THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , APRIL 20 , 1892. FAVORS FUSION Thinks Nebraska Democrats and Alliance ; Advocates Should Join Hands. GROVER CLEVELAND is NOT HIS CHOICE or Onrmnn Moro I.lkrly to Carry tlm Strrnstli of the 1'urly In the Went t'nrocniit of the Convention'Vork. . WASIIISOTOX nurtEu or THB BKB , 613 FouiiTRnxTil Siur.BT , WASIIIXHTOX , D. C. , April 10. \ Frank P. Ireland of Nobrasua City Is here uobnobblng with democrats. Ilo professes to bellovo the domocralnwlll carry Nebraska this yoar. Ho says : ' ! don't Know exactly what the democratic program will bo out there , but my opinion Is It will bo the boil eort of politics to Join hands with the alliance and bclp thorn carry the presidential electors. Vfo nro not wedded to any particular candi date for the presidency , though there Is a trent ; fooling , that Is growing constantly , that It would bo In the highest degree uusafu to uomlnato Mr. Cleveland. L am no cuumy ot the ox-prosldont , but on the contrary ontortaln the highest roa Kard for him. Ho Is popular in Nebraska , but It la too upoaront that ho would ba unable to carry Now York state , our slno qim non of success. Just here I want to correct a fallacy that Is being re peated n good deal of lato. Some of Mr. Cleveland' : ! frlonds are saying he will got the nomination without Now York ; In fact will bo chosen before Now Yorlt Is called at thoconvuntion. These people forgot that by democratic usage It takes a. two-thirds vote to nominate and that this could not bo had prior to the call of the Kmplro state , but It ought always to bo remembered that the de mocracy l. not glvon to oiio-uian worship and has plenty of presidential timber. "What's the matter with Gorman or Car lisle ! " Fiivoro < l In Army Clrclrs. Tbo nomination of Colonel Frank Wheaten to ba brigadier general In the place of Gen eral /uiITusi Kautz , retired , sent to the scn- nto today , gives universal satisfaction In "Washington. Colonel Andrews , who rnnltod high on tbo list of colonels of Infantry , was ordered homo to await retirement several days ago , thus leaving Colonel Whuaton the ranking active colonel of infantry In the nrmy. Ills promotion Is therefore In the line of the poilcv which President Harrison has attempted to follow during the past thrco years , namely , to make army promotions by seniority In ( ivory case whurocontrolling ron- ions have not existed for going further down the line. Colonel \Vhoaton presented a record of , ervlco unexcelled by that of nny of the contestants for the placo. .Ho had entered the nrmy from civil lifo before fore the war as a graduate of Urown univers ity In Ktiodc Island ; had served in the topographical graphical engineer corps In establishing the boundary line botweou Mexico and the United States , nnd was n captain of the Fourth cavalry a month before the war broke out. Colonel Wheaten at once raised n regiment of infantry In Hhodo Island and joined the Army of the Potomac , where his record of gallant nnd nfllclont service is written In iicccsilvo promotions and honorablebrevets. . Within n year bo was a brigadier general of volunteers and participated in every engage ment , both of the Army of the Potomao and In operations in tbo Sbcnandoah vnlloy. He was repeatedly mentioned Iu orders and loft tbo volunteorsorvlco ns a brevet major general to accept nt the close of the war a lieutenant colonelcy of Thirty-ninth infantry. From 1SUO until his present well directed pro motion General Whonton has been engaged In active nurvtco on iho frontier , partici pating In most of tbo important Indian cam paign ! ! , engaged in poltcoing the frontier and In rendering safe tbo rapid march of civ ilization In that vast region which lies between - twoon the Missouri nnd the Pacific coast. General Wheatou's claims were , as stated in a lici ; special last night , earnestly pressed by the Nebraska delegation , Senator Mim- dorson particularly interesting himself in his behalf and securing for him the endorse' inent of moro than a third of the sennto. The Ilbodo Inland delegation also pressed his candidacy. It Is b liovod that the vacancy made bj General Stanley's forthcoming ro- tlrcmont will bo llllod by the promotion of General Eugene A. Carr ot the Sixth cav- ry , uow stationed at Fort Niobrara. Hiuk on Hilly ( ioatn. Secretary Husk Is In favor of the proposi tion to Import from Turkey a lot of thorough bred Anponi goats for the purpose ol intro ducing thorn into this country , ns they can bo raised by our farmers with great prollt , but ho cots back upon the "economical" policy of iho present bouso of representa tives by declaring that there Is no cxcuso for following the policy proposed by a well Known democratic member and import tbo coats at government expanse , and then brood thorn upon government lands and distribute them out nt government bauds , gratis. Ho thinks that this would bo paternalism with a vengeance. in n latter which be has sent to Sytlonham s.B. Alexander of North , Carolina , a member > / the house committee on agriculture , and In referring to the bill providing for the im portation ot the fcstivo billy und nannio goat of the Angora breed and their propagation at Government expense , Socrotar RUSK says : "I understand that the Ottoman emplra does , as alleged , prohibit the exportation of Angora goats from its dominions , and ap preciating full ; the importance ot the indus try in this country , I should bo heartily In favor of our government's doing what might bo in its power to obtain from the Turkish government the privilege for American bffodors of importing Angora gnats during a certain tlmo ana within a certain manner , but I cannot BOO any good reason for the es tablishment , under tha ausp-.cos of the na tional government , of an Angora goat-breed ing farm , tn bo maintained out of tlio na tional treasury. I cannot aeo why the brooders of this particular animal should bo entitled to aid of this kind , which has not boon afforded to the breeders of any other pure blood stock. " Jllscollnnooin , Senator Pottigrow wont to New York this liftornoon to bo absent till Friday. 