THE OMAHA PAIL ? BEE : .XI1UKSDAY , APRIL 21. 1892. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNClli BLUPFa , \ OFFICE : - NO. 12 I'EAHL STREET. t eihtml ly Corrlrr totiny paitof the City II. W. T1I.TON , MANAGER. Utii'nois Offlco . No 41 n Lr.i | ; , | ltor . .NO.M MlMIlt .1fi N Y. Plumbing Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coa\ \ . Trail's chattel loans. 201 Sapp blocx. DLIly camn. Koynl Neighbor * ot America , will t'ncot this afternoon. Born , Tuesday night , to Mr. and Mrs. ll. A. Haliinger , a daughter. Steve nnu cord wooa dry. Tor sale at Thatcher's , 10 Main street. The next meeting of the Dodge Light Guard will bo next Monday evening. A marriage license \\as Issued ycsletdny to Frank Case act ! Maggie Kuck , both of Council Bluffs. The younif ladles of C. G. Saundnr * ' Sun day school class will given Japanese social tomorrow evening In Hughes' building. The Laities' Aid society of the Uoronn Baptist church will moot this afterncon at the residence of Mrs. T. F. Thlekstuu , TU1 Willow avenue. Harmony chapter No.2.r , Order of the Knstern Star , meets in regular session this evening at iNIasonlo tomplo. Visiting mem bers cordially Invited. A children's dancing party will bo given In Chambers' dancing noadomv a week from Saturday evening. Prizes will oo awarded to the most graceful dancers. A meeting of lodito No. 52 , Knights of J'vthlas , will Lo held this evening for the purpose of making arrangements for the funeral of Charles Barghauson. Ucv. F. L. Haydcn Is to be ordained to tbo Prcsbytorlnn ministry a wcok from next Monday at Avuea. Hov. Stephen Phdps of this city will preach the ordination sermon. Frank Miller , n colored citizen , was given thirty dnys m the county Jail yesterday morning for vagrancy. Ho was charged in the first place with burglary , but the prose cuting witness fulled to make a case against him. him.Tlio Tlio Olivotto circle povo n club dance last evening In Hughes' ball In celebration of the opening of the season. It was well attended In splto of the unfavorable weathur , and the ( lancing was enjoyed until a late hour. Re freshments were served. A horse bolonulng to a man named Sulli van slipped ana fell yesterday morning while trying to make a sharp turn at the corner of Franklin avenue and Plerco street. It fell striking Its bean acninst the curb stone with such force ns to break its neck. Ualph Simpson , the Janilor of the Wash ington avenue school building , was presented with a fine onsy chair yesterday by the teachers of the buildinp , as a testimonial of regard. Mr. Simpson has been Jinitor of tbo building ever since-it was erected. The management of the Council Bluffs Base Ball club has signed D. U. Hughoy , the famous llttlo pitcher who pitched for the West Hnds of the Chicago City league. With Hutrnes , CummingH and Nicoll as pitchers the Bluffs team will make n rccoid. The Illufts team will open the season about May 1. J. A. Murphy and J. N. Baldwin nro made defendants in a suit whicb was commenced in tbo superior court yesterday by the ImllumipoIIs Terra Cottn company to recover < 1" > 0 claimed to bo due ami unpaid lor the terra col to work on the Baldwin block in thU citv. A mechanic's lieu is demanded ou the building. Notwithstanding the impression given by the wording of the application of S. Hurter to the superior court for tbo appointment of n receiver to wind un the bniinois of the Ogdcn livery stable , there is only the usst ot feeling bclween him and his partner. J. C. Colo. Both dcMro to sell , nnd the terms will bo arranged without the uiii of the court. The Chautauqun manatrers have secured Mrs. Nc-plo Bnngs-Suelton of Chicago as pla'iist for tbo com in assembly. Mrs. Skel- ton is well known in this cHy nnd in Omaha , where she has the reputation of being one of the best pianists that has over visited the twin cities. She will appear as soloist at a number of thu concerts aud will also aet as accompanist. George \Vhito & Co. of DCS Moincs yester day commenced suit in the district court against K. M. Ustoi , the Noola merchant , to recover $17' ' ) 17 alleged to bo due for goods sold and deliverod. A writ of attachment was issued and the piopcrty of the defend- But was levied upon by a deputy EherilT. McCorcl. Brady & Co. also commenced an at tachment suit for 3IS7.U3. The dispute between W. A. McMillen nnd W. C. .lames over the repairs on the Jumes building on Pearl street , which led not long ago to a p wonnl encounter between them , is to have an alnne in the courts nf Justice. MeMillen commenced n suit In the superior court yesterday In which ho do- miinas a Judgment for $17.\ the amount which ho claims Is btlll duo nud unpaid for the repairs. .At llio annual meeting of the Young Men's Christian association , which is to bo hold In the First i'resln loilnn church next Sundav evoninp1 , the directors have decided to make n now departure , and will malto no olTort to raise funds ns has been the custom hereto fore. This announcement Is made by them in order that no nno may bo kept away by tbo fear of being called upon to coutrlouto lethe the association. The Pottawattamlo Democratic a sociation was to have hold n meeting tonight at their now club room in Die James blocic , butowing to the fact that the rooms are not yet com pleted , the meeting has been postponed until the 23th , nt which tlmo the hall \ \ ill bo ready for occupancy. At this meeting the club will name its delegates to the state convention of nubs , anil maico arrangements to attend the national convention. 