Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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D.tails of the Occupation Tax Ordinance
Presented to the Council.
Ilullrt Intruded for n rirdnc Criminal
In n l.lttlo Hoy1 * Uodj
I.lxely Smrlon of the
llonril of Trill I P.
A special racotlnt ? of tlio city council was
hold Inst night to consider tlio ordinance
levying nn occupation tax on ttio business In
terests of tlio city. The ordinance wsi In-
Iroducoil unil referred until Monday night.
Another ordlnnnco was Introduced mid
passed levying a oticcliil tax of t-WO upon
each saloon In the city. The ordlnnnco that
was referred will levy a tax substantially us
follows ;
Auctioneers folllnR dry poods , cloth
ing , liMOtsiiiHIslioi's , hull , cupi. Rents
furnishing Roods. etc. . porduy . . . . 1000
Auctioneer sulllni : properly per duy
othonhtin above inutilloiicd .
Architects . . . . . .
llnrnvss m.d saddlery dealers . '
DunloM In IIORS anil lirlstlcs . .
Mnntifnctururs of soda or mlnora !
water . W
ncnts' furnUliIiiKCoodi. . . . . . . sou
Dealers In Kenoml merchandise . o 00
Jc ) , lers In agricultural Implements. . . . 10 00
Attorneys lit law . . . " " f
: ,
llookHtorosorBC-iiunUnuttiidualcrt. . . . r. 00
Ilnkerics . 6 01
Hunks . " 00
Hemllnir ulleyH .
IlioUcrs .
llroworluf .
llluokamltli shops .
* ' ' . . . r > oo
Illlhnid or poui'l'mlls. for first tiiblo. . . . 10 00
1'or each mldlllonnl tnulo . 1000
llnlldliiK contractors . W jo
Ilrlckmnkeis . ° °
OonI dciiluis . 6 ? S ° .
L'lvll onglnuurs . { > < "
Commission slorrs . JJJ
( MKtirinukcrsur dealers . o cu
Dealers In ilrr goods . 10 00
Doctors of inediclno or vetnrlnnry . 6 00
DtMilurs ill clothing . 1001
Dentists . ft" '
Doulura in hardware . 1 ° OJ
Doulers In boots mid shoes . 1J 0 1
Dealers In drills . , ,
Kluotrlo lUlit companion . SOJ OJ
Kxpress . In DO
Kiii'h elreiiR or inonagurlo , per day. . $10 tool OU
K-ieli Hldoshow with clicus , pur day. . . . o OU
rruli dunlcrs . J 00
I'nriilturo dealers . o ni
I'loiir mid feed dealers . n 00
( Jrocery stores . J0 ;
OrinlliiK contractors . 15 OJ
Hiiwkcisor peddlursof Jewelry , goods
or cloth , uer day . 500
Hankers or peddlers of notions per
day . CO
Hankers or uccldlurs patent medicines ,
porduy . 500
Hotels. . . . . . 10 OU
Jen companies or dealers . 100) )
Insurance agents or linns . f > CO
Jewelers . BOO
Mveiy anil feed stables . 1000
Lumber dealers . 15 00
J.lvo stock commission merchants . 15 OJ
Milk dealers , each WIIKOH . i ! 00
Millinery stores . 5 OU
Meat markets . fi 00
Merchant tailors . & 00
Machine shops . & 00
Music stores or dealers In musbnl In
struments . 1000
I'ackliu houses . UOU OU
Mailing mills . ft 01
1'iihllo halls . 10(0 (
1'ilntliu ollleus . 1000
I'hnto/niph callerleo . 5 OJ
I'ulnt. oil mid wnllpii per stores . 1U 09
1'iivlnt ? and sewer or honor contractors MOO
Itual emiitn agents . - " > 00
K'lltro.ids . 10J 00
Itestaurants other than hotels . 500
HcmU'rlngworUsorHlaiiKliterliigliouses 25 CO
bhootlnsirallurlos . : ; , oo
hewlns macnmo agents or dealers . G 00
Second hand store" . . ' . . f > 00
Btreet nilluay companies . MOO
btoekyurda . Sn ID
Tcleplioiiocumpanlcs . " 5 00
Telegraph comp < inles . " > 00
\Vator \ > oil < s company . 150 00
Undertakers . 1000
Hawkers , peddlers , canvassers or solicitors
for nonresident retail grocura or other mer
chants who sell or solicit trade for goods of
daily consumption not less than J3 per duy
or ST)0 per year.
The amount Is assessed for ono year In all
cases not otherwise stiitud.
Councllmon Walters and Wood and City
Engineer King were appointed u committee
to secure land near the "river from the stock
yards company for n dumping ground.
On motion of Wood , Councllmon Wood ,
Walters and ShulUo wcro appointed a coa-
inlttco to unit on the county commissioners
and endeavor to have aa assistant county
physician located nt South Omaha.
