6 THE OMAHA DAILY THURSDAY , APRIL 21 , 1892. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS It Was a Bearish Day in the Ohicngo Corn Pit , BUT CHANGES ARE UNUSUALLY SMALL Cuitnliy llrnttirrii Are StippmiMl to ro c the Hulk of ( hit .Mity Article Mini Are TrjIiiR to SIHICCTP Stoclt mid llomls. GniCARO , 111. , April Sft. It win ix bc.irlih day In tlicrorn pit nltli extraordinarily lic.ivy trailing at thin s ami slinrp fluctuations Dur ing the morning all tliu m.trkct8 took it plmigo lint ut the close ttio turn wuq strong. Com pared with lint nlslit tlio cliiitiKcs nro curi ously smiill. Wheat Is "te ( ip mid corn JiC. I'ork nnil lard and rllis aroS'icolT. Decidedly Interest Is cenloriMl In corn. The L'uilaliy tirothori iiro iiopulurly supposed to uosscsi tlio bulk of tlio May article nud cunnnon to- port Inis It tliuy nro trying t squce/o. To yciAiiKO.Iotm Cudnliy rnudo n urotty penny on a tvrrlllu hug InitiiRurnlud tlio lust dity of tlio month. It v.nt Minted they unloaded l.OOO.OtO bn. when the market was tit Its liulKhth today. Hoyden .V Co. . ulilcd by Iv'cn- nutl. Hopkins tc Co , did the sulllni ? for the ( Judaliyi. Hoyden .V Co poo-hoocd tlio Idc.i that they \\uru iniiiilpilhitlns a corn do.il for the uacitur * . Tholr tr.tdcrs , however , no\cr left tlio torn pit all day. The aliening was \ury IrrcKiilnr nml excited. Initial trades wcro from ' 10 to Jjc ilio\o the flnnl quotations of jostcrdiy. Thorn was good huyliiKon llio umllmiiMl Ind woithcr and poor ( 'railing and iho market advanced 2 < { c. S-ollln ? by supposed lotus started the crovd tosulllns frcolv , and under this prcs- fciiiu the orlco went do n with various reac tions 'if. hut rallied soon aftor\Mirds I'ic. ' re ceded Sc. adMXnced sic , mill at the tloso hud pntned but \c. Not a car of lonlr.ict was In tin1 110 loitls that arrived todny Duo rausu of thu' carulty Is stld to ho the creation this yi'arof the ir.ido now I < IIOTII as nun No. 2 WlieutclnsL'd strong under tlio tnlluctico of yurcliases hero of .luO.tKJO liu. of who.it foi slilu- ini'iit , tirlnclpally hard sprln : : . nt2o ever May. There wiisnlso a drop In laUo froluhts to Ic on wheat and corn to llulfalo. The demor.ill- riitlon ainoiiK vc-sul inun ltd to predictions of a heavy movement \\huatforChtcaKO and Dulutli. Another clement of strength was a calilo from I'.nshuid repudiating thu hoarlsh ( Htlmatoof European rciiulrenicnts Thouards \Norowonkatllritontho reported cold wn\u In the nortnwcst , heavy soiling hy I'nrdrldRo on weak spots assertions and contradictions concerning the Uusslau ukase and liriul- ctrcet's roporli'd a dccrenso of 1,407,010 bit , lu the available supnly east of the ItncMcs. In oats there was a liberal demand from nhortH and the niarkot had the apiio.iranco of tiolng oversold. Talk of a drouth at New York helped an advance. 1'orK was again weak. It had nn onrly break of 5e , but recovered nenrly all of It Trading wan aetlvo during the whole of the eo&slon. butldenly block after block of stop oidcrs cnmo on the market and It ga\o nay. During the latter half of the SUSROII | a ro.ic- tlon sot In on the aborts' buying. Kstlmatoil receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 55 cnrs : corn. 170 cars ; oats. 814 cars : hojis. 2:1,000. : 'I hu lending tutiiics ransied as follows : Alirill VS. inon low ( insK WHEAT No. S April 81H liny H 6WWSI Jnl ) COIIN No. a April Mnj > I .Innc , . i''H ' 3'JJi .I'J'i ' OATS > o. 2 .Mil ) sax .Inno Kb SlEKS 1'Olllv Mnr 9 C3'-t ' OSO .lnl > t ) to USO U -14 IMIII ) - Mil ) ' r so fi so > r > K 174 July . . . . C''J ii 4 > ' 'U U U EllOltT ItlllS- .Mil ) bW ( fiM 5 42 ! JI7J4 July a K i tij Cash quotations were as follous : l''i.otiu Iliiil and unchanged ; winter pat ents , f4.2l ) < ai 40 ; winter btrulKUt , W 4U@ | SO : W IntLTseciiiiils , W.'OSJ.lS.'i. WHEAT No. 2 BpiIiiR wlioat. 82'Je ' ; No. SsnrniK wheat , f. o. u. . 77'4o : No. ! i rod. soye. Cmis-bioaay ; No. S , 4Cffll.'c ; No. J , yullow , OATS , So. 2,29H29 ( c : No 2 white , f. o. b. . BO'JffiJme : No . \\hltp. . 20ViJOJc. KYI-I\O. 2. 70'571e. HAIII.BV No. a , 5J5i.Oo ( ; No. 3. f. o. b. , 5J3Co ; No. 4 , 4rffl.o. ] ) 1'l.AX bKFD No. 1 , 07ijC. TJMOTIIV bunii I'rlinc , ll.SO'IJl.M. I'OIIK Mvsv. per libl. . { ' ) S04t' ) W'4 ; Inifl , per ICO Hi * . , tll.lT'jttO.SO ' ; short tills , sides , ( loose ) . IS 47i@ir ! > Ji dry salted shoulders , ( uoxed ) . } 4 5J Gfl 00 ; slioit cle.irfclilos ( boxed ) , ft.l7JQZO X1. WlithKV Distillers' llnibhod goods , pur gal. , 1-uoAits-Oiit loaf , SJic ; granulated , 4'4'c ; itandard "A4 - . , , L- Kccelpts and shipments today were as follows - lows : . iovs , i-'iiiaiviiiu. > ew Yorlt .lliulicti. Nr.w YOIIK. April 20. ri.otnt ItccelBts. 20 - OOj iihRb s export. 4,100 bbls. , 17.0JO su'kb ; JiitirMit tttoaily uiid motlorutoly aelho ; ialesf , * jOOU u Si LOIIH IKAI. Qlllet. . \ViihAT Hocelpts. lf .ono hit ; cxiiorts , 121- OOoliu. ; b lies , LU.OOJ bn. of future14,000 hu Hint. Spot unsettled , cloning ( Inner ; fair bus iness : No. 2. IHI',0 In s-toie ; Ifi'.UtRlO alloal ; WuSI'J'BO f. o li.j No. II red , ! ) , ' ' 4Ta We. ungraded red. ll'iLM.OOi ) ! ; No. . ) , Ws < & I'.lc ' ; uiiKraded , II iwii ; No , 1 northotn. 'ib'Se ; rux 2 CluuaKo. W.iit'JIe. Options v.oro slow ; e\Dortdoinaiid and co\oiluir closed Him at Jo o\er yestoiday ; No. 2 rod. April , Kl'.e. ' closing Me ; May , hO'.eilccluslni ; 1K ) ' , ( ! | Jiim. ' . M'e'hji0e , elos iiJ W ) . July. b'H.a ' W > iC , elosln lKI'se ' ; Au.'ust , bS'QJ ! ' ) c , clOiliiK bO-jo ; t-enti'inher. rt'.O io. closing b'Jc. H\K Dull : western. 