THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY. APRIL 2J , 1892-TWKNTY PAGES. THOUGHT HE WAS A ROBBER T7 , A. O'Ncil of Plattsmouth the Victim of a Mysterious Shooting. HIS ASSAILANT SUDDENLY DECAMPED tlnngnrnnOy Wounded , lint Abln to Iilrn- tll- thrVoiililllo Muriliirnr Orunliril tlmtor n WncnnVlicnl Diini- njjii by riro nt Illnlr. ii , Nob. , April 33. [ Special to BBB.I W. A. O'Neil of this city was the victim of a peculiar and mysterious shooting affair last night. Ho bad boon down town transacting business nnd about 11 o'clock ho started from the basmcss part of town toward his homo In South Park , a resident suburb some dtitanco out. While traversing mi unfrequented partot the road ho overtooK a man whom ho says ho is not acquainted with , but whom ho can rocognlzo by tight. The stranger Inquired why O'Neil was following him. O'Noll denied that ho was following him , but tbo stranger senmod to be laboring under the Idea that O'Noll Intended to rob him , nnd after they bad bad some words , during which both of them became somewhat Irritated , the stronger drew a re volver , which ho discharged into the cround in front of O'Noll. This not having the ef fect desired ho next fired n chnrgo Into O'Nell's ' breast , Indicting a dangerous wound. The shooting and consequent cries occasioned thereby ROOII aroused the neigh borhood and O'Neil was removed to hla ( homo. The assailant lied Immcdlntclv fitter tbo Bhoollng. and so far has not boon capturod. August lianh , n prominent resident of thu neighborhood , saw a man run from the vlcln itv of the shooting within a few minutes after tbo deed , and thinks ho cun Identify him. him.Tho The doctors removed the bullet from O'Nnll's buck this morning. They found that It had entered his breast nnd pursued a course around his chest nnd lodged In tits back. It Is such a bullet' ns is usually fired from n bulldog revolver ana Is of 41 caliber. A young man named William Plagor , em ployed by n grocery firm in town as n deliv ery boy , was arrested this morning by O01 cor Fitzpatrlck on a warrant sworn out before Judge Archer , but after bolng taken before the woundou man ho was released , as O'Noll could not Identify him. The pollco have no clew as to tbo man who fired the shot. NKIIKASKA SiUKKT : SOUIKTIKS. Preparation * Complutoil for the Culrlirntlun of tlio 1. U. O. I' ' . AiiiiUprmiry. GBXKVA , Nob. , April 2t. : [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BER. | The preparations have boon completed by the Independent Order of Odd Follows for the colouration of their sov- ontv-thhd anniversary and the dedication of their new fraternity tctnulo next Tuesday , the 2lth. ( Elaborate programs have been prepared for the occasion. In which promi nent Odd Fellows from nil purls of the state will tnlio part. P. C. Johnson , ex-Governor J. W. Dawcs , W. H. Barger , O. L. Loomls and other prominent speakers will bo pros- eat. eat.HnimoN , Nob. , April 23. | Spoclal Telegram - > gram to Tun BKII.J Friday evening Botbol- hem comniaudcry , No. 18 , of f lobron elected tbo following ofllccrs : Eminent commander , A. U. Werner ; generalissimo , N. A. Hearth ; captain general , F. E. Hoper ; prelate , J. W. Hughes ; senior warden , W. D. Oalbralth ; Junior warden , W. B. Hughes ; treasurer. J. E. Thomas ; recorder , J. M. Fitzpatrlck ; B. B. , D. T. Scovillo ; S. B. . O. I. Steele , warden , A. Elder ; Sirs A. D. Werner , W. D. Galbratth , J. E. Thomas. O. I. Steele and J. iv W. Hughes will goto Grand Island as delo- Vgatcs to the grand commandory Tuesday. TtVKAMAH ( , Neb. , April M'A. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BPE.J At a special convocation 1 of.Macuoy chapter. No. 21 , of Hoynl Arch Masons , held lost-night , B. T. Grlnin and V. p L. Fried of Oaulnnd , B. L. Kerr and Or. ' Nee of Craig , , E. B. Atkinson of Wlnnobago < agency and Piter Hamming of Blair were exalted ' to the Hoyal Arch degree. Coinnnn- lonslH.'W. McBride , E. C. Jackson , E. A. u nU'Stowart , Frank Harriir.nn. Harry lllgloy , f \V. H. Palmer , W. T. Plowman. Eugene * Beattv , E. C. Plorco , B. M. Wlllsoy , F. ° W. Kenney of Blair and James Fcloy of Omaha were present and materially assisted In tbo work. A banquet followed the ser vices. BKATIIICE , Neb. , April 23. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BKE.I Mount Herman com- laandory , Knight Toinplars , No. 7 , elected otllccrs for tbo oniulag year as follows last * night : John Dwyor. eminent commander ; J. N. Ynnduyn , generalissimo ; E. B. Sher man , captain general : B. F. Taylor , senior wnraon ; L. E. Walker , junior warden ; S. W. Wudsworth , treasurer , and George E. Hawkins , recorder. Lixtoi.x , Nob. , April 23. [ Special Tola- gram to Tnu BBK. | Lincoln council No. 7 , Commercial Pilgrims of America , tendered n ball and banquet to the commercial travelers tonight. The early part of the evening was given up to social features , consisting of muslu , literary oxor- clses and dancing. At 11 o'clock a banquet was served at the Capital hotel. with D , Neb. , April 23. [ Special to THE Bicn.j Considerable of a sensation was created hero this morning when C. S. Wilsoy , a sowing machine agent who recently came hero from Pluttsmouth , was arrested and placed In Jail on the charge of bigamy. Ho was married hero on Wednesday last to Miss Nolllo Van Gilder by Judtre Miner. It being reported that ho had n wife in Plnttsmouth , Deputy Sheriff Slonockor wrote to Marshal Fry of Plattsinouth making inquires concerning - corning the report that Wilsoy had n wifa in that place. Marshal Fry telephoned back that Wilsoy had a wifa thcru and to hold him bore. Ha came up this mornlni' and reports - ports that Wilsoy was married to his Plaits- mouth wife nt Murysvillo , Mo. , In Juno , 1889. Shu will bo brought huro to prosecute him. _ rir nt Illnlr. BI.AIII , Nob. , April 23. [ Special to Tim BBB.I A 11 ro occurred this morning at 5:30 : in what is known a the Monroe block. Tbo room tlmt.was