OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , Al'RIL 2 < l , 1892-TWENTY PAGES. SPECIAL NOTICES , . KOIl TI1RSK COLUMNS wlllde tinon until ISSUp. m. for tlio ctenlnit n J unlll 8 30 p , m , for the murnlnir or Sundur cdl- All nilTrrtlnemPnt * , In them tolnmni S tcni fi word forfir tln > crtloni nilI cent n wont tlicrcnftcr , or tl per line per month. No mlvcrtlicment taken for ICM thnnzjccnti for the flr t Insertion. Tcrnn , flub In nctvnncp , lultlnlt. flitnrc * . FTmboK ctc.cnch fount fit n wotd All ndtrrtlreinet * mint runconnrcti mrlf Arttcrtl er * . lif roquettlng n numbered rlick. cnn hnvei tlio letters nddrerftcrt to n num bered loiter in euro of TIIR HUB. Arnwer o ml- < reffed will to delivered on presentation of tlio tlirck STTUATIOMS WANTED. " -i'osm6 nrrA YrN ( > LADY AS STBNOO- rBphrr nnd typewriter , irlll work for tmnll l- ' rr. ArtdKMW | 7. lire. _ MUIM' _ YOt'MI .MAN Wll.t. INVKST JWOO AND crvlci' lniiiltablotii ) lni'9S. Addrcsn VTKHce. -\VA.\TII : > . POSITION AS TYPHWUITFII AND MlMnnt bookkeeper br jonne Indy ; will fur nl li mnchlno. Aililrcn XV M. llco. 811 ' _ AH coiZFirrou , smppiNti on < IKNKIIAL nnicci'lerk , experienced : A No. 1 city references ; c n Klve M-ctirlty , nlno f u 'til li liori > o nnil biiKKy If dcilrcd for collecting. AililrciiV Hi , lien. 23 . WANTKII. MVA VOU.VO MAN. HKGISIKHKl In Nobrniikn. position an dru clerk. Address , M. , Lock llox 81 , " llnrtli-r. Neb. _ Ml 80 * VANTKI POSITION KOH HKH.MAN MAN ntid wife , no children. In prlvnto family , rancher or milk ilnlrys mnii III il class milker. Omaha Km- ployment lltirciin. Il'J.V. IClh tt. V. W KHK on warehouse hand : pxpcrlencedi Rood city refer- e. Address W . llco. 33U-'I I i ) ! votrxo rrtfin ilc lrt"t position ; furnish innrhlnc , Address \V 4.1 , llm. .MSI i - WANTIJIt , 11V A ItKSPCCTAlllii : I.AIIV , AWANTIJIt linuirkoppcr. Can Klvu pooil refer enda. AdilrenV 45. lice. MJ7. ! ' ! ' * _ WAN 'iTcTiTposiTH ) N IIV AN KXPKIHKNCHU barbar. Address lock box II , Hnncock , In. 418 24 - 11V A HKPINUn AND KXPimiKNCKO nonmn. pnf > ltlun an homekpepor , caretaker or ny position of trust. Itefcrcnccs Klvcn. AiUIrns W H , llee. .l i * _ -DO Vor WANT A HALKSMAN : IIAVB A Inrt'O nciiuilntnncc. llcst references and low TKKCS to bvitln with. Address , T. (1 It. 2I1S N trcct , "otilh umaha. 8MI 31 * WANTED--MALE HELP. ' . , SAI.BSMKN ON SALAItV OIICOM- BWANTI'.D the new patent chemical Ink rraslni : pencil. 'I lie KrentcM. tollhm novelty ever | iroiMii-oil : crnrot Ink thoroughly In two scconils ; no iilirnMoti of pnpcr : Hill to MA ) per cent prollt ; ono nituit'it cnlcH iiinonnti'il to tll'.U In MX ilny . nnother % X2 In two hntirs. Wo wnnt ono general nirent 111 fach Mnlonnil territory. Tor tortns nml full pnr- llculnr nililresa Monroe KrnicrMfK. . Co.Ln Cronvt , * Vls. . X 31. II-SOI.ICITOKH. SALAHV AND COM. PAID J Aincrlcnn Wrlnccr Co. , HWJ llownril , 5Z5 MJ * TJ-WANTUI ) COOI ) CITY CANVASSHUS KOH J'Whi'cler A WUsoa Sowlni ! Mnchlnes. Kitny nnU Cnrnp fi Co. . Plnnoj rind Or iins. 511 So. Kith st. M 7MnrD _ -HALAItV PAID WKKKLYTOCOOII AOHNTS : Jcxpcrlcnco.unnccciunry.hliiKcrollico,151ii ! DiiiiKlnB 835-IUI2 1ACCIIKNT LNd. SOLICITOUS , 311 HKK I1LDI ! J > M1ITJ B-WANTCD , LAIlOltKUS KOH U. U. WOHK IN WyotnlnKnml South Dakota , cooil nnec i , free pa s. Albright Labor Olllce , 1120 Karnnni street. M 142-M 17. -WANTKI ) , A KIIIST CLASS DUAPBUY AND huilo man. Morru Dry ( Jooils Co. , < th lloflr , Ml.VJ 1 > WASTED , A ( iopi ) . i-OllEII. INDL'STHIOUS J > mini to work about the house ; while man pre ferred. Apply 108 N. Uth street. M2U1 B 1 W AN-rKD. VOL'Nd MAS FOH OFFICK WOHK , State : experience , etc. Address W 34 , lice. II 69 55 - | > WANTED , A KIIIST CLASS KECUKT IIKSB- -IJllclnl order desires to secure a special supreme deputy to organl/c lodges In Omaha and eastern Ts'ebraska. 'to the proper person liberal termi will tu named. Address D. E. Htcvcns , Columbus , < > . T > WANTKD-SALKRMKN , PTHAKIIIT SALAHY , JJJ1W to HDD monthly , high salaried men picferred : Uiporlunlty | to get Into a inonoy-mnklng snlm un equalled tiy nny existing enterprise : Will contract tor ten month ! "Secict of Clmrmlni ; , " gcntlo "Art tif Captivating. " making friends at will : Ni > ws ) - tpm laeclnatlon : Startling , beautiful , Intensely Interesting to those seeking position , wealth , Jrclnds or imbllc olllce : Thla system heglim n new- era In human alTalrs : Intelligent persons prac ticing the art may expect success In business or oclnl transactions. Sale phenomenal , twenty million people expected to bo In practice within next tnelvu months. "Prospectus" free. Address "Publisher , " Yun Itniib , Texas. 320 24 , WK OFFEH AGENTS DIG MONEY IN EX- cluslvo territory. Our new patent safes sell at eight In city or country. New lu-cnti llrst In Held actually getting rich. One ngcnt In one day cleared V tJ-W. So can you. Catalogue free. Alplno Hafo CoNo. . 3i371 Clark at. , Cincinnati , O. 315 24 * -KSUlNKEItS AND K1IIEMEN TO P11OCUHE licenses shiiulil got a copy of "Stcplienson'ii Il lustrated Piactlcat Test ! " contains latest examlna * .Ions : by mall , tl.OO : agents wanted. Walter G. Kraft , publisher , 70 IjiSallc at. . Chlcngo. MMi : ; o 1)-WANTKD , Foil THE FALL OF IEO. ' , HALIW -'iiinn now on thoirond to sell n line of special- lieu In underwear , hosiery , pants , clothing and jdcco gooda , on commission. State territory cov ered nnd probable amount of sales. Address with rolen-uccn , O. L. Hinds Co. , 11 und 13 Walker street , Isew York. 31721 * -SALKSMENTSELL ) OUU MONEY OHDrJH -Dsystcui to retail merchants ; r.1 a month In II for llvo salesmeu. Kxperlcnce not necessary. Ad- < Ueoj Merchant's Money Order Co. , Cincinnati , O. 3IU 21 * _ IJ-WASTKII , SALESMEN , SALAHY OH COM- Jtmlsslon , to hundlo greatest novelty patented ; excluslvu territory ; sells at eight ; paitleuhirs Irce ; nmpleWJc. Unity D , 0. Co. DcpU W , Unity Illdg. , Chicago. 350 24 * TWANTED , OIIOANIXEHS FOH DEATH AND JJDcblrublllty lluiiutlt Older. P. O. 11. 32. , Chicago. aai-JI4 _ _ 1 > WANTIC1) ) , CO.MU'KTKNTMKNTO DO S1LVKII Jlplntlng. Send IUc for aample and lull directions for making big money Address Lukealdo Novelty Co. , 225 Oakley avenue , Chicago. 310 24 * 1SALHSM KS , NOVKLl-Y G LASS WASH IIOAHD , I'uplcndld tide Hue , entirely new , sells on sight , food commission , exclusive territory , no competi tion , full line rlno boards , Address Nelllnvlllo KovcHyMiifnCo.NelUVlllo , WIs. M42420 * B TWANTKD , 1-TllST-CLASS CAHPET LAYHH. Council lllulfn Carpet company. M412 2 < ! 1 > -WASTKI ) . GKNKHAL AGKNT FOH 'KANSAS IJnnd Nebraska with sulllclent capital to carry from 11,500 to M.OOU stock ot goods ; lUper cent protlt In the biiblness. Address Tluio Stamp Co. , ; < 5Vnr - Ten Mrcet , New York. : ilS-2 * 1 > - WANTED , KAllM HANDS. WILL 1THN1SH -t'iionm to married man and employ grown boys. Address Edward Larkln , Ashland , Neb. 321 24 " | > - AT ONCE , A GOOD WATCHMAKEH. WHO J'i'nn rngravo ncciiftomed to ratal ! jencrly bnsl- tlCis. K K. King. DuailHQUd , S. D. J4u | | 2ii * i > - WANTED , A MAN OK GOOD HEPUTE IN jour community n salesman. Will engage for ono year If tlrst niuntli's s-ilcs nro satlifadory. T , \Vlllluius. . Mm. . U7 Fifth avenue , .Now York.32'l 32'l 21 1WANTKD , AGENTS TO INTIIODUCE THE J 'bent veiling household articleou the market ; till ; couimUtlouB. M , 11 , Tyler \ Co. , Mnnclo , lud , 332 24 * T > AHESTS HOUND THIP KAIIK AND TWO J > wi'cksndmlttanco ' to Columbian fair absolutely freutoyou , Harochanco for llvu meu and women to take county In Ncbrunka avenclea. A , U llrown , Douiflus , Neb , 421 24 > T > -WANTED. AN ENEHGKTH ) MAN TO MAlT J'ati ! a hrnncli olllce ; salary f [ 00 per month nnd Intercut In the business : mint linvo good refer ences anil from 1500 tofOOcu U. AUdre box 401 , fit. Louli , Mo. 3J2 24 * WANTED-FEMA.LE HEL.P. / l-LADIEH , DO 01111 WOHK A" ! ' YOIM "lloMEsI V/enny nnd luterettlnu ; day or uvonlng ; no expi-r- Icncei no csnvunlngi uood pay , Addre wltli lamp , Hotlon Aquarelle. Art Co. , < S Winter atruut , llculuu. Mam. MU70MK ; * /1-WANTKI ) . GIHL FOH GENKHAL HOUSE , /wurk. Mri. llellor , 43IJ Charlvi > t. lbl-2G * 7v-NKATiEH.