THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; ypNDAY. AP1UL 23 , 1592. 8PEG1RL NOTICES , ADVKnTISKMBNTfl KOIl THF.flK COLUMNS wllllx ) taken until 11 30 p m for the Menlng nnd until 3.W p , m. ( or the morning or Sunday edl "tlon , All advertisements In these columns 2 cents n word for first Irraorttnn.nnd I cent n word thereafter , \ Of 12 per line per month No advertisement taken for lcs than 25 cents for tlm first Insertion Terms. i li In ndvsnro. InltlaU , flgnroK. symbols. fte.eiieii count nsn word. All adTcrtli"rncti > mnil runcon ccii tlvr-ly. A tcrtldora , by requesting n numbered chpck. can linvo the letters addressed to n nnm- lipred lottpr In euro of TUB Ilrr. Answers 10 ml- ' 1ro Ct will bo delivered on indentation of the Bit U ATIONSrW ANTED. A YOIJNO LADY A8 STKNOO- JVrnplic-r and typo rltcr , l II work for J.n2aiual. . ry. Address W 17 , lino. - MAN WILL ISVKHT f TO 01 AND A-YOUNIJ suitable business. Address vim , Ilr-o. A1ZUI * 5 A -WANTKD , POSITION AS TYPKWIUTt'll AND . /V assistant bookkeeper by young lady ! will fur nlsh ninehlne. Address \V 2S , lice. 2il 2U" A-AH COIUCTOU. : SIIIPl'INIJ Oil ( IKNKIIAI. Vonicoclcrk.oipcrlencrd ! A No IrlirroIerciicM ! caiiKltonccurltr. also fuiilau liorio nnil IIUKKT If dtalrcd for lollcctlng. Addron , llco. - WANTKI ) , I VA YOUKO XIAN , HK118ir.UKI ) AWANTKI , position na druff clerk , Addre % ( I. , Lock llox 21 , llartler , Neb , 'M Vf WANTKI ) 1'OSITION KOIl ( JKI1MAN MAN A and wife , no children. In prlruln family , rnnrlt ur milk dnlry ; man lint elntx milker. Omnhn Km- ployinont Hiirvnn.llaN. ICth * t. 2-.I32J * A hTKSIKlUAPIIKUi : .Xl'KUIKNCiij YOl'NO jVmnn < lc lrpl position ; can furnish mnchlno , AddrctnV 41 , llco. J1S.13 V , ' -WANIII : > , v A HK LAIIV , AWANIII linnpkorpor. Can Klro peed refer- Aildron. W 15. lloo. Mj73 2i * HELP. WANTOD-MAl-E _ p WANTKI ) , SAY.KSMIJN" HALAHY JJinlii Uin to hnndlu the new pntc-nl chemical Ink claMnapcnill Tlie Kreritent rolllna niiTOlly over tirudUki'ilL rniioi Ink thoroughly In two aeconda ; no ahranldVi of paper : SIM to Mi per cent prollt- ono niirnl'i snlen iimounted to fI20 ( 111 MX ilnyn. nnothor tlti III two hour * . Wo want ono Kcnernl ntjeiit In rarh itntn and territory , l-ur terms and full par- llciilnrn mldrixi Mouroo Krnsor Mfu Co .I.ii Cnnsn , \M , A 3'i. ' _ . _ 271 1) WANTil : > (1001) CITY OANVASSKI18 1 Oil J'Wheeler A Wilson Sowing Mnehlnes list jy and Crimp .V Co. . Pianos and Organs. M4 do. lllh at. SI 725)m9 ) "IJ-HALAIIV PAID WKKKI.Y TO ( ! ( ) ( ) ! ) AOKNl'S : JJcxporlenco.unnccessnry.Slngoronicc.lSIO Douglas I > -ACCIDINT : iss. SOLICITOUS , 241 IIKK III.DO B WANTKI ) , LAI10HKI11 FtIl It. H. WORK IN Wjrotnlnu nnd Houth Dakota , good wage ) , fri'O IIBSB. Albright Labor Olllce , 1130 Karnam street. M 14J-M 17. IJ-WANTKD , A XIIIST CLASS DIIAPKUY AND Jshndo man , Morsu Dry liouds Co , 4th Door. 1 > WANTKIl. A ( JOOI ) . SODKIt. 1NDUMTIHOUS JJinnn to work nbout the house ; white man pro- fcrrcd. Apply 108 N. llth street. M2il ) WANTIID. YOUNO MAN KOIl OK KICK WO I IK. tituto experience , ete. Address WJ4 , lice.M'.f9 M'.f9 J5 " ! > WANTIID , A KlllST CLASH HKCIIKT 1IKNK- -I'llclal order desires to nccuro a special Biipremo deputy to organlro lodges In Omnha und eastern Nebraska. Tu the proper person liberal terms will be named. Address ! ) K. Htovens , Columbus , O. 301 25 "II KNOINKKUS AND K1IIKMKN TO I'ltOCUIll ! . 'Jllcenaei should cot a rcipy of btcpheniiin's ) 11 lustrnti'd Practical Test , " cnntiilns latest I'Vanilnu- tlons , by miill , ? l 00 : lannts wanted Walter ( i , Kraft , publisher , 70 Lat-nllo at . Chicago. M.M8 ; a < l > -bALKHMKNNOVULTYLAbSWA8nilOAIll ) , J nplcndld xldnllne , entirely new , sells on idjjht , liood eoinnilfslon , exclusltn territory , no competi tion , full line zlnu boards. Address NclllnvUlo Novelty Mnfg Co. . Nolllbvlllo. H. MIJ42U * WANTKI ) , KlllST-CLASd OAUPET LAYKIl. Council Illults Carpet company .Ml 12 21 ! ] > -AT ONCi : , A GOOD WATC1IMAKKH , WHO > can cngruvo accustomed to retail jcwcrly bust- no < s. K. K. Kim. , Deadnood , S. D. M4lli 2G * B SOLICITOUS. HAI.AUY AND COM. PAID 'American ' Wringer Co. , 1003 Howard. & 2J-M4' . Tj > WANTKIAT NO. 1110 DOUC.LAS ST. , 2 TRAMS .Dund wagons , for a length of tluio to haul boxes ; Day by thu lend , M 2i : * -WANTID : , KNTLH.M AN ACQUAINT Hi ) WITH the btislnt ns of the city to canvass for a rollablo rompuny I Iberal commission to the right man. To commence Monday. Addrusa , Immediately. W U ( , llco. 274 * ! ' " , " p-tI.Atll , DO OUlt WOHK AT YOUU HUMKS , VVcasy niidlntoroKtlng ; day or ovcnlni ; ; no exper ience ; no canvassing : good pay. Address with Mnmu , Uostnn Aquarelle Art Co . , 43 Winter utroot , lloslon , Mass. MlrtOMlli * _ | 1 WANTKD , OIHL KOH GBNIIUAL IIOUSK- \ work. Mr . Uoltcr. 4TI1 Charles nt. lBI- % * /1-NKAT OKHMAN ( JIHL TO DO SKCOND WOltK v/aiid take care of child 2 years old , 3004 Farnum st , -WANTKD. OIHL TO WOHK IN K1TCHKN AT Doran house , 4.1 S ISth street , ono block south Of court house. gjl _ CMVANTKD.KXPBlllKNCKDHTKKOaitAPHKII. Ono who Is willing to slst In other onica ork. Addrr-ss , with references , WOT , Dec. .M..i. > 2J * C-WA.NTKI ) . ( JIHL , OKNKUAL HOUSliWOIIK , .WI7 PopHlcUin avenue. 218-SI' C-WA.\TI'D , COODUlltL IN SMALL KAM1LY. 1112 H. 10th Btroet. M4I5 20 * -LADIKS TO TAKI3 ClIAUCi : OK OKFIUKS outside of Omaha ; lnno prollts ; luuit hnvo 115IX ) capital ; only thOBO meaning business need opply. Address W 41 , Bee 32925 * -WANTKI ) , OIIIL KOH (1UNK11AL 11OU9K- work , 2019 llaruey street. M405 2S - ) C.OOD ( HllL I'OIl GKNKIIAL ftiounpwork. 617HO. 19th Bt. M40S2ii * CWANTKILA1)V IIOOKKKKPKIt. 8TATK experience and salary desired. Address Com- mission W tu , Uce olllce. M42ti V'li * p WANTKD. YOUNH UlltLTO ASSIST IN ( I UN"- vveral housework. HlSUeorgla avonife. M40025 * FOB BENT-HOPBES. B- deuce block In city. 8111 1) ) . rJd utreet. Tul. IT'.y. -KOIl HUNT , AI10VKNOS. IMt AND62G hOHTII H. Ill street , -room S tint , every modern couven- < , lenoe , Inoluillnglargo kitchen ra'ngo. Apply Wlnd- ( ior , Keiui > tt Co..UI N. Y , Life Iddg. m7l ( \-KOH UKNT. U NICK NKWI.Y KUUNISHKD 'rooms , tffi N , ISKh , Ilrtnnan Hats. M4JH k-l-OU HUNT , IIOtlbKS , J7.00 PKIl MONTH AND /upwards. The O. K. DnU Co. , 1&05 I'arnnm st. D-KOlt HKNT. : 1347 N. I7T1I Ml l > UOOMS , bath , etc. , KJ per month. ! ' . U. Woodrow , Neb. h'Hl. bank bulldlni ; . D-10 UOOM IIOUHU , ALL CONYKNIKNCK ! , lleed , ' belby , 3J5 Hoard of Trade. 