burned was occupied by Miss Jlattlo Billiard as a milllncrv stare. How lire occurred is a mystery. This is the second end flro from which Miss Dullard has suf fered in n short tlmo. Tba building was owned by E. H. Monroa of Fremont. It is not known whether ha carried any Insur- 'nnoo. Tbo millinery stock , which wus in- isurtfdor. . ' ,000 , Is an entire loss. The build- tin ) ; is budly damaged , only the walls ramnln- 'tug. Dr. J. H. Mortlock , recently of Scrib- ' nor , Nab. , bad Just moved in his furnlturo and medicines , which are a total loss. Not Importing I.iilidr r . GHANII ISLAND , Neb. , April 23. ( Special to TriH ilBK.J Mr. Oximrd of tba boot sugar company wus asked If it wus trua'that tbo company had "importod" laboring mun to work tha largo farm near Wood Klver. Ho Dialed that tbo report to that effect was fftlno. Tbu company has secured the services 'tor iba season of a large number of Russians from various parts of tlu < state. This is only for the cultivation of the boot and not for Its manufacture into sugar. A largo number of Grand Island people will have employment with the Oxuard company this year at good prices. _ Crushed Under aVi > K < > " WIn-cl. CCII.KIIIIHIH , Nob. , April 2J. [ Special to TIIK BEB.I-AS N. K. Lube and his two llttlo brothers were driving out of town with a ' four-l'orso team yesterday iho bead team ab ruptly turned around , partly capsizing the wagon and throwing ono of the boys under the wheels. Only- two of thu boy's ribs wore broken , notwithstanding tha wagon Wa loaded with 1,000 pounds of coal nnd ono wheel pa&si-d entirely ever the boy. It is thought ho may recover. County' * Wolf t'rop. BBATIIICK , Nob. , April 23. [ Special to THE BBS 1 Tnirty-throo coyote ana wolf scalps , thn product of Gagu county , were brought lo iho county clerk's olllro today and warrants at ibo rata ot f 1 for oacb scalp was given the hunters , Grund Itlnnd run * Delielitud. GUAM ) ISLAND , Neb. , April ! U. [ Social to TUB BcK.l-.Tbo lint base ball game of tbo season wat played ftt the now base ball park ye tor- day between thoSuirar City IOBRUO team and n stronp picked nlnn , The score nt ibo end of Uio ninth Inning stood 14 to 1 in favor of the Icficuo toam. Two hundred enthusiasts wit nessed the game and Iho local cranks ox press much dcllpht over Manager Uourko's play ers. Hasting * plays two exhibition enmos hero lomnrrow and Monday , attar which Grand Island goes to Hrminps for two games. Declared tlm Contnict Inrnllil. Nouroi.K , Nob. , April 2.1.--Spoclnl [ to THE Ilci ! . | At a mroilng.of the city council las evening u resolution waj unanimously adopted declaring tno existing contract with the Norfolk Wntor Works comnnny Invalid nud tauhiff ttons to its repudiation. It scorns thai the contract calls for twlco ns much hydrant rentals as the city can pay under tbo law of the stato. Sued it .Sillooiilnt. IliUTiiiCE , Nob. , April 2A ( Special Tele- pram to THE U KB. ] Mrs. Armolda Dean has brought suit In the district court for M.OOO dnmnpos nftnlnst Daniel Weber , a saloonlst nf Uarticston , and his bondsmen for soiling liquor to her husband , W.V. . Doan , alleged to bo a confirmed inebriate. Orlnitu Oprrn HIMIIO llurnpil. Oni.KA.VA , Nob. , April S3. [ Special Tele- Rrom to Tun BKE. ] The opera bouso was burned this morning about 3 o'clock. Fully Insured , S1SK\ ASH IHSOKIlffKIt 1111 ! SUUTlt. .Mr. Ilrpan'H "Young .linn do South , " mill U'lint He .SulIVriMl Tor It. New YOUK , April SSI. Last night , nt Uol- niontcoo's , Amos 1'urkor Wilder talked to bis fellow nlumliu of Yale collcgo about what 10 had scon lu n rocoul. trip through the soutb. The uopro question , ho said , would bo sot tied provided the negro kept his hands off. The southern Understanding was that the black man and tbo white man should each follow his own way Independent of the other , n situation which today scorns a cruel ono fqr tba negro. Underneath tbo present almost hostile altitude of tbo whites , however , ho had discerned an acknowledging of the bonotlts which the south doilvcs from the uogro population which promises wall for the future. Mr. Wilder unld that the ontorprUo and advance ment of the so-called "now south" was duo almost entirely to northerns who bavo gene there slnco the war. Some time ago , bo said Mr. Dopaw had advised young men to go south and many Yale men , amongothcra , bad gene there and ivcro now among the most prosperous of ssuthornort ! . Mr. Uopow , who presided at the moating then said : "When I returned from my southern trip three yuan ago and told you of the observations I bad made , a reporter who was present printed a synoptits of a portion of while 1 said , dwelling particularly upon my words nf praise of the ( south. I hoard from that report. My ( Correspondence amounted toabushal a day or thereabouts. Pooulo wanted to know where they must go to profit by this wonderful 121 Dorado. They inquired about the trams und what stations they should got off nt. Then the southern land boomer got hold of my report. Ho took extracts from Hand drintod It over mv name on hand bills as big us that mlrrorovcr there In consequence thousands ef families in all parts of tbo north and west , who had not succeddud very well , packed up and wont south. Then I began to receive moro corre spondence. But It of a different sort. Some of It was Intlammatory. Some of It was vituperative. A good many of my corro snondents asked for loans. " 'Mr. Dopow talked of the negro question hopefully. Do said , bowovor , that projudlco gave the negro no chance in the nortn and tlm' , so far a ? ho could see this northern projudlco was Increasing. IIo said ho looked upon Hamoton collage as the eventual solu tion of the negro question. In sneaking of the prejudice of southern whites against the negro ha said : "Whon a while man goes south before long ho joins in suppressing tbo negro no matter how good a republican bo may have been in the north. " TIlttEATKSJSn TO AXXIIIIKAXE