\iAN"tJ7HLTO ( DO HKCOND WoilK Vud take euro of child 2 yvuri old , 3004 Farnnm > t. 16.1 /-J-WANTEI ) . GIHLTOWOHICIN KITCIIIINAT VVDornn houto , 422 ti. 18th > truut , ouu block MIIIIU of court home , 2VO f 1-WANTl'T ) . TIIHEE HEK1NEI ) LADIEH AT o. Good pay. 400 llee bide. M23I ! 4 WO HIUI.8 WANTKII II V M1IS JOSEPH HAH- , fill and Wortblnctoo , South lOtht beat paid. vat-tt _ roit fl-1 WILL PAY LADIES A HAI.AHY OF flO PKU \VHccklo work for uii ) In their localllj at Uomo : illlht work ! good pay for purl tlniui write , with ktnwp , Wri. 11 , 1) . Furrluttou , llox 702 , Chicago. HI , IfV WANTED.EXPKHIKNCKUSTKNOailAPHKH V'OnoKbo It willing to aitUt In other otllco work. Addrrat , with rafcruucci. W 37 , lleo. MWi . ' ! / SWA NTK 1) , N L HsTTlilHL. ( SJS.MT11 8TH15 ET Am2-4 * _ _ | V WANTED. A GOOD Dl'HINESS ' LADY , NOT V too young , for poaltlon wlu-ro good IBCI and juilgiiiciit u niiiKiary. tlOUU weekly In Irglu. Aiply | Monday nf Icr ; W. T , Mart hall , 12 ( * n > lgi | Ion block , up uliilra. C WA.NTiDiioD. : bMAHT APPHENTIfE -MM. UvviJ fl'Jiiuc l . aiV > , a.HIL at. Mdn > o. HI It * WANTED-FBMALE HKLP. /-LA 1)1 EH. DO YOU W A NT TO MAKE VIM v-'cvery ' d y > You cnn do It Introducing our np' porters and otlipr ladles' nnd children's ( roods , i-cnd stamp and wo will tell you all about It , Daisy Hose Supporter Co. , 319 Oirdcn ntenuc , Chlcngo. 111. SM 24 * C-LADIES TO TAKE CHAHGK OK OFFICES outside of Omaha ; largo profits : must have H5.UOcnpltnl ; only those meaning business need apply. Address W 41 , llco , 820 25 * ri- LADIES WHO 1IAVH TO KAIIS TIIK1H 1.1 V. v-lngcnn mnko It ctslcr by selling our Hygela Electro-MngnctlcCoriela tlinn anything else. For terms apply to Western Corset Co. , El. LouU , Mo. -WANTED , ALL LA 1)1 ) MS WHO AHH WEAK and sickly cnn llnd honorable nnd profitable homo employment r.ddrcsslng letters to me. Send sclf-addresiicil stamped envelope for parllculnrs to Mrs. Mnry K. lluell , South Ilcml , Ind. 1 5 24 p-WANTKD. (11HI. FOH GENEHAL HOUSE , v-'nork. S019 Ilnrney street. M405 2A * - ) GOOD GIHL FOH GENKHAIi C-WANTKI . 7ho. U'th ' St. .M408-2U * G WANTED ( IIIII. FOH GENEHAL HOUSE- work. 2527 California. 411-24 Gp p WANTii-LAIV ) IIOOKKKCPKI ! . STATB v 'experience nnd salary desired. Addrejs Commission - mission \Vti ( , lleo olllce. .M42IJ2U' C-WANTKI ) . VOPNCl Glltl. TO ASSIST IN ( IKS. eral housework. Hl.lUeorgln avenue. M400-25 * RENT-HOUSES. - IIOUSKS AND APAUTMIINTS IN IIKST HKSI- D dcnio block In city. tlO S. 22d street. Tel. 17a ! n-KOH HP.NT , AHOVKNOS. CS4 AND ISO SOUTH J-'lClh Urcct. U-room tint , every moilern conven ience , Including lnn.-c kitchen t.iiicc. Apply Wlnd- tor. Kemp A. Co. . ! ! UJ N. V. Lite blilit. liiTlil -FOH IIKNT. II NICi : NKWLY KUKN1S.1IKD rooms , 111 N. U'th. llrcnnnn lints. M43tl D-KOIl HUNT , 1IOUSIW. J7.00 Pl'.H MONTH AND upwards. The O. K. Onvls Co. , 1505 Kurnniu st. - - ( ) IIKNT , HOUSK 1347 N. 17T1I hT , . ' .I UOOMsT l > nth , Me. , t2J per month. K. 1J. WooJrow , Nob. Nnt. bank bulldlnt , ' . BH , -10-HOOM HOUSK , ALL CONVKNIKNCIM. llccil .V Sell835 llonnl of Trade. UM D-KOH IIINT : SIX-IIOO.M MODKHN COTTACU : nOi7 ; Cnllfurnla st. , tIS per month. 4li ) 1KLATOl'illOOMS. . INQI.'IIIB WITH HKKIIH- -l-'cncu , W. S. llnldulf , Ictli uuil Capitol nvcnuo. nvcnuo.7li9 D-I5-HOOM ItorSK AND 1IAHN. 2019 DAVKN- port street , all modern conveniences , IncludlitR ftenm heat , i-cl bonls nnd laundry , south fiont , overlooking high school grounds , newly painted and papered throughout , 'ihos. F. Hall , UJ7 Pax- _ _ D -IIOUSKS , FLATS A STOHKS , LAIKJICST LIST , lowest prices ; (5.UU up , rarrottcH22 , Douglas blk K < i Mia . D-l HAVK A NKWS-HOOM HH1CK AND STOHII- house In north part of city , will rent cheap to permanent tenant. Apply to F. F. Williams , Mrst National bank building. _ Mllil T\-KOU HUNT , 5-HOO.M COTTAOK. CITY AND J 'cistern water. 3.107 Parker street , fl.-.00 Might tnke palntlngor cnriicnter work for C months' use. 812 N. V. l.llu. J. II. Johnson. M20) ) 27 D-FOH HUNT , 7-llOOM FLAT , LANGK HI.OCK I'lth and Jackson sts. 270 28 -SKVHHAL SMALL IIOUSKS HICAHOF HANS- coin park ; ono with barn ; plica 53 to 112. Hicks , SQj.N. V. Lite building. 252 21 3 _ D -FOH HUNT , 10 HOOM IIOUSK WITH ALL modern Improvements , at 633 South Hlth et.M2G4 M2G4 D-FOH IIKNT , F1HST CLASS TKN-HOOM HKS1- dence , with all modern Impiovcments nnd cen. trally located. Inquire of U. H. YOBS , 507 1st Nat. bank bldg , Omaha , Neb. l'J7 25 -DO NOT FAIL TO LOOK AT TII15 13-HOOM brick , 210.1 Douglas st. Fine neighborhood nnd all modern Improvementsspeaking tubes , laundry , hath , etc. HUe minutes wnlk Irom business cen ter. Wo tnke pleasure In showing this property. Moderate rent. Call 3JJ llco llldg. 1 2 25 D-FOH HKNT , NICK K1GHT-HOOM HOUSK ON motor line , near Han-tciini Park , modern con veniences , J45 00. Hicks , 305 N. Y. Life llldg. 2 ' 'J4 _ IV-KOK HUNT. DK.SIHAIILK HOUSKS , C AN'J 8 J-'rooms , Inqulro 2i > li ! Cnpltol nvc. t D-li-llOOM COTTAclT HOT WATKH , HATH , closet , furnace , beautiful inrgo lawn , shnde , etc. Star Loan A. Triiit Co. M2IIO 27 -KOH IIKNT , 10 HOO.M MODKHN HOUSi : . f.23 . S. 2Mh nve. , one of the most pleasant locations In city , f30 per mouth. Inquire , 4UUN. Y. Life bldir. 273 28' _ _ _ _ _ -FOH KENT , 5-HOOM 11OUSK , 1S07 1XAIII ) . .M2'.H 25 * -FOH HUNT. A ( iOOD10KOOM HOUSE , modern , elegant loca tlon , 21th and Dodxo. N.A. Kuhn , IMh and DougliiB. 207 : KI _ _ _ 2 HEhT SUMMI'.H FLATS IN THE CITY Tlzurd block 23d and Davenport btrect. 301 ! 0- D-FOU KENT , MAY 1. TO PH1VATE FAMILY. House I'.HO Cnsn street. Apply to James .Mc- Kcnna , Flrbt National bank. 38524 * -AN 8-HOO.M FUHNISHED HOUSE FOIl THE miner. Inqulro 205 N. 23d btreet. 313-21 * D TO HI'-SPOXSIIILE PAHTIES ONLY O-HOOM furnished houso. All modern Improvcmi-nts ; paved Btreet ; desirable location. Addre n W 47 , llco. MilD.1-25 * fk-FOH KENT , ONE2-STOHV HOUSE , ' .I HOOMS , -L'120 Seward Btreet , bouth front. M365 20 * D-8-HOOM .MODKHN HOUSK. GOOD LOCATION , only J20 per month : also M ) desirable houses. H. E. Cole , U Continental , .M3iO 20 * 1V-K01 HENT ; f25. 8 HOOM HOUSE , YAHD -l-'turn. Apply next door east , 2520 DouglnB st. MSIS 20 * D-KOH KKNT , 3 IlltICK HKSIDKNCKS , NO. 517 , " > ltiii'oriliinve. All newly piierilund : | palntcil. Will rent for fw ; each per month. Heaily Mtiy 1 , llennlson liros. "U'JT''l' D COTTAGE AT82CS.18TH ST. . f 20.00. Inquire nt S2i ) S. l&ih st. - M427 20 - FOU HENT-IN IDLKWILI ) ADDITION , ON Spruce st. , one-half block from 24th bt , car , 'J. room icsldence ; street ordered paved ; bnrn , sewer age , gua , trees and Dowers ; reference wanted. John G.Vllll3. . 415 24 _ FOH HENT , ONP. OF THE PLEASANTKST homes In Omaha , overlooking the city at Hans- coin I'ark , barn nnd large lot , clrjap to good tenant. Enquire 710 Now York Lite. Immediate possession. .M382 2(1 ( * _ RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS : 1-.Nini HOOMS , A1. Sr"Tn3 IJllavenpoit. 612 25' "I ? FOH KENT. ONE \llE FHONT OH TWO J Jback furnished or unfurnlabcd rooms , 122 South TNKWLY KUHNISU15I ) KHON'T HOOMS KN -1-inultuor alniile lor k'entleinen. ' 'UlU Davenportst , IJ-KHO.NT SU1TH FUltNHIIBI ) OH UNKUHN- Jjluhea loooii. llefcrcncjs. 1-J17 llarnoy. 221-81 * /-A NH'HLY KIJIIN1SHI51) HOOM J5 1'HH mill. WIN. 2Mb avenue. Ml- ? ! ' I -NICILV : KUHNISIIUD HOOMS , IIBST LOCA. -IJtlon , 2U23 Kurnaui t. , Hat "Cj" rent rvatunnblu. an 31 * -KUIINISHlil ) AND UNI-'UHNISIIISD HOOMs ! IJIKI',1 llodi-e street. M3 ( ! 