THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAtJL APRIL 21 , I892-TWENTY PAGES. 11 THE CONDITION OF TRADE Business in a Jobbing Way Shows an In crease Over Last Season , THE EFFECTS OF ABUNDANT FARM CROPS Cold nndVt AVrntlirr llni nn Unfavorable Jincrl Upon Trade , Itnnilcrlns Country Itondn IiiipiiM.iblo nnd Drill ) Ing Movement of Produce. No one fully renllrM the widespread In fluence exerted upon business by the weather until some change In the conditions render * that influenceunfavorable. . The past week or ten dnys there has been n good opportu nity to study this subject fully. The cold and wet weather , in addition to making every ono feel docldonly uncomfortable , has exerted n depressing Inlluonco upon almost every branch of trndc. Country roads have been rendered almost Impassable and as n natural sc < iuonco'f.irnv ers have been kept at homo nnd tbo country retail trade has uttered In their absence. An oversupply of rain and mud , accompan ied by n scarcity of customers , Is a comblun- tlon not calculated to Induce the country merchant to place largo orders for goods. Accordingly decreased sales with a ten dency to dullness is the condition of the Job- blng'trado. The effects of the weather , bow- over , do not end here , fanners have boon prevented from marketing tholr surplus pro duce by reason 01 tno unfavorable condition of the roads and now the season has to far advanced that with the coming of good wiathor they will bo occupied with putting In tbo spring crops. The i esult will tie that the matkollng of the suiplus of last j car's corn crop will bo greatly delayed , nnd meanwhile the money lied up In that , commodity will bo unavailable for ttado puipocs. Looking at the subject from this point of view It Is easy to believe that no very great activity in country retail circles can uo an ticipated Tor some llttlo time. f - > Grain men generally anticipate nn In creased mnritcllni , ' of corn In Juno and July , and If their expectations nro realized a t.ioro active demand tor goods may ba looked for at that time. It must not bo understood from this that either the retail or Jobbinj : trade Is suffering nnv great depression. ' 1 ho most that can bo fiald Is that the demand for goods is not as octlvo as it might bo or ns U doubtless uould bo under a little dtfToicnt circumstances Wtien wo come to compare the present with the trade of & year ago it is uu y to realize that u big gain has been made. In Bplto of the bad weather with nil its attend ant disadvantages trade this month shows a decided gain over tbo corresponding mouth last j oar. Omaha jobbers are not compluln- Itie any , but on the contrary oto gcnt'i ally very well satisfied , not only with present , conditions , out with the outlook for tbo future. Jlestilts of l.nrgo Crops. Tbo popular Idea Is that tlio larger the crops of farm produce the better it is for trade , as the farmers will hnvo moro money to spend for goods of all kinds , luxuiicf as well as necessities. Hence It would follow that on years when largo crofs arc harvested business must bo moro active and tbo de mand for goods largely increased. This Is true in a general way , but as the term business has a very wide signifi cance and coven a multitude of diverse. Interests It Is not strange to tint ! that there ate some exceptions to tbo gonctul lulc. Last jcnr fruit wns abundant and cheap In Nabuiskn , and It was largely utili/cd by tbo thrifty housekeepers of tbo' state in lin ing hundreds of thousands of glass cans. Bo great was tbo demand for fruit jars that dealers could not upplv them fast enough , and the manufacturers wore swamped with orders. As a natural consequence grocery jobbers have noted a less demand for nil kinds of canned and dticd fruits than would ordluatUy have been anticipated during a prosperous season. As another example wo hear complaints from tbo manufacturers of cereal goods , oat menl , pearl barley , hominy , etc. The jobbers fliid that tholr customers uio not buying as freely of this class of goodB as usual. A re tail dealer from the western port of the state explained the reason the other day in this way : "When I left homo I refused to pay lOc per bushel , in trade , for n load of ns line potatoes as you ever saw. Do you supooso that people will buy rolled oats nnd similar commodities when potatoes can bo had at lUc per bu hell" Other examples might bo furnished of de creased trade in special lines , duo to the Hbundanco of farm products. As a general thing , however , what U lost in ono line Is made up in some other. What the farmer eaves in groceries ho Is quito likely to put into dry goods , or some other class of goods , and if not ho will use tbo money in paving off mortgages nnd thus place himself In Ehnpo to become a bettor customer in the luturo. The Oumliu lletnll Trade docs not show as much improvement In a general way as Interested pirtios would llko to .see. In certain linns and with certain dealers it Is- very fair , but retail trade as n \\hololnckssiiap and consequently collec tions are none too rood. This condition of business docs not appear to be ronllnod to Omaha alone,1 but Is ttue in all the larco western cities. In some it is oven worse than in Omaha and fiom what can bo learned from traveling men it would appear that Omaha Is really better oft in this respect than any other largo western city. Business men of all classes realize that there Is a very great necessity for business enterprises , such ns manufacturing , that will give steady employment to moro people. The city wants mnro consumers who will increase the demand for eoods In a retail way and keep moro money In circulation. Tno conviction that Omaha's manufactur ing interests must bo broadened out U taking n stronger hold upon business men every day , and hence the crowing desire to aid the building up of local industries by every means possible. Kvcn retail merchants nro coming to realize that the best way to create good paying customers is to encourage the local manufacturers who will give steady era- plovmontto labor. The great trouble just now is that so many business men con 11 no their efforts toward building up manufacturing Industries to talk alone. _ IIVn bTOUK MAUKr.TH. Cuttle 1'rlron Undergo n Slight llrcnk Hog Value * 1'lrin unil Steady , OMAHA. April S3. The week's receipts foot up IH.ISl CHltlo. 