1C. H. Hobluson of Omaha la at the Na tional. William F. Jamas of Salt L.ako Is at tbo \Villard. Charles H. AVIldor of Nowtou Is at tbo Metropolitan. Senator Pottlgrow has proposed an amend ment to the river and harbor bill appropri ating . ' 00,000 for Improving tbo Missouri river between the mouth of tbo BDC Sioux river and tbo north line of the state of South J3 ota. It provides further that ? 10,000 of the sum shall bo expended by tbo secretary of war In Iho construction of an , ice harbor nt or near Vnnkton. A favorable report has boon made upon Senator Wilson's bill appropriating 150,000 fora public building at Fort Madison , Iu. The patrons of tbo old Cleveland postoflloo in Holt county , recently discontinued , , am anxious for Us ro-ostabllshmont and Senator Manderson has requested IU re-establish- niout. The senator has also nsliod for the establishment of a postoflico In Holt county to bo named Ilrodlo , eight or tou miles north Of Cleveland , ' Senator Paddock has recommended the appointment of Joseph I * Stltt as pan- master at Violnt , Pawuoecounty. P. S. H. N1CWS 1'OH TUP. AIIUV. Compute Lilt of Ch-iiige < III the Service. WASIIISOTOX , D. a , April I9. | SooalaI Telegram to TUB BEK. ] The following army ordori were Issued today : First Lieutenant. Frodenok S. Strong , Fourth artillery , is detailed as professor of military science and tactics at the Michigan academy , Orchard Late , Mich. First lieu tenant. KobortJ. Irvine , ttlovonth Infantry , Is transferred from comuany K to company A. of thai regiment , vice Fjrt Lieutenant Hlchtrd M. BUtchford. Kloventh infantry , who u hereby transferred from company A to company U. Major John H. Janoway , iurg on , is relieved from tha further opera- tiau of special ordord May S , ISO I , a * dlreols x-hlm , | Q addition to bU other duilea , to perform - . < * form the uutlei of post aurgoon at Frank , ford arsenal , Pa. Wentnru 1'uiuiun * . WASHINGTON , D. a , April 19. [ Special yoloftram to Tun BJIK. ] The ' following list pf pensions granted U reported by TUB BBS And Examiner Bureau of Claims : ' Nebnukn ; Original Nathaniel N. Oil- lotto , JacooICllck. William M. Fruntz , La- andcr Utckels. Additional Jonathan It. Carter , William K. Tyls , John Cassldy. Increase - crease Halph W. Wbltohcad. Original widows , etc. Nancy , hllen Schlumpf. lawn ! Original Daniel Gllllspio , Silas Kenney , John Frcoborg , Oliver Welch , James M. Alexander , John U. Knoi , Vincent A. Walkup , Leroy Slovens , Goorgu Ilov- nolds. Additional William F. Wothors , John Bottoms , Nlmrod J. Butcher. Supple mental John Anderson. Increase Newell J. Summer , James M. Andrews , James C. McNolll , John L. Uoblnson. 'Uolssuo Wil liam Wlngrovo , dcccaiodi Thomas IJnlr , do- censed ; Francis Jolllff. Original widows Hose IJaln , Amanda Taggort , South Dakota : Original Ellas McNolll , Whcolor S. Bowon. Western I'utoiits , WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 10. ( Special 'olegram ' to TIIK IJiiK.J The following list f patents granted la reported by TUB BBS nd Examiner Bureau of Claim * : John W. Hoarman , Mf , Ayr. la. , dividers ; YodorlcK W. Bean , Ogdcn , U. T. , gasstovo ; . .afayotta W. IJuitor , Wllllamsburg. la. , caper knlto holder ; William L. Clark , Sioux 21ty , la. , method ot and apparatus for metal asnngs ; Jacob Dengstrotc , Manchester , la , , lay rake ; Charles C. Fonno , Grinnoll , In. , orn harvester nnd food cutter ; Ernst F. laixs , Burlington , la. , saddla ; Charles Loach , sslgnor of ono-half to 1C. L. LuycocK , Mc- ; ook , Nob. , wrench ; Patrick Lee , assignor o himself and O. W. Dlllio. Bolso Jltv , Idaho , cooking utensil nt- achmant ; Jacob Pilffnor nnd J. vrlobs , Dubwiuo , In. , harness ornament ; George T. Plumb , Danbiiry , Nob. , carcais spreader ; Paden B. Klgglns , Shollleld , la. , pump ; Christian U. Schwuner , Wintersot. a. , brace support and buckle ; David W. jcott , Cozad. NOD. , ditching machine ; James 1. Smith , Falls City , Nob. , wrench : William V , Springer , assignor to Diamond Suspender company , DAS Molnoa , In. , suspender buckle : " ? oorgo H. Summers , A. J. King nnd L. A. lardo.sty , Mitchell , S. D , , drill operating device ; Theodore Woolens , Jr. , Cheyenne , "iV'yo. , rotary water motor. Callgraph writing- machine is the best for manifolding und for speed. Union soap is the king of soaps ! JOE MILLER'S BUZZ SAW. Ono Hymen , a Smuiliil-MoiiKur , Ittiu * Against It tii Ills Sorrow. W. J. Byrnes a uartnorof Ed Keen in the publication of a dlsroputablo shoot , ran up against a buzz saw In motion in the county jail' Monday afternoon , with the usual results. Byrnos and his wtfo have 30on at the couuty jail frequently during the last few weeks visiting E. A. ICoon , who Is n jull awaiting sentence for criminal libel , of which charge ho was convicted In the dis trict court. Jailor Millar nnd his doputlos have extended - tended every courtesy to the visitors , but this did not protect htm , as in iho last Issito of the publication an attack was made upon Jailer Miller. Monday Byrnos and his wife visited the jail again cud while there Mr. Miller spoke to them about the artlclo n the paper. Byrnes and his wife at once jocamo wrathy and began abusing Iho jailor , who sloood It patiently until ono of the pair juried uu epithet at him that ho don't stand From any man or womaa and then the fuu Occamo