Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1892, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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telhcitdlj Carrier to nny part of tlio < : ity
llm'ncsi Office . No 41
MKltiitor | | , . NOJ
N V. Plumblnf ? Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coivl.
Craft's chattel loans. 204 Sopp block.
Steve and cord wood dry. l or sale at
Thatcher's , 10 Main street.
Storage , Hates reasonnblo. Inquire 22 ,
24 and ' . ' 1'carl street. J. 11. Bnydcr.
Or-orRQ lirl/.ot , who claimed to bo a cripple ,
ivas Riven nitcen day * in the county Jail
yesterday for vagrancy and begging on Iho
GcorgoK Little of Washington , D.C. , has
been secured oy the Chautnuqun .manapo-
mcnt lor n numucr of chalk talks at the com
ing assembly.
Sunday school lesson study this evening nt
8 o'clock In Iho lecture room of the Youim
Men's Christian association. Ladles nnd
pcntlomeu invited. Dr. T. McK. Stuart will
load.All mcmiioMof lodco No. 17 nnd visiting
knights nro requested to moot nt Knights of
J'ythlns hall nt t o'clock sharp to attend
Hrolher Barghauson's funeral , By order of
IhoC. C.
The case of Henry against Kvnns , which
has been monopolizing the attention of Judge
Ut-omer In the dhttlct court for several days
post , was comulotcd lust avcntuir , aubmlttcd
and taken under advisement.
Work wus resumed on the now city build-
Inn vcstordny , after a , rest of several days ,
caused by bad weather. The laying of brick
li now going on , and the bulluing will bo
hastened to completion ns fast ns possible.
Commencing Sunday mall for all points in
Nebraska south of the 1'latte river and nil
points on the I ) , it M. railroad In Nebraska
nnd Colorado will leave Iho Council Bluffs
postofllcc nt 3iO : ! p. m. Instead of 6tO : ! , as at
The board of equalization Is holding ? meet
ings every night for the purpose of irolnp
through the books of the city nsscssor. Thcso
focoks are at the oftlco of tbo city clerk , In the
Supp building , during the day and may bo
eon there by these who wish to lind out the
amount of their assessments on personal
A little girl 5 years old was found wander
ing about Ibo streets last evening and was
taken to tbo oollco station by Chlaf Scanlan.
It was found Inter that she was visiting With
her parents at the residence of O.V. . Butts
Bt the corner of First nvcnuo and Eighth
street , and she was taken homo to her
anxious ftlonds.
W. II. Dixon , who is xvell known In this
city and vicinity as the assistant coneral pas-
conger agent of the Chlcnco , Milwaukee & .
St. Paul railway , died Wednesday at Ijls
homo in St. Paul nftor n protracted Illness.
Ho was formally connected with tno Sioux
City it I'acillcroad and visited Council Blults
frequently nt tbat time.
Two womnu giving their names as Birdlo
Arthrop and Josie Miller aud a man calling
himself E. A. Rockefeller were arrested
yesterday morning on a cbargo of vagrancy.
It is staled that this is the result of a move
ment hy the residents of Vine street to auol-
Ish a dive which has caused them much an
noyance , and will bo followed by more
E. W. Peck , coneral secretary of the lies
Molnes Young Men's Christian association ,
will bo In the city tomorrow night and will
amp a solo during the annual meeting of the
loenl association at the Presbyterian church.
Io i IB n line musician , and his part In thu pro-
BrniiijU H no doubt be an attractive ono. A
collection will bo taken to assist in the asso
ciation work.
The following committees have been ap
pointed for tbo annual ball which is to bo
by the Odd Fellows next Tuesday in
the Masonic temple : Reception Mesdames
Bonn , McCune , Fisher , Yancoy , Britton and
Uicdcrman. Floor J. L. Tompleton , J. F.
" 'Spare , C. E. Taylor , C. E. Tucuur , Csrl Bur-
horn and G. F. Smith. Refreshments will
bo served by tbo Daughters of Kobekab.
The committee In charge of the democratic
li tate convention was ousy yesterday secur
ing headquarters for the delegates from the
various district delegations. Thcro will bo
cloven headquarters required , aud each ono
will bo In u different building from the rest ,
BO that the delegates from each district will
have a place where they may moot without
disturbing other delegations. The commit
tee is also arranging a reception committee
for the contention which will bo announced
in a day or two.
When John Burkett , the Uod Oak butter
cellar , was brought up In police court yesterday -
day morning for a trial on the churgo of
cheating by false prot'ncos , the people who
had had him arrested were not in sight , and
they failed to turn up until after court hod
ndourned. Burkett wa accordingly ac-
qulttod on that chnrco , but another , that of
vngrancv , was made against him , and nn
this ho was given thirty days In the county
jail. In the meantime it may DO decided to
push the lirst case against him.
Jarvls 1877 hrandy , purust , safest , best ,
f.t I , I'AKAtill.ll'Ua.
II. Pothybridgo left yesterday for ft visit
of several months in England.
Mr. mid Mrs , J. J. Brown started jostor-
day for nn extended visit in Iho west.
Harry WeUlngor , who loft for DCS Moines
a short time ago , was In the city yesterday
for a short visit with friends.
B. B. Coons of the Union Pacific has
moved with his family to Omutia , where ho
will mnko his homo In tbo futuro. His resi
dence will bo 1IH1 North Tnonty-scrond
D. A. Farrell arrived In the city ycstordav
morning , accompanied by his orido , to whom
ho was married In Davenport last Thursdav.
They are stopmng at tlio Grand hotel , and
will remain In Council Bluffs for a few davs ,
after which they will leave for their future
homo lu Lake City , Utah.
Prof. E. H. Eastman , principal of the High
chool , went yesterday to C res ton , where ho
was Invited to rfct as one of the Judges nt the
tate oratorical contest. Fifteen colleges
from all parts of the state nro represented In
the contest , and the speaker carrying off the
highest honors will represent the state oi
Iowa iu the coming interstate contest.
Are you fjolng to paint ? And did you
Know that you unn save money and ( jot
Jjotter paints at Davis1 than any other
lilaco in the city ? That's a fac .
Hoarding Their Onlil ,
Some of the too cautious people residing in
or near Council Bluffs have conceived the
notion lately thot | gold Is about to rlso IE
value , probably by reason of tbo free ailvoi
agitation. They hnvo accordingly decided tc
lay In a supply while It U comparatively
cheap and have Inaugurated u run on thi
various banlo. It wus not long , however
before the bankers discovered what wa ;
being douo and took measures to averi
the t-Biastronho that would resuli
from all the gold going out o ;
circulation. Yesterday a gontlenmt
brought KM worth of greenbacks to ono o
tno city banks and asked that ho bo giver
lold In exchange for It. The bntilc rofusec
to accommodate him and ho got ono of hu
frlondi. a merchant who does uuslnoxs neai
* > J' , to try to got It for him. Ttio merchani
does buslnofis with tbo bank lu question bu
that fact did not enable him to secure tin
yellow stuff. Nothing sorloui U appro
tended from the actloni ot the would bi
peculator * excepting that the banks , foi
the lima being at least , liavo been inadi
much moro unwilling to lot the supply o
gold leave tticlr vaults.