'Iho following officers have boon chosen for the coming year by tlio newly elected ve'stry of St. ' 'mil's Episcopal church : \Vnroctis , 1) . C. Hloomor and M. Duquette ; socrotnrv , 1 K. H. Odell ; treasurer , W. J , Jamison ; auditor , H. F. Field ; delegates to the diocesan cesan convention , U. C. Bloomer , M. Uu- quntto and A. T. lUco ; finance committee , U. C. Bloomer , A. P. Klco nna J. T. Stewart ; committee on pew renting , S , W. Boslov , W. J. Jamison anil i : . H. Odell. John L. Templuton returned yesterday from Atlantic , tvhoro ho wont to attend a meeting of tlio oflluori of the State Firemen's Tournament association. Great preparations are being made for the oven ? , nnd not only the ofllccrs of the association but thocitlzons of Atlantic as well , nro taking considerable Interest In It , nnd expect to make ll nno of the best tournament : , ever hold In the state , Twimty-ono learns have already onlorod for the races from all parts of tlio btato , Pri/os to tlio amount of $ , ' 1,000 huvo boon offered to the winning teams. The KniKot < .imollm > Stotri Is the now process D.uiglor ; no smoke or odor in lighting or extinguishing ; jioorloBs in economy , durability , sim plicity. Stoves taken from your residence and stored for the euinmor at lowest rates. Shugart & Son , 11 Main street. Jarvis 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best , Are you going to paint ? And did you know that you can save money and gel bettor paints at Davis1 than any other place in thu city ? That's aact , I' I'A it.l C 11A I'll t. Judge N. M. Hubbord of Cedar ItapIJs is In the city attending district court. Gnorgo II. Sulluian , who has been in Si Louis for some tlmo past , has returned to tha BlufU and will it inaito his roiidenoo once moro. Frank A. Conovor and wife left last ovon- Inu for California , where they will reside. At a special meeting of the Board of Under writers of tliis cily u sot of resolutions was cdopicd commending him to Iho favor uf the insurance mon of whatever place ho mav cbooso us bis locution. Rcltor , thotallor , 310 Broadway , has all the latest styles and newest goods. Satisfaction guaranteed. Genuine. Uoek Springs coal at Thatcher's , 10 Main street , always ou baud. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS People Are Tired of the Madison Street Motor That Doesn't ' Motj. KICKING ON THE COMPANY'S POLICY forty.Itto Dollars Stunil In the Wiiy of tilting the Itislilriit * Itclli-r U'linl A > 0. Urali.iiu S.iy "r the hltu.itlan. The resident * of South First and Madison street ? huvo cotno to ttio conclusion that life without n motor line is a barren waste , o - pociully when they have to walk from half ti milo to a mile and a half to their places of business through the mud of n Council UlufTs springtimo. It the motor company has ears to burn , it certainly has not a soul to dumn , they must have been burning at n lively rate during the past few Jnys. When the injunction restraining the company from operating Us lines on South First street was Urst issued by Judge Mctlco everyone supposed that It uould bo only u few dnys until a settlement was agreed upon ana the trains would 1)3 auulii running. Uut the weeks have slid by and the citizens of that part of the city arc. still walking. That part of the line nuvnr has more than paid expenses nt this tlmn of the year , and the company Is accordingly very willing to lot it Ho l-Jlo in order to loach them a lesson. A3 soon as tno park season opens there is but llttlo doubt that the do. sired settlement will bo effected , but the citizens do not feel like waiting for the bios- moment to iirrlvo when they shall got their rights. "When the line was commenced , " said A. C. Graham yesterday , "almost all the prop erty owners on South Firit btreot waived their rif'ht to h.ivo the company pay for the paving of the street in consideration of Its putting the line on our struct. Wo were perfectly willing to do that mucn , for wo knew wo would reap a rich tlnanclal benefit from the Increascil property values. The man who secured the injunction was almost the only property owner on the street who did not waive his right. The amount of his paving was $13 , while mine , which 1 will- lugly gave the company , was over ? "iOO. It is pretty natJ. lo see where I am getting tnuuh benolit out ot that $ .100 outlay now , and the cjuostlon is being askoa wbothor there is not some war for us to bring the company to terms. The claim of ttio company that It Is operating under the charter granted to thu qld Council Blults Street Kailway company nny bo nil right , but ono thing is certain , when I signed away my right to the nay for that paving It was In t'ho interest of the Omaha and Coun cil BlutTs Bridge company. " Mr. Graham is only ono of the kickers who nro to bo numbered liy the score. The resi dents of Madison park , a now addition which was laid out since tha building of the motor line , nro especially inconvenienced , as they nro r.ow fully n mile from the nearest car and are loft practically in the country. Some legal action is likely to bo taken by the dis satisfied ones in the near luturo. HUSTON STOKi:1 * HASTUIl. Tidings of Spring mid Mcompcs tu Council ItltilN 1'roptc. LA DIES' JACKETS yo bhow the largest line of Indies' , misses'and children's jackets ovur shown by us , in all the latest styles , shades and cloth ; ! , including bhiziors , reefers and English ho : < coals. Lilnxiers we start at SI.93. This is a aelcot well worth double the money. In black only. ) At Sli..5 wo show a nice serge uhizior worth SI.50. AtS3.i.5 wo have a nice line of light colors , plain and trimmed , worth $5.00. Reefers wo start at SI.50 in blacks , nnd at 83.00 wo allow a jacket lined throughout , well worth $8.00. At $5.00 wo also have an elegant line of plain , plaid and trimmed jackets in tans and grays. At SO.75 wo have a nice foulo cloth with pearl buttons. CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' JACK ETS. A nice navy bltio jacket trimmed in gilt at $1.25 , worth * iOO. At $2.00 tan tries jackets worth SaOO. At $1150 tans and navy blue , trimmed in gilt. At $ , ' { .50 wo show a nice line ot tans and grays , small checks , worth $5.00. ( Second end Moor. ) CAPES. Our line of capes is the talk of the city and county. AVe have them in tans ( light and' dark ) , salmon , grays and nlaoks trimmed with luco and braid , embroidered in silk with jots , or a nice plain garment for these that don't ad- miio trimming , from S3.GO to Sio.OO. ! Sue our 8r.00 capes , well worth SS.50. All our garments run full length , from 30 to 'iO inches. No old ones in stock ; every garment now. ( Second floor. ) Boston Store , Fothoringham , White- law it Co. , Council Bluffs. Mail orders solicited. _ Conliln'1 I'lnd McLaughlln , Constable Nicholson returned from Omaha yesterday with 13. J. Boll , whom ho went to arrest on the charge of larceny preferred by lr. M. J. Bellinger. Hell