0 THE OMAHA BATLIlUi ] SATURDAY , APRIL 23 , 1802. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Wheat Opened a Fraction Higher Than Thursday's Oloso. AFTER FLUCTUATING IT CLOSED STEADY Cnlilrn Wrrn ! . < > < r , Hut It Wan Claimed Tlint KtiRlnnil AVin lllililliiR for Autiiinii MilpiiK'nts of Wheat lit ban rninclsco. CIIICAOO , 111. , April 52 , The ChlcaRO clo- rotor men nro said to bo tonkin ; n fight to rn- tnln wheat here. It Is reported that they have been working thn market In an endeavor to buy bnck what they lind p'rovlously sold for May doth cry. In the contract between shippers who have orders to send the wheat out and the elevator men who doslro to keep It where It Is , receipts for regular No. 2 are now In demand at ! 4u premium ever May. A report that200rOO bu. had been bought for Im mediate shipment nt the premium unmet ! , thn market today had Its ll\cllcst bnlgi- . There wcro icporls from Ht. l.oiils that the con tinued wet weather wns damaging the wheat plant. The St , l.ouls reports were supple mented liy heavy buying orders , tonight compared with laslovcnlng wlioutls up ? .c and corn ! iu. Pork Is olT 7'c. ' Inwhuattho opening was from 'io to ? ; e higher than yesterday's close , 1'rlccs receded Uc , then became strons and advanced Ic , C.IH- lnnf oir Inter with minor Ilucttiatlons to thu dine , which wns steady , fables were lower , but It was clnlmcd that Kngland was bidding ( or autumn ttlilpmcnts of wheat nt Kan Krnn- cUco. Ctop advices from California were to the effect that the growing whunt In the San Joaquln valluy wns looking bud and that the ( irnspuots wcro only fair , The principal feature In corn was the buyIng - Ing of certain houses supposed to bo Inter- cstud In a consldcraulo long line , whoso pur- chnscs wcro cstltnnted to ha\o u.\ceeded tht-lr sales by about 200,000 to MO OUO bu. today. This linn the elVcct of advancing Prices at the Ktnrt , Inltlnl trndes being atyestordtiy'sclnso. Trices shot up lu und rcacled lu ! when the niipiiort wns taken fiom the maikut. lallleil Jje and ruled Irrugulur within nariow limits to the closo. Thn Armour drying machlno with a capac ity of seventy-live o irs a day htiSHtnrted up. Oats weto traded In heavily within asmail range , Thoolosn was not materially differ ent from that of yesterday. Thuro was a bettor export demand for round lots , which helped to steady thu market. After two days of fair activity bv whlcli prices for mess pork decreased some 7.1c under the previous rnngu. thu provision market has again subsided. There was a drop of l-iu ' lu porK uarly , some of wh cli wns rccovoicd on the buying In of about f > , OOJ bhls. of short stuff by KianK 1'loyd. At the close pork was 7io ! loner than yesterday , with lard and libs unchanged. ( Jlinrlers were made for 110,000 bu. of wheat. r.'i.UlO hu. of corn and 7ll)0i ) bu. of outs. The rates to llnllalo weru from Pju to l c on wheat the latter an old charter , and from lute to 140 on corn. Kstlmato'J receipts for tomorrow : Wheat. 7) cars : corn , 0 } cars : oats , 1UO cars : liuys. li'.uOO. The leading futures ranged as follows : WHEAT No. s April S BO'v May fit , Jnlr COIIN No. 2- Awrll Mny 4.1 4' . ' Juno 3SH 3'J OATH No. S .Mny 2SX 28J(6129 .lunc WISH I'OIIK .May ! I35 July U ( ! 7Hi Mny ( ! IS c n July U25 blloilT Illlis. Mny July lilo & l ( lush notations were us follows : 1'l.ouii ' Diiil and unchanged : winter pat ents , S4.2CXB1.4C > : winter straight , * : i.4utt4.a ) : wlntersoeonils , f.'J.VOtt 'J. ) . WHEAT No. 2 sprins wheat. 62Jcj ! No. HiprlnK wheat , 75c : No. 'J rod. witifsSc. COIIN No. s , 43 ® 12c ; Na a , now. 4Je. OATS No , 2. L"i'e ! ; No. white , JUiia.ic ( ! : No. . . . llVE-No. 2. 73ic. ! llAULcr No. 2. fiOo : No. 3. f. o. b. , WXSGOc ; No. 4 , f .o. b. . nominal. 4047o. FI.AX SEII : > No. I , t)7c. ) TIMOTHY SEEII J'rlinc. ft.Xl3l.3R. I'oiiK-.Muss.iicr bill. . ! t.4ii.i.4,4 ! ) : lara , nor 100 Ibs , . M.I2j0.13 ! : short ribs , sides , ( loosoi. 15.5 © 5.M1J : dry halted shoiildors. ( boxed ) , J4.5J G5.00 ; short clonr sides ( boxed ) , iftl.I7WGO : in If ! Wllisicv-Dlstlllers' llnisuod KQods. per gal. , 1 V HunAlts Unchanged cut loaf. 5Vc : 4 : Kranti- lated. 44-e ; standaFd A. " 4Je. Iteculpts and shliiinonts today wcro as fol lows : On the I'rodnco oxchaiiRe today the butter niaruot wns linn ; fancy cruainery , 2I(2 ( > V2cllnq : western , ll > 320e : or.llnarv. 17 lSc : tlnudalrleti.il&a.Oc. Kfisa , Mcady at 12JS < aiu ; ) ! Now York .Markets. Nr.w VOIIK , April 22.-rr.oini-Itcc'lijt9. 2S - 4S2 nkirs. ; cxiiorts , 3.700 bhls. and bOS ? sacks : innrkotqiilut : salc. .2JSOO hbls. CHH ! ( iiAir-iulot : ( and steady. WiiKAT-Uecelpts , 11W.OOJ bu.i exports , 10.- BOO bti. : bales , 4,05.1,000 Im. of futures , mow bit. Bpot. Snot unsettled , eloslim weaker and mod erately active : No. 2 led , W.KI'ic ' In store and flovator ; lliijilioyo alloat ; D83.0c | ® l.ntt f. I" V ; ! / " : t ' ' , ' - ' " " - ! ' tinsratloiJ rod , M'4cl.)0 ( ) : No , I nprthorii. IM SWc : No. 2 liorthoin. in , c ! No. 2Uilcao ; , I.i4ly.o. ) Options vnrli'rt today nliiiost entirely on local man piitutlon. with iiothliiK In the cables of spoclul Inllunncc. 