1:9,111 : ho s and 2,405 shcoi | KgaliiHt 10.U17 cattle , 17. < VM boss nnd U.G91 sheep last week and M77 cattle , 24,019 , IIORH and .V.UI cheep the corresponding week of Apilllast your. The cattle market the past week has boon In thamnlnury sut sf.ictory to tlio soiling Intercut * , uotwUlisUndlnir the fact that the vupply lias been over H.OOO heavier than luM xvi'uk. Tno simply at Uhluago has boon dlsar- iiolntlnxly light , nnd tlm market titroncci . . there , ' 1 his led to Increnstd buying liv ship- JIOIB nnd exporter * , and of course- the dressed licet buvors had to keep up with the procos1- lion , lip to Saturday thu advance on licof and khlpuliiK steers was from tuo to We , but the manually heavy run Hutu rimy caused a 60 to Uo decline I'rlvoH uio still anynhero from I Go to 40c hlKhcr than laitt week. Tliero Ims been IK material chance in butcher block tnlurt anil Mockers und feeders aru In fair supply am : demand at substantially lust week's ' iiuota. tlona. An Increase In the supply of hoza WHI men than tlm market cnnlcl stnnd , especially wltti u reduced shipping , demand nnd prices lm\t declined from .X'o ' to L'.k ) on all trades. Light mid butcher tfolvut ho. : * still continue u command a premium of from a shade to ! > c tner hcn\y hos. but th uiiallty of ( be oiler- ln ! s ruiinliiK cry oven , thu ruiiKOcontinue ! ntirrou , no\er exceeding I'Jo and truundlSoor'JOe. hhrop uro iiuutably from lOo to ISo Ilian lait Kiuk , but tuo fen ha\o been re. tulxud to leal I lie ronl slrmiKtli of the market I.MTytliliiK otfered hub mot with a ready salt and Urn ilcm.iud ua ue\ci moro pieasiuthar it prcntnt. 'tnu weol > clo c with a run of 25S cars,5.M' head , thu lnriit reculptb tlili year , ( hlc.iKi win reported ( Inner uiul with u good ( hlnplni und export doniund the market opened veri nearly btoudy on good hea\y cattle , but teen raked oil , mm ( iiiutatlonu weroSo tel o lower On cominoii llKht und medium welKhlstutl Ihu market MIIS ilowand lower from the Hart the decline bolus anywhere from So to KV C'onilULrlnetho lionvj run and the fact thai U was a dtcllniiiK innrkcl budr.ecs toler nbly nutUo uudery llttlo romulnod unsoli In llrnt ImuOu. Dealers genorully were look inir fora bioik the cany part of next ucul nnd were vrllims to lot go ut a reasonable lirluo. Uooj to choice I. ' Y ) to lGJj-ll ) . kteen iota from WbO to II/JO ; fair to good 1.000 ti l.uOO-ib. ktecri from IJ.50 to { 175 , and coiuuoi IlKhl grades ( rom that on down to fJ.UO. Uul u couiuarutltcly imall pioyortloa o : tlio ofTcrlnn were cowi and mixed stock. Trndlnit was aotlvo nt tondy prlcrssilcs bcltm from ll.V. tof.1.15 with the milk uroiiml 12.15 to t..7V ilulli. oteh nd slug * were firm nt from 12.10 to mo. Veal cMvos steady nt from M.SO to 11.56 for Inferior to prime stuff. The trailing In Mockers and feeders xxns loincwliut limited , but there was a good undcrtono to the market nnd no weakness was dovolopod. Itcgulnr dealers hive niilto n few on hand and bought freely with the belief that the prevailing pleasant weather will bring out n Kood line ot country buyers and Ml v unco prices next week , Representative suit's : STEEtlS. No Av. I'r 1 14 kli 14 lor. 5 S'H 1 line 2G G 1018 4 01. 01.n 23 n 3 4 14R R t il ( 1 010 I'Jn 1ISO n 10 H 40 ins 40I I 910 910W1 2J W1 0 1115 1 1000 1u : u IH'J 41 lo.-r III 11) 9 IIIr > 11.17 910 91 > 1025 m nut 77 21 1120 KM 17 1UI1 It 10VJ 20. . . 2il IU53 4- - 4Hi Hi 1141 24 913 IS 1111 1141 ini 1017 1125 1000 1111 1079 10'12 ' III5U 1UJ 7CO 2. . 073 3 GS COWS. 040 1 40 740 2 20 8 1155 27J S'l ) 1 10 1 1040 2 21 12 .1011 270 714 1 40 1 . 91) ) ! 2'.1 3 1140 270 714MO MO 1 40 1. 1013 2 2,1 22 9 ill 270 h'K ' ) 1 53 3 KI'iTi 2 25 0 MO 2 75 9111 1 50 15 978 2 30 14 751 271 8.10 1 ( iO 9f > " . ! 2 , ! 0 3 1091 M > J i ai f tJ 2 3.1 3 .1008 1 MX ) 1 75 12. UI8 2 ! I5 4 850 2 SO 1 ( ISJ 1 7.1 . 9S(1 ( 2 40 100 2hO 941 1 75 . 1KIJ 2 41 1 1120 2 K1 1 ION ) 1 75 801 2 50 3 1173 283 1n. n. 9 IS 1 71 , 1123 251) ) NXJ 281 n.i i 970 1 7" 1IOJ 250 1075 281 5 CIS 1 8.1 80S 2 03 ma 293 4 9J1 1 90 : . .noo 2 U ) 1UOI 203 4 1)50 ) 1 IW 1 910 2 OJ 103.1 293 3 too 11 HKJi 2 ( > 0 uoa 393 1 KM 2 00 9 1C87 2 CO 97S 300 0 7.U 2 01 10..10.11 2 ai 110.1 300 1 IOSJ 2 91 1070 2 ( > 1 .IHKJ 303 ( ) B'lO ' 2 00 1 770 2 IB 1000 31) ) 1 990 2 IU 1 1140 2 01 19. 10.10 310 1 S.'O 2 r 4. 727 2 fti 4 1002 310 IH 970 2 11 14 111.1 2 01 i .vtn 3 15 1 1U70 2 r , 1 850 2 dl 8..1147 311 IPSJ 2 n 3 9JO 270 48. . Ut 3 15 19 bSS 2 15 IIEIFEHS. 1 410 1 21 1 . feS ) 2 53 5. . f.24 2 SO 10 us ? 1 50 35 5J3 2 75 1. . 700 2fc3 9. 400 2 40 CALVES. 1 .110 1 53 . 120 3 75 110 421 1 . 330 2 5) . 1111 4 ( K ) 175 450 4. 95 3 00 155 4 25 HULLS. 1 1130 2 10 1 15 JO 2 01 1810 271 1 1290 2 25 1 1000 2 75 l-'JO 271 1 li.0 2 .V ) 1 2J1) ) ) 2 71 17.U 271 1 Ulll 2 50 1 1215 2 71 1WO 275 1 1270 2 50 1 I7U3 2 73 17.13 a oo 1 H.T. 1. .11110 2 73 1U40 a no 1 . 1210 2CO 1..12IO 2 73 1..1010 a 10 STAQS. 2 S5 1 .1070 a 21 i isco a 53 2. 1U3 3 25 i. id.-o a &o STOCKEUS AND FKEDCU3. ] . . aV ) 2 00 7 . 705 2 00 5 . OIS 3 15 1 . tOO 255 20. 10)4 210 a . 7UO 320 4.13 200 1. 810 .1011 47. DbS .120 730 271 1. . b50 300 18..1001 323 ,1110 273 1. 800 a 00 :0 1108 333 3 . U73 2 90 1. 940 3 05 Ib lO.'f ) 3 40 Hoes The supply xvas nearly 2,000 heavier than last bixturuay and the week's receipts show an Increase of moro than o\cr last wcnU. Qualltv In Kcucral unchanged , liuslncss opened inodoratelv brisk with only a moderate shipping demand , but good buy nu by local houses. In the iniilii prices were linn and astdo from thu e\tromo top sales the raiiKo about the s imo as Trlday. Lltht and ineulum wolsbt lion's sold u shade to 5o better than hoaxlcs , but nearly cxerythlu sold within a limit of ft 'M to fl.35. the same as 1'rl- day. The ( teneral axer.iKO of pilces paid was Sl..raculnst $ l.'i."a Friday and K1.53 last Saturday. Heprcioiiatlvo : sales : J > 12J 325 SllFKl1 The two double dccus recftlvoJ were bought at Kansas Ulty and billed direct to Swift & Co. biippllos tall far short of the de mand and mckera were compelled tu buy In thu country or at neighboring markets. 1'rlces are quot ibly llrm , 1'alr to good 1111- tUe , Jl 5XJC.U ; fair to good westei us. ( I 5US 000 ; common and stock sheep. WOJ4il.25 ; good to cholco 4D to Itccclpt * and lUpoltloii of Stock , Kecolpts at the Union Ktosk y.irJa , South Omaha , Neb , for thu twenty-tour hours end ing ut 5 o'clock p. m. , April 'J , Ib9 HCCEIl'TS. llISl'OblTlOX , Kainns City l.lvo .Stock Mnrknt. KAM AS OITV , Mo. . April ZL OATTMC Ilo- rolpU , : itXO ; shipments , 900 ; thu market fet sliers was uotlvo and steudv. cloning weak at M.2VA4 4J ; cows , steady at il.W4W.4U ; btockers and feeders , steady at II Pti'.75. ( HoOi-Hecolpts. S.100 ; ehlpmcnts , 2.00) ; tlio market xvus steady ut yesterday's dote ; ull grndea. fl.OOSt4.IO ; bulk , tl30(34i5. ( bllELf Itccuiuta. 1,400 ; sUlpmeutn. 