8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : .SATURDAY , APRIL 23 , 1892 , SAVED THE SCHOOL LANDS Commissioner Humphrey's ' Work Worth Thousands to Nebraska , HIS INTERPRETATION OF THE LAV/ / Inilltntloni Tluit It In Snniclcnlly Correct to Cntisn the llopnrtinrnt to Consider the bulijoct rully-OtliiT Lin coln Nu g Nutcs > LINCOI.V , Nob. , April 22-fSpocIal to THB linn. ] Ono of the principal errands of State I and Coinnilsslonor Humphrey on Ills recent visit to the national capital was to consult with tlio ofllctals of the general land ortlco in rcgartl to the selection of Indemnity lands to take the place of school sections 10 and 30 In the Poncn Indian reservation , recently thrown open to settlement. These sections wcro not exempted from homestead rntry when the reservation was thrown open to Kcillcmcnt as the law expressly staled that they wcro not reserved for school pur- posos. The school sections In Uoyu county outside of the Poncn reservation , however , nro not open to homestead entry , according to Commissioner Humphrey's In terpretation of thu law , and hols cndciivor- \i\K \ \ to convince the land departmental ut bis View of the case Is the correct ono. The land ofllclnla at the O'Xelll land ofllco Imvo been permitting homestead entries on thcso sections mid deviated only when the emphatic protests of Commissioner Hum phrey reached the department nt Washing ton. For the present nt least thnso sec tions will not DO entered. Commissioner Humphroy U hacked in hh position by n let ter received from ox-Commlsslonor ( J-off , written whllo that ( wntleirmn was still In of llco , In which It Is stated that whllo sections 10 and 30 In the 1'oncn reservation nro not exempt from homestead entry , the corresponding spending sections In Uuyd county , cutsldo of the 1'oncn reservation , are expressly reserved for the state of Nebraska for school pur poses. The present commissioner of the general land olllco is Invostlcatlntr the mat ter at the request of Commissioner Hura- phrov nnd thcro are good reasons for hollov- Inc ; Unit ho will confirm the opinion of cx- Commisslonor UrolT. The prompt und oner- ROtic measures taken by Commlsslonor Hum- phroy will save to the state of Nebraska a good many thousand acres of school lauds which would have been loit had ho sat qui etly by ud tuado no protest. Conccriiiiiff the Wurclionsn I.axr. "A popular otror exists in regard to the workings of the now warehouse law , espec ially with reference to the grain Inspection and welching departments , " said n member of the State Uoard of Transportation this morning. "Tho chlof criiin inspector and woighmastor nro paid from the fees they col lect. They have no stated salary beyond the fact that if the foes collected amount to n sufliclont sum each month the chiefs of each department may rnservo the sum of $100 for hU salary. If the fees amount to n less sum the loss falls upon too ofll- cial and not upon thostato. The grain dooart- meut Is exactly upon the sumo basis with reference to the stata treasury as the oil in spection department. It must , sustain Itself. The law fixes the mnxlnuim of fees that may bo retained as salaries hi each department. Any excess of feus collected must bo turned Into the stale treasury. Any deficiency will not bo madoun from the slate , Uut must fall upon the ofliciub. The oil inspection law has been in force since 1835. Thcro hayo been months when the fees did not pay expenses ; nnil yet never in a single Instance has the stnto been asked to make up the deficiency. On the contrary , thcro have boon years m which the oil inspection department has ' turned a considerable sum Into'tha treasury. "It cannot be denied that when the law first wont Into operation the several depart ments were organized upon ascalo entirely too magnillccnt. All Ibis , however , hasbecn changed. The inspection department is now run at a third of the former expense. The State Hoard of Transportation has empha sized the fact all along that the chiefs ot the departments cannot hope to tin remunerated for the dollclonuy in the amount of foes col lected during the llrst year of the operation ofthaiaw. If they ask the coming logUla- turo for n dollciency appropriation they will do so upon their own responsibility mid ngolnst the protesls of thd board. There Is not a siuplo member of the board who will veto to recommend a deficiency appropria tion. " Arm. Slicody In Court Agiiln. ThoSheody estate is in court again afttr n disappearance of several months. C. O. Whedon , Mrs. Shecdy's attorney , recently called