Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Com and Pork Divided Pnblio Interoat
with Wheat Yesterday.
Opening of Navigation Una I-cft Practic
ally No Contrnrt Corn In Store In
ClilctiRo IVIirnI Tniillne Wits
I.utul. *
CniCAOo , III. , April 19. Corn nml pork (11-
vlded public Interest with wheat today. A
Inline of licurly 2e took ptaco In corn. Pork
vrns nlmott jianlcl < y nnrt sllil down 30c. Wheat
went olTn cent. Tliero was considerable Rttr
in corn. It was duo to somp nervous buying ,
helped on ny seine innnlptiliitlon. 'Ilio firm
ness In corn for some days past , oven when all
oilier markets on tlio floor worn weak , wra n
warning to tliu shorts In May that It might bo
afur to get under cover. This feeling has In-
croa od from iliiy to day an the receipts Kept
coming in tnodcrito and Ilio grading ehuwcd
no Improvement.
The opening of navlgnttnn has left pract
ically no contract corn In store hero. Tim
last ton iluys of April hu\o been reached and
till about tlio No 2 corn Iris the word "now"
Attached and Is tilled out of tlio contract
Krndo The wo ither has been ngalnst both
Milpmonts and grading Tlio act'on todav
wan almost entirely Ina.y. \ . Tin * croud acted
ni If air ild of oino strong parties hnro anil
In Now York s Ud to bo heavily long on corn.
WhiMi the tiinrUol began to ndxanco Hoyden
uiul others supposed to ho aellng for I'udahy
turned In us bit ) urs nml sent thuprlcutipon the
Rinallct bidders. Tlio s.imo parties sold somn
nt higher pi Ices , but thn niaiUet \ > ould not
Miami any hna\y lliiilditlon | and e.isud olT 'So
from the opening price , closing Irregulat ,
Way " o to l'io up compared with last night
nml July only 'ie ' to f e.
Oils flrmuu up with corn , closing about 'Jo
higher last night , although Norton-
Worthmaton sold IV.o ) U bit. of lout : oats. It
Is mild thai lloyd"n's purchases of May corn
for the past thico ( Inya ha\o aggregated fully
I.MNI.UOO bit.
Too many hem at , the yards Knocked the
lioltom of the market for pork Not oxentho
Blrcn-Mb In corn could sustain It. Trading
was aetlM' , the public olllriK freely and the
Khorls buying , thiiH taking their protlts. Turd
and ribs wore , howotor , comnaratluily iiilot |
nnd fairly steady , bhorlly before tlio end of
tlio Ros-tlon tlio local oper.itorn raided down
jiorl. to Ilio lowest point of the day
Wheat trading was largely local. The mar
ket opened HO iker and So lower that yester
day's clnslnt ; . advanced to the extent of tlio
clecllno and yosloiilny's olns'rij ' ( Uuro was
reached , but again became weak and declined
% c , then riiletl Irro ulnr and the close was
nVout lo lower than yesterday. The Hpeenla-
tlvn offerings were also boiry most of the
day , especially for July dolixcry. and It was
tlili ) which hc/ld / the nriikctdoMi somowlmt.
Now York parties bought talrly well during
tliu session. 1'ko e.irly weakness was
Inllnencud homo by the r.ngllsh cables
which It wax though would como In hl.'hcr
on .iccount ot the cold weather In l.'ni.'iand
nnd on the continent yesterday , lint Instead
It I'iitno In loner all around. The temporary
rccoxory was on a decided falling otr 2,210,100
bji.In tin iti.intlty | on oceiii p issano. This
TVIIH mori ! thnn ollael later by a statement In
the Dornbtisch of a huge decrease In the esti
mated requirements of the United Kingdom
nnd H'lrope.
Tlio demand for % essol room wart lighter and
more was oircrcd. 1'or who it to llulfalo HCc
was aM.od and bliippui-piilincl | toha\ebeen
offered room at 1'Jc. ' Corn was held at l4o ! to
Kstlmntotl receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , SI
cars : corn. 1U4 cars ; oats , 107 cars ! hogs. 20,1)00. )
The leading futures ran.'eu as follows :
.AimutH | ( irt.s tllilll ( 1 OSl.
April $ 61K $ BOH I FOX
Jlny K'i ) MJVi
W 40H 42
ftny | 4UX 424Jli (
Jin ) . . . . , 281(1 (
lUl""t 1'oiiK
Miiy 165 ' . ) fiK 0(12 ( ! .
July 10 UU 10 UO U75 'J7J
l.Mlli -
Mny b ! 0 020
July. . . , 0 IU
EnoilT llins-
* tny 5 47 t > 47k !
July 5 ( ' , 5I.7W & 5 WH
Onsh quotations were as follows :
I'l.ouu Sto idy nnd iincliaiiged ; winter pat
ents , $ l.2i440 ) ; winter straight , W4W34.20 ;
wlntertoconds , $ .1 20J.25.
WiiUAT-No. 2 spring whoit. 8I" < 3RI'ac ;
No. : i spring ho it , f. o. b. . RGc : No S red. ( > 5'e.
toi'etli U'shor ' ; No. 2 , 40)J@41c ) ; No. 3 , yellow ,
OATH No. 2,2S'5ra ' 5i'c ! No. 3 white , f. o. b. ,
IliSJ * . ' < - : No. .1 w bite. 283i29'Jc. '
IlAitt.Bv No. 2 , 53QCOc ; No. 3 , f , o. b. , 4MJ55c ;
No. 4 , 44052C.
" : r KLiNo. . l,07c.
WiusKi Distillers' llniahed goods , per gal. ,
fcUdum-Ciit loaf , fiyci granulated , 4'4'c ;
Btandard "A4)jc.
Itecclptb and shipments today were LS fol-
lous :
On the I'roduco e\chnngo ted ly the butter
market wns In good demand : fancy cream
ery. 2l < a22o : line Moslem , I'lttaOc ' : ordlnatv.
Ilnu dairies , lsl' ' c. io's : , steady at
Omaha I'liidnrii Jfnrhot.
_ I'llt'iTS-CallfornlaltUoihldo oranges. SI.7.T ®
a 0 : Washlnirton n.i\ols , tl 0 ® ! 25 : choke np-
ii iles. M 00 ; cholco lemons , if 1.00 : fancy lemons ,
1 1.2534 It ) ! liiiiiuiiiiH , crated. JiOJ-itlrO : cran-
lorries. hhlpplng Htoclc , bit. boxes. J.VJ.T : straw-
lierrles. 40c ijt : I'lorlda tomatoes , W.WO700
ucr crate ot KbiHUots. | .
Vi'iinTAiii.rsI'linuy Muscatlnoawoot pota
toes. $ . ' fiU < aj.7rij seed Hweot potiitoos , . ' 00i42.2. ' > :
Oallfornla cabb ign , 2'o pop Ib. In crates ;
liomogronn lettuce , 40o ponloz. ; onions , 0)c ®
! i. ° , I'lr.lUl ' ; Nobraslca hand picked beans ,
ei.7o il.S. > ; modlnm. $1.0I GO ; California col-
cry , it. 00 ! Color.ido and western NobrasUa po
tatoes , Mo ; natl\o potatoes , iluiifi-'So ; Ilinn
bonus , lo per 10. ; water cress , 21-qt. cubes.
12i ! .l > cperqt. : spinach. W 01) ) per bbl. ; bpan-
ishonkns , Jl 50 porcrator ladUhes. 40crnta -
uuir ta , JI.7V per bbl , ; now tnrnliH. , ' > 0o per do/ .
1'nuiiTitr Dressed ohloUons , na 2c : tut-
Vcys , bcnr o , ll&l..o ; I h fouls , tl.5UQ5.00.
luiTKii-Uooil roll. iJOIBoi ptiokln ; stoolc ,
* .
limns , r.ra-No 1 crecn hides. 3o ; No. 1
preen Halted hides. 4 > ® ! oNo. : 2 green salted
lildcH. IJjM'Jc ; No. 1 grcon salted hides , 25 to 40
Ibn. 'jWHo ; No. asroonhldes , 23 to 4J Ibs.
J'CiJ < e ; No. I M'alcalf , 6 to 15 Ibs. , bci No. 2
vualcalf.Nto li Ibs , , 4o ; Nu I dry Hint hides.