fast nnd furious. At Mr. Miller's llrst symutom of roiontmont of Lho insult offered him ho was bodily assaulted by the pair. Mrs. Byrnos sprang in front of her diminutive bettor half and reached for Miller's eyes. Joe is not slow himself iu u freo-for-nll , nnd in a jiffy ho bad pushed the woman to ono side , and given bar husband n couple of good Kicks In u position where they would do the most good. Then ttwy closed again , and when the curtain was rung down on tbo last act of the tragedy , Mr. Miller was eating his lunch in Iho jail oOlce , two dilapidated ox-visitors were hobbling down a back street , and ono of the jailor's assistants wiping up the gore witn an old quilt. Byrnes has n faculty for getting into scrapes of this kind. Ho was discharged from TIIF. Br.i ; sumo monlhs ago for a similar assault made by him and bis wife upon a vis itor in the rcoptlon room of Tun BCE ofllco. Mr. C. D. Pavno. publisher of the Union Signal , Chicago. 111. , writes : I never saw anything that would cure headache llko your Bradycrotiuo. A MILLION DOLLARS INVOLVED. Suit AllV'otliiff the Ownership of u Largo Amount ol Omalm Proju-rty. A petition was filed in the United States circuit court yesterday Involving the title to $1,500,000 worth of real estate within the city limits now owned by Phebo Rebecca Elizabeth Elwlna Linton and her husband , Adolphus Frederick Linton , of Brighton , England. The defendants are W. Green well & Co. and John Whitaker Cooper , James Qrelgand Ernest Tozor Jansen , and suit is brought to sot aside deads and mortgages on the ground of fraud. Mrs. Linton is of American birth , being the daughter of Colonel Finlny of Klttan- nin ? , Pa. , who is now in tno olty in consulta tion with J. T. Gathers , tha attorney of the estate , with reference to the case. It scorns that Mrs. Lluton was induced to give a deed to twcnty-ono lots in this city to Brown , Jansen & Co. , bankers , on condition of the release of u certain mortgage , which , it is alleged they did not hold , and which was not recorded for a year after It was given. Sbo was also , induced to glvo a mor tgage amounting to 7,500 to secure an oto given by her husband for nu alleged debt of tuat amount , which It Is claimed that In rcalltv ho did not owe. It Is alleged that the whole was a deal to swindle her out of her property through a deal made with her husband , who was thoroughly and com pletely hoodwinked by the scheming parties. The mortgages amount to over $100,000and the do a' ' throws a cloud on properly consist ing of sovonty-olght lots In this city , twelve in South Umahn and fifty acres of land lying Just west of Ilanscom park. DeWltt's Sanaparilla destroys such poi sons aa scrofula , akin disease , co/oma , rheu matism. Its timely use saves many lives. NEBRASKA'S BUSINESS MEN. .Vi-raiigmiienU for tlm Tlilril An mini Con- vuntloii of the Association. Great preparations ary boms made for the convention of the Nebraska Stale Business Mon's association which convenes in this oily on the oyonlng of Juno 14. On the 11th of that month the Manufacturers nnd Con sumers association begins Its flrst annual exposition , which will coutinuo In session until Juno ? J. General Secretary U. F. Hodgin of tha as sociation nas issued the following official cir cular for the convention : Tun third annual convention of the No- lirnska State Business Mon'a association will bo held In Omaha Juno U. U and lit. Tha mooting will bo called to order on Tuesday ovciilng. Juno H , at S o'clock , Eauh local branch is entitled to ouo delegate for ovorv ton members and ono for every fraction thereof. The presidents of the local brunches are delegates at largo by virtno of their olllco. Secretaries are ruquajiaJ to call a mealing at once to select their delegates and to Immediately notify the general socrolary whom the delegates aro. Towns that do not have local branches uro entitled to ono dolo- gale , which dcluguto will ba entitled lo all privileges of the floor except to veto. Altur- nnloa to serve in the absence of the regular delegates should bo niMted , Credentials must be prepared and signed by tha president and secretary of each local branch. Two copies of tha saro being prepared - pared , the original will bo mod by the chairman of the delegation and the duplicate to ba forwarded to tha general secretary as sooa as tbo delegates are elected. Boocbam's Pills sell well booauso they euro. Itullilliif ; I'arnnta. The following permits were issue ! by the superintendent of buildings yesterday ; & 1C'uriU - threo-story briok onalnu house. Klzhlouuth and llnrneystroeu.118.000 Annie 1'lanory , oiio-story fruinu cottuKo. douth rfuvont'.i street I.SOO bame , : E27 South Kluvonth street. 1,509 U. A. llaldnln , two-itory frnmo rest- uiiiico , Thlrty-si'oond und \Voulworth ftvonuo. 5.000 J. .1. Ulavln , onu-atorr frnmo cottage , huurtoeiuhand Uontor tre U 800 Nine minor permits. , , . . , J.5T3 lotal , IS BLAINE IN THE FIELD rrisnds of the Man from Maine Insist That He Would Accept. SAID TO WANT A UNANIMOUS NOMINATION Now York Kpjitibllcnm .May Dcmniul lilt Candidacy Hii Campnlfrii , It H Alli'Reili Will ll Coudiictud Hrcretly .Hrs. lUiiluu1 * Auibltluu , NEW VOHK , April 19. A political move ment has taken place within tbo last twonty- our hours which will greatly chnntro the resent political situation. H Is stated that Secretary Blalno will accept the republican nomination for the presidency If the party , vlll uomlnato him nt the national convention , t Minneapolis in Juno with any dogrou of unanimity , and It couios from the highest authority. U is affirmed that slnco ho wrote his letter o Chairman Clarkson declining to allow his HI tno to bo presented before the convention , nd withdrawing from the race his mail has