TIIUV. Kxtcnslvo nud Di-ixdly Anarchist JL'lunt Seized by thn Xowr York I'ullco. NEW Yonic , April 23. George Staloy , an anarchist living in'Hoookoii , was arrested last Tuesday on complaint of Albert Wag ner , a salooiilccopor living In the bousa with Staloy , on a charge of drunkenness and dis orderly conduct , and ho tvai sonvoucod to term of thirty days in the county jail by UP- corder McDonougb. When arrested , Staloy , who is a fiery torn- pored little man , made dire threats of vengeance - geanco against all concerned in his arrest , but no attention was paid to him. Today Mrs. Staloy said that her husound had made throats to annihilate Hocordor McDouoUgh nud the polica and blow Un Wacrner's saloon when bo cot out of prison , and she was in great fear ho would curry out his threat. She informed the police that her husband had been engaged in making dyna- mlto bombs and other deadly oucinos , and offered to convince tbom such was the fact If they would accompany her to thohouso. A policeman wont to the house , and there in a room occupied as a worlcsbop were found explosives , pieces of gas pipe with triggers at the end , bombs , swords , revolvers and two boxes of cattridgoj of US-caliber. Those were seized and sent to pollco headquarters , and the whlta powder , the most dangerous explosive known , was thrown into the river. The pollco bavo not yet decided what action will bo tuio > i , but the matter will probably be laid before the grand jury. HIM , Chicago lllnlnn C'lul ) JniUts on the Nomi nation of tlin Mini from Mnlno. CHICAGO , 111. , April 23. The Chicago Blaluo club l engaged in a ( Jnuco-Koraiui wrestling match with tbo political situation. Tbo first result Is a sot of resolutions , the cir culation of which have commonced. The resolutions adopted recite that wlnlo the written declaration of Mr. Ulnmo that ho is not a candidate for tbo presidency , "un doubtedly expressed bb true Intention1' and woa "his right and privilege as un American cituon , " nevertheless , "tho people have rights whichare paramount to the rights of thu individual. " It Is declared that "tho oni > : o should nook the man , " and further along that "It become * iho duty of Individual citizens to Ignore his personal wishes und bow to the will of tliu majority. " Mr. Hlaino is extolled as iho "graatuit American , " and it Is sub mitted tba ( tboro "exists all ever the nation a widespread and universal deshu at this Important period of our history that our standard bearer shall bo tbo hero of re ciprocity. " Ici conclusion thu resolutions say : "Tho Chicago rtlaino cluu earnestly urges' upon all similar clubs throughout the land and on nil citizens who uro in sympathy wit tbU move ment a vigorous rccomblncd effort which shall result In tbo nomination of Mr , Blulno , trusting to his tried and true loyalty to the party which has honored htm In the past , to his regard for the wishes of the faithful friends ivuo have followed him so long , to bis Reuse of duty to his countrv , for which he has dona so much , to accept the nomination , " Allot her Tolwero Seizure. I'lMLAuBU'lllA , Pa. , April ! il ) . Today frJ.OOO worth of Sumatra tobacco was seized at the tobacco warehouse of Leopold Leah & Co. , but was released upon an order from the Treasury department , All that is known of the rcasqn is that the department tias boon satisfied of the company s innocence , They claim they innocunily purchased tbo goods in Now York of Uopor llros. lu both Now York and Sau Fniucisco. ' ( 'boy were not ao- aised of anv complicity and are believed to have been innocent purchaser * . It was claimed the tobacco was wrappers , notflllors , and is subject to a duty of 'M cants per pound Instead of ! I5 cents , uudor which rate , it is al leged , it was entered , llribur of Customs Olllcors Surrenilurg , NMV YOIIK , April 23. Carol von Puuna , head of the firm of C. you Pauita & Co. , custom house broken , for whom a warrant \yus issjod oo Tuesday and who is charged , together with bis partner , Otto Schnolaar , with bribing a custom house inspector to maltu falsa returns of the weight of a lot of flro crackura imported last year , surrendered to the authorities today , Ilo was tukon bo- fora United State * Commissioner Shields , who fixed bit bond at fJ.OOO , which was furnithod. The examination wa sot for uoxt Tuesday. MANY MILES OF DITCHES What the Irrigation Movomontis Doing for Nebraska. FARMERS INTERESTED IN THE SYSTEM ThcMnnmU ol Acres Alretuljr Artlllrliillr Watered nud nt un KiponsaVhlcli Mnkcn the Siiccom ot the I dm n Cortnlnty. LIXCOLX , Nob. , April 23. [ Special to TUB ; r. J Some weeks ago these columns con tained a brlof recapitulation ot the opera * lions of the irrigating and water companies that had been formed In the state of No braskn. At that tlmo It was Impossible to give moro than the names of the several com panies and the amount of stock authorised by oacb , Since then , however , Commissioner Andres ot the biiroau of Industrial statistics has been pursuing a systematic and thorough Investigation of the subject , nml today elves to the public the results of his Inquiries as Tor ns they have progressed. Ho has uovorod loss than half of the ground to ba gene ever , and yet the results nro extremely gratifying. It Is a mlstako to Itnnglno that the Irrigat ing companies formed in Nebraska exist only on pupor. It Is still inoro n mlstako to Irnnglno that tbo irrigation problem In Ne braska Is still an unsolved ono. Tbo reports already inmlo by Commissioner Andrea provo that not only is Irrigation practicable und successful In NabrasKn , but that hundreds of miles of irrigation ditches are already In operation and thousands of acres of laud are already receiving the bonotlts of tbo scores of systems that Imvo boon put in operation. The following Is n brlof summary of tbo results sults of Commissioner Andres' invostlga < lions : The Halglor Land and Canal company has a nald up capital of $25,000 ana has