'lliero was a decline early of H\c , followed liy an advaiico of Jifi.lCc , a loactlon of JJ JJ IMe , with the close steady at > BUo over last rH K,1"0" ' W71 "I0" " " * ilI : | * " : M y. 1W HU CCIH ) l.-Ic. ( clos'ns , IHI'.e : Jun.i , bl ) " Kffi'.IIJ.c. cloV.ii'4 Miye : July. S'lJiaoj'.o. elosliij iw .o ; Mi'v ' ufjk'JJ4aW'.c. ! . oloslns bll'io ; Scnteml' . or rH7ffiMljo. closlnsba'-ici Docoinber. UIsBli2te , CJOblllLE tU'tCi ufi1" ' wcstor"- CJHN-lifcolpts , 13.1,74.1 bu.i exports. 3.37.1 lii. ; sales. 2IC.IOO Im. of futuresani ! 120.000 Im ii . . , - * " - , - - - - " " % - - , - . , . . , , . , . , Jiohi to lo : advance with wheat , closlni ; llriu- Ajirll , 4lUl'Jiccloslni ! ' _ { at 4'l'i Mny , 47 j ® ' ' " ' uly'4l > 'I < a ' < 0c. uloklni ; nt 4c ( ! ! Au'ciistUi'u" OATS lli'cqlpts , KO.liJ bu ; exports , 4,2' 5 bu. ; nle.s , 2I.MXII ) bn. of futurcn and lia.uuo bu. of pou ppot weaker , moderate trudo Ontlnna dull ami Busier : April , 3I0 ! May , : 11 * 1 ? . ! c'Josliiu iit l > io : JIIIID. IciJij July : ru . siiot o. : . ' whlto , a7e : mixed western. aiiMoc ; white western , : iJO401jc. Ilpi's IJull nuil weakj stnto , common to. . choice. S4ttaoc ; I'liolno coast , VlffiltDu. MKiAii-ltaw , dull but steady ; rollncd , dull butttteady , Mm.ASsKK rorolcn dull and wuakXewOr- leaiiHiiuiet bulHleady. HICK Stonily lint onlot. " " " - - - - ' , , Unltcll CIOSOII lit MO -1)uU' ) ' cruil ° - 3'So ' ! TAi.tow-Htrong. KOSIN Qulot. Til itpKNTiNR Dull and weak , JVJHIS Qulev. western. 14Uc : receipts , 2,141 Woof. Steady , qulett ilomcHtlo fleece , 20S ! < a Bfioi pulled. 2-Mtl.'o ! : Texas. IJffiVJc. " I'OIIK Steady. aaTS StOU'lyi wllldlo < t' 'lulot ; short clear ( ' , ! ' ! ! . , , > 3 ; : wodtern steam closed lit W.4. 54 : sales , 50J tlorcouj Slay. | .47j4taf ! > 0. V,1 1.1".0/ ! , ' 5j ° llerto'i i"y. ' ! . : July W.MI t t HiiTTKU yulot , steady ; \vostorn rtivlpy , ' " " W0itur" * klmlEJaflolr dclimml' ' tno ) part 1'ld IiKiN Qulot ; American. . . , . . Coi'i'KH-Qiilott luko. t 1.8i bid , n.uo llll"UUl l.B AllKirm : domestic. * 4.Sliai.30. TIM Strong ] btralis. t2J.70@2J.faO. Ummii City .Market * . KAKBAS OITV , Mo. , April 22.-ri.ouit-Un. Chaiigud. WIIKAT Dull mid barely steady ; No. 2 hard. 72c ; No. 2 rod , ( CX2S c. CoiiN-lH'ner.t'.ly noakor ; No. 2 mixed , 30o ; No. a white. 30o. A ' Uo lower ; No. 2 mixed , 20oi No. 8 HAY 1'Irin ; unohangod. l-i. \ \ Hir.ii-sucun ImsUof pure. HilAN Sloiidy : O''o for sacUoil. HuTi-fcii Steady at 2t < S'lc. Kutis Klrm tit lUSio. KUCEIITK Wheat , 4,000 buj corn , none : ontK. l.OJ'Jbii , ; Hiiip > uxTs-Waoat , 4,000 bu.i com , 4,001 bu : oatu , 1,000 bu. I.lrpuol .llnrkcti. LivKitroou April 22. WIIKAT Quiet : hold- cm offer inoderatolyi No. 1 Callfornlu , 7Vjs liliHsfidl rod western biirlns , 7s4Uit7si.'Kl ( : Ntt i red winter , 7 * 4dQ7 3d. Uecolpls of wheat. nastthrco days 219.UUU cuutalt lucludlng UI.OOO tinerlean. COUK quiet ) mixed weitcrn , 4i 4Jid ver ccu- tal : rrcoltiti of Amorlcin corn for Ibo pnit three i1i\y . l.M.nJOcentdls. I'KAH Canndlnn. 5s [ < < ! per cental. HACONIon j , Clear , forty-live pounds 33s M net cnt. IiAiil ) Prime western , 3i M per c < vt. CMEKSK Atnorlcitti firsts , white and colored , 51s po rent. Omnlri I'roilticd .Mnrlrrt. nuTTnit Good roll. ; © ( ! packing stock , 10ft r.'e. I'OUI.TIIV Dressed chickens. 1IJ6I2C ! allvo. C > aiOo or { 4.r.ft.\UJ per do7on : turkeys very scarce anil In active demand , dressed , IMMOu ; alive , l.'WHc. HitiKs , iTX ; No. 1 ttrccn liluos. 3o | No. 1 crccn tnltcd hides. 4'4l1.cNo. ! 2ircoti salted s No. 1 ( ircoti salted hldc < , 2.1 to 40 t No. 2LTOCH hides. 2j to 4J Ibs. . : : ® iic } ; No. 1 vi-ul calf , fl toll Ibs. , cci No. 2 veal calf. Hlo 1.1 Ibs , . 4u : No 1 dry flint hides , 7c ; No. 2dry flint hides , Su : No I dry salted hides. MWe ; part cured ' c iicr pound loss than fully cured. Sheep pelts ( Jreen suited , cich : 3.1ciUil.2.1i preen s.iltod shcarlliiKa ( short woolcd early 'sklnai , each , l. " > Ue : dry slionrllnss ( short wooicd o-irlv skim ) , No. Loach MfrQvs Urv she irlliiKs ( short wooicd uarly skins' ' . S'o. 2 , oii'h fie ; dry Mint K-insas nnd Nebraska butcher wool nolts , per Ib. , nc- tiuil wclRht , lOCiUHc : dry flint Kansas and Nebraska Murrain wool polls , per in. , iictil.il wolitht. Wll2c : dry Mint Colorado butcher wool polls , per Hi. , uctitnl weight. lc < ftU"ic : dry Hint Colorado Murrain wool polls , per II ) . . nc- tual weight , WHOc ! dry pieces und bucks , ac tual welplit.'lii'JC. Tallow and irrcaao Tnliovr No. 1 , 31j ; ( U > ! tallow No. 2 , : . ( a.'l'iu ; urcase , whltoA. 4iil'tc ; crease , whlto II. : i'i5Hlic ' ; cronsn , yoi ow. 3c : Kroi9C : , dark , ; io : old but ter , 2 > ( ci beeswax , prune , 1032Ju ; louxh tal low. I'jtt.'c. ' PiltfiT.4 California KlvorsldooranBos. JJ.OO ® 3.2.1 : f > box lots. t..KVit 'JO : Wiishln ton navols. tl.M ; eholcx apples. $ .1 OiiCV'I.V.l : choice lemons , M.OO ; fanov lemons , fl.&i ; bitrtniis I'rated. $ - ' OKI.'l.M ; 'or.inl.orrlos , shlpplti ) ; stock , Int. l-oxc" . ? J..Vi ) bbl. , S7..V ) ; str.iwhcrrlcs. iiftl"o ( | t. : 1'lorlda tomatoes. $ . ! . ' . r , per crate of six biskets : p neiipnlos. | 2..Viai.Oil per < lo/ . VKdKTAiii.ffl FIIIIPV Muscatlno sweet pota toes. $2.7.ViJ.OJ ( ! seed sweet potatoes , $ J.V ! > : California cabb.iRC. 2Jc ! perlb. In crates : homo isrown lettuce , 4Cc per doz.t onions , DJcittl.l" " per bu , ; Nubr.iskuh and picked lieana , JI.7.MJ i.KI : iiinlliini , 3l.f > 0l.U ( : California celery , $ l.uo m..l : Colorado and western NobiasUa pota toes. 31c ; nailvo potatoes. 