2,0X1 ; the market wan uuchunzod. Chicago l.lvo Stuck .Market. CHICAGO. III. , April23. [ SpecialTelegram to THE 11EE.1 Hates ot eattUJworo Directed at about I'rlday'k prices. Although the re ceipts were unusually liberal for a Saturday ut thli time of the 1 ear they were soon out of salesmen's hands , there being a fair Inquiry for all grades. Quotations are from Sl.ftJ to J.l.75 for Inferior tu extra CONS , bolfora and bulls , ( j.50 to $ -1.85 for ilorkers nnd feeders. ( J 40 to J5.IO fur chipping steers , from ( --'MotI 35 forTexas cattle , uud from (1.53 tol.75 for culvea. The box market was ( jnlet und easy , the uxcrago of the prices being a fraction lower than for Krl- day. The rnnee of values nut from U.-.O to I4.CJ ( or poor tu itrlclljr choice grades , with $4.51 to tl.CO the pontilnr prices Shippers took rather more than half of the receipt" . Receipts xrcto : Cuttle , 2.000 ! hott. , The Evening Journal reports : ( MTTI.E Uo- colnts 2.01.10 ! shipments. 1.000 ! market sirens ; intlves.MCoai.iOi stoukcrs , l..25a.t.OO ; cows , f2.lJltl.40. lloiH-Hcceipts. 1 ( ,00) ! shipments. 4.000 : market steady ; roiub and cummon. I.Oj'Tll.2. . : mixed and pickers. { I 1521,55 : prlmo heavy and butchers' xTOls'its , Jl.vwai.oo ; light , JI.50W tw. tw.Siirr.p liccclpls. aou ) : m.irkct steady ; today's sales : Clipped , 15 15&5.25 ; westerns , JJ.7JiaC.25i lambs. $ u.7- > . Till : KIUI.TV MAIIKHT. rNSTRUMKNTS placed on reuara April 53 , J. IMT.'I Thomas Davis to I'r.lon I'aclflt Uallxvav company , 1.0 acres In sw HW 2-15-1 1 . , .f ljOO .Mary K ( Jaston to 0 .M Taggart. n , iS feet lot li ) . block 14. Hansconi place and lots 19nnd20 , block K , West. ildo . 2,400 U N Wlthnoll and xvlfo to L U llalrd , lot 14 , block H , Cartlmco . 1,100 P \\lnch and xvlfo to M .1 Mitchell , lots i and 2. ( Jlso's add ; lot 4. 1'orbes' add and lot 22. block 2 , llrovxnpark . . . . 1,000 O A Henderson to Mutual Investment company , lot IV block 4. May no' * add . 750 J H Levy und wlfotoOlgi Jiikltnowicz. lota , blocko. biimmlt add . 000 JOSlattor and XTlfo to T D llroxxn , B 43 feel lot 10 , block D. Milphur tprlnss . . 4,003 0 I" McCroiry and xvlfo to U U I'oarcc , loin , block 41 , Omaha . 12.000 J \V Oardnur and wife to It i ; Kay , lot C , block I , Oxford place . 1.453 S It Hyan and husband to U 1 ? Uage , 40x115 fcetllisoso 4-H-ll . 150 IM I'holan and xvlfo to II K I'o.'g , lot 21 , blocka Missouri Avenue park . BOO 1 loiiicr Toivti Mto company to Louis Neamaii , lots 1 and 2 , block G , llennlng- tiin . . . . . 202 T D llroxxn to.I O Platter , \v3l feet , lots block 11 , Heed's 1st addition . 0,000 MiirvTrunkey ami husband tn Daniel LeUeyt , lot 29 , block 11 , llrlggs' plnco 1,300 Lluxumd I'urk and Land compiny to Dell i Montgomery ot ul , lot 2 to 4 , block 1 , L'nwood park . . . l,3jO Nlcolul Olsen and wlfo to Andruw Lund , o 'i lota ) , block 1 , Clarendon. . . 1.003 Same to sime. lot 5. block I ) , Hitchcock's iKtaddltloii . 1.20J J I' I'lack cum piny to Magglo Davis , lot 1 , I'ro.V. I'lack'ssubdlv . 2,433 IllelinriKon Drtlir company t i A L Pat rick , lot 2. block \Vnlniitlilil . 1 J b.MuCormlck to A. ) Iltinscotn , lots 1,2 and J , block lly , Omahu . 117,500 Qtitr oiiii'i nnnis J M Hendco nnd husb-iiul to J H Kclbv. lots ll and U. block 4 , Dcnman place 1 J K Kelby tu .1 II Pulton , lots II and I- ' , bock ( ? ) , samu . . . 1 Omaha , \ . I'loronco Loin & Trust cnm- 11 my to .1 P K insoni , lots 4 , IS and 19 , bloelc lli I lorenco . 10 Total amountof transfers . $150.724 .VLT ron TIII ; L Veils for largo hats are very long nnd xvido and draped Into festoons arouna the brim. It is astonishing hoxv much seU-eontrol it takes sometimes to keep from telling peopio xx hat they ouRht to do. Very hnndsonio toilet ! ) for nttcrnoon recep tions have prlncesso coats of black satm bro caded In line Wattcau designs. Artificial Honors are so true to nature this season , find so perfect , ono c&nnot help being disappointed to llnd tbo fragrance wanting. Mis. Vountx\lfe Oh , yo , ray husband always tells mo overythlnp. Mrs Olaxvifo ( sotto voce ) What an admirable liar your husband must bo. It is olxvays a surprlso to n pretty girl xvhcn she has to stand In a cioxvded car. But f-bo knoxvs then exactly hoxv the homely girl fcoli xvhcn she Rots a scat. Is'ow Husslan embroideries are displayed for tritnmiup- the blouses and MenU ] ; coats noxso popular. I'assctncntcrio uaiids In Kusslan colors are extremely effective. Weddlne Koxvns for Easter brides are of xvhlto satin and heavy ilch moires and nro simple only In tlio cut , for they are moro lichly trimmed than over xvlth lace and ribbons bens and trailing Iloxvcrs. The spring xxalkinpr suits are as varied tn Btylo and as boxxilderliitrin cfTect a ? if thov xxoro designed for a fancy dioss ball. Thu combination of extreme plainness and strik ing contrasts seems to bo the newest fanex. Tha French lloial bonnet is another soeclalty thu spiing ; ono made of the noxv natural tinted violuts is extremely pretty. It has nn aigrette of violets and green loaves at the back nnd norroxv black velvet strings. There are many girdles of nil soils of oasse- mentcrlo and gold and jet shown. Many of thorn bavo ono long end which bangs straight down in froi.t to tbo bottom of the skitt. Those girdles give a style to almost any cos tume. A very graceful mantle is made of a flno quality of black bcngalmo silk with u deep shoulder capo of black point d'Orloans lace. The collar is made all in one at the back , with a xvido Wattcau plait of silk headed by a bow of ribbon xvilh long ends. The old Greek fllotcd coiffure Is again re vived. This classic style is a x'ory dollcato ono to adopt , but fcailess xvomoh rush in xvhero only Urocian-featured ancels should dnro to ventuto , nuil furthermore evidence their temerity by mlxlnc up the ages ludi- ciously. Salrrcd hats and bonnets of tulle , chiffon and mull xx ill bo moro than over the vogue next season. Stiller hats , very dainty and chic , and larger Maud Muller styles , will ap pear , tnado of these textiles und also 'of shirred point d'csprit In black , cream xvhlte , giay , scarlet and tan color. A novelty in hats is a brim of black straxv and a ciown and an inch of the brim around the croxvn of coloiod straxx- , green , pin it , blue orjolloxv xxhleh Is spriiiKloa over xvith blight spangles ot the same color us the straxv. The ellectisvcry pretty. Lavender and mauve struxv is- the height of novelty. Very inanv of the gay and youthful cotton dresses of Trench manufacture are buttoned up the back. The dainty plaid percales and zephyrs in cream and rose pink and reseda , mauve and xxhlte , oto. , are still made un bias throughout , mid the piotty kilted ginguams are made without a foundation bkirt. Poneoo silks are Ooslrablo becausn they are light and cool , hut tlioy shoxv ovciy moiit spot that touches them , oven to n rain drop. They are xvarrontcd to "wash , " which is true to n degree ; they will xvash , but oven \\ith the gicatest care they como out of the ciuclbloa taxvny , ugly , tan bark blown. The "Nautch Girl" shoo Is the latest nov elty in dancing shoes. It is tnado of satin m piotty colors pale giecn , pink , sky blue , car dinal , golden brnu-n , and other shades and tins an Instep strap trimmed xvltli golden sequins and llttlo bells , xxhleh Jingle pleas antly. It should be tbo very thing for skirt danclne , The Hussar is ono of the smartest ol spring driving costumes. It is tnado of navy blue tweed , xvltu a close fitting skirtflnlshei : xx lib ono row of black wcnl braid , xvlth a gilt Inroad In the edges , Tha xvalst Is r sbort , close coat , opened over a full vest ol lace , und tiimmod xvith bruld. A long full capo completes tuo costume and gives It tbo ii'llitnry dash. Sailor hats , which are always used for lawn tennis and boating , are moro becoming than usual , The shape , U somothii-g llko the old one , but has round brim , and Is trimmoJ xxllh snsn tlbbon around the croxvntied with a bow at one side , under which the brim is slightly caught up. They uro made of nut meg straxv In all colors. Parasols are unlquo and elaborate combin ations of chilTon , lace , ribbons , lloxvors and feathers , and are beautiful to look upon. They appear to Inivo boon fashioned by mil- Jinois , and xvarrantcd to give satisfaction In the shade onlv. If , Itko pictures , they are to be admired and soueht after as treasures ol art , then they xvill fulfil their mission. Fancy outing llamieh not of common va riety , but of Kronen manufacture , soft of quality and beautifully diod-uro to bo es pecially popular for country dresses this year , their dainty gingham-like stripes , chocks and dots giving them great variety In color and making them strong rivals to the blue and wblto llanucl * that have to long nourished. Among the prettiest and least nxpcnsivo ot bet xxoathor goxvns are these of ecru batiste in boxes and robe patterns. Thcso are bar- doroJ xx HU plain contrasting colors , xvitU stars and dots above the border of similar tint , while upon the dotted surface and above the border are woven the most beautiful tlowcr devices In natuial colors. A pretty and dressy costume to be worn Inter in the season , is made nf fancy striped ciopon cream xvhlto and heliotrope a irorct skirt with tbo old time velvet panel at the side. The usual bhort ivaiit , xvhlch is given the appearance of n long basque la the back by n deep llouncs ot cream lace draxvn In a the bottom by an empire belt of cropon fas tened xvlth buckles , The cleaves have vel vet cufls trimmed xvlth platted band of crc pen , each secured xvlth a buckle. DeWiU's Sarsaparilla destroys auca pol ions as scrofula , skin diicaio , eczema , rhou matitm. IU timely me save * many livej. THE SPECULATE MARKETS j > There Will Again Be ft general Distribu tion of Market Figures. T WAS S3 DECIDED YESFERDAY j -j r Trailer * Carried tlio Proposition Tor n Itc. vlval of the Sj ton < tiy n Slight 'Ma jority Not Mucl Interest IVn * Manifested. CHICAGO , III. , Anrlt ra IKillotlnc on tlio quotation question seemed to Interest moro people on 'change today than tlio ( juotatlons themselves. Tlio fact tint I'ardrldRO was making n very much one-sided market drove iiiiiny members to tlio voting tables to cast n mllol "for" the revival of n general distribu tion df market flsurcs. Tlio members not only voted nt tlio t iblos , but sfiyod tlinro to In- llucnco others. 'iMio proposition carried 5bS to 43.1 Tonight , coniDarod with last evening , wheat was Uo lower , corn ' { c. oats c , and pork 7'c , with lard mid ribs michniiKoJ. Tlio chief bearish InlUiciico XTIIS tlio bright and warmer weather ON cr most of tlio country , clvlnn a better ontloo't not only fur tlio winter grain but oeoillns operations , and largely discountIng - Ing I'rlmu's crop review , winch was iiulto gloomy. Uponlng prices wore ' < o undcrlnst cvrnliiR niul tliero was a dcolinoof i ± u IIIOIP , then n rully of ' { c and mlnur Ihictn.itlons tot'io ' cloio , which was su-ady. Many of tlio bU buyers of jotcrdiiy xvero free-sclleri today. I.o an was perhaps tlio most prominent of this class and much of the big line ho tooit yesterday on tlio bad weather scare was put again. I'ardrld c. who win u free seller of .lulv yesterday , cohered a good deal on the bio ik today. The corn trade felt the elTcct of the flno weather < uul A llttlo better movement , llio ri'C'olpts wore 70 car * moro than estimated , retching 2)0 ) cars. ' 1 ho market was "nrj dull , except at rare Inteiv-ils The opening prices weio from u to 'ie belo\v last nUhl's figures , Moduratoollcrliuac'iirlud t'io iiuotatlonolT a fi.ictlon moro , after whluli there was a rally of Uc. suit-ceded by ti doclliio of "if , with a sub < > oqiient uoaUenfng of 1e. 'I ho fe.ituro In oats was thobuvlns of Mav and sulllnitof Juno andJuly by a largo ope rator. Die Initial trades \xeroutfroiu ' c too \o decline followed by an addition-it xvonkou- Injt of from ' 8c toc. > . The tr.ide In provisions was about as yosfroav anjl the week the liquidation of luiu lines of barreled pork and steadiness In lard and ribs Business was light and llucttiatlons narrow. There was a stronsor tone to t mo freights mid rates advanced ! iC to 1'tC and l' c for corn. 1 ho leading futures ranged as follows : AllTIU.b * WHEAT No : April 60V t ElM $ SOW .Mujr M SXI'n ' July fcUt COIIN f > o. 2- Aprll . . . 414m HH Mn > 4m 41 * .luno OATS No 2 .Miiy 2SH Juno ft ) July 2S 29 SlLbS 1'Ollk Jlny 0 S5 P'.Ti 930 932 Jiil > aw 1) ) U L Ulli Mny C 12 0 12 6 ID ' " ' Jul > : . . . . 6'-'j 0 S3 G 25 Sniiin Kins- Mil ) 5 W 6 MV & SO JulT 6 O-'l Cash ( luotallonsxero as follows : 1'i.ouii Moady : xvlnter patents , $4 20ii4 ( 40 ; n inter ttniUht , i.l' > . " > ( ( IJ * ' . spring patents , No. .1 xUilto. 2'i'i ' < Q > .o'o , HVE No. 2 , T2'i7Jc. IlAiir.EX-.No. 2. ssabOoi No. 3 , f. o. b. , 40ffl53c ; No. 4 , f o b , 4Hi40c. ( TI.AX i-EKD No. I , 07c. TIMOTHY SEBD I'rlme. tl 3231.30. 1'oiiK Mess , per ljul. . jo.iii.oiai : Hrn , per ICO Ibb , Sj.U'j-iiO 15.hiirt : ribs , sides , ( Iooso > . J5 5JV4S.1 53 : dry salted shoulders , ( boxodl , } 4 5) (2500 ( , shot tclpar sides. ( bo\cd ) , $ d.l7' , < 20 Jl' . WnibKV Distillers' OiiisheU eoods , per gal. , Sl.ia. s Cut leif , S5'lc ; pranulated , standard "A , " 4Hc. " Kecelpts and "shipments today were as fol- lens : On the 1'rndnco oxchuiiRo today the butter marKct xvns tlrm ; fancy creamery , 21' ; © 22o ; line x\cstcru , 20Jlc ; ordinary , ISSlUc ; line dairies , 1'Jii.Oc. ' New Yorlc Markets. NEW VOHK , April 23. n.oun Kccelots. 