n \ PfiRT TWO HE BEE. PKOES 9 TO IB- l r TWENTY-F1HST YE All. OMAITA , SUNDAY M011NJNG , APRIL 24 , 1892-TWENTY PAGES. NUMB till 311. Promoters of Low Prices and Home Industry tove Sale This Week. Wash Dress Goods. IIAYDEN BROS. LETTING DOWN THE PRICES. Pine apple tissue lOo yard. Shnntong pongee 12c } yard. Brandenburg suiting lOc yaril. 32-inch BUtnmor cashmere lOc yard. 80-Inch batiste lOo yard. 80-Inch liitmn cloth lOo yard. Double width India cashmere 12c } yard. 80-inch wldo sateens 8c } yard. 80-Inch wldo Armenian serge 5cyard. Now , bountiful styles in chnllls. Light or dark ground reduced to 2Jc yard. Cord du Rol lOc yard. Yard wldo Avoyron oloth 10c yard. 80-inch Bintonia buitlng 15c yard. Now styles just in , in Bodfo'rd cords , lOo , 12Jc , and ICc yard. Plain black saloon cashmere finish 12Jc , 15c. 20o and 25c. Black brocaded sateen 25e and 33c. 50 pieces be t standard prints 3 Jo yard , sold all around us nt To. Yard wldo indigo ( B ) blue prints lOc. 82-inch wide zophyrino lOc yard. Down Go the Prices on Ginghams and Fine Zephyrs. Our eastern buyer has taken advan- tngo of the recent decline in prieo3and wo are enabled to quote lower prices than over. 1 ca&o Norman dress gingham 5o yard. C cases of fine dress gingham , such as Wostbrook , Warwick , Hamilton. Ever ett , Classic , etc. , on Monday and until nil sold , at Ojc and Tic yard. 4 cases assorted of the best makes , such as Toil du Nordo , a. f. c. crotorion , Groylock , Midloothian , etc. , lOc yard. Barnaby's Scotch zephyr 12jc. 2 cases : i2-inch wide imported Scotch rophyr worth 25c , reduced to 15o yard. Those are the lowest prices on llrat- class gingham ever quoted in Omaha , and you will llnd that they will not last long at these prices. Mail orders tilled if sent at once ; also describe colors wanted. Special Towel Sale. Wo offer on Monday 100 dozen 23x44 fancy striped Turkish towels worth 25 c , on Monday only lOc onh. 150 do/en 18x21 linen huck towels worth l Jc , 011 Monday lOc each. 500 do/.on bleached Turkish towels , all-linen daimtsk towels , all-linen twilled towels , largo si/.o glass chocked towels , all at lOc each ; choice of entlro lot lOe each. Sale takes place in center iiislo , loth street building , ono day only Monday only on Monday. Don't miss this towel bale. Compare our prices on white bed Kprtmds. Wo carry the largest stock ; wo make the lowest prices ; wo do sell more spread * ) than any house in the tuulo. Wo are headquarters on white bed spreads. Special in Silks. 24-inch pongee in solids new , shad ing.28inch 28-inch pongees in natural colors. 24-inch Chinas In plain black. 24-inch Chinas Jn plain white. All the above goo.l s are worth from 85o up to $1 ; will boll Monday 76c. _ > 20 pieces printed silk in pretty doT - T signs , worth 81 , Monday 85e. 18 pieces printed Chinas , 21 inches wide , cheap at CSc , Monday 45c. A good plain black surah , 22 inches wldo , worth $1 , Monday 75e. Gros grain dress Bilk , blacks , war ranted all bilk and not to crock,21 inches wldo , worth $1.85 , Mondny $1. Silk crepes in colois , 24 inches wide , nil pure Bilk , cheap at $1.25 , Monday $1. Toilet Creams and Powders. Oriental cream , 81.15. Ayor's Recamlor cream , $1. Magnolia balm , 05c. Malvlna cream , 35c. Viola cream , 35c. Pozzo ill's face uowdor , 85o. Swan down face powder. Cc , Gossnmar face powder , 18c. Ayors' Rocamier face powder , 30o. Lablaoho fttco powder , 40u. Kirk's b'nhandon Bolls soap , -19c. Ammonia , largo bottle , Tic. House Furnishing Goods , Imported engraved gas glebes sold everywhere from 81.25 to 81.50 , cut- price tomorrow 33c. The Western washer , 82 03 ; this is warranted to bo the genuine Western washer. Crystal berry dishes , lOe.Vhv piy 75c and 81 for the s'irno dish elsewhere'1 100 pieces decorated dinner sots , 87 , in all color * . Tollo , sots , $1.78. Tumblers , le each. Copper bottom wash boiler , SOc , Wash boards , 9c. Folding ironing tables , 9.3c. Iron fr.nne wringers , 81.50. WooU friimo wringers , 81.75. Lamp burner and chimney , lOc. A complete lamp for the price you pay for a burner elsewhere. A solid steel axe , 50o. Hammers , 5c. Wash bowl and pitcher. 