HIE OMAHA DAILY BEEvTHUHSD.VY . , AT1UL 2i , 1892. 1 _ l : I TWO GAMES IN ONE DAY Provision of the Western League's Law Governing Postponed Games. THEY MUST BE PLAYED NEXT DAY Only Two Humes Gotten Oir Yesterday Speed HliiR News ll w Ibn Illg Tug ot War Is Progressing Oilier .Sports. It may not bo rcnorally understood In \Vostorn league circles , but In case of n post poned Rfluio two games must bo played on the snmo grounds tlio following day , weather not Interfering of course. This rule wns cither overlooked at the time of Its passngo or was rushed through nftcr the regular con ference. In the now rule boolts paragraph. 45 roads as follows : Enoli clnli shall play twelve or moro cham pionship gamus with every other club , but a tie or draw xumo or a irniiio prevented by rain shall bo plnyed oil on the same grounds on u succeeding duy within the dates of tbo name schedule series between such clubs. The word " .shall" mattes the rule Impera tive , nnd if the day following n postponed game comes on n regular schedule day two games must bo played. The managers , though , I suppose , uavo Iho prerogative of naming the tlmo , morning or afternoon. This announcement'will prouably bo n rov- olatlon to many of Iho cranks who hnvo passed criticism on the lawmakers for the falmrn to provide somothlug dollnlto for do- forrcd games Mllw.mknu UitUliiK n Itnglmont. "It is possible that Martin Uuko nnd Con Murphy , whom Anson released last week , will bo secured by the Milwaukee club. In oa o they are signed Kroig and ono other man on the team will bo released. Murphy would bo a good man for the Brewers , as ho can piny in the outfield as well as behind tbo ' hat , " says the Bvouing 'Wisconsin , ft looits really as If Milwaukee wa to bo thn haven of disengaged -ball plnycw. So far this season , according to Manager Cushman and the press up tboro , they hive had tholr Hoes out for only twontv-sovon now .playors , but ai yet they haven't made a single change , nor will they bo able to until nftor It has been demonstrated that a chauco Is nuoded. Tim players commlttoo is n little body that will attend to all this sort of business. Will Try It OIHMI Mom Toclny. Again the cold and wet prevented Minneap olis nnd Omaha from coming together yes terday. They will try it once moro this afternoon , the weather permitting. The two teaiiH will bo placed ns follows : Omaha , Position. Minneapolis Vlekorjr I'ilch Swartzol llnyus Ciuch Jinny an Jlowo Klrat West I'ttzzoralil Second Shtnnlok Oollopy Thlid I'arrott Pliulbucic Short Urnham Koily l.uft KiiU tlllks Middle Newman Camp Itlght Carroll All Western association , games and all leacuo games but two were postponed by the weather clerk yesterday. ( IIIIIK.S Toihtj , Minneapolis at Omaha. St. Paul at Kansas City. Milwaukee at Columbus. Toledo at Indianapolis , NATIONAL l.UACUfl. llurk IIivliig'H I\Inuth \ Wins 11 Gauio for tha Now VorkH. BAI.TIMOKI : , Md. , April 20. At the end of the sixth inning the Orioles were compelled to leave the field to catch a trnin to got to Ilojton to play tomorrow as scheduled. Cap tain Ewing of the Now Yorks claimed that ho .was not notified of this. The umpire de cided in favor of the Now Vorks nnd gave thorn the game by u score of U to U. Score : Italtlmoro 2 0 2 0 3 1 0-G New York U 00 001 4 5 lilts : Itnltlmoro , 0 : Now York , 8. Errors ; Ilnltlmorn. 2 : IMow York , 0. Kiirned runs : Now York , 4. llaltcrlos : Cobb and Itoblu- Bon ; King and lloylo. Two ICrrins Lost the Oiuiic , Pitii.Anni.rniA , Pa , , AprilUO. The Bostons defeated Philadelphia today by better Hold ing. All of the visitors' runs were made by ( tray and Mulvoy's errors. Attendance , 3,000. Score : riilliidelphla 3 lloston 0 0 ! > 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 lilts : I'hlladolphla , G ; lloston , 0. Errors : Philadelphia , ' ! ; lloston , U. Kurnod runs : I'lill- ndolphla , : t. llattorU's : 0oments and Car- Buy ; Uanzol and Staley. Standing of the Traiurt. I'layod. Won. IjOst.I'orCt I.oniHvUlu 4 II 1 .7M Now Yorl : , , .750 Iloston 4 3 1 .750 J'ltt.slmr .OW llrooklyn 5 3 'i Mm Cincinnati .571 Philadelphia Md Chicago .403 Clovolnnd .TO Washington 3 l 3 , : iu : Ht , l.oiils 4 1 3 .av ) llaltlinoro .200 ( liiiniis Todny. I'hlladclphia at Brooklyn. Haltimora ut Hostou. Washington nt New York. Cincinnati nt Clovolnnd. Chicago atLoulsvlllo. St.Louis nt PltUburg. Sl'KKI ) ItlMO. N. J. , April 'JO. Weather clear , track fast. First race , fltteon-sl.ftoonths of n mile , sell ing : UrliHim ( the favorite ) won. IJIs.iptiolnt- inont sopoiul. Wyomlni third , handsccr and Charles Uood drawn. Time ; 1:10. : Second riro. ; hovon-slxtuontlis of a mlle , S- ycar-olii. maidens : Indian Corn ( thu favorite ) won , -LltHo sofond , Athleno Killy third , Tlinn : 4X Third Bovcn-olsliths of a mile , solllne : Oarrlaim ( Iho ( avorlte ) won , A , O. II. second , Whlteno.so third. Tlmo : li'J : : ! ( . l''ourth raee , six and one-fourth fiirlonss , xolllnu" llemet , wim , It-irUiuna the favorite ) t-rcond , Lita third. Can't Toll , Lost Htar , John Atwood und Mangle .Murphy drawn. Tlmu ! It' " . ' . Fifth rieo. llvoHlliths ! ; of a mlle , solllnir , inalUoiis : .lardlnu won , Darius sncond. Illack Uhiof third , 'I ronblosoini ) ( the favorite ) ran unplaced. Time : IHU'i. , Sixth ruce. ono mlle , sellliu : i'roillgal won , Biiuinrlian itho favortto ) boeond , Woodburn third , MOIIIOO dravrn. Tlmu : lHJi. N. J. , April iiO. The track was. in good condition today aud the attend ance was largo. Klrst race , four and ono-ha'f furlongs ; lioy won , IllHcUmallurbUCond , llallail third. Tlmo : > > ? 4 , Second race , one-half mile ; llockaw won , Iliirlurui ) | [ > ecoiid , WingtlilrJ. Timoi .VJJi. Third r.n-i ) . six und onu-fourth furlongs : Oruiigc won. Quoun of Trumps bvuunil , ( il third , Tlmei lSJ : f , I'ourth race , four and one-half fur'onxs : Jifur IxxlKu won , dcriuanlo second , Mtirsli llooon Ihlril. Tlmo : MM , I'lfth ricu. oneinllu : Itlcn won , 1'enelon vpcond , UlaoUhurn third. Tlmo : l : ) li. Sixth race , onu mlle and n half over sl.\ lniiillpsn\Ve.stinorolaml : neil , llasiunlo seo- oud , Ilothuell third. Time : 22JK. ; Tlpt lor Toiliiy , liero are the horsoa thought to ho good things for today : 1. KlUroy Canteen. 