Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BICE : itilUUSDAY , AHUL 21 , 1892.
"Pemocrats Not Inclined to Favor Some
Good Measures ,
1'jnlilock'n Turn rood Illll nnil tlin Anll-
Uptlnn Moitmiro Not Mkclyttillo Acted
Uiuiiat | tlin I'rrspnt
Washington < Inslp ,
513 FouiiTCBNTit STIIUKT , V
WASIIIXOTOV , D. C. , April 20. J
Ileprosontatlvo 1'unston of Kansas , at
present n member of the house commlttoo on
ngrlculturonnd in the last congress chair
man of that committee , takes n very keen in
terest In the Hntch-Washburn anti-option
bill. Today ho said ot the outlook for that
measure :
"I have no Idea It will bo called up nt this
session and I doubt very much if it will be
passed by this congress , nltnough it would
go through both houses 1C it were given a
chance. Tlio men who have charge of the
bill appear to have lost nil Interest In it. The
measure Is n very important ono for the
farmers nnd if It was a law would have nn
Important Influence upon the prices of
.farm products next fall and winter.
II have begun to fonr that the Pmldock pure
food bill Is going to bo loft over also. All
measures which do not receive consideration
In this session will stand nn exceedingly
lamall cnanco In the next session , for It generally -
IV- ( orally taUos about nil the tlmo of congress in
the last session to pass the appropriation
bills , and this will bo especially truoofthls
congress when the democrats nro determined
at this tlnia to create so many deficiencies. "
he Mull hcillco.
Responding to Senator Paddock's request
for nn Increased mall service between Cul-
borUon nnd Wnunota the second a < slstmt
po tmuster eonoral writes us follows : "Tho
deficiency for railroad transportation for the
last llseal year , amounting to more than
$ .100,000 , has not boon nrovidod for nnd be
sides the house commlttoo has cut tuoostl-
tnntos for next year $ .VX > ,000. The amount It
proposed to appropriate lor railroad service
next year Is really loss than the visible cost
of the service nt this tlmo. This is , however ,
not the most serious part of the case ns wo
can , 1 tnlco It , nuthorl/o railroad service , do-
pondlniron the dollcioncy being made good
omo tlmo.
"That which embarrasses ns Is the pro
viding of mail messengers nnd the very route
you nro now urging is ono in point. On
March ill the cost of this service was $ lli'- (
000. The honso has gxod Its appropriation
for mail messenger service for thu next year
nt 81,100,000. That Is f5 ) ,00i ) loss than the
cost ot the service on March ill of this
year. VVo canuot contract for this service
boyoml our appropriation and if the $1,100-
000 stands wo shall on July 1 have to cut oIT
$53.000 , which moans to tut off railroad ser
vice involving mall messengers nnd , worst
of all , be powerless to put on any now service
next year. 1 have ncquaintod the chairman
of the house pnstofllca committee with the
facts ns I hero stale them und it will rest
\vith congress to determine how far they
doslro this bureau to conduct its transpottn-
tlou without money to pay for Dotting the
mails between railroad stations and the post-
oil ! cos. "
, Assistant Secretary Chandler of the Inter
ior department has written Senator Paddock
that the last payment of 5 per cent Interest
for the sala of public lands to the state of
Nebraska was Juno DO , Ibb'J ; that tno amount
duo the state on Juno 30 , Ib'Jl , was fJO.OU ,
nnd un to December 31 last , approximately
$55,704. This former amount has boon certi
fied to thu Treasury department for pay
Today Assistant Secretary Chandler over
ruled the application of Henry S. P. Warren
from Mitchell , S. D , , for the revocation of a
doparlmcnt decision of January U , IS'Jl ' , can
culling his pre-emption entry und thu adverse
verso decision of the commissioner will
W. U. Garrottsou of Knoxvlllo , In. , is at
the A met lean.
I. H. lltes of LUtlo Fulls , S. D. , is at the
C. S. Mason of Iowa is at the Wlllards.
Captain Laird of Omaha U In the city vis
iting i datives ,
J. W. Love of Fremont , nt present United
States consul at San Salvador , Is In the city
on his way to his post of duty. Ho sails from
Now York on the 30th inst.
Senator Wilson today introduced n bill to
remove the charge of desertion ngainst the
military record of Pronttco Holmes of Iowa.
P. S. H.
Western 1'oiisimn.