9 hi B-KOll UKNT S1.V-IIOOM MODI511N COri'AK ! WJ7 California st , , IIS per mouth. 4I'J 1"V-KLATOK51lOOMfl. INQ.U1UK WITH IIKKKII- J ence.V.H. . JlulduR , lCtli und Capitol nvenuii IIOUSI3 AND 11AHN , 2018 DAVICN /port etreut.all nioilerii convcnloiici-f , lucluilliiK ktenin lieot , Bi't bowls and liuiudry , south from , overlooking ItlKli tihool gruunds , newly pnlnli-d nnd pnprrcd throuiiliout. 'ilion , r. Hall , u/7 I'ux- OII block. IU1 , lOiATH * B'lOIIK ! ? , LAHC.KaT LIST , 'lowest prices ; JJ.UJ up. Parroltclt22Douglas blk , . j 'j'ia ' ' - . \ : : 1IIIICK ANilMX ) 11K- IIOIIKO III north part of city , will rent cheap to permanent tenant. Apply to K. \VIHHuis. . Ural National bank building. .MM IV'0" ' UK.NT. S-ilOOM COTTAOK. CITY AND 4Alstorn WBUT. 1U07 Parker Btreut , fl.Vuu Might takn pnlntlngor carpenter work for U months' use. t2 ! N. Y. Life. J. 11. Johnson. M2UI 27 T > -l-Oll HUNT. MIOOM KLAT , I ANGU III/CIC 1-Slttth and Jackson sis , 270 28 D-r'Oll UKNT , 10 UOOM HOUSK WITH ALL modern Improvements , ntb. i boulli Itith st. st.M244 M244 D-rOH ItK.NT. KIIISTCLATKNIIOOJI llr-HI- deni-o , wiih all modern luiprtivuinunls nnd it'll' triilly located. Inquire of U , It , Von , 507 1st Nut , brink WiV , Omaha. Neb. 197 u ' -DO NOT KAIL TO LOOK AT Till ! IS UIX1M hrlck. mui DnuRlns Bt. line neighborhood and nil modern Improvement" , sit'nfclnu lubes , luundrt , liatli , etc , Mvo uilnutos walk from buslucua fcn- ter.Vu take pleasure In showing this property , Moderate runt. Cull axj Hue llldg. kj 1)I'Oll UKNT. DKHlllAlTl.i ; HOUSIIS , U AND 8 a-MOoiiii , li | < | ilro'.CUCopltol | nve 8U3 si JX'ioB j . . i- . TA-- ' ' : iivi "ArK" : ' "ATM- .furnace , beautiful larire Jnwn tnaiu cto. btar IAIUII & Trim Co. jj2JO 27 D-KH UKNT. 10-IUKM MODKIIN 1I U K. f2S jt. 2.Mlinvn. , ono of the most plenrant locnlloni In city , IJO per month , Iniiulro , 4JU N. Y. Llfo bid is _ _ _ _ _ fi1' -iXll ) IIBNT , 6-UOOM HOU8K. 1501 1XAIID. Jlr u M * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ < " TlOU HUNT , A GOOD 10 IIOOM HOU3K" J/modcrn , clogunt location,21th and Dodge. N.A Knlin , IMIi and Douglas , TIlKhT HUMMKlt KLATri IN TTuT"cTY lliaril block 23d nud Ucuport Btreet. BTO HKt-PllNSIULIS PAHT1K8 ONLY-9 IIOOM furnished liouto. All modern luipruvemvnta : fared ctrret ; desirable location. Addrex w 41 , Hoc. -lXU HUNT. ONK 1-bTOUV I1OUHK , y UOOMt ) . JliQbawurd struct , south front. WSCi Ju < * 1 * UOOM 'Inquire at bW b. lath it. il4 it ) FOR RENT-HOUSES. ContfnimL - 1100)1 MODKIIN HOUSF" , OOOII I.OCATION , only WOpr-r month : also 9.V doslrablo hos. . H. K. Cole , 6 Continental. MS70 U -VOH HKNTj IS 8 110OM ItniKK , VAUO tarn. Apply noxtdoor east,2iM Douglas it. - UKNT. O.VK OK TIIK I'LKASANTKST D-KOIl In Omnhn. overlooking the city nt linns com I'nrk , barn ntnl Inrgolot , clioip to good tonnnt inqulro7l9Now : York Llfo. Immediate po sp' ton. ) ' . - AND KtiATS , A. 0 VHtMT. I room 2.1 , Douglas block , IGth and DodgeDM DM A23 FOB RENT-rUllNISHEDROOMS. 77 NICK"UOOMd ! ALL ' Davenport. 812 25 * _ _ V KOH UKNT. ONK 1.AIU1K KIIO.NT Oil TWO J-b cl ( furnished or unfurnished rooms. 122 South 2ith utrcct. K _ E-NKWLY KI'KNISIIKI ) KIIONT 11OOM3 II.V suite or single for gentlemen , 2010 Davenport U M5 H-PUIlNIHUKlt AND U.M'UIINISUED llOOMsl ljlr.ll > Dodgu etrcot. M.IC4 30' _ ? -ONK LAIltJri MlONT IIOOM. KSgtllHK 43 ] ll.V. 17tli Hrect. NU.SZ3' UKNT. TIIIIKK NICKLY rooms , PMN. niUim. SOO 2.1" li'-notKSK HOTKL 13TI1 AND DOUQR. IIOOM Jnnd board J5.UO to 17 00 per week , M172 2i * V-DI-SIIIAHLY KUIlNISHHn SOUTH KUONT A rooms with board , modern conveniences. Her- crcnces exchanged , 2I.W llnrnoy. M203 25 * ST KIIONT 1- loom with nlcovo anil bay wlndowi nit modern conveniences ; private fnuill ) ; board If desired. ( VI 8 VUtlnt. 24 1 80 * UOOM. HuiTAiit.i : roil ONK or two pentUMnen , modern convunlcnces ; clinlco locution. 107 N mil t. Sal 2'J * l/-rUllNI81IKI ) ioOM Ah'I ) 1IOAHI ) MU IOU(5- ) -t1 Ini atrcet. > l 173 ml * _ _ i4i-r > KdutAiiii : riitf T AND BKCOND vuiou 1. rooms nnd board. Tlio Krcnzor. 11U N. JJtli St. MJU SO * IT * IIAND6OMI : PtHTK IIOOMt ) , HUST CLASS X' bonrd. lS."j Chltagii atrrct. .M3iHC' ) _ Ii1 KUnNlSllKI ) HOOMS WITH DOAUI ) , AI.HO table board , ZJT. llornoy. .MM3 25 _ KEN-TJNFUKNISHED ROOMS vI keeping to man and wife. No children 319 N. 17th , Sll G-3 UOo"M ? r.N9uVri ! AND 2 SINCJLK 11OOM3. M'J Douglas st. : * J 25 * -UNI'IIUNIKIIBD KIIONT IIOOMS KOIl UKNT , liJO Luavcnwortli street. MIW.I 21 , " RENT-STORES AMD OFFICES TToTl TltllNT. Tl fllY 4 STOll " \ ; " HHICK lltll LDi NO J.P1I ; Farnam street. The building has a llrc-uroot cement bavini-nt , complete stoiun-hentlng llxtures. nter ou all the floors , gas , etc. Apply ut the onica ofTholloo , 18 1FOR 'HKNT. PAHT OK oun KIVK SIOHY J hrlck warehouse. Omaha Warehouse and htorago Co. , UI3 nnd I2IS Lcnvenworth xtroet. JI o'J b \VAllKUOUbK , IMjlIlUB3liiiO liTII bTHKKT. T M ) IIOOM UOT11L. DKSIHA 111,1 : LOCATION ; 'all modern. Apply to K W. Hart , jr. , Missouri Vnllcy , 1 . \ M M A'KI RENTAL AGENCIES L II , C. UAIIVIN A. CO. , ! OJ SIIDULY ULOC1C. lint STOnAGE. Mi OI.DKST , C1IBA1 B > T AND I1KST STOUAHB house In the city. Williams i Cross,1241 Ilnrncy. SSO M-CLKAN , nitY AND PHIVATKLY B1OUKD furnlluro. Heating stovna stored over suuimgr. 1107 Douglas st. Omaha btova Iteoalr works Oil M STOKAOI' : LOW UATIM : OMAHA WAIli- house and Storage Co , 121J and worth. HTOVKS HIUIIKI ) , OACOLINl ! S1OV1IS UK paired , otove repairs , ( jato Cltr Tinners , tCJ N st. 2IL < . ! WANTED-TO BUY. AT WANIUD. S031K LOW PItlCKD CLKAlt LOTS a-Sns llrst payment on n nlco house nnd lot. Will built to suit und nell on monthly payment. Why pay rent ? bee N A. Kuhn , 15ti ! nnd Douglas. 710 mS N WANTKD TO 11UY. KK1IIT Oil TKN UOOM house with modern Improvomcnts. nnd good Blied lot , located within ono mile of the postorHco. Mute price , alio of liousa and lot and full particu lars by addrcsolnz 8 47 lloo olllce. 71J VT 'to 11UY CLAIMS AOAINBT UAILItOAD KM- -l.i ploycs. Webster Collection Agencybloux'lty.Ia SOt mil Vr HKJHKbTPltlCES PAIDKOll 2D-HAND KUIl- -ti nlturo. Omaha Furniture Co. , Just opened , ID1 N. IDtli 219 m 22 * "VT WANTKD. TO HHY 100 Oil MOUK ( JOOI ) , -Li second hand wooden chairs. Address W 52 , llec. 272-23' FOR 0-KOIl BALIS CIIKAP. I1KDUOOM 8KT AND other household goods : also heating and gnso- line stove. No. B2i bouth lUth atreet. 