brought him Innumerable loiters from promi nent republicans all over the country urging him to roconslder his decision nud to become candidate , and the pressure became so great and forcible that ho was unnblo to stand out any longer against the wiSiies of his fnonds. his supporters and his party. Ha has decided to place his candidacy in tbo hands of his friend9 and leave it with them. It is further stated that Blnlna will not publicly make known his decision , but that his friends will secretly work for his nom ination , and will place his name before the convention with sufficient jtreutnh to insure his nomination. The authority is JBlainu's closest frtond in Now York City and the recognized loader of the party in the state , and comlug from such a source It will stand undisputed. This friend in speaking of lUatnu's candidacy said that the secretary had ut last decided to reconsider his doclsiou and to accept the nomination providing it is unanimously tendered him. "This decision , " ho continued , "was made very reluctantly by Mr. Blaiuo , hut It was simply out of the question for him to do otherwise. There may bo many reasons Riven for this chnngo , but I believe that the real reason is that ho scos that the majority of tbo republicans of the country want him nominated , and since ho has placed his can didacy in the hands of his friends I do not think anything can prevent his nomination in Juno , nor his election in November. This announcement of his candidacy will bo liuilud with delight by every republican In the land. "ilo is the Idol of the republican party , end , being such , should DO nominated wither or iigainst his consent , and if ho had not changed his decision I , for ouo , was in favor of nominating him against his wishes , nnd many others were in the same position. This announcement-puts Blaiuo in the race again , and In the race ho will sta.v until the close. There will bo no backward movement now , and even if Blaine so desired , as his fnonds would prevent it. Ho has given thorn his word arid they will do the rest. "Another reason is that this change was duo to the influence and exertions ot Mrs. Blaine , who has all along advised him to run and who has great influence with the secre tary. It Is believed tnat she was greatly put out whan Blaine wrote his letter to Editor Pard of the Tribune , withdrawing his unmo from the national convention at Chicago in 1SS8 , when his nomination was inevitable , and that she was also terribly disappointed , when ho wrote this letter to Chairman Clarkson. "S'.ill another reason is that the loiters ho received from the prominent republicans were of such a character that no man could foil to give them u'.most attention. Thov were imperative. The letters from Now York were , of course , the most important , and were given tbo greatest consideration and weight. The views of nearly all the writers ran in the same channel. iThe Indiana letters also occupied a promi nent place in his reconsideration. They ran nearly in the same strain as the Now York letters , mid coming from the homo of the president Increased their Importance. It can bo safely relied upon that if Blaine's health is as good in Juno as it is now , ho will bo the republican nomlneoand will bo a bard candidate to defeat. " Anything to llcat Harrison. LIXCOLV , Nob. , April 19. [ Special to Tnc BEfc.J It was reported here today that a secret meeting of republicans from thirty- two counties in the state is soon to bo held in Omaha or Lincoln in the interest of the Algor boom for president. It will bo remembered - bored that when General Alger passed through Omaha recently ho stopped off be tween trains and was the guest ot Hon. John M. Thurston in Omaha. This has given rise to the query , I Thurston quietly looking after the interests of Algor in the county conventions through- oat the statal Vandervoort Is also a strong Alger man and is known to be doing- what ho can to assist the boomlot. It Is also being passed around hero that Binlno Is not altogether out of the question. The plan , is said to bo that wherever possible the dolo- cntions shall bo opposed to Instructing for Harrison , so that in cuso n stampede can bo worked up lightning may strike Algor , Blaine or some dark horso. It u believed here that the fondling of the anti-Harrison men will ale very , very young. Dr. Birnoy , nose and throat. Bee bldf * OMAHA PRESBYTERY. Opening SonKlnii Well Attoniloil Ilev. T. W. , taril'it Sermon. The Omaha Prosoytery was convened last night at ttio First Presbyterian church with a very good attendance , considering the very unfavorable condition of the weather. IJov. T. L. Sexton , D.D. , opened the mooting with acripturo reading and prayer. The roll was called and the following ministers , members of the prosbytory. answered : By ram , Craig ; Elliot , Columbus ; Coploy , Ulackblrd ; Smits , Toitamah ; Bollvillo , Wahoo ; Robinson , North Uond ; T.V. . Loard , Scnuylor ; J. M. Dodpo , Columbus : J. D. Kerr , Oraaha ; Asa Lenrd , Omaha ; Jonn Gordon , O.D. , S. M. Ware , Storlinc , Kerr , D.D. , J. M. Wilson. Ultra ) , Omaha. The following laymen were present : H. L. btowits. Wahoo ; CJ. A. Starr , Omaha ; \V. Handoll , P. L. Perlno , J. M. VVcHbans , Omaha. The sermon of tbo evening was preached by Hav. T. VV. Loard of Schuylor. Ho se lected his text from Matthew 0-U : "Thy kingdom corao. " The speaker then pro ceeded to show that It wan the duty of Christian people to pray and work for'tuo kingdom of God Just tbu snmo now as it was centuries ago whoa the command was first given by the Savior. The nature of the kingdom desired wan then soouon of. Ho hold that no ono should th'lnk about the coining of n temporal kingdom , but a spirit ual ono. The kfngaora of