upon Administrator Aiken for the monthly allowance , which had Ueeii awarded to Aim. Sheedy from the estate of the Into John Sheedy. Whedon represented that the allowance began on February 18 , and there upon Allten paid over the money. Later , however , Alteon discovered that the first year's allowance , which hau j v drawn in bulk , carried Mrs. Sheedy jp to March 19. Consequently when Mr. Whodon appeared to collect another month's allowance ho was mot with a refusal , the administrator claimIng - Ing that the allotvanco had been paid up to Anril 10. Mr. Whodon threatens to have the atlmltilstrator arrested for contomut of court. And now the attorney for the brothers - . ors and sisters of the deceased come Into court and asks that tbo oraor granting Mrs. Sbcody MI annual allowance DO sot aside. Mnrtln'H Dentil Univuldiihlo. The inquest over the body of Joseph Mar tin , who was killed by a Union Pacific train last Tuesday night , was hold this forenoon. The testimony showed that Martin was un old man partially deaf ; that ha was scon to stop out from behind n shanty near the truck on the approach of the train nnd that when the locomotive was within about ten feet of him ho walked directly in front of It nnd was thrown under the wliools , The jury found n verdict to tlio affect that Martin coma to his death by bulng struck by a train , but exonerating the railroad company from all blame iu tbo premises. Odds mill I'lids , II.V. . JCInU , convicted of embezzling last ttoolc , has made application fora now trial. Today has been generally observed as n holiday in Lincoln , the banks nnd most places of business doing but little work. No especial Arbor daj.services were observed , except by the public schools. The state olllcos were closed this after- coon. Secretary ( Jalo of the Nebraska Columbian commission was in the city today. Ho states that the commission Is now in a position to push the isebraska exhibit to the front , nnd ttmt effective work will bo the order from DOW on , Klmor itonnlngton , who was arrested yesterday for passing counterfeit motioy.was discharged this morning , there being no fcvidoneo to hold him. Four hundred students have already regis tered for the first toun of the Western Nor- mul collrgo which will bo opened in Lincoln next September. Work on the $83,000 building Is being pushed us rapluly as pos- ilblo. Small price big results. Piso's Cure for Consumption will stop your cough anu do It quickly. GI volt a trial. Your drupglst. L'5c. There nro soaps umilo outside of No- bruslcu which pretend to employ No- brnslw Itibor. Do not DO deceived. Union soup is the Nebraska brand. Dr. Culllinoro. oculist. I3oo building bourn U.U.1//.I. Bom ofotcrnni Urnmnllo Company's I'lc'iulni ; Kiitcrtulnuimit. A largo audience was outortaincd by the drama , "Forced to the War , " In Blum's hull last night. The cast was composed of mem bers of the Sons of Veterans Dramatic club , Who acquitted themselves exceptionally well for an amateur organization. The drama afforded opportunities for considerable dra- muilu effect , which , with a few exceptions , were well Improved , Tun safe-blowing scene in the second act was pro- tented m a imuiuer which would have done credit to many professional com panies. Miss Cberrlo Tyler \viis cast m the leading feminine role uud achieved a brilliant success. Her acting was remarkably natural and effective nnd fully deserved the applause which It rocclred. Her t > ole In the first act displayed a soprano voice of remarkable sweetness. Mlsi Docio Carpenter personated an Irrasdblo . old lady , Her Inter- Jjrotutioa of the character was animated nnd pleasing. Mlw Jessie Supploo was n port and pidunnt young woman whoso romantic ideas aid not meet with mntcrnal favor. Miss Supploo was bArely able to bo nut after n snvoro Illness , but acquitted her self with credit. The loading male parts were sustained by Frank K. Hart , Joe Hill nnd Fred Kttor. The minor characters wcro personated by William Honnott. K. H. Cole , William Slater , Fred McUougal , Fred ( Jrinilh , Cal Cooper , William Urimtb and Lou Ettcr. A. number of plo.islng specialties were Introduced and well received , Work of Hsilil Thieves. A bold daylight robbery was committed at the residence of T. D. 1'orrlno , nt Twenty- fourth and I streets , Just before noon yes terday. The thieves entered the house by the front way and made their way to Mr. Pcrilno's bedroom , where they purloined n ladles' sold watch , a diamond ring sot with eleven stono.s , and n pockotboolc containing ? . * > In change. Mrs. Porrltu