Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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rclUcrtdly Carrier to any part of the City
' . No
, .
. , .
-l.l IIOM.S-j jMgirt Keillor .
N Y. Plumbing Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans. 204 Sapp blocfc.
Stovonnd cord wood dry. Tor sales at
Thatcher's , 10 Main street.
The ladles of the First Baptist church will
Klvo a supper tomorrow evening ntWl Broad
I'ho Catholic Mutual Benevolent assocla-
tlon will Rlvo n party at Hughes' hall tomor
row evening.
The Hobolinh Hollof association will meet
this afternoon at S o'clock With Mrs. James
Spare , 811 AVcnuo A.
Marshal J. L. Temploton loft vcstordav for
Atlantic to attend n mooting of the ofliecrs
of the Slalo Firemen's Tournament associa
A marrlngo llccnoo was Issued yesterday
to Henry Loncli nnd Bcllo Gundy , both of
this city. They were married by Justice
Fourteen persons joined St. Paul's ' church
by baptism Sunday afternoon. Confirmation
BcrCicu will tauo place on Friday evening ,
April 2 ( .
The Pleasant Hill church , thrco miles cast
of Wcstou , will bo dedicated next Sunuav nt
10 o'clock Kov. F. M. Hclmick of Wioto
nnd Kov. W. S. Hooker of Shenandoah will
1 ho council mot last evening ns a hoard of
equalization and spout some time going ever
the assessors' hooks and making such
changes In tbo assessments as they tlcomcd
Unity pulld will hold n special meeting
this afternoon nt 2U : ! o'clock with Miss F.
A. Sllehtcr , Lincoln avonuo. All members
nro requested to bo present. By oruor of
the president.
Charles Conloy has been roappolntod to a
position In the nro department , to take thu
place of J.H Fultz , who has resigned to
take a situation with the Chicago & North
western bridge carpnntors.
At the Philomathoan Literary society In
the Young Men's Christian association rooms
lust ovonlng a mock bosslon of .ho city coun
cil was neld. These present were highly
pleased by the novelty of the entertainment.
The lecture by Mri. Do Voe In the Con
gregational church this evening promises to
bonn interestng ono. It Is free , out n
collection will bj t a He n to aid tbo moneyless
victims of drink In taking the Kcoloy treat
The ladles of fat. John's English Lutheran
church will give a social Friday ovonlng at
the residence of G. W. Snvder , 11J ! East
Plcreo atrouU A musical and literary pro
gram will bo rendered and refreshments will
bo served '
Amended articles of Incorporation were
Hied with the county recorder yesterday by
the Citizens State bank , providing for an increase
creasein the number of ottlcos by the addi
tion of assistant cashier. No ono has been
appointed yet to 1111 the vacancy.
The regular council meeting of Pottawat-
tarnio tribe No. ! il , Improved Order of lied
Men , will bo held this evening in their wig
wam , corner of Broadway and Main struct ,
at the eighth run. All rnornbors of the de
gree staff nro requested to bo present.
The following gentlemen have been chosen
to vestrymen for St. Paul's Episcopal
church for the com me : year : D. C. 13loomer ,
M. Duquette , II. f. Field. S. P. MacCouncll ,
.f. T. Stewart , S. W. Beslo.v , W. . ) . Jamison ,
J. N. Baldwin , J. L. Stewart , E. II. Odell
and A. T. Rco. (
A small wash house at the corner of Broad
way nnd Twenty-sixth street c.iught flro
yesterday morning nnd n largo hole was
burned in the roof. The llrcmon from tlio
Lower Bronaway angina house were called
out , but the lir * was extinguished without
tbo use of the hoso.
Tbo Odd Fellows will glvo tholr annual
ball next Tuesday ovunlng in Masonic tem
pi o for the purpose of raising funds with
which to entertain tbu grand ledge of the
Bttito , which Is to bo held In Couneil Bluffs
next fall. Kofroslitnents will ba sorvou by
the iadles of tbo Hoboltah degree during the
Intermission ,
Ono of the prisoners at the city jail was
Bent out yesterday morning barefooted for a
hod of coal to keep up the tire in the tail. As
his shoes wcro Inside tbo building the mar
shal's men bad not tbo slightest idea thnt ho
would try the pedestrian act in the present
condition of the roads. Ho fooled them ,
however , and has not yet returned with the
coal. Ho loft the hod.
Frank Miller , a man with a complexion
like steve polish , WHS found In Mrs. Pralor's
bouso on Lower Broadway at an early hour
yesterday morning nnd was unabl ? to glvo a
satisfactory account of how ho en mo thcro or
wlmt ho wanted. Ho was turned over to the
Collco and locked up on the charge of burg-
iry , although nothing was missing from the
house so far ns could bo learned at the time.
Informations were Illcd In Justice Hum
mer's court yesterday by Dr. Bellinger ,
charging Dr. McLaughlin and E. J. Boll
with larceny nnd removing mortgaged prop
erty out of the state , ns the result of the
oplbodo at the hospital Sunduv night. An
ofllcer was dispatched to Omaha with war
rants for the arrest of the two men , but ho
returned last evening without them. They
will probably be arrested today.
At the Easter norvico of St. John's Encllsh
Lutheran church Jov. G. Snyder eonrlrmcd
n class of seven young ladles nnd icccivcd
BCVOU ether persons Into membership. Easter
communion was udminlstorcd and the pastor
preached on the resurrection. The choir
Bang ' 'Christ Out Passover , " by Chnpcll.
Tholloral decorations were very lino. In the
ovonlng there was an Easter service in
charge of the Sunday school , wnlch was
largely attended.
A suit WPS commenced In the superior
court yesterday by the Elkhorn Horse nnd
Land company against F. P. Bellinger , M.
J. Bellinger and J. McLaughlin , to replevin
n lot of property which It was allogcd was
wrongfully detained by them. The property
in question consisted of a piano , phaeton ,
typewriter , Encyclopedia Bntannica , and
safe , A Judgment for the propei ty or fS'-Miu
In cash Is domandcu ) , together with $51) ) dam-
egos for the unlawful detention nf the grods.
James Ferguson , who was arrested hero a
coupe | of Avecks ago and Is now serving a
thirty-day sentenceIn the county Jail for as
saulting n small boy , Is bellavcd to bo
wanted In Dubuque for embezzlement. A
telegram was received yesterday by Sheriff
Hiizon from the authorities of'that place
Muting that n man answering Ferguson's de
scription in every particular Is wanted and
n photograph will bo forthcoming In a day or
two in order that the question mav oo
nettled , '
K. Hubendall was arrowed and trlon before
Justice Swearlngen yesterday afternoon on
the charge of chanting by falsu pretences ,
Ho was accused of Inducing J. E. Viincey to
furnish him board and lodging 10 the extent
of $17,50 on the strength of a judgment ho
claimed to have against another hotelkcupor
of the city. The Judgment tunica out altar-
wards to bo llctltlous , uut KuDondnll ro-
luied to pay the bill. In tbo course of the
trlul Yancoy admitted that Kubondull had
mervly said thnt the botuikcopar owned him
homo money. Ho also aduilttod that ho had
not lollnd upon Uubondall'a ' statements , but
that ho bollovcd that ho was lying from tbo
Mart. KuboudHll wa accordingly dls-
unsied ,
Home Cleaning Time.