2.l328c : lima beans. 4c per 11) ) : water ercss , Sl-qt. cases , 12'5l" ' o per qt. : spinach. JLW per bbl. : radishes. 4c ( ; i utabHCas. il.2.'il..1j pur bht : plo plant , Re per lb. : par luy , 4Uc : new Oillfornla polatoca , 3u per lb. ; oncumbers. $ . ' .OU.2.1 per do . Koos Ueneral intirkct , l.'c. St. l.oulsMiirltcts. . ST. T.outa. Mo. . April 22 , Ki.oun I'lrm but quiet and nnchanved : fiitiil'y. ' $1.00J.10 : : choico. 8l2ni.3.1t fancy , t.l.VVJ3.76 ( : extra fancy. II.UVi4.n ? : patents , > l.'l.vai.4.\ WIIIIAT Very dull for the llrst half of the session , then prices advanced mid eloped ' o above yestonlay ; No. 2 cash , SO'Suj Muy closed atWi'j.Iuly , TliUes August , 7Dc. COIIN Quiet but linn with slow tradlns and VH.MtJ , .M' IU , KVK No sales. ItAltl.KV Quiet : small sales nt 4Sc. IIIIAN I'ltm nt ( .2iKi.'Jo. IUt--Tlinothy Uriel and higher at (11.50 © 12.30 ; prairie , ti.3l ) . i < GAii I'lriii nt * 4IC. 1'rax SKP.I- Steady atn.15c. ! UUTTKII Klrm ; creamery , ll2lc ) ; dairy firm. EonsKIrni at Ilitc. COHN MCAIJ HlKher at 8I.S9. WlllSkv Stonily at $1.11. llAddlNO-Qulut lit ( iitffl'-O. IHON COTTON TiKS-Quletnt 51.20(31,2.1. ( I'H'ivisioMS Very quiet with only a moJor- atojohbliiK trade at previous prices. HKCKIPTS 1'lour. 3.UOJ Ibs.hc.it. ; . 0,000 bu. : . corn , 37.0JO bu. ; oats , 22.00J bu. : rye , 1,000 ; bailey , nouc. MIIPMII.NTS I'lour , fi,0)0 ) Ihs. : wheat. 18,000 bu.corn ; , 11)1,000 ) bu. ; oats , ijOJObu. : ; rye , (5,0i)0 ( ) ; bar.oy , none. _ Colt nn .Market. NEW VOIIK , April 22. 1'u tu res closed steady : s.iies , IO..UO bales- April , J7.03 ; .May , * 7lij .lime. J7.27 ; July , J7.-B : Auuiibt , S7.17 : September. $7..11 ; Oc'tober.$7.ii : Novehi- ber , J7.7.1 ; December. J7.M : January , $7.1)1. ) Niw : jTJiti.VANS. 4 < a. , AprIl2J. .Market firm ; middling. 7c ; low mlddllit' ' , ( > ! ) -1ic ; KOOI ! or dinary. U 1-lGo ; net recolpts , 2.2.it bales : irross , 3,200 bales : exports to Great Ilrltain , CRI : to the continent , fi.b'JJ : sales , 2ViO ; stock. 23rt.484 bales. Woolcly Not ici-elpts" , 17.3.1J ; Kro--s. 21,000 : exports to Ore.it Ilrltain , .1,2.1) ) ; to franco , 5,500 ; to the continent , 10UJU ; coast- Wl c , 7OOJj sales , 17,000 bules , Cotl'eo .llarket. Nr.wVoitK. April 22. Options opened steady , 12 to 15 points up ; closed steady , 1.1 to 20 points up : sales , 1MJ ! ) ) bug ? . Including April. 8li4"ail'.VJ ( : May , ? l2,3K813.3Ti ; June , Jll.aiI.CO : July. J11.8.1OI1.0J ; September , 811. 6,1 © I1.1K ) : October. $11.8.1 ; December. Jll.'JO. Spot H.'o , quiet and stuady ; No. 7 , $ n.U > i. Jtutrlxnrator licet In Knglanil. I.tvniiPOOL , ' April 22. American refrigerator beef , foroquartorb , 3id ! ; hlndiiuarters , 3d per pound. LONDON , April 22. American rofrlKcrator beef , forequai tors. 2s 4d2s Sd ; hindquarters , 3s4ds ! t-u porcUht pounds by the carcass. New Vork Kxcliitu o Quotations. NEWYonic. . April 22. [ Special Tolosram to Tut : HiiE.l K\i'liano : was iiuoted as follows : ChleaKo. 3Jo pionilum ; Doston"Ju to 17c dis count ; St. Louis , par , H' Talk , CniOAno , > Ili. , April 2. . Itcnnott , Hopkins t Co. to X MoWhortcr : Taken all around tlio whom market has been unaccountably htronx most of the day. Outsldo markets have hlionn llttlo disposition to follow our advance and cables have had no encourage ment to holders , nevertheless offq rings hnvo been llcla and the market has been In the hands of the bulls. Heports have been cur- runt ot larxo shipping ctiKiieonieiils but ehaueis for only 70,0.0 bushels have been ru- poilvd thus far. Thu olovalor men have bcon fair buyers ot May. thouuh that month has been ! > omo weaker than July , not only liuio , but at outside marUot.i. The market t-cums to bo held by an Impru sloii that great quan tities will shortly ho shipped out , but If so. foiohn markets could hardly absorb II In their mx'seiu temper. I'rlmo Is out with doleful accounts of seeding In the Hud lilver valley , but repor from other pattb of iho northwest , are almost all .favoiablo. At 4''u for corn Iho clique held tlio miirkot for May and bioiuhi It up to 4lic , but the pi ice eased olV on Indications of loallzlng at iho latter figure. Thotirvlng ma chines have boon tot In motion and tlio manu- faoturo of contract corn is uolng on falrlv well. Oats for .Mi.y dellvorv have been sold freely , but It Is ; iot known for whom. Pro visions aio Inactlvo an I very dull. It Is o\- pccted tliit the fitoi'i ; of now pork wlllln- eiouao20tltio barroli. this month. Now Yurk .Honey .Market. NEW YOIIK , April 2J.-Mo.NKv ox CAM , Kusv ut l' © 2 per cent ; last loan , 2 per cent ; closed oil orod nt 2 pur cent. I'ni.Mi : MtiuCAKTii.K I'APUit 3iSJ5H ! nor cent. STI-.ltMNO ExUIIANdU-Qll I't bill llrill lit Sl.bilJi for sixty day bills and Ji.bS'i for do- miind. . Thu closing quotations on Dands ; Fliiunuliil XotoH. . . - . - - - . - - - OITV , Mo , , April 22-Cloarlnzs I liilHLrJ | Niw YiniK , Anrll Si-Oloarlnss , $120.427,181 ; balances , t.MMI.ul. . . ST.I.OUIS. Mo , April 22.