Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Now World's Fair Commissioners Organiza
and Take Up Neglected Work.
Kmb.irr.mnient Con c < | ticnt Upon the lie-
jminllilllty of lli-i'illln- ; thn fiiiuli
ol the Communion Soina of tlio
Old Iloard'n lJsntiullturcs. |
The Nebraska World's Fair commission
mot at the Mlllard hotel yesterday mor
ning nnd repaired Us shattered or-
ganbaUon by electing Charles A. Coo
of this city president nnd treasurer
and A. It. Oulo of Uassett , secro-
tarv. CommlMloners A. .J , Sawyer of Lin
coln , Solh 1' . Mobloy.of Grand Island , M. H ,
Weiss of Hebron nnd J. U. Stownrd of Hone-
diet , wore nlso present , nnd Commissioner
General Joseph ( Jarnoau met with them.
The morning sesilon was devoted to the
consideration of the accounts of A. L , . Strnng ,
ox-prrsidctit nnd trensutcr. Mr. Gnrncnu
threw the commission Into perplexity by an-
nounrlntr that ho had possession of the re
port , vouchers nnd deposit certificates of Mr.
Strong , which ho brought to the mooting ns
n courtesy lo the governor. Ho said ho had
no right to tholr possession nnd wanted to ho
rid of tno responsibility. On the other hand
Mr. Con had not qualified by giving
n bond nnd was without legal
nuthorlty to hold state funds. After con-
Idcrnhlo discussion the commission passed
n resolution authorl/ing Mr. Garnoau to de
liver and Mr. Con to rocolvo the remnants
of Mr. Strnng's ' administration , nnd Mr.
Alohlov ronssuroil his colleagues with the re-
.mark that that solution of the emergency
would probably pass muster , Inasmuch us all
but $1I ! of the funds expanded had beau paid
out Irregularly. In similar manner Mr. Saw
yer wus relieved of the custody of five county
warrants for $ . " > 0 each.
What.tlio Itccord Slions.
The commission then settled down to the
examination of Mr. Strnng's accounts. That
Kontleman lopoitcd his receipts ut ! . ! V > 0.bO
nnd bis disbursements at f 1,1)13.51) ) , leaving a
balance of $ ; )
In examining Ills vouchers the commission-
era expressed mild surprise at the number
of boxes needed for the state fair grain ex
hibit , nnd said some hard things nouut W.
W. Cantor's bills fur labor on the boxing , but
concluded that the vouchers would have to
bo passed. Mr. Sawyer objected to a bill of
the Hub Printing company of Kearney , but
on examination it was concluded' that
thn prices wcro not moro than double
these Ordinarily charged , nnd it was
concluded that S .iO.TU was too Btnall an item
to warrant loirul proceedings.
When the voucher of L. Meyer & Co. of
Lincoln Cor ? . ' ) ' . ) .ol ) tor discounting stnto war
rants was reached Mr. Weiss snld with ir-
rovurontomphusis that ho would never vote
to approve it , nnd several other commission
ers were of the same mind. A motion by Mr.
Steward to disapprove the payment was
hold In abeyance by the statement that Gov
ernor lioyd huu said that state warrants
at discount ami 1'rosidciit Coo
wcro a , sug
gested that it might bo discourteous to the
governor to adopt such n motion. Sovornl
commissioners Insisted thnt state warrants
were commanding n premium , but the dis
cussion wandered oft to n voucher of Mr.
S tran c for his own expenses on n
trip to Chlcaeo in December. It was stated
that , ho had charged up a hotel bill of ? ll ) for
five days , nn Item of fo for cab and car
fare , nnd another of $9 for extra meals and
Incidentals. This prompted sarcastic re
marks , nnd n suggestion to have Mr. Stranfi
come biforo ttio commission and explain his
transactions was accepted as the quickest
elution of tbo vouchers in question.
Will Xot Approto Ills Itcport.
When the Nebraska Columbian commis
sion adjourned yesterday tnoniinc Cominls-
Bloner General Garnoau volunteered to seek
ox-Prcsldont Strung nnd ask him to appear
at tbo afternoon session , but ho reported nt
that mooting that ho had not succeeded in
llnding Mr. Strnng. Then the commission
ogam attacked the ex-treasurer's accounts , ,
butgavo it up after lleurmg out thnt Mr.
Strong had drawn ? IO for a six-duy hotel
bill In Chicago , while ox-Commissioner Gen
eral Grcer hud received but $23 for the same
time at the sumo hotel.
The commission decided not to approve
Mr. Strang's report. It was simnlv put on
fllo and Mr. Mobloy was appointed n com
mittee to investigate Mr. Strang's bill for
$118 and U Meyer & Co.'s bill for fti'J.ol ) .
Quito a number of items in other bills struck
tno commissioners ns excessive , but they
wore passed over on the ground that it would
bo n losing game to attempt to recover the
overcharges. All the vouchers have boon
paid by Tteasurer Strang , and the only re
course is to begin suit against bis bondsmen.
