0 THE OMAHA DAILY BlSK : MONDAY APRIL 25 , 1802. MUCH SHORT STOCK SOLD Ercn a Good Banfc Statement Did Not Save Those Interests. MORE SAVIOURS FOR THE UNION PACIFIC Speculators Acroo Tlmt tlio Oould-Sacc- Clnrk MniniRcmont Must < H\o Vfny at thn AppronchliiB Annual lllcc- tlon Hollow of tlio. Situation. Nnw Yomc , April 81. [ Special TclORrnm to Tun Hr.E.1 1'hc market closed weak Sot- unlay. The bank statement was good , but thntdld notholp It , Soiling preponderated and wullo a good deal must have boon short tech , hero ncd there unmistakable ovldcnco nppcorcd that long stock was coming out. A Rood many buyers on margin were tired waiting for profits they did not see nnd when the maruot was hammered on the gold ship ments they wcro scared and sold out. It night have been some rcltaf from a namby- pamby stntti of things to have n slaughtering wld by the boars. fhcro Is plenty -excitement when nlno or ton leading stocks nro being smashed at the nmo time , the crowd of llltlo stocks drop off whole points nt cneh ( | Uotatlon , the volumoot sales swells up as the excitement crows , brokers shout themselves hearse trvlng to execute orders , frightened baim managers hnsillv sail loans and everybody wonders If the bottom Is going to drop out of things Just na the big operators , who linvo engineered the movement , rush In their buying orders and send up prices with n bound. Money IH Tcio Cheap. Dut in the present condition of things there Is not much chance of enjoying n cir rus Ilko this. Money Is too cheap. 'Iho Union Trust company bus Just reduced Its ruto on doposlls from 2K to I per cent , xou can have n dull market , with certain stock * dropping because of specially unfavorable conditions affecting the properties , as in the case or the Atchlson aim Northern 1'nclllo at this tlmo ; but wbilo banks are soliciting customers to borrow money , oven the spring Kold shipments uro good only for tempoiary nnd small depressions. The selling of the last wcoic may continue for n day or two and linock the market down n Llttlo inorp , but It docs not scorn pos sible the movement can go fnr. The trading Is merely ptofcsslonal and the growth of the short Interest soon established n basts for a rally. It will help tbo bear side of speculation that wo sball send out inoro gold this week. This merchandise export Ims been sold against for a month or inoro , and the amount of not" commercial bills being made is comparatively small. So If London continue a seller of our securities tlilr. week the gold export may bo consider- nbln. If It becomes n bj.rerlt will bu small. So far this year wo have sent out about $14,000,000 , which U below the average for tbo season. It was a great disappointment to the bulls that London failed to como strong Tuesday mottling , after tbo holidays ; in other words , that instead of following- load given l.cro nnd buying It took mlvunta o of a higher range to" unload on. The traders promptly took the bear sldo of the market on this dis covery , and slocks wcro quickly thrown over. Ilumoi-H of a Heading Strike. Bear news at once sprang up in plenty. The action of the Pennsylvania rend In re- ilurlng con I tolls was accepted ns meaning a coul rnlo war , as Incidcntnlly a great strike on the Heading road was assorted to bo im- ] > cndlng. Neither , has materialized up to this time , but the coal stocks had most of the rise of the previous wcolc speedily knocked oil their pins. It is the oaslcst thing In the world to swing Reading between 50 and 00 that Is , easy for the Insiders , and they bocm lo llnd their prollt iu doing it. The action of the Pennsylvania certainly lias a douotful look , and that the company is dissatisfied with its old time rival in branch ing out Is notorious , but it is extremely doubtful if tbo Pennsylvania managers uro Kolng to do anything which would seriously diminish tbo revenues derived from an Im portant branch of their own buainois , which o coal ruto war would certainly do. But if tbo Pennsylvania and Heading companies really did get Into a fight it would bo a battle- of giants. This is unlikely , howavor. There is a moro genuine boar outlook iu certain parts of the west , whnro sumo of the roads are likely to tnuko a comparatively poor show of earnings in the next two or three months. It is probably duo to n knowledge of this that the Atchlson securities continue to dribble on the market. The income bonds , it Is said , will possibly got bait the full in terest this voar and 2) < f per cent on a bond. belling at , r > 0 Is only fi per cent on par , whllo the quotation Is now between 50 and ST. Five per cent on n security of doubtful qual ity is not much to got for one's money. As to Northern Pacille , it is pointed out that this stock bus distinguished it self by workIng - Ing down through a stronir market 'to near the lowest point It , sold in the Baring panic , n pretty good proof that tboro is something wrong Inside. Vlllnril Talked nourish. Mr. Villard cannot be , accused of persuad ing people to buy it. Ho has talked bearish for months , predicting tbo most dlroful con- Bcqunccs to all railroad property from the silver legislation , which Is as good a slick to beat n dog with ns any other. Doubtless Kotthcrn Pacific would have been Just where it is If thews never bad been any silver legis lation. There are various rumors about Union Pa cille. The annual election Is Impending and another complete change of man ( remoiit is in contemplation. When the ( Jould-Sugo- Clarlc management camu In ay onr or so nro , it was to save the property from tlio Adams inamiL'Oir.cnt. Now It Is In bo saved from the Ciould management. Who will bo the next party of saviours , ami how long will It bo before It will bo necessary for thorn to como upon tbo scone ? The block is down low enough for any change to benciit it , but It bus sold lower and may again. The process of differentiation , which. Is ntoadlly taking some stocks down and as Btcndlty convoying others up , shows that the market Is u natural ono. Quotations are cor responding to the actual conditions of tbo properties. Ills natural that sound dividend. paying securities should soil nigh at a time v , lion money Is piling up unit Interest rates nro going down. It Is natural also that bankrupt properties should sell on a rccolvor- Bliln basis. Lake Shore maintains itself easily ubovo 131) ) . Manhattan