WASHINGTON- . C. , April 2U. [ Special
Telegram to Tun B E. ] The following list
of pensions granted is reported by Tun BEK
and Examiner Bureau of Claims :
Nooiaska : Original Uobcrt F. Scott ,
Samuel Thompson , W. Greene , William W.
Humphreys , Joseph Stockhnm , Hiram Hob-
Hjard , Marlon M. Clough , Oliver Ward ,
Simon Focklor , August Kohn , Adam H. Llu-
vlllo , Origin Frost. Additional John Munt ,
Augustus Eckhardt , Edward Watklns , Ca
leb H. Fleuglo , Franz Plot. Increase Gus-
tavus A. Springer.
1 Iowa : Original Charles Bower , Jacob
W. Shoocrafc , Samuel A. McDonald , John
' K. Hawk , William Woods , Aaron M. L.ooinis ,
Clldoon Miller , William Fitzgerald , Frank
i Thompson , William J. Carroll. Matthias
' Marty , Ullns J. StephensHorace J. Bennett ,
Hobort Uiavcs , Jeremiah Hougn , William A.
iMcNuughton. Additional Wurrlck H.
TKos8 , fanmuol W. Wade , Samuel H. Phillips ,
Georco W. fioyor. Incieaso John Wild ,
Thomas W. Busby , Howurd Gordon , John J.
TiDbets , James H. Horvoy. Uoissuo James
F. Smith , Lynmn Clark. Oilgiunl widows ,
etc. Uobocku Gorhart.
South Dakota : Ortginul Benjamin F.
Wright. William G. Kcoso.Cbnrles C. Noyos ,
James W. Stipe , Ell Davis , William Boyco.
Additional John M. West. Inoroaao
Wnltur Kennedy , James T. Sargent , George
1C. Bartlett. Original widows , oto. Mary
13. Hall , Elizabeth Williams , mother.
Republican primaries this afternoon , 12 to
f o'clock.
W. A. Jlydo U ml Other IVoplo' * Cmh to
Keep 111 the Swim.
Another young man has gone wrong. Ills
name u W. A. Hyde , and ha was for several
months tha Omaha agent of the Northwost-
9va Distributing agency. Ho got to trotting
a pretty last gait , and his salaryjwas not big
enough to icotp it up. Monday night ho dis
appeared , HU employer , A. C. Kauisden of
St. Paul , reached town tno following morn
ing nnd boifnu to investigate his affairs.
Mr. Hamsdcn hires the right to place racks
In hotels and other publlo places , and
bis business is to Keep those supplied
with railroad folders or other advertising
matter , for which ho makes a charge. Ho
alleges tnut Hyde absorbed the revenue of
the oOlco nnd loft bills unpaid. Tim ofllco
furniture in the First National bank build *
ing was mortgaged to Deb Wells , but ha dis
covered that a Dill of sale had already beun
given to another party , llydo negotiated
with Tom Mulvlhill for a half Interest la the
business , and exhibited a letter pretending
to authorize him to make the halo. The let
ter heads of the agency boru a line stating
that remittances should bo mudo to the St.
Paul ofllci- , but HOUIU of the stationery found
in the Omaha oftlco had thatlluo crossed out.
Tbo books wore found by Uamsdon to bo in
a muddle. Ho estimates bis loss at sovorul
bundled dollars.
TOI.KDO , Inwa , April 0. 1801.
Dr. J , U. Moore , Door Sir ; & \y \ wlfo hn
' lined about ix bottloi of your 1'roa of Llo ( ,
and tbuilu ttiat nho has rocolvoil grantor ben'
oflt ( rum It than any nioulclno alio tins over
UUcn. Yours truly , U H , HUFKIX.
Oen'l Auont out ! Troas. West ColloKO
1 Blnco roceivln ? the above testimonial , 1 urn
in receipt of a letter and check from tbo Uev.
.Lt. II Hufklnof Toledo , Iowa , April'A to
. " end Hov. J.V. . Konworthv , Crostlino , KBU-
. < a tai , sis bottles of Mooro's Troa of Ufa ,
L'ov sale by all drugpUts.
Reuubllcau primaries this afternoon , VJ to
V o'clock.
V. 91. I. Vnitll I'luii.
A vocal class has recently been added to
many features of tbo V. M. I. and it Is meet
ing with marked success. The director , Mr.
Joseph Ulttor , is hlfthlv pleased with the beginning -
ginning and predicts In tbo near future an-
othur line vocal organization for Oniahn. A
ladles auxiliary will bo added soon. There
nro more who \vould perhaps like to Join , but
they inuit attend at the next meeting , tomor
row evening tbat they may not retard these
already In It.