was engaged in the bacx pirtof the house nnd was not dis turbed by the operations of the thieves. Two or three suspicious characters nro known to have boon In the city yostordny , nnd il Is supixHod that they nro the guilty parties. No' arrests have been made. I'uviirnlilo lor tlio Partner. John Schovo , nn extensive farmer of dago county , Nebraska , was in the city yostordny. Ho regards the conditions as remarkably favorublo for n cooti season for farmers. Winter wheat is looiclng the host It has nt this tlmo for several years. Seeding is some what backward on account of the continued wet weather. The soil is soaked with moist ure ID a good depth and iron.l uropj are ex pected. Notcmnml 1'orimrtls. Mrs. Patrick Hector Is on the sick list. The regular quarterly conference was held at the First Methodist church last night. lj. W. Cornish of Toknumh , Neb , , is the guest of his son , J. F , Cornish of this city. Wnugh & Wostcrfield will erect n hand some residence ut Twenty-sixth nnd G streets. Mr. and Mrs. M. Schlogol , who have boon visiting relatives In town , have returned to their home ut Plnttsmouth , J. F. Cornish is the owner of nn elegant .meerschaum smoking sot , which was pre sented to him by James Jones. Hov. Marlon Boles will begin n series of lectures on the "Kovolntion" nt the Chris tian church tomorrow evening. The Board of Trade has called a special meeting of citizens nt the Stockman olllco toM - M I Kin to discuss the occupation tax ordinance. Quarterly meeting services will bo holts at the First Methodist church tomorrow. An Interesting concert will bo glvou in the evening. Fred Sprlnto is held nt the city Jail to nwnlt the arrival of an officer from Pollc county , Nebraska , wtioro bo is wanted for disposing of mortgaged property. Johnnie Skardo , the boy who was shot by Ofllcor Hughes Tuesday afternoon , is stead ily improving. It Is not thought that the wounti will prove dangerous , Olllcer Hughes is on duty again. The South Omaha Swedes nro jubilant over the success of their tug-of-wnr team in the international contest at Omaha. The Swedes have won nn enviable record , tholr only defeat being ut the bunds of the Ger man carpenters some weeks ago. A number of the oftlcmls of the George 11. Hammond company are in the citon busi ness connected" with the improvements now in progress. The partv includes President Andrew Comstock of Providence , K. I. General Manager J. B. Lymon of Chicago , Gqorgo H. llotchklss of Now York. DeWitt's Sarsapanlla destroy such poi sons us scrofula , skin disease , eczema , rheu matism. Its timely use saves many lives. Tec inVrts nt Niagara rails. A conspicuous fcitturo of Frank Los- lie's Wooltly of March ai is a line half- pupo illustration of Lutui island , Niagara Falls , in winter garb , showing the won derful ice formations nnd beautiful spray-coaled foliage that have so excited the woiulor und admiration of throngs of visitors during the cold season , now drawing to a close. The picture is re produced from n photograph bv W. H. Jackson , the noted scenic otiotographor of Denver , Colo. , und is published by permission of the Now York Coutral & Hudson River railroad. Mr. ( Jcorgo II. Daniels , the general passenger agent of the Central , says that travel to Niagara Falls , which ist of course , very largo tlio year round , is especially heavy in mid winter , the ice marvels attracting thou sands of visitors fiom all parts of the world. A Fom.Uo Tniinp. Matilda Madsen was ono of the gang at the police court yesterday morning. She Is a professional tramp of the old school. Hagged , dirty ana disreputable , she plods her way through the world exactly like her mascullno friends of the same persuasion. She rides In cattle cars , sleeps in hay stacks nnd oats what she can beg. Neither snow nor rain , wind nor mud have any ter rors for her and a pedestrian Tip through the mud to the next town is alwa3-s prefer able to an nour's work. Wm. Sprague Smith , Providence , U , I. writci : "I find Bradycrotlno always cures headache. " Another I'axtou Hotel Suit. Largo sized law suits continue to hover about the 1'axton hotel. Yesterday the pro prietors sued the lessors nnd in turn the lessors sued the lessees. Now John Howe & Co. have brought suit against the lessees , Eastman & Miller to recover on u bill of S3.150 , whlpb a petition states is the amount of a plumbing bill tnut Is duo and unpaid. Mrs. L. n. Patten , UocittorJ , 111. , writes : " ! rom personal oxparlonco I can rooommond DoWitt's Sarsaparllln , n euro for impure blood nud general