1' , Kluanor Ono. ; i MabulldCharacter. . i. BtilUbury-Itunnlni llird. 6. .Samlstono UloHter. 0. Contanr Harrison. 1. Hopoator lloylo Khoitoi. U. Itlchard I'-Our Mnsslo , ; L Juitmor Kblls , 4. Oiiarii riunduv. 6. Topmiist Oun't Tell. 6. Cnrlow Arnpahoe. Ituiiuliic tu thu Itiiln. , Toun. , April 2J. Today's raclni was in the rain. 1'lrit racu , six furlonRi ; Lombard (4 ( to I won. Content ill to 1) ) soeoud , Kuott In It (35 ( to 1) ) third. Time ; 1I4H. Bocoml ruce. four furlonjs ; Tort Wort ] ( oven ) won , llqlfant ( 'J1J to 1) kocond , The Klui (10 ( to I ) third. Tlmo : K'4 , Third rave , i'uabodjr hotel bsudlo&p , 11,00 nddcd , mlle nnd one-olihth ! Unleownn won , Vullora ( oven ) icoond , Yergo U'Orr third. Time ! ! : Wi- Kourth rare , snvon fnrlonjsi I'owers (10 ( to I ) won , Cllina.x II (2Jtol ( ) second , J T third. I'lfth riicot'ono mlle : Distiller(4 ( toSlwon , Ilaron (10 ( to I ) snrond , Illoomfluld (7 ( to I ) third. Tltnu : HOS'l. TrnlnliiB nt Krnrnny. ICBAtiNP.r , Neb. , April -Special [ to TIIK BEK.J About twohty horsoi from different parts of the state are in training on tlA tracks of the Buffalo County Agricultural association. The track has boon put In splen did condition nnd horsemen unlto in saying that it Is the best mlle track in tbo state. An effort will be msdo to hnvo a mooting hero some time during the season. Sr.VKKS OF 81'OIIT. ( Irrat IMillliif : . There wan n great crowd at Exposition hail last night to see the tug of war. Like on the opening night , the weather was rainy and disagreeable , yet a couple of thousand people assembled to witness the exciting sport. Uvory evening hereafter Manager Pnnco announces there will bo n grand pa rade , which will Include the teams in uni form , Indians and nil , with the Second In fantry band showing the way. The first ho.it Inst night was the tug be tween thn Americans nnd the Germans , which proved the closest nua most oxcltiui ; of all. Too full thirty minutes wcro occupied in Iho contest , and up to thu last sixty seconds I'oither team hud gained the slightest advantage. The last minute was n .scano of unparalleled uproar , the Americans winning "by a scant two Inches. The Germans nicked ns n matter of course , but tnoy were fairly and squarely beaten , nnd llnally succumbed gracefully , under a promise from Captain Kiniioman of the Americans that ho would glvo them an other pull at the end of the tournament , or , in fact , as many pulls ns they may dcilro. His proviso Is , however , that each team make n deposit of $100 as a stake for thu extra trial. trial.The Americans hnvo a gront team , nnd It will tukn live good men to beat them. Every body Is watting for tholr tug apaltist the gi gantic Datum. IJcnmark and Bohemia wcro the second on tho' card , the big Danes proving easy victors injju.st four minutes and twenty seconds. The Bohemians , however , nro u powerful sot of mon , but lack the practice necessary for so severe a tost. Kwoden was in line form and pulled the valiant Scots ever the line lu four minutes and ton seconds. The last event on the card wns the bnttlo between the Irish nnd Thunder Boar's war party. It was a great pull , and such an up roar as ensued is seldom hoard. The Indians bocnmo frantic , nnd their startling war cries kept the building In a din that was deafen ing. When the thirty minutes were up It showed that they had won the contest by a full foot. Old Running Elk fainted and the pow wow his brother braves sot up about his prostrate form was a strange spectacle to the noisy crowd. A few lingers of old rcd-oyo brought , tlio sturdy scalp-lifter to himself , nnd with n series of wild whoops ot exultation the gang loft the platform. Standing of tha teams : Won. Lost Den murk 2 II America 2 0 Sweden 2 0 Scotland 1 1 Indians 1 1 Ireland 0 2 Itohoinla 0 2 Germany 0 3 Dates fur thn lirnch Slimv Fixed. OM.UM , April 20. To the Sporting Editor ofTimBrirc : The bench show conuulttno of the Omaha Kennel club , at n meeting held last night , decided to civo its llrst annual bunch show October i5 ! to 'JS. 189'J , inclusive. E. L. M.uisTON" , Secretary Bench Show Committoo. J.UC.lIIIIMFITIES. . Six minor penults , aggregating ? 700 , were ssuod by the superintendent of buildings yostorday. A. B. Streets , a policy writer , was locked up lu the city jail last evening fo.r being a suspicious character. George Van Hallor , the hotel bell boy who was arrested for stealing a $ - , " ) gold locket from a guest of the Paxton , was lined $100 nnd costs. Ho went to Jail. Tonight will bo ladles' night at the Omaha Athletic club. An interesting program has been prepared , and it is expected that a lareo iiumbur of visitors will bo present. Frank S. Parmoloo wa ? lined $5 nnd costs for having too largo a stock of powder In his gun store. As required by law a dealer is not allowed but two kegs of powder on hand at : i lime. It was the South Omaha German team and not the Omaha German team that took part in the tug of war on Tuesday evening , and this team will continue to pull the balance of the week. A complaint was fllod by Prosecutor Coed- ran yesterday against Mrs. Murray , lilliii Larimer street , who is charged with keeping u disorderly houso. The woraau will bo ar rested today. Charles Stai.loy and Georco Duncan , va grants , were arrested this morning for stealIng - Ing coal oil barrels from the Fidelity Oil com pany. They will bo givec a hearing today in pollco court on the charge of potty lar ceny. About a week ngo Arthur L. Croightoa , who llvos at 1331 Davenport street , assaulted John F. Audreeson nnd injured him quito se verely. Yesterday was Mr. Andreeseu's iir&t appearance down town since the affair and ho at once Hied a complaint against Creighton. At the annual parish meeting of tlio Church of the Good Shepherd , held Monday , April IS , the following ofllcors were elected for the ensuing your : Senior warden , Mr. B. A. McAllnstor : junior warden , Mr. A. C. Powell ; vestrymen , Dr. S. U. Patten , Ur. E. M. Park , Mr. Fred 13. Lowe , Mr. George C. Mugulre , Mr. A. C. Frost. Sxvcntli Want