completed thirteen miles of ditches In Dundy county , blxty additional miles are in process of con struction nnd will bo ( luisbed within the coming yoar. The wntor Is supplied by two bead gates on the north fork of tbo Repub lican river and ono on thn Ankareo , both streams furnishing running water the year round. Twenty thousand acres are bone- llttod by this system , and the cost to the farmers is about ( S par aero for a perpetual right or an annual ronlal of $1 par aero. The Dundy County Irrigating company was organized by farmers who are bonolittod by the system , and Its stock is owned solely by farmers. It has completed twelve mlles of ditches and is this year irrigating 7,000 acres of land. Tuo Cuibortson Irrigation and Water Power company Is ono of the largest com panies la the South Platte countrv and has a capital stock of $400,000. It operates In Hitchcock and Rod Willow counties and has completed forty miles of ditches and canals , with thlrty-soven mlles under construction. It takes Its water supply from tho. French man and will Irrigate this year , If necessary , 80,000 acres of laud at an annual rontul ol $1.50 nor acre. C. H. Meeker has Invested 00.000 in aprl vato irrigating enterprise In Ked Willow , Uilchcocic and Pumas counties. He has already constiuotod twenty-two miles of dltuhos aud has sixty mites under way. Ha is prepared to furnish water for 10,000 acres at an annual rental of not to exceed $1 per aero. aero.Tho Trenton Farmers Irrigating company is at it name implies an enlornrlso of tbo farmers , and oporalcs in Hltchooolc county. It has invested SJO.OJO and has constructed ton miles of canals , with twelve miles in course of construction. It Is prepared to furnish water for 10,000 aores at the very low cost of 75 cents per acre per annum. The Cuibortson Irrigating and Water Power company has eight inllos of ditches already constructed in Hitchcock county , with flftoou inllea under wav. H will bone- lit 40.000 acres of land. The North Platte Land and Water com pany has completed twenty-throe mllos. ot ditches in Lincoln county and bus" a'capital of S1GU.OOO invested , It will irrigate 10,000 acres tbo coming season. 'Ibo Cambridge and Arapahoe Irrigating and Improvement company is a I1 urn as county enterprise , where ; lt will Invest $ J50- , 000. It has already constructed flftoon miles of mains and Is at work on eighteen addi tional miles. It has 25,000 acres of land under ditch , 10,000 acres being Improved lands last yoar. In addition to furnishing water for irrigating purposes the company has constructed two power plants for manu facturing purposes , ono at Arapahoe and the other at Oxford. The Mitchell Canal and - Irrigating- com pany in Scotts Bluffs oountv receives an Un limited supply of water for irrigating pur poses from the North Platte river which it distributes through twonty-slx and one-half miles of ditches. The entire system wus completed in elovoa months and Is already in operation. It bcnellts 17,000 acros. The Farmers Canal company of Scotts Bluffs county will Invest $50,000 the cominp year. It has now in course of construction twontv miles of ditches , together wltb two reservoirs with an area of 115 and 800 acres respectively. The en tire length of the canal whoa completed will bo eighty miles and the area to bo bonolllted will bo over 100,000 acres. Tba Castlu Rook Irrigation and Water Power company has a system of ton miles of ditches already constructed and is at work on seven inllos"ftddltlonal. It takes Its sup ply from tbo North Platte river and now benefits 15.000 acres. The Winter Croen Canal and Irrigation company is a farmers' enterprise and OD- orates a system of jlftoen miles in Scotts Bluffs county. Last year 8,000 acres were irrigated at un annual cost of $1 par aero. The Alliance Irrigation , Canal and Water Power company has llftoou miles of ditches In operation In Choycnno county , bouolltiug 15,000 acres. S. A. Plorco has constructed flftcon ratios of dltuhos in Klmball county as a private enterprise. The Ogalalla Power and Irrigating com pany has Invested fSO.OUO in Klelh.county. It uses the under How system , tailing the water from Iho gravel bed under the bed of the Pintle river. Fourteen milesof'dltchos have already boon constructed nnd tho-aystorn will bo extended by the addition of eleven miles , which are now under way. Tbo Crawford Canal nnd Water Power company has tan miles of ditches In Dawson county. It ulbo proposes to supply water through wooden and iron pipes to tbo city of Crawford for manufacturing purposes. Complimenting Mr. . Tbo following U a copv of u loiter addressed - dressed to A. L. Strungby Governor Boyd on accenting hU resignation as a member of thii Nebraska Cqlumoiati commission : "Hon. A. L. Strang , Omaha , Dear Sir : I bavo the honor of acknowledging the receipt of your resignation us a rnombor of the Ne braska Columbian commission and 1 hora- wlth accept the sumo. "I Imvo also to acknowledge three corUfl- catoi of deposit , nggnigstlag $1,000 , payable to the order of the commission in July , Ib'Jil ; also certificate of deposit fortiOJ7.24 aud your very complete statement of moneys expended - pondod with vouchers therewith attached. "I leol it incumbent upon mo , la view ot tbo statements recently printed in-tho puhho press , to say that I urn oleoso'l and gratified with the complete aim business line showing which you roaUo , and whldb , if it were tiec- ossary , would entirely oxonoorato vou from oven tbo remotest , , suspicion which might have beoa incurred by the press reports ul- ludod to , "H U to bo rocrottod that your prolonged absence from the state gave excuse for any derogatory discussion , but as that absonca was unavoidable I fool it duo you that a state- moat from mo such as 1 have hero made is but Just aad fair. Very Koipootfully , JAMES E. Bpyn , Governor , ( ioiUljl lit till ) NtUtll IllMUV. The Omaha aud Lincoln Koaltv company was Incorporated today by E. P. Holmes , E. W. Adam , J. i ) . Zlttlo , It. S. Ballou , J. A. Bonn and George ICorlln. It has a capital stock of { 100,000 and tbo principal place of business is at Omaha. Amended articles of incorporation of the Lincoln Loan and Building association were fllod today authorizing the increase of tbo capital stock to { 1,000,000. The Scbuylor Savings bank , with a capl- tal of $100,000 , wo * Incorporated thU after noon. The case of Patrick Barry against James Barry , from Dakota county , came to the supreme premo court thU afternoon , Cltjr Teacher1 luntltute. The April meeting of the city toactters wai held nt the High school building tod.iy , tbo attendance being largonnd'tboInterest mani fested was , if anything moro noticeable than on previous meetings. Tbo general topic of discussion was "Lister's System of Surgery. " The toplo was discunscd with especial reference to Itvjrcorlng on the von * tllatlon of school rooms , Knd these who par ticipated advanced sovwrnl now Ideas us to the host methods ot removing poisonous air from rooms and supplying pure , Invigorating nlr In its place. Mlas . ( Armstrong , who bad visited the Fremont schools , reported her self as being well pleased with thu methods in use in that city. Prof. Harrott and Prof. Marscland , who bad pmll'fi visit to tbo High school of Omaha , rotwctcd that the Lincoln High school is much bqUor equipped for edu cational work , nud that in the main Iho work done by the Lincoln school compared favor ably with that done in corresponding de partments in Omaha. Prof. Austin dotallcc an account of hU vlsl' to the schools ol TopoUa , Kan. , and St. Joseph , Mo. Lincoln In Urlef. Mrs. Filirabotb Morgan has received n dl- orco from her husband , to whom she was married flfty-ono years ago. The remains of the little child born to Anna Johnson ono nlcht last week were buried todav , Coroner Crlm coming to the conclusion that there was nothing in the cir cumstances of the infant's death to make an inquest necessary. Chancellor Caiillold of the Stale university has started east on an extended trip for the purpose of studying educational methods in St. Louis , Washington , Philadelphia , Bos ton and other eastern cities. Ho will pay especial attontlon to tbo methods of Indus trial ten chin p. The noted evangelists , Undlko and Iinwo-9 , will commence n scries of religious meetings In the Church ot Christ , tomorrow evening. Judge Field made formal entry this morn ing in tbo injunction case ng.tlnst the Hoc it Island Knilro.ul company , finding that there wii no oqultv In plaintiff' ' } bill and ordering the restraining order sot aside. DoWltt's Sarsaparilui cleanses the blood , increases the nppulito and tones up the sys tem. It has ucnoflttou many people who huvo suffered from blood disorders. It will help you. bUVTll U.U.II1.1. Arrnncamcnts Tor Odd Folloxm Day. Arrangements are liow complete for the Odd Fellows celebration In this city Tues day lu honor of the seventy-third anniver sary of the order in tliis country. The com mittees have been untiring in their efforts , and tbo occasion promises to bo ono that will bo remembered in South Omaha. Nothing has been omlttod to bring together ono of the larccst gathering of Odd Fellows ever aeon in the state and they will bo royally enter tained. Tbo parade will oocur at 1 : DO p. m. , and will march in the following order : Marshals of the day O.iptaln I'otor Cockroll und Colonel Mlolmuis ot Omaha. City pollco. Mayor , city council and city ofHeluls In car- rlaas Tire department. Cantons militant , from other cities , Hand. Subordinate lodges. Veteran Odd rollojys on horseback. Daughters of Kobccc.i in carriages. The mayor , city oftlcmU and thu subordin ate lodges of Omaha1 w ill compose the first division and form ot\r'Swonty-sixth street , south of N street. The cantons militant com posing the second UJv.islon . will form on Twenty-fifth street , sputh of N street. The third division will bu-compised of all other subordinate lodges and , will form on Twenty- sixth street , north of ft street. Tno veterans and Kobboccas will , compose the fourth division and form ouwcutyHUli street , north of N street. Tbo liuo of march will , bo east on N street to Twenty-fourth , on Tvfanty-fourth to Q , on Q to Twonty-third , on "Twenty-third to i , , enL L to Thirty-fourth , on Thirty-fourth to N , aud on N1 to Blum > s""hall , where good speakers will bo ; jn attendance. Tno assistant marshals nrqliM ( O. Mayfleld , Z. Cuddlngtou and O. E. Walker , , All persons who reside on the line of march are re quested td decorate their houses and places of business ; " The celtfbMtlon will close with a ball at .Ilium's balldnttbe. cvaalup. Tli'nt lllorkntlbcl Struct' . " The MeCropohtan Strict Railway company Is sovoroljrcriticisoa for the dilatory manner in which its track lay'Jffg on N street is pro gressing. The street has boon torn up ever since tbo first move was raudo , and property owners have in vain attempted to induce tbo company to complete Its work and got thu L street cleaned. The company promised to clear up its debris in tlmo for the- Odd Follows parade , but it looks as though tno march would yet bavo to bo made over piles of disintegrated paying and refuse gathered-around the tracks. Xotcs and rcrsuiiuls. A social party was given in Blum's ball last nlcht. The regular Quarterly services will bo hold at the First Methodist church today. The Memorial day committee will moot at Grand Army of the Republic ball Monday night. Misses Dolly Kelly and Anglo Pierce of Tekamah are guests ofMr. . and Mrs. J. F. Cornish. The rccoints of cattle at the yards were 5,400. This is high water man : of the pres ent year up to date. Harry HIrsch is undar arrest on suspicion of being ono of the parties implicated in tbo robbery at T. D. Pcrrino's residence Friday forenoon. F. J. Persons bos token a permit for the erection of a two-story frame residence at Twenty-fifth and D streets at an estimated cost of $1,800. A man