Adjournment was taken until Monday
night , _
llnllot Intended fur u ricolntr Crlmliml
Lodges lit 11 School ! ! < > y.
Little Johnnlo Skarda , a 10-year-old boy ,
lies at the homo of his parents , 2S19 K street ,
with a bullet in bis hip. The bullet was tired
from Ofllcor William Hughes' revolver at a
llcoing criminal , and tba boy was the inno
cent victim of a careless shot.
A llttlo before 4 o'clock yesterday after
noon Ofllcer Hughes attempted to arrest
Harry Horry , n notorious vagrant , nt the
corner of Twenty-fifth and M streets. The
man broke away and ran uu Twenty-fifth
street toward the High school building. Tbo
ofllcer called on him to stop , and ilnnlly drew
tils revolver and tired , The street was full
of children Just out from scoot , and
the bullet struck the Skarda boy in tbo
tilp and glanced downward , lie was taken
homo and a surgeon called , who was urablo
to Hud tua bull. Ic Is not thought that tbo
Injary will result fatally , unless inflammation
icts in.
Olllcor Hughes was suspended from duty
oii'i placed under arrest to await the result
of the boy's ' injuries. This U tbo llrst time
that Ofllcor Hughes has over Urea at a crim
inal , and ho is nearly crazed with grief over
ttio unfortunate result of his carolosbuoss.
Itoiird ot Triida Meeting.
The Board of Trade woke up long enough
to hold n meeting lait night. David Andor-
ion of tbo committee on n government build
Ing road a letter from Congressman Bryan ,
In which the latter stated If his special bill
failed to pass Senator Paddock hud agreed
to secure the pasuugo of another bill , to bo
known as the i'liddock bill.
The South Omahq I'lunlng Mill company
wanted $ , ' .1)00 ) bonus and n sitoon Twenty-
lovonth or Twenty-eighth strcots to erect n
two-story sheet Iron building , 40x80. Ij. J.
Uardnor ft Co. of Otnatm wanted 5,000
bonus mill a slto for the same nurposo. Both
requests wcro referred to the committee on
manufactures ,
Mr. Anderson took the Door to Mate that
the present assessor and bis aisistauts were
men "without character , ability or rosponsi
blllty , " und ho wanted a committee np
pointed to watch thorn. Ho was accommo
dntuu. He then registered another and a
very lurid kick against the Metropolitan
Street Hallway company for obstructing N
troct. Ho promised thatlf a committee WAS
appointed Including himself to attend to the
matter the "fur would lly" very quick. His
suggestion was acted on aad lee committee
Ttio board will moot tonlpht to consider the
occupation la * .
Notcn unit I'uraonnla.
George J. Joblyn of Troy , N. V. , Is In the
city looking after his property Investments
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knufhold of Twenty-
eighth and Q streets nro the happy parents
of twins.
A. J. Caughoy has the plans drawn for ft
liauatoino residence oil tits property ut
Twenty-third and H streets.
Milton Doollttlo of Holt county , Nebraska ,
ono of the delegates to the democratic na
tional convention , was In tbo city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wear entertained a
party of friends at their homo In the Third
wuru Tuciduy evening. The occasion was
In honor of the birthday of Mrs. Wear.
Mike Yonlco was fined $5 and costs by
Judge Fowler for intoxication. Yontco no-
cumulated a ) ag and gave vent to his hllarltv
by throwing u bricK through the windows of
1 , F. Cornish's residence.
A Zouave carnival will bo given In Blum's
ball ou Wednesday and Thursday evenings
April 27 and ' . ' 8. An exhibition 'drill will bo
given by twenty-four young ladles dressed It
Zouavo costumes. The entertainment wll
be under the auspices of the ladles of tbo
Episcopal church.
Arrangements have been Inaugurated for
* a appropriate celebration of Decoration
lay in this city , Hobort Livingston post
No. 282 , Grand Army of the Republic , has
appointed the following committed on ar
rangements : S. W. Dennis , A. J. McDou-
gall , N. H. Ackor , .1. W. Cross nnd H. Hard-
ng. Ttio Sons of Veterans' will participate.
Dr. T. A. Berwick received Intelligence
otordny ot a painful accident of which an
tld college chum was tbo victim. Dr. J.
Cnmnbcll. nrofossornf chemistry Ir. the Uni
versity of Michigan nt Ann Arbor , was en
gaged In a chemical experiment when an ox-
iloslon occurred by Which both his eyeballs
voro completely shattered and his eyesight
The republican primaries In this city for
ho election of dolegutoi to the county con-
ontlon will bo held today. The polling
ilacowlll DO In the fowler block , near
Twenty-fourth nnd N streets. \ \ , S. Andor-
con has been appointed Judge of election and
3. L. 1'ortor and A. C. Powers clerks. There
s only ono ticket In the Hold and no contest
a liKely to occur.