Itejmhllcnns , Attention ! Vote for Chnrlofl P. BotndorlT , K. M. Bartlutt , Dr. Kwing Brown , II. II. Bui- lirigo , John Norburp. Henry Hand , T. W. Smith , John G. Suliabtiry , Lee Yutes , The iibovo delegates are for Harrison ilrsl , lastitnd nil the timo. 1'RHitUSA 1. I'.llt.Kilt.ll'llS. G. A. Bush of Lincoln Is nt thu Dollono. G. S. Diner of Beatrice 13 at the Mlllurd , II. O , Phillips of Lincoln is nt tlio Paxton. W. L. Parks of Norih Platte Is at the Mil- lard. lard.W. W. J. Crane of Arlington , Nob. , Is ut the Arcade. H. A. Allen of Atkinson , Nob. , U at the Arcade. U. Simpson of Doll llapids , S , U , , is nt the Millard. Guy A. Lalng of North Platte Is ut the Murray. C. L. Ingorsoll of Lincoln is quartered at thoArcada. M , H. Lyon of Dondwooa is registered * ut the Pax ton. .1. Ifinlay Johnson of .Hastings Is registered at thu Arcado. C. C. Wright of Casper , Wyo. , is registered at the Mlllurd. P. 11. Ilayo * of .lacUson , Neb. , Is registered at the Paxton. J. 1 \ Sheldon and wife of Platumouth are domiciled at the Dollonu. ( jcorgo Annabel and J , Italph Layton of Portsmouth uro at the Murray , A. W. Jones of Hustings was among yes- torday's arrivals ut the Murray. H. 0. Null , Jr. , end J. H. Coulson of Alli ance. NOD. , nro stopping nt the Paxtou. Bishop W. 11. Hare of the Episcopal ctiurch ut Sioux Falls. S. 1) . , U at thu Pax tou. tou.Mrs. Mrs. Stella Smith of Texavkana la visiting at the residence of J , J , Murcor , 'J3U HIckorv street. Mr. H. P. Kloke , president of thoNobraska atato bank at West Point , called upon Tun HUB yesterday. J. H. Hoyco and Miss Nellto Morgan of Chadron , Neb , , were guests of ! ' P Klghlloy at the Dellone. Sieve-nth Ward Knpuhllvimi , Attention ! Vote for Clmrles K BoindorlT , K. M. nai-tlett , Dr. Kwlnj , ' Brown , H. II. Bill- UrlKO , John Norborjr , Houry Jtiind , T , W. Smith , John G. Salisbury , Loc YfttOd , The nbovo dolepiUes nro for Harrison flrnt , lust and all tbo time , THEY ALL ENDORSE HARRISON Three State Conventions Speak Words of Praiss for the President. ENTHUSIASTIC EASTERN REPUBLICANS Atnssncliusntt * , IViiniylvnnln nnil South Carol Inn tlciirt ) t'roin 1'rciloctliiii mill llonpst Money In Their I'liitlornn rnlltlcnl No\v ntn I > : iy. BOSTOX , Mns . , Aprl 20. The republican Btnto convention to chose four dolocatos nnd nlternnUis nt largo to the national conven tion mot nt rromont tomple. E. S. Draper wns temporary chalrmnn. CommUtocB were appointed and that on porma * ncut urbanization rouortcd the nnmo of Hon. W. C. Levering for permanent cnalrmau nnd ho was cho.ion. In bis ndrtross on taking the chair ha spolto nt some length , saying the How England manufacturers were satistloil with the McKlnloy tariff on wool nnd were opposed to frco silver. The platform opposes iroo silver , and snys in view of the docllno In tlio prlco of bullion , purchases by the treasury and the Issue of ccrllltuittos thereon should bo suspended for thotlmo. It doclarus that any chanics in the tariff noonssary from time to ttmo should bo inruto by the friends of protection , not thQ onomles. It endorse ? reciprocity , favors the extension of olvll sorvleo reform , the enact ment or n national tmiilcruptcy law , law.i for rebuilding of the merchant ninrlno and stroiiKthcnius Uionavy ; for the exclusion of pauper nnd criminal ImralRnmts , duelnroa the nation should cnro for needy vuternns nnd endorses Harrison's administration for its visor , Justice , ofllclono } ' , freedom from scandal and brilliant diplomacy , Ulalno com ing In far special mention ; that the repub licans of Massachusetts ara in full sym pathy with every national movement fairly within the scope of general government for the Investigation nud suppression of the liquor trnfllc. After recess delegates to thn national con vention were chosen nnd nftcr _ the usual votes of thanks the convention adjourned. S COUNTY' CONVENTIONS. President Harrison's Policy Ilndorscd In n Niiinlier of UntlirrliiRH. TBKAMAIT , Neb. , April M. [ Special to Tnr. BEE. ] The republican county convention hold nt Craig yesterday was ono of the most harmonious gatherings of a political nature over hcild within Burt county's borders. Fully four-fifths of the precinct delegates nil that were accessible by rail wora in at- tondanco. Chairman of the county central committee , G. G. Gates , presided over the meeting. Tno following delegates were chosen : StiUo convention \V. M. Buan. John N. Peebles , W.V. . Hopkins , J. W. Freeman , sr. ; Hon. .1. H. Sutherland , J. A. MoLaugh- lln , Hon. Fremont Everett , P. G. Mnrr , .1. P. Dunlap. Congressional W , . M. Ncsbit. Joe Bayer , Hon. Fremont Everett , Joseph Hall , Thomas U. AahloyV . II. Eby , E. F. Sisson , Henry Gates. Congressional at Fremont P. L. Hork , John Ashley , \V. W. HopKlns , \V. U. Chase , S. A. Hoon , W. S. Craig , W. D. Smith , Joseph Hall , Henry Gntej. Alternates - nates were elected for each delegation. The following resolutions were adopted without a dissenting vote : Hosolvud , Tlint wo. the republicans of Hurt county. In convention assembled , hourtlly endorse the nclmtnlstrallon ot President llnr- rlson , distinguished na it has been , by patri otism and ability ot ttio highest order. Ills policy as practiced with equal firmness to ward < Chill and England incuts with our earnest approval. Hesolvcd. That the policy of llio administra tion under the wlso direction of the secretary of statit In our relations commercially with other nations and through reciprocity that now opens the markets of the world to tlao producers of the northwest Is especially to bo commended and endorsed. Unsolved , That wo emphatically endorse the adminisiration of 1'ru.sUlent Harrison ns loyal , true urnl just , to the political and financial Interests of the entire country. I'runltlln County. BI.OOMINUTON" , Neb. , April 20. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. | The following dele gates were elected by the republican county convention voday : State convention , J. Brisoin , S. H. Williams , John ParUor , James Jones. John Holinos. Holdrodgo con vention , J. S. liay , C. E. Budlong , Thomas Moore , G. W. Mlllor , J. W. Wilmot , K. D. Glenn. McCook convontiou , CH. Doaglas , E. J. Holmes , John Shatter , S. II. Carpenter , J. J. Chatwood and Li. A. Secnor. The delegation - gation was instructed for J. D. Gaga lor congress. .Slioritliiii Count } ' . RU3HVH.I.E. Neb. , April20. | Special Tele gram to Tin : Bcii.J Notwithstanding the in- clamant weathortho republicans mot today in convention ana elected the following dele gates to the district and state convention to be bold at 'KearneyV. . W. Wood , J. E. West , John Body , Hobort Koed , Louis Ertel and J. H. Palntor. ACCOjmon.vno.Ns roil AM , . Kenrnoy Citizens Arrancln ; ; for the Approaching preaching ICopiibllcitii ConvuntliinH. KcAitxnv , Neb. , April 20. [ Special to THE BBK. ] Preliminary arrangements for the comiortaud picas tire of the delegates to the coining district arid state conventions tire going forward as fast as willing committees can work. A committee has been canvass ing in each ward securing places for delegates - gates nnd visitors to eat and sloop whiUuore , and no ono who contemplates visiting Kear ney during tbo statu convoation noe.1 fear any lack of good accommoda tions. The republican league or the city has the matter of entertainment in charge and each mcmhor is doinc his best to provide ovcry comfort for ddlegat.cs. It is estimated that over 1,000 visitors will be hero , and already sleeping ac commodations have been secured for over SOJ. Every citizen of ICoaruoy Is taking a lively interest In the innttor and all will bo in readiness by the lirst of next week to entertain the crowd expected. The mayor and city council hnvo kindly al lowed the use of the city hall as headquarters during the convention. 1'liu committed un unturtuiiimoiit will meet all incoming trains durinir the wuelc and will escort all deloL'utas to the city hall , whore assignments of sleep ing ( luni'terj will bo made , The hotels of the city can accommoduto 500 persons with beds , and those who arrive early will got the lirst cliolco of rooms. The Ladluh * auxlliaty of the Young Men's Christian association bnvo leased a largo ouildlnir on Central avoniio , near the city hall , which they will til up as u temporary hotel , furnishing boddinir for eighty persons , nnd meals to all who natronlzo thorn. rimnsylvunla Iti-piihliriiiis In So.mon. HAiiiiisnuito , Pa. , April 20. The repub lican convention to nominate a supreme i o , two congrossmon-at-largu , lour cloct- ors-at-largo and dolegatos-nt-lurgu to the na tional convention , mot hero today. The opuru house was packed. General James \V , Lalta of Philadelphia was temporary chair man. On taxing the chair General Latta briefly addressed the convention. The Dim form congratulates lihodo Island on Hi late victory ; declares unbounded con- Iliianco lu Prmldunt Harrison 119 ' 'a leader without fear nnd without reproach. " It says in the disputes witli Italy , Chill ur.d in the reciprocity nogotiatlons , ho arts with judicial temper nnd American spirit , and coupling the name of James G. RUlnn with these achievements. It endorses tbo Mc Klnloy law and hails with satisfaction tbo flgns of tbo ru'cont elections that the country IUH como to roallzo lu wisdom , It attacks tbo democrats in con gress for attacking protection piecemeal. It favors a ship canal joining Lukes Erlo and Ontario , opposes free coimipo of Bilvor.but favors tbo purchase of American silver ut tta market value and the Issue of treasury notes in payment. Declares that moro BtripROiit Immigration luwj ara necessary. After the selection of committees a recess was taken till afternoon. Un rocouveiling E. K , Martin was made piTtnanout chairman. Special resolutions were presented con < eratulatlng Senator Quay on tbo manifesta tions of approval of all course. The resolutions wore received with mingled cheers , shouts and hisses. After the uproar continuednorno tlmo wilt , a number of parsons endeavoring to speali without IUCCOS5 , the resolutions wore touipo < rartly withdrawn , but after thoplniform had been adopted Ihovt were rolntroducod in n modified form aoniinnndlng the earnest pub lic nnd party service * of Quay and wcro adopted , Ttio convention then chOJO dole- catcs-ut-largo and alternates. mill j ; l t'Xt'KUTAIN ' SOl'SO. . ; ; : to . Kiumn l > omorrut ; iiiclor : < o Cleveland lorn llrimmlnutloM. SAMXA , Kanf LC ( > rll 20. Tbo democratic stale conventlotv called to nlect delegates to the Chicago convention , mot nt 2 o'clock this ntturnoon In tho'oponi house. C. J. Jonu , ohnlrman of tlib 'bontral committee , called the convention to oWcr , and in dolnp so ho predicted aomocrHtlc succcsi in November under the leadership of Grover Clovelniul. Tno mention of Mr. Clovelnnd'a name was the signal for an enthusiastic demonstration in the ex-prosldent's honor. Frame Lynch , editor of the Leavenworth Standard , was introduced ns temporary chairman. In taking tbu chair , Mr. Lynch tnuilo an eloquent address , lie said the Issue lu national politics was not Grover Clove- laud alutio , whom the democrats of Kansas loved so well , that would lead them on to victory. It wns the principles ho advocated. Air. Lynch eulogized Cleveland and tbo en thusiasm aroused by the speech was un bounded. The convention completed Its temporary organization by electing W. A , Eaton , editor of the Klncman Democrat , secretary. . The usual committees wcio appointed nnd the convention tooU n recess for an hour. When the convention ronssetnbltd the committees were not ready to report nnd Hou. C.V. . Blair wns called on for a speech. Ho mnuo ono of his characteristic eloquent addresses , and at Its conclusion n resolution was adopted instructing the delegation Which was about to bo elected to name him ns the Kansas member on the national com mittee. Favor * TarHf Ilurorm. The committees then reported , The cre dentials committee reported no contest. TUo platform presented by the commlttoo on res olutions heartily favors tariff reform nnd declares far n tariff for revenue only , the tariff to bo lovlod most heavily on the lux uries and luiht on the necessities of life. It also favors legislation looking to tuo sup pression of monopolies and combines. The sections