20- OlUpk s ; exports , 1.1.740 bbls. and U',174 ' sacks ; market dull : sulee. ll,3."iO ( bbls. ( JOHN ilKAlt Dull : yellow wcsternIJ.7"xa303. WHEAT 1'ecelpts. jn,503 : bu. ; exports , 08- 800 bu. ; sales , l,0uo,003 bu. of futures , 104,000 bu. spot. Spot market unsettled , quiet and stionr- er : No. 2 red , UClio In store and elo\ator ; Oi'i 4i'J J Jo alloat ; Ui GtU1 ! f. o. b. ; No. 3 red. Hie : nnu-r.iced red , h4 < jiM ) c ; No , 1 northern , 0 > U © Uriic ; No. 2 northein , WIJUcj No. 2 Milwaukee , OO'iU delivered. Options x\eio early ' 4/ic doun , foreign and local IOIIKS selling and u is- ler private cables from which there u as un adMiiice of lsic on April , u Ith shorts coerln and llKht oIlerlnKs and H'ri1 ' ie un other months , closliu at 2 0 up on April'Bo up on Mar , with other months iinuhaujed to'if doun ; No 2 red , April , U.PJ'SOj'aC , closing 9j'6e ( ' : May , W ) 3-10 ® O' e , olos'n Uuyc ; Juno , fc'lJHS > ' ) 'ae , clos njhO e : July. bi'.a'tJc ' , closing UOo ; AUK- ust , bOUiSb'JSic ' , closlns b'J'jc. HXE fctcadlor , ciulet ; xveatorn , Sl'433c. llAiu.KY MALT Dull. OOHN Hccolpts , 140,070 1m. ; exports. 81.248 bu. ; s lies , 4iO,003 bu. of futures ; 1.H.OJO bu. of spot. Marlint IrroKUlar. modnrato business , olosliiB easy : No. 2. 49S4 ! ) o In elovator5)34 ; ) alloat ; ungraded mixed , 4V331c ; steamer mixed , 4b)9e. Options very steady , but the othrrs xvero steady at JJo up on April and hii \cilownon other months ; April , 49UlflltC , closing at 40'i ; May , 47 > , © 47'jc , closing at 47 0 ! June , 4'ic ; July , 41 , @ 4V.ic. closlni ? at i't'iu ; Aliens ! , 4' > UC5lCe. clodlni ; at 4Cc. OATS Itocolpts , 120.070 bu ; exports. 55.010 bu. : sains , 23.000 bu. of futures and J7.000 bu. of spot. Spot market dull. Options dull. easier ; April. 3le ; May , 3P.JJuno. ; . * H ; July. Itl'jc. Snot No y white. 37c ; ml\cd western. 31 ( S.liK ; ; xvlnto xvcstorn , JtiiffiU'io. HAY i'lrm. llors ( julct , xvcak ; common to choice. 31 ® 40c. 40c.iL'OAn llaxv , quiet nnd steady ; falrrcfln- I iiu , 2'ic , coutrlfu.'al 00 test , 3'6c ' : hairs , 1,203 lihds. ; muscovado Hi test 2J o to Iloston from Ilnmptoii lioads : rellncd , dull , stoaav. MOLASSES I'orolen dull ; M lest , ll'jo ; Now Orleans , dull , steady ; common to fancy , 25 ® HICE Qnlct. steady : domestic , fair to extra. 4 , ® u'4e ; Japan. 5'6 < ai'ic. I'KrnoLFtiM ( Julot , stuadr ; crude In barrels fi I'J ; TarUer's In bulk , U'H ) ; rollucd now. id 10 ; rhlladelphlaniid llaltlmorc. tl.ul ; I'hlladul- phla and llaltlisaro In hulk , iJ.fu't&J.COi United closed ut ftti'ic for .May. COTTOtffliiBii OiL-Q mot ; crudo.SSJJo bid i yel low. 31' ' , o bid. TALI.OXV I'Mrm ; city , 4 5-32 o .N Dull , II rm ; strained common to good , . " DulLnnd weak nt3ac , Kens Quli't and unohaiigcd ; uostern. receipts. .1.155 pKizs. . HIIIKS Dull and steady ; xvet salted and Now Orleans Baited , 41 ( o 75 Iba , ixabcj Tuxaus , solectcd , 50 to U ) 11 w.l B'JSc , 1'oitK Quiet ; now. tnuss , UI.OOSH.W ; extra prlinc , Kll.rX ) . . . . OUT MKATS Active : pickled bellies , fi = U'e : ploklcd shoulders , SMtSUc : pickled hams 9'4 4J'J > ic ; middles , tiuliitj.bhort olcar , 40) ) . LAUD Dull and ulcndy ; xveflcrn Mcam , fO.45 ; Bales , l.WJ tlurcua ; option bales. 5/0 / tlcrios ; May , M4cliislnir at ( ill I bid ; July , tu.5.1. closing at tO.5. % hid : Auirnst. $ < 1 01. IIUTTEII Dull ; xvL > ( prn dairy , IJiiICo : webt- ern creamery , ] ( & .lc f : wustorn factory , 12C 10c ; ii : ln , 2ni4c. : * ( } | | IESK ( Julet and ( Inn ; purl skims. 1'KI Illo.S Dull ; A'niL'riean. ill,71Tlll.23. Ooi'i'cit Quiet ; 1.8) hid , tll.'AI asked. 1. HAD Dull ; domestic , il 2534 bO. TiN-riim ; atralis. tJJ.7QiS2J.bQ. Kiiinaii City .Maikuti , KANSAS Cm' , Mo. , April 2J. I'I.OUH Un- chaniied. \ViiEAT-Slow and loxver ; No. 2 hard , 78c ; No. 2 rod , H-ias 'c. ( JOHN Weak ; No. S mixed , ! i5i&35 } > .ia ; No. 2 white. 37c. OATS , Weak ; No. S rnlxoa , 2Uo ; No. 2 wlilto , SOlic. ItvE-Woak : No 2 , ( We. KLAX hFKD 6 c cn basis of pure. * HAY Unuh.iimcd. llurrru Unchaiued nt204c. Kdua-UncliaiuoJ ut 10jc | ItECEli'TShoat \ , 17 , 000 bu , ; corn , 4,033 bu , : oata , none. tiilli-MK.sTS-Wheat , 25,003 bu. ; corn , 10,000 bu ; oats , 3.UUO bu. _ _ Uiiinlin I'ruiluco .MaiUct. UtiTTEU Good roll. llGIGu ; packing . 1'oui.TRY Dressed ehlckoris. Hl2c ; alive. lOo or 14 SO&.MJU jiur dozvu ; turkojsxcry scarce and In active Uumuud , drobicJ , l S16o ; iillvc , Uttllc. Hints , KTO. No. 1 crcen hides , 3c ; No. l creen s.ilted hides. I'ifclliosNo. 2 creon saltoi liidcs , UWHc ; No. 1 jmion suited lildei , 25 to 40 lbs,4 ii4Hoi No. 2 croen hides. 25 to 41) ) lb * c ; Na I xeulculf , H to 15 Ibi , bo ; No. 2 veal culf , b tu 15 Ibn , iu ; Na 1 dry fllut bldci c ; No. Silry flint htilo , Scs Noi dry ildos. MMe ; D rt cured He pnr pount ! loss than illly cured. Shfcp pplts Orocii silted , each J.icwfl,25 ; preen silto.l shcarlliifss ( hhort voolod early skins' ' , each , 15a.'V | Iry shonrllnsfs ( hort woolcd o irly skunl. No. .each . ' ( } Oo ! orv shoirllncs ( short wooled c.irly sklns > . No. 2. oii-h 5o , dry Dint Knns is and > 'fbr.i ka butcher woolpolt , 11-i 1 xveteht. Io Hlic ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska Murrain wool Hells , pr > r in , actual wolsht. ! rtlJc ; dry flint Ooloradolnitchcr wool mils , per Hi. , nctiial weight , KCr."ic ; dry lint Colorado Mi.ri.iln wool polls , per lb. . ac- mat wi'lslit. N'AlOu ' ) drv pieces and bucks , ac- lual welRlit , 7fc9c. Tallow and proaao Tuliow No. 1 , 3U5Mc ; tallow No. 2 , ix&l'ic : eroase , wlilto A , 4iilVc ; creiiso , white H. .I'iTMUc ; crease , ; Rrotse. dark , 3c ; old but- er , 2'iu : bccsxvax , prime , IGti'Jjc : rou b tal- ow , I'itWc. I'liflTs t'allfornln HlversldporanKcs , 7.COa 1.25 ; 5box lots , J.'AKi.l.iO : Washington uaxols , JI.M ) ; cholcu apples. $ , lee < f&3.25 : ohnlco lemons , ' 400 ; fancv lemons. $45i ; biiriuas crated , U 031V ) ; crnuborrles , shipping stock , tin , boxes. J2.M ; bij. ) , SJ..MJ ; str iwborrlcs. , i5ffl4tio qt.t I'lorld.x tomatoes , M.V5 per cr to of six bisl.otsi p nunpples. I'.Viiil.W per dor. . VraETAiit.rsrnticv Mimoatlno s i-ut pota- locs. ! 2.75.00 ; scud sweet potatoes , t..V.I : Callfornl icahbaKP.2'4o peril ) . Incr itos ; homegrown grown lettuce , 40c tor doz. ; > onions , Wc4lfl.11 liorbu. ; .Nobraskn'i nnd plc'crd brans , * I.7.155 I.S5 ; iiicdliiin , tl HXd.1 G ) ; ( . 'aHfornIavolcry.JI.UO itl.- ' ? > : Colorado and western NebiasUn pota toes. : iio : na'lvo potatoes. 2i'it2ic ; : Hum lio'ins. 4o pcrlli.1 water croli , 21-qt. cases , 121Jffll5o per qt. ; spinach. $ 1.0ior | bol. ; radlshoi. 4Ui" rulabiiKas , il.2Viil.1) ( pnr bbl : pie plant , 5o per ; l.j par loy , 4ic ) : now Uillfornla potatoes , 3o uor Hi ; ciicumbon , S.XO..2.1 ( ) per dor , Koos Uenoral market , l.'c. st. l.ouls Alurlirts. ST. Louis. Mo , April ! 