ITixs como nnd so hnvo the new poods ,
nnd nil tlio elegant now sprint ? novelties
in drapes nnd hnnjjliiKB , nt the Council
HiiiUs Carpet company's. Sco the
Saincon nnd Uyzantinu ruirj , the newest
things uut. Moquottos , nx in int. tors nnd
wiltoiis cheaper thnn ever boforo.
ITorsos For Sale Finely bred drivers ,
cnrrlngo teams , brood march nml fillies ;
" 0 , moro or loss ; would o.xc'lmngo for
good land or oltv property , Dr. C , II.
Plniioy , Council bluffs.
Are you going to paint ? And did you
l < now that you can Bavo money nnd get
bolter paints at Davis' than any ether
place lu thu city'r1 That' * a fucU
Indications That the Present Grand Jury
Investigation Will Oauso Trouble.
I.own Tovvmhlp Cltlrrns ItcllrToil to lie
< ll ltiK Homo Testimony Cntciilatcil to
imburriM : < the ItcfrrMimcn Stand t
1'ruprlotum ItluITj News.
The grand jury is grinding merrily n < va7
on criminal cases , ns It bos bcou for n week
or so past , nnd n great deal of Interest Is
being manifested In certain quarters ns to
th < ? outcome of their deliberations. All tholr
work Is done with the utmost secrecy , but
enough uan bo learned from the character of
the witnesses who nro being subpcunaod to
show that unless they arc disappointed In
the amount of knowledge the witnesses have
In the matters nbout which they nro sup
posed to testify , something Interesting maybe
bo expected.
It Is known to a certainly that the grand
Jury has been Investigating the authorship
of the anonymous circular which gave rlso to
the libel suit brought by John Schoontgon
against the Nonpareil. A couploof other
alleged shady transactions have boon miulo
the subjcctof Inquiry , and now develop
ments may bo expected In tlio course of a
'ow days that wilt recall to the minds of the
, ) ublio sonic things connected wltn school
loard affairs that hr d almost been forgotten.
A report Is expected ROIIIO tltna during the
nttor part of the week.
The saloonkeepers of Lewis township nro
also on the anxious seat and some of them
nro contemplating taking vacation trips to
Canada or some other out of the way pluco
until the storm has blown over. A larso
number of witnesses have been subpeuimcd
from that purl of the county. That the
saloonkeepers see thu handwriting on the
wall Is shown by the fact that ono of them
.n formed Sheriff Hozon a day or two ago
that ho was expecting to como In to board
with him awhllo immediately after the nd-
lournmont of the grand jury. Quito a crusade -
sade has been started neninst the saloons In
Lewis township under" the state law and u
number have already had to close.
of Spring mill Mf-mngcs to Council
HliillH People.
Wo show tlio hu'Rcat line of ladies' ,
misses' nnd children's jackets over shown
by us , in till tlio latest styles , shades and
cloths , including' bla/.iurs , reefers and
English box coats.
Bla/.icrs we start at $1.05. This is a
nckot well worth double the money.
In black only. )
At $ iJ.iJ5 wo show a nice sorpo blazior
worth SI. 50.
At $3.25 wo have n nice line of liprht
colors , plain and trimmed , worth $5.00.
Hoofers \\o-btart ut $1.50 in blacks.
and at 85.00 wo show a jacket lined
throughout , well worth SS.OO.
At $5.00 wo also have an elegant line
of plain , plaid and trimmed jackets in
tans and jjrays.
At $0.75 wo have a nice fotilo cloth
with noarl buttons.
A nice nnvy blue jacket trimmed in
Kilt at $1.'J5 , worth $2.00. At $2.00 tan
tries jnckotH worth $11.00. At $2.50 tans
and navy blue , trimmed in ( jilt. At
$3.50 wo show a nice line of tans and
grays , small checks , worth $5.00. ( Second
end lloor. )
Our line of capes is the talk of the city
and county.Vo have them in tans
( light and dark ) , salmon , grays and
ulncks trimmed with lace- and braid ,
embroidered in silk with jots , or a nice
plain garment for those Unit don't admire -
mire trimming , from So.CO to Si'i.OO.
Sco our $5.00 capes , well worth $8.50.
All our garments run full length , from
30 to 30 inches. No old ones in stock :
every garment now. ( Second lloor. )
Boston Store , Fothoringham , White-
law & Co. , Council BlulTs. Mail orders
siiiuikuvni riiiy.
Shunko's bond of Omaha has been engnced
by Messrs. McGee nnd Troynor to play at
the coming assembly of the Twin City Chau-
tauqua. It will consist of twenty-one pieces
and will include all the mcmbots of Boyd's
theater orchestra. Shunko's band is the ono
that furnished the sacred concerts at llnns-
com park last vonr and tbo name alone is a
guaranty that the music will bo ilrst class.
The news that an Omaha bnnd was to bo
selected for tbo assembly was circulated
yesterday and caused qulto a feeling among
the members of Onlboy's band. A petition
was circulated by ono of the members and
the signatures of n number of citizens were
obtained remonstrating against tbo employ
ment of n foreign organization. Before the
circulation of the paper had bocn commenced ,
ho.vovor , n contract had been drawn up nnd
signed by the leader of the band and the
managers of the Chaut.iuqun , ns Shunko's
terms worn bettor than these of Dalbey's.
mid the latter had given tbo management to
understand , they claim , that ho was not
anxious to secure- the contract.
Jurvis 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best *
Tlio King of Oiisollno Sloven
Is the no.w iirocoss Dangler ; no ainoko
or odor in lighting or extinguishing ;
peerless in economy , durability , sim
Stoves taken from your residence and
stored for the puinmer at lowest rates.
Shugart & Son , 11 Main street.
WuntKii Itccclvor.
S. Hnr'or commenced an action In the su
perior court yesterday against J. C. Cole , his
partner In tbo Ogden livery stable at 153
Broadway. In his petition ho states that the
present business was commenced last July ,
but that no agreement was entered Into as to
the length of time for which It should con
tinue. Ho Is not willing to continue
the partnership any longer , as ho
claims that the pluco is not doing
business enough for two men. Cole Is un
willing to dissolve the partnership , and ho
thorcforo asks the court to stop in nnd
appoint a receiver who shall curry on the
business so long as It may bo necessary to
close It out. Ho also demands that Cole bo
compelled to muku an accounting and division
of the profits. The case will piobaoty be
argued bofnio Judge- McGee .Saturday uftor-
noou ut 3 o'clock ,
E. II. Shoufo has money to loan on real
cstuto and chattels , Hroadwey nnd Main.