7o ; No. 2 dry Hint hides 5c : No 1 tiiy salted
Jildcs. ; ptrc cured 'topor potiiiJ less than
XlM i.l ! rull > ' " -"IMioltH-On-un siltoJ , eich
It5cll.25j ( 'rouu Hiltiiil shoarlliiKB ( short
* ooleil early bkliis ) . uaoh , 15 2.5o ;
mm .luui.iaitu iiuiunur wool IIOItH , POT 10 nC-
tiial wi'lght , loail'ioi ' dry Hint Kansas and
Nebraska Murrain wool pulm , pi < r Ih , actual
weight , sai.'o ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool
jHiltSj per IU , iictual nuUht , UKM.'iio ; dry
Illnt Colorado Mtaraln wool polls , per [ li. . nc-
tual weight , saitlci dry pieces ami htiul < n , ac
tual wo ght. 79c. Tallow und groaao-Tullow
Iso. 1 , .l &loi tallow No. 2 , : 2H14C1 Ercaso.
vhltoA , 4U4'ioi gro.iso , wlilto U , 3H4tJ1. o :
crease , yellow , 3c ! gro.iso. ( lurk , ! to | old butter -
ter , 2'iei beeswax , prime , lOlS2ic : rough tal
low , ItiOVc ,
New Vorli . '
. , _ . . ' YOIIK , April I0.-l't.ouu-ncrefpt8. 10-
000 Pkgs ; export. 4.4UO bbls. 1S.OJO sicksj
market stoudy and uulot ; sales , 2I.OJO bags.
CoitN MKAI , bteaify.
WIIKAI Itoculpto. .12 ,500 bu , ! exports , 23.1.-
TOO bu. : b-ilcs , 471.50) bu. of futures , hu.
tpot. bpot uiuetllcd and uoak : USSeftcfI ( ' 0' .
ulloat ! WVcffill.OJ'i f. o. b. ; No. 3 red , UHiji
tC'u ; .unicraucd red , 7 calJl.l01il ( ( No , 1 not th
orn , WIMffiWJSoi No. S uortJiorn. Blfiot Ni 3
'hicngo , ill,4i'jlSci No. 2 noithern to nrrhe ,
60'c. Option : , were bearish ourly with a di > -
clliiuof Utt a with thu wust. advancing ! , ®
iiu ; j > n decreased amountb on passage nnd
( uri'TiMi ' buying. dccllnlnBA'ttl'.o on woaKur
1 runch cnblusund lung boiling , closing weak
"t'.dtl'ic iimlcr yontenlayj No , 2 rod , Apill ,
v OJitiUir.'He , closing OiSo ; May , Wl'.iijU.c ,
closing UOliui Juno , W(3.Ulo ( , iH'.e ;
July. IWUe , closiiu Wci August , biiUGOsc.
clotlng Mi'ici bfuieinber , Wtt5y\e1 clusliii
tSVij December , OoiJityJo.
Hvic-Uullt satc , iV.WW bu. at 67o.
IIAUI.EV Dllli. MALT Pull.
O.MiN-Uocolpts. M.i > 50 bu.i exports. 35.000
tm. ! attic * , fo.ww bu. of futures and 112.0K ) bu.
of fcpot. Spot opened stranger and closed
easy. Na 2 , b'i ' < B o In elovutoV. 9y < JttOo
ulloat ; inicri.Oed mixed , 4IQ.5Jc ; No. 3,4ftV5a (
lio. Opilunu giilnod UO'.io und closed IIrm
un wuitorii iiiunlpulutluiix and poor grading ,
April , 4tittrJl < % , ciuillii ; ut 49o ) Muj' , 40V4t47c.
cloning at 4'ifj July , llseilio , clo.liii ; ut
OATB-ltocclpts. H 1.500 bit j exports. 1.GOO
> u. | tklct , 1WWM bu. of futures ami lui.UOO bu.
of Hoot. Spot. Irregular ; moderate business.
Options , dnll nnd Irrceulnr ; May , Ici'tlWI" .
closlmt ataici .In no , rn'tll-'UHc , closing at
ttmc ; July , : CKO CI C. closlnc at : ' < c : No. t
white , April , ! t5\C ! spot No. 2 white. Me !
mixed western , 3lnaCc ! { ! white western , 35 ®
II AY I Irm ; Milppln : , 75c ; seed to choice.
lloi-s Ptrona , fair domrind : slate , common
to choice , SiVjl i.'e : I'aclllc coast , Wii-l-'c.
Pu < uu-liill ) ! raw , stcndy : rolliictl nulot.
MOIASIRS lorolgn , dull ; Now Orleans , firm
nnd Mulct.
IIICE Dull , stonily : domestic fair to extra ,
. . . . ,
I'CTiiot.rUM ( jtilQtttvndT.i united dosed nt
Wo for Mayt crude In bbls , I'nrkor's ,
file ; crude In hulk , f..w : roQiied Now Vnrk.
Jfi.r. : I'lilladelphlaiiiid II illinium , ! UV ) I'lill-
ndolphln and lliltlmoro In bulk , SUC ino. Oir.-giiluU crude , SSJio bid ;
yellow , 31'c ' bid .
TAM ow-Qulct ! packing , 4Vc.
Itosts Qulot , steady ; strnlnoil common to
goo I , t.4V ! , l. 7.
TUIIIT.NTINK Qulcj , stoidy : .ri'4HnOc.
KflUS rirnii western. H'io ; receipts , 11,820
Hints steady. Inactive.
Wont. Muulv : doirit'stlo fleece , " $ ® .TJC ;
pulled , a.VW.'ci ( Tr-xas. ll Wlo. .
1'oitK Actl\o and llrm ; old mess , | o.VX3
lO.Ou ; now moss. tn.noftll.Mi prlmo extra. fll.fiO.
CUT MKTS Dull and easy ; plcUied hollies.
RVc ; middles. iiilot | ; short clear , JIW ,
LAttP Opened steady , closed weik : wc tern
steam cloved at$0 riJ'4 nskudsnlcs. ; 1,100 tierces
at Jl.Mvan.Vi ; options , sales MJ tierces May ,
ntWiO ; .lulv , WirAUZIISt. . 5305.
IIUTTEit Moderate dent mil and llrm : west
ern dairy , J3'4ffll7e : western creamery , It ®
23e ! western factory , I2310o : Klgln. 21e.
CtiKKAi' Moderate demand and steady ; pnrt
skims. .VR'ic
I'm Ilto.s Dull ; Amorlcin. ttl,7"i310.SX
COIMTII Quiet ; luke. ! H.S ) bid , $11.1)0 ) asked.
I , HAD rirni ! domestic. } < ir > tjl.2714 ,
TIN Strong ; straits. $ J',50 ' bid , { JO CO nsled
St. l.tinU .Ilitrkels.
KT. I.ottis. Mo. April 10 Pi.oun rirtn
but uuchan'-cd ; family , $1.00 1.10 : choice ,
8i3MfcLn : fancy. $ .Lfi./iti.7i ; : uxtra fanuy.
81 intents , jj.iYBl.4\ : ,
WIIKAT Onsh advanced Ic , No 2 rod selt-
Inz ut ic , Options opened ? a olT , recovered ,
then dropped a nlii and closed lo hclo\y
\esterdiy May closed at Sl c ; July , 7S , o ;
August , , Hc.
Cons Was slow , but onsh and May were
higher : No. 2 , cash , DTiiJ.U'.ic ; May : ioic ? ;
July. MVc.
oiTs-lllglicn No. S cash , 30io ! May , 30Uc ;
July , : > i' < o.
Hi i : Nolhlna done.
IlAUi.r.t Nothing done.
HitAtJc irco and very lltllo dcnrind.
HAV Top grades bettor ; prairie , J7.00O050 ;
timothy. MI.OJ ,
Ki.Sr.iiii Steady : 05Vc.
( Viltv Mint , Steady at * I.S. > .
Wlttsitv-tjulet at ifl 11
I.I.AII 1'lrm ; il.t'J for common ! spo'.tcr firm
l'lt'ivt leNS Dull and lower.
I'oilK btandard jobbing , J10.25 ; Irregular ,
I.nn } 5 inlOi ) .
DltK I.T AlKVrs Ijooso shoulders. $4 fiO :
longs and cribs , $5.00 ; shorts , bo\od lots 15c
DACOX Shoulders , 8" .2' ) ! longs und cribs ,
td. n ; shorts , ft 45JJO V ) ,
r < miAit L'uiti n HAMS Jnoo@lfl5' ) .
KEUKll'ifl 1'lotir. l.OODlbs.heit : , 23.000 bu ;
corn , 2il,0)0 ) bu. : oats , 22.00J bu. ; rye , 2,000
bu. : bailey. 2.000.