1 ri.oun Marl.ot quiet and uiichanuL'd : family. Jl.OOivl.lO : choice , J .2iV3l 15 ; fancy , J.Iayjti,7. : ) ; extra fancx , $ lo.nl4 11 ; pati'iit" . N .tVTdl 4\ Wilier Killed lower early , then ralliedbut soon dioppi'd n ilnnnd closed \ < ftUc below jesteidaj ; No 2 cash , M' o ; May closed at SI5c ; lulv , 'S'478'c ; Ausitst , 7s'ic. foitN I'ash nnd Mny xxuro llrm and the lat- ler closed 'jchl.her. ' hut July declined Si0 : No 2cash , 'li'tCj ' Muv , 'I7c : Julv. 3CiL\ Ovr < Loner ; cash , J'ic ; July , 27o. Itx B Lower at 78i ? . lHltl.ix : Nosa'es. ' HllAN Quiet : direct order lots , 0.1Mc. II \ xrirni und tinchanced ; timothy , $11.50 © 12.50 ; prnlrlo. J7.W. ) , v AD-I Inn at $1.10. 1't.x.x bKKP Quiet at OS'iV. ItttTTHi-QiiIi't and unchanged ; creamery , 11 21 c. l.onsiQuiet and unc'-Tticol ' at ll'.ic. COHN MKXL firm at Jl.Oja'-.W. xx'iit-SKX' Mi'iuly at n 11. ItXddlsd- Unchanged atO'jn c. IKON COTTIIN Tins I'licliiitiBcd at } l.20(31.25 ( I'lt'ivistoNs Quiet ant sion ; only a small lobbing tr tdedono at proxlous urlccs. ItLOKllTS riour. O.OUJ Ibs. : wheat , 1S.OOO hu. : corn , 3'ioiO hu. ; o its , 11,00) bu , ; rye , 11,000 ; barley , I.i0\ Mtll'MKSTS Klour. 4,0)0 Ibs. : wheat. S'.OOO lui.corn ; , 107,000 bu ; oats , lU.OJObu. ; rye , none , Ijanoy , none. Ciilli-o .llurKut , NcxrVnnx , April 13 Optionsoncncd ) steady , 1 points don n tu 5 points up ; closed ntoauy to .1 points up ; salt's , 21.750 bigs , Including April. Jli45ttlV.5.1 : May. tf2.41 ! : June , * l..t)5 ) ; lulv. eiiOJ ; , $ H9Vai200 ; October. JII.O' . : DiHombur. { 11.95. bpot Uio , dull but steady ; No. 7 , Jl'l 1. ! } . Cotton Mnrltrr. Nnxv Oiii.EANS , La. , April 23. Murkct steady ; middling. 7o ; loxv middling , 09-1uc : good ordi nary , G 1-lCo ; net and gross receipts. 1.315 bales ; exports to Croat Itrltaln , 4,7V ) butciti to the continent. 7.JJO bales : co istxvlsc , 2.100 bales ; sales , 2.UOJ bales ; stock. 2 J,70J bales. Trudcm' Till It. CilloAno. III. Aprils' ) . 1' , G Logan A Co. to Duncan , Holllnger A , Co.Vo haxo had a dull and unliiterest'nsj x\heil market today , Trade xras light nnd lliu'UKitluns narrow May opened iitbiT > canl elobed at hOJio , July scllliu ; fiom 'sc to ' 40 under. 'Ihu traciiiu : Is now laiH'ely In July and we i-\pect that from this forwaid It xIII bo In that month unless in settlement In our opinion Itllllio tu the Interest oT our fiiendsto get out of May Into July. The former month Is dllllcult to trade Iti now. The grotvIng crop 111 California ie- polled todav as dU.iupolutln ; In appearance. Tliero Is consldciablo t ilk of damiuo to the \slntei ulieul plant in this state and .xiUsourl. \Vuthlnklttoooiirlyln the season to haxo any serious dm , uc , The latest fiom Dakota la a Into -eedlir and thu Ian I htlll under water. Thu cash demand here continues , but thudilllcu ty to buy cash wheat still exists , which restilets business. A quiet day In tbo corn pit. The pioseut holders aru willing sel lers ut anything oxer 4.'o for May. The lluc- tuitloiih have been from 4l4c to 42c. I'lno xvcatht-r will h i\n a dcpiosslug iulluenuo iiuu cspcel illy fet the July option. Not much doll ) j In oats. 1\'o look for them to sell lower. The business In bog products xvas light. The only fe.ituro xvas the snlllng of about H.OU ) barrels of July pork by a local operator. The buyers of It xveio scattered , the packing In terest taking most all of It. Ju y pork closed at $9 52 ; lar.t , 8J2.1 : ribs , S1fl > . OniOAflO , 111. . Apill 21. ICennott , Hopkins ti Co. to S A. McXYItortor : The faut that for eign markets did not respond to an advance yesterday , aided by line seeding xvoather , lias given us a heavy m ITKOI today. 1'osalbly It would hnvo been a xvcak one. from the gen eral reluctance of room traders to open fresh trndcson Saturday. The. m.irKot shows nuclear Indication of a xvido nioxo In eltlier dlrectlun The situation Is apparently bearish , but there Is one fact that may have considerable Influence , namely tlio largx and continuous ciigaguments fur export , bnould they keen up for some time at the current rule and clcaianccs Increase proportionately , prices would bo lll.olv to go hUhur , but allowed en gagements for exports \li outpoita mo regaideJ xwth susjilelon by the trade , for o\pei once has shown they are sometimes resold and the transactions are no different from ordi nal y speculation , homo Interest has been taken In the shaip adxanroof cash who it In New York today , as It has dr.iwirnueiitiun to the icport that but el.lit eats nut of 210 , No. 2 Oh.cago. nere found good em.ugh to fill con tracts In the former rlty , It K uellexed that this will tend to depress Chicago wheat , and correspondingly unlianco vaiueof No. 1 north ern. The uetislblo supply state ment will uiobably show a lauo reduction as I ho rcpoils have been larger , receipts at prim try mirKets smaller and a p irt of the sliluments by laKe will dlsippcar altugetbcr. I'or e\ampic , I'rlo and bandusky haxo lecelved 700.UOU bushels of grain and iit'ltbcr port is Included In the v Islblo supply report. May corn held steadily n.ost of the session around 4.'u , traders assuming that thu cllquo xiould absorb all ollcrln/s at that pr co. I hla Impression moving unfounded ilieru was a ouluk drop of 4d on a show of ru.illrlug , but the deuilue was quickly checked when thu clique broker. } seemed to support the market. Oats w-cro rather easier but no fcntuics of Interest Provisions have been a little weal' . The feeling is quite bearish on pork , but lard and ribs have a good many tiioudx , although they are not at present pre dicting much better prices. I'nicAfio. 111. . April 2L Cotmsolman tt Dly to t'ockroll llrothcis : Wheat xvaa quiet today , and , Inasmuch as the whulo meteorological circuit shovvod : i marked Improvcmcul In xvcather conditions , the trade looked for lower prices , and toiuo selling of long wheat re sulted. The position of cash ixheat , however , Isgionlng stronger , and the already largo short Interest Is against much further de cline. Corn was depressed by thu principal hodors , who marked pi lees down K .idiruly without losing much corn In the process. Tholr object scorns to bo tu dlscoiuago u larco accumulation of stock , nnd to maku It unprof itable to kiln diy the lower grade. Oata woio lowei on warmer bright weather and Bulling by the Icing element. Provisions wore steady , packur > buying the May product and thu out side public buying July on breaks. Now York Miincy .Xlurket. NEXT YQIIK , April 23 MONEXox OAt.i. I'.iisy at lliO'J per cent ; rlosud offered at 2 per cunt. 1'iiiME MBHCANTILE I'AI-EH 3J1 ! per cent , SII.IIM.MI r.xciUMiK-ynlet but firm at ! 