Thomas Tostovin , civil onglnoar and
surveyor , over DoVol'n , 601 Broadway
DUiiiUiivil tlio Case.
In the district sourt yustorday the case of
Mrs. Marcarot Gilbert of 1'lttsburg , Pa. ,
against Eugene A. Ingoldsby and Thomas W.
Ingoldsbv of this thy was dismissed. The
plaintiff sought to recover from her half-
brothers u sum of money alleged to have been
earned by her in Ohio and given .to nor
mother thirty or forty years airo uudf asked
that ( ho bo given an interest In real estate
owned ay the Onxoldsby brotncrs In this
city. The defendants claim that this suit Is
a part of a system of persecution Instigated
by a saloonkeeper of this city airalnsttho
Messrs. Ongoldsby , for whom ho has a special
disllko , _
Wo have our own vineyards In Cullfor
nia. Jurvis Wine company , Co. Bluffs
Swansea Muilo Co. , Maaoniotoraplo.
lui ; tlio Oiwrili.
The reorganization of the Uodgo Light
Guards which has been talked of for a num
ber of months ) past has at last boon accom
plished , and the nm drill was hold last evening -
ing In the armory In Hughes1 hall. Captain
ScharZ of OuiiUa has bcou engaged ut drill I .
master , and ho will probably move to this
city at nn early date and devote n good sbnro
of bin time ana energies to placing
the organization where It was a few
years ago. The membership now numbers
ovcroiphty but not all of that number can bo
counted upon ns active members. It Is the
wish of the members of the guard to have nn
active membership of about fllty , and nn
effort will bo made to Interest enough of the
old members and enlist otiough now ones to
accomplish the desired purpose. The now
code of drill rules went Into effect on March
1 , so that the old and the now will bo on nn
equal footing so far ns learning military tac
tics Is concerned ,
Hotel Gordon , 330 Broadway , has re
cently changed hands , and Is being thor
oughly renovated. Clean bds ; prompt
service ; table Urst class.
Genuine Rock Springs coal at
Thatcher's , 10 Main street , always on
hand. _
Jnrvls' wild olackborry is the best
Counterfeiter Hound O cr.
Peter Lynch , who passed a counterfeit
dollar on a Uroadwav saloonKeeper , was
fined $10.20 In pollco court yesterday mornIng -
Ing for drunkunnass. During the day nn Information -
formation was filed in the United States
coujt , charging him with passing counter
feit money , and ho was given a preliminary
examination before Commissioner Steadman
in the evening. Several witnesses tcstllled ,
among thotn the saloonkeeper , after which
Lvncti was bound over to the federal grand
jury , ilo gave bond for his appearance.
Rcltor , the tailor , 310 Broadway , has
all the latest styles and newest goods.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Patronize bhio icowngonsfor Mo. river
channel ice. Mulholland & Co. Tel. 102.
l > l rii Mnir tint Occupation Tat.
The city council hold an Informal session
last evening to consider the question of levy
Ing nn occupation tax upon the business firms
of the city. The council is unanimously In
favor of the proposed measure , and the dis
cussion last nitfht only referred to the equal
ization of the tax. The schedule favored by
n majority of the council differed In no ma
terial respect from that published in Tnc
BEE yesterday. The general opinion of the
council was thnt the ordinance should bo
made to favor local business firms In profor-
cnco to out of town houses who do business
In the city ttirough their ngouts. The matter -
tor will bo further considered at the special
meeting of the council Thursday evening ,
and an ordinance will undoubtedly bo passed
lowing the tax.
It Is-clalmod that this notion Is necessary ,
considering the financial condition of the
city. According to the estimates of the
present year there Is a deficiency of SO.OOO
In the tire anil water fund , o nearly equal
deficiency in the police fund and a shortage
of nbout,000 in the salary fund. Ills for
the purpose of mooting these deficiencies
that the occupation tax Is to bo lovl'.id. ft Is
hoped that the amount furnished by this ad ]
dlonal levy will bo sulllcient to overbalance
the present deficiencies and place the
finances of tno city on a sound uasls.
The question of an occupation tax was the
principal subject of discussion on the street
yesterday. While It was oxpnoted that some
such notion was under consideration , it was
not thought that the council would make the
matter the first subject qf oOlclal notion.
Judging , by the opinions exprassed by loadIng -
Ing business men the passasn of the ordi
nance will precipitate a light all nlonp the
line. A BEI : reporter Interviewed repre
sentatives of the various business llrms yes
terday. Most of them expressed themselves
as in favor of the measure , but desired a
small tax on their especial line of business.
They were perfectly willing that an occu
pation tax should be levied , but without ex
ception believed that the council was about
to impose an exorbitant rate upon their
"Tho saloonkeepers are among those who
are most op"nly opposed to the measure.
A feu of them nro sllont because
they fear that if the occupation
tax does not become a law tbo license-
will bo raised to $1,000 , but most of them nro
entering a vigorous protest against the
measure. Tom Hock says that ho Is not
opposed to paying an occupation tax ai loner ns
it is properly equalized , but ho does not want
to pay S'JOO while men In otnor branches of
business wno are making ns much money ns
ho Is are assessed (10 or upwards.
The banks are not opposed to the tax and
the stock yards and packing houses nro of
the same mind , providing their assessment
Is conllned to what they consider
reasonable limits. The real estate
men nro In favor of the tax as a
general proposition , but insist that the real
ostuto men should be taxtd only from one-
half to one-third the amount assessed to the
ban Us.
Another view of the question which is
shored bv many property owners v/as v oicod
by I-1. J. Persons. "I am in favor of any
project , " said ho , "thnt will help tbo city out
of financial ilifllcuktos , but will this tax ac
complish the ends ! f am willing to pay my
share , but I would Hue to know tlrpt whether
wo will bo in any batter condition after
this tax Is levied than wo were before. "
Councilman Walters stated lust night that
the first object ot the proposed measure waste
to freeze nut outside dealers. There are a
number of out of town firms who sell their
goods from house to house In this city and
pay no taxes for the privilege. They u ill all
oo'obllgod to pay for their privileges under
the proposed ordinance , nnd tha same rule
will apply to peddlers of all descriptions.
The matter win now rest until Thunidav
nlpht , when the ordinance will bo presented
for final appioval by the council.
Diphtheria Prevails.
Thu prevalence of diphtheria In South
Omaha is arousing some attention among
those who have families that are dally In
danger of exposure to the disease. Thcro
has been no time in the lust thrco months
when thcro have not boon ono or more chil
dren sick with the disease within tbo city
limits. The city has no regularly appointed
health oflleor nnd the only precautions taicen
to prevent tbo spread of tbo disease have
been bv the nllllctcd families. Physicians
no not hcsltato to bay that It K only by uood
fortune that the city has escaped a scourge
of the dUoaso.
Notes mill rrrinnnlK.
Henry Cook of Underwood , la. , was In the
city yesterday.
George W. Davis of Lyons , Nob. , is the
guest of friends in town.