relating to Iho limmcial issues nro as follows : "Wo believe tbo gold basis of currency insufficient nud that free and un limited interchange of gold and silver is de manded by the uoco.sjltlcs ot the people , ns money nnd not articles of conunorco , nnd wo invite nil nations to unite with us in secur ing this end. ' \Vodomandthocontinuod \ use of green back currency. " The platform further urges the election of United States senators by popular vote , favors liberal pensions , but views with alarm mid indignation the corrupt methods nud misuse of the present pension bureau. Modern Heinounicy'itl'atron Saint. On the prosidontuu candiduoy the platform speaks with no uncertain tone. It Instructs the dele atos to the Chicago convention to vote for Grover Cleveland and use all honor able means to secure his nomination in order that his patriotic course when president may bo vindicated. The delegation is further instructed lo vote as a unit lor his nomination so lone as his nnmo shall bo be fore the convention ! The resolutions were unanimously adopted ; the Hill men , who were few in number , submitted gracefully to the overwhelming Cleveland sentiment and voted for the resolutions. Besides the delegates from the congres sional district the i following delegates-at- largo to Chloago'wero elected : Tully Scott , \V. C. Jones , Thomas P. Fonclon , William Sapp , and T. G. Fltbh. They are all ardent admirers and staunch supporters of Mr. Cleveland and Ufa principles. IN Ilo Is the Choluo'of That Sliito'g Democracy Knnnibctl by Ofay. Ixm.vxAroLis , IndJ , April 20. The Indlnua delegation to the democratic national conven tion will vote for Cleveland for president. That'is ' the program1ogrcod upon today at a larfeoly attended mcctlnc of prominent sup porters of ax-President Cleveland. Ex-Gov ernor Gray and nit the friends of .tho latter request that the delegation bo instructed to vote for Mr. Gray when it becomes manifest that Grover Cleveland is not to bo the choice of the national convention. This Incidental endorsement of Gray as Indiana's ' favorite son when tbo nomination of tho.grcat demo cratic leader shall bt > no longer thought pos sible , is considered as a proper recognition of the claims of ex-Governor Gray. The fight for the Domination for governor is hotter than ever tonight , with Shankllu and Matthews still in the load , but the fnonds of Black aad Nye still hopo. It is probable that Shanklln and Matthews will go into the convention with ubout equal strength. Shanltlln's friends insist that , ho will bo nominated on tbo second ballot. On the other hand , Matthews' friends maintain that ho already bu > moro than enough votes pledged to nominate him. It is assorted-thai none of the four candi dates will come into the convention with his own congressional district solid for him , unless It bo Nyo. It is so complicated that no one can possibly predict the result. There was 7orv llttlo dispute on party policy , the silver question being tba only ono which provoked discussion. Following is tbo silver plunk : "Wo bo- liovu there should bo kept in constant circu lation a full and sufficient volume of money consisting of gold and silver and legal tender paper currency at par with gold. " The ad ministration of President Harrison is ar raigned for its "subserviency to tbo interests of money power , which created it , and its in difference to the welfare of the poopln. " On the tariff question tba platform favors such a compromise measure of tariff reform as will relieve tha necessities of the people , raid tbo tariff policy fir.st put forth by Grover Cleveland Is roallirmRd as the true demo cratic faith , nnd Cleveland himself to bo the logical candidate of thu democratic party for HIP presidency. Ex Governor Isaac Gray receives Urn agreed quasl-cndorsomont of his party by being declared thu favorite son of Indiana , who is the man whom the Indiana delegates are urged to present as the candidate of the Hoosier state , nhould it over become ap parent that Grover Clovi'land caunot bo nom inated. On state issues tba platform endorses the now cash value tax law as the only method yet devised for an equality tux. The fca and salary law is also endorsed and the republi cans denounced for favoring Us repeal. A7iir.s UP DoinrHllr. Arrangements are maklnz for lioldlni ; a na tional convention of colored people nl Cincin nati this snmmt.T. . Oases of trluhlnosM have boon discovered union ; ; several Itostyn , .Mass. , puoplu who h.ul indulged In a feustiif roast pork. John Hill , 'j ' St. . ( ( feph , .Mo. , hey , pushed Wllllo Harding , u | Jiluymiito. beneath the vlieo'.sof a inovlnjbl.friilglit train. Harding was ground to pieces Kdwln I' . Henjauiln. n commission mor- chant ut 10'JO CiruonJiA'cot. Now YorU , i nailii an assignment to ( JyriW V , K'eun , his onlldonllal ! cleric , without preference Daniel Hlinw ot .I'utaliima , Cola , Is dylny , MM Annie Ulclcsfaiii her mother unit twouls- tors and a .ur < . Cirtur ( : | \ are vurv 111 from the cll'ects of strvelirilrtfl , with which homu nn- known person hifit'volsonml . Iho tea I which they drank atHiiiiiiacl The Now York as-AMnbly has adopted , by a vote of ayes 17 , nuypiiri , tlio majority rupori of thtt Maynnrd liivvtilH"t'on | ' coniinlttuu. which endorses .1 ud--o May mi rd'ri net on lu ihu con tested election cases. Tlio senate his ; udoplu I the ioiort ; liy a po tftvoiu. , IJz/.hi Dennis and Alnlvln D. Slmpolo , two of the kldiinpuM whosllvlH Ilnnkor lluiii ' a-yo.ii > - old clUld lust wliitvrj'lind their trial lu the criminal court at Kansas City. .Mo. lloth pluadod guilty and bu.'iti'd for meroy. Judft ) \Vliitubontunciid llio wom in to two yo.irs In ti)9 ) punltciillury and uvo tilmualo four years. ' I'orcier. . Six people wore killed by a cyolono in Trow Tyrol aim many hoimos destroyed. A I'arU annrehlut tunusod hlnuolf and startlo.l . a crowd of dlnCra at n fushloirihlo ciifoby thiowlujBtoaei ibrou li thu window of the din Hi ; rooin. ' Nleliol , the i'dltoriml Mnvhr.iy , the pub lisher ot thu Commotnveiilth. thu anarchist organ of London wlilch wunsoUod by thu po lice , wer arraigned In tlio police court on the