consented to como without n requisition , nnd was brought be fore Justice Hummer. Ho took n change of venue to the court of Justice Cones , who llxcd his bond nt $1,000 ana set May ( i as his time for hearing. Hell gave the necessary bonds for his appearance and was dis charged. Nicholson reported that ho was unable to llnd Dr. MuLaughlln , who was wanted on the charge of moving mortgaged goods out of the state. Hell stated that ho saw Me- Laughlm Tuesday noon nt dinner , but thought ho must have gotten a tip some where , ns ho had not seen him since. Hell claims that ho will have no illniculty In showing up tils Innocence of the charge preferred - forrod against him when the case comes up for trial. Ho says the Klkhorn nnd Land company , which ho represents , has neon the solo owner of the property which ho holpoJ to remove over since last July , nud that In moving it to Omaha as ho did , ho acted under the advice of lawyers. The missing property is now In Tlldou , Nob. Don't lii ! : i Drunkard. Road below what ono wcolc of treat ment has done for n well known Council Bluffs inn u who wiw soon at the Blanchard - ard institute , at 555 Broadway , Council BlutTs , yesterday afternoon. Thuro never has boon a failure wharo this treatment is usou , whether the thral dom to bo broken was whisky , opium or tobacco. COUNCIL BLUn1 ? , April 19 , 1692. For the imst twenty years 1 have been a hard drinking man , as my many friends in Council Blull'y well know , it was impos- Bible for mo to pass u biiloon when 1 had the necessary money to buy a drink. I I'ogan taking the treatment at the Blanchard institute on April 12 , and am surprised and gratified tliat I now have no uppotltofor liquor whatever. I sleep well nnd have a good appetite , and am eatisllud that I am oven now entirely cured. This is wholly tinbolk'itod and voluntary. DANIIJL CLANCY. ItcilUtrlctlnt ; tlin Stitte. A circular has boon roceivort from George Greene , adjutant general , announcing tbo Jact that the stuto has been rcdlstrlctoil for military purposes so as to raako four regi ments Instead of six and with twelve com panies in u regiment Instead of eight , as here tofore. The change is In accordance with a law patsod by the legislature at Its sc&slon Just closed amending tbo military code. Hereafter the Dodge Ll ht guard of this city will bo known as company L , Third regi ment , Jotva National Guards. The resigna tions of Colonel C' . V. Mount ana Lieutenant Colonel F. H. West of the old Fifth regiment are accepted , the cornrnlsslouj of all ofllcers and the warrants of non commts- sloncd ofllcrrs are revoked , to take effect April 3 , and the Fifth regiment band sta tioned at Bedford is mustered out. An elec tion is to bo held In the various companies of the state to fill ttio ofllccs of colonel nnd lieutenant colonel , and appoint two majors. 1'ha new Third regiment will Include the fol lowing companies : DCS Molncs ( two com panies ) , Vlillsca , Glcnwood , Indlonola , Shen- amlonti , O kaloosn , Creston , Bedford , Ked Oak , Council Blurts nnd Greenlleld. Wanted Two m6n and two boys. T ) . J. Smith , fruit grower , South 1st street. lie Wonlil DHIIPO. A domestic quarrel caused by the love of n woman for tripping the light fanti.stlc has ripened Into n full-Hedged divorce suit , Thaddous L Miller , who works at the Ogden Iron works , Is the defendant. Ho states that lie nnd his wife , Mary Miller , had a disagree ment some time ago boc.iuso she ran away from homo to go to dances and loft him to cot his own meals and look nftur the chil dren. He told her that such goings on must cease , but she who.nllcd him Into allowing her to go to ) ustona moro dance before she swore oil forever. But when that ono dance was over she did not como b.ick , and although that was seven weeks 050 she is not buck yet. Ho has scon her , however , nnd ootwosn thorn they have agreed that It Is good for man to llvo alone. She bus secured the services of an attorney anil will nllouo cruel nntl in human treattnenton the uartof her nusbaml. She has two chl'dren ' , but Miller states that shu does not want the custody of cither of them. Ho has advertise. ) for n good homo for them in the hopj that they may :4oceivo the care they ought to have. Hotel Gordon , 030 Broadway , has re cently changed hands , and is being thor oughly renovated. Clean bds ; prompt service ; table llrst class. An Old CIMC Ucopclird. The case of H. L. Henry against \Vllllam Hviuu and others occupied the entire day In the district court. The case has already been tried nna\leoido'.l , it having been re ferred to L.V. . Hess as referee ana the final decision of the court having been based nn the findings of the roforoo. The plaintiff is now seeking to have the case reopened , and on ground therefor makes n number of ob jections to the findings of thu referee. John N. Baldwin , one of the attorneys for the plalntiiT , sucnt a largo share of the day Pro nouncing an invcctlvo upon Kofercc Hess , and if it had boon given to a man whoso honesty and integrity was loss well known the object of the roast would nave retired from tlio Held with n saaly battered reputa tion. A number of attoruov.s are still to speak , and it is likely the casa will not bo completed until the latter part of the wcok. Wo have our own vineyards in Callfor nia. Jarvis Wine company , Co. Blurts They Object to Work. Some of the uufuathcreJ pots whom Mar shal Tomploton now nas confined in his cugo have boon resorting to strange schemes to avoid working out tbo price of their board and lodging on the street. Ono of them a day or two ago tore his clothing in such a way that ho was obliged to stay m ooors or cause remark when ho wont on the street. Another cut his shoos Into strips nnd then calmly sat inside the jail waiting for a now pair to grow. The plea of sickness which was formerly so popular has fallen into dis use , as the city physician has a way of de ciding whether the sicicncss Is genuine or Imaginary. Marshal Tomploton says ho in tends to nsk the council for an appropriation lo buv a lot of overalls and play a trick on the follows. Patronize blue ice wagons for Mo. river channel ice. Mulholhind & Co. Tel. 102. Sold it for nutter. John Burkctt , a farmer representing him