'M' E-ONi : LAIttiK KHONT HOOM. ENOIJ1HK 422 .N. lith iitrect. Alu3 ! ; 26 * FURNISIIBD HOOMS AND BOARD. . HOOM - nnd bonrd t-S.OO to f-7.00 per vicek. M173 25 * 1 ? DFSIUAI1LV FUHNISHKD SOUTH FHONT J rooms w lih board , modern conveniences. Hot- erences exchanged , 8l ; j Harney. M205 25 * \ ? -NICELY FUIIN1HI1ED SOUTHEAST FHONT L room with alcove nnd bay window ; nil modern conveniences ; private finally ; board If desired. 1113 S. Will st. 24420 * -FIHINISHED HOOM. SU1TAI1LE FOH ONE - or two gentlemen , modern conveniences : cholco locnllon , HIT N. 20lh st. ; U3 2'J ' I-MAY 1ST NO. 314 SOUTH 2C.TH STHEET WILL J bo opened for n limited number of boarders. Hooins newly furnished nnd bust of table , liefer- cnces required and given , 320 24 * 1-A TEW IIOAHDE1IS WHO AHE WILLINO TO - - pay n fair price for the l-estof accomuioilallons ; liuvotinuof tliulluest rooms in the city. Addnies W IS , lleo , 337 24 I,1-TWO LA DIES CAN HAVE HOOM AND HOAHI ) L In family of three adults for f li each per month. Address W 60 , Uce. 84124 * T ? HOOM AND"IIOAUI ) SDITAIILE FOH TWO 1 gentlemen. Address W 40 , llee. 374 24 * -FUIINISIlEU UOOM AND IIOAHII 2JI3 DOH . I- las street. M373 m ; -DESIHAIILB F1HST AND SECOND KLOJH J- rooms nud board , The Frcnior , 110 N , > 5lh St. ' M3U SO * "if- HANDSOME SUITE HOOMS , F1HST CLiTs - board. IH22 Cblcngo street. IS'4 SU I-FUKS1SHED HOO.MS WITH UOAHI ) , ALSO -L table hoard , 2OT lUrney , M3S3 25 * y-HOAHD AND HOOM8 IN PH1VATK FAMILY : gentlemen preferred. Mrs. K. I. cilllcrl. 21 nnd J , bouth Oiunlm. 322 24 * RENT-UNFURNISnE KOOMB. " ; -3 > UNFIJ 1 XJSlE i C if A M U Bll S FO H HO U b7E- v 'keeping to UIBU uud wife , Xo cblldruu. 3I'J N. IJj u. _ 841 rj-TIIUBK UNFUUMSHI.'DHOOMH FOH HOUSE- vJkenplniti ulso ouu furalsbed fruut loom. 1717 Cnssjit. _ 2M J4 G-FOUIt HOOMS. WITH ilATlJt HKFKHENCE3 i-xclioiiged. VJ7S , 201U si. ! 7d-24 * ( lHOOMS ENSUITU AND 2 SINOLE HOOMS. vJ2Jda Douglus > t. UU 25 * ' GUNFUUNItiltKD KHONT UOOiiy FOH HENT. 222U Ltuvcuwuflt ilrttt. * 1JW Si < FOR RENT-UNFUnNIaHED ROOMS. Cnrif/ntird. / with bontd for two , I40.U ) . 205 S. 21th street. 8M 24 * _ G-l'NFt.'HNISllED ItOOMS. ALSO TWO ON first floor , prlvllCRO of liousckecptng. " ' > ( ! Capitol nvenuc. _ 404-it * -1.KIIIT , PLEASANT HACK PAIII.OII. PAUTLV G f urnlslicd If desired. 1721 Lcatcnworth ftrrc-t. 407 24 * KENT- , TiYi-SToiiv lmnc ni' Uil ! Karnnin street. The bulldlnir has n flrc-prool cement basement , complete steam-hentlnR tlxtiiren , water on all the floors , gas , etc. Apply at tlio olllca ofTliolloc. PIS _ j _ 3-TWO STOHK HOOMS AND Kf.ATS AHOVII , corncrlOtli nnd 1'lorco. Inqulro 2511 1'oppleton avp. IV. I . fliull. 14'24' _ 1KOH IIKNT , I'lllST CLASS STOHII III.DO , WITH 1 nice live-room tint nbovo , on Cumlnir , near Vlstn street , well locited for eroeerr. drug store or meat market. Hicks , 8UJ N. Y. Life llldg. 217 24 _ " I KOH "HUNT : PAHT OK ouu nvi : STOUV btlck wnrelionsc. Omnlin Warehouse and Storncc Co , . 1213 nnd 1315 Lcnvcimorth sttoit. M2.MI5 I-WAH1C110USK , INQUlHUSlllsO. 11T1I STHKIIT , U .MUM _ _ T-.T01IOOM 1IOTKL , DKStttAIU.K LOCATION ! 'all modern. Apply to R W. llnrt , Jr. Missouri Vnllcy. In. .MH.VI A : _ _ _ iWANTED-TO KENT. K-COUT HOOM COTTAOK , MODKHN CONVKN Icnces , between Leavenworth nnil Webster , Mx1 tecnth nnd Thirteenth : etnto price. Address WM , lleo. J.SU24 * -WANTKI ) , IIY DHKSSMAKHH , KtJIl NISIIKI1 or unfurnished room hotvtcen 2Jth nnil2ith : Hart nnil Doilgc. Address WM , llee. 8WI24 * 1C --.MODKHN COTTAdH OK AIOUT U HOOME tt lib bnrn. Address W .10. lice. Ml 24 * RENTAlT AGENCIES. ' K. 0. 0AItVIN Jc Co" , SjrSHlSKLY HLOCIv. HLOCIv.t03 LAHCJKST LIST OK DKSIUAIILK HOl'SKS , Tints nnil cottnccs. K. C. Gnrvln .V Co. , Shceley block , tel. I1I3U. JUI'J 24 --T r.------- _ - . - -OI.1IKST. CHKAPKSrAND HKST STOIIAUK Mi house , In tbu city.Vllllutus A Cross.12(1 llm ney , SSJ M-CI.KAN , IIHY AND PH1VATKLV BTOHHI ) furniture. lleatlnR stoves stored over eunimor. 1207 Douglas st. Omaha Stove llcnnlr works , tilt M-STOHAOK ! LOW HATKS ; OMAHA WAHR house and Storage Co. , 1213 and 1215 Leaven worth. .M2. ' > SaN WANTED-TO BUY. J--KUHNmmi' : ' HbuaTn\ SOLD , "STOHKD , Wells , 1111 KnniMUBt 281 \T-WAN1I3D. SOMK LOW PHICKD CLKAU LOTS -1 ns llrst pnymcnt on n nlca hoti n nntl lot.VII1 built to Kitltnnil sullen monthly pnyniont , Why pay rent ? beo.V A , Knbn , 15th nnil Douglas. 7111 mi N -WA.VTKI ) TO BUY. KIOHT OH TKN HOOM house with modern liuprovements , nml good filed lot , locntcd within one mlle of tlio postoltlco. Stnteprice , slto of hoti93 nnil lot and full pnrtlcu- Inrs by nildrcsslnit S 47 lleo otllco. 712 VT-10 HUVCLAI.MS AGAINST UAIUtCMD KM- -L' plores. Wcbstpr Collection AgencySioux 804-ui 11 Vr-IlinillCST PH1CKS PAID KOH 2D-HAND Ktm- i ' nlttire. uninlia Knrnttiiro Co. , just openeil. lUI N. ICth 2'-U m 22 * \r-OKNKHAL STOCK ; CASH AND CIIOIC1 ! 1 > land. A. K. Illley , room 40 , llnrker block.m m 21 * FOR SA"LE-FURNITURE. 0-roil SALK CIIKAP , HKDHOOM SKT AND other hotiiehohl goods : nlso hentlni ; nnd gnso- llneelovc. No. 823 South ISHh street. 4WI 2ii * FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. " " p-FOH SALK , -1 and delivery wngon ; horse gcntlo and wagon nearly new ; for ealu cheap. Inquire at luitt Farnam. 520 p-FOHSALK. 1SUIIHKY. HUILT I1Y SIMPSON : J. I phaeton , by Driimmoud ; both tlrst-class , good as new. L. II. Korty. 253i ( Poppleton. iXJ p-KOH SALE OH EXCHANGE. HAHGAIN , A J family ho e. surrey aud Indian pony. ln- qulrc 220 lleo building. 14121 1O.NE OF THE FINEST SHETLAND 9TAL- lions In Iowa for Bale , 40 Inches high , weighs 4uU pounds , Jet black , English onk cart , light colored harness. Frank Anshutz , Shenandoali , Iowa. 210 25' _ P-DHIVINO I'ONV. D VEAHS OLD. SOUND ANI1 gentle , MO.UO ; also have a good saddler for (75.00. 2213illlnney. 327 24 * - . , ANOHDEHFOH A NEW SCALE Q-FOHSAJ.E . Address I. M. Street , 20.M Dodge Dtrcet. M23227 * _ -MY HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANO AT A bargain ; horse , buggy nnd harness for 5100. 1 In tend leaving city at once. C. D. liasoro , 1230 So. 30th et. 305-24 _ FOl ! SAI5L , A KHESII MILCH COW AND Q calf. Inquire at 2014 Charles btrcct. 31312-27 * QQA Q-A 1IEAUT1KUL L1TTKH OF THOHOL'OH. breil Irlah HCttcrH for sale at Gclnlcr's bird store , 4Uii North lllth utreet. M3H SO' -SHADK AND KHU1T THUKS. SHHUIIS , TORCH , bulbs , scciU In henlthy condition by II , Kninzen , 2Ui ! Martha and Dupont ncbool bouse. S75 21 * Q-W. EVKHKTT , SCHKKN FACTOIIV , COH UTH and Howard btrccta. All kinds of porch trellises on hnnd. 413 24 * ATTKNTIONI P1IO1OO1IAPHKHS AND KN. gravers. I'ractlcnl Instructions In photo-cn- Knivlnn. Out Ills furnished. Manufacturer of Hn screen plates forhnlf-touo eagraving.V. . IHow. : . man , Ottnwn , 111. ; IMJ 24 * HBSTAUUAN'r AND CHOP HOUSK. ICffi Q iK-nvonworth street. M3H5KJ * " IJ KOUS. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MIBg R-HAY rail SALK. THE STANDAHD i\VTTK Co. offer 1,000 tons selected , barn stored bay for on truck , Amen , Nelirask.u MR'J2 -CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT OFFICK'IWJ FAH- -Ltnam , upstairs ; male aud fumaloh elp. Tel. 881. IQi p PAPILMON DUIVISl ! 1'AUK. O. C. HMITI1- AV trainer and driver. Makes n specialty of break liiKiind tralnlnu' coils. Makes n specialty of treat- IIIK horses that are sore , from hard roads nnd bnd Jeet , ItcasoiiaUo charges. lloardlnK horses by the month , M11-M3 * fATTENTION. . PIIOTOUHAPHBHS AND EN- JXnravi-rs. Practical Instruction In photo onitrav- Inuoutlltx furnished manufacturers of line screen photos for half-tone engravlnc. W. E. llowman , Ottawa , HI. 37U . > ! 