Itoutlno Work.
A largo part of the afternoon was con-
Bumea in adopting n now sot of by-laws.
Under these rules the prosiuoi.t appointed
Mr. Sawyci1 an auditing commltibo , Mr.
Mobloy n printing conJmitteo and Messrs.
Wei , Stownrd nud Gurneau a building com
Messrs. Low May , B. P. n. Kennedy nnd
George O'Hrien , otnto lish commissioners ,
presented the commission with their views
on n fish exhibit.
Commissioner General Gnrneau road n
communication from Mrs. Briggs nnd Mrs.
Lnngwortby , the national female commis
sioners , asking the npnolntmontof six women
to get up nn exhibit of tbo handiwork of
Nebraska women for the national buildluif at
Chicago. No action was taken , but Mr. Gar
noau Intimated thnt ho would appoint a
board of three women and limit the compon-
eatlou to W a duy and expenses while on
It was decided to nsk the legislature for
JO.OOO instead of 5,000 for the horticultural
Four sots of plans for the Nebraska build
ing were submitted by Architects Voss of
Omaha , Brago of Grand Island , Urabrouk of
Kearney and Woods of Lincoln. The csxl-
mutss on thorn ranged from $11,000 to ? 15t , 00.
I'llllis .Adopted ,
At the ovonlng session the plans submitted
by Henry A'oss of this city were adopted ,
conditioned on the nccoptnnco of tbo same by
the Chicago construction committee nnd the
( jiving of a bond to bo approved by the buildIng -
Ing committee guaranteeing that the building
could 60 erected for the sum named. Ad
vertisements for proposals from builders will
bo prepared this morning and arrangements
made to begin tno erection of the structure
as soon as possible.
This Is to testify ttrnt I have tested the
medical properties of Lr. ) J. U. Moore's Tree
of Llfo remedy to my entire satisfaction , nnd
can most heartily recommend It to the suf
lerluji nud aflltctcd everywhere , to oo nil
claimed for It In the above statement. Last
eprlng I was suffering from loss of appetite ,
ronstiiutlon , etc. , originating from kidney
nnd llvor troublo. aim Ihr.d not used ono hot-
tlo of this great llfo romudv until I was
greatly rollovod. My wlfo , also , being at a
very critical stage In llto , was suffering
much at tlmea , nnd by the use of this remedy
lias been saved from much suffering and pos-
Iblv from prom.ituro death. Our youngest
eon's health for several years has boon very
delicate. Jlo contracted some lung trouble
by taking cold with measles , which produced
lircat nervous debility and occasional blooding -
ing of the lungs ; ho has used some four bet
tles of Trco of Life , and feels ana looks ns
though new llfo had been given him. If you
re ufUlctod , try It ,
GKO. , Pros. Uldor.
Hex 04 , Carlisle , Iowa.
For snlo oy all druggists.
Delayed 1'ubllo liiiiru\einenti. |
The members of the Hoard of Publlo Works
were In session for two hours yesterday
trying to llguro out just when tbo city would
bo ready to start on this season's paving.
After revolving the question In tholr minds
they decided that U would bo Impossible to
put down a yard of pavement before the
middle of Juno. This state of affairs , the
members argued , was brought about by the
dllltory acts of too council in not passing the
jiavlng ordinances.
Tbo ordinances are disposed of Inthis
wUo : First the council pastes an ordinance
creating the paving district * , following It up
by an ordinance notifying property owners
that they have thirty days in which to select
the paving material to bo used. \Vhonthjs \
has been accomplished another ordinance is
passed , ordering the streets paved und in-
atruutloB tbo Board of Publto Works to in-
Tile bdJ. This having bean accomplished
the contracts nro lot nnd the lucky bidders
nrc allowed ten days In which to got ready
to go on with thslr work.
This taxes tlmo and much yet remains to
do , ns the ordinance ordering the streets
paved has not yet been before the council.
The members of the Board of Publlo
Worx * hold to tbo opinion that If the council
nnd started on these paving ordinances early
In tbo sonnon , every thine would bnvo been
in shnpo so that paving could have coin-
in on cod ns cnrlV n * May 1 mid not under any
circumstances later than the middle of ibo
month ,
Dowltt's Sarsapanlln clainsoi the blooJ ,
Unlit nn th < ! Itock.
Tha Houston Cure * institute Is building
v permanent htislnosj upon n solid
Foundation. It hus proven by its suc
cess In the most ( lilllcult cases , that It
can cure the liquor , morphine anil to-
bticco habits without subjecting the tm-
tiont to danger or loss of tlmo from his
or her rojrtilnr occupation. It Is with
out question the only safe nmlt jro cure.
Careful invc-illjfation will p.'t . vo these
slatomonts lo bo true. Institute N. E .
corner 16th nnd Howard streets.
Dr. Cullimoro. oculist. Baa building
Toda ) ' * Grist of .Mutters Demanding Atten
tion or.JiMtlcrs" Adjusters.