holds nbovo ISO , .Northwestern Jlnds buyers whenever It goes below ISO , nna Klchmond Terminal nt 10 , Union Pacific at 45 or North American nt 15 cannot bo called remarkably cheap. As re- pects Manhattan uiul Western Union tbo question whether tboy will rlso is chiefly a question whether Mr. Gould Is willing to let thorn. The growth of the earnings of ino clavatcd road system Is largo and constant , omply scouring the 0 per cent dividend now paid , and giving promise of increase. IVeitvrn Union' * I'rospuctii , Wo tmo a present presidential campaign coming on , and that moans for Western Union an enormous incrcnso In business. It lias no rival to divide thu business with. Hut over all tbero Is the fear of what Mr. ( Jould mav do. The bettor classes of tbo industrial and gas properties teamed destined to vnnco under the influence of easy money , for the dividends they pay are largely relatively to the prices at which the stocks are Balling in tbo market. Among tbo trunk line stocks the only ono which looks choup now is our old time Erie , and even that Just at present li not in favor because of fears that tbo poor health of President King will compel him to rotiro. Tbero was talk some tlmo ago of it bull pull In Krio , but if over the project was seriously entertained it has bean given up. Doubtless the pro- lectors were nllttlo disappointed In the earn ings. A sort of J2rlo common among the coalors Is tbo Heading deferred bonds quoted ubout'JO. They have been acting curiously lately as if some Interest was accumulating them , Tboy used to bo hold in London , but sluco the coal deal a conslderalo amount has boon sent over hero. That soru spot In the inurliet Hlcntnand Terminal appears to bo a trlllo bettor. Tbo company has tbo bulk of the Terminal securities safely lodged In tbo ( rust counany , which give * tbcm a good lever to work with , 1'onr.njN i IN\N ( itiviK\r. There Wan no Chungo In Discount llutv * During the I'ast AVvi'k. LONDON' , April 24. There is no change In discount rates during the yait week aud nothing occurred to break the ease of the money market. With n reserve of over 16.000,000 balnnco of gold coming from America only tbo traditional oblcctlon to fre quent changes prevented tbo BanK of Bng- and from reducing Its rate to 2 per cent. The amount of the loan which the India council contemplates Issuing is 1,000,000 , not 5,000,000 ns reported on Friday. It Is now believed that the loan Is for railway pur- TOSCS , the India government seeming to have 10 relish for doubtful speculation for a Iso in silver. The complaints rlfo on tbo Stock cxchnnco of on unusual dearth of busl- icss niid of money did not tempt speculation , rbo only securities falily firm were those of .ho highest class for Investment. English .ecurltlcs . were deprossoJ. Foreigners wcro rrcgular. Spanish and Portuguese- were weak , but the latter rose ono point on favor able reports of the progress of tbo conver sion. Venezuelan nnd Brazilian securities were weak , the former on account of the revolu tion , and tha latter on account of tbo seces sion of the state of Matta'norns , which U Is 'cared , will load to Its annexation by the Argentina. South American securities gen erally are of n inoro hopeful tone , nnd good alters for parcels of securities held by the Darings and Murrottns had been directed. In addition there was a slight boom In South African mining securities , nrtor hurled - led selling to snatch profits from the Isow York advancing , prices of American railway securities wcro beaten down , owing to tha Pennsylvania cutting and fears of extensive sold exportation from New York. The only 'iivorablo feature wo * the strength of tbo Jnlon Pacific , based on the assertion that Mr. Gould bad withdrawn from the control of the road. Variations for the week In jrlcos of American railway securities r.cludo the following Increases : Lake Shoes , 11 per cent. Decreases : Northern Pacific , 1'i ' ocr cent ; Denver & Klo Grande fh'st consolidated mortgage , 1 per cent ; Now York , Pennsylvania & Ohio first mortgage , Wabash preferred abdVabash general mortgage bonds , 1J < per cent oacb ; Erie , yt icr cent ; Erie , 1 per cent ; Illinois Cen- ral , J/ percent ; St. Paul common , l1 per cent ; Pennsylvania , 1 percent ; Heading , j { per cent. The securities of the Mexican rail way during the wcok recovered a portion of their fall resulting from , the reduced divi dend. Grand Trunk of Canada suffered on account of continued adverse rumors. Grand Truiirt consols declined Jf per cent for the week and Grand Trunk lirst preferred \ } { P3r cent. It is believed , however , that a lonlinued Increase of receipts will dissipate thnso rumors. Copper shares were but llttlo affected by the negotiations of American nines , which nro guarded , ns suggested , mainly by the Interest of American produc ers , who bonclit much moro than their Euro- jean rivals bv restricting the output. Tboro- ere business is regarded as too chimerical for sarlous discussion. lliivium Mnrkct Kovlovr * HAVANA , April 2 ; ) . in tbo sugar market during the week the stock was scarce and justness dull. Tbo quotations ars as follows : VIolasses sugar , regular polarization , $2.25 gold nor quintal. Muscovado , fair to ordl- lary 83 tnOO = > , ia.OO > 4'@J.OS > f ; centrifugal h ! to ! X ! = In hogsheads , bags and boxes , 2.CM vi.30 ( ; in warehouse at Havana nnd Main- moras , 23.103 bags nnd .1.400 hogs- leads. Hocolpts for week , 129,500 bags nnd 402 hogsheads. Exports for the wool : . 33,000 bags and 2UO bocshcads of wblcb 22,000 bags and nil the hogsheads to the United States. BUTTCU Super American , ? 