self as living near Ked Oak , came to the city yesterday with n wagon load of what was purported to bo country butter , but which afterwards tunica out to bo a striking com pound of lard , suet , kcrosono and other dainties. Ho succeeded in passing off a lot of it on a ILowor Broadway grocer ana re- colvcd a lot of groceries in exchange. As soon as the grocer took a whiff of the strartgo conglomeration ho started off for the police station at a lightning gait. An hour inter Burkott was rounded up at the police station with a ctiargo of cheating by falsa urctcusus entered against him. Ho will have a pre liminary hearing before Judge McGou this moraine ; . Thomas Tostevin , civil engineer and surveyor , over DoVol'x , 60 i Broadway finind Jury DUrluirgcil. The grand Jury made its final report yes terday afternoon and was discharged until Juno , when it will reconvene. No indict ments wore returned , and that fact was not n greater surprise to anv ono than to the rroplo who have been on the anxious seat for ttio past tluoo weeks for fear the result of the investigations of the Jury would put them where they did not want lo be. J'ho consequence quence of the announcement that the grand Jury hii.l finally adjourned caused many a long breath of relief to b < 3 drawn. E. II. Slieafo has money to loan on real cstato and chattels , Broad wry and Main. Xn Oroiiuil Inr SiiKplclun. Mrs. I'jlzadn Willlford , who lived in Volley township , wis found lying dead in nn outhouse. The discovery was made by her father , whew w as visiting her , and as reports has been circulated among tun neighbors that the family did noi get along very well together , It was decided to liola nu inquest , so as to settle the question now she mot her death. I'hyMcims examined the body ana found that , there was no ground for any suspicion of foul play , but that she died of heart dis ease. _ Swanson Music Co. , Misoalo tomplo. Deitlli of ClmrltM HiirelmiiMcii , Charles Barshausen , a well known resi dent of thu city , died yesterday afternoon at 'J o'clock at his residence , ! M Benton street , aged 52 years. The deceased had been 111 with consumption sluco last December , and bis death has been looked for for sometime past. Ho leaves n wife , ono daughter and two eons. Ho was n member of the Odd Follows aid Knights of Pythias , mid the funeral , tbo time of which will bo announced later , will bo under thu auspices of lacsotwo societies , _ Jarvis' wild olackborry is the best. Last night's change of bill at the Boyd brought Shakesparo'.s oxqulslto forest Idyl , "As You Uko It , " and Miss Galo's Ussaliiid proved the most artistic of her three rolos. Shu hears the niry moods of comedy with brighter qraco tnan the woeful lines of emo tional parts. The conscious effort notlcoaolo in heavv roles has vanished and given way to quickened speech and spontaneous action. There is witchery in her mlle nnd Hosallnd affords abundant opportunity for the exer cise of such sorcery. She tits the merry banter with a aclicuto play of action and presents a characterization most cay and winsome. The great bard's genius was su perior to the mediocrity of the supporting company and his humor moved the nudlonce to frequent merriment , aespito u common- pluuo utterance. Hcasonl Bcccham Pills act like magic. Senatorial K Quito n largo gathering of the mem- ocrs of the Llvo Issue club mot in the Unlnger Art gallery last evenIng - Ing , the occasion beitg tno discussion of the question : "llosolvi-a , That the United States Seuatori Bo Klectou by u Direct Veto of the People. " Mr. ICdward Hoiowator opened In the anlrnutlve , Mr. William 1 ° . Baxter presided , and the proceedings worn of a very animated nature. Amen thoio who took parLIn the discussion wcio Mr. C. P. Ilullisrao , Prof. Frank A. Fitzpatrldr , Judtre Houowoll , J L. WooUon und Frank U Weaver. In comnllauco with the request of the club a moro oxtendeu report of the proceeding ! will bo published in Tiic Six- IUY BEU , UoWiU'ttiuraaparma u roiublg , SIX PEOPLE ON'EACH , CLAIM I lllfi Some of the Inconveniences Incident to the Last Oklahoma Hush , THLRE WAS NO BLOO.DSHED IN TIIL RACE Oootl Orilrr rretiUloil , nnil TlioitRh the Croud Wits ( In-ill Imtiirlmncrj lllil Not Occur Tnlc < Irinu lljoltnrsno * . " 7,1)00 ) I'coplu In lic * New Country , KiNorisncit , Okl. . April CO. 'Iho general rush of colonists Into the Cbo.ronno nnit Arapnuoc country yesterday \vns remarkable for the same reasons that the rush Into Okla homa was noteworthy freedom from trouble and accidents. The rioting ropartcd from Guthrlo last night ns having taken place at the Oklahoma City Imul olllco diil not occur. The story of disturbance told by Mtss Connie Sorcnscn seems to Quvo boon only the oxftRsoratcd Imaginings of a timorous woman. The sol diers at noj > laca had any trouble with the crowd. Itvaj a largo Rathoring nnil acted ns n check upon Itself. Everyone who has over soon "boomer rush" know just how It would bo , and the result proved the absurd ity of the taU of the probability of bloodshed - shod , ns was predicted by the tenderfoot cor respondents. There will bo a great many contestants. Most of them will bo over claims on the borJor , THere nro now an average of six paoplo on every claim along the Klngtlshor border. Uieh ouo swaars ho was , the IIMI cm the laud and has witnesses to prove it. When the land ofUco was closed last evenIng - Ing sixty-six sots of papori had been tiled by c'lilmants. Tba line outsluo had ocen added to ovcry minute during the afternoon and when the ofllco closed 3JO claimants were In lino. They wore all civon numbers by Marshal Uritnes. They were respected during the day anil each arrival ns ho took hl place at the end of U.o line was Riven a ticker which bore on its face , besides its number the signature of the marshal , One hundred and iHtecu lllinci were inailo dur ing the day and thcro was but llttlo diminu tion in the number of claimants. No trouble of a serious nature has occurred. Chilmt'd by 11 Ncliri sk : > Jinn. The town stto boomers at Okarcho do not seem to bo disturbed over the claim by Pierce , I tic Nour.isunti , that ho has taken up the to'.vn-stto homestead. The boomers .staked out the town elto Just the same and organized