8V2b7c. HAIII. i\-Dnll : ; MMbon oxer. HAIII.I.JlAii Quiet. I'oiiN-ltecolpts. ysjrt hii. ; oxportn. IIO.IOO tin ; snles , l.llu.OOObu otfutiircHand 117.000 bu of spot , t-pot stroiigor , niodorato linslness ; No. 2 , 4T'o In elevator ; .MiJ4J3lu ) alloat ; un graded mixed , 4ia.llostoainor ; nil\ed. 47'4 4NJ4c. Options aihanci'd and roatod hiC'.o and eloied linn al i. < AliOO\ur yesterday with Vnl'or triulp : Apill. 4'Je. ' ! eloshm ut > ) , Wny , li > iU4i > lo , oluslni ; ut 47ie ( ; .luno , 4Vi6 { c. olosliiK nt 41 o ; July , 45J4lTlil' ! ; c , clos- Iniz at 41'ic ; Autruat. 40'iQll'i. ) closln.- 4il , c. tAT.s-ocoliits. lll.uuj bu ; oxporls. 17.00J uu i Bixlesi , fi.UOUO bu , of futures unit 410,000 bu. of spot. hpot. net l\o and btrou or Options iiioroactl\o.Mny ; , 1110.1114" . cl ut JHJu ; June. uVsGPJu. floblni : tit 4u. llAV-llrm , ll.-ht lucolptb ; shipping. 75e ; Bund to ihnko , SSttltfB. llorB-rirni. fairly actUo ; stnte. common to choice. 2t ( jjl.'c : I'.ielllocoiibt t/iiia.'c. hlnnn-K'iw , dulotnnd btoadv ; bales. 7,70 baps centrlfiiKal. M test , nt Il'.u" ' and 2JO 1 > IL-S inphibses siiuiir , M lest , nt 2'm Hellned dull. MoijAssns-rorolijn.ilulls Ni'tt Orleans , ijulot nnd Ktoiuly ; March , nulot nnil kto i Jy. I'l.lllOi.jiMi-Moady and ( inlolj United closed tit HJc ) ! for .May. COTTOPI ; ; i.i ) iii.-tjuliti ) ) crutlo , SSlJo bid ; yi'llow , iijijo bid TAi.i.ow-Hteady , quiet ; pacUIng , 41fo. T'lai'r ' < iuloli Btrulllua common to f ' ' ' . Iogas 1)ul1' ) s101"1 ! western , 14Jo ! ; receipts. r ' < ' - . nrm ; cut moan , ttilet | ; mid- ule , dull ; short eluar. tUCO , I il 'u ' llftc1 ! ' , lu" . ! wu tur " 'cam ' closed nt lff.47J ! ; satis , l.iiw tloices ; options ualex 2.70) } ctci's ; May. tfl.46atJ.4N olostnir at JJ.47 ; July , IO.M ; Anvritst. J closliiB at tilfio. pmiTTBit l.cbs Uulne , oiuy : nestora dairy , Jlfiiliic ! wcsttrn creamery , | CCi.'loi woitorn factory , llX lCo ; Kltln , i'4c. ( JiitEsiK-riilr aenmtid , steady ; part skims , CN > UC * J'tn IIION Dull American. ; lll.TSitlO.3J. Coi'l'Eil-Qulet ! JII.'JO u Kcd. l.L-AU I'lrm ; domestic. 1 1 . * \ Oiimhu 1'rudncu Alurket. Eoos AInrkot 12OI2J4C. IIUTTKii-Uood roll. JJOlOoi pneliln ? utook , I'oui.Tliv-nreased chlckims. lioi''c ; a\l\e. \ KtlOo or fl WX2.SOO per do on ; turkotsury Rcarcp nnd In nctlvo domund , dresbud , ullve , 11)111 Ir. . , , v.- " . > i.'til valf , 8 to IJ 11)3. , wi .n , . i oulpulf,8ton lbn. . 4cNo. . lilry Hint lildes. 7Ci No.'ilry Hint hides. Sin No | dry salti-il hides. KVo ; part enroll 'jo per pouiit ! lesi than fully cure.U , bhcop pelts ( jrnon salted , oarh U5rUIIiSj ! yreeii bulled ahc.irlliiKS ( kliort vooled onrly tUlns' ' . each , 15is.\V ) ( dry ylionrllnga ( short woolud onrly skins ) , No. J , ouch 5ti0o | : oiy shuirllnits ( short woolud early sldns ) . No. v , uaili 5o , dry llltil Kansas and NubrasKu butcher wool uolts , tier Ib , ac tual weight. NXawtn dry Hint Ivanxu * unit Ttntriisuu Murruln wool pulls , per Ib. , actual. woUht. bttlioj dry Illut folor.ulobutchcr wool Jj.illi.pnr Hi. . Hotuil wolKht. K JI''tJo ; dry ( lint Colorado Murrain wool polti , i > ur Id. , ac tual TkolKbt , t' < i:0fj dry pieces notl Lucks , uc- tual nolRht , 7 < S9c. Tatlow nnd Brenno Tnliow No. I. : i & 4r ; tallow No. 2 , i'CM'ic : crcnie. wlilto A. 4iJ4Uc : grease , whlto II. croann , yellow. : ic ; Rronso. dark , 3ci old butter tor , 2'o ' ; beeswax , prime , inUA'o ; rough till low. ' , 2c. l'i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .SI. l.ouU .Miirkrt * . . ST. I.ouif. Mo. April 2fl. 1'i.oun Very ( lull ! fntnlly. { ( ,003-1.10 : choice , J .2 " . iiini fnticy , f.1 n.VKi.7.1 : extra fnnoy. t)05l,15 ) | patent" , J4 .Vftl.4v \VIIIAT : Opened a c lower , then declined Ic , unsettled for u time , then recovered till the loss and closed ' .o nbo\o Saturday i No 2 roil , cash. f > ei May closed nt Sl'ic ; July , 7UOJ August , "s'jc. COIIN Opened He hlRhor , then dropped ic. but rnllleil Inter and closed > Qaho\u batur- day ; No. 2 , ca h , : t7e : May IW'jC : July. : i7o. OATS UlRhor : No , 2 cash , : iJo .llay , 30 c ; July , nutlvu ut27'i. ICVK-Ill her , No 2 cash , flc ; No. 3 sold nt 70c. llAlll.nv Vorv slow nun small sMci nt55o. HIIAN rirm and liUlior at 02O.ii.'lo. ll.vv rnchan.'ed ; prairie , Ji.,10050 ! tim othy , IK.VKilU.OO ) I.KAti-rirmnl 1.10 ; spo'.tcr , 14.43. rt\x StiKti Steady : t .iHi . Coitv MiiAi.-steaify at 11.8.1 , \VltlsKV-Qitletat II.II 11 ( ( HUM-Quint ut ( iliQ.'c. IIION t'OTTd.s TIKS . -.iily nt il 23(31.51. ( I'IIIIVIMONS hull and lower. I'oiiK-Handard In job lots , SIO.OO ; Irregular , W.7S. I.AI'D Jd.00. Ditv ' 'At.T MBVrd T.OOSO shouldors. SlfiO : limits and ribs , $3.,1.1 ; shorts , } . * > 70 ; boxed lots , 1.1" inure , IHcoN Miouldori. H.2li longs and ribs , J0.2i ; shorts.JO 4) ) SmiAitCuni ti IUMS } nCP10ll. KKCMIT * rinur. a.033 Ibs. : whontriOOO bu : ruin. 11,0)0 ) tin. ; oats , iOOOJ bu. ; rye , I.OJO bn : b'irlov. l.ooo. ! Miii'MiNTs : rionr. 3,0)1 ! ! ) . : wheat. 0.1.100 bu ; corn , 1.11,000bu. ; oils , ll.OJObui ; rye , 1,0.0 ; bar.oy , none. KIIIIK.IS City M.ukcts. CITV , Mo. , April 2J. rt.ouii Un- - . WIIK vr No. 2 hard. mlxoJ , 72ffl73c ; No. 2 rod , SlttS-'e. t'uiiN Quito strong ; No. 2 mlxod , : , ) ' , ® " ; No 2 wliltii7i' : . OAT- Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 205c ! ; No. 2 will to. ,10o. Itus-Woik : No.2GCc. l't.