SI o ] n Carjift.
Nlcht before last a man was seen taking i
carpet away from the yard of A , B. Cook , a
134 Yiuo street , where it bad been wathei
nnd lolt to dry. The case was ro polled t <
the city marshal and a search waa made foi
the missing property. Yesterday uftornooi
It was found at a resort on Vine street , am
Alice Smith , an Inmate of tbo place , and Et
Baker , who claimed to bo her husband , wen
urrostod on thu charge of stealing It. Thi
irundml claims to bavo evidence that wil
lead to the conviction of both the accused.
Jarvls' wild olackborry is the beat.
Citizen Bixby the Rock Against Whicl
the Motor is Snagged.
SntMllcd tilth liming llr-atcn tlio Com
pany anil Willing to U'lillt for Y ? ar
SoDiicr Tlinn ( Hie InVln > t
the Other * Thlnlc.
A. C. Grannm , T. J. Clark and Fred Lamb ,
Jr. , were appointed n n committed by the In
dignant South First street ciUzfiit to sec
xvhnt could bo done toward inducing the
motor compiny to resume the running ol
trains to the city , had n mooting yesterday
with President Slcxvnrt. They reported n
very pleasant confab , Mr. Stewart staling
that ho was ronay and willing to do what
ever ho could toward adjusting the matter
satisfactorily to nil the pantos Interested.
When tlio conference was at an end , how
ever , they \voro ns unable to form any Idcn
of what they would do as before they started
out to get the motor company's scalp. They
were somewhat encouraged at the outlook ,
anil hope something will turn up la a few
days that will glvu them the desired relief.
An oltort wus also made to Induce Mr.
13ixby , the plaintiff hi the suit which re
sulted in tbo tying up of the First street
line , to corao In out of ttio wet , but Mr. llixb.v
at last accounts had not been shaken In hli
dutcnnlnatton to stay outslilo and sample tlic
weather for n tlmo yet. Ho states that ho Is
perfectly willing to walk tor llvo years for
tha satisfaction of knowing that ho bent the
company , nnu ho cannot sco how the rest o'
them can feel otherwise. Ho Is ono of only
four property owners on the street who did
not \vnlvo all rights to damage * . The com-
nnn.v , It Is said , stands ready to pay him the
$15 ho demands for the paving , but bo wants
ilO.OOO to reimburse him for tlio damages tils
property suffers by having the line run
past Ills premises. Nearly all the othui
property owner * on the street were willing
to pay tlio company thousands of uollnrs for
the privilege of having a motor line in front
of their property.
The Indies of tlic First Rnptist churcli
wish to thiuik Mr. Bcno and the public
for their liberal ptitrpunpo ut tlieh
Hupuor and social , which wtis o. llnunciul
and social success. The amount cleared
wua SCO. 00.
Tidings of Spring mill Mrasugcs to Council
HliiUs I'noplc.
Wo show the largest line of Indies' ,
misses' and children's jackets over shown
by us , in till the latest styles , shades and
cloths , including blaziors , reefers and
English box coats.
Ula/.iors we start at $1.9-3. This is n
ackct well worth double the money.
In bluck oply. )
At J2.125 wo show a nice serge blazior
worths I SO.
At $8.25 wo have a nice line of light
colors , plain and trimmed , worth 83.00.
Roofers wo start at 81.50 in blacks ,
and at So.OO wo show a jacket lined
throughout , well worth $8.00.
At $5.00 wo also have an elegant line
of plain , plaid and trimmed jackets in
tans and grays.
At J0.75 wo have a nice foulo cloth
with pearl buttons.
A nice navy blue jacket trimmed in
gilt at 81.2-5 , worth $2 00. At 82.00 tan
tries jackets worth $3.00. At $2.60 tans
and navy blue , trimmed in gilt. At
$3.50 wo show a nice line of tans and
grays , small chocks , worth $3.00. ( Second
end lloor. )
Our line of capes is the talk of the city
and county. Wo have them in tun's
( light and dark ) , salmon , grays and
olacks trimmed with lace and braid ,
embroidered in silk with jots , or a nice
plain garment for those that don't admire -
mire trimming , from $5.00 to 823.00.
Sco our 85.00 capes , well worth $8.50.
All our garments run full length , from
30 to 30 inches. No old ones in stock :
every garment now. ( Second lloor. )
Boston Store , Fothoringham , White-
law & Co.- Council BlulTs. Mail orders
solicited. _
Cutting Kcady icir the Convention.
The various committees appointed al
previous meetings of Iho democratic countj
central cninmlttco and the Young Men1 !
Democratic club mot In the Board of Trade
rooms last night to report and confer. Tin
rooms were filled oy a bright crowd of yount
men , with enough of the older heads to ad
vlso mid suggest , and a long and earnest
meeting was hold. Every committee re
ported the work given it to bo un to date , nnc
thcio was no disposition to call for moro time
or neglect anything that will Insure the complete
ploto success of the state con vontlon so far as
success Is dependant upon the ability ol
Council Bluffs to providu for tbo delegates.
The committee on music reported bids frotr
Council Bluffs , Omaha and Atlantic oands ,
but the bids were all so nearly allito thai
there was no choice between them , and II
was decided to Instruct the committee tc
como to some arrangement with Mr. Dalnov
by which the local band could make the
melody necessary for democratic harmony ,
It was determined to mnlto tlio reception
committee comprise 100 , liny democrats and
llfty republicans , mid Chairman Wadsworth
promised to complete the list today. Chair
man Wadsworth of tbo county central corn
mlttco was selected by vote to discharge-
dutv of welcoming the delegates in tha name
of the city.
The question of tickets of - mission to the
convention was discussed long , earnestly and
Intelligently , and the moro It was discussed
the moro it became apparent that it was t
problem puztlmg onougti to moko gray hairs ,
It Is certain to bo tbo larcost state conven
tion In the history of the party , und It is
apparent that the opera house wlllnot hole
one-tenth part of the crowd that will try tc
cot In , and not ono-flfih of tUoso wliou
courtesy and precedent will entitle to ad'
mission. In the face of this appalling situ
ntlon the county central committee does nol
desire the icsponsibillty ot naming the
few In addition to the 1,40'J delegates anil
committees for whom room can bo mado. li
was decided Unit the badges , as soon u ;
printed , should bo turned over to Chalrmar
Wndsworth , and by him given to the chair
man of the state central committee on the
morning of the llth , and thus let the stnti
committee have all the responsibility of see
Ing that none but the delugatos secured them
Uha ticket question will be entirely In tut
hands of tha state central committee.
After an earnest discussion of the various
phases of the situation themcolltigndlournoc
to moot again at the some place ono wool
Patronize blue ice wagons for Mo. rivei
channel ice. MulhollunU & Co. Tel. 102 ,
Hotel Gordon , ! WO Hrouchvav. has recently
contly changed hands , and is being thor
otighly renovated. Clean b.-dsjyrorap
service ; table first clusa.
