offer cannot bo made in a hurry. 1C Is tempting now. It will bo irresistible If ( backed up by otber colonies. Wo cannot dlsprimlnato in favor of the colonies except by Imposing special duties or Imparts frotu the United States and other caun tries. That would necessarily lead to u commercial w&r\on a largo scale. Countries liable to tbo now duties might issue prohibition against the Import of British goods , but some of them have gone next door to that already. England's trade erowV with her colonies , not with the United States or other nations. Even if America refused to sold her breadstuffs - stuffs , which is scarcelv'illtoly , Canada and India could supply htr with nil iho needs. The empire could be ihsdo self-contaluing and self-supporting , ana' fears of retaliation mid prohibition hayo tberoforo lost all lorco. I'reo Trade Is. noonirll , A well known liberal politician gave mo his views on the subject today. ' I four , " ho said , "that frco trade Is doomed , The Idea of n great commercial federation with the other colonies Is sure to tuko a firm hold of the masses. They already see that other nations are determ ined to strlKo at British trade , both by fair means and foul. Tbo' McKinley tariff ro- vculod an animus that wont far beyond all previous measures of Ihe kind. Old mar kets nro closing upon us , and no new ones nro oDcnlng , Our people nro getting' rostlcss and Impatient. Canada strikes in at the right moment. If Lord Salisbury Is oold enough to meet her hulf way , I really bo- llcvo it would extinguish all our cnauccs in the i.txt election. " ' That is also tbo view of a largo section of tbo conservative party tto draw nearer the colonies and let the rest of tha world con tinue Its war of tariffs , but before any prne tlcul stops can bo takcn in parliament otber colonies must spoan out' Sbould they echo the voice of Canada wo may nxpoct to see duties placed ou certain American , French and German products , JehHo tbo same class of goods from the cplonles will be duty free. The effect on American cereals , tinned provisions ' visions and fruits , ftn ( Bother Importations would bo Instantancous 'ind Immense. Thus , for the first time , thp roat system of 1810 begins to totter at Its y ry base. ' A MeMp'fcop PAHLIAMEXT. Trial. Mei.nouiiNB , April SJyl'ho Deeming trial was continued today , i fcxport medical testi mony was taken as to , | Ce condition of the Dody of the inurdo'redjWloman. Crois-oxaml- nation endeavored to'jitjiow ' tbe character wounds Indicated tha Deeming was insane. Aftur Mnrujtyifyrmutloii. OTTAWA , Out , ApijU BO , James M , Ma- caun , of the gcolORlcjU survey department , started Sot Boring Bea to obtain Information concerning seal life supplement that col lected by the British cpmmlstloucr * last tea- son. liillutinzn Ifpldcmlc , LONDON' , April UO.- * From dispatches re ceived In this city U Is learned that an cpl , dfmla of \lfulcnt typo of inllucnza U ravaging auong tbo people iu tbo south of Uussia. r XM 1'AHK. HH ManiiKoint'iit ItfliiK Iiucitljratcd by n Conercoildiial Commute * * . WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 30. The Yellowstone - lowstono park leases were investigated by the bouse public land * committee today. E. C. Waters of Montana , for four yetra mana ger o ( tbe Yellowstone Park association , pro duced a letter addressed to S. P. of St. Louis saying that (5,000 worth of the association's stock bad to go to U. C. ICoroui ot Bt. Louis. In explanation witness said that he came to Watblng'on to secure certain conceioui ! from Secretary of the Interior Vila * , hut could accomplish nothing. Witness Acknowledged an acquaintance With Husscll Harrison and said ho thought lie mleht Intorccdo In the matter and help him got things fixed up. Doing closely questioned , witness sild the f\000 worth of stock was Intended for Hus- sell Harrison , but neither Harrison nor Kerens knew anything about it. Harrison was to give his nld purely