\\ Snlli-'iSc ' DP has't of puro. HIUNMoidyi ( ! l(2il2o ( forsacUutl. HAV I'lrm ; iinehaiized , * lll'TTi.ltteady at2t'lc. Knui Stc.iilr nt iJiic. UKCctt'TSheat , iM.iJOO bu. ; corn , 0,003 bu , ; oats , noiio t-ini'MKNM Wnoat , 20,000 bu ; corn , none ; oats , none. Cot ton .ll.irlcpt. Docemtier. J7.S.I ; January , $7'.1.1 , Nt\v OutFANS , La. . April 20 Plrin ; mld- illln.- , 7 11-H.o. good ordlnaiy , G 11-ICc ; net reeolpts , . S8) ) , tros ? , 1.110 ; ship ments to I'ranco , .1,07:1 : ; to cant iiont , 2.70J : coistwlae , 7.UOJ ; sales , 2'iOO ; stock , 217UOJ bales , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ColH'o .llurhet. NnwYonic. April-0 Options ononerl steady nnd unchanged to n points up ; closed barely Rtuuily , 0 to 10 points down ; sales , ! 7.iW bajn. Inaliidlni ! Aurtl. J12.lCttl2.45s Miy. : tl2.2iKat..ai ; June , ill ! : .lulv. Jll.bO ; AiiK'iist , II 7.1 : Septoml-or. fii.7SfJll.to : Octo ber , * 11.70ll,75. Kloqulot ; No. 7 , ? U.y"i. } Miinchestrr Trudo Itntlow. MANrilKSTEit , April 2) ) . The Ouardlan says : The murkot Is moro ( icnernlly llrm. Business for India nnd China Is trllllmr. The i.ister : holidays sllRhtly Intorfcrod with busl- ncbs. Yarns iiro strong. Iluycraaro scaice. l.lTiiol | ) Miirkots. Iiivcitpoou April 2X WHEAT Quiet : hold ers oiler moderately ; No 1 California , 7b " > il © 7s ( id ; Nix 2 rod winter , 7sId. COIIN f-teady , demand fair ; ml\od western , 4s 3d pur cental. Trailers1 Talk. CIIICAOO , III. April 21 Counsolman c.\l Day to Cock re 11 llros.hnat : opened steady , bccamo uoak anil dccllnetl Ho on loucr cables with a pronounced betiilsh feeling and the loeai shorts selling at the doollni1. A fair bhlnplng ciemand , unsunEon'iblo weather , und an l.ngllsh cable claming Pariibush's Litest cstlmiito of Kinopca : : requirements to bo nearly f > 0 pei cent too low , caused n demand finm shorts late In the scss'ou nudgiixotho market n Ic upturn. 1 here seemed to bo no inonov In solluu SOc wheat Muv corn oncnod < iu hlghci with shorts ex cited , but the principal holders supplied all wants and rcllo\ed tlio demand , forcing a 2o bio ilc. later in the day bh iking out tailors anil closing the mnrUi-t So hUhcr than jos- tcrday with Indleatlons of a further advance tomoriow. Oals were dull and easy until late In the session when they advanced from u to Jit * , closing llrm at outside pikes on account of light receipts and bad weather. Provisions were weak nnd under further lliinldntlon of loni ; poll : declined sharply , but locoxeied on notho buying by paekun and shlppersand closed with Indications th it iho weak holders ha\o been slml.cn out aud that prices will bock a hUhcrlcvol , f'mcACO. III. , Apill 20. 1G. . Lozan & Co to Duncan , llollluger A. Co : The wheat market has bcun linn from tlio opening until thoclo-o. The Iliictuatlons for Muyvoro fiom T'J'jr ' to Sic. July has tilled about lie under May English and Proneli cables uro dull aivl a trlllo lower. Tuo amount on Passage Is now on tbo decrease and In our opinion will con tinue to decrease from this tlrno forward. The uuantltv allo it today Is , (4SsO.OOj ( a aliibt a"- 4lii.OiO ( biibhcls one ycai ago. Curnpcan htocM h ixodecioased 17,0)11,000 ) husholbdui Ing March. \Voaiohavlngnothliigbutnew3 of the most dcpiosslng chaiacter , such as the absurd cable of European wants at one-half of what Is actually needed. Today heavy fulliiic-i aio piedlctcd , In fact not a word In favor of buying , but with all this the market won't go down. Wo may li.uo the llnest jiiomlso of n ciop. but It has to ho reaped , and until then the : allalilo Hiipnly for ox port and out own -vants , outsldo of wh it farmers hold Iji Chicago. Minneapolis and Ihitutli. Wo ro- gur.l the urcsuut pr co : IM low iiid ( any acci dent would chiinito the hcntlmcnt to lilgner prices. Corn trade for the llrst half hour was xury lio.ivy. May opened at 4Ji\ bold unto 41'oc , as low as 41ic ( , and closed at 4 , " e. 'l ' ho low lake , rail and ocean fioUhts are all In fnvoi of liUlior pricelicielpts are light without the prospect of any Immedlato In- CIOHSC I'utll tlicso conditions chuimo prices aio Ilkoly to go hlghci. Oats quiet. May elood at . " ' "aO. I'lovlslons weak until near the close , when there w is a fair buying by local trader ! , . May poik , 5053 ; lard , $ t.l"H ) ; ribs , Jj,47'J. ' London Mock Market. [ roj/ru/icl ) ) ( ( ISlHiiJa-na Giinbi i Uinn'tt. } LONDON , April 20 | Now Yoik Herald Calilo Special to TUB llrn.1 With few uxeuptlorib the Block nmrltut today has been mor lv > s un favorably Inclined , due to continued realisa tions by dlbnppolntod holders of upeouliitlvo seem Itlob who looUod for aetlvo public buj Ing after tin ) holldavB , but so far they ha\u brou disappointed. Punds have been well iiupiiortcd Indian rupee pnpor 1m- piovcd ' to 'i per cent. 1'orolgn govornnient su uiitlcH loa\e on * unsottlLd. Homo i.ill- wayb have shown considerable depression , the wi'uuiy tri'llloMiitemcnls proving disappoint ing , Ililuhtim dufuiied him fallen 34 , Hoiilh- eastoin deferred "a , and most otheis 'a to' per cunt. Amorlo in railways have been meteor or RSI Hat all day and closed at their woiat. The opposition of tlio I'onnsylvnntn company to the coal combination , ns bhown by reducing rates to the Hoaboaid , has ted to IndUeilmlimto Boiling..with thu re- unit of n furlliur general ilocllno In prices , In- ? , , " , ' , " " , ! , Il , > " . ncr .co..t ' , " . KllCl ' ' IUI | L ' > t