Catarrh con ho cured surely , * nfoly nnd
plossantly by Plso's Homcdy , It euro * when
all else falls. All druggists. 2Jc ,
Republican primaries this afternoon , 12 to
" o'clock.
mldo Pacts About tfio Selection of tlio
U'unl's I'rlinnry Tldtrt.
OMAHA , April 20. To the Editor of Tin :
Jni : : Last Friday night republican cau
cuses were hold In tbo various wards of the
city under the now rules recently adopted by
ho county committee. Tlio Fourth ward
caucus , hold In Judge Anderson's ofllccs near
ho corner of Fifteenth and Faruam , was
called to order by T. Iv. Sudborough , mem
ber of the county committee. On motion to
nomlnato a chairman for the caucus thrco
names were presented , T. 1C. Hudborougb , D.
1 , NVhoelor and Gustavo Anderson. The
vote was taken by ballot and Judge Anderson
received M votes as against -I'J cast for
both of his opponents. After Judge Ander
son had taken the chair a resolution was
adopted that the republicans present place
n nomination any parsons tboy might dcslro
o support for delegates to the county con
vention and tUat tbo nlno persons securing
tlio nighoit vote shall bo declared the cholco
of the oaueus and shall receive the support
nt the primary election of republicans par
ticipating in the caucus.
A controversy arose over the question as
o the form of the ballot to bo voted In the
: aucus , and it was resolved that printed bal-
ols should hu ruled out ana every delegate's
name should bo written.
Thirty-live names were presented to bo
jallotcd upon nnrt ulnoty-eight
ballots wcro found In the hats
of the tellers. The result was
announced as follows : T. W. Blackburn ,
05 ; H. 1) ) . Duncin , 5'J : N. B. Husscy , 40 ; F.
iwartzlundur-15 : A. Locknor.It ; Oharlos 1C.
1'urnoy , 44 ; F. Haller , 43 ; J. T. Lucas , 43 ;
A. C. Trout ) . 41 ; W. F. Bochel , 3 ; O. E.
Hammer , ; ! ; N. A. Kulin , HO ; 13. H. Scott ,
W ; D. H. Whcclor. 31 ; M. L. Learned. So ;
U. Anderson , 24 ; C. A. Goss , 23 ; J. L. Web-
stor. 23 ; T. A. Crolgh , 21 ; C. B. Denny , IS ;
13. U. Over-ill. 113 ; W. F. Gurloy , 15 ; A. H.
Brigps , 13 ; P. L. Perino , if : C. P. Halli-
gan , 10 ; C. B. Elliott , 8 ; A Wem 7 ; George
S. Smith , 7 ; nnd scattering votes for ton
ithor citizens of the ward. Messrs. Black
burn. Duncan , Ilussoy , Swarizlandcr , Lock
nor , Turnoy , Halter , Lucas and Trouu
were declared duly nominated to represent
the Fourth ward in the coming county con
vention to elect delegates to tbo state and
congressional conventions.
No protest was entered , by anybody prcs-
: ntacainst thcs.0 delegates nor was thcroany
.ntlmatlou of fraud or irregularitv In the
jallot or count. Under all party usage every
repuulican present and participatiiiL-wus in
loner bound to abide the action of this cau
cus. But the very | next day , the men who
were most prominent in the caucus , but who
were out-voted more than two to
inc. got up a pollution and
had their own namea presented to
tlio county committee as contestants of the
caucus nominations. The ticket gotten up
by the bolting malcontents is ns follows :
John L. Webster , AY. F. Bcchcl , N. A.
Kulin , W. F. ( jurlor , A. H. Bngcs , P. L.
Pcriuo. J. W. Lyttle , C. A. Goss nnd Pat O.
liawcs. All these gentlemen received votes
in the caucus except , Put O. Hawes , ana all
were participants in that , caucus excent
John L. Webster and W. F. Gurloy. The
average vote received by these canaldatcs
out of the ninety-eight cast in the caucus
was less than 2J , the lowest belnvr Mr.
Perino , 11 , nnd the blghest , Mr. Bcchel , 38.
These llfiuros show that they were fairly
beaten and that their action in bolting the
caucus cannot bo excused upon any reasona
ble ground. They simply want to go to the
convention and having fulled to secure the
endorsement of the representative republi
can caucus of their ward they appeal to the
primaries. Tnls is their privilege if they desire -
sire to set the example which they have so
frequently frowned upon in the days when
they were managing the politics of tfio ward.