400 2T. * m 0 I-PltlVATH BALK OK I'UHNlTUUi ; . ltd N. Jilll. M4U FOB. SAI.E HORJis , , WAaONS , ETC. 1T KOU SALK , LAltUK KINK YOUN ( HOltSK and delivery wagon ; horse gentle and .wagon nearly now ; for sale cheap. Inquire at 1910 t'arnum. 1 > -tXHHAI.l ! , IBIIUIIKV. HinLT I1Y BIMI'SON ; I phneton. by Drummond ; both flrut-olass , KOOd now. L. H. Korty , 25W Popploton. MJ OK THIS 1'INHST HI1KTLAND STALlions - - lions In Iowa'for nalc , 40 Inchoi lilnh , welKhs4UO puundb , Jot MOCK , Knullsh onk cart , light colored liurness. Frank Ansliuti , Shonnndoali , lown. 210 25 YOU , K I in bull piano. Addrusi L M. Street , 2011 DodKO street. M23I 27 A KIIKSU MILCH cow AND Qcl : calf. Inquire at 2014 Charles Btreet. M5I227 * Q A 11KAUT1KUL MTTJill OK THOIIOUdH. bred Irish Kellers for calo ut ( ; clsler > bird store , 40G North lull Btrvct. MJ11 ; a- a I llKSTAOKAN'r AND ClIOP I10US-I1. IUJ ) Ixiavonwurtli Htroct. Mlf&lfi * Q-KOIl. bALK , KINK WATKIl bPANIHL , 22IJ lA-avcnwortli st. IAI.I - 11 HAY KOIt ( i AMC. lll 8TANJA11D ) fATTK Co , olter 1,000 tent Bcluctcd , barn stored liar for on track , Amca , Nobra k.u I CANADIAN KMPLOVMHNTOKKH'K'IWJKAU- , upstatrii ; turtle nnd temnleli olp. Tol. hHi 402 1 } PAPU.L10N DIUVINC } PA UK. O. a SMITH- JL tralnrrnud drhcr , Mnkes itBpotlnlty of break Inenud tmlnlnKCOitn .MnkcBU npv'Clnlty ot Ireat- Invliorkfii Hint uro sore , from Imrd roads nnd tmd lei't. ItuaBOuable cliaruua. Uoardlny horses by the month. DOI..MJ * TJWANTKI ) , HOIISH AN ) OATTI.K Foil PAH- Jlvtiiiu , ItunnluK water nnd tnmoiirnks. Cull or address , 1'lillllp Meyer , Co Urn an station , M3I5 M _ 1 TIN WOltK. Hl'OUTINtl , IIOOKINO AND -IVxaU nulicd chlinnoy ttucki cheap. Ualo City 1 Inner * , C-M11S. K. ( i , I1AUTIIOUN , l < tl NOItTH ll'l'lt Ontrcet , having had years ut Bipvrlonce , lll Rive readings of past. pnem and future. MlllnfH to ladles only , ID i'iits , Mn.m , to 'J p. m. dally. Hun- duyaexcuplcd , Ahsniil aiU ; and illh. ilTJI 30' -AltlllVAL KATUAOnDINAIlYj ruvplatloiik. ( .ImllviiKui the world. Mrs. Dr , M. Ix'iiravu , dead truneu clairvoyant. n trolocl t , palmist and life reader ! tells your life Irum the rrnilltitu tniTOl unites tlio Bcparulrd : caues uiar- rlsge with the onu you luyc ; telU where you will Mtccrcd and In nlinl business best adapted for ; has the fdlobmtod Kgyptlnu breattpl.tto for luck nnd to destroy tad Influences ; cnrrs Ilia. Intemperance undnll prlvule euniplulnu with iimtsaKO. baths and alcohol treatment , bond J'J.OU. lock of hair imuin and data uf lilrlli and ircelvo ncrurnte llfo chart ; 2 cents In > tmups for circular ; give InltlaU of ono you wlllmnrry ; alto pbotoiof , Oltlce IUU7 South Illlistieul , HrstUoor : liour * . U . m. to 9 p.m. Ctiraoonfl , vomanll , audbocourtncad of tbls wonderful oracle. JU7I 2 * O-S1US.NANN1K V. WAltUKN. CLAIHVOYANT Orollable tiuslness BioOluiu , Uttli > ear at 1U N. IClll. | 2SJ -MAD AMU I'ltlTZ , tt CIIM1NO BTJIKKT olalrvoy tint and Iruuto uiedlum ; Indcpendcn voices ; tells past und future. HJ3117 * MAaSAOB.'BATna , ETC. 'I'-MADAJIU tiMITII , I1JI DtMKU.AS STHKKT , 1 room 7 , 3d 3uor , Alcohol , sulphur and tea buth . _ _ rp-MABSAUli TIIKATMKNT. KLHCTUO-TUKK. i mal bath * , tculp and hair traatiueDlc mautouro nndculropodUt. JJrs. I'oit.aiDH'd. litU\Vlllinoll , tlk. . _ . _ 231 rp-MADAMK LA UUK , UAH8AUK , lid BOUTl ! i. lith su. 3rd lloer , flat 4 , aaslstant. M7KI VS ip-UISR hlXlWIC , MAfiSKUSll KLEOTItlClAN. l.Xa ltaui t'lock. UK ) 2i * PKRSONAL. U -MATTHEW SAM.MON3 ( COIXJItKI ) OKNTLK- man ) Ibntllrpd 81th and f-owanl t or any one knowing Ills whereabouts plrasa write Itced A fclby. S35 Hoard Trado. 91 * _ U0. . W. 4UrVr TrKTUIlNKD. P. SI. . WIL7 , close contract with you between Mny l t nnd 10th Delay matters until that dalolf ji Answer by return mall "Deo. " M3712S * MUSIC , ART nUYINO A PIANO KXAMINK TIIK > new scale Klmbill piano. A llospo , IMlDoujtlns. -nKKOUK I1UYINO A PIANO fcXAMINK T1IH now scale Klmball piano. A llospo , 1M1 Douglas. ' ' AND SOCIAL A'-ai'HOOL OK I.ANOUAOK8 < oclenco , 21' ! , 214 McCngun building. ypeclnl courses In Ccrtnan , Mny , June , Ilu.uo. MSII 27 * \f O.K. (1KLLKNIIKCK , HANJO TBACI1KII , i with Ho pp. orSI3 N. Isth H. ilti MONEY TO LOAN KEAll ESTATE \ \ IXJANHONIMI'UOVKI ) ANIli UNIMPUOVKii ' city property. If.UOO nnd upwnrils.'lto 8 percent. No delays , w. KarnauibnilthA Co. , lith nnd llarney. _ \V "MONIIY , MONKY , MON13Y. IIOJ.OOJTO IM\H ' In Hums of JJOO to $5.000 on Improved or unim proved residence business property In the city ot Omaha , No delay In closing loans as money Is on hand. No dealing with eastern parties , all buslnoas transnctod hero nnd Interest nnyabla here nnd not In tbo past , also mnke building loans on most favorable terms. " 1'ldollty Trust Co , | Illlt Knrnnm. , _ > _ t-.U \\r-ANTHONY IXAN AND TIIUST CO i 319 N. Y. Llfo , lundsnt low rnlos for cholco tpcurlly on Nebraska or lown farms or Omaha city property. 20J _ \ " PIltVATK MONKY. IS I' AND 21) MOHTOAOK > ' loans , low rates. Alex. .Moore. 401 Uea building. M2JI3 \ LOANS , a. O. WALLACK , 312 VIIOWN lll.K JJ 291 " \ \ r-i.oANs , w.ii.UAUiiis , u. 20 KIUNV.IH : I 1 1 " -,17 \ \ r-INHUItANCi : MONKY TO LOAN. APPLY TO > .1. i > Lovntt. yjoa. nth. 231 \\r-LOAN.UKAL KbTATKAND ItKNTAI. AOHN- ' cy Parties having city houses tu rent and farms to sell should list them nt onco. Splendid farms In l.ognn Vnlloy , 'Neb , tosilo. . KaMvru money furnished , tico. W P. COates , Hop. 1011 1'nr- nnm. MT \\f-C. W. UAINKY. 3I50MAHA NAT. ll'IC I1LDO. " City murtgugos. Lowest rates. MUncyonlinnd \V MONHY TO IXJAN ON IMPIIOVIID CITY ' property , low rnto. A. C. Trust , Douglas blk. \V-MONKY TO LOAN ON IIISAL BST TIS. THU ' O , K. Davis Co. . 1505 I'arnam at Ml "l\r ItKAI. KSTATi : LOANS , 6 TO 7 PKIt CUNT ; * no additional charges for commission or attor ney's fees. W. U. Mclklc , First National bank bldK. \V-CKNTIIAL LOAN A. TUU3T CO. UKK liLIMl. \\r-OMAHA 8AYIMHH nANK MAKBS LOANS " on real estate nt lowest market rates. Loans made In small or Inrgti sum und for short or lone time. No commission IB charged , nnd the loans nru not sold In the cast , but ran always t > o found at thu bank ou the corner of Utu and Douglas streets \V-ll PBIliCBNT MONBY. PHH < AUBLP < 1IA ' Mortgage and Trust Co Thomas llrennan Ic Co. rypri'Beiitatlvos. I7 KarbncU block. 