29o each. „ Chamber * , 35u each. Cups and s.vucors , 2Jc each. Dinner plates , 25c each. Butter crocks , 3e per gallon. Iron bound 0-foot stop ladders , 75o. Tea kettles , 15c. Dippers , 2e } each. Wash basins , 8c each. Sugar bowls , 3c. Butter dishes , 3c. Spoon holders , 3e. Creamers , 3c , Hanging soap holders , So. Portable gas lights , $1.30 , generally sold lor $5 to0. Wire toasters , 3c. Children's garden sots , 25c. 11 ikes , loj. Hoes , 25c. Clothes buskots , 50e each. Prince lawn mowers , the oisicst lawn mower made , every ' part warrrnted , 12-inch 82.98 , 11-inch' 83.98,10-inchS 4.85. These prices are below manufacturers cost. cost.Wo Wo have in stock 3 car loads of re frigerators from $7.95 up. It you are going to purchase a refrigerator examine the Hurd. Ice cream freezers , 2 quarts 81.05 , 3 quarts $1.35 , 4 quarts SI.05. SHOVELS 29 CENTS EACH. Art Department. Great Items , Only a few loft of these pretty all silk headrests at 25o each. 25 dozen assorted lot of fine all silk throws , original price 5Pe , 75eand $1.00 , tomorrow your choice for 49c each ; llrst como first served. 60 dozen of odd pieces in B tamped linen dresser scarfs , tray cloths , splash ers , doylies and bibs , will be bold out to morrow at i the original price to closu them out. Silk plush bills only 80 per do en , others ask loc. Just received , an o legant line of ap plique llowors , and will bo placed on ealo tomorrow at remarkably low prices. Special values in embroidered felt table scarfs and covers at 69c , 73c , 98c , 81.25,81.49 , $1:03 : ; well worth $1.00 to 82. CO ouch. \7o will continue to sell the finest em broidery aim in the country at 5o per dozen spools. In this department you will find ev erything pertaining to ai t and noodle- worlc. Black Dress Goods. ON SPECIAL SALE MONDAY. Imported cashmeres 2" > c , havoboon 35c. Imported cashmeres 3ip ; , havoboon 43o. I in ported cashmeres 38o , have boon 4 < 3c. Fine whip cord serges 30c , have boon SSc. SSc.Fino Fine bedford cords20c. havoboon 37c. } The best satin linish Henriettas SSc , have boon $1.25. Princess cloths in beautiful designs , something now for spring wraps , $1.25 , have boon $1.50. The very boat quality bedford cords for wraps $1.25 , have boon SI.05. A lanro display of bsdford cords for spring suitings , 7Se , have bjon $1.00. 48-Inch silk warp henriottas. Lupin's best quality , 81.25 , have boon SI.75. Crape cloths 75c , have been 98o. Cordurottos 70c , Have boon 81.00. Nun's veilings 05o , have boon 85c. TiunUo cloths , Lupin's superlative quality , 93c , have boon $1.25. A very large variety of black and white dress goods in chocks , plaids and btripes , I0j ! , worth SOc. Wo carry the largest stock of fine mourning goods to bo found In the west , and our prices are always the lowest. Furniture. Wo have cleared a space in our furni ture department and placed therein articles which wo shall soil from day to day below cost , or at cost. PlusJi or lo.ithor seated oak chairs , 81.95 , regular price $2 85 ; oak rockers , plush seat , $2.15 , worth 83.25 ; bamboo umbrella stands with metal cup , 25c each , whole sale price , $9.03 per docn ; oak stools with plush top , 45o. worth 81.00 ; bamboo w.ill pockets , 25o each. Visit our furniture department and so- euro a bargain. Special spring prices on all kinds of bed room suitp , parlor suits , chairs and lockers , hat racks , pictures , easels , mattresses and springs. Wall Paper. You can still buy a good white blank paper for 4e. Smyrna rugs at ono-half prico. Colored Dress Goods , Special for Monday. 