for the tiubllo good. Harrison appeared very much om- bnrrnsscdhen told of the matter ntm sMd that ho would not have It done for anything. InilU-ulIonj Arc Tlmt Tliry Will llo Itc- turncil to .lohnoon County. CiiBTr.Nvn , Wyo. , April HO. U Is Imposil- blo to get any information ( is to the Disposi tion of the cnttlumcn now hcki hoic. It was thought all along that they would be given n hearing at Laramla City , lut thut bus been disputed. Judge M. C. Brown , who resides there , and who his : been retained by the cat tlemen us ono of their attorneys , snys the trial will not take place thuro on recount of the prejudice existing against the Imprisoned cattlemen. It looks us If they will l > o tanon baric to Johnson county and stay thcro until at least a change of vcnuo is obtained , iiii.t.ii m A > Adiixr. Deadly Work of n I.ono lllgltna ) innii In Ciillliirnlii , SANAMIHKASI , Cal. , April 30. The stage running from hero to the Sheep ianch as held up this morning by n lone highwayman , who IIred without warning n shotgun loaded with buck shot killing Miss Kodorslno , ti passenger. Dilver Kageto wits shot through tbo body and Is now luacilllcal condition. Messong'cr Tovlo was shot through the upper part of the arm. A large treasure was aboard for the Sheep ranch , all of which was caved and brought back here by the messenger. A largo bony of citizens pursued the robber. Tnrnrd Up All UIKlit. Su't-TSTG. Munn , Mich. , April 30. The missing schooner Glonorn , reported lost In lust Ihursday'o storm , turned up safe , hav ing gone aground on the Ontario shoto. Her crow is safe. Arrested on n ( iru\o Charge. CIUSF , Mich. , April 30. Druggist Hess has been arrested on the churgo of starting the ilro thut destroyed the business portion of this town Thursday , and held to bail. A suit to foreclose a mortgage Is about to bo commenced in tbo district court which will not bo altogether without sensational features if the allegations of the petition correspond with the statements of fact as made by those who are to commerce the suit. It will recall the condemnation pro ceedings which wore gone through with by the city to secure possession of the nccos sary hind to make nn alloy between the Grand hotel ana the . "annex. " ThU land was purchased from Klmball it Champ by tbo cltv and $1,000 was pmd for It in cash. An abstract wab diawn up In the abs'ract odlco , which Kimball & Chump conducted in connection with their other business. Ac cording to this abstract ICimbuH & Champ gave the city a titio which was free from all iticunibrances , undtho abstract Is still in tbo ' hands of'Clty Attorney' Hazolton. Now that the matter bus been settled and it Is" supposed that the city IB in poacoab'.o ' possession of its SI , ( XX ) , u mortgage turns up purodrting to have boeu executed by Marcus U. Patrick of Minneapolis a uncle of J. F. KimtiMl..ta the Niuhua ( N. H. ) Trust com pany , for $ ,000 , covering not only the ' anuex" but the alloy as well. Although this morlgagn is claimed to have been executed cuted by Klmball's uncle before the city t came Into possession of it. there la no cloud on the title nceoidlnz to the abstract which was made In Klmhull & Chump's ofilco , the mortgage apparently having been satisfied. Whetnerthe abstract is faulty , either accidentally cr otherwise , ar tbe mo'rtgago was actually satisfied , is a question which can only bu settled after a trial of the rase. Hon. Smith McPherson has been employed to prosecute the case in Iho interest of the trust company , and City Attorney Hiulton will represent the city. The petition in foreclosure will bullied ir. the district court in a few days. Cluiicli ScrtlcpHi Congropntioncl In the morning the sncrn inenl of the Lord'a iupper will bo odmnli- tered. Address by the pastor. You tit ? Poe- ple's Society of Christian Endeavor , 0:1)0 : ) p ra. No evening service. Temple Baptist Hegular services morning and evening at Masonic tcmplo. Evening sermon the second of a series on leading questions of the blDle. Chribtian Corner of Seventeenth street and Broadway , Preaching by tbe pastor Ilov. A. H. Carter , nt 11 a. m. and 8 p. m , Sunday school 10 a. m. Bercan Baptist Preaching by the pastoi in the morning and by Kev. H. A. Smith of Audubon in the evening. Sunday school nt 11 : ) , ) a. m. St. John's English Lutheran Services In thn Young Men's Chtistian association chapel at 11 n. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 0 : ! ' n. m. Young people's meeting nt 7 p. m. Tiinlty Methodist Preaching nt 10:30 : a. m. by llev. T. J. Meyers , U.U. , of Mount Pleasant ; at 7:15 : p. m , by H-v. J. H. CU- sell , D.D , , of La Porte , Ind. Sunday school atl-m. Epworth league lit 7 p. in. Class meeting at U:30 : a. m. Fifth Avenue Methodist Love feast , 0:30 : a. in. , led by Uev. W. S. Hooker , O.D. Preachlnp at 10:30 : a. m. by Kov , 1' . F. Crce/e , O.I ) . , of Los Angeles , Cul. , and at $ p. in. by Uov. Wilmot Whlttleld , I ) I ) , chancellor of the Northwest university , Sioux City. Sabbath school , U in. Class meeting , 7 p. ra. Kervicos every evening at 8 p. m , during ttto week. C. W. Urowor , pastor. Latter Day Saints Eldnr Columbus Scott will preach at 7:30 : p. m. at the church , cor ner Pierce street and Cilon avenue , Younit Men's ' Christian Association Uov. Henry Delong will load the men's meeting at 4 p. m. Addresses will bo made by several of tbo clorgymcn who nro attending tbo Methodist conference. Union Christian Mission Preaching at 10:80 : a. m. by Kov. O. L. Springer , pastor of the Evangelical chinch. Overtoil Mission Services at 10:30 : a. m. Sunday school , 3 p. m , Uotpel meeting , 7:30 : p. in. , led by Mrs , McAllister , an ox-oftlcor of the Salvation army. First Presbyterian Rev , Stephen Phelps , pastor. Preaching at 10:30 : a. in. by Kov. T. H. Cleland , I ) D. , of Springfield , Mo. , tbe former pastor of this church. Sabbath school at 1'J in , young people's mooting at 030 ; p. m , At7lU : p. in there will bo a union meeting of the young people of the city In this church. Seats free , everybody welcome. Broadway Methodist Preaching at the Hughes block , corner of Park avenue and Broadway , 10:30 : u. in by Dr. A. J. Kynolt , secretary of the Board of Church Exten sion , S p. in. by Dr J. C.Jackson , Columbus , O , Sabbath school 1m. . , Epworth league vesper services 7 p. in. Second Presbyterian Preaching at 10:30 : a. m , and 7:45 : p. in , , Sunday school at 1m. . Mint Jessie Farnsworth has gone to Ne braska City to visit Ml s Kiln Lorton , Uov Thomas Howlund of Tremont , 111. , Is In the city , a guest of Key. L. A Hall. Miss Eva Butcher of Crestou is visiting Mrs. J. H. Atkins. A , L. Hopulns , superintendent of the Iowa lines of the Chicago & Northwestern with headquarters at Boone , wa in the city yes terday. Miss Mary Key it visiting friends In St. Joseph , Mo. Mis Mollte Itico returned yesterday from New Orleans , where sbu spent the winter vUltlng her iUtnr , THE BEE BULLETIN , HYuUicr/ur Ormihii ami nrliiffw Id * ( tciirini/ ( /ctfr mid roM.r. PAQE I. Miijr Dny In Oermnny. I'rru Trillin Dimmed , Ml I'.irU i\cltril. : Srimtor 1'lnn'n l.lhol Stilt. PAan ir. llnso llntl , preil Itlng mid Other Spiirts. PAQE III. WrMrrn Crrrnt Products. hnkiMl Tiir Its I'lirnlnuiny. ( icnur.itViitliliiRtiin Nc < . PAGE IV. Kdltnrml. Uviitli of AURiiAliiHlCiiiint/e. * " ' PAQE V. iihn I.Vi > l > trr' Spoerh lit .Alhulen. Nrlirniik.i l.oeiil No\\ < . MctluiilUl I.iij men Dmimiul Itecngnltlon. PAGE VI. CiHMirll Illiiirs Nou < , PAQE VII. When the Dctegiitoi Aluy UP rolled. PAQE VIII. County ( 'iimniUlnm > r l'oiitpin the Nc- Immlm Ccntriil PriipiMltlon Itcport , PAQE X. Spirited Sketeh of Ituonu County. Mint tlKimt I.roiin , PAQE XI. ICotlow of Trnilp. M\i stork , ( iruln stuck nnil Sloney Market * . Itoul INtnlr Itoilrir , PAQE XII. I.aitVuuk In Oinnliit nclat Circle ! ! . PAQE XIII. Noun from the DlKtrlct Court. Mllktnrn I'riilnst Agulnst the l.lccnio. tr IMnriitloiuil I'xhllilt. Itiillioiid llntl l.oeat N'euv. PAQE XV. Krhtius froni thn Antu Itooin. Ihu Ciiiint ) Agi'iit. PAQE XVIIL \V vl < l ) Spoiling Itiiiinil I'p. PAQE XIX. M. Ouucl'K ( 'inner. A It'illionit Heroine. PAQE XX. Nehrtislt.i I'iietor.Noti'H. . . lliiMine. . Itlirn < > .i\eilii I'rospectUr Sill- 11 ( If. Co-Oprnitlic llonu * llnllilln ? . r/.w.s 1.1111:1. 