172aM MONEY TO LA.N-HATT I.3 . V-DO YOU WAN-MONUYT -iV If so do not fall to got our rates' before bar- rowlDR. Wo make loans without removal or publicity , on furniture , planoi , horses , wagons , etc. , nt the low est possible rate. 'J hero Is no unnecessary dal.iy. hut you got tha money on the eauio day > ou ask for It. AVn wilt carry the loan as lung as you dcslro. glUnicyou tlm prlvlle a of piyliu It 111 full or In part ut any ttiuo to suit your convenience , nnd nny part paid reduces the cost of carrying tlio loan In proportion to the amount paid. There are no charges of any kind to be paid In ndtunco. but you get thu full amount of thu loan. Our olllccs are centrally located nnd are BO ar ranged that parties calling on us can bo woltoil on quickly andcurtcously. * ' lfouhuvo a loan with other partial ! or have bought a ulano or other f urnlturo on tlrao nnd llnJ the payments a llttln larger than you can moot conveniently , wo will pay It for you and carry tha loan ni long as you deslro. U will bo to your advantage to see us before se curing a loan. OMAI1A SIOUTGAGi : LOAN CO . lloom 11 , CrcUhlon lllock , IJin bt. , south of Vostolllsa 2J3 xMONUYTOLOAN. . FIDELTY LOAN GUAItANTEl ! CO. On household Roods , pianos , organs , horse * . mules , wngona , etc. , at the lowest posalblo rato3 without publicity , removal of property or chaugo of possession. 'llmo arranged to suit the borrower. Payments of any amount can be made at any tlmo.rcduclng both principal and Interest , thus giv ing patrons all the benefits of tuo partial payment plan. Call and see us when you want a loan. MonoynlHnyaon hand ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates ; business cuntldenttul. KIDKL1TY LOAN GUAIIANTISIJ CO , II. K. Masters' old stand , U. i , Wlthnoll blk..lCtu nnd Hartley. , WU X WI LTj K > A N IONKY ON ANY KIND"OV srcurlty ; strictly conlldcntlal. A K. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. toi x- HOU'T PUITCJIAUD , it 3. WITUNKLL 11LIC. xX ' X Wlira YOU WANT A'CIIATTKL LOAN SKK W U. Davis , room 20 , Continental block. 'MJ , -S-JO.OOO TO LOAN ONCHATTJtr , SBCUHITY. VbuMuess conlldontlal. Ituom 40J Knrbach block. _ _ > . M353 AJO" X I.IKi : INStWANCK POI.IC1K3 LOANICD ON Oil bouuht. II. K. .Mouts , Masa LldK , Kansas Cltf , .Mo. _ VXrW X MONKYITO T.OAN , ClIATI'KI. MullTCiAl ( ! SO. to. W days , on furniture , planoa , Illvoatock. etc. . without pulillcltr or rcmovul of iiroparty , nt the lORcst rates anil thu caslott payments No ilolny. Cuali ou liaiul. Uult Urocu , It . S & Darker hlk. 7-UA in ) H HAL ' iiocu. \T IXJIl HAL15 , K3TAIllSmi ; > GllOCKIlV : CKN- J-irnl location ; poor honl Hi rosson ( or solllnc. Apply V32 , Jlc-a. ilaJJ _ A U7.HHOO TO fSUMOU STOCK OK OKN1CUAI , lucruliandUo , conslstliiK ot ilrjuooiU , buuts , elioos anil KracerlDB , clnan anil null "ulcutod Block. \V III otclianvo ( or land to tbo \ aluo of H.tWJ OJ and the reel cash or seed uotci. Stock Is Inn town of UX ) pcoplo and has a HMO trado. Liberal discount fur all cash. Addn-s P. O. llox No. UiJ or No. ! & ) , York. Nub. Wrlto for partlculara. J1 U 118 -1OII BAI.i : , Till ! CKVfUAL llllUd dTOHK , ( iuiuvn. iNeli. htocinn-1 lUturps tn < olro M.UOJOO. bnlos Is'Jl , glo.iUU.OU. Pest ontnbllilicd tinJu in city. llaroi hancu for rlxht lurty. 't wu-thlnl > cash , bJl. Olio j i ar , Aihlri s liox . > . . ( .I-ML-TII. Nob. Bil IT V WANTKI i. A PAKT.VIIII l.V , \ I'ltOKlTAIIliK J niniuituctiirlnu ImMncjs. AilJrou W ST , DuTTof- ( Ice. JI2UI JS Y TO I.KT , HAI.OO.V AND UKriTAUUANT AND all oilier rofruBlimcnt privileges at the l.nko bliorufiiiiipany'KxroimiU at I aku I'uiitrary , four inllen south uf the city , to let for the itcuson of IB/ ; or luniter. This In Ilia best unit nlcost niiburknn ro- neil In tlm wi-ntern country. Hiu > tlshlni ; nnd boat Inc.oU'cnlil uroves nnd lawnx. tln plcnlu and biuio Imll uroiindu , etc. 'Iliu company urtilurc to rent Mil lh | irlrll < > it' : t ! > onu party. Inuliidlnutlirco lionsi-s thn Wlnilsor , tha DuuforU and Club liguso. Ppkaeu- lon Klvrn at onco. Kor mtrtlculura apply tn K K itnrtuU , treasurer I.ukoMioro coinpany.212 South Third iitrect. M. Josi'pli , .Mo. 211 a | V-l'Olt BALK , J11JAT SlAltKKT. IN TOWN OF J lOJInlmHtums tn 'H'ntral Nobraikn ; uulldlni ; Hi z.lii , linn nituro i Vninvr lot on thu main * t. ; ilitell- InK lioubo Ibx.'l on icur out of lotj Kood lauihtor lioiue nnd feed ynnli ; nil Iruhoiise , Prlco nail tcrnia reoKonablo.dcru , i 'Jurner A Uocbcner , licniont , Neb. i'l'J-.MI ' Vnm HAT.K. 8AFXON AND HK&TAUItANT IN J ono ot the best locution i In thin city ; owner tolnf cast. Call on M. Franklin , Windsor liotol. SI 335 25' _ _ _ Y-110TKI. IX OMAIIAJOWNKIU.KAVINOCITV : Icusu anil furnUurn for sale ; treat harcnln , AlaxMooro. < OI Itco building M33t So y-roi ; SAI.K , ( JitocKitv hToui ; ATU-JO MII/- i Itarr UTO. , near Walnut Hill ic-liool. riplemim country Undo. 1'ar uartlculam enquire at nri'm. _ VWANTISI. . A KKOIbTKIilil ) PIIAHMACIbT i to toke iialf Inturoil lu ' retail drujj itoro. ( iooit location , flood trade Address II , , Wlnaor Hotel , Ouinha , Kub Y.-A ( JOOI ) 1-AllTV CAN BKVUIIK AN AUTIVi : Intcrrrtln a loan nnd trust company by Inroil- ln HOUUJIofiiuiU. AltocuiiBocuro iiresiacrcy of Kooclliunklutf houto by liiTuillnK t\tOM. \ Aililrcsi \V6J , lluo. Mll 2li -WANTKI ) PAllTNKll WITil J .000 , l.\UV OU sent , to inanaiiu profitable bmlnuks. Hufureiicu roiiulrcd. Ad. t'crry , 1TU ( Curtli st. , Denver , Cokk _ _ _ -tOH BALK-ONLY HOTKL IN OOOI > TOWN. lloi 871 , tflicnuuiloali , In. - TIIK iiKST PAYING ZCJIIAIU barber chop lu nurthwpBtcrn Nebraska ; a cliaiico once In u lifitluei ronBuji for Belling , want IO'KO - ' -eiBboxCl. AlnsKurtu-Neb. 2A5 21' " " " OR "EXOHAN(3E7 ( YOUU PIIOPKUTV. 11IO LIST /-'CBllurwrlta. Alex Moore. 101 lioo LWe. u > 3 ZWANTKI ) . PAIITIK3 THAT IIAVK OOOI property that U Incuuibercd to llsl It for 01- chanuo for ItnJ and cash. K. F , Illnger. MZ37 2b * / J-BTOliV HUICK ifoUK."LOT"23ilf J. ON KA11- A/naiu. lii.uX ) . mortgage lll.UOO. i : per cent , for gooil ( luintin proper ! ) and it little taiu. K. K. llluurr , 1SI8 rn num. SI2i-tSo _ -CI.HAN STOCK Or' OKNH11AL M'D'S'K ; VILI. ' t to4iuouoUuxKii , frankfart.Ind. FOU BXOHANaE. f'onlMimt. -M y rniiTHAiiK. NK\V ii ixjuv niticK KI.AT' AJbulldlnc. modern , A I Jj nlon , rents renrtllr. rioso-it InTMtlention lnTU3prlci3 lu.tno. Trnrlo equity for unlacumbcred y cnhl lots. Ames IteM h l to A goner. 