30 gold per quintal. FLOCK American , 57.00 gold per barrel. JIUKUI : ) Bnnr fS.'JS cold per quintal. II IMS - American sugar cured. $12.00 gold per quintal for northern ; $17.00 for southern. Lint ) In kngs. $8.50 gold per quintal ; In tins , $11.00. LUM unit Nominal , WIIITK N\vv BIMXS $ l.2."i per quintal. Cnr.wixo Tonvcco0.03gold ! per quintal. Hoi'o Quiet. Fiicmirrs Nominal. Kxcii.vxm : Quiet. . SPANISH Gou > $2.4S@2.50. On thu Purls Itmirse. PAIHS , April 24. The bourse was lethargic during the past week. Hoports of damaged crops and anticipation of May day disorders stopped speculation. Rio tintOJ declined 23 francs entirely on the London quotations. Nobody believes that tbo proposed agree ment witb American mines will como to any thing. The week's chances were fractional Credit fonclor advanced 2 % francs. Oil the llerlln Itoiirsc. Bp.nr.ix , April 24. The bourse was de pressed this week. The plethory of money s aftectini ; business. Quotations are : Mexi can lis , 8't.bO ; Harpener , 140 ; Uoubles , 007.05 ; iirlvnto discount , 1 % . On tlio I'rnnkfort Itnurgo. FKAXKFOIIT , April 24. Prices on the bourse closed firm. Final quotations Include : Hun garian gold route , 03.50 ; Hussiun 4s , 03.00 ; Austrian silver rento , 70'JO ; short exchange on London , 20.41. v TIII : .si'icur.ATivj : ; MARKETS. Tliero AVIIt Again lieu Great Distribution < it Market flgurou. CmrAno. III. , April K3. llaHotlng on the ( imitation question seemed to Interest moro people on 'change today than the quotations themselves. The fact that 1'ardrldgo wus mukln. : a very much ono-slded market drova Many members to the voting tables to east u ballot "for" the revival of a general distribu tion of market fltires. Tha members not only voted at tlio tables , but stayed thnro to In- uiR'O others. The proposition curried OSS turn Tonight , compared with last evening , wheat was lie lower , corn lie. oats ? i- , and pork T'.Ju. with lard and ribs unchanged. Thu chief bcarlsh.inllneiico WHS the brlKht and warmer vruulherovcr mixt of tha country , glvlin ; n better outlook not only fur thu winter grain but M'odliiK operations , and largely discountIng - Ing Prime's crop review , which was qulto gloomy , Thu corn trade felt the effect of the flno weather tnd a llttlo better movement. Thu receipts wuro TO cars moro than estimated , reaching "M ears. The marlci't wax vnry dull , except at raru Intervals. The opening prices Wi'ip from ? e to 'Jo below lust nlnht's II 'ires. Modurittoollcilncscairlud tie ! quotationolf a fraction more , after which there was a ( ally of Uc. siu-coedud by a doulliio of lie , with a subsequent weakening ofe. . Tlio fiMituroln oalu wus tlto buying of > lav and Belling of JuiHi amlJnly by a largo ope rator. Tbo Initial trades were nt from > BU to fie decline followed by an additional weaken ing of from ! e to 'lo. The tradu In provisions was about us yest > rdiiy and the neon thu liquidation of IDIIK lines of barreled pork aud aluadliicss In bird and ribs. Unsliu'bs was llzht and fluctuations narrow. Thi'i-u was a Htrqnier tone to taitu freights mid rates advanced Jio to l ! u foruhoat and lie ! fiircorn. Tbo loading futures ranged as follows : AUTICI.IM. WHEAT NO. ' . ' April SB 81tl t 80 K-W Mny tl SUA1 .Inly COIIN No , it- April MHy Julio. . . . . . . . OATH No. y Muy Juno July Wi.su roiuc Muy U 35 930 U67H V M UM I.AIID Muy I ) 1 U 12 a 15 July OSi U.Z7M OZ5 ci-s BlHiUT It Ilia- May 6 W 6 & 0 July SI.7H Cash ( imitations wcro us follows ; " " w i r patontt , tI.UtiUO ; Miring straights , 3..VJ3.70. \\1IBAT .No. 2 spring wheat. 82 ie : No. 3 spring whuat , 7 < Uo : No. 2 rod. a5U .i7 > ic. OATS-NO. 8.88 i4t8ici ) No. a whitoT aujfi' HVK-No. 2. 7a. llAttr.EV .No. 2. f * jo0ci No. a. f. o. U. , No. 4 , f .a b. , 4o4ic ( , KI.AX HIEU-NO. l,07c. TIMOTHY SKEI > 1'rlinc. 1l.331il.3a. I'IIIIK MckH. jier bill. . M.82i'i.81i ! lard , per HO Ibs. , to.U'tiUG.15 ; short ithh. bides , ( loosu' . J.lWiU.VM ; dry suited HhouliIorK. ( Uoxedl , H.SJ ( i > \liO ; shore clour bldus , ( boxed ) , W. I7i ! < ao.ai' . \\IIISKV UUtlllurs' Iliuahod uoods , per gul. . t'i'OAiis-Ciit loaf , 5Scijrraiiulutcd , l c ; stnndard "A. " 4tie. Kcceluts anil bhlintoiiu | today were as fol lows : On tbo rroducoBxpliuiiKo today the butter market w s tlriiij funcy creamery , 'JIH © 'o ; flno western , ' 'oasiei ordlmuy , 184J1U Uuodurlcn ! , iua.dc. New Vork Murkvti. 1'oiuc , April ia.-fi.oua-JUceIuti. SO- BlOtikis.l export * . 13,740 bbls. and 10,174 lacks : inarkotdull : sale ; , laaso bbls. yellow western. JJ.7.VS3 09. WHEAT Kccelpts , , ni.vn bu.i exports , cs , . BOO bu. : sales l.Otn.OOO bu. of futures. 104,000 bu. spot , ypot mnrxct unsettled , quiet and strong er ; No. 2 red. Ufl'je In store unit olorntori IN'i WWyo afloat ! I ' ( MJX f. o. U } No. It red. fllo : nniirntlo.l red , Sltt-so c : No , I northern. O MSS AUct No. 5 nortliotn. W > ic : No. 2 Mllwaiikoe , WiSe delivered , Options were early 'iWMo lown , foreign and local longs selling and easer - er private cables from which there was an id vaiico of I'io on April , with shorft covering nnd light oirorlngs and H © ' { con other month ? , closing at 51,0 upon April , > sc up on May , with other months nnclmnnecl to'tcdnun : No ' , ' red. April. tTl'iBOi'ic. ' closing Oi3 > ie : May , IX ) 3-lWOVe , closing on' o : Juno , S.i" , < aS''ic ' ) , oloslnitSD'ic : July. MSSU'c ' , closlnlKu ) : Aug- ist , SUUUS'Jlic , closing SiMJe. HVK Steadier , nulot : western. 81 ® S3c. liAiiLey MAI.T iJull. COHN Itecolpls. 11(1,670 ( bu , : exports , PI.SI3 ill. ; sales. 4Vl.l > OJ bu. of fUtnrcR : ino.030 bu , of spot. .Marknt Irregular , moderate business , closing easy : No. I' . 40'iOlOVo In elo valor : Wli ? O.Ma alloat ] ungraded mixed , 4VJ ? . " > lo ! fttonmor nixed , 43Bl''e. ' Options very steady , but the ) thers were steady nt 'jo up on April nnd UK c clown on oilier months ; April , 40Uiit40iic , closing nt 4itf | ! Ma } ' . 47 > ( (317'c ( } , closing nt 7'dC ! Juno. Ijj.ci July , 45jiS4 ? ic. closing at 5Uc ; Allltist , 4'i'iQKie. closing at 4Gc. OATH Itccolpts. I''U.'iTfl Im : exports , 69.010 bu.t alns , 2J.UUO bu. of futures and : i7uoo bu. of pot. Hpot market dull. Options dull , easier ; April , Illc ; May , IIIU"Inno : , : UV ; July , I'ic. ' i-put No. a white. HTo ; mlxod western , U4 O.dlo : white western , : il-4Q.lJSc. ! ! HAV li'lrtn. llors Quiet , weak ; common to choice. 3 , ' © Oe. Oe.SunAn SunAn Ilaw , quiet nnd steady ; fair rofln- nc. 'JJic. centrifugal 0(1 ( test , : iic ! : saln . I..MJ ihds. ; muscovado S i te < t''lc to lloston from lampion Heads : refined , dull , Htcadv , MOIASJKS roiolgn dull ; : > 0 test , llijo : Now Orleans , dull , steady ; common to fancy , 25 ® Wu. Wu.ItiCB Quiet , steady : domestic , fair tooxtra. WlHc ; .Inpan. 5'8'i'c. ( I'UTitoi.KUM Qiiiot , steady i cnulo In b'trrols. 3 40 : I'aiKur's In bulk , M.m ; refined now. jr. . 