'ionxiitloiiiit DexrliipinentH Concern ! ! ! ! ; thu 'Manner ol IliiiiilllniVltnrnsrs. . ln MOINCS , Ii. : , April 30. | Spociul Tele gram to Til u BtB.j Further developments lu the contest for witnesses in tbe Frim- Belvol cuso show that after the arrest by the police yesterday afternoon Deputy Sheilff long started to the depot with Miss Jessie George , with the intention of taking her to Uedford. Ua kln , with the intention of nrcvcnttnp this , got i warrant for Long's arrest on thu charge of assault , mid with n constable arrested him Just as thu train was about to pull out. Lontr , fearing the girl would escape , turned her over to Olllccr Page and in structed him to take her and "Shorty" Nor- ris. another witness wanted , ou to Uedfoid. Ofllcer 1'ngo boarded the train with his wit nesses , and Hasitlns nlso got on board , de spite the efforts of the Taylor county ofilccr to prevent him nccommui.vii-tho : uitnusboa. At Carlisle O.llcer Page , realizing that he had no jurisdiction to carry prisoners out of the county , got oil' the train and returned , while liuskliiA , with the witnesses , wont ou. Eailv this morning Sheilff Long and Con- staDlo Peterson iliovo to iii'liunola , tbo for mer in search of "Shortj" and his compan ion , the latter with a warrant for assault uad tmttcry against Mr. IhiMtins , with Lonq an plaintiff. At Indianola Peterson found tbo object of his Journey and sorvcu the warrant. Has- I'lns returned at U o'clock this morning. His trial Is sot for May 'JO , in Justice Living ston's court , and ball of ? IOO was pivon. Long was not us successful in ills Ecarcn as was the constable. It was found that thn couple had taken a buggy nud driven to Con ger , and thu pursuer immediately did the same. Nou Cnrniito to Mismiiiil. Jus ie ( Jonrgo is the daughter of William Nichols of Ivauesville , Mo. Her real nainu Is Mary E. Nichols nrd she has two sister- . , both honest girls. It is presumed that she is cnroute to Kitnesviilo. Senator Finn nlso c.imo to Dos Moine * doy from Ben ford , haying mot Hcsltins at Indlanoln. ij-norts from liedfonl say Hint there was n sensation in court whun Senator Finn came in from Dis Molncs and lllcd counter nllidavlts to Belvcl's motion for a continuance , f bowing , i complete contradic tion of the facts set up by Bulvel , who is making efforts for n continuance. It is U- Icged that the witnesses whom Belvol hud sworn were sick and unable to attend court on account thereof , had been told by iJelvel dot to come and lor that reason only did not attend. The same witnesses declare thitt they not only will not swear to the facts setup up by Belvel as to what ho expects to prove by them , but declare Hint they were not even acquainted i1th Senator Firm. It is inti mated that the grand jury has taken up Iho matter and Bolvol may have n worse charge to answer th.ui Hoc ) . Sniiutor Fhm will force the libel cases to tritit next week if possible. The plnnr. for the now four-room addition to the Avenue 11 school homo are rapidly nciiring completion. The building will tin neat and attractive , thoiiirh it will cost con siderably lens than the $10,000 which was voted. The front will uo of ptosscd brick , terra cot in and Mono , and the walli ; will nil lie fix teen Inches thick. Some of the new features will bo the olnorvatury , ling polo , line stair case and interior Mulsh { jtiy Jameson's and Harry Oleason's ball nines met at the grounds on Second avenue and Tenth street , yesterday and knocked out a score of : < 1 to 'J'.l in favor of the Jamesons. The following were