Mlll'MKNTS Klour. 8,0)0 ) Ibs. : wheat , 22,000
bu. ; corn , 31.0JO bu. ; oats , 20.0JO bu. ; rye , noue ;
barluy , none. _
KntiRiiH City Markets.
ICA SAS CmMo. . . April 10. WHEAT Cnsh
sold nt yesterday's prices ; No. 2 hard , 7273o ;
No. 2 rod. SliiS.'c. (
Con.N Was strong ; Na 3 mixed , 351c } ; No. 2
white. 3fi , © .I7c.
OAT'erostoady ; No. 2 ml\ou , 20Ji30c :
No 2 white. .Iti'ic.
Uvn Was \\eak ; No. 2 sold at C7c.
HltANbtcady at OlOWc askoJ.
HAY Klrm. but unchanged.
KKCEIITS Wheat , 14.UOO mi. ; corn , 1,000 bu , ;
oils. none.
Siiii'MCNTi Wueat , 18,030 bu. : corn , 4,000 bu. ;
o its. 1,01)0 ) bu.
Htrrrhii Steady nt201lc.
KQHb-Stuady at 10'c.
Cotton > lnrket.
Nr.W VOIIK , April m Futures closed quiet
and sto idy : silos , 107,20 biles- April , $ UT > ;
May , Wlttj .1 imo. $7.00.l ; nly , J7.UI : Ausust , Sr..S :
Peptembcr. J7..W : October. $7.48 : No\ ember ,
$ i h : DccemDor. (7.7U ; Janunrr , $778.
NKW OIII.IIANS , Ii. I . April 1' ' ) . Klrm ; mid
dling , G Ti-lbc : low m ddllng , 57-lCc : good or
dinary , ril"-10c : net iccolpts 4.124 bales ;
cross locolpts , 5,000 ; bales , 0,1 JO ; bales ; plock ,
201,450 bales. _
I.l\trpoot .Markets.
I.ivrni'oor. . April ID WHEAT Quiet ; hold
ers offer modotatoly : reculpts of whe.ittlnco
last report. 275,000 bu , Including 68,000 Amer
COMN Quiet : mlvod western , 4s 4' d per
cental. Kcculuts of American corn since lust
report , 10.1.100 centals.
S CHtiudlau , 5s 4d per cental.
Collt'o MurUct.
NEW YonK. April 10. Options opened steady ,
10215 polntb up ; closed steady. 10 < S2l points
\iu : bales , 15'iO ! Iflim , Iiioliidjng April , $ Ii4 fii
U'.Wj Jlny. tI2.2ixai..2" > ; June , iMl.OOiroi.'OO ;
July. S11.8"II 85 ; bcptembor. $ I.8.11,85 ) ;
Dccembur , ill. 75. bpotltlo. No. 7 , $ U.75.
New York Dry Goods Mitrket.
NEW YOIIK , April 10 The demand for dry
goods was of bomo'vhat Improved character
In regard to fall fabrics. Dress goods con
tinued actlvu for onlors and tlioro was moio
doing In Manuel and cotton llanncls. Blankets
buvu : i fair sale.
Kcw York nxclmiiKi ) Quotation ! ) .
NEW YOIIK. Anil 10. [ Special Tclesram to
TllK Itiu.1 K\rliiini0 ! was iiuoted as follows :
Chicago. . ( Jo piomlnm : Itoaton , 200 to 27c alb-
cuuul ; bt , Loiilb , at par.
AVtiol Murlict.
HOSTOV. Mass . April II ) The domain ! for
wool Is fall and prices are unchanged on load
ing grades , _
Trader ) , ' Tnllc.
CHICAOO. III. , April 10. P. O. Ioznn A. Co , to
Duncan , llolllngcr & , CoNu li.uo liad an
ncthu ami neruju.s market In wheat iliuliu
the entire s-u lon. May ouoncd about h"ic.
Mild at bP c and cu ed at 8ijue. 'J he July
option until near the ulosu sold at a piemlum
but closes under May. A lariro ileeroiisu In
the ( inantlty allnat to the continent and Unit
ed Kingdom ouSet the lower and oaker
u ibles until about boon , when an estimate liy
Dornbnsh of the total wants making It about
0400J.&OJ bushel fet the I'nllcd Kingdom and
continent until boptcmbor 1st was received.
' 1 Ills cstlmatu for value Is something
lllvo the lUuics , bubject to corrections.
Cash wheat Is In good demand hurt )
for shipment and about l'io ' mei the May
pi Ice. l.aku and rail freights to the suaboiid
uru almnt7'jc us against lOu a week a.'o. Thu
futtiru value will bu Inlluuncod a good dual by
tlio wnathoi , but wheat nruuml ptcbcnt prlcus.
before aspuarof ulthui the winter or spring
ctop Is scoured , looks sifu enough to buy. The
Atlantic buabo in ) shlpmonts are light. This
tto look forte improve shortly. Corn actltn
and strong. Tno buyliu early was good and
wldulvscatloicd. Sellers were few and May
adanced from 4lo to 4jyc , It closed at 42'io ' ,
With the light movomunt , low Inland and
vcoan froUhts , nnd good dumand , wo look to
sou hlKhct prices until the demand liOsatls-
flutl or rccolpW Increased lurcoiV. The du-
mand foi oats Is light and fluctuations
trilling. Ilo. product ( lull and without special
Joaturo July norlv , W77JS ; lard , $027 : ribs.
t5. ( , . ' . The \\uil Informed men s iy porj will
sell lower , but rccommund purchases of ribs.
OIIIOAOO , III , , April ! < ) . Konnutt , Hopkins k
Co , to h. A McWhortor : llarly eablub on
wheat Indicated no ot crop damagu
abroad and as predicted In oiiradvlccs yester
day thu oiilgo hero was short lliod , The
hotter fcolliig was intonslllod by thoostlmato
from D.irnlmseh that Kiiropoim ruijulromcnts
from foreign sour.'us up to buptombor 1 will
not o\co"d 5OOJ.K ( ) ) hushojs. In consciiuoncu of
the present liberal supply and tliu inrgu
amount enronlo. This estimate Isdoubtluis
under the facts but coming from so
lilirli u sourcu It had consldorablo
Inlliicncn. Shipping houses were actl\o bidders -
dors for Mav today and at onn time advanced
thu premium to ! Se over July ,
Dcnlliigi tn the I'lrit Hour IVcro I.argo Hut
\Vero Itvilneril f.iitur.
Nr.wYoHK , April 10 , Tlio stock market ox-
hlhltod a decreased volume ofbuslncss today ;
althouk'h thoru was heavy run In the first
hour , the operations nero again tustrlotcd
later In the duy toory ordinary proportions
The coal Btoei.s were the only one * which
yielded to any marUod extent , The trading
In Heading was still heavy , but thu otliern ,
whllo not , particularly nctlvo , kept pace with
H Inllbdoullno. The fevorlslinuas and woaU-
nooa In the markut hardly outlasted the
forenoon where thuro was thu usual materlul
decline in thu volume of business and a corresponding
spending docreabo la the pressure of shorts ,
which was accompanied with the usual frai-
tlonul rally In prices. Western Union eon-
tliiuoa lo be the special strong point In the
list. It fouls no Interest of the nd > urso spec
ulation situation and Us prlcu rises Io ly
but steady uudor the buying. Thorn wore a
fuw btroug uolnU ou the list , but they failed
to scoroHiiy material Improvement. Thu ad-
vauous fulled to resist thu final uttsck of the
boars or resist the bteudy selling of coat
The iranbuctlonsln Heading , whllo uot GO
overkhndowluj as usual of Into In the furo-
iioun usiumed o\cn u gruator ptoporllou than
for sumo time. The scllliu UB full in u n
extreme decllno of a per cunt from
lubcst prlcu. the otlien follow lug , und thu
iloclliiofcuned tochecU the bullish feeling In
the rest of the list which had such ituady
growth durluif thu lust , week. Th Keuural
list , however , fluctuated within narrow limits
nnd only the grangers wcro nffcctcd to nnjr
m&rkcd extent. The market dually closed
nctUo nnd heavy then ah rallying nt the llmo
with tirlccs genornlly close to the lowest nnd
In most cines fractionally lower thnn those of
the day before , The final declines comprise :
HoiMlIng ; i per rent , Jersey Central 2'i per
cent , I.icknwnnnn nnd Dolawnro fc llmUon
each 2 per cent , IJrlo 1U per tent , Hock Island
IH Iperlcont , and Distillers nud Now York
Ccntr it each t per cent.