debility , " Morn Moil lor Street AVorlc. The chairman of the Board of Public Works employed twenty-five additional men and five teams yesterday morning and put them to work cloaiilns up the paved street ? . The street cleaning force now numbers llfty men and ton teams. The expense of the work is being clmrgoa against Street Sweep ing Contractor Squires and his bonusmon. Mrs. Winslow's ' Soothlnp Syrup is nn unexcelled - celled medicine fnr children while tcoihiuc ' . ' 5 cents a bottle. Cnielted Two limply Safe * . Some burglar had his trouble for his pains Thursday night. Ho made two visits on South Thirteenth nud cracltod the safes of a saloon nnd a mout market. Both safes wcro filled with emptiness nnd ho failed to secure oven the customary handful of small change. Tested by Tlmo.-For Bronchial affections , coughs , etc. , Itroivn's ' Bronchial Troches have proved their efllcaey by a test of many yean , Pjlce. U5 cents. ' SIXTY MEN ! ! ! Control thut Iiilinltiihlo Child of X.VTUHI : , SPECIFIC OXYGEN POSITIVELY CURES Catarrh , Bronchitis , Asthma , Consump tion , Deafness , Headache > lckornerroui Dyspepsia , Nervous Prostration. Ouo ( Uouiand dollar ! U making u a household NERVOUS , WEAK LADIES1 Your iTJtcmdoon't need ncourio of drugging liut > liuplyaTltalttlnttnrfeut.-Osrienl ( Ufa luutr. ) Wo furnlih It , concentrated , at jour homul Ju- halutlout a ] > oiltlvo pluature. Kruu trial inbulMlof . Oxygen book and oiUlco Jrc'ol Call or trlto today , The Sl'KCiriO OXYGEN CO. , Suite (10 Ebeelr Bulldlne , cor Uta aud llonnrd lrcgt , HENDERSON'S ' HOME COMING Head of a Defunct Loan Company Will Rotnru to Ornahn. HIS VISIT NOT OF HIS OWN CHOOSING Ho AVI 11 llo Accompanied by n Dotcc. tlio unit Ono of III * Mnny Vic tims Clmrjre * toVlilcli Ho .Mint A inner. 11. II. Henderson , the head of the Hender son Mottgagn and Investment company that went to the wall a few months ago U about to return to Omaha. It will bo remembered that Henderson did a largo business and was considered wealthy. Ho How high and lived In n line residence on Uoorim rivcniio. When iho crash came , Henderson skipped , leaving his creditors nothing but nn empty Iron safe and n quan tity of olllco furniture. In nddt'.lon to wrecking the loan company , of which ho was this president , ho forged chocks to the amount of uuarlv SIO.OUU on various banks In the city. Henderson's return Is not voluntary , ns ho will bo accompanied by n detective who has occu on the trail for the pail six months. For irjntlis tbo detective minted high and low fo , % hU man , Yesterday ho struck n hot trail and nnllod him ut Chester , Pa. Henderson was working for the Interstate Trust company of Philadelphia. As ho was leaving the ofllco ho wu ? recognized and was nt once placed under arrest. W. I. . . McCnRuo , who happened to bo in Philadelphia , nud who was ono of Hcndcr- SOII'A victims to n small extent , furnished the information that his bank , the American Na tional , would like to Interview Mr. Hender son in this cltv. Honder3on acknowledged that ho was wanted In Omaha nnu agreed to accompany the detective. Did U overoeour to you to talco Hood's Sarsaiinrllln , thu bdst.sprlnit medicine ) Try a bottle this season. It will do you good. Union soap cxouls all others. O Notion \VorlcliiKincn. . Tomorrow ( Saturday ) wo sell working pants worth iSl.SJj for fiOu , every pair warranted not to rip. Also a pair of suspenders goes free with ovcrv pair of them. ALSOSPKUIAL LOW PRICES ON MEN'S SUITS. PEOPLE'S CLOTHING HOUSE , 130 : Douglas Street , Und door west of 18th struct , next door to Omaha Sav ings Bank. Drnnkciinusi , A disease , treated as such and perma nently cured. No publicity. No infirm ary. Homo treatment. Harmless and olTcctual. Refer by permission to Bur lington Ilawkeyo. Send i2o stamp for pamphlet. Shokoquon Ohomical JCo. , Burlington , la. I'or tlio Croclip. On Saturday , April 23 , at Gormanla hallu novel entertainment will bo presented by n number of Omaha's society youtic ladles uudcr the direction of our gifted fellow- tnwnswoman , Mrs. Wlrtz , for the solo beuo- lit of the Creche. A grand ni.irch alaGrco opens the cxhl- hlbitlon , which embrace ? tableaux , statues , vocal and Instrumental music nnd numberless - loss pictures , presented in "living charac ters. " The whola wilt bo brilliantly illu- I'ropoxnU fur Pining lutoracctloiK. Si ulod proposals will bo rojolvod by the umlorulgnod until 1:1111 o'clouk p. in , , April 2Jth , Ib'X' ' , for Colorado stand mono und Slotix I'"alls iininlto. ucootdliiK to bpocllleatloii'j for IbJl , for