The only excuse that the bolting faction
sets uu Is that printed tickets were brought
to the caucus , uut the fact that these tickets
were aiscardod and that every man presotit
wrote the names voted for on his ballot
shows what a flimsy pretext these parties
have sot yp for bolting a caucus , which Mr
Sudborough their chief fuglor hud called ,
nnd In which they had taken part from llrst
to last. They do not charge that &ny voter
that took part in the caucus was Imported
from another ward or that any of the votes
were cast by democrats or independents.
The real motive for this bolt is kept in the
dark. It is a scheme to control the conven
tion in the Interest of a clique that has fur
nished tbo Fourth ward with professional
delegates and standing candidates for the
last ten years. All fair-minded republicans
must concede that , It Is not healthy for the
party to keep tbo same old wara politicians
in tbo front year In nnd year out. in any
event it doosou't bocotuo men who nave
bossed all our caucuses to got up a bolting
ticket to boat men In whoso nomination they
had taken purl.Fouimi
Fouimi WAIID
Mrs. L. H. Patton , KocurorJ , 111. , writes :
"Flora personal oxporioncfl I can recommend
DoWitt's Sarsaparilla. u euro for Impure
blood and general debility. "
Republican primaries this afternoon , 12 to
7 o'clock.
Mil * IChtlmrlnoV. Curry llents tJio llccorrt
for I'ndt Typewriting. i
In the presence of nbout seventy
persons Miss Ktithorino V. Curry
of 402 Jackson fit. , Syracuse , N.
Y. , Attempted to bronk the world's
record of fust lypo-wrltlnp , The timekeepers -
keepers were Ornmol G. Jono ? , presi
dent of tlio Board of Fire
Commissioners nnd J. A. Dakin ,
professor of stenography at Wells'
Huslnoss collctro. Tlio Judges were ,
District Attorney Theodore K. Hancock ,
Giles Stllwoll , president of the Board of
Education nnd Cyrus L. Hasbrouck , secretary -
rotary of the Business Men's association.
Among these present were , Attorney
Liuvronco T. Jones , Fred C. Kddy , cash
ier of the Bank of Syracuse ; Attorney
Donald McLonnitn , Alderman E. J.
Muck , Li. A. Eddy , biiporlntundcnt of
Brndstrcot's Mercantile agency , a Jour
nal reporter and a number of well known
stenographers and typewriters.
It is stud that the fastest sworn record
of typewriting is 1"- words a mliiuto.
Miss Curry last niirht made a record of
1S2 words a minute , nnd the timekeepers
and judges mtido allldavit to it. She
mod the test sentence , "Now is tlio time
for all good men to como to the aid of
the party , " which is one of the fairest
crltorions of fast work. Tlio typewrllist
operated a Smith Premier typewriter ,
which worked perfectly , and showed tx
wonderful capacity for speed. Miss
Curry first undertook to write 100 per
fect words a minute , and succeeded in
rattling oil 17U words , but some of tliotn
wore not perfect. Then she attempted
to wrlto IbO words in a minute. On the
llrst trial she wrote 170 , all perfect save
ono. Then she succeeded in getting 180
words on the paper , but some of them
were not perfect. On the third trial ,
however , she wrote ISO words all of
which were perfect. This was greeted
by applause. Miss Cdrry then en
deavored to break her owii record. On
the llrst trial she mad a ISO words in a
minute , next she fell off a litllo and only
got 170 , but on tlio third trial attained
the unprecedented speed of 182 words in
sixty seconds. These por&ons who wit-
uoss'od tlio exhibition were simply
astounded , and they most heartily con
gratulated Miss Curry.
The young lady has run n typewriter
for the last five years , but it was only
last July that she began to practice for
speed work. She has chat-go of the
" " of. the
"practical" department Henley
college. It would seem that now ia the
time foujast typewriters of tlio country
to como to the aid of their profession ,
and beat Miss Curry's remarkable rec
ord , if they can. She proposes to hold
the world's championship against all
professional stenographers and typewriters -
writers , and no test will bo considered
by her that is not undorallldavit by reputable -
utablo people.
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.
hasoniecs _ in , the principal cities of the
United States , one of which is located at
100UJ Farnam St.
Omaha Athlotli ; Club , Thursday K\cnlng' .
April SI , at 8 O'clock.
Special efforts are being made by the club
management to niaka this evening a ? inter
esting a ono ns possible. The several events ,
comprising wrestling , fencing , choice gym
nastics , tug of war and music , both vocal
and Instrumental , have been carefully pre
pared and it is hoped n largo uudlcnco will
assist upon thU occasion. Admission QU
cents. The public Is cordially invited.
roil SAijU OK J.VCHANGI : .
The I'alnco M'.UiloH , Oniuhn.
