THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , APRIL 23 , 1332. 8PEG1RL NOTICES. * A IWKHTISKMBNT8 FOH THKSIC COLUMNS .jVHlin > a tnXen until 13:30 : p , m. for the ormlng nnil until 3.30 p. m. for tbo morning or Sundnr edi tion. tion.All nd prllcm < > nU In tho'c columns I cents n word forttrsl Insertion , and I cent n word thereafter , or 12 per line par month. No adverllscmont taken for 1cm thnn liconti fortho first Insertion. Terms , rash In advance. Initials figures , cymbals , etc. , each count ni n word All ndTcrtlnemptn mot run conspcit lively , Advertisers , by requesting ft numbered check , can bare the letter * mlclrcxed to nminv liercd loiter In cure of TIIK llic. : Answers so nd- IrrMed will bo dollrcrcil on presentation of the check _ POSITION IIVAVOUNO t.ADV A3 STKNOO- Arnphrranrt trpowrller , ( till work for small al ary. AddrtiuWlT , llco , M"'aJ _ _ A-VOU.MI .MAN WII.I. INVEST JKBOC I AND Aservlces In suitable bu tno s. Address J MIce. A -WANTKD , I'OHITION AS TYI'KWjllTKjl ANII Anitutatit bookkeeper br young lady ! w 11 fur nlAli machine. AddreisV t. lleo. 3il * -AH COI.I.KC10H , S1IUTINU Oil ( IKNISllAlj onieoclork. experienced ) A No. I rltjr rofcrcnccii : rnn KITO security , nlso fn-nlsh horio nnrt buggy If desired for collecting. Address W 2'j. ' Ilc * „ , A WASTF.I ) , 11V A YOUNG MAN. ItKdlSTKlUM ) JVln Nebraska , poiltlon nt drug clork. Address fl. . Lock llox 21 , Hartley. Nob. - " 2ti WANTED--MALE HELP. - : > , SAiSMKN ! : ON fAI.AHY OH CO.M- B-WANTii linndlo the now pntrnt chemical Ink crnMng pencil. The greatest soiling novnltr ever produced ! crnfei Ink thoroughly In two seconds ! no nbrnslun of paper ; 2UI to IW pur cent prollti ono n nf sales amounted to KM ) In six dnrs. nnolhor 182 In two hours.Vo want ono Kenoral agent in rnch Mate nnil territory. For terms and full par- tleulari address Monroe Kramer Mfg. Cn.I.n Lrosno , U'ls. , X M. ' " . . -80MiTOIlS ; , SALAHV AMI COM. PAID 33 ! American Wringer Co. , 1WJ lluwnrd. 623-.M4' T > -WANTii : > (1001) CITV CANVASSmW FOIl JWhi > olcr A Wilson Hpwlng Machines. I.stsy nnd o. . 1'lanos mid Organs. 014 So. 10th st. . ItWANTr.l ) AT ONCII-TWO ( JOO CI.O3KH8. Jnvhrular AlWIIson Su ln Mnchlno olllco , Ml Ho. ICtb st. M 723 J-HALAHY TAID WKKK1.Y TO ( ! OOD AOBNT9 ; Juxpprlonco unneccssnry.blngor olllco,15ia Douglas 63. ) lull J-ACCIDKNT1NS. SOLICITOUS , 214 UK1C IIIIX ! MIW TJ WASTKII. IiAIUiniUlS FOIl H. It , WOIIK IN JiWyoiulimnnd Month DnkoU , uooil wniiai , free jmss. Albrliiht Lnbor OIUoo , 11W Fnrnnm strnet. J-WANTKD , A FIHST CLASS DttAl'KHV AND > ihndo man. Morsu Dry ( joods Co. , 4th lloor. . Ml 59 -HOYS AND (1IHU4 WANTKI ) AT MI1HPHY , B Wnsuy ACo'n. chair factory. MS23 21 * n-WANTI'.D.AT NO. 1110 DOIIOLAS ST. , I TRAMS J > nml wiiBon , for n luiitth ! of tluio to haul boxes ; liny by the load , 2Mi 23 * ; -WANTii : ) , TINNKH. ATONCU. W. S. 1IHA BWANTii ton , 231M LenTcnwortli st 275 2.1 13-WANTHIKNTLIMA.\ACOUA1NT1IW1T1I ( ! : : J5lho buslnem of Ihn rlty lo canvass fur n rollnblo loinpnny Liberal coniuilsslnn lu the rbjht man To cummonco Monday. Address , Immcdlalrly.V B3 , Hoo. 274 WANTKI ) , A CJOOI ) , IIOSKSI" BOY FOH DHIV- nuoiirarlTertlslnB wnson ; rnfercncea lenulrod Apply /.under llros. , 1520 llouihi Hi. 27IJ-22 T > -WANTKI ) . HOV TO WOHIC IN MIOK FAC- J Jlory. Morse-Coo Shoo Co. . lllh ami DoiiKlni. up Blairs. 277-22 - ) , MKN TO THAVIIL FOH OUH CAN ada nurseries , btouo & Wellington , Madison WIs. 1)-WANTKI ) , A OOI > . SOIIIUt. INDL'STHIOUS .Drunn lo work about the homo ; whllo mnn pre ferred. Apply 1UH N. Uth street. SI2J1 T > WANTI5I > .YOL'N MAN Foil OFFICU WOHK. JJritnto oxperlonco , cle. Address W 31 , Hco. JI2SO 25 * 15 WANTKI ) , A MAN IN OMAHA TO TAKII8OL13 JJcuntrolof unles of Nelrovltnl. Bold by innklnB ctireii free. Terms nnd Bnuiplcn frcu. dins. b. Itorncr , Plttsburit , Pn. M.JS7 23 * -WANTKI ) . flObl ) SALHSMK.V IN OMAHA TO soil advertising cnrda , fnns nnd cnlcndnrs un rommb > nlon direct from mnmifnct < iror ; you cnn mnkut.V ) per week. Address Advertising Spccl'ilty Co. . lliirlnlu , N. V. M'JMi 2.1 * - . NKW. AOKNTS OH OTIIKH9 B-SOMKTHI.NO to secure Iho monopoly. In nil sections , or Iho into of our porfcclloit n.ljustablo nhoo ( recently natunled. ) Over 100 nconU are mnxln f rum fMI lo J75 per week. Address with 2c stamp , Consolldnted hhoe Co. . Lynn. Mass. Mi8t 23 * U WANTKIl. SALKSMAN TO TAKK OUU LINK JJ of ilro 3 KOOcH iis a nlilu linn on commission. Address b'cbuylklll Mills , llox ll'M , I'blladPlphln , I'oiin. M233 2J * -MAN WANTKI ) , SALARY AND IJXPKNSKS. B Permanent place ; wholn or part tlmu. Apply nt co. llrown llros. Co. Nurserymen , Chlcnito. J12S2 23 * - YOU A CATHOLIC ? AHK VOU UNEMployed - B-AHK ? Will you work for SIS per week ? Wilto to mo at onco. J. U. tiny , I' ' ! Madison St. , Chicago HI. Mt81 23 * WANTED-rEMALE HELP. C OUH WORK AT VOUIl HOMKS ! easy und Interesting ; day oruvuulng ; no oxiipr- Icnco ; no canvassing ; goud pay. Address ulth Mnmp. lloslon Aquarelle Art Co. , 43 Winter street , lluslun , Mass. * M970MIC * -WANTKD , KIHI. FOU ( JKNKUAL HOUSK- work. Mrs , Holler , 4313 Charles st. IBI-Zli * -NKAT CIKUMAN OIULTO DO SKCOND wouic and lake euro uf child 2 years old , 30JI Farnam si. lb.l -aiHI. ' 10 1)0 I'LAIN COOKINR ANI ) LAUNdry - dry work , whcro second girl Is ket > l. 1V14 Lucusl. IU ) -JOOD CIHL FOH ( J11NKIIAL UOUSKWOHK IN small family. Apply 1611 faherman nvu. 207-22' C-WANTKI ) , A ( JOOD CIHL 1'OH GKNISUAL bousuworlc. Inqulro 2415 Jones st. 2I2-23 -WANTKI ) , rOMI'BTENT CIllLFOHOBNBHAti housework. Mrs. C. H. Scotl , you Dodgu t.2IO52' 2IO-52' -WANTHD , HASO.UR FINISIIKH8 AND KOHK- lady to tnku cbargu of basque wurk. Morse Dry Goods Cu. 211 Vi p-WANTIII ) . OWL TO WOHK IN K1TC1I15N AT VJDornn house , 422 H. ISth street , uuo block south of court houso. 2'.M C-WANTED. THHBB HBKINKD LAD1KS AT oiao. ( iuud pay. 409 Hoe bldg. ami 24 * a-WANTKD , 4iIIUi , OKNKUAL HOUSliWOIlK , 017 I'oppleton Bvenuo. PI-WANTKI ) . lJU8INr.S8 WOMAN WITH $7.100 V-/to tiikochnriroof an olllco pnylnit from flOUtito MS.IX ) per Uny. Only those with money nnd mean bindncss need apply. Address W 3ti , lleo. M''OI 21 * O-'l'WO ( JIHIJJ WANTKI ) IIY M1IS JOSKPH 11AU Okor. Mi und Wortbbii < ton , South 10th : bus waiies pnld. 2GU-24 * C-WANTKI ) . ( ilHL foil GKNKHAI. HOL'SK work , U16I8N , Ibth. 37U-21' C-.l.WUiL 1'AV L.