Your lllnod
Undoubtedly needs n thorough cleansing thli
season to expel Impurities , hoop up the
health tone and urovont disease. You should
toke Hood's Sarsapnrilla , the best blood
purifier nnd system tonic. It is unequaled
in positive medicinal merit.
Hood's Pill * are purely vegetable , per
fectly harmless , effective , but do not causa
pain or gripe. Bo sure and get Hood's.
Republican pnmarlos this afternoon , 1'J to
7 o'clock.
Dr Birnoy cures catarrh. Uii2 : bidfj
Itciii1)llcnn | 1'rlmnrlcxJ Will Ho llrlil Toilny
from 13 M. In 7 P. M.
Are you a republican elector In Omaha or
Douglas county ?
If so the following facts will bo of Interest :
Under the rules adopted by the republican
county central committee the ward ragUtrn-
tlon lUts nro posted in the county republican
headquarters for llvo days Immediately pre
ceding the primaries. Any republican 10-
Hiding In tbo city or county , who Is n quail-
Hod elector , and whoso nnmo has been
omitted , may apply to the secretary
or other odlcer of the county committee and
have his nnmo properly placed on tuo rcgis-
trillion lists.
The primary election will bo held this
afternoon , Anrll 21 , Poll open at 1- and
clo o at T p. m.
The polling plnces are as follows :
First Warn ntovcnth and I'iorco streets.
Second Ward Sixteenth and Williams
Third Ward 114 Nortn Twelfth street.
Fourth Ward : iH South Fifteenth stroot.
Fifth Ward 1S1I ) bhormnn nvenuo.
Sixth Ward Twenty-fourth and LaUo
Seventh Wnrd1212 P.nk avenue.
Eighth \Votd-21orCurnlnK street.
Ninth Wnrd Twenty-ninth nnd Furnam
In nil other prcclncU nt the sumo place as
held last vcar unless changed by the
nuthoiity of the members of the comiuittoo
for the several precincts.
The republican piimnry election will ho
covornod by the rules adopted by the ropub
lean county central committee of Douglas
In what \\ard do you votol The ward
boundaries nro as follows :
The First ward Is bounded on the north by
ncUson street , on ho south by city limits ,
n tbo east uy the tiver , on the west by
Thirteenth street.
Tno Second ward Is bounded on the north
bv Loivnworth street , south by cltv limits ,
ail by Thirteenth street , west by Twonty-
ourth atreot.
The Third ward Is bounded on the north
bv Cnsi stroot. south bv Jackson atirot , east
by the river , wust by Fifteenth street.
The Fourth ward Is bounded on the north
by Chic.iiro street , south oy Loavcnworth ,
east by Fifteenth , west by Twenty-eighth
troot nnd Twenty-seventh avenue.
The Fifth ward Is bounded on the north
by the city limits , south by Cuss , east by cltv
"Units and west by Nineteenth and Twontl
otb stieots.
The blxth ward is ooundod on the north
by city limits , south hy Seward , east by
Twentieth , west by city limits.
The Seventh ward is bounded on tno north
oy Leavonworth , east by Twentieth , south
and west by city limits.
The Eighth ward U bounded on the north
Dy Seward , south by Chicago , east by Nineteenth -
toonth , west by Thirtieth street.
The Ninth ward is bounded on the north
by Sewnrd , south by Loavonwortn , , east by
n brolton Hue along Twenty-eighth street ,
Twenty-ninth avenue and Thirtieth stieot ,
and on the west by city limits.
The polls open at noon Thursday , April 21.
Vote oarly.
'Lnto to bed and oaily to rise -.vlll shorten
the rend to vour home in tno shies. " But
caily to bed and a "Little Early UUor , " the
oil ! that makes life longer and batter and
Republican primaries this afternoon , 12 to
7 .o'cloclt.
le.idliigs of hoiiui of the Defendants Ms
of the Dlsiiilssuil.
Tbo tlmo and attention of the crlmina
court was monopoli/od by Assistant Cltv At
torney Cornish ycsterdny , who was on hand
to dispose of the criminal cases that hat
been appealed from police court.
Pat Ford , jr. , charged with having raised
row In a saloon and belabored John Hanson
over the head with a beer glass , uas lined $0
and costs. Another cnso of tlio same cnarac
tor against Fold was dismissed.