Wo have our own vineyards In Callfor
nla. Jarvls Wino company , CD. Ulutra
Cloio in tlio I'rosbylury.
llev. Stephen Pliolps Bnd Uov. S. Alexander
dor hnvo returned from the session of thi
Council Jlluff * nroibytory which has jus
boon held at Khenandoqu. Conslderabli
business of Importance was transactct
during the session , among which was dec !
slons of a uouplo pf discipline cases whlcl
have occupied the attention of the prcsby
tory at Intervals for some years past. Thi
trial of D. W. Coo was completed , nnd n <
wus found guilty of obtaining a divorce 01
unscrlptutal grounds , of lalso testimony Ir
securing the divorce , and of dishonesty
Us was deposed from the ministry , am
"c'uded ' from the communion. Hov. Johi
A , Walker , nho WM charged with drunken
ness and burglary , wns tried nnd found not
guilty , but the presbytery convicted hlinoi
neglect of his ministerial duties nnd go ncrn
worldly conduct which laid hlmllalilotc
con sure. Ho was suspended from tha minis
try for ft term of ono yonr. Ho is now 1 ocntocl
In Washington and It l < t stated has gi vcn ur
proncblng of bis own accord ,
The next session of the presbytery will be
held at Emerson , next fall.
* -
IVrcinon In the Man.
Sheriff Phillips of Dubuque was In the
city yesterday and paid a visit to the county
jail for the purpose of Identifying , if pos
sible , .Inmos Ferguson , ttio man who Is passIng -
Ing thirty days there tor assaulting n boy.
It WT > stated In THE Bnc sovernl nays ago
that l-'ereuson was thought to bo wanted at
Dubuque , nnd as soon as the sheriff looked at
him ha said ho was the right party. Fergu
son , who was nho known here and In DCS
Modes at .T. C. Howard , went in Dubuque
by the nnmo of D. li. Little , and for a tlmo
was ngcat for the ilrm of Mon-
son & Quirk , wholesale grocers of
Dubuiiio. : Whllo In their employ ho
collected over J.'IOO belonging to tils
Ilrm nnd skipped the country without turnIng -
Ing tlio money over to Its rightful owner , llo
was traced to h'ort Dodge nnd an oflleor was
dispatched tliera after him. Ferguson saw
the ofllccr and recognized him , but before the
latter could nrrou him ho struck out for
parts unknown and that was the last hoavd
of him until ho turned up in the Pottnwattn-
mlo county } all , Phillips learned of his
whcronbouts through the newspapers and nt
once started UD n correspondence with the
ofllulals of this city. As soon ns Ferguson-
Howard-Little has completed his sentence
hero IKI will bo taken to Dubuque to answer
to the charge of embezzlement.
Thomas Tostovln , civil onglnoor and
surveyor , over DoVol'n , 501 Broadway
E. II. Shcnfo has money toloan on real
cstato and chattels , Broadwoy and Main.
Keitcr , thetailor , ; uu Uroadwny , lias
nil the latest styles and newest goods.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Genuine Rock Springs coal at
Thatcher's , 1U Main street , always on
Don't bo ii llriinluird.
Read below what ono week of treat
ment has done for a well known Council
Bluffs man who was soon at the Blanchard -
ard institute , at 655 Broadway , Council
BlulTs , yesterday afternoon. There
never has been a failure where this
treatment is used , whether the thral
dom to be broken was whisky , opium or
COUNCIL BLUFFS , April Iff , 1892. For
the past twenty ycurt , I have boon a hard
drinking man , as my many friends in
Council BlulTs well know. It was impos
sible for me to pass a saloon when I had
the necessary money to buy a drink , I
began taking the treatment at the
Blanchard institute on April 12 , nnd am
surprised and gratllled Unit I now have
no appetite for liquor whatever. 1 sleep
well and have n , good appetite , and am
satisfied that I am even now entirely
cured. This is wholly unsolicited and
voluntary. DANIEL CLANCY.
Tlio King ol Gasoline Stores
Is the now process Dangler ; no smoke
or odor in lighting or extinguishing ;
peerless in economy , durability , sim
Stoves taken from your residence and
stored for the summer at lowest rates.
Shugart & Son , 11 Main street.
Swanson Music Co. , Misonlo temple.
T ll.ltltl ! > O.\'l > KEl'1.1'
Ills Answer to tlio Petition of the People
ol Johnson County.
Dcxvcn , Colo. , April -J2. A special to the
News from Buffalo , Wyo. , Hays : The fol
lowing message has boon received In reply to
an appeal from the people of Buffalo to Pres
ident Harrison asking that an investigation
of the cattlemen of Wyoming be mudo and
justice done to all concerned :
April'- . U. J. llugcrson nnd ethers , Itiitralo ,
Wyo , : The governor of your stuto niudu n
cull upon me In conformity with tlio constitu
tion of the United States for : ua In .suppress-
in i ; domestic violence und thieiitened blood
I could not know anything of the situation
except as It w.isst itoJ oy him and could not
refuse tnu aid of troops to nresarvo tlio ponce.
The prisoners will , as soon as tlio stutu au
thorities uro prepared to rccolvo tlioin , bo
turned over to tlio civil authorities and our
connection with thn mutter whl end unless
fuithisr culled upon to uld the state
uuthiultlcs In preserving the ponce. 1
do not doubi tint the oxcciitlvo
und judicial uutlioiltles of your o
will without feifr or f.ivor bring to trial und
punishment those who hnvo violated the litw
by disorderly motlioJs. Nothing will bo denote
to shield uny millty person. My counsel us
yonr fo.low clil/on N to use ovury olfort to
alliiy oxu turnout und proceed In nil things
peacefully und upon lawful lines. 1 will , of
couise , bee uny representatives you may
suiicl. but von will too Unit I can donothln , '
o\eept ns to net with I ho state to prevent vie
lence. Kvorythliig olsu rests with tlio stuto
authorities. HSNJAMI.N llAitiaso.v.
The people of this place are very much
pleased with President Harrison's ro'ply , and
are satlsllcd that u thorough Investigation
will bo made and Justice meted out impar
IF TIIKV Jt.ll ) . % / < /i.VOir.V. .
Wisconsin Olllccrn Und Sly's llrotlier In
CiiHtoily for u 11nn- .
ASIII.AND , Wis. , April . [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Din.J What promises to bo n
sensational sequel to the arrest and convic
tion of bly , the Missouri train robber , Is tlio
arrest of his brother by Ashlund ofllcors ,
his escape and the disclosure of circum
stantial evidence that brands him as a ciiuii-
nul equally as daring as his brother.
Hev oral weeks ago a man was urrostod at
Phillips , a small town near Ashland , for
some potty offense. Ho was engaged as
clerk In ono of tbo hotels there , The ofilcers
brought him to Ashland , and a preliminary
t * arlng was hold In the municipal court , the
outcome being that ho was bound over to ap-
pour at the next term of the circuit court ,
which convenes on Monday , Bonds were
placed at J3JO. The criminal had no trouble
in procurlug bondsman. Unas been rumored
slnco that bo advanced money to tbo latter in
order to secure his rolcaso.