1 WANTP.I ) , HOUSES AND CATTLE FOH PAS- IVturo. KunnliiB water nnd tame uniBs. Call or address , Phillip Meyer , Colfiuan station. M3I6 30 * CLAIRVOYANTS. U-ASP1IUT MEDIUM OF MOST EXTUAOHD1N- > J AllY POWEHS. Tlio world renowned PHOF , J. O. LEOSAHD lias arrived from the cast nnd opened parlors at 418 S. ISth street for the reception of the cenoral pub lic , where Indies nnd gentlemen can consult this youtid nnil Kitted medium on any kind of business , When you call on Prof. Leonard you don't have to Bay a word to him. He will call you by your nnmo and lull yon the object of your visit , anil clvu you Information that cannot bo obtained by any other medium In this country. It you have a law suit ho will tell yon Mho you have It with , nnd tell you what to do In cuso ho sees you are Rolnu to lose It. If you urn KoliiK to speculate he will tell you what you are Koine to speculate In and tell you whether It will be protllablu for you , Uemembcr all thu Is told ) ou wllhoui you BayliiK ft word to him , Will toll you whether your lover Is true or false to you and worthy of your affection. Can make speedy marrlniio with the one you love. Can brim. the separated together. All business Is strictly private uuil conililentlal. Will tell your troubles without you saylnii a viord to him. Prof , Leonard nlshcslt understood that If ho don't satisfy you In every nay he will not under any clicutuetanccB tuko jour mouey , as he never tuke money In advance , lie don't care how scepti cal you are , you nro bound to bo convinced. Prof. Leonard has no cqunl In charm working , nnd mnkig no charges until wgik Is done , for ho Is so sura of Ills powers that ho can nlford to await results. Testimonials can be seen ut his parlors from some of thu must prominent Indies and gentlemen In this country. He does not advcrtlsu nhnt ho cnnnol do. Call und bo con vinced yourself. Seeing Is belicvlug. Seek udvlco before It Is too late , All challenges accepted , The professor wishes 11 distinctly under stood that lie has no rival In his profession and stands without mi-equal before the public , und will not bo classed with the man ) cheap pretenders found In t'\cry city. Cull and bo convinced. : It was Wilbur K. Storey , the able nnd aggrci- : ; slvu editor of the Chicago Times , who remarked i : to lloliert ( i. Ingerroll that Prof , J , U , Leonard : : ws the only true medium ho hud over met. : O o Tlio mysterious man who possessed n knowledge of the most secret thoughts of man and wtimun- It U u well known fact throughout the world , slnco the days of ancient wlcliery , Hint only u genuine medium caiirovfalthofuturecorrectly , Thoiowho cannot call on him In person , If they will enclose an addressed stumped envelope , u Jock of hair and fees , photograph. If uoiilblo , lie HIM by return innllcncloto them full Information about luclr af fairs and return photograph. hillings for ladles , tl.UO und upwards. Killings for gentlemen , nnd upnardi. Hours , from 10 a. u. to 8 p , m , llemfiuber the address , 41S H. Uth st. . up one Bight ul stairs. lletuember you pay no money In advance. If you arc not perfectly pit-used with the silting , you pay uo money. A froj ten ulvcu to all these desiring a a sitting. 418 S. IMlist. , up ono flight , Otnahn , Neli. ClllS. ! . E. ( i , HAWTIIOHN , tru SOUTH HTII Ontrcel , Imvlntliad years of experience , vtltlglvo leadings of past , present nnd luture. bluings to ladles only , lu cfnu. lj ( a. m. to Up. m. dally. Sun- Alisiut 3iUi udJblu. CLAIRVOYANTS. Mt'lltl'll ' - , KXTHAOIlDINAKViVONDKIlKUIj S-AltHIVAI ! iii : llrntO-i the world. Mrc. Dr. M. IX'graTe , dpad tuuco clnltTOyant , nstrologlst , palmist nnd life rMiffer ! loll your life from tlio craillp to srates rtnitfe the separated ! can os mar- rliitc with HIP one yon love ; tells where yo-.i will succeed and In nhM < tiuslnp best adapted for ! lias the celebrated I.VrpUan breastplate for luck and to destroy bail Inliuenivs ; cures IUK , Intemperance Mid all private cintililalnts with massage , lint In nnd alcohol treatment. M'nd t-.OO , lock of lialr name and date of lilith and rpcclvo accurate Ufa charli 7 cents In stflhfps for circulars clvo Initials of ono you "III marry ! nlso pliotonof same , Olllco KW South Dili m eiulr t floors hours , n. m lull P. m , I'oino one , uiiue all , and bo convinced of this Tioiulcrful oracle. , , M37I' ! ' S-M11S. NANNIK V. WAIIHKN. 1'I.AIHVOVAST reliable business medium , tilth year at III ) N. ll'ith , IMJ S-MA1) AMK FI11T7 , M70 CU.MINO BTIir.KT clalrvoy nnt ar.d irnnro medium ; Indcpenden volceai telld past and future. MA S3 APE , BATHS , ETC. _ _ fP-MAitAMH PMITII IIJI DOtKlI.AS 8TIIKHT. -L room ? , 3d lloor. Alcohol , sulphur and sea liaths , AlSSt J 'P MASSAOK TltKATMKNT , Kl.KCTUO-THIMl- -I mat balhs , scalp nnd lialr trpatment , inaiilcuru andvhlropodlst. Mrs , l'ostal .4S. 15th\Vlthnell blk. 2 1 rp-MAlAMi : IA HUB , M V8AM , Uil HOtlTU JL 15th St. , 3rd tloor , lint 4 , assistant. _ MTt'J''i * fP-MISS PTOWB , MASSIJUSK III.KCI'UICIAN , 1322 MIXO-2S * Itnmno block. FERSONAL. V HAMMONH ( COJ.OIlii : man ) thnl lived , 'llth nnd Reward si. or any one noRlnit \Uierenbout3 pluaso wrltu Heed , V bclby. K Hoard Trade. ttt-1 _ _ -HKWAHI ) ( J1VKN TO ANY 1NFOHMATION of Tim Klllllca.dend orallv ) . lie has not hocn seen br his folks fpri years. Tim Is n native of Hoscoiiion Ireland , Address Mini Mary Klllllea , Union , New Mexico. MS8S 81 * - o.v. . . .ii'sr nKTi'iiNiii ) . it P. jrr wn.i. close contract with you between May 1st nnd lUtli. llolny matters until that datu If porallilu. Answer by return mall. "Deo. " _ .Mi73ifi' : ! MySIcTAKT AND L ANQU AQE. V ilKFoitK lirVrNOA i'lANOKXAMrxiC Tltli ' new scalu Klmbnll piano , A llospu , ljniou lns. \r-nuKouK nrriNti A PIANO IXA.MINI : ran V new ecalo Klmbnll plnuo. A llospe , I'M Douitlas. W5 _ _ _ V-RcllOOIi OP I.ANOLMCKB AND SOOIAIi > fclence , ii : , 214 McCngno bulldliiK. Special course ? In ( lermnn , May , .luuc. tlO.UU. MJ41 27 * f-- ilUIllcc , 11ANJO > with llospo. or 51j X. lith st. _ 1'42 ' MONEY TO LOAN-UEAL ESTATE ANI ; i city property. W.WO and upward' , ! ) to 8 per cent. No dulayaV. . Tarnani Smith \ Co. . 151 li and Harnoy. \V "MONUV. MONKV , MONKV. t IIH.OOJ TO LOAN ' ' In sums of f.MJ to f.VUOO on Improved or unim proved residence business property In the city of Omaha. No delay In closlnx loans as money Is on linnd. No denlliiK with eastern parties , all business transacted hora nnd Interest payable hero nnd not In the cast , also ninku bulldtnit loans on most ( aTOrablo terms. " Fidelity Trust Co. , 1014 Karnain. | ( Xi _ _ _ \\r-ANTHONV IXJAN AND TUUST CO. , .118 N. V. ' , lends at low rates for uholui ! xecurlty on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W PU1VATK MONKV. 1ST AND 21) MOUTKAHK loans , low rales. Alex. Mooro. 4U1 llco bulldlni ; . WW W -LOANS. G. U. WAL1.ACK , 312 1IUUW.V HI.K Kll _ \V-LOANS. W.M.UAUUlSrll. 20 I'ltUNZlSU HLK- > > - ai ? _ _ _ \\r-1NSU"ANCK MONKV TO LOAN. Al'PLV TO ' .1. U i.ovctt. KUB. 1.1th. 2"JI A V LOAN. UBAI , K3TATK AND HHNTAI. AOKN- ' * cy. Turtles ImVIni ; city lioilnos tu rent and farms to tell should list them at once , bplcnilld larms In l.oKnu Valley , 'Neb. , foile. : . Kustern money furnished. Uuo.V. . 1' . Coatus , Hup. 1U14 Kar- n n m. _ toT \\r-\V. HAlNKV. 315 OM All A NAT. II'K BI.IHJ. ' ' City mortvaKos. J.owcst rates. Money on hand. WJ " \\r-MONKY TO I'.OAN ON IMPHOVKD CITY ' ' property , low rate. A. C. Frost , Douxlns blk. \ -JIONKV TO WAN ON UKAI.KST TK. THK O. K. Davis Co. . 153J Knrnnm st JUI \\7" H15AL KSTATK LOANS , ( ! TO 7 PKH CBNT : ' no addltlonnl charges for commission or attor ney's Iocs. W. II. ilelkle , First National bank bldir. \V clIfTUAlj LOAN-A , THU8T CO. I115K HLDO. > ' 230 -OMAHA SAVINGS HANK MAKKS LOANS on rcnl estate nt lowest market rates. Loans mntlo In small or large cum and for short or long time. No commission Is cbnrgerj. nnd the lonns are not sold In the cast , but can always bo found at the bank on the corner of 13th nnd IJouglns streets. 203 \\r-0 PKH I CENT MONUY. PIIILADKLI'IIIA 'i Mortgage nnd Trust Co. Thomas Urennnii A Co. roprescntntlvoi , 217 Knrbnch block , 172n'.M \\r-PKIVATB FUNDS. A. K. H1LKY , HOOM 40 , ' llnrkcr block. 