James W. Reynolds , who was charged wit
having put his wlfn out of doors and thoi
kaockod her down , was fined t-00 und costs ii
the lower court In the district court th
wlfo refused to prosccuto. The cnso was dig
missed and tno costs taxed against Mr. Hoy'
For having engaged In a fight which dls
turbed the good order of the city , Dai
Uoisor was oskcn to pay nil the court cost :
which had been incurred.
B A. Lonvonworth , for having violate
the building ordinance was fined the costs
of prosecution nnd the case was stricken
from the docicct.
There was an Infoimation which chnrgoi
that George Gilbert had foueht with sera
person unknown to nny of the court ofllclals
but as that unknown person failed to apooa
und prosecute , nn order of dismissal wa
George K. Davis and Fred Ahrons wcr
charged with having boon the operators o
a disorderly house , but ns the wltnesso :
against them had disappeared , the cute wai
Some tlmo ago Sol Nugent was convlctoi
in the polled court of petit larceny. Th.
case was anpua'.ou and thereafter Sol died
The case was dismissed and a bar to furtho
proceedings was entered upon the journal.
Charles Wrath had boon by Judge Uork :
adjudged guilty of being an intnato of i
house of prostitution , but as no person couli
bo found who had snen him under the roe
of tbat house , the case was dismissed an
Charles wont away a f roe and happy man.
Then the following caaiu wore called am
the defendants in each were to told to g
hence , as they were free :
John Stubou , tmullne garbaao without
license ; Fred W. Smith vagrancy ; So
Mot/nor , petit larceny ; Jim .Marshall , dis
turbing the pence ; .losslo Summorschamp-
kmvor , fighting ; John Morrlsoy , assault and
battery ; Al Cole , J. H. Hayilon , ( Sort Mc
Coy nnd John Doe , vagrancy ; Jerry Clifton ,
Indecent conduct ; Jacob Schusubery , main
taining a nulsiincn.
The case against Jumos Callatmn , charg
ing that ho fought , was continued until the
next term.
Attorney Cornish announced that there
were no other criminal cases in which the
city wnt a pirty that would bo callad at this
term of court.
Mrs , Wlnslow's Sootblnir Syrup is nn unex
celled medicine fnr children while toothing.
25 conU a bottle.
Republican primaries this afternoon , 12 to
7 o'clock.
Mr. Ulxou Will not Step Into Kturnlty
I'riuii thu I'oatolllito Mir.
Superintendent Uolndorff received a telegram , -
gram from O. L. Spaulding , acting secretary
of the treasury , stating that United States
Marshal Slaughter could not hang Dlxon on
the postofllco block without first getting an
order to do so from tuo attorney general. If
that ofllcial to ordered It , all well and good ,
otherwise the superintendent'would see that
no Killowi was erected on blooU SO.
Marshal Slaughter , however , is not lookIng -
Ing for a site for his stockade Just at present ,
as it is regarded as probable that the court
house grounds will not bo n aln refused.
What the marshal is chiefly interested in
juat at present in in re'eivtng official con
tinuation of DiAon's roplto. Ho has tolo.
graphed the attorney guunrul , and if u reply
U not soon forthcoming will address a inoj-
sago direct to President Harrison.
Republican primaries this afternoon ' 13 to
7 o'clock ,
' < 1
$ ± © . 75 , "Woxtlb.
We have fifty styles of Decorated China Dinner Sets full dinner sets that we want to close out ; all
assorted decorations ; just as good styles as we will be able to purchase again , but we want to change
often , and have reduced them to $19.75 ; worth $30.00.
Garden Rakes , SOc.
Garden Hoes SOc to 4Oc.
Flower Tools , set SOc.
Spades and Shovels , 3Oc.
decorated in
Bedroom Toilet sets elaborately
12-piece English
Wringers , $1.75.
three colors , on sale tomorrow at $4 ; worth $6.50. Tubs , 4Oc , BOc and GOe.
Clothes Lines , lOc.
Wash Boards , 28c.
A. complete assortment of all kinds of agate \varo dishes
Complete stock of every kind of dishes , in plain
Beautifully decorated , just like the cut , twelve tinware , rctinaedvaro , 'japanned ware , copper and
pieces , $9.78 ; worth $12.OO. brass Everything goods , for wood your and dining willow loom waio or , kitchon. galvanized ware.
Captain E. S. Hayes Selected to Succeed
Sidney Dillon as President.