God came by grace. It was a kingdom of grace nud glorv. There could bo no glory without grace. The work of grace was the first stop. The faith ful followers of tno meek and lowly Kaza- rune should be willing to suffer soma Incon. venionca for the peed of the cause Iiu had es. pousod. Thorn wore difflcultloi to bo overcome - como , but the true followers of Christ would not bo discouraged by that fact. In closing tlia speaker exhorted bli hearers to be dill- centund not to put off the important work of helping to bring about too coming of the kinirdoin. tfo said there was no use to wait , now was tbo time to bo up and doing. Tbo kingdom would coma Just as sson as the peoulo wcro ready for it. At tbo clou of the sermon Rev. Evert Smlts of Tekamah was elected moderator for the sosslou and Hev. T. J. Sterling and Mr. Lankton were elected as secretaries. Dr. T. L. Sexton was Invited to sit as a cor responding member of the presbytery , The morning session will begin it 8:80 this morning. The aeision will continue through the day and tomorrow. The mooting ibis evening for all who wish to attend will take up VUG dovotloual IduA in church work and tbo special theme will bo "Growth In Grace. " Tomorrow evening the Interests of tno Young People's Society of Christhin En deavor will bo thoBUbJuct of the meeting. DeWitt'sSarsupariua is retiiblo. Crocrto linn Collaii tl. H. S. Belcher , who left Omahaashort tlmo ago to book a fortune in Colorado's uow miu- o , \ ting ing camp , Croodo , returno ; ! to the Dellono hotel yesterday. Ho U tnbfouijhly disgusted with the plnco nnd says tbiro It not a dollar In the town. Hundreds ot.pooplo tire dally leaving Croodo. In fact 6vonrbody who can gut money enough to ronlll Denver are get ting out of the town.i Ho six.ys most of the people remaining , In Croedo arc "broken" gamblers , confidence men , skin pa mo sbariw nmt depraved women of the vllist type , 'Of the eighty sa loon * that sprung up. llko n olossom In a night , only two are doing Vnslnoss , and the frame shanties occupied' by the ethers nro for rent , The Inhabitant"ot } tha plnco are also dying llko they " wore nflllctod with n yellow fever epidemic. " 0 } ' r < 3 carried away on stretcher * , hnvlMtr the mountain fever and pneumonia combined. The mines of any value at all are located three or four miles from the town. Shakespeare's beautiful pastoral comedy , "As You Like It , " will bo presented nt Boyd's uow theater this evening by Ml. s Gala nnd her company , Miss Gnlo appearing ns Rosalind and Mr. Creston Clarito as Or lando. This will bo the only performance of "As You Llko It" during tl.o present en gagement. Carroll Johnson , the Irish comedian who in "Tho Gossoon" ' appears at Boyd's now theater next Sunday evoulnr. will bo roniom- DO rod by admirers of rollnod Irish comedy In Omaha for his dullgnttul delineation of the character of Larry Dee In "Tho Fades' Well" two voars ago. The Now York Herald declared that "Tho Ucssoou" Is the most Idyllic Col tin comedy on Urn boards. It was written by that very olarer dramatist , Mr. G. U. Klddur , who has given tbo American Cublio such delightful plays ns "A Poor Uo- itlon" and "Peaceful Vnlloy , " made popu lar by the genial Sol Smith Russell. Mr. Johnson's engagement will last three nights. Seals go on sale thh morning at 11 o'clock at IClnslor's drug store , SJJ South Sixteenth street , for Will Ciirloton's rocltal In tha Young Men's Christian association hall on Friday evening next. Mr. Carleton styles his entertainment "Too. Urania of Human Nature , " and the program Includes not only his most notable published poems , but sonio that have never yet been pubUsncd. In tliojo ontertainmnnts Mr. Carleton has touched the hearts of thousands of people tu the eastern states , who hnvo had Mr. Carleton - ton heretofore almost exclusively to them- selves. iivsisutts itr.ocKKi ) HV nuMuon.irs. til.loo * * Council Cannot I'iiul u Oimrum Cut tu Knniiis. ST. Josnrn , Mo. , April ID. The city coun cil here was unnolo to organize owing to the fact that the democratic momb&rs absented themselves for the purpose at breaking a quorum. The council is composed of equal numbers of republicans and democrats. When the council mot the democrats discov ered that ono of tnoir number was absent and they lost no time iu rotting out of tha chamber. The sorgoant-at-arms issued war rants for their nrrost in orclor to compel their attendance , but the olllcers were uuablo to serve them , for the democrats had antici pated this nnd fled to Kansas. They telegraphed - graphed to their friends iu the city last night to 11 nd the original absent member and hold him until the mooting tqntght when the ab sentees will return to duty. fit-over Downs ( Iruy'tn ' Ilontlcrdom. IsuiANAroi.i3 , Ind. , April 19. Primaries for the selection of democratic delegates to the state convention Were hold bore last nlsht. The fight was squarely between the Cleveland and Gray factions. Cleveland car ried every ward and in nearly every primary instructions were given in his behalf. Gray men olecloJ contesting delegates in two wards. In the third ward , iu which Gov ernor Gray resides , a resolution was almost unanimously adopted > declaring Graver Cleveland to be the candidate of tbo demo cratic party In the coming election , and dele gates were instructed to/ work for such delegates - gates to the national convention to bo se lected from this district as would pledge themselves to make every effort to secure his nomination. , Perry Is a Touch RociiESTKit , N. l' . , April 19. Oliver Cur tis Perry , the Lyons train robber , is causin g bis keepers much trouble. Since his attempt to cscapa on March 21 , ho has boon confined in his cell except for a short time daily. His confinement has