The largest livery stock in the United
States ; nearly one hundred thousand
dollars invested in horfaos , carriages and
equipment. Doing n business of sixty
thousr I a year. The owner being un
able to attend to it will sell at a great
sacrifice. This is the best opportunity
over olTcrod to make an advantageous
deal. Would exchange for a large
Also two brick blocks of residence
property , three houses in each block ,
for sale ; good location. Address Palace
stables , 17th and Davenport , Omaha.
Coma Armed.
Secretary John Aitchison of the National
Competitive Drill association , has Just re
ceived from Adjutant Gcaoral Victor Vif-
quain of Lincoln a circular granting per
mission to the military companies of the Ne
braska National guards to attend , armed
and equipped , the national encampment to
bo hold hero in Juno.
Adjutant General Vifqunln's order Is the
flrat ofllcial permit that bin been issued. Ho
says tbat the attendance of the guards must
bo voluntary , ns no claim whatever aeainst
the state will ba entertained. Troops of
other slates , by the ardor , are permitted to
pass through tno state in going aud coming
to the encampment.
'Milrrliljjli J.iqiMisoi.
The following marriage llcjmoi were is
sued by Judge Eller yoatorJay :
Name and Address. Auo.
J W. L. Ilanls. Mllwauko. Wls . \ > -
1 HcrthiiHollgbOhii , Omaha . : > . )
I C.trl lEohschuclc , Omalui . 2D
I Lena Udon , Umulm . 1U
Knttcct o/yire HUM or fc < s umiert/ib heail , flfty
centa : cMhtkMltluiMl line tcn'anli.
JIAIIKK Dennis 1'atriek , azoil IS years. . 5
months and 4 days , at the family residence ,
IHISontn Fifteenth street. I'unurul t'rldity ,
April - " . ' . at 8aj : u. in. from roslduneo to St.
I'utrlcU's church , Interment at St. Jlary's
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
itops the moil excruclallna palnsi noTe r/nlli lotlvo ca-otn Hie tutlcroi.
For sprains , ImilsQi , I ) luk-iu'.i ' ? , pilu In tlu I'liott or siibi , hoiluo'is , tost'm'n ,
or any external pain , a few applications , rubood on b\- hand , act like magio , caus
ing the pain to inat-uitly stop. For eoiiKJsllini , iiilli'it'iiitliKii , nai-
rnlsin , liinibaico. sclitlc.1 , pulns in the snail of l'io ' Ijao'r , moro extended and repeated
poatod applications are noooasary : All Iiiteriul pilns , dlarrluM , ilrstntuy , cuU-1 ,
JIM ins , nausea , fhlulln ? p'joIU , norrousnaii , s'o ' ojiltHoiOi * . are relieved instantly
nd ( iulo kly cured by taking inwardly 20 toO'J ' droi > 3 in half a tumbler of water.
0 unU a bottle ; sold by druggists. With UA.DWA Y'S PILLS there is no bettor
uro or proTcntivo of rover nntl Ague.
Every MAN can he
K'-THONO anil VIO-
OUOUS io all reiperit
I by uiinK SPANISH
NKHVZN8 , tie great Spanish Ucmcdy. YOUNG M1IN
OH OW1 utferini ftom MBIIVOUS DBBII.ITV , LOST or
FAILING MANIIOOD , iiliilillyei.iUilontconvulilom , neirouj
f proilration , cautid by theute of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wake-
fulncti , menial depression , lost of power in cither tci , peiui tcr-
rticeacauiedlirtcllaliuia and over indulgence or any personal weak"
neucau tie icstored to pcifcct health and the JfOBLlt VITALITY Olf STUONO MBN.
Wc l > oa wrlllea Kuarautce nlthClioies 10 cure auy casu or tefunJ the wont ) , gt bei6 ; toxctjj
For sale In Omaha by Snow , .Lund & Co ,
A needy \ioman
the ono who'd
overworked , nerv-
oui , nnd dcbili-
tntod. What fiho
needs lit Dr.
I'icrco's Favoi ito
Prescription. It'n
nmdo exactly to
fit her cnso nn
invigorating , res-
torntlro tonic' , nml
n , foothlns nnd tirtnntlicnlnf ! nervine , civ-
ing tone nnd \ Igor to the whole system. Hut
It isn't n more stimulant. It's a legitimate
.inrclfcinc , that niurxj > erlcnced physician
carefully prepared , for woman's ailments.
All the functional ( lernnpcments , clivonlc
vrenknessf' , nnd painful disorders peculiar
to the sex , tire corrected nnd cured by it.
Ami liecauso It's n certain remedy , it cnn
Ixs mndo n < i\turanteeil \ ono. If it fulls to
glvo MitUfoctlou , In tiny ca o , you have jour
money liack.
You pay only for the Good you cot.
i The best pill costs less than nny other.
Costs less , but docs more. Thoy'ro smnllrr ,
too , nnd ensicr to tnke. Dr. ricrco s 1'lens-
mit Pellets nro the lx t pills. They rtRulato
perfectly the liver , stomach , nnd towels.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water.