\II1ICS A 8ALAHY OK JIO 1-I5H week to work for mo In iholr locality at home ; light work ; court pay fur part time ; wrllu , with slump , Mrs. H. 1) . I'arrluulon , lloiTUChlenKO , HI. , Miiti 24' -LAD1KH.DO VOU WANTTOMAKKJI BVKKV hour ! You can do It Introducing our supporters and olhor Indies' nnd children's goods , t < uud stnmu nud we will loll you ull about It. DuUjr HusnHup- liorU'rCoai80gdcn ave .ChlciiKo , III. M > U2I' C-WANTliD.EXl'KUIK.NCKDSTKNOOUAl'HUH. Ono wl o Is nllllng tu aislst In other nlUco work. Address , with refcruucos. W37 , lice. M2U5 2i' CJnpJvANTKui KENT-HOUSES. D I-HOtlHKS AND Al'AUTMKNTS IN HICHT UKS1- dencu bluck lu city , Shi rJ. 22d struou Tol. irjit. S7S Tl-KOH HKNT , AHOVK NOS. 024 AND HM bOUTU -UlCth street , p-room Hal , every moilern eonven- Icnco , Including largo kltihen rungu. AiipljrVlnil > .tor , Kemp S Co..U1 N. Y. 1.110 blilc. luTOl -FOU HKNT. (1 NICK NKWLV KUILNISIIHI ) rooms , Ki N , 19th , ilrennan tints. JUSt ) -l-Xll UKNT. HOUBKS , 17.00 I'KH MONTH AND upwards. TbuO. F , Davis Co. , I60J Farnuui st. . Mi _ D--FOU UKNT. HOUtJK 1347 N. I7T1I ST , , tl HOOMS , lialb , etc. , ID per nioulb. F. II. Woodruw , Nob. h'st. bank building , Mi , HOUBB. ALL CONVHN1KNCIW. jltped A holby , a3i Hoard uf Trude. UKi -IIOUHKiaTuTOHKa ANI ) FLATS. A. O. rnoni2J , Douulis bluck , lolb and Dudga.IS1 IS1 A23 l ) TnKST ; BtX'UOOM MODBH.V COUTAIil ! J-.iaiT Calltunila . - st. , 118 per mouth , iu T\ -F1ATOK4HOOMS. I.NQU1UK WITH J- ' ciico , W.ti. Haldutf , loib uua Capitol avenue - - HOUSK AND I1AHN 2018 B-Ii-ItOOM , DAVUN- port > trrel , all modern rourcnlrncps. Including steam heat , set bowls and Inuadrjr , south Iront. orrrluoklng hlgli school grounds , newly pnlnteU HIM pnporuJ throughout , 'ibos. t. Hall , U)7 ) l > axon - on bluok. * iy ) | - -llOlISKH , FLATS A. STOIIKS. I.AIU1KST L1S1\ J-/Owe | t prices ; I5.UJ up. l'arrulloU2 > , Dunilas blk bud MU " n-FOU HKNT , 8-HOOM COTTAUK , J.AHUU < J-'jrard , barn. luqulrouuxtdour 2UOI uuglasst. JS1 ! _ D-IIIAVB A NlJWSltOOM U1I1CK ANUhTOHK- housa In north part of city , will rent cheap lo permanent Uuant. Applf tu F. F. Williams. Urst National bank building. Tft-HU HKNT. i HOOM COTl'AQK. CITV AND 4 clstrro vretcr,8J07 1'arkcr street. Ili-U ) Might Iak0ialnllngor | carneuler work fur 0 months'use. 141 N. V. Lite , J U. Jobuson. MtUJ 27 n- IIKNT , MIOOM I9 tiH \ nENT-HOUSE3. Continued. 11-KOIl HKNT , KIUST CLASS TKN-HOOM HKS1 Udence , with all modern ImproTemonU and eon- rally located , Inquire of O. It. Von , 607 1st N l. ankbldg.Omaha. Neb. 197 M PI-DO NOT FAIL TO IXOK AT TIIK 13-UOOM s-'brlck , siw Douglas st. Finn neighborhood and II modern Improvement ) , tpcaklng tubes , laundry , iatliete. Klro minute * walk from business ten' cr. We take plpasnro In showing this property , ilodcrate font , rail SOJ Heo llldg. 152-JJ D-KOlt HUNT , NICK ? KIOHT-HOOM 1IOU3K ON motor line , noir Hnnscom 1'ark , modern con- onlonccs , f 13 W , Hicks , 300 .V. Y. l.Uo llldg. 217-14 | % - -noOM COTTAOi : , HOT WATKH , BATH , .tvcloiet , furnaco. beautiful largo lawn , shade , to. Star Loan A Trust Co. M23U 27 D-SHVRKAtiSMAI.ltIIOUSKS HBAHOF 1IANH- com park ; ono with barn ; price (3 to 112 , Hicks , 305 N. Y. l.Uo building. 2JJ 21 a D-FOIl HKNT , 10 UOOM HOUSK WITH ALL modern Improvement * , at 833 South luih si. si.M2M D-FOH IUNT. UOOM COTTAOI : . NKXT noou to my residence , II&UU. See owner , COI I'nxlon block. D-Foii nisNT. nousr.s , fl AND 8 rooms , Inquire 2Clo Capitol are. 8M M' "TFOH HHNT , 10 UOOM MODKHN HOUSK. 121 l-'S , 2Slh avc. , onoof the most pleasant locations lu city , WO per month. Inquire , 409 N. Y 1.1 fo lildg. 273 23' T-\-KOII iiKxr , 5-nouM IIOUBK , iso ? FOU KHNT-gUUNISIIED ItOOMS. : XIK.NC.SS , 1723 1 liavonporl. 811 ? i' T.i-KOH UKNT. ONK hAIUin KltONT OH TWO J-iback fnrnlsliLul cr unfurnlahod reams. 1j South I5th ftri'i-t. 600 1JN'HWIY > KUIINISIU'.I ) 1'IIOST HOOMH KX lnnlo for KCntluuion. W10 Davcnpurtnt. W5 ! , < I'ltO.NT 8U1TK KtlltNMIIl'.l ) OK UNPUIIN- J-Jlslicit rooms. Itaforuncuj. 2017 llnrnor. FUKNISHBD HOOMS AND 13OARD. ? - ) ) ' . ! : UUTKIi. 13TI1 AND 001X1K. UOOM 1nnd bonril f j.OO to fT.OO per week. MKJ 23 * rUUNISHUI ) fcOIITH I'llOXT rooms with bunril , modern conveniences. Hot- crcnccs cxclmiiKcd. 2130 llarney. M203 23 * 17-NICKI.Y KUHNISHBD HOOMS , WITH Oil -L1 without lienrd , 15JJ Hennrd , N. II. cur. lIHh. M22U 23 ? NICELY KUHNlSlll'.I ) SOUTHKAST 1'IIONT room with ntcuva and bny window ; nil modern conveniences ) private fnnilly ; board If doatred. KK S. 2-Jthit. 21131 * FOR BENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS. G-S ONFUHN1S1IKI ) CIIAMUKI13 Kftll HO1IHK- kcciilnu lo man und wlfu. No cblldrun. 3IU N' . 17th. 341 G TIintCK UNFUItMSIIKIl HOO.M3 KOUIlOUHi- kPcphiK , also ono furnlahud front luoni. 1717 Cnsint. 23.124 * G-KOUR IIOOJIS , WITH BATH ; UIIKEIIIINCKS OTChanpcd , W7 S. 20th nt. 27321 * FOR RENT-STORES ANB OFFICES T-roilI : NT.TllK4-STOHY 1JI11CK lltMMIINU- J-UII ! Kurnnm street. Tlio ) | Ulli1lni ; lint n llre-uroof cement Imvement. complctu bteiim-benllng Hxturo * * , ntcr on nil tbu lloura , gm , etc. Apply nt the elllco of Thu lleo. 1113 I-TWO ijTOUU HOO.M9 AND KIjATS AlIOVi : , cornerWtli nnil I'lurce. Inquire -JJ1 I'opploton nvu , U. W. Silmll. H924 * 1KOIt HUNT , FIUSTCLASSSTOltB HLUO.WITH Inlco five-room tint above , on Cum I nit , near VUtn etrvut , well loc.itcd for grocury. druc store or ment iniirkot. Hicks , 03 N. V.l.lfo llldK. 217-24 T FOU HKNT ; 1'AllT Ol' OtIIl K1VK HTOHY J brick wnroliouno. Omaha Wnrchouso and Storage Co. , 1213 and 1213 Lcnvunwurth Btroct. M2J'.13 FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. I WAHKUOUsK , INQU1HK31BSO. 15TU bTHKKT. T--OHOOM ! IIOTKL , DKSIIIAI1L15 LOCATION : ' nil modern. Apply to F. W. llnrt , Jr. , Mhsourt Vnllcr. I" . M3M AW WANTED-TO RENT. K TWO HOOMS , Oil ONK LA HOB UOOM , FOU llKht liiiusrkueiilni ; ; furnUhcd. Kcfercncos. Address W 38 , lleo. M21HJ 23 * RENTAL AGENCIES. L K. C. OAUVIN It CO. . 203 SHEttLY lll.OCIC. 602 STOnAQE. -OLDKST , CHHAPKST AND 11KST STOUAGI ! Mi house In the city , Williams t Croj.s.1241 Haincy. 2SO M CLKAN , nitY AND PUIVATKLY HTOHKD furnlturo. Hvntlnx stoves stored ever summor. 1207 Douglas st. Omaha Steve Itcunlr works , till -STOVKS STOHKU , GASOLINK STOVKS HK paired , elororopnlra. tiuto City Tinners , Bit N IGth t. 240 23 * D M-STOHAOK ; LOW HATK3 ; OMAHA WAHK house and Storngo Co. , 1213 and 1213 Loavcu worth. M234a WANTED-TO BUY. J-FUUNITIIUi : 1IOUUI1T , SOLD , STOHKI ) Wolls.llll FaniRinst 231 AT WAN'IKI ) , BOM13 LOW P1UCKD CL13AU LOTS -L > ns tlrst pnyiuent on n nlco hotiio nnil lot. WU built to suit and sell on monthly payment. .Why pay rent ? SeeN A. ICuhn , 15th unil Dounlm. ill ) m3 AJ WANTKI ) TO DUY , KHJHT.OH TKN HOOM li house with modern Improvements , nnd Kood filzod lot , located within onu mllu of the postotlleo. Stntoprlco , slru of house nnd lut uud full particu lars by nddrcssln'e S 47 Hco olllco. 712 J" TO IIUY CLAIMS AISAIN8T UA1I.HOAD KM JsT plurca. Wolislcr Collodion Agency.SIoux JsTAT 804-mlI AT WANTKI ) . 8KCOND-HAND PONY CAHT OH lluhtrond cnrt ; must botn good condition nnd cheap. Apply 1511 Sherman uvo. 203-22 * FOB SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC 1)-FOH BALK. LAUGH FINK YOUNO HOHSH and delivery waeon ; horaa cer.tlo and nation nearly now ; for salu cheap. Inquire at 1'JIO Farnnm I-FOHPALK. i SUHIIKY , IIUILT IIY SIMPSON : - 11 1 phaeton , by Druiumonil ; both tlrst-clasj , KOOI ! as new. K H. Korty.WU Popplolou. MJ I > -TOH SALI ! OH KXCHANUK. HAHGAIN , A family horse , surrey and Indian pony. Kn- gulrny.'Ullculiiilldllig , 14124 _ 1)-ONK OF Til 13 F1NKST HHKTLAND STAL J lions In Iowa for sale , 40 Inches hlxh , woldm 401 iioiinds. Jot blacU , KiiKllsh oak cart , lluht colored harness. Frank Anshutz , Bhonnndoab , Iowa. _ _ 210 23' WANTKI ) . TO IIUY 100 OH MOHK GOOD second-band wooden chairs. Address W 52 lleo. 2J2-23 * _ Foil , SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Q I -FINK I'UU i'UPi'IKS , K 30 , "HAUR"KllY L"K. QQ Q -FOU SALH , FINK WATKU fel'ANIKL , U U'uvenworth ! . Ii31 23 * -FOUHALH , ANOHDKH Toil A NKW hUALP Klmlinll plnuo. Addruss I. M. btreut , 20IU DodKo lieol. M212 27 * _ MISOELLANEOXJST" OU 8ALU. 