foil in a fit in tbo stock yards ye. torday afternoon and Dr. Kirkpatrlok was called. Whllo driving up one of the alloys the doctor's carriage became entangled with a drove of cattle and tba cattle got the best of it. The carriage was ready for kin dling wood , but its occupant escaped without injury. The ladles of the Episcopal church will give a Zouavo carnival in Blum's ball on WoJnosduy und Thursday evenings. A company of twenty-four young ladioi attired in Zouavo costume will give un exhibition drill under the direction of Colouol A. L. Lott , A musical program and refreshments will also bo among the attractions. Dr Birnoy curca catarrh. BKE < > IXCUilATlMl A aVKlXfAtV IIOO3I. Western Itopiililicuns , Si > ld to Ilu Sounding Nuw Vork on tliu hulijoct. NIIW Yoiu ; , April 23. Tbo Times' today states that "n number * of republican poli ticians of prominence and unquestioned Influ ence in the west hava itod this city within the past few weeks. 'Stitiy came either singly or in pairs. They woih about their business qulotly and departed t ns quietly. All ) ( were on the same misjjijli , and that was to sound leading republicans of Now York on the feasibility of matting Govnrnor McICln- loy of Oho a caadldote/tqr / the presidency , 'Two of tbo most nrdpnt MolCinloy advo cates caino hero a fowjfljiys ago and sought for encouragement anuHW eminent local re publicans. Ono of thQiinost distinguished of the Wow York republtovj JoaJo talked with them in a spirit tbaldras by no means un friendly. Ho inlormtyJi < ) hem that Governor McICluley had many ( ftfpuds in this btato who would ba glad torfw him placed In nom- inrtioiir but tbo mmUtoiVvas nobody cared ; to head n forlorn hope a AcantagonUo the ad ministration , ncU " 'At present Mr. UUrrison appears to have tbo Hold nil to hlmsulf j'tstid tba distinguished Now Yorker.Ho patronage , and it would bo futllo to contest the Held with him slnglu banded with any oihur republican ox- copi Blalno. If thera were four or live can didates , each with sufllclont backing to pre vent Mr. Hurrlsoii'sronomlnatiouQU tbo first low ballots , there wpuld ba a good feeling for an American HKO McKlnloy. But tboro are no candidates to , help tbo thing along. Sherman is unquestionably out of thn race , Allison is out aud Algor is out and the con viction is steadily settling down upon tbo country that Harrison's nomination is Inoy- liable. ' Thomas Platt was approached by the McKlnloy men but bo treated them with re- servo. Platt would llko to boat Harrison , but bo could not bo convinced that McKln loy was the man with which to accomplish that objoct. 'Late to bed and early to rue will shorten tba road to your homulu tna skies. " But curly to bed aud a "Llttlo Early Ulior , " the pill that makes Ufa longer and batter and wiser. ' New NIGHTS , A t BOYD'S Theatre 3 Commencing , llUill .Toi. Aithcc'd Kntifclr Nor nnd Original ( Jomrdy THURSDAY , Drama of Iiulliinii Life. FRIDAY , A World of Noiflty , Qimtnt I'lmr.irtcrl/.niion Stirring Incident * and Thrllllni ; I'.dVcK SATURDAY , Grand Barbacuc Scene. and Rising Sun Roarer's Band. MATINEE Love and Apple Blooms. And the Intensely Thrilling , SATURDAY. SAW MILL SCENE IN FULL OPERATION. April 28th , Original Cast , Scenery nnd KITouty. I 29th & 30th. 318 Nights at til ) ! 4iliSt , llnatre N , Y. SCHEDULE FOR THE H08TII Program for the Methodist General Ooufor- ciico to Bo Held at Omaha. LOTS OF WORK BEFORE THE DELEGATES YOUIIR 1'cnplo's MectliiK ' Now York Ko- sult ot the I'rt-fthytorliiii HnorRy A Cliurcli on Wheels Ollior Ito- llclous NtMiH Items. Ono week from today , Sunday , May 1 , tbo quadrennial conference of the Methodist Episcopal church will open in Oinaba. Fully 500 doloKates will bo here to partici pate in the deliberations of the gathering. The eighteen bishops of tbo church will moot in this city on Thursday of this woelc to attend to the work of their seini-auuual mooting prior to the conference. The preparations are about complete for the en tertainment of the dolocatos and the recep tion which is to oo given by the mayor and city council. MolhodUt preachers nud bisbops will fill most of tbo pulpits of the city nt least once each Stindnv during tbo conference. The program of Sunday serv ices cannot bo dolluitoly arranged uutil the bishops arrive , but will bo published m duo time. Program oTtlio Conference. Following is the program for the conference - once month as far as made out : May 1 Three o'clock at Exposition hall , missionary incotlni ; , Bishop Bowman prusid- ins , nddrussus by Dr. O. C. McU.ibe ; Women's Foreign Missionary society -iiieotlnj. .Mrs. Bishop Newman proslilln ; , address by .Mrs. Bishop Nlndu ; U'otmm'H Homo Missionary no- cloty mooting. Mrs. Dlshoji Andrews prusld- Inz. address by Mrs. Dr. Davis. Monday May 2 conference opens at 0 a. m. ; reuontlon at Exposition hall ul 7aO : p , m. , to conference dolugulcs und distinguished visi tors by mayor and city council of Onmlm. May : i Conference proceedings In foienooii , mooting of Church Intension society at 8 p. in. . UUhop b'oss presiding , address by Dr. Ky- nottund Dr. Spuncor. M v4 Conference proccedlnss In forenoon ; at 8 p.m. , meeting of Krecdmuu's Aid und Educational society. Illshop Slcrrlll presiding , address by Hlshop Wahlon , Dr. llumoll aud Dr.