1JOT Kttrnnti u < < ot. & y-lKYOUHAVBAUOOri'tt'UIOUT PIANO TO /Jtrndofor lot IB , block IflVrmour Pl.ico. South. Oranhit : cloir of all lucumumnea. Addran N i , leo omen. i' MtU - * AND UANCII AN1I Illlllt IIUKU A/hor o for anlachenn or , oclmnee for Omnlm property. 11. J. Kendall ) W-.troitn ( ! Illilx. ] M9IO MI6 Fl.VK' ltr.3ItKNCB , NKW. rooms , modern ImfiWtemnntM on motor linn. 1 tnllo from im'toMiVniVIII oichnnzo for nooil business lot or farm 1it6ds.V. . , I' . O , box > 'M , Omnhn. 1 97 ? y-KOIl TltADlt. 170,003 WOHTII OF U.SMSCUM- /Jbcrert city property to trade for fnrin Inndi within ICO miles of Omnlia. Amos Iteal Kstato Agoncr , 1 JJ7 Karnnai > t. S3J yHNrlAIj NKIIIIA8KA IiANDM , CASH AM ) /Jtown property to trndo for stock of merchandise from II.WW to I2.WU dollari , 0. L. Hrvlii , l.pxliinlou yob. _ _ : w gu r/-tiooi ) nnicK iuxciv IKCI.AV co , Arcntod forllTA per month ! prlro I22.WW , oncuni tiered JT.--OU : ouully , for seed farm lu western lonn K. V , lIliiBor. liia Karnnnn TWANTKI ) TO KXC1IANOK HALF 1NTKUK4T /JlnaM.W ) hnrdnaro ttock Inn Rood town for Innd near Omah.i. lown ilnnd preferred. No fell. l ) ck box 72. Clnroncn. In. _ M.inai * Z-I WANT PAC1NO Oil TllOTTI.NU 11O11SK , Inrirc and yoiinei must bo under ! ! minutes : clear property to trade. Address W H , llco. MOT 25 * y-ciioicni.MPHovEipiiopiuTV : roit LAND ! f-lR\Kt \ busliiCM property for vacant ; largi' list. II. K. Cole , No. C Continental. .MJt.U 2ii' y-IANIS ) IN IIAWLINOS , THOMAS AND OOV1J /Jcounllcii for ntock boots and shoes Sam Orooks , Clntlndo , la. MM1 M * _ y WANTKI ) . TO IIUV , Oil KXCtl ANI1K 4-HOltSK "I'liRlno and boiler In Rood condition , for itood wntor motor same capacity Address Norfolk Her- aid , .Norfolk , Nob. MM 20 _ y SOUTH DAKOTA I.AN1) . MD3H AND CASH /-Tor n farm of twenty to eighty ncres close to Binall town not over fifty miles north of Omaha J. W. Putrcll , Meadow Orove , Neb. MI2585' 7-WANTBD TO KXCItATJOK. RKCTIOX I AND * Jn | Perkins county , near county scat , for clear tmtsc , .lolm Kckery , Morse lllutr , Neb. 247-23' FOR SALE-HEAL ESTATE. F on HALU 11ALCVON IIKU3UT3. Acres , half cros nnd lots on olertrlo motor road. Also bou'csaiul lots In HalcTon Height * . OMAIIA'H HKAUTIKUli HUUUIUI. Only thirty minutes' rldo from center of city. Easy payment ! , low rnlt ; of Inicrusl. Now la the time to necuro n homo. \Vllll.ini II Crnry. 205 Man York Life Illdi. Mira MI9 _ OMK3 tXJHSALK. TIIKIIB 13 NO DOUIIT HUT thatnohnvo the most natlafnctorr list of rcnlly dolrablocottacci to bo found In the city. Trices. rnnxo from liOOO up , nnd terms nro ex ceedingly Illiornl. Wo hnvo sold six durlni ; the past month nnd the best of our list will BOOH' bo Delected. Wo can r ceo m mo ml the following : 7 house * within two blocks } Ian com Park , HHW S H model , now , I'oppleton 1'art , (2.MO ( 7 U b front , full lot , tiirn , otc , Omana View I4.U007 room 15 front , IHMT nnd completoUth it J50UO Ln raj-otto I'lacc. tlnost In city , boa them OKlco open Saturday nlKhtn. Fidelity Trust Company , 1011 Tarnnm street. _ 3iiJ-att T > BAUTIFULI.AKAYETTK 1'LACK 18 LOCATED -Don relon street , ono block west of Lowe nvo Six new , elegant modern dwelling , of 7 to 9 rooms each , of which four nro stlH- for sale. You cannot ndgoof tbo beauty of this lerrncu , or the com pleteness of the cottnBes , . without ncclne them Open for Inspection. 1'rlcc * reasonable nnd easy terms. Cull ut our olllce nuit MO will show them nt any time , whether you with to buy or not. Owned andiorsaloby Fidelity Truit Company , . ' loll rarnr.ui street. , til ? _ _ FOlt SALU-400 AGUE RAJJM IN HLUK IllVKIl valley , Thnyor county , lOiullcs wet of Hebron. Ono of the very best furms In the county ; uond house barn , granaries , crib * , etc , aml an nbundanca of fruit , timber und running waler. Alio for Halo or exchange for good lands nrclty property , n brick pork packing houBO and Hxtiro | ? In Hebron , Thnyor county , ucar I ) . & . l't dopot. Tor particulars In * query of any real ustato iik'vpt In lleliron , 310 K VALUK. LOTh.ACIllW. 11OMK9. DUsI- ness property. Alor Moore , 4UI lee bldg. K T\rilY SHOULD YOU I'AY HUNT AND AT TIIK it same time own n vacant Jot when the fidelity Trust Co will sell you n beautiful cottage homo In La Knyctto place and perhaps take your vacant lot as part payment ? Coma and BOO us and lot us show you the cottages. l > l ? V. IIAVI3 A IjAHOK litbT ' "Ql | I > 1C81UAHI,1 ! South Omaha property for 'Halo. ' I'ottcr & GcorKO Co , 8. W. corner ICth and Famara. 132 M10 _ LACKY'S ADDITION TO OM AHA 4 UST 1'LATTK It la east or UoBson on cloctrlo motor line Lois J200 to $ IW. iTurms. H cash , balance In throa equal payments , duo In 2. 4 , U years nnd 7 par cent Interest. Potter i , George Co. , a w. corner Ibth nnd Karnam. 03JM3 OU BALK , 1IOS1KS. ANY I'UICE , J700 , fl.250 UI * oniy terms ; take clour property an first payment Q. G. Wallace Drown block , loth and Douglas. 303 _ _ _ VT K. CORKISU 2UTH AND HICKOUY WXI50 J.i .feet ; a bargain for a few days only. F. K. Dar ling , Darker block. 2W OH 8ALK ATA BAIIOAIK. LOT 15. BLOCK il. W. L. Belby'a tint addition to South Omaha , Bmull payment down. b&Ianco monthly If desired , Inquire ( i. U. Tzscljuck , Ouialia H&o. X3I ou SAM : ON MONTHLY IVVYMKNTS. S houses & . lots. The O.K. Davis Uo.li3J farnam t. 501 MONSIOUTH PA It 1C HAS TUB MOTOH. CITY natur. graded Btroata , slnowalk , ncuool , beauti ful location orcrythlng to make It attractive , l-'or lots or homes In this boautlful addition on easy terms BUO G. G. Wallace , trustee , 3\1 \ Hrjirn block , ICtli and Douglas. 3US ( & 125003 TO LOAN : SUMS OK MOM Ul'WAHDS ; tifcnn place loans on any InMilo Improved property to any amount where value Is back of the loan. Ames Itcal Kstntu Agency , IWr Karnam at. .H3 KWILL CONSID15H A CL15AK VACANT LOT as part payment towards abomutn Lafatetto Place. (117 ( ixniY PAY HKNT WI1KN YOU CAN IIUYONK OF ' the llnut modern cottaxos overbuilt on easy terms In Lafuyutto Place ? U17 T HAVKAFBW WKLL LOCATKIJ LOTS ; WILL J-bnlld houses to suit you and neil on easy terms , J. D. y.lttlo. Brown block. Slip Foil SALE , 6-ltOOM COTTAOK ( ONLY ) SITU atcdlUU Iinrd street Gallon A. Hgapo Jr. SI3 UlYK OUT AND SKU LA FAYETTH PLACH. BIT SKK LA FAYK1TK PLACK 111 ! TO UK UUY1NO ( a hiM . 017 FOlt 8ALK , A COIINKU IXJT ON' PAVKI)4TIIBKT , aultablo for crucor , butcher or druggist , only f.WJ. Uavld Jainlcsou , 41. lieu bid. . 