40-inch all wool German plaid , 4lc. SB-inch chevron suitings , 25c. 40-inch all wool suiting , former price 75c , reduced to 49c. 40-inch all wool India twill , only f > 0c. 40-inch silk linish Gorman Henrietta , the finest goods made , only 05c. 38-inch line all wool Bedford cord. Monday 73c. 75 pieces line cashmere plaids , 40-inch wide , only 60c. 10 pieces 40-inch broadcloth , to close onlv 75c. 40-inch Lansdown , a fabric in silk and wool , $1.25. 54-inch line broadcloth for capes , only $1.25. Half wool challis , 17c. 30-inch plaids in nice patterns , 25c. 27-inch English cashmere , lOc. Trunks and Valises. Do you travel ? Wo can save you money on your trunk or valifeos. Trunks , good zinc , Iron bottom , solid , $1.75 up ; bags nml vallsod from 75o up. All si'/os all styles. Call'before you buy and got our prices. Dress Trimmin gs and and Fineings Dept. Great Ite ms. 80-inch whalebone only 19o per strip Whalobonoino at 8c , lOo and 12c per dozon. Whalebone casing , lOo per bolt. Bolting , loc per bolt. All silk scam binding , lOc per bolt. Dross stays , 7c pel' set Stockinet shields. 5o per pair. Volvotino skirt binding , lOc. Jot trimming at 5c , lOc , 15c , 19c and 25c , original price lOc to 50c per yard. Silk cords In all colors at 5s per yard. Silk gimps at 5c , lOc , ICc and 23c ; special value. Spoclal prices for Monday on ribbon fringes , jet fringes , silk ornaments and stomachers. 1,000 dozen buttons , in all colors , at Cc per dozen , worth lOc to 20o per dozon. Stove Department. In our stove department wo oarryl The Stewart cook and ranges. The F. & W. premium diamonds. The F. & W. ranges , the best on the globe. The Aurora process gasoline stove has no superior. 1 , 2 and 3 burner gasoline stoves. Gasoline ranges and-ovens. G.is and oil stoves. The best stool range in the land for 'amily or hotel use. Wo furnish the F. & W. furnace , call and see them. Baby .carriages from 81.75 to $43. Tricycles , velocipedes , boys' wagons , wheelbarrows and carts. H ayden Ejrojs.t „ . Drug Department. Warnsr's Safe Cure 95c. S. S. S. large , 81.35 ; S. S. S. small , 75c. 75c.Hood's Hood's Sarsaparilla 75c. Piorco's Golden Medical Discovery 75c. Ayor's Sarsaparilla 7oc. Ayor's Hair Vigor Joe. Trommor's Malt Extract 75c. Kennedy's Medical Discovery 81.15. Horsford Acid Phosphate 40 to 75c , Indian Sagwa 75c. Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound 75c. Carter's L. L. Pills 17c. Do Witt's Early Riser Pills 17c. Allcock's Porous Piasters 2 for 25c. Brass Beds ? Special Cut Price. Any person wishing a brass bed can now secure ono at a' price never before oll'orod. Brass bed $19.00 , worth $25.00 , Brass bed , $27.00worth $35.00. Brass bed , $37.00 , worth 845.00. Thcso are the best bed made and wo guarantee them in every particular. Belts ! Belts ! Belts ! They will bo all the rage this summer. Wo aio getting in now styles everyday. Call and see what wo have in this line. Boy's base ball bolts 3D. Laces and Embroidery. 