Umoriuncnt bonds dull nnrl steady. Stnto
bonds hive been cntlrolv nogloctcd ,
The following aru thu closing limitation * for
the lending stocks on the Now York Stock ox-
chnngo today ;
The total sales of stocks today wore 4''nua )
shares , Including : Atcblson , , l.7u ( ) ! Uhlcueo
Ons . " > , ( I.M ! Delaware. Ijtickananua & Western ,
: i'KH ) : l > olannro.V Hudson. : i.iin : Krle. I.sau :
honlsMllo , V Nashville. 5.410 : Manhattan , 4V-
070 ; Noithrcostcrn. 4.8 0 ; Northern 1'aclllo prc-
fornd 4.11.Now ; Kiulaml. 1J.011 ; Ko'i'lliiB.
i.M.IOfl ; Ulelimontl * , West I'olnt.l.'TO ; bt I'aiil.
; ' . " / : Union I'aclllc. 4.3VJ ; Western Union ,
I'limnclal ltnie\v.
NEW YOIIK. April I'l. The Post aays : On Sat
urday Wall street bollovcd , almost to a man ,
that the Londoners \veto merely awattliiK
today's openlnt : to sclro the stock market and
carry It fairly out of ro ich. lint 1/ondon has
bcKtin to t lUn Us old lessons to heart and tlio
ama/liiK apectaclo has twlco boon witnessed
this yo r of the Knijllsli men catuhlni ; the top
wax o of a Wall stteot , boom and unloading at
thohlchest prlcea of the Bcsslon on the \oiy
shoulders or Wall street profesblon ils. 1'rlces
at today's opening \\ero ten points higher
than when London bought. Consequently the
Londoners took prollts and sold from I'O.UOJ to
IIC.IKK ) shares. Our market opmled n shade
lower and declined at oncu on London's sales
and the sales of dls ippoluted traders , \\hohad
bought In anticipation of thu London "boom "
The mlirkol was nollhar eollauscd nor demor-
all/cd , but merely snllcreu a natural reaction.
York Money 'Miirltet.
NEW YOIIK , April ! ) MONBV ON CAr.r ,
Knsy at l'5iper cent ; last loin , 2 per cent ;
closed ollered at 2 per cent.
I'UIMK AlaucANTii.n 1'At'fcit : i'4y ' { nor cent.
faTFitit.o lAciUNfJh Qulft but stii'ttly at
ll.SO'i ' for sl\ty day bills and Jl.b'y for do-
in , unl.
The closing quotations on Uonjs-
[ Copj/rffli ? ( l ! S3i (
LONDON , April 10 IXow Voik Herald Cable
Special toTitu llKE.I lltiatncRSKcnorallvlKis
oeeii far from actl\o In the Stocl ; o.\chinsio
today , many momlcrs not yet having roturnocl
to to > vn. Consols Improved'a per cont. Indian
rupees paper Is , up from Ji to \ per cent. With
one or two exceptions forolun government
securities closed tolerably llrm , u
coed tnno bclns icportt-d on the
continental bourses. Kails Irivo boon
\cryllttlodcaltlnanaclospd with rather a
dull tone. 1'rlcct , mo\cd only slightly In inll-
ioid stocks , a small dccllno bolns o&tabllshcd
In llrlshton deferred , Southeastern deferred ,
Hull , Ilarnsley , Hholliold deferred and Oalo-
donlan. American railways opened strong In
ansvertoNew Voik prices , blnco then theio
has been a steady for realization of
pi Ices The closing Is dull , thoueh
In a majority of cases prices
are hlshcr tlnn at the close on Thursday.
CaniuHiin lines nave been moro 01 less depressed -
pressed all day and closed at their worst , n
decline of from 3 to s per cent beln estab
lished In ( Jiuiadlan I'aclllc and Cirand Trunk.
Issues. There has Been llttlo demand for
mono } today. Short loans h ivo been o isl ly
obtained at ai per cent. The discount market
bus aKo been quiet. Two and thrco months'
bills arc quoted at from 1 to l1 per cent ,
Iloston Stock .Miuket.
I10STOV. Mass. April 10.-Tlio following
were the closliu nrlccs on stocks on the Ilos-
ton htoclr market today :
I'lniiiielnl Notes.
NEW OumANS , l.a , April 10.-CloarlnBB ,
KA. SW Crrv , Mo , , April la-Clcarlngs ,
$ IC52,5U. !
Ntw VCHIK. Ainll lO.-Oloarinss. 8U5.1I7(33 ( ;
balances , J7.0 > 9,28I.
I'Aitts , April 10. Throe per oont routes , Ojf
7 , lie for the account.
IlAi.TiMoitr. Jld. , April 10. ( Hearings ,
8.I.073..WO ; balances , JI53.J2S ; money , 0 per cunt.
I'IIII.ADKI.PIIIA. l'n. . April IU. Clearings ,
S10,01UIil ( ; balance ! . , tl.7.'H'bUi money. .1 pur
cent. v'
MKMIMIIR , Tonn , April la Now York o\-
chaugosellliuatpai ! cloarlnsH , I31,5J7 ; bal
ances , tl 10,20) ) .
OI.NOINSATI , O. , April 10. Money. 41 per
conl : Now Vork exch uijo , 255Jo premium ;
clearings , $ , ' ,27l,75i ) ,
IAINIIOV , April 10-Tho amount ot bullion
v Ithdrawn from the llanlc of England on balance -
anco today Is iH.WJ.
IIMIM.V , April lO.-Tho stitomont of the Im-
purlul Hank of Germany shown a ducru ibo In
bpucluof 2b8JOjO murks.
ST. Louis , Mo. AmI 10 Clourlngs. Jl.fllS-
410 ; balances. $ .5tl,5.0. ! Money , 6(20 ( pur cent ;
exchange on Now York at par ,
HOSTON , Muss. , Apt 11 lO.-Ulonrinirs. Jlfl.250.-
UiU ; balanccsJIoll'.Mi3 : money , HUiJ ( per cuutj
c.\cliangu on r\ow Vork , Uit.'Uu ulscount.
Now Vork .Mlnlim U'lotntlons.
NEW YOIIK , April 10. The following arott.o
closing mining stock quotations ;
Heavy ISnu of Cuttle , H K uiul
1'lluU llflldy Sale ,
OMAHA. April la Receipts for the past two
days foot up MTUeattlo. 10.201 hogs and 1.151
bhccp , against 4,101 oattlo.'0 ho2 anil 6i
slitep Monday ami Tnobduy uf last uuuk
'Iho supply of enttio wna heavier thnn
dualom generally were anticipating , but tliu
murket held up under Its load remitrkably
well Light rcceluu ut Chicago anu a itrouger
mnrVat there riiTiisod now llfo Into the
Miloplnj nnnaxpurl trnilo and this In turn
nctcd its a chcclrtn the hoarlfth Incllnitions ol
the drtssen bcntiibuycM. Anjrthlng In the
steer line R < M | ciiuus > < to Invite
the compel.ttoti of oittsldo buyers
old nt prices which comiinro favorably with
thtxo paid Mondhr , but the oversupply of the
onllnnry grades KSvobuynrs the host of the
situation , nnd tlhtfcs shaded downward from
So to IPO , and o\ciunoru In omo cases , There
were no ptlmoJicavy cattle here , but good
1,2.5) to MU'-tli. uteors sold from JiCO lo fiM ;
fair to pnod i.vjtiiiii.b. ; ) | sloars sold from
M. < o toi.ico , with ttifl ordinary run of Inferior
tofalrluht gr dt > s from * luO to W.35. There
was a peed \ifi7I6Mono to the market nnf
tradlnz was tolerably brisk throughout , the
pens being ( ulrly.Vjcll cleared nt tlio cln o.
The market for bluchers' nnl ( ciinnors' stock
wns not as burly us It has been nnd on account
of thu comp ir.itlvely liberal supply , nbout
twenty curs , buvnrs ondeaxorcd to hammer
| ii Ices a little. They met with but IndllTercnt
success nnd tlio bulu ot tlio olTorlngs told In
nbout Monday's notches from 8J.u : to MSO ,
ulth extreme sales from tl fli to Jin. Hulls ,
oxen and slugs wcro llrm nt from $1.7.5 to ( .1.41) ) .
Calves dull on nil but Iho bcsl at from $1.25 to
Nothing now was developed In lliostoekcr
nnd feeder lino. Tholrado was only modor *
aloly aetlvo with prices well maintainedsales
ranging from fiOj to M.1I5 , with thn bulk ut
-from IJ.OJ to W.llo. Koprcscntallvo sales :
No. Av. I'r No. At. Pr. Na Av. Pr.