-OlourlnBs , ri.nc3.- bolj balances. $ , UOU.J. | .Monoy , SJjo jior cont. I'lili.ADUi.i'illA , I'll. . April 22 , Cloarincs. lUKJI.Uli ; balancesKKI.51li - ! ) money , a per .1'Ai.TiMOiiE. ' Mil. . April 22. - ( llearliiKs. tl.h8.Ui7l , balnncos. JWl.uill ; money , 0 per MBMIMIIB. Tenn. . April 22. N w York o\-- chaiiKosollliuatJI.SO , Oloarlnss. . ' 22voOi bal- I.ONPON , April 2i-Tlio amount of bullion KOIIO Into the Dank of Kn-laua on balance llnsTOX. Moss , , Apill22.-CloarinB8. trJ.CKJ. . 78 , ( balances , 4l.tau.roOs monuy. lljOlS per cent ; uxulmuso on ow Voik , 17iB2Uo uUcount per < J , < n" Alr11 , | S2.-Olearlnss , . . Now York oxnlianic. fommcrulal. ( I.50 purll.UOJ prcmtuin ; bank , fl.iu perSl.OUO CiiiOAiin. 111. . April 22.-Monoy sto.idy at 4 ( . per cont. Clearings. tH'fH.Ws Now York oxuhhngu at3Jo ( pruinlum ; blurting exchange "Ixty-day bill. . M.W'f ; deuund , STOCKS AMI UONUS. Autltlty lu Coiilera llnvlntr Dppnrloil , Nar. rowpr rinctimttoiu U'uroXolud , Nrw VOIIK , April 2-Tho stock market todnv was the dullest wo havu imn itl many ivcoki , The activity In the coalers having departed aud with thu transfer of thu Boiling prussuru to other stocks , nurrowor lluct na tions vrero seou aud the volume of buslncis berioutly restricted , The only discouraging news thU inoriilng wns the circulation of rumo of gold ungngcmoius for export , and these wuro fulfilled during tbo day , but its uf- fuots had been fulrly discounted und Its In- lliicnco on prlcci was tmull , Northern 1'uelllo preferred wan selected to boar the brunt of t Ho attack * thla morning und u loss of IU pur cent wns e tabllBlied In that sleek , but It could uut be hold In tha face of the demand from abroad uud tii kticngtb oxhlb- Itcd by Now Knsland nnd tlio I.oulsvlllo fi Nashville. Most stocks after n lower oncnln ? , I.uko Mhoro bollix down S per cent nnd Iiuck * nwnnnfi , < 5 percent , further receded in the early dealing * , but 1/nnlsvlllo on the demand nbrond rose 'i per tent nnd Now I'nglnnd a xmiill fraction , Thu trader * wcro Inclined to soil the grangers and coalers , but the dimi nution In the activity In Ho.idln ; wns most marked , and Its fluctuations were reduced on a similar scale. The decline In Northern I'a- olllu was p'irtbilly recovered toward noon , tit which tlmo the rliantrcs In quotations wcro very small until townrd 2 p. m. , when the I.ackawntinnsuoro I n material Improvement from I13'f ' to I.VJ'i. The general market dis played a 11 r m totnpor dtlrtiiL tlio Into trading , n nil the close wns Htm , though very dull , nt generally under llr.st prices. The gonernl chanties wore In nil cases conllnu.l to frac tional amounts , thoutli ; declines wcro in the majority. The following are the closing quotation * for the lending stocks on thu Now York Stoc'c ox- cliango today ! The total saloaot stocks today were 210.170 shiirc" , Inuliidiiii ; ; Atchlron , 1D.IUO : Dola- wnro , hnckawanna & Wosturn , 7.WIO : Krle. I2(0u ( : Loiilsvlllo & Nashville. 1.1,000 : Northern 1'iiclllo iiroforrrd , 3.1.1,00 ; Nnw Knelnnd. 10.000 ; Ku'ullne. ( ifi.0,10 : st. ? I'uiil. I'.OM : Union 1'aulllc , 0,0101stcrii Union. 4'.UQJ. NEW YOHK. April 2 ; . The I'ost snys : The prlccfl stand now on thoavoiaKo about a luilnt , Lolow last week's uluslnir. These who unjnyi'd an cxtrt'ino tidvnnco during the London holi days Inivo lost mnru hoiivlly , us was naturally to bo I'xpeutud , Thus the comniorulal stocks , Now KiiKland and Ki'l'j , nra two points bulow i-aturduy's urlces. and thu taking of profits by spcuulatois who bought Western Union nloir with the Invustmcnt stocks stop orJurs has cut off three points. The forces now shapliiK the market hnvo had some opportunity to dlspluv themsolvcs , and tills much maybe salt ! with iio-iHIvcncsa , that not the least slim of a stronir buvlnv movement has coma In sl ht. 1'coplu will ( IllVor In their explanations and theories , but tliu fact Is undeniable. London M < ) < ! ( -Market. 1C ] > ) / ) W-d / /iy./iiniB Oifoi tti\'ieU\ \ LONDON. April 2J. iNow Vork Herald Cuhlo y eciitl to TUB HIK. : | Then- has Deen u marked dearth of business In tlio Stock o\- chan c , duo purtly to the apnronch of the set tlement. also the general Utslnullmttlon on the part of the public ! to enter Into speculative commitments. I'linds close steady. Indian rupee papur Is M to 'J pur > cent lower , after opening from 'i to " per cent hlxhur. Homo railways olo-o dull. Itrlzhton deferred has been moro offered during the last hour and In the absence of support has islvcn wuy 'i per cent. Kxcont a ducllnoof I percent In North Stafford and ' { per cent In Midland the oo- ciinc In other descriptions has not ovcecded \ percent. Stagnation nrovulled In the market for Amur-lean r.illwnys. Tlio majority of dealers not having entered n Millie transaction In the aboenco of further selling the tone lias not Uequ unfavorable. A litllo buying would develop ( Irmncb1 : . but as It Is the chanzcs In prices are mostly lower , so as to br n ? them down to the Nov Vork purity , but o\copt ono Lake Shore the fall rarely e.xcends 'B to ? i percent. Canadian line * are also very much neglected. Canadian 1'aclflc and ( Jrand Trunks leave off ii to ? 