charge of Inciting to a orvacli of the poicu. The JiulRO iemande.1 thu prisoner * , they Uuluj unable 10 fnrnUh tull. Hov. James H. Cordon , pastor M. E. church , Wilson , N. CX , fcays : 1 have used Bradycrotlno and never in u single instance failed to obtain Imuiedlato ruliel from headache - ache wboii directions were followed. TROUBLE CAUSED HER DEATH Divorce Proceedings Result in Mrs. Anuio Sulio Killincr Horsolf. "a HUNG HERSELF WITH A CLOTHES LINE Ilorrlhln Mnnnrr In Wlilrh the Demented Wiinmti Arr.uignil the Itntnlli Indi cation * of ii Siimv Itlorkiidn on tltu Northern Nolmiska Holder. Wit.nnu , Nob. , April 20. ( Special Tele gram to Tin : 11ii.J : Annie Sullo , who made her homo with her mother , Mrs. Zajacok , In the northeast part of Iho town , committed suicide in a determined manner this cvonlne. She sent her mother up town on nil orrand. When the old lady returned her dauithtar was found suspended by n clothes line to the rafters upstairs , dead. On < the Moor wns n pool of blood from a big cut she had made on her arm with some slnirp tn.strutnunt , evi dently with a view of hastening death. The deceased was divorced from her husband somu tlmo nco nnd brooding ever her troubles and 111 health hud unbalanced her mind. siviitvi : , ! HUT or SNOW. Ono of thn Spvtirrnt Storms ( if tlio Season Ka liiR In Nelir.i-tlm. HUSH vi 1.1.1 : , Neb. , April 20. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Br.K.J A heavy snow has been falling continuously tineo Monday , with no prospects of immediate abatement. There is two foot of snow on a level , six indies of which Is slush. FONT UoitiNxi.v , Nob. , April 20. ( Special Telegram to TUB BKU. ] Snow has boon falling hero for the past two days. The wind has boon swirling it around In great drifts , mnicing U almost impossible for the soldiers to cot uround to their duties. T\volvo inches is n safe estimate of the fall. It is the heaviest that has fallen here since the memorable ono of May , 1SST. O'Ni'.iLt. ' , Nob. , April l0. ! [ Special Telegram - gram to THE Bni : . ) There was a heavy fall of snow in this locality early this morulmr. It Is still quito cold. Wugion travel la very dlillcult and stugos are delayed. A largo number of Boyd county landsookors nro snowbound hero. That county is fast lllllng up and laud in this locality is changing hands rapidly. Will ( So to tint .Inry Todny. I' itnMo.vr , Nob. , April I'D. [ Special Telo- grum to Tun Bur. . ] The evidence in the Bohrondt murder case wns all in today und the attorneys for both siUos made their pleas , whan court adjourned till tomorrow morning nt which lime the Jury will bo instructed and retire for a verdict. Some of the witnesses for the state did not testify ns strongly at Iho tiial as they did before the grand Jury nnd the coroner's ' Jurv. This , with the absence oC Fred Behrondt , the complaining witness , who has forfeited his bond , somoivhat weak ened the prosecution. The only direct testimony " mony introduced to show It was" the prisoner , Charles Bohrendt , who stabbed nnd killed his brother Julius , was the statement mndo by the latter Just , before his death to Dr. Inches of Scribuer , to whom ho said it was Charley who stabbed him. The principal witness for this defense was tno prisoner. Ho detailed the history of the family quarrel in the Bohreudt residence on Christmas ovo. Ho said ho was assaulted by his father and the hlrod man before ho Hod from the house into the darkness. That Julius followed him with a sword in hand uud overtook him a short distance from the house and thrust the sword through bis shirt under his arm. Ho then threw Julius upon the ground und ran to n neighbor's , whore ho stayed all night. It was n few minutes after this that Julius returned to the house with the wound from which ho diod. Cheyenne County's Democratic Club. Sruxnr , Nob. , April 20. [ Special to TUB Bun. | The stalwart democracy of western Nebraska last night organized the Choyoiino County Democratic club. The meeting was ono of the largest ever hold here and many stirring addresses wore doliverad. The club Is to bo known ns the Urnisht democratic organization of the county , to bo distin guished from the Mclntosh factiou , tbo leader of which bolted his party last your , though being chairman of the democratic county central committee. The ollluors of the club nro : C. D. Kssig , president ; J. B. Ragan , secretary William F. Moore , treas urer. The republicans are full of glos at the dis ruptions in the ranks of ' .ho democrats and are prcpnring for a booming campaign. Tuoro will probably ba several Joint dis cussions hold at an early day. District Court in Knov County. NioiuiAHA , Nob. , April UO. [ Spoclal to THIS BBE. ] The spring term of the district court of the Ninth district opened yesterday , Judge William V. Allen presiding. There are about 250 cases on the docket , forty of which , were disposed of yesterday. This is tlio tirst term held in this county under Judge Allen aud his disposition of cases is giving excellent satisfaction. Tliore is the largest number in attundancu at this term ever known before and all the hotels are overcrowded with guests. Tno trial of Wil liam Sidel for the shooting of H. J. Paulson at Bloomlleld last lull comes up tomorrow. A largo number of Jury casis will bo heard , carrying the term into next week ; Kiiiulolpli'K Jfi' M'ii , Nob. , April 20. [ Snocial to TUB Bun. ] Thospocial election held the 10th inst. to vote ยง 5,000 in bonds to sink an nrtoshm well In Randolph carried almost un animously. Contractor Kearns , recently successful In securinir Hews ut Niobrara and Yankton , ( rives assurance that like results may bo expected horo. Well m.ictiinorv Is now on tbo ground and will bo sut in position at onco. It is gonorilly believed that anoslan water will bo reached at a depth of less than l.OOu feot. WrecK on Iho II. .V .M. HiMnoi.irr , Nob. , April 'JJ. [ Spot-in ! Toie- gram to Tin ) Br.i : . ] A wreck occurred nt this place about 3 o'clock tills morning , Pas seuccrNo. 