Dillon Will IIu Itotnlnvil us Director IIow
the CliHiico Was UroiiKlit About
Mr. Cl.irk May Stay
The New President.
Authorltatlvo dispatclios from Now York
received at noon yesterday make a positive
announcement ot a chungo in the Union
Pacillo mnuagomcnt.
They say that President Sidney Dilloa
will bo retired at the annual election
of the Unlou Pacific Railway company and
thai unlosa obstacles present thom olvo' '
which do not now appear , Captain Uichards
Somers Hayes will b3 elected In his stead.
At the sugeostion of General Oranvlllo
M. Dodge the oulco was offered to Captain
Haves and ho has consented to assume its
Messrs. Jay Gould and Russell Sago will
ho dropped from the board of directors ,
and Mr. Dillon retained only as a concession
to bis IOUR services to the company. A sug
gestion that the place of chairman of the
ooard bo created for him , was not favorably
considered by the people who will represent
the controlling interest.
Thorn was a consultation yesterday in I3os-
ton between General Manager and Vlco
President S. S. H. Ulirlt. Mr. Pioderlck L.
Amrs nnd Mr. Bossovaln , who represents
largo foreign holders. It Is possible that this
will result la au agreement to continue Mr.
Giant's connection with the company upon
condition that ha resign his pontlou as gen
eral mannKor of the Missouri Paelflo rail
way , which it is said , ho has expressed a
willingness to do.
The Now York Sun yesterday has this
to say : ' "Those changes will bo brought
about by a combination of foreign holdings
with American stockholders who doslro a
uhango of management and the movement is
said to have thu npprouatlon of Mr. J. Pler-
peat Morgan. Mr. Bossovaln Is understood
to have proxies for about 200,000 shares ,
about one-third of the capital stock. The
stoolc interest of the Gould party is about
30,000 shares as nearly as can be ascertained ,
and they also hold about fcO.OOD.OOO of the col
lateral trust notes. There will bo no effort
made bv Mr. Gould nor Mr. Sago
to thwart tbo purposes of the advoiso party
and Mr. George Gould salu last night that
his father was oatiraly satisfied tolcavo those
gentlemen to wrestle with tbo problem.
"Mr. liussoll Sago said : 'I was aware that
there naa boon talk of olTorini ; the presidency
of the company to Captain Haves bull do
not want to bollovo that such an insnno
scheme as that of tailing from Mr , Gould a
voice in the raanngotnont in the company will
really ba carried out. Ho stood Dy the company -
pany when It | jwa in sere llannclal
straits and it will bo thn greatest
folly to put Iti affairs in other hands at this
time. 1 joined him in advancing money to
pay off the floating debt and Imvo still the
collateral trust notes that represent rnv ad
vances. Ho has , I bollovo , sold only enough
of Ills notes to rolmburso him for the starling
loan of * J7OOU,000 which ho took up. It tcouis
wonderful to mo that a man could ba found
with rourago to assume the responsibilities
that will attach to the office of provident of
the Union Pacific Hallway company for so mo
years to coino. "
Captain 1C. S. Hayes has boon cnnnoctml
fc fc lmmJ" * ORE * * * * ,
CUBES fsotant AND I'EnaANEtrrLV
Lumbago , Headache , Toothache ,
Bozo Tlirtmt , Swellings ,
Z9 CJ ZfiL "i" X C * .ex. |
Sprains , Prulno * . Unrm , Scalclt.
with railroads since ho entered the shops of
the Pennsylvania railroad at Altoona in order
to learn the rudiments of the urofossion. In
1S70 ho was tnppomted * by Gnu oral Dodce
chief engineoi- the Texas & Pucifio rail
way , then building , and afterwards ncld , a
like position with the International & Great
Northern. Ho was tor a number of years
first vlco president of what was known as
Mr. Gould's Southwestern system. In 1SSU
ho was elected prosidnnt of the St. Paul &
Duluth Uallroad company , where ho re
mained until November , Ibi4. Then ho was
elected to the olllto ho now holds as presi
dent of the Now York nnd Northern Kail-
road company. Captain Hayes is about 50
years of age and is regarded as an able rail
road man.
An.Omaha official closely associated with
General Manager Clark says that when tha
latter loft Omaha for St. Louis ho had no
intention of goinc soon to Now York. Mr.