1 tV.100 ) ) H luSJ&CU 20..1'r7ll ' < n
ta ioi5 ; no si ur,9 : i 40 7 1270 , ido
4 1017 U 15 M 11U5 ,141 7 12SS II M )
II I'.IJ II 15 12 I22J II 4'l 10 1IM ! II OU
2 i j : i 20 20 uiib ; MO 4 lust : itu
0 101(1 ( II 21 ? 8..IU"il ! I4I 40 1248 .1 lid
n ! J 1120 ] i | 11,17 1140 20 1441 II0)
o re i : i2J 10 lowi : i 4J 4. HSJ : iw
is. SMO y aji } so..iai7 : i 40 4 ir-si : ino
is . OMI : i 25 w. in4 : i 4j 21 121,5 : in )
2J . Mi7i : 25 17 10" ) I U 41 1. UNO M
01 1051 II 25 S3 1IS9 ( 1140 IU U.5 . ' 105
U 101(1 ( ,125 20 115S II 4i ) 10.125(1 ( II ( Ci
0 lira ,125 21 .INI ) .110 n 140.1 HM
2J 11.17 .1,0 4J. lOlkS ; i 40 7 UM7 ! l 05
111 llul ; i.U 44 10li : < 45 1.1 ! - - : i05
21 p)7u ) ; I.D 21 iii4 ( : i 45 ii i.'ii : i7o
21 1115 ; i.W 15..1011 : i45 D 1241 II70
10 uuj : iw 18 11114 : i.o a .iui : : i7 >
4 IO.T , ; iij : > i 21 us : .ino : io. nil ; i75
11 1121 .I.C."i SO .ISM 350 1I..KEII 375
C7 .1007 J Ji ! ' , 1 UlO 3 M 18.1.1,4 375
21 12 0 335 7 .l. Jl 3 5J 17.1.115 375
15 I05J ,135 ,1. Ills I 350 11 .1)5.1 ) 37.5
20 11)11 ) 33.5 01 111,0 3M 118. 1271 375
1,1 M > 0 .1.15 0. U'J. n.V ) 2..1115 380
H ll.CI 3 ,15 1. . | 10 .1.59 2H 1,1-Ti .1W
2. ' lU.tJ 3.15 b. ID'I.S 3 SO 1I1..1.LIJ 3 Ml
21 .1005 .135 II 1174 3.V ) IS.UtiJ 3 85
H ll.U 3 ; 19. llll 3 50 20 1,1'U ' , ii5
10 1115 3.15 11 UU 3.55 3S 1312 385
2J 1013 335 21 12'IS ' MM 1. 1i7J ! .11 > 5
8.11.12 3 : i > VJ. U2J 355 1H. .1,1(11 ( II 8.5
- ' ) . 1141 3.17'i 21. llu'i 355 8..1I5J ,11)0 )
21 III'l .140 IS..1101 30) ) : iS..USt ) 31)0 )
0 .11187 340 31 .li'S 3 OJ 25..1421 400
17 . &OJ 3 13
1 1170 'SO 1..ISJO 22.5 fi. . OOJ 20.5
1 H. 0 1 I > 0 1. . 8.0 22.5 II H 2 U5
1 770 1 5) 13 11)17 ) 2 3) 14 . IMO S til
(1 ( ' 00 111) ) 2 1)53 ) 230 2 M)5 ) 2V (
3 77(1 ( 1 dO 2 IU2J 230 S.IOSI 270
1 f-21 175 7 1101 Bill 17. IHJ 270
7 771 1 75 4 tO ! 2 35 1 1150 2 70
5 1003 1 75 2 h 10 2 35 3 . 670 2 70
111 74) ) 175 2t UsO 2 Ti 2 IOS5 270
2 SJO 175 0 10TO 235 1 .122) ) 275
1 Mil 175 25 bJll 245 2J lOil 275
5 tfK ! 1 b5 1. 10SO 245 1,1 10 5 275
1 10s I I Ki 3. IW 2 45 8 010 2 75
2 l'7i ' ! 185 1..IIIO 25) ) 5. 1))4 ) ) 28J
7. . bGO 185 30 1058 2 f.O 7. 1140 280
1 OIW 2 OJ 1 , 770 2 5J 2J 10 ( n f HO
1. . USO 2 OJ 3. UlO 2 N ) 18.1(157 ( 280
2. 0.10 200 19. Ifll 25J 8. l.'O I 280
3 1040 203 4 707 251 1..11V ) 285
S 010 200 2.1. . 970 255 1 1140 2 b5
1 030 203 3..1UW 255 4 1127 2 00
1 105) ) 2(10 ( 2 815 255 S 1185 200
3 851 200 12.1115 2 55 1. 1140 300
.2 7v5 ( 200 1. ' . fiGl ) 20) ) 3 7.0 .100
2. 730 200 2.1140 2(0 1..I3IU 300
1 010 2 03 0. ' IIM 2 O ) II. ! IT8 3 UO
1.1171 210 i'M 1127 2 tij 1 1010 3CO
1 1000 210 1 , . 12tO : 200 2. 1170 J 03
2 1140 210 li 1040 200 1 .UlO 311
2..10J5 225 IS 1010 203 2.UM 310
1J. 6SJ 225 7 IIOJ 205
1 . G.-IO 225 SO , 621 .100 II. . 680 310
29. . 55J 2 73 tl. 047 .1 03
0 310 1 25 4 220 4 00 4 . 1 2 4 00
2. 2 < > .1 OJ 2 ( 105 400 1. . Ill 450
3 . 10J 375 1. . 110 4 OJ 1. . IU ) 4 5J
2 IMO 173 ,1. 112J 240 1 1340 275
1 1010 205 li.HOJ 240 1..1.19J 260
1. SIO 215 1. 1110 S ! 5) ) 1. IJIO 285
1 1050 225 1 .l.'SO 2 SO I .1570 2 S5
1 COO 2 2i 1 1470 250 1. Wn 301) )
1..148) 225 J 14GU 2.50 2..1U10 3(0 (
2 1310 225 1.1810 i ( i5 1. . 11,00 300
I .lltlfl 235 1.170) 273. 1..17iO 315
1..1520 233 1.1740 275'1..2o80 340
3..1398 3 03 1..1GJ ) 3 C3
2..1903 2 73
2. 330 2 00 4 . (105 ( 3 0) 3 . N)7 ) 3 10
I . 477 2 10 2. 603 3 OJ 12 SJ8 315
1. COO 2 40 10 681 3 05 3 . IIJO 3 1.5
ft. 014 275 4 1)25 ) 310 3. 800 320
0 . 771 2)3 ! 2 . 815 3 10 3 1007 323
4 . 517 300 0. . US5 3 1'J ' 27 9 5 330
11. . C8J 300 33.601 310 2J. . G0 333
1 sprlrger $ JO 00
1 springer 2700
1 springer 24 OJ
1 milker 23 00
HOHS The supply was the heaviest In ever
a month and the duality substantially un
changed. The two days' receipts show an In
crease compared with the s imo two days las > t
week of 4.0) : ! hozs.
\Vltnllboral receipts nnd lower markets at
other points a decline w.ib naturally lo be o\-
pectcd but the good shlnp'ng demand ab
sorbed more tlan a thlid of tlio receipt and
mateiliillv roamed the decline , lloston wns
a goo I buyer , alone t.iUlng nearly 1.5)0 bogs ,
while oilier eastern buyers took o\et 1,200 be
tween them The loc il demand was also
good , especially from fresh moat buyers
I'.icltCri also got their full quota.
The general market was from do-to 10e lowei
than Monilny. The hozs sold within u 20c
range , and the M ) oid between light nnd
heavy ho s wns no * moro tliiin a nlcKol , Tlio
good , roj.mlleot wolghl. sold mostly
at tl 35 to $1.40. with 801110 of Iho best lo ids
and light soils at ? l 42'5 toll.41. Common and
nil.xed hogs sold at from $4.224 to * l.32Ji ,
About everything sold before the close , busi
ness being moderately actlto all mornlnir.
Sales wore largely ntfrom Jl J5to$4,40. against
$1 40 to H 45 .Monday. The nverugo of pilccs
paid was $ l.33i. azalnst fl 41' Monday and
il.U'i ' Tuesday of last week. Representative
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. bh. I'r.
45 . 370 3X ( ) $4 . " . " , { 71 .2lr 1(1 ( 1 J I. 15
81 . . 17,1 120 4 l-i OJ . . .lt0 U'O 4.T.