paving tlio Inturacctionof KUhth and I'ur- ' iiuiii htiouti and the uniuvo.l put of Intor- buothm of KlKhth und IJonxluti strouts. Each U.I toupealfy u prlco per souuru yard for the paving couipluto on thu IntorKuotlons. \\orlc to bo tiono In aucordiinco with plans und cpoclllc.itloiiaof itUI , un lllo lu the olllco of the Duunl of i'nbllu Works. iuoli ; proposal to bo nmdo on printed blanks fitrnUht'd by the board , and to bo uccoinp.i- nloJ by ncottlUod check In the sum of * . > 0 > , payublo to the city of Umulia , us an ovldunco of coed faith. The board reserves the rlclit toiojoct any or all 1)Ids ) and to walvo dufocts. r. AV. iiiKiciiAUsnu , Chairman Hoard of I'ubllo Works. Omaha , April aitu , Ib'J. . April M-iil-M. riilohc.trr' . EnalliU Illnmvoii K.-t.no. WYROYAL PILLS r Orltflnul unit llnly C nuuio. J ' LtruifUt T r I'UcAcj'rr * Knalitk'faj " to Itvd KJ Gw-i njeulllc\ utihtlut rlttrou. TitLa liuotbtT ) Jf/ui4 J > > Ma rcwi < u ( < dfu * tltin and itnlt-tti nt > if Drofiliti. or wai o. In ittaip * for _ | ' rtlouri ! , icitlmooUU toi "Itrllvf fur l.udlc , 'Mirr. . tj return " Mult 1O OUO T * Umcni li. > ' ( tuVptf. . / C'ul 'lirlcrCIiCD tkillt/ ill Local Uru jUu. l'litli > ( . , l'fl. off-SEND FOR CATALOGUE. C ) MI ATIoN rviLnuiih i > UrJvn , Uud Guu4l , JJ * Lt Mi TMI ! IU * . < -n > BTruci.oti r irt. U.hBr * tlfii'iuj iiobO Utlil ( ) iUCiri ! * Itf Ul 2110 lack ) f Ik'll \ Ti In 40 Id > Miufc'C U' * * VI UU 4 0 IK ) EiU-MfA HlMTRM' il.rST.LOUIsH mlnntod. In shmrt it promises to bo a most delightful and ronhcrcho affair. Mrs. Wlrtz haxipcnt much tlmo and labor both hero nnd In iio'ton In preparing this lovely series ot jrracoful pictures and wo bespeak - speak both for hn-fclf and the younp ladles n full house and ton appreciative audience. Wo nlso have Imtnlnd another "full houso" whoio hearty tbnoKs they may count upon forty-throe pain of hands small hands 1 will applaud them every time fortv-threo pairs nf little foot will be bettor clad and smlloi will brltrhten the faces of this "houso full" for the labor so kindly bestowed , T'nlio Kcononiy Is practiced bytinany paoplo , who buy in ferior articles of food because cheaper thiin standard Roods. Surely ItifanU are entitled to the boU food obtnlnnblo. It Is a fact that the O.ill Gordon "Kaplo" Qrand Condensed Mil it Is the best infant food. Your grocer nnd drugplst keep lu Union soap employs nearly filly per sons , all Nebraska labor. Other soaps which aiVvorllso to employ Nob'-nska labor , employ only ono man a salesman. Which deserves Nebraska patronngoV Who over heard of the likoV Tomor row the People's sells working pants ( every nalr warranted not to rip ) for 60c. and a pair of suspenders goes free with every pair. PF.OPLE'S CLOTHING HOUSE , lapu Douglas Street. OB3EKVED AUBOB DAY. Omaha Sulionl Clilldroii Olm-rvc n Iliilld.iy vltli Appriiprlntu ( 'oromonh'H. Tree pl.intlnfj was the Ronoral order of the day at the various schools throughout the city. At the Forest nnd sotna of the other schools whcra the ground * were already sufllclontly well supplied with troea , the pu pils cuRaccd In imiUini ; Hewer beds and sottinc out shrubbery orothorwlso beautifying their surrouiidtnps. At the Cass school the raising of a flap polo was Ono of the features of the day , and a br.md now twelve fuot llai : was thrown to thu Arbor any breeze shortly before noon. In the afternoon a specially pre pared program was curried out , includ ing singing and recitation's by the pupils unit nn appropriate speoeh by Major T. S. ClarUson. The Cass annex , known as the St. Barna bas school , was nlso adorned with n now Hair , both being purchased with money raised by the p'iplls. The Kcllom school was likewise adorned with n new pole from which the stats uud stripes will lloat. DoWitt's Sarsapnrillii cleanses the blood , increases the npputito and tones up the sys tem. It has bauollttctt many people who have suffered fiom blood disorders. It will help you. Strong stout working pants at oOc a pair and suspondora free with every pair ( tomorrow ) at the People's , 1MU3 Doug las street. American Express company's auction sale of unclaimed packages at No. 1111 Parnam street , Saturday - afternoon. April 2M. _ Union soap is the king of soaps ! It's the Stiiiuliird Oil Nmv. The signs of the Consolidated Tank line have been remove. ! from its ollleos in the Merchants' National bank , nnd in their stead appear the words , ' 'Standard Oil company.rt Manager Kuth says this is in accord with the recent determination of the Standard to di.s- sotvo Its trust. lie avers