4 per cent lower. Mox- Icun ordinary preferences Ihictuatcd within narrow limits and closed ! a toi per cent lower. Argentine and llrazlllnn lines ari dull. There has been suaicely any demand for money today. Short loans have bcon easily obtained at it to Si per cent discount. The maikothus been a shailo nimer. Two nnd thioo months bills are quoted at 1 > ( to 13-10 perco.it. _ Iloston Stock .Marker. BOSTON , Mass. . April Si Tlio following were the closing nrlces on stocksi on the Hos- ton stock market today : Now York Mining Quotations. NEW YOIIK. April 22. The following are tbo closliu mining stouk quotations ; II. A. II .Mo.vlcan l.tU Coimol , Cal. X'a. . . : ! sO Oiililr aw Duudnood 21U 1'lynioiitb HO Jiurekiii'on , . , . . , , , IM Havauo I'M Uould Hi Curry , , , , , 11. ' , tilerra Nevada 115 Halo A .Norcrojs. . . ir > t-lanihuil Ilio HiiniustiiUu 1.15 Union Con 115 Horn Mlver ! 1IU I.IVK M.VIUCITS. ' Cattio Values Illglmi- Under Steady IJu- liuinil Hojfs Weak nnd lo\vor. OMAHA. April 2.-ltoculpts of all kinds 8.204 cattle , 14.5UJ hogs and 2,78lshoui'tho'i ll\o ilaysof limt wcuk , In spltoof an Incruaso In receipts of onttlo si ) fv.rth s wool ; con.parud with lust ofoxcr 4.500 head , the markut continues to advance. Chicago was reported utrongur. with only a moderate supply , and both locnl nnd shipping buyers having good orders were early In thu saddle engavod In a Uvuly competition fur the comparatively few cuttlo liore. 1'rlccs ranged from hticng to lOo hlghor on all dcslrublo grudc's of beuf and shipping steers , ( ho advance MI lar this weuk bo n.cJo in 30c. This addud tn the advance thu latter pan of lust wcok and puts prices anywhuro from UUo to 50o higher than tlio low point ten days ago. The good , fat 1,200 tol.100-11) . cuuvcs sold from L8) ) to 11.0.1 , iliero was nothing really prlmo or rholco heio. 1'nlr to good U U 10 l,2.Vl-b. | stedm sold from t-1.IU tofl.7.1 , with scatteringsliesol'cuin- miin light stutr from that down to } : i.20. 'I hu inoagurotlurliiUHof butcnuiV anil can- neis' stiiou- . about olght londa. changed hands qulukly at prices ranging from5o to lOu hlghor , bales being at from tl.iiMo ta3tfor Inferior to cho.co COUH and heifers. Hulls , oxon und stags woru In fair dumand nnd qiiotably 1111- vlinnged at fiom Jl.oo to f-i.2.1. The supply of ualvoa wns light , the demand good and tlio market ( Inn on the buU of < J.W to $5.03 for poor to prlmo vcaln Jhu fresh otrurlngs of stockcrs and fenders were lariolyvesiuiiu. . Thosu found a ready Halo to the rcgulnr iluulci-H mostly nt from f LOO to MIX Some choice natlvo gtockori sold us hull ns M.il : and it was cxtrumoly fominon BtuII that had to hull bulow J1.UJ , Outvldo buying wiiHkomowhnt llmlted but yard spo il I iitors took hold freely und prices wuro anv- nhura from 'u to lOu higher ihan Thursday. Hepresciitutlvo sales ; bTKEIIS. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. Na Av. I'r. 3. , WJ f J 20 19..MO 13 U 1J..O-0 t 1. 1333 1 00 STOCKK11S AND FRBIinit * . 1. . SOO 2 8'J 17. . 074 3 03 2.1. . 70.1 31.1 i. . : no 1101 io..i y : i is ai. . S47 in.i 4. . (110 ( 3 OJ 2. . 7SJ 3 IJ 1. . 710 320 1. . KV ) il DO 3. . 840 310 2..7A ) 321 . ( . . , SIO 1100 5. ! WO 310 2..KH3 32.1 8. . 013 30J 8. . 8tt 3 10 11. . 6UJ 3IW UTAH CATTI.C. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. 7 * stonri. . lO'il jj L-'I 4 foodor1 ! . 0. ' ! " } J 00 17 feeders. IDiO 3 00 113 feeders. . 1014 3 10 21 feeders , in. ) 3 CO 21 fuei'ors. . 1120 3 IS ft feeders , nil 3 10 10 fucdurs. . 104 ! ) 3 00 21 fenders. 101'J 3 10 13 feeders. II'3 3 10 tnlllims lions Kor the runt five dny the Incronso In receipts conipmed with last Week amounts to over&.jJd lioiss. The market opcnu.l wouk and fully a nickel lower on all cr.idcs. SlilppliiK orders wcro decidedly limited nnd whllo tlio fresh meat demand was fulrilio rather liberal oTorlnp ! < < cave buyers thu best of the situa tion , and they romlliy took ndvantiiqo of It , Tlio market rather crow woiso as the mornliu advanced on account of unfavorable no\\i from Chicago and the clo'-o was very weak , with a ooil ; > c to 10J ( tccllup. I.lKlit and biitolmrnvulitht hozs sold ataboiitSp premium over heavy boss , but nearly everything went at ffl.Ilj to $4.1.ome fif the moro dcsliablo loads solllns early at $1.37' } to JI.40. The bulk sold at from J4.M to J4.n. : against $4.r > to $1.40 I hursday. the General avorace of prices paid boinzl.iJ'a : , iiBtitnslSl.ii'J ' Thursday and JI..Y. ' ? ! last ! riday. Kepresontatlvu sales : r > 310 80 400 . 04. . . - . IMS fcO 400 1 : iSJ a 50 2 3J3 40 400 2 340 3.10 SilEKl1 The itifiply consisted of four doubln dcukB , ono consigned to a lo-al puolier and two of them not offered on the nmilict. The reniatnliig load , coiinnoii lolxod natives , sold roaill y at to.OS. a comparatively strons price. Dcniand still vury active , market firm. Kalr tocood natives , SI..VX31.10 ; fair to Rood west erns. Jl..rJ(0'J.OJ ; uommon and stock sheep. WHO © 4.23 : uood to cholcu. 