4U2 21 * MONEY TO J LOAN-CHATTELS. -iKrvoii TWANT MONEY ? If so do not fall to gut our rates before bar- rowing. Wo make loans without removal or publicity , on furniture , plnnoi , hones , wagons , etc. , nt the low- cat possible rate. There la no unnecessary delay , but you get the money on the same day you ask for It. Wo will carry the loon na long as you desire. giving yon the prlvlla o of paying It In full or In part at any time to suit your convenience , nnd any part paid reduces the cost of carrying the loan In proportion to the amount p.ild. There nro no charged of any kind to bo paid In advance , but you gut the full amount of the loan. Our unices mo centrally located and are so ar ranged that parties calling on us can bo waited on quickly undcorteoualy. Ifyoulinvo a loau with other p.irtloi. or hnvo bought n piano or other furniture on time and tin I the payments n llttlo larger than you can meet conveniently , we will pay It for you und c.irry the loan as long us you desire. H will be to your advantage to BCD us before ao- curlny u loan. OMAUA MOHTOAGE LOAN CO. , Hoom 11 , Crclghton Hlock , 15th St. , Boutll of I'ostolllci . 200 _ TO LOAN. F1DELTY LOAN GUAHANTEE CO. On household goods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , at thu lowest possible ratal without publicity , removal of property or chaugo of possession. Time arranged to suit tlio borrower. Payments of any amount can be made at any timereducing both principal and Interest , thus giv ing patrons all the benefits of thu partial payment plan. Call and ano us when you wantn loan. Money always on hand ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates ; huslncsa conlldcmlal. FIDI5L1TY LOAN GUAHANTEB CO. , II. F. Mastcra' old stand , U. MVllhuoll blk,15th and Harney , Ml X WH.Ij ixAN SIDNEY ON ANY KIND OF security ; etrlctly i-ontldentlul. A. E. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. 'Ml -HOH'T PHl'raiAUD , it 3 , WITllNELL 11LIC , 'Mi X-WHEN YOU WANT A CHATTEL LOAN SEL W. H , llnvla. roon20 ; , Continental block. U03. X-$20,000 TO LOAN ON CHATTEL SKCUUITV. bualneaa conUdorltlal. Itoom 402 Enrlmcli block , . . , 3US1 AHO * r-LFE INSUHAtfCE POLICIES LOANED OS OK k-bougut. II. F , Moun , Muss bldg , Kansas City. Mo. X -MOSEY rro I.6AS , CHATl'BL MilllTGAGI ! 30 , i)0 ) , 1U days , ou furniture , pianos , ; ilvu stock. vie. , without pulUftflly or removal of proin-rty , nt the loweitratea and the easiest payments No delay. Cash on band. Dull Urecn , 11.8 av , Darker blk. jt Kit -DAIHV FOH HALE. J , K. I10C11. AMES A VE. i 'o -FOH SALIVKSTAIILISHKD GHOCEHV ; CIJN- tral locntlou : poor health reason for selling. Apply V32 , Heo. HU _ .Ma05 A 17 00.10 7013.003.00 STOCK OK GKNEHAIi merchnndlrc , ; ctni l tlng of dry goods , boots , ahoea und grocerlm , clean and well selected Block , Will exchaiuo for land to tbu value of f l.OOJ U ) ami thereat cnah or vpoi ) nolos. Stock Is Inn town of UXI people nnd liai'n line trade. Liberal dlicount fotiill cash. Addrvti P. O. Hex No , VJ2 or No. 343 , York , Nub. Wrltu for particulars. Mi3.l ( M8 V KOH BALETlIE CKNTHAL 1)1111(1 ( STOKE , tGeneva. . Neb. hi lock and fixture * Invoice { I.OJJ.UO. biles 1801 , IIO.OUO.UO. Heat t-atabltihcd tiade In city Hnru clmncu for right party Twu-thlrdu cash , , one ) car , Address box3' l , Gcnuva , Neb. Ki' ' l'i" "Y WANTED. A PAUTNlTl ( IS A PHOKITAIILE nmuufucturlnv tu.lnean. Addreba W 27. lleo of- lice. Mail 25 * Y TO LET , HAI.OO.NASI > 11E8TAUUANT AND allothcr relreshment privileges at the l.uku hhore company's ground * at Ijiku Cotilrnry , lour nillea Boulh of the city , to let fur the season of lrV2 or longer , Tlila U the bcit and nlcvit suburban ro- eort In the western country. 1 Inc. tlahlng and bout Ing , elcgntit grovea and lawna , line picnic nnd baio bull groundu , vie. Tliecoinpnriy pruler > to rent all the prlvllegrato onuparly. Including three IHIUFCB the Windsor , thu Dunforunnd Club house. l'one - ilon given at onco. For particular" apply to E. F. iliirtwlg , treaiururljiko&lioiu company , 212 South Third Uri-ct , tt , Joseph , Mo. _ 215 20 YFOlfTfAI.K , MEAT MAIIKET. IN TOW'S OF rOJInhnbllimu Inceutral Nubru ka ; bulldlni ! IU xWI , nnd llituri's ; coiuer lut on Ihn main t. : dwell- Invhounu Hii24 on rear end of loll treed alaughter liouae und feed yiirdti nu * Ittbume. Pitcu und leruia rvakouublii. AOdivit lurucr A llovbener , i'rsmont , K U. Jiv-414 BUSINESS OHANOE8. V mil SALK , SA1XXN AND HKSTAtlHANT IN I one of the best lot-ntlnni In thl * rllyt owner KOlug cad. Cnll on M. Krnnklln , Windsor hotel. M : c- - \r-OOOD STOCK DIU'OH. INVOICK t-CO ; < 1)01) ( -I biislnp s ! reason for spiling , slcknrxt tnrnisto nil buyer. Address 0. K. Holt , P. O. tex 21. llee , Neb. 141.24 * V-HOTK.L IN O.MAIIAt OWNKH LKAVINO CITYl Jl lease nnd furnltnrn for saloj gront hnrcnln. Alex Moore , 401 Iteo building , MM ? 2t ! V-KOH SALK , TlUfTitlTNMTl'HK , TixTlTltKS L nnd lease of n tlrsl-cln < hotel In n town of I'.rjoo populntlon ; will sell chcnp Is tnken before Mar 1. Aildrcst W. M , llco Olllco. M 24 * V"WoilMI'S PAIH OPPOHTUNIT1KH. CHI- -i cneo nffords opportunities that'come but once In n life time. If you wnnt n rpxtntirnnt. lodging house , bonrdlng boujc , or nnr other iiiMnprn , HIP place to look for It Is In the. World's fnlr city , nnd tlieunilprslitnpd cnn rtnd it for you. Coniinnnlcntp freely with C. II. Toncrny , room I , MA South Clnrk tt , Chicago. HfilSI" V-VOU SAI.H , ( JIUTKHV STdHKATllW Mll 1 Itnry nvp. , near Wnlnnt Hill school. SplPiidld country trndo. Kor particulars enquire nt prem- Isor MM 20 * V-WANTKI ) , PAHTNKIl IN DUKSSMAKINll To commence limncdlnlcly. Only llrst clnss culler wanted. Apply 123 No. I4lh street. _ V-WANTKD , A IIIIOISTKIU : ! ) P1IAHMA01ST I to tnko half Intpresl In n retail drugstore , flood location , flood trndo Address II. . Wlnsor llotcl , Omnlin. Neb .MS7Jii ( ! > V - W A NTKI ) , HUSINKSS MANAfiKU TO TAKH I clinrgo of olllee. We pay nit expense. Salarv. f.opcr tumuli niul 10 percent commission on nil business transacted. fJOO required to be Investpd In Mock , itunrnntroil a snfo Investment. Nnno nut rellnhlo man need applr. Addrcs OrKanlrpr. 10 Knstaitli street. Kearney , Noli. 417 24' V-A (100I > IMHTV CAN sr.t'trilK AN AOTIVK A lntere tln n loan and trust company liv lnve t- ingf0XXtof2j00. ! ( ) Also cnn peciirc pre ldenev of coodlmnklimhouso by Investlnu $ llWJ Add'rcss W S , , llee. MI11I2H Y-WANTi : PAUTNBH WITH fl.KK ( ) , I.AHV ( ) U Bent to tnnnnuoprofltnlilo liuslness. Hernrenco required. Ad. 1'orry , 1705 Curtis St. , Denver. Coin. V KO1IHALK ONI.V IIOTKIi IN GOOD TOWN. 1 Hex S74 , Shenandoali , la. M4U 57 * V VI11ST riAS ! * mVMVUKMli IN PMAlTfi J-townno : competltloni references excliiumol. Address J 37 , Union , Neb. II77-24' - - - YOUH PHOPKHTV. 111(1 LIST A/call or wrllo. Alex Moore. 401 lleo bldx. U.VJ / - ) . PAHTIKH THAT 1IAVH ( ! OI ) / property tlint Is Incumbcrcd to list It for ex- chniiKU for land and cash. U F. Hinder. M2.IT 2 > i * y-B-STOUV lllllcKSTOHi : . LOT 22xiW. : ON FAH- /Jnnui. f : ) , ' ) , tot ) , mortitUKU ! I4UOO , II per cent , fur good Omaha property and u llttlo cash. 11. F. Illnger , lll'J Fninam. M2I8-2U : * y CLKAN STOCK OF ( iKNKHALM'D'S'KVILI ; , /-Jtaku real cstnta & money I1OX21I5. Frankfort , I nil , 307 _ y-FOUTHADK , NiW : 3 STOUV HUH'K FLAT AJbulldliiK. modern. A 1 location , ronti readily. Closest Investlcntlon Invited , prlcu } 25U3J. Trndo equity tor unlnciimbered viicnnt lots. Ames Heal I'.stnto Agen'cy , 1.W7 Farnam street. 