the playen : Jamesons D. Tinloy , O. Daman , O , Jameson , B. Archer , K. Uuthorford , H. Dalloy , A. Hobcr , L. lledlsou. T. Miles. Ciluasons-H. Clon- son , D. Smith , P. Jameson. C. Klnnoy , W. Dailoy , B. Meyers , O. Cavln , L , Shllloy , A. Knox' A number of young hopefuls of Atlantic have oiennlzod a hose teum nud named it In honor of Thomas Bowman. The hose curt formerly used by the P. Luoy team of this city has been newly palntca and will be sent to them this week , Dalboy's band has been engaged to furnish the music for the democratic convention , Lucius Well ) is having plans drawn for a $10,000 roildonco on his present locution on Oakland avenue. It will bo erected this summer. Omaha ledge No. 2 , Independent Order of Odd Follows , accompanied by members of the order from St. Joseph , St. Louis , Denver , St. Paul and Omaha , visited Hnwkoyo No. 184 of this city Friday nlgbt. An enjoyable evening was speut. with music , speeches and a social time. A marrlugo license was Issued yesterday to Louis A , Uuuurud and Mary CoUon , both of this city , Mr. and Mrs , C. T , Stewart have issued Invitations for a dinner party next Thurs day evening. Members of Kobckah Dntrrco ledge No. 3 , Independent Order of Odd Follows , are re quested to meet at Independent Order of Odd Fellow hall Monday , Mav ' . ' . at 1'J o'clock , to attend the funeral of Sister Swanson - son , blO Pierce street. Moot at houio 1 j > . m , By order of Noble Grand. A motion for a now trial In the case of the Oadeu Iron works against P. H , Wind was Illod ycntorday In tbe superior court. Tbo plalntllla claim the court erred In allowing the witnesses Cody , Reynolds , Jilxby , Wind , Boson und Sprugue to testify as to the here power of machinery , on account of their In- competency to ylvo u valid opinion on the subject. mil lllTO EXCIlEl ) Armotl Quanta Stationed in Various PON tiona of the French Onpitali PREPARED TO RECEIVE THE ANARCHISTS Troops from the Suburbs Quartered iu thi Public Buildings. SERIOUS TROUBLE EXPECTED TODAY Throughout the Night Regiments Wort Being Marched Into Position. DETAILS ARE MINUTELY ARRANGED \Vlillo Somn Olllrliil * Do Not Antlrtimtof ) borlulUtlu Otitlirnik Vrt Prccautlonr Am Tnlirn to Allay thu t'cari ol tilt ) I'lihllc. (7 ( < mou April no. [ Now Yorlf Herald L'abla. Special to THU HIIK. | Wo have now reached the ouo of the great 1st of May , and the ridiculous fright that hat tnkon pauses- slon of n part of ihu public continues to grow. However , It seems to huvo spurred up. the government , which , after its lint days of weakness , Is now taicing the most oncrKOtto steps to preserve order. Information rocolvoJ from the department of public aaluty up to To'elocK thu evening strengthens tlio hope that tomorrow will pass without .serious trouble. Many nrroits have been made today In lMrl % Marseille * , Toulon and Saint Kliumio. From nil directions troops nro arriving In Paris and it uoulil appear as though the authorities dared some outbreak , tonight. 1 btill insist ou thu ICuiopuan char acter of the present viIsts. At Lousonuo , Switzerland , the nuau'hists have blown up the house of the prefect's mother , two kilo metres from the city. At Koine tonight tin explosion iu front of the Moisluo naluco hai thrown the city Into u puulc ana patrols circulate through Iho streets and at Ooort , Portugal , ihe danger U considoiod It may be interesting to the Herald's , rosdet's to know how this gieat city of Pnrl is protected against the dangers of a riot. Iluu the I'mNi.nit AMI rroK-ctril. 