For Fanners , Miners and Mechanics ,
Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Ktc.
A Doliehtful Shampoo.
UKNTnip9clllafor HfJtorli , Illiclncit , Klti , NJU.
minis , UeiUioho , Nerran * I'rojtr.i'.lon oauso t bat -
cohot ortobicco , Wnkofulnoii , .Mental DjpronldT
boflunlnz of t'lo Drain , oiuliu Intinlty , mlsary
dccny , ilut'li , t'roTntura Old A3 , Ilarronii3ii , I.Jii
of rower l.i etlliorsoir.
nllKorailo Woikn39ioi , Involuntary l/ono . Soir-
matorrhoo'xcuisu t by ovcr-oYartlun of the brain.
3cIf-nbu3sivor-tnJiilitono3. Am'jnih's treatment
II , 0 for $5. by mill. Wo ( luir.intoj clt bn ai to
euro. Kioli oMer forll boxijj , with SI will Trlt-
Ion Rtianinteo to rcfunJ K not carol. Outrtntti
IssuoJonly by A. Bclirutor , DriiB lst , solo asunts.
U. cor. l ! lh nnd Karium sti . Omuui , Nob.
liavonll tlio virtues of the larger ones ; .
oiiiinlly cflbctirc ; purely voRctablo.
Jlxnct slzo slioirn in till ; ) border.
& 3orl'E > lno feiiH *
. . cnloala : oto2OCi
V- ? n Ho PIT tlllcsrill. DE.J.tTIf BEK3.L b nin"
In that great and exciting game which Is ever
being played between Health and Lite on ono
fide , and Uiscase and Death on the other , Abil
ity Is the Joker , Experience the Klght Ilower ,
and Skill the Lett. And these are all held by
America's unrivaled Specialists ,
Whoso marvelous success in effecting speedy
and permanent cures In all diseases of a privateer
or delicate nature 13 tue wonder of the ago.
Syphilis ,
Conorrhmn ,
® Spermatorrhoea.
Stricture ,
Varlcocelo ,
Piles ,
Lost IVInnhood ,
Spmlnnl Wsaknoso ,
Famnlo V/oaknosa.
Sexual Dlsonsco ,
KldneyfTroublofl ,
Bladdorand Urinary
All sclentincaily , .safely , speedily and porma-
ucntly cured , _ _ _ _ _
Bend Four Cents for 120 page Hook , hand
Bomely Illustrated. )
Consultation mo. Call upon , or address
with stamp , o iO
119 South 14th .St. , N. R Corner 1-Hli
andfDouffltw Sts.
Omalia ,
la so named because it is the quintessence
of , or carefully selected , whiskey. It is
ns smooth , nutritious and wholesome as
cream. As a beverage or medicinal stim
ulant it has no equal and is far superior
to whiskies distilled from corn , ( known
as Bourbons ) . You may know it by its
delicious.flavor and the proprietary bol.
tlo in which it is served , l-'or sale at all
first-class drinking places and drug stores.
C'all for Cream Pure / > /and take no other.
3 DALLEMAND & CO. , Chicago.
After Years of Unsuccessful Search , for
Cure , Martin Ajulsrssn Gets Ilellaffra.n
thfl Chluaaj Doctor-A. Volitati.TJJ. .
OMAHA. Nob. . Jnn. 18 , 1831
To whom U May Concern :
This is to cortifv tlmt I have boon n
constant sulToror for many ycura with
catarrh , asthma and bronchial alliio-
tions of the throat , nnd tried all the
patent medicines nnd romodloa I overheard
hoard of , but with no success. I ttcntod
with doctors in various parts of the
country , but none of thorn could do mo
nny good further than giving tno shor
temporary relief. I suffered nttiht an
day. nnd continued to grow \vorso not
withstanding till the inediclno 1 had
tnlton. I had nttnost pivon up my case
as hopeless when I was informotl by a
friend of Dr. C. Goo \Vo , the Chinese
doctor , and advised to go and boo him in
the hope of getting relief at least , if not
a permanent euro for my trouble. I was
slow in malting up my mind to malco
such a radical change in my treatment ,
asl know a tria I with the Clilnoao doc
tor would bring me , but I finally con
eluded to glvo him a trial , so I called at
his olfico with that intention. I lound
the doctor a clover , entertaining gontlo-
mnn , thoroughly posted on my condi
tion , and it took'only a vary short time
to convince mo that ho was the party I
was so long in search of. Ho told ino
my case was curable , and that ho could
euro mo , and pronarcd mo a sueotal
treatment to suit my condition , and in
two weeks I was to much bettor that I
had the fullest conlidcnco in the doctor's
ability and committed my case to his
treatment. I continued In grow bettor
rapidly and am now entirely well. 1
ewe my euro to Dr. C. Goo W'o , and am
not ashamed to admit it. I advise all
who want relief from their troubles to
call on Dr. C. Goo Wo. and they will bo
cured. For nil particulars apply or
write to MAKTIX L. ANnniisotf ,
5J121 Cuming St. , Omaha , Nob.