Clone was called east almost immedi
ately , however , and the Omaha official an
nounced yesterday that there would Do a
change In the Union Pacllio management ,
Ho also stated that tbo faction
which had now secured control of
the property had called Mr , Clark
east in order to urge him to remain at the
bead of the operating department. If ho con
sents to continue as gnwral manager of the
Union Pacific in the oyent of tlio change of
management ho will hnvo to sever his con
nection with Jay ( Jould and the Missouri Pa
cific. Such a change would bring Mr. Clark
bacic to Omaha , but the ofllcial who volun
teered the information says it is doubtful if
ho will accept such a proposition. His posi
tion with the Missouri Pioiflo is secure ,
while n connection with the Union Pacific is
liable to bo broken at any annual upheaval.
Dnnvor-Omsilm survlrn.
Tlio Burlington has completed the tlmo
caid for its fast passenger service bobwoaa
Omaha nnd Denver , which will go into effect
next Sunday. The train now running bo-
twfon Chicago nnd McCook will bo oxlondod
to Denver and the tlmo quickened. Loaviug
Chicago at 10:31 : p. m. as at nrosont , it will
leave Omaha at4:40 : the next aftc-iioon instead -
stead of 7:10 : , Lincoln at OjJJO , and roach Dan-
vorat"a.m. : | The 4roturn train will leave
Denver at 9 : a. in. , Lincoln at 10:20 the
same night and Omaha at 11:59 : p. m. , reaching -
ing Chicago at 2:15 : thonoxt afternoon. Tbero
will bo a now train boUveeu Omaha and
Hastings to accommodate local travel. It
will IMVO tills city at 0:59 : p. m. , Lincoln at
8:00 : and roach Hastings at 123 ; > a , in , Re
turning It will leave Hastings at 10:1.1 : a. m. ,
reach Lincoln at 1:55 in tlmo to connect with
the llyor nnd Ho over tboro until 4.-n , reachIng -
Ing Omaha at G:3 : p. m. The other chances
are slight. The east bound flyer will stop In
Omaha forty minutes instead of twenty-live ,
leaving at 4.-45 p. m. Instead nt 4:30 : ,
I'rtr Cuttln Country Nairn.
The Elkhorti has sent fc'toloeraph operator
to Douglas , VVyo , to lldhtllo newspaper dis
patches. The telegraph line between Douglas -
glas and Buffalo Is icaown as the Wyoming
Inland , and it is said tc bo [ n such pad con
dition that breaks are fttquont even In good
weather. Telegraphers oVer that It has boon
repaired In souia places with fonca wire ,
The Klkhorn rnporU fourteen Inches of snow
south of Crawford , andj.ho Union Pacific ad
vices Indicate thirtotm iiichoi in Wyoming
with a blk/ard raging. ' Buffalo is cut oIT
from tbo outsldo world1" ] nnd the fa to of the
soldiers who started overland for Douglas is
entirely a matter of speculation ,
Republican primaries ihU afternoon , 13 to
7 o'clock. " > ' '
A disewBO , trentodjdfiBuoh and porraa-
nontly cured. No publicity. No inllriu-
nry. Ilomo treatment. Hurralosa and
ofloctual. llofor by permission to Bur
lington Huwkoyo. Send 2o stamp for
pamphlet Shoko < iuon Chemical Co. ,
Burlington , la.
V. P. h. C , K ,
Concert at Kountze Memorial Luthoron
churcn , corner Sixteenth and Harnoy streets ,
Thursday evening April il , by the follo\vlng
talent : ?
Miss Nettio Havarley , pianist ; Miss Clara
Clarkson. nopruna ; MUi Anna Bishop , onu-
tralto ; Miss Orio urown , rocltor ; Mr. J. M.
Treynor , tenor ; tbo Oraana Quartette.
Moasra. Kouffman , Marshall , Taylor and
McEwIng , Mr. W. S. Marshall , accompanist.
Tested by Time. For Bronchial affections ,
coughs , etc. , Brown's Uroncoial Trocbos
have proved their cflleaoy by a , test of uauy
yours. Prico. ' . ' 5 cents.
Hoard of Kilucntloii Coiiunlttru i'roposos
So\ornl Improvement3imljvii'iilltiiro.i. |
The Board ot Education commlttoo on
buildings nnd property mot yesterday
and instructed the superintendent of bu ild-
iugs to finish the plank walks at the iCollom
school according to the plans and sketch
submitted by him.
The superintendent of buildings wa aho
Instructed to secure the lowest bid of the
local iron grating manufacturers and have
now gratings at oucu placed In position at
the Pacific school.