4J to 00-lb. lambs , f I.3D ® 0.7.1. KoprcscnUitivo sales : No. Av. l > r. 2 bucks 130 9.1 M 01 native mlNcd 7'J fi OJ fc9 o.itlvo iiiUeil 77 6 03 Receiptsuml I > lsto4llloi > ol'.Stoclc. Receipts at the Unloa titojt ! y inls. South Omaha , Neb , for the twenty-four hours end- liiK at 3 o'clock p. in. , Aurll 2 > , Ib'JJ. ' HKCBll'Ti. DISI'OSITIOV. Olilrnio IHo.Stock Jtiirlcot. CiliCAno. III. . April22. [ SpecialTolegram to Tin : IIEK.1 Cattio sold as high today as on Thursday , but triding iacucd the snap tliut bus distinguished It for s-omo days past , ? ud thuio wus ai uiiderciinent of weakness that under a llttlo picsstiio from buyers * would have developed Into a positive dcullnu. It was not because of any picsent c.xccss of supplies that the niarlct ; showed a tendency to react but of the prospect of big receipts for next week. Thoeaily market was fairly ac tive , whllo later In the day sales clr.iUKuU. thu oloso holng qulto weak. Qiiotullons range from $1.5 ! ) to f 1,7.1 for poor cows to from } .1.0J to J.1.10 fdrovtrii steers , . Tradliu was largely at fiom $ J..10 tot 12.1 for cons and bulls and u : from iH8J to $1,5) ) for steers. Stookcrs and feodeis bo'd to a limited extt-nt at from S..W toiftl.b.l. TUMIS cattle wcio nominal at fiom t..2.i totl.n. : Suppllbs of sheep have continued llncral , the total for the week ending with today being about 4I.O.H ) . Trade was actlvo all thu WCOK and the market generally strong. The recent ( U'cllno has been fully legalncd. In deed present prices are iho bcxi that havu niovallcd thus far. Shorn sheep are arriving In a small way and aip In demand at fiom 7.1o tntil.u ) oir from the prices p ild for unshorn. Most of the trading was at from ( .1.7ft to Jd.3,1. Uulissold as low as from Huu to ? 4.ro and extra qualities are quoted up to from $ J. ( > 0 to l'il. ( . Lambs sold all the way from J.1.5) ) to K7.03 and Hprlnga were salable at fiom )2U > 10 (1.50 per head. Today'u hog market was ( Inn nnd reasona bly actlvo at thu above raiiKo of prices. Tliov ullppcd olT another 5u pur 100 Ibs. on the prluo of hogs , the beiU-aorU dropping to $ ! , ( > . ' ) and thu bulk of th ( * ho/s being wolghud at from 91.50 to J4.IX ) . TlnS shipping demand was not ax strong as at the boxlnnlni : of tlm week and local packers wuro liidlllcrent. Hvon at the reduced prlco4iu consldurablo ( iiianttty of stock was allowed to rumaln In sol lor.- , ' hands , and Iho eloso wyiP very dull at from ? l.,0 to ll.iiO for poor to prlmu light an I at from 11.25 tofl.CI for heavy and medium weights. . Kocolpts worm Cattle , U.uoj ; hogs , 2I.ODU ; shoi p , 7.0/0. Tim Rvunl . S..iKiil.u : , : cowfiund heifers , { i. llH-Kuuoipt ) ( . 2 > iUOJ ; shipments , 2,030 ; market blow nnd Mlluo lo cri ruiiL'h und i iini- moii , HOuijjl.2J ( | ' mixed and uaokerit. * 4.50i6 4. . ' > 1 ; prlmo lui.ivi' and buiuhur * ' wolg'ita , Jl l > 0 G l.iiA ; llRht , tl.A'itil.Oi. SllCBp-ltccClutii , 7,000 , ; shipments , 2,500 ; marUut htcady" : jwothurs ini'l yearlings , fii.5.1 Q07.UU ; inlXDl , ' ti.UJai.-1 ( | TUXJIIH , * ) , OJ < it5.7U ; wuituriib , lO.'AiOfl/J.'i ; lambs , > .u Ct7.U ) . New YoriTTTTti Sltiek lurkut. NEW YOIIK. April C2. IlKKVKS-Itceelpti , Si J beat' , iicliidlog twenty-lit o cars forsalr ; MALIGNANT ABSCESS. / Wy Jlttlo girl suffered for thrco j-enre / from n lurgo Abscess ou her hip , tlio I result of ti full and dislocation. The V Abscess ivas largo , ivlth six openings , \all of which dischiirgcd puss. I was Induced by friends to give her 8. S. S. , und by tlio tlmo tuo fifth bottle was finished the Ab5ccs3 was entirely heal ed , uud U > child was well and happy.X Mrs. J. A. WIEQNKIl. \ Sl.ATINOTON , I'A. I Send for lx > ok on the Blood and Skin. / Swirr bPKiiFic Co. , ATLANTA , GA./ 11nliot ftcl | ' ' . shndo higher ! nntivo tocr , UWWlddpcrlOOlbs. ! bulls nnd cow , Ji.G.V4ii.i'0 ; ! dressed beef stendy nt c < a o per IU bh u- mcnta todaj1WO bcovcm lornotrow , 1,551 bcflvcs and ( < , i,0 ; oitartcrH of beef. Cu.vns-ltcrolptu , I.MR bend ! ston 1y feeling nnrt firmer : veals. J.I.7.1S4.AO per 10J Ibs. yilKRl'-Ilccelpts , 4.701 hind : IMIIUS , dlmdo paalcrt nnshorn sheep. 7.X ( > 5l7.rot nnihorn lambs.rJ'i(37.WJi'llp ( il micop , IS.UlttS.S5i clipped Inmbs , fn.70ilii.sn ! dressed mutton firm nt 103120 per Ib.i dressed lambs wcnk nt ll'ifflllie vorll ) . llods-Hrrctpto. atCOIicnd ; consletioil direct , nominally Ilrm nt Sl.tioa5.co. Kansas City l.lti * Stork .tlnrknt. KANSAS OITV. Mo. . April 2J , ( . 'ATTM : Ilc- cclpn. 11.000 ! shipments.liyj ; mnrkot aetbrt nnil stead v t < > * lrmitnillthroiwn : teers. } ; i.4.V.t4.w . : ; cows. ll.WHW.2Ji stockuM nnd fccdois. $ .55. Hens HeeolPts. P , : 0 ! shipments. 