made him savage , and ho has made .several attempts to kill Deputy Collins , who arrested him. Ho had made a collection of crockery which ho has retained when food was sent him , and ho has th rowu cups at Mr. Colling on several occasions. Yesterday morning ho attempted to empty a buckat of slop over Collins , when tha offi cer draw his rovolvcr and threatened to shoot it ho threw the slop. Perry desisted. The jail officials believe he has possession of a strong knife which ho mada from a piece of ono of the steal slabs of his coll. Ordered to Move On. A dozen or more of the residents In tha vicinity of Tweuty-sovonth and Cuming streets complained to the chief of police about the family livlnjr at 935 North Twonty- sovonlh avenue. Jacob Llndcmlar lives in the house and has threa wayward youn , ? girls , who run wild. These girls and a half dozen of the bad boys In the neighborhood have been balding high carnival nigntly in a shed at the roar of the Llndomier houso. Last Saturday ulghtsomo of the boys were arrested , and spent Sunday in jail. Last night Sergeant Ormsby and a couple of do- tcctives wont out to look into the neighbors' complaint. The sergeant was sntisriod that the neighbors had a Ulolt coming and ordered the family to move inside of a week , which they promised to do. The following marriage licansos wars Is sued by Judge Ellor yesterday : Name and Address. Affo. ( John A. 1'alk , Omaha . 31 I lltildn Anderson. Omaba . 21 j James 1 * . hies , Omaha . 21 | AlfoaR. JoncR , Umaha . , . IS I Donald McKay , Holmesvllle. Mo . -0 1 Susie J. Mllnur , Omaha . 23 j W. H. Livingston , Sioux City. la . 31 I Koso E. Orady , .Sioux Ulty , la . X > ) 1'rod Mlstmnrn , Council IllnlTs. fa . CO 1 Ilurtlm Mayor , Council liluffs , Iu . 40 J Fro'tl Smith. Omnlia . SJ | Ituth E. Huasutl , Omaliit. . . 19 Ilo'f ) u Tough Hoy. Sixteen-year-old Wlllto McDonald is ono of tbo toughest colored boys In Omaha or vicinity and has boon arrested moro times than bo has fingers and toes. Yesterday afternoon McDonald was mistreating several smaller colored boys In an alley near tbo comer of Twelfth and Podgo streets when u gentleman who was passing luterforod. The young tough quickly 'seized a stone and throw It , striking the . peacemaker In the face. McDonald was lodKed up and will bo triad before Judge Berks , Wday. CALIFORNIA SHAKEN UP Buildings of Several Towns Topple and Tall with Fatal Results. SERIOUS SEISMIC DISTURBANCE Wtnlori Suffers Snvrrrly Tire runs the Terror In Dixon Mimy I'litiilltlns nt Vncnxllto Iti'callH llio I'.artli- qmiku of ' 08. SAK FUA.VCISCO , Cal. , April 19. The worst shock of carthqualto since ilia momornblc ono of 1SIS8 occurred hero shortly before 3 o'clock this morning and was perceptibly felt ntSau Francisco and Oakland , but no damage was dona. At Winters , .Cal. . ths shocks wcro very severe nud caused gcuoral destruction of property. The large bricir. hotel , the bnnK buildings , Uartholct's two-story building and In fact every building in town was damaged , The loss Is at least $ .10,000. The contents of the stores and dwellings wcro piled on the lloora in promis cuous heaps , taut no ono was hurt The shock was from cast to wost. Telegraph communication with VncaVlllo and Winters was cut off for soma tlmo. The shock was also felt lass severely at Navada , Nlcolaus , Auburn , Cbico and Stocic- ton. ton.MrmCEti MrmCEti , Cal. , April 19. Two shocks of curtluiuako were felt here this morning. No dnmago was done. Much Uninngo Done nt Dixon , SACIIAMRXTO , Cal. , April 41) ) . A special to the Heo from Dixon says : An uiirtnijuako early this morning did considerable dumago lo Dixon nud was accompanied by liro. The Masonic hall , n two-story brick building on Malu street , was so severely damaged It will have to bo taken down. John Dugan's dry gooUs slorc , located in n bricK building , was crushed in by Iho falling lire wall of Iho Masonic - sonic building , whllo the north lire wall of the latter building loll on F. Kockford's butcher shop , completely crushing it iu. To add to the danger of the situation nt this junclure , several Urea broke out in John Dugnu and Brown &Columan's stores. The flames were soon extinguished , but not uutil considerable damage bud boon done. I'atiilltliM tit VVCAVIM.E , Cal. , April 19. A severe oarthiiuaka shock at t:50 ! : this- morning causoa serious damage in this city and vicin ity. A unmoor of erick residences In the country were shattered and some occupants injured fatally. The residence ot John This- sell Ignitoa from a shattered lamp nnd the building was destroyed ; loss , Sl.OOO. All the brick business blocks In tha city are seri ouslv injured. Tha Odd Follows building collapsed ; loss , 810,000. Thuro wore a num ber of offices in the building and savorul oc cupants had narrow escapes. The untile building suffered ouly light damago. The Masonic hall is a total loss. The con- aral merchandise store of N. H. Chittcudon occupies the first floor. Rail Bennett's two-siory building collapsed , the walls falling on the small building of Mrs. Moore adjoining , imprison ing Horace Higgor and Thomas Rogers in the bulldiug. . They were rescued with serious ' ous injury. Only'ouo wall of Bennett's building remained standing. His loss is 55,000. The Walker building , occupied by J. M. Ml'ler. ' druggist , nnd llowitt , watch maker , was badly damaged. The Plutto bloclr , occupied by the postoQIco and Vaca- villo Enterprise company , was almost totally destroyed. The resideuca of Fred Button is a total loss. Many wooden buildings were rocked nnd injured. Brick residences of G. M. Dates in Lagoon valley and the brick res idence of Dr. Dobbins , near town , were badly wrecked. H. F. Faulkner of San Jose was injured seriously. TUo