The attention of the police officials was
attracted by the manner in which the stran
ger criminal took every precaution to conceal
hla luentltv , and when a search was ordered
nothing whatever could bo found to face
him back of the tlmo he took tbo position of
clerk at the Phllllns hotol. Withir , twelve
hours alter tbo bonds were signed tboofllcorj
lost all tr&co of him. Chief of Detectives
Una Schwartz wont to Phillips a fotv days
utter to further investigate the former rec
ord of tbo criminal. In an old
vest found in the bottom ot the
trunk ho had used were two letters
from a person In Kansas City. Mo. The let
ters gave a history of the trial of a person In
Missouri for the train robbary there , nnd
disclosed tha fact that nho was also tnu
mother of this hotel clorK. In ibo saino trunk
were found a Winchester rillct , u cartridge
belt and a queerly shaped dirk.
Dotuctlvo Schwartz believes bo has other
indisputable ovldeneo that tills man Is im
plicated In both the train robberies commit
ted by his brother in Missouri and Wiscon
sin , and that ttio bank robbery nt Green Hay
\\us engineered and planned bv him. Detec
tives all over the country have boon notified
to look for tbo man who so cleverly slipped
through tbn lingers of the Ashlaud oflleori.
Jinn Into it Huril ot Cuttle.
KAN KiiANCinco , Gal. , April 23. liast bound
passenger train No. 1C on the Southern Pa-
clllc ran into a herd of cattle twenty-six
miles east of Yumu last night. The engine ,
baggnco , mall and ono other car were dltchod.
Fireman Ballmer was crushed to death under
the engine. Engineer Holllday win badly
wounded In the breast , and Mall Agent A.
H. Prilcbard , Kxprojs Messenger W. A.
Smith and Baggageman Sulllvua wora In-
lured. None ot tbo passengers were hurt.
The track Is strowu with dead cattle.
Stcniiior Arrivuli.
At London Hluhted : Herman.
At New York Steiimors Travo from Bre
men , Werkvndatn from Rotterdam , Alliance
from South Amorlctm and Weil ladles port *
- - - - -
! i _
French Polica'MnTjo a Raid on tlio Trouble
- 'o
Prrpirntlonn or.tho Antliorlllc In l'rr\cn
Jllutlng on .May tl.iy .Morn Arrr t t"
Ho Mu'itn ttrt-.tlllng nil
Artist's .Meiiinry.
Hnnlin rien < ie'.e.t
Poiu , April 21 [ Now York Hcr.-xli
Cable Special to Tin ; UKK.I 1'Uo govern
tncnt appears to hnvo decided to satisfy pub
llo clamor , which lias culled for the adoptlot
of measures to prevent possible dlsordor ot
May day. This morning nt the break of da )
fifty-one anarchists , the best known In Paris
were arrested simultaneously.
The police , In spite of anarchist protostn
tions , iilllrm that they hnvo proof that tbo ar
rested men were organized for some kind ol
n movement on May 1. They will bo prose
cuted , as they form p.utof a band of agitators
who liavo darcu to glvo a political complex
ion to Ibo anarchist movement.
Not u Itonili U'ui round.
Not n bomb was found among thorn , but on
inanv were found revolvers nnd newspapers
preaching thu doctrlno of plliaeo. On one
was discovered a black Hag with the Inscrip
tion , "Neither God nor Master. Down With
the Frontier. "
At the same time as these arrests were
made In Paris others wore made in the pro
vinces , especially nt bt. Ktlotino nnd In the
Dopcrimunt uu Nerd , where every ono sus
pected of being an anarchist wus nrrcMod.
The government has given n praiseworthy
proof of its energy. Other measures tire in
contemplation unil will bo put into execution
before long.
ItU hoped that May day will pass without
any troublo. All the suburbs of Purls will
bo occupied by troops , particularly St. Ouun ,
St. Deiiho mid L.O valuers , three localities
where the nrarchlsts are tnoU feared ,
llerulllng mi Artist's I'luno.
The opening ot the exposition today ra
veulcd to the public at largo an artist of tbo
llrat rank aim st forgotten by the present
generation. Augusto Uonls Marie Haffot
was a military painter who died In 1MVJ.
There nro on view Kit lithographs , designs
and water colors which toll the story of the
whole history of Franco up to the battle ni
Solferlno. Nobody draws the soldier of the
llrst republic u > id of the llrst empire line
KalTot. in those little plates not blsgcr than
twenty-flvo centimeters ho puta the whole
French revolution , and in them all a lilflu
Napoleon , hardly throe .oenttmotnrs high , is
yet prominent , and that is the whole secret
of the attraction. The greater part of the
works have boon lout by tlio DomldDft fam
ily , Princess Mutntldo und the due D'Au-
The exhibition will bo a great success , fet
it has considerable that is most interesting ,
But ono cannot prevent a feeling of sadness
at the thought' that KnlTot never got n hlghot
price for his croatost work than iUU ) francs ;
but times liavo changed , and thu least of the
living artists whose works wo shall see next
week at thesaton'would not thinK of accept
ing such a trillo. JACQUUS ST. Ucitu.
from the Onpun und I'rliicu ol
liltn ol Inloriiintton.
tfl'tiu A'cio fork Atiutcl.itc.1
LONDON , April J. The political world has
bcon quiet during the Easter recess. The
only matter of interest discussed during the
week bos been Mr. Gladstone's letter on
woman's suffrage , which is bringing Hoods
of protests frofli wonian suffragists.
Mr. Gladstone's own orcun.tno Spectator ,
will say in its issue tomorrow : -'Tho loltoi
will strike a heavy blow at the woman suf
frage movement which bos bcon permitted tc
attain rattier formidable proportions , cblelly
owing to the reluctance of politicians to express -
press their opinions on the subject. This
strong 'whip1 against the woman suffrage
bill betokens a distinct awakening of oui
politicians of all parties to the dancer of an
agitation , the success of which will bring us
face to face with a now order of society. "
According to private advices from Costa
Belle , Queen Victoria is now In excellent
health nnd has qulti recovered from the de
pression duo to the death ot the duki ol
Clarnnce , which caused intimate friends ol
her majesty tbo greatest anxiety. The
queen is very anxious about the health of
tbo prince of Wales , and these admitted tc
occasional Interviews with him at Cauo Mar
tin speak very unfavorably of his present
condition as regards both appearance and
Tno queen , it is reported , will send sampler
of her own knitting und splnnlni ; , donowncn
she was a girl , to the woman's section of the
Chicago fair : r.lso several paintings.
Charles Emory Smith , the American min
ister to Russia , and Mrs. Smith have boon
busv tilling social engagements slnco their
arrival hero. In an interview today Mr.
Smith said : "It Is impossible for Ameri
cans to leali/.o how much all the Kus-
sluns , from the czur down , appreciate
the American relief donations , which arc
practically tbo only form of assistance
so far received. The relief organl/ation ns
instituted proved the most cfllclent nnd Dad
tno warmest approval of the Kussian govern
ment , America has gis'en over UUO.ul.'O ' rou
bles In food nnd monoy. Wo nave paid much
attention to Honiara , where Iho famine is the
worst. From that quarter of the cmpiro I
have just received n report that wo have
saved the cattle and horsei of 100 Gorman
colonies und Russian villages are feeding 1'JOO
people and have nought seed for 19,000 acres.