2.10J1 the market opened steady and cm od SB lower ! all gr.'ides. J.i.iuB4.ir ( ; bulk , $4.iOftl.4X : SliBBl' Hecolnts. lUWO : shipments. I.OOOj coed Mieep wcro In dctnnnd and strong ; other : ) A .V.VO y A VMI K.TS. . Today Mlsa Gnlo and nor compnny will close their onRnBoment nt Boyd's now thea ter by giving two performances n tnnllnco fit 2)0 : : ) this afternoon nt which Shakespoaro's tragedy "Homco nnd Juliet1' will bo given , nnd tno regular oventnp performance nt S , when Shnkcsncarc's beautiful pastornl com edy "As You 'LIUo U" will bo the bill. This morning nt 9 o'clock scats will bo put on snlo for th& cngngomont of Cnrioll .lonn- son In "Tlio Gossoon" nt Bo.vd's now then- tor. "Tho ( Jossoon" opona Sunday evening nnd continues thrco niguts. "Hluo .Tcnns , " ono of the great successes of last season , comes to tlio Uoyd the last thrco evenings of next week. * "Devil's Mine , " which comes to the Par- natn Strcot thcator next wok , opening with tt.o usual Sunday tmiilnco , has In all proba bility caused moro comment by Its odd title itinn any attraction traveling , unless , Indrod , It bo some of Hoyl'a eccentric handles. Tha play is not n bit gruotoino ( .r blond-ctirdlliiK ; on the contrary , it Is a bright , pure picture of Itfo In the far west , and nbout in free from objectionable features us can bo. It tells a pretty love story , nnd is brim full of bright , crisp comedy. The title is certainly "mal apropos , " but bolter 'i peed play Illy named , than n good name nnd a poor play. Duncan Clark's female minstrels , ono of the most entertaining shows ou ttio ro.ulwill nppoar at the People's mentor , on Uouclas street , tonight nnd tomorrow night. Tbo bill will show many now nnd novel features. Don't miss a great night's entertainment. Dlseaso nnverisuccossfully attack * osv - tcni with pure blood DoWltt's Sarsap.irtlU mtiUcs pure , now blood and enriches tlio old. .IWFUt. VKlMi : . .VllKTKtnVTlOX. . \ U'diniin Itiirns Her llusliand nnil Child nnil Is Killed by u Hull , DniSTOt. , Tenn. , April 122. News has been received of a torriolo double tragedy which occurred across the border in the mountains of . Ilnrvell well-to-do Kentucky. Sy was a - - farmer of that section. Ho had been mar ried about three years and und lived a com paratively hnppy lifo with his wifo. A few days'ngo. . however , ho made the startling tllscovcry that his wife wns intimate wltn n young man named Alex Hr. dy and vehem ently abused her for inlidclity. Monday night Mrs. Ilnrvell thoroughly saturated with kerosene the bed on which her husband and infunt were sleeping nnd throw n lire- brand thoicon nnd fastened the door. The building was soon wrapped In Humes. Among those attracted tothosconoof the tire was Bradv. After looking on n few minutes ho and Mrs. Hurvoll started ncross a Held and were attacked bv a savage mill and gored to death. Mrs. Horvell lived a low hours and acknowledged the fuels as above stated. coon ADVICE. " 3Iy boy , I um going to buy you some thing which the doctor advised mo to give you. lie said a thin child is always delicate ; iioboily worries about a plump one. I will give you Johunu If off 's Jlnlt Extract to build you up. I know it will do it , and then only will I buy you the btono blocks to build houses with. You need strength first to become a man be fore you build houses. " Dr. Friclce , a well-known practilionerof Pliiln. , writes : " I have tried Joliatin HolT'H Mult Extract not only on myself but also on a gieat number of my patients with marked suc cess in cases of convalescence , impaired digestion , for mothers while nursing , for children , and in general debility , and have found it to bo an excellent remedy for building up the Bysteni. In my own cacoof impaired digestion it has benefited mo moro than all other remedial ngentp which I have used , " Bo sure to obtain the " Genuine " which must have the sig nature of " Johnnn IIolI " on the neck.ol every bottle. Eisner & Mendclson Co. , Solo Agents and Importers of Mineral Waters , 0 Barclay street , Now York. JSOUT5I OMAHA. _ _ Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. Ilest cattle , hoi ; and fchcop market In tha west COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. BURKE & FKAZIER LIVK STOCK COMMISSION. TIIJ : LKADKKS. Wrlto to thin house for cor- root Market Honoris. Wood Brothers , South Oinnlia Telephone in" , - Chicago. J. I ) . DAUIsMAN. I . , W. K. WOOD. { Mannirors. Miirkot reports by mall and who cheerfully fiirnlHlied upon application. ' - T M IS James H. Campbell Company , Chlunco , I'nstSt. Lonls , Kansas ( Jlty. i-outh Uniahu , > lonx Oily , Kort Worth , A. Crlll. W. K. n.'iinr. II. F. T.illiniihin , Cliloiko. ' llOKbalcaiimn , L'utlU Milciman Crill , Denny & Company , Mve block Coaiuilimlon. lloom ' . ' 7 Kxch niQ IlW'if , South Otauliu , A. D. Boycr & Company , M and I'J ' Iv\olmnno Ilulldliij , South Oniiiha. Corruspuiulonco nullclluil nnd uruuuitly niis urjil. ' iillun lu onlt'ra lor uluckum , \ feudora. tlnblUlicd , l&i . IncuriioratJd , K'lt ' Cupltal fully | > iili | , tiJWJ. Wagg oner liirney Company , Wrllo or lro us for prompt uiiU rullntilo markat roiorl | . Perry Brothers < 5c Company , l.lvu Stock ( 'oiiiinlbilon. Uoom Cl Kxchan o Iliilldlnir. houth Omaha. Tulephono 1707. Gasiman & Dudley , M. H.Hegarty&Oo. , Hooins l' 0 nnd IU , Kx- ICooin eh.iiuu ilulldlni ! . South Omuliii , - Neb South Oinah.i , - Neb Miller Brothers , lloom av , lUcbniiKO llull llni { - - - Soutli Omaha SOUTH OMAHA. BANKS. Union litock Yard National -HANK. - Tlie onlr bank nt the yurdi. Cni'Hal nnil > url - l > lu > . i'iil.UJO. Cullucllun * vrovilni : oul uf ilia llvu muck tuilncti bbuulu tu lent illrou Io llilt bank. hhlppun tun Uuputil for cruJlt ul tUulr liuuu baak OMAHA m and AWNINGS AND TENTS. OMAHA TENT * AWNING - WOLF BROS , ft CO. ING COMPANY , Tents , awning * , tatpnu- n B , Immmockd , ollnml llm.'cotrriiof nllklnil * . rnbtior clothing , genii Hogg , bnnnrri , pto. rn < l Jorcafsuo. 