6SI M AKKMBANOKt'iitONLOIS,70ANI : > 7lIILOCIC two In tfonndcru Jt Hlnirbuuuh'a addition to Walnut HIM. Auythlna KOC'S. ObcarUroshel'l , Halt Ijiko City , Utah. 147-m Ib' pIIOICI ! AC'ltr.S ON VfKSf 1WIWK bTUKUT ; vysultablo for KurdcnlnKur honies ; f 10J per aero ; 6. 10 or 2J aero tracts.Vrliflit A. Jjisbnry , liitli and Howard Btrecta. M67I T70HHALK. K. kj IJO'V \ I1LOCIC 11 , UKKII'S IsT J- addition , 2019 Davenport t , 0 room column. ' 1 lie O. K. Dnvls CO . loJ5 l-'arnaniBt. 'Ml Mil _ ' 17011 hALIJ-UOJIKS tx'oilAMMKItCV PA UK J- built to Bull customers , I1U ) down , balance monthly Co In on tliaeround UoorundKot cluilcu of lots , A , P. TiiLoy. MUI3 T70II 8ALH-KOUH Oil P1VI ! tlOOD COTTACiKS A In Cllfion Hill on easy pjinont , It.ix ) ] to I..O'JO each. Will take clcnrlot uortli from t.OJ to tllJ ns llr t payment. A. P. Tukoy.Jld New Vork LlfenddB. _ _ MU17 ON MONTHLY PAYMKN-rA NT.W COTTAIIKS loin WxlW. only 1 iirul j7block ; from' motor , fl.COloJ to f..MO.O ) . maU rash payment , balance monthly , Clear lots from f.WO ) to flJ ( > jO oil taken as part payment. I will bimd houses to suit joii , K. r. llliiKer , 1MV 1'arnam. owl ) | jj | ; v WAM'KD. IIUH1NK3S fi.NP ItKSIIIKNCK. IM- proved or nnlmprovodti/.ppurty lUted Hnvo ( oinu easturn biiora for barxulns , also want acre properly. K. K. lllnnor , lM , 4'arnam. MJJB l'u 12 UTaiNIIIHKnAUSKlAlIlLUMISllS' ! HUD DI- xylslon of Bolonion'Baddltl < ) , Omaha , n barKnln , Joseph Pollard , Jr. , Wasblirjldii , lono. 2ul JO" " " " ON15 OK KlNKST""l < 6ra"LiABT : FIIONT8 ON licoritla ave , at n irreatbnTlralu , 11,0-10 for a sliort tlmo. llulelilimon & yuadoKt ! ! lloutilas. 3Ui2J \\rn DO A UKKlUUi ! jilKAL K3TATK KX- clinnKO business. Wliuf liavo you to ollur ? Western liicuauso Co. , folinnbi.s , Neb. 41 IM 27 * 17011 HALK-KHOM ONlil'ilO JOIITY ACIIKH , J- near Fort Omnlia. Ileautllul lileliland for dwe.ll ; Inea and rlcli valley for ujdtKOt fanlons , from II'J > ) to tsu ) per ucre. four acrcf-ln Washington hill , north of Dundee pluoo. T i.i'tionp lots , cornur , In Orchard hill. i'oific on nd nciir Council lllulls motor line $1,000 to H.200. Kusy puymcnts. H. U. Curtis. 203 b. lith Bircct. juol 2J * l Oll MALIC , MIOM&TO20 APIIKS CIIOICH LAM ) . -L cacap. Immediately nottuf lli < * now driving park , Dr. Ixilsnnrln . ' . be lit HAIR OOOpS. LAUOKST bTOCIC IN KNTlltK WK-iTiTlIBA f rlCHl wlenand boards u upocl.ilty. w lui. Bwltcues , b\lr chains , eta ; unt for oatil Mall orders sullcllo-l. lUrloi , III a. lilU st. , Oi . _ ili ENUAOKMK.NTS TO DO DltKSH MAKINO families solicited. Miss burdy | , st ) S 2uth st. I45iul7 * JEWELERS. pAHU PAlDKllOLDOOLIi. CAltsO.S . . Darker tloek , Oinaha. 313 LOST , - OK KUV8. ' ' - LpiT-UlMCll 1'1-WABK JtKTUIIN 'l-Q Oil luroaiu tt. 5INQ T/iE P//IS ) | JBCL0T/fES SMELL 6WZETOUfl UtyEN 5W/WES / T/IE/fOUSE WONDER \ FILLS NOUSEMfllDS MM , CWTU54IRBANK &CO CHICflGO , PAWN UROKT-HS. > MOHLt : , OH-'ICK lilDn KAUNAM ST .tit SNYDISK'S LOAN Ol'FICK , IMO 1)01)UK ST. MS1I3 a3u' STOLEN. SlOLiS-lAHK : 11UOW.N MAUK AM ) IIUCOY bcloiiKlnn to Alfred Cnmoii , last night , from cor , llitli nnd t nsa. ll.i2J ! REWJ i r\j G TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , (607 Fornam Street , OMAHA I' niinx l < i fnrnintrlct ( irnilliifj HoiuM , Sonlod blili marked "I'ronos.xls for illstrlct qrudhii ; bonds" will bet rocolvuil ia the ollluo ot the city troisuror : , Uninhii , t\i > li. , up to 1. o'clock noon of tlia itli day of April. IS ! ) . ' , for tliopureliasoof SIl.'OO.MdlstrlutKr.itllnilmmU of tlio city of Omaha , Nob. Mind bniuls are dated Mny 1st , ISO.1 , nnd uro payable from ona to nliH ! ye.irs urtor data tlioroof. in donoinlna- tlonaotilOO.uOilnd &UO.OJ oacli , with lutorostat thu r.ito of " > pur cunt pur iiniiuin. p.iy.iblo soml-iinnually , I'-lnoljial utid Inturcat pjy- ublo at Kontit7O llros . New York. J10.000.03 of Oranlnc District No. 35. 1'iXlOOorOradlng District No. ,11. TOO.OJof Or , id In ? District No. 31. 20.00J.OO of OriidliiB District No.r > i I.uch bid must stale prlco nnd amnunt Bought for And Includu accrued Interest to datu of delivery at Oniiiha , Nob. TliorlKbt la reserved to reject any and all ladb. Issued unnor charter noxvor of cities of the metropolitan class am : Ordlnunco No. Mis. MchSOdaitni. OltyTre.i surer. l'ruiO8 | la forl'ubllr Librar Sealed bids markca proposals for public library building bonds will be rocnlvcd at the ollicoof tboolty treasurer. Oiiiuba. Neb. , up to 12 o'clock noon of tbo ! ! 3th day of April , 1SW. for tlio purelmso of $ IOJ,0 < UtO public library lnillllti'4 bonds of ilm city of Oniabn , Neb. , dated May 1st , 189.2. and p iyablo20 years after dato. Interest at the rate of3 per cent per an num , payable HOtnl-annuaUy. Principal and Interest payable at Kouiitzo Itroa. , New Yotk. Kach old must state price and amount sought for and Include accrued Interest to datoof dellv ry at Omaha , Nob. The right Is reserved to reject any and All bids. Issued under charter power of cities of the metropolitan clasj , and ordinance No. i."J35. approved March llth. 1S12. HEJWV I10M.N. mZGdlltM Olty Treasurer. PROPOSALS FOR PAVING BONDS. Sealed bids marked proposals for uavnu bonds will bo received lit the ofllco of the city treasurer of Utmiha , Neb , , up to VI o'clock noon of the 25th day of April , ISO. ! , for the purchase of 8 0,000 00 Darin ? bonds of the elty of Omaha , Neb , dated May I. IHJ. ' , payable 20 yours after elate , Interests per cent per annum , payable soml-annually ; principal and Interest payable at Kountzo Bros. . New York Denomination of bonds. } IHOO.OJ o.ioh. Each bid muHt state price nnd amount soucht for nnd Include accrued Interest to datoof doll very - ory at Omaha. Neb. ' The r-sht Is reserved to reject anv and all bids. Issued under charter power of cities ot metropolitan class and ordinance- . 2992 , approved March S.1U12. \ . IIENKYIIOLLN. M26d31tM City Treasurer. RH1LWHY71MECRRD Leaves. I CHICAGO UUItMNOl'O.V .vg. | Arrlvus Omnhn. I loiot | 10th an.I MaBOu Ht | Orailia. Leaves IllUKl.l.MJ'lO.N & MO. UlS'KU.I Arrlvos Omaha | Depot 10th ann Mn on ht . | Omalm. [ i. < a p ml . . . . . . .at. 1'nul Limited [ Leaves ICH1CAUO A .NOltTH Wl',81'iit.N | Arrlvoi OinahalU. P. depot. 