The committee decided to report that a
play ground at the Itollom school could bo
prepared at , u cost not exceeding 2 cants per
square yard , and authorized the superintend
ent of buildings to obtain bids for placing
gravel upon the west sldo of the grounds as
an experiment to guido future similar work
on tha various school sites.
Tner will also report in ravorof purchasing
the Barker and Dai ling lots at the price pro
posed , 812,500 , to furnish additional ground
at the Hartman school , where a now build
ing U to bo erected. The lots give a frontage
of over 200 feet on Fifteenth street , directly
abutting on the present Sixteenth strootsito ,
and will admit of the erection of the new
building without moving any of thoao now
thcro , thereby saving the rent of ton or
twelve additional rooms for nearly a year.
Tbo report of the superintendent
of buildings regarding the poor con
dition in which the blackboard walls
at the Kollom school wcro left by
the plastcior was considered , and the
committee ) decided that the cost of placing
them In shape to receive the slating should
bo charged back to the plasterer.
They will iccomincnd renting an addi
tional room for the Pacific school at a
monthly rental not to oxcued $2. ; .
Mr. A. B. Laforme. Boston , Mass. , says :
I orduiod and distributed onu do nn largo
bottles Bradyciotino among my friends af-
tllctcd with hondauhe and In ovorv ccso it
has afforded almost Instantaneous relief.
Republican primaries thU aftcinoon , 13 to
7 o'clock.
Dr. Blrnoy , nose und throat. Boo hldg
Civil HcrUcu Kxntnln.illons.
The semi-annual examination of applicants
for positions in all departments of the civil
service will bo hold in the district courtroom
In the federal building today. Seventy-
live applicants will take tno examination ,
which will be conducted by Spoclal Exam
iner Covell , who will coma from \Vasblngtou
for that purpose.
On Friday fifty applicants will bo exam
ined for appointment in the railway mall
Dowltt's Sarsaparnia cle.insoj the blood ,
Ono Titm lor tlio Kotinil Trip.
Fo1 ; the accommodation of tlioso desir
ing to visit at pointd cast of , in the vi
cinity of , or ut Omaha in May durint'
the session of the Methodist General
Conference , the Union Pacific will sell
tickoU to Oinalm and return at one faro
lor the round trip. Tickets on suto
April " 8 to 30 inclusive , limited to Juno
1 , 1602.
L > 'or any additional Informatlpn apply
to your nearebt agent U. P. system.
JCortred wilha Taileleii andrSolubi7coIllng ,
' '
antldots for Weuk
fttonmcli , f.
Stliatoba eipecltlljr tfllciclout and riuiedul
t Ot all druReiats. Prlco a. % conn a box ,
Mow York. Deixit. Mi L'AUnl HI.
Dress Challis 3 l-2c
The kind you usually get for loc.
Striped Seersucker
IIiivo boon 12jo. Next two
days GJc.
Dress Prints
The same qttulity usually sold
nt 7o.
Boys' Iron Clad
Bicycle Hose
Fait blnrk , double kncos , heels
anil tees , all bi/c' * . the uostuluo
to bo got tiny where.
Nurses' caps , 25o up to 60c.
Ladies' Openwork
_ _ .
Oqlors light blue , pink , imvv , brown nntl lilnok ; have been $1.73
and $2 : to soil the lot in ono day wo have niai'Kud thoni fiOc.
Ladies' Taffeta
Shades , tans , browns and grays ; formerly G5c , this woolt only
35c a ] > air.
Silk Mull Hats
Cream and blaolc only , worth
Lisle Gloves
Black and colors , have been
25c pair.
Mmlo of pure whlto Kpyptlnn
llslo thread , ribbon trimmed
necks ; special price for 'riiurs-
day , 2.5c. *
Maids' caps , 2" c up to flOc.
Embroidered , our SOc quality ,
this week ! ? 5o each.
100 , 10 inches square , the
htamping alone is worth $1.
Suede Gloves
8 inch , mousquotuiro , colors ,
tans , browns , grays , etc. : in all
sues ; good value for $2.
Sweeping Caps , 25c.
Send for our Now Illustrated
Spring and Summer Catalogue.
iircNTioN : i UOM IIUSINI > S , wnucunu
YOU TO ovnu i.roi PATIINTA : invesue.aa
our rnothoil.Vrlttnn mi ir intoo to nbsolntoly
euro till kinds of KUlTUHi ; of both soxos.
without tlin use of knife or byrlngu , no mut
ter of how long htundliu.