As lor the future , with the relief in sight
from America and a continuance of local re
lief , 1 think tbo necessities of the distressed
human beings will bo provided for through
the summer. The greatest proolom at pres
ent In tbo restoring of farms and furnishing
of seed. Ono point tbo outsldo world has
failed to recognize is the great work done by
the Russians thomsolve * In helping the
peasantry. Several aristocratic families ara
taking the solo care of enormous numbers of
destitute people , many women In Iho highest
soclotv have gene to the provinces and estab
lished Immense- soup kitchens. "
The dean of Gloucester has made an Inter
esting discovery in tbo Gloucester cathedral.
Ho has found thu remains of Oarlr , King of
Northumbrla , which were burled In the year
72' ) bor.eatu the beautiful shrlno oicctcd to
his memory , Which stands at the right hand
of the altar. iTnb , shrine , which is the work
of the ubbnttiQfi Mulvurn in the duys of
Henry VIII , bos , generally been supposed to
bo merely a memorial. Ueun Spenser adopted
the tradition 'uhfll ' recently , when , in stiulv-
ing Lolanu'si'iiotes ' , ho concluded that the
bhrlno was Osrlv's ' actual resting place. Ho
had two panel i taken out of tbo stone locul-
ous , when a luddoii coflln was disclosed ex
actly bunoalh'ltio King's efllgy. fho coflln's
contents showed the remains to be of very
ancient Inlermbrtt. )
The HurlbuViP aso Is still causing agita
tion nnd to bo the subject of fresh
inquiry in the House of Commons , A corre
spondent of tWd hocletv paper Pelican writes
that certain officials who assisted In passing
the oxtrndllloiPAot between Great Britain
and the United States , and wnn are uwaroof
all the provisions ostentatiously asked mi
American onlcU ! hero , an iutlmato friend of
Mr , Hurlburtas to the possibility of the extradition -
tradition of Mr.'Hurlburt , that the Ameri
can official caused this interest In Iho ques
tion to bo communicated to Mr. Hurlbul's
friends In Now York.
On behalf of Thoniai W. Tankorsley of
Scott county , Illinois , a London solicitor is
vUltlng the township of Tmikernloy near
Schoenllcld , the ownership of which the
Illinois man claims as a direct descendant of
aud heir to Uirhard Do Taukersloy , who left
England for America in lli'J'J. The estates in
question , which are rich In coal , are valued
at JCSO.OOO. They are now bold by the pres
ent rarl of Fitzwllllam.
Lord Tennyson Is greatly pleasnd with
Augustin Daly's success with "Tho Fore U
crs , " sud the largo sales of tbo work hud.
Tbo poet la la excellent health and spirits.
SP.UtKS 01' hl'OUT ,
PullliiBror Plunder.
The largest crowd of the week was In at
tendance at the tug of war last evening and
during tbo entire evening the excitement
was al white bent. Ono unfortunateciroum-
itanco wai the termination of the beat bo-
twocn the Indians and the German team , h (
rcfcroo deciding the same no heat. The an
chor on the German anchor man wa.s out ol
gear nnd slipped down until the thickly pad-
acd support CAUcht between the braces , ren
dering it almostimposslblo to diiplaco. However -
over , It was no fnult of the anchor msvn'n , ni
ono of the suspending straps was misilng
nnd It was Impossibles for him to kocp the
bolt in Its place.
There was a good deal of a hubbub raised
over this by n lot of outsiders , who swarmed
along the platform , but order was quickly
restored aftrr the referee had rendered his
decision. Tbo heat will bo pulled oft Mon-
dav night.
The first heat Inst nlpht was n MtrprUo
partv the Irish team defeating the Ameri
cans , but not until after the full thirty min
utes were uu.
The liJdlan-Gcrman fiasco came next , nnd
after that the Danes pulled Scotland over
the line In Just ono mlnutu and twnlvo sec
onds. The big Danes were vociferously
The heat botwocn the Swedes and Bo
hemians termitm'cd tlio evening's struggle ,
tlio Swedes winning In nine minutes. The
standing :
Won. Lost
Denmark . . . 4 n
Snpiluii . . . . . -l 0
America . a l
Scnthmd . -j a
Indliins . | s
Ireland . I
Uermnny . 0
I'lrRt ill tint Srnsiin.
The Omaha Gun club hold Its llrst shoot ot
the Reason on the now grounds out near
Tictz'H nil-It. Iho olub'fl now olectrlsal trans. .
were used for the llrct tlmo and proved a
vast improvement over the old stylo. Thuro
was no regular shoot , but a series of small
Harmonious Mori In C ol Ailvnritr : * of thn
AVIiltc Mctnl- Washington Notes.
WAsiiiNnroN" , D. C. , April Ji.-tt Is ascer
tained from talks with the momburj of congress -
gross who attended , by invitation , the mootIng -
Ing of the national silver committee last
night , that It was perfectly harmonious , and
that the Interest and demand for silver legis
lation by the country shows no abatement.
Indeed , the hope wus expressed that nn op
portunity might yet bo afforded during the
utessont session from Eomo action by con
gress on tha Bland bill , and , if mat U not
possible , on aoiuo other measure for the full ro
monotuatioti of silver. The proposition for an
international monetary conforcuco to con
sider the sllvnr question received but little
attention from the perjons who addressed
the meeting. Tboro Is no conildcuco felt by
tbo frco coinage moo in the favorable out
come of an international monetary confer
ence , and a proposition for a conference that
would not bo allowed to consider the frco
coinage of silver weald , it Is believed , bo in
dignantly rejected by the free silver raou.
Thcro were n number of public moa other
thnn these already mentioned at the meeting
last night , Including Senators Stewart ,
banders. Powers. Daniel , Sboup aud Repre
sentative Bartino.
There was no penoral expression on tlic
part of the persons present that could b'i
fairly Interpreted to favor the immediate
formation ol a third party , as has bcon sug
gested. A number of strong oxoresslons
wore heard , however , from men who declared
they would not vote lor a presidential candi
date In the coming election who was against ,
free colnngo. A bimetallic league was also
a topic of discussion , nnd Iho general impres
sion was that such a loaguoshould bo lorniod.
Tlio house committee on postoflkes today
ordered a favorable report upon the bill
consolidating the third and fourth class mail
matter under the bead of the third class , and
fixing the rates of postage at 1 cent for each
two ounces or fraction thereof. All the con
ditions as to wrapping , permissablo printing.
etc. , now applicable to fourth class matter.
Is to apply to third class matter ,
In addition to the privileges now conferred
upon that class.
Assistant Secretary Bussoy appeared before -
fore the Uaum investigatingrommitteo today
in answer to the assault made upon his char
acter yesterday by Witness Dugan. Mr.
BUSSPV said trat bis failure in Now Orleans
had been brought about by the disastrous
panic of ISty. Ho settled with his creditors
for 25 cents on the dollar , but In loss than a
your ho paid them In full. II nny ono could
lind a claim against him in Louisiana ho
would pay $ J lor SI for It. Mr. Bussoy then
read endorsements ot tno moat prominent
men of Now Orleans , regardless of party ,
which hn received when uu applicant for the
position of col'actor. The committee was so
much impressed oy Mr. Bussoy's statements
that Dugan's testimony was stricken from
tbo record.