a municipal government. C. S. Cooper , formerly of Colorado , was chosen mayor , and Jacob Switzer of El Houo town marshal. Those who depended on steam to reach the towii-sltoat the crossing of the Roclt Island and Choctaw roads had bettor luclc than these who made the journey to Okarche In other ways. Trams on totn roads from both directions reached the town site at just three minutes after noon. The run was only hall a mile from the border. The horse men and pedestrian ? arrived a few minutes later , and at 1 o'clock ever 1,000 people were swarming over the slto like ants. The spot has been named Carlilo Springs , and its occu pants have chosen a tpivo government. A messenger from Watonga , the county scat" of county C , , says thellrst settler reached thereat 2 : : W o'clock in the after noon. It was a ride of twcnty-'hreo miles from the border , and many who started never got there , having ridden their hordes to death nt the start. Several good horses , worth more than a lot 'in the town , were killed in the race. There wus no trouble at Watonga. A temporary city government was organized last night , and things are run ning along smoothly today. The town num bers about 1,000 people. l'iiulntlo | ill the New County. The population of the now county is esti mated at CT.OJO people nearly double the number which it was expected would , colonize - nizo the lands. Captain Woodson of the Fifth cavalry ticuros out the population thU way : ' 'Twplvo thousand people invaded the country from the eastern border , 15,000 from the Cherokee strip line , li.OJO from the wes tern border and 20,000 from the southern border. " All of tbo now county seats hnvo now been hoard from , more or loss , directly. All are of the same tenor that their settlement was peaceably and successfully made. Hundreds of settlers are coming in ovcry hour , but noua report any disturbances. One .Mun Itupurted Klllo.l. Usiox CITV , Okl , , April 20. A report comes from nine miles weit of hero that one man was Hilled in a dispute over a claim yesterday , but the rumor cannot bo con- linncd. A number of boomoisarc returning , disappointed at not getting claims. The marriage of Miss Dottle Solljrsohn and Mr.Vllliani Harris was solemnized last evening at the Temple of Israel , U'ibbi Rosc- nau oniclating. The pretty cdlllco of the Jewish people was crowded with the friends of the bride and groom , for a wedding in the syuagOKUo is n rather unusual thinir , the majority of brides in days past having been murrioil from their own homos. At 0 : i0tbc ! hour appointed for the wedding , the bridal party entered from the west door preceded by the ushers , Messrs. Gus Deicho * , Julias Moyor. Alex Wcsscl and Hgmund Landsourg. First cama the nridotmnids and the groomsmen. Mr. Sam Frank and Miss Tilliu Harris , Mr. Kaufman and Miss U'oll- stein , Mr. Phil Uoso and Mi s linnns , Mr. Fred Seligsohn and Miss A. J-undt , then the oriUo and groom , followed \ ) ? Mr. and Mr * . K. Seligsohn. father and mother of the bride , Mr. Leopold Harris , father of thu groomand his daughter-in-law , Mrs. ,1. L. . Harris. The orchestra , stationed in the gallery of the church , played the wedding march from "Lohengiin" as the procession advanced to the chancel where Rabbi Roscnau performed the mnrriago ceremony in conformity with the ancient usages of the Jewish church. After the ceremony a reception was hold nt tbo Metropolitan club , followed by a ban quet.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Harris will leave toJ&y for Milwaukee , thnlr future home. of" Wof" W Health for the Baby , fi | Pleasure for the Parents , New Life for the Old Folks. THE GREAT ENTRANCE DRINK \ ( 'Ms n family nfTuir a requisite of tlio home. A " 5 rent jiacltnge innkcs 0 fjallona of n dollclons , Etronjjlhciilue , cfTcrvcscont beverage , iPon't to'riflrelvvil If n dealer , for Mlio luitonf lurirvr | , rolll. tdla you Gomu&llur l.lnd la " lu&t nnKoo < l" 'ilifalso , Nolmrtalioulatscood calliOBCQUlao Jliickj' . MANHOOD "GAMATIVO , " th Wonderful Hpanltn Urninly , l rnld ultU a V/rltton Cuaronteo turure ull Kctvoui Ils- ( iui-3. & ai Weak Mciunry , I/us < .f Ilialu 1'ux er , Ileadachf , \Val ifulnciisLcj8tMan linotl , l.'errauncM , IjiJ- filmic , all d calm * n < l BoforoA. After Uso. I' ' si of i iwer if Ilia I'totograpbed from life ( irmrntlvd Ortaiu In dlher erz , c.-.ii'id ty o rr rsrilluil , juutliful I iseoflMl'ncio. Oiluiii | , 01 itihnuluiitii , uhit h idllmalrly limllo Jiilliinitjr , ( Vui > uui | > Uoii nnil In iinlli 1'ul up liiuiutri.leiit tana tn i.irrv In tl.eleU I'mlil. 1'ike II ft I'luLucc. ' or II fur 15VIIhntrj txinlii Mviilien written Bnuronteu to euro or refund the rtionej , Mnl by mall la unjr uililiui. ( Inulurirte Ui 1'luiu mvf lu | , , Icntloii ililt | , | tr. Ait < l ki , UAO.IID CHCUICAL CO. lirHiicli Oir.ce foi I' S A. 3iS Itiulorn Flrcct , CIIH'AOO , II.I , FOR SALE IN' OMAHA. NEB. , D ? Ruhr Is t u. , Co r ISUi 4 I > ouKla > BU. J A Fuller 4 Co. . Cor , Kth A. DoUKliliEU. 1'aulU , bchneWer , Coaocll UluOi. la. You SHOULD KNOV/ FACT , op CHICAGO MAKE ASoAp "WHICH HAS HO ECIUAU. STANDARD QUALITY A Written Guarantee to Cure Kvory Caao or Mc'icy Kcfundod , Our euro Is iiermnnrnlimil not ft pilch m up. trcntoit CTCII jrcnrs njro hivoncvor seen n yniitom | tlnco. llydc crlbln < cn a fully octn t.