33'J y-iK vou IIAVK A cool ) upiumrr PIANO TO 'Jtrnilo for lot 40. block 1 , Armour I'lnco , South Omaha ; clear of all lucumbrunca. Aitclron N4j , lleo olllce. . , M2W V-FA 11MS AND ItANCllKS AND lllr.H lIHICf ) "horse-i lor salachenp or cxclmnec for Omalin property. U. J. Kendall , 40.1 Uiown llldg. M010 MIC _ y-KOH KXCHANfiK FINK UKSIDKNCK , NHW , / 13 rooms , liiod rn Improvements ; < in motor line. 1 mlle from postotllco. Will cxchaiiKU for coed biulncsa lot or farm lands , W. , 1 * . O , box ( M , Omaha. .177 " r/-FO iTTHADU. J70.00) WOHTII OF UNINCUM- AJbcrcd city property to tradj for laiiu hitidi within l. ' < 0 miles of Omaha. Ames Heal Kstato Agency , 1507 Knrnnni st. 333 V-TO I\CIIANII : : : . IIA.MIILHTOXIAN STAL ' Jllnn. ppecdy. nlllcnrii f70l thla year In Ktud ; want livery , well locatedor good land : nlll aHsiimo light encumbrance. Gco. 12. Crnlg.aaro Hee , Coun cil IIHHTn. 213-21 y-TO KXCHANGlFOH L1VKHY DOl.Nti PAV- /-JliiK huBlriL'us. orlund : lot I'd \ I IS on Oakland ave line. Council HlulT * . line e lU'nce street , large fcliado trees , paved , graded , etc. lieo. II. Craig , earo Ucc Council Hlutls. 24221 y-f2SOtl STOCK OF DHV GOODS , HOOTS AND ' -/.hoes ( to otcliiinge for clear land , iluti-lilsim \ PjaliiB. raiton block , Omaha. _ MJI 24 * rKNTHAL NKIIIUVSKA LANDS. CASH AND Aaown property to trade for stock of m rclmndlsu from JI.I.UU to C1VM dollars , C. L. Krvln , Lextnuton Null. _ : ,0'J 2'j ' y KKAKNKY LOTS. N1CHLV SITUATISD , FOH A ' -'good piano. Address 1 , II. Wambauijh , Kearney Neb. 310 24 * _ ry COOI ) I1H1CK 11LOCIC IN ( 'LAV CO. , .NKII. . /jrcnteil forSI7. > per month ; jirlco Ji2,500 , encum bered f7UU ; equity , for good form In westi-in Iowa. 15. F. Hlnger , 151'J Farnam. M3W-.0 : y WANTKDTO U.VCIIANGK HALF 1NTHUKST * J\n \ a $3,000 hardware htock In 11 good town for Kind near Omaha , town land preferred. No sell. Lock box 72. Clarcnco. la. M.14II 2ff y-I WA NT PA C I N(5 ( OH TIIOTTINO IIOHSK. f-llnmc and yoinitf ; must bo under : i inlnulcn : clear propel ly to trade. Addreha W 41 , Ucc. Mr.7"5 * CHOICE I.MPUOVKI ) PHOl'lIllTV FOH LAND ; also business property for vacant ; larpe list. U. K. Cole , No , 0 Continental. Msui 2fi" "y WANTKI ) . GOOD MILCH COW IN THADH FOH A'pony. Double harness for sale. 110 S. lllh hi. _ iHJA'l. y-LANI ) IN HAWLINOS. THOMAS AND liOVK /Ji'oiintlo.s for Block boolu nnd shoes. Sam Crooks. Clarlndu , la. .MiSI ; 2S * y-KXCIIANJB : IIKLLOTHKHK , < ! IVK MM A / purty that wants to exchangi ! n clear farm or lots for a dandy piece of Omnlin. vl/ , 2 good 7- loomed IIOIIHVN , Iiilxl22 l.lulitl ) Incumbcred , well located. Address W 3'J. llee. 32J 21 Z WANTKI ) . TO HUV , OH KXCIIANCK 4-1IOHSH engine and boiler In good condition , lor good wntar motor same capacity. Addreus Norfolk Her ald , Norfolk. Neli. M3.T ! 2ii Z 11AV DHIVING HOHSU , YOUN ! . ( iKNTlTH and Hound , tor brood mare. Addiera W 4'.i. Hoc. _ Sll 24 * y-SOUTII DAKOTA LAND , MDSK AND CASH f-ltor n ( arm of twenty to eighty acres cloto to small town not over tlfty miles north of Omaha. .1. W. I'onell , Meadow Urovv , Neb. M4.525 * - KXCHANGIFOH : MKHCHAND1SK , TWO brick houses on tlio bent 'tOxl.'Ei ! ft. of ground In Omnna. nnd two good 7-roomed frame housen on IXxr. ) 2 ft. Well located and lightly IncumliortM. Address W 40 , lleo. ; r.5 24 FOR SALE-KEAL ESTATK. OH SALE F / HALCYON ril-iJHT3. : Acre ? , half acres and lulu on electric motor road. Also houxof and lots In Halcyon Heights OMAHA1 * HEAUTIFUL SUHUIHI. Only thirty minutes' ride from center of city. Easy payments , low rale ot Now Is the tluio to secure a home. William II. Crary. 205 New York Llfoniilg. MIC2 M10 OMKH FOH SALE. TIIEHK IS NO DOUHT HUT that ivo have the moil satisfactory list of really desirable cottages to be found In the city. 1'ilcos. raugo from (2.000 up , and tormi aru ex- cecdlngl ) ' liberal. Wo linvu sold slv durhu the past month nnd thu best of our list will soon' he selected. Wo can recommnnd I Me- following : 7 houses within IHO blocks llanii'oin Park , f.MMJ5 H modul , new. Poppleton Park , 12,11007 US front , full lot , turn , elu. , Onnln Vloir ! 4ooi)7 room E front , now and complete. ; nin st 15.000 Lu Fayetto Pliioa. llnost In city. Soj thoai. Olllco open Sulurdaynlghts. Flilellty Trust Couipauy , IOU Farnam street. 3il.nH _ _ _ _ BEAUTIFI'LLAI'AVETTE I'l.ACK IS LOO AT 1C D on Nelron street , ono block went of Lowe nvc. Six new. elegant modern dwellings , of 7 to 0 rooms each , of which four are. rtlll for sale. Vou cannot udga of llio beauty of this torraej , or I lie. com pleteness of the cottages , without , seeing them. Open for Inspection , Prices reasonable and easy terms. Call at our ofllcu und wo will show them nt any time , whether you wUh to buy or not. Owned nnil tor sale by Fidelity Trimt Company , 1UJ Farnam street. _ (117 ( m FOH HALE-IOO ACHE FAUM IN IILUE 1IIVEU valley , Thuycr county , 10 miles west of Hebron. Ono of Ilia very best larms In the county ; good house , harn , granaries , cribs , etc. , und an ahundancu of fruit , timber nnd running walcr. Also lor sale or exchange for good lands or city properly , n brink pork packing house and tlxtuius in Hebron , Thayur county , near U. .V E , depot. For particular * In- quoro of any real eatato agent In Hebron. 310 THALF VALUE. IXJTACHEH , ness properly. Alex Moore , 401 line bid ; ; . H57 Yviv Miori.ioipAv HKNT ANI AT same time own n vacant lot whoa tliu I h Trust Co. will neil you u bjautlful cottnga honin la Ln Fnyt ttu place and perhaps tnko your vacant lot as part payment } Come nnd soj us aud let us Blunt you the cottages , HI 7 \\nt llVK A LAHOE LIST OF DF.SIHAIILi : I' South Omaha property lor sale. Putter li ( icorgu Co. , ti , W. corner 10th and Furnuui. 132 MID _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * T ACEV'8AIDrriONT < > O.MAHA.JU.ST PLATTED JJIt Is OJtl of Hunson on uluctilu motor line Loin I20U to IIW. Terms , H caih. bjlanca In Ihreo ecjuiil payment * , duu InV. 4 , u years and 7 pur cent Intorcit. I'oit.-r , V ( jeorga Co. , w. coruer Hitu olid F iiiniii. UU3.MJI FOH HALliTlIOMES , ANY PHICE , fl'M , II.2W UP ensy term ) , take cloir : property u > tlrst intyiucnt U , O. Wallace llroun block , lolh und Duuglus. 303 _ XT E. COKSKIl rTl AN'77 FlulKOII UIXIM 1 > .leel ! u bargain for u few days only. F. K. llnir , Ilnrkcr block , _ _ VJJ " " IfOH HALE AT"A"H.MUIAIN. LOT is , HI.OCK .1. 1 W. L. bi'lhy * ' llr t addition to Huiilli Onmlii , biuall payment donrn. balnnou monihly If desired. Jnqttlro ( i , U. T schiick , Omaha Hun. Ml 7oH BAI.K ON MON'riTlTv PAVMILSfs. M i bou vs i lull. Tli Of. D-yls Co. , ISM Furuuui tt. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. MON.MOUTH PAHK HAS THE MOTOII , CITV wnler. graded > treet .iild waU , school. tie.Mill- fill location everything to mnko It attractive. For lots or homei In thu beautiful addition on caur terms sco u. ( I. Wallace , trustee , 912 llrown block , If ih and DotiHl.n. sua C"IS.VW1 TO U.rNT S M3 OF f-VOOJ I'PWAHDsT ' 4nn place loan < on nny Innldo Improved property to nny amount whom vnluo l hnck of llio loan. _ Amc Hcnl KMnto Aggncy , IMr Fnrnam > t. .133 WK w ; ' ASS > iinu | A CLEAU VACANT LOT ICnl tu"nril a homo in Lnfnyetto Place WJ | PAV HE.NT WHEN YOU CAN lUiVOSKOr * lernia S i T' ' l".l"lo.rn C0 ' - ' 'e cvDruiilll on cnsy Latayello Place ? 1,17 ' 14 A ' ' 1lni " if lo "V" yn" Bml * clt " 0 ! > 9' ll'r J. D. 7IIII . llrown block. | Vfl ? AM5' "l10"0 t'OTTAtlK ( ONLVl SITU - i ' IJtard street Call on A. llo 'J lr 418 -\H1VE Ot'iTND ; SEE L7v FA"viH' 1T. I'LAlTf" on A 1'AYKTTK PLACK 1IUKOUB Ht'VINli 1 VSWiA WHNBH LOTON PAVKIK-miKKT. fuii , , Vr KroCl > r' llllll'lier or druggist , only I.KW. David Jamleson. 412 llco bldg. t,8l TV f A K E M E A No"r'FEirosTor8OANITIIILOl'1K : ) i1"1 ! ' " .faiinders . HlmebaUKh's addition to \\aliiutlllll. Anything goes. Occur Uroshell. Snlt LaUe 'lty L'lah. ] 7 m IS * _ NKW MODEHN IH'll.T - house , ucarllanscoiu park. All conxeiil.-nceii. S-p enillil iielghliorhood. A splendid bargain If sold qulckLJIck\ N. V Life building. 