4s7U for sixty day bllU and Jl.Mi foi de- man.I , Tlio closing quotations on bonds : VTOUKS AND IIONDS. Traders Were Only I'rrp.irrd to Do a Mod. iiito IIimliii'Htf , Nr.w VOIIK , April' . ' ! . The stock market to day xvas moderately active , bu , being under the nunimer for most of Hie session was weak almost throughout , and xvhlle the limited nature of the speculation prevented any heavy declines or wide fluctuations , tbo loisia Hero material In nil the loading shares , The coal stocks were Inclined to advance dur ing the early portion of thu day. Tlio pur chases for I'hlladQlphla were marked , though ns that center xxas bo lately n , seller It Is probublo that the demand was to coxur shorts exclusively. Tno olTcct , however - ever , xvaa to advance thu ktoalc 1 per cent , and to BOIIIU extent the list full the In fluence , Thu room , however , WHS still bear- hbly Inclined nnd the publUhcd utterances of representatives of one of the largest for eign b'inUliig houses to the effect that the movement of gold outward would probably continue forxomu tlino fiom tills out , supple mented bv further udtanru In oxclmni/o rates , encouraged ( he traderc to nttuoU thu list , which thuy did ivlth v.gor und unutiia ImpKrtliillty. und under thu prLssnro ovury- tbitiK yloldud , Keadlug , bt. 1'uul , Nurthvro 'nclflc , Atchl < on nnd Now England w ro the nctlvo stocks but they moved xtlth the ostof the list ixnd llio losses wcto uniform. The usual rally at the rloso failed to come. notwttliMandlti * tbo bank statement which showed a largo gnln Intliocnsh nnn Incrcuso n the surplus reserve of M.000,000. Them were no special features nnd the coal stocks rive xniy with the rest In the late denllncs. Plio market flnilly closnl nctlxo and weak nt hn Ion ist price of the day. Thu final clmnsos arn all Un es and thov extend to 1 oer cent In lorser , Lake Shore and Northern Pacific pro * ferrcd. Unxornmcnl bonds dull nnd steady , State jondsdult nnd stead v. The follow lug are the closing ( imitation * for ho loading stocks on the Now Vork htook exchange - change today : Vlimnehil Itrvievr. NEW YnitK , April 23. The Test snyii The break in the stock marUut durlnK thu second hour was bnsed xvholly on today's nilvnnou in sterllua oxch-UKO. An tidvanco In nterllui ; r.iteson S iturdiiy Is nn unusual occurrencu und the advance xxns so promptly utlllrod bv the boars In the stock innrKct that the whole market. Is open to suspicion There Is no sup ply bills on the mainot und If there xxoro It xvould bu fully as chuip for a speculative broker to borrow oh them as to borroxv on tlio time money market. More th in this nn i . Kresslvo bidder Is so rnro a si ht In a S.itur- ilny's exchange nnrKot that he U certain to taKe the b.iukersby surprise. Manipulation under such condition becomes oven moro Rlmple th in the f.imlllar blddlui ; up of stocks In holiday se.ibons. IjOiiitou tock 31iirkot * 10 tpurloht" ! tltlhu J.imc ? fJnnlod I LONDOV. April 21 INow York Herald Cubic Suoclnl to THE lit F.l The principal event In the block exchange Is the announceiiient of th new Indian 3 per cent hlerllnit for i'l.ljii)0l. ( ) ( llhaibcui freely dealt In at I'i iii-r cent premium. Old Issues .ire unchniiKcd. hull in rupee p.iper h is Rlveu xvay 's to ' 4 per cent. Consols in on sliiulu easier fort liv account. General business h i" been almost at a st.iud- stlll Tlio I'.oiibO lus been xery thinly nt- toudcd. Home rillnaya c.osollh some IrrcKuIiirlty. l'assonier Hues xvero favorably Inllupiicod by the line xxeathiT. Ililuhton do- furred lenv o olT only \ percentlilphor South- e.istcrn deferred Is 'fi ur cent. A sin ill Im provement Is established In ( West ern , Metropolitan und Notthcastorn , xvhllo Great Northern , Hull. II irns- loy ana North Hiltlsh preferred nro slUlitlv lower. Aincrlc.ui railways haxo liueu most In ictlxc , The principal moxoinont Is a fall of I1. ! per cent in Atchlson Income bonds Cnn idl.iu lines have beenqulto 1103- Inctcd and nro i Hhndu e.iRlor. roiolzn rall- xvnys have been very little dealt In and show no particular alteration. There bus been very llttlo Inquiry for n.onuy tod.iy. Short loans have been easily obtained nt ! { per cunt. The discount market has ntso been quiet. I'uo nnd tbioo months bills uroquo led ut trout 1 to IH Per cont. J'limncl il NolcH. NEW ORLEANS. La. , Apill 23.-ClearIng3 , II,244OJO. IVANS is CITV , Mo. , April 23. Clearings , I'AIIIV. April 2.1 Three per cent rentes , OCf S-'lie for the nciount. MLMIMIIS , Tonn , April 2A Clearings , IJ-'S- 000 ; b ilances , Jl.H.LOO. HALTIXIOIIK , tld. . April 23. ( lIcarlMS , f'JIlW > "i ; balances. ( )3. ) . ( > li ; money. U IH'r cent. Nixv YIHIK. April 2.1. Olo.iriii's , } llb.510,3.7 : balances. J".74-.H'i ; elculiu's foi the week , : . ' > , I1) 197 * ; balances. * .l4.t)47.2ua. I'ltii.ADKi.riiM. I'll. . April 21 Clearlnss. tlii.tu'sl ( ; biil.tuces. JJ.Is7I ) ) : for the \veelc clearings. & > 1Sagr > .1 ; balances. 112.4 1,917. CINCINNXTI , O , April 23. Moiioy , 4J11 pe.- cent ; Now Yoilt exelrui.'e. 25ne premium : clearings , J1.6G8.2JO ; for the ueoic , i 2,808.200 ; sumo last year , $12,110,410. bT. Lotll" , Mo , April -t OlOKrlnss. I.5C7- ! l1s ; h.ilnnees. $ TilU4il. This xvi-eU's clunrlius fj,471,7.4 | : balances. Sl.'ITOHJI. Money. 'i 0 per cent. i\chaiiKuon : Now York 90c piemluin. HOSTO.V , Mass. . Apill2I Cloariiics. tH.49.- 514 ; balances.'-'Uh , money. 1' ' © . ' per cent , i\chano ( in Nexv York. ll'jIS-'Oo discount , riearlnssfor the xvcelc. J91,115,017 ; baliuiccs. j'.4"p'I.Ml ' ) ( ; for the coricspondliu xveelc last Jio.C5l.IOS ; balances , * i.HH,551. t'lliCAOD , 111. . April 21 .Money Pisy at 4515 . . jp \ _ ( ) r | . uxt.ii.m jo , , t 40o , I.V CUJtHWH. No hank failure has occuircd In China for QUO vcars , For /allure tuo oflicers must lose their bends. Uinbrulltu nro rarely used In Aden , Arabia. Huln has fallen tliero only txvlco in txxent.x nlno years , I'rnvlous to tl'o ' last rain , \vblcl occurred in IbSS. there xx-m a purlon of dry xx cathor xvhlch lasted twenty-six years. The fumed Koblnoor , xvhlch has bren cut twice , nays a South Afilcan diamond illgc'1' noxv la this country , is n su.ull cue comparei xviui many others , Hu adds : "Tho men beautiful diamond by far that I bavo over eon \r s the ono found MKImborlr bv n lo American named 1'ortcr Hhodos. 