4 in pulling out collided with freichtNo. SO , throwing the freight angina with one o.ir into the ditch. Tno ilrmnnn turn ono braksnian wore injured , but not o- vorelv. No cno in particular Is blamed for the accident. _ _ l.'reiiuint Odd l-iillow * Visit Ncliuylnr. Fui'.itoxT , Nob. , April 20. [ Special Toll- grain to TUB Bun.j A delegation of about ; JOU Golden Uulo lodi-'o of Hebs'.uihs uud Odd Follows , including Gr-jnd Maxtor Loaaiis and Ornml Secretary Ono , went to Schu.rlor this afternoon to Institute n lodge of Uo- bcknbs there. The Indies' degree loam from Golden Hulo lodge , twenty In number , will do the work. Took Strychnine mill Hied. TAYI.OII , Nob. , April 20. Mrs. Kobort Doughty committed suicide by taking strych * nlno. She was about 22 years of ngo ami the mother of two children. No ron.ion can ho given for her notion further than an ho- roditarv tondoncv to tompor.irr Insanity coupled with despondency nrislntr from the ( act of her delicate condition. This is the snond Mllcldo nonr Taylor within a wcok. Joseph R Propbstshot himself last Friday about thrco miles south ol Taylor In Custor county. CtinrRoil with stc.ttlne lltntn. Br.ATHtcE , Nob. , April 20. ( Special Tolo- grain to Tnr. Bni : . ) A Gorman giving the name of Jorgon Uuou wns nrroslod nero today , charged with robbing Nat Wood- ring' * , moat market at Corilnml recently , tuft ing therefrom n quantity of hams , .lorgon had disposed of several of the hams here nnd wns undertaking the sale ot others when arrested. llulilile ( liven llio I.hull. PAPIU.ION' , Nob. , April 20. [ Spoclnl to Tun linn. ] Ed. Hubble , the young man who olopcd with the wife ot Adolph Peterson , plead guilty yesterday ami Judge Scott fixed the sotitoiico at the full extent of the law $ JOO line and ono year's imprisonment. Itnllroad ItnniU Voted. Pintcc , Nob. , April 20. [ Special to TIM : Bun.J Sixteen thousand dollars bonds of Plerco precinct were yesterday voted in aid or the Yankton , Norfolk & Southwestern railroad. Thu vote wns 14 : ? for and 20 against OMAHA PRESBYTERY. Much MimlnriM Trmiiueted nt thtt Simsion VtMtonlay I/m N'lijIitN Mrrllni ; . The morning session of the Omaha presbytery - tery opened with singing aud prayer after which the minutes ot last mooting were road and approved. Hova. Copley nnd Lnnkton worn appointed a commlttoo on leave of nbscrcoand reported half n dozen now names to bo added to the list present last night. The rules were suspended and ( ho selection of coaimlssiouoM to the ronornl assembly was llxed for the order of business for 2 p. in. Uov. Kobort Killop of the Columbus Con gregational assembly was present ami was invited to sit ns a corresponding member. Mr. Arnold Kogel of Omaha presented himself for examination for admission 'to the ministry. The candidate's sermon nnd loc. turo wcro written in German nnd a commit tee conducted the examination. The exami nation in Hebrew mid Greek was conducted before the presbytery. Tno candidate was , by unanimous vote , glvou license to preach. S. U. Boyd was next Introduced nnd passed through a similar catechising. A petition for chur jh organization from the residents of Clifton Hill was presented with the assurance of the peti tioners that they would soon bo in position to build n church. The petition has seventeen signers. Mr. Wise of Clifton Hill was called for and told the as sembly that Clifton Ilill had a population of 1,500 peoplu ; that the Sunday school had mi uttendnnco of between sovuuty and UK ) and that they had no proper rooms. Ur. Sterling , pastor of Lowe avcnuo church , the nearest to the Hill , favored the request and naid that vhilo sorry to lose so line a section of their membership thi\v were convinced that it would bo hotter for the church ut larco. Thu request of the patiilon was given into tbo hands of the homo missionary commlttoo and It will bo actnd upon at ouco. At the afternoon session , S. K. Uoyd , who has yet a year of ministerial study at McCormick - Cormick seminary before graduation , was after examination licensed to preach. The election of commissioners to the gen eral nisombly which is to bo held at Port land , Ore. , next month , resulted in the choice of Itov. T. W. Lcard of Schuylor nnd Elder W. M. McCord of Marietta. Pro-idem D. U. Kerr of Bellevue collage , addressed the presbytery In bnhnlf of increased facilities nt that institution , saj ing that nt present they roaily had no room for moro students. Last night's session consisted of devotional exercises , and the topic , ' -Growth ot Grace , " was discussed by several clorRvrcon'present. Hov. Asa Loard of the Knox church opened the discussion by making a comparison of Iho growth of grace with a plant and a child. Ho showed how both the plant nnd the child were weak , their gradual growth as strength came to thorn. This was the way God ex pected Christians to grow. Ho did not ox- poet n full-dodged Christian until ho or she got his or her full growth. Rev. Air. Davis of Missouri Vnllov ' .nlked in a similar vein nnd said tbo growth of grace was llrst reckoning yourself dead unto sin. When that was reckoned it wns a marvelous power over temptation. Hov. J. G. Spencer of Pupillion stated that the growth of grace comprised ! ! vnstamonnt of machinery. It was made to opornto har moniously , but it rnquirod n power for its careful tdjustmont. God was iiblo to rnako men happy , but in order to get yourscf into shape a.great power wes required , and it was necessary to make a study ot the different questions. If the power is possessed the questions will bo adjusted. Dr. W. W. Harsiiu of Tccumsch , in sponk- inf un tha subject , said that tlio essential need of the growth of KIMOJ Is to become bettor acquainted with GoJ , to become better acquainted with Him as ho rovonls Himself in Christ. Then they would sco theunsulvus in the dlvmo llsht of Him , Tito meotins this avoiilnir will bo devoted to the Christian Endeavor movement. Hov. C. J. Sterling of Lowe Avcnuo church will conduct the meeting , nud many out-of-town delegates aw expected to bo In attendance , DeWitt's Sarjaparllln clostroysucu poi sons as hcrofula , akin disease , oczuma , rheu matism. Us timely use saves many HVOJ. Us OUlcers Kleeled. The hoard of directors of the newly organ ized Nebraska Bureau of Immigration mot yesterday afternoon in the Now York LIfo building and elected llio following oflloor.s : President , Thomas Wolfe , provident of the Flist National bank ot D.ivhl City ; first vice president , Ii. F. ICIoko , nrcmdemt of tlio Ne- brasitn State b.ink of West Point ; second vice president , D. B. tipauoglo , mayor of Hod Cloud ; secretary. C. C. Shrinor , Omaha ; treasurer. JolT W , Bedford , president of the Germun-Aincricnn Savings tmnk and wholo- anlo coal dealer. Omaha. By-law.s wore adopted und plans for fuluro work discussed. The olllccr.s uxpecl to beuin iigt'rosnivo work at once , nnd hope that by thu tlmo tlio annual mealing Is held on the second Tuns- dav In .Inly they will have a roprcsontntivo In ovorr county in thu state , who will ho n man capable of litly roproiontlnt ; not only the burunu but his to.vn anu county ns well , Dr. Culllinoro. oouust. 