10th nnd Marcy hta I Oinnhi leaves I OMAHA & HT. LOUIS. | ArrlvVi ( Jmnlmlll. P. dnpot. IQUi und Maroy Ht . | pmahm 4.10 p m | tit. Louis Cannon Hall | I2.Up m . ami , . . , . . . , Chicago Kxpruai I MO p ni 1000 p ml Chlcueo Kxprgsi P25 a in 7J | i ml Creiton lxcal I 7. a in Leave * I OMAHA Jc BT. IXUH. Arrives TransTn | Union Depot. Council Illuru. Transfer .49 Unll..llJ 15 p m tilOUX CITY A. PACIl 1C. TrMisterl Union Depot. Council mutts. _ T.43 a m.bloux | City Accommodation , . tM Pjul . . . . .8t.PaulKxprsss . . . .j 9.40 a nl ' Iransterl Union Depot. Council Illugs. 12.01 p u Chicago Kxpreas x ) p m i.15 | i m . . . . . . . Vestibule Limited v.10 a w JOW p m . . . , . . . .Kaslorn Uror I.JO p in .00 p ro ( Us bat ) Atlantic Mull ( Kc Mon ) 7.U a m T.tO at , , . . , . . , C'irroll I'kfuiager. , 1000 i > m The Latest Natural Sticks at low Prices- Our price SI.00 Ko ulnr price $1.50 Our prim $1.25 Itrgulnr price $1.7. > Onv price # 1.30 iiliii' price $2.r > ( ) Our prim $2.00 gnlai' pi'Ico sfti.OO Our price iftf.OO price $5.00 Omaha Co. , 1520 FARSA3I STREET , CORNER 16TII. UMBRELLAS REPAIRED. CUBES COU6H BURE ISA One Minute Remedy Tor all affections of the Throat , Lungs and BroncMil Tuta EXCEl'T CONSUMPTION 25 AND 5O GENTS. For Kale liy DruBglati PUOPOSALS VOH INDIAN BUPl'WF.S AND Itrun purtitlon. : Department of the Intur- or , Olllco of lull I nn Allaire , Wn lnn ton April 2,18li Sealed proposals , endorsed "Pro posals for Ilcof. ( blila for heef must bo submit ted In soniintto envelopes ) , llncon , Klour , OlothlnsorTr.ui'iportatlofi , ute , , " ( as tlio o.iso may be ) , ntul Olrcctcil to tlm Unininlsisloner of Indian AITiilrs. Noi > . Oiitna 1/7 Woostor stroot. Now York , will 1)0 rcuolvcd until 1 m. of TuesdayMay a. UK , for furnishing for tlio Indian serv co about 701.UM poundi Imcon. : i..0a,00 ( pounds bout on the hoof , S.UuO.W ) ) pounds net beef , .CID.UJJ poundn Deans ? 0UO ) pounds baking powdor. L' ' , ! ! O.OOJ pounds corn. 5)0.0.0 poiinils L-nlToo. ( i.OJO.'iuO pounds Hour , 70.0 0 pounds food.0 > . < ) OQ pounds iiard broud. 40(00 ( poundslionilny.U ) ,010pounds lard,5.V ) liar- ula niosi porlc , 15.00) ) jiounds , 070.00J pounds outs ll'.OOltJOiiiids rice , L'J.O'O ' pounds ten , IbO.O 0 pounds salt , 1UO.U ] ) pounds llnOHiilt , l iW.OOa pounds soap. 1,000,00 : ) pounds fitiisar. and IIW.OOJ pounds wheat. ANo , lilaiik- ots , woolen .tut I'uttnn cioN. ( oonslstlim In part of tlckliiK. 11.030 yards ; htuiidiiril calico , ( .0.00) yarUs ; drlllliu lO.OOi ) yards ; ( luck , free from all Blr.lnj ; , 35,000 y.inls ; duiiliiii , 10.003 yards ; KiiiKlmnis , : W3liX ( ) yards ; Kentucky jcaiih , flr ( Oynrds ! cliovlot , -'ft.OJO yards ; hrown hhootln . L'tO.O ) ' yirds ; bloiuhcd slmutlii , Ilj.Odi yards ; hickory shlrtlriK , ai.OOO yards ; calicoshlriliiR. HOW ) : clothlnff , srocor- Ics , notions , hurdwaro , n\Ddlcil siippllos. school books , etc. , and u Ion ; ; of miiiciil- liiiieonsartlulos sncli as harnuss , plows , niKcs , folks , etc , , and for about.'SID ' uiu'ons icriulred for the BorvJet' , to be ilellvnnul ut C'lilca/o , Kansas City nnd eloux Ulty. Also for Mich wagons us inny 1 > o rcijuircd , adapted to the climate of the I'acltlo coast , with California hraUes , delivered nt tan IV.iucIsoo , Also transportation for such of thu articles , Roods nnd Hiippllcs that in ty not 1 > 6 coutrjcted forte to liuhollvnrod nt thn azuucles. HuN must ue made out on uovcriiinout hlnnkti. bohediilns showing tlio kinds and quantities of SUDSIS- toncosuppllus lopulrod for each aKoiicy and Rnhnol , ami thu Ultitli undfpiantltlos In Kro s , of nil other goods und nrtlolos. tu/otliur with blank proposals , conditions to ho 'otnorvod by lilnuors , tliiui nnd phteo of delivery , terms of lonlructnnd payment , transportation routes und allothor nwessiry Instructions will be furnUbed upon application to the Indian Of- llco In Wnslilnuton , or No-t. Ot null 1,7 Wooitnr street. Now York ; the Commlss.irles of Huh- HlMtoncu , U. S , A , ut Oheyunno , Chlva o , I.cavunwortli , Omuha , K.ilnt LOUH | , Saint Paul , and Pan Krnnelbcoi thu Postmasturii nthloux City , Iowa ; Ynnkton , South Dakota ; Arlcan- s.t.s Olty , Oaldwull. Topeka and Wluhltu , Kun- bas. und Tuseon , Arl/ona. The rluht Is ro- Horvcd bythoitovornmonttorojtjetiiny und nil bids , uriiny'pnrt of any hid , and tluwo propo sals are Invliu I under proviso tlmtappropria tion shall be made for thn supplies by eon- cress. HldH will Uoononod at the hour and day , iho\ostated , und bidders are Invited to ho present ut the openlni ; , Curtlllod uhonka. All bids must hu accompanied by cor tilled ( hooks or drafts tinoit KOMIO UnlUirl ritnte.s De- no < llory or thn Klrit National Hunk of Han rruneUco , Oil. , for at least IIvo percent of the amount of the proposal. T. J , MOHGAN , L'ommlsilonor , ATil''ltm PROPOSALS FOB PAVING. Sealed propdsnln will' ho received by tlio undurhigncd until lbO : o'clock j > in. . Jlny lUth , UU , ' , for the fullowln j kinds uf - teruil , viz : Hheot asiihaltuin. Hioux 1'ullsor olhorKninlto. While Colorado g.indBtone. Ked Colonido bundittono , Woodiuir , Kunsis , blono. VltrllU'U Drlcn. And hrluk blocks , all according to speclflcu- tlOIIK. l > 'or pivlnx the alley In block a , Hunvcom 1'l.ico , In the city of Omatia , comprlbiul In Siri'ot Improvement District No. H" > , o'dorcd tmproird livordlnanco NatWJ. ; Kuril bid toupoclfy a price pur sijuaro yurtl for the pavlnitcomplutu In tin ) alley. Work to bo aono In uccordanco with plann nnd BpeclfloutlonKon Illo In the ofllco of the ilonra of Public Works. Kach prouosal to he made on printed blanks furalthed by thu hoard bu accompanied by n ccrtlflua chock In thuiuni of $ .VH * . payable to the city of Oiualiu , us uu orldenco uf food faith , The board will award the contract for the different kinds of material subji-ot to thn HO- luction of thu material by theprouortvowiicrs or mayor a ml city comiull , Ilio board roiorren the rlzht to reject any or all bids and tp wuivu defect * . P. W.lllltKIIATlSBR. Ohnlrman Ho ird of PublicWurkf. . Omaha , Nub. , A STUANQK SCKNE AT A Drinking In tlie "llonlth" of tlio Oorv oj n < the CloiM llnttlo on thn Cnlllii. "Can n follor buy n. stack of blues In here - " toiliij-V" "Not todnVi p\rtlnor.1 : ' ' "Wlmt's i\\o \ inaltor ? " "Well , .loo'Sliniuoua is boinp niirlotl todny niul the hotiso ia closed vinlll jitter his funeral , " "Whovis : .Too Simmons ? " "How long liitvo you boon In the campy" "duiio In on the afternoon trnln.1' "Thotifrhl noVollJoe Simmons wn.i Jolt Smith's best friend. Tills Is Jell's liouso , und not ti citt-d will bo tttrnod or u drink sold until .Toe's ronmliw hitvo