II . . . ! .7'J 42"i W . . . .210 160 435
M . 214 240 425 CO . . .25J V40 4 3"i
60. . . .1HJ 200 4 25 l.U. . . .212 BO 4 35
110. . . Ill 4 2i CD . 2JO 435
51 . .Mi. ! 520 42) ha. . . , 18J 40 4 JTi
0 . ! 1M 4 27' { 4U.W \ K.J 4.15
7 . 2fi7 427" OS. . . . 251 40 4,15
II . . . .2,5 4 27'i ' 121 . ' .03 60 435
0 . 255 427' ' , 77 . 214 120 4 Ji
5J . 2JO 4 30 fil . . .25.- ! 4 M
31. . . 2li7 40 4iO : 77 . . . . ' 'W U'O 435
M . .207 2bO 4.1) C/J . . . .240 40 4 374
iS . .225 bO 4.10 f/J . 20J 120 437'i
Si . . . . 192 1JO 4 .ID 61 . . . . 211 4 : i7jt
01 . 21,1 120 433 d'J . . . .217 40 4 117' ' !
t,7 . . . . 211 40 4fJ : Kl . . . .111.1 4Q 4:1714 :
01 . 27 > 28J 430 8(1 ( . . .24a 80 4 37H
5U . 2V ! 1WI 4.10 42 . ttll 4 37
8J . . . ,223 300 430 BJ . P-0 4.17'i
00 . 2UU 203 430 81 . y.'J 60 437(4 (
Gl . 2IJ 8J 4 3J CO . .272 40 440
72 . 2.2 41) 4 30 HJ. . .205 40 4 I ! )
B5 . 21K ) l.'O 4 3J'J 5,5 . . . ,2U ( 4 40
6.1 . 218 210 4 , C'i W.M 40 440
71 . . .S1J ICO t2'4 I * . . .305 440
115 . a. ' I 120 4'ttt'J UO , .2iO 80 440
70 . . .210 80 iiaii 04 . 211 4 10
( VI . 2l ( 60fSIri 67 . 2.10 Ib3 4 4J
7. . . . .IUO 11,0 43."i UU . . . 2.-i8 440
W . . . . 245 1UJ 4 .tH ; 7J . .215 83 4 4J
OJ . 254 I23T35 It' . . .201 321 440
67. , 178 80' * f33 82 . 100 40 440
07 . 2G 43 4.15 B5 . 1115 ID ) 440
Ul . . . . 244 49 4 U5 75..2JJ 1IX ) 440
7.1 . . . .E'll SO 4115 7' ' ) . . . .15. ! 60 440
CO . ,2hO 12fls4il5 77 . . .21J 60 440
CO . 271 12J,4,35 U1..270 40 440
73 . 211 i.'o'VJn 70 . .an uo 440
ti7 . 25J bO.4.)5 liU . .240 4 4J
( .5 . 2.11 120" < ! n 81 . .214 80 440
7(1 ( . . . 270 WJ'y > dl . . . .201.120 410
74 . 2'U lUO'VVt ul . .25J 44J
( , U . .1 > S 1.0135 00 . . . .71 4 40
7J . . . .24J fcO ,4 . 6.1 , . 2111 60 440.
55 . .a. ! &H4'B ! 70 . . .237 8J 4 4J
1,8 . 2.10 240J4'V | > IK . . .2U2 BJ 440
7,1 . 237 4SO * 60 , . .257 40 4 4'l '
74 . a. I 2UOVJ.5 Id . 205 4J 440
74 . 2.i9 2-JJVW 6U 3411 441
57 . 312 11.0 ( WSJ 70 . .161 80 4411
7.1 . . . .200 3t < ) a4'X5 ' 07 .275 4 40
CU . 2.'S 12J 4 J5 07 . . . .242 60 4 4)
71 . . . 2JU 83 4 J5 27 . 2UO 4 40
70. . . . 25 ! ) 200 435 t)7 . . Vfl 80 4 40
70 . 225 120 435 111. . .2.SI1 IW 4 4.'U
78 . 1U5 4.15 70 . 2U 20J 4 4.'h
(15 ( . 25S 40 43.5 72 . 111 ! 44V
BJ . 2.1J 240 4 ,15 >
pins AND itounii ,
1 . 4TQ 203 CO . 143 210 110
1 . . .Mi ) 31)0 ) IM . Mi ) 2IU 410
4 . 147 4 00 (1 ( 21,8-423
5 . 454 60 4 10 2 . .215 4 2J
hllKPl1 Of the eight single and double decks
received all but one were olforod on the mar
ket , und u\ory thing allured found u ready
ut ktroug prices , bouio mixed
ToUl l. uo ol CITIES ,
CorrMpondtnce vollctted.
N.W.HAnRIS & COMPANY.Bankers ,
IG3-I09 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
19 Wall Street , NEW YORK.
7O State Gt.i BOSTON.
averaging about eighty lb . broucht t\n nml
some ptxul 110-11) . western wcthors KS.OO. A
sliicloaosk of common mixed imtl\ci sold for
f IA , nnd n smtill bunch of lntnb < i for KUO.
The dcmnnd continue nctlvu nnd < lrntig nt
firm prices Quotations nro : Tnlr to BOO. !
nntlve . $4.SO tojn.10 ! fulr lo good wcotorno ,
Jl.ftJ to ifduot common nnd slock Nhceii , MOO to
Jl.2.1 ! good to choke 40 tolKi-lb. Inmbs M.50 to
1.7i. Hciircsontatlvo sales !
No. Av. Vr.
1 buck 170 MfiO
1 buck 210 4 01
10(1 ( natives , mixed M fi 25
i'M ' mixed westerns 7S ft 75
1VI wethers , westerns 110 0 CO
4J nntlxo wotliore 1U3 G 10
ptn nnd lUpi ) ltloii nfStnclt.
nt the Union Stojk yardi South
Omiilri , Neb , for Iho twenty-four hours end
ing at & o'clock p. tn. , April 10 , Ib'Ji '
Clilcaii > l.liu Moeli MiuUet.
Oiiir\no. 111. . April lO.-ti-poolulTolosram to
Tin : 1IKB.1 Prices for cattle \\cro aliout nson
Yesterday. Sales were on a b.isls of fiom H.Mi
to WftO for Inforlor to cholco co s , hnlfcrs and
ImlK and from JIJ toJI.'K ' ) for \ory common
to oxtr.i steers , \\lilletlnit , was ( lie runco of
tliliitatlons tburo r\K not much trading himnv
tJa'ior t better tlrin * I..V from s-"J-i t o f Ul ) (
Imylni the bnlH of the former and fiom W. ( "i Iniluv the popular pi Ices for steers ,
The stocUur m.irkutas Inactive , the iidvaneo
that has been established \\ltliln Ilio lust few
davs npiureutly having frightened intcndln , ;
Theionas no further qnotihlo dccllno in
IIOKS. Tlio mnrket rein lined weak , hinvoxor.
nnd hail a docllulnit tcnduncv at the close.
Itecclptseio liberal and of BOO I iiiallty | ,
and old principally at from lifts to H fc ,
thniiKIi a number of sales \vt-ro miido early I.I
thouay at4 70. and a few at 1175 for cholco
homy and medium wnlL'hts Tor limit. welu'hts
ifl n : > was uboiitAhe top. thumb slUhtlv hlBhor
tlcures ttoio re iched In aorj few Instancos.
Closing itiotntloiioero ] from ti . ' 'i to JI.7U fet
he.ivv and inodluni and from $4'JJ to JI.OJ for
Tliero was tin easier fcollni in the -hecp
maruot. llnycis operated moro cautiously
and were Inclined to bo bearish , but they did
not sitccco I In crowding down prices to any
appreciable. oMunt. bales wore slow at fiom
f.l. > ( l to ? l.r > u for onlls. and at from $ . > OJ to W. : > J
forpooi to choice grades , Thuro a a nomi
nally steady marUul for lambs at from $ o 75 to
$7.U" > .
Iteccliits wore : Cattto , 0MD : bogs , 2. > , ODU ;
sheep. KliuO.