that it will make no difference in the business more important than tbo changing of the companvM station ery. MANLY PURITY AND BEAUTY To cleanse the Blood , Skin , and Scalp of every eruption , impurity , and 'disease , no agency in the world of med icine is so speedy , agreeable , economical , and unfailing as the world-renowned CUTI- CUUA REMEDIES , consisting of CUTICURA , the great skin cure , CUTICURA SOAP , the most effective skin purifier and beautifier , and CUTI CURA RESOLVENT , the new blood purifier and greatest of humor remedies. Every thing about the CUTICURA REMEDIES inspires confidence. They are absolutely pure and agreeable to the most sensitive. They afford immediate relief in the most distressing of itching and burning eczemas , and other itching , scaly , and crusted skin and scalp diseases. They speedily cure humors of the blood and skin , with loss of hair , whether simple , scrofulous , hereditary , or ulcerative , when the best physicians and all other remedies fail. In a word , they are the greatest skin cures , blood purifiers , and humor remedies of modern times , and may be used in the treatment of every humor and disease , from eczema to scrofula , from infancy to age. * S-"TJow TO CURB BLOOD AND SKIN HUMORS , " 64 pages , 30 ° Diseases , jo Illustration j , tnj 100 Testimonials. Mailed fiee to any address. A book or priceless value. CUTICUIIA HCMEDII'.S are wld inroiiRliout the world. 1'ricc , CUTICURA. W. : Ct'Ttct'RA SOAP. ijc. ; CUTICURA UESOUUNT , $1. 1'iqurcJ by I'OTTCK DRUG t CIIBUICAU COKFOKATIOX , Boston. snrl Oilv mfin PimP'No" ' * " - UacVh ads , timrie , - , anu v uy OKIII , , , umoi , and bcnshcs ) , , of infan , , anj children are prevented and cured Ly that greatest cf all SI in Purifiers and Beautifies , the celebrated Cutlcura Soap. Incomparably superior to all other kUu and complexion toaps , while rivalling In delicacy and surpassing In purity the most expensive of toilet and nuricry soaps. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Tb eminent ppcclillit In nervous , chronic , private , blonil , > kln ami urinary dhonscs. A regular nnd registered crndimto In uicdclno. n dlplomns nnil certificates ilinir. is sun UcKtlnu with tlio griituil sncccn caturrb.spuriiinlorrlioeik , lunt manhood , seminal wpiiHiuu. nutu loi-cs , liupntuncy , sriiUllu. utrlcluro. KOII- crrboun-itleel , Mirlroculo.cto. Nc snunury me I. Kan trontrnont for Ion ofluil PUWIT , 1'urllci iinnblo 10 Tlult uiomay bolrontel ai bomu by corroiponcle&cn. Meiliilae or InttrumrnM i-ont li/ mall orexpros io > eurelyuscke I , no iiarks tclndlcatu contents orsi'iider. Ono pcrioniil InUrrlu * priilcrrud. L'onaaltatloa ( roe. Corronpoudonco strictly private , llonk ( JjoterlM ot Lllu ) suut Xru * . OOico hours 'i a.m. toll p. u. BuuclajulJuiu.tolSiu. . iumii lot reel/ . l'rcinnilN | lor UUtilct C mil In K Ilnr.di' . Foaled lilds inaroil ) "l'roiusiU | for district craUlii'4 bonds" will U roculvu I at the olllco of tliu city truusiin'r. Uinalm , No I ) . , up to li o'eloolc noun of thu''nh ilny of April , isO. ' . for tliuimrali.isoufll'OO.uad : | ! > trlttKr.ulirisljoiid4 ! of Ihn I'lty of UnKilia , Nub , tf.nd Uonda nru iliitud Mny 1st , lijl , und tire imyiblo : from ono to iilnii ytmM attiir ditto tliuri'of , in donoinlim- tlons of JlOO.tHund fiJD.UJ uaull. ultll Inlciiwt. lit tliu r.ilo of 5 HDIcunt , iior 11:11111111 : , jnyulilo ayiul-aiinii.illy. l'liiflikl un 1 IntureU pay- ublo ut KounUo llroj . N'otv Vork , ilO.UJXO'j of I2raaliii ! DUtrlut No. ill J.-IIU m of Cnidln' , ' Hlstrlot .Vo. ' 11. TOO.UJof ( Jraillntf District No.ai 20,00i.0 ( ) of Uniillim DMrlot No. , ' . . ' . Kitcli bid unlit bt..tu prlco nnd nmount sou lil for anil Inoluito aeoniou Interest tu Uiituot dollvurr.it Otuuliti , Nub. 'I'liorlKht U icsurvod lo lojuct any und all Issued iindor charter newer of cltloinf tlio nieiropolllaii ulusa und . UidliuinoJ No. "jd ; , JlchWdaittn. OltyTroasuror. _ PHOl OSALS L OH BHWUlFll NDri So.ili-d imls murUod 1'roposiU for Sowo Ilonds will bo roculvcd nt tlio olllco of llio o y iroiisurcrof tliocliy of Oinalia. Nob. , up t.o oVKioK , uoon. of tbo'-'HU dtiy of Apr I. 18 rj , io tlio put uliaso of f.Vl.tWJ.U ) bawur bon Js of tlio city of Oinul'Q , Nob. , rttitod Jl'iy 1st. Is'JJ. p ly- ubloUJyoaNaflnrduto. Interest 5 pur cent Iior annum , p lyub'.o ' ( .oml-aiinu lly. 1'rluol- imlnnd lutorou payublo ut Kountzo llroj. . Sow Vorlt. Duiioinlnatlon of uonds. JI.U3J.UJ each. Kiiuh bid muntbtato price nnd uinount nought for nrrl Inuludo accnioU Intorcat up to Unto of dollvcry ut