DR. C. a EH WO ,
Regular pnultiato of Glino ! ( medicine , olzht
yours'study , ton yo.irs' practice. Truisissuo-
cussfuiiy till dlsu.isos known to sutlerlnshu-
iniiulty ,
Hoots , plants nnd herbs tmturo'irotnodlo'j- '
lils medicines iho world Ills wltiioss ; I.UA ) to.-
tlinoiilals. U.ill ana see him. Consultitlon
ftcc. lias also constantly on hand rumodle *
for the following discuses ready | iropirod :
Asthin' . Catiirrli , l heuinit ; am , IndlKCstlon ,
Lost Jlnnhooil. PemnloVo.iknLs3. . Hlclc lluttl-
iiuho , Illood Pnrlllnr. and Kldn y nnl : Llvor.
Price , one dollar per bottle or six for tlvo dol-
Inrs. These who eiinnot call , onutojo C-cuat
Btiunli fur quqstlon llstuii'l full parlluulurH.
Wo son'l the marvolou * French
liomciiy CALTHO8 frpr. nitil n
loqal cunrnntco that ( JAUIIOS will
r.Tnl' niniknrec * ' , Kml > .lnn- ,
CU11K Hn < > | .nintorrhoi > . > urlcocvlD
und UKs I'OUi : Lost \ icor.
Ufdt and fay if satisfied ,
Solo jtnrrlrtn Jgfoti , Clarloaitl , ( Jblo.
DK. J. E , McGrREW ,
Wrlto fore iciilars.
N. li Cor. lltli and Kirnain SU , , Orn ill i.N'ot )
This Is the Johot I.l&ht Homlsler which soils
nt jUS.Uii. Wo will eull llioin ( or btxty ilayu ut
if'.aiW. It.lias Ih Inch cushion tires , U full hull
boiirlniJ and all dini ) rur.'liiRS. Kent t > , O. I ) ,
on loculpt of tiO. Wu iilsn ull tliu C'uluinblu ,
lluitfoid und Victor. Catalogue free.
, > our Druggist for a
. bojtloollllt ; . The onlv
, 'non pudonuut rtincilj lor all
, Ilia unnatural discharges and
/ prlvuiedlnerws of men and the
debilltatlnB akntks peculiar
to nomen. Jt cures In a few
[ days without tbo aid or
i publlcllv o ( a doctor.
\Tlu I'ntimal mrrican Curt ,
Mnnufactured by f
K The Evans Chemical Oo. '
U. 6 , A.
A shoo that's mndo tovonr , nncl wear well n shoo thnt'a
mndo to fit , nnd fool comfortnblo naor It's on a shoo thnt'a
made of fine solid cnlf with the qonulno Goodyear welt with
the patent stny with nil the good qunlltlos nnd none of bnd
-thnt'3 the "Nebrnokn's" popular two ( my shoe.Ao hnve just
opened another largo shipment or these popular shoos. They
como In nil slr.os from B } to 11-ln nil widths from D to F In
Pttrltnn , Paris , French , London , Upern , nnd the now Glebe to
In plnlii or tipped. You can hnvo thorn In either Inco or congress -
gross , and you can have them with high or low Instep.
Our qua ran too on this shoe is this : IT after you wear n pair
of these shoos , you find them unsatisfactory In any way If the
stitches rip , or the hanger pulls out , or the stock proves defec
tive ; if you don't get the amount of wear out of them that you
should , you may return them to us und you'll ellhor get
now shoes free or your money back. *
Wo will also put on sale this week n handsome NEW PAT
Will place on sale to-clay two Immense lines of fine genuine
Balbrlggan Underwear a teaser for spring trade
Very good value in balbrlggan shirts and
drawers. The shirts have French neolc nncl
long sleeves. You'd think them well worth
EXAOFI. forty cents AND THEY ARE.
The line we take the most pride in , is a line of
elegant , fancy bnlbriggnn shirts and drawers , in
natural , tan , brown , slate , drab , gray , normal and
unbleached. This line of goods comprises a range
of values from BOc to 7Cc , nnd a handsomer line
at n moderate price you never saw.