DThu n\enliiit Journal ropoits : OATrr.E Ho-
culiitsT.WU ; shipments , J.OX ) : market steady :
prlmo tocholcu steorH.JI.Jva4 KV : others , J..iu ©
4.10 ; stoclters , J.M tt.l 'Jft ; cow * . KVJjtaA''S ,
Hons-Kccelpts. iUOl ; chlpments , 11.000 :
marUet opened stronR and closed a slrulo
lower : ron jit and ( ommon , JI.ijQ.I.Ti ( : mixed
and pickers. iMMdt4.ii' ( ( . : prlmo heavv and
butchers' wolK'its , JI.Wffil.7ij IlKbt , JMUffll ( > J
fcHEii' : Hccelpta. 8.noj ; shipnieuts , 4.UOO ;
niarUcl actixo and steady : cues , $ .LWi4 M :
\\other' . . JUOuOBbS ; wcstcins , J5 tOUU.IJ : lambs ,
e ; > .7.va7.uj. _
Now York l.lio Stuck 'Mnrlirt.
Nnw YUHK. April 10. llKiivKS-Uecelpts ,
77 lip-ul. all for exports anil sluuKbtera and
tradln.fvcllni ; Hun ; dressed beef steady at
( j ® > o per 11) . Miipiucnts today , 70J bco > es. To
morrow , Oils liouxes aucl 080 quarters of beef.
fAi.VBs liei-eipts , 4 U head ; market steady ;
\eals , J4 Uftt fC > per 1UO Ibs.
Muri' Itecelpts 7 J bund : market slow ;
nnshoi n sheep , Jl0072' ! > per 100 11) * . : clipped
lambs , tG''i&li.'Hi ; dressed muttons stc.idv at
lOtll-l'jC iier II ) . : dressed lambs dull at HS&Uc
per Ib.
lions Uecelpts. 4,421 head ; ijtilet and mod
erately steady at Sl.M&'iU.'i per lUj Ibs. City I.i\o f-t , ; > cl [ AI.i"lu ) ' .
K\NS\S OITV. Mo. April 11) ) CATTLE Ito-
colpts , ruo.1 : shipments , 1.000 : the market
wa1eak utlOc lonui ; steels. J.I3. ll.2i ; cows ,
SI.-5G- ; stockers nnd feeders , J3.K.l.i : > .
Hocis ltccelpts.lT.UiU ; hlilpment = , I.7UD ; the
market opened finc huher anJ chibcil f ®
10j Inner ; all grades. ( J.7134/J5 ; bulk , $4 1DOS
r ncco.'uts , : ' .nO : shipments. 400 ; the
market nnsiiutlvu and slroiiL' .
MTJ.Yinslon 's Soothinc Syrupisnn uncx-
collcd iiicouino for children while toothing.
2'i cents a bottlo.
We Kent Hie Worlil , and
mankind generally has accepted I" "
Carlsbad Sprudel Salts as the stand
ard remedy for all diseases arising
from n , disordered stomach. JI.ivo
you dys'pejisia ? .Arc you troubled
with heart-burn , foul bicath ? Try
these. Do it at once. Eisner &
Meudclson Co. , Sole Agents , N. Y.
Union Stock Yards Company
Ilest cattle , ho ? and .sheep market In the west
< ; fl flMUM I Write to this honso for cor-
OU. UJIAIIA | rcct Market Reports. _
Wood Brothers ,
South Omaha Telephone U 17. - Chicago
J 1 > . DAUIIMAK. I , .
W. U. WOOD [ Mnnngors
Market reports by mall and wlro cheerfully
furnished upon application ,
James H. Campbell Company ,
Chlcacn , IvistHt. Louis , ICatiHns City , South
Umaliu , f\m\\ \ City , I'oit Worth.
A. frill , W. K Donny. U K Tallnmduo.
Chicago. line haluainnn , Lutllo halujnmn
Crill , Denny & Company ,
I.lvo block ComralaMon. Hoom 27 lixtlmngd Ulil'ir ,
Houlli Onmha.
_ _
A. D. Boyer & Company ,
MandM r.xchan o Ilulldliu' , South Omalia.
Correipoiuloiiro sullclted nnd promptly nnswerud
hpcolul attention tu ordcru for utotkcn .v f ucdurs ,
ltnbll : > licu , 181 . . . Incorporated , 1603
Cupltul fully paid , t'MWJ
Waggoner Birney Company ,
Wrlto or nlro u > for prompt and rullatlo markut
Perry Brothers & Company ,
Llvo block Commission.
Hoom SI K\chniif , ' < > Hulldliu , boutli Omaha.
Tolephonu 1707.
Miller Brothers ,
llooniSS , KxcuanKO llulldlnz . . . Hoiitti Ornnha
Union Stock Yard National
n AN ic.
Tlie only bank ut tliu ynrdi Cupltnl and iur >
l > lui , f KJlMO Collection ! frowlnn out ul lliu Ilvo
nlock buvlnuis nhoulil bu aunt Ulroct to thl * bank
biilppurn can tlvi > u > ltXor cruillt o ( tbulr buiuu baak
ING COMPANY , Tentsjvwalnn" . lnrpMi-
n R , hummock * , oil * ml llin , eoTorn of nil kind * ,
rnbtirr ololhliix Hoiul nntu , linniH'r * , etc. hrnil
forcdt'Kuo. 1113 I'ltrnnm foreatMoguo,70oS loth
? t M , nmnllln cotton
Importer * nml mrf * . flour
twine rooo , ticmp , Jnlo cotton
, burlaps , ton ( nine * tnrrnl cord
figo pic ai M. nth tt.
M,0. DAXON Biiocc nr to J. JVllk -
, m oi M'f tfclitnr , pni > er
on monthlr imcktnK l > nje All nuTol
1'njraenu ' lo .N lltli ti ties In uni line
1110 Douttlin St.
110) llowar.l atroH
Knotrjry corner lltli nail l uulri < ntr33t <
\Vo nro iiiaklni cloio prlcoi to cull Ii iron , nn I nra
culllni ; u cl.isi of ituoili wnio * ! Ii very .ilo-
nblowlt.1 morcliiuui.
WhMf atp Vfr Anant * llocU choc' , rubbers
llostim H ubber Blioct'n , loll Koods 1WI u Hnr
11 lr. ' , 1104 , HlWlltirnoy st lieit
Offlco , "s.lilli nml I.oatca-
north bt , Oiimha ,
lolm Marlio\ur. Ant
Mfrg lomfrctloncrs nml
jobburn ut forolk' " ntul
ilomimtlo fruits , 1I1U
llowuril et.
CnrrlitRO builders lloso
ami | > nlrot > vnRona a
18th , oi | > Court Homo
Mrfn tops , backn ,
A. T Dnrby , XIpr. Tops , . vie NMiil lor
ciislilom , bucks , eta. . J1J S \ MU
15tli st.
LIME CO. , Mfrs. RnlTitnltcit Iron
Hnrd nnrt loft coal S K. cornice , window cnin. .
. mctallc tkylluhtf , etc.
ccr lllti ucd IIOUEI&S.
111UUi Uodgc-Bt.
Clothlni ; . notionfurnlnh Mnnufrs unit nuolciuilo
Ings lilvu us n trial clothiers Itffi Harney
le.t prupitld by et- tired.
11U Uurncy.
M.E. SMITH & CO. ,
Dry poods , notlona. f ur- Dry good * notions cent's
nlshlnt ; ROod Corner niruMlilriK' foods Cor.
llth nnd Howard bts llth and Howard at
IlliKtrntcd ont-ilog frco
IbUCupltol n\o.
Upholstered furniture
l.urt 1 WO Mclioln * s Craco nnd Thirteenth
\Vnole ilo only. streets.
1201-IM.t Jonoa street , 10th nnd Harrcy streets ,
Omaha. OaiaUa.
215 lid of Trndo Drokcr
In crnln etc. PrKnlo
wire to .V. V , Chicago
and El Louis.
lIMs. caps , utrnw KOOdi ,
lints , caps , Mraw goods ,
klo\es , uiltteni .
( Jovns , mittens. Kid
celebrated Ualo t Ity
hat. lltli nnd Harney , and llarucy.
] 'niIMANiNTIA'OUUniOll : ) NO 1'AV NO
i > inNTioN : : i UOM itrsiM'Ni \mui \
VOIJTOOVniM..OjrATII . M1Inxistlgito
our niotho I , SVrltton gimr tnti'e to absolutolv
cuio all Kinds ot KUlTUIli : of both btxcs ,
without thu use of knlfo or hyiln t , no mat
ter of how long standing ,
Tlic 0 , E. Miller Corapanyr
307-303 N. Y. Life Buililiii ; ? , Ooialia , N'cb.
Oniccs Denver. Cole ; C'hh'a'o. Til. : St.