-J. V. apence. , May 0 Conference proceedings In forenoon : : temperance meeting at night , lllshop Wtirrcn nrcsldlirz , addresses by A. U. Leonard , Dr. Kynott iind Dr. lirlstol. May 0 Conference proceedings in forenoon : "Methodist Literature" at 8 p. in. , Bishop Qoodsell prosldiir , ' , addresses by Hlshop Toiter. Dr. Hunt nntt Dr. Cranston. May 7 Kxcnislon to Lincoln. May 8-Sunduy , American university day. Meeting at Exposition hall lit I ! p. m. . HUhop Hurst picsldlng , addresses by Bishop fowler. Dr.V. . V. Warren , president IJoston unlvor- alty , and Bishop Newman. May 0 Conference nroccodlngs. May 10 Conference proceedings In fore noon : meeting In Interest of tbo order of thu deaconesses of the churuh at 8 p. m. , Mrs Bishop Wnrrcn presiding , address by Mrs. Lucy KldorMo/ers. .May 11 Conference iiroceedlns In tore- noon ; iiitertalnmcnt nt Klrst Methodist church , "Tour do Mondu , " conducted by Mrs. Bishop Newman. May 1'J and U Conference proceedings and "Tour do Mondu" continued at tbo Mi-it church. , Slav H Conference proceedings nnd evangelistic nuollng In Iho evening , Bishop Taylor presiding. May 15 Sundny American Siibbath duy mooting at : i p m. . Hlshop Noninun presiding ; address by Colonel Klllot Hbop-irJ , editor of the Now York Mail and Kxorcss. Muy JO Conference proceedings In fore noon ; veterans' day exorcises at night. Bishop Andrews presiding. May 17 iind 18 Conference proceedings. Muy I'J and 'JO Conference proceedings ; evangelistic nieollng atn p. m. Muy 21 Conference proceeding ; Sunday school celebration In the eruiiln ; , lilshop Vin cent presiding ; Epworth leamio reception at ? ix m. May 2J Conference proceedings In forenoon ; Kpworth league meeting iit.ln. in. . IINhop 1'ltzgorild presiding : uddressos by Dr. llorrj. Dr. Dougherty und Bishop Vincent. ' . . " " . ' " und -"S Conference - May \ 31. ! > , "J. - - pro- 1'euam.c In forenoon , uvungolUUc muullng In the ovuiilng. May M > Ameilcan patriotism day ; mass meeting ntp. : in. in Imposition hull , Bishop Mallulcau prosldliiL' . OMAIlA'h ClIimC'ilKS. \Vluit tliu 1'voplo und 1'aatorH Are Iolncnml Mi ) Inc. Mr. Ottollelssonbuitolof the Young Men's Corutian association has issued the first number of a neat and attr.ictlva llttlo paper callou the Convention Herald , in the inter ests of tbo Youtiff People's Society of Chris tian Kndoavor national convention , to beheld hold in Now York July 7 to 10 Inclusive. The paper will bucomo the organ of the society prior the convention is over. The indica tions are that ft very largo number of dele- pales will go from the west to Iho r.onvon tion. A solid train will bo run rlgbtlhiougb from Omaha to New York for the accommo dation of thu delegates. Tbo mooting of the Omaha presbytery In First Presbyterian church during the early part of tbo past week was well attended and harmonious. The Presbyterian brethren are evidently moving on In tba worlc ot the Mas ter in u way that promises excellent results. With the establishment of a theological sem- inarv in Omaha under the care ana guidance of the Presbyterian church it it natural to suppose that n new awakening all along the Jlno of Presbyterian Interests will bo felt. Many of the inos < t zealous workers in the church say that the beneficial affect of this movement are already beginning to appear , and the institution will doubtless provo to ba quite n source nf Inspiration in a few ycarc. ' Kev. S. Wright Htitler of Port Chester , N. Y. , has decided to accept tha call extended to him by tbo Ut. Mary's Avenue Congrega tional church of this city , and will report for dutv about iho 1st of May. llanscom Park Methodist church is just at present on wheels. Tha energetic people of that church have decided to erect a MOW church and the old ono Is being inovoa out of tbo way to lot tba mechanics got room to erect n bnndsomu now structure In it place. The now buUdluc will bo a two story struc ture with a urtck basement und a superstruc ture of wood , U will ba a handsome church with a Beating capacity of about 800. The building will probably bo completed by about tbaUt of September and will cost about 13,000. Tbo marriage of Disbop Worthlngton of Nebraska and Miss Milton of New i'orlc City last Thursday in New York City was an iutereatlng Incident to all Episcopalians pud particularly so to tbo people of Nebraska ideutllloa with that religious organization , and the many friends of the bishop both within and without the church. Hisbop Wortblnuton it deservedly popular among bis people und it is the earnest deilro of bU frlouds that his uew relatloos of a social and filial nature mar provo to bo a real nolp to htm la every ruspoct. Tbo Young Men's Journal appeared last wcok in Jubilee attire. The event celebrated by this special display of energy was the be- glnninj : of tbo second year In iho life of Unit energetic religious Journal. Messrs. liael- ton and Muy belong to wlmt the secular press call "gooa hustlorV tuul tboir efforts are meeting with uronounccd success. The clmllt tnlk by Hov. Kdwln Drown Grabnm , cditar of the Midland , at the First United Presbyterian church , KounUo Place , on Thursday availing wns n pleasing success. Notwithstanding the extremely unpleasant weather there was n largo nnd ap preciative auuionco. Mr. Graham's pic tures , drawn In sight of the poonlo , nro nu entertainment In themselves. His lecture , illustrated by both stories and pictures , is not often equaled in Instruction and humor. The First Baptist church of Omaha has decided to call Hav. llolllns of Milwaukee and tbo intllo.iltous uro that bo will accent tno call. Dr. O. S. Wood nnd J. W. Harris loft for Chicago yesterday to confer with Dr. Hclliog concerning the work iu Omaha. Sunday school day during tbo Methodist conference , which comes May 14 , is llkoly to be ono of the most Interesting of the entire month. Special trains will ba run from ull tbo leading towns nud cities within u radius of 100 miles of Omaha to accommodate the little folks. V. 3t. C. A. Notes. Mr. llobort Weldcmoll , the pioneer secre tory of the Young Men's Chilstlan nssocla- tloii , wilt address tha Sunday afternoon moctinir today nt iho Young Men's Christlun association lecture room. Special musio will bo provided under the direction of Mr. Tor- rens. Basket ball is becoming the most popular game among the Young Men's Christian as sociation athletes. It is played vary much the same us foot ball , with the .sub stitution of a basket in the placu of the foot ball goal. On next Tuesday night the Current Toplo club will close tbo season in the discussion of the following question : "fs it ilosirablo to secure a radical change