Representative Bryan today as fed the
house committee on appropriations to grant a
hearing to a committee of the Giand Army
of tno Republic posts of Nebraska In opposi
tion to tbo appropriation of $100,000 for tbo
entertainment of nnmburs of Iho Grand
Army ot the Republic at the encampment at
Washington. A hearing will bo accorded.
The president will leave here Tuesday
evening for Now York to lay the corner
stone of General Grunt's tomb ut Rivcrsldo
park on the UTth lust. Ho will bo accom
panied by Secretaries 11 ; Ins , Tracv and Rusk
und oilier olllclals. Secretary Elkins will
malio an address.
The Treasury dnpartmont today purchased
505,000 ounces of silver at fO.ST
A/JM.S ut' yj& ,
Edward Tolllvprof i-jirlncllo'd. III. , commit-
to. I iileluo by shooting himself.
Philip linker was liangi'd at Now Orleans for
thu murder of tlio wife of his employer.
Tlio collector of customs ut 1'oit Townseml ,
Wusli. , luisbel/i'tl the cn.islln ; , ' summer Jlis-
sonrl , bavin- ' found u largo amount of opium
on board of her.
The cartlinnal'O shocks hnvo coated In C'ull-
fnrnlu. Only one fatality attended tliem ,
\Vyck D-irby bulns killed at Wlntms. Uhu
daiim'-0 Is estimated at f UO.'JOO.
Joseph J.oo. proprietor of Hotel Ahbolts-
foid , Boston , .Muua. , and of the Woodland I'ailc
hoiol. Atilnirndulc. has assi nod , with tlOt'lJ :
liubllltlos , of nhluh iVS.DUJ is secured.
Tlio steamer Alllnm'e from llrazlllan ports
which arrived ut Now York. rojorls that
during the til | > one of tlio passengers dle.l of
yellow fever and one fiuin pneumonia.
John Crauford und Nathan Aldrleb. farmers
of O/arlc county. Missouri , iinai rolled and
fought n duel. Aldrluh wus killed. A yniing
son of A Id rich afterwards Killed Uruwfuiil.
William NCOS , a constable of hutiranzp.
Tex. , wnt , iittuuked by llvo brothers named
Wlsclier. Unbilled thrro of thorn , mortally
wounded another und seriously wounded tbo
Tbo Conomandi , with a rar o of GfKOfl'J ( )
poiindnnf Hour. tW.lM ) pounds ol rye and other
piovlslonn for tlio famine sntVoiors of Uuxsla ,
will nalu for Ulisn. llusslu , from I'ulliulelphla
tndiiy ,
Chariot ) I ) . Pmlth , u wealthy resident of Now
Yoi li , was found ( load in his room ut thu Pal
ace hotel , fan Francisco , having xhot hlnuolf ,
H l snpoon'd ho committed suicide on ac
count of despondency.
The situation at the I.yttlo colliery , near
Mlnerivlllo , Pa. , In which ten men uru Im
prisoned und undoubtedly drowiui.1 by tha
ills-iHt roils lloodlnx \Vodnc.sduy evcnlnr.
romnlns nnchJiiccd so far as the lojovery o'
tnu bodies Is concerned.
Thn rovcnno cutter Hear will sail from Hun
I'ranclsco for I'ort Tnwnsend for orders und
will proceed thcnco to llorlnx son and later to
tbo Art-lie Thu Knsh will leave for
HorlnKHon Monday. 'Iho ItiuiKnr Is still ut
bt , Mury'a Island. H Is iiimoruii that tlio
Ilulllmoru will cu north. 1'iom Victoria the
war vessels Melpomene und Champion will go
to Itormi ; HUH to look after llntUli and Can-
udliin poiichum , _ _ _ _ _
Ilcrr KusUpnoKcl liascoinmimced Null In tlio
Jlcrltn ciniita uunlnst I'rlncn Illsmarck to ru-
coverdumaitcs for nn allosod llbol.
It U rumored that the Dahoimtyans have
captured tlio Tumuli sutllnincnt of 1'orio
Novo. Thi ) 1'ronuli mlnlslur nf iiiiirlno. how
ever , lias rcciilveJ no ail vices to thiit ulfoct.
lloraro Tulhot , Into of thu imhllu worUs do-
partmciit of Ottawa , Out. , wiio , together with
A. l.aroic , wu to liuvu buun triud on a cliur o
of fraud , prforrod by the fovurniiient , has
left for purls unknown ,
The Italian mennier Bolfiirnlii. with HIO pas-
scnieis ; , > IUH arrived ut ( icmi.i , llaly , from Km
.lunurlo. Mio reports llvo do.-itlis on bo-ird
fliim yuilow fotur nnrlni ; thu voyage , hho
waa place. I In iiuarnntlre.
The I'urU police udmll ih'j nrrest of Mr.
Dolinard , tbo ugrntof nn Ktiullsh projnclllo
companv. Mr. llelinurd had oicvjomily Ijoen
employed by thn Nordcnfoldt t-omiriny. lint
they declared tliiithlu story Is exaHUcr.itcd ,
AucordlnK toudvlcei from Puinnn thu Mat *
iilltPH artu'roHini 111 Ntrcnistll unit thru , Urn to
nilicl. Tlio KOViTiiment fundn ure nxhantitcd ,
ihu niithcH uro two ycart in Hrro.i In tno
payment of la\f un 1 tlio sltuutlon In critical ,
\iit ( iulllytil .Milldri- .
BIOUJC CITV , la , , April ' - ' J. ( Special Telegram -
gram to J'np. BEK. | In the case of Barney
Walker , who has been on trial for a week for
the murder of Adolpu Tlotol , the Jury late
lust night found a verdict of guilty of assault
to do great Injury.
Proving the Sttcojsa of Drs. Oopo-
land miU Shopnrdin Tholr Trotit-
uiont or Catarrh and AH
Onronio Dlsoasos.
the past few niontliB sovornl
thousand etises ot vntnrrh and i-lironic ,
digcftsos have licon treated successfully
by Drs. t'opolitnd and Shopard. Their
patients coino from nil over the west. It
is worthy of note that each published
case is fionuino and the statements ab
solutely true. The nanio and address of
every patient is Klvon , nnd every testimonial
menial Is a freo-will olTorlnir for tlio
bonellt of othoi-H needitiff relief. Kvorv
statement is true to fact and entirely
frco from tfxncgorntlon or fancy. Tlioi'r
strungth and interest are found in their
simple truth. To cild or adorn thorn
would hut obscure tlio losdon they touch.
\Vlicn a yoiuid mini obtiiitvn oiitiro relief -
liof from ajro.ii/.iiifj pain and discomfort
that liavo buon his enemy for yourrf , his
friends mtirvol and rejoieo. His relief
is theirs also. Such a ease is that of
Mr. Herman SchulU , of 2nd and Vin-
ton streets.