'THK HTANOAU ) CA'l-riS Rcc , offer 1,000 ton < selected , barn tlured hay for on track , Amen , Nebraska. 31t < W -I , A DIES' OAIIHI ) 1OU nilUl.Nl ! CONFINK K inetit. Mrs. Burnlli , tioninio graduntol midwife IHIllHo. IGth. U31 A2J "II CANADIAN KMl'I.OVMKNTOl.TICK'lSWFAIt IVuum , upslalnij malounj fumaloh cl | > . Tel , bSI 40 ! _ 1'AI'IW.ION IIIIIVINU 1'AIIK. 11. C. SMITH- trainer nnil driver , Makes n specially of break Ing anil training cuils. Makes a spoebilty of treat Ing burses that uru sure , frum bani roads and bai feet , lleasunablu charges , lluardlnx hursts by tbo month. 601-MJ' _ ] > TIN WOHK. SI'OUTINU , HOOKINQ ANI J-VgalvanlxeU ehlmnvy stacks cheap , liato City Tlmiprs. b N. loth. 245 _ _ _ S-AIIU1VAI , K.V1HAU1ID1NA11V : WONDEIIKUI mvclalluus. Challenges thu wurld. Mrs. Dr. M Ixigravo , dead trnr.cj clairvoyant , aslruloglst , paiuilstundllfu reader : tells your Ufa frum lite cradlu tu grave ; unites thu separated ! causes mar rUxu wllh thuunnyuti luvu ; tolls whuruyou nil succeed and In whut business br > t adapliid furi has thg cvlebrstoil KgyplUjn breastplalu fur luck und to destroy bad lulluencesi euros Ills , Intemperance and nil prlralu cuiupUlnls wllh massage , baths andulconol trimtmunl , eml j..OO , luck uf hair iismo and data of birth and n-eelro accurulo life clmrl ; Scents In Btampt fur circular ; glvu lulllals of ono you will inarm alsu pholusuf sumo , Otlica 11W South lltlntroet , drsttiuuri hours , Vt. m. Iu9 p. m. Cumu one , cuiue all , aud bt ) cuuvluusd of this ooudt-rful oracle. MU7I 2 * i < MUM. NANMU v , WAIIUKN. CI.AIUVOVAM Orellable business medium. Uflli jour at IU N IClh. _ iM-j S-Mlld. K. II. IIAVNTHOUN , Vti NO11TH UTH otroet , luiTlugbad years of experience , will giro lesdlngs of iiast. preieul and futiiribluings to ladles onlr , W vt-nts , 10 a. m. to V p. m , dally , Bun days excBite | > l. MtJI 2 C -MADAMK nilTZ , 2JSO COMl.NU hTHKKT Orlalrvuraut and trance uiedluuir Indepeuddul Tulccsi tells past aud future. _ uw M7' MASSAOg. BATHS , ETO. 'I'-MAIIAMB JiillTlf. 1171 IMJKllhAS BTHKliT J- room T , 3d floor. Alcpbul , sulphur and sea baths SIX ! 29' _ _ _ _ _ _ /H-MAS8AUK TKKATMK.NT. Kl.KCTUO-THKU Xiusl baths , scalp and hmlr trealinent. manlcuro sndcmrupodUt. Mrs. l'o t,5I H8.IMhWllhnellblk. . . _ 284 rt-MADAMU I.A. 11UK , MAd AUli , IU BOUTII AlHUsu.Jrdttuor , Hit * , asslsUut. U7U2J' KASSAOB BATHS ETO. MASSKUSK 321 llamge block. MSO02J' PJEK80NAL. U-MATTIIKW SUMMONS ( COIXJIIKO ORNTI.K- man ) that lived 31th and toward st. or any one knowing bin wh ronliouts pl tse wrlto Heed & ijelbr. H3S Hoard Trade. W _ - ) O1VHN TO ANV INKOIIMATION U-IIKWAUI of llm Kllllloa.iload ornllvi. Ho lias nut btcn CPU bf bis folks for 6 ypnrs. Tim 1" n nMlvo of lloicumun Ireland , Address Mlsi Mary KMlllen , Itntun , Now Mexico , _ Mrej 24' U LADY ma i u iw TO COUHKHPOND w IT H resppctahlo , well to do wldnwcr of middle ngc. Ono musically Inclined preferred. Address \ \ ss , Heo. M2HO-23' MUSIC , AnT AND LANGUAGE. \r-IlKFOHK HUY1NO A IMANO HXAMINK TUB i new scale Klmball piano , A lluspoliUDouclns. US ) V-IIRKOIli : IIUVINO A PIANO KXAMINH TUB V now scale Klmball piano. A Uospo , 15U Douglav 13& ! \7-8CIIOOIi OK IANJUAOK8 AND 8OCIAI , ' Kdence , 2P , 214 McCaguo building. Special courses In ( iorinnn , Mnr , June , tlU.UO. M24I 27 * \r- < J. F l"LT.IHNHKCK , HANJO TUACIIKK , > with llotpo. or S18 N. Hlh . \V-LOANS ON IMl'llOVHI ) ANI ) UNIMI'IIOVKD ' ' clly property. MUUO and upward' , ! ! to S percent. No delays. W , Farnnm Smith .V Co. , 15th and Harnor. \V-"MONKY , MONKV , MONKY. ItOO.OW TO LOAN VT in sums of fSM to (3,000 on Improved or untm- proved residence business properly In the city of Omahn. Nu delay In uluslntf luani ns money Is on hnnd. No dealing with eastern parlies , nil business transacted here nnd Interest parable hero and not In Iho cnst , also mike building lunns on most favurablu terms. " Fidelity Trust Co. , 1011 Fnrnnm. KM YVr ANTHONY LOAN AND T1UW CO. , .118 N. Y. l.lfo , lends at low rntos forcholco npcurlly un Nebraska or luwn farms ur Omaha city proportr , \V I'HIVATI ! MONBY. 1ST ANI ) 3D MOHTdAlIK VI luans , low rates. Alex , .Mooro , 401 Ucu building. \ \ r-LOANtf , 0. O. WALLACK , 312 11UOWN 1ILIC > ' \\r-LOANS , W.M.HAHH18 , U. 20 VHKN/.Ull HLIf M W7 \\r-INSUHANCl ! MONl'.Y TO LOAN. Al'l'I.Y TO J. Ij. Luvott. 220 S. Uth. 294 \\r-LOAN. HKAL BSTATK AND HKNTAL AOKN- ' cy. 1'nrllcs hnvlng clly homos tq rent nnd farms to sell should list them nt onco. bplondld fnrms In Lognn Vnlloy , 'Nob. , tosnlo. . Kastern money furnished. Hoo. W. 1 * . Contcs , Hop. 1011 1'nr- nnui. &b7 \V C. W. HA1NKY , 315OMAHA NAT. Il'K I1LDC1. ' ' City mortgages. Lowest rales. Money uu hnnd. IT" MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPUOVKD CITY ' properly , low rale. A. C. Frost , Douglas blk. 233 W MONKY TO LOAN ON HKAL EST TK. TUB ; O. F. Dnvls Co. . 1303 Fnrnnm st 301 W-HKAL KSTATH LOANS , 8TO7 PKH CUNT ; no nddttlonnl chnr es for commission or nttor- ney'a fees. W. U. Mulklc , First Nntlonnl bank hhli : . 28'J ir-CENTHAL LOAM i. THUST CO. I1KB UI.DH. ' 13(1 \V-OMAIIA SAYINGS UANK MARKS LOANS on real cstnte nt lowest umrkut rntot. Lonns tnnile In smnll or Inrco sum und lor short or lone tlmo. No commission la clmmed. nhcl Iho loans nro not sold In Iho cnitt , butcnn nlwnys bo found nt the bank on thu coruor of Uth nud Douglas atroots. 293 W-IX3ANS , CITY PHOPKHTY , K. NKB. AND W. luwu furuis. li. F. HltiK'or , IJl'J Fariinm.M . MM.1 nS I W-fi PKH CKNT MONKY. PIIILAIIBI.PUIA MortKnRO nnd Trust Co , Thouins Brennnn & Co. representatives , 217 Knrbach block. 172n2i MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. X DO YOU WANT MONKY ? If so Uo not fnll to nut our ratoa before bor rowing We make loans without removal or publicity , on furniture , plnnoi , huraos , wngons , etc. , at tbo low est possible rate. There Is no unnecessary delay , but you got the money on the sumo day you nsk for It. Wo will carry the loan a long as you doslro. Klvlnc yon tlio prlvllczo of * paying It In full or In part ut nny tlmo to suit your convenience , nnd nny part paid reduces the cost of carrying the loan In proportion to tbo ninount p ld. Thcro are no charges of nny kind to bo pntd In advnnce. but you RCt tlio full amount of the lunn. Onr onicos .nro centrally located nnd are no ar ranged that purtloscnllliiK on us iaa be waltodlon quickly nndcortoously , ' Ifyouh vo n loan with other partlot , or have boUKht n piano or other furniture on tlmo and llnd tlio payments a llttla larger than you can incut conveniently , wo will pay It for you and carry the loan ns Ionic ns you dostro. It will bo lo your advantnzo to BOO us before so- curlntr a loan. OMAIIA MOUTOAOK LOAN CO. , Hooni 11 , Crclgbton lllock , 15th St. , south of I'ostuEBca 299 V-MON EY TO LOAN. F1DKLTY LOAN GUAUANTKK CO. On bousohold goods , plnnos , organs , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , nt tbo lowest possible rate * without publicity , removal of property or changa uf posscsslun. 