10 : 'hlludclphlaaiid Ilaltlmoro. il.o.'S : I'lilladel- ililu and Ilaltlmoro in bulk , U.Vi't&U.Ga ; United clo od at MUc for Mny. CoTTONsr.r.D Oit-Qiuot : crndo,23J5o bid i y ol- ow. : ilJo ! bid. TAI.I.OW Klrm : city , 4 5-H2.0 HOMN Dull , Him ; strained common togooJ , $1.450)1.50. ) TtfiiriiNTiNr. null and weak ntllnc. Ucns-Quletitnd unchanged : western , 14io ! : receipts. : i. 1..r > pkcs. HiliKS Dull and steady ; wet salted and Now Orleans suited , 4 % to 75 Ibs. , WJbc ; Texana , selected. ! > 0 to GO Ibs , . USSc , I'OIIK Quiet ; now moss. III. OOQI1.50 ; extra [ irline. flUO. CUT M BATS Aetlvo ; plcklotl bellies , syc : jilckled shoulJcrs , 5' ® - ' > ? ie : pickled ham UU i'.Mic ; mlddlco. iiulot ; short clear , ? ( i.0 . I.AIIII Dull and stcadv ; western steam , J.43 ! sales , IOJ tierces ; option sales. 5 0 lercos : May. $ (1.45. ( closing nt $ (1.14 ( bid ; July , : ii.rr > , closing at J0..v > bid : August , $1.01. UUTTKH null ) western dairy , I3lic ( : west ern creamery , lixS'.Mc ; western factory , 1210c ; Klein. ' 'JiSi'4c. ) Ciinmie Quiet nnd firm : p rt sklm 50c. I'm liioN-Dull ; Amorlcan. SU.7.ViWr . CotTKit Qulot ; lake , t 1.8 1 bid. JI1.00 asked. LEAD Dull ; domestic. U.S.'ifM.bO. ' TiN-l'Irm ; strult s. $ 'JJ.7xa2 ( ' . HO. Oiniilni I'rodiico .Marknt. Good roll. IMJlflo ; packln ? stock , i'otn.Tiiv Dressed chickens , llffll''c : alive. OJilOc or S4.MiJf.iUO per dozen : turkeys very scarce und In active domund , dressed , I5ffllOe ; illve , ita ; > I4c. nunKTO. ) . No. 1 green bides , 3e : No. 1 green salted hides. 4 > ( tiliuNo. ! : 2 green suited iides. Mfrliic : No. 1 green salted hides , " " > to 40 Ibs. , 4'iIV5c ' ; No. auroon hldes. to 10 Ibs. . ! © lS4c ; No. 1 veal calf , H to n Ibs. , Uc : No. 2 veal OHlf. H to 1ft Ibs. . 4e : No. 1 dry flint hides , 7e ; No. 2 dry Hint hide's , Su : No l dry Baited ildes. f > 3te ; pare cured He per pound less than fully cured , Sheep pelts urcon s tltoil , each lV'i-il.2"i ; green s-ilted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , each , irl' > c ; dry shearlings ( short wooled early skim ) , No. 1 , each fi0c : Orv sho.irllngs ( short woolod c.irly sl.lns ) . No. 2. oich Tic ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts' , per lb. . ac tual weight , HKTOU'ie ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska Murrain wool pelts per lb. , actual weight. h5J12o ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight. H'tSI 'ic ; dry flint Colorado Murrain wool pelts , per lb. . ac tual weight. BJslOc ; dry pieces and bucks , ac- tn.il weight. TQti'Jc. Tallow and grcaao Tuliow No. 1. : fli4e. ; tallow No. 2 , : : © 'l'ic ; crease , while A. 4'a414o : grease , white II. 3USKI < fe ; greaso. yobow , 'Jc ; groase. dark. : in old but ter , 2Jc ! : beeswax , prime , mji'JJc ; rough tul- loxv. l\ , ' < ® : c. S California Ilivorslilo oranqcs. JJ.OOiJ ! I.'J5 : 5bolots. . J..i < 'i'UO : Washington navels. $4.50 ; cliolco apples. S.UXX&I. ? . ' ! ; choice lemons 14.00 ; fancy lemon * . J4. 5 1 ; bananas , elated , J .O.Kjl'.fd ) ; "cranliorrtcs , shipping stock , bu. host's $ 'i.50 ; lbl. ) . J7.M ; strawberries. X > ® IUo ( [ t , : 1'lorlda tomatoes , $ ii.'J5 per cruto ot six basnets : p neapplcs. 12.MQI.OO per do ? . VinnTAin.i8 : ; I-'iinoy Muscatlno sweet pota toes , J2,75i.oa ; seed sweet potatoes , Ji.'S : Call for/i la cabbago.2i4o peril ) . In crates ; homegrown grown lettuce , 40o per do- : onions , lXcJMI.l. > per bu. ; Nebraska1 ! nnd picked beans , $1.75 ® l.8. > ; medium , Jl.r.001.iJ ( ; Callfornlucolcry.Jl.UJ © l.'i ; Colorado and western Nebraska pota toes , : i > o ; nai.lvo potatoes. 2i@2jc : : lima beans. 4e per lbvater cress , 21-nt. cases , 12Hl. > o per nt. ; spinach , D.50 per bul. : radishes. 4Cc ; rutabagas , * ! .2. > ® l.r. [ | per bbl , ; pie plant. Be per lb. ; par loy. 40c : now Oillfornla potatoes , 'Jo per lb. ; encumbers. $2.00 ® . ' .25 tier doz , Kuua General market , 1-c. .St. l.ouls Markets. ST. Louis. Mo. , April 2l. ! Kr.oun Market quiet und nnchair.'cd : family , * .l.oaai.0 : : choice , H2D < ai.5 : : ! ; fancy. J.l.i.i-1.7a ( : extra fancy. JIUV34.n ; patents $4.Xil.43i WIIUAT Kuled lower early , then rallied , but soon dropped ag'iln and closed ? iUie ( ! below yesterday : No. 2 c-nsh , WiVJo ; Muy closed at b4C.Uily. ! : ; 7SJi7SaC ; August , 7b4c. ! COIIN Casb and May were firm and the lat ter closed > o lil-'lier , but July declined ? jc ; o. 2 cash ! > . Ji7jc ! ! : May , a"c : July. yoc. OATS Lower : cashitJ.'ie ; July , 27c , Ityu Lower at7Kc. HAUI.K * " No Bales. HUAN Quiet ; direct order lots. O.V3MO. llAy Klrm and unchanged ; timothy , $11.50 © 12.50 ; prairie. $7.50. M.AH l-'lnil at $4.10. KtMX Sunn Quiet utKiiit' . IIOTTllu Quiet and unchanged ; oroamory , I'.UWIc. Kens Quiet and unchanged at UJiC. COIIN MKAI , 1'lrm at l.j2.uo. ! ) - WIIISKV Sti'ady ut 81.11. lUddiNr-Unchanged at fl'l ' ® o. Jiios COTTON Tius Unchangeil at $ I.20iJI.2 ( > . I'li'ivisniNS Qnlct and slow ; only u small jobbing tr.idodono at previous prices. HrcuiiTS l''lour. ' I1.1WJ Ibs : wheat. 1H.OOO bu. ; corn. li'J.OJI ' ) bu. ; oats , ll.UOJ bu. ; rye , ll.UOO ; barley , l.COJ. Kaunas City Market * , KANSAS UITV , Mo. , April 2J. Kroot-Un- ( changcd. WIIIIAT Plow nnd lower ; No. 2 hard , 72c ; No. 2 roil , B24WIC. COIIN Weak ; No. " mlxod , aj Sasyo ; No. 2 white. 37o. OATS Weak ; No. 2 mlxoa , 29c ; No. 2 white , jjc. * . itvu Weak : No. 2. C5c. I'i , AX SKKII-SOU on bus.s of pure. HAY Unchanged. llUTTiit Unchanged at2021c. Kails Unchanged at lU'.Jc. KECEIITS Wheat , 17'JOU ' bu , ; corn , 4,003 bu , ; oats. IIOIID. Sllli'MKNTS-Whoat , 23OOD bu , ; corn , 10,003 bu ; oats , UU03 bu , Co ( Too .tlu rice t. NEW Ynttu. April 43. Options opened steady , 5 points down to 5 points up : closed steady to ft points up ; sales , ' 2J.7.VJ bags Including April. $ lH5ail'.53 ; May , * I2.4J : Juno. 1I.W > ; July. fl'.OU ; fciHember , $11.1)5 ) ® 12.00 ; October , tll.a'i ; December , HI.UJ. Spot Klo , dull but btoady ; No. 7 , JD.U'/ ' , . Cotton .Mnrkct. NBW Oui.TiANH. La. , April 2:1 : Market steady ; middling , 7e ; low inlddllug , OU-liio ; good ordi nary , 0 I-lCo : notniiil gross reeolpts. ] , U 15 bales ; exports to ( Ireat llrltaln , 4,753 bales ; to the continent , 7w : < J bales : coustwlso , 2.1UO bales ; bales , 2'JUJ bales ; sloe I ; , , 211,70 J bales. I.IVK HTUUK JIAHKUTS. Cattle 1'rlron Undiireo u Slight llrenlc Hoe ViiluuH I'lrm anil Steady. OXIMIA , April Si 'lUio wook'a rocolptti font up IH.IHI cuttle , 2)4,111 hos and 2.4U5kheop UK'aliiht 10.U17 cattle , 17,0-W ho.