The regular quarterly confnroiico will bo
bold at the first Mothodlst church on Friday
The Hoard of Trade , mooting which was
culled for last night bus been postponed
uutil thla evening ,
Chief of Police Hockott assumed the duties
of his ofllco yosturduy. Hit-Unit olllclal ac
tion was to arrest a drunk near the L street
P. J. Kelly will sue the oily for { 750
damages received by reason of the motor
running Into tbo basement of his building at
Thirty-second and Q streets ,
Tbo drama. "Forced to the War , " which
was to have been presented by the Sons of
Veterans Dramatic club at Blum's hall last
evening , has boon postponed until Friday
night on account of sickness ,
At the residence of Charles Ilo wo on Nlno-
toonth street , between I and J , six children
aroslck with dipthtbcria. 'Fourof thorn nro
of Mr. Howe's family and the other two are
children who are visiting them.
Charles Wallace , a stockman from Slclnov ,
Neb , , was held up by a tramp near the 'L
street viaduct last evening. Ho proved to bo
a true westerner , however , and treated bis
assailant to a pair of neatly ornamented
optics ,
Tbo City union of the Epworth league mot
nl the first Methodist church last ovenlntr ,
Au excellent program was rendered , consist
ing of music and other exorcises. Dr. Stew
art of Council BlulTs delivered the address of
the evening.
There wui alanre representation of stock
men from Madison , Nob. , at tbo yards yes
terday. Among these who bail stock on the
market were A. Uoblnson , W. J. Avery , K.
P. Averv , T. Hannou , George Krcitmoc , W.
Able , EH Hotrlck , U. Bryaut , F. Hoot and
A. Heath , /
Alt the Anton ( lolur ; Abroad ,
MEW YOIIK , April 10. There are some now
developments In the Draytoti-JJorrottonffair.
Mm. William Astor bus seen her daughter ,
Mri. Drayton , and it 1s said arrangements
have boeu made to uuito the whole Astor
famtlr abroad , Mr. arid Mrs. John , Jacob
Astor have returned to Philadelphia , where
they are visiting lh - Witling * . This week
they will reach tholr Now York house , pack
up and sail for Europoiln the very near fu
ture. Mr. James R. Ivopsovolt nnd his wife ,
nee Attor , will sail at the same time , and It
is also said upon Rood.autb.orUy that J , Coleman -
man Dravton. who Is keeping from the world
on his Jersey form , will" return to England
shortly before or after. All the families will
romaln abroad about n year , so Mrs. Astor
will not spend July nt\dAugnst at Newport ,
four Blocks MimicMl ( | ) or nml tlio Los * of
Property llrnxr.
KCNOSIIA , WIs. , April 10. A conflagration
broke out hero early this mornlcc which was
not brought under control till four squares
had been destroyed. Engines from Milwaukee
waukeennd Uadno aided In averting a more
torrlblo catastrophe. The llamus broke out
shortlv attci midnight , The burned district
Is in the territory between Lake nnd Main
Rtrccts. The losses Include- the iSorthwest
Wire Mattress company. ICroba' Manufac
turing company's works , Head & Suther
land's lumberyards , Baldwin's coal ynrJs ,
Bain's lumber yards , n number of dwellings
nnd smaller buildings , The losses amount to
? COO,000 to $700,000.
Ninety Degrees In tlio Hhndo and the
WVnthcr Stilling.
Dr.vvtsox , Tox. , April 10. A torrid wave
has reached hero. At 3 p. m. yesterday the
thermometer registered 03 ° In the shade.
The weather Is stilling and the most extra
ordinary experienced hero nt this season in
many years.
PAIII ? , Tex. , Aoril 10. A terrlblo hall
storm passed over the country around Ant
lers , I. T. . last night. It Is' said the hall
stones were ns largo ns n man's fist. The
full extent of the damage has uot yet boon
"lugomar" has the quality of ploturcsquo-
nc&g , which lends U a peculiar interest , and
oven an ordinary company can give it n
measurably acceptable prosontatlon. Miss
Gale's company does more than till" , because
Miss Gale Is of finer moilt than an or
dinary artiste. She has n crocious presence -
once , which counts for much , and she plays
Parthonm with a refinement and an intelli
gence nud a womanliness which charm , even
though she falls short of filling the measure
of her conception. In her Parthonla there is
a note of artificiality which was wanting
from her Juliet , nor Is it as colorful or as
sympathetic. The deliberate enunciation is
more obtrusive , and the suspicion aroused
in Juliet that there are' distinct limi
tations to Miss Gale's powers in strongly
emotional passages , Is deepened. But these
nro nice distinctions observed only by the
coldly critical. To the average auditor her
characterization may not appear as
strong or as passionate as that of
ether intcrproters , but it has light
and sweetness and beauty to atouo for any
lack of thrilling power. Mr. Clnrne is an
acceptable Ingomar , and tbo rest of tha com
pany is passable. The audience , though not
as enthusiastic as thnt of the night bctorc ,
was appreciative aiiu gave the star hearty
evidence of it.
f _
Thu Otiith lloll.
PnifAncuMiiA , Pa. , April 19. Mrs. Sarah
J. Hichards , surgeon' ' general In charge of the
army hospitals ot the second army corps
during the war , is dead.
PAIUS April 1 ! ) . [ Now York Herald Cable-
pecial to riiEBEE.'l Augustus Allen Hayes
died yesterday at his rojldoneo in the Avenue -
uo do L' Alma. Thociiuso of his doatb. was
iieart failure. The dorcasod was horn In
Bostou and graduated at Harvard. Ho lived
for many years In China. On his return to
the United States hp bpcamo secretary and
acting vice president of the Brush Electric
company. Hayes was 'a member of the Uui-
vcrilty club of Now'Yo'rk , the Metropolitan
club ot Washington ; and was well unown ns
a writer of short storlei , * such as "Tho Uon-
vor Express , " "Tho Jesuits' HIng , " and
"Tho Ranch of the Holy Cross. " The latest
outcome of his literary labors appeared in the
April Westminster Review in the form of an
anlclo on British opinion of America.
New YOIIK- , April 10. Hoswoll Smith ,
prosldont of the Century Magazine company ,
died this morning of Brlght's disoaso. Ho
had boon unconscious fora month.
Purely Vegetable and Strictly
on the .Liver and Stoinuoh , rcstorlm/
constipated organs to healthy activity ,
ACHE , BILIOUSNESS , and nil ether
diseases arising from n disordered con
dition of the Livot1 nnd Stomach.
They nro the Only Hcllblo VcROtablo I.lver
I'lll Sold ! They nro 1'erfe.utly Harmless ; They
re I'rtrely VoRotabloi Try Them.
lK. ) Schenlc's lloolc on Consumption , Liver
Complaint and Dybpouslu Hunt I'rce.
It. J. II. S011ENK it SO.V , 1'hllailolphla , I'd.
will stop a Cough in ono niht ,
clicclr a Cold ina , day. and CUBE
Consumptions if taken in time.
Use It Prompily.