-jU jou br mull , nml we ulvo tlio nno < troij imirnntoa to clira or ri'duul nil monpy , 'Ilio o who prefer to rome licro lor treatment cnn ilo o nl wo willpir nitron J firj n 9 niul hotel bill * while liore , If HO ( nil to cur. ) ctinllrngelhn orl < l forii c Hint our Knjlo Homeily n 111 not cure , \\rltofor iinrtlciilnri nn I uct pxlilcn e In ouracTcn yt'nr * | irnitlce with the .Mnclc Homely It 1ms been mo t iimicutt tu overcome Iliuprojuitlcos HK.iliist coctllct ! pcdlte . Hut un lor ourMroiu BU'inmleo ' thoitj.m'ls nro trying Uninl ho hiKeuro.t. Wecu.iruntuo lo euro or retunl every dollnr , nn I n wo Imve n rcpuln'lon toprotoct , nl o llnnntlnl iMcklne of mi.UJUIt Is porfoctlr ssfo t.i nil who will try Iho Ircntmcnt , Heretofore you Imvo | iultluiu | ) unJ pnylnz nut your mono ; for illlfcront treatment * , nnit itltliouiili you .iro not jet enrol in one has mild back your money. Wo will positively eureyou , OM , chronic , ileopsentol caui enrol inC ) to'.Diu > M. Invejtljito nur llmnclnl tindlux , our ipputntlon n business men. Write in for nituos mil lUldrcsBcaol thee Ue Irivo curol who Imro iztvcn pcrml lonlo refer to them. It eo ts you onlj post- npclodo ttil . K jour fymptonu nro > orj ttiront , mucous pntilics In mouth , rheumatism In bonei nntl joints hnlr fnlllni ; out , eruption ! on any pirt o [ Iho lioily , fceMnjufKenernl ilvprc < li > n , pnlm In heal or boiiei. Vou hnveno time to wn to. Tlioto ho nro constantly tuklna meroury niul potn h , should till- tontinuolt. Constant use of tlic o ilru < s will surely brim ; fores and catln ; iilcersln thoenl. Dou't full to write. All correiponUenco scnl ronled la plnln en velope. We Inv to Ihemoit rlvll Investlt-iiUou and will do nil In our power to nlJ you In U. Address , COOK REMEDY CO. , - Omaha. Neb FOR MEN ONLY 8SOO fora ease of I.o T or rttuvfl liooii , or N itvolM Dih'LTr. weak ness of tody or mind. Iho clfeetsof e.rror < oroy- ccbsehln elder yotin ? tlnl vocannoloure.Vo cu. iranlco every i-aso or refund pvpry doll ir Klve d } -b trial treatment SI , full coiirsn " 3. Perceptible benefits rutllzo.l In three ( lavs. Ity mall , securely pickol from observation. L'OOKKE'tUDV UO. ( .IMAKA. MAfilP rilMAI.i : ln : UL.VTOIt. = nfo mil IflHUlU Corlaln toi d ly or in iney rofuu'leil. By mall i. . Soouroly so ilo 1 from observa tion. COOK KU31EUV Ct. . Omaha. Neb YOU SCHIFFMANN'S ASTHMA CURE Sever falls lo Rive Instant relict In tha worst CMOS , anil fJTrrli < - re. uh rc olhcrn full. Trl > l I'.ttye FHKB of Drucil.u or by Bail. The Lorpc.t. Fattest nn.l Flnont In Iho World. L'as cnffcraccomnatilon ! } uncxcellea. NEW YORK. LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW. ' ' SSVT VOIJK , CUIIKA'l.TIMl'nnd NAPLESi AtrcKiilar Intervals. SALQOH , SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE rates on Inw03ltonuit,1 nnd from the prlnclplo ocoicn , i au9H , IEISU t ALI. coHinJEMJiL roima. KscurslontkUeU avallablo to return liy cither the rlc- tuii'squc Civile ft No-th of Ireland or .Vnplcn & Gibraltar Drtta it llctc ? OrJora for Any inont at ICTcst Siti : , Apply to cny nf our local Apentsorto UENUKHSUM lIUOTllUItS. C'hloaco , IU. THE SHOKTBSf LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukea & St. Paul R'y , as represented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vcstibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6no ; p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH. Gen'l Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. I'rcT < HiilK It r DIMlot diluting ; Hi i ' . Penled bids marked "I'ropos.ils for district trading bonds" will ho receive I at the oflloa of the elty treasurer , Omaha , Nob. , up lo M o'clock noon of theUith Uay of April , 130 , ' , for tlieimruh.iBenf ill..MJ.iUillstilctKr.iillnulMiiiU of tlio elty of Uniahii , Neb , naid bonds tire ( luted May 1st , IR'J ! , and am pnvablu from ono to nine yonrs alter ( latu tliuiuof , in ( Innoinlnu- llonsof JIOO.DJand | VH.UJ ) o.uih , with Intuiustat tlio r.ite of .1 | ier cent poi atiniim , p tyablo sciiil-nnnnally , I'-iiU'lti-il an I lnturot p ty- able at Kouiil/o Uros , New Vork. * . ( ) , OU.OJ ) of Olailln , ' District No. III. 1,5 0.0) o ( CruUInDlsflnt No. II. TOU.uiof ( iraillni ; Illstrlet No. H 21,00MHIof limiting DUtrlet No. : > , ' . Kauh bid must price ami amount boiiKlit for and liioludo 111:01 : neii Inluicst to ( hito of delivery ul Omaha , Nob. 'I lie rlh'lit ib rcborrod to lujuct any and all lailh. Issued under t-hartor power of eltlosot the mcliopolltan eluss anil Ordiuuncu No. VJfd , uuprovud March Kill , Is'J. . IIENUV IIULI.N , > lcli'.VHl3Utii. CtiyTroa s > iiror. I'riiponaU for I'libllo Library Iiull < llii Hoiuls Kcalud bids n.arkuU proposals for publlo library buililln ? bonds will be rucniveil at the ( jlllco of thoelty treasurer. Omaha. Neb. , up to I''o'elo.'U noon of thu aih day of April , I ' . > , ' . for Hie puieliasu nf J 101,00)1(1 ) ( puhllu llurary liulldln , ' lionUs of ihu elty of Omiih.i , Nub. , diiie.l May 1st , IbOJ. und p lyahlo yean after date , Intorcsiut the i.uo of 5 per cunt pur an num , payable huml-aiiniiiilly. I'rlnulpal and InteieBt puyalilu at KounUo Bros , New Vork. Kiiuli old must Ktate price unil amount Koiiuht for and Include ueuriie4 Interujt to dale of dull vury .it Omaha , Neb. Tlio rljjlit In reserved lo reject uny and all hlils. Ihhtied under charter power of cities of Die mt'lropolllun ulasv , arid ordinance No.Vs'p , upprovud Muruh lull. Inrj. I1KNUV 1101.LN , in''i' lltM ! City TroiiRuror. NOTICE TO PHOPEIITV OWNHKS , AGENTS AND LESSEES. fu pursuance of Oralnance Nn , U8. ! ri-uulr- Jni wnlt-raml as connucllnni lo lie made lo and within the curb lines on ITth htrt-ut from iliirnoy street tu hi Mary'n avoiino wlinln htri'el Iniuroveinentdistilcl No. 451 , In thu city nf OiiiHhu , you are hereby notilled to make all necissirv : coiiiiuctlons with water uiid k'as inalna or litler.i8 ! , and lo complete such \\ork In uccorduni'o with said oruln mt'ii , within fourteen days from April 1'Jtli ' , ib'JV ' , ad It Is thu purpose to Improve i > alil NlrueL Dated at Omaiia. Nrb , thlHluih dayot April , lyjl. I' , W. lUUKIIAUSPC. Clialrmaii Uoard of i'ubiluVorks ' ' ' ' ul'J-'JJ--'l 13UOl'0 AI.S POU INDIAN Sri' AND l iranspuitat nn. Department of the Inter- or. oilicu of Indliin AiTitlrs Wmlmicton April 1 , I".U. Healed propoi iN. cndorsetl "I'm- posals for llcef , ( bids ( or brut must bo submit ted In souarato cmuiopesi. llaeon , I'lour. CiothliiK or iort.illoii. etc. , " ( as the case iniv be ) , and dlrveted to the Uommlsslonor of lmlliiiiAn.ilM.Nos 05 anil l > 7 Woostcr struct. New Vork. will bo rccolxud until I u in < > f Tuesday , May a , 1"V. ! , for furnishing for tbo Indian MTV re nbout TOl.dii ) iionnds lineon , : i' . O'.I'OO ' pounds bpef on III" hoof , ' . ' .Wnl.OOJ liouiuls nt't lieof , I.'II.OJJ piinndB Hcui' ; < , TO.OOJ jimimlsb.ikliiR iHiwdcr. t'i'POOJ : poiimU corn , filO.O U poiinds eollee. P.OJll. in ) pounds Hour , Tt'.O ' Otidiin Is feed. 0" > . 01 poiiuils hard broad. 