-u and V.Wl sheep last eolc and 8,477 cattle , 2I.UIH IIOZB and : iUll ulieep tbo corresponding \vook ot April last year. The cattle market the past week has boon In the main very siit sfjetory to the bcllltu lolereals , iiotwlth&tandlnl the fact that the Biipplj hu been over H.OOO heavier than last ni'ok. Tno supply at Chicago has been disap pointingly light , and the market btrongor there. Tills led to Increased buying bv ship pers nnd cxportort ) . und of courao the dressed beef buy-on , had to keep up with the proces sion. Up to Saturday tbo advance oi > beef nnd shipping steers wan from 2to to Me , but the unusually heavy run Saturday caused a 5u to lo decline. 1'rlcos 1110 still unywhero from l5o lo 4"o Higher than lust wcok. There has been no haterlal change In butcher stouk value * und Htoukors and feeders uro in fulrsupply und domund nt substantially luut week's ' quota tions. An Increase In the supply of JIOSH wus moro thun thomurketcould stiind , especially with a reduced shipping , demand and prices huvo declined from 20u to 25o on nil grades. Light and butcher wclcht hogs still continue to command u prumluni of from usliadoto MO over heavy hous , but thuuuallty of Iliodll'er- liigtf running very oven , the rangu continues nirrow : , never oj.coedlng 2Jo nnd fenerally around 15c or 20c. hlieei ) are quotably from lOo to 15o higher than last week , but too few have been re- col veil to tent the real Mrength of the market. Kvurythlng ottered 1ms met with u ready HHU and tlio domund was never moroprdi-iliu thun < tt present. 'iho wcok closes with a run of 253 curt. 5ic : ; head , the largest recelptb tlilc yeur. Chleu.'o was reported firmer and .with u yood shlupliiK uud export dornund the market opened very nearly steady on good heavy cattle , but soon cased off , nnd quotations were fto to uc lower. On common light and mm ) I tun violKht jtnfT the market wa < l < iw nnd lower from iho start , the deellno belWtt nnywhoro from So to Jfto. Considering tho-'hfeavy run nnd the fact Unit It was a decltnitiE'tiiarkct biwlnc-w was toler ably active nnd VoJ-y llttlo romalnod unsold In first hands. f cnfers Renoraliy wcro look ing for n break thn oariy part of next week and wcro willing , to lot go ntn reasonable price. Uoo-J to c' nloo l.SVJ to l.OJJ-lb. steers sola from M.SO to Jl.ao ; fair to peed 1.000 to l.IMO-ib. stcors fr < Sln KiSO to J17.V and common light grades from 'Unit on down to $ .1.00. Hut aconiDnfai\cly finnll proportion of the nfforlnis cro cows and mixed stock. Trndlnu was aqtlvo ut steady prices , sales being ( romgi.a.tliiMiA with the bulk around $2.15 to t..7.l. llulii. oxen and stags were firm at from { .MO to ji.50. Veal calves stoudv at from $1.50 lo SI.50 for Inferior to prlmo sniff. The trading in Rtockcrs nnd feeders was somewhat limited , but there was a good undertone to the market and no weakness was developed. Kogiilar dealers have quite n few on hand nnd bought freely with the belief that the prevailing pleasant weather will bring out a good line of country buyers nnd ndvnnco prices next week , Kcproseutatlvo sales : sTEr.ns. No. Ay. Pr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. 1i. 1 .1100 M 00 51 .HIS MB ) 21. .12 ? ' $ . ' 173 : i. 3 15 21. . 1020 : iGO 21. 18113 375 14. 873 3 23 10 .12-17 3 I 13 Kill" 3 75 14. 10.15 2. . 12.15 3 (1) ( ) 17. 1310 10. 85S 40. . 1107 : t no 18. 13)1 ) 380 6. 8M i 83 2I..KIUI 3 00 23. 1880 380 1. line in .1101 3 GO 33. r.in 380 1. umi lit .1125 3 M 4. 380 i in 18. ,1'M3 , o. .1018 IS , .1127 a r > 5 10. ,1310 , a 83 " Of ! 20 .111)1 ) a & > 3. 123(5 ( a 83 23 1139 21. . I2.M a M 21 1313 a 80 .1052 u : r 19 a n.- 10. WAS a 80 ' H. : ii2i ! a : i5 2) ) . 'l'T42 a C.5 ' 383 n. , iHjfl 13. .1157 a rr > fn' 13 7 a HO i. . uio 20. . 1207 a r > 3 42. 1840 a 85 ID .1105 15. air. 10. 12iS : a 83 15. .1180 : uo 15 ! lHO a ii5 28. 1312 a 83 13..HXB : M ] 0 .1153 a as a 85 40..1152 : i 40 41 .1130 a m 20..122S 385 1. . ! UO : i 40 41. .1141 a cs 23..1252 385 20. . ! K > 5 : i 40 8I..IIS5 a m S1..IKO ! a iw 0..11I5 : i 40 iu..i3no a n3 10..1334 a no 1. 1000 ; i 4'j 31 .1100 a ni 1..I.VJO 31)3 ) 3.1..1119 a 40 82..1173 a iv > : . . 120:1 : 300 4J..1050 a 40 84. . 121)7 ) an. a oo " : i 4' ) 4.1. 103. ! a c > 5 2) ) . . 1:111 : a 03 I5"it37 : i 43 10..1171 a i- - I : at2 a 05 2 ; 040 a 45 1 ! ) . . 11(17 ( a n.- in. 121)3 ) 403 2 . 015 a 4-1 53..1183 a ( > 7 > i O I KI'I'J ' 403 8 .1025 a 45 24 lllil a 70 17. rino 400 111..1134 a 45 40 .120. ! a 70 1270 400 77 .1153 IM- 11 1274 a 7J 21. . HEM 4 no 83 .1120 : t 4- > 8. 1210 a 70 is. run 403 U'53 a 5) 11..1147 : i7J 400 17 , 1104 a 5o 21. . 1200 a 70 1)1. ) . 1222 400 11 105 ! ) ar o 20 .12il3 a 7n 58 142J 40(1 ( 20. _ 10'J ! ) a RO 21 117,1 a 70 48..1403 405 8i1..1033 a 53 73. 1174 a 70 405 42..10G2 a 53 " a 70 2U1459 4 (15 ( in..1141 a 53 21" 1225 a 70 55. . i : 'i 407K 24. . 1(18 ( ! ) a 50 10..1233 a 75 fvl .1441 4 071' 2 * . . 1 : I3 a 50 80..1321 a 73 21 410 18 .1111 a 50 20 .1280 a 73 410 22 .1143 a 5-1 1G .13.4 a 75 1 ! > . 1418 4 10 17. 1I.K1 a 55 24 .1111. ! a 75 2 ! ) . 14311 410 41. . 10.17 a .v 17 1358 a 75 Gl. 4 IU 22 .1125 a 55 80 1217 a 75 18. 1307 410 22 .1000 a 55 1) . .1315 a 75 1.2 1458 410 . in .1183 a S3 0. .1278 a 75 1.2n 1405 4 15 ' a 53 10..1M1) ) a 75 n ! nin : 420 2l'l07' ! ' > a 55 17..1200 a 75 15. 1530 4 23 21. 10)3 ! ) 3 57'/ 10..1210 a 75 IMS 425 SJ..10UJ a ( u n..uas a 75 io ! 14S3 427H 1..1050 JO ) 10..1217 a 73 430 20..1132 a to 44..11G8 a 75 MIXED. 51. . 7CO 3 23 in. . fc3G 330 14..1333 300 MIXED YEAULINOS. 52. . 075 3 C3 COWS. 1)40 ) 1 43 12. . 740 2 20 a. ,1153 270 bOO 1 10 1..1040 2 25 18. ,1011 , 270 714 1 40 1 3. ,1140 270 880 1 40 1 , 1053 2 8. ,1)11) , ) ) 270 890 1 50 3. 2 25 SbG 275 Ml 1 50 15. . 078 2:10 : 14. , 751 275 so : ; 1 W ) 1) ) . . 882 2 30 3 10 ! ) : ! 275 i n.5 7. . 882 2 : i5 ' 10IXJ 280 1 75 i2i. ma 8 35 4' . , aW 280 OTI ) 1 75 3. . 1)80 ) 8 40 1. 1080 280 . 041 1 75 17. . 1K)8 ) 1. ,1120 285 .110 i : . - > , 7. . 804 2 50 3. 1173 883 OJS 1 75 8. . H23 2 5D W)3 ) 285 . 070 1 75 1..1IO ) 250 1075 285 . ( US 1 83 H . S6S 8 G3 3. ,1110 21) ) ] . 0)5 1 ! M 1..1IOO 2 ( a 3.I. . lUlil 203 flj'J 1 ! IJ It. 010 2 00 4.f . 10-C1 200 . hOd 2 OJ ll'.10'l ' ( ! 2 m 4.n , ! KI8 301 . 810 2 (10 ( ' 0..1G87 2 GO n ! 978 300 TM ; 2 01 10. . 1(153 ( 2 03 3. 1103 300 .1C83 2 03 2..1U70 2 05 1. , IHH ) 303 . 8SO 2 00 1. . 