21 : 21 , Aciihs os ' \ \ nstrlo"i ) ) ( > s ! V suitable for gardening or liomesi UOJ per ncro ; f > , 10 or 20 acre tracts , Wright \ Lnshury , luth nnd Houiitil Mroett. _ Ma ? | ' l 0limVI' ! " ' M' * * Urr 4 " ' 'OCK 11 , HEE'lfs 1ST . . " "n' ' " " ' " " " "port t. , t > room collage. 1 ho O. I - . Davis Co. . 1505 t. WJ MI4 L' " " HAMJ-llOMKS IN (3HAM.MKHCV PAUK ' " . ! " c'l'tomers. ' flOU down , balance monthly. ( , , - i ) , , , , n the ground tloor nnd get choice of lola. A. P. Tukey , % | It K1VK HOOD COTTAOKS , , . . , , loneniy payments , \.itij \ in f 2.0JU c ncn. \ > in take clear lot worth from (20J to $1 ) n Urn pnymint. A. P. Tukoy. 818 New York Life Idilg. MUI7 r\s MONTHLY PAYMENTS , NI\V : COTTAHKSI Y.II'V'1 ] ; } ' ' "ml - llloek ffl > " ' motor U..VMUO to * 2.VK.U ) ) . hmnll easli payment , bnliinco niiinlhly. Hear lots from } M 00 to II.HOU.W taken ni Part payment. 1 will build houses to suit > oit. I ! , i' . Hlnger.JMU Kiirimni. 112.11 an A\TA.STKD , HUSINKSS AND HKSlfwNCK. \ \ \ - pmved or unimproved , property llted. . Hnvo fomeeastern bnjor.i for bargain- * , also want ncro property. ! ; . y. UHm'r , 1513 rnrimm. MV.iS 2i ; 12 LOTH IN HIHKIIAUSKH .CTlLU.MKHS' SUII-DI- LvlMon of Solomon's nilillllon , Omaha , n bargain. Joseph Pollard , Jr. , Washington , Iowa. 2iS , iu * ONK OK FINKST LOTS. KAST I'UONTS ON ( .eorgln nve. at a grt'al bargain , f I.OJO for n short time , llnlcldiiiioii & Wend , 1534 Donglns. ; W5-25 < f 1 tOOM 1101 iS > rANlTT'iiL ; COHNKH LOT Cl.osf : I to motor , fl.VX.1) ) , $ , lOJcaMiH : room new hou e.fur- nace and all conveniences. f4OJO : will tnke n lot as tlrst pnymenti cholcii collide , oak tlnlBh. CUM front on paved street near llnnscom pi > rkfJOJO. lintcbln- lion .V Wead , 1521 Donghu. IW7-24 i on SALI : . SKVKHA L"THOICKHKSIDKNCK * - lots In llnnscom Plnco and West Kud. Hicks , nge tjiOJN.Y.ure. 4.ii-.M VOH SALIKLKCA.NT : MODKHN HUILT HOU.SK" -L nil convenience- " , splendid neighborhood , near Park. Hicks , agent , 305 N. V. Life. 4W21 ASPI.KND1I ) INVK8T.MBNT , 40 ACHKS CLOSE to city ; big bargain If sold iidck | , Hicks , agent , 3U5 Ncvr Vork Life. 40U24 K ! HAHUAIN , 10 ACHKS CLOSK 'IO IIKLT LINK In West Omaha : will plat Into 48 nice lots. IHeM , ngcnt , 3US New York. Life. 4IW 24 SK.VKHALCI10ICK COHNKHS ON SOUTH 24TH street for mle nt old prices If tnkon ijulck. Illcks , agent , 3Uj New York Life. 40U2I 17AHMS IN 1OULAS. ! ! WASHINGTON. IH'll'l" J Cumlng. Dodge. Sniimlers. lion-aril. Valley. Itnf- fnlo and oilier counllc" . liomh ! ) acres up. at lower prices than any other ugont can i-liow. when iiiallty | of land and lmprovement are contlilercd. If > ou a bargain call or send for clicnlnr. J. H. Me- Shane , 215 S. lltb st. 'IS7 J4 CALL AND SKK THK IMIUiATxs WK Ol-'l-'KH 111 acre propeity clototo Oinalm , Illeks ngent. 4IU-24 l0 ACHK9 IN YALLKY COUNTY. THKKi : .Indies flora railroad. Illch valley liind : ' 'ill ncuiMiltlviiicd : goodbiillillngs , living wnlcr , ginvu and bearing orchard. Cheap nt W'10. J. II. .Me- Sluuie.2ias. Uth st. _ ; M 21 B UV ACIti : I'llOPBHTY CLOSK TO OMAHA. IIIcUs , nccnt , : 4)5 ) N. V. Life. 41024 rPJIKHi : IS ONK OF OMAHA'S PIIOMINKNT merchants now living on the $10 lot addition 1) Ing between Omtiha and now l-'ort Omaha. Ho ha * a nb-e little home , a hplemllil garden Fpot , plenty of poultry anil U perhaps cnjovlng n moro ijtiletnnil Independent life than when hu lived In the city. IfilulotHiiro good cnoiiKh for cmaha merchants perhaps you would lie plcnxi-il wild them too.rn do not Intend selling all thc-in lota ntJIU each , neither ill ) we Intend mining 1 lie pi lee to f.YX ) . lint all this week you can get n lot for 510 together wllh warranty deed , nbHtract of title ( train the United Slates down ) und lithographed plat. Kncloj2c postnua for plat anil more Inlormutloii. Open evenings. Chas. P. Hcnjamln , Solo Agent , 1V > : Dodge btreet. 32S 24 * AVK DO A C.KNKHAL HKAL KSTATE K.V- i changa ImMness. What have yim to oiler ? \Vestern Kxchange Co. , Columb--.s , Neb. M420 27 * BUY ACHK PHOPKHTY WKST OK CITY. HICIC , agent , ! .o : > X. V. L'fe. 41024 O'JO ACHKS SIXTKKN MILKS NO11TI1 OK womaba ; iviill Improved ; orchnnl and some tim ber. Only SJ5.UO per ncro. J. 11. McShani' , 215 S. Kill street. : ii > D 24 riALLAND SKETH1 ! IIAHRAINS WK OI'TlTiTTN V'aero property. Illcks , agent. 41021 4 HE YOU WKLL KI.YBD ? Oil AUK YOU .IIJiT VKeltlng n Mart ? The rich men of Ihe country made their money out of leul estate , luo-t of th-m began In n small way. Wo cannot sell yon a lot for CO that Is today north f.VIJ. but v.ican -HI 3011 n lot lor exactly ? IOthat may bo worth IU ) In a few year.- * . These lots arc locnted between Omaha and IHMV l-'ort Omaha , dry , level , free from mutt gage and (10 IB payment In full for a nice building lot with warranty deed , abstract and pint Kncloio 2c postage for plat and more Information. Open evenings. Chatlcs P. llunjamln , * ulu a ent , I.Vji ; Dodge street. JCM 21 * 17OII SALK KHOM O.VK TO POHTV ACHKS , near Fort Omaha. lleaiitlful highland for dwell- IngH and ilch vnlluy for marUt-l gardens , from IIOJ 10 fSlKI per acre. Four acres In V.'axlilngton hill , north of Dundee plnco. Two cheap lots , i-orner. In Orchard hill. Colt igex on anil near Council ItluMs motor line fl.OliO lo il.-'iX ) . Kasy piiymenti" . S. S. Curtis. 2US S. I.Mh hlrcct. .M10I-2J * PI'V ACHK PHOPKHTV CLOSE TO OMAHA , l lllcks , agent , : M N. V. Life. 41021 6III ACHES IN HI'FFALO COUNTY. IIKST OF nndi : fiJa < TC.i cultivated ; four inlleBlriint rail- road. Illg bargain at (0,400. J.1I. ; SlcShann , 215 S. miiHtrcct. 3lt 21 1'on SALE , rituri ; HEAHING OHCIIAHD I.N X southern California (2 per aero cash , (4 monthly Ini-tiilluieiits , lor particulars address W. S. Hall , EIU ( , 'urn Ex , MlnnOMiolls | , .Minn. illil 210 < > Hi Af HKS IN MONONA CO. , IOWA. 3 JIILKS Awest of Illo , 200 cultivated , good buildings , llvlug water , all fenced , orchard and grove. Cheap nt tr,2U. : J. II. McShnne , 215 H. 14th slleet , 301 21 ( tALL AND SEE THK HAHGAINS WEOFFEHIN wncre property close to Omaha. Illcks , agent. 4IOJJL I7OU SALE. AT A HAHGAIN. A TWO STOHV -I frame homo at the head of St. Miiry'n avenue. Apply to Academy Sacred llcuit , 271 h m. nnd St. .Mary's avenue , 3 0 24 FOIl HALE. 5.000 ACHES OK NE11HASKA LAND , Hi great faerllleu. Apply for Particulars to G. H. Peterson , owner , 1412 S. 13th si , Omiihu. : > 40 21 * BUY ACHK PHOPKHTY WKST OK CITY , HICKS ugcnlKJ5N. : Y. Life , 4IU-24 (140 ACHKS LN JKKI'KHSON CO. . NKII ; III ! CIL- ! Activated , liO ta no grass , good orchard , all fcncttil , good bulldlngv , soil very licit , four miles from Ale- andrla. If > ou want u good farm at two tlilnln Its vulne liein It Is ; price J7,5UO. J. H. Mcbhnno. 215 S. 14th street. K' ' . ' 24 AVi : YOU VISITKD THK TEN DOLLAII LOT n Kale yet' ' flllU-J nlll make yon M property owner , frco nnd chnr , Snlo nil this week , IMji ! Dodge street , liny one , It will please you. ( hnrk'n P. llciijandn , bolo agent , 15UU Dodge btreet. Open uvcnlngi3.'B 3.'B 21 * Fv ACHH PHOPKIITV CLOSK TO OMAHA. lllck ujfout , 305 N. Y. Life. JIU 24 pltKD M01H.K , OKK1CB _ _ O SNYDHU'S LOAN OFHCK , IMO DODOE ST. Men no * j _ _ _ _ _ HAIIl QOODS. _ _ I A1K1EST STOCK IN lisTHH ? WB TrirKAT J lyrical wlg .in.l bo.irdi a s.ijliltTV Ui binj ' / snitches , h.ilr olialm , cln , ssal for c.Uiloin. ) Mall orders solicited. Davlcs. HIS. Utlist. . Onnh \ DUES3MAKINO. T N ( lAli.MP.NTS : it ) DO DIIF.SS l-'fa nilllcs solicited. Miss Sturdy. ; i2JSVtiih M. MANUFACTUKINQ JEWELEKSi pASH PAIIFOHOLD(10I.I > . CAUSON A UANICs v 'room ' ao. Ilnrkcr Mock. Omaha. 