50 pieces fine ohan.tllly 1 nccs at lOc , 15c , 20c , well worth 20u to 40o per yard. 25 plccos line domi flouncing , 9 to 15 inches wide , nt 12io , lOc , " 2.3c , 37c , 60c , 03c , worth 25c to Cljpbr yard. Don't forget to looK ever our olocrnnt line of Point Dorlimflo , Point DeGono , Point Do Paris. tPhoy corao in white , ecru and black. { _ 1,500 yards fine embroidery in Ham burg , Swiss and cfcmtric ) , at 5o , lOc , 15a per yard , well worth 32o to 25c. Special values in white embroidered flouncings , 45 irfchbs wide , at 37c , 63c , 73c. 98c , $1,25 up tqia.75 per yard. . Tueklngs in all'adrts at 60o , 7Co , 81 , 81.25 per yard. I Carpet Department. The increasing trade in our carpet de partment is evidence that the prices and styles are right. Wo will put on sale Mondny another lot of all wool ingrain carpets at 50c per yard. Cotton carpets 25c to 40c. The celebrated Lowell carpets can only bo found at Haydens. These Brussels carpets at 47c are go ing fast and cannot bo replaced. All ; ho bettor grades at reduced prices. The car load of floor oil cloth and lin oleum wo secured last \yeok are the best styles over shown in this city. A good oil cloth for 20c yard. Genuine English linoleum 42)c. ) Special sale on chenille portierros at 84.00 and $1.50 per pair. A now Importation of fine lace cur tains just received. We have them fi om COo per pair. Extra value at $1.00 , $1.23 to S2.00 for this week. Read Hayden's Prices on butter , choose , meats and lard. Separator creamery butter for 25o 'por pound. This is positively the finest but ter made. Wo have very fine creamery for 19c , 2lc and 23c. Country butter , 7Jc , lOc , 12Jc , 15c and me. Remember wo Boll only the pure products of Nebraska dairies and cream eries at our butter department. Wisconsin full cream cheese , 12jc. America full cream choose. 12Jc , Imported Swiss chccBO , Hi. Imported brick cheese , 14c. We are headquarters in moats. Sugar-cured ham , 9Jc. Salt clear pork , 6jc. Now York hams. 5Jc. Boneless ham , He. Sugar cured bacon , 8c. } Boneless rump corn beef , Cc. Frankforts , 7jc. Headcheese , 5c. Bologna , 5c. Liver sausage , 5c. 3-lh puil best pure leaf lard , 25c. 5-lb pail best pure leaf lard , 39c. 10-lb pail best pure loaf lard , 79c. 50-lb pail best pure leaf lard , 83.75. If you want cheap compound lard hero are the prices : 3-lb pail , 17c. 5-lb pail , 2 < Jq. 10-lb pail , 55c , 50-lb pail , $2.50. Special Sale on Umbrellas and Parasols. Wo have just purchased the entire stock of an eastern manufacturer at about 25c on the $1.00. They are now on sale at prices tha t will justify us in claiming ourselves headquarters for thcso goods. Just imagine , ever ton thousand to choose from. See our grand display of umbrellas and parasols in windows on 10th street front in our store. Do not buy until you have examined our stock and prices. Wo will save you money. New novelties in fancy handles can bo scon in this lot nowhere else to bo found. Make special note of the following prices : GOO EO-inch cotton glorias , fast black and solid frame , fancy natural stick handles , only 59c worth $1.00. 1 lot of 20-inch gljria umbrellas , fust black , assorted fancy handles , only 85c , worth $1.25. A special lot of 20-inch silk gloria um brellas , paragon Irauio and elegant fancy horn haudlos , only $1.25 each , worth 82.00. 50020-Inch silk gloria umbrellas , par agon frames and fancy oxidized handles , only 81.25 each , worth$2.00. 1 lot of extra fine gloria umbrellas , paragon frames , with a cover , silk cord nndtasiol , only $1.50 , worth $2.50. ! ! 00 28-inch gloria umbrellas for gen tlemen , paragon frames , natural bticks , with cover , silk cord and tassel , only $1.75 , worth $3.00. 