It Tastes oooj ,
" " * " " " " " " "
"pbWf > "rM"K"prLL"a.
Dr. Acker/q ; English Pills
Smull , plrii.unt.uluvurlto nllli Ilio l
W. II. 1IOOKEH Afco , U Weit Proadway , N , V.
For sale by Kalcn &G end Sh ortnnn
& McContioll , OVrinlin.
Unlike ilie Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
are used In the
preparation of
it atiioltttclu
jiure and tuliiblc ,
Itbzsmorethanthrretimt *
the ttrcnitth of Cocoa mixed
- wllh Ktarcl ) , Arrowroot or
-T fgai fitiBar , and la far nioro eco
nomical , cuiUny lets than one cent u curt.
It la dellrlouB , uourluulUL' " , and C.UILV
CIOMTtt ) . _
Sold tifOitntn tferywhere.
W , BAKEB & CO. , Dorchester , Mais ,
YE ARSAGO = " " )
for some tlmo troubled with
nn obstinate RASH or HUMOR , Hint
sprcntl over my fncc nnd Lrcnst. I con-
suited physicians , nnd used tunny reme
dies without n cure. At the suggestion
of n ft lend I used Swift's Specific , which
completely cured me. This was two ycarg
nco , nud I Imvolmd no tetnrnof thclrou-
bkK. . II. WKLUI , Cliestcrllcld , Va.
S. S. S. h tliu safest nnd best remedy
for nil troubles of tlio Blood and Skin. It
cures by removing the caiifc , ntul nt the
eamo time builds up the general hcnllli.
Send for our Treatise , mailed free.
B\V11T \ Sl' Cinc CO. , Atlanta , dfc
Tli9 Liebig COMPANY'S
Cattle are reared on their
fertile grazing fields in
Uruguay , solely to provide
prime beef for making the
Liebig COMPANY'S '
Extract of Beef.
Cornnotent chemists supervise every do-
tull. from the oivro of the ciittlu nnd
throiiKh the urocessus of nmiiufncturo
scrtipnloiH cleanliness prevails to the
polling nf thu rumplotcu extract. Tills
prMorvcn the QUAI.ITV. ruAVim and i'im-
ITV of tills famous product , whlcli N tn-
ilay , us when NHt put up by the
chomlst , Justus von I.lohli ;
Incomparably the Best
Tor Improved nml I'oonomre Cookery.
For Delicious , Kcfre.-hlni ! Hoof To.i.
Dr. lliiniiliri > \ 'HM'dHrii orosclcntlflcallyatij
carefully prepared Kemcillcs , used fur jcars In
prlMito practice nml for o\cr thirty jcara liy the
people with i-ntlro success. Ecry elnglo Bjiocino
a Biioclal euro fur the tllseoso named.
Iney euro without drugging. iiurutnR or reducing
the > stem ami are In foe t arid deed the bet t-rvlitu
lleinctlle * of Iho World.
1 Fovcra , Congestions , Inflammation ! ) . .
! i WorniH , Worm Fever , Worm Colic. , .
3 Teething ; CoUcCrying , Wtkcfulnctc
4 Dlarrlicu , of Children or Adulta . * &
7 ConsliB , Colds , Dronchltls
8 Ncurululn , ToothacLe , Kaccacbc
It Headaches , Sick Hcaclacliu , Vertigo. . .25
10 l * > spepslii. BiliousnessConstipation .25
11 SupprcMHcd orl'nlnful Periods . .25
11 V.'nlteH. Too Trofuso 1'crlcds. .25
i : > -Croup , jjaryiiulrls , Hoarsened . . .25
1-1 Salt Khcum , Erjslpola . Eruiitlous v .25
I.-i-Hbcunmtlsni , lllicuniatioPains .25
10 Malarln , Chills , Fpver and Ague. .25
17 PllcH , lillnd orniccdluff .25
10-CntarrIi , Inllucnia , Cold In tlio Head .25
20 Wbooplnir Coutfli .25
27 Kidney JllsonHOS .83
28 Nervous Drbllity. . . .00
30-Urlnary ITcnknciii , Wetting Bed .25
8oM by PniRKUtB , or ecnt TiitM [ on rcrrlpt ° ' rrlce.
pi. IIuupnutTs' MfltuL cH4r C . ill ni n.
. , inxin nmiomst. , Vww * .
Hie Original and Genuine
Imparts the most delicious tante and zest
TLEMAN at Madras -
rasto his brother J'iSlI ,
May , 1631. HOT ifc CCI.D
tuat their esuco la
highly esteemed lo
India , and IB in my
opinion , the moe'
palatable , nn well
oil tlio ruont vbola.
fomo laucu teat la
tnade. " Arc.
of . Imitations ;
rat. T gg"-ytI TyJTVpTJ ; * Ky-Ji
see that you get Lea & Peirius' '
Bijrnatnro on every bottle of OrlidnnS fc Gonnine.
Or Ilio I.linior Iliilill INiNllltoly Curcil
by niluiliilxK'rlii ! : I > r. Ilnliica'
Unliirii .Niii'i'llle.
It can ba given in a cup of collcc or tea , or In food.
without tlioknowlcdcn ol Ilio patient. It U absolutely
harmless , and will etrcct a permanent and onoedy
euro , w&ethcr the patient lo a moderate drlnkor or
an aloohollo wreck , It baa beenclvcn In thousaudi
or caser.and In every instance a perfect euro haorol *
lowed. Jtitf tfr KullN. TboayBtem onoo imprfunated
with tba becomru aa utter Impotalbillty
for tha liquor upnelUo to otlit.
tlOI.KF.N M'KCIFll ) CO. . 1'rop'rs. rinrlnmitl. O.
49-page book or partlnuiara tree. To bo bad of
Kiilin & Co , . 15th nnd DnuRl.iK Hts. . and IBth , t
IftOiiiiiliivbls. Wholesale , IlluUu , llrnco & Co.
and Klcli inlson Inu ) Co. , Ornaii
Of Council Illuiri.
Oupltnl stco'f ( J7.7fl,0
burplusunJl'roflfs HttOOU
NotCupltul aril Burplni . . . &VaoOUO
Directors-.1. I ) lid uai l < m. K I. ShufirU ! ' > ,
Glenson , I ! K Iltrt , I A. Mill jr. I. V Illis'nui
nnd Cliarlm It. llnnnnn Trans iclL'onoral binlf- :
ItiK buuimiss. Largest anil surplus of
any bunk In Soiith cbtorn I own.
Chas , Lunkley ,
Dlrcrtur nml Unuortikcr.
811 Broadway , Council Blnffa
in i.i' .
1m IOWA farms for sale. Iruprovuil I(1J ( uerus
In liurrlbun county , tlU.OJ puruurui 12) ) ucrcs ,
1mproved , t''J.W ) ; HJ uurus. ( I7.U1. 1'or bur iins
In Iowa and NubrnhUa farms call on or writu
to Johruon & Van I'atlun , Council Klulfti.