'llmu arranged to suit Iho borruwor. Payments uf any amount can bo made nt any Uiue.rGducliiK both principal and Intorcst. thus giv ing patrons all Iho benelllaof Iho partial payment plan. Cnlt and see us when you wantn loan. Money always on hand ; no dolny ; no publicity ; lowest rates ; bualnoBS confidential. P1DBUTY LOAN OUAUANTHB CO. , 1) . F. Masters' old stand , U. 4WlthnuII blk.I3th nnd Harnoy. ; iuO WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OK security ; strictly confidential. A. K. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. DUl X-UOll'T I'lUTCUAUO , il 3 , WITUNKLL IM.K. | _ _ J 30. X WIIKN YOU WANT A CIIATTBL LOAN 8KB W. U. Uavls. room 20 , block. 303. X -120,000 TO LOAN ONCIIATTISL 8KCUHITY , business contldunllat Hoom 402 ICnrbocb block. MJ52 A30 * LIFK INSUHANCl ! POL1CIKS LOANBD ON OH bought. 1) . F. Muuts , Mass bids , Kansas City , Mu. 4'JA-MJ' ' X-MONKY rrO LOAN , CHATfBL MoHTOAOE 30 , to. IU days , on furnlturo. pianos , IIvostock , etc. . ltliout publicity or removal uf property , ni Iho lowest ratus und thu easiest payment * Nu dolny. Cash on hand. Dun Urccu , U. tf ft U , Darker blk. K1 BUSINESS CHANCES. " " V-DAIHyr"ixm"8AL"a J tHOCH. . AMKS AV K. Y-FOll HAI.K , KSTAHMSIIKI ) ( iltOCHIlV ; CRN- trnl locution ; pour huallb reason fur nulling. Apply VS. , lleo. ili/JS Y A 17,60000 TO 3.0UO.OO STOCK OK niercliHiullKO , conslslliiE uf ilry good * , boots , > lioi-g ami itrucurles , clean nnd well nolectud muck. Will uxchaiiio fur bind to the value of ti.WJ ( Ji and tUo real cash or good notes. Stock la Ian town ( if UW pcuplu and ban a line trado. l.llicrnl discount furallciish , Addrass I1 , O. llux No. Wi3 ur No. * ) , Yurlt , Ncli. Wrltu for parllciilarii. MU.1J 118 toil HAI.K , TIIK CKNTHAIj DlllH ) HTOIIK , ( lenuvo. Neb. Block an 1 llxluroi ) Invoice IJ.OOJUO. Bales ItfJI , f IU.UUO.UU. Host uatnblUhecl trade In cltr. llaro cbancu fur right party. Two-lhlrils cash , bat. ono year. Addr.'ns box : t l. ( ienuvn. Nob. BW-ZJ * Y HI5STAUHANT AND CHOI' IIOUSH , DOIKO good bUDluuss , ICO. ) I.eavoinrorth Bt. Itj Ti * \rWANTKlt. A I'AIITNISK IN A I'llOKITAIIliK J maiiufacturliu biisluuiis. Address W 27. lieu of- "CO. MiU | K' _ _ \r-IIAKKUy. I'AHTNKK WITH IdOO WANTHI ) , * . ? [ fkoliulf Inleroiit In the beat imylni ; bakery In K. W. Nubrubka. For parllculurs uddress J. 15. Ku | . ley , atturnuy , McCuuk , Neb. : t ] > V-TOIKT , BA1.00NANI ) IIK8TAUUANT AND Aullotlior refreshDiunt prlvllpgcs at the l.aku Bhurocumpany'sKruundsat Ijkii foulrarr , fuur tulles boulh uf the city , tu let fur Iliu bcnson of IbirJ or loimcr. This Is the best and nicest subiirban ro- art In the western country , I'lno llshlng and boat' lUK.elecant Krovesnuil lawns , llnu plcnlu and bsse ball uruunds , olc , Tlio company pruferi to rent all thu iirlTllt'tca to onuparty. IncludliiKthrcu liuuaes tbu Wlndsur , theUunfuru nnd Club homo. l'o e - lun gUen at once. For rurllcnlsrs apply tu K. K , ilnrtwlk' . treasurer IjikuSboru couipauy. liU Koutli J'hlrd street , tt. Jo c > | ih , Jlo. 215 xo FOIl BAI.K , S1KAT MAIIKKT , IN TOWN Of nOJ InhHblunts In oontrnl Ncbratku ; building IU x3rt , and rlilurvsi corner lut on thu main st.i iluvll- Inu houio Itiiil on rear ( Mid of lot ; goud Blaughtvr bouse and feed > ards ; ne > r Icvbousu. I'rlco and terms reasonable. Address Turner & lloebrner. Fremunl , NtU. 249Ml _ \r-KOK SAI.K , TIIK 1IKHT 1MYI.VO * CIllAIll 1. barber shop In northwestern Nebrncttai H chancu once In a lUetluiu ; retsori for sellluv , want to go east. Address buxlVI , Alnswurth-Nob. V r'O'1 ' BAI.U. DIIUO bTOUK ANI > FIXTUHKS , J. storu doing liooil business , gooil reasons for sell' lag. Address il. U. llates , Uunlpban , Neb. 271I3 * KXCHANUK YUUll rjlOl'KHTY , 111(1 LIST /Jcull or write. Alex MOUTH. Q | lleo bldg. UJU WANTKD. 1'AHTIKS TH\T HAVK HOOD property that Is Incumbered to list U fur ox- cliaugu for laud nnd cash. K. F. Htnger. M2J7 23' -3-STOHV 11HICK"8'TOHK. I/n1 BxIM. ON KAH- nam. fJi.UOJ. mortgage f I4UUO , 0 per cent , for good Omaha properr aud a llttlo cash. B. F. Hlnnnr. 15HI Furuam. M2SJV4' y-CLKAN STOCK OF UKNKUALM'D'S'K ; WILL /-/take real estate & money uo2Vi , fraukforl.lud. im , FOIl EXCHANGE. rtt _ _ y-roii tiiADK. NKW i , STOIIV 'iitVtdk " W.XT" /Jbiilhllniz , mortorn. A I location , ronti roadllr. Cloie t Investigation Inrltiil. prlco Mi,030. Trivdo cqully for nnlncnniboreil rtcant lots. Ames llool Estale Aftpncr , IS07 Farnn * MrosU as r/-lFVOUHAVK AUOUn'UIMllfltlT 1'IANO TO /-Jtrnclofor lul 46 , block U Armour I'lnce , South Omaha ; clear of all lucnnbranoo. ( Address N ti , llcoonico. - , f VAl.MH AN ! ) HANUIIKS AND Itldlt IIIIKI ) /Jhor e for salochrap or ctchonoo for Omaba property. II. J. Kendall , 4W Drown Illdg. 't _ MOIO Mill rKOIt nXCHANOK-nNK HIISIDKNCK , NKW , ' -413 roums , modern Imprurcmpnti ! nn motor line , I inllo from pnstontcv. Will ciclmnuo for Rood bnilncss tutor farm lAnils. W. , I' , O , box ( V',5 , Oninba. 977 _ V FOIl TIIADK. 70XD ( WOHTII Olf UNINOUM- ' -'hcred city property to trade fur farm land ! within ISO mlliM of Omnlm. Amps Heal Kslalo AKoncr. 1M7 Farnam St. S39 . TO ns.ojo DUY oooiw , HOOTS AND / > dhoc , clothing , hnl and caps , etc. . for ,12d to ( ilO- ncre farm , well Improved , near good town In west ern luwa. Will asMttno sumo Incumbrancos. K , F. Hlnuer , 1SI9 Farnnm , MOT 21' _ y-HS.OOO IIKSIIIKNCK , VINIJ LOCATION. FOU A fJfmoit farm In wi'stcrn Iowa or oaslcrn Npbrn < ka. K. F. lllnger , 1510 Farnam M24023 * _ ITO KXCIIANOK. IIAMIHiF.TONIAN BTAI.- A'llnn , oppodr , will purn fTO ) lhl < year In nludj want Iliery , well lucntcd.or coed land : will niummo llKht encumbrance. Uco. K , Craig , care Hco , Conn. ell llhifls. 24324 _ WANTKU TO ICXCllANOH , SKCT10N I AND 111 Perkins county , ncnr county f > pnt , for clc r nidso. John Kckcry , Morao IIUilT , Neb. 247-23' rTO KXCIIANOK FOH I.1VKIIY DOINM 1'AV- / Init biislnpfis , nr landl lot 115x115 on Oakland ave line. Council lIlutTs. line residence itrcpt , largo nhnilo trees , pnvpd , graileil , clc. Ceo. U , Crhle. care lleo Council HluHs , 24224 _ _ r2,800 STOCK 01' DIIV OD3 , HOOTS AND /J boi > s to o clmiio ( for clear land. Hutchison & rinlnp , I'nxlon block , Omnhn. M2'JI ' 24' FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. F 'Oil ' BALK HALCYON 11KIG1ITS. Acres. Imlf crct nnd lots on electric motor rend. Also hotitot nnd lotn In Hnlryon llelgliti. OMAHA'S IIKAUTIFU1. SU1IUUH. Only thirty minute's' rlilu from center of city. Easy imymcntB , low rnto of Interest. Now Is tlio tlmo to necuru n homo. Wllllnm II. Crnry. 