1 lot of ladies' 21-lnoh silk umbrellas , paragon frames and fancy celluloid handles.only $2.25 each , worth 81.00. Ladles' 20-inch rainbow silk umbrel las , paragon frames , como with cover , silk cord and tassel and elegant fancy handles , only $3.00 , worth $5.00. This umbrella warranted for ono year. 500 20-Inch volunteer silk umbrellas , warranted , elegant assortment of hand les , paragon frame , como with cover , silk cord and tassel , only $3.50 , worth $0.00. In this Bale will bo found an Immense lot of children's parasols Irom 15e to $2.00 each. Notion Department. Spoclal efforts are being made to make this ono of the foromoat depart ini-MiH in tne house. Such goods at such prices as below will do it in a short time. DRESSMAKERS' NOTIONS. 200 yards good o.istlng cotton , le spool. Hooks and eye ? , No 2 , 3 , le card. Dress stnyi at llc,12Jcand ( 20c a dozon. Whalebone casing. lOc bolt. Best glaecd bolting , lee yard. Best silk bolting , lOc , 121c , 15c yard. 10-inch best horn bone 12Jo dozen. 00-inch linen tape lino,0c. 1,000 roll best skirt braid , 3c roll. Hooks and eyes on tape , very bcst,15c yard. Urbnard-Robort's needles , 5c paper. Best all silk scam binding , 12Jc pack. Seamless stockinet artu shields , No. 202 , 5c pair. A sull line Cangold's etocklnot , and Goodycar's rubber shields in all sizes in stock at i less than elsewhere. Now for other notion ? , such as rubber hair pins , amber or black , at le. Polished darning eggs , 3c. Curling irons , ton btylos at Oc. Darning cotton on cards , Oc do/son. Corset stool1' , 5-hook , 5o pair. Aair pins , 00 in box , 5c. Adamantine pins , full count , le paper. 10 pnpors of brass pins at 5c paper. Safety pins at le , 2c , So , 5c , 7e and Oc a dozen. Mouaning pins , CO in a box , le box. Shawl and hat pins , 40 styles , le each. Cotton tape at le roll. Carpet thread , 8c skein. Barbour's linen thread , le spool. Good clastic at 18c yard. Silk clastic , worth S5c ! at lOc yard. Very best silk elastic at 25a a yard. Knitting cotton , largo h.ill , 5c ball. Oriental cord , 15 shades , 9c ball. Ladies' silk grrtors , fancy buckles , 25c pair. pair.Ladies' gored bolt hose supporteos , 15c pair. In combs wo show at least 7o kinds to select from , for 5c Up to 76c. Nail brushes at 15c , 20o. 23e and 35o , Shaving brushes at 15c , worth 23c. Shaving strops at 1.3c , a bargain , Hair brushes , wo have them anywhere from 25c up to $2.00. Cloth brushes , wo sell a good brush for 25c , then up to 81.00. A good shoo brush for 15c. A shawl strap for 15c. A folding cork-screw for lOc. A 1,001 other items too numerous to mention in our notion department , which will pay every man , woman and child in the northwobt to inspect , not only for today and tomorrow but for all time. Now for Indies' furnishing goods , such as neckwear , ruching collars , linen and silk handkerchiefs , veilings. No line of the above goods in northwest equals ours in htylo and prices. Wo mention a few drives for the coining week : 800 ladies' linen collars at 2c. 250 ladies' lace collars at 5c , 8c , lOc , 12jc , 15c , 10c , 25c and up to $2. Now Goods. 1,000 yards of fine runching odds and ends to close at lOc , worth from 25c to 75c. 75 do/.on shirt fronts at 2oc , worth 50. 100 do/.on bibs at 5c each , sold nt 8c. 300 do on school handkerchiefs at lo and 2o. . In ladies' handkerchiefs wo show at least 300 different kind to select from at anywhere from Co up to $2.08. No liouso in America show a larger lino. Harness Department. It is our aim to make this ono of the lending departments of the hou o. Wo carry a largoasso.tmont of ladies' and gents' saddles , single and double harness , whips , bridles , halters , etc. Our harnesses lire made in Omaha , therefore everything guaranteed first clUbS. SPECIAL. A good furm harness , $20. A good single harness , $1.75. Tie straps , 20c. Halters. 