40 , IM ponmis lioinlny.IU.O'O pounds lard'M i > is mess pork , 15.11)1 ) pounds oatnieil , OTO.OOJ Hounds oit , II ' ,0'i ' i pounds rleo. SJ.n 0 pounds tea , 150,0 0 pounds co irso salt. I'.M.O } ) poiiuils line "salt , "iii.UOJ pounds soap , I.OIO.tKU Hounds susar. and I.'IMKU pounds wheat. Also , blank- otH , woolen an I ootton iroods , ( conslsllni ; In pailof Itcklne , I.'MUO yirdsj standar.l ualloo , UI.UOI yards ; drlllln : 111,000 jards ; dnek , free from alt slzln ? , : ,000 yards ; ( lontn ! , 10.003 A arils ; ulti liams , iKKiK)0 ) yards ; Kentucky jeans , ? , . " > Oyards ; clun lot. .S.OJO ynrds ; blown shuetliiB. i'40.001 ' yards ; bleiehed shouting , H.OJI yii rds ; hickory Mill ting , UM.IOO yards ; calico shlrllnp , (1,0 ( K ) yarJs ) : clothing , Rroeer- les , notions , hardware , medical supplies , school book * , etc. , mill n lonjr list of uilscul- lanoousartlclos. such as Imrnoss , plows , r.iKos forks utc. , and for about 5IJ vNa ons roiinlrcd for Ihu torvlcv. to be dullvoreu at I'lileaTO , Kansas City and tloux Oily. Also tor such waconsas innvbe rocpnred , adaplod to the climate of the 1'aclllc co'ist. with ( . 'allfornla brakes , delivered at han Pranclsco. A'so ' transportation for such ot the artlelcs , 'oods and hiippllos that may not bo contracted forte to bcbullxcrod nt iho.i onclus. lluls must nu maduoul on coxornmeul blanks , i-ehodulob Rliowlns the kinds and quantities of sutisis- lcniosupplies ; repaired for each aeuney and f-rhool , and the kinds andi ) lantltles In crn-s , of all ollior cooiU and arllclos , lo other with blank jiroposals. eoi.uit'ons ' lobe lobservod 1 > y biilderN tlmo anil place nf dullvury , terms of lontraet and payment , Irai.sportatlnn routes and all other noiossary iiistriid'ons ' will be furnlsluid iijion applleatIon lo thu Indlin Of- llco in Washington , or Nos. fi" > nnd ( > \Voostor street. Now Vork : the Commlss irlcs of Sub sistence , IT. S. A. at Cheyenne , Cntea o , LcaNcnwortli , Umalia , Saint l.ouls. Saint Paul , iiml hun I'mnelscu ; the I'ostmastors att-lout City. Iowa ; Vauklon. t-outli Dakota ; ArUin- sasUlty , Culdv.e.l , Tnpcka and U'lehita , Kan sas , and Tuscon , Ail/ona. The rl ht Is ic- heived by thenovoriimenttorejoft any and all bld-.or any parl of any bid , and these propos - s ilsare In vileI niidi'r piovlso that appt opt la- lion shall bo made foi Iho supplies by eon- press , lllds will beouenud ul the hour and day abovostatod , and bidders are Invited to be present tit the oponln ; ; . Certified chocks1. All bids must he .tccompinlcd by certllled chocks ordiafts nnon some Unite I bt'itcs lu- nository or the Kirst Na'.lonal llauk of San rranelsco , , for at least IIvo per cent of ' thoamoiinlof ihu piopoaal. T. J. 'MOItliAN. Commrssloncr. A'd''ltm PROPOSALS FOR PAVING. Scaled proposals will bo received by thh undersigned until 1 : 0 o'clock p. m , , April L'tn ' , 1" ! . ' . for the following kinds of paving nio- leru 1.lz : sheet nsplialtum. Sioux Knlls or other cranlto. Wlutc Colorado s iiulstonu. 1'od Co or.ido sandstone. \Voodrott , Kansis , stone. Vltrllled urlcit. And brick blocks , all accord'ns In specifica tions. 1'or repavlns Lcavcnworth street from the west line jf M.Mccnth sticcl to the nest line of Twenty-ninth avenue In the city of Omalin , cnmpr'scd In Street Inipiovoment District No. 147 , onlered lmpro\ed by ordinance No. IlJIil. llaeli Old to specify a price per squ'iro yard for thu rep.ivlnc complete In the street. \Vor.c to bo none In ao'ordaneu ullh plans nnd spcellle itlnns on llio In the ofllco of the Hoard of Public Works. Kneh pronosal to bciiri'Icon nrlnted blan'cs fuinlMic 1 by Iho boird and to bo accompanied by a certified check In llio sum nf fill ) , iiaytiblo lo the city of Omalni , as an evidence of Kood fulili. Tbo hoard will aw.nd the contract for the dllTriont kinds of material hiililecl to ( lie se lection nf t lie mateilal br the pionort vow tiers 01 mayor n nil elty council. 'Ihu board ie erv ( > < tlio light to reject any or all bids and to waive defects. I' . W. HllUCllArsHK , Chairman Ito 'id of I'nbllo Vr'oi ks. Omaha. Nub. , April llth , IK ) . ' . April H-l.V.'l-2. NOTICE TO SMLKCT MATERIAL FOR PAVING , To thu ownois of lols and 1 mil frontlirz up on blreot Impiovumi'iit < IUtrlcta niimbuiud and described as follows : No. 411. ITth street from llarnoy street to Si. Marv's avonnu. No , | j | . The alloy from Slml stioet to 2llh Etieel , In I'aulsjn's.ulililloii. No. 4Yi 1'ltli ' stiout fiom l''arnam sliect to Hiiinev street. Nn 40 > : Mli street fiom Iho south line of I'opplcton avenue to the north line of Wool- wotrh avenue No 4'i7. Davenport struct , from 24th street to2.ith streol. In tlio ellv of Om ilia , and hiiti- Ject to : iS30sbmuiil for thu u i\lns and iepjv- lir.-of thu same. Vou are hereby nnlldo.l In pursuance of or- dlnanei-M Nos. U IX , uUJ'l ' and .Mil , passed and appioveJ April llth , In' ' ) . ' , lo'olucl und detor- mlno upon llio kind of in iturlal lo be used In navlns said Imprinomunt dlstilcts , nn or be- foru May llth , IsJ. , or the elty council will dc- lormlnusiUt nriturlal. Dated at Omaha , llilH lOtlidav nf April , Is-J , ' . I'V. . HlltKIIAIIi-ICIt , Chairman of the Hoard of I'nOlle Works. AI'J-20-21. NOTICE TO PROPKflY OWNERS AGKNT.S AND LESSEES. In pursmneo of ordinance No , : wS | , requir ing su\\orcoiiiiu < lions to bum uloto and with in Ihu curb lines on 17th Htiout from liarney fllrout to Hi Mary's avcnuu. wllhln slrcol lin- provumonl district N , > . 451. In the elty of Omaha , jou aril liuroby notified to maku nil necessary connections wuh sewer iniiln or lattcral , In .icuirdancu with s ild ordlnaiiL'e , and to complotu stieh work within fuiirluon diiys from April IIHh , iwi. ' , as It Is thu purpose to pave ihu sticul In said district. You aio horuby ordered Ui miku the neces sary nuutfr uonnuctlons within thu time Kiiuel- lloilln this notice , or thus.inio will bu made by Ihu city aiithurltlua , and the cnal ihurenf ua- sesiu I u aliiht thu propurty oppoaltu the Maine and specially bunullltod thoiubv. Dated ul Omaliiu Nub. this I'lili ' day of April. IsOJ. I' . W. IIIKKIIAIJSKlt , Chairman of the Iloaid of I1 u bile Works. All-- ) 1. PROPOSALS l-'OR hBWKU IJONDrf hoalrd blln ( marked 1'ropus lU for Suwu Ilondu will bu niT'oivod at thu olli.'eof thu u y treasurer of the city nf Omaha. .Nub. , up ijo o'clock , noon , of thu "Jlh day of April , 18 ci , or the pin chase of t.VJ.'lw.O ' ) bitwor I'omU of the city of Om-iba. Nou. , dated M ly Ut. ISO,1 , p iy- able2Jyu.i lifter diitt. Interest 5 pur cunt puranniim , p.iyab.o huml-annii illy. I'rlnul- pal and Interoitpaynb'u al Kountzu llros New Vork. Denomination of ooniU. I'.UOJ.'JJ ' encli. Kncli bid must blnto price and amount sought for atrl Include aucrnuil Interest up to datu nf delivery at Omaha , Nut ) . The rleht If reserved tn i eject uny and all bliU. Issued iindui clmrlur uowur of cltlo.