I" I'lilladulphln und Heading. Canadian lines have boon doproajed lu bymp ithy. Canadian I'aelllo and Grand Trunk USUOH have fallen from ! < to li per cunt. Money has been little wanted In Lombard street today. H hoi t loans h no boon obtained at from ? { to per cunt dlbcount 'J hi ) nmrkelcontinued ijulut. Two nnd thrco monthb' bllU aio ijuotoU ut from 1 to li ! per lent , STOCKS A Nil IIO.NDS. I'rcunro on llciidniK Agulii DUtu-'hcil tlui Security JIuiKet. CN'EwYonK , April SO. Tlio market for securi ties wns again disturbed today by the pros- stiro on Uoadln , ' , but It xcemod to bo mom by profession thnn during thu labt few davs , and while the conccbslons obtabllshcd were largo tlio movoniont pirtook ton much of n speculative nntnro to iiermlt of IN continu ance. The liquidation for foridgn account which was so marked n feature yesterday wns lacking tnls morning , und the tumpor of the list was llrmor , Ihough It was unable to resist the raid on actlvn stooks. A matorlal chutiKU in the tomporof Now i-iglan : < l aocompanl ) d by u rl o of Hi per oont In Iti prlno was pir- tl.illy olTietbv n biitbaek for Wustoru Union , but the decllno In the lust named Mock ro iched a lar o fraction nnd ns usn-il tlm cul mination of the raid was followed by dullness , I.Qiulon was a bellor to n moderato extent. The course of thpso stocks , linwovcr. renlly roprcsnnteil ihu fooling in the street upou the probabilities In the rest of the list I ho soiling of Heading by a 1'litliidolphl i hou.o was heavy , hut with the removal nf llio pre.iiuru there was a rush to cox er thorti , ami " / . " , " rtcl > vuToceurn < d even In thu wodkoU . , > ill"lil Nuw ! I-mlnml "t Its hlgbest m.i point Miowi-d ugiiln nf oxer 2 points from Its list Jirlce. The covcrluz movnment In Its tnrHbubslrtoil and dullnof.s was uiiiiln thu iHJji.i ? ' luday. One of the mobt iincoura.- Lt.Viii V f,1'0 ' I10 K'111" ! ? ' liowevor.wus the Vandorbllts , Lake fahoro nnd kpirt In ° Now ° Kiiglund } | did ! ire much 'l'U'it. ' ) ' to whllo lestoio the fontldonco. Among the upcal.iltics tboro was no moxoineiii of nuto nuir the Iliial cliSiuoi "if ii lilV"i nro ' "slL'ulflonnt. The Hat U iiVi i ti , llKllr ! R * ru\o \ than ynhtordny , Hut iVM1110,1"10 0 CCI"I ' o New KiiKlanil , , , , fflilol Is upSS , ; per cent the gnlnsnro for frao- Uoual atuouuu , Lake bhoi belos up X per rent , wlilloVhcollnffA : I.aVo Hrtn preferred Isnu ' percent. Unvcrnmctit bonds ruled steady. State bonds unsteady , The following nro the closing quotations for the lending stocks on the Now York Stock ox * change toilayt The tot il s'llca of stocks today wcro 4 IJ.8I I shares Including : Atchlton , U.7 , " > 9i ChlciL'u ( lux , r > 8 l ! loia\v. ) ro A. Wostuin , 8,110 ! Krlc. 24.WI ; 1'ilco Shorn. 1I.II.otilsvillo ! A , Nash- vlllo. (1VW ( : MKsnurl I'lvcllle. 4f'U ! Northern ' ' ' . ' Kimlnnd. 4" . ' -'J 1'uL'lllo ( irefurrul , 7.0 ; Nnw > - ; lio'ullng , 2.M,7.0 ; St. I'nu 1,1. ' ,2.13 ; Western Union , Vlminrlnl HI-\H'\V. NnwYotiK. Aprll20. The Post says : It Is hard to see v. hut there Is In the linniedlato prospect on which tolusc an uxtenslvo st'lllni : inovumenU 'I here ate , to ho mire , plenty of poaslldlltlps which in ly dovnlop Into unpleas ant f.icK hut there are faetou too.whlch may uorlt lu llio opposite direction , If thQiniiinr of the plan for ucliaiiRu In the Union I'aelllo man izomcnt Is to booiriied out. Ilonlil ho ono of these. The covering by yesterday afturiioon's bo.ir opornton give an aspect of anlinallon to thu o.irly afternoon in.irUot and se > eral Itnportant stocks rallied to the host natures of the day. ThU is the case of the Koadl'u. In the last hour It appeared that the shorts had pretty generally covered and lacking the s'Imiilona prices ILi Ked apaln. The teal foutnro of the day's business uis : thu unoriniis trading in Koadlni ; . Un the whole today's inarliot w.is tvplmil of the situation und \vns ohlclly InteresthiK for that reason , > 'o\v York .llonoy .Miirket. NEW VoitK. April 20. MONEV ON CAI.I , Closed ste.idy at I'ltt'J ' per cent ! last lo.in , 2 per cent : closed olToroil at 2 per cent. 1'ittME MiuCANTii.i : I'xi'EU aiiffi.IJi nor cent. bTKIII.IM ! n\CIIANli : Qll l > t bllt llrlll lit JISG"i for sixty day bills and fl.83 for do- inaiul. The closing quotations on bonds : llostuu htoclc Market. BOSTON . M.vss. . April 20. The following v ore the uloslni ; nrlcos on stocks on thu lios- ton stock market tod.iy : I'iimnclul Notes. K'ANBAS CITY , Mo , , April 23. Cloarlnzs , " New YniiK. April 23. Olcarlnrs , 3'20.479,70a ' : balanees , J5.i7l.fil2. - . . April 20 Three per cent rentes , 93f 35o for the acionnt. IlALTiMOur. . Mil. , April 20. Clearings. 528,751.010 , I ) > lnnoes.l50,0lil ; inonoy. U per cunl , I'lliLADKLfiiiA. I'll. . April 20. OloarliiCB. I1IB.VJUD ) : bulunces , K2,19JC78 ! money. 3 per uent , I.o.snov , April S3. The amount of bullion L'onu Into the Hank of England on bal ance ted iy Is JL'itUJJ. : PT. Louts. Mo. April 20 Cloarlnss. tl.779- 50. ! ; balances. ! ? 7S,3SO. ! : Alonoy. .ISO per cent ; cxehungc on Now York , ' ) Jo prciiilnni , ItosTO.v , Muss. ApiII20. Cloannss. S14.222.- " 63 ; baIancesl.70J.S)7 ; money , lltJ per cent ; uYclmnguon Jtuw Yoilr. I7a20a discount. Ni.v OHIAANI. l.a. April -Uluarlnss. . fWI.SJO : Now York oxchaiue , cornineiclal , 53o pei tl.GO ) ; banl > , $1 50 per $1,010 premium. CiucAdo , 111. . Apill 20 Money easy at 4 © ( i per cent. Hunk olearlnjrs , Sli,7i)027 ) ! ; Now York oxulmiigo Htoadv at "MslOa pruinlnm ; Kterllnc oNchuniro quiet , bltty-'ay ' bills , i.Sui. ) ! domund , San rranclMii .AHnliiK Onotntloiis. SA- ; I'llNCIBCO. . Gal. April 2 . 