elcctno light wires tire down nnd the water mains are wrenched and leaking. The total damage cannot bo ascertained and estimates will vary. DoWitt's Sarsaparilla cioansoa the blood , Increascstho appetite and tones up the sys tem. It has bonotlttod many people who have suffered from btood disorders. U wll hofpyou. Dr Birnoy cures catarrh. BKG bfdg In Uollcu Court. Aside from the usual grist of "drunks and vngs" in police court yesterday , four men wcro heavily fined for having insulted woraon on the street. They were Frauk Salvo and John L. Chapman. bath of whom wcro fined 50 und costs , and D. Mauer and Alf Solon f 15 and costs each. Jeff Jones was fined $20 and costs for hav ing stolen -sixteenth " a century" chair from Hattie Calhoun. George Hallcr Is a touph youth who has spent four years of his Ufa in the reforma tory , but that seems to have done Dim no good , nb ho returned to his old tricks ns soon as ho was liberated from the reform school. He stole a 225 gold locket from a Paxton hotel guest and was arrested yesterday by City Detectives Demosey and Savage. Nolllo Russell , u 10-year-old girl , who served tlmo with Ilalloftund who sold the locket In a Dodge street pawn shop , was held as an accomplice. Disease nnvor successfully attack ] a sys tem with pure blood DoWitt's Sarsaparilla makes pure , now blood and enriches the old. County Mutter * . Three of the members of the Board of County Commissioners mot iu adjourned ses sion yesterday afternoon and adopted a resolution lution requesting A. J. lopploton and John D. Howe to assist County Attorney Mahoney in drafting n uropoaitlon to bo submitted to the voters of Douglas county , thai they may vote upon tbo question of granting a $500,000 subsidy to the Nebraska Central Hallway company. The report of the register of deeds for the quarter ending March 31 , Iti'Ji , showed the following : Total receipts { 1,0090.1 Kxpeudltunxi ; jWj ) KJ Surplus g 50103 George ICcllor asked to bo appointed super intendent of tire steam and honting depart ment of tha court house. Gus Aiidreun was awarded the contract for placing a wlro caga in the county treasurer's otllco. Jlrnlto a 'Mull Iliix. Police Sergeant Sigwart yesterday dis covered that a mail box at the corner of Nineteenth and Grace streets had boon broken opou and the loiter. * tllorin scattered over the ground. Four totters were found and were turned over to the postolllce. Is Superior to Every Other 11 The United States Official Investigation Of Baking Powders , recently made , under authority o ! Congress , by the Department of Agriculture , Washing ton , D. C , , furnishes the highest authoritative informa tion as to which powder is the best. The Official Report Shows the ROYAL to be a cream of tartar baking pow der , superior to all others in leavening power RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and * bowels , purify the blood , are pleasant to take , safe nnd always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness , Blotches , , > i on the Face , Bright's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation , Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered Stomach , Dizziness , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence , Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives , Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite , Mental Depression , Nausea , Nettle Rash , Painful Digestion , Pirn- pics , Rush of Blood to the Head , Sallow Coin- plexion , Salt Rheum , Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired F e c 1 i n g , Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every other symptom or dis- case that results from impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating arc benefited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabulcs is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross ยง 2 , sample bottle 15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage'paid. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY , New York. The Genuine and the Sham. Every good tiling has its host of imitations ; every genuine article its counterfeits. The imitators always choose the most valuable and popular article to counterfeit , so that when they claim their sham to be equal , or as good , or the same as "So-and-So's , " the public may defend upon it that "So-and-So's" article is the best of the kind. The sham proves the genuine merit of the thing it copies , and never has this been better illustrated than by the imitations of ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS. ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS arc the standard of excellence the world over , and imitators in their cry that theirs is "as good as ALLCOCK'S , " arc only emphasizing this fact and admitting " ALLCOCK'S " to be the acme of perfection , which it is their highest ambition to imitate. The difference between the genuine and these imitations , which copy only general appearance , is as wide as that between gold and copper. The only safe way for purchasers is to always insist upon having OZS. FOR ABSOLUTELY PURE , JUST TRY IT. PAXTON & GALLAGHER , OmahaNeb A Written Guarantee to Cure Kvory Case or Mouoy Refunded. Our cure Is permanent nnd not n patch nt up. CIIIQ tirntpclfcven years nzolmvonovor 'con n symptom since. Ilj describing cftso fully wo cun trjit you by imill , anil wo t'lvo the -line strotiK Kunraiitoa to euro or refund all monoy. Those who prefer to come hero fortrcntmcntcnn dosonnl we will pay rallroinl fnrj rosiimlliolel bills whllo liero , IMVo hill lo euro clmllunKC til jworM lorn cnnj that our .Mmla . lleraedy will not cure. wilt Jor particular * anl KCt he evidence. In oil r seven jcnn practlco with tlio Mnulcltomeity It tins been most illfllcult tu