Thoio Is nn Insurance flr.n In town tbnt
does not propose to sit nround nnd have any
insurance company pull the strings unless It
can have a say. This firm is composed of two
members C. E. Ady and N. F. Hess , nnd to
gether they have stopped into the courts ,
where they propose that tbo German Fire In
surance company of St. Paul , Minn. , shall
pay them $10,830 , besides the costs attending
the luw suit.
The story as told by the petition In the
case Is like this : During the month of May ,
1831 , Ady und Mosher contracted with the
Insurance company to become Its general
ngont' . They were to have 'Jo per cent on
all lire risks written in lown nnd Nebraska ,
with an additional 5 par cent on all tornado
risks. In July of that year Moshor sold his
share of thn business to Hess and about that
tlmo the Insurance company declared the
live-year contraot at nn"end. . Now
the two partners propose to recover
the amount tbnt they would have mnuolf the
contract had been continued nrforco.
Shaw & Kuohulo , two lawyers from Den-
nlson , la. , luvo n suit of tholr own ou trial
before Judge Ferguson and a jury , where
they are soeltlne to recover $10,000 from Carl
O. Kdling of this city. It is the piy for legal
services und advise that they want. The
claim grows out of n suit that ICUllng hud
against Louis Bradford , in which the Iowa
law firm appealed for tbo plaintiff.
.Tudgo Davis will call the dismissal docket
of the Fobruarv term in the luruo court room
In the court house nt 10 o'cloolc Thursdny
morning. Thcro nro 153 cases to be dis
Tbo cnsn of the city of Omaha ngninst A.-
F. Kclmer wus put on trial in Judge Davis"
court. Tno defendant is charged witu
having violated the hack ordinance nnd re
fused to obey the commands ot a police
man to move on.
A number of oases on the criminal docket
wcro dismissed. Among them were :
II. E. White , luuolng an employment
agency in violation of the city ordinances ;
John K Stevenson , tearing up pavement
without Hist securing a permit ; Charles Da
vis , improperly impounding cattle and John
Wishnrtlngor , renting a house for pur
poses of prostitution.
Charles J. Glenn , nt the suggestion of his
fnther , was declared mcorrlciblo nnd sen
tenced to a term In the reform school.
Charles Kane , charged with having thrown
rocUs and sticks at a woman , was placed on
trial and a verdict of not guilty returned.
The hearing on the claims against the defunct -
funct gtocer.v lirm of C. 11. Moore which
was sot for this morning In tbo county court ,
was continued until today.
Is It sensible ] Is it reasonablcl Is It
economy , to suitor yourself nnd worry others
with a headache when Bradycrotino will relieve
lievo you in llftoou minutos. It costs only 50
cents u bottle. <
There are soaps made outside of Ne
braska which pretend to employ No-
braskn labor. Do not Do deceived.
Union soap is tlio Nebraska brand.
MKTIIODIST < ; isiit vi ,
At Omulin , May , 18 ! > 2.
For the accommodation of these desir
ing to visit at points cast of , in tlio vi
cinity of or nt Omaha , during May , the
Union Pacific will sell tickets at ono
faro for the round trip. Tickets on sale
April 28 to 30 inclusive , limited to Juno
1 , 1892.
For tickets or additional information
apply to your nearest agent Union Pa
cific system.
.Men HoKponsllilo Tor the TMnttmiiouth Job
Avriutrcl In the ISlulft.
The three burglars who robboJ the postof-
fico at U o'clock Monday morning during the
progress of n llro at Plnttstnouth , were cap
tured ycstorduy afternoon in a sa
loon at Council Bluffs by Fire Chief
Plckens of Plattsmouth. The robbers
got $150 In postaco stamps , $100
belonging to tbo Grand Army , and tbo
stamps and $51 were recovered when the ar
rest was made. The robbers were taken bv
surprise and offered resistance by throwing
spittoons nud making u hard light. Plckcns
hold them nt bay wltu a revolver until the
Council Bluffs police came to the rescue.
Plekons wont to Chief of Police Soavoy nud
asked for two mon to assist him In making
the arrest before the robbers could have
time to get over the bridge , but the chief
refused the request.
Ono Minute.
Ono mlnuto tlmo oftun mikoi a groit dlf
foronco a ono minute remaiy for bronchitis
choking up of the throat , lungs , etc. , of
ourso is a .blessing , Cubeb Cou'ih Curj U
mch a romody. For sale by all druggists.
Cubcb Cough Cure Onomluute.
Union soap employs nearly fifty per
sons , all Nebraska labor. Other soap *
which advertise lo employ Nebraska
labor , employ only one man a salesman.
Which doborves Nebraska patronage ?
Knturtalnnicnt lor thu I'cophi'K Convention.
Thus far accommodations for only 3,000
people have been secured for delegates to the
people's parly convention , which Is to bo
hold In Omnbn the flrst week in July. The
local committcomon say that those accommo
dations have been secured nt the hotels , and
unless boarding houses andjprivatu families
come to the rescue tbo delegates and visitors
will not have accommodations.