'Iho ofnclal closing notations for niinlng btocUs today wtro us follows : Xc\v Yoik Mining OiiKtiitliim. KBiv Vnitic , April tlO The foilowln ; are the mlnliu Htook quotations : MVK hl'OUK MAUKirS. Supply Still I.lbonil , Duiniinil Strong nnd 1'iluui Steady. OM MIA. April 20. Uccolpts foi the past three days foot up 10,111 cattle. ll.liOJ hogs and I.1UI bhci'p , ajaln3tUlsJ oattlo. 10,530 hoi and nlJ ) slu-ep the Hist thteo il'iys of last wool ; The supply of cattle was again rather liberal - oral , but not up to donlorV autlelpatlons. An Ini'ruiiBo In rocolplSKo far this week compiled with last of oor .1.1 0 bond would ceitulnly catiHo a neaker maikut wore It not for thu fact that receipts at L'ilcii'o ] mid other maiivota II.IMJ bcim stirprlslnifly ll.-ht. Thu market hrro Is Btroiu notwithstanding thu lllwral lueroiXbo nnd shippers Blioutd oasllv bo nblu to draw u les > on from these ulreum- bt'incoi. If wi'sturu shippers uould stop nt Omaha Instead of ovorciowdlnK Uhlua o liuttur prloes would bo ro'illzoil ' for all eon- lurnuil , HnslnesH opi > nud out brisk with Nlilpuon und exporters pnyliiRbtroiiKor prices for L'littln that suited them , llnyers for drosKnil boot housob piild fully stotidv prices for ilcaliab.u stook. After urgent oriloix had In on Illlud , howovur , the mnrkot oiaed oil bumouhat. H.uly trudlnK was brls'c ' and about evcrytbliu changed bunds In oed BOU ° OII , eloaln prices not buluj quotubly lowi-r. There nero tuoho or llftoen loads of cows In tlie yiirdb and with thu usiinl good demand tiadlnz wag aetlvo and prices steady to Ktrnnunxtremo sales at poor to choice > < owg and hulfurh weio at from fl ; c to IJHiilU , nnon and atus : were In fulmupply. bettei do mund and stronger at from ift.73 to MIX ) . Calves wt'ro uiiohiinKcd at from MOO to $ J.7\ The stacker and feeder trade WJH dull and nrluLs wuru Kunornlly 5o to inu lower thun Tuesday. There wns a Itir 'o Biipplv hero und the country dumniid was limited , tonics were from t..oo to 8iV5 , Keprebontalho jalus : 6TEEII3. No.Av. Pr. No. Av , 1'r. No. Av. IV. 10 . CO'J $1 00 U . U.1. ( J 40 4 I.'TO U liO va OJ 0 , .IIM 3 10 11 3 lil ) i- S67 a to f l. KU7 a 40 10. 1ST4 3M is. 705 u us 3 41) ) 17 I''OJ 3 GO 3 10 3 , HOC 3 40 . UU 3U ) s. 705 J 10 14L'1. 3 40 17 . 1111 3G.1 s.Il 075 S 15 L'1. 3 4'i 4J 11U7 3U1 Il 1074 3 20 0. . Ui.1 3 45 44 1011 3U1 'I II ? ' 32J 40 1140 3 45 44U II 1052 14. 10GJ 3 45 10 1J15 3 U.1 17. 10.11 3 25 3 . . 1141 3 41 5 . .1JW 3bl 1. 000 3 25 fj , mi I 45 SI IIM 3U1 1.U. . Wit 17. 11.17 3 M IB .IJOi 3ai 1. , uao 20..1UM 3SJ 45 3111 1 , 1WJ : t an UI ll.'l 3 5) 21. 1155 370 ID. , 1111 330 20 .1168 3M It ) .l.tK ) 370 330 350 .18311 370 w. , iwa 3 30 ] J.lU-nHI M 21.2J..1201 370 a .1017 U 39 40..1UO J M 2J..1201 ,170 lloos The run ot hois was about the simo ns \Sednesday , the supply for the first half of the week being about one-half larger than for the s.imo three days last week , an In crease of oor 5UlU hos. Kastorn advices weio favorable , but with only a moderate shlppln , ; demand , llnslne s opened slow at h ire Tuesday's prices. The feeling linpro\cd u. Ilttlu l.itor on , but the niarkot closed wen I : . There v/as pr'ictlcally no spread between prices of goo 1 liuht , nicdluin and IIGUAV hogs and tbo best hogs rogiird- less of wclR'it sold at from 84 J.1 to f4.lt1 , with ono extra prime loulat4.41. The conunonor hogs , without resard to u eight , sold from M i. ! to Jl UTi. The market w.is nmer ocrly nctlvoatany time dnrlnR the day. but the closn found the pens pr ictleally empty. Sales weie largely at from SIU > to Jl 40 , tlicsaiuo as Tuesd iy. The Keneial a\er.igo of prices piild was Jl : t > ai. against $ IT > , Tuesday , and { l)5 ) last Wednesday. HeprcsentatUo sale : 1 . . . .541 - 410 c : wo 420 biiDLi' Tlio supply of slieep eonsMod of a small IniiiPh driven In and FOIIIO lather mixed natle hold ever fiom yc-itcnliiy. There was ii KOO I aetlvo ill mmil an I jirlees aio cener- nllr llrm. 1'iurtORODil n itUes. from $150 to JO.IOs falrtoconil neslurn % fiom # l/)3 toiloo ; ( . oininon unit btoclc shuu | > , fiom $110 u > Sl."i ; Rood to cholLO 40 toD3-II ) . Iambs , 'rom { 1.5 ] to r ( > 75. Ituprtsentatho hales ; No Av. 1'r. S. niititcs , in\otl ! 71 J.I 71 121ainl)3 ) 42 300 1 buuK io 3 00 Itpct'lpts ii-iil Ii i)0iltloii ol Stnclc , Kojolpts at the Uiiloa Stoj ! < y.ir.U South Dmaliii , Neb , for the twunty-fnur luura endIng - Ing at 5 o'clock p , in , April . ' 3 , IsJi. lIBClill'tS. i I.iko htoek M irlirt , CllirAoo. III. . April 2J.-SpeclnlTolcsram [ to Tin : Iluu.l The cattle maikut nas irrm today by roiiHim of the advance of from 21u to 4Uo that hail taken plaui slnee lust \Viidnesday , Matnrlnlly lucreIBUI ! receipts wuru looKed for , but the total foil below the inuniKu. It wan from J.OUO to 400) ) short of the number conurally looked for nnd conseiiiiontly thu reaction In piliTi that Hulleia nail fuired dlil not materialize ) thoio to uMinnst tint 14,090 head the yards contained , and tl'eiefoio the competition ; nctho enough for hold- urb to unload without nuiMiiB prlco COIIUCH- Bluns. lly noon tlioprealor paitof the supply u us out of salcjinbii's IniiiiU , tlio bulk of U poliuat froSi'.Vi tof.l''l for cows , helfets nnd bulls , and iit'rrom W.7.1 to $1.40 foi Mcorfi. i\tni : Hteursvttoi iiioted | nrtiuiid fl.O ) anil tin oo bales of vuniiboml cows at from J I.5U ti ) 11.7.5. Thoio , iU little trmllne In MocUurs and fcoduis on u baa b of from $ .Y.5 to U.73 for poor to pi line , Salcb of lie g wor6 from t. 00 to Jl 50. Culls nero peddled out Hi fiom $ ' .00 to 11,00. anil u few aborted liqifyy and medium u eights fetched * l,7. > . Tnnro was a nilluiencu In the Bulllni ; valuoof lluut and liua\y wulRhta of about 5o per Hw | bs , the best of thofoimer not bolni ; wanted ut uiul (4 70 , Tnidln' ' wim iinlto brisk onrly nnd Mir.ru was u fair decree of nc- tUltv tliiGiizlimn ! 