overcome tlio prejudices Htinlnit socalled fpoelllM. Hut un lor our strong gumtintca thousands uro trying It und bo InBCurod. Wonunrantoo to euro or refund every dollar , ami us wo have n reputation tnproiot , nlso UnnncUl bucking of SMMMUIt Is perfectly snfo to all who will try the treatment , Heretofore you have putting up find paying out your money for different irentmcntvanil alUioiiRli you uro not yet cureJ aa ono has ptild back your monoy. Wo will positively euro you. Old , chronic , deep bCiitaJ cujo * ctirellntl ) to 'JJ days. InvoitlKilo our fltmnclal stuntlln ? , our reputation nubuslnesi man. Writa us for nitnios an 1 addresses of those wo have cured who hnvo nlven perrnlBslon to refer to thorn. H costs you only post- agotodo this. If your symptoms are isoro throat , mucous patches In mouth , rheumatism In bones and joints , h lr falling out , eruptloui on any part of U > o body.fcellnKOf tiotieral ilopraaalou , palm In lioalor bones. You lir.vono tltno to wnsto. TUoie who are ton&luntly taking mercury and potash , nhuuld dh * continiiolt. Constant usu of tliuso drum will surely brine sores and eatlnn ulcers In tlio end. Don't tall tu write. All correspondence aunt scaled In plain en- veJopa. Wo Invite tliomoit rlxld Invostlcutlou and wllldoall iDourpowcrtoaldyonlnlt. Address , COOK REMEDY CO. , - Omaha. Neb FOR MEN O MLY 8150O for a case of I.ovr or iioou. Gone nil or NirnvoiT4 Dnini.iTi" , woalc neasnf iocly : nrmlnd , the offec ts of error tor o < - fcsseuln old or youmj thit : wuc.iimotouro.Vo ctuirantuo every ease or refund nvory dnlltr. Five day- ) trial treatment SI , full coiirsa 81. I'eruoptlhlo bonoflti roillzud In three dav > . Ily mull , securely pickol from observation. COOICltEMEIir CO. . UltAIIA. NKU LADIES ONLY MARIO ' ' ' -WALK UiUUIVTW , afo nnd IflnUlU Oortuln to a day or money rofumlod. Ily mull $ ; . Hoouroly ao.ilol from bbsurvii- tlotL CHOK MtKHKIt V Ctt. , Umuha. neb OUBEB BOU6H BURE IS A One Minute Remedy I'or all affections o ( tlio Throat , Lungs and Broaciihl Tu'jj ) KXOEI'l' CONSUM1TION QB A.NL ) QO I'orHato by D NDIAH DEPREDATION CLAMS I'orsnnj "l > o have lost property from Indian rnuls should Hie their olulma under the Indian IJopruiatlon Actot .Muroh ' , 1H I. Tlio tiiiioli limited , unl tlio claims tire tukon up l > y tli court : IL the order lit wliloh they are ro.-olvoil. Taks N"otlC8 that all contracts outurol lulu with attorneys prior to th-j A3t ard mi.l ) null and void. Information Klvou and all cluluis promptly attended to by tlio BEli BUREAU OF CLAIMS. live. OMA.M A , NEBliASKA. \yr TM * Huro.iu U uiuirantuoj by the Omiiliii Itua. IIIB I'luiietir l'ro- and tlio Kranoljco nil K.C. Wridl'MMrillVrJ A MKNT , i JClilc fur IIy t > > rln.niin \ \ stt. Kit ) . Neu- rulcU , IleailaiUg. Nervous I'roKraton causail by ultoliolor tobicauVakefulno i , Moatul Doprus- lou , duHno "if the llraln. eauiln Inmnlty , wuvry , dooiy.dajtli , l'r iaturo Uld Auu , llarrcaan , l.on of I'mvur In either nei , ln.put noy. l-nueiirrUun anil all Kemalo Weikuu9 > < ti , ( nvoluntirr l.oatji , tiper- inat'irrhi ' < a ctutol by iivec u < urtluii of tlu bruin , hulf-nbuiu uv r-liiiluliianco. A monlli'i irjutuivut II. U for * ' " , by mall. Wo uiranteonU boiui tuciiro HucU ordur forU buiui , with twill eiind written uuorantelo refund If not cured. Guarantee InuuJ If Uuudmau UiugCo. , IIU K ruaui dU ( Oai U . rUOCUHRU BY TUB Bee Bureau of Claims OMAHA , NEB. RrjnM with the Intcron of thoto hurlnx BRnlnit thoitovernment H thtt of INVHN 1'Olld. who often lose the banolU of valunblu lnvnntl < ns booinis of the Incompotancy or Inattonlloa of the attocnoyi employed to obtnln tlialr patonn. Tou much oin cannot be oxorclvod In oaiploylnt cjTipatont aril reliable rolloiton to procure patents , for L'u v lu > ofa patent dupandi Kranlly , If notontlrtily , upon th > care nnd skill of the attorney. Wlthtba view of protocllnz Inrenton frau ivorfi IcssorcireluM Httornayi , nnd ot c93li ; { llitt ln n- tlons nro well protootod by vnllil pitenti , TIIK Hit .I IIUHKAU bni retained cauniul oxpjrt In ualaat rrnctlcoi and H thoroforu prepartfJ U Obtain juttcntH , Conduct rntarfaranaes , Sfitho micctul cjcasnlnittlain , 1'rosi'ciitc I'fjrctctt CIIHCH , ti-Hiln mark * mill nn < /rf/'it ni > Ini < nix itstoHcoim untl anil ilafanl HIlltH , Vtlfttt. . Ifyou hnvonn Invontlon on hand ior.1 TUB HKil IIIJHUAU n Rkotcli or photiurnpli tlrjrauf , toxatiiur with n brief deicrlptlon ot tha Import tnt renturai. and you will bo unua advised < u to tlu bait co'ino ' t ) purtue. Models nro not nucaiy.iry union th ) tnrun * tlon U of a complicated nature. If otharj nra In. frlnglnxon your rlnlit * , at If you urj on ir n l wltli Infrlnuumiint Dy otuori. nuhuilt llio matter bi Til 19 llUHKAIJlor a roll.ibio Ol'INIOM boford aclinj oa the matter. THE BEE.BURE/VU OF GUI MS 220 Bco lltillili.i' . , ' , Oinaln , Nob. f57"Thl8 Iliiroiin Is eu-ir inleo'l hy tlm Omaha Heo. the Honour I'rusi and tlio Ban r r.incl3 ( ! ( > Kxiimlnur Cui this out and send it with your li quiry. PINE 8PECTRCLE8 Glasses , or llio corractlon of all defect * of vlilon M Solid Cold Spectacles KrumHUO upward Fine Steel Spectacles From 11.00 upward ? rot otand Improve your eyoiijjht. Your oyei tested truu by a pr'astlcal Optician , MAX MEYER 8t 3RD. CO Kltull IUhe4 IMi. I'AllNAM and Ilith. NEBRASKA National Bank. U. S. DEPOSITORy , OMAHA , N 3 Caiiitfil $100,001) Surplus UiV ! 0 OMIcsrj nnrtplrocnrtHenry W. Vataipjil lut It. C. Cmlilnjc. vlr-j iirsil'lont. < 1 ri. HniriiJ. VV V Moreo , John rt. Iteltlns , J * - , ' ! . t'utrljl. li ) li \ Koail. Cakhlor , Tl-IIS IRON BANK. INTEREST WIDONDEPOSITS T OMAHA-LOAN EEICOR. CAPITALIS IOO.OOO.OO DIHCCTOH5 ! A U.WYMAN-E.W.NASII JHHILLftfiD-CUy-Ct3AHTON-CB.L KE. J.J.BnoWN-THOS-LKIMQAUL.