Secretary Nason of the Board of Trade desires -
sires tbo numo.s of all who can take care of
people. Boarding houses nro not asked to do
it gratis , as they will bo paid n good rale for
every one accommodated.
Mrs. L. H. Palton , Uoc ( ord , 111. , writes :
"From personal experience I can rocommoud
DoVVitt's ' Sarsaparllln , a euro for impure
blood and gonorul debility , "
H of thu DrtoctllcB.
Chief of Detectives liazo has made the
following semi-monthly report of arrests
made tbo flrst two weeks of April by the
city detectives ; Savage , Haze and Dempsey ,
1 ; Suvngo nnd llempsey , 14 ; Savage , 2 ;
Haze and Dempsey , 1 ; Dorapscy , d ; Hnzo
and Savage , ! ! ; Hazn , 3 ; Vaughn and Corov ,
ti ; Cook and Corey , U. Of this number ten
prisoners were discharged , the others being
convicted and fluod and turned over to the
district court.
_ _
"Lata to bed nnd early to rise vflll shorten
the road to your bomo In tbo skies. " But
curly to bed nud a "Lttllo Early Utsor , " the
pill that makes llfo longer and bolter and
wiser ,
Iteiult of n JunUct.
Just three years ago yesterday tbo Board of
Trudy started ou Its famous excursion trip
through the Blaok Hills , ami the board , says
Secretary Nason , has boon doubly repaid for
the expenses of it Omaha has been placed
iu mote friendly relation with olber elites
nud the triii has boon tbo means of inducing
numbers of business men to come to the city.
A similar trip to Montana 1s contemplated
cither m May or June.
Executive Clemency Saves the Soldier
From Hanging on a Holiday.
Tlio Now Turn In Ktcnt * Will Prob.ilily iu : l
the Oiiosltlun | ] to Having thti Kxccu *
lion on tlio Court Homo
( Jrounds.
Dlxon lias boon rcjpltoJ ,
Unlloil States Marshal SlfiURhtor rocolvod
a telegram at 10:30 : o'clock this morning , that
will , when properly nttustoil , pivo Clinton 13 ,
Ulxou n now lease of llfo , nna ( or nnothcr
mouth ho will bo enabled to moro thoroughly
perfect Ins preparations for entering the
next worl J. The tcletrriim road as follows :
WASHINGTON 0. . April 19. II. I ) .
UnltoJ States Mtirslml Umiiha ,
Neb. : The prc'lilont lias this day reMilti'il
the execution < it ihu'Voutuiico uf Uilntou i :
Dlxon until Prlilny.May yj , ISJi. AcUnoiv-
ludso luculptot this. AMmicit ,
Acting Attorney Gcnunil ,
The marshal at one1) tolotrraphod back to
Washington for ofllclal cotillrtniUlon of the
order and ox poets to receive a document duly
signed or scaled on or bcforo Friday morn-
lug. Wholhor ttiat ! rocutvod In tlmo or
not It will malto no dlfforanco , n a proper
attestation of tbotolegram will ho regarded
ns suniclcntfor the postponement of tno oxo-
The tologrnphlc communication rollovod
the marshal ot much uneasiness , not bccuuso
of the execution itself , but hccauso of the
unexpected controversy that had arisen as to
where the execution should tulto place. Mar
shal Slaughter was very much annoyed and
embarrassed by the refusal of the
county commissioners to allow the
sentence to bo carried out on the court
house grounds , ns had been planned , but at
once began to make arrangements to linvo
iJlxon's execution on block SO , the site of the
now postofllco. Supcrlntondont liolntlorlT
protested on the ground that the pt-opoiiy
was In his charge as a roprosontallvo of the
secretary of tno treasury , and that neither
thi > attorney general nor anyone connected
with the department hud any right to devote
It toother purposes than thoiu dlroctol by the
secretary of the treasury without llrstobtum-
im ; the necessary permission. Ho at once
telegraphed Secretary Foster what the mar
shal" proposal ) to do aud asked that oniclul to
wlro Instructions.
Marshal Hluughtor also wired the attorney
general tor instructions , and ni reply received
the telegram announcing tno respite.
That settled the very embarrassing contro
versy , as the move to hanp the condemned
mau on the Government square oxcltod very
vigorous protests from sovornl quarters.
The marshal is now wondering what Major
Paddoclc will liavo to say about the execu
tion taking place on the court house grounds
May 20 , as ho stated yesterday that his solo
objection to April - - ! was because it was a
legal holiday.
No sleep has thus far been lost by the
marshal over the matter , as ho has given it
liltla thougnt , intending to talto it up ns n
matter of business two or three dtiys before
the appointed tlmo. Ho has , however , made
arrangements for the use of tnoNoal gal
lows , which was bought by William Mardis
for exhibition purposes , and which ho has
ottered to erect again nnd take for the
monetary consideration of J-5.