203 Now Vork Life Ilhl * M1C3 M19 HOMK3 VOll SALK. TIIKHS IS NO DOU11T HUT thnt wo IIIITO the most aattsfnctorr Hat of rcnllr doslrnblocottngeslo bo round In the city , I'rlcoa. rnnso Jrom fJ.UOO tip , nnd forms are ex- cecdlnKlr llbornl. Wu hnro sold nix uurliiit tbo on t month and tbo bo t of our list will soon * bo selected. Wo cnn recommend the following : 7 bonnes vrltbln two blocks Hnnscom 1'nrk , ti.U03 ) It model , now , I'omilcton 1'nrt , 12,0007 It8 front , full lot. barn , etc. , Omahn Vlaw ,0007 room K front , iip < r nnd complete 33tn st K.OW La Fnrotto I'lnce , llnost In city , boo thorn. Olllcc oiicn SnturdnynlKlits. Fidelity Trust Compnny , 1G14 Farnaru stroet. BnAHTlFOLLAFAYKTTK 1'LAOK IS LOCATKI ) on Nolren Rtrcot , ono block west of Lononvo. Six new , cIcKnnt modurndnolllnus , of 7 too rooms encli , of which four nra xttll for snlo. You cannot mice of thobcnutr of this tcrrnco , or the com pleteness of the oollnzes , without strrlnit tlioin Opun fur Inspection. 1'rlco rvasonnblo nnd cnsy tcrnm. Cull nt our ofllco nnd wo will show thoni lit any time , wbcthor you wish to buy ur not. Onnod and tor sale by Fidelity Trust Compnnjr , Mi 1'anmin stroot. C17 IfOH SALK 400 ACKK FAHM IN 11LUK HIVKIl vnlloyrThayor county , ,10 miles wostof Hebron. Ono of the very best farms In the county ; KOOU house , bnrn , irnn.irlcs. crll > 9 , etc..nnd nn nbundanco of frnlt , timber nnd running wulor. Also for unto orcxchnnKO for good binds orclty property , n brick pork pncklnK house nnd llxlliroa In Hebron , Thnyor county , iienr 1) . , V K. dopat. Tor pnrtlculnra In- quoro of nny real catnto ngunt In Hebron. 310 LT HALF VAI.UK. LOTS. ACHI'8,1IOMKS , lltldl- net's ' property. AloxJJporc , 401 Boo bhltf. U7 \\rilY SHOULD YOU PAY UKNT AND AT THU * same tlmo own n vacaut lot when the Fidelity Trim Co. will sell you a bfautlful cottngo homo la l.o. Fnyctto place nnd porlinps tnl.o your vncant lot as part payment ? Coma nni ) BOO us and lot us show you tbo cottnitcs. , Cl" \VK IIAVB A LAHOli 3.1ST OK DKSIUADL1C > ' South Omnlm propeMy for sulo. I'otter & Gcorgo Co. , B. W. corner ISth and Furnaui. ' 132 Mlfl LACKY'SADOlTIONTOOMAItA.IUSTPLATTKO It Is east of llcmum on..electric motor line Lois f-'OO to Hi'J. Terms. B cash , balance tn throe equal payments , duo In2.4j'ti yours and ? per cent Interest. Potter & Georgia Co. , a w. corner Iiitb and Fnrnnm. " . i- < T7OH BALK , HOMKS. ANY PUHIB , f750 , JI.230 UP -L easy terms ; take clour property as tlrst payment U. U. Wallace llrown block" , 10th nnd Douglas. 503 \T E. COUNKU WTH AND HICKOHY MX1SO a.1 .feet : a bnrgnln lor a few days only. K K. Dar ling , Darker block. 20'J ' I7OII SALK ATA IIAUOAIN , LOT 15 , BLOCK 3. JL1 w. I. . Bolby's tlrst addition to South Otuahn , Small payment down , balnnco monthly If desired. Inquire U. U. Tzachuck , Omaha Uco. SSI MONMOUTH I'AHK HAS TUB MOTOH. CITY wntor. graded fltrccls , sidewalk , school , beauti ful location every thine to maka It attractive. For lots or liunios In this beautiful addition on easy terms BOO a , O. Wallace , trustee , 312 llrjwu block , 10th und Douglas. 30 $ OH SAU5-ON MONTHLY PAYMKNTS.30 houses & lots. Tbo O.F. Davis Co.,151)3 ) Faruam sL 601 &I2.VOOO TO LOAN : SUMS OF S3IK Ul'WAHDS : < place loans on nny Insldo Improved property lo any amount where valtio Is back of the loan. Ames Heal Kstnlo Agency , 1UJ ) Farnam st. 3S3 WK WILL CONSIDKU A CLBAlt VACANT LOT aa part payment towards a bumo In Lnfayolto 1'lace. C17 YiniY PAY HUNT WIIBN YOU CAN UtIYONK OK ' ' the finest modern cottages ever built un easy terras In Lafuyctto 1'lncol U17 HAVKAFKW WKLL LOCATKD LOTS ; WILL , build houses tu suit you nnd soil on easy terms. J. D. y.lttlo. llrown block. WO FOIl SALK , 6-KOOM COTTAGB ( ONLY ) SITU nted 1011 Itnrd street Gallon A. Huspujr. 613 HIVB OUT AND 8KB LA FAYKTTK 1'LACK. C17 FOH BALK , A 11KAUTIFUL LOT , 32ND AND Woolworth , park front , will build tu suit pur chaser , easy terms. David Jnuilcson , 412 Ueo bldg. M4 8KB LA FAYKTTB 1'LACB UKFOHB BUYING a homo. 017 6Tl SALK. A COUNKU LOT O.V 1'AVKD 8TUKBT , Biiltnblo for grocer , butcher or druggist , only fJOO. David Jamlcson , 412 llee bide. Ml FOHBALK , FKOMBTOaiACIlKSCHOlCK LAND , cacnp. Immedlaluly west of tlio now driving park , Ur. l.elnenrlm ; . bbl 2.1 HOICK ACltr.S ON WKST DODOK ST11KKT ; sultnhlofur gardening or homos ; f 100 per ucro : 5 , 10 ur 'JO ncru tracts. Wright i J.usbury , Hith nnd Howard nt reels. M674 FOH SALK , K. LOT 4 HLOCK 11 , UKKD'S 1ST addition , 2nil ! Dnvouport St. , 5-ruum collago. 'I ho O. F. Davis Co , I5U'i Farnam st. WJ .MI4 Ifon KALK-I10MKS IN GHAMMKHCV I'AHK -L built tu suit customers , ! 100 down , balance monthly , ( jo In un ttiui'round lloorauduot clioleo ot lots. A. 1' . Tilkey Mills iJVMl BALIJ-FOUIl OH FIVB OOOU COTTAC.K8 In Cllfloa Hill on easy paymonls , Jl.iJXJ to IJ.O racb. Will take clenr lot worth from iiOJ to ttll ns Ursl payment. A , 1' . Tukuy , 818 New York Llfa bldg MUI7 AKKMKANOrKKHONLOT8,70AND7l.llLOCK two In HannUern & Illnicbnugh'n addition lu Walnut lllll. Anything trifs. UacurUroshcll , Halt , Lake Clly. Utah. 'U ' | 87-ui IB * IMlUNi : OHCIUUIM. MA.NfA CLAHA VALLKY. paying24 pur cent , boml./iur vatnluguo uf OrcbnrU boiues. Charles D , Jllanoy Co. , Han Jusn , Cul. , MUM 2.1 * | 70H ALK. ILKOANT'JKKW : MODKHX HUILT J-house , ucnr llanscom pnrk. All conveniences. Splendid neighborhood. 'Asiilonilld ' bargain If nuld quirk. lllcLr , I J5.V. V Unbuilding. 217-24 IJ'ULL KABT FHONT L ( < IViWITII 7-HOOM COT- tage , Hansoom I'laro. fciW. wurtb fJ/JUO I' . I' . Hnrrl > unUI2N Y. Llfu , 22122 N S10NTHLV VAVMtiep. KKW COTTAOKS , lulu KUzIsa , oulr 1 "ii'J'S ' I'locks ' from motor , II.SUUUO to KM > M , MnullV-ush itt-nient , bulanco uionlhly. Clear Inu frnn(4tUW ( to fl.uuo.UU tnlcon as purl payment. I will bfllld bouses lo suit ion. K. V , lllnyur. 151U Farnaiii/Oq. . > lgl 2.1' _ BAHHAIK-7D KKKT KIIOMT ON KAIlNAll WITH 3 olures , only lil.ooU UJ ) ) j , cash , bal. T per c-onl. K. F , lllugur. 1519 Farnmilu y.i | _ J | W5 S3 A.STKI ) . llUsTNKHa , 'Xy ' UBRIDKNCK. llT- pruvcd ur unlmiiroveU-'proiicrly llnlcd. IIuvo fouio custom buyorii for UarKtmis , Dloo want aero property , K , K. Illngor , 141 * Knrnam. JlZJi SJ -1-1 Un'SINIIlIIKIlAUSKlKV lll.UMUHS' bill ) 1)1. J.vlalon of foloinon'n nildltlou. Omalm , u bargain , Juauph 1'ollari ) , \YahliiKlon , luwu. iii-i U" PAWN BnoKins. jj'HKD A10IILK , OFFICE I51l FAHNAM ST. g BNYDKU'S IXAN OFriCK , 1MO DOIX1K ST. UAIB QOODS. LAUUKST STOCK IN KNTIttK rlcal lKi > aiid boards a ipficlalty. W U . nvrltchim , lialr chains. 