I710U riAUi : OU K.S'CllANOn-Clty und farm
X1 properly. H. II , Sbuufu. ll'way and Main.
Kltt-wiiilln/Hlii all puts of thu
cliy , 1. . II , hheufo , Hrjadway und Muln.
SAM. Acio-itfo near city .iduplcl for
fruit uud curdMii uuruasus. i ; . 11. huafo ,
Hroadway ami .Muni Htrouta. _
OTHAYKI ) or stolen April 2. tvvowlilto pup-
VJiiles , ono wltn blaci > , tbu other with yel
low Ub ears. Finder rut urn to Mrs. K Kdwurd ,
Transfer block Yards hotel , and reculvu ro-
KTliUACii : and Commlsslnii-titovua. furni
ture , etc. , Htorud und hold on eommUsIon ut
lowuit rate * . L. Kluuehuu , U2U Uruadwuy.
6. W. PANGLE , M. D.
Ths Good Samaritan. 20 Tears' Eiptricnec.
/ treat Me following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Head , Throat , nml I.nn&s : Dis
cuses of the K > oaml li\rFltsand ApoplexyHeart
Disease , l.lver Complaint , Kidney Complaint ,
Nervous Dobllity , Mental Depres
sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal
Weakness , Diabetes. HrlRhrs lil caFeSt Vllus'
Dnnco , luicuiimtlsm , Varalysls , White Swelling ,
Scrofula , Fovcr sores , Cancers , Tumors
and Fistula In ano removed without
the knlfo or drawlnc a drop of
blood. Woman with liir delicate orpans re
stored to health. Dropsy cured without tupping.
Special Attention given to private
and Venereal Diseases of all kinds.
SOO to 3GOO forfeit for any Venereal Dis
ease I cannot euro without moroury.
Tajxa Worms removed in two or thrco hours , or 110
l y. Hemorrhoids or 1'llcs cured.
Will eave Ufa and hundreds of dollars by calling
on or wing
The only 1'liyntrlnu who can. toll vrlmt nllo
a person ulthout nuking a question.
All correspondence utrlctlvconlldcntlal. Modlolno
Bent by express. Address all letters to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D. ,
f > .V > Itroaduay. Council Itluirs. In.
Eye & Ear
lte t facilities , nppiirmis. nnd Unmotlloi
for successful tru.itiuunt of ovuiy form
of UKU.ISO rciiiilrln j modlcul or tnmtmunt.
M hods for p.ulctits ami uttmuliinco.
licit nccomodiitioiis In tlio west.
\\rlto for circulars on dofurnill 01 ami
brace' . , trubscs , club feel , ciirviitunwor Milnu.
iiltus. tumors , c.incoruat.inh. bronchitis , In-
hal.ulonelectricity , paralysis , oiillcnsy , Uld-
nuy , b adder , oyc. , skin and bloo.l and all
surgical opcritkm .
Womim Kltii3. Wo Imvo lately ad led .1 lylns-
In dep irtmont fur \\omun durlnz uoiillncmont ,
Ptrlctly nr.vuto.t Onlv Uollablo Medical In
stitute makln ? n Specialty ot
All u'ood ' suiuoisfuily troatol.
bi nhllltlo 1'olson removed from tlio nystom
\\lthoiit mercury Now iloitor.vtlva
ment fur Loss ) of s'lTAIj I'OWKIC. I'or ons 1111-
able to visit us nmv be treated'at home Iiy
correspondence. All communications confi
dential. Mudlclncs or Instruments sent l > y
iiisill oroxprc'ii , securely p.iukcd , no miirUs to
Indicate contents or sender. One poi-otml In
terview profurro I. Call and consult us or send
history of your case , arm we will send In plain
wrapper , our
WE I'uon iTivnto.
Rnnif Tn MEN :
DUUnU f/ICn ,
special or Nervous Iis- )
eases. Itnpotcncy , Sv'phllla. Gleet and Varlco-
cole , with question list.
llr.ices , Appliances for Deformities .t Trusoa
Only manufactory in the Weatof Uilt'ilit tl-
J'll Al'l-l.l IAC/.1 , J.' , JCLKVfltlO
It A XT Kit I US A MUl Kf , I .V.
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
26th and Broadway , Gcnnoil Bluff * .
Ten minutes' rldo from center of Om.ili i on
Omahn and Council lllutN uluulrlo motor line
Council BUiffj , Iowa.
modern , wcll-appolntod , thor
oughly wcll-kopt , SJ a day.
E. F. CL/VRK , Prop.
All Kliulaof Dvniri and Clciinln donu In tin
hlKlii'hthtylo of the art. . K.iU < d and stimcd
fabili's inadu to loolc atf | : oed as now. Hud
fo.itliuriolu.inu I by btotini In llr t-ohus iiiiin-
noi Work promptly Ufinu and dot vurud la ill
pui ts of iliu c-otintry. bend for nrlco list ,
0. A. MACIIAN. - - ritOl'HIIH'Olt.
1 Ol.lliro uhvuv. No ir Nnrthwoitjr i
UOUNJII. Hi.Ur'ri , lo vv.
J A.ttornoyiat Jaw 1'rio
tlco In the sfito an I
federal courts. KoDini I , I unJ 3 dhujart
llvnoblock , Council lliuirj. Ix.
Eo.tlod proposals will bo rccuhod hv the nn-
( iLTHUnuM until lli : ! o'clock ] ) . in , Miiy Mil.
If/.1 ! , forKriiilliii : Iil. : < ; struct , irutn J-'nd htrunt
to JJth street , In tlioolty otoni ilia , In .tcconl-
aiiL-u with plium and bpouillr.ulons on Ilio In
tills ofllco of the board of public workh.
HUUto bo inadoon urlntod blanlvH tuiiilslicd
by tlio board , and I' ) bo nucouip in led Ijy a ccr-
tlllecl ctu.'cli In the mini of } - ' . ( * ' . p'lyubli- tliu
city of Oinuhii , nn an uvldiincu of uoo I fnlth.
The board m * rvox ( hu rlvht to ipji-et any
or all lilda und toalvo dcfi'ClH.
1' . W. lilltKIIAU.snit.
Chitlrninii Hoard of 1'nlillcUirU * .
Oinnlin , Ajirl ! lUth , Ib'iV. ' AllKSI-ai-W
In purHuiiucpof Ordinance. No .Ills , x.-qnlr-
Ini : wutcr nnd HUH conniu'tloin to bo inudu to
nud within lliui'iirb llnus on 17th htruOt from
llarnoy strcut lo ht. MaryN iivonuu witliln
btii'ctJinprovcinciitdi.strlct No. 4" > l , In thu city
of Omiiha , you arn ht-ruby nollllcd to maUo all
connuctlonii ulth ivitur und KUS
mains or lutlcraln. and to coinplutu sucli ork
In aucordanco with > ald ur'lliMnrc. witliln
foiirtcun diiyn from April lUlli , Ibir. ' , aa It U tliu
ptuposit to Improve sun ) htiuct.