1313 liullilin1' IMMENSELY BLACKWELL'5 EVERYWHERE , SMOKING TOBACCO , Whether on the hills gamliiR ; In the place of business ; oral liomei It always fills that niche of com fort a good smoke. Put up hi handy packages , and recognized everywhere as a Pure Granulated Leaf Tobacco of the highest quali ty j it recommends itself to every smoker's use. Sold everywhere , Is always uniform in quality. Pure , sweet and clean. TUG IDEAL OF FINE TOBACCO. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO , , DURHAM , N. C. WHATir RHALLYIS The Mi > ( DmiKM-oiK i > f Modern HI orilnM dourly Drllnod-l'iiruiiuiiilii nnd Wlmt ClIIIHfM It , TliorclinstipcnaKrcnt mlMnlco n to what pnotinionl.i really In. t'oople. niul even .101110 physiclumhavo o.ilii'il tin dniiKcroiiii dlionsn. I'liCHinonlalsuhvuysixn nftor olToot. If th systL'in Is run down , weakened , dolillit.itoil. If tliollfo Isnt n lowplh , tlioliinss may 1111 tin und tlio uorsitii dliniKlilunly. . and It h culled pncuinnnl.i , No innn or wuninn uvor ( Hod of pnoiiinnnlivlun : the body was strong , vigor ous and lingiltliy. It conms upon otio when wcnkcncil by rl | > , by n severe cod or oter- work nnd n Ri'iiornlly wcalono < l condition. Hneli lining tlio o.iso how can tills dromlfnl trouble known as piieiunonla bo prevented or wnrciod off ? Manifestly , by stri'nctliciiliu nnd fnrtlfyliiK tli body by linvliu M.o houllh un-.l 8trontlli loscenro Dial pmuummla will not nttarli , or If It should , o.in oa lly bo warded OIT. ThUcan bo donn by cai-oful llv- inj : , < Mieinl dirt und a inoduralo use of pnro Miiniii.iul. TjitiMitlv n * < ll nature 11 Htlniu- : int Isroiinlrud.iomethln * that adds to thu nru jinj vizor. Nothing for this pnrpoio ean pqiiiil pimiMilskoj. . nnd It should bo bornn In iilndl i lint I UK - . only pci-o nnd inc.llclnnl wills- key which has rocolvnd the unqunlllllod en- ii . .T01"1',1 , " " ' pliysli'laiH nnd ( .MontlsM ls DiilTy s 1'iiro Malt. U Is mordtnary whl.sUoy. uutiiastusHosuroport'ft ' Known to no othur nrtlrlc. It. wlllnifuotlvpiy wnnl olTptioiiiiumlii nnd hnHiavudtlml.vcsof thousands of pco- plti. It should bu roniiMiiborud , hnwdVur. Hint. It N I ho only whisky wlilub ean no.-iiiiiDimli tills , uml nny itmcur or Uriupit who souks to lOiivitn'oyoii lo Iho cimtrnry is dee Insist upon bavin ; Unity's 1'uro Malt. Mill1 i All the latest styles in Soft and Stiff Hats. STSTSQ5TS SO FT an i S TfF F HA TS. ADLABADGH FDR CO , , HATTERS AND FURRIERS 218 South 15th Street. Purs Stored and Repaired. " All she lacks of beauty is a little plumpness. " This is a frequent thought , and a wholesome one. All of a baby's beauty is due to fat , and nearly all of a woman's we know it as curves and dimples. What plumpness has to do with health is told in a little book on CAREFUL LIVING ; sent free. Would you rather be healthy or beautiful ? "Both" is the proper answer. . Scorrft UOWKK , Chcmiiu , 133 South 51)1 ) A venue , New vcrfe. Your druse' : ' keeps Scon's Emulsion of cod.liver oil all drugguu everywhtri do. fi. people know that the products of Tun YALG & TOWNE MANU FACTURING COMPANY include , not only the celebrated YALG LOCK , in over three hundred different styles , but the " STANDARD " Door Locks , Padlocks , Cabinet Locks , Art Hardware ( in brass , bronze and iron ) and every variety of artis tic me.lil wnH' ? Ask for YALE. _ _ Boyd's ' New Theater pwiS Thursday , Friday antf Saturday. April 21 ,22 and 23. Y MATIN1SE. MISS us GALJB .Supported by 51K. OUESTON OI.AUICH Anil nnr\i0llontcoiiiiny ! | , lucluilliiK the principal moniker * of Iho Into JIOOTIlunil MAKIlBT'l' orKunl/ntlon. T"u 1B.Tllli LADY OF LYONS. ivp'ntfs. Much Ado About Nothing batlVtXe. , , ROMHO ANDJULIhT. , , . AS YOU LIKIi IT. MPHEATERLj iLl MiriHitL'onlh ( inil Huriioy Ftreeti * . Sunday , Monday and Tuesday , April 24 , 25 and 26. Tlio lU'iHi'BUiiL ittvu Irirth SI null ) it Coinciltnii , Mr , Carroll. Johnson , In II1.H MutchlriH Srcjilo Muhiurjilccn , THE GOSSOON. Tlio Merry Metropolitan Huccesn Irish Songs ; , Irish Music , M nstorScenery. . ATR8UMPHOFREF8NEIVIENT" 1'rlcoa-t'arquot. fl ; imrauet cir < Ii * . ic Hint II ; balcony. Mo unit Tfc. x ilnrrtc. . tnlu upotitf FARNAM ST , THEATER , ' ' ' ' YAK. MnliiR ( ( < > V'lii'n ( < Iiiy nnil Snliinlnr on AH A. i.oimu. In THO ( irc.il Conicilf OH ! WHAT A NIGHT H-I'rniiy < ilrl .ni'l ' funny Mori II. 'j'lio t t.tOi KntflUtiVnnUei' TIIK HIiTMliJ.iKIiH In Tlicilr ilarvolnin Act. Tlio DAN'l'INU 111 Farnarn StreBl Ono Weak Oommancing Sunday Matinee , April 124in. DEVIL'S MINE. M.itlncoi K.ttiinliy. : Mtlri ( Q OO. , JiOSSQ-iS W O N I J lii R J.k A. N U - ANU - Grand Opera House. Corner ICtli anil ( 'apltol tromiu. Til IB U'JililC tJNKV. lil J 1 A K WING , S foci It Incliusi in liulzlit. Thitt lull u'lrl from Mlnsonrl. Upon dully from 1 tn 11 J ) in. Adnilsa on Onu l lniu. C'liiuis IDu vT fc. A. HaHFridny HvonlnR April 22 \Vll.l. C'AUMSTON Author of Karni llulluilu. IleUuv and I are Out. Ovur llio Hill to tlio I'our llotito , Thu 1'ln.l Hoiller'HHIiiry. fto. Hl'IMKOT : "Thu Uriinia ut Hiitnan Niiluii ) ' Iiilursporsoil with orlsdnal Dooms | > ul > tlliui | ill ! I un I'll ' 111 Ixliuij. ItesnrVfd bPuU. 110) . 73 mill 'ili'iuilJn gain tit Kliulor'N linn' Hloru , -.souili Ilith * ticl , CuiucrV'iruuni. WcUnc < Uuy , Ajiril J. li. ) : in.