in the method of governing cities ( " The discussion will betaken taken un by Mr. Tnomas Kllputrick , Kov. Crane , Mr. U. S. Hush , Mr. J. M. Kvans and othors. The mootlntr will bo open to ladles as well ns gentlemen and a larca audtonco will doubtless attend. Tbo club has boon n pronounced success from tbo beginning nnd reflects much credit upon the wisdom of Mr. Obor in originating it aud upon the ability of Dr. Duryoa and others in making it a prolit- iiolo and entertaining gathorinc for men. Some of the prominent association worltors will conduct the services nt Hillside Congre gational church this uvening. Tbora will bo a mooting of tbo business men interested in Ibo Young Men's Christian association at Iho hall on Monday night , State Secretary Nash will bo present to ad dress the mootlntr. The tennis club Is getting ovor.vthinsr In eood shape for tha summer playing. Tha club Is larger than over this year and some very interesting games arc anticipated. lion Ilur In L'untomliuo. The pupils of the institute for deaf aud dumb will present a novel entertainment at the new Boyd this week. For some days they have been roUearsIng what is called "Bon Hurin Pantomime , " a very pretty version of General Low Wallace's great story. The program furnished the audience is complete and with its aid the performance is made u very clear and striking ono. Tha entertainment will bo given at Boyd's opera house \Vodnesdav evening noxt. irmuoi. The following marriage llcansaj were Is sued by Judge Ellcr yesterday : Name and Address. Age. J William iiif : , Port Omaha 113 I Annotta Anderson , Omaha 4 I William O. llurrows. Oniahu ! Ji I Dottio K. Kllfott. Omaha IT I Josunli It. Daly. Omnha 'M I HuttleC. Mount. Omaha -.I Dlltl ) . nfflos line * or IM wulirUiti hcodfljt-j tints ; well tutilltlimul line Icivcents. MAOKIIAN Uuury. naod X > years , t fi:10 : Salurduy nvtinlng , KunorAl from Iho rusl- dencu ofV. . J'.dco , Mlstlo park. Interment , I'lllslmig , I'ii. BALDWIN Albert Hdwurd , iuc < ] < N yours , on April 2J , IS'li this , .Sunday after noon , at''o'clock , from thu lesldcnee. lJ-"J ! ilarnuy street , lov. ! K. J. Maclcuy will of- llclaiu. lU'UllANK Krrol , aod 1 ynarS months , on April ZIS \ ! ) . * , son of li. U. Ilnrhanl ; . on Tuesday nftuiiiimn , Apill'-U : it : ; o'clock , from thn family rosldi'i'o1. "SHI huwurd struct. Interment i'rospoct Hill cemetery. To ths Farmers and Stockman of This Great anil G'.orious State of Nebraska : GKNTLP.MKN : Wo would like to say u few wordx to you and iihlt your uonaUto.'tUlon for what wo Imvo to fiiiy. You all use moro or loss Burb Wiro. Wo inalfo it uud soil it. Now if you honestly do&iro to patron- ho Homo Industry ; if you wish to sup- no-l a Nobnibka , Manufactory , run by Nobsaska Capital , and ( . 'ivin ? employ ment to a nutnbar of Nournaku citi/.onh , wo nay , if you dcbiro to do tills , you can do it by simply making up your mind. tbo next time you are in need of Uiirb Wire , to buy tbo wire mudo by us , AND NO OTHI3U , and if your hardware or im- ploiiiunt doului- has not got it , make him hoop it oi'Rivo your trudo to tbo doalcr that ( lees kcop it. You can easily rccojiiil'/o it , and dis tinguish it from other niakos , as every spool of it boiu's this label : m Wo guarantee our Barb Wire to bo ns good UH any mudo In tbo United States , Wo use the bobt Bessemer Steel Wire , run our machines carefully , und use only thobobt paint. It Is but a small fuvor wo ask of onuh of you , but if you will all do it , it will constitute a big support to a Homo In dustry. See That You Uo It ! Very respoctlully youra , Omalia Barbed Fence and Nail Co. P , S. Wo also make and sell Bulo rirmni mrrM Th/nlnr I POPUI.AU I illllulll OlULl IIIUUII. / | 1HICKS. . ONE WEEK , COMMENCING ToDNoHTThis , Afternoon Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. SOMETHING NEW ! The Big Sonsiitioiml Show , DIRECT FROM THREE YEARS Continuous Success in Eastern Cities , I nnV 1 Wm. C. Donaldson. ,7. If Mortimer. LUUI.1. . I , llvnio. Will H. Me 'art. AT William f talford. Mlw * .Mabel Klor- fl I i Nell Scully. cncc , int TUI1 f Krod Murray , Tony Murpiy. Inlu I W. O. I'urnons. ( 'hurley Sturges , PAIf I Ml-slCmllyStuironlJosoph HlgBlns. OHO I J Miss Agues 1'rue. COMEDIANS ! Specialties Galore. NEW . I'StJAlj THEATER 1'UIOKS. boveiitoenth nml Hartley Smuts Sunday , Monday and Tuesday , April 24 , 25 and 26. Thu Koprusontntlvu Irish HluvInK Comedian , Mr , Carroll Johnson , In Ilia MnU'hk'sn Sccnlu Mugtorplrco , THE GOSSOON. Tliu Murry Metropolitan fiuccosi Irish Songs , Irish Music , Mi.nstor * Scenery. A TRIUMPH OF REFINEMENT I'rlccs I'lirquut , ? I ; iiuniii'H clrclu , "So nml $1 ; balcony , Mo an I 7. > c ; imllory , yjo , halo opuns BOWS Nil THEATER Wednesday Evening , April < 27th , BB.NMUR IN PANTOMIME BY Nebraska School for the Deaf. EXPOSITION HALL. Tuesday Evenjng , April 26. UNlVnitMlTV OK MICHIGAN Glee and Banjo Gliibs. houU on imloat Clmiu.V ldil-'n. : IU rio lull it , buluniay. April 'II , 1'rloui.AJo Töll People's Theater Saturday and HiinUuy NI htH , AurllI and II- ( Pornierly Aoidoniy of Muslu , Douglas St. ) 1JUNOAN CM.AUK'S ' FEMALE MINS TftEL S. BEE THE DASHING WIDOWS. S3E THE FUENOH HIGH KICKUnS. Their tauus are turuud toward the wall. Subscription Concerts I'ndur thu inuimKuini'iit of C. C. TKNNANT CLAHY AT Y. M. C. A. HALL , APRIL 21 and 2.Q' Tickets now cm halo at M.ix Mayer li lira. Co , muslu slorj. T5c uuuli , WONDlElli.LkANIJ AND Grand Opera House. Corner Ca ltuI Avotiuu nu < l t'ltti. Week Caiiimunc iu Mondity. April mill. OAIT. KIDMiV IIIS.1IAN , I.I I'M SAVICU. IIDTII. UANCINO IMIAKKUr.NS. WAX WOftlCH. II.M'SlONH. ' VIKWfl. A l'iUI'01lSIANOK.S : DAII.V A T * . aui : : , 4:1.1. : h:0i,0:3j : : 0.111 T * mission , ONElIMr. ? ) Cli.xlra , lOo. I GRAND CONCERT AT TIIK FIRST : COftCHEGATIOSAL : CHURCH , May 4 and Mathioa Saturday , May Oth. JMIOK. 11OMV , - - OIlCiANIST. OLAltK. Hoiirniiu. MISS MAV OIMHKK , KlOOUtloulit , TlobutK , 6) OcnU.