The trap , however , will bo operated on an
altogether different nlun from that used be
fore. The axvktvaru lover acd plug will bo
done away with , and in their place a mucrnet
and catch operated by a little push button
will do the work. The stockade will bo
about one-third the size of the Ncal enclos
ure and will he entirely roofed ovur , n
lareo skylight being placed over the gallows
to furnish the necessary light.
After the execution the remains will bo
turned over to Father Uigge of Crnighton
college , Dixon's confessor , and interred in
the Catholic cemetery.
A former soldier comrade of Dixon , William
G. Shorrard , who belonged to Troop F ,
Sixth cavalry , the trOnp from which Dlxon
was dishonorably discharged after the mur
der , arrived in the city yesterdav from
Fort Nlobrara , having Just been discharged
after the expiration of his term of enlist
ment. Ho was on his way to Chicago , where
ho will ro-oulibt , and called on Marshal
Slaughter for permission to see Dlxon.
Ho showed his honorable discharge , nnd
after stating that ho was nn old irlond
of Dlxon. was granted the dolrcd permis
sion and Deputy Jackson was detailed to take
him to sco the condemned murderer. The
mooting between the two ox-comrades was
very cordial and lasted nbout a quarter of nn
hour. Dixon asked after several of bis old
comrades , and In spnaking of his case de
clared that several of them had cone back on
him. Ulicrrard declared that n lack of
money was responsible for the whole thing ,
as S'J.OOO or $3,000 , would have secured n dif
ferent result. The parting batwoen the two
mon was quite effecting , toari welling to tbo
eyes of both us they parted for the last tlmo
on this earth.
After bolne notified by Marshal Slaughter
ot the respite , Countv Jailor Miller wont up
to Di\on's cell nnd said , ' 'Clint , I hay < j gooa
news for you. "
"What Is iti' ' asked Dlxon , brightening
up."They have postponed the execution of the
sentence until Mav 20. "
Dixon then wont back to the hunk from
which ho hud risen , and romarkoJ , "If that's '
all , I don't know as it makes much differ
ence. If I have got to hang , it might as well
bo flrst ns last. "
The prostration nftor the crip is entirely
overcome by HoodM Snraapnrilla. It really
docs make the weak strong.
Union soap excels nil others.
A disoaao , treated ns such nnil perma
nently cured. No publicity. No inlirm-
nry. Homo treatment. Harmless and
ofloctuul. Refer by permission to Bur
lington Iltiwlcoyc. Send "c stamp for
pamphlet. Shblcoquon Chemical Co. ,
13urlinfton , Itu
Ono 1'nru for the Koiuiil Trip.
For the accommodation of those desir
ing to visit at points east of , in the vi
cinity of , or ut Omaha in May during
the session of the Methodist General
Conference , tlio Union Pacific will sell
tickets to Omaha and return at ono faro
for tlio round trip. Tickets on sale
April 2S to 30 Inclusive , limited to Juno
1 , 1892.
For any additional information apply
to your nearest agent U. P. system.
Do You
Drink Water ?
A , good nppctito nnd improved
digestion result from a morning
rtrlnk of SULPHO-SALINE. Its con
tinued use cures biliousness aud all
diseases caused by a torpid liver.
'TIs a mild , sure laxative , a natural
mineral water , and Is only bottled
by the Excelsior ftpringi Company ,
Excelsior Springs
s ea > PM < t. Missouri
IticliardsonDrugCo Agls. Omalia Neb
, , . , ,
Editor Town Tlftln Dealer Cured of In-
siirrcrnblriillclilnt ? nnd P.ilti bj
tlic Gtillciira ItcincilIcJ.
XoLcsiTlmnlHio Physicians Consulted.
Their Combined Wisdom I'ollo\u-il \
Without bcnelll.