013. ; Hand for cjtalo/ui Uall orders ullcltuit. lUTloj , Hid. litu > U. DHESSMAKINQ. EKQAaKiiKmS'i'o 7 > b 7 > HKsa "jiAinSa" families solicited. Miss Sturdy , 33) ) ) 16th it. Him IT * " MANUgACTUBINO JEWELEU3. riASUl'AIIIKOUOl.DUOLI ) . GA1UON illANK-J v ruau 9U , ilarlter block , OmaUs. ill Kickapoo Indian Sagwa How It contains . ingredients which strengthen Acts and build the cells of the organs. It stimulates them to healthy action , allays on the inflammation and pain. Kickapoo Indian Kidneys Sagwa permeates and purifies the whole system , dissolves all poisons , and drives them out. It gives the whole body renewed health , strength , and activity Read these letters. W IV. BURDCCK Danville , Vt , wrlten Utt. JULIA UE , ofSaytrooh. Cf U'tttCil ' "I had given up all hopti of ever getting I suffered from kidney tnublei over thirty well , ana tuffered tenlblu from kidney disease. years , and wai told by doeton I oulil never I tried Kickapoo Indian Sagwa ni n last be fell , One tittle of Klckaaoo Indian Sagwa ttiort. Jhrn bottltt of It tared me. I helped , and tit bottlil citrid me , and I am recommend It ta all tufftren It It KOrtH Itt roiv entirely w ll. " tuelyJil In gold. " Remember the importance of the kidneys to your whole sys tem. Once they fail , then look out. The uric acid must stay in the body , and , as it is deadly poison , is fatal. Do not delay taking Kickapoo Indian Sagwa. $1.00 n bottle. All druggists. PRINCCSS KICKAPOO. Kickapoo Indian Oil 1 Perfect Health. " Pure Blood , kill * pain Instantly , and cures Inflam matory diseases. 3 , cents. REfifl INC TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , 1607 Farnam Slrsel , OMAHA pUOl'OSALS FOU INDIAN SlIl'l'UKH ANI ) JL transportation. Department of lliolntor- or , Ullleo of Indian Affairs , Washington . Scaled endorsed "I'ro- April 2,1802. proposals , - posuls fur Hoof , ( bMa for beef must basuhnilt- ted In Ntipnrato cnvuiopcs ) . Itacon , Flour , Clothing or Transport-it Inn , otc.ns ( the ease mnv be ) , and directed to tin ) Commissioner of Indlnn Affairs. Nos. 05 unil CT Wooster street. Now York , will bo rceolvod until 1 u. in. of TuesdayMay 3. ISOJ , for furnishing for the Indlnn service about 703.out ) pounds bacon , 3. ' . 00,000 pounds bcof on tlin hoof , 2.0wD.U03 pounds net beef , sao.OOJ pounds beans 70,003 ponmlsbakliiR powrtur. 2itOOOD ; pounds corn , filO.0.0 pounds colToo , U.OOO.IWO pounds Hour , 7D.O 0 pounds food , Oo.OOO pounds bard broad , 40, pounds lard.SM bar- ols mess pork. 15.UJ ) pounds oatmeal , 070.0. ) ' ) pounds oats. in.OOJponmls rice , 22.030 pounds ton , 180.0CO pounds course salt. 120.03) ) pounds line suit , 260.000 pounds soap. l.OOO.OOJ iiiitinds Htisar. ami IIW.OOO pounds wheat. Also , blank ets , woolen ami cotton poods , ( consisting In pnrtof ticking. IMOO yards ; standard ealtco , liO.OOJ yards ; ilrllllns 19,000 yards ; duck , free from all sUlntf , ; ) j,00n yards ; dunlins , 10.000 yards ; slnKhums , UOO.OOO yards ; IContui-ky Joans. 8,510yards ; Cheviot , S5.0JO yards ; brown shooting.10.0J1 yards ; blo < icliud sheeting , Ilj.OOO yards ; lilokory shirting. 20.COO yurds ; calico shlrtinp , O.OIH ) yards ) : clothing , grocer- les , notions , hardwaic , mortlcal supplies , school book * , etc. , and a. long list of mlscol- luneousartlelos. such ns harness , plows , raters , forks , etc. . and for about 340 wagons required for the service , to bo dellvurcu at Chieazo. Kansas City and Sioux City. Also tor such wagons as may bo required , adapted to tlio cllmato ot tbu I'aclllc coast , with California brakes , delivered at l''ranclm"o. Also transportation for such of the articles , goods and supplies that muy not bo contracted forte to uobollvored nt the agencies. Kids must bo made out on irovernnieut bJiinUs. Schedules showing the klmls and quantities of suosis- tencnsupplies ropnlrert for each nsoncy and eehool , aim the Ulml * and quantities la cross , of all other coeds nnd articles , together with blank proposals , conditions to bo ; obcrved by bidden ? , tlmo und place of delivery , terms of contract ana payment , transportation routes and all other norcss.iry Instructions will bo furnished upon application to the Indlnn Of llco In Washington , or Nos. 0 > and b" Woo-Uor street. Now York : the Commissaries of Sub sistence , U. 8. A. , ut Cheyenne , Chicago , Lcavcnwortli , Onialm. Saint Louis , Saint I'aul , and San Francisco ; the 1'ostmnstors atSloux City , Iowa ; Yankton , South .Dakota ; Arlcun- stih City , Caldwell , Topoku and Wichita , Kun- sas , and Tuscon , Arizona. Tbo riuht Is ro- sorvcd by tlio government to rojeut nny und all ulds.or uny part of any bid , and these propo sals are Invited under proviso that appropria tion shall bo made for the supplies by con- Kross. Dirts will boouonod at the hour and day abovostated , and bidden , are Invited to bo present at the opening : . Certified chocks , All bids must bo accompanied by certlllud chocks ordrufts unon sonio United St.ttcs Do- po.illory or the First National Bank of San Francisco , Cal. , for at least llvi ; par cunt of the amount of tbc proposal. T. J. MOIiGAN. Coniinlssloncr. A'dSltm pHOPOSALS FOH MILCII UOWS. DEl'AHT- Jinont of the Interior , office of Indian At fairs. WashliiKton. I ) . C' . . April 10 , IS- ! . Sealed proposals , Indorsed "Proposals for Milch Cows , ' ' und add rested to tlio Commissioner of Indian Alfulrs. Nos. G' > and UT Woostor street , Now York , N.Y.wlll bo iceoivcd until 1 o'clock , p. m. Thursday. Jlay in. IB'.r. , for furnishing and delivering at I'lno Itldzo Agency , South Dnkotu , the Standing Kock Anoncy , North Dakota , und ( 'row Agency , Montana , about y,330 tnllch rows. Ioiuliir ! blanks for bids are not required. Schedules ( which will be niado u part of the proposals ) showing tlio number of cows icqulred at tlio various aRouclos , con ditions to bo observed by bidders , lime and plaro of delivery , terms of contract and pay ment. nd all other necessary Instructions will bo furnished upon application to tlio Indian olllco ut Washington. I > . C. : the U.S. Indian Wurohon&o. No * . 03 and 07 Woostur street. Now York City ; thu commissaries of subsistence , U. H. A. , HtOmnliu , Nob. . umlG'hoyjinnc , Wyo. ; to tlio publisher of tlio Stock Grower's Jour nal of Mlloi City , Slont. , and tlio soverul In- iHniiaseuls. The rlKbtls reserved to rejcctiiny or all bids , or uny part of any bid If doomed for tlio best Interests of the Kovoriu.ient ; n'so tlio further rluht In niakliiR tlio awards lo In- uro.iso or dlmlnlsb to < tny extent tlio number of anlniuU e.nled for In tlio rfeln'iliiloalso to reqiilro n delivery of 123 per cunt morn or less than tbo amount spec Hied In any con- tiuut. Certified uhccks. Kachbld n.nst bo no- conipanlrd by a certllled chock or draft up on some United States depository or solvent national bunk In the vicinity of tbo losldcnco of tli9 bidder , mudo payable to tbo order of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs , for nt least live per cent oT thu amount of tbo proprnnl , which check or draft will bo forfeited lo the Unltod htuie In case .my bidder or bidders rccolvini ; un t'.ward tdmll fall to promptly oxectilo u contract with peed and sufficient nineties , otherwise to bo returned to the bidder. Illds yocoinpunlod by caul ) lu lion of u certified check will not be consldoiod. T. J , MOHOAN , Commissioner. A'I ! ! ( ! tin. PROPOSALS FOU PAVING. fouled proposals will bo received bv the un dersigned until lno'clock ; : p. in. , Mar l.'lin , IblW , for roil Colorado sundstono ucconlliiK to bpeollleatlona For pavliiK part of tbo following streets , In thoeltyof Omulia , comprised In Ktreet Im provement districts nnmburud and described us follows : No. 415. Izard btrcet. from 18th struct to Zlrd struut. No. 410.Inl street from the north line of UunilnKStioet to tbu north Una of Michigan No. 41D. Michigan street from SJrd strcot to 24th street. I'.ueli bid to specif v i price per hquaro yard for the pavlnK cumplule , Work lo bo dunu In uccordanuo with plans nnd specifications on Illo In the ofllco of the lloardof I'ubllo Works. JCueli proposal to bo made on printed blanks furnished uy the board and to he accompanied with a corllllod chock In thu sum of * .VJ ) , pay- nlilu to the city uf Omaha , as evidence of cojd falUi . The board reserves tlio right to reject any or all bldsaud waive all defects. 