81,1 N C TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange , . BEST IN THE WORLD 1 Jos. P. Mcgcath , Dealer , 1807 Psrnsm Direst , OMAHA 1 HIOPOSAl.S I'OK M'U.CII t OWS OKPAHT- J nient of thu lulnrlur. oflleu of Indlnn Af } f.urs. \ \ ashlnitoii. I ) , f. . April IU. IMI. . Sonloil proposals. Indorsed ' 'ProniHals for M Huh \V" \ ' ' . " " ' .l"'llr.lll9sP ' < l to thu Commissioner of Indian Allalrs. No . .nami Ii7 WoiMor street , .New \ ork. N.Y..WI1I bo received until 1 o'clock. | i > in. Iliiirsdny , May HI. isii.1 , for furnMilnij and ( lullvprliiK at Pine Ithk-o Accney. South Dakota , the standing Uucli Agency , North Dahdta.nnd Crow Agency. Muntana about 1.300 inlleh cows. Itfitulnr mnnks fur bids are nut teitilrol. | Schedules ( which will be mailit niiart of the proposals ) showlns the number uf emvs teiiulted at Hie various asem-lc" , con ditions to bo observed by bidders , time ami lilneo of delivery , tonns of contract and | mv- inont. "till all other noi'cssary Instructions will bofimilshcd upon implication to the Indian ollli'o at Washington , D. t' . : the t' . s. In 'Inn n. \\aiohinise ; , Nos. i and (17 ( Wooster stteot. Now i ork Olty ; the commissaries of Mlhslstoneo , u. S. A. , nt Omaha. Nob. , nnd Cheyenne. Wyo , ; to llio publisher of llio Sttu'k ( Jrowt-r's Jour nal of Mile ? City , Mont. , and the several In- dlati agents. The Is reserved to reject any or all bids , or tiny part of any bid It doomed for thobest Intorestsof the miverut.ietil ; nlso the further right lu tiiuklnj ; the awards to lu cre so or diminish to iny e.vtent the number of iiutmulau.illed for In the schedule- ' , also to teiiulro a delivery of s : > tier cent more or less than the amount Npoelllod lu any eont Iraet. Certllled checks. Kaeli hid u.iist bo no- ' cumpinled : by n cerlllled eheck or draft tin. on soiuu United States ilepo-dlory or solvent' nationalIntiik In the viululty of the resldeiR'n of tlia bidder , made payable to the older of the Commissioner ot Indian Affairs , for at least live prr cent of ( lin amount of thu proposal , which fheek or draft will lie forfoltod to tlu > I'tiltpd States lu eao any bidder or bidders rucclvltiK an r.watd shnll fall to promptly oxeeitto n > eiintrnet with coed nnd HUtllelent sureties , otherwlso In bo returned to the bidder , llhla I'ccomiviuled by cash In lieu t f a eertlllnd i-liock will not Uo considered. 'I J. MOltUAN , Commissioner. A-ld''ltn ) . I'M pi ml * lor District Oraillng Itoudi. Soa'ed bids marked "Proposals for dlstrfut trail I u bonds" will bo received at the ollleu ot thu city treasurer. Om.iha , Neb. , up to M o'clock noon of the 'ith day of April. IHJ ) , for I he purehaso of tll.MO.iH ) district Kradim : bond * of the city of Umaha , Nob. Sad : bonds nro dated May 1st , IS'JJ , and are payable from ono to nine vuars utter date thuieof , in deuomlna- 'tlousof lim.uiaud J.VJII.DJ oaeh. with Intetustat thu r.ito of " > per cent pur annum , payuulo heml--inuually , I'-lnclp-il a\rl Interest u.iy- able at ICotiutzo llros. . New Yv > rlt. fiO.IKIi.lUof ( lr.illn District. < S'i ) . . ' ! " > . ( ir.ullnDlstlcl. . : ( : TlKLlUof Oraillni ! Distrlet No.JK Sfl.OOI.IKIof ( Irnillim District No. S'J. I.arh Idd must st.tto prien aud amount sought for and liicludu neerited intcrcil ti > v date of delivery at Omaha. Nub. \ The rlKlit Is reserved to reject any and all w lads. lads.Ksiicd ttiiuor charter imwnr of cities of the metropolitan class and Ordlnauco No. Jd , u'uuiovcd .March Uth , Ib'J. . 11KNUY HOLI.N. I'ltyTroasnror. Notice. To thooccupautsof the roalcstntodescrlboil below and to D. 1C , Archer. You are lu-ruby notllled that on the vGlli day .Inly. 1WM , the iinucrslKned boiiK'it ' at prlvato tax halo of thu treasurer of Douglas County Neb. , the followliiK described real estatut until L'lUlTi feet , of east I07..M. feel , of lot Ouo llutiilred an ISIx ( Hill ) , and wcbtti'J feet of lot One lluudiud and Six ( IHi ( ) , and soutli 42 fectot west I27.'IS foot of cast of in'.h'J feet of lot Ono Iliindieu and Six ( inn ) . In Olse's addition to Omaha , situated In Douglas County , Nebras ka , for thudolliHiuent taxes of the year ISbS. and that si'ld properly was taxed lu the iiittno , ot 1) . It. Archer , and that the Unto of lu- ( leiiiitlou ) of sumo will uxflro ou the " ( Uh day Of July. Ib'J' ! . UllANT & UllAMT. Xotlco iifSulo. Of First bank building , He.aled bids will bo ri'eolvod at , thu ollleo of the le- euivor of llio Kirst National bank , lied cloud , J Nob. , until o'clock noon , May ' - ' . 1.- ' ! ' . for th * 1 ban.inK buildltiK , furulliiro and IIMures , 1 tlierelu cimtalnod , sHiiutoiiii lot HI. block ill , ell v of Ited Olond. Wubsler county. Neb. The btt'ldliii ; Is a good two Htory brielt llnlslied In style , w th l-'rench pinto glass front , tile lloor , Kuod vaults , furnished with good walnut hovel platu glass , counters , olllces divided wlih bion70 wlru partltlona , ono good Yale tlmo loci ; , burclar proof safe : also desks , i clialis , flies , etc. , ready for hanking. Klght le-erved to lejuct any or ail b.ils. as provided fur In older from the court to sell. O. O , lloll , id.e.UeiI'liMt Natluual bank , Hcd Cloud , Nob. A24(17tM ( i rROI'OHALS VOU PAVING 13ONDS. , JL Sealed bids marked proposals for pavin > / - 3 will ho rucolvud at tlio Olllco of HID lioiiMirur of Uiiinliu , Nell , up lei I'J i'o noun of lliu SHIi iluy nf April. IWf. ' , for the liurcliuso of t O.oOO.OO 0:1 : Vina lioiiils nt llio olty of Untiilia. Nub. , ilatod Mtiy 1. IM' , piiyiiblu M yours uflur ( Into , Inlet osir. per cent per aniiuiii , piyallo : sonl-Hiiiiutilly : ; principal nnil lulurest iinyiiblo ut Kount/.o linn. . Now l iirlt Dciioiiilnatloiiof bonds. Jl , ' 101.0) ) o.-icli. I-.acli bid niiiHlstutuiirk'u an I ainuiinl soiialit for nnil Incliulo accruoil Interest to ilatoof ilollv- orvatOnialin. Noli. The r Kill is to ro'joctanvanil nil bills. Issiioit iitiderclitirtor uowur of ultlus of mutrniHilltiiu cluts anU ordliinnco No. ' 'JU'J , upyro V1' ML'liiim.M I'HOl'OSAF.S l-'OU SKWKIt HONOS ' - for Sewer SoaliMl bills tnnrkoil I'ropns-iM llonds will bo rocolvcd at tlio olllco of llio olty iroasiirorof tboulty of Uniuliii. Nob. , up to U o'clock , noon , of tho'.HIi day of April , IH , f or the puieli.'isoof < 50.000.OJ .si-wnr I'oiulH of llm city of Oinul-n. Noli. , oatod M.iy . 1st. IK ) ! . | iiy- : ablo''Jyoar-iafturdato. Intorusl , fi pur cunt IMTIIIIIHIIII. puyublo Hoiiil-aiiiiiially. Prliiol- put nnil Intoro1 , ! , piyabo ! at KoiinUo llros , > s Now Vorlt. Duiiuiiilniillnii of noiids. JI.OOJ.OOJ ' eauli. Kadi bid must Htato price ni. d aii'ount BiiiiKbtfor mi'J Inoliiilu aooniod lntiire-.t up to datuof dollvury at Otnabii. Nub. Tlio iliclit If ruscrvcil to rojcct tiny ainl all bids. IssnocJ tinier cluirtcr power of I'llUnof tlio inolro- CDlltaiiulnhsanuordliiuncii No. afi'l. iiiimiivoil Jlnreh XL ! . 1IK.NUV IIOLI.N. > li-diltM : City Tronaiiror' _ l > rfipoHiiU lor Pnbllo Library Hiillillii ) , ' llontli SoalL'd bids inarkoil pronosuls for publla library biillillns bonds nlll bo recnlvcd ut tbu olllco nf lliuolty troamiror. Onialia , Nob. , tip to liio'eloek noun of tlio Mill day of April , lo'X' . for tlio pnruliiiso of HUl.iXU.W ) publlo llurury biillilliii ; boiulH of llio city of Omnlii : , Nob. , ( luted Mny 1st. IHUi and p.iyablo 20 yours aftur ilaUIntoroHtiit tlio rate of 5 pur cent prj-'O , I'rlnolpid and iiiiin , payable hoinl-aiiiiiially Inli'irst ' payable at Koiint/.o lima. , Now i orlt. Kacb old must. Htatu prlco and amount ( .Ditnlit for and Inclndo aeoiiioil Interest to dtituof dullvory ntOniiiliii , Noli. Tim rlKlit Is resorvud to rejool uny and all Issued under clinrtor power of cities of tlis metropolitan class , and ordinance No. lj ! S , approved .Mare. . , l.tb. . IIW in''fldaitM ( Jlty TicuBtirer. ARM THE HOSE IS THE SEAMLESS "FISH BRAND" SO WELL TUBE KNOWN , IT WILL OUTWEAR ALL OTHERS and STAND ANY PRESSURE GUARANTEED W and wrltE , PLEASED For Sale in Omaha and South Omaha by N. TUOIU A. O. HAYMKK , J ) . O. MoKWAN , M. R KllKB , A. M. McC'AHlJAR , JA , McUKOIlY , LOUKCK&LINN , LKO rJAHOOIC , HUItLSII & CO. , KOUTSKY 1JHO.S. , SOUTH OMAHA. Also by OMAHA RUBBER CO. , 1520 Farnam St , Cor. J6th.