I am Mxtr-slx joir old. In AIIRIKI , 13 9 , WM
troubled with tlmipeculiar > liln license lo wlilth 1'C-
ptc of ray n'ta are anbjocl , known nmons medical
men ns eeicm.i. im tlrcl nppenrmieo win near
tlio nnklci. u rnpldly exlcmleJ over tlio loner
extremities imlil mr legs were nentlr ono rnw soret
from lem tlio trouble extended ncro * tlio hl | > ,
shoulder * nnrt the entire length of tha arm i. tlioeg \ *
niulnrm < irentljr sutollcn with nn llchliitf , burnlne
imln , ullhout cci'ntlon. Although tlio bc t niollcul
nd\lco nttnumblo win employed , no ICM tlmn flvo
pliFlclnii i f thoplncobelrueomnlted nrnl tto pro-
terlptlom licliu tlio ro ill of their combine 1 wlsJora
the ill oisc , ttiotmh nppurentlr checked , would recur
In fcwilnjn ns hnl m oven durlne Its pronroo my
woluht full nwry about twenty-tiro poitmH. As nn
cxiiorlmcii : 1 beznn tlio tno of Ct'lici'iu , following
tlio Mmp'o nnt plnln Instructloin Rlvju with tha
MKminndln : fourwceln foun I iujr ir vcll.wltli
Kln oft nnd natural In color , tlio It hltiK nid pnln
entirely relieved. W. U. MIIAO ,
Kdltor lown I'lnln Donlcr , Crcsco , In ,
Cuticura Resolvent
Tlio now ) llnnd Rtirt fkln 1'urlller , tlio Rrento t of
Humor Komedloi , Internnlly'lto elcim'o tlio bloo I of
nil Impurities iml pol onoin olotnonK and thin ra-
move tlio cnute ) , nnd Ctmci'llA , tlio pnmt bUu Cure ,
nnd Cl'Tici'ilA SIAP , an exquisite i-klu I'lirlller
nnd llonullHcr , cxt-nmlly , ( to tlio fkln nnd
rrnlp.nmt rostorotbolrilrl.'poudllyciirocvpry humor
nnd dl en c of tlio kli , fcnlp nnd blood , with loss of
Imlr , whether Itchlnc , burning , tcnly , pimply , nnd
blotchy , whether simple , jcioCiiloiis , hereditary , or
contniilous , nheii physicians and all other remedies
Sold everywhere. Price. OitTid'tu , W.s o\l > , > e.t
HKsm.vf.vr , ll I'reimriM bvtliu I'urruit IIUUUAM >
CMklllCAI. COIH'OllTIIIV , llOSlll.n.
tiytciHl fur "How to Cure Skin Diseases. "
PMl'l'l-3 | , black heads , rouith , red , ihnppcd , nnd
rilfl oily skin euro I hrCUTirtWA ' OU' .
osi : .Misi'ri : TIIBI Oi'TlrritA
I'AI.V PIASTER relieves rlieu-
invHi1 : , wlntlc. Inn , klilii"y , iliust mitt
] cuciiliir palm unit weaknesses , 'i'tia
first nnd only | uiiivkllllnK t > lastcr.
Thonennils ot
tcetlnumlnla ,
Sea Ur. Miles'
lioolc , Now nnd
Startling I'licU.
Tico at drug
DR. MILES Two Years
JiEW Shortness ol
Breath , Pain
HEART in SidOB ,
CURE.ret Fluttering.
( ret
UOK Spells , cured
by cmobottlo
Ulcn Itock , 1'a ,
Dr. mites' ' Tliomoet relia
. ble euro for nil
NtwCURK Heart
t'osltlie Care for Drop : ) . Asthma , jr. Diseases.
DO. . MILES EtEDIOAL Oo. Elkliurt , Ind.
1'orSalo by Kuhn , V Co. , 15th nnd Douglas Ft
" 3AHATIVO , " the
Wonderful BpnnlBh
Jlptnedy , Is Bold with a
Written Guarantee
to euro all Itcivnua Ills-
cases , such caink
Memory , I-ow nf lirnla
Power , Headache ,
Wnfcef illness , Lost Mnn-
liooil. Nervousness , Las-
Eltude , nil drains and
Before & After Uso. losi of power of the
Photocrnphcd from life. Generative Organs In
either eex , cou'cd liy
orcr-ciertlon , otiUiful Indiscretionsor the excessive
sac of lohacLO , nphiin. or Etlimilants , uhlch ultltnitlcly
Inlet to Itinnnlty , UuiiMimiitlon nud Iii anlty I'm up
111coiuenlcnt form to cnirv In tt0 ! st I'otket. ' I'llco
fl n paekxKC. orlifurfS.ltlitciy } i outer we die n
written Riinrontoo to cure or refund the
rnonoj. fMt by fiiull lo uny.nddre&s. Chcolar free
In I'lnln ' envelope -Menllou Uifsjnpcr. Adilirss ,
"MAD31D CHEMICAL CO. . . Ilmncli Office foi U.S.A.
85S Denihorn'hlrcct , CHICAGO , II.U
Kuhu A Co , Co.r 15th & Doucla * Sts.
J A Fuller ft Co , Cor. 14th & Douelas Sti.
1'aulG. Schneider , Council ninlld. la.
A now nnl Comptoto Treatment , consisting ot
Suppositories , Ulntmont In Capsules , ulso In Hot
andlMlU ; n 1'asltlru Curj for Uitorntil , Intornil
llllnd or llloolln.j lichlru , Chronic , Uocaal or
lleiodltnry nios. This lljiuady hi ) nornf booa
known to full. ( I pur bo ( . 'I fori : uorn \ > r mill ,
Why Duller from tills turrlblo > lls3as > whan i writ
ten RUHrtuituu Is poilllvoly k'lrjn with ri ' ) > tii or
rclmictthj uionoy 1C not curjl. Sjnl stino lor
free tJMnplo. Uujrantjo Isi.ioJ br Itu'i i A Co. ,
UriiRUlsls , rfolo A.ju ; . cornar 15t'i uuJ DJU UI
streets. Om ihu. Meu.