The 0 , E. Miller Company ,
307-30S X. Y. Life Building , Omaha , Neb.
Offices Ii > nvor. Colo. ; C'lilcao. III. : St.
Louis , Mo j Detroit. Mich. ; Mllw.uikoaVls. . ;
les Slolnos , la. : Hultljiko Olty , Utih ; 1'ort-
laiui. Ore. : Ilntto , Munt.
A now nnil Complota Tro-ituumt , couuUtlnt ; of
fiU ] > po ttorlC3 , Olntiiiont lu Capsule ) alto la lloi
onai'ilb ] a I'usltlvo Curj tor Kxtoriint , Internal
Illlnd or Uloo < llo lioliln.Clironlo , lloconi or
Heredltnry I'Mu-j This Itumodr li.ii nuror baan
known tofall. ( I pur bar. ' ) furii ; unt hj nmll ,
Why suitor from tliU torrlbla illaanj whou.i written -
ten inmrdiuoo u pojliivoly u\vaii \ wltli i > Inoi or
refund tlio raonuy 1C nut enrol HonJ Unu tor
( reo Uamplo. UuaraiUoa Imual by ICului \ Co ,
UruagltU , bula Auuau , conur ISL'i iuU Duunlii
BtruutJ. Uinntiu NUD
will stop a Cough in ono
chcclc a Cold in a day , and CUHE ;
Conoumptlon if taUcn in time. !
Us3 It Pronpily. j
A 325 cent
bottle may ;
\savo their ;
livu.i. As It ;
. ' ' ' ' - - I
P'U'RE 'P.-N- .
Dr. Acker's English Pills :
Rinull , piro.iinl , u fuvorltc vtltli Ibc ludlei. -
W II , HOOICEIt CO , 18 West Jlroailwsjr , H. Y , ;
For Bale by Kulin & Co. nnd Sherman
&McConnol | , Omahi * .
National Bank.
Capital. . . . , . . . . $100,000
Kill-plus. . . , . tJIj)0 ( ! )
Officer * nndDirector ! HairW Vfttoi.ptnl lut
It ( ! ru ! iluif ilcj pratlUnl Ud Slmtloj. W V
Morse , Julnid Colllui , J N II l'alrlo < Livrh A
llcuJ. Caiblor.
OK ran
114 rcnlli IMIiStroot ,
Noxtt u l > asti > flio. ! ? Omaha.
Pi'actical Opticians
Ann branch of world rcnnnnoit optlcnl o t iillili-
mttitnf A. \loa.V ( ! . HI Joints Our uietlind It
luporlar to nil otliort ; our lenie * tire nuperlor : wll !
pot woiirx or Hip tl.a afot. Thi ) truuim properly d-
laiteil to tbo favo
Eyes Tested Free of Charge.
Prices Low for First-class Goods.
JII'NT , itepuclDo for HyBtorln , lll lne < i , Hn , Nnu.
rnliilu , HomlHchu Nurvoiin I'rpvtrntun cuusu I b/
nlioliulnr luljacci ) Wnkufulnum , Muntnl IMprus-
lun , notnus uf tlio llrulii. Lauilny lN iinltr , inliorr ,
rtK-iy.iluath , 1'rumature Old Ate , Ilurrunuii , l.un
of 1'owur In rlllicr > ox , Iiupatonajr. Ixiucurrbeu nn \
all loriia'o NYi'iiknonnuH , luvuluntarr Imwt , Hpur *
luntiirrhoa caimodir nvor unurllou of tha bruin ,
hell aliuneurur Iniluluenco. A month1 * irtmtinunt
IIIIfur 13 , liy until. WvKiiarantuoilx bmiu tocurci
l.ucli order for H buxut , with H will soinl wrlUim
Ktiiirantvoto refund If not curtMl fjuaruiitou Uiiuud
by Uuiidumii OrujjCo UII ) tarliuui bt. , Jtnulm
Dr , Bailey , $ [
The Loading
Dentist '
Third Kloar , Paxton Jlloa'c
Toli-phono 1085 , Kith mid rurnam Sts.
A full tut of tcctli on rubburfor fi I'urfoct lit
Tt-utli wltliuiit plalut or reiuovablu brldxo wurk
Junt ll > llilnu fur ( Incur * or imbllo iie kur , uuvur
All lining at rcjiunub'o rate , ull work arr uto4
ut tUU uui fur uxuUlo