1 * . W. IliiiKiiAusrit. Chairman Hoard of 1'ubllo Works , OmahaKol _ _ . . .April. ' > , 1SU3. Ay.-i.l--J-ilii. PROPOSALS FOH PAVING JiOKDS. Sealed bids marked proposals for imvnu bonds will ho received at tliu otlloo of thu ally treasurer of Omnhn , Noli , , up to n o'clojk noun of the UUh dny ot April , 1SJ. . fortho purchase of t'XJ.iXXJ.ou oavln-4 bonds of the city of Omttha. Neb. , duted Muy I. IH'JJ , payable 0 years after date , Interest ft per cent pur annum , payable soml-annuullyprincipal ; and Interest payable at KounUu llros. . Now York Denomination of bonds , f I.WJ.W each , Kich bid must state prlco unJ amount sought for and Includu accrued Interest to datuof dollr- ery ut Omaha. Nou. Thu riglil Is rmervod to reject an v und ull bids. iKsuud under charter power of eltlea of inelropolllau eluts and ordlnaaco No.'JJiU , approved March 'JJ. li'Ji ' HKNUY UOhhN. M20J3HM City Treasurer. lur struct Sealed bids Vf 111 bo received nt the comp troller's utMco up to 4 u. in , April ' . ' 0. 18W , for making and plni'lnz two street signs attach street Intcrboctlons , glvliu the names and number * of utroetd. A ccrtlflud chfckof 110- to HCcompnny each bid. Thu city council re serves thu right to reject any or all bUU. TI1KODOUE OL8KN , Comptroller. A14 it JAPANESE CURB A now nni Complola Trontmont , coaslstlne of Bupposltorlos , Ointment In Cnpiulos , also in llox nnd Pills : n Posltlvo Citrj for Hxtarnul , Intoraal Illbid or Uloodlnj liclilnu , Chroula , Hocunt or lleiedltary t'lloi. This llomodr nuur baon known to mil. tl porbOYtl lori ) ; soul by mill , Why surfer from this torrlbla dlsain whoni writ ten Eunrnntoo Is uosltlrelyKlron with U hjtai or refund the monuy If not curaj. Soul ntnaip tor free Simple. ( JuarAtitoo Istuat by Kuli.i A Co , , UrucElsts , Sola Anontj. coruor 13th nuj strvots. Omnhn. NOD. Extract of Beef , Do you want a copy of Doof To.iV Sco tluit it is miido from the Gun nine Incomparably the best. Pure , pia- | ttiblo.rofrcshinff. Dis- Boluds cloarly- So Baron Loi- bip's m blue on ouch label , thus. A WINNING HAND In that great and exciting game which Is ever being played between Health and l.Uo on one Bide , and Disease and Death on the other , Abil ity Is the Joker , Experience tbo Klght liower , and Bklll the Left. And these are all held by America's unrivaled Specialists , DRS. BETTS & BETTS Whoso marvelous success In eDcctlng speedy and permanent cures In all diseases of n privateer or delicate nature Is the wonder of the ago. Syphilis , Gonorrhoea , ® Sparmatorrhoon , Strlcturo , Hydrocolo , Varlcocole , Piles , Lost Manhood , Somlnal Weaknoso , Fomnle Weakness. Sexual Diseases , Klclnoy Troubles , Bladdorancl Urinary Difficulties All Bclcntlllcally , safely , speedily and perma nently cured. Send Four Cents for I'M page IJool ; , hand somely Illustrated. 4 Consultation I'ree. Call upon , or address .with stamp , g Q DRS. BETTS & BETTS 110 South 1-ltli St , N. E. Corner 14tli and Douflrn Sta. Omaha , Neb. I'ropusiiU forSivcrjiliiK unil Cluanlnu ; I'nvud SI routs , Soulcd iiroponala will'bo recnlved by tlio un- ilor > linu < l until lU1 : o'clock p. in , May Otli , isi ) . ' , for tlio sweoplni ; nnd elounlni ; of such puveu btiuuts , ntthur now llnUhed ur tlutt muy licio- uftor bo llnUhcil , Onrlii ; ; the tlmu Unit tbu contract runs , us may buordeiuil , Hiich clunn- Jnu und HWi-ciiIni ; tn bo dune In iiccorilnnco wltlivpuoillcittluna on Illo In tlio olllco of the uoiiiilof publlu works , IIIds | o bo niudu for a contract running from tliotlutsof uccuitunco | of bldi to July 1 , IVJV Such blilH to bo uuconiunlo | < l by u cortllluil chuck In tbu sum of 4-iJJ.mi , ii.iviilila tx > the clly of Uniiilm , us uvliluncoof 12001 ! f.ilili. Illdt will bo Hindu on printed blankD fiirnlHhiul liytho liiird ) : , und must state thu urlco pur Ijnual mile , Tbo board rcsorvos the rlKht to rujout nny or all bldb , und to wulvoitofocu. 1 * . W , IIIIIKIIAUfiUII , Cholrinnnof Hoard of I'nUllu WorUs , Onialm , April .Mat. 18'Ji ' a'--J- l-L'O-.U I'io | > o HU Inr I'ubllo Library IIilllillii'IliinUd foaled bids ir.arked iiropojiils for pnbllu library building l > uridn will [ jo ruculvod ut tlio otllcn of thuclty truusuror , Oinalui , Nob. , up to K o'clock noon of the -Hh cluy uf April , la ! * ' , for tlio puruhnso of tlOj.OfUU ) publlo llnrary building bonJs of tliu city of Oiuuhu , Nou. . ( luted May Ut , ItWi und p tyitblo yuiirn utter ilato. Inturestut. tlio ratoof J pur cent porun- initii , payable huinl-uniuially. 1'rlnclpul und Interest pityablo ut Kountzo llros , Now York. iach : eld taunt ituto prlco nnd ninount sought for and Inoludo ucoruod Intorust to dutuof UolU'ory nt Omnliii , Nub. TliorlxhtU reserved to rujcot uny and all bids , U.ued under charter power of cltlotof the uietropolnun ulusj. uud onllnuaco Na L'jt)5. upurorod Murcii llth. laK. 11KNUY I10M.N. u'2Cd31tM Ulty 1'rousuior. THIUTT SPECIAL TRAINS. Tim Itnrllngtnn Arrnncp ) for tlio Orontcit Knllronit IVat Kror Attcmttrit. | \Vooks ncoTur. HER nude the Ilrst publto nnnouncomont of n roiiurknoio font in mil- rofulniR contemplated by the Uurltngton In connection with the trlonnlnl cobclnvo ot KnlRhts Totnphr ( it Danvor , nnil tlio ilottnli of the umlcr'.nkltiK ' ere now prnctlually do tormlnod , Hrlofly. the purO | Q to rim thirty spoclnl trains ni hnlMunirly Intorvnla boUvcon Chic- oKonnd Donvor. It Is tloubttiil If anything Ilko It hns ever boon nttomptcxl In the hl torr of rnliroadlnir If the tllstnnoo , the speed , the sot'vlco nnil the number of trains bo con sidered. Tlicso thirty spoclixlf will bo In nddlllon to the rcRtilnr train * . The OMI will lonvo Chlcnpo nt noon of Aueust tl. Thocnllro tnirtlu of the Omaim anil ICniisn * City tlnot will bo subonlliutlod ( o the special flyoM. nntl Onrlnc the iratul cxndu * for Uonvo'r nil oasl bound fast morctnindlso. lotroilior with tbo groin nnd Uvo stock trnnlc , will bo sltlo- truuked at division polnU. The tralin will bo run In platoons , wltlt nifllclcnt tune nllownnno between cacli proup to provldo for un look oil for omorRondon. Special rolny otiRinos will bo waiting nt ill- vision points to loud their nssistanuo If ro- quired. The journey of 1 O.'O mile * wll ba made In from tweuty-nluoto thirty-four honn nccordln lo the divisions