In that Great and exciting pame wlilch Is ever ,
bclns played between Ifealtli and I.lfeon ono
elde , and Disease and Death on tlio oilier , AbllJ J
Itylstlio Joker , Kxijcrlenco tlio Klglit Uower ,
and 81:111 the Left , And tlieso ate all ueld by
America's unrivaled Specialists ,
Whose marvelous success In effecting speedy
and permanonticurcs in all diseases of a prhate
or delicate nature U the wonder of tbo $
Syphllla ,
Conorrhcnn ,
* Soar matorrh tea.
{ Strlcturo ,
Hyclrocolo ,
Vnrlcocolo ,
Piles ,
Lost Mnnhoocl ,
Somlnal Wonknosa ,
Ferrmlo Wonknoss ,
Sexual Dlsonscs ,
Kjdnoy Troubles ,
Bladder nnd Urinary
All scientifically , safely , speedily and perma
nently cured. _
Bend I'our Cents for 120 page Uook , hand
somely Illustrated ,
Consultation 1'rce. Call upon , or address
v , 1th stamp. 9 Q
110 South llth St. , N. li Corner lltli
and Douglas Sts.
Omaha , Nel ) .
"I fed as well as I ever ilhl-
Suffcr no pain , cat and sleep well. "
That's the unequivocal statement of rv
Chicago freight man as to his relief
from Rheumatism by uslnp
Ilnro is exactly what ho wrote only
last July :
ChleitRO A. Northwestern Itnlltvnr Co , I
( iu-icnil PrclKlil Doimrttupnt , >
ClilcnRO , 111 , July Jl , IS'.M. i
THE ATIII OIMIOIIUS Co. , .Now llnu-n , Conn !
( lentlcmen Kor ih-er two > cnrs 1 hiivo been
tronblctl with Ithciitiintl'ii' , nml Onrlntf thin time I
hnvo tnkcn , I think , rrorjr remedy rccoinniciulcil
for this tcrrlblo trouble , which nlso Inchulcil ll\ci
niunthi ut Ilol Bprlnga , Ark. , without roller. Aliuut
three niontlin DKO I comiiicneeil tnktiiK Ath Iu plio-
ron , nnil while imdor the Inlliicnco of the tiieillclno
I feel ns nell ns I over < IIJ suffer no pnln , ent mill
sleep well. Yours truly , C. S. MCHOLa.
Thin teitlmonlnl hns n clear rlnp. U dcinonstrntes
thntno human bclnu need loiiBBiitlor with llhcumn-
Atli-lo phn ros li sold by nil drnt.M ( tp. tl partial
tlci nix for } , ' ) . A buniitlfnl plcturo free , pobtimlil ,
to nny one uuolll nrltu for It ,
DR. J , E.
Wrtto for o rouliirs.
N. U Cor. Hlh an I T.irnam Sts. , Omihi. Neb
Ill S ) t i 1-1 StrJ3t ,
No AttoPostofllce , Utn.iha.
Practical Opticians
Ana branch of world rcnnwnod optical establish-
BientofA. 8 Alee k Co , St. I.ouls. Our method M
inperlor to all othon : our lenict lire superior : will
pot wenry or tire tbo ojos. Tbo rrnmot properly ad-
lusted to the face
Eyes Tested Free of Charcro.
Prices Low for First-class Goods.
nils 1 Oio Johet Llelit Konclstor which sells
nt ? ! . ' 3.00.'o will sell thorn Tor nUty ( liiyt , nt
KlirilK ) . II has I' * Inc'h eiihlilon tlii-h. Is full bull
bour.tiK mill all diniifoijclriRs. r-unt. t' . O I ) ,
on loculpl of TlO.VuiKSOMiH thu Coltuiiblii ,
llurtfoiil and Victor. C'litalniiio fri'o.
1 | 0i ( UO UK faTUKlCT.
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul R'yi as represented
on this man.
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vcstibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar
riving atphicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Ofiice : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent.
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.
Dr , Ballsy , $ r
The Leading
Dentist y
Third Ftoar , Paxton TJIos't.
Tclppiiono 10S5. l ! li nnil rarnnm Sis.
A lull i-t of IceiU on rubber for li I'crfeet tit
Ttvtli wltliout I'tatoi or removoblo brlilnu orn
jutl lliu ililu lor jliucrs or | iulllodcukur | , ncicr
All IllUnir at rea onab'o ' ratei.all work nurrantotl
ut .lil > uul for uuulJo.
PT9 nilchnlrr1. Knullih Illitavgd TT.-Mia.
. - < ? . v < lrllnul u.l Ouljr Ueuullir. * *
.An , .Iw.ji nlUblt. t oir . k
lil Kr Oitiktittr I KialUk i'u
Bit * I lo I ltd > i > 4 Ojl p"Ulllo\
irtlf 1 wllb Mu rltboD , 1'ulo
llaulhfr , Jttfutt4 < lMgtT6ul * wt < llt ( * .
lit * * J imifalioi.i Al prufiun. or feet -la.
u > liu.i 11 ikitleuUri l .ilu. oUl > ml
"llrlltf far I ji.lki. " In ( < ' . 1-J riljru
Mull. Ill IIOO Tt.tlciouU.iami laptr ,
liltliiMlf * Cbculctl t'o.,11 iidt.OD fcyuare ,
br ( | Uu. i'tLUJn. , J' .