77.1 2 IB 1. KKW 310 ! KK ) 2 10 1. . U40 2 ftl 10. 10:10 : a 10 . 820 2 15 4. . 727 2 IB 4. .10G2 31'3 . ! )7U 2 15 14. . ( lii : 2 C3 1. , r.K.ii ) ai5 .1070 2 13 1. . 850 a Itt 8. ,1147 , 315 . USJ 2 15 3. . UJO 270 48. , US1 3 13 . 6S3 2 15 1. . 410 Ii25 3. . 6S1..2,55 , 5. . 534 280 10. . : W7 1 53 30. . 5332 75 1. . 700 2 B3 ! ) . . 4GG 2 40 CALVES. 1. . 310 1 50 ,1. , . 120 3 75 17 . 110 425 1. . 3GO 2 51 1. . 105 4 00 8. . 175 45J 4. t)5 ) 3 00 2. . 153 4 25 DULLS. 1..1130 2 10 1. . 1.710 2 0 1. . 18.10 275 .1200 8 25 1..1GOO 2 73 1 " I * 10 2 75 .1820 2 51 .2JK ! ) 2 75 "mo 2 75 .11111 250 1..12I5 8 75 1500 275 .1270 2 50 ,1733 2 75 1730 300 .1423 2GJ 11HO 2 75 into 3110 .1J40 2 CO 1.12IO 2 73 1G40 310 STAOS. 1..15.13 2 65 1G70 3 25 1..18CO 350 .1630 325 1..1C0 350 RTOCKEHS AM ) FEEDEIIS. 1. . 2 00 7. . 705 2 00 B. 048 315 1. . ( -00 2 53 20. , 10)4 2 I'O ' 3. 780 a 20 433 2 ( lO 1. . 810 3 03 47. 038 323 733 2 75 1. . 850 3 00 18 1GG1 a 25 GIO 2 75 I. , 8UO 3 00 10 .1103 33) ) 3. . 073 2 1)3 ) 1. . 040 3 03 2U..103 ' 340 Hous The supply was nearly 2,000 heavier than last Saturday and the week's receipts show an Increase of moro than Kl.OOUhcad over last wcok. Quality In general unchanged , lluslncss opened moderately brisk with only n moderate bhloplng demand , but good buying by local houses. In the main pi Ices were linn and nsido from the extreme top sains the range about the same us Friday. Light and medium weight hogs sold a sliitdo to 5a better than heavies , but nearly everything sold within a limit of $4.30 to $4.33. the sumo us Fri day. The general average of prices paid wits tl. . ' ' . i ngainst JU'-JiS Friday and 91,53 lust fatniday. Koprescntatlvo sales : Sh. I'r. 83 4 : a > / 4J 4 38' ' ' , 123 40 4 il-'ii 8) 4 .TJJJ 120 4 : rj ! ' > 20J 4 3Ji ! 320 4uo 4 : ii 80 4'Ui ice 4 : r > 4n : 180 4:11 : 4:1.- : ) 4:15 : ICO 4n : 40 40 4i5 : 80 4i3 : 80N N ) 4I5 ! KIJ 4i5 : 43 433 83 4'I3 40 4c : 435 80 4i5 : 4 > 4:13 : 80 435 80 485 180 48 % 8) 4 1171' , .2 < B 2.V ; ) 7 . . . .315 101 4 10 .115 Jli'i 7 373 U'O 4 10 1"J T 1 H 3 j'si'Tho two double ( Icons received were bought at Kiiusaa Olty and billed direct to Swift .VUo. KdpilileH f.ill far short of the de mand and inelaits were I'ompellod to buy In the conntry nr | at neighboring markets. 1'rlcea uiu ouot"lly linn , Kulr to good na- tlves , l .5j < ac.Ui fair to goo'J wostorns. * l,50 ® li.UU : common und stock "lieop , J.IOJ I.'J5 ; good to choice 40 toiUtLb. lambs , il.5jaO.75. l IU | > i ) ltloii or Stock. Hocolpts ut tlio Union Stojk y.ir.K Hoiith Oiniiliu , Nub , for tlio twunty-four liourj endIng - Ing tit & o'clock'n. ' in. , Alirll 8:1 : , Ib'JJ. . 1IKEII'T4- ! ,110118. , L'ara , Head Car . llesd. s DIHI'OSITION , l.lvi ) Stock OuicAflo , III. , Aprili'L ( .SpecialTelegram to WANTED Totil l..un ul CITIES , J COUNTIES , 8CHOOU DIOTRICT8 , : WATEH COMPANIES , ST.r.R.COMPAHIE8ttc. Corivupondcnrc solicited. N.W.HARRIS ft COMPANY.Bankers , 163-169 Dearborn Street. CHICAGO. 13 Wall Btroot , NEW YORK. 7O6t toSt. . BOSTON. THE Iles-l-Salci ot cattl were pflcctod M nbotit Frldfty1 * prices AltlioiiRli tbo ro- colpt * wcro unusually liberal for R Saturday nt tlili tlmo of the year they vroro soon out of s.ilrsmcn's linndu , there boliiR n fair Imtiilr.v for nil grndox. Quotations nro from JI.5) ) to M.7X for Inferior to extra cons , liolfcrs anil bulls. Jj.50 to JIM for Mockers nnd feeders. UO toIO for shipping steers , from * -.2MoJ4. : rnrToxns cattle , nnd from II..V ) to tl.73 for culvcs. The hoj market WIIH iiulct and easy , the nvcrnqo of the prices uoln a f met Ion lower than for I'rl- day. Tlio rnnco of values wus fiom JI..S to $4.d5 for poor to Jtrlctly cliolro orado . with f I..M to tl.CU the | ) oiiiilar nrlces. Shippers took rather moro limn half of tlio rcctilpts. liccelptti werol Cattle , V.,000 | IIOKS. 0,000. The Kvcnlnit Journal repot ts : OATTI.E Uo- co I D Is i'.OiKii Kblpmcnts , 1,000 ; market stroiu ; iiHtlvos , Ki.ooai.ui atockors , $ i.2oaJ.OOi cow , 10.C01 : slilpmont" , 4,000 ; nuirket steady : rotiRb and cutnmon. } | .Ou < ! } I.S.il mixed and packers. iM.4."i24..V > : prlmo henvv ind butuhcn' wolii'its , $ l.4il.OO ; llRht , t\M \ ® SHKBP Itccclpts. aooJ : market stoadyi today's sales : Ollpped , I.Vlii&r > A'i ; wefteiiis , \7eo.S3 : lambs , i.t.v _ Kansas Olty I.lvu Stock Marknt. KANSAS CITY , Mo. . April 21. CATTI.K Kc- colit | . 11,900 ! shipments , BOO : the market for ulcers was aetlvo ami steady , eloslni ? wc.ik at MK.VXt.Ui cows , steady at. tl.lVKfcUO ; stockcrs and feeders , steady nt $1.03(31 ( . " . " > . IIon.4 Kccelpts , f.\W \ shipments , 2.00 J ; thn tniirkot wus .steady nt yostorday's close ; all grades. $ J.iK > 4.iO : bulk , Jl.a)5.t.-'i. : ) { : SIIEKP Kccelpts , l,4Ji ( ; bhlpmcnta , 2,000 ; the market wua unchanged. Mrs. L. 11.1'alton , Uocutord , III. , write ? : From pursonnl oxporlonco I can rocommnml DoVVitl's Snrsapnrllla. u euro for Impui'o blood and general doblllty. " Ihroiiffli tJn'cJf and thin. Carlsbad Spnulel Salts have oarnctl millions through .ill the dangers which are liablu to occur from con stipation , gout , rheumatism , kidney troubles , diabetes , fatty degenera tion , and all other troubles. Arrange ments have been made that every drugstore in America can give you the genuine Carlsbad treatment.Ve have a book on it if you want it , sent to you free. Try it to-day. Look out for counterfeits. The gen uine has Eisner & Mendolson Co. , N. Y. , Sole Agents , on every bottle. PROPOSALS VOn MILCH l-'OV. 3. DBl'AUT- niciit of the Interior , office of liidlun Af fairs. Washlncton. I ) . ( . ' . . April IU , ISO : . Soah-il proposals. Indorsed "I'rouosals for M llch Oows , " and nddresbcd to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs , Nils. " > and (17 ( Woostor stieot. Now Vork , N.V..WI11 boiccoivod until 1 o'clock , p. in. Thursday. Muy 10. 