11U Fnrnnm for cMMouuo.tOj 3. loth BAGS AND TWINKS II.C. TQDD , M.O. DAXOM Succe ser toJ.J. Wllk- , cti on. M'f'n elRar. piper Dlcyclei told on tnonthlr pncklneboin * . All uorul I'nrruonts. in ) N , litli it ties In not dnn. 111U Douglm SU BOOTS AND SHOES. MORSE-COESHOED3. IIOJ Howard Siron. rnotorr oorner lltli nnd IKunli ' slr-i ti. We nro maklnir oloso pMcos tooi'h tiirofi. an I nra olllnc a clasi of ituodi wnloh Ii vurr ilia- nblowllh march tnti. KIRXINDAll , JONES It. AMERICAN HAND SEW- CO , , EO SHOE CO. Wholesale Mfr . Aitcnta Hoots , shoe * , rubbers Iloston Itubbcr ShocCo , feltvooils. Kill utlar- 1IIU , IIDI , llOJUarncr-sl nef-sU BUEWERS. JOS. SCHLITZ BREvi- INQ GO. Offlce. S. dlhaml I.eavcn- \vortliSn. . ( liimUii. > ohn M.trhovar. Att. CONFECTIONERY. VOEGEU DIHHIMQ Mfr fomfectlonors nnd Jolibers of foreign nnd domostla fruits , lllu Uoward st. CARRIAGES. W.R.DRUMnlOND&CO. Cnrrtneo butldcrn. IIo o unit iintrol wagons n fiecl. | < lty. 18th , opi > Court llonio CARRIAGE TOPS. OMAHA CARRIAGE TOP C. J. ANDERSON , CO. , Mrfs bimcy tojis , backs , A. T. Darbr , Mitr. Topi , cushions , etc. Tend lor cunbloni , backs , cto. catalog : 311) ) S. Kth sU SI4 North IJth-jt. _ _ IIAUDWAlUi RECTOR H. WILHELMr LOBEOK&LINH , CO. , ' t'eMcrs' hnnltritrii an Corner 10th and Jtclion moctmnlcs' looK Streets. llOl Doimlnii Street CIIAS. R. LEE , JOHN A. WAKEFIE13 Ilnnlwood lumbtr , trooJ cnrj-on sort p rqu l Imporlo 1.Amerlotn | * nr t flooring , Inn I coniont , Mllwaukat lirilritullc rcment iu > 4 ( thnnj DougUf. : ns. LIQUOKS. IUR&.C3. , FRICK& HERBERT , Manor mototmnH , 111 ! llKtncj-si. Mfri Ken no,1 's Kail lnll nit Wholcinln liquor doalcff Icri. 1W1 fnrnnuvit. MILLINHHV C. ASTONEHIll , J. ouiimtDER .v GO. , Iniportcrn niul Jobbcriot Mllllnerj. noltoru.clocks millinery , notion.Mnll Die. 110-113 S. lethal. tittlcM prompt. 'AW U Bt lllli st. MUSICA A. IIQSPE , J3. , THE MEINBERD CO. , i'lnnon orimni. W .V. 1Uh ( St IMnnn * ninirrlnK olo. 1513 mimic nnil iiiulcnl in- itrunu'iitauf nil klnj OILS. STANDARD OIL CO. SNOWDROP OIL llcflned nnd lubricating No bad odor , nn chimney , no charring oils , nxloRreaic , etc. ulekt \ ' < for It t-etio Held. Miiirmur \ OYSTERS. A.BOOTH PACKING CO. PLAIT & 00. , 1'iickcrs of oy ter , Hah OjntpM , ( lilt aii | c.'lery nnd colorUMI.oavon - .II'J S. loth it U TU worth Bt. Colv , innnnuor. OVERALLS , SHIRTS. ETC. S MEAD , Mfrs of"K A S" ponti. cclcbrited "lluct * Bblrts and ovornlU.ctc. rkln" nreralla. | i nt , 611-13 a. IHUiU sh'rt" . coata , etc. Kul Oiimtm. PRODUCE COMMISSION. Kitabllshcd , 1873. BRANCH A WHITNEY IL CO. . I'roilucc , frnlis of nil llntlcr , fgxs and poultry klml < , oyalcrs. 317 a , 818 S. latn-st. IbtliaU KIRSCHBRAUN& MS. A. CLARK & CD/ SONS. , liultor , cheaio , en1 Buttor. c i and poultrr poultry nnj Kame. Il'-TJ llonard-Jt. 317 bouth Ulli StriwS. " J. A. RYDER & CO. 0. PEOAU , Uutter.eBgs.chooie.poul- roinml < slon luurchanK try , hides and gamo. I'roUueo. butler , as\ I''IJ llownrd street. elieo e nr.d noulirX Uefur to Com 1 Nat-Ilaok _ lSth _ nd lloward-st. y MUIUH&.MC CLAIM i-'liocinltles. butter , cggr , I'huene. puultrr , tlc.N'ii 415 S. Illh. lief. 1st Natl SCHROEDER & CO , i & FEnousoU. " iutlor , oziis , rhooa , Cii'li biijrcrn butter and ( rnlti , puuiiry , vani * . l'Kk" > ; handleii all other AKOIIII for My T' iiruituea on comuililon. Hiiynl horse and caltla fUH. Hth St. Bplcc. OOi M. Illh ti. OREELEY&CO. , J. B. IIUSEtCO. 1 Duller , et-gj. iioultrr , Our > p4clilllu < : lliittir. Kmnv , hldei nnd fruit , onKt nid p > ultry , IJlJ 1UV7 Howard Htreot. Ku.TnrJ utroal. W. E. RIDDELL 1 RIDDELt A. CO. n : t i n tied 'ess ) , Wholsuloljutlcr & eg it Iliiltor. chc'u . oim , > tulilc-a , fruitspoulV voic , HUTU nnd aclli ( or try und guiuo. , cash. 413 S.I Ith-st. PAPER. CARPENTER PAPER CO KINO PAPER C3. Carry n full slock of Wr | > pln piipcr nllklndi Iirlntltiz. wrnpplni ; nnd of Iwlnos etc II Mi llownrd street. Toll- * ' nrlttriK paper , card pi- lior etc. pbonu , 171J. STOVE REPAIPxS. OMAHA STOVE REPAI.il WORKS , Mnveri'pnlrH nnd wit uttichnipnti for any kl.id ot fttmo mads. IWi lloiulus. j SASIL- TOYS. M.A. II. HARDY & Toys , ilolK nltfiimi , MnniifacturcM of fa h rnncy Komti. liuusofnr * il u o r s , l > 11 n d s and nWiliiu uoo < 1 ' ! , ' * mouldings. Ilrnuch of- ilren's cnrrlnao ) . ul ttco , ISth andlzardbts. rurnum blruul. Continental Bl'k , 15th and Douglas. Furniture , Carpets and Draperies. IN USK. ALWAYS CONVENIENT AND HANDSOME. CI.OSKD. Gunn Combination Bed , 13 different styles. I3e sure and see this bed before purchasing. f , We are the Exclusive Agents Send for Spring Catalogue UTR ? 5Lxk. oiniitorm NO i .vv NO UKI'ICNI'JON I-ROM HUHINCnj Wh ItEl'lJH VOU TO UVKH 1.101 1'ATIK.N I'-1. Inviistluatu onrmothod. Writ ton KM r inloo tu alHulutuly euro all kinds of ItUl' I'll UK nf both Koxoa , Hllhiint tlm nno of knlfo or uyrliuu , no mat * t r of how lon stundln ( . EXAMINATION FREE 0. E. . . MI 307-303 N. Y. Life Uuildiu Oiiulia , Neb. Ofllces Denver. Colo. ; ( Jhlcao. 111. : Ht , oillrt , Mo ! Dutrolt. MJcll.i Mllw.uiKoj , U'li. | MaiiKH , In. ; tJaltfiiKO Oity , uih : ; 1'uri * , Uru. : llutto , Mont. 8ENDFOR CIRCULAR.