boon carefully nlnntod , You can slldn up to the bar und jjuli ) ono to Joe's health beyond the rangebut your money don't KO. " The above conversation tool : plnco nt the Orleans olub in Croodo , roU > MuyH the Chronlclo of that city. The inqulr- \nfi \ party was it miner fresh from Load- vlilo. The man who responded was tlio barkeeper at the club. After the drink the mixologist waxed talkative. "I've known .Ion Smith , " ho Bald , "for a number of years , but I never saw him Knocked sueh a twister as when ho found out that .loo had to dio. Dow n in Texas , years itKt-'t both on 'em was kids together. They wont to nn old log school house and holpoil each other to annoy the teacher and got u little learning. Then they wont to punchin1 cows and worked for the muno oulllt , afterwards graduating- Into the Texas raiitrors. They rUn together , swore together , yes , and i guess , they skinned many it sucker together , too , but they novorgavo a friend dirt. " \Vollloo came into camp when ho hears the boom Is on and went to doalln' ' for , lou" . Ho dually got sick pneumo nia and Friday night , a few minutes before 12 o'clock , ,1elT goes tip to his room , .loo was dyin1 ami .lofT knowod It but ho tried to give him a blall he was looking all right. " 'Don't lie to me , .lofT'says .loo. 'I know I'm dyin' . Mj last chip will bo cashed in very soon and T want to say good bye to you. You won't have no preaching tit my sond-oIT , will you ? No good. Just lay mo out and wish mo good health o"h the ether side of the range , if there Is another sldo and nny health there. Good-byo , old pard , I'm ol ) . ' "Them was the last words Joe spoke , and Jon" came down to the saloon and cried like a baby. lie says to mo : 'Chick , the whitest man on earth just died , ' and 1 knowcd what he meant. But there gees the funeral procession. " Joe Simmons was ono of tlio bust known gamblers in the west. lie was Smith's school day friend , ami the last wishes of his friend were a sacred trust to him. Accordingly , the funeralwhich took place on Sunday , and the borvicea at tlio grave were , perhaps , the most unique o'vor witnessed. It in seldom that lliicchus is called upon to preside at the grave. But the sound ol the popping champagne cork mingled with the cilices of the ore drivers as they swung their leaders along the narrow trail which passes beside God's acre , nn tlio broud plateau above this rustling camp. Yet the remains of an erstwhile human being were being consigned to their last resting place At 2 o'clock tlio funeral cortege loft the undertaker's. A wagon containing the deceased was in advance. Next fol lowed the only hack in town , containing JotT Smith , John Kinneavy , Hugh Monan and a reporter. Wagons con taining lifty friends of the departed fol lowed. A blinding snowstorm was in progress , but the horses plodded on up the steep hillside. When half way up the tnourn- ors were forced to got out and walk to the herd of the hill , as the horses could n't stand the strain. Finally tlio cemetery was reached. Six mounds of earth ominously close to * gothor marked it. A gaping oblong liolo had been dug beside the last mound. Hrhon the box had been taken from the improvised lieareo it was lowered into the grave. Kvery head was uncovered , and Jell Smith , standing at the foot of tlio grave , thus addressed the throng : "i'lio man whom wo have just laid to rest was the best friend I over had. You all know him. Did nny of you over know him to do a thing .that wasn't squaru with his Mends ? No. I thought not. Neither did I. The boat we can do now is to wish him tlio best there is in thu land Doyond the range , or the hereafter , if there is any hereafter. Joe didn't think there was , and I don't know anything about it. I'Yicnd.H ' , I ain't much of a speaker , but Joe uas my friend and all ho wanted was for us to gather at his grave und drink his health when he was gone. Let im do it. ' Twelve bottles of Pommory were then opened and each of the assemblage toolc his glass in hand \vhilo Smith said : "Hero's to the health of Joe Simmons in the hereafter. " Tlio glasses were then drained. Then all joined hands around the grave and sang ' 'Auld Lang Syno. " It was a strange nnd weird sight. TJio snow was falling in ( hick , heavy clouds , and for a blnglo moment the sun en mo out above the crested clilTH and glinted on the glasses , giving a now sparkle to jho , wlno that toasted the ob sequies of the dead sport. Sorro.v for the nonce was drowned by an offering to Bacchus. Thu dirt was Illlcd into the grave and the corlego returned to town. In a few mom'onlH they were busy again with cards and chips , and the Orleans club opened for business. DoWitt's Siu-junarilla ilnstrayb sucn pol sons us surofuln , skin disease , cozoina , rhutt niatism. Its timely use suvcw many HVOJ. Ho llraril It. lie was fresh from the dewy vales of Wuyback , Bays tlio Now York Commer cial , and having come up to town fur 11 real old rip-snorting tlmo , tlio idea- struck him that his cousin by marriage a well known Wall street broker would bo just the man to a-aslbt him in having it. Ho was received with open arms. Durln : . ' tlio conversation which ensued thu eyes of tlto rural gonllonmn landed upon the telephone which hung in oniv corner of hlH relativo'd olllce. A telephone - phone WIIH Homething now to him. Ho had hoard of thorn in a general way , but had never soon ono in operation , so expressed it desire "f bee th' tiling wulc. " "Through this llttlo instru ment , ' ' remarked the city cousin , after commuting the customary verbal a - bttult and battery upon Central , "I am able to talk directly with my wife , wheat at nrcbont is in my liouao in Harlem , HIIU hoar her replies distinctly. " "Ah , hello ! hello ! IK that you dear ? All right. I just wanted to tell you that Cousin Gcorgo ib here " "Now , cousin , " concluded the broker , handing the iocolver to him , "if you'll listen carefully you'll hoar exactly what bhe aiiBworti. " IIo listened. Then ho backed away from the instrument witli u pained ox- probalon. "Well , " fiuorlod the broker with a friendly Brnilo , "what did aho nay ? " "fihotiod : ! hope yew won't briny th' old fool hum tow dinner. ' " It will never be known exactly how the city cuutln managed to oxpaln thinga , UUetuo nnvur nucccsalully attack ! n lyi- tomwltli pure Mood DoWitt's S.irtaparlllk wake * pure , new blootl uud on no tie * " - < U <