-tnf the metro- polltan flans and orjiiianco Nn.711 , annrovud March . : ! . 1KJJ. HKNKV 1IOIJ..N' , M.djtM : : | City Tieasnrer. PROPOSALS FOR PAVING flONDS , hoaloil olils marked pronua.iN for pivin. bonds will be received al thu ulllcu nf Ihu oily uiMuurur of Omalm , Nub. , up lo I' . ' o'clock noon of thu 'Jith il'iy of April , Ibj.i. for the purchase of t O.UXIOU Duvlir.- bonds nt the city of Omalm. Nub , dated M ay I , Ib'l. ' , piyalilo My ears after date , fi per cent pur aniinni , payable soml-annuallyt principal and Interest payable al lumnt/u Ilioi , Now Vork Dunominallon of boniU. f I , DJ ( M uich. Kncli hid must hlato prh'o un 1 amount sought for und Inciiulo accrno 1 Intel cut lo datu uf deliv ery at Omalm. Nub. Thu r glit ll reserved U ) reject Htiv and ull hldH Issued under cbartcr power of cllii'b of metrotiolHun class and ordinance No..liDV , uuurovoii Maryli - : ( , inri. 1IKNKY IIOI.I.N , ' SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL DLUFF3. IiH ) IOWA firing for silp. Improved tlU arms In Harrison vomit jr. nor norm I' . ' lucres Improved , iiJ.Mi ( 8J aero . Jli.OA Tor bar * Utis In ( own HIM Npbraskn farms cull on or wrilo to.loliiKon & V in 1'atten. Council Illulfo IflOK * AU : OK K.Xt'll ANH-OlVy : mil fnrm L proper ! v. I. II. Slm.ifo , H'wny iiml Main. Oil UKN-D.oillniiliixir pirn < if Urn - Ifliy. . V II. SliiNifo , llroulwixy niul Mnlii. SAI.K-Aeroiso noir elty iul.tptu.1 for J- fruit and uardiin i > urm os. K. II Slic.ifo , Hroulwav nnd Main streets. SjTUA YiU : or sto'rn April 2 , two nhltw pup k'liles. oiu < with IH ick , tlio ether w Hi yel loMlshi'.ir . I'tiidor rniurn lo Mrs. K IMnard , Transfer Moi-k Yards holol , ami receive re- \\rvrd. VJTi'lSttI2 inn ] fotninUslon-Stovos. furnU I'turo etc , stored and sold on ( omiiilsMon at lo\\ost rue . li. Klnnolian. 'CO llroiulw.iy " W. PAN6LE . . , Tiio Good Samaritan. 20 Years' Ksperlcntc. lU5Amu : op insnASr.s or MKN ANU WOJIIN. : ruoruinron OP THU \VOHM > 'S 1IKKHAI. HISl'CN- SAUV or MKDICIM : . lireat the following Disoasts : Catarrh of the Head , Throat , nnd Lungs ; DIl- cnscsof the Kjcnnd liar , Kits and Apoplexy , lleurt Dlocaso , I.tver Connilalut. Kidney Complaint , Nervous Debility , Mental Dopros- olon , Loss of Mnnhood , Seminal Weakness , ninbcte.IlriBht a IM'Ciuc. St Vllus * l > ancc. Ithomniitlsm , 1'nralysls. White Swelling. Bcrofuln , Fever Sores , Cancers , Tumors and Fistula In ano removed without the knlfo or drawlns n drop of blood. Wompn with her delicate orcatis re- Blorcu to health. Drojisy cured without tapping. Special Attention given to prlvato and Venereal Diseases of all kinds. SBO to 850O forfeit for nny Voncrcal Dis ease I cannot euro without mercury. Tape Worms removed In two or thrco hours , or no pay. II morrholds or I'llea cnriil. THOSI : wno Aim API'MCTED Will cave life and hundreds of dollars by calling on or usltii ; DR. G. W. PANGLE'S ' HERBAL MEDICINES. Tlio only Pliyitlctnn who can toll \vlnit nlj n person \\lthout mtUIng n < i ic3llin. All correspondenceBlrlcllvoonmicntlnl. ModlclUO scut by express. Address all letters to G. W. PANGL.E , M D. , BVi r.roid uy. Council HlulTs , In. INSTITUTE. lye & Ear INF RMARY FOli THIS TREATMENT OF ALL lies ! ficiltic9 , Himr.ilns | | nnd Ko nolie ) for successful treatment of every form of dlsesisu reiiulrlu ; niodleal or surgical treatini.'nt , 50 beds fur patients bo ml niiJ iittomlanco. lle t aofoniuJutiuns In thu weit. Write for elrotilars on dcfnrniit n . \ bricos trusses , club foot , eurv.iluroj of s ln s lilies , tumors , c nicer , cat irrh. bronuhlt , In- lialHilon.u L-eir'clly , pinlysls , oiilleiny , klit ney , b uiltlur. eye. our , bkln an I bloo I anil all n | ) ( < ratons. ! flD WnKD'fl A si'KOl VI.TV. Ut WUlllbH llooknnnumiMof Women ruilli. Wo liavulutoly nd li' 1 i ly iu- In < lei | irinient for \voinun ( luriri.conllii'Miicut. . -trlelly in.ite.l Un1 v 'Uoilablo lu- ttilnlu mailing a .Spoei ilty ot PHI VATIi UISl'JA.SKS A I It oed DJstj.tsas huuco ( iily ! troatol. t-juhUtlo 1'nUon removed from Ino hyitom \\ltliout nu'ieury New itostor.itlva iroat- ineni fur Loss ot VITA I. I'OWKIL I'ursons mi- ublu 10 vis t in mav bo treated at homo by imre DDii enee. All coniiiiuiile.itlons conli- tleiillal. Mu 1 L-lnns or InslrinncnH sent l y in.i I 01 express scuniuly p.iekeil , no in in < * U > lint cnlo t'ontuntsor si'iuler. One per'-nnal ln- tery i > jirufcrro I. Call anil ennsnlt us or sonct hlstoiy of your cube , iiiulo will bund In plala wrapiior. our pnnif Tn MPN V FKvmi \ iTiv.ito , DUUrt IU MCIV , bpl,0ui | ( ) r Nmvuu * | ) H. c.'KPi , Tinpiitciioy. Svphllla , Qluut nn t Vaileo- i-i ! p , with ( | iin t on list. llr.iccAiiiillanoes for Oeformllles & Trnsoi Only iiiiiniif ictory In tlio Weilof ttiitH.H - I'l i Al'l'i.l \Cd.s , 2' , Kl.iXJl'illU ll.l Tl'hll I , S A N It JS rt///A. Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , 26th and Broa iway , Co-noil BluTj. Ten inlniiti's'ildo from euntor of I'm ' vli \ on Omaha ami ( . ' ninoll lllutli ulUL'triu motor line. THE GRAND H3FEL , Counill Bluff i , lown. Now , inodcri ) , woll-fipDoiiitoil , thor oughly woll-kcpt , SJ a day E. F. CLARK , Prop. W. C. ESTBP , I.intnr HnillfllT llJilll I 14 H. MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Chas. Lunkley , I'miri'iil Director niul I'mlortii'ic ' 311 Uroadwuy , Council HlulTs. i. 111 > i\ \ < CITIZENS STATE BANKer or Council lllulU Oapltil stcoc burplus anll'roilu , Net Capital an ) Hurplili Director * I.I ) KJ uualioi , K. I. * m < ir. K J , Clfaiini , H K lUrt , 1. \ . MlllJf. J Y llluj'liul undCliurlui U HHIIOUII Tr.ins iclfuneral utnU * Ini ; btiuiiioss. l.-ir est capll.U and niirplnsof any tank In uulhwuslurn Iowa. IsTBREST ON TIM 13 DEI O3IT3