1 9- ' , for furnishing and delivering ut , I'lno Klduo Agency , Sonlh D.ikotn , the Standing Hock Agency , North Dakota , and Crow Agency , Montana , about I1.3JO inlleh cows. HegnlnrbliinUs for bids uro not rciiulieil. Schedules ( which will bo niudo a pait of the proposals ) Jtliowln ? the number of cows iciilrpd | at the various agencies , con ditions to bo observed by bidders , tlmo and place of delivery , terms of contract and pay ment , "lid all other necessary instructions will be furnUho.il upon application to the Indian ollk'o ut Washington" , I ) . O. : the U. ! - . Indian Warehouse. Nos. < n and 67 Woostor street. Now York City ; the commissaries of subsistence , TJ. S. A. , at Omaha. Nob. , and Cheyenne. Wyo. ; to the publisher of the Stock Grower's Jour nal of Miles City , Mont. , and the several In dian agents. The right Is reserved to lojectuny or all bids , or any part of any bid If deemed for the best Interests of the government ; also the further right In making the awards to In crease or diminish to'iny extent the number of animals c.illcd for In the schedules , also to require a delivery of 23 per cent moio nr less than tlio amount specified In nny con tract , Certified checks. Kachbld rr.nst bo ac companied by u certified check or draft up on some United States depository or solvent national bank In tlio vicinity of the residence- of the bidder , made payiiblo to the order of the Commissioner of Indian Alf.ilrs , for at least flvo per cent of the amount of tbo proposal , which cheek ordr.ift will bo forfeited to the United States in cnsu any bidder or bidders receiving an i'.ward shall full to promntly oxecnto a contract with good and sufficient sureties , otherwise to bo returned to the bidder. Illds I'ccompiinled by Ci ! h In lieu f a cert mod chock will not Do considered. T J. MOUUAN , Commissioner. A'-Md'Jllm. PROPOSALS TOR SEWER BONDS Sualad bids marUod 1'roposils for Howcsr Ilonds will bo received at thn olHco of the city tioasureruf thucity of Omaha. .Sob. , up to U' o'clock , noon , of thoKJlh day of April. l c'f or tlio puichusoof J.VJ.OW.OJ bower bonds of tlio city of Omabu. Nob. , dated May 1st , 1 9. . puy- ubloUJyoa utter date. Interest ! i per cent pcratinum. p.iynb'.o soiiil-annnallv. I'rlncl- pal ami Intoiest p.iyablu at Kounuo Bros , Now Vork. DenomlnatUui of nonds. il.uJJ.OO each. Kach bid must state price nnd amount sought for an J Include accrued Interest up to date of delivery ut Omabn , Neb. The rkht If reserved to nijcct any nnd all bids. Isiiiod under charter power of cities of the metro- coiltaii classunU ordlnanco No. ' . " .Ml. apiiove < l Miircli y.IbUJ. \ . IIENUV I1OLI.N. City Tieasuier1 SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. eat cattle , lie ; nml bbocp nmrltot In the west COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. BU.1KE & FRAZIER S STOUK COMMISSION. TIIR J.RADKHS. V/'rite to this house for cor- reot Market lleports. Wood Brothers , South Oiunha Telephone 11 > 7. - ( Jhlcngo. J.I ) . IIADIKMAN. I. . . W. tt. WODI ) . fM nnior . MnrliotrcportH by mull nnd wlro cheerfully t'd upon uppllciillon. THIS James H. Campbelf Company , Clilcairn , KnstKt. Lonln , Kansas Olty , fc'oulli Oiiuiliii , rloux Ulty , I'ort Wortli. A. Crlll. W , V. Doiiiiy. II. K Tiillinadito. Chloaifo. llKt'Hnlujnmn. C'attlu halosraan Crill , Denny & Company , 1,1 TO Stock Commission. llooiii''T HxcliiinL'o llld'ff , South Ouiaba , A. D. Boyer & Company , M and M ExchaiiL-o llnlldln-South Onialia , Corrospondencu solklted nnd uroinptlr iuuworj.1. l attention to order * Jorbtockera Afoeders , K talll hcd , 1B31 - - - Inrorsioratud , 18'JJ Cupltnl fully p.ilJ , t J.ixi-J. Waggone r Birr.ey Ccmpany , Wrllo or wlro us for prompt uud reliable market reports , Perry Brothers & Company , I.lvu Htoolc ConiniUbton. Hoom 51 ExolmiiKo llnlldlni. t-outh Omaha. Toloplionu 17J7. ( Gassnmn & Dudley , M. II. Hogarty & On. Hooina CO niidfll , Kx- Uooiii 81 ioanu : ubaiio Jliitldlni : . gontliOmiihu , - Neb South Omaha , - Neb Miller Brothers , IloomU , Kxchanno llulldlng - - * Boutli Omaha , SOUTH OMAHA BANKS. Union Stock Yard National MANIC. The onlr bank at the yards. Capital nnd ur- ! > lu . UW.UUU. Collections KNJ lni : out of the llvo lock builneis should bo sum direct to llil Link. Shippers van deposit fur credit el tliulr Uuuu baulc HliviovvrlucaluU. OMAHA 'and ' AWNINGS AND TKNTS. OMAHA TENT & AWN * WQIF BROS. CO , ING COMPANY. Tf titu , nwnlnun. tntp n- F1 B . hnmmocks , oil nnd llnv coiptu of nil kltuln , rubber clothing , send nans , | ] nncri > , etc. SPIII ! for cnt'Rue. Ills Vnrnnni for catnligiu-,7t ) H. loth BAGS AND TWINES BEMISOMAHA BAG CQ BISHOP Jt CO. , Sl il. rannlll.i , cotton Importers nnilmrfnflour tacks , burlapt , tnlno. rope , hemp , Jutn , cot' ton tKlnp.tarred cent * nan. PIP. H > . ISIh t. BICYCLES. BOXES. H.C , TQDD , M.O , OAXON Buccc'sor to J. J.Vllk - , ' cn on , M'f'c clitar. piper Dlcrctni lolil on monthly piiokl.lil Inilt" . Alluutul imyuionts. IW.N. lltli t ties In n x lino. 1110 Douulnt St. BOOTS AND SHOES. MORSE-CQESHOEC3. liaj iloiritrJ Htrsjt. Fnatory corner llth nml Dounlni utroiti. Wei nroiualilnirel03aprlcoi to oaih bayori , nnt nra a clusi of ituoili which U very s.ilo- nblairlth raorclianli. BHEWEUS. JOS , GCHIITZ D REW IND CO , Offlco , P. nth mul I.caTcn- worth Sl , Omaha , lolm Murhovor. Ant. CONFECTIONERY. VOEOELE DINNINQ MfrK I'omfpctlonert anil Jobbers of forclk'n ' " ' dotuesila fruits , 1110 Howard st. CARRIAGES. W.R.DRUMMOND&CO. Cnrrlaio hullilcrs. Huso ami initrot Trnitons u pecl.tlty. IStli , upp Court llouso. CARRIAGE TOPS. OMAHA CARRIAGE TOP C. J. ANDERSON , CO. , Mrfn bunKy tops , backs , A. T. Darby , Msr. Tops , cuihlont ) , it . buud lor cushions , backs , etc , catalog. 319 M. 12th st. JMNpjrtli JMltfl. COAL , COKE , | CORNICE. OMAHA COAL , COKE & EAQIECORN DEWORKS LIME CO. , Mfrs. Rftlvantzpd Iron . IS. cornice , window caps , Hard anil soft coal. H . c < r. luh and Douglas- mctallc skylliihtB , etc. . li. 1110 , 1112 DodBC-Bt. CLOTHING. BLOTCHKY& COHEN , OILMORE&.RUHL , ClothlnK. notionfurnish- MauufM nnd wholcenlo Inns , ( ilro us p trial , rliitlilers. 1IW lluruuy biunploi prupiild by el- struct. press , llullaruoy. DRY GOODS. KILPATRICX-KOBH M.E. SMITH & CO. , DRY GOODS CO. , Dry Roods , notions , fur- ' Dry ( foods.notion * . Kent's nlnhliiK uomN. Corner lurnhlilng ffoodn Cur. llth and lloirard-bte. lltli auU Jluwuril-ct. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES FURNITURE OMAHA UPHOLSTERING BEEBE&RUNYAN FURNITURE ING CO. NITURE CO. , Upholstered furniture iWM. : M Nicholas st Uraca nnd Thirteenth Whole-sale only. streets. GROCERIES. | DRUGS , Etc. D. M. STEELE&C9. , BLAKE , BRUCE & , CO. , 1:01-120) JODCB Btroet , 10th nnd Uarrcy streets , Omaha. Uuiaha. GRAIN. S.AMC WHCRTER , SIMld of Trnile. Ilrokor In Krnln. etc. Prlvnto wire to N V , Cblcaco and SI. I.ouia. HATS , ETC. DATE CITY HAT CO VA. . L. GIBBON IL CO. , , utraw iiood" , Hats , caps Ilnti , caps , Btrnw mltteni.OwniTs Klovos , tilovi-n , mittens. UlU celebrated Ualo I ly ! . uud llarnoy. li t. lltli nnd Ilaruuy. HAUDWAR1X REOTOR & WIUIELMY IOSECK&LIN.V ; CO. , DMlers' Imrdnaro nn4 Corner I0th and Jackson mpchanlcs' tooli. Streets. HOI Douglas Street. LUMBER CHAS. R , LEE , JOHN A. WAXEFIELD Hardwood Inmbsr. wool carpet * and pnrqutt tmportol.Amarlatn lor t > lloorlnK , Inn I co nnnt , Mllw.mi 4 hy.lraullc conmnt mil fth an J ( Julncy Khltj lima. IJQUORS. ILER&C ? . , FRIOX Minor tncrchints , I1IJ llntney-st. Mfrs Kon- npily's IC.ut InJU lilt- Wholcsalp liquor ilcalcn ton , luui Farnatu-st , MILLINERY C.ASTONEIIILL , J.QBERFEIDER&GD. , Importers and Jobtiornof Millinery , notions.cloaks mllllnpry. notions.Mall etc. llu-list * . IClhsU orders prompt. IWS-U a. llth tt. MUSICAL A. HOSPE , JR. , THE MEINDEROCO. , I'lanos orcnm. nrttdts 10th M Pianos mslcrlnls , eta IMS music and tminlcnl In Douglas st. struments of nil klndt- OIL < 3. STANDARD OIL CO. SNOW 033 ? OIL HeIInoil nml lubricating No bad odor , no vnolc chlmneyf , no charring oil * , nxlo cronio , etc. lektlt tor It Scho- Held. Miurmor , \ Ti'.iglo. OYSTERS. A.EQOTH PACXIH3 CO. PUTT & , CD. , Packers of oysters , flsh Oysten , tlsli niiil c.ilorr. and celery , ujjl.oavou- lli : y. iJth-u. ' ' worth et. Cole , manager. OVERALLS , SHIRTS. ETC. KINQ&s MEAD , ROSINSnN STOKESCa Mfrs of " 1C A 8" pants , Mfrs cclebratpd "lluck- shirts and OToralls.oto , skin" overalls , pants , GIM3S. llthaU sh'rtcoats , etc. Knil Unislia. PRODUCE COMMISSION. l.'stabllihpil , 1BT3. BRANCH IL CO. , WHITNEY & CO. . Produce , fruits of nil Duller , CURB and poultry klml < , oysters. JIT U , U1UH. ISlti-st. UthsU KIRSCHBRAUH& MS. A. CLARK CD. , SONS , , Uuttor , chooio. Butler , ejrcs and poultry poultry nmlKftinoi 12J9 Itowttrd-U. 317 South Ulli StrojL ) . A. RYDER & CO. 0 , PEQAU , till ttor.ppRscbcop , poul Commission nicrclmnt try , hides anil gatno. 1'rodiioo , uutlur , fun' 1215 Howard street. cheojo nr.n poult llcfcv to Cum'l .Nat. Hunk llllli nnd HowsrJ at. MUILIN&MCCLAIN i-'prolnltlej. butter , OCRS , chepsi' . poultry , otc.No 415 S. llth. llcf. 1st Natl SCIIRDEDER & CO. MOORE &FEROUSdH. " Gutter , CJB ) , rhccio. Ciifili buyers butter nnd frulti , poultry , nam . ctfKi : luindlcs nil other Aui'iitn forMy.'r' ( iroituci ! on cotumlsloii. Unyal horse nnd cuttla run. 11 ih st. Bplco. (05 ( S. llth > U > OREEIEV & CO. J. B. HUSE&D3. Ilnttar , CRga , poultry , Our spoclalllot : Iliittor , KRIIIO. ' lililcn nnd fruit , Cfx * nnd poultry , | ] | J lU'JT Howuril Btrcat. Howard utruot. , i&,52D.Eir , ! , l * , Wholgale butter ft es Butter , cliocio , egg * . trultBpoul STOVE REPAIRS. OMAHA STOVE REPAIK' WORKS , Steve repairs nnd nntsf ntlnchn.ontB for any kind of store muda , l."Ji Doiulus. SASH. TOYS. M.A. DISBROW&CO. H. HARDY _ . ( Toys , ilolln , albums , Mnnufncturers of saih 1 inter coiiilH lionofnr doors , blinds and nlshfnrf couiK chll mouldings , llrnnch of- ilron's currlnaaj. ul > Ute , 12tU nudliardSts , 1'urmini .Street. ITllMANKNTr.YOUKKDOU NO 1'AV. NT MTIrii : : > N MUM iiiJriiNMsj Wiuni'Kii vou TO uvr.ii i.-ioi PATIKNIM. inve-itiKiu ( iiir motliol. Wrlttun KII irintno 11 alisjlntoly euro nil IxInJatif IHJITUIli : "f both ha\J3 , wltlKint tbo usoof Unlfo ur Hyrlu c , no m it- lor of liovv lon stand In : . EXAMINATION FREE Tlic 0. E. Miller Conp 307-303 N. Y. Life Building , Onulu , N'cb. Office * Dnnvor , Onln.1 C'hlcao. III. : 9t Louis , Mo ; Detroit. Mlcli. : Miliv.i ikoj. Wit , Do * .Molnes. Iu. : Haltl/uo Uity , Uuli ; I'urD tiiu.Ore. : Itutto , Mont. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha'Neb. Buud rs 10 s , w. to 11 m. bund lump lot rcplj , . 'Norvo Goods , " i the wonderful remedy . . - . - _ _ v * | § aold with a ivi-ll- te BiinranlfO to ruro nil ncrroiu dlncanoi. lucti us Wriik Memorr , Ix ) 5it Drain I'owcr. llcnitacho.Viikcfulncii , Ixiit Manbood. Nlnhllr KuiU * loii8NiTVou MCSB.J-uBMlHdiiallilrolns and loMflf power of ttiu iH'ncrul to Ornans In clthorBe cau oil brovcroiertloa , youthful cirroB.orxruB lo luioof tobacco. npliiiiKirnlraulaiitii wlilrli BOOH lead to Infirmity. COiuump- > Uli > nnnd1iiiunlty. I'ut upconrenlonttocarrr In rest iiockct. SI per iiaik * 'aKtiliriniilliCliirU. With ovpryllorilerwo glvtawrttttn gunranttt tucurt c ouxA > .ujirT ui'eiKO. vrrtjumltl etnontu. CircularIreo. Addre lervobecacoClilcuBoIII. . For nAl'J ' in Omithii by Sherman & MuConnoU Ifilit Dodgo-at. . . Of I'lriit Nntloml bank biilldlni , Bnaloil lilds will ho -L-ulvecl nt tlio olllco of the ro- coivorof the TlrKt Nntloniil InuiU , Hod Cloud , Nob. , until \1 o'clock noon. Mny ! . ' , 18'W. ' for thu liniMlHB bullilliiir , fiirnlturo und llntiirus , tboroliiconlnlnoil , Bltuntoon lot III. bloeli 'M , oltvof Hod Uloiul. Webster county. Ncl ) . Tlio buildliiKlsiiKOod two story br.uu llnlMioil In blylii , w.tli I'ronuli pinto Klust front , tl.o tloor , uood vaults , fiirnlhliud wlllicood wnlniil bevul iilutu u-la s litnk t'oniitors. olllees divided with bronze wlro iiailltloiis , ono coed > ulu tlmo lock , Innvl.ir proof s-ifu ; nlftn < ji > , ' l < . cluilrn , film , otf. , ready for bnuklnit. HlKht robnrved to reject nny or all b'dn. n provided for In order from tlio court to sell. O. U. lloll , rocolvor l-'lrst Nutlonal biuilt , Itcd Cloud. Nob. ' AiMditM Nntlro. Tlio annual niootlns of looilHilder of tlio I'remont , UllcliorM k MUnnirl Valluy H.illroad comiiany will bo bold nt the odlct1 of tlio c.nm- imny In Oiniilri , Nol ) . . on Friday. Mny ti > , \6s \ ' , ntyo'clock ji in. , for Ino olei-tion of di rectors und for tint IruiiHiictlon of sneli oilier ut limy i-omo buforu the miiotln. . J. li. KiurJKl.u , fc'ecrotiiry. April 18,1W . ulTd'JHM INDIAN DEPREDATIOfl CLAIMS Tcrnons wlio liaye lost property fro'ii fndlaa raids should fllo tliulr clulm * under tlio Indian Deprolntlon Act of XnrJh ' , 13 I. 'Hie tnnoU limited , an I tbo claims are taken up by tha court in the orilor In wliL-h thuy are ro.-elved. TakaNotlco that all contract * ontero'l Into with attornoj-3 prior to tlu A3t ara m.U null anil void , liifurinutlon Klvoii un4 all clulinu uroinptly attended to by thu BUI ! BURliAU OF CLAIMS. " itee Jlnllillitt/ , OMA-MA/NlSLJl-iA-SKA t'fr-TM * Iluroau In cuarantoo.l by tb | Oiniihu Hoc. the I'lonuur 1'rcss uuJ thu aj < fruuuUcu Kxuuluur.