Mr. Selmltz says :
1 Imd Ill-oil luuPy uffeptod bvcntarrli for lv
ye HIP. und dmin-j that timu no ono can toll
I , ow 1 HiiiTcrcd. My WHS sore , dry anil
,0 nilur ; nt tunus it pilnnl mo toitly. und
U.oro su tlcldliiK nnd niuilincss tli-it wis
votV uiinoylnir. 1 wus ho.irse nnd ut times
nu'T'V ' ' lou ' " .V o 'o I\IM.V : time I loolt n
sl Kht cold 1 u as much uorsp. My nnsowusso
st Llipcd up I could linidly broatlio : bysuvi'rn
I , lowing 1 could set It open , but It soon would
1,00011:0 : closed ux.iln. I Imd to Ineatho
, hronh my mouth wh'ch dried my tongue
nndthioat. My he id ached almost conslunt-
I valid iiiado mo i-K'k I sultcied Kroati } In
this way. 1'alns-dull 01 sharp worn nearly
always orcsent und mudo llfo nlinnstii bur
den. No one can loll the relief I foul since
Drs. Copoliind und Shop-mi ticatcd mo. 1 am
uludunl uiu truly s-iy thut nil my misery Is
entirely lol.ovcd an I In every wuy I feel
cuiol ami wo 1. The method of treatment of
tin-so plivtlelttns Is pleasant for tlio patient
and for tbo Kindly Interest they shonud In my
cnse , 1 slncuroiy thuuk Ors. Oopuland uud
( Thn Important thin ? , in rasas where ei- :
larrhal troulilocauses lossof llcsh iindstreimth
und thr patient has consumptlvo tcndeiiclcsl
Is to place tint patient at once under Inllu-
oncesth-it will resloro thudufuctlvu nutrition.
The reason that so many people dlo of con
sumption , which Idllfi aDout nine out of ten of
nil who die of disease. Is that the warnlnu-
slims uio not heeded. People are either not
HiiOlclently Informed on this subject , or else
do not trlvo hoed to tlio Information tlioy > mvi > ,
nnd allow the catarrh to oxtcnd until It Is too
late. Two-thirds of tlio deaths from lin :
trouble mluhl lie avoided If the cutnrrhul con
ditions which led to It were treated and cured.
"For flvoorslx years I had u constant and
( II trcsslnK cotiili. It worried mo day nnd
n'Clit ' , Hetnecu my shoulder ! and all through
ni'chest thu ro wtiK always Boioncss und pain
1 raised enormous1 quantities of . .thickel'ov
mutter , und It la yet u wonder to mo how I
stead It , "
This la the fstutemcnt of Ml-s Minnie
Traenes of 2.IJ1 Duiiglns street. She continues :
" 1 hud much lie ulaclic. My niv > o often Ilili'd
uu and I constantly h d to Iwivk and spltd
Kvory fewdiiys inv throiitwn' . sure , iliy null
tender. inaUIni ; mo liniirsaiuidRlvIn : me iiuic-
trouhlc. My stomaeh h id dlslresHo-l inu for
twulvu vonrsj frequent ] ) ilns sol/ud mo , i"pee-
lully lifter o.itlnp. My food RIVO : mo it liu ivy
fcellnz , unit I bloated nlth jrua and fi > lt tciulor
over tin : f-tonuicli und bowels \lltlilswii--
liud enonnli. biitaftoru ulillo I liuznn toliaxu
clilllsfollowon by fever and SOVITP sweats at
nlL'ht. Often tlio chills weiolMit. bislir , ' a
feullni ot cucplii'coldness .ilniiu tl.o lncU
and tlirnn'-'h my llnilis. Myvhacks Unshed und
uere led Mint ho ! . TbiMi 1 uniildliivu toil
bands : ind fuel. With tliu- slKiM were
uetliiu.'s : > aixl trembling.
i \VAK si'tu : i HAD co.NSi'Mrno.v.
for tlio doctors told me niv liuisa were bail
and th it I was In u' condition.
This lie-In ; : tlioviiv I foil when I lint saw
Ors. Copelunil nnd linnbard. 1 hul : bcun
trpiilpil bv ni"lit dliloicnt nlivHlchuis with no
rosultoxcutsllghtl.onclt | ) ( tbatdld notltist , Is
hil ; ( li.llllont M-v'l-iC.M : : < IIUNDKKl ) ILI-
I/AKS for liolp. Lnl no help i-'inie Miiully. to
bu bilcf. when I applied to Drs. Oopcland and
Hbcpard. they promptly roliuvcd me nnd lain
now perfectly and completely unto I.
nun ,
She Had Been 111 for Yenrs Her
Parents Did Not Think She
Could be Restored to Health
--There Are Many Such.
[ The discuses of children are often dlfllenlr
and obscure. Many caOH iciist tro.ilmiml bo-
canso tbe true condition Ir not rcionl/id. )
t'lillilron may Inhwilt a li'iiluncy to certain
dlhoaiic-'hor may aciiulic tliusanio In Liscs of
weak constitution , arro'itu.l dovnlopniriit and
blunted ( .TOM Hi , the blood formliiK procens
must bostlmnliitcd , Weak and puny children.
If left to n itnic , bi'como sloMy and dlMiiii.0'1
mon and wnmuii. Uf this faut wo all see HUIIII-
dunt ovldoncu dally 1
Mr. arid MM. W. II nichard , of 4015 North
: j7tli street , unoak H9 follows conrurnliii ; tlieir
H-year-o'd diiii-'litnr , Jlllln Mund Itlcli'irds :
"Our ( laiiKlitcr I.llllo had bcon iilllnx' for
ever tluco yi'ius Him WIIH nuvur very Hliori {
oriohnst , uut diirlns thu past threoyoarB nor
co it nh 11 hern had Indi'cd. Mm was very
nervous and rusted \oi-y poorly al iilvlil. Hur
slcnp WHS lltfiil and brol.i-n. llor appttltu as
jioor and variable. Shu uould oat tu'll at
times and tlu-n uonld cat noililn . Her taste
WUH morlild , uruvhiL' food was not piopcr
for bur to uat.
inncli from pains In liur limbs
At tunes her miirorluK wns IntcnMi , Hlio could
not sleep and It icijulrt-d powerful moillclncs
In iiulut her. bliu albohad hou-io pains In the
Htomacb and 1 onulH. At tlmrx hlio lind urnp-
itnuKOM tlniMkln , which hlunvcd thu bad rou-
dltlonof lit-r blood , Hur color wan at tliaci
Mdlow anil ulway > ory p.ilu. In fact , hhe bad
10 color , Klin was * uuuy al'ln to vn to
bcho'il at all , and wan too poorly lo attend
rojularly. bo frail uud wuukly wui her Louy
that wo did net oxpcct to raise her. Wo took
her to . o\oral physician- * who each trnatrd
tier for n different dlsenso. Hut she KOI no
"WonroRlad tosiy that under the treat-
innnt pf Urs. Coppland and Shop.ird ho Inn
Improvcil f mm thn start , After two wi-cxisho
\Mnnyich bolter , and she has steadily Ruined
tinlllshols now fully roeou-rod. . lie Is ro
bust and hcurty , and oats , MI-PPS nnil plavi
llko otlicr lipalthy cnlli'ron.o are vpry
era to fill to Drs. CopMund and Khuphar.l for
s iviiij ? our proclaim child.
MK. AND MK * . W 11. U1CIIA11DS. "
mi lUdUl
HO DM3 OH AND 312 ,
New York Life Building
Cop. 17th mid Furnaii : SI * . , Oni.ihi , Nab.