Oinulia. Noli. The r irla If rosurvod to rojcut nny unit nil bids. lb uou undiu cburtcr povvar of cltloaof the metro- oolltiin uhis-iaudorJ uiuu-o No. iJ.ll. n put ovod Maroli 10. Ibtti J1KNUV HOf < UN , MiJdJHM Cilty Treasurer , Cystitis. I was Afflicted with cyMIII , nrctlirllls unil chronic uterine ulcorallon. ] fnrtercd much piln In my licfiil nrnl tmckj uai trr tctl by nnmcroun physician * , nml tried m.iny itomcetlc rcmc < llc. , oil to no fivnll. My suffering wns to great that It bcranu jiecctsnry to Ufo Instrumental means ilnlly /or relief. In this deplorable condition , wtli ( tbo ever present pain and Buffering of body nml mind for tcun long year * . I Mine To Kxcclslor Spring * , Xov. Stli , tSSS. ] obtained , \vltlijn twenty-four hour ? , f ucli unaccountable relief ( lint I could dispense llh medicine and Instrument , andultliln three days after my arrhalftn ; free from palnnnd suffering. Itcmnlned one uotilli and became perfectly well and strong. ( Signed ) MM. K. T. Tor the truth of the iibovo ttc refer to Dr. IVarncr Heck , Normal 1'ark and CSth Street , Chicago , 111. Tie tcateri ar lottltd only ly the Excel tlor Sprtngt Comjany nt Excelsior Springs for J'amiiMtt. [ V31S S O U 6I llicliardson Drug Co , Agts. , Oiiulu , Kcb A Written Uimriintoo to Cure Kvcry Cnso or Mc'ioy HolutidoJ. Onrrmo I'pi'nimnent nmlr.ot r p.itcM i ? up. C.KCS treated POX on yetmnzo Imvo uoror scon n symptom Plnro. llrilc'crllihuI'.HD fully > vor.ilr.nl > on by mull , funl wo stvo Ilia > ntno jtronu KU rnnI03 to curd orrefunilnll money , Those who prater to cow ) hero iortrcnlincntenii < lo sonal wo will pay niHroilf.iro doth wnjrs mid hotel bllhrhlto lirro. If wo full tocurj Wo clinllcuitotlio world fora cixu tint our Mnilo Itpmeitjr will not euro , wrltofor particular * mil put llieoTldcnce. In our sot on year * practice nttli the MnelollcinoJy It his been muH dllllcult to overcome the projudkys ncnlnat * oculletl jnocllles. lltitiin lor our Mroni : gutriintoa llioui nub nra trylnu It niul bo Ingcuroj. Woutmriintuu to euro or refund every itollnrniul nswo Imv n reputation toproto t , also llnniulnl Imcklim ol t.VAI.UJOIt Is perfectly sifoto nil tthonlll try the IrcntiiuMit , Hcrt'tofoia ) oti have puttliik'tip nin ) pityhixuut your inonoy lor dlirorjnl treatment * imd alt'iouli you are lint yet ciral no onobus ] mldbac.c joiir monoy. Wo will po < ltlvjly curojou , Oldclironlsdeep oitol C.H.M eurollnill to'Jjdiy . InvixtU.ito our llnnncliil mnllu , our reputation mbuMnosi men. Wrlto ui for na.noi nn I nihUctsoiortliouuo h\vo enrol wu ! Imvo Khcn pcrmlf tlun to refer to tho'u. It co ts > ou only pint- ni.utodo IliK If jour symptnim nro torn tliroit , iniKompntjIieiln mniitli.rhiMiniatliii in bonc anil Joint * , hnlr falllni : out , eruptions on any pirt of I ho todyfi'O'lim of Konoril doi > ro ti > n , palm In lie 11 or toni'i. Von Imvo no tlmo to .i to. Tlioio bo are toiiManlly taking iiiiMuurr nnd polish , hoi > U clH- continue ; It. Constant incof those dnuf will Miroly brlnK fore ! and ontlim nlcuriln the en 1. Don't f.UI to wrlti- . All correipondpnco int ! scalol In plain en velope. Wo Inv to tlicmoMt rluU tnvc tl ! : tlo i and wllldoall InourtiuncrtonlJyoulnlt. Addres , COOK REMEDY CO. , - Omaha. Neb FOR'MEN ONLY ! > oo for n case of Lovr or Tur.ixa MAX HOOP , GoiH'r.il or Nruvatis Dsii ijtrr. weak ness of body or nil nil , thu oil oo ts of errors or oy- tcsso n oMnr yoiin tlintwoo.iiinotrurc. Via piiar.mteoovory ease or ri'fnii'l every doll ir. Five il iy , trial treatment St. full eotin.0 83. rorcoptlb.o bonsllts ro ill/oil In tliroo days. Ily mull , soeuroty piclcol from ous.rvatlon. COOKIJKMEUV C'O. UMA1U. Null rcAnm ruuAu : KI : UI , VTOII. safe nni lilnulU Cortalu to a day or luonoy rofiiniloil. Hy innll $ . ' . h'oouroly tu ilu I from obsurv.i- llon. COUli JCJtiJIAlt V C'W. , Omsili u Neb A shoo Hint's mndo to wcnr , nnd wonr % v5ll n shoo Hint's mncla to fit , nnd fool comfortnblo nftor It's on n shoo thnt's li mndo of fine solid cnlf with the ganulna Goodyenr welt with I the patent stny with nil the good qunlltlos nnd none of the bnd thnt's the "Ncbrnskn'a" ' VVc nvo JU8t populnr oj. . . -.1 ! ' opened nnothor Inrgo shipment of these populnr shoos. They come in nllslzo3 from O ! to 11-ln nil widths from D to F in Puritan , Paris , French , London , Upern , nnd the new Globs t o in plain or tipped. You cnn Imvo them in either Inco or congress - gross , nnd you cnn hnvo them with high or low Instep. Our qunrnntoo on this shoe is this : If niter you wonr n pnlr ofthoso shoes , you find them unsntlsfnctory