20c. Whips from /Jo / up. Curry combs , le. Cushions , OOc. Sweat pads , 30c. Snaps , lo. Shades. A good cloth shade ( not paper ) for 20o with spring roller. Opaque shades 25c. Wo also make to order shades of any eizo wanted. Great Sale of Flour. Pillsbury's Best Hour $1 13 Washburn , Crosby k Co. , Suporla- ' live 8 515 Hayden Bros. ' best XXXXX Su11 1 perlatlve Hour 8 Central Mills best Superlative OOo Hour 05o Snow Flake Hour 85o Very bobt rye Hour 2Jo Best kiln dried corn meal Ho 10-pound pail best pure loaf lard , 79o Corn Meal Ho Rolled wheat , some call it Califor nia breakfast food 5c Pall jelly 40o Strawberries preserved in sugar t.yrup . 12o Raspberry preserves 22jo California pitted plums 12So Evaporated apples 5o California evaporated peaches lOo S ill Lake peaches 80 Pitted cherries 15o Evaporated raspberries. . . . 17lo Imported French prunes. . lOo Cured Turkish prunes 60 California apricots 12Jo Raisins..2jc , 3c , 8ic , Cc , Sjc.lOc , 12jo Soda crackers Co Oyster crackers 5o Imported chow-chow , per quart. . . . ICe Mixed pickles 15o Potted hams ( per can ) Co Hotted ox long uos Co Dpvijed hums 60 Picnic hams fijd Sugar cured haras 9Jo Boneless hams 7jo Bologna sausage fie Liver sausage Co Ile.ul cheese Co Sapolio Co Finest Scotch orange marm i do put up in Palsly , Scotland. 15o 1 pound can cove oysters. . . . 7 jo 2 pound can cove oysters. . . . 15o Spear Head chewing tobacco . .85o St\r chewing tobicco . .35o Newsboy chewing tobacco 25a Climax chewing tobacco 35o Mechanic's Delight chewing tobacco.30a Horse Shoo chewing tobacco 860 Durham tobacco , 1-lb package 42o Durham tobacco , i-lb package 12a Durham tobacco , 1-8-lb package. . . . 70 Seal of North Carolina , in wood packages 40o H-pound pail best pure leaf lard , 25c. 5-pound pail best pure leaf lard , 89c. 10-pound pail best pure loaf lard , 79o. 50-pound pail best pure loaf lard , $3.75. The abouvo is the best loaf lard. If you want coeud compound lard , hero are the prices : 3-pound pail refined compound lard , 17c. 5-pound pail refined compound lard , 29c. 10-pound pail refined compound lard , /JJC. / 50-pound pail refined compound lard , 82.50. Books and Stationery. Avail yourself of this opportunity to complete your library. Cooper's complete works , cloth bound , in 10 volumes , only 811.75. Thackory's complete works , cloth bound , in 10 volumes , only $2.95. . Eliot's works , cloth bound , in 0 vol umes , only $1.03. Sir Waller Scott's , cloth bound , in 12 volumes , only 85.75. Miss Mulock's , nicely bound in cloth , per voluiho 9Sc. Chamber's Eicyclopodla , in 12 vol umes , only $9.50. 500 nicely bound books by standard authors , only 25c oaoh. worth C'Jo to 75o each. 72 leaves blank books only 5o each , worth lOc. Memorandum books tomorrow only 2c o.voh , worth 5o. Duok covered ledger daybook and journal tomorrow only ISopor 100 pages , worth 30o. 5c tablets for 3d each. lOc tablets for 5o oaoh. 15e tablets for lOc oaeh. Good playing cards at 2c , Oc , and lOo. Load pencils 2o per dozen. Slate pencils 15u par 100. Wo carry a high grade of all kinds o ! plain and fancy stationery. You can't help being uultod in this department. Special low price on all kinds of allies Bupplios. Veilings ! Veilings ! Veilings ! r 200 nieces all silk veilings at lOo , worth 25o. 150 pieces dotted at 16o , worth 40c. Wo have the bettor grades of veiling : nt 40c , GOo , OOo , 70o and 80o a yard All styles , all shades , all cheaper than olno whoro. HAYDEN BROTHERS. LETTING DOWN THE PRICES ON Dry Goods , Furniture , Drugs , Hardware , Groceries , House Furnishing Goods , Etc. ,