351 n. cli
Bee Bureau of Claims
Bee Bureau of Claims
Kqunl with the Interest of Ihmo hiving clil n
nBnlnltliuirov rnniintli thnl of 1SVK.VTOUS. whi
oftenloao Iho buno.1t ot valuable In rcnlt JIM bos in is
nftlio Incomiwloncy or tnattonllon of t'u attonuri
cniploiotto oiitnln tliotr jiatonti. Too luuo'ioirj '
cannot bo oxorctiol In oiijlojlnl conp3tDnt ant
rcllnblopullo tort to prociiro pitonti. for fij valaj
of npitontdipoiirtiifroitly , If notonUrol/ , upon tin
corn nml skill of tlio nttornar. ,
VVllhtho vlow of protactlni Invontori frJ n wjrtn .
iPBSurciroleis Mtornifi , oiU of foilni t lit nivja.
llon nro wotl prutoctoJ \ > J v ill I iiitinti. 1 ' " ' 'Jf '
IIUUKAU hn rutitliioit counsel oipjrt la p luJt
prnctlco ; niiUH therefore proparoJU
'iitH ,
Coiutiirt Interfarcncai ,
1'ronecittr rcjertcil cntma ,
ItcuiHter trnilu indi'ti un
Ucnilcr ujitiilon * nntoi > coj > c mill inlll- ; ;
itu of iHiiunta ,
I'roHfaittti dint itufan-l tnfi'tiiyniiit i
HltltH , I'll' . , ' / ( ) .
If jro'i hnvo nn Invention on hind cn t Till ! liC3 ;
UUnllAlJuokolch or plintn rapi ! llioiuof , duatlj.
wlilnt brlof Oeicrlptlon of ttio Import nit loiturji.
nnrt 7011 will bo oncaadvlsoil in to thu bait cu'irjut )
puniuo. Moilula nru not nccuisnrunl jn tlu inva !
tlon 19 of n coiupllcnlod iritnrj. If othari are In
fringing on your rl.jlitt , orlf you arj cmrjjiitlt'i
Infrlnvumunt by otnori , nubinlt tlio inittor to TiIJ
IIUUKAU for a rulUbla Ol'J.NlON Loforo actinjoi
Ilia matter ,
220 Itco Iltilliliit , ' , Oiniiln , No' ) .
tSfTMa lluroiiu Is sirir.intcad liy the
Oniuhi. : lieu , thu I'louour 1'roni uiU Ilia h.iu
Frunclscii hxutnlnor
Gin this out and send It with you.i i i
vim Imvo lott proportjr fie n Tnd'.iu
raids liliould Illo tliulr claims under thu
Depiolnt'on Act of MarJh I , 13 I. 'I liu t mult
Ilinltod , un I tlio clnlniu uro tuVun up by tlia
court in tliu orJur In wliluli they nro ic.-olvuil ,
TaksNotloo thatall contr.iotJ eutarol Into
with attorneys prior to tha Aot ara miJi
null and void. Information Klvon unl nil
cliilnis promptly iiUoniloJ to by the
XKO Ili-n llnllitlna.
[ 37'Tlils lliironu N ciuiriuitco I liy tlio
Oiniihii llco , the I'loncur 1'russ au.l tliu San
Krunolbco Kin Diner ,
Removed io 1514 DOUGLAS St ,
Army and
Soldiers in the Regu rar.
and Sailors , Seamen and J\Iar-
incs in the United States Navy ,
since tJie War of the Rebellion ,
who have boon discharged from
the service on account of dis
abilities incurred therein whllo
in . the line of duty , are
Entitled to Pension
at the same rates and under the
some conditions as parsons ren
dering the same service during
the War of the Rebellion ,
except that they ara not entitled
under the new law or act of
Juno 27 , 180O.
Such pors ons ro also entltl fd
13 pension whether discharged
rom the servlca on account o
disability or by reason of expir
ation of term of- service , If ,
while In the service and line
of duty , they incurred any
luound injury or disease which
still disables them for wairffrit *
Widows and Children
of persons rendering sorvics In
the regular nrmy and navy
Since the War are
Entitled to Pension.
If the death ofthesolcller wasduo
to his service , or occurred while
ho was In the service.
Parents of Soldiers & Sailors
dying In the United States ser
vice since the War of the Rebel
lion , or after discharge from the
service , from a cause originat
ing therein , leaving no widower
or child under the age of sixteen
years , nro entitled to pension If
now dependent upon their own
labor for support , whether the
soldier ever contributed their
support or they were dependent
upon him at the time of hlJ
death or not. v
As to title to pension , ADUUESa
C0illll > 'l ' < 1 II Itril < . ilb I''UflU. ' * ,
fcui 0 l Jl , U > f 1 > 4 TMl I > .
x\U In k II" I * Ul Jl fa
lti I * h.L Ji * ' I * ' W ff 2 < 0(1 (
' ( } ' l : ' " " ' < * ' "
t > ,
, . . , .
.A/ | oii. In. iinu ilia
' .
'Si - " WW 4JCO
.bil > OKUWW
. .H - .