in nny wny their stitches rip , or the hangar pulls out , or the stock proves defec tive ; if you don't get the amount , of wonr out of them that you should , you mny return the 111 to us nnd you'll oitner got new shoos free or your money hnck. Wo will nlso put on snlo this week n handsome NEW PAT ENT LEATHER SHOE JN ALL STYLES AT$2 BO A PAIR. Will place on snle to-dny two immense lines of fine genuine Bnlbrlggnn Underwear a tenser for spring trade Very good value in bnlbriggnn shirts nnd drawers. The shirts hnve French necit nnd long sleeves. You'd think them well worth RAOH. forty cents AND THEY ARE. AI ? The line wo tnko the most pride In , is n line of elegnnt fancy bnlbriggnn shirts and drawers , in natural , tnn , brown , slnte , drab , gray , normal nnd unbleached. This line of goods comprises n range of values from BOc to 75c , nnd n handsomer line , at n moderate price you never saw. EX a cli IN THE SWEAT , BUY AND BUY ! T T vT T 0 H ) H < XT JLvJL/ljIY Ul -Importers and Jobbers of- * nfl WILL COMMENCE NEXT < fl To Sell Millinery Goods I. OBERFELDER & 208 , 210 , 212 South llth Street , Between Douglas and Farnam , Removed to 1514 DOUGLAS St , QUJOKLY.TIIOnOUOHLY , FOREVCIlCUnCD br n new perfected rclcntlOo matlind tlmt canuot fall uiilesn tbo CK80 la bernnd human nld , You feel Imprdvcj tlio tint liar , f col a licna- Jltrvcrrdayi aoonUnotr ) ourtclf a kina nmonx man In liody , mind mil lipnrr. JJr.nluuamllosiej cndod. Kvory olisiaclo to lini > py tu'irrlod ' llfo ro- innvcil , Norro forcff. will , cnerpy. brnln power , nbon falllnu or lout ara rcctorcd by this treat ment. All imnllund weal : iiortlomot tbo body en- iaraed and ctrcniftbencd. Victims of nbuscs nn.t crccrsc' , reclaim your niaiibiiod' ' Buirerers from lully.ovunvdiK.llllio.'iUh , rcKaln jourvlKur" " Duo't ilretjalr.e vcn If lu the last tlajici. Don't bo dlsbcart onedlf quncka Imvorub- bed > ou. 1-ct us bow j ou lli&tuedlccl feclcncoua.1 liuilncss honor ellll oxliti lirra KO liand In lianj , Wrlto lor our ItooU wltli ixrilaniitloi.a & proofs , inallcd'calciirree. Over JJ.OOO rclereoceii EnFFALO , IT. BYON &HEALY Bia 184 to 100 State Bt. , trvl 1X U J w X > c urn Cur | , Iiuiruitlca * for Au Uur li. -jDJD/um tfJaf t T ct.c . , hy UMI U4 > GiUctcJ tut U i > ml Muic , < This In tlioJohot Melit IlomlMer wblcli soil nttl..uu. Wo wlllNVll Ilicin for slMydayHii fli'i DO. Hlias 1)4 ) Inuli iMisblon tlreu , la full bal bo iritis and ull drop for ltiKi. Ki'tit l' ' . o. on icculptof SIU. Wo u s soil tlio Coliiinbl lliiilford und Victor. Catalogue freo. A. H. PtRRlGO&CO. : , 1100 UUUU12 bTUKKT. differs from Inferior whiskies and those dis tilled from corn , known ns Uoitrbons , in that it is highljr nutritious , pleasant to the taste and doubly matured. It's purity is guaranteed , You may know it by its smooth ness and delicious bouquet ( aho the propri etary bottle ) . Dccauso of thcso qualities physicians recommend it to invalids and for sideboard use. Call for "Cieatit Pure Kye" and tike no other. For sale at all first-class drinking places and drug stores , 9 DALLEMAND & CO RIP AN 8 T A B U L f 0 r rfulntu liiu tuiiiuUimirimcITH.wtl . jmrl-T ty tliu blued , are turn unJ i IliclualiJ tlin U t inullrlni. kuiiK lorlnllcji. - , bnu'tli , bcadacbr , Lcurlluruun / of uiiHlil | , ineiilaliltprvuMon , Iabifula , ultlnufrom * Impure Mood.orn failure liy OIK > luiiuulimirer u iritlncn loiK-iform thflrprdporfiin tloi.n. J' rwii. ; firlrca loovtr * lliiitarobturmfdbjIKkiujtciuoiift if Vui'linii l. I > r ! < l > ; riiufi.l'ni | .t4i ifi | 'V 1 c , 1 ItlTA.SS lEMOAt | | , ( XI.laeiwutofct .how Voik J * t t * DB. J. B , THE SPECIALIST IN THE TREATMENT OF Akk OF PJtIVATIS nitlKASKH OONOR-7 11HOKA , SritlOTUnE , SYPHILia. ' ULiKETANl ) AM. WJ3AKNKS8 ANIJ DIHOllDKltS Ol'1 YOUTH AND MAN. HOOD. UIMKDIATB UELIIS1' WITlf. OUT LOSS 01' TJMIi FKOMBUSINEHS. \\rlturorb.i-cnlar * N. V. , Cur. Kill.iml r.irnam Sti. , Ornnha.Nob \\'o ncnil ti ! mnrvflnm I'rtnrli llnmciljr CAI.TIIOB fnx' , niul n Iccal MiamiM'lhatl'AIIlP ! v.Ill fillll'lllirhnrcM A Kn.U.lon. , ClltlV * NM > rtnnt4irrirn.Ullroctlo ) uiid ltislllt.S : l.o \lsor. . Use H OHif / v tfiatiijtttf , J-llrcu , VOU MOIIL CO. , Holt inrtl'li i | U , lliclBikll , IILIo. YOURSELF ! , cr/ vk yojr Drucel't for f v y liotllo of Jll J. ' 1 he only V / ioil IIOIIOIIOMI rutncdy lor All 1. ' ( be iimiaturi'l dlsclmrgci nnd ii billtatlng > ik'aknc : > peculiar to worni'ii. It cures In o few days without tbo alii or Mlclly of u doctor. i f nlirrml mfrfow Cur * . Manufactured by The ETSM Chesnical CINCIHHATI. O ,