Dated ut Umuliii. Ncli . tliU I'lLh ( lay of April ,
It'/- ' . I1. W. lIllCKIIAUSnit.
Chulrmuu Hoard of I'ublluVorkn
' '
* - transportation. l > cpnrtmant of tlio Inter *
or , unico of Indian AtTuIrs VVuMnnptoii
April J , isni Pealed proposals , endorsed "Pro-
posalR for llcof , ( bids for bfpf must bo submit
ted In fotwrato omoioprsi. llaron , t lour.
ClothlnRorTr.itisporlatlim. op. . " ( as the ea o
may bo ) , and directed to thn Commlsslonprof
Indlnn AITnlrs. Nos. tV ) mid C7 Woostor strouu
Now York , will bo received until I w. in , of
Tursilay.Mnv 3 , 1W , for furnishing for the
Indlnn .i > rv co aliotit TOJ.OnO pounds hncoti.
. ' , 0\UW pounds hoof on thn hixif , Sln < iPoJ
pounds not hreftti.OOJ pounds lioans TO.OOJ
JHiiinilsbaklns powder. J.t : < iCXM ( pounds porn ,
ftlO.0.0 pounds fOlTop. Piwuto pounds Hour.
Ttl.U.0 pounds focd.UVHXl pounds bard broad.
40.MMpoundshoiiilny.W.frXpounds ) Inrd.ViObnr-
ols moss porK. I.MUI pounds oatmeal R70.WM
poundsoits , IPWJpounds rice. ' . " . ' .O" ! ) pounds
tea , lx\0 0 pounds co ir < o salt , I'.v.OJJ pounds
line S'llt..tAtWJ pounds soap , IWMJ ( pound *
pucar , und III'.W pounds Al o , hiank-
ots. woolen ,1111 nilton poods , ( consisting In
part of tlrkliiB. IHIKX ) ynrds ; standiird calico.
( i < UOJ yards ) drlllltu ll'.oiwiirdsj duck , free
from all slzlnc , ; iVOOO y.irila ; denims 10.U ( )
jardsi itlnitluiiiis , : iOfium yards ) Kentucky
Jeans M 0yards ; Cheviot , "ft.o > o yards ; lirowu
lieotltiir. i40.oji ! yurilst blu\clioil shnotltift.
; o,00i vards ; liloltory shlrtlnir , IM.fOi ) yards ;
callcoslilrtltigO.UK ) vardsli riuthltip , grocor-
! . notions linrdwnru. supplies
school books etc. . nnd a Inn * list of inlscol *
lani'ousarllcles such ns Irirnoss , tilown , raxtis.
forks , tc , . nnd for about MJ vta ons iiMiiilreil
for tbo MT\ Ice , to lo ) dollveri'd lit Chicago ,
ICiiimnsClty and slouOily. . Also tor micli
\Migonsnstni\vbti riMitirod | , adaptiMl to thu
climate of tbo 1'uclllo const , ulth California
bral < i'F. dcllNorod nt > n Kranclspo , Also
transportation forsuch of tbo articles , good *
and HiipDllcM that may not , ho contracted forte
to bebolhorcil at tbu a onolus. lluls must bo
tnndeont on io\eminent bliiuKs. t-olicihih" *
Kluiwlns the kinds and qunntltles of SIIIJHIS-
tenctsupplies riiimlrcil lor i-aoh ncoiioy and
ci'hool , ami thn Minis andiiuantltlrs In gross ,
of till other good * and articles tojothor wltli
blank proioils | : , condition ? to ho jobsorvi-d by.
bidders , limn and pluctMir delivery , terms ) oC
contract and piyment , trms | > orimion routet
and all other nocoss try Imtrnctlons will bn
furnlshod upon iippllcullou to thn Indlnn Of-
llct ) In Wasbln.'ton , or Nos KV nnd d7 Woostor
htreot , Now YorU ! tbo Coininlss.irles of Sul- )
slstciici1 , C. S , A. at Oiovonnc , ClilciiL'o.
l.eiivcnuortb , Oiniilia. faint f.oulH , alnt 1'iitll.
and Sun I'raiiclsiMi ; the Postmasters nt Monx
City , linvai Y aiikton , Houth DuUola ; ArKan-
HiiHi'lly , t'aldwoll , Topeka and \Vloliltn , Knn-
MIS antl Tnsi'on , Arlronu. The rlabt Is reset -
set VIM ! by thoKoviirnmcntlorpJuct any and all
hills or any pint of any bid , and these propo-
R.ils uro Invltvd under proviso that appropria
tion shall ho niadu for Iho supplies by con
gress. HldH u III beoiieni'il at the hour and
day iiho\i < stated , and bidders utsj Invited to
be present at tlio opening. Ortllled cheeks.
All bids numt do accompanied by ivrtlflml
cbecUsordiafla upon M > IIII ) Unlteil M ites lu-
tiosltorv or the Klrst National IliinU of Halt
rr.inclsco , I'll. , for at least II vo pur cent ot T. J , .MOIttiAN.
Commissioner. A7il-ltm
To the owncrsof lots and liintl frnntlns upon
street Improvement districts numbered iinil
iliisorlhpil as follotts !
No 4Jl--dth strcut from thu south line of
IMorco strcut to tlio north line of Hickory
No. 421 I < pnvcnworth street from thn west
line of lUth street to thu cast line of Iltlt
No 43V-1SIM street from the smith line of
.Tones stieol to tliu north line of Lu.ixunwortli
No. 4.Vi Spencer street from Shormun avo-
nun to'JIlh htrect.
No. -l.athrop street from Sherman toc-
ntio to iSth street.
No 4Jn Hint street from the west line of
ISth street to tliu east Unit of Ulth street. .
No 4''J-tpi ucu streut from thu west line of
? 'd Hlrce.t to Ibi ) east line of-lth street.
No 4'W-Cass Htruut ftom IX'd struct to'JttH
No. 411 Mason street fromSOtli street to''Otlt
a von lie.
No. 41 ! Mason street friim the cnstllnoof
.Uth strutt ! to tbo east line of Hist street.
ISO. IO 'Ktl sliocl from tliu north Iluo of I'n-
elhl placu to tliu north ilnu ofVool orth u\o-
n tie.
tie.No 4.11 California btrcut from l.lth street to
litb slieet
No. 4.15 street from 1-th struct to 14th
No. 4'in I'urker street from 24th street to the
u.isl line of iUtb ! struou
No 4'I7 Sow aril street from 21th struct to
-Jtli stieut.
.So. 4 is CnlcaRO street from 2Sd street toiild
street ,
.No. 41J Calduoll street from 21th street to
thu v.cst line of Miliiir'saddltliin.
No. 4 ' bbuiman avcnuu from tbo south
line of Orand ineiiuo to I'ort struct ,
No , 441 'lltb struct from r.mi.un street to
tlio not th 11 no of D.ivunporl Htreot ,
No. 442launiort ) | strcut from Il'Jih street to
40thstriut. ;
No. 44 ! 40thstrunt from the south line of
D.ivenport stiuot lo Cumins Htreot.