1 p $ Just to look nt It. The sight xvat n liberal education for n diamond export. Ho nftor- vnrds sold It to the countess ol Dudley fet KdO.OOO. " During the recent cyclone In Knnsfu t coxt xas lifted from the ground , carried to tin on of n ho o nnd deposited on the nnglo ol no roof , xx hero ho could nclthor fall nor bf nKcn down. So they had to go up on tb.4 roof .ami kill her. Vv ho.i Grant Allen In hii storr of "Tho Jevil's Dlo" iloscrlbcd his heroes M flinline ; n xvrcck In mldocenn oxvarmlng xxlth rats the rules snld it could not bo. The xxieckorsi vlio xvcnt nboard tlio Goltonburc Castle oft bt. Mary's Isle , recently , had just that expo- lenco. Hut the critics hnvo no doubt for gotten nil nbotit the matter by thli time. Tho.lcxxlsh scholar , M. Ilaldvy , has com- liloJ from the cuneiform tablets dlscovoroil t HI Atcurn , nn account of MI I'pyntlnti pox- rnorof Jeuisalom under Ainouophls IV. , . .WOxears before the Christian orn. At that Imo I'nlestlno XVAS In n very disturbed state , vorrun by the llnbvlonlnn hordes and mls- rovorncd by the local sntrnps. At this onrly icrlod Jortisntoiii xxas n populous city , nnil ontnined a toniplo consecrated to the god. \dnr. The bureau of the royal archives xvns under the direction of n xxomnn. RfULWRYTlME GRRD -X ) p nil . . . . Denver Limited . . . . | J IU p m ' 05 p nil . Donvcr Kxpross. . . . ' 7 10 n m got ) n in | KniiBiiCltr IBxcopt Sunday ) | 31 p m. .cnvrn ICIIH'AlilJ , IIIU A SlI'AUl , Anita al L' I * , depot and Maroy bts. Onmhifc p nil . ; . Chicago K\pruss . . . . . . . ( ' .I.IX n m 00 p in I . . . Chicago Kxpron . . . . j.1 1 p m. 00.eaves .eaves I tJIOUA Cll'Y A 1'AClKll1. Arrlvns Omnlial Dppot. lOlli and Marcr Htt Omilin , "M n ml . .Sioux Cttv I'aiionKor. . . 10 Alp in. .H5 p m | , .bU 1'aut Kxproit . . . . , lUXn m S1OUA 1.1TX' A PAOIKIU | Arrlvi' Oni ah a I Depot. IMIi nnil XVobilcr nil I Oninhft i 45 p in | I'anl Limited | 'i i.i n l avci | CI11UAU A .NOHrllXVKsrKlt.N.Arrlvol Onialinll ) I' depot , 10th imd .Xlarcjr S3 | Omnhn 7 M n ni ( Ki btiti'jr ) Onrroll lniioneor IU "J p n\ 1 23 n m . , . ( 'IIC | KO ICxprcu ilOJn in. 603 p ni ViMlbnlo LlmHiHl I 9. * > A m .1 P. p m Kaslurn Klyor 2 lip ilk 70) p in ( Kv SatlChlo I'ais ( Kt Mon i | 805n m l/oave I OMAHA A ST. 1.OU13 I XrrlveJ , Umnlinlu I' depot. IQtli nnd .Marcy Sis | omi\h I 410 p ni | . St I.uuls Cannon Hall. . . | li.Tip in. l.cnvos I T , K. V .X10 VAUIjKV. l.XrrUos Oinalm Depot. 15tli nn-t XX'olntor Hti Oinnlin POD n nil . . . . DoMlirooit Ktpro . | ! > Dt \ m 9M n m ( Kx. Sat ) XVyo. Hxp ( KxMon ) ; S i ) p m M ) P ml . . .Norfolk ( Kx Sunday. ) . Ill 13 n m > l.'i p ml si I'nul Ktprms LeavVn C. , r. l , M. A O. lArrTveV Onmiinl Depot , IMIi nnd XX'elnlnr St < I Oinali % pltOI'OSALS [ 'Oil INDIAN BUl'I'Ll PH AND- 1 transportation. Department of the Intor- 01 , Ollko of liiillan Allulrs , XS'ashing ton April - ' , ISO ! . Sealed proposals , endorsed "Pro posals fur Itccf , ( bids for beef must bo submit ted In sepal ate cnxoiopcs ) . Hiicon. I'lniir. Clothing or Tr insport itlun , etc. , " ( as the c.iso may be ) , and directed to tlm Onrumlsslonorof Indlaii Atlalrs , Nus Olaiid 07 Wooster street , Now York , will bo rccolvod until 1 D m , of Tuesday , May J. 1H9- , for furnishing for thiy Indl'in scrv co about 70).owi pounds bacon , 3' . O'.UO ) pounds beef on the hoof , 2.0W.OOJ pounds net beef , : CJOJ3 ! pounds ueans , 70,003 pounds baking pow tier , 2'IDO.OO ) pounds corn , .M0,0 0 pounds eoll'ee. ji.OOO.UI/O pounds Hour. 79.0 0 pounds food. 91,000 nounds n ird broad. 40 , ' 0) pounds homlny.3lOJOiou ( ) nils lard , 1.Vbar- elH mesi pork , r > 00) ) pounds oatmmil , U70.W9 pounds o its , in,00)pouiida ) rice , 22.00 pound * tea , 1M,0 ) 0 pounds co irso salt. 120.031 pounds ) line salt , 2i.uO ( ) ) pounds soap , 1,030.0. ) ) pounds )'l l.HKK ) ( ) pounds xvhoat. Also , blank- otH. woolen .in I i-olton goods , ( consisting i pint of llfkliig , 1 1.000 yards ; standard called , ixU.OiyardN : drilling 19,000 yards ; duck , free * from all Hiring , 31,000 y irds ; ileiilms , 10.000 yards ; ginghams , iiOO.ODO yards ; Kentucky jeans. 8,5 0 yards ; ohovlot , 15.0)0 yards ; brown. MiuuUng. 2ll)0)i yards : bloiclu'd sheeting , ai.OO ) yards ; hickory shirting. 2U.(00 ( yards ; ealko shining , 0,0 iO yards ) : clothing , grocor- U's , notions , hurdxvaro , modlcal F < iippllos. Rchool books , etc. , and 11 long list nf mlscol- liiiieiiusartlulos. Hitch as hirnusi , plowu , r.iKes. folks. etc. . and for about 510 vvagons roiiulreu for tlio tservlee , to bo dollvcred at ( ' , Kansas City and loux Ulty. Alxo tor nucli xvagonti UK may ho reipured , adaptrd to tlio- climate of llio I'nelllo coast , with Oallfornla bril.en : , diillxnred at Fan Kranolsi'i ) , Also transDnrtatlon for sucli of the articles , and siipuIlcH that m ly not bo cent muted forte to buboilvered at the agonolus. lluls must bo iniduoutiin govpiiimout blunka. h-chcdule g thu kinds and ( lUautltle-i of subsis tence supplies ropulrod for each agency ana teliool , unil thu Muds and quantities In gross , nf all otlior goods and urtlulos. to/etlier xvltti blank proiiosals , coi.ditlons to bo ; olikcrved by blddci" . tlino and placunf dullxcry , torma of lontractand payment , traiisporlatliin routes ami allothor no ossary Instruction ! ! will ba fiirnlshoil upon appllciillou to the Indian Of fice In XVashliulon , or No * , fll mid 1.7 Wnustur ktriTt. Now Vnrk : the Commissaries of hub- slsti'iiee. U. U. A. , at Clioyuiinc , Chicago , Li-axcnwortli , Omaha , Saint Louis , Smliit I'aul. and Sun I'mnclseo ; the I'DStnuisiers utMoux City , Inwii ; Vanktou , South Dakota : ArKun- sasC'lty , ( 'aldwij 1 , Tupokii und Wichita , Kan sas , and Tuvim , ArUuiut. Thu rUIt | IH ru- Horxod by Ihu guviiriimonttorejoctiiny and all hUKor any p rt of any hid , and thcsn prnpu- B ilsaru Invltu'i ' under ( .riivlso that appropria tion shall bo iiiado fnr the mipplles by con- gn-fs. ItldH will beouonud ut tlm hour and day ahovii stated , and bidders are InxHi'd to bu proxonl at tbo npunlng. Certified cheeks , All bldH must bo accompanied by c.irlllloil or draf Is nnon sonio United M UCH Du- iio.ltdiy or the l.'irit Na'.lunal II ink of Sun. I'raiicUci ] , Oil , , fur at least 11 r pur cent of Ihu amount of the ptoposiU T. J. MOIUiAN , Commissioner. A'd'JItm Niitlco. To H. N. Hchoaiick : Von are hereby notified thutdii thu''oth day of July , IbJi , the under- kl.'iidd bought at prlvuto tax mlo of the tro i- nrer of Doiulasuuunty. . Nob. , the following : described leal oktate : l.ut olevenll ) f-'nillli I'.uk , an iiddlllou to thu city of Oumliu. sltu- aii'd In Doiiiliis Kjunly , Nub. , for tlio delin quent taxes of the year Ibbh.and that sulil prupurty was taxed In the niiii.e of K. N. rihu.inck and that the tluui ( it redemption , of H.IIIIO will uxplro on tlio 20th dav of July , If'j ; . UllA > TX UKANf. u 20 Jut Notice , Tu I' . II. Ilainmoii : Von nro hereby notlflecl tlialiin lhi-Uliday of Julv , 1B' ' ) , th under signed bought at private tax 8 ilo nf the treas urer of Duiulus county. Nub , tlio follow- In. dLHurlbuil real uslitc ; Lot twelve (12) ( ) , hmltli 1'ark , an addition to the city of Omaha , situated in Do'iKlao county. Nubrunkn , for tbo delinquent taxes of thu your : i , and tliut said property wu * t.ixed In thu namu uf I1 , II. Hamilton , and thut thu tlmoof rudemptlonor vumu xrlll oiplre ou thu 2Jth dny of July. IWi. A2UdJV GltANT i. UllANT ,