W. II. Coi'iiANi > . M. 1) .
C. S. SitiM'Aitu. M. 1) .
Consulting I'hys'elan *
Pppol.iltoi ! Oitarr.i an I nil dim uu of t'lj '
l.yi1. Kir. Throat nn I I nius , Nervous His.
case * . > klu Diseases. Ohronlo Illso isas. Ollloa
llours-o toll a. m , , „ to J p. in , , 7 to 8 it m.
Minday lu a. m to I p in.
Cat-irrhal trouble an I kindred dlso.asai
treated mccuaifuiiy bv null. Suiiil 4o lu
Mnmps for oiiiMtlon oir'iil-ir * . AiHnm nil
Vr ? . ' ° . V'pnlnnd MM He il Instltutu , .Soif
\ i. i.
> ork IJfu litilliiiag , Oninh-i. Nob.
TUK.\rin : AT TIM : M IIATI-
AitMoNru MII : > LMMS : rt'itxisunn
HI.R rou AI.I , oruiu : DISHAM-S TI i
KATIS : wii.i. m : ; .ow ANIM .NinVuMuni
I.'UOPuKTlDN TO Till : ACTl'Ali
is via the Chicago , 'Milwaukee
& St. Paul R'y , as represented
on this man.
: ' /OiuffMKSKOTK2S /
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vcstibuled. trains leave
Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Oflice : 1501 Far-
nani St. , Omaha.
i7. A. NASH , Gen'l A front.
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.
Tbo IJirpot , Fnntcet nnil Fine" ! In the WorliJ ,
lva4onfKM ncrommlnuonaunexi-illco.
Every Sntimlnr ,
At rpiiulnr InturvnK
rates on lowest tormitj nnd from thn prlnclpla
G3JICH , iinuan , man t ALL CMTISEHTAL rciitia.
Kicurclon tlckota avntlabln to return liy eltht-r thoiilc-
tun's'iuoClvdo t North of Ireland or Nnptca AGIlimltar
Irilts il Ircc7 ! Ordcri fei A : ; Aacuit > t LeTCit Eitu.V
Apply to any "if our Atontnurto | > v
UKNUUltSON JUtOTllUKS. Chlcato , Jt
11 (
I Eye * fi Eat
ALLfl Mm
Ilcst faslllllos. appar.itns and Uomodloi
forsuccDssful triiatnicnt of oveiy form
of dlseaso rcqiilrlnz or
hiirlcal tro itinunt.
M beds for patients bo ird nntl attendanco.
lloht accomoJations In the west.
Write for circulars on doformltsos nntl"
ur-icos. trusses , club foot , onrv.ituros of sulna.
piles , tumors , uincorcatarrh , bronchitis , In-
halationo'octrlclty , pinilysls , npllciisy , kld-
riuv. b addor. oyc. oar. skin an I bloo 1 and all
Eurcleal < ipcr.itlons.
Women KKKE. Wo bavolatcly adilcd .1 I. . . . „
Indcp iitmont for women durlni coiillneinent.
strictly pivato.l Only Uollnblo Medical In-
stiluto inakins a Spool illy ot
A I It oed Dlsu'isaa biiccu itully
> ilhllltlo 1'olson removed the nyaty
nltboiit mi'rcnry. Now ltostor.itIvo 'Ir Tt
incut for I/oss of VITAL I'UWKIC. I'orson'Tiiii-
nblo to visit us mav lie treated at homo by
oiresnon once. All cominiinlcatlons conll- Mo hclnPs or InstriiiiieiiU sent by
mail oro\prcss , accuirly packed , no m irks to
Indicate contuntsor Hcndor , One poiional In-
Icry i > w proforro I. Call and consult iisorhond
lilstory of yonr case , and ue will send In plain
iMappor , our
Rnnif Tn MZtl I'ur.r. : rnon rriv.ito
ouun iu mew .
, s.colui , ) ( ) r NUrvmn HIS-
cnso , Impotonoy. Svplillls , Gluut an I Varleo-
- , with nuostion list ,
llraccs , Appliances for Deformities t Triisos.
Unly manufactory Intho Woitof ItHl'iniM-
t'H lll'1'i.l lAUM , fHUaM , Kl.KUVlllO
3niaia ! Medical and SuriJical Inslittite ,
2Gth and Broa Iway , Oojiioll BluITa.
Tun mItiutos' ildo from uontcr of Umnli i enl
l iiinlia andOiiiinoUJUiiiri oloctrlu motor lino.
Of Council Ilium
'Japllilstrc'c * '
nirplus aaJ 1'roflts "
Not Capital an I SurpliM. tiUiaOOV
Dln-ctora I. I ) . I'.J uu 11' " ; . K I ; sj'i 1 ! ' . , > ' O
JleiHOn , K I ! . IHrt , I A MIIDr. .1 V illnotinii
mil Cliirlm U. llniinnii. Trans-ict iencr.U buik-
n biibinuss. Ij.irxost capltil and miiplusot
my bank In r-outhwestern loiv.i.
„ 'CURE ' ,
. Ank your DriiRGl't 'or r
f bottle of Ills . Tlio only i
/ nan tiutiontmi remedy for nil I
/ ilia unnatural dlnclinrt-'m ana
I lirhalocliki'fkt'SodncniiniltMo
I iiebdltntlnu ipcakncs peculiar
1 to women. It rnri-s in a lew
\/lllioiit the aid or
Icily o ( n doctor ,
k The L'niifrsal Awtrtcan
Manufactured by
Tbe Evaai Chemical C > ,
. u. . . . .
HAM'Olt TUADK In.polled Kmnch
co.irh Ht.illlon. fi yuarmild. ( inod rcabonn
Address A 1'J ' , lloo olllcc , Council
_ _ _ _
IKI IOWA f irnif for sale , Improvi > d in ) acroj
In Harrison i-onnty , fll'.OI iicrncrn ; I'J lucres
nprovud , J''l.OOi HI uitru- , . < li.il1 , I'or liarjtilns
i Iowa anil Nebraska fariim null on or wrlto
i.lolunon & Van I'allUM , Council Illulf * . _
' i\DIIAMii : : City ilml fa nn
properly. U II. bliuift * . ll'wuy und Main.
i/ > ( ) K HI-INT Dweilln/s In nil P'trts of the
' city. III. ! . Kliii-ifi ) . Diu.idwiiy and Main.
[ T'tJU HAM ! Acru.ico ncni u.ty adaploil for
Ifrnll and ardiui nnruJ-.un. | 1 II. fhuufe.
iroulway and Main mr cili.
April" , two white pNa
. -1 nn i i.i' iii-niuicii
bl.iuk , tlin oilier with ?
ilc , onu wltli ye i
uvUh u-irx. rindur ri-lilin to Mm. K. IMnard ,
'ransfur block Vards hotel , and ruuulvo ru-
-1TI)1JAOB mid Conimlxlpn-Hlovps. fiiriil-
- 'inii' , etc. , bloiiul und bold on connnUsIon al
jwest rates. ! . , 'a.M llro.idft/ .
i\/ANTr.H-Compotcnt > ; lri , by Mrj. J. N
rVousudy. Apply ut ol'Jce of J. J' , &J. N