No. 4)4 ) Madlsou avcnuu from lull street to
bbcrman avenue.
No. 4" > J- .Mary's avenue between thowpsk
Ilnu ofith ( strout and the east line of 27th
In tlioeltyrof Oiiinlia , and .subject to
meiil f r tlio p.uins anil rcpavlm ; of
You are hereby notified , In pursuance of or-
dlmtncu No IIJI' ' , inssod and approved April
KI. IMiJ , tohuluctand ( letorminu upon tbo kiiid
of material to bo nsodin pavlriKS.ild Improve
ment districts on or before tliu Kith day of
Mnv , 18' ) . ' . or the city council will duturmlnu
said material ,
Dated at Umaba , this 18th dav of April. 1S02
Chairman Hoard of 1'iibllc Works.
April 18 i'J 20
Scaled proiiosals will bu received by tlio un
durslKiiuil until lJO o'olock p. n , , . May 0 , 1HV1
ton urbliiK with wbltu Colorado sandHtonet
red Color into bauds ) onu and Hurc.i sandhtonnt
accoidlni ; lo bpculllcatlons. pans of curtalri
strcctsaiid alley , In the city of (
pi bed In htuet improvement illstrlcts nuin-
Imied and ilescrllipii as follows , to-\vlt :
No 4il. 17th hlruot from llarnoy street teSt
St Marys avenue1
No ill. Tlio allov from 2'nd strcut lo 24th
stieut , In Paulson's addition.
No. 4Vi Ulthbtiuet from Kanmm street to
lluinov stieut
No. 4frl'JSih street from the MJiilh line of
I'opploton a\cnuu to the north line ofool -
\\orlli avenue
No 4. > 7 Davenport street from 21th utrcot
to 2Mb htrcet.
L'acb bid to specify a prlcu pur lineal foot
for uurbln ooiupluto on uaeb street and
alloy scp.uatoly , in said Impiovemunt dis
YVotk to 1m dona In nccordancu with plan *
and MioulfliMtliirison Ilio In HIM olllio of thu
l of publlo u.
Proposals will bu m.'iilo on prnled lilanlci
furnUlie 1 by tliobo'ird.and tliosuaccomiianled
wltli iicurlltludulieeK In tbo sum of tM > , pay-
ablu to tliu city of Ornali.i , us an uvldunco of
Kood fnltli.
Tim IHIII id rusorvos the rliht to award the
contract for tlm dilfuiont UlndN of material
Hirbjuct to UioMiloPtloii of malcilal by Iho
pro | > crty owners or nriyor and city eonnell orx
ail iliu said districts tojuthur or on eucli dl.s-
trjt'thcpiirptulv , to rojuct any or all bids und
to ai\u defects 1' . W. ItlUICII Al'SIJIl.
( Jli ilrmnii Ho ird of I'uhllo Winks.
Nub .April IDlli , IHj.1. AD-'J-'C-W.
I'rnpuniilH d.r Ilt.til < I ( tiiiillng llniiilH ,
honied bids rnarlcml "I'ropos iln for ( llsirlct
Kracllnic bunds" will bo reuulvu I ut tbo iilllcu of
tbo city treasurer , Omaha , Nob. , tip to U
o'clock noon of the iiltli day of Apr I. WJ2 , for
the puruhiihoof 4ll.-03.iiJ dlsti Icl-Kr.ullim lioodi
nf tbo city of Oinahii. Nub. nt d bonda uru
dutcil Mny 1st , Iti'l. ' ' , and lire p ty.iblu from onu
lo nine yuari utter data tbuicof , in doiiomliiii-
I'onsof tlOOllland t-VJUW unuli , with Inteieat ; it
tliu ritu of 5 pur cunt pur annum , payublu
hcml-mmimlly , P'lnclpit and Inluroit piy
able ul ICuunl/.u Bros , Nuw York ,
J.U.UJJ.OJof ( Jiaillnn lIitrlol ) N'i 'li
) , ? > H.OIof tfradlii' , ' Dhtrlut No..11.
Tno.oiof Cradlim' District , No. 14.
SlOOWKjnf ( JrudliiK DhlrlutNn W.
I.acb hid must prlcu und amount
MHiKht for itnil Ineliulu accrued Interest to
dnto of dellveiy at Onmlm , Nob.
ThurlKht Is rcHuriod lo reject any and all
ladK ,
If-httpd nmior charter power of cltle-iiif tha
mi'liopollian cluss and Onlln.inue No , "Jfc.
approved.March , . , . . . .
Mch'ipltni. : ; Ulty'l're-i sniur.
1'riipiiKiiU rorl'iililld I.lbrury ISiilldlnt ; lluiula
r-eulcd bids rnaiUud proposals for piibllo
library buihlliu bondn will bu ruceUed at thu
olllcuof tliuuity treasurer. Uniulia. Nob. , ul ) to
1'J o'clock rium of the "uth day of April , IttM ,
foi tliu puichiiiiu of tlUUKIJiU pulillu library
binldlir ; Ixmils of iliu city of Unnilri , Noli , ,
date 1 .May 1st , Jn'J. . und payable Jl yean after
( late , Jntcrcsiat thu ralu of J pni cent per an
num , payable honil-animally. Principal anil
InteicHl puyiiblu at JCucint/.o llrna . Now York.
Kadi old inual ttato prlcu and umoiint
hotiulit for und InoUidu uuoiuud Interest to
( luluif dellvnry at. Omaha , Nub.
Tlio i Ik'ht Is rcHurvud lo rujuot any and all
Ihsurd under chnrtur power of cltlosof tha
rnctiopolltiiri elas.j , und ( inllnance No , Wii ,
approved Muruh lltl isw.
in'-Tjil'iliM Oily I'roasurer.
healed bids marked proimi. ils for u ivnr ;
l-onUn will bu received at tliu olllcu of tbu ulty
tni.isurer of Omahu , Nob. , up lo I' . ' o'clock
noon of the 2Mb dity of April , IH.rj. for thn
purchusoof * .0.000.00 uavliu- bonds of tlieclty
uf Omuliu , Nub , ( lutuil Mny 1 , IKU , pityablu
I'll ' years aflur date , Inteiustn per cent pur
iinnnni , payublu Eunil-unnuullyi principal mid
Interest payablu ut KonnUo Iliin , Nuw York ,
Dciiomliiutlon of bonclh. < 1 , OJ.OJ o irh , IIioli
liM iniist state price and amount nouiiht'or
urid Include accrued Intercbl to date of deliv
ery at Omaha. Neb. The rtuht In riiserved to
reject anv und nil bills. Ih m-d under charter
jinwer of clllcH of rnctropolltan i'luis and
ordliianco No..VJ' ' , uunroved A1ai b ! . IrtC. .
lll.NKY IIOM.N ,
llSOJaitli Ulty TruimurcK