ever which the specials run , Ona of tlio Kroat features In the under- tnkliiB will bo thnt of no inixcil trains , livery dclOKatlon of Kiimlits will ttnvol In Its own special train. An advnnoo Rtmrn will rcncu Utiicnco August L' , with Uoncrnl .1. P. S. Uobin , prnnil innstor , but the Bay fjlty , Mich. , commiinJery will bo thu first of tbo reRtllar bodies , 'Its train Is scheduled to leave Chlonco nt 11.VJ : n. in. , of Aujriul , nnil Itvi.l bo iluo In Uonvor before siinnsu of the second morning follpwhifr. This com- mnnilory ni-rnugod for Us trunsporatlon over n year nco. Xntri nnil I'ononali. A. H , Null of Alllnnca nsststnnt sunorln- tciident of the H. t M. , is In the city. Captnln U. S. Hnyci , who is propnsod for Iho Union Pnclllo presltloncy. married the widow of U. M. Hoxlo , the well known Mis souri I'aclllc magnate. Notice has boon received nt tbo Onialm ofllco that the Hook Island's fast trains bo- twcon Chicago mid Denver will go on Hun- day , April ! U ) . No dollnllo dotnlls bnvo boon received , but It Is thought both east mul westbound trains will go t'jrough Omaha unrly In the morning. Fred C. Matthews , cashier nt the 11. & M. general passenger olllco , Is slated for traveling - ing passungor agent to 1111 tbo vacancy mauo by .1. H. Gritilth's promotion to Ulncago , ,1. B. Koynolds will probably bo moved lo thu territory eustof thu Missouri , nnd Matlhoxvs will cover tno west. B. H. HlcUnoll will bo promoted lo the cashiurship. "A word to the wise is suftlclcnl , " but it is not always wise to say that word to ono who Is guttering the tortures of n hoadncho. How ever , always risk it nnd rccommond tJrady- crotinc , MHT'IIODIST UHNKUAlj UDXPIJUUNOli At Otnnlni , M\y : , IS- ! . For the aucoinmudiition ot these ilosir- iiij ( to visit nt Doint.s oust , of , in the vi cinity of or nt Omnhn , during1 Muy , the Union Pncilic will soil tickets at ono faro'for th round trip. Tiokuta on snlo April US to 30 inclusive , limilod to .luno 1 , 1892. For tiulcots or additional information apply to your ncaroat ugout Union Pa cific system. FJSDERAlT JURORS. Man Holcctcil to Try CHICS In Un Court Nc'Xt Mfintli. The grand nnd potlt jnrloa for the next term of the federal court , which convenes May 1'J , have boon drawn and are as follows : Grand Jury William Lohinor , Omnlm ; J. S. Hotzol , Auburn ; Samuel Walbaun , Urand Island ; W. G. 1'urker. Hevnolds ; W. R Wuro , DoWilt ; T. S. Proud , Dakln ; Kranli Stone , llubboll ; J. W. Barber , Harvard ; John Hammond ; Joseph UraULcr , Chadron ; A. 1C. Marst , tiutton ; John D.xvis , Pawnee City ; II. P. Ktnir , fnond ; P.V. . Scott , Imperiiil ; J. A. Clmo , George Godfrey , Mitulon ; J. II. Fuirlield , Scotts UlufT ; iMurtin V. Wood. Wabash : P. M. Hcndrrson , Albion : U'llliani Ahruns , George Cornell , Thomas Harrington , John M. Urabba , Omub.ii. Petit Jury A. F. Nelson. Wllsonvillo ; M. N. Kress. AyurV. ; . W. I'ulllls , James Bovnrd , Harvard ; John Parker , Hlldroth : llllnro Uandresult , Campbpll ; Sumuol Temple , Ked Cloud ; Henry C. Cutler , M. W. Bird , Doweese ; W. L. Turner , Cruixhton ; John Lane , Stoukvil e ; William Parish , Lin coln ; John Kichtnoud , Ainsworth ; T. B. Parker , Dorchester : J. F. Okim'on , West ern ; ( Wesley Knmioy , Stratif : ; Samuel Tilsoy. Geneva ; Morgan Crane , Crane ; Dopaw UotrlcK , Upland ; Edward Morgan , Lincoln ; L. 1) . Fowler , Lincoln ; II. J. r.arkor ; Omaha ; M. A. Frank , Falls City ; Altred Selden , Omaha ; Jumcs Paul , Ashland ; Harry O'Neill , Broken BowV. : . H. Anderson , Genoa ; J. D. O'Hara , Spauldlng ; H , U'ur- nlck , South Omaha ; Samuel Bowman , Full- crton ; L. Taylor , Fullerton ; Elinor Mmnlck , Fulls City : Samuel Durimll , Omaha ; ,1 J. Mercer , Omaha : S , J. Fords , Omaha ; Hor- uco Olmstcad , Omaha. COUNCIL Bi.ucrs , la. , Aug. 8 , ' 93. Dr. J , B. Moore : I fool It is not only a privilege , fint n duty , to say n goo'l ' word for your C.Unrrti Curo. After doctoring with several of the best specialists of tlio country without relief , I was advlsod to try your Catarrh Cure , and am pleased to say I am oiitlroly cured. Yours truly , \V. A. Sruo.vo , Traveling Agent Fairbanks Scaio Co. For aalo by all druggists. O.MAIIA AM ) jcirruu.v. Ono Kiiro lor HID Hnnnil Trip. For the nccominodittion of these desir ing to visit at points cast of , in the vi cinity of , or ut Oinnlui in May during tliu scsHlon of the Motliodint Cionurul Conference , Iho Union Puulllu wll'i soil ticltots to OiniilKi nnd return M ono furo for the round trip. TickoH on sale April 28 to HO inclusive , limilod to Juno 1 , 1602. For nny additional information npply to your noitroit tigont U. P. systom. PROPOSALS FOR CURBING , Sealed prnposulixvlll bo rooolved by the nn- 'Jurslunuil until 1:1) ) p. in. Muy lllh , | s.i ! , for ciirblnj with wlillo Oolorado sanilhtnni * , rod Color.KIO sanclstonu unil lleriian indslone. 110- cordliiK lo hiicclliuiitlnns , ii.irts of t-nitiiln htri'iits In tliu I'tly uf Uniniiu , i-omprlsoil in Htruul Inilirovoinuiil ilUlrlulb , niunbcrud anil duserlbod na follnwij , lo-wlt : Nn 4lf > Uuid street from 18th street to-lrd btieot. No. 4 -Srd HtrcDt from tint north line of ( 'nmlntf stmil to thu north line of Michigan HtlUOt. No 411) ) Michigan struct from 2M ulrout to 2Ubstrei < t. Kaeii bid to Hjioclfy u prlco per lineal foot for tliucui'UIn < c < ) mpotn on u.ich Ntruol , sup- ur.i'uly. In said ImprovumiMit dlHtrlulK. \Vorl > lo bo ilonu in ucuor > liinci * with pluuw mid apoi'lficiitioiK on Illo In tliu ollluuiif thu bo.inl of pnbllu works , 1'roposub to IHI made on printed lilnnki furnlshnil by tliuboarJ.and tliuiuiioponipuniud with u furtillud chuck In tin t > uni uf ( V'J ) , puy- ubtu to tin ) fliy of Uiiiahu , un un ovldunuo of good faith The board rosorvustlui rlsht to award tlio contruoton all llianuld district1) tooihur or onuichdlBirluiscp-trntoly for the differ. ) nt I.I Kit , of imilorlul , subject to thoboleclton , ol thu inuterlul by thu inuyor und city i-ouiu I to rujt-ct any or ullbldi1. und ID wulve dofcuts 1' . W. IIIUKIIAIJ.SI'lt. riiiilrman lluurdof I'ubllu Works. Omaha , Neb. , April r. , IH'Jl. uVJ- rroiii | Hl fur Ilin lluullni ; nl' lieail Aulnmli. Soaloil bid * will b rucolvud ut the rooms ot thu llo.ird of Iliiultti , No. . ' JCoiitlnuntiil Unlld- IIIK. until I'-1 noon. May T , for the removal of dead anlniuU for tin ) city of Omabii , foronu year , Conlrant to conform with Iho city ordl- iianoui und he nubjuut to the rulud of thu Iloatdof lluultb. A curtllloil clieuk of IIO'J.ou to accompany ouch bid. Tin. ' rl.lit In roiurvnd to ii'JiH't any or all bide. A. II , rUiMKiiri. usdotM Pooy. lid , of llmtlth. Nollci ) . The annual nieotlne of itoouholdertof the l-'remont , Klkliorn & Mlsiouil Valluv Hull road couipany will bo hold at thiiolllouof tbo en in- puny In Uiiiiih.i , Nob. . 0,11 I'rlday. May 2rt , ISA1 , nt a o'clock p in. , for tbu u'ection ' of di rectors nnd for Iho transaction of surbuthui businos * us may rome boford tba muattnr , J , II. HiDrjtLn , ijucrutury , Halo I April 13 , IdJ. . ulTd.lUU