1nit su\urul thotisan I IIOJB , moilly cominon fltiitr , lematncd In thu nuns nt tlio close Quotations \\eiu from W.81 to tl 05 for llKlit and from U ' - " > to f I 71 for ho ivv. The ijuallty of tlio oir rlnKS , thuii li not ns Rood as fur Tuesday , nasalmvu thu rucont ttverr.K < > . Thu ilomaiiil ftuUihecpiR fair at from M V ) to id 00 for poor In fairer.uk's anil at from to 15 to ( IM fur go < fltD : extra ( /nils und poor BtulT Kld at fiom M8Q lot3.00. I.ambs neio uiintod ut from i5.75to J7.U5. lleculpu wuro : Cattle , 14,00) ) ; hogs , 23,000 ; sheep. C.OJO. Thu I enlnfr Journal reports ! 0xrr.n lie- culpts 14.000 ; ahlpminta , 4,000 ; marUet net he. Btuiuly ; prlmu tuexlr i bteurx , il.60lQi.CO ; coed to enolue. jl.23Q,75 | ; othurs , tJVQii.W ; stookers. $ . ' .501.V.\ Hodh Heciiipta. 27.C03 ; bhlpniunts. none ; market t-toudy ; lunsh unit luminon. tl.OjTil'j5 ; iul\ud and uackers. * l 53S4.00 ; prlmu heavy JICIAT : succr.ss of the Kcnuino importctl Johunn IIotT'ti Mult Kxtntut us u tonlo ntiti'ltlvo 1ms catisod ti crowd of fraudulent Imltutors to como into the mui'Uot. Uo- w ro of thonil The ( , 'onulno line tlio eigimtura of "Johunn IIolI1' on the nook of every hot- tlo. Klttiior & Mondclbon Co. , Solo A cents and Importers of Mineral Waters , 0 Barclay btruot , Now York. nnd butchers' wolgMs , tl.CSOUJ ) light , I4. ( wi.o\ SIIKRI Ilecclpts. 4.003) ) "ihlpmcnK SOdO market nctuo nnd steady ; ewes , mxxai 7 , " > nnd yearllnci. MOOOaSJI western' M.00 < 30.85 ! Now York I. Ito Stork Market. Nr.w YOIIK , April 2Ilcr.vr. > Uccclpt < FOO brad. Includlui ; 11 cars for Rnlo ; mnrko II i in I natlvostoar * . } l.5iKM.oai bull * nnd eows . ' 0)G.'l.tO ) ! dressed beef stonily nt t o per II Shipments today , 007 beu\ei nud 0,600 oiuuter of beef , CAI.VKS ncoolpts , r.,100 head ! mnrkot uul and Me perlb. lower. 5iihuliccrlpto , aooo bo-id ! market nrm unshorn sheep , tLdoGAIM nnr 103 Hi clipped , J-l-JiaioO : unshorn Inmbs , l7.Sittsl5H clipped Iain IK , } n..Mtl7.0 ! dressed mutton1 llrm nt loaii'o tier Ib.t dressed lambs sload' ' ntlimaillejierlb. lions Uccolpti. 7.3S3 head ; mnrkot firm n SI.UOO3.SO per IDJlb * . KUIKIM City ll\o Stork MnrUnt. KANSAS CITV , Mo. April 21 PATTIS Tic celpts , .0,000 ; shipments , ' . ' ,0 Oi steers , net Ur strom ; , lOo hUher nt MtWM.40 ( ; cou , strtidy ti lie hlRlicr Htl..luU.lWi slockcrs and feeders net ho nud lOc higher. lines Uecolpts , lo,7Xi ) shipments , 7.103 ; tin mnrkot wns ncllvo nnd stoulv : r > o higher ; til Krndcfi. ? l IO ( I.IO ; bulk , JI.WK.UJ. fcin.KP Uoco'nts , ojo : shlmeuts. ) ) 700 ; tin mnrkot was acll\u ; mnttntis , MOJ. ivisriitx : : i > ACKiNi iM-iitisTs. : : Onlto nn linpriitoiuciit Oxer the ltusluos < of I. list IV.ir. CiNriNVATi , O. . April 80. ISpcclnlTclopnn to Tun HKIJ 1 romonou's rrlco Ouneiit wll s iy-ltotiiriis ! for the \\eok show a total ol 1S.1. IX ) hoes packed In the uost aaalnst lli > , otl last year , nmklni ; a tot-il of l , toi.OJO si no Mnrult 1. as'i'nst ' I.MJ.OJO n year nun. Tin iiuallty generally U fairly Rood for tin season. Prominent places compare ns follows : Dlscnso nnvor succosstully nttnrki n svs- torn with piiro blood DoWftt's Stranparllla multoj pure , noiv blood uiul onriclioa the old , < 1.YA UU.N CK.WU.Vrj. Miss Gale and her nulo company will pre sent Utilwcr Lytton's great play , "llio Lain of Ljons , " nt Uoyd's ' now theater this even- In p. Miss Gale \vi'.l appear in the part ol Pauline and Mr. Creston OlatUo lu that ol Clnudo MclnoUo. On Sunday , Monday and Tucsdayncxt Mr. Carroll Johnson will piesont his now Irish comedy-drama , "Tho Gossoon , " to the pa trons of Uoyd's now theater. Concerning Mr. Johnson and his now pl.iv Colonel Ilonry Watterson of the Louisville Courier-Journal wroto1 "What a handsome and cracoful foi- low Carroll Johnson is.Vhon ho sings nut ! dances in the third act of 'Tlio Uossoon' he reminds ono for all the world of Joe Emmet in his .ount.or davs. Johnson is undoubtedly a most agreeable Irish comedian , and In 'Tho Gossoon' ho has an Irish coraody-drama which , though not of the conventional otdor , Is very much neater than most of thorn. " Joseph Arthur's plnv , "Bluo Jeans , " will como to the Boyd on Thursday , Friday and Saturday ot nc\t week. J. Appleton , the advance ngcut ol the attraction , is in tdo cit3' . The first opportunity to hoar Will Caile- ton inOmahi inn recital of his own won drous poolicnl creations will bo afforded to morrow ( Friday ) ovenlnij at Young Men's Christian Association hall. Thoio is no city in America in which Mr. C.trlotou has necn so continuously in demand for twenty icr.rs east as nt our national capital. After litten- inp to ouo of Mr. Cailoton'a ooliRhtful cutcr- taititnonts , n distinguished statesman said : "Thero is not a lull in the interest , or pause In the variety , or a single dull moment dur ing the wnolo blessed tiruo that ho is on