1 have obtained my information every where from the nolieo , the nimy and tha goyernment , nnd hoio 11 the result : The measures huvo been adopted in common by the minister of and the minister of the intoner it Paris the piofect of pallco ha an understanding with Goncrnl Swosscr , tLo military governor of the city. Besides tl o giirdlens Do lu Palx the ordinary policemen and the ginnde rpptiblicalno the old gcud * nrmened , there hai been brought from tba suburbs n certain number of regiments ol cavalry , which will Uo added to the troops ot the gnrrlson. Hero Is the actual Gnrrlson force : At tha Bcslncro barracks , six companies of the Sov > cnty-sixth reglircnt of the line ; at the mllU tary school , t\\o battalions of the ti , . battalion Thirty-nln regiment r.nd ono talion of tno Forty-sixth ; at the New Franco barracks , two companies ol nmrino iutuntry ; at the Gluten. , do Au uar. tacks , two battalions of the Thiily-lim rou'imcnt mid eight companies of marina In- faulty ; ut tlio Penthiovro ontracks , the Thirty-sixth rccimcnt ; at Iho Ncuily bar racks , thrco comutinica of the Ono Hundred and Thirtieth nndtwo biiltulions of the Onl Hundred and Pifteentli regiment. At iho Ton re i lies barracks thcro nro two battalions of tlio l llh regiment ; ft th < Kourt-lno ban neks four companicM % . ' tha 117th regiment ; at the Babylon buruuels tha Forty-sixth rou'imcnt. Of the cavalry th < Sixth cuirnssbrs und the Twenty-second and Twonlj-seventh drufoons tomorroxv willi occuoy the court yards ol tno I'alnls dfl Lelysee , the ministry of tbo Interior , tha PnluU Dourbin and the Palais Luxembourg. This evening the Twenty-second hussars , the Fifth chasseurs uud Iho Ninth dragoons will diivo from the suburbs. In order not to alarm the public , these throe regiments will arrive bctwco'n mldnlgnt nnd U a. in. , and- will come lu rtin.ul detachments. mii : VISIT IAII.II ) , Oueen Victoria Disappointed In Ilnr I'lt'li to llrln Iltir ( irrmiin Ki-IalloiiN. | Coj/ilyJilcl | Iflllti Jin' * Hunt > i llfinrU.\ \ OtiiMHi > r , April ! 10. [ New York Herald Cable Special to THIS BKIS.J It is fcorcd that \\hen the queen leaves on Mondny for Flushing Hlio will tuk away rather bltter- Hueut mcinoiics of her visit hcio , ono of her most cborishod objects in coming being to. bring ubuut a friendly meeting some would sap u icconcillntion between her daughter , the Empress Ftcdotick , und her grandson , the young L'inpcior of Germany , That object the has not accomplished. Although the umporor passed Ihrough Frankfurt u few hours before the queen's arrival ho did not change his plan of travel so as to see Ilia uupust grandmother , then ut Hamburg , but ha found ample tlmo to Inipict the work In progress for the dufeniui of iho Soar valley. Nor has ho visltod Darin * during the queen's ' stay. The hurt led dopartuio of the empress Frederick isatlilbulud by local scoflirs to the cracked chimes In the belfiy of Ibo SchlosH , whereas the .Neves palaU was crowded when she stujed. U is tij lug to listen to u hi mn every quurtur of an hour , especially when rung out by tuneless bolls. IIow deeply tha queou has set her mind on restoring peace In the Imperial Ccrmun fam- lly may bo guessed fiom the fact thut partly to avoid indiscretion * nnd partly to bring sentiment to bear on her daughter , fcbo ur- langcd that the llrat inroling with Iho cm- pros should luke place lu the giouuus of tto : Alice hospital , Thcra wore no earls in the hospital at the tlmo. Joco was the only wlt- ness of the meeting. Whatever that Intelli gent animal may know of tbo conversation bet\\oen tbo queen and Jbo empress ho say nothing , The youthful grand duke enjoys pure health. It is fortunate perhaps that tbo queen did not see him ihu other day , sliding down the banister of the grand stair cose lu his own paluuo. The youth will have his lllng. Jocko , the queen's favorite whlto donkey , disgraced himself tbe other day , Ho llally refused to drug the royal inlsticss ana .her Jjaih chair over Iho rugged stones on the Hosnnhoche road. I'lro Kucord. LITTI.K HOCK , Ari : . , April ao. A blare wai discovered in Klchard Fletcher's cotton shed lonlebl and hulf n block of cotton ware houses und sheds were burned. Tbo Icites aggregate t.W.UOO ; Insuninco , 130,000. W. H. Hvuud , u bystander , was struck oy bile ol cotlon and hud his back btOKOn , i na IV ! feared he will die.