J.oulMo ; Detroit , Mich ; Muu i ikoeVls |
DPS Molnos , In ; baltljilco Clly , Utah ; 1'ort-
lanil. Ore ; llntto , Mont ,
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
. i. wi * . . * - . . ! . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . - i " , " , . . . . .
" Jit *
' * "n ii l-i
nj iijuitdbw
un I'jwi u
unJUt „ i
- . i H . ivi .
iree Corn poni > aiiiii tlrtctlr print * , lion * ( iljfunrl.i of Litoi § eul Iron. Offlco hi > ur m. mil p. no.
BotuUf U ) a. 11 ui. Scad iuoit > ( or replf.
( "NorvoSoods , "
the wonderful romod/Y
'l ' > sold with n writ
ten BiiiimiHcc to euro nil nnrvom ilncanri. iicli \\tial Muniury ,
lx. " of llruln I'owtr. Huitduclio. Wakojulnun. Ixut 3laiihurji Nlchtlr Kuil * .
loiu.Ncr ou no , l/ai ltulfBllilruln nnd IOBI of power nf tlioJuncr t vo
In oltlior eicausi | liyuvi-rdiertlon , ynutliful nrro . iir i icoilvu
uioof tobacco , opluni or ( tlmulttnn wlilc.ii eon lend tu liillrmily Coiuiimp.
tlonniirtlrniinity. 1'ut tiiicaniciiliint to carry In vul nuclei. HI | > rrn > ck >
BUOliyiimllUlfcrfi. With ovcryt.iirlcrwn ( rli < MIr t/ii uiraril furur *
. Address AervoWecUto. , C'blcugu , Jll.
mtrouit ii.'t > inrH leisa. vr rcjundtht money. Circular free.
For uilo in Omtiliu by Hlionntui & Mcl'onnoll , 1A18 DoJgo-at.
1J1O1JU.SALS l 'OK his \V13U JJONiJS
Sealed buU mnrkod I'ropoaals for Hewer
Ilonds will bu received at thu olllea of thu o y
tiuiiHiirorof thucltr of Omaha Nub. , up to
o'clock , noon , of thu25lh day of April , I He' , fur
the | iiiieliunaof ttWLUlMOJ sewer bonds of the
city of Om'irn. Nub. , dated M iy 1st , H9. , p ly-
iible 2) yeari after dam , Interest 5 per cunt
per annum , p lyub'.u sonil-aiiiiualh. 1'rlnol-
pnl and Interest piyuhlu at Kount/o llros ,
New York , Ddiiomlnnllon of uonils , JI.UJLUJ
uach. Kueli bid mustslato price aiid amount
sought for an 1 Include accrueil Interust up to
( Into of delivery at Omaha , Nub. 'I lie rljht If
reserved to lejeet any and all bids , lusuou
undo charter potter of ulllosof thu metro-
nolllnn class nnd orUlnutico No 2JOI. atiprovod
Murch 2.1. Ib'X' ' . Iir.NKV 1IOII < N ,
M.dJH.M ' : Ulty Ttonnurer.
l'riiii | illn lur rttrisel
Foaled bids will bo rocclvcd nt the comp
troller's olllco up to 4 p. m , April 20 , 1 bW , for
iiiaUuio' and placing two street fil/ns at each
street InlfrsectloiiK , glvliu the niiincH und
numburs of BtrcLtH. A cortlllod check of 110
to accompany ouch bid , Thu city louncll to
tor ten thu rl-ilil to rojeet any or all hlJs
TIlKUUUltU 01.SKN , Comutrollcr
A1C U -
CO , ,
hnrjnnro an !
Cornpr 10th nml JncVion tool *
streets IW DoiiRlai Street.
lffood lutnbor. wool
carpets nnl imrquat Iraporlolmorloin I'orb
tloorlnir , Inn I remit , Mllwiiikoj
liTitrnullc cement nnvl
Dili nnrt UoiuUi Julncr whin u.ur. .
Manor morchnnt * , 1113
lliirnoft Mfrs Ken ,
nolr Ktit ItulU lilt linloiiaii liquor doalen
tor * . 1001 ( nrnntu at
Impnrtrrs nnd joMiernot
Mltllnorr notions clo > iiillllacrv noiloni Mnll
etc. 1101188 lota el onierx prompt. 203 U S.
llth ,1.
I'lnnog orgins. artlMs lOl'.V. tcth M 1'lnnos
innterlnK do. IMS inutile IH | nniKknl lit
DotiglDBBt. ' immune of nil kl
llcllned nnd iutirlcntlnit No tmil odor , no smokn
chlnmeit no ilmrrliitf
ell' , nslo grcn'C. etc wlclis Auk fdrllelm. .
Hold. Mmrincr \ 'limKlu
I'nckors ot oyntors , Hsh Oyston tlsh and cilery.
nnd celery U03LonTon tl'l S lUtli at DavlJ.
north at. Cole , man iKor.
Mfr § of " 1C A S" punts , Mfrs celebrnled "lluct-
kill" overnlln , imnln ,
Kh'rt . eonta , etc Kas
llitibllihed , I87S. BRANCH & CO. ,
. Produce , fruits of Ml
Ilutter , t-Kits nnd poultry kinds , oystcri J17 ,
JUS I3tu Bt Utheu ,
SONS. , Ilultor , oliceia u.s
nutter , oirifi ml poultry poultry nnd Kim * .
12J9 lloivnrd-9t. 317 bouth 13th Stroot.
1. A. RYDER & CO. 0. PEDAU ,
llutlcr.CKpa.chrese.pouI- romrnlnslon niurchftn
try lililo ? millennia I'rotluac , nutter PUR * .
UI5 lloniird Btreut. chet'jo nnd poultry
Itefer to Com 1 NoLllank 12lli and llonnrd > l
f pectnltle' . butter , CRBS ,
clieete poultry , etc No
(15 S lltli Her lalNatl
Ilultor , mist , cheats.
fnsh buyers Imttnr nnd Irulf , poultry , Kiinio.
OK H , hiuntlfs oil other Ah'ontN for Myir's
proilnco on commlifluu. loiil honieniid ejllln
ia. ) llth Mt Bplco WJ llth > ul
Butter , PI.VS. poultry , Our nporliiUloi : lliitt-r ,
tunic , lildei ana fruit , OZKS nnd piullry , 1JIJ
IJ97 Howard ytreet. Ilonurditreat.
Wholsalo butter & ejtza Butt or , clico p. 02 e ,
M'KctuMcB , frultBpuul
Iluys nnd sells ( or
try uuil ganiu
cash. 4US llUi st.
Carry n full Block of Wrippliie paper allklndl
printing wrapping and ( if twiner etc I Hi
Howard ntreot. Tclo-
wrltlnn paper , pa
per etc fihone , 17JJ
Stove rormlm nml wiite
ntlnobinonta for nnf
kliut of utovu inatlo.
1.1)7 ) Duu lus.
frl.A. H.
( TO ) , ilolli , " Iliurai ,
Manufacturers of mull linicy ( ! 'lfl lmii uiiir
tl o o r s , b 11 n d nnd nUhliitf uooili thll-
niouldlnKfl Hranch tif- rtren'ii ( "irrlncoi UI9
Uce , 12th andlzardbta tariium Street.
To the owners of lots anil I unl front Inn up
on Ntreot Improvement district1 * numbered
and described av follows.
No. 451.-I'lh btrcol from lliirnoy street to
bt. Mai v's avenno.
No 454 , The alley from'-'nd sheet to 21th
btrctt. In 1'iiiilson'ti uldltlon
No 4V > I'lih ' Btieet from I'arnnm Htieot to
II iirnuv htre-et.
No 4Glath MI col from the noiitll line ot
I'opplcton ultimo tolbo north line of Wool-
is ol rh a ton no.
No 4YT. Davenport btrect , from 24th htrrol
lo23th nine ! . In tlio cliy of Omaha , an '
lect to an < cssiiioiit for tliu pavlnx anil
In a of Ibobamo.
Von nro hereby notlflod In piirhiianco of or-- ,
dlnanees Nun 3J1H , v020 ami .Idtl , pasied and
approved April 14th , IB' ) . ' , to relict and ilotor-
mlne upon Iho kind of m aerial to bo lined In
p.uln , : onld liiiprovumonldliitllcU. on o > * before -
fore May llth , IHO. ' , or thu city council wilt do *
ter/nine H ild material ,
Iit. d nlUinuha , thl 10th day ( if Anrll , lb'/A
I * . W. HIUIvllAI'bl.U ,
Chalrumu of thu lluurd of 1'uUlio Work * .