tbc patform. ] " The now western drama , "Devil's Mine , " which comes to the Fatr.am Street theater next Sunday , A'pril " 1 , opening with the mat inee performance and remaining a full net-It , presents annv stiilting features from the old inothoa of constructing plays uescriptivo of life in the uthnitlvo west. Indians , loi.g- haired cowboys and bloouy encounter ? " ( In which ttio Indians invariably come out so - end best ) have heretofore been the .lief points of interest in pa\s ! of the western typo. The author of "Devil's Mii.o , " however - over , has conceived human iinturo in the west to bu about the same as it is 111 the east , only differently chcumstanced. Ilo has therefore rotainoJ enough of the rou l1- ness and ctudity of western lifo to gho co rr to the play. J3utiathis roucrh and rucgcd frame ho has set a chaste and simple .story of pioneer lifts remarkable for its lom.mtic' beauty and its brisk and lively humor. The result is a highly success'ul play , sutpassinc tto so called "border dramas , " not onlv in hum'r and pathos , but lu intensily of action and situation as well. MALIGNANT ABSCESS. ' / IIy little girl sulTercd for Unco years / from n largo Abscess oil her hip , the I result of u fall aud dislocation. The V Abscess was large , with six openings , , \tll of which discharged pus . In as induced by fticuds to give her S. S. S. , and by the time the fifth bottle was finished the Abscess was cntiiely heal ed , aud the child was well and happy.N ' Mrs. J. A. WIKGNEK. \ Bl.ATISOTON , 1'A. I Send for book on the Blood and Skin. / SWIFT Srixinc Co. , ATLANTA , GA./ SOUTH OMAHA. _ Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. licst cattle , hog ami bheep ni.nkct In the west COMMISSION HOUSES. Gib. BURKE & FRA z7ER STOCMC OOMMIbSION. TIII : Cfl flMlIM I Write to this house for cor- JU. U.ll.llla [ rect MtrlcBt Reports. _ Wood Brotliers , South Omaha Telephone HIT , - Chicago J I ) . IIADISMAN. ( . . , W. K. WOOD fSIanat-ers. Market reports by mull and wire cheerfully furnished upon application. - THIS James II. Campbell Company , C'hlc izo , HristKt. I.ouls , Kansas City , t-utitli ( JiiKilu , rluuUlty , Poit Worth A CrlllV. . T Danny. II , K Tnllmailcu ClilcaKO lIuKbnltinmn. Cnttlo Milounnn Crill , Denny & Company , I. ITO block Cominlshlon Iloom S7 Uxcliun.'o Dl t'f , boutli Oui.iln. A. D. Boyer & Com pan ) ' , M und vi K.xcliunzo llnlldliu' , South Omaha. Correiponrtonco Holliltuil nnil promptly niunoreil ' utttntlon to orders for utotkers X lecilors Kitaliil.licd , iw - - Inporporntad , 18JJ Cupllnl fully piil I , IZJOU ) Waggoner liirncy Company , Wrltoornlru u for prompt anil reliable markvl rcportn. Perry Brothers & Company , I.lvoHtoclt Commission. Itoom 51 nxehungi ) Ilulldlng. bouth Omaha. Telephone 1707. Ga&3man& Dudley , M. H.Hogarty&Go. , ItooniH CO nnd nl , II.x- Koom 'II Kxcanjo ulia South Omuha , - Neb i-outh Omuh I , Neb Miller Brothers , Itoom M , Kxilmuxo llullillnii - - Konth Oinnlia SOUTH OMAHA."BANKS' Union Stock Yard National UAN'K , The only bank nt thu yurJi Cnpltal nnd > nr | ilu > . I2JO.UUO Uillet.tlun ire lnK out ( if Ibo llv loci Lu lne t ( houlil bu ivnt Ulro.-t tu tbUUinic ! Siilipur | ian lU'iiuill far crulllof tUulr Uuua l ul OMAHA ttlUUli IT/ BAGS AND TWINCS GEMIS OMAHA BAD CO BISHOP A CO. Sl'nl , mnnllla , rotten lmportcri nml mrf * . flour tncks tnino retie , hemp , Jutp cotton burluin , , ton twtnp .tRrtpil ciinl nifp. i > tp lias uth t " 13ICYCLKS. | BOX US. H. 0. TODD , M. 0. DAXOU 8uccp * or toJ J.Vllk - , . . cnxin. MT cltiiir. piper llloyclc.i no M nn monthlr piicklnit li ixe . All novel | mmenl ! > 1W.N. IJlli st tics In box llnu 1110 DouKlai bU BOOTS AND SHOES. MORSE-COESHOECa. IlU.t llorr.ir.l Biro ; ' . rVietorr corner lltti nml IMiuIni clroe'.i Wo t > roninklnucloioprlcos looiih buyori. nil ar3 Bulling n cln > < of nonli whlo" ! Is rorj atlo- nbluwltii inorcunnll. KIRKENDALl , JONES & AMERICAN HAND SEW - CO. , ED SHOE 00. Wliole nlo Mfrs Asonls Hoots , flioen. rubbers lloston llublicr bliocCo , lull fooils. 1 u llnr- 11UV , 11U4 , HUJllnrue ) nt lie } St. , BUKWERS. JOS. SOIILITZ BREW INQ CO , Offlrp , P. mil nml I.PHVCII- wnrth St . Onintin lolm Murhovor , AKt. CONFECTIONEUY. VQEQELE DINNIHQ Stfru Comfpctlonpra nml jobbprn of foreign nn < 1 ilouiCBllo fruits , 1110 llovvnril Et. CARRIAGES. W.R.DRUMMOND&CO. Cnrrlngo bulUlcrn Hose nml patrol naguns a tpiclslty. 18th , opp Court llouso CARRIAGE TOPS. OMAHA CARRIAGE TOP G. J. ANDERSON , Mrfs bUKgy tops , bucks , A. T Dnrby , Slur Tops , cushion * , ptp Semi for cushions , bucks , oto. catnlog. 311) S 12th BU _ JUNojrth I5tlist. _ _ _ COAL , COKE , | CORNICE. OMAHA COAL , COKE & EABLECORN GE WORKS LIME CO. , Mfrs. gnlvnnlrcil Iron Ilnnl and sort coal B E. cornice , wlmlow cnps . , mctnllc kyllilit . etc. luu uuj Douglas- ccr Bin. 1110 , 11U luilfc-rt. CLOTHING. BLQTCHXY& COHEN , QILMORE&.RIIHL , Clotldni ; notionfurnhh ilnnufrs nml wholcsido Inn ( live UH c trial clothiers 110'J llnuic ) bamplui prepnlil by express streut. press 111J lluruoy. DRY GOODS. KILPATRICY-KOSH M.E. SMITH & CO , , DRY GOODS CO. , Dry goods , notions , fiir- Dry f'ooil notions , gent's nl&hlng peed < Corner furnishing goods Cor. lltli ana Howard bis lltli uiul Howard st ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES WOLF ELECTRICAL CO.i Illustrntcil catilog frco- loll Capitol are. FURNITURE OMAHA UPKOLSTcR- BEEBE&RUNYAN FURNITURE IIIQ CO. NITURE CO. , Upholftereil furniture IWJI-ui , Nlcholni