A shoo that's mndo tovonr , nncl wear well ti shoo that's
mndo to fit , nnd feel comfbrtnblo nfler it's on n shoo that's
made of finosolid calf with the genuine Goodycat1 welt with
the patent stay with nil the good qualities and none ofthobn d
Hint's the "Nebraska's" popular two fifty shoe. Wo have just
opened another large shipment or these popular shops. They
coma in nil sizes from BJ to 11-in nil widths from D to F in
Puritan , Paris , French , l ndon , Opera , nnd the now Globe to
In plain or tipped. You can have them in either lace or con
gress , and you can hnvo them with high or low instep.
Our guarantee on this shoe ! s this : If nftor you wear n pair
of those shoes , you find them unsatisfactory in any way If the
stitches rip , or the hanger pulls out , or the stock proves defec
tive ; if you don't , get the amount of wear out of them that you
should , you may return them to us nnd you'll cither get
now shoos free or your money back.
We will also put on sale this week n handsome NEW PAT
Will place on snle to-day two Immense lines of fine genuine
Dalbriggan Underwear n tensor for spring trade
Very good value in bnlbriggan shirts and
drawers. The shirts Have French neon and
long sleeves. You'd think them well worth
EXAGtL forty cents AND THEY ARE.
The line we take the most pride in , is n line of
elegant fancy balbriggan shirts and drawers , in
natural , tan , brown , slate , drab , gray , normal nnd
unblcnciied. This line of goods comprises n range
of values from OOc to 7Bc , and n handsomer line
nt a moderate price you never saw.
Tlio above brands of cloves for snlo by
The Boston Store
N , W. Cor. 10th iintl Douglas Sts.
There M ) i < >
known remedy
that equals
] inpro\cnicut on or-
Ol nCTfT5 { ilimry poroua tilas-
YLK&uK \ Is a i evolution
liinlaslcis , Wood'nii thu only lilasler
Iniiiii ; jxiwcr to dilnle llit pores and
penetrate to thu teat or pain.
N.V. Depot , 93 William St.
In diseases such M Consumption , Henri Fail
ure , La Grlppo anil Its after i-ffccts , Hliero Mlnm-
tdiitn nro Indlcatvtl us modlclnal onciits , thu best
resultsnroobtalnnblobrnsliiK "Cream ruroltj-o. "
Thla ublskojr ims no i-ijual In purity or mellowness
unil.becauso It Is Ulstlllwl from re , ( the most nu-
UUIons of ull Brains ) , and doubly inatmcU , H
very holesomo ns n boveniKo. For nil purposes
ltlsfarBupcilortocorn\shliklesKnoHiiasI.'our- (
Lens ) , For sulo at ull llrst ljss drlnklni ; places
and ilrus fltores. Cull for "Cream J'ure Jtyc" ami
Mko no other. Yoii'maf know It by Its d ( llclnui
flavor und the proprietary bottle In Hhlrh It U
gervexl. > 7 DALLEMANI ) * CO. , Chlcasc
Freque1 want
a now
AJclrubS buddunly , v/lthout uotluo ,
Omaliti Ailtcftlilnu Jtureitti , ff. 1" . Lift.
Army and
ia i
Soldiers in the Regular Ann
and Sailors , Seamen and lilar-
incs in the United States Navy ,
since the War of the Rebellion ,
who hnvo been discharged from
the soi'vlce on account of dis
abilities Incurred therein while
in the line of duty , are
Entitled to Pension
at the same rates and under the
aomo conditions us persons ren
dering the same service during
the IVar of the Rebellion ,
except that they are not entitled
unrlor the now law or act of
June 27 , 180O.
Such persons re nlso entltl rd
ts pension whether discharged
rom the service on account o
disability or by reason of expir
ation of term of service , if ,
while in the service and line
of duty , they incurred
wound injury or discase vlnc'l. .
still disables them for manual
Widows and C/nldreti ]
of persons rendering service In ,
the regular army und navy !
Since the War are
Entitled to Pension.
Iftho death ofthesoldler
to his service , or occurred wlilla
ho was in the service.
Parents of Soldiers & Sailors
dying in the UhltoU States ser
vice since the War of tlio Rebel
lion , or after discharge from the
service , from a cause originat
ing therein , leaving no widowj
or child under the ago of slxteorv
years , are entitled to pension if
now dependent upon their own' '
labor for support , whether the
soldier ever contributed to thelp
support or they were dependent
upon him at the time oYv.J
death or not.
Ab to title to pension , ADDKKSS
- Tl-ibl -
Bee Bureau of Claims