si Urnro nntl Thirteenth Wholesale only. GROCERIES. DRUGS , Eta 0. M. STCELE&CO. , BLAKE , BRUCE & CO. , IOI-1M5 Jones Btrcct , 10th nnrt Harncy streets , Omaha. ( Jmnlia. GRAIN. S.AMC WHQRTE1 ? , 215ld of Trade llrokcr In Brain etc Prltntii wire to N Y , tulcaBO Louis. HATS , ETC. GATE CITY HAT CO W. A. L. OIBBOli , CO. , lints , caps , straw coeds , Hats paps , straw Roods , KKncs. mtttiMiH Owners Klovt'H , niltttna. Uth rolebraUd late ( Ity and liaruoy. bat. lltli aud licrncy. HAUDWAHE. RECTOR & WILHELMY LOBECX&LINN , CO. , ' Dpulprs' InnliTAro n CornprlOtti nnd Joclion lp ' tool * Htrects. IIOI DoiiKlnj Street. LUMUKR CHAS. R. LEE , JOHN A. WAKEFIEID llnrdwooil liimbor , wool ci\r'ol unit rnrquet tmportol Vmnrloin I'or t > llootlnR , Innlpunnnt , MllwMiXjJ lle pcinont nnd 81h nnj Dounlu. wliltj n mi. 1JQUORS. HER & en. , FRICK& HERBERT. > r murclmnU , ut : Mfrs Ken i.nt : InJIi lilt \Vholpii\lo llniior Ooalerf ten. MILLINERY C. ASTQNEHILl , Importers m , , | jnbtiiimnl Mlllliipry notlonn tultllnpry nntlono .Mixlj etc. 110 113 S. 10th JL orilorn prompt ! W 12 S. 11th it MUSICAU A , HQ3PE , JR. , THE MEIHDERO CO. , I'lixtion orcunn , nrtlnts 10. ' .V. Ifilh M I'lnnos , innti-rlnls , elo. 1513 music nlul mntlrnl lu- Douvlus t. mruuieiils of nil klndJ OILS. STANDARD OIL CO. SNOW DR3 ? OIL Uclliuil nml inbrtcntlng No linil niter , no inio'in chlinno ) no chnrrlnit oils nxle jzronso * cto lrk < Vsk for It vcho llclil , vliurnior A TuiKlo OYSTERS. A.EOOTHPACXINO CO. PLATT&CD. , I'nckcrs of oyitcrs , nsli Orstori tHh nml ealerr nmt culer ) uH I/oavun li S WthM l ) vl worlU st Cole , manager OVERALLS , SHIRTS. ETC. KINO & 3 MEAD , ROBINSON .VSTOKES oa Mfrs of "K A. S" pnnts , Mfrs celpbrnti-d "llucto "Mrtsaml o orallscto skin" overalls , pant ) , 611188. lltli su sh'rts. cunts , etc. Kail Oinulia PRODUCE COMMISSION. Hstabllihcd , 1673. BRANCH 4,00. , WHITNEY & CO. . Produce , fruits of nil Ilutter , ei ? s anil poultry kinds , oysters 817 B , SID rt. 18th at. Uth at KIRSCHBRAUN& JAS. A. CLARK & Cl ) SONS. , Uutter , chooio , e i , Duller , enci nna poultry poultry and evna. UJSllunanl-st. Sl'tfuutli 13tli Btraot. i. A. RYDER 'I CO. G. PEDAU , lutlcreB6srhcosppoul- ) Comnilnslon merchant , trv , hiiic.i umlenuio Produce , butter , onus v v 1VI5 lloivnnl strcot. chui-,0 nnd poullrf Hefer to Com 1 .Nat Hank Kthund llonard ui. KULLIN&MC CLAIM ler" . butter , cxci , clicete. poultry , etc No 15 b lllh Itcf lot .Nat ! SCHROEDER CO. MOORE Iluttor , CZBJ , chcno. Cash bioorn butter ami Irults poultry , tramo. cfrK" , hnnillos alt other Airi'iiti for Aljrer'a produce on commlslon ltii > nl horrnnnd cittli i.'JS nth St. CplLLUlj b lltli it , J.O. HU3-&CD. llnttcr , OCRS , poultry , Our spoohltloi. Ilultcr. KIIIIIC , hhloa anil fruit , Of at aid poultry , IJIJ 11117 Howard Hlroct Howard street W. E. RIDDELL RIDDELL& CO. , Wliolsalo butter A C Uuttnr , cht'n n , Hum nnd soils ( or M'Ki'tatike , mills pout * try und KIUIIG cash 411 S. lltli st. PAl'KR. CARPENTER PAPER GO KINO PAPER 00. Cnrry n full Block of Wrnpplnc paper allklndl printing , wmpjilnj ; unJ Of twlnus i'te lt'J ' ' ' card Iluwaid struct , wrlilriK ptl't'r , pa per tic. phonu , 173J STOVE REPAIRS. OMAHA STOVE REPAI3 WORKS , htovp repairs and watef alttio'inionts for anf kind of hloro iimJa. IASII TOYS. /I. / A. DIS3ROW&GO. , H. HARDY A CO. Toy , dolM , albnmi ! lanuriicttireri nf sash tune ) cooil liuiisufiir * doori blinds nnd nMilnii KOCMl" < ) ilU moulding llrnncli of' dionn carrlnuoi 1319 tlcti , IStli nmllzardbts 1 arnuni StroeU Continental Bl'k , 15th and Douglas. Furniture , Carpets and Draperies , IN USK. ALWAYS CONVENIENT AND HANDSOME. CU > sii > . Gunn Combination Bed , 13 different styles. Be sure and sec this bed before purchasing. We are the Exclusive Agents Send for Spring Catalogue 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Tb eminent rporlallit In nanoni , chro"lr. rrl t . Monl , ikln ftuil unnitrfdli > > o A roular n4J rrxlilcrcri KrndiiBle In mudclno , a > dlp.oram anil rertlUcatm ibuw , it itilj trumlnK FillU tbu vrtati it liicicil e tsrru. psruintiirrhu < mIen niantiooJ. omln l wualiiioi . nlllit lotiei.linpiuene/ ipbU | > , Irltluro , poa\ \ orrliuvn , Klevt , % urlcnreloclo > t n.crcurr u > eJ , evr truilniunt forlon of lllnl imwrr , 1'arllei unalilu IU THIlmeinar bolrit l t Uorau Ux corro poinler.c . Menliloo or Initrumtntt nt Lr mall oreipruii ' urulr imckuj. nn nikrki tclnilliutu rent nt urtcnuur. Ono pirtonnl luturtle * prrlnrreil. Coi ; ultiilo true ( oriuipunHenou iltlctly 1'rttnto. ' llooi ; ( M/DMrlM ol IJIo ) loot lto . OtUou Uouci , in. tu 1 , U. buada lUa.iu.loUiu. 6 fv " * f3/lltNi | it n"llpaiM'i'i ujri * | iu I UG Sw UVx rntl1 kiJuUthtyufirtmirn.lrtwM f < < ' * < ? * y 8Hjulimrp iipl' ! ' i'l ' niw Impure 1 food , or aill In ay | OMJ ituiiiAt li Jl pr tr lu if t Jai tu i f nn Ilitlrf roi tr I sn < lluim i ir * * 11 rlr Mi to * rir tatliitf * r4 Unf t lny UVInifCM'fcfiu l J.li-AM tilKMfOAL lie IoSpnucM . .NowVoiiV M * 9 * r * * * * * * * * * * * * * -v - iForLOSTor FAILIUO UANHOOD , Q n raUnd HKRVOUB DEBILITY , . Wcakot i > niodr ] Dd Uind , Ltftoti _ JJof Erronor Etcetiet In Old or Youvf , al , AeLU BiKlllMlI ) fullllr.tftrfd. . How n.ciuuiiiuiiiiunKuil CD miuiMii mm i/i-our > Uoli > ltll U.UIII.r IIIIBK 1KHI1 ! , T-U . , CI. la 0 * tj , Q , K.liri trtn ( U Mil , . > d I rrlj. I .MUrl'i. llrllt IV , . D , . < llvll , lllMt , tl | > lutll uJ | IK.fl uill.ln ( ldr ) < ct < 4 uERIEMEOICALCO.DUFFALO.NYy